#they remind me of the song the view between villages by noah kahan
ghostcond · 1 year
not to be dramatic or anything, but i care so deeply about the dynamic between the gryphonbanes and duncan, regardless of the version of the triton avenue quest. i want to know what duncan did for suzie to have faith in him to help save her brother. i want to see the part of duncan that reached his hand out to help artur and the yw save suzie. i wholeheartedly believe that suzie and artur would not have let duncan go on that downward spiral without a fight if they knew what he was going through. i want to know that they tried. and i want them to try again
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quixoticall · 9 months
The View Between Villages
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Summary: Steve Harrington offers to be your ghostly tour guide after your mysterious, unexpected death.
AN: Hiiiii, if you’ve been wondering where I’ve been then, first of all thank you for thinking of me, and secondly, I have been sick with bronchitis for weeks. Tbh I never understood in Regency novels where they would make such a huge deal about someone being sick until now. That shit took me out. Anyway, in my convalescence I watch the show, School Spirits and I couldn’t help but see the similarities between Wally and Steve—both men of the 80s, hot labrador retriever jocks with a compulsive need for parental approval? So, that’s how this lil piece was born. I would love to continue writing in this universe so please, if you have any requests, send them in! In the meantime, I am hard at work on This Could Get Ugly and a lovely lil Eddie number inspired by another Noah Kahan song.
Warnings: School Spirit!AU, Major Character Death, talks about own death, brief mention of violence and death, angst, this is sad! Ghost!Steve and Ghost?Reader
Pairing: Steve Harrington x f!reader
WC: 2K
It’s Steve Harrington who first declares you dead. Admittedly it takes you an embarrassingly long time to realize, it wasn’t like they sent out notices for these types of things either, as convenient as a note would’ve been:
To Whom it May Concern:
We regret to inform you that on February 12 of this year, you will unfortunately perish under unclear circumstances in the city of Chicago, Illinois at Northwestern University. Please make sure to get your affairs in order before the set date.
No, none of that, instead you had attended three whole lectures before noticing that no one was acknowledging you—not your professors when you raised your hand; not your classmates when you asked if they could loan you a pencil; not even your best friend when you ran into him in the hall. You thought it could’ve been a weird prank. Then the news began to spread, you were missing. Reported by your roommate after not having come home from a late-night study session at the library. And then they found traces of blood in the boiler room of the library’s basement.
Still, you thought to yourself, maybe you were having a really long terrible dream. Or maybe you were in a coma. Or doing one of those VR headset things. Or maybe you were dead and cursed to spend the rest of eternity haunting the very campus where you died.
Your friends were never the gym type, which is why you end up at the school’s pool in an effort to avoid the pain and desperation you feel every time you see their tired but still-hopeful faces.
That’s where you see him. Or, more importantly, where he sees you. You first spot him sitting at the edge of the pool, observing the ongoing swim team practice and are immediately struck.
Sure, you may be stuck in some weird reality where you may or may not be dead but you can still appreciate a hot person. Especially one as handsome as Pool Guy who’s striped swim trunks sit low on his hips and he has a smattering of dark hair trailing from his belly button almost up to the base of his neck. Thick, chestnut-colored hair swoops in his handsome face in golden-touched waves and gracefully frame a pair of honey-hued eyes. Of course you were going to stare.
You’re sure you stare for an indecent amount of time, but it wasn’t like that mattered, you remind yourself, you’re invisible to him like you are to everyone else.
Except you’re not invisible to him because Pool Guy was making eye contact and worse, he was waving, solidifying the fact that he is very aware of your presence. He can see you.
“Hi, you must be new here. I’m Steve Harrington, class of ‘86,” he introduces himself, with way too much verve once he swims over to where you’re still frozen in place.
“You can see me?” You ask, once you find your voice, “How can you see me?”
You reach out to grasp his offered hand and to your shock, your fingers don’t go straight through his, like it would with anyone else’s. Instead you’re enveloped in the warm solid grasp of his hand.
He cracks a smile at this, “because I’m dead too. Which, I totally get you’re probably wondering how someone this good-looking could’ve died so young but i will—“
“Dead?” you squeak out.
“Sorry,” he says with an awkward grimace, “I know not everyone likes that term, um, how do you identify—?“
You cut him off once again, “I didn’t know I was dead.”
It’s his turn to be confused.
“Really? Most people are really quick about putting it together. When they see their body the memories all come back. I mean even I put it together and I was never the smartest even before the accident—oh, shit. You’re the missing girl. The one from all the flyers.”
Clearly he’s referencing the myriad HAVE YOU SEEN ME? flyers with your face on them that paint the campus. Up until now, you had been categorically missing not dead, and now that someone has spoken your fate out loud, you’re certain it is all but sealed.
“Listen, I am so sorry. Let me go get someone who’s way better at this than I—“ you cut off his apologetic rambling,
“I need to leave right now.”
Before he can say anything else you’re running in the opposite direction as quickly as you can.
You don’t go back to the pool after that.
Being dead wasn’t so bad. Sure, you had spent a solid five weeks distraught over the loss of the life you had once lived and mourning everything you will never get to do. And yeah, it was a uniquely painful type of loneliness getting to see all your friends and never getting to interact with them, especially during those first few weeks when your disappearance was hot on everyone’s lips and heavy in the hearts of your friends. But outside of all that, being dead was okay. At least, you didn’t have to submit any more papers or do laundry.
