#yeah! im angry! that was a fucking jone!
sisyphus-prime · 12 days
I love friends vs family because friends usually tend to get my jokes. Or they might fall flat and it isnt a thing
My dad loves yelling at me over my jokes.
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inkyquince · 2 months
I was about to wonder why you'd like him and saw that the unburnt/skinless side looks like Miguel o'hera and was like "yeah that's fair"
...can you tell I miss him
i... imma be so honest with you rn.
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anon these men dont look alike to me.
but also dude i like him as a character and also his looks, in a totally seperate way to miguel.
it's like saying i like wren because he looks like whitney or somethin'
i miss miguel too but idk, im not currently writing a fic for miguel where he's switching rapidly from being a sadistic fuck to be so sweet and caring because it doesn't fit with his character.
fits with our king harvey's character tho
anyway, that's just one iteration of this king. and ive needed him gutteraly for a long as time with many different loooks to this king.
so of course, the comic book Harleen (2019) version:
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king. angry king.
then there's the batman animated version:
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i was recently getting back into batman and when regular harvey showed up? tossing his coin? instant squirt. ask any person i was chatting with regularly during that time. for the love of god i made horny compilation videos of JUST HIS VOICE.
... anyway.
from the long halloween
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to robin: year 1
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to batman: jekyll and hyde
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to the detective comics with him and his ass in the air
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this man has had a strong hold on him. now, real quick, the worst iteration of him, of course made by joel schumacher, collosal hack who ruined every IP he's ever touched from phantom of the opera to batman.
jumpscare warning?
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sorry tommy lee jones, heard you hated working with jim carrey on this movie.
and lastly, the movie version that i'll be putting under the cut because yowza. oh and the cgi for his face burn is excellent so.
scroll to see if but ALL IN ALL.
Harvey Dent is my favourite tragic character of all time, and Im way more emotionally invested in his story than Miguel's ngl. Both amazing charactesr, but my guy, all of his iterations look different except for the obvious half of his face.
idk if im coming off mean, but idk, im thoroughly side eyeing you.
anyway, harvey dent from the dark knight under the cut because my god, he's hot and mad.
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i need him viscerally ever since the dark knight game out in 200 and wot wot.
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n3onstarss · 1 year
So, here's Lyla x Spider-Woman reader! She may be OOC, but I'm using what I've analyzed from what I've seen (haven't seen the movie, but it's all been spoiled so it's whatever lol)
Blood, injury and panicking are all present, alongside some oblivious crushing on both sides :)
Lyla knew how dangerous it was to be a Spider-Person. After all, she had been created for the sole purpose of helping one of said spider people.
But Miguel was tough. I mean, all spider people are, but he had trained to be Spider-Man. He hadn't been bitten, he hadn't been thrown into this like the rest of the spider people, or at least as far as Lyla knew.
So when she was scanning her screens and got a notification about a fight on Earth-921, she hurried to check in. The notification hadn't said who needed backup, only having a voice message attached, but it was requested.
She knew immediately who's dimension it was, and she knew how stubborn you were. You wouldn't call for backup unless you really fucking needed it and urgently
Oh. My. God if shes dead I'm going to kill her! The thought crossed her mind briefly, and only amplified Lyla's panic. The thought of being the first to respond, only to find you dead? terrified her.
My webs were launching and pulling me almost faster than I could keep up, attaching to surrounding buildings and sending me swinging in tight circles and loops around the villain I was battling.
"Too fast for ya, scales?" I teased as I let myself slide under the villains tail like an Indiana Jones movie. My version of The Lizard was more gator like, reminding me of Leatherhead in the TMNT comics I'd seen. And the cherry on top, he was pissed the fuck off. a low rumbling growl emitted from the gator as he span to keep up, trying to find a window of attack, a moment of weakness.
I launched myself as high as I could go when his back was turned, slingshotting myself off two tall apartment complexes, hollering all the way and laughing like a crazed woman. Staring up at the sun, I thought I could touch the clouds like this. The adrenaline rush was amazing, it was part of the reason I kept doing this! I turned and let myself free fall carelessly for a moment before resuming my circling attack pattern.
It only lasted a moment longer before my head snapped to the side when I thought I saw a civilian, a child, standing just inside a convenience store. Without really thinking my webs adjusted my path towards the child. I had no game plan, no idea what I was doing, but I'd work it out, I always did.
But I forgot the most important rule, never turn your back to a villain.
A heavy weight slammed itself into my back, winding me. Sharp obsidian claws wrapping around my shoulders and throwing me backwards. As i hit the ground concrete tore open my suit and back as I tumbled head over heels, and not in the fun way, along the road. Skipping like a pebble and leaving cracks and torn up asphalt in my wake.
I couldn't catch my breath, having been effectively winded again by the final impact, but I forced myself to me feet. I was hunched and swaying side to side when I called for backup, pressing the panic button and leaving a message as instructed as I thwiped into the skies again one handed.
"Heyyy, it's me," I held the watch near my face as i moved, trying to keep the audio undistorted, "Uhhhh I don't know how to explain this but The Lizard got into super crack or something methinks and he is PISSED. I could really use some backup right now!" I cut off with a scream as he swiped at me again, lodging a claw in my calf that i kicked free with my other foot. I hissed in pain and my voice cracked as I spoke again, "Yeah, definitely need backup haha! anyways, civilians in the area, angry croc, destroyed property, y'know the gist. Thankssss!"
I continued my streak of circling, attacking, hissing at a injury i hadn't noticed, and repeating until I ran out of juice. My arms were exhausted and I was nearly out of web fluid. I used some of the last to (finally!) seal the wound on my calf. The Lizard turned to face me now, face to face on the ground, or as face to face as you can get to a 8 foot or taller gator.
"Pick on someone your own size!" I quipped as he threw the first punch. "Or don't." I muttered under my breath, pissed off at the situation and myself for letting it get to the point I needed backup.
The Lizard and I circled each other, fists raised and growling at each other. I faked him out a few times to lighten the mood and provoke him, but he didn't react.
After a minute or so more a golden light and figure appeared on my watch, and The Lizard took that time to charge.
"WHAT are you DOING??" I asked slash yelled as I dove under the villain, dropping to the ground to avoid being grabbed.
"Backing you up! You did call for backup, didn't you?" Lyla spoke, voice full of worry and yet smug. She leaned around where the watch and therefore her were held at shoulder height and her eyes widened a little as The Lizard began to turn towards us again.
"Ha! got me there!" The villains footsteps soon the ground as he ran, and my spidey-sense was going off like crazy, but I didn't move. "Did you alert anybody else? cause despite how much I love your company," I dodged under a punch and spun to kick The Lizard in the gut, sending him flying, "There are civilians in the area."
Lyla scoffed, striking one of her signature poses before speaking again, "Of course I alerted someone! I sent out a general notif, Noir said he's on his way and so did Peni."
Relief flooded my body for a mere moment before I launched into a backflip to dodge The Lizard. I felt like a bullfighter. An out-of-web-fluid bullfighter.
"Thank you Lyla, what ever would I do without you?" My tone was teasing, but my words were sincere.
"Die, probably." Lyla didn't miss a beat, she never did.
"That's for sure!" I got ready to run up a wall as The Lizard approached, but my leg wound started to open up again and i stumbled.
"What is that?!"
I was a little too busy dodging fists and trying not to inhale a shit tone of dust from a villain trying to trample or punch me currently to respond in full.
"Oh. Got cocky, got clawed, the works." I don't know why I was trying to appear nonchalant about something that was hindering. You don't need to look cool in front of Lyla, we've been coworkers since You were 16! that's 6 years!! but now you wanna act cool? God you're stupid!
A stray punch missed us by an inch, and Lyla looked worriedly at where the arm had been.
"Hey, you good?" I was worried that Lyla was worried. She was always so unbothered! It was worrying to see her scared
"If course! Why wouldn't I be?" She shrunk away from the next kick too. "I just think we should, IIIIII dunno.. leave?" Her hands were gesturing wildly as she spoke. A jaw snapped itself closed way too close to us for my liking.
"Hey dickhead!! we're trying to have a conversation here!" I yelled before biting into the closest limb to us, a leg.
"old ohn ight!" I tried to say as The Lizard reared up, shaking his leg violently. Lyla and I clung on comically as his leg flailed, her onto the watch and me onto his leg.
A flash of gold and red light caught the edge of my vision, and all three of us kept an eye on the portal. The Lizard halted his flailing for a moment, and I took the chance to readjust and sink my teeth in deeper. Lyla popped out of existence from my watch and i could see a glimpse of gold above Noir's wrist and he ran through the portal.
God this woman is a fucking idiot! First she's out of web fluid, then she's injured, and NOW she's clinging to a villains leg by the teeth!!
The light and colors indicative of a portal alerted me to backup arriving after what felt like eternity, but was only around 5 minutes when I checked the time. I glitched myself out of her watch and into Noir's.
"Heyy! so good to finally see you!" Sass drips like venom to the point even I can hear it. "So! rundown!" I started as Noir began his approach, "Civilians nearby, she's out of web fluid and her leg is cut open. Imma pop back over there and check on Her you got this, right? Cool, see ya!" I cut out before he can even speak.
Lyla popped back up on my watch, clinging onto the edge again even though she didn't need to.
"So! backup is here, and it's time for youuuu," she leaned over and poked the tip of my nose, causing me to scrunch it, "to retreat! You'll bleed put or lose a tooth like this," She gave up on hanging on, sitting with her leg crossed and inspecting her nail, rolling her head towards me to emphasize her point. "y'know?"
I narrowed my eyes at her jokingly before attempting a smile and nod and sinking my teeth in deeper. On the next kick I detached myself and let myself go flying, attempting a cool posed landing and failing when my bleeding leg buckled and gave out momentarily.
"dammit." i mumbled as I stood up fully and watched as Noir, and now Peni, who just ran past me, circled and tied up The Lizard. Lyla disappeared again as I turned to make a new portal to HQ.
"Hey hi me again! So, we're outta here because she need medical treatment," I relayed to Peni, pointing my thumb over my shoulder, "Good luck, aim for the legs cause shes a biter, have fun!" I glitched out again, leaving a shocked and confused Peni behind.
Lyla reappeared as I stepped through the portal, sitting on my shoulder in her pocket-sized version now that we were in her domain of HQ.
"Soooooo what happened again?" She spoke up. I could tell she wanted to know why I was struggling, so I explained as she leaned against my head on the way to the medbay.
I had to hobble with my right hand on the wall for support as we went, and in turn we received plenty of weird stares from any passing spider-people. I only caught it once in my peripheral, but Lyla flipped a group off.
We continued our journey, and I got lost in my thoughts. I have no idea what I would do without Lyla.
sorry it's short! i tried my best sorry if it's OOC! from the clips I saw shes sassy and smug (Miguel backup scene) but also panics sometimes (Margo and her scene and also tracking the Spot) so i tried to incorporate that!! please send requests!
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lockleysfav · 2 years
You’re not a child
Blue Jones x GN!Reader
Summary: You have a nightmare while sleeping in Blues office due to ‘misbehaving’. Blue comes to check on you to find you making pleads for help in your sleep, he throws his ego down the drain to comfort you.
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You were curled up on a ragged bed inside Blues office that he told you to sleep on. You were rehearsing for your dance later tomorrow until one of the girls had tripped you as Blue walked in. Of course he was mad, he immediately assumed you’d fucked him over and lied to him about being ready so he strode over to you, yanked you up by your arm and shoved you into his office yelling “You will sleep here and fucking think about lying to me again yeah?” You bit back your tears and nodded, not bothering to argue back.
You had no blanket, only a thin mattress and a thin pillow. It was cold and what hurt you most was hearing everyone out there laughing and having fun including Blue himself. You knew better than to snoop around his office out of boredom, he’d literally kill you if you touched his things without permission. It smelt of cigarettes and wet wood in his office, a hint of cinnamon coming from a lit candle of his that stood on his desk.
