#they spent the last 10 minutes i was home trying to explain how to tell a joke. im good. i dont care man.
sisyphus-prime · 3 months
I love friends vs family because friends usually tend to get my jokes. Or they might fall flat and it isnt a thing
My dad loves yelling at me over my jokes.
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indieyuugure · 1 year
Wait,how much time have spent in the story from Chapter 1 to 12?!
I remembered Leo said 2k12 Leo was infected by krang just six hours ago
From chapter 1 to chapter 12 is roughly 20 hours.
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Their birthday party is obviously sometime at night. Leo says that they had pizza for dinner and cake, so their party probably was an hour or so. While they’re out on the roof tops you can clearly see it’s nighttime, maybe 10 or 11pm. A few hours after that, let’s say 1 am, they discover the Kraang and fall into the Rise Universe.
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Leo states that it’s probably around the same time there as back home, so they only will have about 4-5 hours or so until sunrise. They meet the Rise turtles, and after some pizza end up crashing in one of their room for the rest of the night. Well, accept for Leo and Raph, who probably only slept for 20 to 30 minutes before going off on their next adventure.
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You can see in this page that the sun is rising from the East. It’s probably around 5-6am when the harbor get’s blown up.
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While that’s happening, Mikey and Donnie even say that they haven’t been sleeping for that long, and that it’s about morning.
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Later when 12 April and Casey meet Rise Leo, she explains basically everything I just said. “They disappeared sometime last night after their birthday party. We thought they had gone home, but this morning we discovered that they hadn’t been back since we last saw them.”
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A short while after that, the Donnies meet up with Casey Leo and April and you can see in this cut to a little blurb of Draxum that it’s the insufferably early hour of 9am.
There aren’t many clues to infer durning Leo and Raph’s fight, but as the author I will tell you that it’s 10am when they get their mystic weapons and another hour until they get to the abandoned subway station. Their fight doesn’t actually last that long, maybe 10 to 15mins, but it’s very action packed. A little while after that and the others come. So we’ll say it’s maybe 11 ish when it cuts to them on the train headed for Splinter April and Casey’s location.
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Splinter states that they’ve been waiting over and hour for them to come. They were most likely supposed to meet there at the same time and Rise Donnie admits that in addition to poor scheduling, they also had a few “technical difficulties” (12 Raph and Leo). By now it’s 1 or 2 in the afternoon, and they’re plotting their next move.
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When Donnie is talking with Splinter about Leo’s issues, he estimates that the pills he gives Splinter will last a few hours, so you assume that the entirety of the TCRI debacle was 3 to 4 hours.
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A little after that, you can see in this panel that the sun is up in the sky, though not quite perfectly, it’s early afternoon and there’s a storm brewing. (If I’m totally honest I fudged the sun a little because it looks cooler like this)
Once again, there are very few clues as to the amount of time that has passed during their adventure in TCRI. And even afterwards it’s hard to tell because of the heavy storm. I will just say that they spend roughly 4 hours there. This is including the time it took to get there, the time inside, and the time after when the building explodes and 12 Mikey is gone.
Chapter 10: Retribution spans approximately and hour and a half. The bit you mentioned is in Retribution
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Rise Leo is clueing you in on how long it’s been since 12 Leo was under Krang’s control, and also flabbergasted by the fact that it’s been such a short amount of time and Leo is already on his feet trying to save the day. Of course he doesn’t know about Healing Hands, hence why he takes Leo’s exhaustion as he’s in pain.
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After the Leos get’s back with Mikey, it’s sunset, around 7pm. It’s not super obvious in Retribution, but by the beginning of Hell on Earth the sky is washed in sunset colors and you can see the sun setting in the west in the backgrounds.
The Crystal Shards is basically just a continuation of of Hell on Earth with not that much time passing between them.
I don’t usually make a ton of references to the exact time in my stories, but there are lots of ways you can sort of guess what time it is and how long it’s been. I won’t say I make it easy though🤣
Good question! :]
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silaswritesthings · 8 months
“It’s like a disease, loving you, for you are all I can know.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
Summary: Your life was hopeless and death was your salvation. Or at least, that’s what Dazai told you. Despite your reluctance to entertain his shenanigans you had come to depend on him. Living sucks but acknowledging that with another makes it suck a little bit less. Just a bit.
Starring: Dazai Osamu
Genre: romance
Warnings: Mentions of suicide, implied sexual relationship,
Author’s note: It’s technically the 13th according to some timezones… Happy valentine’s day to everyone! His character might be a bit oc, especially at the end. (Look, I tried my best) Likes, comments, reblogs and new followers will always be welcome as far as I know!!
Word count: 943 words
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
“I don’t suppose that offer for double suicide is taken yet, right?” You murmured over the glass cup that pressed against your lips.
“I wonder what kind of damned situation you could possibly be in that made you come to accept my offer of all offers.” Dazai said, his own words muffled by his knuckles pressed against his lips.
You both stared at the bartender as he worked non-stop through various drink orders. The lights in the bar blurred into indistinguishable shapes and swayed side to side to the rhythm of the music that was playing.
“I’m feeling generous.” You said, no longer minding the slur of your voice after having a few drinks.
“You’re feeling drunk.” He replied, his eyes watching the ice melt in his whiskey. “I could lend an ear instead.”
“If I tell you what’s wrong, you will then see how pitiful I truly am and then take your offer back.”
He smiled. “I’m quite pitifull myself. I look up to those who can surpass me in that.”
The truth was, since you met Dazai things in your life did not get better. You had nobody then, and now all you had was the idiot you had hooked up with on a night you felt particularly lonely- but you’ve always have been alone. Maybe the best term to describe the way you felt that night was ‘being on the edge’, and Dazai pulled you in with his charm and pathetic shenanigans. Eventually, all that troubled you drowned in his presence and your anxieties felt smaller than they were for that night, and every other night you had spent with him. These moments with Dazai were the line between life and death for you.
“There’s nothing I can do for you.” Dazai said with conviction, after you explained your situation to him. You didn’t want his help, but him acknowledging that your problems are enough made your body relax. You took another shot.
“Of course there isn’t.”
The relationship between you and Dazai was unique. Live like the other doesn’t exist until the weekend, meet up at the bar, exchange your different experiences with existential dread, sleep together, go home and repeat.
It had been after three months of this routine when it you finally decided to break things off with Dazai. Through your unfortunate experiences with relationships; friends, family and lovers alike, you learned that when being with another person to any extent, you will get hurt.
The distance between the both of you on the bed could never reveal the intimacy you shared not even 10 minutes ago. You stared at the in-suite bathroom door in silence, your back facing Dazai as you ran through your thoughts to try find a way to begin the ‘break up’ talk. You weren’t even together officially. Dazai had… a reputation, and the last thing you needed was to reveal the true nature of your attraction to him. This distance was necessary to keep everything in check.
“We’ve been doing this for weeks and yet you still refuse to look at me once it’s done,” Dazai spoke from behind you.
“I don’t want to look at you.”
“But you’re in my bed-“
“Shut up.”
He let out a sound of amusement before running the tips of his fingers down the line of your spine. You focused on the sensation as he traced down your back, then he changed the direction of his touch and slid his arm around your waist, pulling you into the warmth of his chest. His forehead rested on the back of your neck and he resumed brushing his fingers against your skin.
“I prepared a gift for you.” He said, his tone held meaning beneath it but your unsettled heart did not leave you room to think.
“A gift?”
“The 14th of February is coming soon and I prepared something.”
You did not look forward to going back to your home. You much prefered jumping off the bridge you walk down on your way to your home than anything else but Dazai… prepared something for you? You cannot even say you and him had anything special, but your overgrown dependence (how could you dare define it as just dependence?) is what pushed you to looking forward to another day. Supposedly, that is what other people call ‘hope’, and how dare he try to force it onto you.
You stared ahead at the door, fingers twitching as you itched to push Dazai away and leave and never return again.
“I don’t want anything from you.” You lied. You tried to pull your body out of his embrace but he wouldn’t allow it.
"Not even the gift I had spent valuable time preparing?"
You couldn't answer. Dazai took your silence as affirmation and slid out of the bed. He moved around from behind you as you stared at the crumpled sheets beneath your palms and a few moments later, he was back beside you and handing you a small box wrapped neatly in shiny red gift wrapping.
“Open it,” he whispered, and after settling your nerves, you opened it.
It was a gun.
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rubendiasthoughts · 1 year
Omg it's so hot today! I woke up and thought "okay, it's a holiday, I'm gonna put some effort in today", so I put on this cute dress, spent almost 2 hours on my makeup and then I was in my car for maybe 5 minutes and it was literally melting off lol, if I was there for like 10 minutes more I don't think anything would be left of it 😂 but the Rare Beauty mist is such a saviour today! Anyways, I finished writing, so I hope you enjoy this!