After your encounter with Steve Harrington, class of ‘86, you decide to hole up in the library. You desperately convince yourself that if you search the shelves enough you’ll be able to find something in one of the many books that talk about the afterlife that might provide you some clarity about your newfound ghostly status. Surely there’d have to be something helpful. Anything. A ghost manual, perhaps or some graduate research paper about being stuck in between realms. You’d easily settle for a Chicken Soup for the Ghostly Soul.
Or you think traitorously to yourself, a tour guide to the afterlife, someone who has experience with being dead and a great set of abs. Every time you’re close to convincing yourself to go back to the pool, the embarrassment of your mortifying first encounter pulls you back. No way you were going to see him again. Just because you were dead didn’t mean you’d lost all your dignity.
Your internal back-and-forth ends up not mattering because he ends up coming to you.
You spot his well-coifed head maneuvering through the tall shelves from where you’ve holed yourself up on the fourth floor mezzanine and watch as he weaves through the unassuming crowd, completely unnoticed, just like you.
He’s wearing clothes this time, which both disappointing and surprising since you haven’t quite figured out the mechanics or social expectations of how often ghosts should be changing clothes. In a pair of snug-fitted jeans with a Northwestern Athletics sweatshirt and a pair of high top Nikes, he takes the winding steps up to your unofficial perch two at a time . If this is what he looks like some 40 years dead, you can’t imagine what he looked like when he had a pulse, it must have been like staring into the sun.
“Hi,” he offers tentatively when he approaches, like he’s sure you’ll run off spooked.
“Sorry to bother you, it’s just, well, my friend Robin told me she saw you here and I wanted to come by and apologize for what happened. At the pool. I truly had no idea, sometimes I just say things without thinking, which I am working on, trust me.”
You smile, appreciative but defeated, part of you was hoping he was coming up here to tell you that there had been some sort of mistake.
“It’s okay, it’s not your fault, it was just a bit of shock, is all. I guess I’m still adjusting to this whole being dead thing,” you joke weakly.
“Yeah, about that, if you ever need help adjusting or learning the ropes or anything like that, I—we are always happy to help. There’s a few of us that band together and we’d love to have you. Truly,” he claws nervously at the back of his head as he makes his offer the tip of his sneaker digging into the worn library carpet.
“Thanks,” you say, genuinely, “I really appreciate that.”
He looks at you now, finally, and his gaze is golden, warm honey and it’s like a shot to the chest. Like you’ve promised him the moon. A hand is extended towards just slightly, a twitch, and you realize he’s expecting you to take it.
“I can’t right now, though,” you say, lamely and you watch his smile waver. Quickly you add, ”I need some time, I think, before it becomes permanent. If I go with you, I’m dead. Alone up here, I’m still just missing. Does that…make sense?”
He nods, furiously, “It makes total sense. You can come find me by the pool whenever you’re ready. I will be there.”
He makes a move to leave and you register the paper in his hand for the first time. It’s a flyer with your face on it, different than all the ones before.
“Wait, what is that?” You ask, fingers skimming the plush of his sweatshirt to get his attention.
“Oh, um,” he swallows thickly, “they’re having a vigil for you tonight, I wasn’t sure if you’d seen or if you were going, but if you were going, I was going to see if you wanted some company. “
His voice is small now and the regret is etched thickly on his face.
Fingers shaking, you extend a hand out for the flyer. Steve sighs but gently places it in your trembling grasp nonetheless.
It’s true, what he said about the vigil, you had no clue. You’re not sure how long you spend staring at your own face, long enough for the words to stop making sense, but not long enough for them to stop meaning anything.
Steve stays the entire time and when you sink to the floor, tear tracks heavy on your cheeks, he sinks with you. You cry, and he stays.
“I can’t go,” you admit, and then, in the same breath, plea, “How can I go?”
Next to you, Steve lets out a shuttering sigh.
“When I died, they did something similar, my parents came down from Indy and everything. I couldn’t bring myself to go either. But shit, maybe if I did, I would’ve gotten what I needed to move on from here. Closure or whatever. Or maybe not, who knows? But I will never know and I would hate for you to never know.”
It’s still too hard to go you decide, but you can’t pretend it’s not happening. Instead, the two of you sit on the roof of the library, feet dangling over the ledge watch a river of candlelight flowing through the center of campus. You can hear, faintly, as your friends make speeches talking about how kind you were, how good, how funny and undeserving until their voices fail from holding back tears.
You cry the whole time, but you don’t regret it.
The two of you stay sitting there far past the end, Steve’s arms wrapped around you, holding the pieces of you together.
After, when you’ve had enough of it all and the last candle has gone out, you turn to Steve and say, “thank you, that did make me feel better. You were right.”
He chuckles wryly.
“I don’t hear that I’m right very often,” he admits before cracking another smile, “but I could get used to hearing it, especially from you. Now, what do you say about getting some ice cream? No offense, but that thing was a total downer.”
You laugh, genuinely, not only at his joke, but the absurdity of it all before playfully shoving his shoulder. In response, Steve pretends to lose his balance and almost fall of the ledge and you both know it’s silly but it makes you smile so it’s worth it.
Dying is probably the worst thing that has ever happened to you, but at least you are not alone.