You were staring at the wall for a few minutes, not noticing how your eyes slowly started shutting and soon enough you were completely asleep.
You woke up and quickly sat up sweating. It took you a few moments to realise how silent it was, no music playing, no girls laughing, just utter silence. It actually frightened you a little bit. You started to rub your temples and decided to tell yourself ‘fuck blue’ and walk over to the door, yanking it open. What confused you was how all the lights were still on, including the stage lights. You were tempted to call out for anyone but you didnt want to embarrass yourself so you just kept walking towards the dance room. The floor creaked under you and your heart was pounding against your chest, you had a gut wrenching feeling about opening that door but you needed to know why everything was so silent. You slowly opened the door and peeped around the corner only to jump back in horror. Your eyes grew wide and your jaw went slack at the sight of everyone sprawled out, stab wounds littering their bodys. You crawled back and stood up, turning to run only to barge into a tall figure. You looked up and gasped, a guy with a skinwalker like stare looked down at you, a knife gripped tightly in his hand. You backed away and he lunged straight at you.
Blue was angry when he stormed back into his office, he didnt know why but he just was. He shrugged off his blazer and rolled up his sleeves, pulling out a cigarette. He was about to light it when he saw you curled up into your own body, shivering and murmuring. Blue raised an eyebrow and stepped closer to you to try and listen to what you were saying and his heart jumped for a second when he heard you begging for help. “Y/n” he spoke and stood back, his thoughts racing through his mind.
You were clutching onto the thin mattress and the moment you pleaded for whoever it was to stop, Blue turned and locked his office door “Fuck” he muttered and speed walked over to you. He turned you onto your back and lifted you into his arms, walking you into another room “Shhh sweetheart” he cooed when you were slowly stirring. Moments later you were engulfed by soft cushions and Blue crawled beside you, pulling his puffy blanket over your body. When you felt a pair of soft lips against your forehead you sprung awake screaming only for Blue to quickly pull you against his chest “Hey Hey” he started stroking your hair “It’s okay calm down” you gripped his forearm tightly and slowly calmed down in his hold. He rested his head against your hair and you looked up at him “Blue?” He smiled at you “Hey…Im sorry for not letting you speak earlier. I was in a shit mood, a guy didnt pay me his money and seeing you fall it just set me off and im sorry. I know they tripped you up” You bowed your head “Yeah” you muttered out and he put a finger under your chin, lifting your head to meet his eyes “You’re better than them, they’re jealous you know that” you stared into his beautiful eyes, nodding and nuzzling your face in his chest.
He continued stroking your hair and he laid back “I know what its like to have nightmares you know” he started “Waking up alone” You frowned at his words. “you dont have to be alone Blue” you spoke softly and he huffed a small laugh “They’ll think i’ve gone soft” he replies but you look at him “So? Who cares about what they think. You’re the own in charge here” he smiles at you and kissed the tip of your nose “Go back to sleep honey, i’ll be here”.
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postgameroutesix · 1 year
oh yeah i started watching tmnt 2003 also so im watching that + the 1987 show side by side BUT thoughts so far on the two from a guy who knew essentially nothing going in:
already the 2003 ver of splinter sorta feels like a wiser approach to the character just in that it avoids that underlying racism unintentional it may be with him being a japanese man turned into a rat. instead being same as the turtles in originally just being a normal rat. from context clues im guessing hamato yoshi will be weaved into the story later as a separate character so hes not entirely omitted just reworked
though beyond the unfortunate implications associated w aspects of his character concept i do rlly enjoy splinter as a character + think his relationship with the turtles and april in 1987 is very sweet like man hes really just their dad….in 2003 how he saw these lost baby turtles + just thought Well i guess im a father now despite being completely different species is so 😭😭 the little nest he made for them….
i LOVE!!! the turtles theyre actually SO skrunkly theyre my best friends…..i love them all theyre very special to me. particularly 87 raphael and 2003 mikey have immediately latched onto my brain the absolute silly of these critters everything they say is like cocomelon shit to me. i love them SO VERY!!! dearly <33
i love aprils attitude of fuck around + find out i think shes a very fun character. ive seen ppl refer to her 1987 iteration as being a “damsel in distress” but i dont really agree with that at all lol bc she doesnt just get kidnapped she actively gets herself into shit for a news story…its the same issue i hold with people referring to daphne as such tbh. also wrt her 87 character i love how similar to 2003 splinter she meets the turtles and is freaked out for like a few seconds b4 just being like Well i guess im a big sister now
the difference in style + tone b/w the two shows is immediately evident lol like for example 87 is largely episodic bar the first five episodes really where instantly 2003 is set up as having an overarching plot. and just by the artstyle its clear 2003 will intend to have a more serious plot at that compared to the more overall lighthearted yet earnest 87
i havent met casey jones in 87 but wrt 2003 help ….whats wrong w this guy i need to see more of him NEOW! i really liked his introductory episode his dynamic w raph is sweet i like how raph sees himself in casey + thus wants to help him. all about balance….
donatello CARRIES rhe team in both these versions my goodness. he deserves the world hes so funny
2003 raphs brooklyn accent kills me every time he speaks. thank u
speaking 👆 of 2003 raph i really love his + mikeys relationship so far especially. really enjoy dynamics where one of the characters annoys the shit outta the other one frequently intentionally and while the other gets angry over this its clear that its rarely serious + they care abt each other very deeply. interesting foil situation being set up too i think maybe? mikey seems to have this natural talent but little desire to train where raph is the opposite going simply by their sparring scene in ep4. love how they reunite after that scene too the absolute sillies:
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i think its interesting already the differing takes on the characters which manifests a lot in how i think their ages are portrayed? like obviously theyre all the same age but theres still the Vibe of an age order that appears mutually agreed upon by the characters. in both versions leonardo is unequivocally the eldest + the leader ofc. but then in 87 for me i get the vibe that michelangelo is the second oldest, followed by donatello, followed by raphael (which is funny i think. 87 raphael is just a little hater) whereas in 2003 it goes leo -> raph -> donatello -> mikey and that then seems to become the constant for the rest of the franchise (bar rise of the tmnt i think? where raph + leo swap). theres just interesting dynamics to be had there in how due to this higher emphasis placed on an age order for example 2003 raph seems to be portrayed as more protective + authoritative compared to 87 raph who is more laidback and just a little hater as opposed to having genuine anger issues
i have run out of things to say. UHM anyway overall im really enjoying it!!! i love the turtles a lot. little guys who r beginning to live in my brain…..
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hangsabove · 1 year
hii alyx ive been your follower since forever and i just wanted to say that not only are you extremely talented artist with such an original unique and inspiring style but your music taste also slaps????
i keep watching your sketchbook videos on repeat religiously i was LIVID when you came back on tumblr after years
so yeah i just wanted to say that you're great and i love you
and if its not too much of a trouble, could you please share some of your favourite songs ? im trying to update my playlist and you are the perfect person to ask about music recommendations
hope you're having an amazing day <33
Nervoussss—- haha- Livid? Livid like- angry? Like very very very angry?
This takes a minute because first of all- wow. Thank you :) I don’t share music I love so much irl, but I love it so much. What an honor being told I give good recs 😭
I like a lot of different things depending on the vibe. And I love love getting asks like this, ask anytime for real I have a billion. I’ll just give three for now, I can do more if you ask again ?
1) The last week or two I’ve been REALLLLLY in love with this song called Trippn by Lyvia. It’s just pure queer femme love at its finest, I love the brain tingle her voice gives me and I fuckn love story telling style lyrics. I can only find it on Instagram and YouTube sadly. But lemme try to link it-
2) I don’t know if any of you have read or watched Daisy Jones and the Six. YOU SHOULD. It’s crazy good, I love music documentaries and when the book came out the whole premise was to make this crazy band story using real life references- but anyways this isn’t about shows I love it’s about music.
I love this band because the rock that came after the 60s was so fuckn cool. And this sound and band have such a vibe and that same kinda style- when you’re alone working on stuff, the whole album is fantastic.
3) This one is just fun as fuck. It’s fun to sing in the car where you can scream along. Also this band just looks like it has a blast existing with each other.
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may-tine · 2 years
Someone who has never watched TMNT Rise reacts to the movie
@gauntletknight​ this is for you
so the last tmnt anything i watched was the 1990 live action film and the 2003 cartoon, when i was like 7? so we are off to a great start, but lets get into it
hey what, why are we in hell
okay wow Casey is here already i remember him
hey MIKEY??? WHAT im sorry does leo have a metal arm?
are we opening with time travel WHAT
I just watched a man die.
things keep happening and i cant put my thoughts down- oh i JUST WATCHED ANOTHER MAN DIE
alright pausing for half a sec to get thoughts down, this is a wild opening, tho i guess for a movie you need some higher stakes then a normal show. Im pretty sure the normal show is more classic turtle hijinks. aight back to it
actaully whats the krang? was that in the original? Are we going to see shredder?
oop yep classic teenage turtle hijinks
now i dont remember much but i remember Donnie and Leo being kinda hard to distinguish personality wise. Im glad they put some further characterization on them both
Mikey is somehow more childish?  but like in a babyish way
oh yeah Raph is the leader this time around.
okay so the magic thing is already established in the show, and Shredder has been dealt with?
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oh buddy
I think Donnie was always tech but was he always THIS tech? Damn son
music is super funky
Eyy foot clan! wait these are shredders guys arnt they?
Raph is still mostly angry but hes like, softer. and WHY IS LEO BEING SUCH AN ASS! is he always like this?
Rat dad! We Love splinter
this version of casey is so weird compared to what im used too, i dont hate him tho
yoo wait thats April? APRIL STEALS?
Yo  have they been training her as a ninja as well? good for her- APRIL DONT STEAL RANDOM CHEMICALS
Oh this is begging to go wron- yep
this entire interrogation scene is amazing
Okay i do adore this casey
shit is it really like, too late, too late?
god this krang thing is heking creepy why are they blocks
OH THE MAGICS OFF, right after i noticed April had magic too
oof Splinters out cold
Do they have a pod for casey? ok yeah- oh leo no
hey waat the fucK? RAPH?
oh god the you survived banner is about to NOT be funny
nooo hes turning on casey
oh god the powers are still gone
Raph isnt captured... is he?
oh he is captured, kinda surprised there
ah hostage situation got it- HEY WHAT THEY FUCKKKKK
AHHHHH?????? bye foot clan
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same mikey
oh caseys about to ruin the mood
or hype them up
oh no reveals are being delayed
GOD  this is horrifying isnt this a kids show?
APRIL HAS A MOTORCYCLE YESSSS (did she have that orginally? maybe?)
Im worried how single minded Leo is getting about this, but at the same time, i get it.
SOFT SHELL? oh your kidding
Oh god dont possess the tank
APRIL NO- oh, april yess
Ive never been so scared of a train in my life
Casey with the call out!- oh not like that kiddo no
yep like cops will do anything- WHY ARE THEY GOOP LIKE THAT, Its too fleshy my guy.
Casey what was that smirk?  Did you do this on purpose?
Mickey with the mystic hands stuff worries me cuase is LITERALLY KILLED HIM
oh the triangulation scene ive seen this
oh no
oh raph is not going to be raph once hes out of there is he
god krang raph is so spooky
HEEY FAM? HEY TMNT FANS??? ARE YOU GUYS GOOD??? i was not expecting such levels of cosmic horror 
wait why does a turtle have eyebrows?
god the krang possessed tech is the worst, horrific,OH GOD WHAT IF THE TURTLE TANK.
shout out to Donnie having a step counter, same buddy.
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i do enjoy the art style
oh why he sound like that
god the animation on krang raph is upsetting
I do adore this mikey as well, i was thinking i wouldnt liked this take on ‘immature’ but hes growing on me
OH NOOO DOnnie no dont do it oh god the goop
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guys WTF
Hello?? am i about to cry over turtles??
