#they need to be k*lled actually
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sayruq · 10 months ago
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These people need to be tried for genocide
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cvenash-vishneri · 3 months ago
I need feminism because how come if i say that yes miu iruma does need to be held accountable for her actions because she legitimately harms people and that what the writers did with the end of her love hotel was extremely unnecessary because it was genuinely going so well but she also needed understanding and help because not only does she struggle with boundaries but she also has extreme abandonment issues and literal brain damage and needs someone to sit her ass down, talk some sense into her, and help her I’ll most likely get pummeled or have someone yelling in my ear but if I say that a guy who bragged about and shows zero remorse for killing almost 100 young women is actually innocent because xyz everyone rolls with it
I need feminism because why do people genuinely compare maki and the same guy i just mentioned like it’s that simple to just say “oh well they both k*lled people” as if they aren’t in two completely different situations
I need feminism because how come mukuro being a victim isn’t even something to be speculated or debatable and it’s literally in your face but I don’t ever see anyone sweeping her actions under the rug (not saying they should be). i barely see anyone defending or talking about mukuro, she doesn’t invoke even a fraction of the sympathy that HE gets
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rise-my-angel · 8 months ago
i agree with your last post wayyyy too much. i can’t do jon snow haters or people who say that dany had every right to burn down kings landing because they k!lled her best friend. okay??? what about the thousands of innocents. she had a whole army, she could have just gone for cersei or been an actual leader and not taken revenge on her own ‘people’. like??? also if you support jamie lannister being a king slayer and k!lling aerys to save thousands of lives (which ill assume most of the fandom does) then jon did the exact same thing. yes they both ‘betrayed’ people they served but it saved thousands of lives.
my only argument in dany’s defense is she should have never gone ‘mad’. the writers should have never made her get on dragon back and burn down an entire city, but since she did, then she has got to GO.
The thing is, is that the burning of Kings Landing has been a LONG existing prediction by book readers of what Dany will do once she reaches Westeros. It has been theorized for YEARS before Benioff and Weiss were likely ever told about the books planned ending beats.
But, it won't be because she's mad. It will be a calculated move on purpose, no madness, just self righteous justification that because they didn't want her as Queen, they should die.
In the show, Dany has posed this multiple times. Dany in the show over the years does NOT hesitate to say she wants to burn cities to the ground, make her enemies die screaming, and has routinely posed situations where her options are literally bend the knee or die.
For example, this is a snippet of dialouge from season 8 after she burned Kings Landing and one million people with it.
Jon: "What about everyone else? All the other people who think they know what's good." Dany: "They don't get to choose."
This sounds extremely like something Dany says to Jorah in season 4 when he informs her that the masters have disregarded her laws almost as soon as she left Yunkai.
Dany: "He will tell the masters what has happened in Meereen. He will explain the choice they have before them. They can live in my new world or they can die in their old one."
This is the exact same scenario. You either live in Dany's world exactly as she dictates it, or you die.
There is no actual choice she is giving the masters, it is her way or death. Exactly like she plans to do to the rest of Westeros. Season 8 was not out of character.
Jorah says in this very scene that it is tempting to always see your opposition as evil, but that by always treating those who oppose you as such, it is the good and innocent who will get caught in the crossfire, and she says that she has no interest in entertaining what other people think is good and evil, she does as she sees fit.
One Barristan dies, she leads whats left of the leaders of noble houses to where her dragons are locked away, and lets one burn a man alive with abosutely no proof these men had anything to do with it as a threat that she will do the same to them. Again, with no proof that the masters or noble houses of Mereen have ANY relation to the Sons of the Harpy.
Upon a rewatch, one will find Dany says a LOT of very concerning things that foreshadow whats to come. This is going to happen, this was always going to happen. Dany was not going to burn the Red Keep, because thats the castle her family built with the throne her family created. Its the symbol of everything she wants and thinks she's entitled too.
But the people? These people who in the show and likely books, will not see kindly to this foreign occupier who uses her dragons to scare people into submission and will not yeild their Queen or King to her? Well, they are in her way. They refuse to join her new world, so they die in their old one. She doesn't need the people of one city to take the throne as long as theres still a throne to sit upon.
Dany routinely sees evil in her enemies with no grey area. Jon, otherwise is a man who looked his enemy in the eye (lord commander of the nights watch who betrayed them as a spy up against the wildlings he spied on and defeated in battle), and said (paraphrasing) "We don't have to be friends, but you, your children, and your children's children all deserve to survive. Let me protect you."
When everyone hated him for it. But he did it because it was the right thing to do. Jon has always given men at their worst chances at redemption. Thats what the Nights Watch is, so many of them were criminals, murderers, rapists, but Jon lets them prove they are better then their worst parts and only punishes with due justice when they commit the re offending behavior. Jon doesn't kill Karl Tanner in a brutal way beacuse he likes it, he only killed him like that when his back was turned, because Karl was about to kill the innocent girl who helped Jon by stabbing Karl in the back when he had Jon pinned.
Dany has no right to burn down Kings Landing, there is no excuse for it. But she will not beacuse she is forced too, or by accident, or through madness. No, it will be a calculated, purposeful decision that she will choose to do this, because thats how she has chosen to commit every atrocity she's ever done, which when you tally it up, is shocking and disturbingly high.
It was a massacre of extreme proportions that she was proud of. Wheras Jon felt extreme guilt for not saving every free folk when the army of the dead massacred Hardhome, when that was completely out of his control or power, and when he still in fact, saved over 5000 lives of what was supposed to be his greatest enemy.
The completely unbelievable joke of a romance aside, the Jon we know would not have hesitated to kill her. That is one million lives she murdered in the most brutal fashion because she didn't get what she wanted.
But we know why Jon would want to kill her for it, beacuse she answered the very question he posed in season five in the most terrifying way possible.
Jon: "Isn't their survival more important than your pride?"
Dany said no, and massacred the very same people Jon has been trying to save for years. I was being factious when I said Jon should've killed her harder, but it's still true. Dany in the show became exactly what the books are leading up to. But people were tricked through the framing that beacuse Dany thinks shes the world's main character, that she's always in the right, when she very often isn't.
It was always coming, and it was never out of character, beacuse Dany was always this way. At the burning of Kings Landing, she finally just allowed herself to be honest about it.
Jon was right to kill her for committing the exact mass slaughter that Jaime killed Aerys II for being about to commit.
The Targaryeans are fire and blood, and they paid the price for it.