Ruben Dias comforting you when you are going through a hard time - headcanon:
- I have already mentioned this in the last part of boyfriend headcanons, but I genuinely think Ruben would be such a good listener. Especially, if he could see that something is wrong, maybe you are stressed or having anxiety about something - he would encourage you to explain to him what's wrong, telling you it will make you feel better. He for sure wouldn't be the type of guy to try and manspalin things to you, instead of that he would just make you feel heard and understood. He would carefully listen to everything you say, never would tell you that you are just overreacting or something. And I think that he would always try to comfort you by reminding you that no matter what happens he will always be here for you and take care of you.
- When you are venting to him he would always try to keep some kind of physical contact. Maybe he would just lightly stroke your hair or hold your hand in his, his thumb gently stroking the top of your hand. But he would do that just as a little gesture that is supposed to make you feel better and remind you that you are never alone with whatever issue you are facing.
- And if you were crying over something, Ruben would be so soft and sweet with you. He would hold you in his arms, your head tucked underneath his chin, maybe he would even pull you in to sit on his lap. I feel like he would let you have a little cry session if you are in that moment where you just need to have a good cry and let it all out. He would stroke your hair, place kisses on your head and whisper things like "shh baby, it will be alright". But I just know he would hate seeing you cry, he's the type of guy that would want to change the world for you so that it didn't hurt you anymore.
- But in the situations when you need advice and you ask him for one he would take it so seriously. He wouldn't be the one to say the first thing that comes to his mind but he would for sure genuinely think about it and always give you the best advice, very well thought through. I feel like those moments when you do ask him for his opinion would be really important to him, because it makes him feel like he can actually help you and do something about the problem you are facing instead of just comforting you. And it's also just a way of taking care of you and we all know he loves to do that.
- And I also think that if he noticed you were feeling down lately he would love to do sweet little things for you. Maybe he would leave you cute notes when he was going to training, or he would take you on a walk, so that you two could just breathe some fresh air and enjoy each other's company. Maybe he would even cook dinner for you, after coming back from training - he would tell you to go and sit on the couch and rest a little, take a nap as he was going to take care of everything.
- Also he is definitely complimenting and praising you even more than he does on a daily basis. He would want to remind you how special you are for him, how much he loves and how much you mean to him.
-And I also think that if someone asked him to hang out or go out to dinner or something (maybe his brother or friends) he wouldn't want to go, he would probably say something like "sorry, but I gotta take care of my girl" and he would stay home with you, because he doesn't want to leave you alone when you are feeling down. And even if you told him to go and have fun he would tell you that you are his priority and you always come first.
- If you two would have sex it would be either very rough or slow and gentle - no in between. In the times that he just wants to take your mind off of things and make you forget about everything he would be super rough. His goal would be to make you go dumb on his cock. And he would definitely succeed in it, but his words would stay super sweet.
-But at times where he knows you are feeling a little insecure about yourself he would make love to you so slowly and gently. He would kiss every little part of your body. Maybe he would hold your hands in his, kind of pinning them down on the both sides of your head, your fingers intertwined. He would whisper praises and compliments into your ear, his eyes staring into your soul. I feel like he could say something like "I wish you could see yourself through my eyes".
- In general I think he hates to see you be sad or stressed or hurting and he would do anything to make you feel even just a little bit better.
Hope you liked it, thank you for reading 💕
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blues-valentine · 1 year
I loved ur post on Ben x Devi and I agree on this! I don’t think Devi was comfortable with paxton during their relationship and with ben she’s always been herself.
About “to me the last 10 minutes of Season 3 explained the love triangle and what it has meant narratively for Devi this whole time.”
I suppose u meant the scenes between paxton vs ben and the stomach knots commentary? I’m still afraid they’ll go with the “Devi still has feeling for Paxton!!” because it made it seem like she had already move on from her feelings.
I don’t meant those two scenes in particular but they do reinforce the narration by McEnroe paired with the flashbacks at the end of Season 3 that to me describes the love triangle and Devi’s arc up to that point. This is a little long:
That moment on the Season 3 finale after Devi sees Paxton having a moment with his dad and realizes her dad won’t be at her graduation, the narration starts as following: “As Devi walked home, she realized she has spent so much of her young life obsessed with the future. A future where she would finally fit in [flashback to Devi walking into school with her new clothes to impress on 1x01] but if today taught her anything [flashback to Paxton smiling] is that she already fits in [flashback to Devi and Ben finding each other at the school dance on 2x10].” — This sums up what the show has been trying to tell you from the start when it comes to Devi’s arc and the love triangle.
Devi starts off wanting to create a whole dream for herself so she can cope with the grief of losing her father. A fantasy she believes will make her live a “normal life.” And in a way, Paxton was the person that would allow her to success in that dream. The popularity, the hot boyfriend, losing her virginity (to prove Ben and the school wrong) and just for her to seek that external validation. I mean, she said in the first scene of the show: she wants to be popular and be invited to parties, she wants a hot boyfriend from the sports team (and not one from her AP classes which already points to Ben). And it’s not even about Paxton, not truly, because she even says to Dr. Ryan “I just want a boyfriend. I don’t care which one as long as he’ll want to be with me.” Her entire motivation in Season 1 (and Season 2) is becoming “Paxton Hall Yoshida's” girlfriend. And the show has not been subtle on this. She made Paxton her whole world so she won’t have to think about her dad. Devi (and her friends) view him as an ideal, a symbol, so her relationship to Paxton has never been equal. She idealizes everything he does. This is why she found it hard to be herself around him. Once she started dating him, it was still the same superficial fantasies but up to Season 3 you can see she realizes the popularity and the status were not something that just magically fixed her issues or gave her what she needed.
After Paxton broke up with her, we could see her time alone allowed her to contemplate what she wants in a relationship. She was still trying to seek “normalcy” in the ways she thinks can only be archived and I think her crush on Des was about how he represented everything she wanted in both her taste and status but it was necessary for her to date outside of her bubble and Des allowed her that. He was a very bland guy. The debate showed he didn't view Devi as a true adversary. And I don't think he would've been able to handle Devi in her rawest form so that was ending at one point, even without his mom intervention. However, you can still see that she has grown and some of the concepts she had were shut down. One of the reasons she wanted to go to Shrubland was because “everyone is a nerd and she can fit in” since she still thinks she belongs in a box but in Paxton’s speech she realizes: she doesn’t need to be popular and she isn’t a nerd. The “hot pocket” doesn’t even exist. It was just her perception of the school. The UN is not even a thing. Shira shattered that idea ("too fuck*ble nerd"). She has “popular” friends and she can influence people with her intelligence and "nerdiness". We are so much more than those school labels.
We see Devi watching Paxton and his dad and it reminds her life is full of uncertainty. She lost her dad so suddenly and she’s been obsessing over her future and on the image others have on her. She tells Paxton he helped her with the grief of losing her father by being a dream. He thanks her for helping him in his academic journey, for showing him that he can be more than what was expected of him. If this is how their romantic arc ends I think it’s pretty sweet. Devi has moved on from Paxton. At least on Season 3, she let’s go of him in the pedestal. The only way I see an endgame for them is Devi learning who he is as a person, not as an ideal that fulfills her fantasies. But I am still having trouble seeing what he does to help Devi’s self improvement and arc beyond self escapism.
Now, the “she already fit in” part so casually dropping a flashback between Ben and Devi is so fitting because in the finale, Ben delivers the simple yet so effective “I like your personality” line that fits so well with Nalini’s words to Devi an episode prior “you’ll find someone that loves you exactly as you are” because a mayor issue that fuels Devi’s insecurities is her personality. She worries that she’ll be too much for people. She’s been too much for her friends before. Paxton expressed that she is too complicated for him. And a consistent thing about Ben is that he knows her pretty well and is able to hold her accountable. He is been there to see Devi’s worst moments. He knows that she often uses anger as a coping mechanism. One thing we notice quickly is that he is able to rationalize that sometimes her jabs at him aren’t personal. And mostly, Devi can be truly herself with him.
Ever since I watched the show I was surprised about how much familiarity there is between them and the thing about their “rivalry” is that you need to know someone so well to know exactly what insult to deliver. The amount of facts they know about each other randomly is amusing. The show points out one of Ben’s influences on Devi is that his challenging personality helps Devi thrive and be better. She acknowledges she works better around him and he is one of the few people that can estimulate her intellectually. Ben’s failed relationship with Aneesa is there to point out how Ben loves Devi because she shares his drive and ambition. They have the same humor. He sadly tried to emulate that with Aneesa but quickly ended up being a jerk because that’s something he can only do with Devi. So, in theory, Ben is in love with Devi’s biggest insecurity and how fitting.
I just think the fact Ben got Devi on the love compatibility quiz and not Paxton feels like it wants to tell you something narratively wise.
The rest of the voice over goes: “Devi had listened to Dr. Ryan’s advice. She’s been open and even thought she was staying at Sherman Oaks for Senior Year her dreams had evolved, but there was maybe one part of the old dream that still interested her and per Dr. Ryan, she was about to surprise herself.” — and it goes to Devi finding Ben’s free boink voucher on her jacket and making the choice to go see him (as she is). The narrative points out Devi’s dreams had evolved. She not longer seeks popularity or the hot boyfriend. She has decided that she wants to stay with her friends and her family, people that love her and where she already fits in. And while her dream had evolved and not longer involves external validation, there’s some parts of that old dream that she’s interesting in but are now more adaptable to her new dreams.
