#Ferally running around my brain help
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inumbrapugnabimus-maybe · 8 months ago
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But not green.
You know the song Mr. Jones? Yeah.
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ozarkthedog · 2 months ago
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WARNINGS: 18+ mdni. riding Joel on the couch. slight size difference kink. -> no plot, only fucking that old man <- W.C: 468 AUTHOR'S NOTE: enjoy this word vomit. i saw this pic and then went brain dead.
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Jumping Joel's bones the second he's through the door after a day of patrolling.
Pushing the brick wall of a man back on the couch and dropping to your knees, unbuckling his belt in record time, and teasing his soft cock until he's leaking and throbbing hard over your tongue. His hips rise off the couch as he presses his girth further down your throat, making you sputter and gag. Joel runs his fingers over your scalp, cooing your sticky whimpers. He looks down at you, absolutely memorized by the satisfied tears in your eyes. "Needed him pretty bad, huh?"
You nod with his cock still lodged in your throat; the simple vibration of your muddle response is enough to make his eyes slam closed and cock leak over your tongue.
"Get up 'ere," He grits, helping you rise on weary legs and hastily tug your panties to the ground. He cradles your hips as you settle onto his lap, forming his larger body around yours; he taps his weeping crown against your dripping heat, teasing you like you teased him not long ago.
"Think you can take him? Take e'ery inch?" he rasps, his still throat hoarse from a day out in the cold.
Your hands clutch his broad shoulders, his weather-worn jacket smelling of birch and snow bunches in your grip as he ever so slowly eases you down his cock.
His massive palms curve around your hips and lewdly palm your ass until your clit touches the grey-brown curls that litter the base of his cock.
"There ya go. Spreadin' 'er all the way open for him," He flexes his length, sending a shock wave through your system, igniting all the nerves that drove you mad all day.
You bite back a curse on the first steady rise and fall on his cock. His salt and pepper facial hair bristles your skin as he pants against your cheek while you ride him. "I can feel your fuckin' heartbeat."
Your knees dig into the cushions, and frantic breaths burst from your lungs on each bounce as pleasure blossoms in your belly. Joel's expansive hands easily reach around your waist and guide you along every ridge and blood pumping vein, easing your distress and seeking out the ache only he knows how to quell.
He presses his forehead to yours and shares your breath, driving you closer and closer to becoming one. You drown happily in his coffee dark eyes as a wave of bliss races down you're spine.
"Lookit' you fallin' apart so quickly," a feral hand curls around the back of your neck and tips your head, making you look down at where you're connected. The base of his cock glistens with fresh white cream. "Comin' on my cock like you were made for it."
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evieelyzabethh · 4 months ago
"glue song"
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✭"don't forget to kiss me or else you'll have to miss me"✭ ~ How Arcane characters show affection headcannons {fem reader}
cast ✧ Vi, Ekko, Jayce, Viktor, Mel
cw ☞slightly pervy jayce (you can't pry him from my cold dead hands), fluff
♞Vi kisses like she is starving, and you are the first morsel of food she can get her hands on. Like she is drowning, and you are her first breath of air. It's not just desperate and hungry, but there's also a thankfulness to it. Thank you for sticking with her, thank you for being so patient with her, thank you for loving her. Vi doesn't do anything half-assedly, especially not kissing her pretty girlfriend. It's probably her favorite form of affection because it's so versatile. It doesn't have to lead to the bed if neither of you want it to, sometimes it's just on the couch, you sat in between her large thighs, positively falling into her.
♞Her favorite place to kiss you would be on your lips as she holds you chin in her rough hands. She would kiss you thoroughly and deeply, her tongue languidly kissing your own without a rush or care in the world. She is quite prone to getting overwhelmed herself, squeezing the air from both of your lungs and having the nerve to pout at you when you pull away. On her messier days, she leaves a string of spit behind, but she's always kind enough to wipe it away with a few swipes of her thumb. With every inch you pull back she leans in a mile more, chasing you as you try to catch your breath and when she does pin you down, she holds you impossibly close so you can't escape again until she's had her fill. Even then, she holds you in her large arms and tangles your limbs together, at one point sliding her hand beneath your shirt just to lay it on your tummy and feel it move as you breath.
♞Vi is also secretly a space heater. She runs incredibly hot and because of this, sleeps naked and is always down to give you her jacket. It just makes sense in her mind, seeing her clothing wrapped around you. She likes sharing most things; oddly specifically, drinks. She's gross and thinks it's hot that you're technically swapping spit. When it comes to alcohol, especially if you're not a big drinker, both of you will nurse off the same drink, her tipping your head back and pouring it into your mouth when you get a bit too tipsy to do so yourself without spilling.