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lumea-art · 10 months ago
Hey, guys! I'd like to address a personal issue which actually concerns everyone in this fandom. Please, read and react somehow🙏 For those on the bojere fanbook server, that's going to be pretty much the same as what you read yesterday. If I'm too direct or accidentally overshare, sorry, keep in mind that I'm autistic
So for quite a long time I felt secretly disliked in the fandom. I am a very anxious person, I hang on every piece of feedback that I get so it bothered me a lot. I wasn't allowed to participate in the KÀÀrijÀ zine and they never explained why and I almost didn't get in the bojere fanbook as well but at least the mods were kind enough to communicate the issue
So the mods told me yesterday that people felt uncomfortable about me taking part in this and having me on the server. I felt very down the whole day and didn't understand shit until Moko and Due gave me the explanation. The issue was "radfem" in my bio on Twitter. They explained to me how my associating with radfem made them think I was potentially threatening to other people on the server, especially the queer folk. But the thing is I turned out to be quite different. I consider myself to be radfem cause I've had a lot of traumatic experience with men (SA, abusive relationship), I don't want any other women to go through something like I had to experience, I am with women, I'm fighting for our comfort and against the patriarchy. Also I am from Kazakhstan and we have big issues with women's rights here including all kinds of abuse and femicide for which men tend to not get in jail. You might have heard how our ex minister of Economics abused and k*lled his wife and didn't get in jail until the case reached the news. That's all, that's what it means TO ME to be radfem. So I guess this radfem is different to the one you're used to. I am not transphobic and I have never thought my views had anything to do with queer people. I have always been nothing but respectful towards queer people, online or irl. I have nonbinary friends who are comfortable with communicating with me. As a cis person, I may not understand something, but we tend to talk anything through in order to understand each other better, not waiting for any of us get hurt accidentally. So I suggest the same - if you need further clarification, you can ask me questions in reblog or dms and I'll answer. Also I'm open to literature suggestions to get to understand you guys better💕
Also regarding Russian-Ukranian issue in case anyone has a problem with it
Since I'm openly Russian speaking (though being from Kazakhstan and half Ukrainian myself), Ukrainians might have an issue with me and I perfectly understand why so I try not to bother them. However, some of them didn't want to leave me and my friends alone. You might have seen this big Russian-Ukranian fight on twitter in April, mostly taking place in JO fandom. The thing is that (again) people don't dig deep and assume I am pro Russian since I speak Russian and happen to not be able to speak Ukrainian or Kazakh (in Kazakhstan we mostly speak Russian). Me and my Russian speaking friends were bullied, our personal info was leaked without our permission and one of us got threatened to be physically hurt once she arrives to a JO gig we are all going to. Of course I protected my friends and myself, maybe not in the best way possible. Luckily, we were able to talk everything through with the guys and no one means to hurt anyone anymore. I suggested doing commissions for donations and I still do that if you're interested. I am pro Ukrainian and pro Palestinian and genocides suck
If someone doesn't want to communicate with me for whatever reason, just don't, what's the problem. But don't limit a person before clarifying things, I beg you. Please, I really want to be on good terms with everyone. I wish peace to everyone 🙏
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thelamentknight · 4 months ago
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Ellis Vinter
Hometown is Snowmist Mountains
Twisted from Elsa
3rd Year
Best Subject is Conjuration
He’s in the Horse Riding Club
His Favorite Food is Hot Chocolate Tart
His Least Favorite Food is Reaper Pepper
Dislikes Spring
Hobbies include Reading, Stationary, Studying, Journaling, Puzzles, Calligraphy, and Ice Skating
Talents: Memorization
UM “Beware the Frozen Heart“:
When Ellis points at someone and says his UM, an ice shard shoots out of the finger and into the victim. In a short span of time, the victim’s hair turns white, their cheeks lose color, their body becomes cold and frosty, and the victim d!es as their heart turns to literal ice. Ellis despises his UM, and has only used it as a last resort for self defense.
Like many Ignihyde students, Ellis is a cautious lone wolf who doesn’t socialize much. He is elegant and graceful, which is to be expected of a prince like him. Due to his quiet, lonely, and somewhat reclusive nature, along with his wealthy background, many students interpret his shyness as arrogance and haughtiness. So Ellis isn’t very popular among the students. While he tends to hide it, Ellis is quite anxious and nervous 70% of the time, and is actually quite touch starved.
Backstory (Accidental m*rder and Ab*se warning):
Ellis is the heir Prince of Snowmist Mountains. He had a younger brother and was very close with him. But one day, when the two were kids, assassins came during the night. The assassins managed to grab Ellis’ younger brother, so Ellis used his UM on the thief holding his brother. However, the thief used his brother as a shield, so the UM ended up hitting Ellis’ brother and not the thief. Soon after his brother was hit by the UM, he was d*ad. In fear of what they saw, the assassins scrammed. 
The King, Queen, guards, and other royal staff arrived to where the heard the ruckus, and were horrified by the sight of the younger prince’s lifeless c*rpse, and the older prince sobbing on the floor. Everyone blamed Ellis for the d*ath of the younger prince. His parents locked Ellis in his room, where they beat and screamed at him, calling him a monster. 
Ellis was forbidden from leaving his room, and if he did, his parents would beat and scream at him again. The maids had to bring him food, but they would leave it in front of the door, knock, and run before Ellis opened it. His Tutor needed guards in the room before being okay tutoring Ellis. Everyone at the castle despised the older Prince.
A few years later, the King and Queen d!ed when the ship they were on sunk, leaving Ellis with the throne. However, many were against Ellis being the Ruler, due to how young he was
and also because they despised him, so Snowmist Mountain is now currently ruled by the Grand Duke, and he rules the kingdom well.
He ordered Ellis to be released from his room prison, and he let the Prince know that he can leave the room whenever he pleased. Ellis was gobsmacked by this, and was even more gobsmacked that the Duke wasn’t expecting something out of him. The Grand Duke treats Ellis as if he were his son, something Ellis hadn’t experienced in many years.
Fun Facts:
+ Dislikes Spring due to pollen allergies (it only gives him sniffles, but it’s still annoying)
+ It’s noted how Ellis got his UM at a much younger age compared to most people (who tend to get them at 16)
+ Once a day, the Grand Duke messages/calls Ellis to see how he’s doing
+ He has a cold body (if you touch him, you can feel that he’s cold)
+ His nightmares consist of the ab*se he went through and about his brother getting k!lled
+ Loves a good cup of Hot Chocolate with marshmallows 
+ Ellis’ favorite thing in the morning is to hear the icemen passing by and singing. At NRC, he has a music box that plays the songs the icemen would sing
+ Seems to always wear gloves
+ His spice tolerance is non existent
+ Keeps his things tidy, clean, and organized
+ He’ll take his horse, Olaf, for an evening walk every day
+ Ellis has very high As, and is actually good at math. He would be very willing to tutor other students despite his shyness
but most other students would rather fail than be around him (this bites them in the butt during Chapter 3)
+ Winter is his favorite holiday. Loves building snowman and ice skating
+ Has a sweet tooth
+ Is VERY skilled in ice magic
+ Dating Ángel Iglesias
+ The only one that knows that Ángel has a fear of bells
Voice Claim
Back of head design
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llannasvsp · 1 year ago
gonna be honest
 i don’t like the ninjago fandom outside of tumblr. it’s like they’re the people who don’t make an effort to understand anything outside of their own reality. i just saw someone literally ranting about how lloyd needs to stop being mad at garmadon because it’s “not a big deal” and “old design lloyd would never”.