MYSTIC POWERS!!!!!! What about the power cancel?
oh yeah B team. Love that Aprils first idea is dropping a building on somthing
AHHH THATSD A BEAM THROUGH AN EYE AAA, like its an alien but ye
Oh this is so sick
yeee the anti power stuff or not? they still work?
Leo damn it dont do the self sacrificial shit YOU KNOW HOW MUCH THAT SCREWED YOU UP WHEN RAPH DID IT
hot moment to appreciate the Krang mechs, great monster designs
Casey my boy ; _ ;
oh god it ended on a portal chop
whats he holdin- NOOOOOOO DONT DO THAT TO ME
ive only been to new york once whats wrong with Staten island
Casey gets pizza!!!
WHo the hek is Cassandra- UH OH
oh this ending song is a banger
WELL That was a lot of fun and SUPER DARK WHAT. At least I get the hype now. I dont know if ill start the actual series but I will be rooting for a s3 for all the fans
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ao3feed-larry · 2 years
is this really happening? this is really happening
by otb28kiwi
Louis should be grateful for the life he has. He should be. But he isn’t.
“I’m sure I’m sounding like an ungrateful fucking prick right now, but I can’t live my life like this, not if I atleast tried to get another life.”
what happens when a strange blond guy bumps into your life and gives you what you’ve always wanted, and maybe more?
or the one with all the London adventures Louis could ever ask for, a football game with the gay boy who only is your friend and nothing more, and a new family that will always show you love.
Words: 8939, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: One Direction (Band)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Zayn Malik, Florence Pugh, Barbara Palvin, Mitch Rowland, Taylor Swift, Lottie Tomlinson, Anne Cox, Gemma Styles, Matt Dinnadge, Jay Tomlinson
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Niall Horan/Amelia Woolley, Florence Pugh/Original Female Character(s), Louis Tomlinson/Original Female Character(s), Sarah Jones/Mitch Rowland
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Friends to Lovers, Mutual Pining, Slow Burn, Internalized Homophobia, Fluff and Angst, Romance, lots of friendships, Mentions of religion, Roommates, Sexual Content, Smut, (i didn't write it), (i really couldn't do that), harry is a little feminine, Alcohol, Football | Soccer, centre of london, Soho, Humor, Comfort, im trying to write angst but i just want them to be happy ngl, but yeah theres fights, Angry Sex, Fondness, they're in love and its really gross, Like Really in Love, Gay, florence is mine, Nouis, zouis, mitch and harry, florence and harry are gay best friends, is this too much tags idk, its kinda late frat era just so you know, but matt and mitch are still there, harry has family trouble, tagging is fun NGL
via AO3 works tagged 'Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson' https://ift.tt/inUapfs
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chxrrysangel · 3 years
I Need a Favor
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Part One | Masterlist | Part Three
Summary || A talk with Wanda and Vision at the ice cream parlor gives you a grand idea. Now only to convince your partner to go along with it.
pairing || fakeboyfriend!bucky x black!ofc
word count || 1,730 words
Notes || Diana uses she/they pronouns
Warnings || brief mention of disordered eating, language
"I ruined everything Wanda. She's never gonna talk to me again, " I say while salty tear drops from my cheek into the soft serve below me.
I don't think I've cried this much since Nat and I got into the same university. At least that was a happy memory. Wanda wraps her arms around my body, trying her best to console me.
"Vision! Another cup of Cotton Candy over here!"
Vision, Wanda's boyfriend, pops up from behind the counter, blond hair sticking up in all directions. That's what happens when he's in distress, that man never stops touching his hair.
"But Wanda--". He attempts to argue with her. But when he sees the glare her features are sporting, the words quickly die in his throat.
Not a minute later, Vision wanders over to our table carrying a medium sized bowl on Cotton Candy ice cream, my favorite. The shop is closed now, the last customers leaving about 10 minutes ago. I probably shouldn't be eating my feelings considering I haven't always had the best relationship with food, but I'll cry about that later. Right now, I just need to wallow in the guilt of the mess I've made.
"So, what's the problem exactly Diana? Why are you so distraught right now?" I sigh and will the tears to subside enough for me to give the breakdown. Seeing me struggle to keep my composure, Wanda steps in and I thank the universe for her.
"They kissed Steve at a party a few weeks ago and now he thinks she has a crush on him. Whether she does or doesn't isn't important because he cornered her in the library earlier and now she has to figure out what to do ASAP. They don't want Nat to find out about Steve's "revelation". "
"Shit, Di. So there's nothing you can do? You have no dirt on 'im? Threaten him to keep the secret? Maybe call in a favor or something?"
Favor. Call in a favor.
"Oh my god, Vision you're a genius! I could literally kiss you right now! I mean, obviously I wouldn't. But, you get what I mean." I scramble to gather my things and throw a ten dollar bill on the tabletop.
"I'll see you guys later! I have to go do something!" I don't wait for their response before I'm hurdling out the door and running towards Jones Apartments.
I kind of forgot the distance between Jones Apartments and Wanda's Creamery. That is why by the time I reach them, I feel like someone could peel me off the sidewalk. I don't think I've ever been this out of breath in my entire life. Jesus Christ, how is Nat on the track team? I remind myself to ask her about her running routine while I sit on the curb, trying my best not to burst a lung.
"Diana?" My head perks up at the sound of my name, surprised to see the exact person I was looking for.
"Diana, I told you not to call me that." I get up from the curb so we're more or less eye level. I don't exactly like being talked down to.
"Anyways James, I need to talk to you."
"No." James sidesteps around me, heading towards the swivel door entrance."
"And why not?" I chase after him, hoping that by following him, he'll get annoyed and let me speak so I can go home. It is a Friday after all, I'm sure he has something to do. Probably partying at the frat house. Let's be real here.
"Because, I don't want to." He doesn't wait for my response before he's walking down the corridor to the elevator. I don't know why he thinks he'll be able to escape me, it's not like I don't know his apartment number or anything.
"James--", he looks at me with an irritated expression,"Okay, okay. Bucky. I have a proposition for you.”
"And what about that exactly?"
"That's for a space with privacy. You never know who's listening." He sighs and rolls his eyes before motioning for me to follow. Gotcha. Hook, line, and sinker.
"Absolutely fucking not."
"What do you mean?! I've barely said a thing!"
"It's Steve Rogers, that's enough for me to say no."
"C'mon Buck! Please! I will literally get on my hands and knees, and beg for you to say yes." He smirks at my words and I proceed to punch him in the arm.
"Ow! What was that for?"
"You know exactly what that was for. Anyways, I really, really need your help."
"I already said no. Now get out." I'm starting to get annoyed with him. He's so stubborn.
"James, will you cool it with the bad boy, angry man act! I know you, you fucking moron. You can't fool me with that one. " He stares at me from his seat on the kitchen counter.
"It's not an act."
"Right, because it's not like just 6 months ago you were laying in bed with me at my apartment crying to A Walk to Remember. You're a total baby."
His jaw ticks at my reminder. Ha, gotcha. During the spring of Sophomore year, I tutored James for a semester because he was in trouble of losing his spot on the baseball team. And as they're most valuable and skilled player, coach couldn't let that happen. He'd also lose his scholarship. At first he hated me, but over time we developed a pretty decent friendship. He's actually a really cool guy, and a total softie at that.
"Shut up."
"Ah, so you do remember us being friends at one point. Well, at least before you stopped returning my calls and unfollowed me on Instagram and Twitter."
"Sorry 'bout that." He smiles sheepishly, seemingly apologetic.
"You should be. Anyways, weren't you and Steve friends freshman year? I'd only know him for like a year and a half, but I distinctly remember that you two used to hang out."
"Yeah, we did. But that's in the past." He hops off the counter, opening the fridge to grab a beer. I watch him as he pops the top with his metal arm, the depth of its capabilities continuing to amaze me.
"Why, what happened? Did you guys fall out over a girl or something?," I ask with a laugh. He stays silent.
"Oh my god. You guys did break up over a girl. So, who's the lucky lady?" Again, he doesn't respond.
"Do I know her?" Ok, now I'm intrigued. Maybe a little bit nosy as well, but more intrigued. Inquisitive, if you will.
Again, my words are met with silence.
"Oo, so I do know her. Is it Nat?" He pause for just a millisecond, the same way I did at the party.
"Di, will you just drop it?"
"Oh my god!--" I jump out of my chair, squealing with excitement. "--So, it is Nat!" Wait, shit. It's Nat. Oh, this is bad.
"You think?" Did I say that out loud?
"Yes, you did. Now will you get out of my apartment please?"
"Nope, we have much to discuss"
"So, what exactly do I get out of this besides a headache?"
"Ouch, James. I'm not that bad. So basically, I keep your secret that you ever liked Nat. You get to rub it in Steve's that your crush is a thing of the past. I get him off my back, and finally I figure out how to get you a date with Daisy when we fake break up."
"Ok, I can deal with this. We're gonna need a contract though."
"Oo, look at you using your brain. I guess my tutoring paid off." He pushes me, nearly sending me off the chair to my death.
"Hey, watch it cyborg! What good is a fake girlfriend if you kill them?" Bucky simply rolls his eyes, before pulling out a pen and paper from a side drawer.
"Okay, rule number one : don't tell a single soul. Not one. Got it?"
"Yes, dad," I respond whilst rolling my eyes. He stares at me for a second longer than necessary and I look at him questioningly.
"Nothing. Rule two?"
"Um...we have to act decently couple-y. So that means kissing, you walk me to my classes, I go to your games, stuff like that."
"Okay, good point. Rule three, you have to indulge in some of the things I like. Especially my motorcycle."
"Uh uh. No fucking way am I willingly getting on that death trap."
He laughs at me. He fucking laughs at me. "y/n, it's not that bad I promise. I won't let you die."
"You don't know that."
"I promise, I won't let you die. " He smiles wide at me, enough for his dimples to poke out. He knows how much I love dimples. Well played, Barnes. Well played.
"Okay, put it as a conditional clause. While we're on that note, you have to indulge in my interests too. You have to let me braid your hair once in a while." His face drops in horror.
"Uh uh. Don't even try it Barnes. If I'm willing to put my life in your hands, I'm sure you'll survive some french braids and cornrows." He looks at me for a second before sighing in defeat, realizing I'm not gonna budge any time soon.
"Okay fine, anything else?"
"When are we gonna break up? Or, like what's our condition if it keeps going? We've gotta be believable here." The two of us sit in silence for a few moments, thinking of a time that would suit the earth-shattering demise of our passionate love story.
"Got it! You know that holiday banquet/fundraiser thing the dean throws just after New Years'? You know the one where everyone dresses up like it's the goddamn Met Gala? Well, that banquet has the most hookups of any public event this school has all year. You'd be an absolute moron to let your partner go without you. If we're still doing this by then, you have to go with me."
The banquet is four months from now, so there's absolutely no way in hell we'll still be doing this by that time. With that thought in mind, we shake hands and sign our names at the bottom.
"You've got yourself a deal Barnes."
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myfearless-love · 3 years
The Wildest Place You Run (1/?) - Better Safe Than Sorry
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It's finally here! My contribution to this year's CSSNS! This is my first time participating in this event and I couldn't be more excited to share my story with you! Recently I watched a lot of supernatural/fantasy TV shows on Netflix and so the concept of this fic was born. It has all kinds of creatures, mixed with adventure, drama, mystery, suspense, and of course, most importantly CAPTAIN SWAN.
Huge thank you to my beta and artist, @thejollyroger-writer for clearing up my mistakes and help me get this story to you. Check out what gorgeous art she made for the fic!! ☝️
I hope you all enjoy it as much as I enjoyed writing it!
Summary: Vampires, Werewolves, Mages, and Elves. For centuries, they kept their existence a secret, but the constant rebellions against the strict laws of the Guild had led to a terrible tragedy. In an open clash, it became apparent to humans just what kind of monsters lived among them. Emma Swan loses the love of her life in the first battle of the war. A few months later, while still trying to process what happened, a mysterious and terrifying figure worms his way into her life. But the man is hiding far more terrible secrets than he reveals to her, pulling them both into a horrible situation...
