#my dad fucking yells at me to use the old forks
sisyphus-prime · 12 days
I love friends vs family because friends usually tend to get my jokes. Or they might fall flat and it isnt a thing
My dad loves yelling at me over my jokes.
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coquettetoji · 8 months
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★ general armin hcs ★
— sweetest soul who is 100% down to earth, will scold you for not recycling your fork into the correct trash can and will pick up plastic / any trash on the ground
— nerdy golden retriever boy, and is the biggest people pleaser
— played hockey growing up and in college, he’s a right winger
— reads a shit ton of books, will press pretty and colorful flowers he finds outside into the book spine to save it
— is academically and naturally smart, gpa is a strong 4.2, majors in business, economics, or biology, some smart shit like that ( will grow up to be that hot rich dad every single mom wants )
— hands are big but they’re like bony and soft, he also plays piano so he’s good with his hands *moan*
— his most used app is spotify, google classroom, and messages
— lana del rey coded. i will argue with anyone who thinks otherwise.
— listens to cigarettes after sex, clairo, and this one random 63 hour playlist called ‘band cafe soft jazz music’
— speaking of cigarettes, armin also smokes cigarettes (ik i’m sorry) but this guy is a student athlete, ofc he’s gonna have to de-stress somehow
— drives the newest model of a white range rover with beige interior
— 6’1 teddy bear with attachment issues
— speaks french fluently
— so so so soft spoken like you will never see him yelling at another person, even when he’s frustrated
— also doesn’t like cursing, will give someone a quick glance if they cuss but won’t mind it
— has a gold chain around his neck, yes the slutty kind
— came from old money 🤭🤑, he dresses like it too i’m talking quarter zips, sweaters, khakis, and neutral colors, wears his gold thin wire framed glasses occasionally
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— knows all girl shit bc of his little sister (who he adores) he learned how to take care of her so he’s really reliable when it comes to treating girls right
— his phone case is the apple silicone one that’s cream color, keeps one of his credit cards in the case behind his phone
— phone screen is him and his puppy ( spot the difference game for everyone 👍 )
— every woman he knows or did a favor for all say “his mother raised him right”
— the most organized person ever, his whole pantry would labeled and organized like khloe kardashian’s
— eren and armin are 100% that black cat golden retriever duo, take a wild guess on who is which lol
— 2 deep dimples on his cheeks that pop out when he smiles, also has light freckles dusted on his nose n around it, has the straightest whitest teeth + an adorable smile **he’s so grateful for braces existing
— overall the most genuine human out there, no detection of fuck boy here 😁😁😁
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{💌} new message from mica
armin is actually my baby i love him so much i need me a soft spoken tall nerdy blonde white boy in my life now
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the-faceless-bride · 8 months
🌲Welcome to Forks 🍃
Tags: @art3mas @the-atlantic-french-fry @mzcrazy2 @sadbitchfangirl @sinofwriting @ateliefloresdaprimavera
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Characters: [name] Swan, Bella Swan, Charlie Swan, Jacob Black, and The Cullen family
Plot summary: Renae had enough of your attitude, she decided it was best for you to stay with your sister and Father in Forks. Paying to fly you out to forks, To Charlie's Delit and Bella's chagrin. However, seeing how Bella has been acting you watch closely as to what she does. And seeing how she treats Dad and an old friend Jacob, you feel it best to call her out. Because that's what big sisters do.
Warning: swearing, yelling, Bella being a hypocrite and not like other girls, crying, arguments, slapping, Edward being a creep.
A/n: Fuck Edward. And not in a good way. In a grossed out over his bs way.
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Chapter one: welcome Home.
Chapter summary: finally, after so long of arguing, craving to get out of the heat, wanting to be with your dad and go home. Your mother finally agreed. You were on your way back to forks.
This chapter will contain? Bella is stand-off-ish (what else is new), Charlie is the best dad he could be, fluff, and readers' first day in forks.
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You ran to your Dad; he had been waiting for you leaning against his car a smile on his face, happy both his litter girls were home. His arms were wide open for you, "Dad!" you screeched as you let your body crash into him, you missed your dad. You hated being away from him, and while Bella took to your mother, you were and always will be a daddy's girl.
Charlie looked at you, pulling away his hands resting on your shoulders. "wow. Look at you!" you smiled as you brushed soft curls from your face, "My little girl, grown up!.. Well. Not grown up too much. You're still my baby girl you hear me?" you laughed as you nodded your head. "well. What do you say we go home, sweetpea?"
The drive back wasn't painfully long, time seemed to fly catching up with your favorite parent. You told him about how you found a love for fashion, how you missed forks, how good it was to not be in constant heat.
Pulling to the house you could barely remember still felt good and nostalgic, "who's truck?" you asked confused. Maybe Dad got a new car? "oh, yeah that's Bella's got her it as a welcome home gift." he paused then looked down then to you, "Well...now I feel bad I didn't think to get you something." you smiled at up at your dad, you loved Charlie. "it's ok dad, im just happy to be home."
He smiled at the use of the word home, giving a cheery "let's go!" you practically bounced to the front door. Ready to get in the house and race up to your old room wanting to see what had been made of it.
As soon as Charlie opened the door you rushed up the stairs, Charlie letting out a chuckle locking the door behind him before following after you, "Slow down! I'm getting old I can't chase after you like I used to!" he huffled with a smile.
Your room was untouched. Just as it always has been. Twin bed, white ruffled bed frame, light dusted pink walls, soft carpet, chipped white painted bedside table and dresser, the vanity in the middle of the wall near the window. It was perfect. Just as it always has been.
But then it hit you, "Wait. Where's Bella?" you turned to a slightly out-of-breath Charlie, "Oh, well. She's got this new... Boy. Friend. A friend she's been hanging out with recently." he mumbled unsettled by the topic, Bella... Your sister. Your awkward, no-fun, book-loving, blend-in-with-the-crowd sister Bella. Was out late... With a guy?
Maybe this whole moving to forks thing was a really good thing for her.
"oh! Before we do anything else someone wants to see you!" you focus your attention back on your dad and not on your thoughts as you tilt your head, you just got here who would want to see you already? Charlie was now the one rushing down the steps to open the door, you laughing and closing on his heel.
" Hey [name]"
You hugged Billy, before pulling Jacob down to your height and messing with his hair, he laughed and 'struggled' in your grip. You always loved Jacob, he always followed you around when you were younger. You were a year older than him and Bella, they always wanted to hang out with you, no matter where you went Jake and Bells were close behind you.
"im happy to see you [name], im glad to have my two best friends back." you really hugged Jacob this time. No longer the little boy you had to protect from the other older kids like Paul.
Feels so long ago.
Just then a car pulled up to the house, an expensive car at that.
Out came Bella still in her loose hoodie, layered shirts, unbrushed hair pulled back with a plain headband, baggy jeans, and a brown book bag. Yup. Same old Bells. But then came out a boy. Pale as could be with fluffed-up hair, nothing noticeable with what he was wearing, he looked like 'random guy in a crowd #4' the one thing that stood out was his eyes. Pricing gold eyes.
He stared at you, an odd expression on his face. His Face contorted like he was in pain. Looking you up and down.
From your softly curled hair, light eye make-up blushed cheeks, and plump lips, the loose complementary scarf that clung loosely around your shoulders, your tight top, fuzzy sweater, skirt, leggings, and fluffy leg warmers, what was this guy staring at?
His eyes shifted to Billy and Jacob and he made a face, one that shifted from pain. To disgust. You narrowed your eyes, just what in the hell was this guy's problem?!
Then what made you realize you had work to do, and a serious chat to have.
When your Dad smiled at your sister slightly opening his arms and giving a "Hey sweetie Bells!" she made and face heading in side with a mumbled "hi Charlie."
... Oh fuck no.
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mydeerfellow · 5 months
The Rubber Ball Of Uncontrollable Honesty
“I honestly wouldn’t fuck anyone in the room besides you! And maybe him!” Angel pointed at Husk, then Alastor.
“Really?” Both of them said at the same time, looking speculative and mortified in turn.
“And Vaggie but only if she had a strap—”
“Fuck you especially.”
The room was overwhelmingly, awkwardly silent as everyone collectively looked up from the bags of Lucifer’s old shit they’d come across in one of the storage rooms in the basement. Alastor was the last to look up, and seemed shocked that he had even said anything.
“Uh… thanks?” Angel blinked, taken aback by the sudden hostility.
Alastor laughed nervously. “What? No! No, I just think you’re very strange and you make me incredibly uncomfortable! AHA! What the fuck?” He flailed and dropped the small rubber ball he had been messing with.
“Wow, that was… really, really honest, Alastor!” Charlie applauded awkwardly. “Um… I mean, maybe a little… abrupt…” She looked at Angel, who seemed torn between amusement and genuine surprise. “But! But, at least you were open, and… and you—”
“An’ he didn’t mean to say any of that shit. What the hell’s this thing, anyway?” Husk cut her off and stalked forward, eyeing the rubber ball on the floor. “You still feelin’ honest there, boss?” He looked at Alastor, who immediately pivoted to look away, but not before speaking: “Yooouuu— have enormous eyebrows!”
“You wanna fork it over now, or are we gonna wait for you to drop a bombshell?” Husk held out a hand, one brow raised, and for a moment it looked like Alastor might haul back and punch him. Then, he picked up the ball and put it squarely into Husk’s palm. “Ha ha! Now the curse is passed to you!”
“What kinda bullshit Curse Of The Mummy bullshit are you on right now? You can’t just pass it along to the next poor schmuck who tries to help! You know what? Fuck you. Figure it out your own fucking— ah well, shit.” Husk threw the ball at Angel, who caught it with a bit of a fumble.
“I honestly wouldn’t fuck anyone in the room besides you! And maybe him!” Angel pointed at Husk, then Alastor.
“Really?” Both of them said at the same time, looking speculative and mortified in turn.
“And Vaggie but only if she had a strap—”
“Gimme that, you dick.” Vaggie used a broom handle to knock the ball out of Angel’s hands and it rolled over to Niffty’s feet, who immediately held it above her head with a screech.
“Yes, dear?” Alastor patted her head as she wheezed excitedly.
“I would marry a bug if I could, just so I could stab him to death in his sleep and steal his money!”
The silence was overwhelming, and even Alastor looked somewhat put off by her… honesty. “Okay. That’s very disturbing and I think you could use some professional help.” He said at last. “Oh dear, it’s still working.”
“I got committment issues, so I’m never gonna actually fuck you.” Husk let Angel know, who nodded sagely. “That guy really fucked up my whole everything, honestly.” He pointed at Alastor, who raised his hands innocently.
“That’s okay, sex is more of a job anyway, let’s be real.”
“I wish I could stab a bad boy right now.” Niffty yelled.
“You know what, Niff? We’re gonna just… put a pin in that, okay?” Charlie laughed nervously and snatched the ball before anyone else could accidentally pick it up. “Sooo, anyway… I thought my mom got rid of this a long time ago. See, I had this kinda little lying issue when I was really little, so Dad made this!” She held it up and squinted at it. “It just makes you kinda wanna tell the truth. Or it used to, anyway. I think the spell got a little wonky, ‘cause I never… did what you guys are doing.” She looked over at Alastor and Husk, who were giving detailed descriptions of everything they didn’t like about each other while Angel offered background commentary on their personality flaws.
“If I had my time back I’d have drowned you in a washing machine when I had the chance!” Alastor said sweetly. “In fact, the only reason I don’t do that is because the dear, sweet child who runs this hotel would almost certainly be upset if I redecorated her foyer with—”
“That’s a fucking riot comin’ from a man who bends over backwards every time his floozy fuckin’ friend barks up your tree wantin’ a favor for dick-all!”
“At least I have a friend~”
“I got plenty of those, pal!”
Alastor pursed his lips, giving Angel a window of opportunity to jump in. “Aw, come on, maybe now’s not the time, huh? What’s the fun of a bitch fight when everybody’s gotta be stone-cold honest?” He held up his hands and smiled nervously, sidling between Alastor and Husk. “Nobody’s gonna come out on top, amirite? Come on, Charlie.” He waved at her behind his back and she jumped in valiantly.
“I think… we’re all probably going to say things we don’t really mean.”
“It’s a truth… ball… thing! Ain’t the point to be honest?” Husk spat, even as he backed off.
Charlie himmed and hawwed for a second. “Not really. Honesty’s kind of… hard. I don’t think it’s wrong to have a little bit of a… a… Vaggie, help. What am I saying?”
“Honesty’s got a lot of shades of gray. This shit just tries to make it black and white. I’m glad your Mom tossed it in here.” Vaggie covered Charlie’s hands, and the ball, with her own. “I think it’s probably better to just destroy it for good, though. Don’t you?”
The full body relaxation that Vaggie caused in Charlie was probably something that could be marketed and sold for a small fortune, just based on the broad smile on her face. Between their hands, the ball crumbled into dust.
“Well, I, for one, would fuck you any day of the week, and twice on Sunday!” Alastor exclaimed loudly, gesturing at Angel with both hands, who looked like he was seeing the sunrise for the first time. “Oh good, it worked!” He added after a pause, laughing uproariously at his own joke as he walked up the stairs. “I’ve got to go wash my brain with bleach, thank you all for this horrible experience!”
“What about once on Sunday?!” Angel yelled up after him, cackling when he was flipped off with both hands as the door slammed shut. “Ah, I’m wearing ‘em down. Just you wait.”
Husk shuddered and mock-gagged. “Maybe you should just stay down here an’ think about why you’re the way you are.” He patted Angel on the shoulder as he brushed past, following Alastor upstairs. “Niffty, don’t lick the dirt. You don’t know where’s it’s been.” He added, as Niffty was currently attempting to suction the truth ball dust off the unfinished floor.
“Cool, that’s my cue to skedaddle. C’mon, basket case, let’s go wash yer tongue before it falls off.” Angel picked up Niffty by the back of the shirt and tossed her up the stairs and into Husk’s arms like a football. “You two comin’ or what? Lezbehonest, this ain’t the most romantic setting, but you do you, babes.”
“Did you just— we’re holding hands, Angel!”
“Hey, whatever tickles yer pickle.” He swung the door shut behind him, and turned off the light for good measure, plunging them into darkness while they both yelled after him and scrambled blindly for the stairs.
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ccalhoun · 7 months
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carlisle cullen x m!werewolf! reader
warnings: male reader, werewolf reader, imprinting, twilight lore, omegaverse?, forbidden love, reader gets hit by a car lol, love confessions??, esme doesnt exist (still love her tho)
wc: 2.1k
cut for length!
you drove into town in your dad's truck, old and slow. your family hated going into town, and you never understood why, which is why you were on a sort of errands run for them. of course you knew of the cullens in all of their vampire-ness but you never found it as much of a problem, what were the chances you'd run into them anyways?
the laundry list of things to do was long, longer than you'd expected, so last minute you called your friend jess to help keep you company on your long day ahead of you. you picked her up from her cute but humble house and headed towards the first place on your list, newton's olympic outfitter's. "aren't you and one of the newton boys together? mike, right?" you asked as you looked at the list on the seat next to you while pulling out of jess' driveway. it'd been awhile since the last time you'd hung out even though you considered jess to be one of your closer friends, the reservation didn't get good enough phone reception to call as frequently as she wanted.
"uh, no, we broke up actually," she mumbled quickly from the passenger seat next to you. "oh, damn, sorry. what a bitch," you added the last part jokingly, trying to cheer up from the topic. you both laughed it off and continued the drive until you got there, continuing your conversation as you walked into the store. "i just need to get a few things for my sibling(s) and dad, shouldn't take too long," you assured her as you quickly found the first thing on your list. the day went mostly like this, stopping by random shops for the few odd items before the final store on the list, just getting a few groceries that are cheaper to buy in forks. you entered the store and followed the routine as normal, getting whatever you needed and getting out as soon as possible.
caught up in your conversation with jess, you hadn't even noticed the small red car speeding through the parking lot. everything happened so fast all you can remember is walking with jess, hearing her scream, and then being on the ground of the parking lot. "tyler! what the fuck is your problem!" jess yells, you only vaguely hear it before she rushes over to help you sit up. "at least call an ambulance asshole, don't just stand there with your door open!" you heard her yell again before she started to check on you.
before you knew it, you were being taken into an ambulance and rushed to the hospital. the hospital. a shiver runs down your spine and you hear the heart rate monitor pick up its beeping as you realized you're going to the one place in forks where you have been forbidden to go by your family.
you start panicking, trying to get out of the ambulance in any way you can.
"hey, calm down, we're going to put you under for the rest of the ride, okay? we can't help you if you don't let us," you hear the nurse in the back with you say after trying to get you to stop freaking out.
you woke again in a hospital bed, the smell of medicine invading your nostrils immediately and making you sneeze.
"ah, you're awake, and just in time. the doctor's on his way right now." the same female nurse says before finishing up on writing your vitals and waiting for the doctor. your heart drops when you hear her mention him, no doubt it was carlisle cullen. what if he killed you in the hospital, right there, he probably had manipulation powers to make everyone think nothing happened.
"i don't need a doctor, i'm fine, let me go," you rush out as fast as possible while trying to sit up, the action only making you dizzy as the nurse gently laid you back down.
"once the doctor says you're fine you can leave. you only have minimal bruising and a few cuts, you'll be out of here in the blink of an eye," the nurse comforted you, and it seemingly worked as the heart rate monitor went back to normal. you took deep breaths, only a few minutes with the monster and you'd be able to leave and never go into forks again.
you heard footsteps approaching and turned your head to the door, the door knob turned and your heart dropped again, fear pulsing in your veins more than it ever has before. then he stepped into the room and you were filled with a new feeling, your heart started beating faster, and it was like you had tunnel vision on him and him alone. you couldn't hear the busy sounds of the hospital, and you surely didn't notice the nurse standing too close for your liking anymore. the first thing your brain registered was that the doctor had the best smell you've ever encountered, like vanilla, honey, and lavender all at once.
"-use me, sir?" the nurse said, only hearing the last part of whatever she was saying. you adjusted back to reality quicker than you wanted, then you noticed the doctor standing in front you, trying to get your attention for an unknown amount of time.
"cullen," was all you managed to squeak out, staring with wide eyes at the man in front of you. he was better looking than anyone you'd ever seen, like god himself graced the doctor's face. he wasn't what you expected from the stories you've been told. you were told his eyes were empty and loveless, but as you looked at him his eyes were warm and more full of love than a father seeing his newborn baby for the first time.
"i see you're from the reservation, brave of you to come here," his voice was angelic, like he was singing a song only for your ears to hear. you gave him an alarmed look before you could stop yourself, was he threatening you? was your pack right?
"what?" you stuttered out and you were met with a soft, too soft to be real, chuckle and a warm smile from the doctor. "i don't see many of you in the hospital, i was starting to think you've all been avoiding it because of me,"
"they have," your words came before your brain could filter them, his frown was quick and the cutest frown you've ever seen, the kind of frown that made you want to hold him and kiss it away. "sorry, just something the tribe elders told us to do, it's not like any of us hate you," you stumbled over your words, and lied through your teeth. some of the members of your pack hated the cullens like they'd been personally attacked by them. the smile on his lips made your heart skip a beat, which was well documented from the heart monitor you nearly forgot about.
the doctor, carlisle you think, shone a light in your eyes, and then checked your ears, and listened to your heartbeat. his hand was on your chest, and you're sure he could hear the affect it had on you.
"well, good news, you can be released and you already talked to the police so there's no need for you to stay." you didn't think it was possible but your heart dropped again, you'd almost wished you got hurt worse so you could spend more time with him. "i'll finish this paperwork and get it on file as soon as possible, you should be able to leave within the hour. is there anything else you need?" you barely heard the rest of his sentence, still focusing on the fact that you wouldn't be able to stay around the doctor for longer.
"um, would it be possible to talk to you? in private?" you asked sheepishly. you were 110% sure you were imprinting on him, and you were even more sure he was definitely a vampire. you didn't hear any heartbeat, and you were quick to notice his larger than normal canine teeth. your question was met with another warm smile that made your heart restart and a nod.
"yes, of course, let me get you unhooked from the equipment and i'll walk you to my office, okay?" his voice was soft and reassuring, like he knew what you were going through. there was no way he knew that much about werewolves, right? just as he said, he helped you get the various wires off and led you to his office. his door read 'doctor carlisle cullen', you had remembered his name correctly. he opened the door and held it open for you, the gentleman you could only dream of. he closed the door gently but swiftly behind himself.
"please, take a seat. what were you wondering about?" he asked sweetly as he took his own seat and set a few papers before himself. you didn't plan to get this far, you hadn't figured out what you were going to say, so you just said what came to mind first, "i know you're a vampire," your words came out jumbled. he stared at you with a blank look, millions of thoughts racing through his head. you picked up on his reaction and rushed out the rest, "i'm not gonna expose you, everyone in the pack knows," hardly comforting, but better than him thinking you want to ruin his life. he let out a small noise of understanding, and that itself made your heart skip another beat.
"what is it you came here to tell me?" his voice was colder now, but still melodic like he planned his words for centuries.
"i'm sure you know about, you know, the whole werewolf thing," you paused as you spoke, looking at him to gather his reaction, and he nodded to signal you to continue speaking. "do you know anything about... imprinting?" you whispered the last word like it was poisonous.
"ah, you came to ask about that. i can try to help as much as i can, but wouldn't you prefer someone from your tribe to explain it to you?" carlisle's words were soft and understanding, with a hint of genuine curiosity.
"no, uhm, hold on i think i need a minute," you stuttered out, trying to figure out the least awkward way to explain you think he's your soulmate. you thought for a minute, carefully putting a sentence together before speaking again.
"doctor cullen," you started, "carlisle, i think i," your voice was caught in your throat, but you tried your best to finish you sentence. "i think i imprinted on you," you ripped off the band-aid and rushed it out. you stared at your shoes, though you'd rather be looking at carlisle's godly beautiful face. after a moment of silence you peeked a look at his face to gather if he was upset or not. you couldn't pinpoint the emotion on his face, shock? fear? anger? your heart started beating at an irregular pace again, "i-i'm so sorry, i'll go," you felt tears in your eyes and started to gather the small bag of belongings you were given before his voice stopped you.
"no, no, you're okay. i'm sorry, i didn't know that was possible," for once his words didn't seem as well thought out, it was jarring but his words flowed together as beautiful as always. "and you're sure?" he asked.
"yes, i think, i don't know. i haven't felt this way before, it's just like it was described to me. like you're the only person who actually matters anymore," you spoke freely, which surprised you.
"hm, well, i'm new to this too, we can figure it out together," carlisle's voice was warmer than ever, you felt like a blanket was being placed over you. you smiled and were going to stand up when he was suddenly standing right next to you, you jumped slightly and he let out a playful laugh, his laugh was beautiful, like angels singing in a choir. "apologies, forgot to warn you,"
you stood up and hugged yourself to him, his arms wrapped around you in the best hug you've ever had. he was cold, but you were sure you were warm enough for the both of you. you never wanted to separate from it, and let out a whine when he pulled away, surprising yourself more than you thought you could today.
"i'll tell the hospital something happened with one of the kids and we can talk about this more, if you're okay with it," you agreed quickly, the other patients could wait, how much trouble could happen in forks while you hog him for a little?
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musings-of-a-rose · 9 months
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Pairing: Benny Miller x ofc "Lily Morales" (21 year old daughter of Frankie Morales)
Word Count: 9000+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes: Listen, I’ve had this in my head for a long time and I just had to get it out. I know the dbf trope may be overdone, and it’s not a trope I normally read, but I just…they kept talking and I had to get it out. Sometimes the fic writes you. Thanks to @mermaidxatxheart for reading this over and helping me get unstuck. And to @avengers-fixation and @rayslittlekitten for also beta reading and giving me some excellent feedback to help this take a better shape!
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Benny Miller Masterlist
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"What do you want to do for your birthday, mija?" 
I shrug, popping another blueberry in my mouth. "I don't know. Wanna order pizza and watch a movie?"
My dad gives me a look, pointing his fork at me. "Is that what you want to do?"
I don't know. What do 21 year olds want to do besides get shit faced on their 21st? 
"I don't know, dad."
"I think you should go out with your friends."
"Are you really telling me I should go get shit faced on my birthday?"
He chuckles. "No, but you're turning 21. You don't wanna hang out with your old man."
"I always want to hang out with you."
"I love you too, but you're young. You should hang out with your friends."
"I'm fine here with you, dad."