♞Her go to pet name is 'pretty' and I will die on this hill. It's the thing that defines you for her. She's an idiot and a loser and she knows there's more to you than just how you look, but she just can't help it that whenever she sees you, all her reptile brain can think is 'pretty'. She absolutely abuses it, too. Besides this, I also think she would use those sleazy kinda bar pet names, like sweets or babydoll. Not in a creepy sleazy way, but that is just realistically what she would've been hearing for terms of endearment.
♞Slight side tangent, in a modern AU she is definitely one of those mascs that gets a hold to some Calvin Klein boxers and takes advantage of every opportunity possible to show the waistband off. Part of it is just her showing affection, even if you can reach tall shelves on your own, she still insists on getting the items for you. This carriers over into many things, like twisting open pickle jars or opening your soda cans if you're someone into longer nails. While she isn't as good with building things as Jinx, I think she would definitely be able to manage putting together the furniture in your shared home. Would it take all day? Well, yes! But you chose to make the best out of it and fuck on top of the furniture to test its sturdiness and congratulate your girlfriend on a job well done.
♞On the topic of nails in a modern AU, she would love a partner who gets them done absolutely goes feral if you get them customized to her liking, like coloring them after her eyes or hair or sneaking her name in there somewhere. She feels like she's made it in life when she can pay to get them done. It seems like a selfless action, but it would be a lie to say she gets nothing out of it. The scratch mark you leave on her back after break her brain a little.
★Ekko loves cooking for his girlfriend! I feel like that would definitely be his main love language along with quality time. As stated before, you two would spend a lot of time in his kitchen, often times with some source of music providing a background noise to the nonsense that you concoct together, occasionally slow dancing while there's time to kill while waiting for something to finish in the oven. Food fights may occasionally occur, but he does a thorough job of licking you clean after. He claims he 'can't let good food go to waste'.
★He would also have a sketchbook absolutely full of you. You can tell when a new edition is about to be added as well. Ekko isn't loud, but he isn't quiet either. His foot is always tapping, he's usually humming something, he always has something to keep his hands busy. He's hardly ever still, except for those moments when you fully wash over him. Sometimes the lighting is exceptionally beautiful, sometimes it's in appreciation of how the wind moves the world around you, and some moments are just so breathtaking beautiful he has to take a moment to go silent, still, and stare. Sometimes he'll just tell you to be in his presence and be pretty so he can properly commit you to paint and commemorate you forever in oils and brush strokes. He's not above nude paintings, though those strokes look and feel much different.
★Ekko is the CEO of quick kisses. He's a busy guy!! He's running an entire commune. He makes the absolute most out of moments when you have the world to yourselves, but most of what you receive are quick passing kisses on your cheeks or the corner of your mouth. He misses on purpose because he simply does not believe in starting things he doesn't have the time to finish. For this reason, I don't think he'd be a big quickie guy. A kiss can easily just be a kiss, but sex is not something meant to be done in 5 minutes.
★Ekko's favorite place to kiss you would also be your lips. He's a romantic, what can I say!!! At the end of every day, you ask each other how your day was after you've both showered and gotten comfy. You both sit on his bed, set beside each other, your legs haphazardly laid over his as he casually massages your thigh. Sometimes you're both a bit too tired and aren't listening that hard, the occasional tidbit catching your attention making either of you sit straight and get closer until eventually you laid on top of him, both of you half asleep. No matter how much energy either of you has, a good night kiss is to be had. When Ekko doesn't need to be quick, he is impossibly slow. He has all the time and then some.
★Not only does he demand a good night kiss, but a good morning kiss to. He gets pouty without it. And sassy. He tells Scar, very loudly so that everyone can hear him, that you hate and don't love him anymore and he is just so deeply hurt that you would let your boyfriend, you're one true love, leave the house without kissing him goodbye and doesn't shut up about it until he gets his goddamn kiss.
★He loves picking out your outfits. He prides himself on the way he dresses and out of everyone, I think Ekko has the most domestic skills. I've already discussed how well he cooks, but I wouldn't be surprised if he also knew his way around a needle and thread. He is not just wearing any clothes; he has a sense of style that he is very proud of. This being said, he loves going shopping with you in a modern AU and he loves when you eventually get comfortable enough to not retreat into the bathroom when changing from outfit to outfit. He's the one making you do the little spin so he can appreciate the outfit from all angles.
★As far as pet names go, I think Ekko would keep it simple with "babe" or "baby" for more casual usages. I also think he would be fond of "my girl" and expects it from you in return because yes he is "your boy" and yes you are "his girl" and yes he loves you very very much. He wouldn't be a stranger to "my love", especially in the mornings or at night when your face is the first and last thing he sees when he closes his eyes. It makes him feel extra sappy.