I don't know what's going to happen on Season 4. The way the story line is going I do see them being the romantic endgame just like I can see that not being the case at all. But narration wise I just think is a very clear indication on what the show has been telling you about Devi so far.
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doudouneverte · 2 years
a/n: you start to know i just write when i'm in the mood.
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*not my GIF*
Maria Hill x Streamer!F!Reader; Avenger x Female!Reader (potential WandaNat)
Summary: Where Maria Hill sneak out every night?
Type: Fluff
Warning: nothing (maybe an attempt to be funny)
word count: ~2012
The avenger was more than a team; they were family, and a family share their secret right? At least that what they thought but one question were constantly in their mind. Where Maria Hill sneak out every night? The woman was know to have her secret of course but something tell them it was something more than a simple secret. Honnestly it was, but she didn't know how she could tell them.
In your apartment a friday night, you were streaming on twitch, it's one of your favorite activites beside spent time with your fiancé. You were playing at Residant Evil 8 while respinding to tha chat. 'good evenig Y/n, i hope you're good. I strated to follow you the last month you're my favorite streamer.' you read loudly, "Aw, Scarlet_Witch-21 thanks you. I'm fine thanks you and you? and by the way i like your username, scarlet witch is my favorite avenger." you replied. You were playing when a new chat caugh your attention, 'wait Y/n, where is Maria?' someone asked and you smiled, "well, she's at work now. She work but she should be here soon. Thanks you to think about her." you said and after that the chat was drowning under lot of text like 'we want our queen' or 'i hope she's not overworking' or even 'We miss Maria'. You laughed at their messages, of course they loved her and honestly it made you happy to know they almost love her more than you.
You replied at some message but it started to be late. "well, guys. I'm sorry but i need to end the live now, Maria will come back in few hours and i need to cook something. I know she will be too tired for that." you said and a lot of comment poped. The viewer asked you to stay or say their good night at your fiancé and smiled. When you where ready to cut the camera you saw a comment from Scarlet_Witch-21. 'Who's Maria?' she asked. "She's my fiancé." you replied, "Usually she like to talk while i played but she was busy because of her work since the last two month. I hope you could see her the next time Scarlet Witch." you added and after thaat you really ended the stream.
At the compound Wanda came out of her bedroom for the first time in the 3 previous hours, she walked to the kitchen and found Maria and Natasha who were talking. "Good evening girls" she said, and the women looked at her.
"Hey Wanda, where were you?" Maria asked
"In my bedroom. I deiscovered a new streamer the last month and she's kind and i like her streams" she explained and the brunette nodded. After that they talked about evrything and nothing. At 11 pm, the Sokovian decided it was the good moment to try to sleep. "Well, i love you girls but i will sleep." she announced
"Good night" the two woman said.
"I thinks, i'll followed her soon if you know what i mean" Natasha said playfully and her best friend laughed
"Go catch the girl, Romanoff." she replied and the Russiand smirked before leaving. The brunette looked at her phone and was greeted but five messaged from you
[9:34 pm] : i just end my stream i will start to cook
[9:36 pm] : wait would you come to eat or you will sleep at work?
[9:52 pm] : ria why i can't find the last piece of my cake?
[10:47 pm] : i finish to cook you can come now
[10:58 pm] : oh and don't overwork i promise at my vewiers you'll be here for the next stream
[11:10 pm] : sorry i just finish i'll be home soon. do you want something?
She smiled at herself, sometime she wonder what she did in her previous life to be yours. Maria didn't wait more before leave the tower with a wide smile on her face. Tony saw the SHIELD rushed out of the tower and made a mental to tease her until she gave him a proper respons.
[11:12 pm] : you!!
Twenty minutes after your last text Maria opened the door of your shared apartement "Y/n, babe. I home." she said
"In the bedroom" you replied. She took of her jacket, she dropped her bag and ket her key in the bowl before follow your voice. You were playing at your switch when you heard her footstep; you raise your head to meet a pretty tired Maria. "Oh babe, you look horrible." you joked
"You're lucky, I'm not in the mood to kick your ass now" she replied. You stood up from your bed and let the console on it, you walked to your fiancé and wrapped your arm around her neck
"Good evening Mrs. Hill." you whispered before connected you lips with hers.
"I missed you Mrs. Hill." she said after she broke the kiss.
"I know but you what i know too?" you asked and she frown her eyebronws, "you didn't eat yet." you replied and she smiled
"you know me so well." she said
"Uh, i'm not fan of the idea to marry a stranger even if it could be interesting." you remarked and she laughed. You spanked playfuly her butt "Go to eat agent Hill. I'll prepare you a bath." you said and she laughed
After she ate and took a good bath she crowled under your arms in the bed. She pushed you on your back and rested her head on your chest. You were already asleep and she knew that so she just placed a kiss on your lips and whispered "good night babe and thanks you."
The next morning she was in the kitchen at the tower at 9 am when Natasha came and sat next to her. All the avenger were eating when the Russian broke the comfortable silence.
"You did that again." she said and everybody looked at her. "Maria. She sneaked out the last night again." she explained and now every one was looking at the brunette.
"What a snitch" she mumbled and the black widow smirked.
"Oh it's interesting now" Yelean said, she already forget the breakfast.
"Yeah, where were you Hill?" Tony asked, and your fiancé blushed
"I don't know what you're talking about" she denied
"Friday." the billionaire said
"Ms Hill leave the tower at 11:14 pm the last night." the IA said innocently and now the SHIELD agent couldn't deny more.
"Oooh. I didn't think you were someone like that" Sam teased her and earned a glare from the agent.
"What's his name?" Steve asked
"Or her?" Wanda remarked and right Maria whished she never leaved the bed in the morning
She wanted to reply when her phone rang, she everybody was now focused on the screen and they saw 'Queen Prince' with a pic of you disguised at Wonder Woman they fought back their laugh. After what seem a eternity she picked up with her co-worker's gaze on her. "Hey good morning babe." she said and the avengers was shocked to see the other side of your fiancé they never see before.
"Hey Ria, where are you?" you asked and at your voice she knew you were in your sleepy state.
"At work…" she said hesitently
You pull away the phone to look at the time "It's 9 am babe and it's Saturday. Come on you promise me to spend the morning with me." you replied and she felt sorry instantly. She thought a moment before said something she knew she will regret.
"You can come at the tower if you want." she said and the heroes' eye wided and yours too.
"Wait, are you sure? I mean you it's not like we have the same job, you work with the Avenger." you said shock by her request.
"Don't worry i think they'll be happy to meet you." she said and you didn't wait longer. She smiled when you hang on with a quick 'i love you'. she was in her little cloud when she met the other gaze again "I think you'll met her soon" she said and excuse herself without more word.
After one hour and half you were in front of the tower. You choose to wear a simple sweatpant and one of Maria's blue navy sweat; you knew you should wore something more class but she promise you a cuddle session and you wanted to be comfy for that. When you enter in the tower you were greeted by your fiancé. She kissed you and led you in the elevator, and when the door opened you were in front of the infamous Black Widow.
"Maria I think I don't need a present day for this year." you said but your eyes didn't leave the red haired in front of you.
When you met all the avenger the witch finally remembered where she saw the girl on the screen of Maria. She rushed to the living room she had to aske something at the brunette but she were surprised to met you. You turned your head when you heard footstep and you were shock to find the Scarlet Witch.
"Wait you're…" you both said at the same time. Wanda and you looked at Maria "wait she's…" you said at the same time again. Your fiancé laughed at the interaction. But after that you and the sokovian had aparently the same idea when you shook each other hand and said "i'm a big fan of yours" yes, again at the same time. This time all the avenger started to noticed what was happening and laughed; that made you and the witch blushed.
"Uh, sorry." you said "I'm Y/n and you're like my favorite avenger" you added shyly
"Uh, I'm Wanda and you're like my favorite streamer" she replied shyly too and looked at with your mouth wide open "well since one month but yeah" she clarified
"Wait, Scarlet_Witch-21 ?" you asked and she nodded "Oh my. I don't know what to say." you added
"Sorry not sorry to break your meeting but I made a promise at my fiancé." Maria said; she grabbed your ams and started to walked to her office
"Wait fiancé?" Natasha yelled, and you looked at her while Maria nodded "And when you were supposed to tell me?" the russian asked
"Never!" the brunette and ran to her office with your arm under hers. In her office she quicliy placed you on her lap and you hugged her instinctivly. You spend the day to cuddle with her everywhere in the tower: in the meeting room; in her office; in the kitchen; on the couch in the living room.