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trohpi · 8 months
songs that remind me of the marauders era:
sirius - hollow prayers by d4vd
regulus - carry me out by mitski
andromeda - andromeda by weyes blood
remus - the view between villages by noah kahan
wolfstar - black star by radiohead
jegulus - twilight by bôa
marylily - say yes to heaven by lana del rey
prongsfoot - heather by conan gray
regulily - i know you by faye webster
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ghostie-in-wonderland · 3 months
Songs that remind me of the Obey Me Characters
some angst, some fluff
Eleanor Rigby – Cody Fry  Experience – Ludovico Einaudi  Colors – Halsey IDK he gives the gray vibe for like someone else’s blue (probably MC’s or his brothers)  All Too Well (10 Minute Version) – Taylor Swift 
The Exit – Conan Gray The dude does everything for his family and has not healed one bit. Someone give this dude a hug fr.  Right Here – Chase Atlantic He’s always there for everyone else, and he’s honestly someone who’s MC’s ride or die. Consume – Chase Atlantic  Something in the Orange – Zach Bryan I think if he did something that caused MC and him to separate and go different ways, he’d be in the like top 5 listeners of this song within like four days. The Moon Will Sing – The Crane Wives Once again, does everything for everyone else and to make them feel better. He loves his brothers and MC so much that he gives up everything for them. Idk the lyrics “I shine only with the light you gave me” feels very Mammon-coded. 
How to Save a Life – The Fray  The Other Side of Paradise – Glass Animals  Heat Waves – Glass Animals 
Cosmic Love – Florence and the Machine Arsonist’s Lullabye – Hozier  Almost (Sweet Music) – Hozier I head cannon that he often feels like a replica/attempt of a replica of Lilith until MC gets there and he just suffers with feeling second best.  Better Man – 5 Seconds of Summer He tries to be a better person for MC especially (and for cats). 
Someone to Stay – Vancouver Sleep Clinic Sort of goes hand in hand with the next one, but I think being the Avatar of Lust causes a lot of issues for him in that he is only seen as someone to sleep with and nothing more and I head cannon that he craves more than that. (Honestly, you can see multiple instances where it’s clear he does)  Someone to You – Banners  S&M – Rihanna  I can just see him loving Rihanna. Breakin’ Dishes – Rihanna 
Alice – Peggy  The View Between Villages – Noah Kahan I think he finds it difficult and upsetting in seeing the differences between the Devildom and the Celestial Realm. I think it hurts him in a way to think about life before the fall and doesn’t feel worthy of his previous home.  Try – P!nk  Viva La Vida – Coldplay 
Northern Attitude – Noah Kahan Except his “northern attitude” is just murder… and he tries to do so multiple times.  Fight or Flight – Conan Gray I think he would rather die than to cry in front of people. He seems emotionally constipated (and makes it other people’s problems).   
S.O.S – Jonas Brothers  The One That Got Away – Katy Perry  City is Ours – Big Time Rush I mean he is the ruler of the Devildom. 
No body, no crime – Taylor Swift Ft. HAIM If you called him for help he’d have one question… why didn’t you ask him sooner?  Jackie and Wilson – Hozier  House of the Rising Sun – The Animals He just gives old New Orleans vibes… I can’t explain it. He also just gives the vibe of this song, maybe not the lyrics (depending on your head cannons), but definitely the instrumental part.
Ophelia – The Lumineers  Breakeven – The Script After the war and all, I think he really wished that life would go back to normal, but it didn’t. I think he struggles with a sort of guilt from being on a side away from those he considers brothers, no matter what the war was about. I think he wants his family back and he doesn’t know how to and he feels overwhelmed and like he is drowning in guilt.  Waiting for Superman – Daughtry  Mind over Matter – Young the Giant 
Bad Omens – 5 Seconds of Summer He stays and helps MC through it all, despite there being times, something he even admits to, of MC leaving him. MC could choose him sometimes, but Solomon would choose them every single time. Unknown/Nth – Hozier Solomon is pretty much a lonely sorcerer and the only one fighting for the human realm a majority of the time. When MC comes along and (depending on y’alls choices) hint at being willing to help protect the realm, he probably feels a weight lift off his shoulders, while another one is placed on his shoulders.  Black and White – Niall Horan  Work Song – Hozier I don’t think anything could stop him from being there for MC. I mean, a timeline sure as hell didn’t. 
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The View Between Villages (Noah Kahan)
A minute from home but I feel so far from it/The death of my dog, the stretch of my skin/It's all washin' over me, I'm angry again/The things that I lost here, the people I knew/They got me surrounded for a mile or two
"It hit me so fucking hard the first time I heard it and I'm still not sure why. Noah Kahan is one of those artists that reaches into your head and pulls out all of your feeling and takes them and expresses them so well. His music and this song specifically just make me want to lay in bed and sob sometimes"
Karma (AJR)
I've been so good, I've been helpful and friendly/I've been so good, why am I feeling empty?/I've been so good, I've been so good this year/I've been so good, but it's still getting harder/I've been so good, where the hell is the karma?/I've been so good, I've been so good this year
i try to explain the good faith that's been wasted / but after an hour, it sounds like complaining / wait, don't go away, can i lie here forever? / you say that i'm better, why don't i feel better? / the universe works in mysterious ways / but i'm starting to think it ain't working for me / doctor should i be good, should i be good this year?
You say that I'm better, why don't I feel better?/The universe works in mysterious ways/But I'm starting to think it ain't working for me/Doctor, should I be good, should I be good this year?
"The song embodies what it feels like to try with everything you have just to be unrecognised and pushed aside. To be overlooked and for people to not see your struggles. Each line is written with so much energy and emotion, not to mention how the last verse hits you like a truck. It's become a song that I resonate a lot with and so do a lot of other people."