Chapters: 1/? - Better Safe Than Sorry
Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Rating: M
Relationships: Killian Jones/Emma Swan
Read on: FF.net or AO3
Words: ~1.7k
The cobbled streets of the city were dripping with rainwater, and the light from the tall lamps hung like balloons in the cool, misty night air. The harsh wind tore at the branches of the balding trees, a vast amount of withered yellow and brown leaves stirred up a path on the uninhabited sidewalk.
The weather had cooled down more than she’d expected. She pulled up the zipper of her red leather jacket and quickened her steps. She knew it would have been wise to get home on time, she was sure David was already working up an ulcer, marching up and down in the living room.
Somewhere nearby, the clock tower struck ten and she shuddered, accelerating her pace as the curfew had just taken effect. Her hand instinctively slid onto her bag where her Glock 19 lay safely.
She dug into the satchel, and the startled hammering of her heart subsided somewhat as her fingers touched the barrel of the gun. She very much hoped she wouldn’t have to use it. In this world, bandits and robbers were the least dangerous kind, as it was enough to just simply shoot them…
When she finally emerged from the cover of the trees in the park, she opened the heavy wrought-iron gate and hastily crossed the narrow street to continue on the main road. Her footsteps echoed emptily on the deserted avenue, not a soul in sight.
Her destination wasn’t far off, and she fought the urge to run the last few yards. She turned around the corner and into a narrow alley, rushing toward the last, albeit slightly shabby, apartment building.
At the front door, her nearly frozen fingers rummaged awkwardly for her keys in her pocket. But before she could slide the key in, she heard the click of the lock, the massive iron door slamming open with a bang.
As she had suspected, she found herself face to face with a seething David, who, for the moment, was still silent. She risked an angelic and rueful smile and quickly slipped into the house beside him.
All her hopes were dashed when the door crashed back into its frame behind her and David turned to her vigorously. He put both his hands on his hips, a move she found rather comical despite the situation - it reminded her of an agitated lunch lady before scolding a kid in the cafeteria. Still, she couldn’t laugh at it. At the sight of his flashing eyes, she squared her shoulders and waited.
Come what might.
“Where the fuck have you been?”
Her only brother never cursed unless he was furious.
“I was just taking a walk in the park,” she replied quietly, and by that time, all her humor was gone. David was right. What she had done was really stupid. “I’m sorry. I should’ve kept better track of time.”
“Didn’t you even notice it got dark in the meantime?” David grew angrier by the minute, and her face began to burn with shame.
She hated arguing with him, so when the opportunity arose, she tried to heed his advice. Today’s case was an exception. “I’m really sorry,” she muttered, lowering her gaze to the pave-stone.
After long seconds of no response from him, she looked up cautiously, only to see him disappear behind the door that led to their apartment.
She took off her boots and rushed after him, but as soon as she caught up with him, she grimaced. In the living room, on a mahogany-carved coffee table, David’s nearly complete arsenal of weapons lay spread out. Pistols, knives, rifles, magazines…
“What happened?” She dropped her bag on the couch and walked over to her brother, who was lounging in front of the window.
“A pack of werewolves in the middle of town in broad daylight! That’s what happened!” he hissed between clenched teeth, he was still trembling with fury.
“In the city center?” she repeated, stunned. That was a new one. Plus, it was happening during the day? It was getting weirder and weirder.
David took a deep breath, but it didn’t help much. He was still too upset.
“What happened? Are you hurt?”
“I’m fine. Although, it wasn’t up to me. If Killian hadn’t intervened, I would've certainly kicked the bucket," he shrugged as if it was incidental.
"Jesus…" She reached for David's shoulder, but he pulled away.
"At least fifteen people died. We weren't fast enough."
"Stop it," she admonished him. She grabbed im vigorously by the shoulder, turned him to face her, and urged him to look her in the eye. "And tell me, how many people did you save? A hundred? Two hundred?"
He expelled an angry breath. His tousled, sandy blond hair almost resembled a crow's nest, and his five o'clock shadow made his handsome face look unkempt. His light blue eyes stared at her with mixed despair. Meanwhile, he involuntarily stroked the small scar on his jaw.
"David, for God's sake, you’re a Hunter. I understand it's a shitty feeling, but you can't mourn every single person you can't save."
"I know," he whispered hoarsely, finally raising his head, then he shook it slightly, staring up at the ceiling dotted with tiny cracks. Emma could see his Adam's apple bob as he swallowed hard. "I'm sorry I yelled at you. I was just afraid something had happened to you. I was about to call Killian and the others to search for you."
"I understand and I'm really sorry. I’ll be in my room if we’re done here."
"Alright. I'm going to pack up my things then," he signaled with his head towards the pile of weapons adorning the table.
Emma nodded and picked up her bag, marching across the living room, and heading straight for her room. But before she could peel off her coat, someone outside their apartment started frantically knocking on the door.
"I'm coming!" David's voice was calm, but Emma could still see him securing his favorite rifle as he strode toward the entrance.
"David, open up! It's us!"
When she recognized Robin’s voice, her lips twisted into a relieved smile and she hurried to the front door as well.
"Hey, mate. Are you happy to see us?" Robin laughed at the troubled expression on David's face and the gun in his hands.
"Very funny." David pursed his lips, then stepped aside to let their friends in.
After Robin, Mary Margaret entered, followed by Ruby and Killian.
"We heard Emma had wandered away, so we thought we should sniff around town and look who we found!" Laughing, Ruby flicked playfully at Mary Margaret's back who grimaced as she walked away from the long-haired brunette.
Ruby wasn't exactly your average type of girl. She wore her waist-long chocolate brown hair in wild curls mixed with pink streaks. She invariably wore her favorite black leather garments: military boots, pants, and her signature black studded leather jacket. She looked like a rock star of the nineties.
"I need to make a call,” Mary Margaret said, nodding toward the kitchen, fishing her phone out of her pocket.
"Of course,” David nodded, kissed her on the cheek, and quietly closed the door once everyone was inside.
Robin, Ruby, Killian, and David took a seat in the living room while Emma joined Mary Margaret in the kitchen. Her friend walked over to the counter, unlocked her phone, but her fingers were trembling so badly that she was unable to dial.
“What’s wrong?” Emma anxiously stepped next to the brunette, who just shook her head violently, but her chalk-white face suggested the opposite.
“Didn’t David tell you?” she lifted her troubled hazel eyes to Emma. Her rain-soaked pixie-cut dark hair clung to her forehead, a stark contrast against her alabaster skin.
“What was he supposed to tell me?” she asked carefully.
“Leo was in that run-in with the wolves this afternoon, too. I just found out from Robin that he had to be taken to the hospital right after,” her voice trailed off and Emma could see her shaking.
“He’s probably fine,” she said firmly, trying to give her friend the hope she so often received from her.
“Yeah,” Mary Margaret nodded profusely, then feeling ready, she grabbed the phone and made the call.
While Mary Margaret talked to the hospital receptionist, Emma walked over to the refrigerator and returned to the counter with an unopened orange juice in her hand. She snagged two glasses from the kitchen cabinet and filled them both almost to the brim while tactfully not eavesdropping on Mary Margaret’s conversation because judging by the few words she could pick up, she was already talking to her cousin.
And it was rude to listen in.
“So, how’s our little lion?” Robin entered the kitchen with a grin and plopped casually down on the chair at the dining table.
“Fine,” Mary Margaret replied, not even reacting to Robin’s mocking tone.
It remained an eternal mystery to Emma why they disliked each other so much, but as long as they behaved in a relatively civil manner when they were in the same room together, she didn’t particularly care.
“Anyway, we need to get going soon. Someone saw some of Vampires near the nightclub. So far, they haven’t done anything that would violate the Guild’s rules, but better safe than sorry. They ordered us to look around.”
“And what about the curfew?” Emma raised an eyebrow.
“Humans are stupid. They don’t take Mages seriously. A lot of people aren’t willing to accept the existence of Werewolves and Vampires, even after what happened…”
Robin fell silent at Emma’s expression. He coughed sheepishly, then ran his fingers through his rich brown hair. “I didn’t mean to… I apologize,” he muttered and walked out of the kitchen with his head down.
“Emma…” she felt Mary Margaret’s hand on her shoulder. “Neal wouldn’t want to see you like this. You have to let him go…”
“I know… But… he shouldn’t have been the one to die…”
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megalony · 3 years
Teacher’s Pet- Part 18
Here is the latest part of my dad! Ben Hardy series, I know my updates are staggered and slow at the moment but I love this series and am trying to keep updating it when I can. Feedback is always lovely to have.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem @butlegendsneverdie @langdonzvoid @jennyggggrrr @rogermeddow @radiob-l-a-hblah @rogertaylorsbitontheside @chlobo6 @rogertaylors-lipgloss @sj-thefan @omgitsearly @luckytrashgooprebel @scarsout @deaky-with-a-c @killer-queen-ofrhye @bluutac @vousmemanqueez @jonesyaddiction @rogahs-drowse @milanosaurus @httpfandxms @saint-hardy @7-seas-of-fat-bottomed-girls @mrsalwayswritex @rogerina-owns-me @hellsdragon @im-an-adult-ish @crazylittlethingg @allauraleigh
Series taglist: @im-an-adult-ish @gwilymleeisbae @k-k0129 @haileymorelikestupid @glittrixvibe @youngpastafanmug @ultraviolencezs @kdatthecastle​ @darlindolan​
Series masterlist
Summary: (Y/n) teaches at the school Ben’s boys go to and they soon start a relationship. But they have their ups and downs with the problems Ben faces with his boys and how quickly the relationship progresses.
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"What the fuck happened?!" Ben's voice echoed around the room the moment he ran in and slammed the bedroom door shut behind him. It felt like the whole room was shaking from his presence that was definitely unnerving to everyone in the house.
His wild eyes scanned around the room, taking in the situation that had been playing on his mind from the moment he got the phone call from Gwilym. He had heard (Y/n)'s agonised sobs down the phone and Gwilym's panicked voice which was a tone Ben never normally heard from his friend. He had barely managed to tell his colleague that he had to leave for an emergency before he had made his way to his car and drove home quicker than he should have.
All the drive back Ben had been praying that this wasn't as bad as it clearly was. He had hoped that (Y/n)'s water hadn't broken and that when he got here she would be calmer and say that she wasn't in as much pain anymore. Or that he could take her to hospital and find out that this wasn't serious and they weren't going to be going into labour eight weeks early.
Ben went down on his knees beside the rocking chair (Y/n) was hunched over in. He scanned his eyes over her, taking in her state that was very worrying to him right now. (Y/n)'s hair was falling out of her ponytail and sticking to her forehead as her skin was prickling with sweat. Her eyes were coming in and out of focus rather a lot and her breathing was hard and laboured in a way Ben had heard many times before. But it was the way she was cradling her stomach that was making his heart clench because he could see how much pain she was in.
"She tripped and blacked out for a few seconds, I think she landed on her stomach but her water's definitely broken and I called the hospital, they said she has to go in straight away." The panic in Gwilym's voice matched the frantic look in his eyes that were darting between Ben, (Y/n) and his phone that was clutched tightly in his hand.
The moment Ben hung up on him Gwilym had rang the hospital to get advice and they were very clear that (Y/n) had to be brought in and assessed straight away. The fact her water had broken didn't definitely mean she was in labour but this was very early to be happening and her water breaking could mean (Y/n) could get an infection. And the added fact she had hurt her stomach meant the baby could be in distress or harmed and that could push labour into happening.
"How badly did you hurt yourself?" Ben's eyes darted back to look at (Y/n) and his voice was a bit softer around the edges. He didn't want her to think he was angry at her in any way but when he panicked like this he got angry and he couldn't help it.
