#they love the image of the hero
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inumbrapugnabimus-maybe · 7 months ago
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But not green.
You know the song Mr. Jones? Yeah.
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axel-tiredstudent · 1 year ago
they'll be alright
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bakuhatsufallinlove · 20 days ago
here’s the OTHER leaker translation I would explode out of existence
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I know, okay?
I know everyone loves this. I know everyone lost their shit for it. But I hate it.
I will admit honestly that it is 70% abject fury over the misuse of one word. Another 20% is frustration over how the fandom reacted to the official translation with such vitriol and how the leaker fueled it with their smug comments. That final 10% amounts to what some might consider pedantic or nitpicky. But I don't care.
This translation sucks. It doesn't sound cool, it doesn't sound threatening, and the leaker's rookie mistakes ruin what makes this moment great for me.
Allow me to elaborate.
The emphasis is on the wrong part
I’ve talked about some of the pronoun differences in this line before, but did you know Katsuki also changes the particles every time?
‘Cause I sure don’t think the leaker noticed. Grammar particles are what determine the relationship between words in a sentence. They pack a lot of punch, denoting subject, object, indirect object, purpose, location, time, origin point, direction of movement, means or method—and a bunch more shit that can be hard to describe.
Word order and particles work together to direct our attention to specific parts of a sentence, emphasizing the importance of what is being said. They are some of the most difficult parts of Japanese for learners to grasp and use with the same ease that native speakers do. I’m acutely aware of this weakness, so I often pay particular attention to them. Let’s break down how each iteration shifts the meaning and emphasis of the base sentence.
First time
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Chapter 322 おまえが拭えねぇもんは俺たちが拭う omae ga nuguenee mon wa oretachi ga nuguu
Katsuki uses ga with both the second person pronoun for Izuku and the first person plural pronoun for himself and Class 1-A. Ga emphasizes the word that comes directly before it, so this focuses not on the verb itself, but the persons doing the verb. Katsuki's first person plural pronoun oretachi of course means "we," but if you wanted to highlight his literal meaning, he's saying: "the things you cannot handle, me and the people with me will handle."
Second time
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Chapter 323 てめーが拭えねーもんはこっちで拭う temee ga nuguenee mon wa kocchi de nuguu
Here, Katsuki retains ga for Izuku’s second person pronoun, but changes both his first person pronoun and its particle, giving us kocchi de. This shifts the implication of who is doing the act—the first time, Katsuki's "we" pronoun highlighted the classmates who accompanied him and acted with him to help save Izuku. But by the time he says this line again, a number of people outside their class have stepped forward to defend Izuku’s return to UA.
Unlike distinctly singular pronouns like ore, kocchi both refers to oneself and something greater than oneself. By switching to this, Katsuki expands that narrow “me and the people with me” into “our side,” presenting the people who support Izuku as a unified force.
You see, kocchi de subtly shifts the verb to being executed by subject(s) defined by a specific characteristic or condition.
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Explanations of particle de from Mainichi Nonbiri. The heading and explanation read, "Subject: 'De' is used to denote the subject who deals with or engages in the action expressed by the predicate."
The first example uses jibun de (by oneself) to describe the conditions under which the listener is asked to execute the verb. The third uses gikai de (in the parliament or by the parliament, as a governing body representing many people) to explain the plurality and nature of the subject executing the verb.
The second example uses socchi de, which is the second person "you" version of kocchi, meaning your side. With this, you can see the purpose is to highlight division: "you did that over there on your side of things without any input from me."
Kocchi de as Katsuki uses it likewise creates "sides" by highlighting connection.
These details emphasize Izuku as the person who cannot handle these things and the relationship he has with the people supporting him, a collective Katsuki aligns himself with.
If we maintain this emphasis and the conditions in a literal way, we have: "The things you cannot handle, our side will handle for you."
Third time
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Chapter 405 OFA(あいつ)に拭えねーもんはこっちで拭うってなあぁああ!!! OFA (aitsu) ni nuguenee mon wa kocchi de nuguutte naaaa!!!
