#A rare sighting of MY HANDS XD
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But not green.
You know the song Mr. Jones? Yeah.
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divergent-paths · 6 months
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HBD Alex~! Another year down! Let's see what random tidbits we can share about him~
Alex likes to give his rock-mons names that coincide or are derived from various scientific names and terms, geology and chemistry being high up on the list for obvious reasons. If a mon's name doesn't fit the pattern, it's safe to say the mon was a gift or it named itself.
When it comes to birthday gifts, Alex has received dog biscuits disguised as people food and other assorted joke items so much that he no longer accepts gifts on the day of his bday from anyone that isn't direct family. He unfortunately knows the taste of dog food all too well. :')
Hailing from Kalos, it's no surprise that Alex is a real foodie, and as he's grown into his teens, he's developed a sense of taste that is starting to rival many gourmets and top food critics. Despite a preference for fancy dining, he still enjoys street-food and 'low class' fare, citing that someone's effort or intent brings flavour out too.
Hope you enjoyed the pic and facts about the boy~!
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smilesatdawnmain · 5 months
Your art is so good and it's so nice how much thought and time you put into your art, stories and how you answer all the questions you get so thoughtfully and often with AGAIN so much amazing art !
Its really nice and I hope you enjoy what you do :)
Oh my gosh, Thank you so much!!! You are so nice and it just makes me so happy when folks ask me questions! Even if it does take me some time to reply to them all XD BUT YES! I am writing it!! I'll even give a bit of a sneak peak~ ---
Macaque fell to his knees, his arms caught by Wukong who couldn’t seem to hold either of them up and just fell with him. Arm in arm, they laughed wetly. Tears stained Mihou’s face, pulling forth a rare grin. 
“He’s here.”
Wukong nodded numbly, burying his face against Mihou’s head. “Our Baby.” 
In their tears, they rejoiced. The next chapter of their lives were beginning. Their infant was as beautiful as the crystal sands that surrounded their home. Sweet and round. He was everything they hoped for and more. Forget the war, forget the celestial realm- none of it mattered anymore. They were parents and an official family. They turned to embrace the other, soaking in the sight of their precious little boy. 
Their lovely little Prince who had… two tails? 
Mihou sniffled, frowning a little when he thought his eyes were playing tricks on him. Angling his head a tad, there was definitely a second tail trailing out from behind Xiaotian. “Um…” Macaque tapped Wukong’s hand a little to draw his eyes upward. 
Xiaotian turned his head and chirped, his body moving just enough for a second pair of eyes to peek out from behind him. 
The two older monkey’s froze. “Wait a minute…??” Wukong leaped to his feet to get a better view of the area. Stepping closer it was clear what he was seeing was not what it appeared to be. Their single child, upon closer inspection, seemed to have something- or someone, behind them. Wukong held his breath as he leaned forward, officially spotting a secondary body nearly hidden behind Qi Xiaotian. A second baby… 
Slowly the King peered back at his mate, pale. “Did we order two…?” he whispered. 
Macaque was slapping the ground with vigour, rushing forward to take this in for himself. “Two?!”
Lifting his head up, the second child in question lost his balance and fell to the side. He chirped, immediately rolling against Xiaotian. The two cubs squealed, wrestling and rolling into each other as their confused parents watched from above. 
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Sending my request once again! (I think, don't rlly remember 😰) Full hc about the M6 with a MC in a coma?
The Arcana HCs: When MC falls into a coma
~ don't know if this is what you were going for but it turned into a sleeping beauty situation XD hope you enjoy! - brainrot ~
-- to set the scene --
It was an overcast day. The air had been unusually still ever since your lover had stepped out after breakfast to start their day, and you'd found your own set of tasks to be oddly uneventful ... and lonely. It's why, when an elderly grandfather hobbles by and offers you a warm bread roll, you don't hesitate to take a bite as soon as you've waved goodbye. You don't take a second.
He's had a long day at the clinic, and as short as his commute is, he still feels like he's been a hundred miles away from you as he heads over after sunset. He's missed you all day
He's sure he forgets how to breathe when he walks in to see you collapsed on the floor. He knows what corpses look like, he can tell you aren't dead, but that's little comfort when you don't wake up
Carrying you to bed and working feverishly to narrow down all the possibilities. You're not injured, you're not sick, your vitals seem to fine, but ... you don't wake up. Even smelling salts don't do it
Spends the next three days refusing to leave your side except to fetch more help or resources. The whole community helps him
Mazelinka brings soup, Portia and Nadia stop by with some rare medicines, Asra pops in at all odd hours with new spells to try, and even Barth sends a hot meal or two over from the Rowdy Raven
Julian doesn't leave until he gets a call in the middle of the night. A nearby neighbor has gone into labor, and needs attention until the midwife can arrive from across town
He kisses your hand goodbye on his way out and is too busy hustling out the door to hear you stir. His shout when he gets home several hours later to see you reading wakes half the city
They'd spent the morning out running errands and the afternoon catching up with their parents. It's been busy and interesting and they're excited to show you what they got you in the market
Except all of that goes tumbling out of his grasp when he walks in to find you collapsed behind the counter, unresponsive
Somehow they manage to get you upstairs and in bed through the daze, and then they get ready to work through the night
He does notice the partially-eaten bread roll and can tell there's some sort of powerful magic in it, but unraveling what it is proves harder than he expects. The next 24 hours blur by in a haze
At some point, Faust goes off to find Chimes and Flamel and Aisha and Salim appear at the back door to help out. When they see Asra's state, they urge them to get some rest while they take over
He makes up a layer of blankets on the floor next to you to sleep, not wanting to disturb your condition, but it feels wrong to close his eyes without the usual goodnight kiss (at 5 PM)
They lean over to press a gentle peck between your eyebrows, and the sight of you beginning to twitch awake makes them freeze in place. It might be too good to be true
And that's how you wake up, to an exhausted Asra collapsing onto your chest
Horrified. She's already blaming herself for being too busy to check in on you earlier, you seemed fine this morning, but here you are in one of the entrance's side rooms collapsed since goodness knows
A quick check with the guards confirms they saw you speaking with a stooped old man at the gates just that afternoon - and the roll they saw him give to you is next to you on the floor
To say that she distracts herself from her pain by leaving you to the healthcare professionals and trying to make up for her negligence by hunting down your poisoner would be an understatement
She's a woman on a mission. She'll leave Chandra in your chambers to bring her any updates and start her investigation immediately
Can't really bring herself to be with you for too long when she believes it's her fault. It's two weeks before she sits down next to you to see how you're doing, after doctors suggested she talk
It's hard. She takes your hand in hers and stares at your motionless face, and all she's able to do is tell you everything she's done so far to find the old man as though it'll earn her your presence again
Only after that, as the sun starts to set and she runs out of things to say, does she lean down whisper her love into your ear and press a kiss to your cheek. The surprised "eep!" when you wake up is priceless
Panics as soon as gets in, because his mind is already jumping to the worst possible conclusions about what he's seeing
Are you dead? Are you hurt? Were you attacked? Did a rogue wild animal make its way in and maul you? Did Lucio come back? Did the Devil come back? He should've kept you safe -
It's Inanna's insistent whining and nudging that gets him to carry you to the bed from where he's gathered you up. It's hard to check for your pulse when his hand won't stop shaking
Whatever's going on, it doesn't take long for him to realize that you're okay. You're okay, you're just ... asleep. And not waking up
He'll try taking a nap on the floor next to you until you do
It's as the next day drags on that he starts to worry that you might not be getting enough food or water. He still doesn't know if this warrants calling Julian (he'd rather not) but you need hydration
Thankfully he's kissed you plenty of times before, so it's not too nerve-wracking a task for him to take a sip of fresh spring water before pressing his mouth to yours and trying to help you drink
You didn't expect to wake up like this
Normally Muriel would be a little more grossed out about having water coughed all over his face, but he's too happy to care
If she walks into a room and sees you collapsed, she's screaming
She's screaming loud enough to be heard from the Palace, and then she's rushing towards and nearly sobbing in relief when your skin is warm and your chest is still moving steadily up and down
She doesn't know why you collapsed or what's wrong with you (if it's something she can't see, then she doesn't want to mess it up) so she avoids moving you until she has someone around to help
Ilya. She needs Ilya, and Mazelinka, and Nadia, and Asra too, and maybe all the names ending in "a"s if it'll help her figure out how to help you any sooner. She'll get you through this. It'll be okay
Between Nadia spotting the bread roll, Julian confirming that there isn't an obvious medical reason, and Asra and Mazelinka's combined magical food knowledge, it's obvious what happened
The delightful thing about a woman like Portia is that she doesn't like stopping to be sad when she knows there's still hope to work towards. Nobody knows the spell? Trial and error!
"True love's kiss" is the third thing on the list after failing to enter your dreams and dripping soup into your mouth. Waking up to Portia smugly telling her older brother that all those "fairy tales" were onto something after all is an unforgettable experience
All he knows is that one moment, he was triumphantly announcing his return and very pleased with himself about completing a shopping trip that involved only wise spending choices
And the next moment, every wise spending choice was clattering to the floor because you weren't moving
He's been on enough battlefields to know the difference between wounded and dead, but you don't seem to be either
The worst part is, you're not waking up. No matter what he does, you don't wake up. He's seen this before - he remembers watching as a vengeful ghost as his ex-wife lay motionless for three years
Is that how long this is going to take? Three years? He's not worried about his loyalty, he'll find a place that'll take care of you while he picks up whatever jobs he needs to keep you afloat, but
What if he makes another "oopsie" and you're not there to help?
It all overwhelms him to the point that he lays his head down on your stomach to have a little moment to himself, and he turns his face against your shirt to catch any ... eye water
Apparently mouthing "I love you" against your belly button counts, because the next thing he knows you're lifting your head and asking what's wrong. He's not touching a bread roll again
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hugthepanda12 · 1 year
‘Edred is in control the most in the host body’ 
True, but also consider the followng.
I can’t believe this
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and this
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is the same person xD
I mean, we don’t know enough about Edred. Maybe he HAD some goofy moments in the past. However, taking into consideration how expressive Dimitri is, I do believe all of the silly faces actually are made under Dimitri’s influence. 
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Dimitri lets Edred do whatever he wants because, I think, they both agree how to react in a given situation. For example, when they see these statues, they’re both scared that sight is inapropraiate for Lady’s eyes (chivalry am I righ?)
Additonaly, it would be fun if Edred heard Dimitri’s voice sometimes. Specifically, when Dimitri wants to suggest something. 
Remember when Edred tried to distract Melinda from looking by explaining the mysterious magic behind the awakening of these statues?
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In the screens Edred makes several hand movements and acts pretty awkward. In my mind, this is a rare instance of Dimitri’s mannerism, while the words come from Edred himself. But, I’d like to imagine Dimitri told him to come up with a bluff, Edred started talking and panicked, which resulted intro a rather poor performance.  
Another instance of ‘Dimitri’s taking over’ is presumably in the ship when Edred tried to woo Melinda. 
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These make me laugh, you have no idea
I call these ‘Edred your Dimitri is showing when you flirt’ 
And if my silly idea ‘Dimitri communicates with Edred sometimes’ is somewhat true, I would even take into consideration the possibility of Dimitri being Edred’s wingman xD
Just imagine Dimitri trying to cheer up poor Edred because his love gave him ‘the STARE’ and then suggesting he should remind her of their first date and Edred is immediately like: YES, THAT’S IT! And then he whispers to his sword to do the thing we saw in the episode lol
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Also, I wanted to add that the smile presented in this screen above is an expressio of pride that emerges from BOTH Edred and Dimitri. Maybe it is Edred’s smiling due to the fact he’s sure his plan to make Melinda love him again will come into fruition but my silly brain can’t help but wonder if Dimitri’s also content he is sitting in the first row and whitnessing a romance novel in live action lol
That being said, I’m lookng forward to Dimitri manifesting more often.
(and waiting for Edward to cuss in Russian because why not it would be funny)
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quitealotofsodapop · 4 months
This was in my notes for a long time
MK glanced up at the ringing of the bell. The food truck was bustling, full of people all over the city looking to enjoy Pigsy's Noodles during their New Years while they await the parade. At the sight of the partially glamoured face of a ginger haired person with a heart-shaped birthmark around his eyes wearing an orange hoodie and maroon pants, he felt his face pale considerably. Especially as the very obviously glamoured demon was accompanied by four seemingly human children, having apparently put more effort into their glamours than his own. A quick flash of Gold Vision confirmed MK's suspicions. His mom and siblings.
"Oh boy..." He groaned, glaring at the snickering of one of the twins. They pointed at their headphones and stuck their tongue out before bringing their attention back to their sibling. Right, lotus ears. There's no verbally spoken secret within a mile that can be kept from the twins simply because one of then was born with their father's ears. Before MK could return the rude gesture he felt a hand shaking his shoulder, startling him.
"What's up, monkey man?" Mei was grinning, "You look like your mom jsut walked in on you or something!"
"That's because he did." MK groaned, pointing to the group, "He brought my siblings too."
"Oooh, tough. I'm totally gonna record the entire thing, it's bound to be good blackmail."
MK rolled his eyes as he pushed himself to the front where his mom was watching the whole interaction with amused golden eyes.
"Mom! What are you doing all the way out here?"
"Can't a fella come to his son's workplace on the holiday?" Wukong joked, instinctively reaching out to stop Luzhen from grabbing at Yuebei's hidden tail, "With the New Years I thought it'd be a good idea to bring your siblings down to the parade for a better view. We're jsut stopping by fir seem food before we go down to the festival."
"Well you came to the right place! What can I do ya for?" Pigsy grunted as not too gently pushed MK aside for some room. For a moment the glamoured monkey demon was frozen at the unexpected resemblance before shaking himself a bit,
"Oh, uh... something vegetarian please. Make sure mine is cooled."
"Cooled?" Pigsy raised a brow as he glanced at MK, a cooled bown the noodles is rarely something people want.
"Mom had an accident when he was younger that makes it difficult for him to eat hot foods." MK explained, writing the order down for his boss. The pig shrugged, muttering something about ice as he began the order. MK returned his focus to his family as they chatted, Wukong quite forcefully demanding a hug from him.
What MK didn't realize was the conversation going on behind him.
"So that's very obviously a glamoured demon." Tang was pointing out as they watched the family interact, "So our theory is looking more and more true."
"Yeah, kid's a demon. Or the least his mom is. Poor guy." Pigsy said in return, "Still that isn't a good glamour."
"I've seen glamours before." Sandy chimed in, "I don't think it's because he's bad at it, just look at his kids! He's probably jsut putting all his energy into keeping his kids' glamours up."
Oh gosh poor MK getting mega-embarrassed by his mom and siblings XD
I love the detail of the Eclipse Twin with the lotus ears teasing MK before they even get there. No secret is safe from the twins; one hears all and they both share everything.
I love Wukong being so focused on his kids glamours that he barely has enough magic left over for his own. And ofc Luzhen trying to grab Yuebei's invisible tail - cus where did it go? XD
I love hcs of Wukong not enjoying hot food cus of his lore. Him like his noodles lukewarm at best.