(Y/n) could feel her stomach tensing and her chest quaking as she slowly straightened up so she could pull up her shirt to let Ben see the bruising that was starting to form.
Ben shuffled round so he was in front of (Y/n) rather than at her side but his hands started to shake when he lightly placed them against her stomach. Her skin was very dark red with a tinge of purple adding into the mix and Ben was sure it felt like she was starting to get some swelling. But when his palm pressed a little harder against her stomach (Y/n) winced at the same time Ben felt the baby moving which seemed to make (Y/n)'s pain escalate even more.
"Shit, baby..."
"I'm s-sorry-"
"No! Don't you even say that, this isn't your fault. We're gonna get you help, let's get you in the car and I'll take you to hospital now. Gwil, could you wait with the boys for a bit until I can get my mum to come stay with them? James will be back soon."
Ben ran his fingers through his hair, ruffling the strands and pushing them further back on his head as he tried to think.
James was due home at any time now and someone had to be here when he got back and none of the boys could be left alone. Ben would much rather have Gwilym coming to the hospital with them but he needed someone here with the boys. His mother would have no problem coming to look after them, especially when Ben told her the situation and that she may have to have them overnight if (Y/n) really was going to go into labour. But for now Gwilym was the only person at hand that could look after the boys for them.
"Yeah, yeah that's fine. Right let's get you up then." Gwilym's voice shook as he spoke but he was trying his best to remain calm. He was good with Carter and was fine with settling him because it was very clear that once Carter realised he couldn't go with his parents to hospital he was going to have some sort of meltdown. He was good with Finn who would be panicking and James was fine with Gwilym so it was the best option right now. There was no way Ben could stay home with the boys and let Gwilym take (Y/n) because if (Y/n) went into labour Ben had to be there.
(Y/n) tried to take in a deep breath but it was hard when all she wanted to do was take quick, shallow breaths to get more oxygen round her system. Her watering eyes darted between Ben and Gwilym who both leaned down, ready to try and get her onto her feet.
Gwilym and Ben took one of her hands each and rested their other arms around her waist to support her weight between them, knowing she wouldn't have the strength to stand on her own. They took things slowly, gently pulling (Y/n) up between them but it was clear the moment her left foot was on the ground it was too painful to stand on from how she landed when she fell.
"You okay baby?" Ben leaned his head down to look at (Y/n) properly, knowing she was in a lot of pain with how much pressure she was applying to his hand and how she couldn't even stand up straight. (Y/n) managed to nod her head, biting her lips so hard that she could feel blood welling up in her mouth. "Let's get you to the car."
Gwilym ran his hand up and down (Y/n)'s back as Ben took most of her weight and the three of them slowly started shuffling out of the room. They had all been friends for a long time but Gwilym had never seen (Y/n) in pain and distress like this before and the most panicked he had ever seen Ben was when things took a bad turn with Lucy. This wasn't the kind of situation any of them wanted to be in, when the baby was born it was meant to be surprising but happy and a precious moment. It wasn't supposed to be frightening and catastrohpic with the worry of their baby not being okay.
"I need to s-sit down." (Y/n) buried her face into Ben's chest, tightening her hand around his own as she couldn't surpress a groan from leaving her lips. She couldn't make it down the stairs without stopping and sitting down first because the pain was becoming distressing.
Ben nodded his head, looking to Gwilym before he moved round in front of (Y/n) and went down onto the next step of the stairs. He moved his arms so he was holding (Y/n)'s waist as Gwilym stood behind her keeping her steady and upright before they both helped her to sit down. (Y/n)'s hands dug tightly into Ben's arms as she started to shake the moment she was sat down. The pain started to bolt up her spine and course through her stomach the moment she was sat down but it still felt better than when she was moving.
"I don't want to do this, Ben... w-what if she's not okay?" (Y/n)'s voice trembled and she could barely see Ben through the tears flooding her eyes but she couldn't help the way she was thinking and feeling.
They were nearly two months early, (Y/n) couldn't have their girl now something could go wrong, she would be too small and under-developed. (Y/n) had to wait a few more weeks to make sure their girl would be okay, the hospital would have to delay labour so that everything would be alright.
"She's a Jones, she'll be just fine baby. Both Carter and Finn were born early and they're perfect and she'll be looked after if we do have her now but we don't know if that's gonna happen."
Ben remembered clearly when he'd had all of his boys and it had only been James who was past his due date which had upset Ellie who had been uncomfortable and in pain, wanting the pregnancy to end. Carter had been two weeks early and Finn had been almost four weeks early which had scared everyone. But Finn had only needed to be in ICU for a week and he had no problems before or after that point unlike what they had thought.
"Are you ready to get up?" Gwilym rubbed his hand over (Y/n)'s shoulder, trying to force a smile when she nodded in response.
Ben stayed in front of her, moving down the stairs a bit ahead so he could keep hold of (Y/n) and guide her. Especially in case she tripped or had to sit down then he was there to catch her or help ease her to sit down and Gwilym was behind her so she couldn't fall or hurt herself.
"Alright baby, let's get you to hospital."
"Is she okay?" (Y/n) sunk her teeth into the skin of her thumb that was pressed between her lips as her eyes switched between focusing on the monitor and the midwife stood next to her. The moment Ben had brought her to A&E someone had come to their rescue and brought them straight through to an examination room.
The nurse they saw had confirmed that (Y/n)'s water had broken, her pulse was very high and she seemed to be going into labour. The next step was to get her into a room and do further tests to see what could be done.
The best outcome the couple were hoping for was that labour could be prevented, but the worst outcome was that labour happened now. They had been told that if the baby didn't seem too distressed and if there were no problems or complications then (Y/n) could be given medication to try and prevent labour from happening and they could wait and see if it stopped. But if any problems were there or there were issues with the baby then either labour would have to happen or a C-section might be needed if it was severe.
Blood tests had been taken, (Y/n) was on an ECG to monitor her pulse and now they were having a scan to check everything with the baby. But (Y/n) couldn't be given any pain medication until all the tests and checks had been completed.
"Well, I can't see any damage done by your fall, the placenta is in tact and hasn't moved and your baby's head isn't lower down meaning she isn't ready to be born just yet."
"So you can prevent labour?" There was a tiny glimmer of hope in Ben's voice as he clasped (Y/n)'s hand in both of his, pressing his lips to her knuckles.
"Her heartbeat is rather high which is what we'd expect after a fall which has caused her some distress but she is relatively fine. But I'd like to wait a few hours before giving you the medication to prevent labour. You've lost a lot of amniotic fluid which will distress her even more, once her heartbeat calms down and we're sure she's stable I think in two or three hours you can have the injection and then we can keep you in for monitoring."
"But her water broke, won't waiting mean we could go into labour?"
"We see this a lot, (Y/n)'s water broke because of the fall, it means her body isn't prepared for labour and the loss of fluid doesn't mean she is in labour yet and she hasn't even started to become dilated which is a very good sign. We can give you some painkillers and the wait will help the baby settle down and then the medication will stop any contractions from happening so labour won't occur. The only problem we will face is keeping you stable for the next few days or weeks with the fluid you've lost. But let's just see how you go with the wait for now."
"Okay, thank you."
When (Y/n) turned to look at Ben he could see the hope sparkling in her eyes as she tightened her hand around his own.
Her body wasn't ready for labour yet and if she got the medication to prevent labour it would stop any contractions and her body would calm down and continue to look after the baby instead of trying to evict her. As long as (Y/n) and the baby calmed down and continued to be stable then everything would swing in their favour.
If it did work, (Y/n) would just have to be very careful and be on bed rest because the lack of ambiotic fluid would make the baby unsettled and also push her body into going into labour. 
But right now it was just a waiting game.
"Okay (Y/n), how are we doing?" Josey walked back into the room, checking her watch before she looked at the couple in front of her with a kind, comforting smile. She had left (Y/n) and Ben for two hours after giving (Y/n) some painkillers and it was time to check on her and the baby and decide what the next step was going to be.
"I feel a bit dizzy but I'm okay."
(Y/n) could feel a headache slowly starting to form behind her eyes and her head was becoming a bit fuzzy and lightheaded but she couldn't tell whether it was from the fall and stress of the day or the medication they had put her on. Either way, the striking pain in her stomach had gone and the baby wasn't wriggling half as much as she had been which she had been told would be a good sign if she settled down.
"That could be the medication but I'll run a few checks just to be safe, but right now let's see how your little lady is getting on."
Ben slowly tangled his fingers with (Y/n)'s as he turned to look at the monitor when Josey set it up. He had been sat on the edge of the bed with (Y/n) for the last half an hour after ringing both his mother, (Y/n)'s mother and then Gwilym to inform them all of what was happening. It looked like for the next day or two Ben was going to be here with (Y/n) and either way she would be in hospital for up to a week at this rate. The boys were going to have to switch between staying at their grandma's house and seeing Ben when he left the hospital for a few hours.
"Has her heartbeat levelled out?" Ben smoothed him thumb over the back of (Y/n)'s hand, smiling at the image on screen of their baby girl.
"I... I'm afraid her heartbeat has increased, it's much higher than it should be and in this situation that is a bad sign."
"C-can't we wait a little longer, see if she settles? Couldn't the medication settle her if I'm not at risk of going into labour anymore?"
"Giving you the medication isn't safe when she's clearly distressed, it could make her state worse. I can't give you any stabalising medication for her either because it's too dangerous and it could case her heartbeat to become too low. (Y/n), the best and only option I think we have right now is to start labour for you. If we wait you are at risk of getting an infection and she's clearly distressed, the lack of fluid will make that worse."
"No... no I can't have her now." (Y/n) shook her head as her lips wobbled even though she tried her best to stop herself from crying but it didn't work.
Her hands started to shake causing Ben to grip her hand tighter in his own as his other hand scratched at his jaw in a harsh motion (Y/n) knew was to try and calm himself down. They had been praying that they could hold off on labour and wait a few days, possibly even a week or more to give their girl her best chance. Being born now wasn't going to help her.
"Your lack of fluid and how distressed she is means you will go into labour within the next day or two but waiting is too risky with her state. I'm going to check and see if you're starting to dilate or not and if not, I'll set everything up to start labour. A natural birth is the best option for you both but it has to start now for both of your sakes."
Josey waited a moment for (Y/n) and Ben to both nod and agree with what she was saying before she busied herself writing a few notes and putting on her gloves before she sat down on the edge of the bed. A sympathetic, sorrowful look came onto her features showing she knew and understood how bad this news was for them but it was their only option.
But the moment Josey moved the cover draped over (Y/n)'s legs, her chest tightened and her eyes darted to look at Ben.
"(Y/n), the dizziness you're having is because you're starting to haemorrhage... you seem to be starting to dilate which is good it means I don't have to start labour for you. I'm going to give you some clotting medication and get a doctor to check you over and stay to assist during labour."
Ben turned his head so he could look between (Y/n)'s legs, torn in two minds because the blood loss didn't seem to be major but any blood loss at this stage wasn't a good thing.
This wasn't going to go smoothly.
"Okay (Y/n), the legs are born, a few more big pushes and she'll be here." Josey's voice was encouraging and calm but it didn't make (Y/n) feel much better.
Her lower body had gone numb hours ago, her thighs were burning especially since she was sitting on the very edge of the bed with her legs dangling off the edge and her back was pressed into Ben's chest. He was holding onto her like he was afraid she was going to fall forward into Josey who was kneeling in front of them both. It hadn't taken very long for the doctor to sadly tell them that their girl was going to be born breach and that made labour a bit harder. Sitting up in this position was the easiest way to help their girl be born.
Ben pressed his lips to the side of (Y/n)'s head, noticing how her skin was burning up like she was on fire. Josey and a doctor had been here with them for the last seven hours and another midwife had just entered the room ready to help when the baby was born.
They were predicting with how premature she was that she would have to be taken straight down to ICU when she was born.