In the evening Fury came to see the hero and was surptise to see you, "Mrs. Hill?" he asked. And everyone looked at him
"Hey Nick," you greeted him and he glared at you "Excuse me Fury" you apologised and Maria laughed
"Wait you know her?" Natasha asked
"Of course i was the one who conviced agent Hill to propose her" he replied nonchalently and everyone gasped at the revelation "What, you didn't know?" he asked and everybody shook their head "Oh, sorry I thought since agent Barton know she had tell you." he said before leave the room
"Clint seriously?" Natasha said obviously angry at the confession
"Wait even Legolass knew?" Tony asked this time
"Wow i thought they knew" you asked at Maria and she smirked "I think it's the right time to tell them we will mary tomorrow" you added a little loudly
"Wait, what tomorrow!!?" they all screamed and Maria sighed.
Yeah Maria Hill had a lot of secret, but not for you. The next day she would say 'yes' and even if she didn't let them know she was really glad that they found about you. Maria was an agent so of course she had secret but right now her family found her biggest one and even if she know it'll be weird for them, she's happy to proudly say them she's yours and you were hers.
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chocolate-failure · 3 months
I just feel so utterly drained. So devoid of everything. Just fucking horrible. It feels like everything I do is consuming the last bit of energy I have and then I have to do shit for dig. Like God I fucking hate it here. It's this house. I had it labeled has Home on Google maps but it's literally hell.
I've been living here for 10 mfkn years getting sicker by the day and at some point it's not worth my well being... well at some point it wasn't and I don't know if this shit is permanent but being here is hurting me. I remember telling dig like maybe 7 years ago that I was gonna move out and it was seen as an entire rejection of our relationship and him. Like no you ignorant bitch this place is killing me and I knew it better back then. I had so much more clarity but far less money and I felt like I needed to always placate dig. I mean I still do. He is an infant. But now we're moving towards getting out of here. It only took a decade. And now I can figure out if I hate my life because I'm not living a life I feel belongs to me in a place that fosters my well being or if I'm not living a life that belongs to me with a person who fosters my well being. I gave the sinking feeling it's both but I feel I owe it to him to give him the chance to fuck up our new life together. Cuz it honestly feels like it hasn't started yet.
I think regardless I'll feel better because this house is a fucking hazard. It should be condemned and I kinda want to do an air quality test here just to get an idea of how many carcinogens I'm being exposed to on a daily basis.
After my mom's birthday we took a trip to Buffalo NY (where she's from) and I was really not looking forward to it. I really dislike Buffalo and my mom and her sister ate both overbearing and annoying in ways that not just stress me out but are weirdly triggering. Like we had been there for maybe 10 minutes and my aunt notices my nose ring and says it's not straight and I try to downplay it cuz if I explain why it's crooked I have to explain that it's a taper. But like she won't stfu about it after I try to shut it down twice I just say it's a taper and I'm gauging my septum. My mom starts fucking crying cuz she's found she can manipulate me that way. But bitch I'm fucking 34 can we pls stop acting like you gaf about my wellbeing and just want to continue controlling me?? Like Jesus. So yeah, that was within the first hour of being there so I wasn't confident nor excited for my time there.
And my time there was for the most part pretty uneventful but not entirely uncomfortable. I got to take my super mfkn hot baths which kept my weight down and honestly that's all that matters to me in any given situation. As long as I can starve myself and purge adequately I'm pretty happy. Nevermind I spent much of my time on a couch sitting next to my veggie uncle watching incredibly shitty shows only a boomer could enjoy. He was such a horrible person before the dementia and I'm hard pressed to think that changed him for the better... tho him not talking is definitely an improvement.
Man I'm miserable.
So yeah Buffalo wasn't the worst thing ever. I did spend a fair amount of time around my mom and aunt and realized how absolutely fucking autistic every women on that side of my family is like goddamn. They're all so goddamn weird and not necessarily in a bad way but there are so many things you have to navigate and tiptoe around to keep them happy. And being round that made me feel kinda mfkn bad about myself. Like I know I'm not a person that people feel they need to bend over backwards to make comfortable but it is at the expense of a lot of my own comfort. I think it's a little of the low support need/high masking in me and because I don't particularly care for people I often hit the "why tf am I doing this" wall. I could easily drop this shit, support myself in the ways I need instead of being mentally and emotionally drained by people who always put themselves before me or don't even consider my needs. I could do this by myself. I would be happier by myself. Why am I not by myself?
I mean I do but I don't want to think about it.
After Buffalo I went to the city to see Ichigo. It's been a mfkn minute but I love that nigga and I don't think I could ever not have him in my life even though we're so incredibly introverted and low energy we could spend years not talking. Man I love that dude. But yeah, I stayed at his place from the 22nd to the 28th and it was goddamn magical. We went to Providence Park a couple times which was really mfkn dope, ends up he loves nature just as much as me 😭
His partner is a she/they not sure of their gender identity but holy hell can she fuck up some beans and rice. Like goddamn. That first day she made some beans and rice with chickpeas and avocado and istfg I ate and was happy to. I didn't eat a lot but that's the kind of eating that makes me happiest. And they didn't super push me to eat which was really nice. I legit could eat those rice and beans every day, they were so good 🤤 The next morning ichigo made eggs Benedict which was fuckin amazing. I've never poached an egg but now I gotta learn 👀
Their dog is a lil ball of nerves but she did sleep with me on the last few days when everybody had left. Ichigo works with highschoolers and hmmm... I don't have a name for his partner but hm... I really like her, they're super chill and easy to talk to and have a really nice smile... maybeeeee.... yeah no idk.. but I like them. She's a lawyer that works with equality litigation and making sure ppl have access to resources. But erm, I was on my own for Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday which I very much enjoyed far more than I expected. I took the bus to the gym everyday and it was absolutely wonderful. I got so much done and felt so mfkn accomplished. I def lost like 5lbs on my trip. I think I came back at 164~ I gained it all back cuz this place stresses me out but for a shining moment I felt good about myself and my progress and that means a lot to me. It shows me it's possible. It shows me it's not me.
Shitty cuddle interlude~
Dig was upset with me earlier today cuz I said him taking a nap was welcomed because I'm having a rough day. He took it as me not wanting to be around him at all and decided he just would avoid me. He could have just asked me if I wanted to have a chill day but sends me discord messages, I've literally told him I don't always get the notifs and social media messaging has become incredibly stressful for me. But yeah, he assumes I'm super upset with him and I need to be treated like I'll bite his head off if he so much as looks at me. I feel like I'm being gaslit into believing I'm both a bad person and my need for recharge is too much. I didn't say as much but I made it known I wasn't meaning to make him feel a burden and that I'm not a bad person for feeling drained by him and needing a rest. I tried not reveal anything negative I was feeling while setting a clear boundary. I took my bath and he was still outside from when he retreated thinking I was mad. He's outside enjoying the rain. It was a good rain. I go down and he's not doing well. But it's always up to me to put aside how I'm feeling to coddle him so I asked if he was okay with company. I sat with him in silence for a while and think to myself, he definitely wants me yo cuddle him but is that what I want to do. No, no it is not. What will it do for me? Prob be uncomfortable and a lil draining but he won't be a melancholy buzzkill in the coming week which is even more draineding cuz he will repeatedly imply it's my fault. In the long run this momentary discomfort will allow me to avoid future discomfort and future me deserves better. So I ask him if he would like to cuddle, something he's not too good at doing so maybe modeling asking for consent will help him to do it himself. So I cuddle with him and it feels like nothing. But worse than nothing cuz it's something I'm doing completely out of obligation. There is no joy or contentment or even comfort... and why do I have to be the person to ask for shit I don't even want? This is tiring.
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cactusfru1ts · 1 year
called kirk a horse girl and mom was very confused by this and thought i was mixing him up with picard and so i spent the last 10 minutes of our drive home trying to explain why kirk is a horse girl despite having seen maybe 20 cumulative episodes of tos and one movie and almost nothing else with kirk in it and she was like very genuinely trying to understand what the hell i was trying to tell her and when we got home said “…im going to think on that” so if anyone has any ideas for how i can explain why kirk is a horse girl to my mom id love some assistance
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gretavanbear · 2 years
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Different Worlds - Jake Kiszka/Reader
Chapter 10: Again
I woke up with [y/n] sleeping, snoring softly in my arms. The sunrise crept through her window and covered her face, I covered it with my hand and reached over to her curtains, pulling them slightly. I took a moment to watch her as she slept; she looked so delicate. I waited a couple minutes, contemplating if I woke her up or let her sleep- we had to get to the office in about two hours. 
I remember what happened last night and my heart hurts as I think about how she had a nightmare because of me. I caress her arm softly. The thought of her having anxiety attacks when I’m not there worries me because I want to help her and be there for her and protecting her helps me.
“Jake?” I hear, I look down and focus on her. She rubs her eyes and turns around to face me. 
“Good morning” I say, giving her a forehead kiss. She smiles in response and I melt. 
“It’s 7:26. I need to get back home to get changed” I say softly, kissing her cheek and caressing her arm with my thumb. She pouts and I reciprocate the action. 
“Do you want your shirt back?” She stands up and I do the same. The thought of her taking my shirt off in front of me goes straight to my dick.
“That would be a good idea.” I say as I look down and realize I am shirtless. She pulls it off and I die a little inside, then put the shirt on. It smells like her. I can't help myself but stare at her bare body in front of me, before she quickly puts her bathrobe on.