"Look," he sighs and sets his spoon down, looking at me. "Be safe, call me if you need me to come get you or something, but go out. Be 21." 
He won't let up, I can see it in his eyes. "If it means so much to you, I'll go out."
God, I'm bored. My friends all squealed when I finally caved in and said we could go out drinking for my birthday. They picked me up and brought me to a bar, claiming a booth on the side. They had me place the order for drinks, my first at 21, and then paid, splitting the bill amongst themselves. But while I nursed a drink, they kept slamming them back, getting increasingly more drunk. Eventually, they all got up and hobbled onto the dance floor. Well, not an official dance floor, more like a space they drunkenly cleared out while putting on songs on the ancient jukebox in the corner. Some other patrons joined in and soon there was a small group of men around them, laughing and swaying along while I stayed seated at our table. 
"You look bored as fuck, Lil."
This week had been rough. Hell, this whole month had been rough. Another girl that just wanted to use him for a fun time had come and gone, leaving Benny feeling a little more than hollow. They never stay long, always wanting his fun side. If he let down his mask for just a moment, showing them all of him, they run. It hurts but if he's being honest with himself, none of them felt right. Like they were placeholders, just someone to pass the time with. Or distract him from the girl he really likes, the one he can't have. 
He takes another swig from his beer, the one he'd been nursing for a while when this large group of about 10 college aged girls comes in the bar, squealing and talking loudly. They make a big deal of securing a booth, practically yelling about how it's someone's birthday. And then, he sees her. 
Lily, his Lily being shoved forward from the group of girls, her short, pleated skirt fanning out as they tell her to go order drinks and they'll pay. When did the feelings for her start? His mind goes back to a specific moment, a BBQ at Frankie's, when Lily was nearly 20. She was walking past the pool, fully clothed and slipped in, a little yelp leaving her just before the splash. But before anyone could move, she was pushing to the surface, makeup sliding down her face and she was laughing, her head tilted back as she made her way to the edge and Frankie pulled her out. Her clothes were soaked, hair sticking to her forehead, mascara covering her cheeks along with the purple eye shadow she had been wearing. Most girls would've flipped out, cried and screamed and gotten angry, but not Lily. She made some quip about not seeing the pool there and then she looked at him as he laughed, her eyes lit up not with embarrassment, but something else that Benny couldn't quite place. But now he saw her in a whole new light. Lily. His Lily. 
Wait, not his Lily. She can't ever be his Lily because she is Lily Morales, Fish's daughter. He couldn't do that to his friend. 13 years isnt too bad of a gap but Fish's daughter? She's too smart for him, too creative, too good. She wouldn't want his old PTSD ass anyway. 
He watches her bring the drinks back and pass them out, her friends pounding them back as Lily takes small, infrequent sips from the glass she's holding, her smile dropping lower and lower as her friends get more and more drunk. 
God, she's beautiful. Her dark brown hair frames her face, loose waves cascading past her shoulders, her shirt hugging her tits the right way and Benny shifts in his seat as his mind wanders, eyes roaming over her body. She can't see him anyway, what would it hurt? 
But as the night continues on, he sees her friends get up, forming a makeshift dance floor, some other young college guys coming to join them. But not Lily. She doesn't join her friends, opting to stay back and take another slow sip from her drink, her fingers drawing a mindless pattern in the condensation on her cup. 
He takes a deep breath, drinking the last swig from his beer as he stands. He won't have her looking so sad on her birthday. He must put a smile on her face. Benny strides over to her, pushing through the crowd. 
"You look bored as fuck, Lil."
Her eyes go wide, her cheeks flushing as she looks up at him, a smile appearing on her face. Surely that's not just for him. She can't possibly feel the same way. Can she? No, she's Fish's daughter. Cut it out, Benny. 
But he can't stop himself from sliding into the seat next to her, hoping like hell she doesn't spot his half hard boner from her thigh barely touching his jean clad one. 
When he looks at her, he knows why other women haven't worked out for him. Because she is the one he wants. And the one he simply cannot have. 
My body springs to life as his voice washes over me, my eyes looking up into his bright blue ones, the ones that I see in my dreams. My cheeks warm and it's not from the half a drink I've had. It's from the fact I've been in love with this man for years. 
He smiles at me, his eyes crinkling slightly at the sides and my stomach lurches. He waves his hands, silently telling me to scooch over. I do and he sits next to me, his thigh nearly pressing into mine. He leans in close, speaking into my ear as the girls have turned the music up way too loud. 
"Happy birthday!"
"You remembered?"
He's so close, his face inches from mine, his eyes boring into me. "Of course I remember. You're one of my favorite people." 
God I hope he can't hear my heart pounding through my chest. 
"But why are you sitting here by yourself? Shouldn't you be out there?" He points his thumb over his shoulder towards my group of friends, who have now mingled with a group of college boys, all grinding on each other. 
"Hard pass."
"You mean, grinding up against sweaty young men isn't your thing?" His eyes light up with laughter.
I shake my head. "I like older men." Shit, did I just say that? He looks at me, a curious look in his eyes.
"I doubt they'd be able to keep up with you."
"I think one might."
"Sounds like you have someone in mind."
"Maybe I do." Shut up, Lily!
Before he can reply, a loud whoop sounds from the dancing throng and we both look as one of the drunk men try to impress my friend by doing the worm. Benny leans in to me again, his scent filling up my nose and suddenly I'm feeling warm between my legs. 
"I'm hungry. Wanna get out of here and get a burger or something?"
"God, yes. Please save me."
He smiles, sliding out of the booth and extends his arm to me as I get up. I take it, my skin tingling as it brushes against his, feeling his muscles constrict as he guides me through the crowd and out of the bar. I catch my friends eye as I walk past them and nod my head towards Benny, telling her silently I was going with him. She gives me a wink and thumbs up before making a lude gesture that I'm glad Benny misses. I expect him to drop my arm when we're outside, but he doesn't. Instead, he looks down at me, towering over me. 
"Did you drive or?"
"What? Oh, no. Ironically, I was not the designated driver. Don't worry, we took Ubers."
He chuckles. "Smart. Alright, my jeep is around the back. I've only had one beer, is that ok?"
"You're asking me?"
"Yeah. I mean, I'm fine to drive but whatever you're comfortable with."
"I trust you." Am I seeing things or is he blushing? 
He guides me to his jeep, opening the door and helping me inside. He drives us across town to a little diner we've been to before, although it's never been just the two of us. Usually my dad or Benny's brother Will is with us. We sit and order giant burgers and a plate of fries to share, and a couple slices of what Benny calls "birthday pie" that we eat first. 
"So why did you agree to go out with those friends if all they did was ditch you?"
I chuckle. "I blame my dad. He made me."
"Fish wanted you to go out drinking?"
"He said I should "go out and be 21". I told him I just wanted a pizza and a movie with him."
"Why didn't you tell me you wanted pizza? We could've gone to get pizza."
"No, this is perfect, really." My hand covers his on the table and I see just how small it is in comparison to Benny's and I swallow hard. "Thank you, really. You saved me."
Benny asks a zillion more questions as we eat, always interested to hear my opinion on things. I've never had a man be this interested in what I had to say, almost as if… there's no way he could feel the same for me, right? I know there's an age gap, but it's only 13 years..
He links his arm with mine again as we make our way back to his Jeep, helping me in before coming around and climbing in himself. 
"I'll take you home."
"No!" Oh shit, did I yell that? I don't want this night to end so soon. Not when I have an excuse for it to just be us.
His eyebrows are raised. "No?"
"Sorry, I didn't mean to be loud. I uh.. I mean no. My dad expects me to be home late or crash at a friend's. If I come home now, he'll think it's weird."
"I don't think he'd mind you coming home early. Then he knows you're not out causing trouble."
"Please Benny?" I hesitate a moment before reaching out to place my hand on his arm, squeezing it a little. "Can we… I don't know.. just go back to your place and hang for a bit?" His skin is warm under my palm and I feel him shift slightly in his seat, eyes fixed on the road before he glances sideways at me.
“You’d really want to hang out with an old man like me?"
“You’re not old.” I sit back, reluctantly pulling my hand from his arm. “Besides, didn’t we establish that I like older men?” What the fuck is wrong with you, Lily?
He shifts in his seat again and clears his throat, fighting back a smile. “Have anything in mind?”
“We could watch a movie?”
“Alright, you talked me into it. But only because it’s your birthday.” He smiles before reaching over and poking me in the side. I flinch back, a giggle erupting from the back of my throat. “Oh, you’re ticklish?”
“I don’t like the look on your face, Benjamin.”
He’s smiling wide. “No look. Just tucking that information away for later.”
We pull up to his place and get out. I follow him up to his front door, my eyes taking in his broad shoulders, beefy arms, and tight ass. He's so tall, much taller than me. I'd love to climb him like a tree…
Heading inside, I kick my shoes off and leave them by the door, hanging my purse on one of the coat rack hooks. I follow him into the living area. He gestures to the couch and I sit, Benny sitting at the opposite end from me. 
"Want something to drink?" He asks and it may be my imagination, but he sounds nervous.
"S-sure." Way to sound smooth, Lily. 
"Beer ok? I think I have water somewhere."
"Beer will be fine. Thanks."
"You got it. Can't believe I can officially give you this now." He disappears into his kitchen and remerges with 2 bottles of beer, popping open the top and handing it to me. He holds up his bottle to mine and we clink them together. 
"Here's to a birthday!" He says and smiles, taking a swig when I do. 
"It's certainly been one of those."
We flip through the channels, stopping on some trash reality TV to make fun of them, cracking up at the stupidity of the show. We've had a couple of beers by now and I'm not drunk by any means, but definitely warm and I feel myself loosening up as I become more comfortable around him, passing quips back and forth.
"I don't know why she's picking Jason when clearly Porter is the better choice."
"What?" I say, shocked. "You can't mean that. Have you looked at Porter?"
Benny squints at the tv. "Yes?"
"Need your glasses, old man?" 
"Be careful. You don't wanna poke the old man."
I scoff playfully, smirking. "Maybe I do."
In one swift move, Benny sits up, putting his bottle on the coffee table before he turns to me, his eyes full of mischief. He lunges for me but I jumped up, somehow missing his grip and I smirk, turning towards him. 
"You'll have to be faster than that, old man." He tries to get up and I run, trying to move around the back of the couch, but somehow he's there, leaning over the back, his strong arms wrapped around me, pulling me back over the couch as I scream. He pushes me back down onto the couch, his large form hovering over me as his fingers dig into my sides. I squirm under him, unable to do anything but squeal with laughter as I writhe about. But the mood changes suddenly, his fingers slowing as he looks down at me, his blue eyes dragging down my face to my lips. I can feel him pressing into me between my legs and heat rushes there to meet him. He leans closer, our lips almost touching, but then he's pulling back and I can't take it. We were so close, I can't go back to how it was, not knowing that he wants this as much as I do but is stopping himself, denying him and me a chance at happiness. 
My fingers grasp at his shirt, tugging to get him to look at me. When he does, his eyes are wide, a combination of lust and conflict behind them. My finger traces his cheek and I decide to go for it, leaning up while lightly pulling him towards me with the tip of my finger. His lips are nearly on mine, his breath fanning out over my face, but he stops. 
"We can't, Lil."
I nod. "We can." I feel him grow harder against me and it's all I can do to not moan, the weight of him grounding me to this moment. He still doesn't move. 
"I don't want to take advantage."
"You're not. I'm sober."
His lips are so close to mine, his breath filling my own as my lips remain slightly parted waiting for him. 
"He'd kill me."
"I'll protect you."
"Lil," he whispers, his breath heating my lips.
"Ben." I touch my lips to his and oh, his are so soft and warm, tasting slightly like the beer he'd had earlier. He doesn't move for a second and maybe I've pushed him too far. His lips move above mine, responding to my gentle touch with a more heated one, a slight moan at the back of his throat as he glides his tongue into my slightly parted lips. A small groan comes from my chest in return and I hum into his kiss, deepening it as Benny presses on with more urgency, my legs wrapping around him, squeezing him slightly. 
His hands are on my face, pushing my hair out of it as a large hand engulfs the side of my face and neck, holding my chin in place as he kisses me deeper, pressing into me harder, his hips slightly grinding of their own accord. Then he breaks the kiss, leaning up to reach over his shoulder, gripping the back of his shirt as he pulls it over his head, tossing it on the coffee table. I've seen him shirtless before of course, but this is different. A patch of hair is nestled between his pecks, soft but strong muscles flexing as he holds himself up, a small trail of hair disappearing beneath his pants. Fuck do I want to see where that goes. I scramble to grip the bottom of my shirt, lifting slightly as I twist my body to take it off, Benny's hand coming to help. My shirt joins his, Benny's fingers sliding around my back to take off my bra, tossing that on the table too. His eyes dip to my chest and they look hungry. 
"Fuck, look at you, Lil." 
Before I can reply, he leans back down, pressing his chest to mine as he kisses me again, his warm skin so soft against mine. He feels so good, comforting, grounding, I can hardly believe I'm here. He kisses a path down my neck, pausing to suck one of my nipples in his mouth. I whimper, my back arching off the couch towards him, my fingers automatically coming up to tangle in his golden hair. 
"How do you want it?"
"Wh-what?" Is all I can manage as he starts to lick at my same nipple. 
"Do you have any favorite positions? Any you hate?"
"I don't know."
He chucks into my skin. "Should I give you a moment to think?"
I shake my head. "I really don't know. I've never done this before."
Benny drops my boob with a plop, pushing himself up so fast it makes my head spin. "What do you mean you haven't done this before?"
I know I'm blushing under his gaze. "I mean… I haven't.. I just… I've never…" I gesture between us.
"Be clear."
"I'm a virgin, ok?" I'm not that embarrassed, but everyone I know has had sex long before me. I just never felt the desire to. Probably because none of them was the man above me, who is now trying to untangle my legs from behind him. 
"I didn't know you were… didn't you have boyfriends?"
"Yeah but I've never done anything past boobs."
"Shit, Lil. I can't do this to you. I-"
"Do this to me?"
"Yeah, take your…" He gestures between my legs, still trying to wiggle his way out from between them. 
"I want you, though, Benny."
"I can't. Not when you haven't…you should do it with someone your age. You should've done it with a boyfriend-"
I let out a frustrated huff. "But none of them were you, Ben!"
He stops moving, his eyes studying my face. "What?"
Too late to not say anything now. "I.. ok, I've liked you for a really long time. Like, really liked you. I tried dating people my age but they all suck. None of them were you. I guess I've been waiting, hoping you'd feel the same. But I won't force-"
"You waited for me?"
I nod, suddenly unable to look at him, my cheeks on fire. "I hoped one day I'd have the courage to tell you how I felt. Or something. I knew it was a long shot. I mean, look at me. I'm… me."
His eyes soften, looking down my body and back up to my eyes. "You say that like it's a bad thing. You're fucking gorgeous, Lil. And..I'd be lying if I said I never thought about us. But me? Why would you want anything to do with me?"
I muster up the courage to look him in the eyes. "Because you make me feel seen. Like I matter. That I'm not just some piece of ass."
"I've been through some major shit, Lil."
I reach up, my hand caressing his cheek, fingers scratching at the stubble. "I want that too. I want all of you, Benny. I want you."
His lips press to mine again, urgent, desperate, his large hand pressed on the side of my neck, the other bracing him. He breaks the kiss for just a moment, pulling back enough to make sure I'm looking at him. 
"Are you sure, Lil? This isn't a small thing, even if you weren't a virgin."
"I am so unbelievably sure, Benny. Please just, show me. Make me feel good."
He smiles at me, his eyes darkening with a glint. “I’m about to ruin you for other men, sweetheart. But not here."
My brows furrow together. "What?"
He taps my thigh to get me to unlock my legs. I do and he stands, stretching briefly before he extends a hand to me, helping me up off the couch. He tips my head up, hooking my chin with his finger, pressing his lips to mine, his other hand coming up to lightly pinch my nipple. I gasp at the sensation, arching slightly into his palm. Then he stands straight, holding his hand out to me, giving me one last chance to stop things. I lace my fingers with his, my hand feeling small in his large one and he smiles, walking me down the hallway to his bedroom.
Once inside, he pushes some things out of the way, and sits on the edge of the bed. He beckons me over and I stand between his outstretched legs. He pulls one of my boobs in his mouth and I moan, heat and wet pooling between my thighs as he kisses his way down to my skirt line. He pauses, eyes turned up to mine, as his hand gently glides up my inner thigh, leaving a trail of goosebumps behind it. Once he reaches my panties, he stops, barely brushing a finger over my clothed clit and I jolt, pleasure momentarily shooting out from where he touched me. 
"You're so fucking wet," he says with awe.
"Is..is that a good thing?"
He touches me again, grinning when I gasp out loud. "Such a good thing."
He pulls his hand from under my skirt, hooking his fingers into the waistband and pulls them down slowly, kissing the skin that appears as my skirt and panties slide down my legs. I kick them off, foot shoving them somewhere behind me as I stand there, completely bare in front of him. I'm nervous, hands automatically coming up to cover me, but he grips my wrists, holding them apart as his eyes slowly move over my body. 
"So fucking beautiful, Lil."
He switches places with me and tells me to lay back, scooting up the bed. He kicks off his pants but leaves his boxers on, which do nothing to hide the tent in his pants. My eyes grow wide. Are all men that large? He crawls over my body, slotting himself between my legs, kissing me deeply for several minutes. My legs wrap around him, feeling him hot and heavy against me. But then he's kissing a path down my body, scooting lower and lower until he's level with my pussy, pushing my legs apart further and putting his broad shoulders between them to hold them apart. 
"Fuck, you have a pretty little pussy. Can't believe no one has touched you here."
I don't respond, my head swimming with a whirl of emotions, mostly nerves and how bad I want him to touch me, push himself inside of me. I want-
"Oh!" A cry erupts from me, my thighs clamping around the side of Benny's head as his tongue makes contact with me, licking a line up me before he taps at my clit. "Oh, God, Benny!" My fingers tangle in his hair, tugging on him and holding him in place as he laps at me, gliding his nose up my seam before I feel him press a finger to my entrance, rubbing small circles there. I can hear how wet I am, my other hand flying out to grip the sheets as he pushes his finger in slowly. 
"Fuck you are so tight, Lil."
He slowly moves his finger in and out of me, my body warming quickly before he adds a second finger, this time tapping around inside of me. He hits some spot and I yell, thighs banging against his head again.
"There it is," he smirks, his fingers rubbing and tapping at that spot as his mouth returns to my pussy, licking and sucking. I feel tingles, all over my body, racing towards where he's touching me and then I explode, my head pushing into the bed, thighs tensing as I pulse around him, whining and moaning as I come. Benny guides me through it, making sure I feel every ounce of pleasure I possibly can.
And then he does it two more times. 
My entire body is warm and loose, my brain swimming with the pleasure of it all as Benny removes his mouth from me, wiping his face on the back of his hand, grinning ear to ear as he hovers over me, tasting of me as he presses his lips to mine. 
"You feelin' good, sweetheart?"
Benny chuckles. "Do you want me to stop?"
My eyes fly open as I find his. "No. Please I need you inside of me."
He nods. "I think you're ready for me. But stop me if it hurts or you want me to stop, ok?"
He scoots back off the bed, standing and pulling his boxers off. He springs up and holy shit is that supposed to go in me? He settles between my legs, pushing my thighs apart, sliding himself through my soaked folds and I whimper at his touch. He's heavy at my entrance, his eyes on my face as he slowly pushes in. 
"Oh!" Is about all I can say. It burns for sure, and is uncomfortable, but not painful. And as he pushes further in, I feel him rub up against that spot he made sensitive with his fingers moments before. My fingers dig into his biceps, his muscles strong beneath my nails as he slowly slides back out. 
“Are you ok?” He asks, his eyebrows pulled together in concern. 
“I will be once you’re back inside of me.”
“Fuck you’re gonna kill me.” 
He pushes back into me, still slowly but a little faster this time. When he can go no further, he waits, holding his hips still to give me a moment. I feel so full of him, my head swimming with his scent while I relax and stretch around him. He must feel the tension leaving me, as he pulls back out and pushes back in, more quickly. After about 5 more of these, he pushes in rather quick and I yelp as he hits a spot at the back of me. 
“Fuck! Do that again!”
He smiles, one side of his mouth pulling up as he complies, thrusting into me harder and chuckling when he hears the breathy sounds coming from me. He keeps going, making sure to angle himself to thrust into that spot every time, eventually speeding up more, rutting into me as I come unglued beneath him, writhing and moving my hips to meet his, my vision going hazy at the edges as my body tingles and I come, nails digging into him as I chant his name over and over. Benny grunts and pulls out, spilling himself across my lower stomach, little breathy grunts coming from him as he comes. 
He takes a second when he’s done before getting up and grabbing a wet cloth from the bathroom. He cleans me up and returns with another cloth, wiping my overstimulated cunt, and chuckling when my legs twitch. He tosses the rag in his hamper and crawls on the bed next to me, pulling the sheet over us. Benny props himself up on his elbow, his finger tracing lines down my chest before using a finger to turn my head to him. 
“How are you feeling, Lil?”
I sigh, feeling the corners of my mouth pull into a soft smile. “Honestly? I’ve never felt better.”
He presses his lips lightly to mine. “The best you’ve ever felt, huh?”
I nod, turning on my side to face him. “You were right though. You’ve ruined other men for me. Good thing I only want one man.”
A yell rips me from sleep and I sit up quick, my head rushing slightly as I look around the unfamiliar room, blinking a few times before remembering I was still at Benny’s. In his bed. A whimper echoes in the dark space and I look down, seeing Benny tangled in his sheets, curled up and sweating, eyes jammed shut and his mouth muttering words I can’t catch all of. I may have never seen it on Benny, but I am familiar with the nightmares. My dad has them all the time, one of the many reasons why I’m studying to be a psychiatrist and intend to reform the VA mental health unit. 
I gently place my hand on his bare shoulder, his skin warm and sweaty under my palm. “Benny, it’s ok. You’re here. I’m here.”
He whimpers once more before his eyes pop open, wet with unshed tears and he gasps, hand reaching out for something I can’t see. He blinks and turns his head, seeing my hand on his shoulder and he follows it up to my face.
I smile. “Hey, Ben. Are you with me?”
“I…” he pulls his shoulder from me and sits up, pulling the blankets around his waist. “I’m sorry.” He’s wiping at his face, trying to push the tears away. “Just lock the door on your way out.”
“When you leave, just take the key and lock the door. Slide it under the mat.”
“I don’t…I don’t understand? You’re kicking me out?”
“You want to leave, right?”
“No? Why would I?”
“Because I’m fucked up! I told you, Lil. I have so much shit with me. No one wants this.” 
“Ben. Look at me.”
He shakes his head. "I can't. Just.. lock the door on your way out."
"I can't. I can't see that look on your face too, I just can't, Lily."
"Ben, please look at me." 
He sighs and turns his head, a hard expression on his face and I see it, all the hurt he’s had to endure from the women before me leaving him once his guard slipped. And I want to fight them all. I take his hand, lacing my fingers through his and bring it to my lips, pressing a kiss to the back of his hand. 
“Benjamin Miller, unless you kick me out, I’m not going anywhere.”
His eyes water a little and he shakes his head to stop them. “But, the nightmares-”
“You think this is the first time I’ve seen a nightmare? Do you not remember who my dad is?”
“Fish gets nightmares too?”
I nod. “All the fucking time, Ben. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve talked him down. Why do you think I’m going into psych?”
“You’re…you’re really not wanting to leave?”
“No. I’d really rather stay here with you, make sure you’re ok, wake up next to you. As long as you’ll have me?”
He squeezes my hand and presses his forehead to mine. “I’d love that.”
I lay back and beckon him to me, placing his head on my chest as he cuddles into my side. He sucks one of my boobs in his mouth, claiming it’s his comfort toy. But soon after he’s sound asleep, his face peaceful and he doesn’t wake the rest of the night.
He brings me home the next day and I wave to him from the front steps as I walk through the front door. 
“She’s alive!”
“Ha-ha, dad. But I’m doing fine.”
“Was that Benny I saw dropping you off?”
“Oh. Yeah. He was at the bar last night.”
“And he brought you home this morning?”
I nod, kicking off my shoes. “Yeah. I was pretty drunk and my friends still wanted to party. His place was closest to the bar and I asked him to take me there. Didn’t think I could make it home.” I mimed throwing up, which is exactly what I wanted to do. I hate lying to him. 