1. old design lloyd (literally just pre-puberty lloyd) WOULD (exhibit a: how he reacted to his mothers return [post about that coming tmrw]).
and on top of that, they said “old design lloyd wouldn’t have gotten scared of his reflection”. best friend
 old design lloyd wouldn’t have k*lled the overlord either. it’s not in his nature. say old design lloyd got oni form. i bet my whole bank account he would have been just as horrified by his reflection. im fully convinced the tumblr community is the only group of people who actually care about character development and progression because all i see on instagram, youtube, and twitter (through screenshots) is just bitterness at the redesigns and a lack of understanding that trauma actually effects ppl and isn’t quirky.
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hyacinthusmemorial · 7 months ago
I know people are talking (specifically) about my fics, and they are allowed to. I know they are dark, but I have a very long narrative reason for my Zeus/Apollo tag, and the grossness of it. It’s supposed to be gross. It’s supposed to make you uncomfortable when you read it. I’m not going to spoil my story for people who are enjoying my stories. I understand they are not for everyone, and that is perfectly understandable to me.
That being said, if the people who are specifically talking about my works would like to understand more of what I am talking about, please read below. I KNOW it is dark, I do not want you to read it if you do not want to. I just want you to perhaps understand that not everything is a dark fantasy or for reasons that are inherently sexual.
Spoilers Below for my Readers
I feel the need to say it because my story will end up as a positive Zeus & Apollo. The Zeus in my story is not actually Zeus. He is being impersonated by another character and has since Apollo came under his house for thousands of years. (This is the darkest timeline). But real Zeus does exist, and he is not evil, he cares for Apollo deeply but has been unable to save him. This is a cosmic battle against those who want and hold power and those who want a peaceful world. Its about the horror of abuse because often powerful people abuse it monetarily, sexually, morally.
Most of you won’t care, but I just wanted to clarify for the people who are upset.
This whole story relates somewhat to personal experience. I was a member of a religious cult that my mother was sexually abused in, and she brought my sister and I into this environment as well. I have since escaped and no longer am able to speak to family members who are still in. I will never see my sister again, she is trapped in another country far away from me as Apollo is trapped away from his mother in my stories. I was abused for years because one man and his family manipulated vulnerable people. My mom died from lack of health care, my grandma died from lack of healthcare, and so many of my friends k*lled themselves because they thought they weren’t good enough for that god and that man.
I put Apollo through it because I went through it, and I want him to defeat his tyrant in a way that I will never ever be able to.
I am sorry if my story bothers people, but that is why I tagged as appropriately as I was able to. I put warnings at the beginnings of every chapter. I do not want people to read it if they do not want to. I just want people to understand that my story may not necessarily be for everyone, but there are other people who do like my stories inspite of or perhaps because of their darkness.
You are allowed your opinions, but I am also allowed to respond.
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neomujinjja · 1 year ago
With every me is every you
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Pairing: Dino x reader
Length: 3,004 words Genre: Mulitple Universes, Drama, angst with happy ending
Warning: not edited, super long (i'm sorry), i really mean long (you've been warned) 1st universe: rejection, going seventeen content reference (going company) 2nd universe: police brutality, going seventeen content reference (ego episodes), spoilers if you haven't watched going seventeen ego episodes, Vixx's error mv references, possible graphic description, Dino is "k*lled"(?), cloning 3rd universe: scamming, being scammed, crime, financial talk, Dino's character (Pi Cheolin), going seventeen content reference (2023 Best Of Going Seventeen 2) 4th universe: Dino's wait references (lyrics and mv)
Synopsis: "Me and him. We have met thousands and thousands of times. Sometimes it seems like a love story, sometimes it seems like a drama, sometimes it seems like a indie film. But whatever the genre is, it's still 'him' that I 'fall for'. Every movie has an end; even if this is the last chance, I will turn it into a happy ending"
Note: Inspired by the trailer for EveryYou, EveryMe. And the synopsis is the majority of the narration from the trailer as well. The quote in the banner is from the original (Norwegian) SKAM tv show, season 3/ Isak season. The flowers mentioned in the 4th universe actually mean constancy, goodness, and lasting affection; i thought it was a good fit plus i think they're the flower that you see in the mv so bonus points.
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˗ˏˋ Universe 1: Co-workers ˎˊ˗
"They're staring again" a voice said from behind you. "You know, staring isn't gonna help you?" it asked, this time addressing you. You turned around to be met with your team leader Cara and co-worker Mr. Yoon.
"Well, not all of us can be lucky to date our co-worker like you are, team lead" You responded. Cara was dating another co-worker named Joshua Hong. The two had joined the Going Company at the same time and began dating not long after that.
"But you could. Didn't you say out of your group, you're closest to Mr. Lee.?" Mr. Yoon joined the conversation as he sipped on his Americano.
"But that's only because of the teams we're in. So it's only because finance and promotion departments work closely together" you pointed back out to the male.
"Either way, just staring at the poor boy isn't going to make him like you back. A piece of advice, make a move" Cara told you with an annoyed look. Mr. Yoon nodded in agreement as he patted your shoulder on the way back to his department. You know the two are only trying to help you with your crush on Mr. Lee but you were fine with the way things are. Staring at him in secret and being work buddies was good enough for you.
"L/N, just the person I was looking for!" A voice you knew well, Mr. Lee's, called out for you in the hallway.
"Hey, Mr. Lee!~ What's up?" you asked, your voice slightly cracking when you said the male's name.
"I was thinking we could go out after work. I wanted to run some ideas by you and get your opinion" He told you as he flashed a bright smile in your direction. Your heart skipped a beat at the sight and you felt like flying at his request.
"Of course, we can go to that cafe down the street."
You and Mr. Lee walked together to the Green Room Café, it wasn't far from the company so many of the employees were familiar with it. You were hoping that Mr. Lee hadn't seen any of the encouraging gestures from Mr. Boo, Mr. Chwe, Mr. Yoon, Cara, and even Mr. Hong. It had been embarrassing enough that all of them were making a big deal out of the situation, you didn't need the male questioning you on top of it.
"So what did you want to talk about exactly?" you asked the male as the two of you sat at an open table. Mr. Lee picked one that seemed to secluded from the others which piqued your curiosity as to the reason why.
"Like I said earlier, I have some ideas I want to go through with you. I'm not as good as Seungkwan but bear with me on my slides" Mr. Lee said as he pulled his computer from his bag. You felt a fit disappointed that the male only wanted to talk about work. But this is what you should have expected, the two of you were work buddies and nothing more. Mr. Lee went through his ideas to advertise products, asking about their financial estimates and your opinion.
The one-time event had became a weekly routine for you and Mr. Lee. The two of you would go to the cafe to go over the male's ideas, and he'd message you if there was any updates. Cara was worried that he was using you to get ahead but you reassured your team lead, that wasn't the case. Mr. Lee walked over to your desk, placing a small treat on it. He had been doing that often too causing the butterflies in your stomach to increase.