I want you to look really close at the particle ni.
Then look at the way the first word balloon ends with the particle wa.
And hear me when I say that this does not emphasize Izuku.
Ni is not a particle for emphasis. If Izuku's personal inability to handle AFO were being highlighted, Katsuki could have used には, which I talk about briefly in this post:
The combination of the two particles ni and wa are used to emphasize, compare, and contrast. This is extremely telling just on its own. Izuku is emphasizing the fact that, compared to everyone he could possibly tell, he cannot tell Katsuki this. He might be able to tell other people, but when it comes to Katsuki, he cannot. Ienai does not specify where the limitation stems from, but ni wa sure implies it.
If Katsuki wanted to disparage Izuku in comparison to himself, like "that guy obviously can't handle you, so I'll do it," he would have said something like this. He even could have slapped his own singular pronoun and ga in there (俺が拭う) to emphasize himself as an individual actor. But that's not what he did.
The particle wa tells us what the topic is. Neither Katsuki nor Izuku are the topic in any iteration of this line; they are subjects engaging with the verbs. The topic is "the things OFA (that guy) can't handle."
Now, because every other time Katsuki said this line had ga in it too, wa wasn't quite as strong as it is this third time. If ga emphasizes what comes before it, then wa emphasizes what comes after. It tells us, "this is the topic, now hold onto your seats."
Katsuki is emphasizing the predicate and the verb. What's gonna happen and how it's gonna happen.
He's saying, "our side is gonna fucking crush you."
The wa particle and the separate balloons build tension, suspense, and excitement—which the leaker instantly deflates. By front-loading Katsuki as both topic and subject ("I'm the guy"), the emphasis is no longer on the promise of destruction he will deliver on.
The emphasis is indisputably on the part after the balloon break, so the mention of Izuku ("when that nerd can't handle it all on his own") reads weirdly like an insult. Hell, most of the words the leaker uses are about Izuku's inability to handle the situation, which bloat the second half of the line and effectively kill the momentum.
Fumbling the flow of a line is a common mistake for amateur translators. Sometimes, it's hard to avoid because Japanese grammar is often the inverse of English grammar; maintaining the original order may render it awkward or even unintelligible.
But that is not the case here.
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pikahlua's literal translation
There's no reason to reorder the clauses. You can spruce up the wording, but the lines are perfectly understandable and effective in this order even at their most literal.
The leaker chose to reorder the lines this way, and their translation is worse for it.
Viz Comparison
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Official translation by Viz
After what I've said about particles, pacing, and emphasis, I think you can plainly see that the official translator understood these details and made his own choices to highlight them.
Any time you get text with furigana (explained here), you have to decide how to incorporate those dual pieces of information into the text. He could have translated this as "that guy couldn't keep you in the ground," but instead he prioritized the reference to OFA.
By doing this, Viz's translation avoids the implication of insult towards Izuku that the leaker falls prey to.
He also made the choice to translate kocchi as "we."
First, I’m bringing this post back around to remind people that kocchi is a pronoun of ambiguous plurality. This means that an interpretation of “we” is just as correct as an interpretation of “I.” Readers may interpret it differently, but on simply linguistic grounds, they are of equal validity. You will often see this kind of ambiguous language used in Japanese, even with characters that are forthright. The reason is one part cultural expectation that the listener will read between the lines, and one part a willingness to accept two things as simultaneously true. This exists and is frequently found in English as well, there just isn’t a direct parallel for kocchi itself.
A number of people were infuriated by this, because they felt some sort of bkdk moment was erased by Katsuki saying "we" rather than "I."
Yet it seemed like these same people were also mad one week prior when the leaker and the official translator worded Katsuki's rallying cry slightly differently.
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Chapter 404. Leaker, left. Official, right.
The claim there was apparently that the official translator was ignoring Katsuki's character development.
And like, which is it, guys? Do you want him centering the collective or himself?
The fact is that the official translation's characterization of Katsuki in the final battle is internally consistent with itself, while the leaker's is all over the goddamn place. Let us never forget that the leaker was just straight up WRONG here while the official got it exactly right.