“You could’ve called me. I would’ve picked you up.”
“I know. But Benny was already there. No sense in waking you up.”
“You know I don’t sleep.”
“Which is why you’re always so fun to be around.”
He looks fake hurt, pressing his hand to his chest. “I am a damn delight….but I’ll have to thank Benny for taking such good care of you.”
I hide my smirk before replying. “Please do.”
The next few months pass and we keep us a secret, going on dates in the next towns over, meeting up whenever we can. I feel bad for lying to my dad and not telling him, but it’s not the right time. 
Benny is everything I thought he was and more. He makes me laugh, even cracking jokes as he’s pressed between my thighs. He makes me feel safe and I think I make him feel safer too. His nightmares, while still present, seem to happen less often, his body relaxing into mine as he sleeps deeply. 
Then there’s the sex. Oh God the sex. I know I have nothing to compare it to, but the way my friends talk about it, it seems like it’s often a chore. They talk about faking orgasms or men that are only concerned about themselves. Not Benny. He says he loves the sounds I make as he pulls orgasm after orgasm out of me, pressing his body against and into mine against every surface of his house and his jeep, anywhere we can get away with it.  
About 6 months in, it’s our turn to host the monthly BBQ for all the boys. Will usually brings his wife and kids, Santi just himself, and Tom brings his family, so it’s a pretty big to do. I remember at BBQ’s in the past, sometimes Benny would show up with some girl and how jealous I was of her. And this time, I’m still jealous, because they got to be with him in the open. No passing touches or whispers, no hiding glances or anything. But I’m feeling bold, so I put on my favorite sundress, the one Benny had hitched up around my hips as he bent me over his kitchen table the last time we were together. And judging by the look on his face, he too has this same memory when he sees me in the dress. 
Everyone is outside, the kids screaming and running around, everyone else chatting, keeping an eye on the kids as my dad starts grilling. I feel Benny’s eyes on me as I set a few bowls of chips on the table, bending over just a little more than normal to expose more of my cleavage to him. I glance up at him and wink, turning and heading back into the house. I hear him come in behind me a couple minutes later, his eyes on me standing in the doorway to the hall. He silently follows me upstairs to my room, closing the door behind us and locking it before taking 2 steps towards me, pulling me to him and kissing me deeply. His hands fist in the sides of my dress, pulling it up higher on my hips. 
“You think you’re so slick wearing this dress?”
“I don’t know what you mean.”
“You know exactly what I mean.”
I pull him down on me, parting my thighs to let him settle between them as my back settles into my bed. My fingers twist in his hair, his hand trailing up my bare thigh as I whimper in his ear. 
“Wanna fuck in my bed. We haven’t done that yet.”
“Your dad’s outside.”
“So what if he hears us?”
“I’ll deal with that then. Please fuck me Benny. I need you to fuck me.”
And so he does, pushing my panties aside and thrusting into me, one hand clamped over my mouth. I try to push him into me more, my hands gripping his ass, digging little marks into it when I come, legs spasming as Benny’s moans come right after, his hips rutting into mine as he fills me up. 
“Let me get something to clean you up with.”
“Don’t. I want to feel you inside me.”
“Fuckin’ hell you’re gonna kill me.”
My chest heaves as Benny rolls off me and lays on his side, trying to catch his own breath. He slides his hand across my body and gently squeezes one of my boobs, his thumb grazing over my nipple. 
“You can’t possibly want to go again?” I ask, eyebrows raised. 
“What? This is my emotional support tiddy.”
Laughter erupts from me and Benny joins in, his smile making me feel warm all over. This is nice, this is comfortable. Benny makes everything in my life good. 
“You hungry? We did miss our dinner reservations.”
I chuckle. “Totally worth missing them.”
Benny props himself up on his elbow, his hand leaving my boob to start sliding down my bare stomach. “Oh I agre-”
My stomach has decided enough is enough and the sound it makes is loud in the quiet room. Benny laughs again, his head flying back with it before he brings his lips to my stomach, speaking to it.
“You hungry, girl? Should we get some food in ya?”
I ruffle his hair and he turns, his cheek resting on my stomach as his eyes meet mine. We stare at each other for a few moments before he chuckles. “Your stomach is so loud.”
“Ok, fine. I’m hungry,” I smile.
He sits up, giving me a quick kiss before rolling off the bed. “I’ll go make us something. You can shower if you’d like. I’ll let you know when it’s ready.” He leaves the room, sliding some pants on before he does. I make my way to his bathroom across the hall and take in my appearance, fixing my hair so it’s not too wild before sliding one of his shirts on. I make my way down the hall and stand in the entrance to the kitchen, watching Benny move about the kitchen, no shirt and sweatpants hanging low on his hips. He tosses a kitchen towel over his shoulder as he flips a pancake, one of his specialties, humming to himself as he does. His hair is sticking up at all angles, looking like he’d just rolled around in bed for hours. Which I guess, technically, he did. I walk up behind him and wrap my arms around his waist, kissing his back before resting my cheek against it. 
“You want strawberries or chocolate chips in yours, Lil?”
“Do I have to pick?”
He pauses for a moment. “Shit, why did I never think to combine those?” He adds both cut up strawberries and chocolate chips to his mix, pouring out another round of batter on the griddle. “I may have to steal one.”
“I’ll fight you for it.”
He slides the pancake off the spatula and spins, gripping my wrists before I can move. “I’d like to see- are you in my shirt?”
He drops my wrists and slides his hands around my hips, feeling for something. “Are you..are you not wearing any underwear?”
“How else am I supposed to feel you dripping down my legs?” Benny groans, gripping my jaw and pulling me in for a heated kiss, but the sound of a key jiggling in his front door lock kills the mood. In one quick motion, Benny is shoving me back through the doorway and down the hall, motioning for me to hide. I step into his room and close the door almost all the way just as the front door opens. 
“Hey, Ben.”
The door closes and I feel the color drain from my face. My dad is here and almost walked in on us fucking in the kitchen. 
“Hope it’s ok I used my key? Normally you complain about having to get up and open the door.”
“No, no that’s fine. What, uh, what are you doing here?”
“Lil is at her friend’s studying this weekend so I thought we could watch the fight?”
“The fight?”
There’s a slight pause. “The big fight? Between Samson and Jueng?”
“Oh right. The fight. Yeah, I think the neighbors in 2B are having some kind of party.”
“That explains why the parking lot is slammed.”
“Yeah, yeah. Hey listen, Frankie, I uh…I’m a little…” There’s a pause where Benny fumbles for words. 
“Oh shit, I should’ve called, Ben. I just got bored and I remembered you said you were staying in this weekend. Thought we could hang.”
“No, no. It’s uh, it’s ok. Did..did you want some pancakes?”
“For dinner?”
“I already made some.”
“Sure, sounds good. Bathroom useable?”
“It’s clean, fucker.”
Dad’s chuckle gets closer and I step away from the crack in the bedroom door, like he could see me through it. When I hear the bathroom door close, I yank on some pants and grab my shoes, tiptoe running down the hall and meet Benny at the door. 
“I’ll let you know when he leaves.”
I nod. “Sounds good. I still want pancakes.”
“Ok ok but you have to go now,” He’s practically pushing me out of the door, but just before it closes, he reaches out and grabs my arm, pulling me back and kissing me before letting me go, a smile as the door closes and I hear my dad’s voice coming back down the hall.  
That was close.
Several weeks later, I decided to grab some dinner on my way to Benny’s, neither of us feeling much like cooking. I wait at the counter of the diner, studying the pie menu while our burgers cook. It’s hard to pick out pie for Benny because he loves them all. Even Rhubarb. I decide on a slice of apple and a slice of buttermilk pie, placing the order with the waitress.
“No pecan?”
I jump, my head jerking to look at my dad, leaning against the counter, menu in hand and looking at me. 
“You’re favorite?”
“Oh. Yeah I thought I’d try something new.”
He nods. “So, you weren’t going to tell your old man you were getting shitty food before coming home?”
“You’re here too.”
He laughs. “True.” His eyebrows furrow together as the waitress brings 2 large bags and reads off the order. I try to cut her off but she plows through, smiling at the end. 
“Anything else, dear?”
“N-no. I’m good.” She walks off and I can feel my dad’s eyes on me. 
He nods towards the bags. “There’s enough food there for two. Especially with that last burger. Double cheese, double bacon, and extra pickles? That’s exactly what Benny orders so I know it’s entirely too much.”
I laugh nervously. “Uh yeah. That’s..that’s mine. Period.” He looks at me, understanding. 
“And the other burger?”
“Uh surprise! I was going to bring food home.”
He smiles and I feel terrible. “We must have been thinking the same thing. Thanks, mija. Need some help?”
He takes the burger bag and I take the other, walking me over to my car. He waits for me to get in and hands me the bag. 
“See you at home!” 
When he’s turned away and solidly heading to his truck, I pull out my phone and send a quick text to Benny. 
Me: No burgers tonight. Dad came in. Had to tell him I was buying for us.
Benny Baby: Oh shit! Did he know?
Me: He recognized your order but nothing past that. I’m sorry! Can I come tomorrow?
Benny Baby: Oh I plan on making you come many times 
It was a couple weeks before we could manage to see each other again and we wasted no time in making up for it. Benny pressed himself between my thighs over and over, pulling as many sounds from me as he could before I just couldn’t take anymore, completely over stimulated. Only then did we get dressed and head out to dinner across town, his arm wrapped around my shoulders as we walked into my favorite Italian restaurant, laughing and sharing breadstick puns as we waited for our food. After force feeding ourselves some dessert, we walked back around the building, Benny pushing me against the side of his jeep, slotting his leg between my thighs as he pushes his tongue in my mouth, my hands fisting in his shirt. I can feel him getting harder against me and I wonder how unoccupied this parking lot is or if I even care. 
“I thought that was you. You got a secret girlfriend?”
Benny freezes at his brother’s voice, pulling back slowly and looking into my eyes, fear and apologies swirling around in his baby blues. He tries his best to turn around without showing me, but the angle is weird and he can’t quite hide all of me, no matter how I try to angle myself. 
“Wait…Lily?” Will says, completely shocked. 
I sigh, stepping out from behind Benny. “It’s me.”
He’s not smiling, gripping the takeout bag he has in his hand a little tighter as he looks at Benny. “That’s Fish’s daughter, Ben.”
“I fuckin’ know, Will. Don’t you think I know?”
“You’re making out with Fish’s daughter. His daughter.” 
“Yeah. And you’re not gonna tell him.”
“Why the fuck shouldn’t I? You shouldn’t be fucking around - shit, are you fucking around with her?”
I feel Benny’s body tense and I gently lace my fingers through his, a motion that doesn’t go unnoticed by Will. 
“That’s Lily, Ben! You shouldn’t be…I gotta call Fish.”
Before he can move, I step in front of Benny and grip Will’s arm gently. He looks down at me, his grey blue eyes studying me as if he’s trying to see if I’ve been coerced. 
“Please don’t, Will. I promise we will tell him. Eventually.”
“Tell him what, exactly?”
I glance back at Benny, giving him a small smile before looking back at Will. “We’re together. I am the secret girlfriend and the reason he hasn’t been around as much.”
Will looks from me to Benny and back. “He put you up to this?”
“Hey fuck you, man!”
I put my hand up, touching Benny’s chest. “No. If anything, I convinced him.”
“You’re Fish’s daughter, Lil.”
“I’m aware.”
“One of our best friend’s daughters.”
“That’s me.”
“I don’t know, I…”
“Will… please? I promise we will tell him. We’ve just…been enjoying each other and seeing where this takes us.”
He cocks his head slightly. “So it’s really not just sex?”
I shake my head. “No.”
He looks between us again, looking like he’s doing some mental math. “Alright but only for you, Lil. Benny knows better. But you have to promise you’re gonna tell him.”
I nod. “Yes, of course. Thank you, Will.” I give him a hug and he returns it with one arm, the other still holding a heavy bag of take out. His eyes never leave Benny’s and I watch as they grow hard. 
“I love you, Ben. But if you hurt her, I’m not gonna hold back Fish.”
Benny nods. “That’s fair.”
I love him. He tried telling me I’d grow out of him, but I didn’t. If anything I fell more in love with him as time went on. Benny let his final walls down, telling me how much he loves me, how I accept him, all of him, and how he thought he’d never find that. I don’t know how we made it 8 months without telling anyone or anyone figuring it out, aside from Will. 
It wasn’t until my dad came home early, finding Benny and me making out on the couch that I remembered why we were keeping it a secret. Thank God he didn’t come home 2 minutes later. 
“What the fuck is this?” He slams the door behind him, the walls rattling and Benny and I spring apart, Benny jumping up as my dad storms towards him. “SHE’S MY DAUGHTER, BEN!” 
Benny has his hands out in a placating manner. “I know, but-”
“My daughter! She is not for you!”
“No, but-”
Anger rises up from my chest. “You have no say over who I get with!”
He looks at me, his dark eyes fuming. “I do when it’s my best friend and my daughter! You’re only 21, Lily!”
“So? I am not some thing you can pass around! My life is my own! I can date and fuck whomever I want!”
His eyes go wide, cheeks flushing with built up anger as he turns his rage towards Benny. “Wait…have you slept with her?”
His voice raises, loud enough I know the neighbors are listening in. “Have you fucked my daughter, Ben?”
The color drains from Benny’s face. “Let’s talk about thi-”
BAM! My dad’s fist collides with Benny’s face, his head flying back. Luckily, Benny knows how to take a punch, thanks to his days as an MMA fighter. He straightens up, dodging the next swing from my dad, his hands still up trying to placate him. 
“Dad!” I push past him and stand in front of Benny, turning his face towards me to inspect his lip, which is now bleeding, a dark circle starting to appear under his eye. I round on my dad.
“What the fuck dad?”
“Don’t dad me! You’ve been lying to me for months! Sleeping with Benny? He’s my best friend, Lily!”
“I know, but-”
“You just never stop to think about the consequences. What did you think was gonna happen? He’s 13 years older than you!”
“Yes, but-”
“He’s done some shit, but putting his hands on my daughter is the thing I’m gonna kill him for.”
“Ok, dad. Kitchen. Now. Benny? First aid kit in the bathroom.” I push on my dad’s chest, willing him to move. He glares over my shoulder at Benny as he moves into the kitchen, but doesn’t sit. 
“What the fuck, Lily?”
“I know, but let me explain.”
“I love him, dad.”
He pinches the bridge of his nose, his other hand on his hip in his typical dad pose. “I know you think you love him mija, but it’s just infatuation. You’re young.”
“Do you remember a few years ago, you asked me why I had boyfriends but none of them seemed to stick? And I told you I didn’t like them or want any of them?”
He thinks for a moment. “Yeah.”
“What did I say after that?”
“I said maybe you haven’t found the right person and you said no it’s because…” I raise my eyebrows at him until he continues. “...because you were in love with someone else.”
“You told me to go for it and I said I couldn’t because there’s no way he likes me the same way and it would be complicated.”
His shoulders slump, a little bit of the anger seeping from him. “Benny?”
“How do you know he feels the same way?”
“Didn’t you tell me a few months ago how good he looks? That he said he was seeing someone but wasn’t ready to bring her around everyone yet? But that he hasn’t looked this happy in the entire time you’ve known him?”
“Fuck. It was you?”
“Me. We love each other, dad. We have for years, but didn’t say it until my birthday.”
“Wait. You told me Benny let you stay over because you were drunk. Did he-”
“No. I barely drank. My friends ditched me and he saw me. We went for dinner and then back to his place where..confessions were made.”
“You lied to me?”
“You didn’t ask me if I slept with him, dad.”
“Dammit. I hate when you’re right.” 
“Are…are we going to be ok?”
He pulls me to him in a bear hug, kissing the top of my head. “I’ll always love you, mija. But your boyfriend I may have to warm up to. God that feels weird to say.”
Benny pokes his head around the corner. “Is it safe?”
Dad turns his head to him, hugging me tighter. “I haven’t decided if I want to kill you yet.”
“Well while you’re deciding, can I just say how much I love her? She’s smart and funny, and she makes the world bright again. She’s the best thing to ever happen to me.”
“You’re damn right she is. So what if I told you I don’t want you dating her?”
“Sshh. I’m asking him.”
“With all due respect, Fish. I’d tell you to go fuck yourself and date her anyway. I love you, you’re my best friend, but she’s the one for me and I won’t let anything come between us unless she wants it to.”
He lets me go and stomps up to Benny, who is a few inches taller than him. He glares up at him for a few moments before extending his hand out. 
“Just do me a favor and don’t kiss in front of me?”
“Speak for yourself, Ben. I plan on making out with you whenever I can.”
A year later we’re married, both of us eternally grateful for my friends ditching me on my birthday that night.
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theaceofarrows · 5 months
I love watching the pjo show with my sister, because both of us have read the books and we're having the time of our lives yelling at the screen. Here are some of my favorite things we've yelled so far
My sister, "It's the Grover cheese scene!"
Both of us "BLACKJACK!"
My sister about Nancy"Have you considered that she's a bitch?"
Me about Chiron "Gaslight, gatekeep, NOT girlboss"
Both of us when Gabe showed up on screen "That fucker" "Asshole"
Me "The Blue candy!"
Sally "I believe my kid" my sister "what a great mom"
Me "di Angelo's delly! My boy!!"
Both of us "poor Grover" "honestly"
Me, when Percy asks about the minotaur wearing underpants "it's a fair question"
My sister about Sally in the car chase "she's got this. She's a New Yorker"
My sister "oh, look it's Thalia"
Me "Annabeth said the thing"
Me, when Dionysus shows up "PETER JOHNSON!" Mr. D "Peter Johnson" "YES!"
My sister when Chiron first shows up as a centaur "give the kid some warning before you just walk up like that"
Me about the Hermes cabin "the crime cabin. The fun cabin"
My sister "unrealistic how none of the Hermes kids stole Percy's stuff"
Us almost everything time Luke says something we know has double meaning "you know, like a liar"
My sister when Percy makes the toilets explode "gee, I wonder who your dad is? Hmm?"
My sister every time someone asks Percy why he doesn't know something "because you don't tell him anything. You are not fucking telling him anything!"
My sister when Percy gets claimed "Why does that trident look more like a dinner fork?" Me "aren't all forks just small tridents" "Okay, true"
My sister about the Poseidon cabin "why is there just a giant water trough in the middle of the room? Why did you think that was a good idea?" "to put rubber ducks in" "okay, fair"
Us whenever Zues is mentioned "FUCK ZUES!"
My sister when Hades is acusesed of stealing the master bolt "would you leave him out of this?! The man just wants to stay with his dog and wife"
My sister when Luke says the shoes are a gift from my dad "that's why they're old hand-me-downs" "so true"
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olsenmyolsen · 1 year
All Eyes On Me
Part 18 of On The Inside With Elizabeth Olsen
Word Count: ~8.5K
I decided to listen to my girlfriend Elizabeth Olsen and not have a frozen breakfast. I made buttery pancakes and scrambled eggs. Breakfast isn't my favorite meal, but it is Liz's. Well, I think every meal is Liz's favorite, if I'm being honest. But I persist! MK left halfway through, but I promised her we'd hang out soon. Anyways I still have extra batter, so if I'm feeling up for it, maybe I'll have more after I finish my two pancakes and scrambled eggs with hot sauce—the only way to do it.
I sit my butt down on my couch and place my plate and cup of tea on my coffee table. I have a dining room table, but it's a small and old plus; if it's just me here, why would I use it? Ya know?
I pull out my phone and decide to see what's going on in the world and if I should hate myself while I eat. One bite and in and fuck, why don't I make pancakes more! This is so good! Okay, new food fixation, I feel it! Tomorrow morning? Pancakes! This weekend? Pancakes! Hell yeah!
Through my pancake high and ignoring the latest news about how our planet is fucked I take a moment to think on where I'm at and how I feel. After my mom left, I felt like she and I were possibly on the most significant grounds of understanding one another in years. She told me she'd come by early afternoon so she could adequately see my space, and so we could hang out and do touristy things. It's her first time in New York, after all! So, I guess I got a couple of hours to kill.
I am also incredibly thankful and appreciative of MK for being here and supporting me. She didn't have to stay or do the things she did, but the fact that she did meant so much. As the saying goes, actions speak louder than words.
I then think about one more person. I shove another forkful of eggs into my mouth before I get up and grab the picture of Max and I. The picture MK saw last night. I return to the couch and place it next to my plate. I haven't opened it since that day. I don't know why I want it here with me. Maybe it's the guilt I feel? Perhaps it's because I'm ready? I don't know...
Before my mind can wander anymore, my phone lights up. It's Max. I guess she's on break, so time to trauma bond, am I right!? Just kidding, Max is just understanding.
Y/N: Hey, what's up?
Max: Not much. I just have a free minute, just wanted to check in with you!
After Max gave me a rundown of how Y/N and her mom have been over the last couple of years, I instantly feel my soul hurt for the person I love. I guess she never mentioned her mom for a reason. Max also told me the name, Davey. Max said that Y/N might bring up that name up if she talks about her mom but to not push her on it. I fill in the small blanks and figure out that it must be her dad or stepdad.
This makes me feel shitty about how I could think that MK would swoop in and take Y/N. It's stupid, I know. But Y/N is hot and my girlfriend. MK has this weird pull on her, and I don't want to lose her. So yeah, I may have texted some bitchy things, but now I'm apologizing.
I put my phone away, and as my nerves start working up my body as Max's phone tells me that we're here. This is it! I made it! A black SUV pulls out of a spot just in front of the building. Perfect! I must be wearing a stupid smile because when I look at Max, she has the same face, but she's looking at me while I was looking at an old NY building.
Max cocks an eyebrow. "You ready?" I rapidly nod and hop out of the car. Max does the same and comes to the back to open the truck for my bags and suitcases. I insisted on helping, but Max informs me that I'm the "Queen," so luggage was "beneath me." Silly, but who am I to argue? However, before Max piles everything onto or in front of her, I grab my black backpack and traveling tote.
I start to walk ahead and into the building before max yells out and stops me. "You don't know where you're going." Shit. She's right. I roll my eyes and gesture for her to lead the way instead. We get to the elevator. Max hits the button and informs me we have about 20 seconds till it arrives. Good to know. As we wait, I can see Max's mind working, and ding, she gets an idea as the doors open.
Max pulls out her phone and dials up Y/N as we step into the elevator. "Basically, I talk and talk, and then when we arrive in front of her-" Y/N answers. I like this plan. I like everything that's happening, actually! I continue to listen to Max. I only hear her side of the conversation before I get too nosy and grab her phone, putting the call on speaker. Max looks at me and mouthed the word sorry before I had her phone back.
Y/N: No, you don't need to come over. I'm alright.
Max: You eating?
Y: Pancakes and eggs. Dude, I never realized how I might have an addiction to pancakes.
Max laughs at Y/N's ridiculous comment while I smile because she made what I said.
The elevator comes to Y/N's floor, and we hop off.
M: Hey, so we still on for Avengers tonight?
Y: Yeah-
M: Is it cool if I bring someone?
Max looks at me with pure excitement.
Y: Uhh yeah, is it Flirty?
M: Someone better!
Y: Do I know them?
M: You might.
We arrive at Y/N's door, and Max motions for me to knock as she gets behind me. I give a rhythmic set of knocks before covering the peephole, so she can't see that it's us.
Y: Hold on, someones at my door.
It feels like my whole body is vibrating, waiting for her to unlock this door. Shit, I should've thought about what to say when she opens the door! "Long time no see?" No, that's lame. I could just go with the classic-
-the door swings open!
"Hey, Coffee Girl."
I feel my phone slipping from my hand, but thankfully some piece of my brain realizes I need it, so I subconsciously hang up and put it in my back pocket, all while staring at the beautiful green-eyed woman smiling at me. Like giving me a genuine fucking goofy ass grin.
I take a wobbly step forward as my face begins to break. "You're supposed to be in London.." "Surprise," Liz responds in a hushed voice before we clash into one another. We let our arms wrap around one another as we let quiet tears and kisses land on our faces. I'm still in awe that she's here! My Liz is here! I get lost in the moment, and it feels like time is speeding by, but I guarantee we've just been hugging for two minutes tops. "What? How? When? I-" I stop when I see my favorite redhead pop out from behind my girl.