And the noodle gang cofirming their suspicions that MK is def a glamoured demon (or at least half-demon). Imagine the shock they'll get when they learn exactly who MK's mom is! XD
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sky-kiss · 11 months
Okay hear me out. This isn't exactly a request unless...👀
But the Raphael x Tav dynamic where he is the only one who can poke fun or give them a hard time is eating my brain.
Like "I can call them a vapid little fool, but if anyone else does the exact same thing it's hellfire and brimstone for them. For a hundred years."
He'd call it affection if it was in his vocabulary.
A/n: This is short, but I’ve been doing a lot of Carrot!Raph and not a lot of Stick!Raph. Some gore and torture ahead. XD Also I don't think this is what you wanted RIP.
“All this caterwauling! You should really feel blessed, little lamb! I rarely sully my hands these days.” Raphael folded his hands at the small of his back. Isolated from the scene around him, the devil would have appeared perfectly genteel: his doublet remained pressed, hair immaculate. Only the eyes were different, violently bright in the prison’s omnipresent gloom. 
Souls and prisoners howled around them, some in agony, some in a desperate attempt to catch the Master’s attention. He didn’t hear; only his guest mattered. 
The cambion stopped, lingering just outside their field of vision. They’d finally stopped screaming, lapsing into hiccuping sobs, slumped in on themselves. Not his finest work, he’d be the first to admit, but the rage had come upon him too abruptly for a more cerebral punishment. He reached out, fisting his hand in the sweaty mass of their hair, and tugged their head back. Terror flooded their eyes; their mouth tried to curl back in horror but failed to manage it. His claws left the cheek a ruin of tissue. He tapped a nail against the wound. They knew better than to twitch away. 
“Remind me why I’m entertaining you, little one.” 
It took three attempts before they could finally choke the word out: “Duchess.” 
“Ah, yes. How forgetful! You will have to forgive the indiscretion.” Raphael stepped closer. He’d made quite a mess, honestly. Bones jutted from strange, haphazard angles; he’d removed a few in a fit of pique. He didn’t believe they were essential, but it was always so difficult to tell with mortals. He yanked, and the little thing screamed their anguish. “And what was it you said? Be specific; your life depends on it.” 
“W…whore. Whore queen. Raph…” they winced. The mouth couldn't form the words, an ever-increasing disconnect between the body and brain as blood loss took its toll. “Your cunt.” 
“An inelegant summation.” He wiped his hand on the thing’s shoulders, glancing across the chamber. “Care to vouch for them, duchess?” 
His pet chuckled. What a sight! His finest treasure, her gown set with gems, gold chains hanging about her horns. He had created art with her. “It is they say, my duke.” 
“And that bodes well for you, little one.” Raphael knelt beside them, stroking hair back from their face. They turned their face into the motion, an awful pantomime of intimacy. “Though…perhaps not as well as you might have hoped. I guard my treasures so zealously, and she is first among them. You understand, don’t you?” 
They nodded, miserable. 
“But I am not without mercy. Should you apologize to her…we could start fresh. Would you like that, little one?” He pitched his voice lower, speaking as if in conspiracy. Two friends, ready to make peace. They released a shuddering breath and nodded. Raphael held out his arm to his duchess. She came to him with vibrant eyes and a smile, a pretty reflection of all he’d accomplished. His conquest, his might, his pretty love. “Begin, wretch.” 
“Beg…beg forgiveness, dutchess. Please…gods, please, forgive us…” 
His duchess hummed. “You are forgiven, wretch.” And to Raphael, “My love, must you play with your food? Are you nearly finished?” 
“Very nearly, little mouse. First,” he withdrew a vial from his doublet, a draught of restorative waters. He held it to his guest's lips. Like magic, flesh mended itself! Wounds shrunk and disappeared! In a matter of moments, they were whole once more.
“Merciful King, kind lord,” they sobbed, crawling towards him. The wretch painted the toe of his boot with kisses. “Never again. Not a word against you or the lady will pass my lips.” 
“No. I imagine not.” He nudged their ribs with his boots. “Alas, our fresh start will have to wait. My duchess requires me.” The imps crawled forward, hungry and eager. “I leave you in my staff’s ever-capable hands.” 
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lunagojo · 2 years
Various Anime Boys: Being Told "I love you" For The First Time (Part 2!)
a/n: yeeeeeah i should be working on my essay but here I am
Featured: Sanemi Shinazugawa, Kento Nanami, Keigo Takami / Hawks, Atsuhiro Sako / Mr. Compress
Warnings: Swearing in Sanemi's, stitching up Atsuhiro's boo boos
~ Part 1 ~ ~ Part 3 ~ ~ Part 4 ~ ~ Part 5 ~
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Sanemi Shinazugawa:
(was anyone gonna tell me he and Satoru share the same English dub VA??? It's so weird hearing Gojo's voice coming out of Nemi XD)
The other Hashira could not understand it. How did you manage to calm Sanemi down so much? It’s like your presence alone was a soothing balm to his damaged heart. Even he didn’t fully understand why he was so drawn to you, like a moth to a warm, glowing light. You were kind, patient, understanding…all things that he yearned for. And you made him ohagi, which, of course, was a bonus.
You were sitting together outside one evening, simply enjoying the peace and quiet together. Sanemi was unusually quiet, his lips pressed into a thin, firm line. He was getting annoyed with how he felt around you, and how lately you had refused to make eye contact with him.
“Hey,” he said suddenly, his voice rough, “Why the fuck don’t you look at me anymore? It’s like I’m ugly or somethin’ to you.”
You immediately raised your hands and shook your head adamantly, “No, no, it’s…it’s not that at all, Sanemi! I’m sorry.”
“Then what the fuck is it? And don’t tell me it’s that you’re shy or some shit.”
“N—No…it’s not that either.”
“Then just tell me, dammit. You’re starting to irk me.” He huffed, narrowing his eyes at you.
You blushed and swallowed harshly, looking embarrassed. “…I love you, Sanemi.”
He froze in place, his eyes going wide. “What?! You better not be fuckin’ joking or I’ll kick your ass.” It was an empty threat, Sanemi would never hurt you. He’d kill anyone who tried.
“I’m not joking!” You replied quickly, your cheeks darkening. You looked down into your lap, terrified that you had just made some sort of big mistake. Sanemi’s hand found yours and he squeezed it, bringing it to his lips. You looked back at him, surprised.
“I love you too, idiot.”
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Kento Nanami
(violently drooling over this man)
It had been several long, toiling days of work at Jujutsu Tech for you. You’d barely had any time to rest, having to wrap up mountains of paperwork that entailed the various curses that had been exorcised in the recent days. It was going to be another late night, everyone else had either gone home or gone to bed in the dorms, and it was just you, awake and working hard to finish up your work.
That is, you thought it was just you.
You didn’t even notice Kento standing in the doorway, watching you as you typed away on your computer. He didn’t know how you could look so stunning even when you were exhausted. He cleared his throat, which ended up startling you.
“I’m sorry,” He said as he entered, “ I didn’t mean to scare you.” In his hand was a paper bag.
You exhaled, relieved it was only Kento. Giving him a tired smile, you gestured for him to sit down in the spare seat. “It’s alright,” You assured him. “I guess I’ve just been way too absorbed in getting this done.”
“I can see that,” He replied, opening the bag. “You’ve been working tremendously hard lately. You need a break.” He took a wrapped sandwich out of the bag and offered it to you. “I know it isn’t much, but you do need to eat.”
You gratefully took the sandwich and didn’t hesitate to start eating it. You were starving.
“It won’t kill you to take a break,” He said. “Working overtime is never healthy.” He folded his hands in his lap, offering you a kind smile. You blushed at the sight. Kento rarely smiled around anyone.
You sighed softly and sat back in your chair. “I know…but I need to get this done.”
“I’m sure it wouldn’t do any harm to get some sleep tonight.” He pressed gently, removing his glasses and loosening his tie. “If you’re adamant about finishing it then I would be more than happy to keep you company.”
Something about his kindness, his smile, the way he was looking at you, it was almost too much for you to handle. He had always been so nice and thoughtful toward you.
God, I love you.
He straightened in his seat suddenly, looking at you with a wide eyed gaze. It took you a moment to realize that you had said it.
Heat creeping up into your cheeks, you stammered out an apology, ears burning hotly. Kento then smiled again, getting up from his chair and rounding your desk, so he was stood in front of you. His hand gently cradled your face, thumb running along your cheek. “You mean that?” He asked quietly, his eyes searching yours.
You nodded. He responded by pressing his lips to your forehead, murmuring back, “I love you, too. Now come to bed.”
(these are getting longer and longer lmfao)
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Keigo Takami
(sunshine bby bird boi)
“Haaawwwks~! Haaaawwwwwwkkkksss~!”
You rolled your eyes at the incessant sounds of the girls on the TV. Hawks had just rescued a bunch of people from a burning building and, of course, a fleet of his fangirls had followed him. It made your gut twist in jealousy when you saw footage of him taking selfies with some of them. You turned off the TV after that, flopping back on the couch. You knew you shouldn’t be jealous, after all, Keigo and you were just friends, nothing more. But God damn, did he make it so hard, with his stupid good looks and stupid charm and stupid sweet heart and sense of justice.
You heard the window to your apartment slide open and feet hit the floor. “Heyyyyy, Y/N, I’m baaaaack! Mind if I use your shower?”
“You have your own apartment, Kei.” You retorted, turning your head to look at him. He looked a bit scuffed up but still had that doofy big grin on his face.
“But it’s not as fun as being here with you!” He said in a sing songy voice, “Did ya see my rescue? Pretty nifty, huh?”
“Was alright.” You said back, inciting a snort from him.
“You wound me, Y/N.” He feigned heartbreak by clutching his chest. “’Kay, lemme go get cleaned up.”
He disappeared into your bathroom, leaving you resting alone on the couch again. You heard the shower running and covered your eyes with your arms, sighing heavily. You were in love with him and you felt stupid because of it.
In a few minutes he came back out, dressed in clean clothes, his hair and wings damp still. “Wanna order some takeout or something? I could really go for some yakitori, y’know?”
“No, you go ahead, though.” You said back flatly.
Keigo frowned a bit. “Hey now, what’s wrong? Did something happen?” He flopped down on the couch next to you, giving you a quizzical look. “C’mon, Y/N, talk to meeeeeee…”
“It’s nothing important, Kei.”
“It’s important to me. You’re important to me.” He pressed further, leaning into you so his chin was on your shoulder. “Please tell me?”
You sighed, finally looking at him. “I told you it’s nothing important, Keigo.”
“Noooo, c’mon, you’re torturing me now. Please please pleeeeease tell meeeee?”
“Ugh, God, I love you, stupid! I always have!” You finally blurted, annoyed and now embarrassed.
Silence fell over the apartment as humiliated tears stung your eyes. You were half expecting him to laugh, half expecting him to gently reject you. But he didn’t.
Instead, he tucked his fingers under your chin, turning your head so you’d look at him. His face had an expression on it that you’d never seen before, his eyes were so soft, his smile so warm and comforting. “I didn’t think you felt the same.” He said. ”Wha—” you began, but he cut you off with his lips on yours. Sparks flew from behind your eyelids at the feeling.
When you two broke apart, he rested his forehead against yours, a tender smile on his face. “…You sure you don’t want yakitori, though?”
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Atsuhiro Sako
(this man needs so much more appreciation, honestly)
“You really ought to be more careful, Compress.” You said as you stitched up a wound on Atsuhiro’s side. “You’re probably the only sane person in the League, besides Kurogiri. How am I gonna deal with the others if you go and get yourself killed?”
“It almost sounds like you care for me, my dear.” He drawled in response, a small smirk playing across his face. Well, what you could see of it through his balaclava. He gritted his teeth, though, when you pulled the thread through again. “Fear not, I shall not leave you to fend for yourself. It would not be very theatrical of me.” His eyes lingered on your face, his grin widening when you blushed and looked away.
“…I was worried,” You admitted, finishing up with his stitches.
His smile faded then, and he placed a hand on your wrist. “I’m sorry for making you worry,” He replied, his brown eyes softening. “I promise I will be more careful from now on, alright?”
You nodded, setting your materials to the side and retrieving a bandage to wrap around his abdomen. “…Hiro?” You asked, looking up at him.
“Hm? What is it, my dear?”
“…I love you.”
He stiffened for a moment, but then a warm smile grew across his lips. He wrapped an arm around you despite the objection coming from his wounded side. Pulling you close to him, he presses his lips to your forehead, nuzzling your hair. “I know.” He said softly. “I love you, too, my dear. You mean everything to me.”
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jasminerva · 11 days
heya, jas~
i have been rereading sakadays, and nagumo's hair looks longer in the early art style compared to the recent one. ever since then, i can't stop thinking about how nagumo would come to us for help in cutting his hair. the bonus comic where rion cut his hair didn't help either haha. he would use it as an excuse to spend time together with us too, and make up lies like 'i don't feel like going to the salon. too noisy there!' when asked why he didn't go to a salon instead.
for him, it could be one of the rare times where he feels more ease. he would chat (and teasing) with you, but i like to imagine him staying silent most of the time to enjoy the rare times he gets to feel peace and safe in your hands. it's just you, him, and the sound of scissors snipping his hair in the background. even if you mess up his hair a little, he wouldn't mind haha.
Yo, Memi~!
It certainly does!!! That's why in ch4 Tenju's comment about how he should get a haircut was a bit of an easter egg XD Maybe he cleaned it up after that huehuehue~
I love rereading SakaDays haha I have a bookmarks folder of all the chapters where Nagumo appears 🙈 FOR RESEARCH! I SWEAR!!!
Omg that bonus / extra was so cute. And showcases how petty Nagumo can be. I can picture it now during their early JCC days.
Thank you for sharing that idea! I loved it so much I wrote something on the fly~
(P.S. I don't know anything about cutting hair. The most I've ever done was cut my own bangs -- badly -- so now I've grown them out lmao.)
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You: A haircut? Didn't Akao give you one a while back? Nagumo: Come on, [f/n]-chan! I need someone more delicate. You: Oh? I see now. You'd rather risk getting your ear cut off than talked off. Nagumo: Ha! You got me there. You: If you want delicate, Tenju's really good. She does all my hair-- Nagumo: No, thanks. With me, I guarantee she'll 'miss' and cut off my head instead. You: Fair enough. (sighs) Fine, what's in it for me though? Nagumo: Brownie points! You: Pass. Nagumo: (pouts) All right, then... a favour! I'll owe you anything! Within reason. You: (narrows eyes) Deal. "Finally, a peaceful haircut," Nagumo muttered under his breath, his body visibly relaxing as your fingers threaded through his hair, the contrasting warmth sending pleasant shivers down his spine. He closed his eyes, leaning back slightly into the chair, allowing you full access. A small sigh escaped Nagumo's lips as he felt your hands working through his hair, the soft snipping of scissors adding to the tranquil atmosphere. He opened his eyes halfway, watching your reflection in the mirror. The sight of your focused expression and the seriousness in your eyes as you concentrated on the task at literal hand stirred something deep within him. As you continued snipping away at his hair, he couldn't resist the urge to tease you. He reached out, his fingers trailing along your wrist. Nagumo retracted his touch as swiftly as he had initiated it, feigning innocence when you shot him a glare through the mirror. Nagumo: (smirks) Careful there, don't wanna end up with bald spots now. You: Don't tempt me. Inwardly, he appreciated that you weren't tempted, instead enjoying the delicate touch of your fingers against his scalp as you worked meticulously.
