#they were best friends :(
tearsofthekabak · 1 year
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Bestestestest of friends 🙏
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muskrosevetiver · 2 years
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you ever think about how palamedes is another addition to the list of people harrow never got to say goodbye to
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Sometimes I lay in bed and think about if Bunny waited to greet Henry with his annoying smile and boyish voice. I wonder if Henry would have smiled back or rolled his eyes…or both.
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elrahuffle · 1 year
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Guess who read ASM #121 again
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ephemeralstarss · 12 days
everytime someone says sirius hates peter a fairy dies
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kindlythevoid · 14 days
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(FotR, pg. 42)
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(FotR, pg. 74)
Guys Guys Guys Guys I know I know I KNOW we talk about Frodo and Sam's bond. Which is valid. Totally valid, I do it myself on occasion.
FRODO PROBABLY GREW UP WITH MERRY!!! (I did the math cuz I'm a nerd) Merry was 7 when Frodo left to go live with Bilbo, but Frodo spent 9 years in Buckland!! He was there when Merry was born!! Merry hasn't known life without Frodo!!! Yes, Frodo was 21 when he left but he was in his "tweens" and probably still had to hang out with the younger kids aka MERRY!!!
Just. Look at them!! Frodo was a Respectable Gentlehobbit and Merry was one of those weird Brandybucks but they were both Adults and Frodo trusted Merry to find him a suitable house that he would supposedly retire in and Frodo didn't know that Merry knew that Frodo was leaving!! He just trusted Merry to get all the accounts settled and to find him a cute little house and he does!!! Merry does!!! He helps him find a house, he goes with the furniture to set it all up for Frodo when he gets there!! He even helps monitor everything that's being given away after Bilbo leaves and Frodo needs a moment!!
It's just. We're not even 100 pages in, they haven't left the Shire, but it's so blindingly obvious that Frodo trusts Merry and Merry looks out for Frodo, even though there's a 14 year age gap between them. They're friends, best friends, look at that first bit I put up there, they're joking around after Lobelia insulted Frodo and it's so natural, such a great little moment.
It's so. It's so obvious, right from the very beginning, like, of course Merry follows Frodo out of the Shire. It's not because Frodo's All That or anything, it's just that they're best friends and Merry cares for him and he wants to make sure he'll be alright. And I love that about Merry, I think it's a great character trait of his that you see again with Pippin. He loves them, so he follows them, even and especially into the unknown, but when it's their time to leave, to move on, he let's them. He keeps on loving them and trusting them, except this time it's trusting that they'll come back. And hoping that letting them know that they are loved will help them return.
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balladofthe101st · 4 months
Me chilling, waiting for HBO to release more clips of Talbert and Winter's friendship other than that short barn scene in the Crossroads episode
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whoreanghae · 2 years
question...? ; chwe hansol
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genre - non-idol au, reunited, childhood best friends, friends to lovers
wordcount - 2.3k
disclaimers - mention of alcohol, lowercase on purpose, no proofreading, reader gender not specified, fic under the cut
a/n - hiiiiii here is a small vern fic loosely based on question...? from taylor swift's new album :P mainly just the chorus. hope u enjoy yippeeeee
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you laughed at daisy as she used her hairbrush as a microphone while she sang along to her music in the mirror. sitting on her bed watching her get ready was always your pre-party ritual. she was invited to a halloween party that one of her friends was throwing at their frat house, which was something you would never find yourself even considering if it weren’t for daisy. its not that you were sheltered or a homebody, you just found yourself not fully immersing into the party scene. but, a party here or there with daisy always proved itself to be a good idea. mostly.
daisy focused intently on her face in the mirror as she worked hard trying to draw skeleton makeup. whereas you just simply put together some clothes you already had and decided to be a baseball player. you had suggested she take the easy route and just match with you, but she had apparently practiced her skeleton makeup all week. you had no idea where she found the time to do this between all of her classes, but her art degree does tie in to her halloween costume in some degree. you dramatically flopped back onto her bed as daisy’s playlist transitioned between songs.