"You bitch!" I let go of Liz and playfully shove Max before pulling her into a hug. "Thank you!" I let Max go as I feel an arm snake its way around my body before feeling a plethora of kisses land on my cheek, causing me to squirm. I look over at the green-eyed beauty next to me. She looks straight at me and gives her classic scrunch face. God, I love her. I then see Liz's eyes dart their way down my body before her eyes go wide, staring at my chest.
I look down, expecting my boobs to be on display or something, but oops, I forgot what shirt I was wearing. I whip my head back up to see Liz's awe-struck face. "I can't believe you have this!" I crane my head towards Max because it was her idea that I get this. All I get back in return is her hiding a fit of laughter behind her hands. "Please never wear this out." Liz pleads to me in a voice that makes me want to wear it 24/7. "But it's my favorite shirt!" I whine. She and I both know that's not true. My favorite shirt is the one she gave me the night I slept over. She shakes her head, but I see the smirk coming from her.
"Show me your place, love," Liz demands, changing the conversation entirely. So not wasting any more time, I help Max with the bags and bring the girls into my place. Once inside, I immediately start to become self-conscious. It's nowhere near as big as Liz's place. Or as nice. It's a studio. I have no garden. I literally just got stuff that expresses me as a person more. Shit, what if Liz doesn't like anything. What if-
"I love it." You what now? I watch Lizard look around my place. She becomes infatuated with the books and journals clogging up my tv stand. She runs a hand along the exposed brick on the dividing wall between the two main rooms. I watch her peer her eyes into the bedroom before she turns back to face me. Wait, why is she pouting? She just said she loves it. What happened?
"What's wrong?" I ask, making my way over to the little witch. "No plants." I pull Liz into a hug to comfort her but also to hide my eyes as they roll. Of course. I feel a hand hit my arm, and I look down in shock. "Just because I don't see it doesn't mean you can just roll your eyes." How does she know? "How!" I pull her and cup her face to ask. "I'm an Avenger." She states in the most 'duh' way possible before grabbing my hand and pulling me into the kitchen.
I look back to the couch and just see Max, who has already made herself at home watching us. She puts a finger to her mouth and gags, but she knows this shit is cute. Plus, she has a special someone, too, so she can shh.
I focus my attention back on Liz as she begins searching through my kitchen cabinets and drawers. "Can I help, my love?" Liz doesn't respond. Instead, she pulls out her phone and begins typing away. I have zero idea what's happening. I try to take a peek at Liz's phone, but she pulls it away, and let me tell ya, earlier, she looked pouty. Now she looks angry.
"You're missing so many essential things, Y/N. It's killing me. You also have so many mismatched pots and pans." She holds up a blue pot I got from a neighbor, and she holds up a non-stick pan that I got from... I'm not sure where I got it from. I'm not even sure that's mine. Okay, maybe Liz has a point. "So?" Apparently, that was the wrong thing to say.
I watch Liz eye me up before she finishes typing on her phone and puts it away. She then looks around the kitchen and tilts her head at me. I hear a gasp come from the couch. "Y/N apologize right now. She's doing the thing." I quickly turn my head to Max and back to Liz, who is now wearing a smirk. "Okay, I'm sorry for having an unorganized kitchen. It's shameful. I know." My tone is more on the sarcastic side, but I think Liz knew I would never truly apologize. I mean, it's just knives, pots, and pans. "Good." She raises an eyebrow before she shifts back into her calm non-life-threatening self. I watched some videos about how Liz is obsessed with cooking and how she travels with her own kitchen wear, but I had no idea it was this bad.
"I ordered you all new things. And before you argue. It's more for me than you, and you know it." With that, she gives me a look. And it's just us. It's finally the two of us. Suddenly I feel a kiss fall onto my face before she gives me another one, followed by one more. I feel her push her body up against mine, and I love it. She keeps pushing, backing me up until I bump up against my kitchen counter. Liz wastes no time putting her hands on mine to stop me from moving. A tiny moan squeaks out of my lips as I feel her breath roll down my neck. I'm about to push her legs open with my own when I hear the most irradiating sound ever.
It's a cough from Max.
Why is she still here?
I feel Liz's breath against my neck, but this time it's because she is laughing and trying to hide her embarrassed face. We both forgot about her. I can't help but laugh and pull Liz into a hug. This moment is gone, and Liz's laugh is so contagious. "I'm going to excuse myself," Liz whispers to me before her red face escapes my grasp and makes her way to the bathroom, avoiding all eye contact with Max.
I turn to see my best friend gleaming at me. "Why didn't you just sneak out?" I whisper yell. "That was so hot." My face forms a look of shock and disgust. "Ew. Don't do that. That's my girlfriend, not the famous actress Elizabeth Olsen. Got it?" "Got it." Max nods, but she doesn't wipe that shit-eating grin she is wearing. "You ruined this moment," I state. "This moment wouldn't have happened without me." I groan in frustration because, once again, Max is right, and now I realize what a mess I'm in. My body missed Liz's touch a lot more than I realized.
I huff and shoot Max a face of pure anger before walking into my room just as Liz pops out of the bathroom. I take a look around, noticing my room isn't in perfect form. "Sorry." I simply state as I dig through my underwear drawer. "Don't apologize. Remember, I love your space. It's all you." She looks around, smiling before her eyes lock onto my own. The deeper I look into her eyes, the more I know she means it. I pull my gaze off her and pull out a red pair to change into. "Red, huh?" Liz notices. I feel my cheeks heat up. There's only one reason I'm changing my underwear right now, and Liz and I know it. She walks up to me and leans into my ear, and whispers. "Don't worry." Liz grabs my hand and brings it to her thigh. "I'm wearing your other red ones." She moves my hand up her leg as she begins attacking my ear. I'm not even in control of my mouth as quiet moans keep escaping and my inability to form words. My hands keeps moving up before she stops. I open my eyes to see her biting her lower lip before she kisses my nose and leaves my room in a blur.
I slowly turn towards another drawer to pull out a change of sweat shorts as well.
After a quick change, I come out to the living room to see Max and Liz finishing off the rest of the breakfast I had. They're in the middle of a conversation; well, it looks like Max is grilling Liz about MCU stuff, but Liz isn't budging. After another minute, Liz makes my presence known to Max, who quickly shuts up.
"So, what's the plan for today?" Max asks, looking at the two of us. This bitch.
"Oh, you're joining? I thought you were just Liz's chauffeur?" Liz cups a hand over her mouth as Max's jaw drops. "Fuck you." Max breathes out as she rolls her eyes and takes the dirty dishes into the kitchen. I shoot Liz a wink, letting her know we'll have our time together. I feel my phone buzz, and I pull it out. It's a text from Max.
"I'm third wheeling, aren't I?"
I have to suppress the laugh I want to let out so bad. "Who's that?" Liz pipes up. "My mom." I dodge Liz's eyes and turn to Max. "Max, could I speak to you in my room?" I turn to Liz. "Just one second." I see a wash-over worry crash onto Liz's face. Max walks into my room as I see Liz start to shimmy to get up, but I hold out a hand with my index finger raised. "One second, my love." I quickly load an 80's pop music station on my tv to drown out Max's and mine's talk.
Once Max and I are in my room, she starts. "I feel like I'm annoying you two!" I pull Max into a surprise hug. "Thank you so much for bringing her to me." Max, unsure of what to do, takes a second before wrapping her arms around me. "You're always annoying, by the way." Max shoves me out of our hug. "But I was thinking..." "What?" Max asks me in a teasing/annoyed tone. "My moms coming over soon, and I need to sit down and talk to Liz about everything. Plus, the first time she meets her, I think it'd be better if you weren't here." My voice goes extra soft at the tail end. Thankfully, Max is my best friend for a reason. "I get it." See what I mean. "But." Uh oh. "I want to watch Avengers tonight with Liz." "Okay.." "And I want her to let me talk to Chris Evans." I look at Max like she just grew three heads. "The first part deal. The second part... I'll work on it. Okay?" Max extends her hand. "Okay." We shake. "Now, this is weird. Get going." I push her shoulder as she leaves my room.
I hear her come up with an excuse to leave as I grab my 2019 journal. I must've gotten lost in thought because I didn't notice Liz turn off the tv. I didn't hear her footsteps walk up behind me. Hell, I didn't even feel her arms around my waist until she placed a gentle kiss on the back of my neck. "Coffee Girl?" Liz, let's just above a whisper. "Yeah?" I respond, staring straight ahead. "You okay?" I lower my head and turn to face my girlfriend. I look into her eyes once again. I think just today, I'm realizing how much comfort they provide me. How much strength I get from them when they shimmer that green color I love. Or how when I look into them, I see a future. I see Liz and I together. I see her laugh. I see our pain. I see the love that we share.
I smile and place a kiss on her forehead before saying the phrase no couple ever wants to hear.
"We need to talk."
Well, that's a phrase no couple ever wants to hear. "It's okay. I promise." Y/N whispers after cupping my face. She must've seen the look of horror and panic I let out. "Follow me." Y/N grabs onto my hand and pulls me to her bed. As much as I would love to continue what I started earlier, I don't think that's going to happen. At least for now.
"Put these on." Y/N points to a navy pair of sweats. "I'll be right back." Y/N walks into the living room, leaving me to change. After doing so, I turn my head next to me to see what she left on the bed. It's a journal. It says it's two years old, but I would've guessed more aged from the binding.
Y/N walks back into the room with a picture frame in one hand and another journal in the other. She smiles at me as she makes herself comfortable on her own bed. "Babe?" I look over to her as she makes grabby hands at me. I quickly take the hint and crawl up her bed before laying down next to her. She kisses the top of my head as I get pulled into a cuddle. "I can't believe you're here." I think Y/N let an inside thought slip out. I just squeeze my arm around her waist. "Believe it."
After a calm minute, Y/N breaks it up. "How long are you here till?"I look up at her and smile. "Till you get sick of me. I have nothing planned right now—no movies to shoot. No shows to make. I'm free." I watch as Y/N can't believe it. Instead of using words, she just pulls me closer. "What about LA and your LA house?" I think about my following words carefully. "Well, technically, it's Robbie's place right now. And I'll have to go back eventually but let's not worry about that. I'm here with you. We'll stay here as long as we need to. Okay?" Y/N nods and lifts my chin to plant soft kisses on my lips. "Okay." She unwraps herself from me so she can scoot herself up and grab the things she brought in with her. I move my body up until I sit straight so she can have my full attention.
"So I know Max told you some things. I put it together... I don't know exactly what she told you about my mom but-" "Whatever you feel comfortable telling me." I stop her so she can collect herself. Plus, it's true I want Y/N to be comfortable sharing everything with me. I don't want her to do it just because she feels like she has to. She squeezes my hand and gives me a soft smile before she grabs a journal off her desk and the one that's on the bed.
I watch Y/N's face change multiple times. She's struggling with her words. I see her eyebrows tighten as she is getting frustrated with herself. I rest my hand on her thigh, letting her know I'm here and it's okay. "Just trying to figure out how to start." I nod. "I know."  She nods back to me.
She opens her mouth and starts. "My mom and I have always had a good relationship. She always loved and cared for me no matter what. Even when it was just her and I, she worked a lot which made those early years difficult because she became a workaholic trying to support her and myself." Y/N stops herself. "Sorry, I'm rambling." I burrow into her more. "It's okay. Just say what you want to say. In any order you want."
"My mom never dated, and I know it's because of my biological dad. She never said, but I know my mom better than she thinks. So one night, when she dropped me off with my grandparents, I knew something was up. I was 6, not an idiot." Y/N laughs before continuing. "Those types of nights kept happening until one day she took me out to lunch on a workday no less. That was when I knew this was a big deal. That's the day I met Davey. A man who deserved the title of father." Y/N brushes her hand over the cover of her 2019 journal, smiling. "The day I met him, he gave me a choice. He said you can either call me Davey or Dad but never David. I remember thinking that's a crazy way to start a conversation off with a 6-year old. But he knew. He knew he would do anything to protect my mom and I. He would love us and treat me as his own. He wanted me to be safe and to grow up knowing it wasn't just my mom and I anymore."
I don't think Y/N feels the tears coming down her cheeks. I raise a hand and start brushing them off her. She responded to my touch by laughing and kissing my palm. "Sorry. I didn't even know." I don't say anything. I just lean up and kiss her.
"I loved that man." Y/N clears her throat and pulls up the picture frame she initially brought with her. Inside the frame is a photo of Max and Y/N from a Halloween party. It looks to be years old. She unclasps the back of the frame and pulls the picture out.
The photo wasn't just of Max and Y/N. She unfolds it, and another person is revealed to be there as well as a second smaller picture. I almost don't recognize who the third person in the Halloween photo is until it hits me. It's Naomi. Y/N's ex. I didn't know they went this far back... Y/N grabs the two pictures in one hand and puts the piece of the frame onto the floor.
She takes a glance at the Halloween photo and places it on the floor as well. I still haven't seen the small picture. She's kept it facedown this entire time. She looks at me and grabs one of my hands. She takes the photo and gently places it in my hand before she lets go. "This is the last picture he and I took together. We took it from his old polaroid camera, and days later he..." Y/N begins to cry again. I go to reach out to her, but she stops me. "W-When you're done-e with the picture put it back in my hand." Y/N turns her head away, leaving me alone with the facedown photo.
"How's it looking, kiddo?" I look up from the photo of the man giving me a big grin and two thumbs up and put on a fake smile for Davey. "I think it's time you got a haircut?" I sarcastically reply, earning a hearty laugh from the bald man before me.
I place the polaroid into his hand as I pop myself into the chair next to his hospital bed. As he brings the photo to his eyes, I can't bare to watch his reaction. I put my arms and head down onto his bed.
Every time I see him, he's looking weaker, frail, tired. You name it. That's why he's moved around so much before winding up here. Room 414.
Our monthly pictures have slowly started to become something grim as appose to joyful. We both know it. Davey hasn't said anything about the picture yet, and that's fine. I'm growing tired of pretending everything is a-okay.
My mind has wandered again as I hear the muffled beeps of the monitors and machines keeping my Dad alive. I close my eyes, wanting the beeping to stop. Not for him but for me. I've wante- "Kid?"
I slowly lift my head and put my hand on Davey's right arm. "Yeah?" He throws on a smile and taps my hand. "You weren't listening, were you?" I shake my head and make myself open my ears and watch him. Instead, he doesn't talk. He lets us sit here in silence. After a few good minutes, I reach over and flip on the tv, stopping once we get to the game show network. They're showing reruns of The Price is Right. It's better than a soap opera or a boring superhero movie, so this will do.
I can't remember if we're on the third or fourth one in a row, but it's when Davey breaks up the silence. "Moms coming later tonight?" "Yeah." "Where will you be?" "At the house." "Doing?" I roll my eyes. Even after everything, he still wants me to do my school work and write. "Essays, stories, and songs," I reply less than enthusiast. Davey turns to me, nudging my arm. "Exactly." I give him a soft nudge back. The last time I did that, it was too hard, and I left a bruise on his arm.
"Anything new?" He asks, pointing to my bag. "Some stuff, but I don't know." I shrug at him, but I know he won't let this go, so I grab my bag and pull out one of the journal he gifted me last year. I open it to the most section and slowly begin flipping through until I find something I want him to read.
April 26th, 2019
Don't Wanna Know (Don't Wanna Know - Bo Burnham)
How are you feeling? Do you like the show? Are you tired of it? Never mind, I don't wanna know Are you finding it boring? Too fast? Too slow? I'm asking, but don't answer 'cause I don't wanna know
Do I have your attention? Yes or no? I bet I'd guess the answer but I don't wanna know Am I all in the background? Are you on your phone? I'd ask you what you're watching but I don't wanna know
Is there anyone out there? Or am I all alone? It wouldn't make a difference, still, I don't wanna know I thought it'd be over by now but I got a while to go I'd give away the ending but you don't wanna kn-
I watch Davey's eyes read and reread the short song over and over until he finally closes it and turns to me. "Are all your songs going to be about me?" His question isn't a joke. Him and I know the 'show' in the song is watching him die. I dart my eyes away from his own unable to answer.
I stare at the cold floor until he speaks up again. "It's just a bad wrap, kid." I turn to his kind eyes and warm smile. "That's all it is." He gives me back my journal before it's time for me to leave him. I make sure his tv remote and water are near him. I hug and kiss goodbye like I do every time. I make sure my exit has always been the same. I feel like if one thing changes, then my life would change.
I didn't even notice that he made the change that day.
He didn't keep the picture like he always did. Instead, he slipped the Polaroid into my journal. I didn't find it until I went to write that night.
The night he was gone.
I put the picture back into Y/N's hand. Without looking at it, she flips it over before turning to face me. "He got sick when I was in high school. But then he beat it. He was a real fighter.." Y/N picks up the gran next to her and begins putting the whole thing back together. Hiding the small picture and all.
"Around the first time he got sick, that's when the crack in my mom's and I's relationship started to form. My mom threw herself into making everything better. Or at least that's what she thought. That included working triple the amount and not caring for anyone's opinions but her own. She still loved Davey and me, but it's like I couldn't breathe around her anymore. I couldn't do anything. So once I knew Davey was better, I graduated, and I got the fuck out. I know it crushed my Dad, but I just couldn't do it. So you can only imagine how I felt when he took a turn for the worse while I was in college."
Y/N doesn't realize it, but she's been gripping the two journals in her hand with such force I'm afraid their about to tear apart. I gently lift my hand from her body and onto the journals causing her to panic before she sees what I'm doing. She lets her body relax and gives the journals to me.
"If it weren't for that man, you wouldn't be seeing these. He encouraged this." I take them and begin flipping through them. To say I'm stunned is an understatement. I never knew my Coffee Girl had all of this hiding from me. It's laced with short stories, poems, and songs. All original, as far as I can see.
She never mentioned she was a writer or a musician, maybe? I take a glance around the room as if she can read my mind she answers. "Closet." She shines a smile at me, and I respond by kissing her. "Thank you for sharing all of this with me. You didn't have to, but I'm proud that you did. I truly, truly appreciate this Y/N. I love you." I give her another kiss before pulling back, and she's crying. But this time, it's different.
"Babe?" I cup her face and bring it to me. I want to ask questions, but maybe it's just all the emotions working their way through her. So instead of disrupting her, I let her cry in my arms.
After a couple of minutes, she pulls away and gives me a kiss that causes a new wave to course through my body. "I'm so happy." Y/N eeks out. "I started crying because that was the first time we've said I love you in person. You saying it made me realize how much I love you too. I love you so fucking much, Liz. You have no idea. I'm so happy with you, and please, thank you for making me safe enough to tell you and show you, Davey." I listen to her words hit my ears. Shit. This is the first time we've said I love you in person. I open my mouth to speak up, but I'm cut off. "Davey would've loved you."
"I would've loved him too." I'm smiling like an idiot right now. I know I am. This girl right here. This Lizard. She has my heart, and I have hers. I watch as her she has a finger on a page inside one of the journals.
"Which one is that?" I ask her once both of our eyes have dried a bit. She looks at me confused before she knows what I'm talking about it. She opens the journal and shows me.
It's a revitalization of an old poem I came up with in high school called All Eyes On Me.
"Are their parts missing?" Liz runs her finger along the words. I watch as she begins to quietly read it out loud before she confirms that, yep, words and phrases are exempt.
"Yeah. I wasn't happy with it." "I like it. Sounds like it could be updated." She says, looking at me with her best puppy dog eyes. I laugh and kiss her at her attempt. "Maybe another day." I grab my journals and place them on the floor before I pull Liz close to me. "My mom and I are good now, by the way. Yesterday was tough, but today will be better." "Today?" Liz ask me, and oops, I didn't tell her. "Yeah, my mom is still in town."
Liz, in an instant, is up and out of the bed. "You're just telling me now?!?" I get startled by Liz's actions and lift myself up. "Well, I was getting there! Plus, you weren't even supposed to be here!" I shoot back in a teasing way. "When is she coming over? Should I even be here? She doesn't know about us. Y/N!" Liz is starting to panic.
Don't get me wrong. I'm nervous as hell, but Liz is here now. I'm not kicking her out or hiding her. So today is the day my mother is going to meet my girlfriend, Elizabeth Chase Olsen.
I get up and pull Liz back into bed. I let her rest herself on top of me while I stroke her hair. I continuously tell her that everything is going to be fine. I tell her that my mom will love her and that if one thing goes wrong, I'll fix it. It took a couple of minutes, but my Lizard is back.
We look at each other and press our foreheads together, only to be interrupted by my phone. Liz grabs it for me, and her eyes go a bit wide, so I have a feeling I know who it is. "What's it say?" "She'll be here in twenty." Liz hands me my phone and charges into the living room to grab a new set of clothes.
Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I can't believe I'm about to meet Y/N's mom. I want to throw up and hide. Oh God, what if her mom doesn't like me? I don't want to be the reason their relationship goes back to being on ice. What do I even wear?
"Y/N! What do I wear!" I yell out, letting my nerves get the best of me. "Hey, you don't have to yell." I turn to my side to see a smiling Y/N. Shit, how long has she been there? I look at her chest and roll my eyes. She is not wearing that shirt out!
After going through my luggage together and practically fighting Y/N on her t-shirt choices, we're finally both getting dressed in simple outfits.
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We both decided that t-shirt and jeans would be appropriate for today. While I'm wearing this, Y/N is wearing a similar pair of jeans out instead of a simple black shirt, she opted for a baggy forest green t-shirt. I watch from the couch as Y/N is running in and out of the bathroom.
Once I'm finally done freshening up, I walk into the living room to join Liz. Okay, fuck me. Liz is sitting on the couch, legs spread, feet firmly on the ground while she fiddles on her phone. Her beautiful hair covers her shoulders, and I want to do nothing more than to pounce on her at this moment.
However, she interrupts my impure thoughts but calling me beautiful and telling me how much she loves my shirt. "Thank you for changing," Liz says, kissing me on the couch. "You know I would've." I wink back at her. I let my hand slide down her side and give her hip a squeeze earning a playful yelp from Liz. "Y/N, we're not doing this right now." I go to whine but knocking from my front door stops me.
I get up and reach my arm out to help Liz up, but she shakes her no and runs into the bathroom. "Liz!" I go to chase after her, but the knocking doesn't stop. "Liz, get out here!" I yell out before opening the front door to my mom.
"Hi, Pumpkin." She greets me and pulls me into a hug which I more enjoy this time around. She walks into my place as I close the door behind her. As I turn back, I watch my mom almost stumble over a suitcase on the floor.
"Going somewhere?" My mom looks at me with some concern.
Okay. My girlfriend is hiding in my bathroom—a girlfriend who is world famous. A girlfriend, my mom, has no idea even exists. Oh, God. How do I do this?
"No, it's-" The door to the bathroom closes, causing me and my mom to turn our eyes to my scared Liz.
"It's mine. I apologize. I should've moved it." Liz extends her hand out to my mom, who kindly accepts it. "Hi, I'm Elizabeth." "Hi, Elizabeth. I'm Y/N's mother, Y/M/N." Okay, so far, so good. I watch their hands drop, and Liz begins fiddling with her rings.
"Y/N, why didn't you tell me you had someone over?" Once again, Liz speaks for me. "Oh, don't blame Y/N. I showed up this morning unannounced to surprise her. I had no idea her mother was in town. I'm so sorry." Liz dips her shoulders down in an attempt to be friendly to my mom. I scoot myself closer to Liz, hoping to provide her some comfort.
"Oh well, it looks like Y/N got two surprise visits. How she's still standing, I have no idea." My mom, thankfully, is also being nice as she turns away from Liz and I and begins looking around my space with actual care this time. Liz and I are standing there watching my mom. I reach down and grab Liz's hand. Holding her hand calms her down, and I need her right now too.
"Would you like any water or tea?" I ask my mom, who cautiously examines the pictures I have around the room. "Tea?" I scoff. "It's new. Thank Liz." "Liz?" My mom turns back to me. "Elizabeth," I reply, pointing to Liz, who awkwardly waves at my mom. My mom gets an 'ahhh' face. "Your friend Elizabeth." I can feel Liz's eyes make their way to me.
"Actua-" "What kind of tea would you like, Y/M/N?" Liz asks once again, interrupting me while dropping my hand. "I'll take whatever black tea Y/N has, but you shouldn't do it, dear?" Liz protests. "I insist." Liz speeds into the kitchen as I watch my mother look at me before she starts making her way to the couch.