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End note: Can't guarantee how the hair looked afterwards, nor what the favour you end up cashing in is about. It's all up to your...
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/ P.S. thanks to @dearsecretlover - I imagine / personally like to think that you / the Reader just left Nagumo's hair out in the wilderness of the JCC campus so birds could make a nest out of it.
Sustainability FTW!
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muffinsin · 8 months
Hello, muffin! 🙂
I know you mentioned that your inbox is kinda full at the moment, but I hope you don't mind me adding to it. 😅 Your writing is just so wonderful, I just, ahh! - 🤌🏽💯😍
Could you write about the fly girls having a lover that's waaayy shorter than them, like "I love you, and you'll always have my tiddy to cry on because you can't possibly reach my shoulders" kind of short, but to compensate for their lack of height the s/o is incredibly strong? And I mean on the scale of ripping a phone book in half and bending steel pipes over their knee levels of strength. 💪
Like, I love the idea of the Dimi sisters teasing/poking fun at their short af lover, but then getting extremely flustered and more than a little hot and bothered after their s/o just nonchalantly displays their strength in some way/shape/form.
How would the sisters react? And do some bedroom horizontal tangos ensue? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Enquiring minds would love to know!
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ anon
Hiya! I don’t mind at all hon! :) thank you🙇‍♀️ I’m very glad you like it :D🙇‍♀️
I love that idea XD
Let’s get into it!
Despite her elegant and mature style, Bela can be quite bratty at times, albeit rarely
Especially when it comes to you
She loves to tease you about your height, always reminds you that she practically towers over you
Being the shortest out of her sisters, she relishes in feeling so tall around you
She loves calling you “little one”
However, there is a thing that easily keeps her in check: your strenght
Bela herself is not weak. Not at all
On the contrary, she’s quite powerful and strong, even if she doesn’t at all look it
The perks of being infected by the cadou and all
It’s incredibly rare she finds someone strong, and it never fails to surprise her when you show your strength off
Especially because you’re such a little thing…but so strong…
She turns to mush at any given opportunity when your strength is involved
Your first display of your strength left her quite flustered
She’s working late as usual, and it’s as if there is no end in sight at all. Papers keep piling on her desk, no matter how much she fills out and how many reports she writes
You’ve urged her to go to bed three times already
“Just this one more thing”
And another. And another
There is no end to it
Until Bela finds herself picked up by you, effortlessly so
Immediately, she drops her pencil and pulls her knees up as you carry her by her waist and shift her to lay in your arms in a bridal style
She knows, she isn’t all that heavy, being made of flies and all, but she’s tall, which gives her additional weight
You shouldn’t be able to lift her, technically, and certainly not this easily
She’s so flustered, and a little worried you’ll drop her. But you don’t, you merely set her down on the bed, gently
You’re a little caught off guard when she straddles you and rides your face for hours
Not that you’re complaining, really. You’re gladly enjoying yourself a nice midnight snack
The next time, it’s when you lift her table for her when she drops her pencil under it
The entire table
With a single hand, while you tuck her hair behind her ear when she leans down to pick it up
She’s like a deer struck in headlights
Poor Bela has not considered her little human could seem this dominating
Again, you find yourself being seduced by her
This time, she practically begs you to use the strap on her and hold her hips hard enough to bruise her
It takes you a few more times of showing off your strength to realize it really gets her going
Bela loves when you apply your strength in bed or to fluster her
Intimidation by height- not your strongest suit- or strength is the easiest way of doing that
She is so flustered when you grab her wrist and no matter how hard she tugs, playfully of course, you don’t let up
She is so riled up when you easily lift her into your arms or push her on the bed
You have taken up to carrying Bela to bed whenever you feel particularly thirsty and she isn’t too exhausted
You always end up with her body on top of yours, her large thighs by your small face as you make her practically whine and mewl for you for hours
She’s by far taller than you, and frankly?
Also stronger than you. She is the strongest out of the three sisters, and your strength doesn’t rival hers
Now, this isn’t surprising, to nobody
However, when she finds you are, despite your height, strong, it catches her completely off guard
She doesn’t need you to be stronger than her to fluster her
Merely to be strong
The first time you demonstrate it, is when she invites you along on a hunt
She’s groaning as she attempts to drag the huge beast, the carcass of a varcolac behind her
Ignoring your snickers at the image of a woman dragging this massive hound, she promptly challenges you to give her a hand
She doesn’t expect you to take half the weight off your shoulders
Nor does she expect you to cheer and lift her when you return to the castle
“That was fun!”
“Don’t drop me!”, she only shrieks
Too caught up in the shock of being levitated, she doesn’t catch on that you are lifting her
Holding her by her thighs, you seem to have little trouble lifting her and spinning her in the air
Cassandra is both shocked and flustered by this
If you can lift her, after all, surely you can manhandle her…?
The thought excites her
She’s very bold, and makes it very obvious she enjoys your strength and muscles
Often, you find her lurking nearby when you work out
She’s a total sucker for that
Cassandra loves to lay on top of the work benches or window sill, merely to watch you and lick her lips at you
Sometimes, she opts for distracting you with teasing touches
Cassandra enjoys to slide her hand between your legs when you work out, or simply to get on her knees and “help out”
She absolutely is considered a flustered mess when you do anything to show off your strength or muscles, and you know it
Often, Cassandra teases you about your height
Smudging your face in her breasts,
kneeling down and baby talking you to mock you playfully,
putting things outside your reach
Yet when she smudges your face in her chest by running into you and makes a comment about not having seen you due to your height, you have found a good counter
Cassandra’s self satisfied, confident and mocking smirk is wiped off her face when you do as much as to push her to her knees with enough force
Then, you’ve got quite the flustered little brat staring up at you
Bonus points if you keep your hand on her shoulder to prevent her from gettin up, or at the very least make it more difficult
Sometimes, this plays right in her cards
Cassandra, mischievous as she can be, often seeks you out and teases you about your height purely to have you give her a taste of this strength she loves
She likes to pick you up randomly for this and call you her blood-bag
When she is pushed down in return and mounted, she only sports a single smirk
She’s, despite being the youngest of the sisters, quite tall
And definitely taller than you
Daniela loves to tease you about this, too. Really, teasing you is her favorite thing to do, it seems
Among many short people jokes and lines, she likes to remind you of your size by actions
Such as resting her arm on top of your head, then acting surprised and claiming you were so short, she couldn’t see you
One time, this backfires on her, and she is very much so reminded of your strenght
You’re sitting on her bed, reading peacefully as she comes swarming in with a large grin on her face
You know, you’re going to get teased again
And right you are!
“Oh! Didn’t think I’d see you here”, she says, a giggle daring to ruin her punchline
“I thought Santa still needed help wrapping the presents”, she adds, giggling and placing her arm onto the top of your head at last
You roll your eyes at your little brat of a girlfriend
Then, you decide, it’s time for revenge. To take action
“Get it? Because you’re sho-AH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!”
Daniela is shrieking and squirming when you suddenly lift her onto the bed and in your arms, and gasps when she is dropped in the small gap between the wall and her bed
With her legs and arms on the bed and nearly her entire body in the gap, she’s stuttering out some apology
Daniela’s cheeks turn bright pink when you lay down on the bed, at last on eye level with her
“Hm? What’s that, little Dani?”, you coo teasingly, your hand patting the top of her head
It seems the tables have turned
From this day on, Daniela grows more and more aware of your strength, and it turns her on to no end
Your submissive girlfriend loves nothing more than to ask you unnecessary things merely to see a display of your strength and mush over you
Love? Will you lift the bed for her?
Will you please lift her so she can reach the top of the closet? Something is on there. No, she doesn’t quite feel like swarming
Will you please drag her newest prey for her?
As a reward, you always receive a fiery kiss
You can’t help but notice how flustered she gets at the smallest displays of your strength, and decide to test this out in the bedroom
Daniela really gets into it when you restrain her head with your arm or hold her wrists tightly when you’re on top of her
Additionally, she seems very much so into feeling you push and pull her easily
While Daniela expects princess treatment, she often enjoys being manhandled and fucked like a slut, and a little bit of strength is just perfect for throwing her on the bed, pulling her where you want her and having your way with her
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egg-emperor · 27 days
Do you think eggy would take long naps after gorging himself on the finest food, almost like how a real bear goes into hibernation after eating lots of food?
Yes absolutely, with the way he eats, you'd think he was genuinely preparing for winter hibernation, he makes sure his gut his well supplied for all the hard work his mind and body does, it needs the energy and care! It's an example of his love for himself, believing he should always be very well fed. And in the cookbook he says he eats to maintain his signature feared figure so he makes sure to keep living up to his name! It feels right when it's full of all the finest food and rounded out nicely to emphasize his glorious shape 💜
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He really knows how to dine like the emperor he knows he's meant to be, the cookbook had just a few examples of all the delicious food. He's happiest when he eats grand feasts where everything is lay out before him like his personal buffet table all for one man, or multiple courses of a big meal and he'll gorge happily to his heart's content. Such big warm meals of rich delicious filling food are very comforting and results in one of the times he's the most relaxed and content that his constantly energetic or angry self can be XD
This official LINE sticker is the exact visual of how he looks when he's done, kicking back rubbing his full content gut, picking at his teeth with a toothpick, grinning proudly for finishing all of the stack of plates 💘
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If he doesn't unpin the front flaps of his jacket from his bodysuit, the buttons will pop off like this! And if he does and the buttons remain intact, he won't be able to pin them back down for a while after hehe
Naturally, having lots of warm rich food sitting heavy in his gut makes him very sleepy and while he's very hard working and very busy and will sometimes postpone sleep to prioritize it, he can still enjoy his naps, so he doesn't fight it when he feels he's got the time. It's most common to take place after his lunch because a mid-day early afternoon nap is the perfect little break that separates all the hard work he does in the morning from the evening, so he can recharge his energy ready for the late night work ahead.
He always enjoys taking his full tummy somewhere nice and comfortable for a nap. He'll waddle to bed carefully or if sleepiness hits strong and the heaviness discourages him from getting up, he'll slip into a food coma there and then. His gut working hard to process and digest can wear him out! And a full belly makes him feel so cozy, he can't resist. If someone is there to give him belly rubs to support and comfort it'll send him off even faster, it's so pleasant and soothing that it lulls him to sleep in no time 🥰
Orbot and Cubot try to advise against the naps he takes immediately after his biggest feasts because none of those calories are getting burned and they want him to somewhat watch his weight but he'll just groan and roll his eyes like "Oh blah blah shut up, this is my me time, I deserve this! And such a powerful genius brain like mine burns calories enough at all times, no matter if I'm awake or asleep!" And they know there's no arguing with their boss so they quickly let him win but can at least say they warned him.
He doesn't care though, nothing ruins the delight of his experience! He loves the cozy bliss of laying back with a full tummy and peacefully drifting off. He'll fall into the deepest slumber like he really is going into hibernation after supplying his gut with all the good food he needed. He can be seen with his hands clasped over his full gut, head tilted back with his jaw hanging open and drooling, and the loudest snores over the gurgles of his digestion. It's a rare adorable vulnerable sight from him 💕
His naps are very important and all his creations must let them happen in peace, otherwise he'll wake up one very angry grizzly bear! It's actually very difficult to make him stir when he's in a sleep so deep unless it's the blaring alarms of his bases when there's an emergency but you can count on the likes of Orbot and Cubot to fuck up so bad that they still manage to disturb him sometimes lol. But if he successfully makes it the whole nap without interruptions, he'll awaken in a very pleasant mood!
So yes, a grizzly bear of a man like him is sure to eat and hibernate just like one too! 🥚🐻🧸
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vasyandii · 8 months
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Synopsis: Nak tries a cigarette, talks before a mission.
Warnings: Mentioning of Drugs, Smoking, Violence, Murder
Word Count: 1,000+
Type: Casual, dialogue heavy
Characters: Sebastian Krueger, Phayvanh "Nak" Sotsvahn
Creator Notes: This is actually the most I've ever written in my life xD have fun
Sop Ruak; Chiang Saen, Thailand. It’s the heart of The Golden Triangle; Laos was just across from where they stood. Nausea rarely gripped her, but being here was too close for comfort. The Mekong River was the only thing separating her from what she had two years ago.
It felt familiar, almost nostalgic—if she could even call it that.
She's never been fond of Counter Narcotics Operations; interdictions specifically. Nikolai proposed that Phayvanh's first hand experience with this area would be useful during their time in the East. The setup, at least for larger trafficking operations, was always the same; outdoor labs, “product” stored in barrels or polypropylene woven sacks.
Maybe her feelings are more akin to regret.
“Light.” Sebastian requests, leaning against the guard rails overlooking the Mekong, an unlit tip of a cigarette dangling from his lips. That snapped her out of her introspection.
She pats her pockets, nothing. Fuck, was it like her to be so forgetful?
“Don't got one.”
“Right.” He murmurs, retrieving his own to light for himself.
“Why even ask?” Phayvanh squints, scowling.
A smirk plays across his lips, tendrils of smoke spiraling from them, “I like it when you light them for me.”
That son of a bitch.
“Drop dead.” She mutters, not wanting to look at him after his ridiculous confession.
That got a chuckle out of Sebastian before a silence settled in. It felt uncomfortable, something she’s not used to feeling with him. Maybe it's just her.
It wasn't like she could ignore and forget where she was even for a moment– the humidity in the air, the smell of leaves that were too sickeningly sweet– it's all overwhelming. Not to mention that damn sight in front of them. Maybe that's why he smokes? It Feels like she could break out in hives or have her hair turn gray.
“May I?” She holds out her hand.
Sebastian gives her a skeptical look, cigarette perched comfortably between his fingers. “Thought you didn't do shit like this.”
“You're going to die sooner because of it, might as well catch up.” Phayvanh utters, waving a dismissive hand.
“Fair.” He hands her what remains of his cigarette.
Her fingers awkwardly held it up; more familiar with handing them out than holding one. Phayvanh tentatively brought the borrowed cigarette to her lips. As she inhaled, a harsh burn seared her throat, and a sudden fit of coughing overtook her. The acrid taste lingered, catching her off guard.
“You're supposed to inhale, you know.” Sebastian watches with amusement.
She couldn't help but shoot him an exasperated glare between coughs; a miserable attempt of recovery as the acrid sting from the back of her throat shoots back out.
“So much for trying to catch up with me, huh, Schatzi?” He teased, retrieving what remained from the cigarette , Sebastian expertly drew another lungful before tossing it somewhere on the ground.
"So much for that" She grumbles, finally being able to speak properly.