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Chapter 408. Leaker, left. Official, right.
People were losing their shit that Viz made Katsuki "insult himself" and "expect failure" as though he's never used temee to refer to himself self-deprecatingly before.
And then the leaker just had to pretend that didn't happen in the next fucking chapter, while the official got to correctly reiterate their interpretation like they were taking a victory lap.
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Chapter 409. Leaker, left. Official, right.
All of this makes it unbelievably rich for the leaker to go and say shit like this:
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The leaker is an amateur translator. They spent ages stealing an artist's work and releasing it illegally for a profit with shoddy translations and misleading, even outright false "summaries."
Based on the nature of their translation mistakes, it is obvious to me that they are not fluent in Japanese, yet here they are bragging about their inability to understand how kocchi could mean "we."
Right before the line in question, Katsuki emphasizes himself as an individual in declaring himself to be the final boss.
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Chapter 405 俺がラスボスだ AFO!! ore ga rasu bosu da AFO!!
And then, by using ってな, Katsuki is basically quoting himself.
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"I said we were gonna handle what that guy couldn't, didn't I!?"
This suggests he is repeating the established meaning for emphasis, not changing it. If kocchi was plural when he said it in chapter 323, it's reasonable for it to still be plural here. Katsuki is not ignoring himself as an individual by doing this; he is rubbing it in AFO's face that neither he nor Izuku are solitary actors fighting this battle alone, they both belong to something greater than themselves.
I'm gonna step up on a soapbox for a bit.
I am kinda tired of people calling Japanese vague. I often see it used to imply Japanese is inherently hard to understand or that it doesn't have the capacity for specificity. Like any language, Japanese can be used to express specific, clear, and direct information. While it is true Japanese culture values indirectness as a way to maintain harmony, I would like to challenge the ethnocentricism I feel sometimes goes unaddressed in this topic.
Japanese is less tolerant of repetition and verbal excess than English is; information that has been established should only be repeated for a purpose. Japanese speakers expect their conversation partners to maintain awareness of context, social expectations, and specific interpersonal information to grasp the intended meaning of their words. Specificity is doled out when it is warranted or desired.
Specificity divides one thing from another, drawing lines in the sand and saying "this is this, and that is that." English often requires repetitive specificity to even be grammatically comprehensible. And while this might not be directly related, many English-speaking countries tend to have a more individualistic outlook on society than collectivist countries like Japan.
To me, "vague" often smacks of a value judgment: "there should be division here, and there isn't."
I said earlier that kocchi creates division by highlighting sides, us vs. them, but when people press on and ask, "but did he say we or I? which did he REALLY mean?" I just want to say that really? truly? he meant both. all of the above.
I think it is unproductive to think of Japanese as vague just because it doesn't exclude possibilities as often or as strongly as English does. I think it is a lot more useful and interesting to think of Japanese as expansive.
Why should there be division between Katsuki and the people fighting by his side? Why should he separate himself from the people who saved his life and risked their own in relentless pursuit of their common, heroic goal?
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Why is it unacceptable to imagine an "I" belonging so sincerely and wholly to a "we" that their voices are one?
Katsuki's words reflect the fact that this fight being fought by a collective, a team.
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In this context, OFA is a weapon in their arsenal, just as Katsuki himself is.
He is a force of nature, an agent of their willpower.
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Chapter 404
He rode upon the winds of their prayers, ushered on by Izuku's hopes
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and his own regrets,
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to change the course of fate itself.
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For much of the series, Katsuki is our beacon of individualism, of defiant refusal to bend to the will and expectations of others.
But Katsuki is also our image of victory. He shows us how to face our failures and change our hearts. He is our proof that rejecting others only hurts us in the end—his love for Izuku and Izuku's love for him is the story's greatest proof that as human beings, we are not better alone, we are better with each other. Other people change us, inspire us, and we do the same for them.
We need each other. We belong to each other.