“We’ll see each other later today okay?” I say, pulling her close and holding her for a couple minutes, then turning around and calling an uber to my place. 
_ _ _
Entering the apartment, I’m faced with Sam cooking again. His hair is in a bun and he has a white apron on, already dressed for the day. He's cooking pancakes. 
“Jake! You didn’t come home last night.” He says, waving his spatula at me. His brows furrowed as he pretended to be mad at me. 
“I knowww” I reply, smiling sheepishly. 
“Oh! I know why. No need to explain” He smirks, looking down at his pancake. He giggles and I can’t help but do it too. I step closer to him so I can tell him something that belongs only to the two of us. 
“She’s mine, Sammy. I asked her” I tell him quietly and he gets the biggest smile on his face. He claps his hands quietly as he congratulates me.
“No way! I’m happy for you Jakey.” He smiles. “Breakfast ready in 15.” He adds as I smile and walk away, headed for my room. 
I decided to dress comfortably today, keeping [y/n] in my thoughts; wondering what she was gonna wear and if she was thinking about me, too. As I looked through my closet, I picked a black shirt with striped jeans. Whenever I wore those I always felt really good about myself. I combed through my hair with my hairbrush and sprayed a bit of cologne on myself. With barely enough time to pick out my necklaces- Sam was already calling us to the table. 
I sit down next to Sam, Josh in front of me. Sam smiles at the big plate of pancakes in front of us and informs us about this new recipe that he decided to try. Josh kept looking over at me with a disappointed look, filling me with guilt. I could barely look back at him and so I just stared at my plate, not wanting to deal with him at the moment. 
“You spent the night with her, didn’t you?” He says dryly. Sam’s head shoots up and he looks at me before looking over at Josh. 
“No, I didn’t.” I lie, he doesn’t believe me. 
“You did, didn’t you?! You know I like her and then you steal her away from me!” He raises his voice. 
“Josh, c’mon the day has barely started yet” Sam tries to cool him down, placing his hand on Josh’s shoulder. 
“You want to talk about stealing? What about Taylor? What about that?” I spit out at him, unable to hold back my anger once again. Josh looks back at me with a confused look- as if this is the first time he’s ever heard of her. As if I’ve never talked about her before. 
“Wha-” he starts but I interrupt him. 
“You know what? I’m leaving, see you later.” I reply, his confusion making me furious. As I sit in my car, I’m baffled by his reaction. He never notices me, or understands me. I thought twins were supposed to love and care about each other. Why is it so one-sided? Flashbacks from walking into the room, catching them together, flood my mind and I feel tears make their way out but I wipe them away immediately- distracting myself with the thought of [y/n]. 
_ _ _
I walked into Elizabeth’s office and she waved hello, as she gave me a confused look. 
“You’re the first one here! That doesn’t happen often.” She smiles. I smile back and sit down on her couch. 
“Elizabeth?” I begin, she looks at me and pauses, then gets up and sits on the couch with me. “Do you ever miss Taylor?” I ask. She sighs and shakes her head ‘yes’. 
“Do you?” She finally asks, after we sit in silence for a couple minutes. I shake my head ‘no’. 
“I know that what happened that night was terrible, Jake. You were really hurt. Why are you mentioning her, now?” She asks, giving me a sympathetic look. 
“I need a way to tell you that… [y/n] and I have gotten together, officially, since last night.” I look up at her, she gives me a shocked look, and then a smile, aaand then a smirk. 
“Thank you for telling me, this time.” She says. “I could tell you like her. I like her too.” She giggles. 
“I really think we’re gonna last, Liz, I really feel that she’s my soulmate.” I reply and my heart melts at the thought. Before she can respond, there’s a knock at the door. I turn my head back and my heart stops. 
[y/n] wore a short black skirt, paired with a long chunky sweater. She had some semi-sheer tights underneath- tucked into her boots, covered by some leg warmers. Her hair flowed down beautifully; she looked completely different from a couple hours ago. She was angelic. I can barely say hi, as I’m taken aback from her beauty. 
“Hi Elizabeth! Good morning, Jake.” She waves and walks over to the couch, sitting down next to Liz. 
“Uh, uh, uh, He told me. Secrets out!” Elizabeth cheered. [y/n] looked over at me with a puzzled look. I mouthed ‘us’ and smiled. She blushed and my heart melted at the sight. 
“It’s a good thing!” Liz turns to her, placing her hand on her shoulder. “Our company is pretty flexible about that sorta thing, as long as we’re informed in the first month.” She finishes. [y/n] sighs out of relief and smiles at me, I reciprocate the action. 
“Just- please- no filthy things in my office or god forbid the studio.” Elizabeth doesn’t have the time to finish her sentence before [y/n] looks directly at me- embarrassed. Thankfully, Liz doesn’t notice.
_ _ _
We sat in the oval room, the walls were beige and the table was black, so were the chairs. There was a huge screen in the back of the room, to my left, where Liz had a powerpoint on; named 'Updates and News'. I sat facing [y/n], closer to the screen. Sam sat next to her and then Josh sat next to him, Danny to my right. 
"Good morning" Sam poked her shoulder and waved at her. She waved back. Sam looked up and smiled at me before bringing his attention back to her.
"[y/n]? Do you like coffee?" He asks her. I watch them interact, but mostly her. She beams and starts talking about her favourite kind of coffee, chai I believe. Sam clasps his hands together.
"Finally someone who loves chai! I've been trying to get these guys to try it and they don't want to!" Sam complains and [y/n] laughs in response. "We should go get some!" He suggests. 
"Now that's a good idea! [y/n], will you get some coffee for us?" Liz asks as she walks in the room. [y/n] nods and stands up, taking out her phone so she can write down everyone's order. We all take our turns and tell her what we'd like.
"Liz, I can go with her! She'll need an extra set of hands anyway." Sam says. Liz agrees and they both leave. _ _ _ {Y/N} 
We decide to take Sam's car. A tesla. It's sleek and looks incredibly advanced. He sits in the drivers seat and I sit next to him in the passenger seat. 
"Starbucks?" He asks. I nod. I watch as he types in the dress on the screen of his car; the nearest one is about ten minutes away. He scrolls through his phone and puts on a driving playlist, as he describes it. 
"I'm glad we're finally alone. I wanted to talk to you about Jake." Sam says. I feel my heartbeat quicken and my fingertips freeze as I look over to Sam. He's focused on the road but he doesn't look mad or anxious to talk to me. 
"About a year ago, we had this intern. I think it was like, the third intern our company had ever hired since the program was pretty new." He pauses and looks over at me as the light is red. 
"Jake became attached to her quickly. They started dating behind Liz' back, for a couple of months." The light turns green and he stares ahead now. 
"What he didn't know, is that she was dating Josh, at the same time. Behind his back. She would come over and stay with him until he fell asleep and then go to Josh's room. It was fucking terrible. Josh knew they were together and he didn't care." Sam says, his tone indicating some leftover anger over the situation. "It was really hard to see this, for me, because when I'd bring it up to Josh he'd just get so angry and tell me I had no idea what I was talking about." Sam sighs. 
"I'm so sorry, Sammy. That's terrible." I reply, we pull up to a red light and I place my hand on his shoulder, whilst giving him a sympathetic look.
"Thank you, [y/n]. Unfortunately, it doesn't stop there. One night, after a really big show, Josh got off the stage first and went to his dressing room like usual. Jake and I got off the stage last because we were waving at the fans and saying goodnight. When we got to our dressing room- the door was locked. We guessed it was just Josh doing his after show routine so we went to a bar nearby and drank, then came back." Sam pulls into the parking lot of the starbucks and turns off the car, unbuckles his seatbelt and turns towards me. I do the same. 
"When we got back, Liz was arguing with Josh. He was extremely drunk and angry, and Liz was yelling at him; saying she broke his trust and ignored company rules. He just kept yelling at her how it's none of her business and that he can be with anyone he wants. They just kept screaming at each other and as Jake and I made our way into the dressing room, I'll never forget the look on his face when we walked in. Taylor, only covered by a blanket, was on his couch." Sam sighs and looks down, playing with the hem of his shirt. 
"Jake asked her what happened and she couldn't even tell him. I had to make her tell him. She never even apologized, [y/n]. I told Jake they were doing all this behind his back for months. She couldn't admit it. I was so angry at the both of them. Its like- It's like Josh doesn't want to share with Jake, or let him have anything. And since then they haven't been close like they used to be." Sam finishes. I nod slowly as I take in all the information. "I'm just grateful that Liz decided to keep us. That could've been our last day. She had to fire Taylor and we never saw her again."
"I'm telling you this because" He pauses and makes eye contact with me. "I know you're not like that. But Jake is fragile. I don't know the situation exactly for the song he wrote that one time but I feel like you can take that as an example. He cares.. so much. I'm just hoping you care about him the same way." He says, and smiles softly at me. I nod and smile back.
"Thank you, Sam. For telling me. I'll tell you something personal about me if that's okay." I pause and he nods, waiting for the rest of my sentence. "I've never been with anyone before, so Jake is my first everything. I care about him so much and I'm terrified of losing him. I-" building up the courage to say it, for the first time. 