Krueger smirks, nudging her shoulder with his.
“Want to try that again?” He goads, giving the end of her ponytail a light tug.
Phayvanh swats his hand away “Not really. I thought it'd have more..you know.”
"Tastes like shit and kills you slowly, Phay." He shrugs. "It doesn't offer much in the realm of comfort or relief.”
"I want it to." She sighs, overlooking the Mekong."I feel like I'm back to where I started again.”
A silence settles between them, only the hum of insects and faint splashing of water. "This place isn't Laos," Sebastian says finally after what felt like an eternity.
"But that place is." Phayvanh's eyes direct him to look the strip of land across the river. “And we have to go back there.”
Sebastian follows her gaze. "Are you up for it?" He doesn’t add anything, just leaves the question to hang there in the space between them
The words seem to not want to come out. Phayvanh makes a vague gesture with her hands, hoping he gets what she's trying to say.
"Wow, you should become a spokesperson. Really got me raring to go." he says with a dry grin.
“Don’t be a dick.” She complains, wanting to sulk a little longer.
"Too late for that," Sebastian retorts,the smirk on his face tightens; he gazes at Phayvanh as if he's challenging her to toss another insult.
“I don’t know where I stand in this anymore,” she vents out.
“Bullshit.” Krueger cuts through any potential excuse or argument Nak could throw up against him. “Right now is not the time for a fucking existential crisis."
His curt tone stings worse than when she had taken a puff from earlier -
“What if he's there?” She gives him an incredulous expression- just what right does he have giving life lectures?
Sebastian's gaze sharpens. He doesn't need to ask who she is referring to - he knows.
The snake of the Laotian underworld, mingled with blood and fear.
“He’d kill me.”
“Not if I’m there.” Sebastian chuckles
"He’d kill you first."
"Then we kill him," he replies, as if they were discussing the weather instead of plotting murder.
“..What?” She takes a step back.
Phayvanh had to do a double take at Sebastian's words. Kill him? She was lucky enough Kapano didn't send anyone after her the first time she tried.
"We kill Vang." he repeated,
"No." She lets out a small laugh of disbelief, it eased her more than she liked to admit "Is the heat getting to your head? There's no guarantee we'll even run into him.”
"No guarantee, no," Sebastian concedes with a nonchalant shrug of his shoulders. He then leans in to look at her directly.
"But you and I both know this world isn't kind enough for sweet coincidences." His voice lowered into a whisper "This is your chance Nak-- One bullet- just one can send him straight back to the sty he slithered out from”
"What, so we go out of our way to find him? I can't do that Sebastian." Phayvanh reasoned, crossing her arms.
"That bastard has had a chokehold on your neck since you were old enough to walk,” Sebastian retorts, he knows he's not wrong “It's deserved.”
She wasn't stupid. Naga would cut off the hand she used to stab him with. Then he would use it to do the same thing she did to him years ago; he'd get away with it as well.
“It's not about that, I could lose my job. Isn't this against protocol?" She reminds “He's not a target.”
"No one's going to care if that bastard drops dead, Phay." He urged her
It was clear she considered it for a second.
"I'll take care of it- You just have to be there with me. Like always.”
“You wouldn't.”
"You underestimate me." Sebastian scoffs. "I’d have his head put on a tray for you, Phayvanh.”
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penofpenguin · 1 year
Hiii!!! Can I request a fluffy one shot/scenario of people noticing Octotrio and Reader in a polyamorous relationship sharing each others clothes?
If you're not comfortable writing poly just write them separately pls and thank you ❤️
Hi anon dear!! Thank you for requesting <33
Unfortunately...I suck at doing a poly of 4 + Leech twins are siblings sooo i did them separately i hope that's ok. Hope you enjoy!!
Content Warnings: None, hinted that Floyd is taller than s/o.
People notice that their s/o is sharing clothes with them.
Azul x GN!Reader, Jade x GN!Reader, Floyd x GN!Reader
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This silly octopus.
He's very smart and calculating, yet he didn't calculate the probability of how many people would notice that what you're wearing is his clothes.
Now I'm sure we all know that there's no way in a million years Azul is going to wear his partners clothes in front of his schoolmates. He's way too shy for that.
It doesn't mean he doesn't love you though! Man's gonna be hugging himself in your clothes at night in his bed.
And when you ask him for clothes....he will give it to you. Its mostly formals though if you're fine with that.
It was a weekend and you were chilling in the campus with a new drink from Sam's store. You decided to wear Azul's clothes that one faithful day and some of his students seemed to notice.
"Yo...isn't that dorm head's button up?"
"I was thinking the same thing!! Do you think maybe they're a couple?"
"I thought it was different at first until I saw the A on it...."
These guys were not the best at whispering XD
They kept giving you a weird look. Why are you, a random human, wearing the clothes of one of the most smartest and most powerful guys in the school???
They didn't cause you any trouble though so you didn't pay much attention to it.
A few hours pass and Jade calls you to Azul's office.
As soon as you enter....you see Azul pacing back and forth.
"Azul...?" He turns to you and sighs.
"My dearest I humbly apologize for the trouble my dorm students gave you. However, I cannot allow you to wear my clothes in public as it may ruin my reputation..." He said in one breath, his hands on your shoulders.
You were very understanding and he really appreciated that. As soon as you nodded, he smothered your face with kisses, which is something he doesn't usually do.
Overall, Azul is TERRIFIED of loosing you and making you blackmail material. He just deeply cares about you and doesn't want you to be taken away. Only...and ONLY for that reason does he not want you to wear his clothes outside.
But...if you wear his clothes when you're with him...he'll be overjoyed...and might overheat. How adorable.
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Bold of you to even assume people will notice. This man is probably even more calculating than that octopus guy.
Ok so....firstly, Jade would want to share clothes(whether yours fit him or not and vice versa). He'll tease you about it with that grin if you ask him but will give his clothes to you because you're a "Poor Thing,"
He's smiling happily inside and probably cheering in his head.
Now I'm sure that nobody but people he's close with have seen him in non-uniform. So it's rare for people to notice if you ever wear his clothes.
In some rare circumstance that someone does notice, it's Floyd's fault.
"Ah those are Jade's clothes." Because of that one Floyd remark, people now know you're wearing Jade's clothes.
The atmosphere will be filled with gossip, but no matter where you are, Jade will find you. I mean, you're wearing his clothes and he can't get enough of the sight of you ☆゚°˖* ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
"Oho. Is that so Floyd? Then how do you feel about me telling Professor Crewel that you-"
Now they both are glaring at each other. Shit's bout to go down.
"Urghhh...false alarm...I thought those clothes looked like Jade's. Turns out they're not..." Floyd yells out.
"Oh my silly brother."
Once you two are in a place with less eyes, you apologize to Jade, since you may have embarrassed him a bit, to which he just smiles at you. A genuine one, but you can't tell.
"Please don't worry about it. It's just Floyd being Floyd."
"Do you maybe not want me to wear your shirt or-"
"Fufu, how cowardly you are~"
It means no in Jade Leech language.
Overall he isn't too fond of people noticing his clothes on you. But he believes he's on a safer side since nobody's seen his clothes much. Maybe he wouldn't wear yours in public since he's fine in uniform. He loves seeing you in his clothes though and encourages you to wear them more often.
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Unlike the other two, this man WILL wear your clothes outside. Whether they fit him or not, whether he looks like an overgrown child or not, he doesn't care.
You better wear his too or he'll get salty.
Sometimes, he won't be in the mood to wear tight clothes like yours and might loose some because he doesn't like it.
Another funny thing about sharing Floyd's clothes is that he'll tell you to adjust any of his clothing to your size if you want(because he thinks his clothes are absolutely breathtaking on you and it is ;D). But he forgets that they're his clothes and gets pouty because it doesn't fit him now.
Oh well...it has an eel on it sooo....
People notice. Maybe the whole school does. Does he care? No. Nobody has the courage to ask him if the clothes you're wearing are his either.
It's just you two in your own world :)
But....when someone does notice...it can go two ways
If that person has a positive response about it. He'll laugh and say something like "I know right hehe."
If a negative response gets into his ear....death.
He's giving that glare with a vein popping up.
"Did. I. Ask?"
But that barely happens so everyone's safe usually.
If people come up to you and ask you though, you're free to say that it is. Even if people judge you, this 191cm tall beanpole never will <3
Overall, he'll never admit it but he likes it when people notice. Now more people will know you're taken by him :D
Hope you liked that one!! I'm sorry it was late though :)
I also got a bit too carried away writing Azul's part XD
Have a great day 💖
-Madeline 🐧
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marinerainbow · 9 months
I have been obsessed with Bistro Huddy for a couple days now, and I found this video and... I can't. I can't stop thinking about this with my Poppy ships. I had to write this crack XD
@just-kit-ink and @wicked1will0sparkles I have a feeling this'll get a chuckle out of you guys (for the sake of argument, let's say that Shiny and Poppy do work for the TP from time to time in this fic. Like... Poppy can offer them info about some of the Uptown toon she works with, and Shiny can do all kinds of crimes with them).
It was a rare, and almost frightening, sight to see the boss smiling. Not in an unnerving way, not in smug pride, but actual genuine joy from another person. It almost never happened. Which was why Greasy knew something had to be up between Smartass and Poppy when he saw the two laughing and drinking coffee side by side in the kitchen.
"Ohhhoho! You really said that??"
"Well 'yea, what else was I gonna say? You 'shoulda seen the look on his mug!" The weasel breathed out a few chuckles before he noticed the new presence and looked up, just in time to see his right hand man smirking at him knowingly. Rolling his eyes and shrugging, Smartass chose to just cut himself off, now that he and Poppy weren't alone anymore, "Alright, I'll tell 'ya what happened next later. Seeya at lunch."
It wasn't lost on Poppy that another person's presence did ruin the mood, but she didn't make any implication about that. She didn't want to hurt the Spaniards' feelings... That and work needed to be done anyway. So she just nodded, "Alright. I should get you the paperwork you need by ten, at the latest."
"Sounds good."
Poppy walked off with her mug and a smile, nodding and offering Greasy a cheery "Bonjour." As she passed him and slipped out the kitchen door. That left him the opportunity to smirk knowingly at his boss, who rolled his eyes in response, "Buen día."
"Shuddap, Grease."
Though 'shutting up' was not on Greasy's plans. Not after what he just witnessed. The weasel took his time grabbing his coffee cup from the cupboard and pouring himself some of the much needed caffeinated liquid, all while keeping eye contact with a Smartass who was ever-increasingly going back to his grumpy persona. This probably wasn't a good idea to poke the bear before he could finish his coffee... But hey, this was what happened when you chuck out the TV the night before, and there was nothing else to entertain your right hand man, "So, I see you and Poppy have a little something going on~"
Usually there would be a tapping foot- or a death glare- or a twitching hand and glancing towards the nearest object that would tell the taller weasel that there was indeed something happening between his boss and their sweet friend. However, Smartass must have been truly exhausted since he just huffed and went back to stirring his coffee, "There ain't 'nothin going on. That's just how a work marriage is
The ear-to-ear grin on Greasy's face fell instantly after that, and looked like his brain was shutting down from attempting to process what Smartass just said. As if he claimed that Bugs Bunny was actually a crcodile, "A... A Work marriage?"
"What?? You 'nevah heard of it??" The hint of jealousy in Greasy's eyes seemed to be lost on the head weasel. He looked more surprised at the thought of him not being aware of the special relationship one could have with their coworkers, "Well I ain't explainin' it-"
"Ohhh no, I know what a work wife is. Because that is what Poppy is to me."
The sip that Smartass had attempted to drink almost got coughed up onto his suit. The pink weasel actually had to set the cup down before he glowrred at the other toon. There was absolutely no way his ears were working right. At least Greasy better hope they weren't, "Excuse you??"
Instead of being intimidated, Greasy just crossed his arms and seemed to take on the challenge instead, "You heard me, boss. If she's work married to anybody in this house, it's me."
"Oh no. Uh-uh bub. She's work married t'me."
"No, Poppy is my work wife."
The two weasels whipped their heads towards the doorway, looking at a just woken, disheveled, feral looking Psycho staring at them like they were the insane ones. And he was sending Greasy in particular a glare that could make any iron-willed man feel weak in the bladder, "You already have Shiny. You can't have Poppy too."
At that, Smartass immediately turned back towards Greasy with his fists on his hips, "Oh! You got that lunatic, but you're over here movin' in on my work gal??"
"MY work wife! Get your own!"
"And who's to say I must limit myself to one beautiful woman, eh?" Greasy glanced between his comrades with a hand to his chest, like he wasn't just getting on Smartass' case for being work married to Poppy, "How is that fair?"
"How is tha- BOY-"
"Actually, I'm Poppy's work husband too."
"WHAT!?"All three looked straight at the smoker, now standing in the doorway and looking like he just made the biggest mistake in his life. Why he thought it was a good idea to say that out loud, who knows. But the smoker just groaned and walked further in the kitchen to grab an apple from the fruit bowl, with Stupid following after him.
"Duh, what's happening here?"
Seeing the big lug of a weasel come in all confused made Greasy and Smartass narrow their eyes at him in suspicion. Psycho on the other hand was too busy growling at an unphased Wheezy, "Estúpido, you better not say you're Poppy's work husband too."
Stupid blinked at his brother and coworker for a moment, before his eyes lit up once he caught up with the topic of discussion, "Huh? Noooo, we're not work married!"
"Good. I don't need'ta deal with yo-"
"She's my work mom!"
The whole room fell silent. Smartass and Greasy glanced to each other before looking at the oblivious Stupid, and even Psycho had paused his confrontation with Wheezy- who was now burying his face in his free hand, "Stu, don't-"
"And Wheezy is my work dad!" The buck toothed toon proclaimed happily as he pointed to the internally dying Wheezy, still blissfully unaware of the tension in the room, "He and Poppy work adopted me! We even got ice cream yesterday!"
At that moment, without even looking up from his paw, Wheezy knew his smokes would not be enough emotional support to face these ridiculous weasels, "Ok, guys-"
"¡Destructor de hogares!"
"Is there ANYBODY in this house NOT puttin' the work moves on her!?"
"I'm not, boss!"
Breakfast and coffee were on no ones mind now. The entire kitchen was quickly filled with screaming, threats, and proclamations of betrayal. Poor Stupid could only stand there, glancing to his work dad and pleading with his eyes for an answer of what to do. Though all Wheezy would do was suck in as much toxic smoke as he could while he still had the chance. Before Smartass could throw the toaster, or Psycho could pounce on somebody.
The only thing that could break up the whole room was the very rabbit of discussion when she poked her head inside in concern. Her eyes pinned down against her head and her eyes were wide as they darted to each individual in the room, "Uh, g-guys? Is everything-"
"Get outta here while you still can, Pops."
"What do you-"
She just barely managed to contain her shriek when suddenly all four pairs of eyes locked onto her, making her stand straight up at attention. The moment to escape was long gone now, "Guys...?"
A long silence hung in the air as the first three weasels all looked at each other, as if agreeing upon something, then looked right back at Poppy. Stupid scratched under his propeller hat in confusion, and Wheezy closed his eyes to fully enjoy the silence before it would be undoubtedly ruined again.