“who’s even going to this party anyways?” you didnt look up from your phone as you awaited her response. “well you know soonyoung. him and a bunch of his friends are in a frat. they throw parties all the time but the holiday ones are always better anyways.” you had met soonyoung briefly before through daisy. she met him in one of their shared courses. they were, in your opinion, the closest you could get to two of the same exact people. with their shared interests, senses of humour, and basically identical personalities, they were bound to be best friends. “oh, and his friends are really hot. like, really hot. maybe we’ll find you a man tonight?” she put the cap on her eyeliner pencil and stepped back from the mirror, admiring the final product. you rolled your eyes playfully and sat up. “why are you so obsessed with me finding a man? youre single too, remember.” you gave her an accusatory look, but she just brushed you off. “for me its different. how does this look?” she posed as you gave her a small clap for her hard work. you both laughed as you got up and started gathering everything and getting ready to leave.
you swore you could feel the music as you pulled onto the street of the frat house. the windows were ablaze with rainbow lights streaming out, and halloween decorations flooding the entire outside. there were cars lined down the street, and daisy pulled up behind one a couple houses down the street. she checked her makeup in the car mirror before turning the car off and gathering her things. you shoved your phone and house keys into your pocket as you stepped out onto the sidewalk, waiting for daisy to join you. walking in front of her car, she flashed you a smile as you both headed into the party.
the music blared as you opened the door. the party wasn’t totally packed, but it was a moderate amount of people. daisy greeted people youd never seen as she waded through the crowd to either find soonyoung or the drink table, whichever came first. although the party wasnt extremely packed, it was easy to lose daisy. but it always was. she had a habit of randomly disappearing at parties. part of you began to believe it was her plan all along, basically forcing you to meet new people and make new friends. you looked away for a second and when you looked back, she was gone. so, you might as well just venture off on your own. you managed to find the drink table before she did, so you mixed yourself a drink and tried to seek out someone you may know. daisy introduces you to her friends and classmates often, but finding the people you remember begins to prove itself to be harder than you once thought.
you turn a corner and collide directly with the chest of someone slightly taller than you are. the stumble leads to your drink spilling all over your shirt. you laugh awkwardly as the person you bumped into apologizes profusely. you glance up and see a guys face hidden behind a masquerade mask. he mumbles something about helping and lightly holds your wrist, dragging you through the crowd. you follow him blindly through a hallway and into one of the rooms in the house, assuming its his bedroom. so he must be one of soonyoungs friends? you dont get much time to react before he lays a plain white t-shirt in your hands. even behind the mask, you can see the sympathetic look on his face. “it might ruin the purpose of your costume but.. at least you won’t have to be all sticky?” you both laugh at the unintentional innuendo of what he said, but you thank him lots before finding a vacant bathroom and sneaking in to change into the mystery man’s shirt.
you keep replaying his words in your head. more specifically his laugh. while you cant quite put a finger on it, he sounds too familiar to leave it to a simple coincidence. as you look in the mirror wearing his shirt, a lightbulb flickers on in your mind. is mystery man… not a mystery at all?
you were breathless from laughing. your stomach was in stitches as you collapsed onto the floor of vernon’s room. he had been doing the same stupid impression of your history teacher that always made you laugh. he knew just the thing to cheer you up after anything happened. he lays down on the floor next to you. you turn your head towards him as he pulls you closer and you lay your head on his chest. he runs an arm up and down your back as you both lay on the worn down carpet in silence. 
being with vernon was effortless. he cared about you more than he cared about anyone else, even himself. he’d do anything to see you smile, and proved this daily. vernon gave you a comfort that you’d never felt with anyone else. so when he found out that his family were moving across the country in your last year of high school, he had to find the best way to tell you. he wanted to be the person who always made you happy, how could he cause you this sadness? 
vernon cleared his throat as he spoke. “i have to tell you something. i wish i didn’t, but i know that it’s better to tell you sooner than later.” as he said this, you sat up and furrowed your brows as you looked down at him. and that’s when he broke the news. you tried to remain strong but you knew that you couldn’t hold it in forever. you cried into vernons shoulder as he promised the two of you would stay in touch.
and you did. for a couple months. after that, school for both of you got busier and then you had to worry about university and your following careers. all the things you had both planned to do together, you had to navigate on your own. it was hard. but you made it. both of you made it. 
you had never expected to run into vernon again. especially not like this. did he remember you? or did he just do this favour for you out of the kindness of his own heart? at this point, it had been 4 years since you and vernon were last in contact. standing in the bathroom, you kept replaying the moment in your mind over and over again. the laugh. vernon’s laugh. having to explain this to someone, you set out to find daisy as soon as possible. you ended up finding her in the kitchen speaking to someone, and you gave them a quick smile as you dragged her away into the bathroom you had just left.