"I think I love him. It's so early, too early to tell him so I hope you keep this between us. I just.. I'm like obsessed with him. Whenever I see him I'm so much happier and I just love him." I ramble, blushing and tearing up. He leans over to me to give me a hug. I gladly hug him back and we hold each other for a couple seconds. He pulls away and breathes out, smiling as he wipes a tear away. He cares so much about his big brother. 
"Okay, okay, lets get some coffeeee!" I exclaim, trying to brighten up the mood. He smiles big and we exit the car.
[ Notes :
okay i have a question for you guys and i'd really love some feedback.
do you like long fanfics or do you prefer short and sweet?
i have an idea for what i'd like to do but it's gonna make the fanfic pretty long.
thank you]
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kevin-the-bruyne · 2 years
someone PLEASE explain to me why I am ignoring 6 FK / Akkayan WIPs to write an AlanKaipa one - i am just so desperate for them to be in love in every universe
Alan x Kaipa (FirstKhao); Gen (will go up to E); Moonlight Chicken
Warning: Underage ; Kaipa is 17/18 ie in high school while Alan is mid 20s
He sees the kid from the corner of his eyes. 
He’s stopped for a smoke break as the party-goers pass him by. Dressed impeccably, colorful, loud, highlighting their best assets, highlighting the drama of being alive people walk in groups, as pairs, own their own to their destination of pubs or nightclubs or even the little food stalls they go to for a snack and respite. All in all, there is plenty for Alan to look at while he smokes and tries to not think about how the only thing he can’t see is what he’s looking for.
And yet, he turns his head to get a second look at this kid, drab and out of place, determined in his uncertainty and confusion. Alan takes another long drag of his cigarette and looks down at himself, his crinkled dress shirt and folded slacks. He doesn’t doubt his head likely looks terribly mussed like he’s been pulling at it, because he has been. 
They’re both undeniably out of place, a kinship borne of a coincidence, and yet what draws him to the kid is a recognition of the familiar, that crazed look in his eyes. Like he’s looking for something with a desperation that consumes him. Alan actually snorts around his next drag as he realizes that adultery and sin would hide in a place like this - that there would be more like him, outsiders looking for answers and maybe, this thought does amuse him a little, even for justice.
Wen had texted him, as if on cue, that he had a last minute onsite inspection and was going to be late coming home. Of course, this text comes exactly half an hour after his friend had texted saying he’d spotted Wen here, this very street, at the bar he’s standing in front of right this second, hoping that the nicotine rush would take with it, the helplessness bubbling within him. Of watching his relationship crash and being able to do nothing to stop it.
Usually, Wen would just stay out and he wouldn’t find out until it was 3 am and he’d spent half the night staring up at his ceiling, eyes dry from the tears that no longer agreed to drop. But recently he's started coming up with excuses, giving him well thought out reasons as to why he's not coming home.
He still feels a little bit like that now, like he’d already cried half the night.
He looks down at his watch.
10 p.m.
His exhaustion has gotten efficient lately, coming without the effort so at least his body could rest. He pushes off the wall he was leaning against and approaches the kid who has chosen to sit on the raised edge of a sidewalk, seeking respite from a fruitless endeavor.
Maybe he’d appreciate a cigarette.
That he’d been crying is even more apparent up close, his eyes red and watery still, like he’d only just brushed a tear off it. How pathetic. He pulls his handkerchief out of his pocket and hands it out to him.
The kid looks up at him startled, big brown eyes, that make him look even more lost. Alan suddenly wants to pet him.
‘Hungry?’ he asks as the kid takes the handkerchief, dabs at his eyes, a few new tears leaking through. He’s silent for a long while and Alan belatedly realizes that he must seem like he’s hitting on him, in the middle of the party district looking like an office clerk and approaching a kid unprompted who looks too young to be here.
Just as he’s thinking about just edging away, the kid looks up, in his eyes there’s something more than hopelessness, and nods.
‘How’d you find yourself in such a place?’ Alan asks once he’s finished his own bowl of noodles. They ate in near silence and all Alan has done for the last 15 minutes is look at this kid, clinging onto the edges of his desperation, trying not to get swept away.
Alan wants to tell him he’ll be okay. That Alan is okay, that it's okay to give in sometimes and cry oneself hoarse, that he wades through everyday with a stone stuck in his throat but he’s okay. He tries to not think about how he’s here, kind of relieved not to have found Wen here, as well as disappointed. It means that he must go on another day, and perhaps several days, without any sign of an end, without any release.
‘I’m looking for someone.’ He says and continues slurping his noodles. Alan remembers when he used to have an appetite like that, able to scarf down two bowls of noodles. But now his stomach can’t handle it, he’s ordered the smallest bowl they serve and the food still sits like a brick inside him unable to settle.
‘Scorned lover?’ Alan asks, because somehow it’s important, finding himself sharing a meal with someone going through the same heartbreak as him, feels profound. Suddenly, it feels like he’s sitting somewhere he’s supposed to be. The kid, surprisingly, shakes his head no, ‘he’s very faithful.’ He says, eyes watering again. It surprises him, Alan didn’t think he was wrong about the heartbreak: 
‘Then what’s wrong?’
‘I’m not his lover.’ 
Alan sighs. He wants to scold him for the audacity of hoping to break a relationship. Yet, he wears his pain on his face with such sincerity that Alan can’ imagine any malice in his actions. He finds himself unable to blame this kid for being in love.
‘Let me take you home kid. There’s nothing for you here.’
Alan doesn’t really wait for an answer, if the kid wants to keep looking he can continue doing so without him. He doesn’t want to get angry at this kid. But he doesn’t feel like sympathizing with him either. He thinks so much of Wen’s reasons already, there’s no room left for anyone else’s.
Alan only thinks of turning around to check if the kid was following him when he gets to his bike. He’s there, just a step behind him, deathly quiet in the way he moves as though he’s molded into Alan’s shadow. He looks up at him, lost and - shit - looking for answers, ‘please mister, i don’t want to be alone.’
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adamwatchesmovies · 2 years
I Still See You (2018)
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Released in theaters on October 12, 2018, I Still See You came and went without making an impression. With the teenage protagonists in the middle of a post-catastrophe world, you’ll wonder why at first. The Darkest Minds, The 5th Wave and Divergent all fizzled without their stories concluding but some people were clamouring for them. Could this be a YA-novel adaptation so bad it couldn't even find an audience among 13-year-olds?
In 2010, an explosion at Ashburn Laboratories creates a shockwave that kills hundreds. The deceased come back as non-sentient “remnants” (ghosts) who repeat some of their final moments every day. Ten years later, high school student Veronica ‘Ronnie’ Calder (Bella Thorne) is startled by a new (sexy) ghost (played by Thomas Elms) in her bathroom. Impossibly, this remnant writes “Run” in the steamed mirror before vanishing. Her favourite teacher, Mr. Bittner (Dermot Mulroney), doesn’t believe her but quiet loner Kirk Lane (Richard Harmon) does. Together, they follow the remnant's trail and discover it may be trying to attack her from the grave.
What we’ve got here is one of the most convoluted vehicles for a mystery I’ve ever seen. Let's begin with this world. Everyone drives slowly, not knowing if the old lady crossing the street is actually a human being, or the memory of one. Inside Ronnie’s home, there are always three chairs at the dinner table so her deceased father can appear unimpeded in the morning. I’m certain there are many awkward trips to the washroom where someone with a full bladder opens the door to find a phantom sitting on the toilet. Half of a couple in the middle of having sex is floating in a hotel bedroom. Passengers who died on a flight are zipping through the air high above us, etc. I know we're not supposed to think about that but you can't help it. You expect the film to be about Ronnie and Lane discovering a conspiracy behind the remnants or that perhaps since “Brian” wants to harm her, that all remnants are about to turn on humanity unless the explosion's cause is discovered. You’re way, way off. The remnants are not integral to the story except to explain how Ronnie saw that first ghost, and why she begins a quest for answers.
At 98 minutes, this is a short film, and a significant chunk is spent on information that's ultimately useless. In fact, the role remnants ultimately play in the story proves this never should've been a movie. I can't emphasize how superfluous the ghost thing is in the end but you get stuck on that angle. It's all you care about. We know the remnants are not - as previously stated - forced to simply relive their last moments in the same place as they lived them. Obviously, “Brian” and his sumptuous behind didn’t die in his underwear in Ronnie’s bathroom 10 years ago. This means remants can be anywhere, at any time. They can also be animals and from a time period which precedes the explosion. What the rules are, you don't know - but you want to. Makes you wonder what happens when two of them collide.
What this movie is REALLY about is the mystery. Too bad it's nonsense. It’s impossible for you to figure out what really happened to Brian and how Ronnie ties to him. Once you learn the truth, it’ll leave your head spinning. Hopefully, fast enough for you to stop asking questions - or so director Scott Speer hopes. There are so many seemingly random aspects to the enigma that is Brian. February 29th is an important date, and a crucial clue to what’s happening. Why an explosion-created ghost would care about leap years, I don’t know. It gets crazier as bodies pile up and time starts to run out. You wonder how all of these clues and characters we’ve been introduced to will fit together. Got a theory? I can tell you without hearing it; you're wrong.