"What on Earth- What are you guys talking about?"
Having taken this out to the living room, Poppy was seated on the couch and resisted rubbing her temples. The papers she was working on for Smartass were currently strewn about the coffee table, but all she could focus on were the weasels surrounding her. Wheezy was sitting on her left, not at all wanting to be here either. Smartass was sitting straight up in his own chair, tapping his foot with his arms crossed. Greasy had been trying to sit on Poppy's right, though he kept getting driven off by Psycho who was standing by the couch like a gargoyle. And Stupid was busy getting himself a bowl of cereal in the kitchen now that it wasn't crowded anymore.
If Poppy had been told she was going to be in the middle of a work love triangle- or rectangle in this case- with four of Toontowns biggest criminals four years ago, she would have laughed it off as a joke.
"I don't know how we can make it any clearer, but fine." Smartass huffed out as he leaned forward, almost looking like he was in the middle of one of his business meetings, "These nimrods think you're their work wife. We gotta clear it all up, like usual."
"Poppy, it's alright. I know this is all a terrible misunderstanding." Greasy still hadn't managed to slip past Psycho, so he chose to kneel in front of her and take her paw in his hands all dramatic like. He looked like the love interest in one of his novelas, and Poppy just looked so tired, "Just tell these putas that you, Shiny, and I are exclusive. Then we can get back to normal, si?"
Poppy was once again interrupted, but this time by Psycho as he hopped over the couch just to smack at Greasy's face and hiss like a territorial housecat. The second in command managed to jumo back in time, but that didn't make the lunatic back off, "¿¡Qué carajo!?"
"You go be 'exclusive' with Shiny!"
"Yeah, you shouldn't even be here!"
While the three spiraled into yet another argument, Poppy heaved out a defeated sigh before looking towards the only sane one right now. Their eyes met and, like always, they shared a silent moment of pity and understanding for the other, "Help me."
Although he truly felt sorry for his work wife, and wanted nothing more than to escape this madhouse, there really was nothing Wheezy could do for either of them. All Poppy had to see was his slumped shoulders to know what he was going to say, "I tried, Poppy. You know how they get."
The toon groaned as she gave in and leaned back on the couch to rest her head on the back. Her headache growing with each curse word flung around. Why couldn't these guys just... The bond formed within a stressful and emotionally draining work environment knew no bounds. It couldn't just be contained to one individual. Why couldn't these jerks see that??
Well, at least Wheezy understood it. And Greasy, to an extent... Maybe it was more of a pride thing between him, Psycho and Smartass. If that was the case, then she could get this fixed no prob-
"Alright then. How about a fight?"
Blinking back into the present, and getting over the jarring sudden silence that befell the living room, Poppy turned her head far back enough to see the source of the familiar voice; Shiny standing in the middle of the open front door, with what looked like a crate of her homebrewed alcohol tucked under her arm. The arguing must have been loud enough to cover Shiny coming inside. But either way, her announcing her presence caused the three weasels to actually pause in their bickering, "You guys heard what I said."
Oh god no, "I- Shiny, I don't think that- we don't want that to happen."
The weasel lady just shrugged as she kicked the door closed behind her, taking turns to look each and every one of them in the eye- including Psycho, despite the probability of him taking that as a challenge in the mood he was in now being high. She didn't even bother trying to hide her smirk while placing the moonshine on the nearest syrface as she reiterated, "If you guys want her to choose, why not prove your worthiness and fight for her?
"Shiny, for the love of God, no." Wheezy stated in a firm voice he didn't often use. Glancing to his team, he could see the gears turning in Psycho's and Greasy's heads as they briefly shared a look. Fortunately, though, Smartass at least was currently stuttering out a response in disbelief. Hopefully, that meant the boss' sanity was coming back.
"Too late, Cowboy."
"No! No, not too late! Guys!-"
"You know what?!" Finally. Smartass was being the leader he should have been from the start. Standing up and pointing a finger at the mischievous woman, who just raised an amused brow right back at him, he snapped, "You don't get to come in here and-"
Though he was too late. The time for actual sense in this house had passed. That was made obvious when Smartass was sent flying over his chair and across the room. After a straightjacket clad weasel launched himself right at him. Psycho' battle screech and Smartass' cursing and gun clicking filled the room, and all Greasy did was pull out his switchblade and started cleaning it; preparing himself for war.
Although his expression remained partially neutral, his shaking hands while he lit up his whole pack and jumped right out of his seat showed how absolutely done he was. He wasn't going to bother trying to pull those maniacs away from each other. Not when he didn't even want to make a big deal out of this in the first place, "I'm out."
"PSYCHO NO!" While Wheezy was walking away from the others, Poppy leaped up to her feet with intentions of trying to break up the fight. Though before she could take a step towards the brawl, she was stopped when Shiny placed her well manicured paw on her shoulder. Looking behind her, Poppy watched her shake her head, silently telling her 'it's not worth it, honey', "Shiny!-"
"Let them get it out of their system. They clearly need it, sugar." The woman casually shrugged. The tiny smirk on her lips, though, showed she had more selfish reasons for starting this between them... And that she wasn't going to even try to hide it, "Besides, it's funny how easy they all are. Isn't it?"
"N-No! I can't let my work marriages fall apart!"
"Oh, please. This'll get through to them better than 'sitting down and talking it out' ever would. And you know it." Shiny sighed- not as dramatically as Greasy was renowned for, but there was a hint of drama behind it- before wrapping her arms around the rabbits shoulders and pulling her around and close, making Poppy completely face her now. Good thing, too. As the pencil holder that flew behind Poppy would have hit her in the eye otherwise. Even though Poppy was upset, the look of worry and slight anger towards her was absolutely adorable, and only made Shiny's grin broaden, "Besides, it doesn't really matter in the end. Does it?"
The tiny frown on Poppy's face faltered at that. Though not because she was comprehending how close her best friend was now, "How?"
"'Cause you and I both know that out of everybody here, I'm your true work spouse."
"Oh my god-"
"Hey! I didn't say anything about being the only one! I'm just saying that I'm the matriarch of your little work harem~"
Somehow, despite her soured mood, despite the waging three-way war happening just mere feet from them, Shiny still managed to get a smile, and even a little chuckle, out of her. Shaking her head, Poppy decided in that moment to just press her forehead against her favorite lady's crown, and enjoy this tiny moment between them while it could last, "You're terrible."
Not paying any mind to the sounds of agony from the three men, or the crashing and breaking of wood, or Smartass' "WHERE'D PSYCHO GET THE LAWN CHAIR!?!?", the dancer just touched noses with her little rabbit and giggled alongside her, "I know~"
While the girls were distracted, Stupid poked his head out of the kitchen doorway to see what was causing so much of a rucus. Crumbs of ceral still unwiped from his lips, "What's going-"
One look at the three feral weasels, a mising Wheezy, and Poppy and Shiny completely forgetting the world around them, Stupid had made probably the smartest decision he ever hsad made in his life at that moment. He quickly and quietly slipped back in the kitchen to finish his food, "Nevermind!"
This got a little genuine Popshine'y at the end of the crack. I don't regret it XD
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thepaintedlady00 · 7 months
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Chapter 23 | Chapter 25
TW: As always: language, mentions of drugs and alcohol, smoking, sex, general mature themes. We've got some Tony in this chapter, some clear violations of the law and personal property/privacy, Simone's back (...yaaaaayyy), I'm gonna blue ball y'all just one more time with the big conversation our two idiots gotta have, another painting, some mentions of grooming, Lena's not in the mood for any of the shit this chapter, Jake's being the good "friend" he is. Some lies get told, and finally our dummies have THE conversation but also not really xD Enjoy!
Chapter 24: Burn the Ice
The morning chill stung his face as he exited the car - a reminder that the snow could start any day now. With calm, leisurely steps his fine leather shoes echoed amongst the chaos of the city. It was loud and crowded and smelt like cheap street vendor food. Disgusting, he thought to himself, glaring at the slouched-back people running the dirty stalls for a minute before starting up the steps.
Her building was old and smelt of mold, something he couldn't help but feel a twinge of satisfaction about. It was obvious she wasn't living as well as she had been with him. The landlord gave him a wide-eyed look, one he was well accustomed to - the style of the rich was always something poor people gawked at - but all he did was smile that charming smile and offer the old man a wave as he made his way past.
At the door he let the others do their work, patiently drumming his fingers along the hard cover of the sketchbook while they did. The door made a loud creaking noise as it opened. “Wait here. I won't be long.”
The faint smells of cleaning materials and dust filled his nose. She'd been staying here less and less the closer the cold months got. A lingering trauma that made her unconsciously cling to that pathetic family of hers. A trauma he felt a burning frustration and an undoubtable swell of pride whenever he recalled it. Running his fingers along her countertop, looking at the living room filled with paintings she'd done after slipping away, Tony allowed himself a rare moment of quiet.
In that quiet Tony breathed in the faint smell of her cherry perfume with a grimace. He'd always hated that smell, hated the tiny fruit in general. But, he admired the malice behind it… The choice to douse herself in it was one clearly made to slight him. She could do nothing without thinking of him, even if it was in anger, for now, Tony enjoyed the simple fact that Lena still thought of him every day. It was a testament to a larger, even more satisfying truth.
This sad, pathetic little life she'd scrounged together was nothing without him.
Jules’ heavy footsteps intruded on his quiet, but he did so with respect so Tony would allow it. “He's coming this way.”
“How long?”
“Four minutes.”
“Good.” Right on schedule.
Tony set the sketchbook back on the counter and pulled the lovely orange flower from his breast pocket giving it a sniff before setting it on top of the book. Jules handed him the envelope with her name neatly printed in his decadent handwriting. “We'll see each other soon, my Lena.”
Jules had timed it perfectly, as he always did, right as Tony stepped out the door onto the steps of Lena's apartment the old biker turned onto the street. His eyes grew wide in terror and rage as he spotted him. Perfect. With a wide grin, Tony lifted his hand and offered them a wave before he slid into his limousine. “Take us home, driver. We're done here for today.”
A sweet smell filled Jake’s nose as he rolled onto his stomach, arm draping over the warm body lying beside him. The sweet, fruity, decadent aroma was one he recognized in mere seconds. Cherries. He happily buried his nose in that smell. Lena.
He cracked an eye open, catching that heavenly glimpse of the sun hitting her hair just right making it glow like fire. Pretty as that was, it paled in comparison to the sight of her bare back peeking out from beneath his covers. Her skin was soft as silk beneath the tips of his fingers as he lazily traced the snake tattoo.
The warm fuzziness that filled his chest made every touch, every smell, and sound feel almost dreamlike. He would have thought this was just another dream like he had the first time he woke up to her in his bed, but the sensations were too defined to just be his imagination. That and he felt so damn tired from the long night he'd spent in the throes of such physical activities.
With a pleased sigh, Jake recalled all the ways they'd made up for wasted time. He could still taste the sweetness of Lena's lips, still feel her soft skin rubbing so deliciously against his own. If he closed his eyes again he was sure he'd see the heavenly image of her moving on top of him. It was seared into his mind now just like his name felt forever changed now that he'd heard it on her lips as she came apart beneath him. The hickeys on his neck and the faint marks left by her fingernails clawing at his back would be more obvious things to remind him that last night had been real. Those marks would fade in a week or two unless he let her give him more, which he gladly would.
Lena had taken her time with him, kissing him, teasing him, working him so expertly he'd actually struggled not to come prematurely. She was just as talented as she'd built herself up to be and he felt like a damn fool for ever even doubting her. As if she needed more added to the list of all her perfections now she could add being the best he'd ever had.
She was vocal, not just in expressing her pleasure but in encouraging his own. No matter how hard he thought Jake couldn't remember ever feeling as satisfied during or after sex in his life. In between the three rounds of their newfound intense passions, Jake found himself… Present. Usually after an orgasm or two, he'd just fall asleep not caring if his partner did the same or not, but with her, he felt awake… Alive. 
They spent just as much time talking, laughing, and enjoying each other's company as they had tangled in his sheets. They ate, drank, and played with their cat whenever the little creature slinked from his hiding place. It all felt natural and oddly intimate and, for better or worse, Jake enjoyed it.
Physical intimacy was something he'd always excelled at. Flirting, foreplay, all of it came naturally to him. Jake had spent his fair share of time between the legs of beautiful women but Lena was something else entirely. Something new. Being with her made him feel like his pleasure - he - mattered just as much as hers. It was a concept he'd never truly understood, let alone experienced until now.
Ever since he could remember Simone - women in general - had told him exactly what they wanted from him. Touch me. Kiss me. Fuck me. Faster. Slower. Harder. They told him how to please them and he listened. It was a good time for all parties, but deep down Jake always felt that sting of emptiness. It’d been more about following their orders than it had been about just getting to enjoy the moment. He felt used… Like he'd only been good for a quick fuck and nothing else.
Normally Jake would have swallowed that feeling and forced himself to move… To physically shake off the very thought of it. He'd busy his mind with reading or mundane tasks like showering or cleaning. He'd build up the wall between him and whoever he'd fucked the night before - distance himself from feeling anything at all. Right about now, Jake should have been justifying his dickish, asshole behavior by repeating the words Simone had said to him since he could remember. This is who you are, love. You're just not built for ordinary people. 
Ordinary people turned out to be everyone. Everyone but Simone. And now… Maybe… Lena. 
He never truly understood how powerful feelings like this could be. He never knew that one person - even one as perfect as her - was capable of making him feel like an entirely different person. Jake felt more like himself, a self he barely even knew any more than he had in practically his entire life. He let the peaceful silence and that warm feeling in his chest stay as he curled further into the back of his sleeping redhead.
It wasn't until Hemingway climbed over both their legs, shimmying beneath the curtains and pushing them open to further blind him with sunlight that Jake truly woke up. Pleased with his work the cat proudly pranced across the pillows to stare down at him with an impatient and demanding meow. He couldn't help but chuckle as Hemingway slapped his forehead with a fleshy paw. Lena mumbled something in her sleep, burrowing her face in his blanket with a happy sigh that practically drowned out the cat's noise. God, he wanted to wake her up and kiss her, feel her, fuck her until they were both too exhausted to continue.
After laying in bed for a minute longer - until Hemingway was on the verge of exploding - he slowly slid out of the sheets and stretched his tense back out with a quiet groan. Briefly glancing over his shoulder to make sure that he hadn't woken her, Jake slid on a pair of pants picked his shirt up off the floor, and dished up Hemingway’s food with a quiet scold, “There, was that so hard to wait for?”
He cleaned up the remnants of the night, tossing the now nubs of melted wax in the trash and putting the leftover oyster shells in his sink. When he moved to put the champagne in his fridge he was bitterly reminded of how little food he had. Shit. He set the champagne back on the counter, closing the fridge to look back at the bed. Did he really want to have the conversation in some overcrowded, too-loud diner? 