❂He is all over you at all times of the day omg. I feel like of everyone, Jayce would be the clingiest. This isn't to say he's attached to you at the hip, but his favorite part of the day is getting to go home to you. You're cooking and there he is sitting on the counter yapping about Hextech or something. You're taking a shower and he wants to join. And it's not just a proximity thing, it's also a touchy thing. Any reason or way he can find to touch you, he is taking it. He doesn't care if it's pathetic, dammit, he wants to be held.
❂Jayce would absolutely thrive in a modern AU. He would be the guy whose social media page are all posts about his girlfriend and does he just love to show you off. He would spoil you so good, but rather than buying anything you wanted like Mel would, I think he would also really enjoy making you presents. This isn't to say he doesn't enjoy buying you things, one of your staple pieces of jewelry is the gold anklet he bought with his initials on it.
❂Physical touch is easily his love language but he cannot handle all that, or rather, he freezes in situations where you initiate it. His hands tend to naturally find your waist and will occasionally, if he's feeling bold enough, slip down to your ass, but one time when it was freezing out, you offered your tits as handwarmers and he got a nosebleed. Jayce is definitely an undercover perv but due to never having a girlfriend before and being completely foreign with the concept that he doesn't need to hide how badly he wants to jump your bones at nearly all hours of the day, he freezes when it comes to you initiating contact.
❂He would definitely be the type to get you teddy bears and flowers just whenever. It's never with any rhyme or reason and it happens rather sporadically, just when he is out and about for any reason and thinks of you and wants to bring you something home. He thinks of you a lot, actually. Mel and Viktor love the both of you, but sometimes he goes a bit overboard when it comes to talking about you. This being said, he jumps at any opportunity to show you off. He loves going to gala's because he likes seeing you in pretty clothes and hanging off his arm. He also likes kissing you in public, even if no one's paying attention. He is well versed in the art of delayed gratification and loves getting the both of you riled up knowing full well he does not have the balls to actually fuck you with people around (he gets loud and is very well aware of this)
❂ Jayce's absolute favorite place to kiss you is your neck. He usually starts with your lips, large hands cupping your cheeks and soft lips moving over yours until he gets more antsy. His hands travel from your cheek to your neck then begin to creep under your clothes to grab and knead at your warm skin. Then he would move down your face, peppering kisses across your lips, down your jaw, then down you neck, panting as he goes along and his hands getting rougher as he tries to remain composed. He stops there for a moment, breath fanning over skin that is now slightly red from his canines nipping you and his fresh stubble scratching the area, reminding himself to be gentle and not take more than he's given. He pleads with you, his own cheeks flushed from the heat of the movement as he mutters out his "please...". He's begged you time and time again to not make him verbalize exactly what he wants, but you are relentless. At least he has the manners to ask sweetly beforehand.
❂He is the type to lay right on top of you. After you've gotten comfy in your bed, thrown on your pajama's, maybe are doing a bit of light reading before bed, he comes around to disturb your peace and lay himself right on top of you, smothering you with kisses while he lays there. He eventually moves out of his starfish position to lay his head on your chest and wrap his arms around your torse. He's like a giant, weighted, warm teddy bear
❂One of his go-to pet names would be 'baby', but only when it just the two of you. He is also quite fond of 'gorgeous' and he always has a stupid smirk on his face when he says it. His favorite would be 'sweetheart'. Slightly off topic, he would be the first to jump the gun and start calling you his wife. Especially to council members that are annoying him and taking up time he'd rather be spending with you, he is very quick to pull a "Sorry, gotta get home to my wife." He bought to matching rings for your one-year anniversary to sell the story better.
☽As far as physical affection goes, I think he would be the least touchy. I think the touches would be concentrated on your face, lazily tracing all of your features, marking where your cheeks sink below your cheek bones, the divot between your chin and lips, and where your face is most pronounced. While he wouldn't call himself an artist, he could probably mold your face in clay from the number of times his feather light fingers have caressed every inch of it. He's utterly entranced by it. His mind often wanders while listening to you speak, eyes roaming from your lips and taking note of them in proportion to your eyes, getting lost in the color of them until his eyes flit to your nose and the way your nostrils slightly flare out. It's very mechanical, but that's just the way his brain works.
☽Less of a hugger but he does like to keep his arms around you. Especially on date nights when you're cuddled up on your couch, a myriad of snacks in between the two of you, your head resting on his shoulder while he tries to hide his snores as he falls in and out of consciousness. You accuse of him trying to go to sleep and he tells you he was just "resting his eyes".
☽He would make you all the trinkets in the world. Many of them start as failed experiments of his or scraps from projects past that need to be repurposed, but the thought is always there. He hates to waste and there's really no need to when he has a girlfriend he can make gifts for. Your vanity is full of pretty side projects, decorative boxes for your makeup, ornate music boxes, tea sets and tiny figurines. Your desk would be full of special tchotchkes.