It is in this final battle where Katsuki becomes his truest self, overcoming every obstacle in his path, making up for every painful regret in his heart, and utilizing every single thing in his grasp to save and win.
If Katsuki ever truly belonged to something bigger than himself, it is in this moment right here.
English divides the one from the many, and while that has its benefits, I think there is real, honest beauty to be found in a word that smooths those lines in the sand until there is no distinction at all.
That's who the fucking "we" is, rukasu.
Now onto my next gripe.
Katsuki is supposed to sound badass here
Frankly, the fan fury surrounding Viz's use of "we" completely overshadowed the fact that the phrase "One For All couldn't keep you in the ground" is fucking metal.
It rules. I'm fucking jealous I didn't write those words. It is such a good translation and it packs so much punch and I wouldn't have thought of it in a thousand years.
The official translator focuses his efforts on genre-specific tone translation, and sometimes he really nails it. I will freely admit that I find his style grating or overwrought at times, and indeed, one of his key weaknesses is that the flavor of comic-book dialogue he pulls from can sound one generation too old to be cool.
One of the most damning examples of this is him having Katsuki utter the word "bub"—
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Chapter 406
—which I think no English-speaker under the age of 30 had actually heard before Deadpool & Wolverine came out.
Honestly, if you just read Wolverine comics from the 80s, 90s, and early 2000s, you can see the character archetype he leans into for Katsuki's dialogue. 405's tagged-on "—and then some!!" is straight out of American action movies.
But the main point here is that Katsuki is taunting AFO and threatening him. He blows up AFO's face, announces himself as the final boss, then vows to kick his ass to death on behalf of everyone. It's amazing.
The line sounds cool as fuck in Japanese. The "naaaa" flourish at the end is nearly untranslatable in any direct way that still captures the appeal and impact of it.
I tend to think of sentence enders like this as flavor text or tone tags. To properly convey them in English, you may have to add a bunch of words, and you have to choose them carefully.
All of this is to say, the official translation tries pretty hard to make Katsuki sound cool. Do they succeed? I think to an extent, they do.
I actually think it's possible the translator did recognize the callback, but wasn't satisfied with the effect of repeating it. You can see that "finish the job" is supposed to link Izuku's actions to theirs, while also sounding grandiose and final.
The Viz translator might've simply prioritized showcasing the cool-guy threat while maintaining the collectivist angle, rather than matching the callback word for word. I don't really think that's the best choice, but I can see why it might be made.
The leaker's translation doesn't make any real effort to up the ante. Maybe this line is cool to somebody, but it ain't me.
In fact, are we ever gonna acknowledge that the leaker's translation just scoops up most of its wording from the official release of chapters 322 and 323?
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"I'm the guy who steps in when that nerd can't handle it all on his own!!"
The leaker was not responsible for these translations, but just look at how other people tried to grapple with Katsuki's metaphor.
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In fact, the only person whose choice of words prophetically matched Viz was pikahlua, four days before the official release:
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And even then, you can see that "step in when" is unique to Viz.
I'm not saying that similarities in translation are unacceptable or that directly referencing the official release is bad, but I do find it truly incredible they had the gall to shit-talk the official translator after cheating off his damn homework.
The leaker basically contributed six words: "I'm the guy who" and "that nerd." I personally disagree with "the guy who" as a translation addition, just because I think it too strongly isolates him in a way that using "I" and "I'm" by themselves do not, but it wouldn't have been terrible if they had also maintained the original clause order: "One For All couldn't handle you... but I'm the guy who—", something like that.
This brings us to my final gripe.
Katsuki did not say “that nerd.”
The leaker made that shit up, they inserted it for no reason and ignored the two pronouns the original text actually provides, OFA and aitsu (that guy).
In the manga, Katsuki has never called Izuku a nerd to villains, not once. It is rare for him to use it while speaking to someone other than Izuku, period. It’s an insulting pet name he uses towards Izuku or while muttering angrily to himself about Izuku.
To be clear, the narrator who uses "shitty nerd" is not Katsuki, they merely validate the accuracy of his nickname for Izuku. Yes, I just linked to my tag for the whole damn 348 chapter, because I've argued against this theory a lot, just read 'em all, it's a good time.