"It makes me want to cry every time I listen to it, the emotion build at the end of the song makes my chest hurt, and the lyrics fit me way too well and its. aaoiuuhhgg"
"It is exactly what it feels like to struggle with depression, self-loathing, etc. I sob every time I listen to it or even think of it (I’m tearing up right now). It’s just so painful to be reminded that I genuinely used to feel that way constantly, and that I still struggle with it. And of course, the instrumental just feels like the inside of my brain."
"It's like, the feeling when you're trying your best, to be a good person, to be liked by everyone, and still end up getting nothing, your not happy(er) or better, you just still feel lonely and like it was all for nothing, and you end up asking yourself "does it even matter?" and you want to get help, to get better, to feel better, but still, it all feels the same."
Poll Runner: THESE LYRICS WILL DESTROY YOU. Especially the final verse/bridge where the singer just launches into one long breath of really raw lyrics - that's what ajr is all about. Destroying you with words that are real. And the way it’s sung too. AJR knows their way around a song SO SO WELL and every piece of it adds up to a perfect musical representation of a depressive spiral
Karma submitted by @space-shuttle-discovery + others
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valyrfia · 6 days
Who would I be if I didn't express my useless opinion to a random blog, but I just want to say why I record concerts and hopefully you won't attack me for it too much.
If I hadn't recorded (parts of) my harry styles concert when I went I would not be able to experience the feeling I had there again. Not because I forgot but because I was too overwhelmed. So overwhelmed to the point that I was not able to enjoy I just stood there. I didn't record much (because of the reasons you mentioned) but the few songs I recorded became my most prized possession. Every time I look at the videos I'm reminded that I was there and i did that. It's like the feeling lives on with the videos instead of staying there. And no, It's not the same as watching other peoples videos because the POV is mine, I am reminded of what I felt while recording and so on. And every time I rewatch my videos I wish I recorded the other songs as well. Also when I played my video in the car on my way back and heard his voice is when it hit me that I was there and heard it live. Idk maybe I was too overwhelmed and it's not the same for other people but for me, idk what I would've done with 0 videos I really don't know.
Just to give another perspective. Obviously if people are a nuisance with it it's a bad thing but I just don't think it's as black and white. It's hard to enjoy a moment when you are not really IN the moment you know? For me, I thought I would never see him live in my life so being there I was not in my own emotions enough to enjoy. 99% of my thoughts were "you are here you are here" and the other 1% was crying. I did not experience any of the music until I watched the videos later. Like I said, maybe it's just me.
I would be a hypocrite if I didn’t partially agree with you because I take my own concert videos as well (my Noah Kahan view between villages/maine are VERY prized possessions), but there’s definitely a difference between, let’s say a song and half the setlist! I think the obvious compromise for me is artists get back in the way of recording all shows/doing live albums and selling them for some fee until the end of the tour. To use Noah Kahan as an example again—his Live From Fenway album is the reason why I remember that concert so clearly is because even though that wasn’t MY concert the sound of the live voice jogs my own memories.
I think it’s a growing problem with social media making everyone forget that they are only individuals to an extent. The vibes at my concert last night were horrendous because everyone was trying to be the loudest/get the best view for their videos with no regard for the fact that this is a community as much as any place and I blame this need to be seen at certain places!
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16woodsequ · 7 months
Are there any songs that remind you of Steve?
The View Between Villages (both original and extended.) always reminds me of Steve’s character
Okay, I've had this ask for forever because I wanted to have a moment where I could make a good list of songs that remind me of Steve.
To start off I love both those songs you mentioned. I'd actually just started listening to those songs when I got this ask and it made me appreciate them so much more thinking of Steve with them!
List of songs that remind me of Steve:
View Between Villages (Extended) by Noah Kahan
Soldier by Fleurie
I Am Just a Man Epic, the Troy Saga
Give Us a Little Love by Fallulah
Skipping Stones by Claire de Lune
Ready Aim Fire by Imagine Dragons
People Help the People by Birdy
Human by Rag'n'Bone Man
I am Not a Robot by Marina and the Diamonds
Empty by The Cranberries
Bosnia by The Cranberries
Burn Out by Imagine Dragons
Soft to Be Strong by Marina
Get Off of my Back Spirit Soundtrack
You Can't Take Me Spirit Soundtrack
Sound the Bugle Spirit Soundtrack
I Will Always Return Spirit Soundtrack
Epiphany by Taylor Swift
This is Home by Swiftfoot
Hope you enjoy looking through this list!
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highladyofdawn · 27 days
🍎 ⇢ What’s a song that reminds you of Eris?
Lately, I’ve been obsessed with “The View Between Villages” by Noah Kahan, and that’s partly because it really made me think of Eris. Just look at these lyrics! They capture a perfect dichotomy between dejection and indignation, which I feel fits his inner situation perfectly.
A minute from home, but I feel so far from it
The death of my dog, the stretch of my skin
It's all washin' over me, I'm angry again
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jedi-enthusiast · 1 year
Songs That Remind Me of the Jedi Order
A list of songs on my "Jedi Order" playlist that give me the vibes of connecting to the Jedi.
Note: sometimes it's the lyrics that connect, sometimes it's just the vibe of the background music, sometimes it's both--take my music selection with a grain of salt.