"I have something I want to tell you. Meet me on the roof top during lunch break" he told you before winking and walking away. You felt giddy at the thought of meeting him on the roof type. It was rumored within the employees that it was the place to go to make a confession.
You were met the sight of Mr. Lee looking out as you walked through the doorway. "Mr. Lee!" you called out to him. You had decided that you were going to confess to the male as the occasion seemed to call for it. "I actually have something to say to you as well. Would it be alright, if I go first?" you asked, walking up to where he stood. You waited for him to nod before speaking. "I like you" you said, keeping it short and simple.
"Oh. Um," Mr. Lee awkwardly laughed. His response was making you grow more nervous. "I- um, I don't feel that way about you" he said with an awkward tone.
You hummed as you nodded your head and looked to the floor. You knew that you wouldn't and couldn't change the man's feeling. "So, what did you want to talk about?" you asked the man as you tried to hide any hints of your feeling in your voice.
"I just wanted to thank you for helping me. I've been able to gain more recognition in my department, the department head said I might be able to earn a promotion if I continue" Mr. Lee informed you before clearing his throat. It was obvious that he was feeling awkward about how the situation turned. "Um, so thanks" he coughed before turning to walk away and leaving you alone. As you heard the door close behind him, you allowed for yourself to began crying.
˗ˏˋ Universe 2: Clone Dino ˎˊ˗
You watched as the male on the table opens his eyes. "Y/N? Is that you?" he asked with a confused face and hoarse voice.
"Yes, it's me, Dino" you answered, helping him to sit up from his original position. "How are you feeling?" you ask him as you hand him a glass of water.
"I've got a slight headache but I just feel confused for the most part".
"That's okay. The headache will go away and you won't feel confused for long" you explained to the male as you grab his left arm. "Let's try standing up and walking" you said, helping him off the table. You put his arm around your shoulder before slowly walking out of the room.
"What happened?" Dino asked. He looked around the area as if he didn't recognize it. You only hummed in response, ignoring his question as you brought him into another room. "Y/N?" he asked again, this time his voice raised upon entering the new room. In the middle was a pile of bodies, ones that if closely inspected looked similar to him. Your actions made it seem like this was a normal thing which only added to Dino's concern.
"I'm sorry, my sweet boy. I'll figure this out" you said as you caressed his cheek and giving him a kiss on the other.
I wonder what the problem is? Why was that one so confused?" you asked to yourself, turning your head as you looked at the papers laid out in front of you. Shaking your head, you resolved to trying again. You were determined for this to work. It needed to work; you couldn't live without your boyfriend, Dino, by your side. Loading up the data again, you threw yourself back into creating.
You watched as the male on the table opened his eyes. He didn't move or try to say anything making you feel worried. "Dino?" you asked, leaning in closer to him. "Are you okay?" you continued as you brought your hand close to his face. As you brushed his hair out of his eyes, they suddenly opened like he had been shocked. You back away just in time before Dino sat up, narrowly avoiding smacking your head onto his. Still saying nothing, Dino brought you into a hug. His head laying on your chest and his arms tight around your waist. "Dino?" you asked once again as you stroke the hair on the back of his head.
"I'm okay" he said, looking up at you with his twinkling eyes. You sighed, feeling relief, and leaned over the male. It felt like you finally had the love of your life back. You missed this, you missed him.
"I missed you" you whispered, deciding to tell him how you felt at this moment. He pulled away from you, although still keeping his hands on your waist.
"why? I didn't go anywhere".
You just sniffly laughed before nodding your head. It was best that he believed that rather than knowing the truth. Suddenly the door burst open interrupting the moment between reuniting lovers. Before you had a moment to understand, they were pulling the two of you apart. Two officers detained you while three surrounded Dino, who was still on the table, forming a wall. The next events happened too fast and suddenly you were pushed onto your knees while being yelled at. The wall of officers separated and Dino sat with his head facing downward. He had a hole in the side of his neck and his hands were limp. You let out a gut wretching scream at the sight before further falling onto the ground. You had just gotten him back and yet again he was taken away from you.
˗ˏˋ Universe 3: A Scammer & his Lover..or a Victim ˎˊ˗
"Don't you think you should be more careful with your money? I mean your first card declined, that's not like you" your best friend, Cara, mentioned as the two of you walked out of the store.
"Yeah, typically you're the frugal one out of us. Is something going on? We can help, you know that right?" another one, Cubi, joined in, their face showing their worry. You laughed and waved them off.
"No nothing going on. Remember I told you guys, I got a boyfriend. I've just been helping him out" you told them with a shrug.
"And that's the problem. P- what was his name again?" Cara starts again, her pace quickening to match yours. Cara and Cubi flanked you, theirs gazes still filled with worry.
"Pi Cheolin" you answered her before continuing non-chalant. "And there's no problem with partners helping each other out when they need it. I honestly glad that he trusts me enough to tell me his problems". Your face heated up at the thought of your relationship and your boyfriend. Cubi shook their head, you were seemly to innocent, more like naive, and love blind to see what was happening.
"Tell me, honestly, do you think this Pi Cheolin would do the same for you?" Cubi asked, stopping the three of you from walking any further. You nodded adamantly but you were growing annoyed at your friend's accusations. You knew your boyfriend; he loved you and right now, he was just going through a rough patch. As if sensing your annoyance, your friends stopped their questioning instead reassuring they were there if you needed help.
"Cheol, you won't believe what Cara and Cubi was telling me today!" you yelled out into the small house. Because Pi Cheolin was struggling, you let him stay at your place despite how small it was just for one person. The place was dark and quiet like there was nobody occupying it. That was odd because your boyfriend tried to cook around this time as a form of payback. "Cheolin!" you called out again as your finger fumbled for the light switch. Nothing happened as you flipped the handle up and down. "What the hell? I gave him the money for the bills?" you whispered to yourself confused as to why the lights weren't working. It wasn't a power outage because your neighbors had working lights but you definitely gave Pi Cheolin the money to pay the bills. Maneuvering in the dark to find your entry table and stumbled for the flashlight stored there. Now with some form of light, you were met with a disaster. It looked as if a storm had gone through your home, items were knocked over and cushions overturned. Worry grew inside of you at the sight; where was Cheolin within this mess. You couldn't help but think that someone had gotten to him. Taking out your phone, you hurriedly dialed 119.
"Hey, the police send there was no sign of a two-person struggle or breaking-&-entering. I'm sorry to say it but they believe this guy scammed you" your friend Cara said to you after speaking with the officers. They had tried telling you earlier but you didn't believe them. Cubi brought you in for a hug, holding you close to their side.
"You can stay at my house until you get your money together again" Cubi offered with a small smile. Cara nodded as they looked back over at your small place with polices filing out.
"And we can go to the bank to see what we can do. It'll be okay" they reassured you, placing a hand onto your shoulder.