"Shoulders are born, one more big push for her head (Y/n). We're almost there, just keep doing little breaths for me now."
(Y/n) nodded before she pressed her chin into her chest, biting down on her lip as she let out a scream with the last push. She could tell the exact moment their girl was born, it felt like a sudden weight was dropped from her stomach that seemed to pull her insides down with it. She leaned her head back onto Ben's shoulder, trying to catch her breaths back but it felt like her lungs were collapsing and her insides and stomach were shrivelling up into nothing.
"I-is s... she okay?" (Y/n)'s voice trembled almost as much as her body was shaking from the shock of what she had just done and gone through. It felt like her body was being shaken back and forth like someone was trying to wake her up or violently gain her attention.
But it was clear Ben had dealt with this kind of situation before with the way he started humming in her ear to try and ground her and give her something to focus on. He kept his arms lightly yet firmly wrapped around her middle with his fingers gliding up and down her arm like feathers tickling her skin. He had to keep her calm and try to give her something to focus on so she could forget about the pain and the shock and so she didn't pass out like he was afraid she was going to.
(Y/n) could barely manage to get her eyes to focus enough to look down in front of her legs to see Josey. Her gaze loosely followed Josey's arms passing their baby girl over to the doctor who gave the couple a calming smile before he set to work on their girl.
Her skin was a mix of very light pink and pale grey underneath the blood and fluids coating her fragile body. And her lips were light blue with hints of grey dabbed in between showing she wasn't breathing and didn't have much oxygen in her system. Ben hated how she looked so limp and lifeless in the doctor's arms, she looked like she was made out of jelly and about to flop and fall out of place at any moment.
Even though Josey was trying to focus on (Y/n) and delivering the placenta, her eyes kept flitting back to glance at the doctor to check on the baby.
Ben watched intently as the doctor placed a small tube down his baby girl's throat after checking her pulse which clearly had to be there. Almost instantly, a murky brown, cloggy fluid started to fill the tube and splutter from the newborn's lips. The doctor turned the newborn onto her side before he removed the tube and started rubbing his hand up and down her back to try and clear the fluid from her lungs. But the noise the baby made was something that made Ben shiver and caused (Y/n) to moan in agony.
It sounded like she was drowning.
She was trying to form her first cry, the first sound of her new life but all that came out was a strangled, croaky noise mixed with the spluttering of the fluids leaving her pale lips.
"Lisa, take her down to ICU get her stabalised and cleaned up please." Doctor Mills turned his attention to the other midwife who was on standby to help when the baby was born. She nodded instantly, watching him place the baby into the incubator and fill out a quick form before motioning for her to take the newborn out of the room.
"Ben...?" (Y/n) turned her head a little so she could look up at him, her eyes pleading for him to find out what was happening.
"(Y/n), your baby's okay but she has to go to the intensive care unit straight away. She's tried to breathe whilst still in the womb and inhaled fluids and she's going into a state of shock. Once the nurses have managed to stabalise her and clear her lungs they can get her washed and you can go and see her, the important thing right now is that she's being cared for and now we need to help you."
Doctor Mills was caring and kept his words slow because he could see (Y/n)'s attention was dithering because of the state of shock she was in. But when he knew she understood and accepted what he was saying, he smiled before he looked down at Josey to know (Y/n)'s progress.
"(Y/n), I need you to push again for me, the placenta is nearly delivered then we can get you sorted and settled down, okay?"
(Y/n) nodded but she could barely feel herself pushing before Josey said the placenta was suddenly delivered and she could relax. All (Y/n) wanted to do was lay down and collapse into a state of sleep with Ben at her side but the thought of their baby was preventing her from sleeping. She wanted to see and hold their baby and make sure she was okay. (Y/n) couldn't sleep in case something happened and no one told her. She had to be awake for any news about her baby.
"What's wrong?" Ben looked over at Josey when he could see the worry in her eyes and the metal dish in her hands containing the placenta.
"(Y/n)'s got a retained placenta, it's broken and some of it is still in the womb."
"Okay honey, we need to lay you on your side and give you some medicine to start some more contractions, that placenta piece has to come away quickly." The doctor's voice was calm as was the look in his eyes but Ben knew his words showed that this wasn't the best situation. If the retained piece of placenta stayed in the womb for too long (Y/n) could get an infection and she had already been prone to infections from losing the amniotic fluid before having contractions.
Doctor Mills helped Ben to shuffle off the bed and then move (Y/n) around. They gently turned her before slowly shuffling her further up the bed until her head reached the pillow. Both men carefully held onto (Y/n) and turned her onto her left side so she was facing Ben to help with her blood flow before Doctor Mills moved her legs. Josey got the medication ready and injected it into her stomach ready to start a few more contractions.
(Y/n) didn't hold the strength to keep her eyes open anymore so she just let them close, she could feel her head sinking into the pillow that was making her already fuzzy head feel like it was floating on air.
She could feel Ben's hand tightly holding her own and when a contraction started she could do nothing but moan and squirm, her muscles were pushing and contracting on demand without her having to concentrate anymore. Everything was spinning, (Y/n) just wanted Ben to lie down with her so she could go to sleep and wake up to have this all be some kind of warped nightmare that ended.
"Okay (Y/n), the placenta's delivered now- doctor she's haemorrhaging again."
The moment Josey took the last piece of the placenta and placed it in the dish beside her, it was as if a tap had been switched on and the bedsheets started to turn red instead of white.
"Post-natal haemorrhage in room four, assistance please. Right, (Y/n) honey you just relax now, we'll get you fixed up so you and your partner can rest." Doctor Mills rubbed (Y/n)'s shoulder for a moment to try and calm her down as a team came into the room.
Ben dug his nails into the back of his head, stretching his arms behind him as he backed up against the wall when kindly gestured to move out the way. He watched the five doctors and nurses flutter around (Y/n), seeing them attach an oxygen tube under her nose and around her ears. One nurse started to gently massage her stomach to try and stop the bleeding as doctor Mills gave (Y/n) another injection into her thigh. And another nurse started moving the sheets from beneath (Y/n) to swap them out as Josey started to clean (Y/n) up and check if she needed stitches or not.
Doctor Mills slipped his arms under (Y/n) enough to lean her up so she could throw up into a bowl when she made a slow, weak movement to signal she was going to be sick. Ben also noticed a nurse upping the dosage of painkillers in (Y/n)'s drip to help calm her down and take away any shock and pain she was going through.
It took about ten minutes of getting her meds sorted, making sure she was breathing enough and finding blankets and heat pads before the panic in the room seemed to die down enough for Ben to stop having a panic attack in the corner. He watched them put (Y/n) onto an IV drip and a blood transfusion, keep her laying on her side and check her heartbeat and her oxygen levels before everyone slowly left the room seeing that she was stable now.
Doctor Mills approached Ben when he was certain (Y/n) was out of immediate danger and was now calm and settled.
"Are you okay?"
"Hmm, is (Y/n) gonna be okay?"
"She's lost some blood but the transfusion will help with that and it will stop her from going into shock and she will be happy to know she doesn't need stitches. She needs rest and monitoring but she will be fine. I'm going to go and check on your baby and when she's also stable, I will find you so you can see her."
(Y/n) didn't look alright to Ben, she was too pale, hooked up to too many drips and machines and she was passed out but as long as she was going to be okay then Ben would stop panicking.
He just wanted his girls to be okay.
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whole-lotta-hoes · 3 years
Whole Lotta Hoes| Crack Fanfic Mini Series
Episode One: Zeppelin Is No More
Episode Two: Looking For A Job
Episode Three: Gettin The Cash
Episode Four:
Episode Five:
This will cause you to lose a couple of brain cells and fall into a long state of confusion for a very long time. It'll also include weird shit and things that don't make sense at all. Read at your own risk.
john paul jones (main character)
jimmy page
john bonham
robert plant
It was a dark rainy night. The pub was filling up with a bunch of horny mother fuckers. jonesy and the dumbass robert stood behind the curtains waiting to be called in to perform.
"ah man! this is going to be splendid!" robert said as he jumped in excitement. jonesy pushed him and he died. he fixed his high heels to make sure he doesn't break his ankles this time haha. mf jonesy made his way to the pole and placed a hand on it.
"WAIT-" robert yelled as he ran to him. he didn't see where he was going so he bumped into jonesy and made him fall into the crowd.
"I am the one and only, robert plant. I AM THE BITCH-" he shouted as he began to spin on the pole. jonesy could not believe his eyes. that mf plant took the spotlight from him. everyone started cheering for him and throwing him dollar bills.
"YOU BLOODY WANKER!!" jonesy yelled only to get drowned by the crowd. robert then climbed on the pole and began to do some sexy and hot moves against the pole. Heck he even licked it.
"TAKE YOUR PANTS OFF!!" someone yelled as they threw cash at robert. robert looked at the person and stopped dancing.
"what the fuck? i didn't come here to strip you whore!" he kicked the person with his heel and stormed off. jonesy pushed threw the crowd and managed to get to the front.
"jesus christ percy!! get your asshole back here!" he yelled. john climbed onto the stage and sprinted to the back. once he was back there, he spotted robert crying in front of some vanity. jonesy stood behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder.
"oh jonesy!" robert cried. "i can't do this! i don't want to strip for hungry motherfuckers! its so nasty! i rather strip for my precious jim jam!" he added as he wiped his tears with a tissue. jonesy rubbed his back to comfort him. he truly felt awful about it. how are they going to get the cash now if robert anthony plant doesn't want to do his job right. also since led zeppelin is dead once and for all. jonesy got an idea.
"hey! i know what you can do!" he said in excitement. robert looked at him and OMG JONESY YOU CUTE MF AWWW! "you can be a hooker!" he suggested. robert turned away from jonesy and looked at himself in the mirror. he totally could. hes hot and charming in some way. anyone would want to get a piece of that. robert stood from his seat and AHHHH BIG HOE. he looked at jonesy and gave him a big ol hug.
"JONESY! YOU ARE A GENIUS!!" he shouted. jonesy lost the ability to breathe so he died. robert dropped him and said his farewells.
"well jonesy, it was nice working with ya, glad jaime brought you in," he said as he sat john on a chair.
"wait where in bloody hell are you going?" he asked. robert looked at him confused.
"bitch, me and pagey are going to start a new group called page plant penis," he responded. of course. of course they would. these mfs are too invested in themselves that they would overthrow john paul jones in the bathroom of wendys. that infuriated him. he reached into his trousers and took out his laser penis.
"woah hey! im not trying to get laid by a-"
robert stood there in complete shock.
"did you- did you just attempt to murder my sexy ass!?" he yelled in anger. jonesy began to regret even doing that. a bright light was building up from robert that almost blinded john. robert is indeed a golden god. he floated off of the ground and gained powers to end jonesy once and for all. john had to act fast. he can't die like this. it would be such an embarrassing thing to end up in the media.
"HOLD IT!" jonesy yelled. robert placed his attention to him and waited for jonesy to speak.
"is this how we are going to end it? is this what we really want?" he said softly. robert's angry expression grew softer. was he really going to kill his bandmate? his best friend? he slowly got to the ground and stood in front of john.
"my god jonesy...." he began, "you're right... what am i doing? im such a monster," he added as tears ran down his face. jonesy slowly walked up to him and stuck his hand out with a smile on his face.
"c'mon buddy, let's go back to what we were doing," he added. robert looked at johns hand with a skeptical look.
"nah bitch! me, jimby and bonzo are going to do a led zeppelin reunion!" robert explained.
"a wha-"
"yeah! a motherfucking led zeppelin reunion!! can you believe it jonesy!? led zeppelin has become even bigger than we thought! bigger than those bloody rolling stones and ziggy stardust spider fuckers!" he rambled.
at that very moment, john paul jones knew he has been betrayed by his own band. he felt like destroying everything that came in front of him. percy for example is in front of him. anger and rage built up in his system. he could not believe that his own band would turn against him. who tf did they think they were? without any hesitation, john gripped onto roberts neck, silently choking him and ending robert plant for realzies this time. he went unconscious and dropped to the floor. jonesy placed a tarp to cover roberts body and headed through the exit. he was going to find james patrick page and john henry bonham to end it once and for all.
or will he?