Homeland (Main Title) - Hans Zimmer
Run Free - Hans Zimmer
This Is Where I Belong - Bryan Adams
Where No One Goes - John Powell & Jónsi
The Secret History - The Chamber Orchestra of London
creature - half-alive
I Am the Mountain - HYDDE & Vives
The Night We Met - Lord Huran
Inkpot Gods - The Amazing Devil
The View Between Villages - Noah Kahan
Paul Revere - Noah Kahan
Safe & Sound (Taylor's Version) - Taylor Swift
End of the World - Arcando, ThatBehavior, & Neoni
Feel free to reblog with your own additions!
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slaymitchabernathy · 20 days
me when I find out the archive warnings were there for a reason after I consciously ignore them 😱😱
I kept telling myself that you wouldn’t do it, that HE wouldn’t do it (I guess I was right 😭)
but you did 😭
I have grown so attached to all of them and watching this boy turn into a man, a villain, and a murderer has been something else. Just watching on the sidelines and being helpless to do anything about it.
soarynn my LOVE YOU DESERVED SO MUCH BETTER 😭 poor poor poor girl she was doomed from the start with that boy.
idk if you listen to noah kahan, but I thought of his song ‘pain is cold water’ while reading this chapter. It feels like both of them at the same time.
The ending was just devastatingly perfect. I think he would have done it himself in the end whatever happened. But the moment he realises the he didn’t have the choice?? And the difference when he can’t justify his decision because it wasn’t his decision?? CRAZY. GAGGED. Soarynn slayed. My poor poor poor poor poor girl. The emotions in that last bit. she had to go along with everyone else’s decisions her whole life. With not even a semblance of choice. But she took it back 😭😭 (my interpretation anyway) I think she did with that dress.
the tHORNS OF THE ROSES CUTTING HER AND MAKING HER WHITE DRESS RED. She was so innocent and the snows took it all away from her. But she was never one of them. But they made her one of them through her own pain 😭😭. My girl had a good heart. Ur breaking my heart thinking of the children. “We always wear red” but she goes and CHANGES INTO WHITE because she’s taking her choice back.
you’ve killed me. Idk what I’m gonna do now.
oh the children!!! the entire time i thought of those sweet little babies who loved their momma more than anything else in the world.
and coryo who despised his father and yet turned into him without second thought all while justifying his own selfish thoughts & actions.
her death dress has me cheering her on even though i knew where it was going which was where it all began really. i wanted to focus on how the greenhouse is a breeding ground for both of them & the different phases of their relationship. the beginning when he gives her the locket, when he finds her hiding there during a thunder storm, when they fall asleep after their wedding. then he sees katniss before he’s executed which in my opinion is such sweet justice.
coryo loves control so when soarynn took it back from him in the end, he lost it & he lost her.
noah kahan really rings true with this story & i feel like it’s gonna hit even harder for ‘right where you left me’. one of his songs ‘the view between villages’ has always reminded me of soarynn.
thank you so much for supporting me through all of this, i always looked forward to your takes on the chapters & im glad tumblr led me to all of y’all.
talk abt invisible string theory. ;)
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myladybelle · 3 months
which songs do you think define reader? I like seeing the recommendations regarding her relationships, but overall you write about her in a very interesting way, it always makes me want to know more about her 🫶
this is such a wonderful question!!
i’m a swiftie so there are so many taylor swift songs that remind me of the reader: when emma falls in love, the prophecy, mirrorball, dorothea, clean, i can do it with a broken heart, you’re on your own kid, the archer
songs by other artists that remind me of her or define her character are: kissing other people (acoustic) by lennon stella, paris texas by lana del rey all the lyrics about self discovery ooof that’s so reader coded, the view between villages by noah kahan, matilda by harry styles definitely about her and her mother, i bet on losing dogs by mitski someone said this on my ask box and i can’t stop thinking about it, camden by gracie abrams, ribs by lorde
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hella1975 · 1 year
hella would you like to tell the class (me) about your touya playlist
i dont WANT to im GOING TO bc i literally am acting posessed rn and have no say in the matter anymore. fuck my stupid baka life. anyway id like to preface this by saying to anyone who actually knows anything about mha that some of what i say might be fanon hcs and not canon, and that's bc ive absorbed mha content in possibly the most insane way possible and at this point even i dont know what's canon and what's from the hundreds of thousands of words of fanfiction ive read in a short amount of time. like i am in free fall rn i have bigger problems to be quite honest
touya's playlist song-by-song!
so off the bat, this playlist is much more somber and angsty than you might expect of dabi and that's bc i already have a playlist specifically for his identity as dabi, and that leans way more into songs that have his VIBES and/or i feel like he'd listen to. this one however is just pure devastation bc alas he is fucked in the head.