˗ˏˋ Universe 4: Please don't tell me wait ˎˊ˗
You looked at the pressed flower you had hidden in your recipe book. You caressed the page it sat on with your finger before letting out a sigh. "I thought you said that the date went well?" Nara asked you from their spot at the front counter.
"It did" you told her as you looked up from the book. "And we've been talking but our relationship status is still up in the air" you continued after a moment of hesitation. You grimly smiled as you thought back to the few dates you had been on with Chan.
"Hmm, maybe you just need to wait" Nara said, turning back around to face the front of your bakery.
"I don't want to wait though~" you whined but it fell on deaf ears. You poured at your friend's back before humphing and turning back to to your recipe book. "I don't want to have to wait" you said again, this time whispering to yourself as you continued to look at the pressed flower. The oven beeping distracted you from your wallowing and pulled you from your seat. You had become busy checking on the pastries causing you to miss your phone screen that lit up with a message.
'Can I see you tonight?'
"Y/N's not replying to my text" Chan whined to his hyungs. He had texted the baker about 30 minutes ago and yet his phone was still showing delivered.
"I'm sure you can wait until they reply" Wonwoo pointed out to the youngest male. Vernon just patted the other's shoulder before returning his attention back to something else.
"I don't want to wait" Chan slightly whined at the response. "I mean what if Y/N loses feelings or worse thinks I don't have feelings" he continued with his eyes growing wider at the thought.
"If you don't want to wait then go to them" Jeonghan advised as he looked to him. At Chan's confused face, he continued. "If you're so worried then go. It's as simple as that". Jeonghan and his statement made it seem like it was simple math (which it was). Chan nodded his head and got up from the table. He felt determined to not leave it to fate. As Chan left to get dressed, he sent another text out.
'I'll see you later tonight â—ĄÌˆ'
"Are you sure that you're okay closing alone?" Nara asked as they hung up their apron and replaced it with their coat.
"Yes, I'm sure. There's one more order left and then I just have to clean up a bit. It'll be fine" you told them, waving them out of the door. Watching Nara walk down the street, you let out a sigh before looking at the clock. You let out another sigh at the time; another day passed and you're still confused about your standing with Chan. You walked to the back, turning off the lights as you went. You didn't bother to keep the lights on as all of the chairs were put up and no one else should be coming in. You began preparing the last order and the start of a long cleaning process.
Chan stood outside of the bakery, trying to see if anyone was inside. It was dark inside but he felt the need to double check. He had changed into a leather jacket on-top of a grey shirt and bought a bouquet of red Zinnias. Chan walked through the unlocked front door, he'd warned you about being more careful later. He looked around in the dark bakery, the only light coming from the streetlights and the light he could now see spilling from the back. Taking a deep breath, Chan tapped the bell on the counter separating the two areas.
You looked up at the sound of the bell ringing. From your spot, you could see Chan waiting which caused your nerves to rise in anticipation. You hadn't expected from him to show up, especially unannounced and at this time. Rushing to your recipe book, you took out the pressed flower and then grabbed the last order. You clipped the flower onto the bag with the item sheet. Giddiness was running through you as you walked to the front counter, but you tried acting nonchalant to the male there. You placed the bag down before pushing it in his direction. Your heart was beating wildly and you hoped he understood what you were trying to convey. Rustling from his side made you look up, only to be met with a face full of flowers.
"I don't want to wait anymore. Would you date me?" Chan said, putting the flowers down just enough for you to make eye contact with him. You nodded as a laugh spilled out of your lips and watched as a smile grew on his face. Not caring for the counter in between the two of you, Chan embraced you as close as he could. There was no need for the either of you to worry about your relationship, someone just need to make a move.
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monyrawolf21 · 2 months ago
Gabe and Cas, two sides of the same coin
I wanted to make this post for quite some time, but I wanted to wait till the special but there my babes are not really them and now ID3 is around the corner so LET'S BEGIN.
So, in the first two books we've seen Gabe and Cas having the dog and cat dynamic, Gabe been the most patient and diplomatic and Cas been the most savage, we don't know why they hated eachother so much and I don't think their personalities were the only reason and in the second book, chapter 4 made a hint about this; but in the end they have more things in common that people may have think and I wanted to make a few examples
THEIR PARENTS: Well, first of all Cas and Gabe are orphans from a very young age, Gabe lost their parents when they were around 9 years old and Cas lost them before they barely remember them.
THEIR BEHAVIOR: In the first book chapter 6, if you choose to go to eat ice cream with Gabe and choose they option "Tell me a happy memory", they will tell you that they got into a fight when they were younger, just a few weeks after they lost their parents, AND guess who had the same behavior? That's right our dearest Cas, but we can have the first difference here in their lives, Cas was alone but Gabe had their grandma, wich lends to Gabe and Cas have different paths in their lives.
THEIR ANCESTORS: Both, Cas and Gabe are related to vampire k!llers, In Gabe's case were vampire hunters and In Cas' case were witches (Constance Harlow k!lled a vampire once in a flashback).
THEY ARE THE BEST IN THEIR OWN COVENS: In the second book we see more about the covens, and there is a moment in the chapters 5 and 6 when the "Profesors" made the comment about Gabe and Cas been the best student/hunter, we may thought that they said that because they are the protagonist but actually it makes a lot of sense; in Gabe's case we know they love learn new things, and that they are protective so it makes sense that they pay attention to self defense classes and practice them; now with Cas we know that they love been a vampire so it makes sense that they have a lot of experience in different areas (haunting, fighting, etc).
THEIR LIKES/HOBBIES: This is quite short but Gabe loves play videogames and Cas loves comics, sometimes this can be related. (MC should take them to a comic con)
THEY ARE PROTECTORS: Gabe and Cas had passed through a lot of things, so when they care about someone they even risk their lives to make sure that they are ok, for example, when Cas took the blame for Seth in the first book or when they are trying to protect MC; not only that, they are good with children we can see this in the first book, when Gabe played guitar un the hospital or Cas helping the little girl in chapter 14.
It's kind of funny but in the first book there are many dialogues of Cas and Gabe refering themselves as meat to MC XD.
Other thing that i forgot to mention is that Cas and Gabe took MC to the same lake
For me, Cas and Gabe are the souls in Immortal Desires, even with their problems I think that deep down they care about each other and in the end Gabe, Cas and MC need to be together, it doesn't matter if they are in a love relationship or they are just friends, they need to be together or the things can go to the wrong way, ID: Paths not Taken is a great example.