Not knowing what to do, I end up bringing my mom to my messy bedroom. "Y/N, you have guests here, and this is how you decide to live?" I'll take the scolding right now as I'm trying to find a way to distract my mom so I can talk to Liz. "Mom, you remember my journals?" My mom whips her head to me and softly grabs one from my desk. "You kept them?" "Of course." I hear Liz grumble something from the other room. Shit. "I'll be right back." I leave my mom alone to take a trip down memory lane.
She hates me.
Now here I am, getting her stupid black tea as an attempt to make her warm up to me. Y/N's friend. Whatever, Y/N's not telling her today.
As I'm grabbing her mom a plate and spoon. I let out a frustrated sigh. "Fuck." I grumble under my breath. I don't even know how her mom takes her tea. Fuck. I'm so stupid. I shouldn't even be here. My suitcase almost tripped and killed her. Of course, the week I decide to-
Suddenly a pair of arms wrap around me, startling me. Y/N can't be doing this. Her mom could see. I start to push away Y/N's arms which causes her to hold me tighter. "It's okay. It's me. I'm here. Liz. Please." She's whispering. She doesn't want her mom to know that her own girlfriend, sorry, friend is a mess. A mess that she has to take care of.
"Y/N, get off me!" I finally grip her hands and push them away from me. I hear Y/N take a step back, and her breathing change. "Liz.." "Stop Y/N. I'm your friend right now, and right now, I'm getting your mom her tea." Y/N takes a step up next to me and bends down, so I see her face. "Liz, look at me." She calmly asks me, but I don't budge. "Liz." She reaches her hand out to me. I don't take it. I take a step away from her she takes my original place, still looking at me.
"Baby, talk to me." Y/N is starting to beg. "She hates me." I look to Y/N's eyes. They're filled with confusion and hurt. Care and love. "She doesn't hate you, Liz. She just doesn't know you." "She thinks I'm your friend." "Because I didn't get the chance to tell her who you are and what you mean to me." "She-" "Liz. Who cares what she thinks." "I do-"
"Elizabeth. Listen to me." I shut up at the sound of my full first name. Y/N takes a step closer to me so our faces our inches apart and takes my hands into her own. "My mother does not hate you. My mother has no idea who you are. I know who you are. I do not hate you. Liz. You're my world. You're my future. Trust me. No matter what my mom says or does, that will never change. We will never change because I love you with my whole heart." Y/N takes my left hand and places it over her heart. "Now, Liz, we are going to give my mom her stupid tea, and we are going to tell her together. And in case you need a reminder." Y/N drops my hands and pulls me into a kiss. It's sensual and tender. It's a kiss that makes me smile against her lips. A kiss that reminds me, yes. I'm her girlfriend. Yes, I want a future with her, and yes, who cares what her mom has to say? We both pull out and catch our breaths.
"Do you need another reminder?" Liz opens her eyes and looks up at me before nodding her head. I give her another significantly shorter kiss, and when we break from that one, Liz has her nose scrunched up and a smile on her face. "I love you." She whispers to me, causing the wings on my heart to flap. "I love you too," I whisper back. After a beat of comfortable silence, Liz asks me how my mom likes her tea, and honestly, I have zero idea. So Liz decides to grab everything imaginable that could go into a tea to bring to her mom.
Liz and I both stop when we see my mom waiting in the middle of the couch. She's on her phone. Probably answering work emails or on Facebook. We slowly continue placing everything in front of her. "Elizabeth?" My moms ask, not looking up from her phone. "Could you sit next to me, dear?" Liz does as asked, leaving me standing in the middle of the room.
"Elizabeth." My mom finally looks up from her phone and turns towards Liz. "Are you happy?"
The question threw me off, so since I can't formulate words, I just nod my head. "Y/N makes me the happiest person I've ever been." There are the words!
Y/N's mother gently takes my hands into her own. "How long have you two been dating?" I look to Y/N before I firmly answer. "Less than a month." Is that how long it's been? "But it feels like I've known Y/N for way longer. Like my whole life. She treats me with such care, and love, and how she makes me feel and understands me is something I've never had with anyone else." I conclude my ramble that I didn't mean to start. 
"And you love her?" I take my eyes away from the woman before me to look at my Coffee Girl. "I do." I look back to Y/N's mother. "I do love her. But before-" A raised hand stops me. "You don't need to justify your love. Y/N here knows that. Her Dad told me he loved me on our second date."
I look to Y/N, who understands my face. "My mom means Davey. And yeah, it's true." I watch from my peripheral vision Y/N's mom looked at her in shock. "Yes, mom, Liz knows about Davey."
Suddenly I'm being pulled into a hug as her mom begins whispering into my ear. When we pull out of the hug, I blink my eyes a few times before looking at Y/N.
I come to the conclusion that it may not be today or tomorrow. Not next month or the month after, but whenever I do get married, it will be to her.
I don't know what my mom said to Liz, but her green eyes are shining with a new twinkle in them.
My mom let go of my girlfriend's hand, and I let Liz's body crash into mine. It only lasts a few seconds before my mother pipes up. "I don't know about you two, but I'm starving. So shall we get this show on the road?" Liz laughs into my neck before I peel her away. "Yes, mom, I'm sure Liz can eat." I look to Liz, who looks offended before I tilt my head. "I mean... I could." She shrugs and begins fixing her hair while I grab everything I need for today.
It only took a few moments, but we're finally about to walk out the door when Liz stops me. My mom is already out into the hall when I turn back to watch Liz. She opens up her suitcase and grabs two pairs of sunglasses and two LA Dodgers hats. I smile. She thought to bring one for me. Liz sees my smile as hers grows bigger.
I know she worries about how I'll feel hiding in public with her, but I don't mind. I mean, I do, but I understand. Liz isn't ready, and everyone still thinks she's with Robbie, and there have only been speculation that she's anything more than straight. So I'll put on the sunglasses and hat until she's ready, which I easily slip on.
Once we walk out, lock up and join my mom waiting for the elevator. She looks at us like we've grown 8 heads. "The sunglasses I get but the Dodgers?" I almost laughed at how confused her question sounded. "It's my home team," Liz replies with a childlike joy in her voice. My mom simply nods at that. I give Liz an encouraging smile as I make my hand hold hers.
The doors to lift open, making us pile in. As we enjoy the ride down, my mom turns to Liz and me. "Y/N, I really am happy that you have found someone. Someone right for you." "Thanks, mom." She smiles at me and turns to - "And Ms. Olsen. I look forward to getting to know you more." "Me too." Liz shines in her answer while my jaw drops. I look down at my girlfriend as it takes a few seconds to register, but once the words hit Liz's ears, my hands gets squeezed by Liz. "Did she just..?"
My mom, seemingly content with what she just said, walks out the doors as soon as they open, leaving Liz and I stunned.
Part 19
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troglobite · 1 year
okay watching this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F3HFGijKwQw
around the 54 minute mark (just before) they're talking about how realizing that, at the stage of life they're in, maybe they're dealing w their own shit that they used to see in adults when they were kids
the lack of light in the eyes, the tiredness, the "thank goodness you kids are here to give us this spark of joy and hope" and whatever
and i'm like
[stares at my childhood]
ostensibly not as bad as at least one of the people in/having that conversation in that video
and yet.
i look back at my childhood and i experience anxiety and fear and judgment and uncertainty
i loved learning, there was wonder there, and that feels the same now as it did then, in some ways, i think?
but i can't connect at all with this idea that they've now lost hope as adults.
and i'm not trying to be this fucking edgelord or whatever
i just genuinely cannot think of moments of pure joy from my childhood
okay i'll try
times w my dog, misty. times w my bird/parakeet, cuckoo.
sometimes playing games. not always--games sometimes meant severe anxiety or confusion.
um. being held. but that was often bc i needed comfort bc of extreme anxiety.
oh there's one i don't remember personally but my mom shares--going to disneyland as a tiny kid and seeing cinderella and just BOLTING for her. shyest kid imaginable, i ran away from my parents in public. absurd.
yeah just. literally everything has a tinge of anxiety or fear or confusion or uncertainty or feeling unmoored attached to it.
i was the classic "old soul" at times.
i also can NEVER connect w this idea that kids don't understand longterm consequences.
i did. as much as i could, i did.
i figured that shit out at 2 years old with a story that also explains a current phobia so i won't go into it.
i literally figured that shit out as the youngest i could possibly be to figure it out, and from then on i was like "nope, no thanks, i'm good"
self-preservation, often thinking through potential consequences, etc. i didn't know what it meant to be 20 years old, no. i didn't understand that. but i understood consequences and that sort of thing.
partly that was bc my parents would explain that shit to us. "if you do this, then this will happen" like rather than say "don't do that bc i say so/bc it's dangerous" they'd EXPLAIN like "if you stick a fork in a light socket you'll get hurt. that's bc the metal conducts the electricity and it goes into your body, and that is very bad and dangerous." shit like that. "don't touch a stove when i'm cooking. it's VERY hot, and not only is it hot and therefore will it hurt, but it can ruin your skin and make it hurt for weeks and weeks."
i was taught how to use the stove before i was 10. they showed me how it worked, how to check for leaking gas, when to NOT try and spark the gas bc it'd been leaking for too long. how to not touch hot things, how to be careful using pots and pans, etc.
i mean ffs i was taught how to drive at 10 years old. we had a bigass yard so my dad taught me.
and quite literally the problem in high school that i had with driving was NOT figuring out how to use the car, it was entirely getting over the TERROR of being in control of a giant metal thing around other people who i didn't trust, and having to make split second decisions.
though to be fair i still can't drive stick, i never learned. i probably could, but i am REALLY small and kind of weak now, so i think it'd go very badly.
anyway i'm rambling.
i can't relate with how people describe being a kid.
my memories of being a reckless little shit stop at like age 3 or 4. i IMMEDIATELY learned what consequences were and how to try and manage my own emotions and actions at that point.
i yelled at my dad and slammed my door once when i was VERY young.
there was a bath towel on top of my door and my door got stuck. i literally was SO careful abt slamming my door past then.
even now when i'm furious and want to slam something, i evaluate how hard i can do the thing so that it's satisfying, but won't break anything. like i'm never gonna damage something on purpose. i have been evaluating that sort of thing p much my entire life.
when ppl say as kids they "just didn't know" i can't relate. i was too afraid to find out, and i had other avenues to learn.
there's a post on here abt showing kids how baking works by testing out all their questions and "wasting" those ingredients to teach them.
and i absolutely understand the value in that!
and at the same time there's a part of me inside like
but no, they can't. and they shouldn't have to.
but that's how i operated.
and idk how fucked up that is. i'm not saying i'm special or Better or ANYTHING.
i started this by saying that i have no joy from my childhood. brief moments of it. having fun at recess, maybe.
but then i was also bullied and weird and people treated me like that.
i was always perpetually afraid of doing something wrong. i didn't test limits, i tried to observe them and figure them out and then stay within them. i didn't want to test them.
and idek why. it's not like i was ever DESTROYED for going outside them or testing them. idk man.
this is the part of me that i want to figure out.
why was i BORN SO AFRAID.
i just was. i was born scared.
and i guess that's the autism, right?
the world is so much scarier to an autistic person.
but it feels so unsatisfying as an answer. i'm just angry, i guess, that i was born so afraid. my mom feels guilt for it but i feel like, although she may have helped facilitate a few specific fears, she helped me navigate fear bc she treated it as legitimate.
then i just also have ocd so i'm always afraid even when i logically know i don't need to be.
i don't understand this idea of childhood joy. and i'm even a person who's been like "yeah i kinda wish i could be a kid again" but to me i picture something different to what i had, and i mostly want to abdicate all responsibility that i currently have.
idfk man.
anyway. rant over i guess.
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svartalfhild · 2 years
My dad is out here speedrunning post-retirement insanity.
It's been like a month now and he is not handling it well. He was already a huge bastard, but now he's huge bastard who retired for Fuck You reasons and doesn't know what to do with himself, and he's making it everyone's problem.
I used to think his anger was on a hair-trigger before all this, but now he's about three times worse, and it is persistent. Everything sets him off. Everything is an inconvenience. Everything is a personal insult to him. Everything is someone else's fault. Everything is disgusting. Everyone is stupid. Everyone is insane.
"Walking on eggshells" isn't a strong enough term for what I feel living in this house right now. I live in constant fear, waiting for his next explosion while he sits in a silent, simmering rage at all waking hours, filling every room he's in with this low level tension that makes you feel like if you so much as breathe wrong, he'll take personal offense.
The man has been throwing knives, forks and even a peeler onto the kitchen floor because he took personal offense to the fact that they were inconvenient to handwash. He's knocking shit over and not picking it up if it's not his, because he feels that if it was in his way, then it shouldn't have been there, and it's on the owner to pick it up; nevermind that if I did that, he'd call me a fucking slob. If he knocks over something that is his, then he figures it's my mom's fault, because her having too much stuff means there's no room for him to put his stuff in a safe place.
He's been yelling at my mom constantly about clutter and either threatening to throw her stuff out or just straight up doing it and fighting with her when she tries to stop him. He doesn't care how old or new an item is. He doesn't care how much my mom cries when he does it. He doesn't even care if my mom says she's going to give the item to my grandma. He blames my mom for nearly everything that's wrong in the house. Just today, he blew up at her because she didn't tell him that chipmunks had chewed a hole in the garage, and somehow it's her fault there's a hole, as if she'd chewed it herself. Just...the fuck???
I was worried when my dad said he was retiring that his anger issues would get so much worse, and I am terrified to report that I was right. I thought maybe something specific got him like this and it would just wear off after a while, but no. He's just angry at the world, taking it out on everyone else, and not interested in stopping anytime soon.
So my life is officially Worse in a big way.
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tom-holland-parker · 3 years
The Moment I Knew
Summary: All you asked for was one day to spend with your boyfriend and family, but Peter has let him role as Spiderman take over his life
Pairing: Peter parker x Stark!reader
Warning: maybe a curse word towards the end but other than that nothing 
Word count: 1520
Note: I'm starting to notice that the only time I can actually sit down and write things I’m happy about is when I’m writing stories inspired about Taylor Swift songs. Anyway this is based off her song The moment I knew (which funny enough is about Jake Gyllenhaal). Anyway send me a song and I’ll write a oneshot about it. Part two Here
You clutched the red plastic cup in anticipation watching as more and more people walked through the door. Everyone’s laughter filled the room and even though you tried your hardest, you couldn’t hide the disappointment every time someone other than your boyfriend walked through the door. You sighed turning your attention back to the conversation you were having with Bruce, ‘Happy birthday kid” He pulled you into a hug, “Gosh I can still remember when you were 5 years old stealing my lab goggles” 
“They looked really cool” you let out a fake laugh, hiding the sadness building inside you. “How are you though? Is school treating you good?” he asked as he sipped his soda. 
You nodded, “School’s great I just can’t wait to graduate”
“That’s great” he smiled before looking at his phone, “Your dads calling me, but we’ll catch up later”. You nodded watching as he walked away, leaving you alone to think. You sighed putting your cup on the table before grabbing your phone to check the time, 8:54. You rolled your eyes when you realized there had been no text for Peter. Your mind wandered to the conversation you had with him earlier that day. 
“Happy birthday babe” Peter smiled while pulling you in for a kiss. 
You pulled away chuckling, “Thank you”, you grabbed his hand as you began walking to your homeroom, “Don’t forget the party starts at 5, you can still come right?”
You bit your lip nervously, for the past few months Peter had been so flaky. He’d forgotten about multiple dates and hardly ever spent time with you. It bothered you but you never bought it up out of fear that you’d upset him.
He nodded his head and smiled, “Don’t worry I’ll be there” 
You sighed, looking up at the fairy lights that covered the ceilings. “Maybe he’s just running late” You whispered to yourself. You shook your head trying to stop thinking. “What’s wrong pumpkin?” You heard Wanda’s concerned voice from behind you. You took a deep breath, “Nothing wrong, just really tired. Do you think dad will let us cut the cake early?” 
“Absolutely not” Your father’s voice boomed from next to you, “It’s tradition that you cut your cake at the exact time you were born” 
“Oh come on Tony” Wanda argued, “the girl’s finally 18 let her have her cake early this time”. Your father shook his head, “nope the cake will be cut at 10:17 like it is every year”
Wanda shrugged, giving you an apologetic look before walking away. “Where’s Peter?” Your father looked around the room, “I haven’t seen him all night”. You sighed, “Running late I think”, you glanced at the door quickly before looking back, “you know he has Spider watch” 
Your father shook his head, “I gave him the night off”. Your face dropped, a lump of sadness growing in your throat, “Oh” you whispered, wanting nothing more than to be alone right now, “I have to use the bathroom” 
You walked away quickly locking the door once you reached the bathroom. Staring at yourself in the mirror as tears began to roll down your face. You were only in there for a minute when you heard loud knocking, “Y/n I know you’re in there” you heard MJ’s voice through the door, “Come on open up its just me and Ned”
You swallowed back the tears and you wiped your face, slowly opening the door. “Hey what’s wrong” Ned asked in a concerned tone. 
You sighed, sitting down on the floor as your friends walked into the bathroom. “He said he’d be here” You said hopelessly as more tears trickled down your cheeks landing on your black party dress. MJ and Ned glanced awkwardly at each other before looking at you again, no doubt taking pity on you and your sadness. “He’s probably just running late” MJ said trying to make it sound believable, they both sat on the floor next to you. Ned sighed wrapping his arms around you, “Don’t worry I’m sure he’s out getting you the biggest gift ever” 
You stared at your hands, not having the energy to look up. You didn’t care whether or not you got a gift, you just wanted to spend the night with Peter and your family and friends. Peter meant the most to you and it’s slowly killing you knowing he couldn’t bother to spend time with you on your birthday. Time seemed to move in slow motion as you sat there wrapped in your friends arms.
You glanced at Ned’s watch realizing you had been in the bathroom for nearly an hour. You wiped your eyes as everyone piled out the room. You glanced around, your heart swelling with pain when you didn’t see the brown hair that belonged to Peter.
“there’s the birthday girl” Steve shouted, “Come on it’s almost time for cake”. He grabbed your hand as everyone walked to the kitchen. You smiled as you watched your father pull the large cake out the fridge, happy at how good it looked, “Where’s the candles?” 
“Right here” Thor passed them to Tony as you walked towards the cake. Your father placed the candles on the two layers before lighting them. “Alright on the count of three everybody sing” he shouted pulling out his phone to record, “1...2...3”
“Happy birthday to you..” you watched as your friends and family began singing. For the first time the whole night you had a genuine smile on your face as you looked around at all the people you loved. It didn’t last long once you remembered that the one person you truly wanted there was the one who didn’t show.  You fought back the tears as you blew out the candles. 
Once the party ended and everyone went home you sat in the kitchen picking at your third slice of cake. “Alright talk to me kid?” Tony sighed, taking a fork and stealing some of your cake. You shrugged, “Peter never showed”
He let out a deep breath, “Oh boyfriend troubles”. You nodded awkwardly, “Don’t worry dad I’m sure you don’t want to hear about it” You grabbed your plate and began walking out the kitchen. “I’ll figure it out”
“Wait” he gently grabbed your elbow, stopping you from leaving, “listen I like Peter, he’s a good superhero but I love my daughter so please don’t stay with him if he isn’t treating you right”. 
You groaned, “promise me if we break up, you’ll still treat him the same. I don’t want the ruin his future as Spiderman”
He nodded letting go of your arm to let you walk away. When you got to your room you threw yourself on your bed trying to get all your thoughts in order. A few minutes later you heard a small knock on your window. You didn’t have to look up to know who it was. “Go away Peter” You shouted
“Babe please let me explain” He begged. You shook your head, closing your curtains. “I’ll wait here all night,” He said, “you can’t ignore me forever”. You sighed waiting a few minutes to test his bluff, “You have two minutes” You said, opening your window to let him in. He ripped off his mask, moving the hair from his eyes. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t make it” he reached out to caress your face but you moved before he got the chance to touch you, “I just got held up” 
“You had the night off” You yelled, crossing your arms as you stood up straight. He sighed, “I know I know” He looked down, fumbling with his mask, “I just thought maybe I could do a quick check around the neighborhood and then I’d make my way over here but I got caught up” 
“Are you fucking kidding me” You clenched your fist, resisting the urge to punch him. 
“But babe it’s just-” 
“Were there any emergencies?” You asked in a harsh tone, tapping your foot on the ground as you waited for his answer. 
“Babe-” he whispered, looking down, not being able to look you in the eye. “Were there any emergencies tonight?” You shouted. He didn’t answer, he didn’t need to. His silence was the only answer you needed. You sighed pointing towards to window, “I can’t do this anymore Peter”
“Wait no y/n don’t act like that” He gave you a pleading look. You shook your head, “no I’ve let you blow me off for months. All I asked for was one day, MY FUCKING BIRTHDAY and you couldn’t even do that” 
You shoved him roughly, needing to let out your anger. He knew you were going to hit him but he didn’t block it. He knew he deserved it. “Get out” You shouted as tears began to fall down your face. He sighed climbing out the window. He stuck to the side of the tower, looking back at you, “I’m sorry”
You swallowed back the lump in your throat, “I’m sorry too” you whispered as you shut the window and closed the curtains
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
pls give us more dad!bodecker i love him sm
(gets smutty below the cut but it's mostly fluff!)
“Daddy!” Beatrice squealed as she tumbled across the room to latch onto Lee’s legs the second he’d burst through the door, Penny following just behind in a crawl.  Lee laughed as he knelt down and scooped them both up in his arms, gasping in surprise as Beatrice kissed him on the cheek.
“Oh, I get a kiss?” he grinned.  She kissed him again and he squeezed her tight.  “You’re gonna spoil me, Bea.”
“Do I get to give Daddy a kiss, too?” you asked your daughter, but she wrapped her arms around his neck and shook her head.  “No, you want him all to yourself?”
“She’s already gettin’ bossy like her mama,” Lee winked.
You rolled your eyes before leaning in and giving your husband a kiss anyway, regardless of Beatrice giving you the stink eye as he set her down.
“How’s Lee Jr. doing?” he asked, putting his hand on your belly where it was just starting to protrude.
“How are you so sure it’s a boy?” you pressed.
“I think if I wish for it hard enough, it’ll have to come true,” he decided, handing Penny to you when she reached in your direction.
“And if it’s a girl?”
“Then I’ll love her just the same... and get you pregnant again as soon as possible,” he smirked.
“Am I supposed to be eternally pregnant until you get a son?”
“No, no, I might still want more after that, too.”
You giggled but truly, you loved your children so much and you didn’t at all mind the idea of a big family.  And Lee was a great father-- so much better than his own, doting and patient and generous, never angry.  If anything he had forced you to be the disciplinarian because he couldn’t bring himself to yell at his favorite girls (which included you, of course).
Beatrice was a force of nature at only five years old, unlike Penny who was only two-and-a-half adorably shy.  They were joined at the hip, though, and excited about the prospect of a new little sibling to play with.  Even though you mocked him for it, you wanted a boy, too, even if just to watch Lee dote on him.  You were going to have to bargain with him about not making him a Junior, though.  
Dinner was almost peaceful as the four of you crowded around the table; Lee helped Beatrice cut her food while you fed Penny in her high chair with those cute rubber-coated baby spoons.
"You gonna eat them vegetables, Bea?" Lee asked her as he watched her push them around with her fork. She shook her head, making Lee frown. "But they're so yummy, see?" he smiled as he shoved a huge bite of his own into his mouth. "Mmm," he hummed, overacting as he chewed.
Beatrice didn't seem convinced, giving her dad a crooked stare.
"I bet if you eat all your veggies, Daddy will let you have a piece of candy," you suggested.
Suddenly, Beatrice was shovelling the green beans into her mouth like it was a race. "All done!" she announced around a mouth full of food.
Lee insisted on putting them to bed while you rested after dinner, even though he'd already helped you cook and cleaned up everything for you. You were reading a book when he came back in, smiling and resting his head against the doorframe.
"Did they go down pretty easy?" you asked, not looking up from the paper until he failed to answer, just standing there and staring at you. "What are you looking at?"
"Just my beautiful wife," he smiled, finally stepping in and shutting the door behind you, joining you on the bed as you set down your book. "Can't a man look at his wife?"
"Yes, but it'd be nice if he answered her questions while he did it," you smirked.
"It took a few bedtime stories but I got 'em to settle down," he explained as he wrapped his arms around you and pulled you into him.
"So the girls are asleep, then?" you asked slowly, tracing over the exposed sliver of his chest where his shirt was unbuttoned. He looked down at you with a raised eyebrow.