the archer - COMBAT HE IS LITERALLY READY FOR COMBAT! his whole personality the reason he was PUT ON THIS EARTH was to fight and be a hero he was never supposed to be a child he was never supposed to be HUMAN he was always always defined by his ability to fight his skill as a firewielder his need to surpass all might. i say i dont want that but what if i do? he just wants his dad to love him, to acknowledge him, and if this is what it takes then by god he'll do it until it literally kills him BUT ALL OF MY HEROES DIED ALL ALONE! HIS DAD IS THE NO.2 HERO AND HE'S THE FIRST PERSON TOUYA NEEDED SAVING FROM! THEY SEE RIGHT THROUGH ME THEY SEE RIGHT THROUGH ME CAN YOU SEE RIGHT THROUGH ME? HE'S NOT THE FIGHTER HE SAYS HE IS HE'S JUST A CHILD. and then the most sickening bit: all the kings horses and all the king's men couldn't put me back together again. his body literally falls apart on him and the childish reference to humpty dumpty is just the reminder that he was only thir-fucking-teen when that happened. who could ever leave me. who could stay
the view between villages - this song is obvs 'being in your home and feeling it all coming back at once' and for noah kahan that's specifically the drive 'between villages' but for touya this song really makes me think of sekoto peak and just the todoroki residence as a whole. it's this beautiful lush forested area and it's where touya todoroki dies. he asks for his dad to come and see a technique that he's learned, something that's finally his, something shouto can't do, and enji isn't there and it kills touya. his quirk malfunctions and he burns himself alive and takes this beautiful landscape with him and enji isn't there. a minute from home but i feel so far from it. the death of my dog the stretch of my skin it's all washing over me im angry again. the things that i lost here the people i knew! they got me surrounded for a mile or two! losing my mind!
strangers - what started it all. he is yet another 'i tried to be good am i no good?' character and im not okay about it at all in the slightest. please, i just wanted to be good enough. i tried to be good and it set me alight. i just wanted to be yours. and then touya dies and they FORGET ABOUT HIM there's no public backlash there's no inquiry there's hardly even a funeral shouto doesn't remember him natsuo and fuyumi are hardly allowed to mention him the world consciously actively and purposely buries touya todoroki his memory restricted to a polaroid in evidence and then he returns. he returns ugly and scarred and barely held together. am i making you feel sick. and through it all, his mother is in a mental hospital, watching him on the news, crying and waiting up for him. dont think about it too hard or you'll never sleep a wink at night again.
ptolemaea - this song captures 'the breaking point' perfectly and that's just very touya especially for sekoto peak. promising a fire any fire im on fire im on fire im on fire what have you done stop stop make it stop ive had enough stop stop stop stop STOP I AM THE FACE OF LOVE'S RAGE. and so dabi was born in fire and anguish and agony. also if u take the doctor and all for one angle with this song about how they wanted touya as a second shigaraki and they took him from sekoto peak then the whole 'you poor thing you sweet mourning lamb there's nothing you can do it's already been done' is v much giving that angle of them taking advantage. blessed be the children each and every one come to know their god through some senseless act of violence.
be an astronaut - i talked about this song the other day bc the lyrics are kinda inexplicable but it fucking GUTS me and i could not tell you why. like the desperation of the vocals is just ughhhh give me a song that sounds borderline hysterical and ill eat it up regardless of what it's about. replace 'astronaut' with any specific character's motivation and you've got a prewrapped blorbo song right there. touya you were born to be your father's destiny and you'll do that or die trying. but there's an overarching air that it's a pity, it's a waste, it's hopeless. the song is almost MOCKING. all touya wants is revenge on endeavor, and yes it's blind and hateful and consumes him, but still is it really so much to ask? but he doesn't even get that much. the way the manga is going, touya will die and endeavor will be redeemed. nothing dabi did ever mattered. touya todoroki never mattered. it was always as ridiculous as a child saying they want to be an astronaut
waiting room - he got away from the abuse he opened his eyes and took down his father from the pedestal he put him on he acknowledged that his dad wasn't the hero anyone thought he was he already admitted the scary thing; that endeavor is not and never was good and everything he fed touya was wrong. it's for the better that he knows these things. it is. it's for the better. he's glad to be away from home. he is he is he is. it's for the better i know it's for the better i know it's for the better
christmas kids - YOU'LL CHANGE YOUR NAME AND CHANGE YOUR MIND AND LEAVE THIS FUCKED UP PLACE BEHIND BUT I'LL KNOW!!!!!!! 'dabi' and 'touya' are such wildly different people because dabi genuinely believes that touya todoroki is dead. he died at thirteen at sekoto peak and dabi was born. they aren't the same. touya was the weak, abused child who just wanted to be good. dabi is the villain ready to spill blood in his name. but at the end of the day, dabi is touya and touya is dabi. he can pick another name, go wherever he likes, join the league of villains if he wants, but that will always, always be true
i bet on losing dogs - this is just perpetually playing when i think about him. he's doomed to fail. he's not going to make it. i already know he isn't but oh god he deserved better
a burning hill - okay i was feeling funny like yes 'im tired of wanting more' 'im a forest fire and i am the fire and i am the forest and i am the witness watching it' is v touya coded and the general exhaustion of this song is horrific on its own let alone applied to a character that has been through so goddamn much, but also... it's literally a burning hill.... sekoto peak was a burning hill.... ha.... haha
mary on a cross - so glad u specificaly sent this ask bc the tbosutuals are SO insane about this song. like yes like all ghost songs it's technically just about horny sin but i will always, always associate this song with character death. specifically (and this is why it upsets me so much) this is one of the few character death songs of mine that isn't objectively sad, and that's because it reminds me of their LIFE. like it feels like a flashback in the moment of death of all the beautiful things, and it was beautiful it was brilliant, but they die anyway. they dont get to make it despite despite despite. and THAT'S why this song will always fuck with me. so yeah. touya. admittedly he's not on darya's level yet bc this will always be her song but for me to even touch this song with another character speaks volumes
cigarette daydreams - the ultimate 'you were too young to experience what you did' anthem. the vibes of this song are so dismal it sounds like what rain feels like. you were only seventeen. touya was 13/14 when he died and he woke up from his coma as dabi when he was 16/17 (pretty sure it was 16 but 17 works better with this song so shhhh). and then he's just. unaccounted for until he's 24. he's nothing and no one on the streets of japan and in the criminal underworld and he's just a fucking kid. a scared, traumatised, in constant pain kid.