The thought sat in his mind for a second as a list of possible interruptions made him shake his head. Nope. He wasn't going to risk not talking about this any longer because of anything. Maybe that Chinese is still good? Nope. Jake may have been lazy but even he was above serving month-old Chinese food for breakfast. 
Jake knew Lena wouldn't care about where they ate breakfast, but he didn't want to risk anything going wrong. Besides, Lena deserved a proper breakfast. He wanted her to know that he'd thought about this. That he was ready - willing - to put his best foot forward. Jake wanted to show Lena that this wasn't just a one-night stand and that he wasn't going to vanish now that he'd finally fucked her. More than anything he wanted her to see how much last night, she, meant to him.
He quietly put on his shoes and grabbed his keys and wallet. Writing her a quick note, he set it on his pillow and pressed a soft kiss to her shoulder. I'll be back before she even wakes up, he reassured himself as he turned and headed out the front door. The diner by his house would be open. It may not have been the best food, but it'd have to do.
I'm definitely going grocery shopping tomorrow. When Lena spent the night again, he'd be ready.
I woke to an abrupt slap to the center of my forehead followed by a loud, demanding meow directly in my ear. The silhouette of Hemingway's pointed ears was all I could see as he stood in front of the sunlit window. “Good morning to you too.”
Another demanding meow was the creature's only reply as I stretched my arms over my head and yawned. Hemingway jumped off the bed the second I'd sleepily rolled over to throw my arms around the body that should have been beside mine but wasn't. A nervous, gut-wrenching pit filled my stomach as I patted the empty mattress. “Jake?”
No answer.
“Jake?” I called out just a bit louder as I held the blanket to my naked chest and sat up in his bed, looking around his now-empty apartment. 
The bathroom door was open and the shower was off. His kitchen was empty, although cleaner than it had been when we'd finally fallen asleep. There weren't many places one could hide in an apartment as small and open as his. I shifted slightly, fingers brushing against a thin piece of paper on his pillow. 
Relax Princess, I just ran to grab us some breakfast. Should only be ten or fifteen minutes. Make yourself comfortable and DO NOT feed the cat again no matter how much he meows at you!
Air filled my lungs and my body relaxed back into Jake's soft sheets. He was safe. I was safe. Everything was alright.
For how long though? When he returned we'd have to finally have that discussion. The discussion. I'd need to have answers - need to admit just how much I'd fallen for him. The very thought of looking into his stupid, beautiful eyes and pouring my heart out to him made me feel dizzy.
Would he feel the same now that he'd achieved his original goal? Would Jake still want me as much as I still wanted him? And how much did I want him? How far had I really fallen since the start? 
Too far. Was the only answer I could admit to. I was naked in his apartment. I had slept with him in his bed. I was waking up with the cat we'd both unofficially adopted. There was no denying it. I was hopelessly, pathetically, irreparably in this - whatever this was. There was no going back to how things were before, not when all I could think about was just how perfect Jake's lips felt on mine and how amazing last night had been.
Sex was nothing new. It was something I'd had a lot of experience in, good and bad. I knew all the steps, all the moves, and still last night had taken me by surprise. Sex with Jake had been… different. It was unlike every other sexual experience I’d had. 
I often had to find ways to keep myself in the moment, something that got easier the more I was with someone or the more time had passed. But, with Jake, I was just there. I didn't need to remind myself to breathe. I didn't need to force my body to relax and repeat his name to remind myself whose hands were touching me. 
It was fun, exciting and intimate. Instead of feeling that shameful disgust, the one I needed to tell myself wasn't real, I felt at peace. There hadn't been a single moment when we were tangled together that I’d felt anything but completely and utterly cherished. I felt safe, unburdened by all the shit that'd been complicating even the simplest things in my life. Last night nothing else mattered, nothing but us.
Us. It was a word that made my lips quirk up in a smile. Us was simple. Us was what I wanted. And us was ultimately what I was most afraid of.
There were just so many ways it could all go wrong. I could fuck it up. He could fuck it up. We could both collectively fuck it all up. And then what? We'd just have to go about our lives working together, seeing each other every day, watching each other meet new people, and moving on? Even just the possibility of seeing Jake with anyone else made me feel sick. 
No, I thought sadly. We're in too deep for that. I couldn't live without Jake. His asshole attitude and his smart mouth, his smile, his laugh, he was entwined in my life now in a way I couldn't undo even if I tried. So, the choice was already made. I'd - we’d -make it work. No matter what I had to do to keep this from falling apart - to keep him in my life - I'd do it.
After surviving another round of Hemingway's desperate attempts to convince me to feed him, I was out of Jake's bed staring at the sulking cat as I searched for Jake's dresser. “Hitting me doesn't change the fact that you already ate!”
He hissed.
“You better watch that attitude,” I replied. “Or I won't sneak you any of my breakfast when Jake gets back.”
Hemingway’s eyes narrowed and with a moment of consideration before he rubbed himself against my feet. “Yeah, that's what I thought.”
As respectfully as I could, I searched Jake's drawers until I found his clothes. While they were kind of baggy on me, it was better than walking around in his blanket all morning. Besides, I enjoyed the way they smelt like him and felt softer against my skin than my own clothes had.
My eyes trailed along his shelves, taking a more in-depth look at his books and pictures and odds and ends that he'd saved over the years. There was so much history in his space. So many things that had been saved for a reason I couldn't know just by looking at him. Curiosity swelled in me, my mind running wild with all the possible reasons he'd held onto things. For the first time in a long time I wanted to ask questions and get closer to someone. I wanted to listen to him tell me every story and every detail about his life before I entered. I wanted to know every piece of him.
My fingers traced one of the seashells as his front door opened and he stepped inside with a bag from some diner. His eyes instantly found me, that shimmer in them making me blush and my heart soar. “Hey.”
“Hi,” he replied, clearing his throat. “Sorry, I was gone so long.”
“It's no problem,” I answered, watching his eyes take in the clothes I now wore. “I… Uh… borrowed some of your clothes. I hope that's okay.”
As he set the bag down his eyes continued to roam down my body, that sinful smirk answering me long before his words did. “That's fine, though I was looking forward to coming back to a beautiful naked woman.”
“If you'd been quicker you woulda gotten that,” I teased. “I just barely got dressed.”
He clicked his tongue. “Damn. Maybe next time.”
Definitely next time, I thought as my mind played through all the new possibilities available to us now that we’d crossed the threshold. Clearing my throat, I moved to stand next to him as he unpacked the food, distractedly watching his hands for a second before asking, “What's for breakfast?”
“The works. Bacon, eggs, sausage, waffles,” he watched my nose scrunch up and chuckled before pulling a box out of the bag and setting it in front of me. “Don't worry, I got you pancakes.”
“You remembered,” I replied, eagerly opening it to the smell of the sweet stacks. “I'm impressed.”
With a shrug, Jake shooed the cat away and leaned back against the counter. “Don't be. It's not like it was a big secret.”
We both took a few tentative bites before neither of us could contain our nerves anymore. “So-”
Chucking at one another's interruptions I nodded to him. “You go first.”
Jake watched me, the ocean in his eyes rolling with tense waves and anticipation. “Well, I guess now's as good a time as any for us to talk about last night… and the ones before.”
Don't freak out, I told myself. Just be honest. “Yeah, things have been… Interesting… between us lately.”
“Good interesting?” He asked with a cocky grin, taking a step closer to me. 
I nodded, “Great interesting. Right?”
“So…” The words caught in my throat as Jake took one last step closer, putting us chest to chest.
His breath, slightly sweet smelling, rolled across my face. “So…”
“I… I want t-” The front door swung open and the head of blonde hair made my teeth snap shut in anger. 
Simone stood in the open doorway, that red-lipped mouth hanging open in shock for a moment before it closed. Jake turned, brows furrowed and the tension between us quickly shifted into just tension. “...Simone?”
She smiled at him, quickly with no sincerity before she looked me up and down and nodded to herself. “Lena. What a surprise.”
I bit my tongue and simply nodded at her while my eyes scanned the floor for my shoes. Jake watched Hemingway dart to his hiding place before returning his attention to the new interruption. “How was your trip?”
The mood soured further as Simone just shook her head, her eyes wide with rage and the smile on her lips quickly shifting into a sneer. “Oh, it was just fantastic. I always love dealing with my mother alone.”
Time to go. I knew if I stayed for even another sentence Jake would be pulling me off Simone and everything between us would be stained with chunks of blonde hair and blood. I may have been able to see her for what she was, but Jake wasn’t and an attack on her - physical or otherwise - would effectively jeopardize everything I had or may have had with Jake. I pushed my hair behind my ears and hastily grabbed my things, quickly pulling on my shoes. “I should go.”
“You…” Jake started to protest, but quickly thought better of trying to keep Simone and I in a room together for longer than necessary. “We can finish this later.”
With a nod I pressed a soft kiss to his lips and forced myself to smile through the disappointment in an attempt to show him I was still ready to have the talk whenever we could find the time. “See you at work.”
“Yeah,” he answered softly, breathing out a slightly relieved sigh. “See you at work.”
As I turned I held Simone's glare, telling her without any words that she wasn't getting rid of me so easily. I grabbed the champagne bottle off the counter and slid out of Jake's apartment, closing the door behind me. The entire walk to Quinn’s I forced myself to swallow the lump in my throat and kept repeating positive thoughts to keep myself from crying out of sheer frustration.
I let myself in, setting the champagne on the table next to Quinn and Ari who just looked at me in confusion. “Good morning?”
“Yeah… Morning or whatever,” I replied flopping onto Quinn's couch and melting into the cushions.
“Long night?”
“Was it bad?” Ari asked, practically jumping up from the table. “I didn't think Jake could fumble the bag when sex was involved.”
“Simoneshowedup,” I grumbled into the cushions.
Quinn settled on the arm of the couch. “Say again?”
Lifting my head I turned and glared at her. “We fucked. A lot. It was great and then right when we were about to have the talk Simone just invited herself in.”
Both Ari and Quinn's mouths formed an O. “Yikes.”
“Anything we can do?” Quinn asked, gently rubbing my back. 
Flopping back onto the couch I sighed. “Kill me.”
The second the door closed all hell broke loose. Simone threw her bags to the ground and angrily stomped around his kitchen to open the wine she'd brought. “Can we not do this?”
With a joyless laugh, she glared at him. “Not do what? Not keep our promises to each other? Cause you sure as hell have already started that.”
"Jesus," Jake breathed with a frustrated shake of his head. "It just barely happened. What did you want me to call you during and let you know?"
Simone glared at him, her lips thinning into that tight line. "Do not mock me, Jake.”
“I'm not mocking you. I just… I don't fucking understand what you want from me.” His whole body felt so tight he was sure he'd explode any second. “One minute you're telling me to do what I want and the next you're pissed at me for doing what I wanted to!”
“I want you to show me some goddamn respect!” She shouted, slamming her hand down on his counter. “I have been carrying you since you were eight years old and it has been the only thing I've asked of you! Yet you still find ways of failing at that too!”
Jake felt that ugly swell of tears burning behind his eyes. He felt his whole chest ache and his mind sluggishly repeat the word. Fail. Fail. Fail. That's all you ever fucking do. You fail Simone. You failed your mom. You'll fail Lena too. That's all you're good for. Gritting his teeth Jake forced himself to breathe. He forced himself to stay standing, to blink the tears away and speak, “I do respect you. I respect you more than anyone else! I just… It just barely happened, Simone. I was going to tell you the second I got the chance-”
“And when would that have been?” She asked the anger in her voice never wavering. “In a month? Two? Until I had to walk in on you?”
“It would have been when I saw you!” Jake shook his head. “I tell you everything, Simone. I always have, I always will. That's what we do. We tell each other things, we trust each other.” Slowly he could see Simone's shoulders relax and that glimmer of love return to her eyes. “Do you trust me?”
She finally abandoned the wine and gently took hold of his face. “Of course I do.”
The ache dulled as she stroked his cheeks and he finally felt like his lungs were filling with air instead of acid. “I was going to tell you.”
“I know,” she sighed. “I do. I just… It surprised me. And you know how much I hate surprises.”
“I'm sorry,” he whispered.
Simone smiled and pressed her lips to his, a kiss that once would have sent his heart soaring but now made his gut twist in his chest as he inevitably thought of Lena. She pulled back and nodded. “I know.”
“Are we good?”
“Yes. We are. Honestly, now I guess I’m…” Simone shook her head as she poured her wine and with a heavy sigh, Jake prepared himself for the word he knew far too well. Disappointed. “Relieved.”
She picked at Lena's discarded dress, shrugging a shoulder as if she hadn't just been screaming at him over this. “It's done now. You've gotten it out of your system and things can finally get back to normal.”
In some sense she was right. It was done now. He tamed the tiger just like he'd wanted. Normally that did mean that Jake would move on and things would go back to normal. If Lena were anyone else he would probably fuck her a few more times before ultimately tossing her aside in favor of a new fling. But she wasn't anyone else, she was Lena…his Lena. 
Jake didn't want things to go back to normal. He didn't want to feel that emptiness - the weight of being so alone and detached - again. So, Jake stared at Simone as she tidied up his apartment drank wine, and lectured him about how rude and selfish it'd been of him to abandon her over the holiday. For an hour - one that should have been filled with Lena's soft touches and breathy moans - Jake listened to his every flaw being brought to the surface.
Usually, he'd bite back and argue - defend himself against Simone’s angry accusations and slanders. But, that morning he didn't bother. Jake was tired, frustrated, and now anxious. Simone's interruption had put him and Lena right back where they started. Their pile of rain checks had barely been touched and now they'd have to restart the awkward, nervous, avoidant dance around each other. Only this time it'd be worse because they'd actually fucked.
This time the longer they went without talking about it the more likely they both were to write it off as some one-night stand and just go back to how things had been before that first kiss. The longer he sat with that thought, the more obvious it became that he couldn't survive not talking about this. Jake needed to know how Lena felt. He needed her to know how he felt.
“Are you even listening to me?” Simone snapped with a disappointed sigh. Before he could answer she'd rolled her eyes and turned away from him. “Of course you aren't.”
God it was going to be a long day.
The locker room was filled with gossip as I entered and shoved Sasha off as he jumped around me practically squealing, “Let me see, let me see!”
“See what?”
“Baby Jakey's work!” He replied. “From your sex!”
I glared at Ari, who sheepishly smiled. “Oh… Were you not telling people?”
“Fuck off. All of you,” I warned, opening my locker and getting changed as quickly as I could to try and avoid Sasha's peeking. The Russian only let up when a familiar broad-shouldered bartender set his bike down and entered the locker room. 
“JAKEY!” Sasha purred. “Take your shirt off!”
Jake brushed past him, shaking his head. “Not in the mood Sasha.”
“Oohhhh,” he glanced between the two of us. “Was the sex that bad?”
I whirled around and slapped his forearm, cursing him in Russian until he retreated from the room giggling with Ari. “Fucking dickhead.”
Jake and I locked eyes. Desire and frustration vibrated between us, but neither of those made my heart drop… the uncertainty in Jake’s eyes, the new sliver of doubt shining back at me did. Had Simone talked him out of whatever this was? Had she dug those talons into his back hard enough for him to abandon the feelings I knew we both felt? Or had all of this… everything between us really just been part of some long game for him? 