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tinasgothphase · 4 years
glee: who’s invited to the sesh? 🍃💨
as a daily smoker & glee fan of multiple years. i feel more than qualified to do this. unfortunately. (don’t be me kids)
santana lopez: ABSOLUTELY. santana is hilarious & i feel like she brings edibles for the group. let’s be honest, she’s a good friend & if she likes you enough to smoke with you, she’ll bring ins.
quinn fabray: only sometimes. when she’s not obsessing over a man or pining over rachel berry or crying about something, she can come. but she can’t have too much or she’ll green out.
finn hudson: he would get everyone arrested for underage smoking
rachel berry: OHHH my god No. she’s not allowed within a five mile radius of the sesh. sorry girl.
puck: no? i just feel like he ruins the vibe. i could drink with him maybe
blaine anderson: hot take? 1. yeah 2. i feel like blaine would be a stoner. idk he’s just so fun & giggly already that it just makes sense? i feel like he has a bong already.
kurt hummel: yeah! i feel like some ppl would disagree but i think kurt would actually be great when smoking. it probably helps his anxiety & i feel like he just ends up on the couch watching reruns of gilmore girls or something.
sam evans: YES yes yes. his impressions make everybody laugh when they’re 🍃💨. but he would also eat the entire fridge so just be careful y’know
mercedes jones: DUH. i kinda thought maybe she wouldn’t bc of religion, but then i remembered the alcohol episode. mercedes is the blunt/joint roller & has her own ounce. she’s like the most casual, sophisticated stoner & i love her for it. she totally has one of those gold joint holder rings. smokes with kurt <3
brittany s. pierce: sure?! i don’t have a lot of feelings abt her smoking but she’s fun & she can come. she might start ranting abt conspiracy theories & getting really paranoid though ?
tina cohen chang: YES YES YES love her @ a sesh. her & mercedes are happy girl stoners and tina is super funny when she gets stoned.
sugar motta: even if she comes she wont really be there, y’know? she’s always kinda dissociating i think & i feel like weed would make it worse, so no. unless she brings weed, then she can come. & she’s rich so she would.
lauren zizes: TOTALLY. she’s invited & she can raid my entire kitchen too idc. i’d literally pay her to sesh with me
mike chang: why not? sure. he’s cool
artie abrams: sexists aren’t invited to the sesh and he’d probably start being creepy at the girls
marley rose: she doesn’t even wanna come, but i feel like it might be difficult for her to get the munchies & i don’t want to see her upset so no.
kitty wilde: honestly? yeah. at the end of the day she’s super funny & a good friend in later seasons. she makes men roll for her.
jake puckerman: ehhhh no? im scared he’d get paranoid & angry.
ryder lynn: absolutely fucking not. that’s it
unique adams: YEP YEP 1000%. she is the most entertaining person ever at a sesh & she has a good tolerance.
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in-a-cave-with · 5 years
can you make a list of every mavel comic you've ever read (good and bad) i just finished iron man (1998) and i thoroughly loved it with all its best and weird bits
iron man stuff:
tales of suspense (1963) – a classic. 100/10. would read several times
iron man vol 1 (1968) – i’m on, like, issue 20 out of 300 something but it’s also very very good! the drama..the action……..wig
iron man vol 3 (1998) – obv i know youve read this one anon but for anyone out there starting comics this one’s SUPER good, and also Love Is Stored In The Tonyru
iron man vol 4 (2005) – listen this comic. so great, so iconic. maya hansen! epic fights! director stark! good art except for, like, the 6 issues of execute program but execute program is such a good story arc that you wont even notice! 
iron man legacy (2010) – i enjoyed this one a lot! i’m kind of confused as to, like, what’s going on but it’s fun
iron man season one (2013) – ok so this is, like, a modern remake of tony’s origin story and it’s..kind of average imo but thats ok! bc you can just look at the very very pretty pictures
iron man fatal frontier (2013) – tony becomes governor of the moon and fights doom! also he takes down an ai with weaponized fanfiction somewhere in there. read this one with a .cbr reader
invincible iron man vol 2 (2015) – gonna maybe fuck around and rec bendis’ entire iron man run bc . the art is gorgeous and the story isn’t the strongest but tony’s characterization is v good 
international iron man (2016) – ok i dont remember what happens in this one but alex maleev’s art is literally god 
invincible iron man vol 3 (2016) – RIRI WILLIAMS!!!! AND ALSO AI TONY STARK (MY SON MY BOY WHOM I LOVE)!!!!
other stuff:
new avengers vol 1 (2005) – as i have said before. new avengers GOT the sauce. stevetony and caroljess on one team was too powerful so marvel had to break em up with civil war . also stop reading this comic when you get to civil war
civil war: casualties of war (2007) and civil war: the confession (2007) – these are both oneshot comics and also the Only Civil War Content You Need To Subject Yourself To
spider-man noir (2010) – a break from the avengers stuff to tell you that this comic is very brutal and also very good
secret invasion (2010) – ok avengers emh did it better™ but this is still very neat! also it’s pretty trippy so its got that going for it too
siege (2010) – i dont understand what’s going on but the art is very good. also the avengers get to beat up norman osborn’s bitch ass
avengers prime (2011) – apparently this is the “stevetony bible” and …honestly there isn’t anything i can say in objection to that
avengers vol 4 (2010) – this comic is SUPER fun. after the fear itself tie ins the art and story get pretty eugh though so be careful
fear itself (2012) – BEST BEST BEST!!! my favorite crossover event in comics, with cool art and a badass storyline
captain marvel vol 4 (2012) – can we get a yeehaw for CAROL DANVERS . hell yeah. this is her first run with the name captain marvel and it’s Very Good
avengers: the enemy within (2014) – captain marvel vol 4 ends on a cliffhanger and the storyline’s capped off here
avengers vol 5 (2013) – ok so *clown noises* i haven’t exactly finished it but…this is the One Was Life The Other Was Death comic and it’s super good from what ive read so far
hawkeye (2013) – matt fraction’s run! everyone and their dog wants you to read it and you absolutely should if you have not. not too sure abt the volume numbering but heres a link to download in TPBs, it’s volumes 1-4
captain marvel vol 5 (2014) – this is the volume featuring chewie (!!) and carol in outer space with the guardians of the galaxy (!!!). super fun in general, would read again
ms marvel (2014) – again i am VERY confused as to what the official issue/volume numbering is, but here’s a list of TPBs that collect pretty much every kamala khan comic pre 2019 (im gonna rec all of them bc kamala is a treasure)
doctor strange vol 3 (2015) – literally everything i want from a comic tbh, also chris bachalo’s art is amazing
marvel 1872 (2015) – no one actually calls this Stevetony Bible 2 but lbr it’s basically Stevetony Bible 2
the unbelievable gwenpool (2016) – oh god oh fuck it’s miss GWEN POOLE . this comic is super funny and also surprisingly heartfelt, plus the art is . mmm.
champions (2016) – the gen z superhero team, i love all of them so much. i can almost forgive marvel for ending anad avengers
hunt for wolverine: adamantium agenda (2018) – so this is, after 11 goddamn years, closure for the first civil war regarding tony and the new avengers that sided with steve. amazing.
the life of captain marvel (2018) – the carol origin retcon is…eh. but it’s still very good! think of it as carol’s international iron man
avengers: back to basics (2018) – kamala goes back in time and accidentally reveals tony’s secret identity and it’s the funniest fucking thing
captain marvel (2019) – the first issue is everyone bullying tony which sucks but DONT LET THAT GET YOU DOWN bc it’s, like, actually good and also tony appears more in later issues without getting bullied
war of realms (2019) – i guess it’s a marvel rule that all crossover comics having to do with asgard are Top Notch? anyway
loki (2019) – AMAZING loki shenanigans and also the REAL reason you needed to read war of realms tbh
ironheart (2019) – gosh i love riri williams so much she’s so GREAT and you should DEFINITELY READ THIS
invincible iron man vol 1 (2008) – matt fraction’s iron man run…it’s ..ok story wise? however the characterization is a lil off at times and the art is HORRIBLE
iron man vol 5 (2013) – ok so this comic is super weird ? because it’s nice that tony spends time out in space but also it confirms that he’s a furry apparently. pretty much the only truly average iron man comic
avengers vol 8 (2018) – okay so i really like the art and the story’s okay but there’s a bit where tony flirts w carol and it’s the most ooc thing ive ever seen and that’s enough to land it in the questionable category
tony stark: iron man (2018) – i debated over whether to put this here or in the Bad™ category BUT valerio schiti’s art is too beautiful and the rhodeytony content fuels me. also issues 12 and 13 (war of realms) written by gail simone are pretty good. unfortunately dan slott wrote the rest and it AINT IT CHIEF
gwenpool strikes back (2019) – it starts off strong in the first issue but goes downhill from there and tbh it’s not really respectful of the previous gwenpool run
magnificent ms marvel (2019) – ok listen i love kamala a lot but if theres gonna be a romance plot between her and bruno it’s the electric chair
iron man vol 2 (1996) – just. don’t touch this. it’s a hot mess
civil war (2006) – i hate this. so much. it’s unreal. all you need to know is that steve was real close to killing tony in the end but surrendered when he saw that he no longer had the moral high ground. and also steve got assassinated right before he was going to be put on trial
mighty avengers (2007) – this comic had the potential to be SO good. unfortunately the artists for the actual avengers issues don’t respect women at all
superior iron man (2015) – they made tony evil and i could not be more angry with it. who even fucking wants to read this theres not even any emotional payoff for any of this
civil war ii (2016) – i would hit this stupid comic in the knees if i could. there is not a single c*vil w*r with rights. all you need to know is that carol put tony into a coma and it’s super ooc
iron man 2020 (2020) – listen i know this comic hasn’t come out yet but it has all the ingredients to be EVEN WORSE than superior iron man which is saying a lot.
this took way too much effort
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stan-joonies · 5 years
What She Does To Survive
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The woman held a beautiful baby boy in her arms, a broad smile on her face.
"He looks just like his daddy," She mumbled, a tear rolling down her flushed cheeks.
"Yeah..." FP hummed, collecting the tear on his rough finger before shaking it off. He kneeled to become level with her, cupping her face. "I'm so sorry, if it wasn't for me--"
"--Hey," She smiled slightly, masking her sadness. "University can wait. I can take online courses. Plus, i get this beautiful baby boy and an amazing boyfriend."
FP sighed.
"But you've always wabted to go to Yale, and you just got accepted," Y/N shook her head.
"I need to be here for you and Forsythe. We're a family now,"
FP grinned, leaning in to her body.
Y/N pat down the small cardigan.
"Mum!" Jughead whinned, rolling his eyes. "I'm not a baby,"
Y/N smiled.
"I know sweetie, you're a grown adult. I just--my baby's going to school! My beautiful baby!"
"Stopp! I'm three!" Y/N took in a deep breath before smiling.
"I know, Juggie," Jughead giggled.
"Where's dad?"
Y/N smile dimmed, her eyes falling to her son's collar.
"Your daddy is busy. He said he's sorry he couldn't make it. You'll see him tonight though," She assured, rubbing a finger against his chubby cheeks. "Now, lets go get into the van,"
Y/N waved her son down as he entered the rundown gates, her eyes twinkling.
"Have you seen her?"
"That Jones woman," a mum whispered.
Y/N's back straightened, smile wiped clean of the face.
"I heard she got pregnant young," another muttered.
"Mm. She's married a Serpent too, can you imagine? She's put her child in such danger. Everyone wonders what goes on in that trailer."
She felt the stares burn into her back .
"Is it true people hear their son screaming?"