"Sure, what's it to ya?"
"I just thought maybe you'd wanna do more than just look at your wife..."
A low growl rattled his throat and made you clench your thighs together as he slowly untied your robe, letting it fall open and exposing your naked body to him. "Think you can keep quiet, pretty girl?"
You nodded and bit your lip as those thick fingers tickled over your hips and finally found themselves between your legs, slowly teasing you there until your head fell back on his shoulder.
"Feel good, sweetpea?" he asked lowly.
"Yes," you gasped, "please, Lee, don't make me wait too long, I need you inside me..."
He chuckled, rolling you onto your side while he started to open his belt and slacks. You moaned and arched your back, waiting for him to push into you. Instead the head of his cock began to tease you as well, rubbing your clit and sliding over your opening.
"Daddy, please," you whimpered.
"I bet you want it rough, little girl," he groaned right against your ear, making you shiver. "I bet you wish I'd fuck you hard and rough, choke you, slap you, spank you..."
You nodded feverishly, "god, yes, please!"
"But you know I can't when you're pregnant," he reminded you.
"Not so much that you can't but that you won't," you sighed.
"You're sick of all this tender lovemaking, huh? You want something dirty and quick," he posited, laughing as you nodded again and tried to push your hips down onto his cock. "Needy slut."
You whimpered at the name and felt even more wetness warming your entrance.
"Oh, look at that," he purred, "so wet and ready for me."
He pushed in rougher than usual, just enough to make you groan as you bit down on your lip. Holding your hips down, he fucked you slow but deep. "Fuck, just like that, daddy, thank you," you moaned.
"What a noisy little fucktoy you are," he laughed. "Keep moanin' for my cock, whore."
His thrusts got faster, rougher, deeper as his vock started to flex within you. "Gonna fill you up, pretty baby, gonna fuckin' fill you up-- ah fuck!"
You didn't really have a choice as every movement was sliding against your swollen g-spot, and at this angle his balls slapped your clit when he was all the way inside.
Your eyes were closed so you didn't see his fingers pressing into your mouth, you only felt them as you obediently opened your lips and sucked him in. He moaned as you swirled your tongue around them, and took them in your throat effortlessly.
"You're so well-trained, you don't even gag anymore," he chuckled. "Every guy in town is already jealous of me, can you imagine if they knew how well you take me in your throat? If they knew how much you beg me to breed your pussy? If they knew what a cock-hungry, desperate slut you are for me? Their heads would fuckin' explode."
You keened and arched your back further, pushing the tip of him so deep that your whole body quivered. He leaned closer to suck a mark on your neck, his teeth digging into your skin just enough to make your eyes roll back in your head from the mix of pain and pleasure.
"Hmm, you like that idea, don't you? You want them to know... you like the attention, you like when they watch you walk past and their wives get jealous," he growled. "Fuckin' whore, you know it drives me crazy-- is that what you like about it? Makin' me lose my mind worrying that my wife could get any man she wants?"
"I just want you," you promised, "only you, daddy, there's nobody else, I swear!"
"Just shut up and listen," he hissed, clamping his hand down over your mouth. "You can't lie to me when I'm inside you, pretty girl, now just be honest: you like making your poor daddy jealous, don't you?"
Nervously, you nodded against the hand on your face.
"Of course you do," he smiled, "'cause you like how I fuck you when I wanna make sure you're mine."
You nodded again, muffled moans getting louder as your orgasm started building faster than even you expected.
"You've got this pretty mark on your neck to show for it," he purred as he licked where the bruise was forming, "so you and everybody else knows how good your daddy fucked you."
"I'm close," you mumbled.
"What was that?" he asked, removing his hand from your mouth.
"I'm close!"
"Oh, I knew that," he laughed, "I can feel your pussy grippin' me so tight, tryna make me come in ya. Is that what you want, princess?"
"Yes!" you moaned, almost screaming it, "yes, come in me, daddy, I love you so much, please!"
His come coated your walls as they flexed and pulsed for him, warmth seeping into you from the inside out.
Both of you caught your breath as he laid back and rolled you until you were laying on his chest. "You're okay, right? I wasn't too rough with ya?"
"No, I'm fine," you chuckled, "you really are a softie, Sheriff."
"Ooh, you only call me that after I love you up real good," he beamed, kissing your forehead.
"That's not true, I call you that when we're out in public," you denied.
"Yeah, but before we go out in public I always love you up real good," he smirked. You slapped his chest playfully but it was generally pretty true. "I'd better get up and take my shower, get ready for bed an' all."
"No," you protested, clutching his torso, "don't go yet... just stay here until I fall asleep, please?"
"Okay, sweet girl," he sighed, relaxing under your touch, "close your eyes."
You always fell asleep so easily when you were in his arms.
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ditch-witches · 4 years
asa butterfield x reader
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request: wasn’t requested, but we wrote this in march and decided to post. we’re opening our inbox to other actors and characters, so feel free to send us a request :)
warnings: mentions of sex (slight), crude language, a family gathering
word count: ~2000
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Your grandmother threw open her front door, hair in curlers to match her fuzzy pink slippers. Her face brightened at the sight of you, yet once her eyes fell to Asa it was like you were last year's ham. She nearly hooted in excitement before throwing her arms around him and dragging him inside, Asa’s face furrowing as he looked back at you. You smirked slightly, hanging your jacket on the already full coat tree by the door and kicking off your shoes before meandering through her gigantic house in search of your boyfriend. There were various cousins sprawled out around her living room and hanging out of the archway to the kitchen while watching whatever sport was on TV. 
You furrowed your brows at the group and half of them pointed down the hallway where a round of hollering and an old crackly radio was sounding off. You nodded and moved in the direction they sent you, turning a few corners before going through the sliding glass door in the back, spotting Asa being shown off to several of your uncles from different generations and your older cousins by your small grandmother. You sighed, coming out from behind them and capturing the attention of the group who greeted you with smiles and a few pinches on the arm. The stereotypical conversation questions were thrown around briefly: How is school? How’s the job? Are you hungry? 
Some of the guys were talking to Asa and shaking his hand a ridiculous amount until you finally had enough. “Oma, maybe you should go get ready?” You suggested, finally taking hold of Asa’s arm to pull him from her grasp. She inhaled sharply as if forgetting she was walking around in a housecoat while her guests continued to fill her house. You were sure Asa would already be overwhelmed, him being whisked off was not what you had expected, but he remained smiling, talking to whoever started conversations with him. You couldn’t really believe it but Asa was prospering. 
Before you knew it, the two of you were sat beside each other at a long table of most of your cousins, separate from the massive group of adults, passing food amongst yourself and talking over the polka music that seemed to always be playing from the radio in the living room. You leaned over to Asa as he passed you a basket of rolls. “Are you all right?” You whispered, passing the food again. 
He smiled at you slightly, his icy blue eyes seemingly lighting up even more. “Never better. Relax, okay?” He mumbled, sending you a wink. You hadn’t realized how tensed up you were as you dropped your shoulders at his words. If you weren’t surrounded by family members, you would have kissed him. The meal went on without ripples, listening to how people were doing in school and sitting through several of the members of the family closer to your age tell embarrassing stories about yourself to Asa like it had happened last week, not when you were three and still wearing Garanimals. 
“You’re Asa, right?” One of your middle school aged cousins asked from across the table. She put her chin in her hand, her makeup more intricate than you ever could master. He shook his head hesitantly. “You’re probably so good you don’t use protection. Am I right?” Her almost seductive glance and question made you choke on your water and Asa’s mouth dropped open a bit as the man beside her cackled heavily. 
“Oh, my God,” you breathed. “You can’t say that,” you hissed and she shrugged. 
Her eyes trailed him from across the table. “I don’t hear a ‘no’.” 
You groaned, telling Asa to ignore her through gritted teeth. “You should always use protection,” he answered instead, attempting to hold back his own laugh as you kicked him under the table, sending the man next to her into even greater fits of laughter. 
“Are you staying at oma’s tonight?” Another asked, thankfully one that hadn’t heard the previous topic. 
You chewed on the inside of your cheek, debating if it was too late to get a hotel. “No, I haven’t drawn a card yet…” You mumbled, trying not to alert Asa beside you. 
Your actions were for nothing as he piped up. “What is drawing a card?” 
At his question, several of the cousins attempted to answer at once, urging you to let him be the one to draw this time and you shook your head. “My grandmother has a deck of cards that have locations written on them and whenever there’s a family gathering, you draw a card to figure out where you’re staying. It’s because my dad’s generation all fought over who was staying with Uncle Mike,” you answered, closer to his ear to combat the several voices. “But we should just get a hotel room-” 
“That’s breaking the rules and you know it!” Another cousin yelled, pointing his fork at you. 
You shook your head. “You’re a grown ass man and you still want a shot at staying with Uncle Mike?” You almost snapped, making him shrug. 
“You’re just pissed because you never get it!” He snapped back. 
You shook your head almost dramatically. “What if I didn’t want to stay with Uncle Mike?” 
“I like staying with oma!” 
He sent you a sarcastic smile as if to call your bullshit. “Fine then, we’re taking bets on who has to sleep in the tent.” 
You had almost forgotten Asa was there until he piped up. “I have ten on you then,” he quipped and your heart slightly fluttered at him as your cousin pointed to him, leaning over the table aggressively to shake Asa’s hand as the other cousins began saying it was other people. One got up to grab an old pad of paper to take down the bets and you pinched the bridge of your nose between your index finger and thumb. Asa was loving every minute of this. 
After dinner, half of your great uncles were passed out on the couch and your grandmother was shuffling her beat up deck of cards, long past the date it should have been retired. Your heart began to beat slightly, the adrenaline rushing through you as you thought about the bets that were made and the possibility of having to sleep outdoors. You sat on the couch, watching closely as the deck was brought around, shuffled and fanned out for each of the kids. Meanwhile Asa leaned his elbows on his knees, playing Cat’s Cradle with one of your younger cousins. Your leg rested against his as you focused on the cards, maybe it wasn’t the chance that you would have to sleep in a beat up old tent, but rather the rush of competition. So far, most of the spaces in the upper level of your grandma’s house had been taken as well as the spots in your cousin’s. Uncle Mike’s had yet to be completely claimed and the tent still hung in the air. 
The deck came towards you, your grandmother swooping down slightly for the cousin that was entranced by the string game. She drew a card: the top bunk of one of many stacked beds at Uncle Mike’s. Her older brother cheered, knowing that you now had an even bigger chance of getting the tent. The deck was offered to Asa, your grandmother raising an eyebrow. “No, I don’t trust him,” you quickly stated, ignoring his sarcastically hurt expression. The deck was turned to you. “I love you, but you have some of the worst luck.” Your mind raced at what was left and then you realized that Asa would be sleeping with you. Then you prayed to whatever higher being could help you to not give you an upper floor. “We have a lot riding on this,” you muttered as she fanned the cards for you. You drew your card, quickly turning it over and snapping it around towards your cousins who all groaned at the fluent, swirling writing your grandma was known for. 
“Are you kidding!” 
“Fuck! I could have bought a ton of M&M’s with that money.” 
Your grandma whipped around to the last cousin to speak, yanking on his ear quickly and hissing, “Halt deinen Mund!” He put his hands up in defense looking at her with wide eyes and you smirked. 
“Yeah, Halt deinen Mund,” you mocked and she snapped her fingers at you, making you close your mouth quickly before she moved on. You all broke out into a fit of giggles silently, relieved that no one had the tent yet. The one who made the bet with Asa was who you hoped would get it, in all honesty. You finally let out a breath, relaxing completely. 
You snuggled into your seat, crossing your legs and throwing an arm around the section of the back of the couch where Asa was sitting. He leaned back, tucking under your arm slightly, raising an eyebrow in your direction. “And where did we get?” 
You handed him the card. “Oma’s back basement room. There’s a waterbed, but other than that, it’s a win.” 
He chuckled, flipping the card between his long fingers. “That could be fun,” he whispered slightly and you pushed his face away with your hand as he laughed. As the party died down enough that people were heading to their designated spots or out back to set piles of leaves on fire, you and Asa grabbed your bags and headed through the maze of a house to your room for the night and possibly the next. It really depended on how much Asa could actually take of your family. 
Your room was just off the retro bar that was always used around the winter holidays. You thanked whoever was looking out for you up above as you threw your bags down on one of the dated couches and peaked into the newly renovated bathroom. “So, how are you feeling?” You asked, putting your hands on your hips as he slipped his sweater over his head and readjusting his t-shirt. 
“I’m exhausted,” he stated, biting back a wide grin before plopping down into the middle of the bed, it sloshed around under his movements and he giggled slightly before laying back. You perked an eyebrow. “I’m ready. Fuck me on a waterbed,” he jeered, smirking up at you. 
He tucked his arms beneath his head, and you sent him a tilted expression. “You are so strange.”
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unmaskedagain · 4 years
Marinette: Stone Cold
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Ok so i love this prompt but it took forever to get to. And as soon as I did its like suddenly I was swamped with everything. So frustrating. But I finally finished it. And I love it. @vixen-uchiha​
              Marinette was six-years-old when her parents died in a car crash. She had been at school when the vice principle, Mrs. Valmontes, stopped by and pulled her out of class. The little black haired girl had known something was wrong instantly as Valmontes had smiled just a little hard at her and much more gently than what she was known for.
           Still, she had been really surprised to see Office Raincomprix, her classmate Sabrina’s dad, waiting for her in the principle. Marinette always thought he was really nice; always jolly and quick to lend a hand to the teacher at the end of the day if he got to class early to pick up Sabrina. However, he too, seemed rather despondent when Marinette entered the room. His partner, a rookie named Lorna, looked really sad too.
           They took her down to the station where she was led to one of the back offices. Sabrina’s dad waited with her there. And then woman name Susanna LeFlont, who Marinette would later learn was a grief counselor. Then they told her.
           Susanna held her as she cried and begged and called them liars, until she couldn’t cry anymore. And then they gave her a stuffed animal, and said they would try calling her relatives to pick her up.
           They came back an hour later, saying they got ahold of her parents’ emergency contact…
           Marinette’s Uncle Jareth Dupain.
           She had frowned when they said his name because to her he had never been Jareth Dupain. No, he was always her cool Uncle Jagged. So it took her a second to remember that his real name was Jareth Dupain-Stone, her father’s younger half-brother. Marinette even briefly remember her dad mentioning having to change their emergency contact after his mom, Gina, passed away a few ago.
           He was only 20 when Marinette born and he was always a budding Rockstar so he wasn’t around too much. And 6 years later he was the biggest rockstar in the world. Still, that didn’t stop him from rushing to the police station, Penny hot on his trail, and pulled his sweet niece into the biggest hug he could.
           Jagged took his niece to the hotel room to get her settled and had Penny go back to the bakery to get some of her things. He didn’t think it was a smart idea to take her there yet; not when the wounds were still so fresh.
           Still as the twenty-six year old Rockstar stared at the small form cuddled up to Fang, he realized for the first time that he was all Marinette had in the world; the only family she had left. The only family he had left.
           So he knew, despite the lawyers taking days to contact him regarding who Marinette’s guardian would be, that it was him. Jagged was the person Tom had entrusted to protect and watch the most precious thing he had the entire world; his daughter. And he wouldn’t let his brother down.
Tom had always been the best big brother anyone could have. And when Jagged’s own father, Tom’s Stepfather (as tom’s own father had suffered a heartache when Tom was a teen), had walked out, Tom had stepped up. He showed Jagged, who was still called Jareth at the time, how to be a man. He believed in Jagged’s rockstar dream when Jagged didn’t even believe in them himself.
Jagged would do right Tom, by Sabine; he would do what they would do if the situation was reversed and they were given Jagged’s kid to care for.
He would raise Marinette as he own. And though he knew would never come close to being the father that Tom Dupain had been…
Jagged would damn well try to be.
Jagged Stone, Shattered Roses, Nightmare’s Hail Mary, Unmasked Dragon, True Born Rejects, and Emancipated Mirrors were some of the biggest rock band in the world. Whenever, they went on tour together, they were the epitome of what people thought Rock Stars were. They were loud. They partied all night. Groupies hung around everywhere. To them, it was paradise. When all the bands were invited to go on the Kings of Neverland tour, with Jagged Stone headlining, they expected very much the same as they were used to. Jagged always had the most Rockin tour bus. His parties were legendary. They came to expect it.
However, when Neon Savage (front man of the Shattered Roses), Austin Knight (Leader of Unmasked dragon and lead Guitarist), and Niklaus Bane (Lead vocalist of True Born Rejects) showed up with beers and all other sorts of alcohol the day before their opening concert for the tour, they came across something very unexpected.
Or rather someone.
A little Asian girl with pigtails in her Blue hair, a tiara on her head, in a rainbow tutu paired with a black too large Guns N Roses shirt, her hand on her hips, no shoes, and a rather large crocodile next to her.
“What’s with the ballerina?” Austin asked. He had dyed silver hair done in a stereotypical emo style, grey eyes, and too many piercings. He was slim and tall.
           Niklaus sighed in relief, “Oh good, you see her too!” He had curly blond hair, dark brown eyes, and wore mostly black. He had ripped jeans and a red tie. The tie was as red as the whites of his looked. “Why is your hair blue?”
“Because Uncle said I could,” She answered and pointed a figure at them, “You’re not supposed to be here.”
Savage scoffed, “You got that twisted, kid.” He was a bulk guy, with long dark hair, and a severe expression on his face. His arms were covered in tattoos. He played in a metal band, and it was obvious. “Where’s your mommy?”
“Dead,” The little girl said bluntly. “I live with my Uncle Jagged now. This his tour bus, and you’re not supposed to be here.” She glared at them. “Fang, Stranger Danger!”
           What happened next was a bit of a blur. One minute they were fine, the next they were being chased around Jagged’s tour bus by a rather vicious crocodile while pint-sized twerp laughed.
           Lucky for them, their yells for help were overheard by Penny and Jagged who had been working in back, “What’s going on?” Penny asked as she ran in.
“Mates, what the h. e. double hockey sticks is going on?” Jagged asked right on his assistant’s tail.
           Austin, who had jumped on top one of the shelves, gave Jagged a confused look, “Better question; what the hell did you just say?”
“Ooohhhh! There’s five bucks for the swear jar!” The little girl taunted.
           Jagged glared at rockstar, “Watch it! A Kid’s in the room!”
           Savage glared at his longtime friend, “Who the fuck do you think set Fang on us?!” He cast a dark look at the crocodile. “Stranger danger my ass! I’ve known you sent you hatched, you overgrown cheap pair of boots.”
“That’s ten buck for the swear jar!” The girl said.
“Ten bucks?” Austin frowned. “Kinda of steep for just two swear words.”
“I swear to God-” Savage growled but was cut off.
“Chill, mate,” Jagged said. “This is my niece Marinette.” He gave her a loving smile. She beamed up at him brightly. He had been taking care of her for a year now. “I told ya about her.”
“You didn’t say she was Satan!” Austin whined. Fang had bitten him, the slowest of the three, quite a lot, and he had a giant hole in his jacket.
“I’m not Satan,” Marinette huffed. “I’m a ballerina, princess, Rockstar on my way to a tea party with Duchess Rosy Sparkles, of the Unicorn Fairies. And guess what, you’re not invited!”
“Oh that’s just mean,” Niklaus complained.
“She sicked a mini dinosaur on us,” Savaged hissed.
“Yeah, well, now she hurt my feelings.”
           Jagged sighed. The guys were some of his closest friends, and by the look up the “entertainment” they brought, they were ready to raze it up like always. But things had changed. Jagged couldn’t be that guy anymore. “Marinette’s staying with me from now on,” He reminded them. “No parties on the tour. She has a bedtime. And doesn’t need to see “us” at our finest, no matter how Rockin we are.” Jagged shrugged. “Spread the world, my bus is off limits.”
The rock stars grumbled a bit but didn’t leave. They could hang with Jagged without presence of booze, weed, loud music, and groupies. It would be a little weird but they’d managed. Jagged was their friend; they’d known him before any of them became famous and stayed close well after. They hadn’t been there for him as much as they wanted to after Tom died; too many commitments, too many required appearances in different countries that had taken them away. But they were there now. And if being there for one of their best friends meant regularly chilling with a six-year-old, then they’d deal.
Savage grunted, “Austin, get rid of the booze.”
“By ‘get rid of’, I assume you meant put back in my tour bus,” The silver haired guitarist corrected.
           Niklaus raised his hand like he was a student in class, “I get the whole no alcohol thing; that stuff will kill ya. But what your feelings on pot?”
           Jagged just sighed. It was going to be a long summer.
           The three musician, and even the other Rockers on tour, slowly but surely got used to the seemingly near constant presence of a six-year-old around Jagged or running around backstage. And the swear jar was a serious thing. It didn’t count when they were singing on stage but off it and anywhere near Marinette and they found themselves forking over five dollars for ever swear word. It added up a lot. And quickly.
           Jagged’s tour bus, instead of being the Party palace it used to be, now was the chill zone. It was also the cleanest of all the tour buses. No empty beer bottles everywhere. No one random passed out anywhere. No having to watch out for throw up. No rabid fans, as Jagged had increased his security to Tony Stark worthy levels.
           All they had to do was mind their manners and remember that Marinette was very impressionable at her age.
“OH screw you!!!!!!” Savage roared as he jumped up and frantically mashed buttons on his controller. “I’m not losing!”
           They had been babysitting Marinette all day while Jagged did an interview Buzzfeed.
           Austin snickered, “Says you.” His character raced past Savage’s. Only for something to hit him and send poor little Yoshi spinning out of control. “Did you- did you just blue shell me, bitch?” He hissed at Niklaus.
“Nooo!” Niklaus said sarcastically. “Hey!!! Not nice, brat!” He told Marinette after a banana caused him to slip off the ice.
           Marinette smiled easily, but there was a determined look in her eyes. Her hair was jelled into a faux-hawk courtesy of Ashley Crimson, from lead singer for Emancipated Mirrors, an all-girl punk rock band.
“Die, scumbag!” Ashley roared as her racer zoomed by. She was a vivacious redhead. Her and her bandmates got used to being some of the only girls around that weren’t either working for one of the rock stars or were scantily clad fangirls who do “anything” to get backstage.
“You’re going down, twerp!” Savage told Marinette.
“Bite me!” She snapped back just as Jagged and Penny walked into the tour bus.
           Jagged crossed his arms, “What did you morons do to my sweet little niece?”
“Nothing!” Niklaus, Ashley, Savage, and Austin chimed together.
“Savage taught me to throw a punch, and or kill a man.” Marinette smiled happily. “I helped Austin set up a glitter bomb in Nightmare’s Hail Mary tour bus. Niklaus and I are banned from Chuckie Cheese. Ashley and I spray painted her ex boyfriend’s car. Cleo and I got arrested. We disturbed the peace!!” Cleo was a pink haired girl who played drummer from Nightmare’s Hail Mary. She had to rush off for her own interview. “Oh and we’ve only been Playing Mario kart for an hour but they each owe like a hundred bucks to the swear jar.”
           There was silence as the words were processed.
“And not one of us taught her how to keep a freaking secret?” Ashley face palmed.
           Jagged just sighed.
           For the next few years that was Marinette’s life. Austin, Niklaus, Savage and Ashley became pseudo Uncles and Aunt to Marinette.
She spent most of her childhood on tour with her Uncle; going from to place, concert after concert. Marinette was homeschooled and didn’t mind it. Jagged went on tour with a bunch of different people over the years and she got to meet all sorts musicians; Clara Nightingale, Ed Sheeran, Adam Levine, Brendon Urie from Panic! At the Disco, Taylor Swift. Her favorite were the award shows though. Through them, she got to meet all her favorite actors. And was inspired to start designing on her own clothes after seeing so many fabulous looks. She got to model and do some acting. In her free time, she ran a very popular fashion blog/youtube channel.
The press had always loved her. To them, she was Marinette Stone (Jagged didn’t want her real name released to the media). She was always on the best dressed list, frequently seen with various celebrities, and could be found on the cover of various magazine.
However, when Marinette was eleven, she begged her Uncle to let her go to school with other kids. She was getting older and she wanted to have some type of normal childhood. It took him a year to agree. Her uncle Jagged had become quite protective over the years.
So Marinette went back to Paris. She cut her hair, used her given name of Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Her Uncle bought a grand penthouse not too far away from her new school, and whenever he was gone her bodyguard, a sweet woman named Harlow who was former CIA, was in charge of her. She started at her new school with a smile on her face.