I Still See You is ridiculous. Its story derails itself. The film feels like it was re-written to contain a supernatural element. When the ghost thing didn’t sell, they altered the recipe again to draw in fans of the post-apocalyptic YA genre. In the end, there are more misshapen ideas than fully realized ones. It’s so utterly bewildering I think you can have a lot of fun with it as long as you know it’s a bad movie ahead of time. (June 28, 2019)
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idk how to really start this but like. my mental state is just so exhausting like im so tired of it. theres no reason i should be this volatile theres no reason i should react to situations the way i do. just last night i had a weird (not even that bad) interaction with a stranger and it pissed me off so much i tried to kill myself. i wasn't sad or embarrassed i was just so furious over it, because it was a 10 second interaction and i couldn't explain myself to the other person, and i was just so fucking angry i was ready to physically hurt the other person over it well after i walked away. and then once i got home i was so upset that i got that unreasonably angry over a nothing interaction. and its not like i even got angry while i was still with the other person! it wasnt until after i walked away! there were only two thoughts circling in my mind for about 30-60 minutes after (idk im so bad at keeping track of time) that were just "why do i react to things like this" and "i just want it to stop hurting" bc thats the worst of it it just hurts so much. i swear im in physical pain after having breakdowns like that i feel hollow in my chest and obviously i dont have to say anything else about how much it emotionally hurts. i just want it to stop hurting. is that really too much to ask for? to not be in so much pain for just a little while? i guess i still havent come to terms with the fact that im disabled, because i still think of being disabled as someone who uses aids, even though i know invisible disabilities are a thing. i dont see other peoples invisible disabilities as being invalid, just really my own, because i still feel like im high enough functioning that i shouldnt consider myself disabled. i dont use mobility aids yet i dont take pain medication yet so therefore the literal brain damage i have isnt bad enough, im still fine. i kind of got off track but thats also part of it i guess. another thing that really gets me is the fact that i actually do have bpd, i was diagnosed by an actual doctor at 17 and its still a more than valid diagnosis. i feel like im in this constant cycle of "i have to get better because i cant keep living like this" and "i have to get worse so everyone else can see what theyve done to me". like last night i literally had to sit down and reread the dsm chapter on bpd to remind myself this is why youre like this. you do have this diagnosis its real and it is a problem. my 30 minute episodes of actively trying to kill myself to be followed by watching tv or something and laughing as if none of that happened. i still cant fathom not living like this, not having to go through this every fucking day. and then on the other hand i had a great interaction today at my job that made me feel really good about what i do and proving the work that i do is actually helping the community around me. and i felt on top of the world for like an hour, i felt great! and then another thing at work happened where i proved myself/my team to be right about something! which was also great! and i got another half hour of happiness. and then i get home and im reminded of how alone i am, how i really have no one to do or share anything with anymore. which is partially my fault and partially not! im not gonna act like im the most pleasant person to be around or that im easy to deal with, but fuck, man, i try. and it always feels like no one else is trying. i cut my own hair for the first time a few weeks ago; it came out great! and had no one to tell about it.
and now im just staring at a wall over all of it. none of the bad stuff happened none of the good stuff happened. im gonna get violently angry later and im gonna be nearly euphoric later, its just another day. and i want to change i want to change my lifestyle so bad but how can i do that without any help. i spent years of my life begging for other people to help me and got ignored, which resulted in my disability. i tried so hard to fix it on my own but i couldnt! im not a doctor! and now ill never be because i couldnt finish my pre-med classes because of my disability! i feel like im constantly screaming at the top of my lungs and waving red flags shouting please for the love of god someone help me every day and every day nothing changes. they say you cant help someone who doesnt want to be helped, but has anyone actually tried helping people before? youre telling me you cant problem solve? you cant find a different road to a solution, just because we cant take the easiest one? im sorry that its not easy for everyone else to help me, but how does anyone else think i feel?
but whatever. im fine now. i relived every emotion i went through while writing all that but im fine now. now that its all out there its all out there, out of my system. i dont care anymore. because it didnt matter. because it doesnt matter. none of it matters. it happened and its gonna happen again. ill go through these cycles again tomorrow and the next day and the next week and the next month and the next year and so on. it is what it is i guess. but does it really have to be.
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ajitated · 2 years
Originally posted: 15 March 2022, in a prompt sent via ask by @glorious-typo!
Ask: OH! And because I’m sending this stupid prompt to everyone: Any au, for Fen or Jordam: It’s 2am and they walk out to find some weirdo rummaging through their trash (spoiler it’s Levi)
I had so much fun writing this >:3c Jordam (Jörmungandr) is my oc, Levi (Leviathan) is @13thcat’s oc, and Erin (Erinyes) is @bubblegumbeech’s oc!
Jordam is tired. She spent the entire day in a windowless room, setting up legal documents and working out a deal with a bunch of old men that needed everything explained at least three times and were stuck in the last century when it came to technological advancement. When she left for work that morning, the sun hadn’t been up yet.
It’s almost 2am now that she’s walking home. The deal worked out in her favor of course, it always does — but the assholes hadn’t allotted time for a proper lunch break, let alone dinner, and if she doesn’t get something to eat in the next 20 minutes, she’s going to kill someone.
Beating people up is so much easier than dealing with bureaucracy. If only she could solve the world’s problems with her fists instead of hundreds upon hundreds of signatures and pieces of paper.
She wants food, to kick off her heels and dress, and to flop down face-first onto her bed.
And tomorrow, she wants to head to the gym and find some unfortunate sparring partner to ruin the day of. Maybe multiple unfortunate sparring partners; she only recently started at this gym, the regulars won’t know to avoid her yet.
Jordam swings her purse around and starts fishing for her keys as she approaches the path leading up to her apartment. As she goes to unlock the door, there’s a loud crash to her right.
She has a switchblade in her hand before her keys even hit the ground. If some dumbass has chosen right now to try robbing her, they’re very much going to regret it. She doesn’t have the goddamn patience to deal with this-
The front lights belatedly switch on, the faulty sensor apparently just realizing there’s movement.
Someone’s head pokes out from behind some trash cans, one of which has been toppled over.
Jordam flips the knife closed and pinches the bridge of her nose. “Dad,” she says flatly, “what the fuck are you doing?”
Levi stops trying to right the now-dented can and looks over at her, his face lighting up. “Jor! How’s it going, how was your day? Didn’t think you’d be out so late, sleep is important y’know-”
“Father dearest if you don’t explain what’s going on right this second, I am going to balance out the scars on your face and leave you out here while I go figure out if there’s anything edible in my apartment. Someone better be dying.”
“Ah.” Levi gulps and shuffles slightly so his right side is angled away from her. “Well about that-”
Jordam narrows her eyes and darts forward, grabbing his wrist and pulling him into the light before he can stop her. There’s a big rip in the upper sleeve of his shirt and red seeping through the fabric.
She takes a deep breath and mentally starts counting to 10.
She gets to 3. “You dumbass, what the hell did you do?”
“Hey!” Levi whines, trying to pull his arm away. All he succeeds in doing is making himself wince. “I didn’t start it, I was trying to be perfectly civil thank-you very much.”
“Oh sure you were. Erin is definitely going to believe that-”
“No. No, nope, nu uh, we’re not telling Erin. I took care of it already anyway.”
“Why wouldn’t I tell Erin?” she asks, raising an eyebrow. She knows Levi isn’t dumb, contrary to popular belief. Why on earth would she put herself on Erin's list of ‘people that have hid my brother getting hurt from me’?
The corners of Levi’s mouth turn up in a smirk. “cause I never told her about the dude that gave you that scar on your shoulder~”
Jordam curses under her breath. That’s technically true. “He’s in a different country now, it’d be fine!”
“Sure it would.”
3 words have never sounded so sarcastic.
Jordam sighs. She pokes at the cut on Levi’s shoulder and ignores the way he flinches and glares at her. It really only needs a couple stitches. They’ve both patched up worse for each other.
“Fucking… alright, fine. C’mon, asshole.”
Levi cheers, and she goes to pick up her keys and finally actually unlock the door. So much for getting food and becoming one with her bed immediately after…
Well. At least Levi owes her one after this; surely he’ll have some people she can beat up tomorrow. And tonight, she’ll patch up his arm and they’ll get drunk enough for him to share embarrassing stories about Quizz and the others — she’s been out of the loop for long enough that something new and absurd is bound to have happened.
You miss so much when you’re working on the legal side of things.
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missspringthyme · 9 months
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January 11th, 2024
My sort-of-step-mom left today to go to California for literally one day. She has a gymnastics meet there, and since she'll be gone for a lot of this year and doesn't feel the need to go to Disneyland again, she decided she'd go for the minimum amount of time. Regardless, this means that I said goodbye to her today because I won't see her before I leave.