"I've never heard it personally, bit i wouldn't doubt the rumours," and elderly woman hissed.
"You seen her son?"
"He's gonna be--" she turned on her heel, glaring at the women .
"Listen to me, cause i will only warn you once . You can talk about me, tear me down. Do whatever with me...but Don't ever come for my son, because that is when things will get personal. You're right about one thing, I'm dating a Serpent." She placed her hands on her hips, her glare chilling the mothers' to their core. "Not just any serpent. The Serpent King. That means im royalty bitch, so watch your fucking step," She walked to her car, fists clenched tightly to her sides, ignoring the sting in her eyes.
"Hey, Fp," She stood from the couch, small smile on her face. "I've got Juggie to sleep, i thought me and you could have some alone time," she gestures to the roast on the table, glasses of wine next to them.
Fp grumbled, tripping over hos own feet and landing in the floor. The table shoom and the glasses tipped over, the red wine staining the carpet. Y/N gasped, kneeling down and shaking FP's shoulder.
"FP? are you ok?" He did not stur.
She sighed when she bagan to mumbled in his sleep. The stench of alcohol strong on his breath.
She grabbed him, pulling him onto the sofa with struggle.
She let out a sigh, turning to the stained carpet.
She got to the kitchen and grabbed her cleaning supplies, scrubbing breathlessly at the white carpet.
Her eyes stung with tears.
A perfect dinner ruined.
After she finished cleaning, she went to her room, deciding that FP should sleep on the couch instead.
She looked at her reflection, her short black dress now soaked with water and soap, her neatly put up hair falling into her eyes and matted into her eyelashes. Mascara ran down her red cheeks and her lipstick smudged down to her chin.
She wiped it all away, her giant black bags finally shinning through.
She slipped out of the wet dress, sighing at the red lingerie set underneath.
A perfect night ruined.
"Mum?" Jughead called, causing the woman to kneel down to his level.
"What's up sweetheart?"
A tiny hand came up to her cheeks, wiping delicately at her under-eye.
"You look tired," He muttered, brows furrowed.
Y/N's eyes widened before frowning, no energy left to lift up her lips .
"Don't worry about me Juggie, you just go to school and get some education, you hear?" Y/N ordered softly, flattening out his collar.
"Ok, and don't call me Juggie!"
The boy turned, going through the gates for another year.
"I know Juggie."
"I-i can't believe you," Y/N heaved out a sob, rubbing her red eyes.
"Shut up!" The mother screamed, standing up, fists curling. "You moron! How dare you! You have a son, a family!" She cried. "And you go fuck Gladys? Are you serious!?"
"I was drunk, and what's happened has happened, i know you are insecure about her. I shouldn't have slept with Gladys, but--"
"You shouldn't have fucking slept with anyone! You're bloody married! With a kid. did we not cross your mind at all?"
"You can't expect me to leave her alone, she can't take care of a baby on her own!" FP growled, running a shaky hand through his hair.
"Of course not! But i have every right to be angry. I couldn't care if it was a hobo you slept with, you still cheated! You're ruining this family!" Y/N bellowed, her breathing increasing.
"I made i mistake! I didn't ruin the family. We can still be--"
"You are the biggest peice of scum on the earth FP! You couldn't even give up alcahol! Meanwhile i give up my future, my education, my health! My family disowned me, FP!" Y/N fell on the sofa, her throat sore as she let out a few more sobs. "I gave up everything for this family, FP...when our son was born, i told you i would be there for you and Juggie. But were you ever there for me?..."
"No...Fp. you never were." Y/N looked to the carpet, dirty and now grey. The faint pink stain bringing so many hurtful memories to the surface. "I want a divorce,"
"What!" FP exclaimed, going toward her. He collasped to hos knees, grasping her shaly hands in his own "Look, Y/N. I made a mistake. I shouldn't have slept with her. I was wrong. I will change. I promise you, Y/N. Just give me time. Give me a second chance. Please, Y/N."
The woman shook her head.
"That's not the point FP, i have given you so many chances. You never keep to your word. I can't keep giving you chances. I'm doing this for the safety of my Son,"
FP's eyes widened, his grip tightening .
"Y/N. i-- i would never hurt him, you know that. I'm not lile that."
Y/N huffed sadly, meeting the males gaze.
"I also thought you weren't the one to cheat. But i guess we both don't know who you really are."
Y/N stood up.
"Until i get enough money to pay for a divorce...consider us split up, also...i wabt full custody over Juggie,"
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gayspock · 4 years
✨ 🎥 💕 💔 🏳‍🌈
doctor who
✨  what draws you towards your hyperfixation? what is interesting about it? this one’s so hard because its like. it was just my special interest as a chid and literally im shackled to it now. i watched rtd era repeatedly when i was younger, to the point where like... i could definitely quote stuff to the specific episode, and knew scenes by heart- and whilst i dont have that power any more, it’s still something that’s been like... LIKE THE DEVIL TOOK A POKER TO MY BRAIN, AND THE POKER SOMEHOW SUMMARISED SEASONS 1-4 OF DOCTOR WHO. and no matter what, even when i drift away from the show, i just end up back there and idk what the fuck it is!!!
🎥 do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation? GOD, GOD GOD OMG... hm... there’s so many. so so many.  th - from more recent years: i sincerely do love the scene from heaven’s sent, when the doctor’s punching through the diamond. minecraft ass. i know thats PROBABLY A VERY BASIC ANSWER, BUT LISTEN. that episode is bloody beautiful, even if what succeeds it is.... Like That - from rtd era... there’s genuinely so much i dont even know where to start.  I GENUINELY DO NOT. fuck, man!! its hard to pick something out, because, like... man i just really love rtd era. its just so warm and lovely. like, h, moffa dt (i apologise for REPEATEDLY DRAGGING HIM THROUGH THE MUD, BUT) really... had a habit of just constantly trying to make everything big and dramatic and absolutely: there’s so many BIG SCENES in moffat that you can point out and be like hell yeah that rocks, but like... with rtd era what i love abt it is just kind of how it’s so intrinsically human???? like. the characters feel like real people, and not like walking dummies who spit out oneliners. and ITS SO HARD TO PICK OUT A SCENE THATS A FAVE, BC IT ALL KIND OF... FOR ME , AT LEAST, IT FLOWS INTO EACH OTHER. like i could pick a scene per episode easy. i think maybe- maybe- just.. JOURNEY’S END WHEN THEY’RE ALL PILOTING THE TARDIS, solely because like as indulgent as that shit was, it was like well fuckin earned at that point to have all the characters come together like that. like fuck yeah!
💕  tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them! martha, donna and bill are my favourite companions but... I’LL GIVE MARTHA HER SPOTLIGHT. SINCE PEOPLE FAIL TO DO SO. like, i think ive just really come to love her more over the years. watching s3 a decade later just fuckin hurts, man. i wish both the writer room and the doctor gave her the credit she deserves. i cannot TELL you how angry i am with that man over the way he treated her.. GOD. she’s one of the smartest, most intelligent and kind of the companions- for gods sake? she HERSELF is a doctor. the stuff she DOES for over the course of that season, all to such little thanks: the entire events of the family of blood story, her being lost in a whole other century, forced to work alone in an environment that deeply resented her for who she was, having to babysit john smith; then they followed it up, with that finale which, BOTCHED AS IT WAS, the fact she yet again struck out on her own and walked the landscape of like... a post-apocalyptic earth to fuckin save everyone whilst her family were being toRTURED-- LIKE HELLO? MARTHA JONES IS JUST BUILT DIFFERENT. TOUGH AS FUCKNG ROCKS. i do kind of hope she cameos again some day, since (whilst i never got the chance to read it) i know she was in the comics, briefly, and 13 saw her and was reflecting on how sorry she was for giving martha the short end of the stick as 10 and LIKE. I REALLY DONT WANT MARTHA BROUGHT BACK AS A COMPANION PROPER, BUT JUST HAVING HER BACK FOR AN EPISODE AFTER ALL THIS TIME WOULD BE SO NICE TO HAVE THEM RECONCILE IN THE SHOW. especially since fucking moffat disconnected the entirety of rtd’s era when he took over - ive missed them so, so much!!!
💔  tell us about one of your LEAST favorite characters and why you dislike them.  regret to say it. its amy pond. i think its just... a combination of many things, man. its just a combination of things, and a series of unfortunate events. hate the way moffat writes women. i really fucking hate it. its so... hrk. and i think a thing also happens with amy, wherein... there’s no moment where im fine with her? do you know what i mean? VERY early on, the way she treats rory... im so sorry, but that shit makes me feel so violently uncomfortable. like she just straight up cheats on him? tries to fuck her imaginary best friend from childhood? on the day before her wedding? and its like- im sorry but i dont remember does amy ever even... say sorry??? and then in s6, she’s just tied into that... that whole mess of a god damn plot that i try to suppress.  and thats not on her but i dont ever enjoy her presence during that period. and THEN early s7 its, like... i have a lot of issues with early s7 but it was, like, the height of doctor flandarisation and the ponds really should have just been phased out more slowly rather than forcing out the tragic ending because it just meant nothing to me. AND IM PROBABLY BEING TOO HARSH BUT I JUST THINK ITS ALSO JUST GENERALLY A CASE OF... man, i hate matt smith era who!LOVE HIM conceptually as the doctor, but a lot of it just kinda feels ugh to me. i do think s5 is actually a very solid season but its just... so tainted im like grrr.
🏳‍🌈  do you have any headcanons (lgbt, race, neuro, etc) that are important to you? in my heart of hearts, donna noble is a lesbian and thats just how it is. how it should have been. also bill’s autistic. i said so. and i insist that its so.
star trek
✨  what draws you towards your hyperfixation? what is interesting about it? doctor who primed me for, like, having an affinity for campy scifi. star trek, tho.. fuck, its like? a tossup between the characters (all of them are so endearing after a while) and just... some of the episodes are so fucking beautiful and thoughtful man. like oh boy we have some clunkers in there, for sure, but there’s some where they have a concept and how they know how to handle it they really just do it right. i think its kind of in part because it was done in the 60s, and they had their limitations and they take it at such a different pace than they would now. i think a lot of that actually is what makes the show for me? I MADE A POST ABT IT ALREADY, BUT ITS ALSO A CASE OF JUST... the way its shot. the lighting, the sets, everything is so nice. it’s simple and its clean and it looks GOOD and whilst some sfx are dated looking (GOD BLESS THE ALIEN COSTUMES) i think... literally any scenes on the bridge are timeless just because they didnt go ott. I KNOW IM GETTING AWAY FROM THE QUESTION, BUT YEAH LIKE- i havent seen the latest star trek (unsure if i’ll watch it soon, or watch everything else first) but whilst it looks beautiful i dont.. actually like the look of it? i don’t really vibe with it when it’s so overproduced like that. there’s this... unreality and this fakeness. (the same could be said about chibnall era doctor who actually. like god bless that shit is PRETTY but its like... they throw the most dramatic ass lighting and lens flare onto characters having a conversation in a god damn room and im like why? why do you need to do that?? theyre talking abt the weather)
💕  tell us about one of your favorite characters and why you like them! jim and i still dotn know why. diagnose me. there’s something in my head that makes me go cuckoo over some fucking dude sometimes. i cant even articulate it. also spock and bones and well everoyne. i think the problem with star trek is im obsessed with the LOT of these freaks.
💔  tell us about one of your LEAST favorite characters and why you dislike them. I DONT DISLIKE ANYONE UNLESS WE WANT TO CONSIDER, LIKE, ONE OFFs but like eh!!!!! EH you know.    
🏳‍🌈  do you have any headcanons (lgbt, race, neuro, etc) that are important to you? IM HONESTLY NOT SO SURE YET. i mean. ok spock’s gay and jim’s bi. other than THAT i usually sit with them a little longer and try to have a feel. i’m open to any headcanons franklY WHEN IT COMES TO STUFF LIKE THAT. 
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