My racing thoughts must have been obvious, because Jake took a step toward me, mouth open to try and say something before Simone stepped into the locker room, happily humming as if she hadn't interrupted us at all. The apologetic look in his eyes was the only thing that kept me from punching that smug blonde bitch in the back of the head. I ground my teeth together and turned around to finish getting ready.
I left the two of them and their small talk in the locker room and headed to the table for family meal. Howard, who looked slightly tanner, offered me an apologetic look of his own that I didn't understand until I sat down and my eyes found the new painting hanging on the wall. Right. That's a fucking thing.
The vivid orange petals were splattered with red. I found my mind having to remind itself that it'd been wine instead of blood this time. The jagged cuts in the canvas and its slightly bent shape made it all too clear what'd happened to this particular empty showcase.
The glass shattered over the top of the painting at my feet, wine sloshing over the half-painted petals and the shards of glass slicing the canvas where it struck. If this had been any other circumstance I would have admired how artistic it made the piece look. But this was just another bender.
Tony lay on the ground next to the broken glass, laughing. It didn't matter how much or how loud he laughed, I could see the tired bags under his eyes and the hazed far off look that made me wonder if there was some human part of him deep inside. I almost pitied him, if just for one fragmented moment. 
Jules checked his pulse and shoved my painting aside to keep him away from the broken glass. Turning to me he nodded to the mostly incoherent man at his side. “Stay with him while I get the doctor.”
“Of course,” I obediently answered, moving to kneel beside Tony. Jules gave my shoulder a soft squeeze as he stood and hurried toward the elevator.
My eyes fixated on the broken shards of glass just a few inches away. I could easily take one and shove it into his neck or cut his wrists. I could make it look like an accident… Like he'd done it to himself. Before the fear or the guilt could stop me I was reaching for the largest shard.
“Lena…” Tony mumbled, voice quivering as his glazed-over eyes searched for me. “Lena?”
“I'm here,” I answered quietly, my finger lingering on the glass as I looked down at him.
He relaxed instantly at the sound of my voice, lifting his hand to search for me in the dimly lit living room. “I… I can't see. Lena?”
Pity, understanding, and sympathy slowly replaced the darker thoughts in my head. With a gentle sigh, I slid closer to him, taking his hand in mine and pulling Tony into my lap. “I'm here.”
“W… Will you stay?” He mumbled kissing my hand. “Will you stay with me?”
The reply was practically instant… trained. “Of course.”
Tony set my hand against his chest, forcing me to feel the beating of his heart that cruelly reminded me he was a living, breathing human being. “Promise?”
Staring down at the floor of broken glass and then at the tender, beautiful face of the man I hated and feared and… Loved… I nodded. The words sounded sincere but filled my chest with a numbness that made it hard to breathe. “I promise.”
It was a low blow, reminding me of my supposed love for him. Reminding me that I'd made promises… Attempting to guilt me back into obedience. What was worse though, was that it worked.
In an entirely, uniquely twisted… Fucked up way my whole body went into some old, automatic tense posture. My chest burned with shame and my head filled with guilt-riddled thoughts. You broke his heart. You abandoned him. You said you'd never leave… Grinding my teeth together and balling my hands into fists I forced myself to remember the truth.
Being with Tony hadn't just been lavish gifts and eloquent love letters and expensive trips abroad. Those moments were far and few between. Being with him was filled with venom and rage. Being with him meant being held down, fighting… Aching. It was full of bloodied knuckles, bruises, and broken glass. Obey or be punished. Obey or starve. Obey or drown. 
It wasn't love, I told myself, forcing that thought to be louder than all the others. What we had was never love.
Jake sat across the table from her, silently cursing himself for not offering her the reassurance she clearly needed in the locker room. The glassy, scared look in her eyes as she picked up on that tiny part of him that doubted if he deserved her, was stuck in his mind like a sliver. Beside him, Simone quietly ate her food while all he could do was watch Lena. Her eyes hadn’t met his again, unsteady they were fixed past him on the flower painting that now hung on the wall. He could see so much emotion raging in her distant eyes. Fear, fondness, guilt, shame. It wasn't like the other paintings. Those had just made her afraid, angry but this… This was one of those things he didn't understand and it made his chest tighten.
The only thing that drew his gaze away from her was the neatly pressed suit and the fucking pervert that wore it. Howard was back. To his credit, the manager barely looked at him, but Jake could still see the faint bruises that he'd done his vest to conceal. With steady steps Howard approached Lena, one hand holding a bottle while the other lifted, moving toward her shoulder.
Howard's eyes locked with his and Jake did his best to convey the ass-kicking he'd be dishing out if he so much as tried to touch her. Do it. I fucking dare you. At the last second his hand shifted to the back of the chair and a smug sense of pride made Jake's mouth twitch into a smile.
“A gift…” Howard told her carefully, setting the wine down in front of her. “An apology for my involvement.”
Lena’s gaze slowly drifted away from the painting to glare at the bottle. For a moment, her face remained expressionless before a thin, bitter smile spread on her lips. “Expensive.”
“And one of your favorites.”
She said nothing as she stood and began pouring the wine into her glass. Lena's eyes were fixed on Howard even as the glass began to overflow, wine staining the white tablecloth in seconds. The manager pursed his lips, disappointment and a mild look of frustration playing out on his still slightly discolored face. No one said a single word as the bottle finally ran empty and Lena set it back down.
Howard sighed. “Was that truly necessary?”
Still, without a single word, Lena knocked the glass over, sending wine down the table. She strode past him and toward the kitchen just as everyone at the table burst with laughter and gossip. Jake leaned back in his seat and grinned at Howard, enjoying every second of the manager's hateful gaze.
Simone looked at the mess with a disapproving shake of her head. “Such a waste.”
Howard's glare shifted to Sasha and Ari as they continued their laughter. With a snap of his fingers and a swift gesture to the mess he barked out the order, “You two, please get this tablecloth in a soak and clean this up?”
“No fair,” Ari pouted quietly as they started cleaning. “Tiger Bitch makes a mess and we have to clean it.”
“Nepotism,” Sasha answered almost flippantly. “Tiger Bitch is special baby.”
Jake took his plate and Simone's back to the kitchen, eyes finding Lena among the dish crew with ease. She had her head down, focused completely on washing the dishes in the sink. As he set his dirty plates down he watched the water, trying to gauge how hot it was in an attempt to tell how fucked up the painting and Howard had her. It was bad, but not as bad as the first time.
He didn't want to leave her, not when she was like this. A hand waved in his peripheral vision, drawing his gaze to the line where Isaac nodded him toward the door. A silent but reassuring message that he'd keep an eye on her through this shift. Jake spared one last look to the back of her head before he sighed and left the kitchen.
Service felt longer than it should have. Wave after wave of rich assholes poured through the door and gawked at that painting hanging on the wall with Lena's name on it. It made him feel angry and sick to his stomach even just imagining what horrible memory she'd tried to bury in that paint. And there these fuckers were, complimenting it… Calling it a masterpiece. Worse than that Jake knew that even if they knew the full story they'd still find it just as fascinating - maybe even more.
As he made the drinks and served the guests in front of him, Jake made it a point to glare at Howard. The disgusting man was practically trying to sell the damn thing. He stood beside the crowd, pointing out the details of the piece and praising the painter, who he'd already revealed worked in the restaurant. When he'd walked past the bar toward the kitchen it took all of Jake's willpower not to hit him again.
Only a minute had passed before his heart dropped into his stomach at the sound of shattering dishes. In an instant Jake was moving towards the kitchen doors, his heartbeat practically echoing her name. Just as he reached the end of the bar, Sasha fled the scene with a deviant smile, effectively blocking Jake's path. “The hell happened?”
“Tiger Bitch is not in a playful mood tonight,” The Russian answered. “Dear Howard was telling her that some of the guests wanted to speak with her about her painting and she just held up a plate,” he illustrated the throwing movement as well as the crash with his hands, “She threw a plate and told him she'd throw one every time he spoke to her.”
A part of him couldn't help but feel satisfied at how hostile she was acting towards Howard. She may not have known what he did, but Jake was glad she was giving him hell even if it wasn't for the worst of his crimes against her. But, beneath that satisfaction was the simmering worry that it would all be too much for Lena to handle and he'd have to watch her spiral into another night of panic and drowning her fears in alcohol. 
Sasha watched his face, reading it carefully as he set his head in his hands and leaned on the bar in front of Jake. “Something about those paintings puts Tiger in a bad mood.”
“Yeah, no shit,” he replied curtly.
“Tell me what you know, pretty Jake,” he urged. 
Jake leaned forward, looking around them for a moment as if he cared about who could hear them. “I know you should get the fuck off my bar and back to work.”
The Russian cursed and waved him off. “Ha ha, you so funny.” With a thoughtful look, he shifted his question, “So, what's next?”
“Next?” Jake asked with a pointed look.
Sasha smirked and gave him an innocent shrug. “Well, now that you've tamed the tiger you'll be taking on a new project, yes? A new hostess maybe?”
Turning his head to the hostess stand Jake caught the new girl bashfully averting her eyes from the bar. In the past, he would have felt a thrill at the idea of stringing along another sweet, innocent hostess… But now when he looked at her and saw those blushing cheeks that told him she was interested all he could think of was how boring it'd be. No one would ever be able to offer him even a fraction of what he had with Lena.
No one else would challenge him the way she did. It didn't matter how pretty the hostess was, she wouldn't tease him encourage him, or support him the way the redhead did. No one could be more beautiful than her, funnier than her, smarter than her, more badass, or fearless. No one would be Lena and if it wasn't her… Well, he just didn't want it.
“Nah,” Jake finally replied, returning to his work. “No new projects.”
Sasha made a shocked face and with a quiet, almost supportive hum he asked, “Who really tamed who?”
The second service ended, I grabbed my shit and left out the alley door. I'd wanted to wait for Jake to talk to him, but after seeing that painting and having Howard tell me about the requests some rich asshole made to meet me… It was too much. As I wandered the brisk city, desperately trying to force the pit in my stomach to dissolve with the movement, I had to continuously pull myself from wave after wave of old thoughts trying to plague me with guilt and make me doubt what I knew to be true.
It wasn't love. It was never love.
Everything I'd been through, all the years I'd spent moving on, and all it took was one painting to make me feel like that sad, lonely, dead little girl. One painting and in whatever fucking twisted way I was looking back on the times when Tony made me laugh or smile or feel anything good. Those memories were ones I had to combat with the truth and the truth meant remembering and remembering meant I couldn't just pretend like everything was fine.
Tony had not only been in the restaurant but had weaseled his way into Howard's ear, and quite possibly my aunt's. He'd hung the paintings to elicit a very specific response and I'd played right into it. The larger message was simple. It was a reminder that in this game we were playing, he was the king. He snapped his fingers and everyone would play whatever tune he wanted, me included.
Fear, anger, guilt. What was his next move? I wondered as I had many times before. And just like every time before, I hadn't the faintest idea. Even with all the time I'd spent with him to give me a clear picture of who he was and how he thought, I'd never been able to predict his moves. The one thing I knew to be a certainty was there wasn't a damn thing he wouldn't do and that meant everything I loved was at stake… that meant the people closest to me were in danger.
Ozzy, Peter, Patrick, Quinn, Prue, Nana, Abdul, Isaac, Dom, Scott, Ari, Sasah… Jake. They were all possible targets for Tony to choose from. It was terrifying to think about and so I forced myself to not think about it. The lights over Ozzy's bar eventually flashed ahead of me as I did my best to shed myself of the powerless feeling that was now firmly rooted in my stomach. I had to keep moving forward, even blindly. I had to focus on the good around me, even if it was just a tiny speck of it.
He wouldn't take this from me. He would never take anything from me again.
As I made my way to the door I heard the rumble of Dom's bike engine and felt a sense of relief wash over me. As he pulled into the bike spaces I reminded myself of my one advantage in this fucked up game. I had Dom. He wouldn't let anything bad happen. Not ever again.
He had a tired look in his eyes as he flung his leg over the side and stood, thanking the bikers around him as they followed suit.
“Busy day?” I called out, drawing his attention to me.
A thought made his brows pinch together as he sighed and walked toward me. “Yeah.”
As he walked with me through the bar door a faint, floral smell lingered on his jacket. I leaned in, smelling him a bit deeper. “You open a flower shop or something?”
“You smell all flowery,” I replied tugging on his jacket.
Dom's face drained of any emotion as he shrugged. “Right. Yeah, I… Had some business with a florist.”
A smile tugged at the corners of my lips. “Are you back in the game of wooing Mav?”
“Oh come on, you can tell me!” I playfully urged. “You know I'm in full support of your “marriage”.”
With a sigh he stopped, gently placing a hand on my arm. “Lena… There's something we should talk about.”
A sudden tightness seized my throat at his serious tone and blank expression. “What's going on?”
Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Sasha and the group waving their hands in the air, urging me to hurry and join them. “Tiger! Come on!”
Dom glanced at them and quickly shook his head. “I… just wanted to give you a heads up that Nana's got a big celebration planned for your birthday.”
“Oh.” A relieved breath left my lungs in the form of an anxious chuckle. “Oh, good. Fuck, you scared the shit out of me!”
“Sorry,” he quietly replied.
“It's okay. I promised Nana she could go all out this year and… I dunno…” Glancing back at my group, at my brothers and Quinn and Prue, the restaurant crew… Jake… I smiled. I had these people in my life. They may have been in danger by being here - being close to me - but they were here nonetheless. None of them cared about possible dangers, they still chose to be here with me. The weight that had made everything feel so heavy slowly eased as I looked at my friends… my family and smiled wider. “Maybe it won't be so bad this year.”
“Yeah, maybe,” he mumbled, giving me a pat on the head. “That's real good, kid. Now go on. Enjoy your night or whatever.”
I caught his arm before he could go too far, squeezing it and offering him a sad smile. “You been to visit her yet?”
Dom's whole body tensed. He likely thought I forgot, or maybe he just didn’t want to talk about it, but with a quick shake of his head, he answered “No… I don't know if I'm gonna this year.”
“Well if you do, tell her I said hi.” I knew that Dom didn't really believe in ghosts or angels. I knew to him Sarah wouldn't hear him or even know if he'd visited at all, but every year I still encouraged him to go to her grave as some kind of birthday gift to her. He had yet to do it, but I could tell that speaking of her fondly from time to time - acknowledging that his sister existed and had been important - helped ease the hurt in him a little.
But, tonight that didn't seem to be the case.
Dom averted his gaze, cleared his throat, and nodded to the group with a firm, “Go on.”
The chaos of the night continued as expected. My friends and their antics helped me push all the bad the day had to offer back into their boxes and as I met Jake's eyes over the bartop. I was scared that he’d still have that speck of doubt lingering in those beautiful eyes, but as he stared back at me all I could see was the desire. It reminded me of the good… of the possibility that I could have something normal.