“i have a situation.” you gave her a serious look, but she was just confused. and a little tipsy. she tilted her head, as if signaling you to continue with more of your story. “you remember me telling you about vernon right? my high school best friend, had crazy feelings, probably would have dated if he didn’t move away in our last year of high school?” daisy nodded along, still not understanding where you were going with all of this. “well hes here. in this frat. at this party.” and this is where daisy finally got caught up. she was taken aback, but then excitement took over. “oh my god are you serious? did he remember you? are you guys gonna live happily ever after? did he faint when he saw how hot you are now?” maybe she was a bit more than tipsy. you put your hands on her shoulders to steady her and explain how you had barely spoken to him, so you had no way of knowing if he actually remembered you or not. she obviously was adamant that you go find him immediately and rekindle your old flame. the thought made you nervous, but the idea of the regret if you didn’t do it outweighed your nervousness. daisy gave you a pep talk before disappearing into the sea of people, leaving you to take some deep breaths and follow after her.
as you’re making your way back to the drink table, you feel a light tap on your shoulder. as you turn around, you’re met with the same silver masquerade mask, this time holding two red solo cups. he holds one out, and you take it with a smile. “it only felt right, since i kind of catapulted your other one all over you.” you laughed as you took a sip. “oh wow, this is really good, thank you so much.” he chuckles and you both make eye contact, which lingers for a split second longer than it typically should. it feels as though you can see the moment of realization in his eyes as it finally clicks in his mind. his eyes brighten. 
“no way… it’s really you?” you both laugh as he brings you in for a tight hug. as he pulls away, he takes the mask off of his face. wow. vernon was always handsome, but something about him now was breathtaking. you basked in him, as he looked you up and down. his eyes finally met your lips, before slowing trailing up your face and gazing into your own eyes. he looked stunned. you weren’t exactly the epitome of fashion, in your knee high baseball socks and backwards hat. but to him, you were the one thing missing from his life. he leans in closer as you take a step towards him. “i know this might be too soon, but can i kiss you?” you slyly smile as you stretch up to meet him and say, “more like not soon enough.”
you felt like your entire body was melting into vernons arms. you were the only two people in your world. nothing else in the room mattered. in the distance, you could hear laughing and cheering from someone you could only assume was daisy. you both pulled away, breathless. for the rest of the night, you were attached at the hip. vernons arm around your waist, hands intertwined, you clinging to vernons arm, you never left each other’s side. something told you that you couldn’t let the other go again. as the night went on, you started to get tired and tried to find daisy to see if she was ready to go home. as you walked into the kitchen, you saw daisy sitting on the counter with soonyoung standing in front of her. as you tried to stabilize your vision, you realized that they were making out. called it.
you returned to where vernon was sitting on the couch and told him you would have to wait until they were… done… before you could go home. “i could bring you home.” vernon immediately stood up and headed to his room to get his keys. you followed behind. “are you sure? i know its out of your way, i can just wait.” he shook his head as he passed you the bag with your clothes from earlier in it. you give him an appreciative smile as you follow him outside into his car. you input your address into the gps as vernon sets up his music. the ride over is filled with the two of you catching up, telling stories about university and what you’ve been up to since you last saw each other.
pulling into your apartment complex, you didn’t want the night with vernon to end. as he parked his car, you gave him a sweet look. “walk me up to my apartment?” he takes his keys out of the ignition. “i thought you’d never ask.” you both walk into your apartment building as you lead vernon to your apartment. when you reach your door and you unlock the door, vernon stands with his hands in his pockets as you turn back around to look at him. you pause for a moment, before breaking the silence.
“sleepover? for old times sake?”
he gives you the biggest smile and wraps an arm around your waist as he follows you inside.