hearing damage - hiiii it's me and this song again <3 similar to cigarette daydreams im going crazy about vibes again. like this song is so unsettling it's like static it FEELS like a dissociation and that's a really common coping mechanism for someone who's experienced high levels of trauma/constant stress to just pull the shutters down and tap out of the bad thing happening. like ive said before even if it isnt confirmed or denied yet that i know of i do firmly believe that dabi's just been on the streets since he was a teenager and i just think this really fits.
class of 2013 - rei never saved him. that child still screaming for their mother to help them never ever goes away. he's this big scary villain now, covered in scars and piercings, but every single day he has to fight and keep up a mask and watch for threats. do you think he thinks about her then? him, tired and so so hurt, and her fading away in a hospital because, just like him, she broke under the weight of enji's ambition? they're the two family fuck-ups, the two that couldn't take it, do you think he misses her? just once, could she wash the dye out of his hair and save him?
go home - KILLING MYSELF. this song is fine whatever im not talking about it any more than i did in that post but i will say this is very burn it all down by dorothycanfly dabi specifically bc that fic has been haunting me since i finished it crying my eyes out at 4am this morning god bless <3
georgia - kind of a dabihawks angle bc im a sucker for them but also just in general 'if i fix you will you hate me' dabi NEEDS this hatred of endeavor. he quite literally has nothing else down to his SKIN. he's made his entire life's purpose and quite clearly intends to go out in a blaze of glory WITH his dad. that's it. that's the endgame. kill endeavor. kill himself with him. how fucking sad is that. like it's PATHETIC in the worst way. he's clawing at this fucking revenge plan and pretending it's this grand, badass thing as if it's not just the small hands of touya reaching up from the grave for his father one last time. if i fix you will you hate me, because if someone took this from him, if someone gave him a will to live outside of this fury, if someone fixed him, then all of this would have been for nothing.
maggot - this is a more deranged 'i tried to be good' variation imo like i did everything right i made my bed i walked for hours i took my pills and you love me right? you need me? but what if im just a corpse and you're a maggot feeding? what then? is it still love? is it something more? or is it disgusting? he was only ever wanted for his fire. no one actually cared about touya.
the family jewels - i dont htink i need to elaborate on this one lmao. obligatory complicated family dynamics anthem
seventeen - like cigarette daydreams i know he wasn't specifically seventeen and im not purposely picking songs that focus on that lmao. i love this song so much like the vocals of 'you don't know fuck about my family, could never tell you what happened the day i turned SEVENTEENNNN' scratches SUCH an itch in my brain im obsessed with it. like there's a mystery to it bc she never elaborates on what actually happened but clearly it's something bad. i really like that side of it like i love the mystery and for so long in the anime dabi is a HUGE mystery like there's no backstory reveal until SEASON SIX that's INSANE for such a main character to not get even a HINT of backstory for so long.
father - I HAVE THIS DREAM THAT I AM HITTING MY DAD WITH A BASEBALL BAT AND HE IS SCREAMING AND CRYING FOR HELP AND MAYBE HALFWAY THROUGH IT HAS MORE TO DO WITH ME KILLING HIM THAN IT EVER DID PROTECTING MYSELF! literally one of the most insane lyrics of any song ever im being deadly serious there is so much to unpack there so much to consider so much packed into one line. it has more to do with me killing him than it ever did protecting myself. WHAT
body terror song - body horror dabi hours! this man is 70% fourth degree burns that are only still attached to his healthy skin by fucking medical staples. i dont even want to consider how much chronic pain he has. every fic that has him having to redo/adjust a staple feeds me bc im so compelled by his character design. how is he not high off his shit every day just to cope. it's heavily implied he doesn't even have TEAR DUCTS anymore so when he cries it's just blood. he loses his fucking personhood to the flames so much that he renames himself cremation because that's what he is now and the anime just... never addresses it. never says if it hurts or not. this ALONE would be my cause for killing endeavor for leaving him in this state let alone the million other layers to it i cannot BELIEVE some people say it's unjustified sorry im not gonna go off on a tangent but ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING
dirty night clowns - i adore this song i couldnt tell you wtf it's about but it makes me feel uncomfortable in my own skin and i thought that was fitting for dabi. i really dont have much else to say like i do think this might just be one of those 'i have a personal interpretation of this song based solely on vibes' and it makes no sense to anyone else LOL
just take my wallet - YOUR MOMMA'S CRYING! YOUR MOMMA'S CRYING FOR YOU! WHAT'S THE SOFTEST WAY TO SAY YOU TOOK AWAY MY FRIEND? i feel like this is another 'touya into dabi' song like rei is crying for her son but touya is dead. there's only dabi now. dabi killed touya to become something that could ruin endeavor, and that's all that matters now
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mooseonahunt · 1 year
Serennedy x Noah Kahan’s Music
With the drop of Noah Kahan’s “We’ll All Be Here Forever” album, I’ve just been listening to the added songs nonstop and making connections to Serennedy (as any sane, totally normal person does).
(More on my thoughts below the cut)
Before the drop, however, I had latched onto “She Calls Me Back” as their song. I am physically unable to listen to it without thinking about them. The ones who get it, get it. The ones who don’t are gonna be subjected to my ramblings explaining the connections when I’m not exhausted.