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thekoalapastriesbakery · 3 months ago
Okay so witch!reader wakes up two days before media day and uses both days to relax and go on a very long date with logan that ends with them doing the hanky panky, and reader suddenly feels danger in the air the day he walks into the gp to do a check of any magic on the driver and cars because apparently all the tracks have this one singular curse on all of them that moves whenever all the team's are in the same place for more then 24 hours (basically activates qualifying day), the curse as reader see's it, is apparently suppose to make any track its on more dangerous and seems to have even k*lled/crippled a few drivers! (Sorry if this is insensitive, i know it might not be but it feels like it is) and the kicker is that the one that made it was the previous witch, which means reader could actually take him to witch court for negligence (which he could easily get out of by bribing a few of the court) and Illegal and unethical use of magic (which he can't really get out of because i feel witchs have a strict system on how much someone could use such magic without yaknow becoming sick/unhealthy corrupted by it) and reader demands the fia cancel this race because the only reason the curse hadn't activated in its full capacity before was because of the curses on the drivers doing the work for it and someone might actually get hurt or worse if they drive, the drivers themselves seem very nervous when on track but since the curse has been around most of their lives they chalk up their nervousness to the usual nervous/excitement that usually accompanies getting ready for a race, reader has the fia cancel the first race of the season because the drivers might die and moving any team to a dfferent location might renew the curse on a different track, so he needs at least 6 more witchs to help take this curse off since the old witch used sacrifices of all things to power this curse because aparrently it wasn't powerful enough, the guy couldn't make witch!readers job any harder 'note the sarcasm' but yeah reader needs 6 other witchs and a week to actually take the curse off.
Reader is just off to the side crying ,after seeing the curse, (with logan comforting his new boyfriend) beacuse he can't seem to catch a break with these f1 men.
Sorry if its alot, if you have any idea on how to make it better go for it!
this is a long one so it under a cut <3
you slept for a whole week after having to not only magically treat all twenty drivers, but also all of their garages. you were one more spell away from demanding a raise and an assistant.
when you woke up, you were greeted with the sight of your now-happy and upbeat boyfriend. logan had returned to the smiley golden boy he had been before he had been weighed down by all those hexes. day one before media day was spent cuddling in bed and watching old movies (well. most of the time). if anybody saw logan walking with a slight limp on thursday, he'd tell them he tripped and was just making sure to take it easy on his ankle. no other reason.
day two was spent at the pool in the hotel rented out by f1 for the drivers and their personal staff. and you. (yes i know this isn't how it works irl but it's called fanfiction for a reason) it's the first race of the second half of the season. it's your first time seeing the drivers before a race. when you'd checked their garages and equipment, it had been after the races had already well and truly finished.
which was why the curse was a surprise.
the second you got to the track, the hair on the back of your neck stood on end. call it witch's intuition. or perhaps regular intuition, given how on edge all of the drivers were all of a sudden. they had been relaxed and joking around before they entered the paddock. it was almost like a switch had flipped in their heads with how suddenly they tensed up. you asked logan about it, but he just told you it was regular pre-race nerves. every f1 driver got them. you were still suspicious, but you dropped it for the time being.
that is, until you saw the track. more specifically, until you saw the intricate web of magic that blanketed the entire surface. upon closer inspection, you were horrified to find out that it was a curse. a curse specifically designed to cause harm to drivers. a curse that would shift and move to whatever track was being raced on. immediately, you notified the fia and demanded for the race to be cancelled. they’re reluctant at first. you threaten to get the drivers to strike and suddenly their safety is top priority. who would’ve thought.
all the junior races are cancelled as well. of course they are. you also find out the junior formula drivers have no witch doctor assigned to them, much to your dismay. you offer to take them on as well after you get the curse off. it’s extra effort on top of your already sky-high workload, but you can’t have (literal or close enough to) children driving dangerous machines with even less defence than they should have.
the curse is so powerful and dangerous that you're obligated to report it to the magical authorities. even if you weren't obligated, you would still report it as a danger to public health. the curse was laden with just about every enhancer you could think of, but its targeting was clumsy, so it put fans, marshals, drivers, and team members at equal risk. then you discover the sacrifices. the goddamn sacrifices. all witches leave a signature in their magic. whether they want to or not, if you recognise the signature, you recognise the witch. and you recognised that signature.
the fia's previous witch doctor. the one you'd replaced because of their negligence. originally, you hadn't planned on taking them to the court of elders—a bribe here and a fake apology there and they'd get off with nothing more than a warning—but this level of malice was harshly punished. you reported it, the authorities documented all the evidence, and then you were cleared to begin removing the curse. with the help of six other witches, a lot of breaks, and your lovely boyfriend giving you moral support at every turn, you managed to get the curse lifted in time for the next race to go ahead.
almost immediately afterwards, you fell into a deep sleep. as did the other six witches. such intense reversal magic really took it out of you. you're out for a whole four days longer than after tidying up the cars and garages. when you woke up, you just about burst into tears at the thought of the curse and you're so tired still and "why on earth are f1 drivers so magically complex, logan—"
logan does his best to comfort you. he'll bring you all your favourite food and watch all your favourite shows/movies while cuddling you in bed. you get gifts from all the other f1 drivers and several of the junior formula drivers, too. once you're sure that the last of the old witch's magic has been cleared out of motorsports entirely, and especially after the trial where they get stripped of their magic and imprisoned, you can finally relax.
race weeks go a lot smoother for everybody after that. sure, you still have to deal with hexes and the occasional curse (and a fair chunk of amateur blessings from some of the drivers' younger witch fans) but it's far less complicated and energy-draining. you get an assistant anyway.
just in case.
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lampiche · 3 months ago
Thoughts on the first episode of the Ave Mujica anime
Here I am, finally putting my Avemuji thoughts in a proper written post! I really needed to get this out of my system before I lost the energy to do so. Before watching the episode, I made a bingo to try and guess what things would happen, so I'll be centering my comments around it. I'll most likely do the same for the next episodes :D
For now I'm keeping everything under the cut just in case, and I'll do the same for the posts about the other episodes :)
So, here's the original bingo:
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Here is the updated version of the bingo after watching the episode :]
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Before starting, I just wanna say that anything I didn't get will be put on the bingo for episode 2, while all the thing that I got or that were proven wrong will be replaced. Also the green means that I got a case right and the orange means that I got part of it right.
Starting off with "Starts with the Crychic breakup scene from Sakiko's pov"
So. I put this because I expected the beginning of the Ave Mujica anime to mirror the beginning of the MyGo anime. Except it didn't. Instead the anime starts some time after Ave Mujica's debut, and I choose to believe that the irl Avemuji lives happened in the Bandori universe, setting us after Ave Mujica's fourth live show.
Other than that, I was surprised that Sakiko's backstory was completely explored in the first episode, but the more I think about it, the more it makes sense. It seems to align with her desire to "forget everything", even though it will probably come back to bite her in the ass. It seems that what matters is not really the circumstances of her past, but rather how they will affect her future. I do wanna say though, that I felt like the pacing of the episode was a little too quick. I get that they wanted to fit all of Sakiko's backstory in, but I think they should have done the episode a little longer, because Sakiko's backstory came pretty suddenly and it barely gave me any time to register it before moving on to something else.
I don't have much to say for the second one ("Flashback to explain Sakiko's sudden change") because it ties in with the first and it was pretty obvious. I'm excited to see what the backstories of the other girls are though.