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thebloker · 2 years
kicking the door down to talk about blood and sand and the difference parker yang made in the life of arthur lester 
so the recipe i’ve found and used for a blood and sand cocktail is equal parts scotch, sweet vermouth, cherry liqueur, and orange juice. this drink is sweet. parker looked at this sad sad man and his scotch and said “if you’re drowning your sorrows you may as well change it up every now and then, yeah?”
arthur “secret sweet tooth” lester who’s been intentionally depriving himself of anything kind tasting this cocktail and sharing it with a stranger who just keeps coming back and eventually becomes his best friend. 
parker yang and the bitter-sweet tang of scotch and cherry and orange and the hint of light in a dark tunnel that arthur’s been stuck in for a very long time
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felrend · 2 years
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“We must act!”
“I just lost my friend!”
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emmedoesntdomath · 1 year
Okay but now I legally have to ask about Sarah
And her….
“Friendship” with Kath
they did this woman WRONG in 92sies ok????
in 92sies, sarah is the older sister of davey and les, and the love interest for jack. she is also written incredibly bland, which is a tragedy, because- older sister of davey and les?? hello?? you think THEIR older sister is boring?? the older sister of david ‘no one died’ jacobs and les ‘aNd YoU cAn TeLl PuLiTzER-‘ jacobs seriously just sits there biting her lip and twirling her hair?? nah. I refuse.
so here’s how sarah’s story REALLY goes:
sarah’s two-ish years older than david, but everyone always thought they were twins with how close they were. she’s smart, incredibly so, and helped david and les with their homework when they needed it. she’s also the kid that when it was time for her to stop going to school (“because it wasn’t practical for a girl her age”), she threw a fit, screaming and crying, about the unfairness of it all, and how david would still be expected to go. she swore that she would never make her daughters quit their schooling for such an arbitrary reason.
she begins working in the factories, and helping her mother out at home. she absolutely despises needlework, and WILL stab you if you make a comment about it. she’s not that bad of a cook, but esther (her mom) has definitely kicked her out of the kitchen before (I don’t care about that scene, she doesn’t cook). she reads the newspaper everyday- ironyyyyy, baby- so she knows literally everything that’s going on. politics, big news stories, the whole thing. and she has Opinions.
when she meets katherine for the first time, jack is legitimately concerned that the world is ending, because dear god, they’re terrifying together. sarah keeps grinning, and ducking her head down, while katherine won’t stop giggling and shooting her fond glances. and from then on, they just. do everything together? they go meet bill and darcy every week, hang out with the newsies. katherine even comes over to help esther cook (she’s not that great at it either, but she makes a valiant attempt to impress everyone). jack calls them the female version of him and davey, and david just sighs and calls him a dumbass (jack is confused, and doesn’t understand what he means).
eventually, sarah marries jack, and it’s a nice, civil partnership. they don’t have children, because neither of them were interested in that route. katherine, in a surprising turn of events, marries davey, and they have three children together (sarah always said that she didn’t need to have kids, because david and katherine did it for her). they’re all still really close, and there’s a…uh…MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING between them (except for jack. he still has no fucking clue.).
(sarah’s still not allowed to cook.)
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kanzakurawrites · 1 year
*slams hands down* Best Friend Breakup by Lauren Spencer Smith. Uma and Mal.
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blizzard-of-ozz · 8 months
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Fr fr fr
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After The Prank hanging around Gryffindors was too painful for remus, so he started to hang around Regulus instead. They enjoyed each other’s company as they understood the need for silence and could keep up with each others ruthless banter. They would spend most of their time together, whether it be studying, prefect duty or just sharing gossip they always found an excuse to see one another. It got to the point where they spent more time together than apart. By the end of the year they would consider each other as a best friend. However, as much as Regulus wished against it he knew that the only reason Remus hung around him was because his brother was unattainable. Regulus knew that when Remus looked at him it wasn’t just him he was looking at but instead he was searching for a piece of Sirius. Regulus knew that he alone could never be enough for Remus, lupin was always searching for a little bit more. Reg didn’t know if remus would ever find what he was looking for, but he did know that no matter what he was never good enough alone. Regulus Black would never be enough, because if there was one constant truth in his life, one thing truth that remained the same no matter who he was or how he changed. Regulus Black would always be the second choice.
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When I sat down to listen to/read the lyrics of Seungmin’s new song I didn’t expect to end up sobbing over Lucy, our family dog that we just had to put down the day after my birthday.
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