Not long after, she became the hero Ladybug.
Everything was great. She had friends, a normal social life, went to school with other kids her age. She wasn’t constantly being followed around by paparazzi. She still ran her fashion blog and had frequently updates. It was perfect.
It took two years for it to go bust.
The reason’s name was Lila Rossi.
And she was the biggest liar Marinette had ever met. And Marinette had grown up in the entertainment industry.
Lila made wild claims that the other kids just ate up. A simple google search could refute all of them. The ones Marinette could stand was always about Jagged. Like her Uncle, or an airline, would be reckless enough to let a kid race on to an airport to save a cat; not that Jagged had ever own one. Fang was territorial.
Lila made her out to be a bully, and slowly Marinette lost all her friends. Her only one left was Adrien, her partner Chat Noir. The blond and Marinette had modeled together a few times and he had recognized Marinette despite her new looked but he kept it a secret. Because of their history, Marinette developed a crush on the other and Adrien was quick to lose his crush on Ladybug once he found out it was his dear friend behind the mask.
When Marinette was exiled to the back, Adrien was quick to join her (much to Lila’s fury) and nothing could change his mind. Mostly because he was sick of Lila always touching him despite his vocal protests, and Bustier not doing anything about it.
Soon Marinette things started being messed up or destroyed; her homework, her sketchbooks and pencils, her jacket. She was tripped and called rude names. Her cellphone, (Well one of her phones. She had two; one she used as Marinette Stone. One for Marinette Dupain-Cheng; a number only her classmates had.) was filled with mean texts.
Bustier caved to demands and had her excluded from class trips and events due to being a negative influence; again Adrien decided not to go either, and Lila was Akumatized once he said this. Marinette hadn’t been surprised. Bustier always ignored the bullying and harassment clearly happening in front of her. Still, Marinette decided to start recording her classes a hidden camera on her desk, on the corner of the celling and even on top of the whiteboard behind Bustier. It was just in case anything took a serious turn.
Still losing all her friends because of a few promises and dreams of glitz and glamour had been a wakeup call. Her Uncle had warned her. Her Aunt Penny, who Jagged had married with Marinette was ten, had warned her. So did Savage, Ashley, Cleo, Austin, Clara, and Niklaus. They told Marinette to watch out for fake friends and gold diggers, coattail clingers and desperate wannabes; people who would sell out every secret she had to the paparazzi behind her back just for five minutes in the spot light. So called friends who would do anything to get ahead, to get famous.
And it was clear that’s who most of her ex-friends were. Even Lila learned the hard way. When she told Alya about her mom meeting with some important celebrity about their Go Green initiative, this wasn’t a lie as it would turn out. However, the glasses-wearing girl posted it online, despite Lila legitimately asking her to keep it a secret. Lila got in big trouble with her mom apparently.
The teacher, Bustier, was awful but she always had been. Marinette ignored it in the past because at least she had her friends. But if that witch told Marinette to be a better example one more time, it was over.
           Everything came to a head after Marinette got expelled, granted she was brought back after evidence that it was impossible for her to have cheated surfaced, and the bluenette decided enough was enough. She finally gave in and told her Uncle everything.
           Jagged was pissed. He cursed up a storm; enough to fill the swear jar ten times over and buy Marinette a car.
           It took a while to get him to calm down. And to convince him that Marinette could handle it. She had a plan.
           Still, she remembered that Uncle was a wild card.
           Friday, during lunch, Marinette was eating in the cafeteria, when suddenly the lunchroom doors burst open, “Marinette,” Jagged called as he entered, trailed by a happy Penny and bodyguards “Where’s my favorite little fashion designer?”
           Marinette just sighed.
Adrien smirked at her; looking way too amused. The jerk must’ve known. She had thought it was strange that he wanted to eat in the cafeteria. The two rarely ate on the school grounds, opting and preferring to go to local restaurants rather than deal with terrible food and pesky classmates. Still Marinette didn’t mind as long as they away from her classmates. And they did.
Kagami, Aurore, and Claude gave her perplexed looks.
           The students in the cafeteria went wild. Girls and guys screamed, and tried to get pictures. Jagged ignored them and went straight to Marinette’s table, walking passed where Bustier’s student at lunch. Alya shook Lila’s shoulder and pointed at Jagged, and loudly asked if Lila could get her an interview. Lila looked horrified.
Jagged beamed when he reached Marinette, “There you are, you’ve been ignoring my texts,” He accused. Which to be fair, Marinette had been. Her Uncle had been coming up with way too many revenge plots to be healthy. “I decided I need a new look for the VMAs; something rockin, something tasteful, something to show remind the world the amazingness that the Rock Gods have blessed them with.”
“I’m at school,” Marinette told him.
           He smirked, “Then Learn to answer a text,” The Rock star shrugged. “But fine; we can talk later. How about at my concert, yeah. You and your friends” he motioned to the kids at Marinette’s table, “Can have backstage passes. We’ll talk then. But I really want you to wow me. Maybe get a matching hat for Fang too.”
“Fang?” Adrien asked innocently. Still Marinette could practically hear see the script he was reading off of.  “Is that your cat?”
           Jagged gasped as if insulted, “Cat? Do you think I’d ever own anything as ordinary as a cat? Me? Jagged Stone?! I should be insulted, mate. I hate cats, always have. Never owned one, never will. Fang’s a crocodile. Marinette’s knows. Fang loves her.”
“That is strange,” Kagami shot Marinette a smirk which caused Marinette to nearly hiss at the betrayal. Kagami knew too?! “Lila said you did.”
“Lila?” Jagged asked. “Who’s Lila? I don’t know a Lila.”
“Lila Rossi?” Aurore offered. “The Ladyblog practically swears in an interview that Lila Rossi saved your cat from being hit by a plane or something.”
           Jagged scoffed, “What a loud of bull! Any journalist that believes that is not worth the pen they write with.” Gasps were heard. “But I heard that rumor. Didn’t know where it was from. Thanks for letting me know who I should sue. This Ladyblog and Lila Rossi will be hearing from my lawyers.”
           It was a photo finish as to who fainted first; Alya or Lila.
           Lila went home right after that. This caused the reactions of the class to be split. Half the class still defended Lila; refusing to believe their golden ticket was lying. The other half was ready to burn her at the stake; they had carried her books, done her homework, wrote her notes, nearly everything for her.
           Marinette just sat back and watched with amused eyes. If they thought this was bad, they hadn’t seen anything yet.
           That weekend Marinette Stone released a video on her blog about bullying. She had been mentioning her own trouble with bullying for months and people had asked her for more information.
           The title of the video was:
           Bullying Stone: The Expose
           In it Marinette revealed that at her school she went by Marinette Dupain-Cheng, her real name, and had a new look. She told about how much she liked school at first. And they what changed; that it all started when a new girl arrived and started telling lies about celebrities about Marinette. She told the story of how she was expelled; and just how many procedures were broken when it happened.
           Marinette used the recordings she had of class, and even showed up the horrible texts she got.
“As you can see the teacher does nothing,” Marinette frowned. “It’s all happening right in front of her and she does nothing. In the next video, you’ll see someone being sexually harassed, in front of the teacher and she doing nothing about it. And then what victim blaming looks like. Again, as a reminder, all these videos and pictures are unedited.” She had offered to blur Adrien’s face but he declined, and even appeared in the video too and talked about his own experience.
           At the end of the video, Marinette looked straight at the camera, “Anyone can be bullied; famous or otherwise. If you’re being bullied; speak up. Tell your parents, your Aunts, your Uncles, your siblings, your cousins, teachers who you know will actually do something about it. I waited too long to tell someone. I regret that. They thought what they were doing was hurting me.  They thought I’d be miserable without them. They thought I’d cry and break and come crawling back to them. They thought wrong. You can bully Stone but it takes a hell of a lot more than that to break it.”
           The video went viral in an hour. And people were angry. The people who knew Marinette and loved her were beyond furious. Jagged, even more so, as he hadn’t seen the videos before, read the texts.
           Marinette Stone’s phone blew up with texts and calls. She was tweeted and retweeted thousands of times. And she got far too many, ‘You want me to kick their asses for you. I can kick their asses for you,” texts. But she had known she’d get them.
           The Ladyblog was ripped for lies by celebrities who been lied about on site and fans.
           Gabriel Agreste, Adrien told her, was pissed about what had been happening to Adrien, in front of a teacher no less. Lila Rossi fired. And if Lila ever had dreams about working in the fashion industry, they were over.
           Savage, after berating her for not kicking Lila’s ass, told her he and the gang (Austin, Cleo, Ashley, and And Niklaus) was coming over for some Mario Kart and artery clogging fast food.
           When the call disconnect, Marinette got a text from him.
Why did you sic Fang on them?
And that’s a five for the swear jar!
           Marinette couldn’t stop laughing.    
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jimlingss · 4 years
Sugar and Coffee [Finale]
Chapter 22 - Chapter 23 [Finale]
➜ Words: 5.1k
➜ Genres: 99.5% Fluff, 0.5% Angst, Pâtisserie school!AU
➜ Summary: It isn't hard to be a pâtisserie chef, but it's not a piece of cake either. It seems like for you in particular, life keeps throwing in one wrench after another. It always finds ways to make your sweets bitter. The cherry on top is Jeon Jungkook — a rival with a sensitive sweet tooth who always finds ways to complain about you.
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Baking is an art form. It takes more than just having ingredients and following a recipe. It’s the flavour, texture, taste, and the presentation. It’s knowing why when things go wrong and how to fix it. It’s knowing the right kinds of ingredients to pick, how much of each should be combined, what techniques and methods to use. Baking is therapy. Baking is scientific. It is art.   The ingredients are as follows: 
Fresh strawberries
White chocolate sponge cake
You place the fresh strawberries into the refrigerator as the stand mixer whips the six large egg whites and two cups of sugar. When it's combined, you place a bowl over a double boiler on the stove and whisk until the mixture is hot. You put it on your stand mixer again until the white chocolate swiss meringue buttercream is stiff. The cubed butter and white chocolate is added shortly after until it's smooth.   Once you’ve got your components prepared, you slice the cooled white chocolate cake into two layers and set the bottom layer on a cake board on the turning cake table. You spread the meringue buttercream evenly with an offset spatula and layer the strawberries.    Afterwards, you put the other chocolate sponge cakes over it and repeat the process.   You finish the white chocolate strawberry swirl cake with white chocolate strawberries on top for decorative purposes and pipe flowers with a twelve inch piping bag.   “It looks fucking incredible.”   Jungkook leans over the counter, peering at the frosted cake you’ve just made.   “It was supposed to be white chocolate raspberry swirl, but I know you like strawberries, so….”   The boy grins, a wide smile that makes his big nose scrunch. “I love it.”   You burst out into giggles. “You haven’t even taken a bite yet!”   Jungkook begins slicing the cake. You’re proud of what you’ve made — but it’s kind of sad at the same time. This is the final product of your portfolio before it's ready for submission. You’re glad it’s over, but it also means your journey here is ending.   It’s November now. And it’s been one whole year since your relationship with Jungkook shifted.    A year ago — when the internship posting went up and you found out he was going to be your partner over the summer. When you were made his exam partner in your fine pastries class. When that Friday night happened and you bursted out crying in the kitchen, and he comforted you to no avail despite it being a cold night where the air bit his skin and turned his cheeks rosy. Where he bought you grape soda for no reason whatsoever other than a poor attempt at trying to make things better.   It seems like it was so long ago, but it’s only been three hundred and sixty days.   It makes you wonder what will happen a year from now or two or ten.   “Not too sweet?”   You watch your boyfriend’s expression carefully. Jeon Jungkook has his brows deeply furrowed with a thoughtful expression like he’s trying to give honest output. His fork is cleaned empty and it lowers to grab another bite.    “It’s perfect.” He melts into a smile. “Maybe you made my sugar tolerance go up.”   “Maybe because I improved.” You loll your head to the side, challenging him. “It’s almost as good as your chocolate-covered strawberry cupcakes, huh?”   Jungkook scoffs lightly. “I wouldn’t go that far, babe, but we can all dream.”   You sulk. “I’ll find out that recipe one day, Jeon. You mark my words and when I do, I’ll profit off of it.”   He laughs, the sound tickling and boyish, causing another smile to rise onto your features. Jungkook digs in, having yet another bite and he lets his teeth rot with the sweetness.    It’s not long before he remembers something, strides away with a hum and returns with a cold tray. “What is it?” you ask curiously as he sets it down and removes the saran wrap.   “It’s truffles. I made it in my art of chocolate class, but it’s an original recipe. Give it a try.”   He pushes the tray towards you and you don’t hesitate to grab a chocolate truffle. You would never, on any planet, deny the opportunity of consuming chocolate, especially when it’s made by Jeon Jungkook. You’ve never said it out loud before, but for some reason he always makes the best.   No grocery brand or chocolatier can beat what he often bakes for you.   So you try not to devour the truffle all in one bite, opting to relish and savour it. You take half of the truffle into your mouth and chew with the same consideration he had for you. And you’re surprised as the deep flavour melts on your palate. “Coffee?”    Your brows furrow and you lick your lips. “Did you put black coffee into it?”   “I was inspired by a memory,” Jungkook says with a soft smile. “What do you think?”   “I love it,” you exhale in awe, finishing the bite and licking your fingers.    It tastes kind of bitter, but it has a sweet note at the end.    It’s bittersweet. But mostly ends up sweet.
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Life with Jungkook continues. Lectures and workshops become more hectic the closer the end comes, but in between classes and late nights spent in the kitchens next to ovens, you and Jungkook still find plenty of time with one another. Or at least enough that you still have your dumb debates and have your hour of snuggling — which Jungkook regularly falls asleep during.   The honeymoon phase of your relationship eventually fades away, but luckily it molds into a comfortable pattern that neither of you mind whatsoever. There are still knowing gazes shared across busy rooms, his hand that often comes on your lower back that you find security in, tender kisses shared when the two of you greet each other and bid temporary farewells.    You still love Jungkook very much and you don’t ever find yourself afraid of him leaving you abruptly.    Your relationship becomes normal too, so Yoongi and Taehyung has little to tease you both about. They instead relish in bullying Jimin when he ends up going out with a coworker of his at his new part-time job, much to the shorter man’s dismay.   Hoseok, on the other hand, while no longer in a relationship, finds an interest in teaching and starts to look into what it would take to become an instructor. You’re happy for him and so is Aeri who tells you she’s considering going abroad someday to expand her culinary skills and cook more international cuisine. She keeps herself preoccupied by improving herself and becomes someone worthy of your admiration.   But for the most part, things remain consistent and constant. There’s still bickering over lunchtimes and dinner times across the cafeteria table. Still nights of crashing Yoongi and Hoseok’s apartment and playing games. The five of you also start playing Dungeons and Dragons much to Taehyung’s delight who becomes the dungeon master — and while Yoongi always says he wants to stab himself halfway through every session, you’re sure he enjoys it as much as everyone else does.   The memories made are ones you cherish the most.   And before you know it, graduation has come.   “You look beautiful, dear,” Jungkook’s mom holds back tears as she grasps your hands tightly. “Congratulations.”   “Thank you.”   “Come on, you two!” His dad suddenly calls, holding an old camera up to his chin. “Let’s take some photos to remember the occasion!”   One hand holds your rolled certificate and the other holds your navy gown, you stand in front of the school sign with Jungkook who adjusts his black cap. He drapes his arm over your shoulder and the both of you tilt your heads towards each other and give the biggest grins.   The camera flashes. Again and again.   The corner of your mouth starts moving as your smile twitches. “How many is he taking?”   “Just smile,” Jungkook mutters through his grin as both his parents, his aunt and uncle, Lia and Eunbi, and grandma look on proudly. “He’ll do more if you try to argue.”   “Two more!” His dad shouts, despite taking another five.   His entire family seems so elated that your heart swells with endearment.   “I didn’t know your family would be so happy when you told them we were dating,” you murmur, switching your poses a bit. “You know, your grandma just asked me when we’re getting married.”   “Really?” He glances at you and then scoffs with another smile that’s more genuine. “Be lucky she has half a mind not to start asking when we’re having kids. Unless…...”   “I swear to god, Jungkook, if you get down on your knee in the middle of our graduation with everyone watching, I’m going to kick you in your shin.”   He giggles, nose scrunched, eyes crinkled.    It’s not long before Jungkook’s mother drags over Jimin overbearingly by the hand with Taehyung, Hoseok, and Yoongi for a group photo. There’re so many parents, family members, and phones and cameras being passed around that your plastered smile starts to break on your face. Everyone’s mother and their goddamn cousin’s cousin wants three copies of the same exact picture.   “Oh my god, kill me now,” Yoongi groans but still has that dumb fucking grin on his face. He looks more like a kid showing off his braces or a grandpa who has his dentures stuck.   You think he’s putting on that idiotic grin just to ruin the pictures — even his mom is yelling about it on the sidelines.   “Just a few more,” Jimin whispers with more perseverance than anyone else has.   “Who is even taking our picture, right now?” Hoseok asks, his brows furrowing. “Does anyone even know who that lady is?”   “I think she’s the associate dean’s assistant who’s going to put it on the website.” Taehyung breathes out, his cheeks aching from his smile. “Either that or that’s my cousin’s brother-in-law’s younger sister’s friend.”   “Alright, that’s enough.” Yoongi gives up and walks out of the frame. Everyone starts dispersing before there are protests and they’re rounded up for another pointless photo session.    But after a while, you’re granted some freedom to roam around with Jungkook. There’s still a few more photos taken, ones with Aeri and classmates and teachers, like Miss. Kang, who you always liked.    “I always knew the two of you could be close.” The female teacher has the cheesiest smile and you have to admit, you’re glad she never changed Jungkook’s internship like he wanted. In a way she’s like your matchmaker, but you’ll never say it out loud in case you give her more credit than it’s due. She already seems to know it anyway. “Good luck on your future journeys. You both have great potential.”   Namjoon and Sejeong also show up to congratulate the pair of you as well. And they meet Jungkook’s family who seems to adore the couple straight away, asking plenty of questions of what their shop is like and if their son was in any way helpful.   But while you’d like to stick around to hear all the conversations, it’s nice to take a break from the bustle to just walk on the paths that you used to take all the time with Jungkook.   You don’t know what it’s going to be like when you leave this place.   “Aren’t you kind of sad?” Your hand squeezes Jungkook’s and you turn to look at him.   “Yeah,” he admits. “But I’m also happy we don’t have to submit projects or do exams anymore. I’ll miss the routine. Of being able to hang out with the guys and eat with them all the time. But they’ll still be around and I have you.”   Jungkook’s gaze meets yours. His eyes are tender, soft.   You smile at him. That’s right — this chapter might be ending, but you’ll still have many more with him.   “Y/N!” There’s a call of your name and you turn to see your family waving at a distance. Your mom holds a flower bouquet, most likely for you and your cheeks swell with a smile.   Your arm extended in the air to wave back and your steps quicken with Jungkook’s to meet them.