Now onto the third point, "Sakiko's mother k/lled herself/cheated which broke her father and caused him to become an alcoholic and make the family go bankrupt"
I'm mostly including it because I guessed that Sakiko's mother d/ed. To be honest, this was a theory of mine ever since the end of the MyGo anime, but I actually got the timeline wrong. I thought that her mother dy/ng was what caused her to quit Crychic, but she actually created Crychic to deal with her grief and move on. Also her dad became an alcoholic after being bankrupt. There is still a faint possibility of su/cide because we don't know the causes of her mother's d/ath, but a background character says "She held on long enough..." about Sakiko's mother which makes me think that she could have been battling an illness instead.
And the situation between Sakiko and her dad is so heartbreaking... That moment when he tells her to leave hurt so much, because she sacrificed everything for him, she did everything to support them both and she always believed in him, but in the end it's that same resilience that made him resent her. It's sad that within all of his grief, Sakiko's father couldn't help but despise how Sakiko seemed to be "moving on", even though she did it all for them both.
Next, "Mutsumi says more than a word to anyone other than Sakiko"
I actually added this for funsies, but I'm glad that I got it so early in the episode! The sentence in question is "Thank you for your time.", said at 5:24 :)
"Uika x Sakiko dialogue/scenes"
"My dream of being with you forever came true." I love lesbians...
And finally, "Nyamu and Sakiko arguing :)"
This was another one that I expected to see, but by the end of the episode I was quite confused by Nyamu's animosity towards Sakiko.
I get that she doesn't want to be in Ave Mujica if it doesn't bring in clout for her, but she does her very best to push all of Sakiko's buttons. Even though Sakiko has an obvious desire for control and Nyamu wants to do things her own way, I feel like there's more meaning behind Nyamu's behaviour...
I wonder if she identifies with Sakiko to some degree (wanting to be in control of everything about her own life, wanting to give a perfect image of herself) and so loathes her? Or maybe, on the other end of the chart, Sakiko represents everything she despises (controlling, influential, "perfect" girl)? Anyway, I'm excited to learn more about Nyamu later on!
Thanks for reading all of this and see you next time! :D
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yoosung-ah · 3 months ago
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1. nothing could be more suspicious than that hair of yours. I swear this woman's hair gets bigger every time I see her. is that all real, or extensions? if it's real, then drop that haircare routine sis
2. if you choose the first one, Rika accuses you of being a pervert. she's not entirely wrong, but also, why did Cheritz even give us that option to begin with? this is not how I wanted to see him on his knees. bad vibes
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3. top 10 saddest screenshots ever taken. literally just put me out of my misery
4. to draw this interaction this way was such a choice. I love how it looks both homoerotic and like a weeb's rendition of a biblical painting using their favourite characters from different franchises
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5. first, I'm a fan of how this looks like the cover of one of those cheesy romance novels that grandmas read, and second, literally impossible. cruel of him and the writers to even suggest such a thing. I'm too selfish and don't have the coping skills or neurological genetics to do what you're asking of me
6. the absolute purity that radiates from this is unmatched. I almost don't want to be with him because he's too good for anyone. also babe did you break into V's studio to take this photo with the professional backdrop and everything? because I support that kind of behaviour
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7. let's all together beat him up, then. if, like discussed in your AE, "there's no right or wrong," then violence should be acceptable. him and his security guard can't take us all on, and aren't you all about self-sacrifice? and protecting the twins? where's that attitude now?? you're already going to jail anyway. surely you have some repressed anger that you can make use of. Rika and I have enough crazy between us to equate to 3 men in battle too, like let's go
8. same energy as "now I feel weird" or "my head hurts" from days 8 and 9... sir, is this your tsundere way of saying you have feelings for me? I'm flattered, but as you can see, I already have a bf
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9. we get called a goddess by both Chois. Cheritz saw the feedback from AS and Yoosung's route and made good use of it
10. "but not me" same. let me know if you need my help in any way. like how V "helped" Rika after her "skirmish" with your mom
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... this feels oddly meta. as if Cheritz was like "we know you sickos have fantasized about ending up with both of them, so here you go" and you get to be with just Saeran in the alternative end. here it feels like Saeran's your husband, but Saeyoung's your boyfriend. like why they both holding bouquets, with us in the middle? I thought Saeyoung was looking at his brother's happiness, but he's actually looking at us
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in addition to Chairman Han, I am petitioning Cheritz to also give us a Driver Kim and Prime Minister route. the former has a heart of gold but his voice and cadence makes me think he may have k!lled someone in the past, and I know that the latter has, but red flags never stopped us before
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poppyandzena · 1 year ago
I haven't seen anyone talk about this yet, but the language that Poppy uses regularly, on public streams, is so alarming. Not just the stuff being are already covering. Things like: "I don't trust the opinion on trans men" in the last stream, and the *constant* need to refer to people who might even lightly disagree with their opinions as "stupid", "dumb", "idiotic" and more. I can't believe how many times they use something like "ARE YOU FUCKING STUPID???" at the end of a statement to try to subtly bully people into agreeing with them. Then they ramp up their language. Leave some chocolate chips on the ground? ALMOST K*LLED THE DOG. A plastic bag in the kitchen near a heat source that Zena didn't notice and didn't move? NEARLY POISONED AND K*LLED A GUEST! Poppy sees a tweet that reminds her that other people are poly? DANGEROUS FOR MY MENTAL HEALTH AND ALMOST MADE ME UNALIVE MYSELF.
Combined with their need to refer to people who they actually believe wronged them as r*pists, abusers, liars, "s*icide club", and more. I can't believe this person actually thinks they deserved a job in therapy. Sure, maybe they don't use this kind of language with clients.. maybe. But I sure wouldn't want to see my therapist talk like that all the time in public.
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hellengomes · 2 years ago
Usually misenterpreted by the fandom, thinks of themselves to be an irredeemable demon/monster and attempts to behave as such, huge part of the fandom actually thinks that it's an undeniable fact that they are an irredeemable demon/monster (and that they should be punished / that they should be k*lled), fandom gives them some sort of mental illness to define their entire characters/personalities usually without thinking about all the trauma/pain/abuse they've been throught. They are literally just 14 years old which the fandom also tend to forget/ignore and continues to treat them as if they were adults who should have known better and that they should have behaved better, are quite the definition of "feels like i'm the worst so i always act like i'm the best", tend to mess with their own hair when upset/stressed/nervous(though this one might be a hc), are usually labelled as "always been a bad person" just for behaving acordingly to the situattion they are under, not very good at "comunicating accordingly", very good at analyzing/understanding other people but can't figure themselves out to save their lives, are actually very loyal, dedicated, caring and huge dorks deep down, have some major trust issues, have/had a "bubbly pink themed girl / friend" to give them the affection that they desperatedly need despite their usual cold/harsh attitude towards them, antagonizes themselves towards the ones they care about, the usually considered "questionable/wrong/bad/evil" thoughts/actions/behaviors that they have are understandable especially if you actually look by their point of view/put yourself on their shoes, they are doomed by the narrative and they deserve better.