I did many last-minute errands today, I picked up my prescription, I went shopping for the things I had been asked to bring from the US, I went to pick up the ski jacket my mom had offered to give to me. That last one also doubled as me saying goodbye.
I don't really know how to feel about my mom right now, and I don't really know how to treat her, but I can at least come to tell her I'm leaving tomorrow. It also means I'm able to give my dog a goodbye as well. We've had him since I was 10/11 and I have loved very few things more than I have loved him. He's getting old though, and every time I leave it becomes more and more possible that it could be the last time I see him. I wish I could remove the grey from his muzzle and his eyes, but instead, I just hug him close and remove the food that gets stuck in his cheeks.
When I got home my dad offered to make spätzle, to which I asked if we could do something else. Now listen, I love spätzle as much as the next girl but the problem is my dad grew up with 7 siblings. That means he does not know how to make food for less than 10 people.
He had made some recently for Christmas and the leftovers and been slowly chipped away at over roughly 2 weeks. I tried to explain to him that just because I didn't want spätzle today doesn't mean I now suddenly hate spätzle, but I'm concerned the message did not get through. I know I'm going to be hearing about how I hate spätzle for the rest of time.
Anyway, his other option was that we go to his (I think) favorite restaurant, which does wood-fired pizza. He's become a regular there, and all the employees know who he is. I have to work hard to make sure we don't go there for lunch every Sunday. Still, it was the restaurant he had taken us to for dinner when I first arrived, so I figured it might be a nice bookend for my winter break. He told me to invite T as well, and got very frustrated when I told him that he was working right now so we would have to wait.
I tell T every time my dad invites him without me asking, because I know it makes him happy that my family wants him to be included.
My sister and I watched some tv together while we waited, and when T's shift was over we all headed to the restaurant. I asked my dad if we could get another pizza because last time I had been still hungry when I finished mine, and he and I had both stolen slices from my sister's pizza. I'll have to remember to suggest this in the future as well, because it was a brilliant idea on my part.
We ate and talked and my dad grilled me (of course) about when I would be back in the summer (I don't know if I can, much less when) and what my plans are for when I finish my Master's (take the time in between my thesis submission and graduation as a true break (maybe go to Italy?) and then hopefully start a job that helps with PhD applications).
We finished up and headed back, T spent the night again but completed the tradition of him watching me last-minute pack and clean well past midnight. We sat with each other a lot, and cried a little. In case no one told you, long distance is not very easy. I try to make sure he gets held for as long as I can before I leave.
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questinwitchface · 10 months
Writing Pattern Tag Game!
Rules: Share the opening of your last ten published works or as many as you are able and see if there are any patterns!
Thank you so much for tagging me @sambambucky !
The Offering
Sam has had a very tiring day. He’d gone to work at the Vampire Assistance Agency at seven PM, just after the sun had set. He’d gone to a meeting at 7:30 for training on new services the VAA will be offering next year and review training on the services they currently offer. When the meeting was over at 8:37 (because these things always run long), he’d gone straight to his office to organize his case notes and prepare for the day. He’d made it to one of the group rooms and run a group session for elder vampires at 9:15, spent fifteen minutes cleaning up the room, and then run the group session for recently-turned vampires at 10:30. He spent another fifteen minutes cleaning up the room, and then he’d finally gotten to take his lunch break at midnight. He was finished by 12:45, which gave him enough time to prepare for his individual sessions, which went throughout the early hours of the morning and finished at five AM.
Falling/Already Fell
Sam’s head is once again spinning at how much older his nephews have gotten. Cass had just recently turned thirteen, and that would be a lot on its own, but Sam and Bucky are playing chauffeurs for his very first date. They’d taken the truck from home to Sarah’s to pick up Cass, who looked nervous and was wearing too much cologne—since when did Sam’s nephew even wear cologne? Then they’d picked up Tia, who seemed shy and quiet and sweet, with her hair in a fancy configuration of braids that must’ve taken forever to do and braces on her bright smile. Cass and Tia had talked in awkward, stilted conversation in the backseats of Sam’s truck while they drove to the movie theater, and then Sam and Bucky had dropped them off and headed to the mall to give the kids their time together.
Bucky and His Books
They’re in Sam’s truck, driving back home from Sarah’s after a long day of helping her with the boat and the boys, when Bucky turns to Sam with a guarded sort of frown.
There Was More Than One Bed (But Who's Counting?)
Sam is not okay.
The Guy Next Door
“Hey, you’re bus fight guy, right?” Joaquín asks, watching his new neighbor stare forlornly at the boxes he still hasn’t moved into his room.
Dear Sam
Dear Sam, This is a stupid exercise my therapist recommended. Apparently, I struggle with expressing my emotions verbally, so I’m supposed to try writing out my feelings. I hate this idea. I think it’s dumb. Sorry to drag you into it.
The Pirate Fic
Bucky folds his arms over his chest. The sun is particularly brutal today, beating down on his head, and he’s glad he’d worn his hat this time. He surveys the tiny island his ship is docked at. It’s little more than a stretch of sand with a dock built on it, big enough for one ship to dock at. A craggy rock face looms at the other end. There’s a small, dark cave entrance in the rock face that connects to the cave network the mermaids come from whenever Bucky and his crew meet with them to trade.
The Valentine Struggle
“I need a valentine that says, ‘I adore you, and I want you in my life forever,’ but in the most platonic way possible,” Yelena tells the store clerk. She’s in a Hallmark store, a store dedicated entirely to cards and gifts, and yet she hasn’t been able to find valentines that express how deep her love is without making it romantic.
Date Night
“So, the thing is, I really need your help,” Sam tells Jay before Jay can even get his usual greeting out.
Bucky Barnes Hates Christmas
Bucky Barnes hates Christmas.
Analysis: So it seems like my openings are either a single sentence or pretty long, with not much in between. Shorter works seem to get the shorter openings. Also if the beginning chapter is going to be angsty, it seems like I enjoy starting with like a single angsty sentence (i.e. "Sam is not okay.") and then further explaining it in the next paragraphs instead of cramming all the characters' feelings into the opening paragraph. I like opening with dialogue, but I didn't do it as much as I would've thought I had, but both of the rareship oneshots started with dialogue, which is interesting because I view the rareship fics as being more "for me" than other fics I write, so maybe I have more fun with them and don't overthink the openings as much as I do with SamBucky fics? Anyway, this was a fun little exercise. If you catch any other patterns, feel free to let me know!
No-pressure tagging @allcolorsoftherainbow and anyone else who might want to do this!
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This Is Not a Story About Hanging Out in Bars
Me and my friends spend a lot of time together hanging out in this one bar. Some time ago, it was sold to a new owner. All of us agree that the place has gone to shit under the new management. Music plays louder, some of our fave drinks are not available anymore and the bouncers aren’t doing their job, so you can’t enjoy a nice evening without getting harassed by someone in the next table.
We’ve talked about finding a new place to frequent, but we’re also used to this familiar environment and are a bit afraid to try new things.
Anyway, a new bar just opened, and it’s not even far from “our bar”, it’s in the next block. It’s pretty similar in style, they have food and drinks, comfy booths, dance floor upstairs etc. Price level is the same, or even lower than in our regular bar.
I know these details, because last weekend I decided to check it out.
Everything looked nice, there was no weird smell around (like there is in my usual bar; yet another thing the new management caused), the drink list had several of my favourites, the music was good etc. All in all, a place I’d love to hang out.
Unfortunately, after sitting there for half an hour, nursing my drink, I decided to go back home.
Why did I leave, if the place was so good?
Well, it’s good ON PAPER. It has all the right qualifications. But it lacks one thing.
My friends weren’t there.
Yesterday, I went to my regular bar again. It was so much fun to hang out with my friends again, even if the bar did experience a couple of power outages and a small fire.
I mentioned visiting the new bar and how nice it looked, but how I didn’t really have a good time there because it was so quiet.
“Oh, I went there last weekend, too!” one of my friends said.
“Damn, I didn’t see you.”
“I got there at 10 pm.”
“Oh, I had already left at that time,” I lamented.
Another friend chimed in. “I popped in a bit before 11, but I didn’t see you either.”
“Yeah, I think I left around 10:30, because I got bored.”
We sat in silence for a while.
“The drink list was so good, though.”
“Right! And there was a lot more leg space in the booths!”
“I could actually hear my own thoughts because the music wasn’t too loud.”
At this point, our conversation got rudely interrupted because the people in the next table demanded that we explain to them why we hate music. We tried to ignore them, but eventually we just decided to leave the bar, since the whole place was getting noisier by the minute and they still hadn’t put out the fire in the bathroom.
When we were walking down the street, I suggested that we should just go to the new bar, right now, together. Maybe that way we could better gauge if we truly would like to hang out there. 
Because it’s not about the place, it’s about the people.
If all is this really happened, instead of being an elaborate metaphor where I compare Twitter and Mastodon, me and my friends would have spent a lovely evening at the new bar, and decided to stop going to the old shitty place. We’d tell all our other friends to come to the new bar and hang out with us, because the venue really is quite good, and once you get the party going, we’re gonna have so much fun.
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