By my count, he only uses it once while talking to Todoroki in chapter 42 and once to Ochako in a 5-page bonus chapter for the first character guide, set shortly after chapter 65. Both take place very early in the series and both are examples of his intense grudge against Izuku.
Did you know that the last time Katsuki uses "nerd" towards Izuku directly is in chapter 320?
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Who's ignoring Katsuki's character development again?
The fact is the word doesn't exist in 405's text, and there just isn't precedent for him to say it to All For One.
Trash-talk doesn’t work if your opponent has no clue what the hell you’re talking about. AFO would have no idea who “that nerd” is even supposed to be, because they were not already discussing Izuku, unlike both canon instances of Katsuki using it in conversation with others. The audibly-pronounced aitsu just means "that guy over there (physically near neither you nor me)" and you could argue that is unclear, too, but it's relatively neutral and context clues everyone in to the fact that he means Izuku, with whom he just did an explosive, flying duo move.
I think some bkdk fans were keen to see him use the tsundere insult we all love so much, but it just doesn't read right to me. Writing an insult towards Izuku into this kind of line, even an affectionate one, misdirects the aggression and fails to highlight how Katsuki makes a mockery of AFO during their fight.
I really do think it undercuts how, in his big moment of taunting the greatest villain in history, Katsuki brings up making good on a vow he made to Izuku.
And let's not forget that there is a definitive moment where Katsuki references his relationship with Izuku while taunting AFO:
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Chapter 406
To roast the villain for his stupidity in misidentifying him, Katsuki loudly announces himself to be Bakugou no Kacchan.
Katsuki proudly identifies himself with the cutesy nickname his childhood friend has used for him their whole damn lives. That's a far cry from somebody who'd insult Izuku just to hype himself up.
So, no, I don't accept "that nerd." I think the leaker just added it to make their translation sound cooler, but they did so at the expense of Katsuki's character. It's tacky, cheap, and not based in any honest reading of the text.
Put the nickname in your fanworks however brings you joy. Really, go for it, I know I sure do!
But let's not pretend Katsuki said it here.
In conclusion
Katsuki's dialogue offers a unique array of challenges to translators. I would never argue that he is easy to translate, and so much of his characterization is expressed in the minutiae of what he says. Much of his dialogue contains layers of meaning, and any translator is going to have to make a call about how to interpret those layers and what to highlight.
I made this post to say my piece about a translation tons of English-speaking fans love. In the process of dissecting what frustrated me about it, I researched and studied and learned so much.
And to be honest with you, I don't know that I have a solution for this line. I thought of a ton of options:
One For All couldn't keep you in the ground... but we're here to step in and finish the job once and for all!!
I promised we'd step in when that guy couldn't handle it on his own... and I fucking meant it!!
After all, what One For All can't handle... he's got us here to handle for him!!
One For All couldn't stop you… so it's a good thing that guy's got us here to step in and finish the job!!
If the guy with One For All can't get it done alone... then we're here to take you down for him!!
Maybe One For All couldn't handle the job alone... but our side is still gonna kick your ass!!
Some of them are very fun, and each highlights a different set of priorities: collectivism, connection, coolness, intimidation, and so on.
But you could pick apart my words the same way I picked apart the leaker's and Viz's.
There will never be a one true translation. There can't be. For as many readers as there are, there are just as many interpretations to what Katsuki's words mean and what is important about them.
In every translation, you face loss—loss of information, loss of specificity, loss of ambiguity, loss of emotionality, loss of cultural meaning. Your job as a translator is to lose as little as possible, and to make sure you can stomach the things you do lose.
You also gain things in translation. New meanings, new layers, new cultural implications. By showing the audience what you see and choosing how you say it to them, you add something of yourself to the work. You can't not.
As a translator, I want to keep learning and trying and going beyond. I want to do right by the things I translate. I want to share the things I love with other people and figure out, as best I can, how to make them see what is beautiful about it.