(Some similarities between Homura Akemi and Princess Azula, as in how they are as characters, how part of the fandom views/treats them etc...)
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rcttencore · 8 months ago
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wait till you hear about this next nominee: KANG JUYEONG, born on the 13th of AUGUST, 1993 and bears a striking resemblance to LEE SUNGKYUNG. they’re a FOURTH year BACHELOR OF FINANCE student and RAISED FUNDS TO BUILD THE UNIVERSITY'S FIRST CHAPEL — impressed yet? rumor has it they’re hoping to be the FINANCE DIRECTOR IN MBC, but personally, i think they should aim a little higher — something like the king’s club, for one. now, that suits them a little more, don’t you think? guess we’ll just have to see if they’ve got the talent for it in our upcoming recruitment round.
erm so hi again!! :D august, 21+, swapping one mess for another! i watched this one edit of the roy family to charli xcx's apple and i was like wow i need this canon.... fly high naeon (k*lled her off like they did with my favourite character in the boys season finale but we don't talk about that).. anyways, this is judgemental, elitist, ew poor people, miss kang juyeong! favourite granddaughter of mbc's ceo, who only gives a shit about you if you're old money rich!
super sorry to everyone i've spent the last 2 weeks plotting with, but i promise we'll brainstorm and come up with equally fun plots because she will most definitely cause drama!! â€Ș♡‬ like this plot for me to double-text you or just drop into your dms again!!
as always more info below!!
inspo: charli xcx’s apple, the glory’s lee sara (thank U gloss for this), gen v’s cate dunlap (juyeong would be a homelander i fear), basically every member of the succession family (but mostly shiv roy’s entitlement), hints of scream queens' chanel oberlin & euphoria’s maddy  tropes: million dollar baby, the hellkite positive loyal, meticulous, articulate, cultured, protective negative pompous, hypocritical, judgemental, elitist, condescending cunt sun, whore moon, bitch rising leo sun, sag moon, leo rising
tbh shes pretty simple. just your typical snobby bitch who thinks people should just stop being poor and will tell u condescendingly about it
strong belief in maintaining a certain social order (if gatekeeping was a person, it'd be her) & extremely elitist 
she’s very big on keeping a good image for the camera (in public, at least, she’s not stupid!). all about smiling for the camera, showing your perfect self but close the doors, invite her to the king’s club, and she’ll show her true colors 
sharp tongue, has the tendency to be very dramatic (it's the leo in her)
she’s the biggest fucking hypocrite out there! she’ll act like the bible is her religion, no sin but then she’s snorting coke off some guy’s abs
but honestly, if ur in her inner circle then you’re kinda set for life. she’ll literally die for you. would go to the ends of the world for u. you ask for the moon? juyeong will get it for you. 
the kind who would provide you an alibi no matter what like ‘babe your boyfriend just called and asked where you were, i told him we were watching a movie but idk where you actually are’ vibes 
her feelings about hyungseo: she thinks he’s gaudy and tacky. although she begrudgingly accepts his presence in the king’s club, she does not like him at all!
she’s her grandfather’s favourite child - he thinks she’s like the second coming of jesus or something 
but in reality, it’s kind of a self-fulfilling prophecy. he puts her up on a pedestal and spoils her rotten and she’s the only person in the whole family who wholeheartedly listens and believes him & his tradition.. so it kinda works! 
most of her cousins just write it off as an old man’s rambles and their families have enough money
and her older sister is the worst offender though she gets disowned when she’s sixteen for flipping her granddad on live television and just saying some nasty shit about the church her family runs (she gets written off because she’s a teenage girl right but there is truth to her words) 
as she grows older, there are things with her grandfather’s ideology that she doesn’t necessarily subscribe to but she likes the taste of privilege too much to act otherwise 
and she has her own set of values - it’s a mix of what she believes from the bible & what she’s been raised up with. do they contradict sometimes? yes! does juyeong really care? no, not at all! her moral code is whatever she believes to be
but one thing she keeps with her is that u should only trust and respect the generationally wealthy <3 the inner circle of the top 1% is life <3 family name is everything to her!
even with the king’s club, she got in via having connections who vouched for her and just generally made the rituals/ life easier lol 
she thought being in the king’s club would mean being with like-minded individuals but little did she know
 people get in on the merit of hard work too! and not just their family names! ew! 
post grad, she’s working in mbc as a finance director (nepo baby vibes) 
her family is also going through shit after the whistleblower ratted them out for embezzlement and they’re going through Serious Investigations and
 let’s just say juyeong is practicing escapism heavily (read: she’s pretending nothing is wrong)
we can brainstorm but just some high level stuff! 
her inner circle please <3
people who have blackmail on her !!! like your family’s fucked. u want to make it worse for them? 
also people she does not respect and just has a general antagonistic relationship with !!
omg pls give me people who think her penance is due!! like she used to tell them to fuck right off because they were new money or whatever and now, your muse is like “who’s fucking laughing now?” [jojo siwa vc] karma’s a bitch
someone related to the plot, did something fucked up to hyungseo and juyeong saw but she’s taking it to the fucking grave bc she considers u a friend ~
juyeong fucks a someone she thinks isn't worthy of being in the king's club - alternatively, juyeong falls in love with someone she doesn't think should be in the king's club ^__^
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gavisimmaculaterizz · 8 months ago
This is Eman a Biotechnologist from Gaza. Asking for help is not easy. It's not easy at all. You have no idea how mentally and emotionally tiring this is. But when thinking that the price is my family's life, getting out of here safely and achieve my doctoral degree dream, it just pushes me more and more to do this until we reach our goal. I'm here as I try to reach out to more people asking for their help to support our family's campaign so we can survive while all you have to do is literally donating even by just the price of your morning coffee or maybe a simple breakfast, So I think I'm not asking for so much. We're really tired of living under these catastrophic conditions for a whole 10 months. Your generosity will not only change our lives but also remind us that even in our darkest hour, we are not alone. https://gofund.me/d597b8e2
oh my god.
this is just terrible. words cannot explain the pain i felt for people in Gaza.
just to think that these innocent families are being k*lled, and this is being funded by our sick government??
these sick people we call presidents, don’t do anything for the people who genuinely need help, instead the fund for them to get k!lled

they call these people aliens and “terror!sts”, in which reality, our own government funds the actual terror!sts to kill these innocent souls. heartless people just heartless people in power.
it hurts to see families who have so much ahead of them get bru!ally k*lled by unprivileged isnotrealies
 sick, just sick.
i beg you guys to not let palestine be forgotten, let these peoples voices be heard. they’re not alone.
please do anything to help them out, donate, spread awareness, or even just call your senate representatives to demand ceasefire.
thank you for spreading more awareness @emanzaqoutt , this needs to be heard. breaks my heart to hear you are suffering.
may god bring you safety and freedom, and let you guys be free.
i may not be able to donate money, but hopefully my platform can help me reach people who can help out.
check out their go fund me if you’re able to help out, if not please spread the word.
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