“She Calls Me Back” is not only in my Serennedy playlist, but it’s also been so motivating while I’ve been planning out a multi-chapter Serennedy fic (started planning it in April and I’m gonna properly start writing it soon!). AND ALSO @/SNAILVEE HERE ON TUMBLR POSTED THESE DRAWINGS OF THEM WITH LYRICS FROM THE SONG.
Anyways back to WABHF— “The View Between Villages (Extended Version)” has had me SOBBING over Luis. I keep imagining him coming back to his hometown after being gone for forever and reliving everything he went through. I’m picturing the extended version in particular because of the lyrics to the outro:
The things that I lost here, the people I knew
They got me surrounded for a mile or two
Left at the graveyard, I’m driving past ghosts
Their arms are extended, my eyes start to close
The car’s in reverse, I’m grippin’ the wheel
I’m back between villages, and everything’s still
The mention of ghosts makes me think of Luis coming back to his hometown and seeing the people he grew up around lose themselves after being infected. He eventually fights and kills these infected villagers, and it’s crazy to me to imagine what he could be feeling knowing he has to gun down familiar faces if he wants to make it out of Valdelobos alive. Also, his mother died during childbirth, he never knew his father, and his grandfather was taken from him. He’d lost so much, and being back in Valdelobos was probably hell for him. How could he return to a place like that and not be constantly reminded of everything and everyone he’d lost? He’s haunted.
The last two lines are describing his death. He’s leaving his hometown again, displacing himself one last time. He’s between villages and everything’s still cuz he’s gone for good.
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manycoloureddays · 7 months
4, 10, 18 :-)
4. three songs that you know thanks to your parents
Moondance - Van Morrison was their first dance song at their wedding
Rosalita (Come Out Tonight) - Bruce Springsteen is a surefire way of getting my dad up and dancing at weddings or in their kitchen
You Look So Good - Clare Bowditch this whole album reminds me of my mum, she played it so often when it first came out!
10. three favourite Halloween/spooky songs
My Girlfriend is a Witch - October Country
Dance in the Graveyards - Delta Rae
Bust Your Kneecaps - Johnny Don't Leave Me - Pomplamoose
18. three songs that remind you of your best friend
Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now - Starship reminds me of @amberlouigi because the second time we hung out they serenaded me from the car and has been Our Song ever since
She's a Rainbow - The Rolling Stones is literally about @seymourbutz to me, she is a rainbow!!
The View Between Villages - Noah Kahan reminds me of @nefariousanglrfish because we have spent many many listens having extended break downs about it together
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Bloodline/Difficult Things (Orla Gartland)
She was standing by the oven, a strong and stoic woman/I saw her as an equal, an a friend/And I saw myself inside her, a sobering reminder/We all become our mothers in the end
"We all become our mother in the end" !?!? Like yes, the person I am is informed by the person my mother is, I am the sum of her traumas and experiences. I understand her so much because we are the same !! "I don’t wanna run away, but you, you don’t get me, I, I keep it all in, cause we never talk about difficult things" we are exactly the same and yet you don’t get me, you won’t understand me ?? I have a lot of feelings about my relationship with my mother"
The View Between Villages (Noah Kahan)
A minute from home but I feel so far from it/The death of my dog, the stretch of my skin/It's all washin' over me, I'm angry again/The things that I lost here, the people I knew/They got me surrounded for a mile or two
"It hit me so fucking hard the first time I heard it and I'm still not sure why. Noah Kahan is one of those artists that reaches into your head and pulls out all of your feeling and takes them and expresses them so well. His music and this song specifically just make me want to lay in bed and sob sometimes"
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invictarre-archive · 1 year
songs that remind you of your muse !!
Gladiator, Jann
Give it to you, leave you wanting more / I know your addiction's attention, let's start a show / Is it everything and more than you were hoping for? / Show us something we ain't never seen before
Smash your competition, baby / Show us some good entertainment / Victory's your only payment / Gladiator, gladiator
I believe there'll come a day / Maybe it will be tomorrow / When the blue bird flies away, all we have to do is follow / I believe a dream can still come true / Why shouldn't I believe the same in you?
'Cause I still believe in miracles, I swear I've seen a few / And the time will surely come when you can see my point of view / I believe in second chances and that's why I believe in you
Looking At Me, Sabrina Carpenter
Don't just stand there staring, honey / Try to move your feet / If you think they're looking at you, they're looking at me / I could make it nice and easy / I'ma take the lead / They ain't even looking at you, baby: they're looking at me
The View Between Villages, Noah Kahan
The things that I lost here, the people I knew / They got me surrounded for a mile or two / Left at the graveyard, I'm driving past ghosts / Their arms are extended, my eyes start to close / The car's in reverse, I'm grippin' the wheel / I'm back between villages, and everything's still
Champion, Three Days Grace
I was born to run, no waiting for the starting gun / There's no way I'm givin' up, 'cause it's just not in my blood
I got fire from the stone, blood from the ice / You don't know about the sacrifice / To get where I am, to do what I've done / I've got the heart of a champion
Run, OneRepublic
So, take me up high, take me down low, where it all ends nobody knows / But until then let's have some fun, yeah, run, run, run, run, run
They tell you that the sky might fall / They'll say that you might lose it all / So I run until I hit that wall / Yeah, I learned my lesson, count my blessings / Look to the rising sun and run, run, run
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And for a bonus instrumental: Attending Court, Brand X Music
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