Unlike Bakugou Katsuki, we translators can never achieve a perfect victory.
But it's always worth trying.
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snailtaco · 1 year ago
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Hey, y’all. Was feeling a lil bit silly and goofy so now this exists :)
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verflares · 8 months ago
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collection of some loz origin au stuff i've been chipping away at for awhile now ^_^ with a healthy amount of dunmeshi insp for good measure LOL (the ooccoo isnt relevant she's just here for size comparison purposes)
feat my beloved good friend @linkvcr's hylia design also. because i am obsessed with her and you should be too 🫵
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niko-ur-local-moron · 3 months ago
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yeah the epilogue was ass for the bkdk nation but at least it confirmed that Dynamight often comes to Deku Sensei's classes (and that's how I imagine they look like)
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stingrachelmha · 5 months ago
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A small number of the many many drawings from my genderbent AU becuase I love women. Everyone is essentially exactly the same lol except I cursed All Might with big boobs and long hair because I am projecting
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javierduffy · 4 months ago
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may-we-rest-well · 6 months ago
Toshi side profile appreciation post.
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Please feel free to add any of your own additions to the collection.
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dotted-clouds · 3 months ago
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Eik is so cute!!!!
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poppy5991 · 8 months ago
Shigaraki: You’re telling me something went wrong with the warp and Dabi has been replaced by an alternate version of himself where he’s a hero?
Kurogiri: …
Shigaraki: Don’t do anything stupid.
Hero Touya: Oh no, Mr. Villain. Please don’t hurt me. 😏
Shigaraki: Relax, I’m not gonna touch you.
Hero Touya: Why not? 🥺
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linkedspirit-fanartfunart · 5 months ago
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[Image Description: A 8 paneled colored page for Linked Spirit Legend of Zelda AU. Panel 1: Sky stands in front of Glider, holding his hands together while Glider looks forward with a slight frown. "Sorry for him... I'm Link. Well... We all are. This spirit brought us here and-" Sky says. Panel 2: Hero's Spirit looks over Wolf Link's head, looking like Glider, nervous. Panel 3: Glider notices them, a flash background, eyes wide. Panel 4: A breath of the wild style dialouge option box reads "Is that me?" or "Goodbye". Goodbye is selected, and Glider waves, turning to walk down the pathway. Hope grins, "HA! Good riddence." Panel 5: Sky holds out a hand, eyes wide, "Wait!" Panel 6: Glider glares backward, and whistles, hands to his mouth. Panel 7: Wolf Link turns his head to look, brows furrowed. Hero's Spirit still holds onto him. Panel 8: Wolf "ARK" barks at Glider, who halts, looking down with furrowed brows. Hero looks on with wide eyes. End ID]
Anyway, happy EoW Day, I did not intentionally queue this for EoW Day but here we are!
First- Previous (41) - 42^ - Next (43)
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quirkedupkicks · 8 months ago
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pretty risky plan, but yeah ..
panel redraw/ode to the hero killer arc 💙 no shade version + the ref pic that saved me ->
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loolilyumm · 2 months ago
WAITER! Can I please order a plate of Margot lore? /pos
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INTRODUCING…MARGOT! She is a sleepy girl. She’s worked too many salmon run shifts. She mains the tri-stringer!
She’s quiet and introverted and doesn’t really care what others think of her. She also never had a lot of friends. This leads to her being a little blunt and off putting….but she’s working on it!!!
She started working salmon run shifts around splatoon 2 when she was only 14 years old. She lied about her age and Grizz didn’t really care. She started working at Grizzco for 2 reasons:
1: she wanted to make some money for herself. She lived in foster care / jumped around foster homes and orphanages most of her life and wanted to save up enough money so she could buy her own apartment and live by herself.
2: She is absolutely FASCINATED by salmonids. She can’t get enough of learning about them. And fighting them. It’s a chaotic fascination.
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She does so much salmon run and doesn’t sleep enough or take very good care of herself. But she’s making good money and improving her skills and learning a lot about salmonids. She even found a little buddy that seems to really like her! She named him Socks.