Remembering how right it felt to kiss him, to feel him in every way physically possible made me flush with a shameless want to do it all again. Jake's never-faltering gaze didn't help either. It was like he knew exactly what I was thinking and that he wholeheartedly agreed. As the night progressed and the bar slowly started to slow I found myself avoiding leaving it. The pit in my stomach, though lessened still filled me with a lingering and old voice urging me to take the quickest, easiest path away from potential heartache. End it.
That conversation we didn't get to have was now right in front of me and I felt scared. Terrified that something had changed. If Jake told me he wanted to move on from last night it would gut me. But if he said he wanted us to be something official… That thought made me feel almost as sick, just in a different way. Get him as far away from you as possible.
How many men had come before him? All of whom I'd deeply felt for and all of whom Tony had destroyed in some way or another. So what would he do to Jake? What would Tony do to the man that I cared for most… The man who was different from every other in a way I didn't even fully understand. Protect him.
Ozzy set a hand on my shoulder and nudged me to the door. “Go on and get some rest, dear. You've helped enough.”
“Thanks,” I whispered, accepting the kiss on the head and making my way out the back door where I attempted to steel myself.
The gym was quiet, with only a few lights left on to illuminate the old pictures on the walls. As I looked at my dad's smiling face in every photo that scared voice in me quieted, instead replaced by his. “Why you gotta fight me every step of the way?”
“I don’t know what you want from me,” I’d replied coldly, angry and terrified. Dad had done nothing but offer me love and acceptance since I’d gotten back for the summer, two things I knew weren’t given away for free. He wanted something but instead of telling me what it was chose to play some cruel game instead. 
My dad’s shoulders slumped slightly, a sigh falling from his lips as he stared down at me with a pitiful look. I prepared myself for his disappointment, but it never came. “I don’t want anything from you, Lena.”
Shaking my head I swallowed hard. “Everyone wants something from me.”
“Alright,” he finally relented. “I do want one thing. I want you to live.”
“I’m here, aren’t I?” I asked, timid but still angry. 
“You’re alive, sure,” he replied, carefully reaching out to touch my shoulder. “But this ain’t living. This hostile… bitterness you’re carrying, it’s not what life’s supposed to be like. Especially not for a kid.”
“I’m sorry,” I whispered, guilt filling my lungs as another failure was added to the list.
Dad bent down, forcing our eyes to meet, and smiled. “Don’t be sorry. It ain’t your fault. Just… let us help you. Let me help you, sweet girl.”
With tears building in my eyes, I answered, “Okay. I… Sorry I’ve been making it so hard for you.”
He pulled me into his arms and kissed my head. “You make my life, all our lives, better just by bein here. All we want is for you to see that…” He pulled away, taking my face in his hands and smushing my cheeks the way he thought was funny. “Come on. Let’s go start livin, yeah?”
The sound of the alley door opening spurred me back into motion. As I headed up the stairs to the apartment I could hear Jake's steady footsteps following me. His movements didn’t sound rushed or hesitant, just steady. My heart hammered in my chest and my head filled with a hundred thoughts, a hundred voices all shouting different things at me. Jake appeared in the stairwell, hands in his pockets as he put one foot on the bottom step before stopping himself. “Now a good time to talk?”
The longer I looked down at him the quieter my mind got. Nodding I opened the door and shrugged. “As good a time as we’re probably gonna get.”
He trudged up the stairs with a faint smile on his face and all the noise, all the extra baggage weighing me down fell away. The smell of alcohol, faint cigarette smoke and Jake’s colognue reminded me that I was here. I was in this moment, not the ones in Tony’s paintings or in picture frames. I was here. I was alive and now I wanted to live.
Jake stepped inside and quietly watched me as I closed the door behind him. “You okay?”
“Yeah!” I replied, clearing my throat and taking a tensely casual position by the table. “Why wouldn't I be?”
He shrugged. “You seemed to be kind of somewhere else today… after seeing that painting.”
My jaw clenched as the ugly emotions in me wanted to return. “Yeah… That wasn't great but, I'm okay now.”
“Wanna talk about it?”
“No.” I laughed a little to myself, forcing my body to focus on that feeling of steadiness and safety that Jake’s presence brought me. “Besides, we have other stuff we need to talk about, don't we?”
Now he looked just as nervous as I felt. “Yeah.”
“We're kind of horrible at this, aren't we?”
Jake nodded in agreement, chuckling before he spoke, “Yeah… okay… Fuck it, I'm just gonna start. Neither of us do well with labels,” Jake offered before quickly stammering over his own words. “Not that I'm against labeling this as… Whatever. I just mean…”
“Why put a label on things when we're still figuring out exactly what things are?” I finished, ignoring the slight sting of disappointment that festered in my chest by focusing on the wave of relief.
“Exactly.” He scratched his head and cleared his throat. “So… We… keep it casual.”
“Casual,” I agreed. Casual was fun, predictable but most importantly safe. Casual was familiar to both of us and given everything that had happened - changed in our lives and in our friendship - maybe that was a safety net we both needed. 
Jake nodded, taking a careful step forward. “If someone were to ask what we were… What would we say to that?”
I watched his lips, resisting the urge to end all the tedious talking by kissing him. “We'd say we're casually seeing each other? Friends with benefits? Fuck buddies? Whatever feels right to you I'm fine with.”
“So, you're a girl I'm seeing… casually?”
Nodding I forced myself to meet his eyes, not that it helped either of us stay on track. “And you're a boy I'm seeing casually.”
Jake's hands slid around me, urging me to lean into him. With that simple touch, everything else faded into the back of my mind. I felt myself relax into him, my body finally able to focus on those tingling sensations of desire and excitement. “And since we're seeing each other, casually, it'd be perfectly normal for us to kiss, right?”
“I think it'd be expected, really.”
“Good,” he mumbled, running his thumb over my lower lip. “I liked being your friend and all, but I don't think I can go any longer without fucking you again.”
As if it had a mind of its own my tongue slipped out to lick his thumb and tug it between my teeth for a second. I wasn't entirely sure what I was doing, teasing… Testing the waters… Inviting him to fuck me as much as he wanted? “Well, what are you waiting for?”
Smirking, he brushed my hair behind my ears. “That.”
His lips further erased every ounce of tension, guilt, disappointment, and fear from my lungs. The way his hands cradled my face replaced everything with a warm fuzzy sense of safety. The painting, Howard, Simone… Nothing else mattered. As long as I had this, him, somehow I knew everything would be alright. 
When he pulled back for air he smiled with a quiet sigh. “This is how our morning should have gone. Sorry about Simone.”
“It's alright. We’re here now.”
“Mmm,” he hummed, leaning back down towards me. “I haven't been able to think about anything else all day.”
Before our lips could connect again I threw one last taunt at him, “I knew you liked being my friend.”
Jake rolled his eyes, warm hands sliding down my cheek to take hold of my hips. “God you're insufferable.”
I ran my hands down his chest and whispered against his lips, “You like it.”
“Shut up.” Our lips finally touched, soft hands quickly turning into heated grabs at one another's clothes.
With a half step forward Jake pressed me into the back of a kitchen chair. His tongue invaded my mouth as his hands pulled my sleeves away from my shoulders, clearing a path for his lips and teeth to follow. The way his lips felt against my skin was something that made me shiver. Jake was… How had he put it? Adept in the art of pleasure? Smug bastard… And completely right.
“God,” Patrick groaned the second he opened the door. His hand slapped over his face, covering his eyes and sighing in defeat. “Guess I should get used to that now that you two are officially a thing.”
“Casually,” Jake and I both corrected.
My brother blindly made his way around the kitchen table. “Yeah yeah, “casually” whatever ya say. Just keep alla that “casual” touchy-feely shit in your room or something.”
“Sorry,” we both mumbled watching Patrick run into his bedroom door before quickly opening it and fleeing inside.
I nodded to my bedroom door and smiled as I tugged Jake toward it. He followed, pushing the door closed behind him. I practically pounced on him, pressing my chest into his as I pulled his head down to reconnect our lips. Jake stumbled slightly causing the door to rattle. Before we could say anything else Irish folk music blared through Pat’s speakers. A crystal clear message.
“Shhh,” I whispered against his collarbone with a giggle. “We have to be quiet!”
“I'm not the one that needs to worry about that.” To prove his point he took a handful of my ass and ground himself against my core, pulling a sharp - loud - moan from me.
“Nope! I'm leaving!” Patrick shouted as the music turned off. “You two have an hour before Pete gets back! For the love of god, be done before then!”
I smirked at Jake. “Now I finally have you all to myself.”
“Looks that way,” he replied. “You gonna entertain me?”
“Of course! What kind of host would I be if I didn't?”
His eyes sparkled with lust as he watched my mouth move. “Well, what's your plan?”
Leaning in I pressed my lips to his neck, occupying my hands with his belt and starting the slow drag of my body down his. When my knees hit the floor and I'd gotten Jake's pants down I looked up at him, fluttering my lashes and smiling at him. “I'm sure I'll think of something you'll enjoy.”
My dearest Lena,
In the unlikely event you're reading this letter I simply wished to send you a simple reminder of my devotion to you. A token of my love will be finding its way to your door soon and soon we will be reunited once more.
Yours, Anthony
Dom stared at the letter, examining each line as meticulously as he would an engine. He needed to know what the sick bastard had planned. Needed to know how to protect her from whatever was coming. Tony wouldn't make it easy or fair. He never did and this time was different. He was braver than before, bolder in his actions than Dom had ever seen him. 
After the beating he'd given him upon hearing all he'd done to Lena, Tony should have been cowering in some far corner of the world. He should have been terrified to even set foot in the city again and yet there he was, in her apartment, waving at her landlord, waving at him. 
The longer he held the evidence of Tony's visit the more guilty he felt for keeping it secret. Lena deserved to know. Her brothers had the right to know about the danger. They all deserved better than he could give them.
With a sigh, he lifted the lighter to the corner of the paper and watched the fire spread to the cursive words in ink. He dropped it into the empty bin and picked the orange flower up off the table before tossing it into the fire too.
He should have killed Tony a hundred times by now. A mistake he wasn't going to make again. Then and there Dom silently vowed that the next time he saw that fuckers face he'd put a bullet between his eyes.
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keldae · 3 months
sitting in their lap
for Gale/Devi XD
Gale's tower was comfortable, and cosy – he always had plenty of seating available for himself or Devi to curl up with a book or her violin. Even in the depths of a Waterdeep winter, the study was warm and safe. It was a perfect place for the wizard and his wife to hunker down, waiting out the blizzards together.
Today, one such blizzard raged against the sturdy walls of the tower. Even with fires roaring in the fireplaces, there was a chill to the air; Devi took care to not tarry in the hallways. With two mugs of tea in her hands, she made her way to the study, smiling at the sight before her. It was never a rare sight to find Gale with his nose in a book, engrossed in the words on the pages. But it never failed to warm Devi's heart, to see her husband and the father of their unborn child so content and peaceful.
The only rare part of this sight was that Tara wasn't curled up in Gale's lap, as per normal. Devi looked around for the tressym, finally seeing her by the window, gazing out into the storm. She smiled, then made her way to Gale's side; he looked up at her footsteps, his eyes softening. “I was wondering where you'd gotten off to,” he chuckled, setting his book to the side.
“Felt like a good time for a cup of tea,” Devi responded with a grin, handing Gale one of the mugs – black, with just a touch of sugar, as she knew he liked it.
Gale accepted the tea and took a sip, sighing happily. “Have I mentioned that I love you?” he asked with a smile. He leaned forward to set his hand on Devi's belly, starting to swell with their child within. “And have you been good for Mama today?”
“A little angel,” Devi assured him. “They aren't even demanding any strange food combinations right now.”
“Oh, thank the gods,” Gale muttered. “I love you, but the amount of spicy food that child has been demanding recently is concerning.”
Devi laughed, then sat down on Gale's lap, shifting her weight until she was comfortable. The wizard chuckled as he wrapped his arms around her. “Oh, all the chairs in here weren't comfortable enough for you, my love?”
“I like being close to you,” Devi answered, a grin lighting her face more than the pregnancy glow that Morena swore she had. She snuggled into Gale's chest. “Besides, Tara can't claim exclusive rights to your lap all the time.”
“Hmmph,” the tressym said, as she strolled by the armchair, her tail swishing. “I still have first claim to his lap – but I suppose I can share, while you're carrying the kitten.” She jumped up onto Devi's lap, turning until she found a comfortable position despite the half-Elf's belly protruding out; she then laid down, and pointedly said “Ahem” until Devi obediently started scratching behind her ears.
Gale chuckled again, kissing Devi’s hair as he summoned a Mage Hand to pick his book back up and turn the pages as he read, leaving one hand free to hold his tea while the other snuggled Devi close. With a contented little hum, Devi rested her head on Gale's shoulder, sipping her own tea and rubbing Tara's ears, earning purrs from the tressym.
The peaceful silence was broken a few minutes later by Tara's surprised meow as Devi gasped. Gale sharply looked up from his book. “What happened? What's wrong?”
“I…” Devi cautiously touched her belly, where she had felt a little jolt from within. “I think…”
“The kitten kicked me!” Tara sounded like she would have been affronted if she wasn't so delighted. She turned around on Devi’s lap again, her nose bumping inquisitively against the half-Elf's stomach.
She promptly meowed again, this time in annoyance, as Gale all but pushed her out of his way to lay his hand on Devi's belly. “You're serious? The baby kicked? This is… this is wonderful! Not that it's kicking you, Tara… but it's kicking!” He pressed his palm firmly against Devi. “Come on, my little one. Daddy is here…”
For several long heartbeats, there was nothing; then, just as Gale started to sigh in disappointment, there was another little pulse against his palm from a tiny foot… or a fist, perhaps? Devi gasped again at the little jolt from within her womb. “Did you feel that, my love? They know you!”
“I felt it!” Joy lit up Gale's face as he rubbed Devi's stomach, over where he'd felt the baby kick. “Oh, gods… our child knows me!” Delighted, he bent over to press a kiss to Devi's belly through her shirt. “Daddy loves you so much, my little one. I can't wait for you to be born.”
“You think you can't wait for it to be born?” Devi asked with a grin. “I've been struggling to balance myself when standing or walking for a month already!”
Gale laughed and straightened up to kiss Devi. “But you are adorable with your belly swollen with our child,” he murmured. “I can't wait to see how beautiful you'll be in a few short months.”
Devi smiled fondly as she caressed Gale's bearded cheek. “You already can't keep your hands off of me as it is,” she softly laughed. “You'll be insatiable by the time the nine-month mark comes around.”
That got a grin from Gale. “Is that a bad thing, my rose?” he asked with a low chuckle, and a look in his eyes that made Devi feel a burst of pleasant heat, deep beneath where their child grew. “You could do the sensible thing and forsake clothing entirely…”
“And that's my cue to take my leave,” Tara announced, jumping off of Devi's lap and making her escape from the study. She flew off to the bedroom, where she could only hope that the sounds of the blizzard outside and the thick walls within the tower would be enough to drown out the noises that would soon be coming from the two people she had just left. She loved Gale, and she supposed Devi was tolerable… but she did not want to be a witness to that.
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