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A lot happens after graduation.   There are many changes and alterations. While you’ll still always be learning until the end of time, you’re no longer an official student and you’re thrown to the hounds called the real world.   But it’s not all that bad.   You get hired back at Kim’s Wedding Cake Company and work with Soohyun who’s returned from maternity leave. Yuna also sometimes joins during the weekends and much to your delight, she tells you that she’s enrolled in the institution as she had wanted. You can only imagine what kind of knowledge she’ll gain and stories she’ll end up having there like you did. But there’s not a lot of time to reminisce when there’s work and a ton to learn, but you find yourself enjoying it more than finding it difficult.   Jungkook, on the other hand, doesn’t return to the company. He instead gets hired at a chocolatier shop not far from where you work. It’s only a ten minute walk down the block; five for each of you when you meet halfway like you frequently do for lunch.   He tells you that he’s learning a lot, on what it takes in the artistry of chocolate, that there’s more meticulousness than what meets the eye. It sounds like an absolute nightmare to you, but he loves it — especially on the days when he smells sweet and there’s some chocolate smeared on his cheeks. And you don’t hate that he often brings you home truffles and caramels to try.   The two of you also move in with each other, sharing an old apartment not far from your workplaces. It’s not much different from how you used to live on campus at different dorms, except now there are bills to be paid and Jungkook steals all the hot water in the shower.   You wonder if this is what it feels like to be an adult.   “Y/N?”   There’s a familiar voice, but one you haven’t heard in ages. A smooth timbre that sounds light and humorous at the corners. You whirl around, regarding the tall man with dark hair, dressed in a dark turtleneck and a black trench coat. His sheepish eyes crinkle in his smile, lips pink and plush.   “Jin?” A grin spreads into your face as well. “Oh my god! How are you? It’s been so long! What are you doing here?”   “I live here, remember,” he reminds in the midst of squeaky giggles. “And I’m good. I’m actually on my way to a meeting. I’m working in management of Toute Pastries and Pâtisseries.”   “Wow, working in commercial bakeries? That’s impressive.”    But you’re not exactly surprised. You knew Seokjin always had it in him and you feel proud that someone you used to know has become so great.   Seokjin laughs. “Not really. It’s kind of less hands-off than I’d like, but what about you?”   “I’m good too. Just heading to my friend’s bakery.” You hitch a thumb over your shoulder. “Today’s the opening. Do you want to come?”   “I’d love to, but the meeting starts in twenty. I saw the sign the other day though. The bakery is that place that was being renovated on Imlingss Avenue, right?”   “Yeah. It’s next to the department store.”   “I’ll swing by when I have some time then.”   “When you have some time?” You eye him playfully and cross your arms. It might be inappropriate to be so sarcastic with an acquaintance, but being with Jungkook has made you more snarky than is probably socially acceptable. “So you’re a hot shot, now, aren’t you?”   Luckily, Jin doesn’t take offence and simply laughs. “I swear I’m not!”   It’s good to see him. You thought you never would again, at least not face-to-face like this. But what you least expected was that your conversations could be so light and natural. It isn’t difficult at all and you don’t find yourself uncomfortable nor holding any resentments. You aren’t sad or angry.   It’s like seeing an old friend again.   “I heard you were with Jungkook,” Jin says with the corner of his mouth quirked. “That’s a surprise.”   “Isn’t it?” Whenever Jungkook used to come up in a conversation, all you ever said to Seokjin was how trash he was. But that was before you really knew anything about him. “But he’s great. An idiot sometimes. But it’s great.”   Jin can see the happiness radiating off your face and it’s infectious. “I’m happy for you, Y/N.”   He says it sincerely, genuinely, and your smile widens. “Thanks.”   The both of you share a little more small talk before you’re on your way. And once farewells are said and done, you don’t look back or peek over your shoulder for another glance at him.    You’re content continuing straight forward.   “Sorry, I’m late.” The door chimes as it slowly shuts after you, the warm furnace heating the air and melting off the coldness of your skin.    “Of course you’d be late.” Yoongi is in his black apron, white shirt rolled up to his elbows and his arms crossed. “We already took the photos, don’t expect that we’ll re-take them.”   “A joy as always, Yoongi.” You smile at him, taking off your jacket and putting it on the coat rack at the corner. Jimin comes to greet you and you sigh softly. “Why’d you ever agree to open a bakery with him, Chim? You must be a saint to deal with his shit all the time.”   “I heard that.”   Jimin laughs. “Trust me, he kept on asking Jungkook when you would come. He’s all bark but no bite,” he whispers but it’s loud enough that Yoongi looks sorely unimpressed.   The shop is cute and spacious. It’s rather modern with square tables and chairs lining the walls. The lights come from the sides of the fancy ceiling, and there’s a counter to check out at with a main glass case where people can choose pastries from. In the corner, there’s also several smaller pastry display cases where patrons can grab trays, tongs and fill up their own plates.    You quickly greet everybody and then move to grab your one prized possession.    “Lemon meringue pie?” Taehyung laughs, watching you put two on your plate.   “You know I just have to.” You smile and sit at one of the tables, luckily having it on the house. Taehyung sits across from you. “Man, you’re so nice to let Yoongi have the entire recipe since it’s yours too.”   He shrugs. “It wasn’t like I had any plans with it in the first place, plus it was Yoongi’s idea to add the secret ingredient.”   “Which is?”   Taehyung grins his infamous boxy smile. “Nice try.”   “I’ll find out one of these days,” you warn. Taehyung handed you the recipe a long time ago but he conveniently omitted the secret ingredient and you haven’t forgiven him since. “And then I’ll be making it for myself every other night instead of giving my pretty penny over to Yoongi and Jimin.”   “Yeah, good luck with that.” He leans back in the comfortable chair. “I’m sure Yoongi will be protecting that from you for the rest of his life. He might be willing to exchange information though if he can get his hands on Jungkook’s chocolate-covered strawberries.”   Taehyung wiggles his brows, but you shake your head with a sigh. “He won’t tell me. I swear he’s holding it above my head so I can never ditch him.”   The man laughs and takes a look around the new shop.   Everyone is here — Hoseok, Jimin, Yoongi, Jungkook, Taehyung, Aeri and you — the entire crew with no one else missing. There are other people as well, sponsors and Yoongi and Jimin’s other acquaintances, but you muse how hard it is these days to gather up like you used to.   Everybody was busy and on their own paths. Doing their own thing. But it’s what made moments like these more precious.   “I would’ve joined them, should’ve,” Taehyung says wistfully with a sigh. “The original plan was actually Jimin, Yoongi, and I.”   “Yeah, but you wouldn’t have been happy.” You take another bite of the pie, chewing in your cheek.   “Yeah, that’s true.”   “Do you regret it? Going back to school?”   “No.” Taehyung smiles gently. “I love learning and I knew after graduation, I wanted to keep learning. I’m not as good at cooking as I am at baking, but it’s still fun and I think I’m getting better. The only issue is Yuna.” The man visibly and dramatically shivers and it elicits laughter from you.   “Does she bother you a lot?”   “Less like bothering and more like she literally pops up wherever I go,” he tells. “Sometimes I’m just minding my own business and then boom, out of nowhere, I turn the corner and she’s there. I’m starting to think she’s like a ghost or like….like…”   “—a witch,” Jungkook finishes and then leans down to plop a kiss at the top of your head. “Hey.”   “Hey.” You smile and he leans down to steal a bite of your pie, but you don’t mind much. “You’ll never guess who I saw earlier.” Curiosity gleams in Jungkook’s eye and you grin, wanting to put him suspense for a little longer. “I’ll tell you about it later, but is everyone grabbing dinner afterwards? I haven’t checked the messages yet.”   “Yeah, we are.”   Soon, Hoseok comes over and introduces his lady-friend that he brought with him as Naul. But you know through advice he’s sought through you a few weeks back that he’s been seeing her and taking it slow.    It’s nice to finally meet someone you’ve heard about, and you find that her calm and collected personality fits into Hoseok’s quite well.   You also meet Jimin’s girlfriend who is sweet and an avid talker about all things deli meats.    At your surprise of how ham supposedly doesn’t taste as good as some other cold cuts, she insists that you and Jungkook need to have a double date with her and Jimin so she can enlighten you on the world of salamis — to which you agree needs to happen. She’s peculiar, but sweet and cute when she’s with Jimin.   “So you’re really going?” you ask after Aeri confirms it. She had told you a month ago that she applied to study abroad and you couldn’t be anything but happy. Especially now that she’s just told you that she’s been accepted, you have nothing but eagerness for her.   “Yeah, I’m a bit nervous, but I’m super excited.”   You pull the girl into a tight embrace. “I’ll miss you, but have fun and stay safe. Stay in touch.”   “Thanks and I will, Y/N.” She giggles against you and pulls apart. “I hear Amsterdam is really nice and my aunt keeps advertising it, so I’m looking forward to it.”   “Apparently, those Dutch men are really something,” you murmur and she laughs. “You know, if I wasn’t in a happily committed relationship and with my dream job, I’d probably ask if I could come with you cause damn, they’re like a tall glass of water. You need to take advantage of that.”   “Who’s a tall glass of water?” Jungkook approaches with a sorely unimpressed expression.   It makes you go tight-lipped and Aeri giggles, slinking away before she’s caught in the crossfire.   While you and Jungkook playfully bicker in the middle of the store and he grabs you in a chokehold and you tickle him — much to the shock of the other patrons who don’t know you — Yoongi looks on behind the counter with a displeased expression.   Except that’s only his natural resting bitch face and not what he thinks internally.   Or at least that’s what Jimin realizes when Yoongi says to him privately— “They’re a pretty good match, huh? Jungkook and Y/N.”   “Yeah.” Jimin smiles, watching the two of you act like children. “They are.”   It’s sad when the opening event eventually ends. The night comes and dinner is soon over too. Everyone ultimately says their farewells, waving before they go off on their own way and you linger just a moment until everyone’s gone. It’s nostalgic to be around them, reminding you of days that seemed simpler and easier, and when you were unaware of these facts.   It’s sad to say goodbye since you don’t know when you’ll see all of them again. At one place. At one time. But at least you have Jungkook with you, so you’re far from being alone.   “Don’t worry,” Jungkook jokes around, “They’ll be back for our wedding.”   “When is that going to happen?” you scoff, looking at him and how his features are illuminated under the lampposts that you pass. You squeeze his hand in yours.    “It’s a surprise,” he answers slyly.   You grin. “And what if I reject you?”   “Then I’ll be a very sad man.”   “And if we don’t work out at all?”   “Then we’ll still be best friends,” Jungkook says and interlaces his fingers with yours. “I’ll always be here for you. Because I’m lame and I think I’ll always be head over heels for you.” He smiles wide, bunny teeth revealed and features soft. “It’s a promise.”   And one you believe in.   Luckily, you and Jungkook never split.   You end up getting married two years later with Aeri as your maid of honour and Taehyung as the best man — the brunette giving you so much anxiety with his spontaneousness that you nearly wish it was Jimin who was the best man instead. But everything ends up without too many hitches or difficulties.   It’s hectic lives that you and Jungkook lead, but ones you love.   Ultimately, the pair of you get a townhouse together halfway between the suburbs and the city. You wind up running Kim’s Wedding Cake Company with Yuna many years down the line after Namjoon and Sejeong step down to retire. And Jungkook achieves his dream of becoming a chocolatier and ends up getting silver in The World Chocolate Masters competition.    The two of you have your first child together one drunken night when you both think it’s a good idea to have sex in your sacred spot — a professional kitchen. It’s the first and last time, swearing you’ll never do it again when you’re both on your hands and knees afterwards, sanitizing the entire area for fear of losing your jobs for the violation of health codes.    But you end up conceiving that night and it’s the first of many kids — rascals with sweet-tooths.   Life with Jungkook is a mundanity you could’ve only dreamed of. And you often count your blessings that you somehow ended with such a cheeky, lovable boy.
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[Epilogue]   “And that’s how I met your grandmother.”   There’s a plump toddler sitting on his knee, slobbering as he babbles, and a slightly older girl sitting cross-legged in front of him on the carpet. She’s no more than five years old and blinks up at the old man with matching doe eyes.   “So a stupid man dumped grandma and then you came in and saved her?” she asks in a high-pitched voice.   “Essentially.” The old man nods and takes off his rounded spectacles to place on the small table beside his plush armchair. It’s his special seat for story time, placed under the picture frames of you and Jungkook over the decades, from your graduation to your wedding. “We were friends first and then started to date afterwards, but yes, it’s right to say I did save her.”   “Like a superhero?”   He grins and confirms, “Like a superhero. Now, do you know what the moral of the story is?”   His granddaughter shakes her head. “No. What is it?”   “The way to a person’s heart is through the stomach,” he declares with a smile. “If they like chocolate, you make sure you’re good at making chocolate. You like chocolate, right?”   “I like grandma’s cakes!” she exclaims much to his amusement.   “What nonsense are you telling her?” You’re leaning on the doorframe leading to the kitchen, sighing lightly as you shake your head with your arms crossed.   Your hair is slowly turning gray, but you’re still as attractive — if not even more so. Jungkook always mused how much more beautiful you got the more you learnt and experienced. And he likes the wrinkles around your eyes, even when you don’t. It reminds him of how many times he’s made you laugh over the years.   “Grandma!” Your granddaughter jumps up with a big grin that’s reminiscent of a bunny. She has big doe eyes that seem to sparkle in the afternoon light shedding into the cozy home. “Grandpa was just telling me how you guys met. He said he saved you. Is that true?”   “I saved him, dear.” You pat her head gently. “Without me, your grandpa would be hopeless.”   The older man at his armchair chuckles. “That is true.”   “It’s time for lunch, you three.”   You hold up your grandson and your granddaughter skips towards the kitchen.   Jungkook staggers upwards from his seat with weaker knees and muscles that feel exhausted to the bone. He’s still in rather good shape though for just turning sixty three two months ago. Even when you constantly worry about him, he can still play catch with the kids in the backyard and put them on his back without hurting it much.   When he comes into the kitchen, the two kids are in their seats and busy already digging in. His mug that says ‘Jungkook — World’s Best Chocolatier’ sits at the corner of the fruit place mat you bought at the thrift store. The letters of the mug are worn around the edges, handle chipped at the bottom, but it’s still his favourite.   But Jungkook doesn’t sit down to eat just yet.    He rounds the table and comes to the sink where you’re humming away. He leans his arms on the edge of the counter, standing right behind you and leans in as you turn your head.   Jungkook kisses your cheek. “I love you.”   You smile, the same one he fell in love with all those decades ago when you both were still young students who knew nothing about what was to come. “I love you too.”    Much to Jungkook’s contentment, you lean into him, filling his senses with your scent as you press a soft kiss to his lips. And it’s not bitter whatsoever.   It’s sweet.
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mmimagine-40 · 3 years
Birthday Girl
Avengers x Reader
A request from @maximeevansblog. I hope you like this!
Warnings: Cussing, talk of a lost one, and very long! (Sorry I got a little to carried away.)
Y/n groaned as the alarm on her phone started to go off. She blindly reached for it, turning the alarm off. Before turning to the other side of the bed, letting sleep take over her once again. Only to be scared awake by her door being busted open and being jumped on. “Wakey, Wakey, birthday girl!”. Sam yells. Bucky jumps on top of him. “Happy birthday, Y/N!”. Y/n groaned , being crushed from the two avengers. “Get off! You’re fat!”. “Wow, that's just rude! Are you going to take that from her , Buck.”. Sam asked, looking back at him. Bucky scoffs. “She was obviously talking about you.”. “I was talking about you both! Now get the fuck off!”. Y/n groans , trying to hit the two to get them off of her. Bucky and Sam finally get off her only to lay next to her, caging her in between them. “So what are the plans today , birthday girl?”. Bucky asked, poking at Y/n’s cheek. “For you two to get the fuck out of my room and let me sleep!”. Y/n groans , slapping at Bucky's hand. “Oh, come on! You know you want to spend your day with your favorite heroes.”. Sam says squeezing her into a hug. Y/n looked up. “Stevie and Nat are here?”. Bucky and Sam both gasp , ‘hurt’. Falling back , grabbing their chest. Acting like they were hurt. Y/n tried to use this to her advantage and get up , away from them. But the two grabbed her before she could. Pulling her back down and into a sandwich. Y/n groaned trying to hit and kick them off of her. But it was no use. “Hey birthday girl, Breakfast is ready.”. Steve says coming into her room. “Stevie! Save me!”. Y/n puts a hand out. Begging for Steve to help her. Steve sighed, shaking his head. “You guys were just supposed to wake her, not suffocate her.”. “Well this is just payment. She called us fat and that we aren't her favorite!”. Sam says. Steve shakes his head at the kindness of the two grown ass adults. He walked over grabbing Y/ns hand and trying to help her out of the death trap. “ You guys know that if the birthday girl doesn’t get her plate first , no one eats right?”. Both Sam and Bucky boo before finally letting her go before making their way out of her room. “Thank you , Stevie.”. Steve nodded heading out to. “Hurry up we are waiting on you...oh and Happy birthday.”. Y/n said a quick thanks as he leaves. Jumping up right after. Throwing on a bar and some slippers. Staying in her pjs as she makes her way down to the dinning hall. “Happy Birthday!”, everyone yelled , as soon as she walked through the door. Y/n jumped a bit. Still in a sleepy mind set. “Blow out your candles.”. Wanda said , laughing. Holding a plate out to her. With pancakes, the top one has a smiley face made out of fruits and whip cream. The nose was a lit candle. Y/n giggled softly. This was something that her and Wanda always made each other for their birthdays. Y/n closes her eyes thinking for a bit , before blowing out the candle. Everyone clapped and cheered as she did. Y/n smiled with a slight blush. Taking the plate from Wanda and making her way with everyone else to the table to sit and eat. Y/n took her normal seat in between her dad , Bruce, and Steve. And in front of Nat. “Happy birthday, Sweetheart.”, Bruce says. Pulling her into a side hug and kissing her forehead. “Thanks dad.”. Y/n says. Starting to dig in as did everyone else. This was a tradition for at least Y/n’s birthday. To spend breakfast with those who live in the building and just hang out for the day. Then having dinner with everyone. ( the only different people at dinner were Clint and Lauren, Pepper and Morgan, Peter, and some others who can come.). “SO I was thinking , for your birthday Y/n. That Nat and Wanda take you out to go and take you out to get your hair done and go shopping and whatever you want. My treat.”. Tony says. Y/n cuts her eyes at him. “That sounds great, but why are you trying to get me out of the building.”. Tony groans as his shoulders fall. “Just once I would like you not to be able to read through me and know what's happening.”. Tony says, pointing his fork at her, eyes narrow at her. “I’m the daughter of Bruce Banner.
One of the top scientists. Pulse I grew up a big part of my life in a super building with a bunch of super geniuses. What do you expect?”. y/n says shrugging. “Pulse Tony, she grew up around you. She knows all your tricks.”. Nat says , rolling her eyes at him. Tony just huffs. Making everyone laugh. The rest of breakfast went like that. Talking about the day and random things. Laughing and joking. Many jabs being thrown back and forth between Sam and Y/n. All in the name of friendly love and jokes. After everyone was done, Most everyone went to some meeting they had. Minus Wanda and Nat. Who told Y/n to go get dressed while they cleaned up. ( They were already dressed and ready. Knowing of the plan since yesterday.). Y/n ran up to her room , looking into the closet to figure out what to wear. Once she was almost ready , when a knock on the door interrupted her. “Come in.”. Y/n yelled, as she was getting her bag together. She turns to meet with her father coming into her room. “Hi dad.”. “Hey, Sweetheart. I just wanted to come give you your gift before you leave.”. Bruce says handing her a neatly wrapped small box. Y/n smiled in thanks, rolling her eyes playfully. “Dad , I told you I don’t want or even need anything.”. “I know but this is not just from me.”. Bruce says. Y/n looks at him confused as she opens it. Mouth dropping as she looked at the old looking necklace. With a single , simple diamond. “It's also from your mom. It was hers, passed down to her from her mother. Who got it from her mother. She wanted you to have it.”. Bruce says, explaining. Y/n nodded as she wiped her face from the tears that fell. Quickly wrapping her arms around her father. “Thank you, dad.”. “Your welcome sweetheart. I love you and I'm so proud of how you have come. And I know your mom is too. We both love you so much.”. Bruce says , holding her tight. Kissing her hair as he strokes her back. “I love you too, dad.”. Y/n says as they pull back. Bruce smiles at her wiping her face. “I’ve to get to a meeting. You should be going too. Have fun.”. Bruce says kissing her forehead one last time before leaving for the meeting. Not wanting her to see him cry. She really turned out to be just like her mom. Y/n wiped her face , clean of the tears. She carefully put the necklace on and grabbed her things. Heading down to meet up with Nat and Wanda. They all meet at the entrance of the building and head out in Nat's car.
The first stopped at the hair salon. Nat and Wanda also decided to get theirs done. You know since Tony’s paying. Y/n decided to get her hair dyed a dark , reddish/purple color. (Plus whatever else you’d like. Cut and so forth.) She smiled as the hair dresser finished really loving how it came out. After they were all done , they headed out to the mall. Doing so shopping but mainly goofing around. Just having some fun. At one point Nat broke off from them disappearing. Only to come back about an hour later. “Nat, where’d you go?”. Y/n asked as Nat met back with them at the Starbucks in the mall , getting drinks. Y/n’s face dropped as she noticed the smirk on Nat's face. Never a good thing when it came to her. “Natalia.”. Y/n said , starting to not trust her. Nat just smirked as she held out the thing that she was hiding. Which was a build - a - bear box. “Just a little gift for you, Y/n/n.”. Y/n narrowed her eyes at Nat as she took the box. Walking over to one of the small tables to see what she got her. “NAt”. Y/n groaned as she pulled out the Captain America bear from the box. She turns to Nat and Wanda. Who were both dying of laughter. When y/n first met the avengers and moved into the building. Tony asked her who her favorite avenger was. Thinking that she would say him , iron man, or her dad. Not expecting her to say Cap. Since then everyone teases her about it. Getting her Captain American themed things. Which even Steve found funny , mainly because it still bugged Tony that he was her favorite and not him. “Aw now you can cuddle Cap every night. Almost like cuddling Steve.”. Wanda said, The last part to Nat. “I’m sure she’ll like that.”. Nat whispers back. Y/n glared at them , still hearing what they said. She rolled her eyes at them. Nat and Wanda are convinced that Y/n liked the said Captain. “I hate you both.”. Y/n stuffed the bear back in the box as Wanda and Nat still laughed behind her. “Can we just get something to eat and head home? Please?”. Y/n asked , pouting. Crossing her arms. Nat giggled as she hooked her arm with Y/ns nodding. Leading them to the car. “Oh come on. It's funny. Pulse, I bet cap himself will think it's cute you have a stuffed bear of him.”. Wanda hummed in agreeing. “For the last time , I don't have a crush on him!”. Y/n pushes Nat off of her as she groans. Nat and Wanda look at each other , as Y/n walks off without them. Both breaking out to a fit of laughter. Y/n pouts as she stands next to the car. Waiting for Nat to unlock it. “Aw come on Y/n/n. We’re just playing with you.”. Wanda says as she walks over to her. Pinching her cheek lightly. Making Y/n break out into a smile as she pushed Wanda’s hand away, softly. They all hopped into the car. Getting something to eat and then heading back to the building.
Once they walked into the tower. They all went their separate ways. Heading to their rooms to put their things away , as well as Wanda and Nat where needed for something. So Y/n just heads to her room to put her things away. When she got the bear , Y/n smiled, shaking her head at it. Going over to lay it on her bed on her pillows. After which she sat on the bean bag , playing on her phone. Waiting till she was called down. Knowing that it was going to be the same like every year. Everyone set up a little get together down stairs like it was a surprise for Y/n. As she waited she out as facetime from Peter. “Hi, Pete!”. Y/n said , as she answered the phone. “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Y/N!!”. Peter yelled as he came on screen. Y/n smiled , thanking him. “I’m sorry I couldn’t be there!”. Peter said pouting. He was gone on a school trip. “It’s okay , Pete. We can hang out and do something when you get back.”. Y/n said. They went on to talk about their day and random things. They talked for hours , till Friday informed Y/n she was needed in the common room. “I got to go. I’ll talk to you later, Peter.”. “Bye, Y/n!”. Peter yelled. “Bye Peter!”. Y/n yelled back, before hanging up. She sighed as she stood up putting her phone in her pocket and heading down to the common room. Again, as she walked through the elevator into the room , everyone yelled ‘happy birthday’. Y/n smiled as she saw everyone there. (Steve, Bucky, Sam, Tony , Bruce, Nat, Wanda, James, Pepper, Morgan, Vision, Pietro , Clint and Laura. Thor and Loki.) “Y/n!” Morgan yells running over to her. “Morgan!”. Y/n yelled back as she opened her arms and embraced the little girl. “I got you something.”. Morgan said, pulling away from her and grabbing her hand. “You did?”. Y/n asked. Morgan nodded as she dragged Y/n over to her Mom who handed her the note and little box. Which she gave Y/n. Which was a happy birthday letter and the box held a handmade bracelet. “Did you make these?”. Y/n asked. Morgan smiled and nodded. “Aw I love them. Thank you, Morgan.”. Y/n pulled her into another hug , before putting the bracelet on. “Look I made a matching one for me and I made one for Peter.”. Morgan explains showing Y/n her bracelet.
The rest of the night was spent just talking and joking. Eating so snacks Wanda made, some cake and also gifts. It was one of y/n favorite nights. Not because of the gifts but just getting to hang out with everyone. With her family. (Even if not everyone was able to be there.)
Nat: A beautiful set of Kunai's (Which Y/n always wanted since Nat showed her how to use them and showed her , hers. Bruce wasn’t too happy about it)
Authors Note: Kunai's are Asian throwing's knifes
Wanda and Vision: They both made you some of your favorite treats
Pietro: Random things that you show him and bonded over (Mostly music stuff like vinyl's and things like that).
Tony and Pepper: Pepper tried to stop tony but there was no stopping the man. He got you so many things. Shoes , bracelets , clothing. anything and everything he thought you might like.
Bucky: Put together a little box of things from the 40s like snacks and chips (You are always asking him about the 40s and what it was like)
Sam: A drone that looked like his redwing (Because you and Bucky always try to steal it and use it)
James: a bouget of your favorite things and gift cards
Thor: A beautiful golden goddess arm cuff
Loki: A book from Asgard (One of his personal favorite from when he was younger)
Peter: (He gave his to Tony to give to you) Lego set of your favorite show or movie
As it got later some people started to slowly leave, first of which were Pepper, Tony and Morgan and Clint and Laura. Then shortly after Steve left. Which was a little unusual of him. He was one who usually stayed the latest with Y/n. It was there thing to be some of the last few and as they head off to bed , he would walk her to her room and they would talk about everything and anything. Some nights the talk went over into Y/n's room. A few hours after Steve left, Y/n stood up yawning and stitching. Saying good night to everyone and thanking them for the amazing birthday , before heading to bed. She stopped by Steve's room to wish him a goodnight but found it empty. Y/n tried to shrug it off as she headed to her room. Y/n sighed as she walked into her room , putting everything everyone got her down. She had an amazing day , but she was really exhausted. Y/n turned to get ready for bed when she noticed a certain Captain sitting on the edge of her bed. Holding the bear . He was looking down at it. He turned his head to look at her , feeling her eyes on him, with an amused smile and eyebrow cocked. “Really?”. He asked, holding the bear up. Y/n laughed , rolling her eyes as she walked over to him snatching the bear from him. “One it was a gift from Nat. Secondly , don’t be rude to Captain Beary.”. Y/n said. Fixing the helmet on the bear. Steve laughed , shaking his head at her. “Captain Beary?”. Steve asked. Y/n took a seat neck to Steve , holding the bear close to her. Steve just laughed, shaking his head at her. He turned to the side where her night stand was and grabbed something. Handing it to her. “Here. I figured it was best to give you this to you when we were alone so Sam or Bucky didn’t get a hold of it. Or deal with Nat's teasing.”. Y/n smiles at him as she takes the beautifully wrapped gift. It was wrapped in a dark blue paper. “What is this that we would get teased?”. Y/n asked, smirking as she cocked an eyebrow at Steve. Steve laughed as he stood up. “Well I guess you're just going to need to open it and see.”. Steve made his way to her door. “Happy birthday , Y/n. “. Y/n smiled giving a nod to him. “Night, Steve.”. “Night, Doll.”. With that Steve walked out of her room , closing the door behind him. Y/n bit her lip as a small blush came over her at the nickname. She turned back to the gift. Carefully she opened it. It was a brown , leather notebook. The size of a book. Y/n opened it looking through the pages. All filled with drawings made by Steve. Somewhere drawing from times where they would hang out and Y/n would describe something and see if Steve can draw what she describes. Somewhere from the 40s and time of Steve growing up. Those ones Steve wrote on the back of the page explaining what it was or a small story that involved it. Something Y/n loved. She loved to hear stories like these from Steve and Bucky. Somewhere random drawings that Steve drew of her or things she told him. Y/n smiled softly looking through all the pages. But as she turned to the last page she became speechless. Mouth opening as she looked at the page. Tears started to form in her eyes as she looked at it. The last page , Steve drew a picture of her and her mom together if she was still here. Y/n hugged the book to her as tears started to run down her face. “Thank you, Steve.”. Y/n whispered knowing he’s probably within distance to hear her , with his super hearing and all. Steve smiled softly hearing her thank you.
I hope you enjoyed this! And if anyone else wants to request something don't be shy to ask! The next part of Pup will be up shortly. I'm just finishing up some editing on it. But on a different note how do you guys feel about maybe a Mob boss! Steve rogers or Chris Evans story? -MM
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