She also made a friend named Millie who works salmon run shifts with her! (She’s the inkling pictured with Margot in the first image!) She’s a little clingy and weird, but..Margot likes her. She’d never admit it! (Millie belongs to the amazing @paninipanem)
She turned 17 during splatoon 3, and got recruited by Cuttlefish while walking home after a Grizzco shift. She thought he was kind of weird but went along with whatever he wanted. She may not care what others think, but she does have morals.
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Alterna was really confusing and…exciting for Margot. She didn’t want to show it, but she was super happy to form such deep relationships with Callie, Marie, and Reese (Captain 3.) Although the four of them were hopelessly lost in a scary place, they made it really fun.
She began to come out of her shell and feel comfortable around them. When she was in the foster care system, she never stayed with any families for very long, so she never opened up to anyone or made any friends. She didn’t even have bullies because they didn’t know she existed. She was invisible her whole life.
The NSS made her feel seen. She became emotionally attached to them. She’d never admit it, but she totally did! They treated her like a little sister.
But all things considered…Alterna was pretty terrifying. She had some close calls with the fuzzy ink. And when the final boss fight happened and she got LAUNCHED INTO SPACE? WTTFF????
The fact that MR. GRIZZ - HER BOSS. ENDED UP BEING THE VILLAIN. Her whole world got turned upside down.
She managed to beat him with the help of the NSS and even Octavio. She was injured on both her legs where fuzzy ink had struck her on the spaceship. When they returned to the surface, she wasn’t sure what to do. She was injured, she wasn’t ready to go back to grizzco, and her Foster family seemed to have forgotten about her.
Callie and Marie seemed to realize this and took her in. YAY!
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Fast forward a few months…everyone is recovered and happy and the NSS is currently working to rescue octolings and keep salmonids from coming too close to Inkopolis!
And two of the old agents came back after being MIA for months. They were in the weird hell dimension. Whatever that’s about. (Side order)
Margot is back at Grizzco. She couldn’t leave her friend Millie hanging! (Millie was so worried those months that Margot was in Alterna. She stuck missing posters all around the place and could barely complete a single Grizzco shift without her amazing partner!)
But yeah! That’s the basic gist of it. I feel like Margot has a lot more I could say about her (lore and personality wise) but I’ll save that for another time!
Thank you SUPER MUCH for reading! I love my little guys and I hope you do too :D
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anodymalion · 1 year ago
The hero's sword arc of Frieren is only a single chapter but it's probably the chapter I think about the most... You have the classic sword in the stone that can only be pulled by the hero who is destined to save the world. So of course Himmel, the legendary hero, is the one who freed it.
Except: he didn't. He failed. He couldn't pull the sword from the stone. He wasn't the prophesied hero who would save the world.
And he went, okay, well, people really need a hero right now. So I'll just pretend to be one anyway. It doesn't really matter if I'm a fake or not if either way we're helping people.
And he did. He was a pretend hero. And they saved the world.
And now eighty years later there is no one left to remember that he never pulled the sword from the stone at all. It's easier to believe that he did, because he saved the world, so he must have been the destined hero. But he wasn't. The sword saw him and rejected him, and he simply went on anyway, because he wanted to help people, and that's what it takes in the end to be a hero, really. The four of them saved the world, and the true hero's sword sits quietly in a cave somewhere, rusting away, forever, unneeded.
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vulpinesaint · 3 months ago
Hi! I just went through your quizzes (gorgeous writing, by the way!) and I wonder if you have the results for all of them posted somewhere? I know both saints quizzes have a full results post and the garden one too, but I don't think I've found the others. I'm especially curious about the supervillain one :)
hiya!! thank you so much i'm so glad you liked them <3 as of right now i only have results up for the saints + garden quizzes, but i would be so happy to post more results for you! anytime i post results, they should be linked on the masterpost in my bio :) i think i will. only post the supervillain one for now. the other ones make me feel a little silly. but you are so welcome to the supervillain results <3
for those of you who have taken the supervillain quiz: here's how your story could have ended!
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