☽Speaking of tchotchkes, I think that would be one of his playful nicknames for you. It sounds absolutely delectable in his accent. I think he would also go for the classier terms of endearment such as 'dear', 'love', 'darling' as well as variations of them in his mother tongue. He would love teaching you his native language, both as a way to bond even more but also to make sure he never loses it.
☽He would also be big on compliments. He is probably your number one supporter, but not in the loud sports fan with a huge foam finger kinda way, but in a quieter more personal way. He is extremely confident in you and your abilities as well as being endlessly proud of everything you do. He is in complete awe of you, and he tells you as such. It is impossible to feel bad about yourself in his presence, he keeps a mental rolodex of every accomplishment of yours to combat any sort of negative self-talk.
☽Not a big PDA guy. He would rather throw himself out of a window than suck face with you in Jayce's presence. He is a big hand-holder which is disastrous when doing it while walking around because neither one of you can walk straight to save your life. It's not even an issue with his leg because you do it too. You bump into each other all the time, though in the winter it is more often on purpose to keep warm.
☽Viktor's favorite place to kiss you is on your forehead. It's simple and it's sweet and more often than not what he can get away with the most. With how much time he spends in the lab, he has grown to deeply appreciate those quiet moments with you, holding your hand under the table as he works in the low light, papers rustling as he tries to find the specific formula he's looking for. Jayce is across the table, snoring loud enough to keep the both of you awake. You look like you want to kiss him, he can feel your gaze on his lips as your fingers tangle through his hair and he turns to you and gives you a small smile then a sweet kiss on your forehead. When he pulls away, he leans into you and you sit there for a moment, nose to nose. "Just a few moments, love, I'm almost done." You giggle through tiredness. "It won't be a few moments, Vik." And he appreciates your understanding more than most things in the world. "No, it won't. But I'll try to make it quick.", he promises and then plants another kiss on you
☽He really likes reading with you, or just doing activities that allow the both of you to be doing something together without necessarily needing to talk. It doesn't even have to be something he's good at, it could be a painting session, or a pottery lesson, and he would be down. He would also be the type to try and pick up on your hobbies. You like to crochet; he's also picking up a crochet needle to try and work alongside you. And he's not too proud to ask for help, he likes a relationship where both parties are constantly learning and exploring.
☼Mel is definitely the type to spoil you. She has so much money and is not afraid to use it. You really like that dress you saw while window shopping? She's already ordered it to be tailored to your exact size. You like that bracelet? You wake up to it in a box on your nightstand the next morning and spot her wearing a matching piece later on that day. It's not to try and buy your love, she just thinks you deserve the world, and if she could buy it, it would be your wedding present.
☼Mel love holding hands at all times and specifically is the type to rub the skin between your pointer finger and thumb. Her skin would also be so soft, touching her feels like touching smooth velvet. She also likes to kiss your knuckles and the inside of your wrist before letting go, the mark her lipstick feeling like a heavy imprint of her lips.
☼She is also very fond of kissing your nose. She thinks 'booping' you with her finger is childish, but she is not above a little peck on the nose, which is the abridged version of her usual ritual of pecking your forehead, nose, and lips. Those kisses are usually taken in the morning when you go your separate ways for the day, particularly those that she knows will be long and tedious. She likes to think she takes part of you with her when she does it. She misses your intellect, she misses the silent indicators of your presence, she misses how you feel. Some days, she greatly yearns to return to you. She feels like a physical weight is lifted off her back and she can actually breathe.
☼She loves spending wash days with you. Those locs take hours and you are there right by her side, gossiping and discussing everything and nothing while royal hairdressers take down or retwist that beautiful head of hair. It's even better if you're the one doing it for her. She likes the feeling of your fingers in her scalp, massaging out the wrinkles in her brain as she goes boneless in between your legs. I, unfortunately, do not think she could return the favor. She is like basically royalty; her whole life someone was likely doing it for her. She would try and learn!! It would just take a little bit.
☼I do think she would be very good at doing your makeup. She has the base routine DOWN and usually likes to do simpler eye looks, though she can do whatever you request of her. All hell breaks loose when it comes time to do lips, and her gloss would end up all over your face as she is overcome with the unabating urge to leave glossy kiss marks all over your face . You would return the favor, whatever pigmented shade you previously wore landing all over her flawless skin, and she would savor the moment with a photo she keeps in her journal
☼In a modern AU, I think she would be really good at carnival games. I can't explain it, she just would. She's not the biggest fan carnivals and fairs as they're a bit too loud and crowded for her taste, but if you wanted to go, she certainly would never say no to you. While I think Vi would try very hard to beat them only to fail, Mel would be unexplainably good at them and win you tons of prizes.
☼Mel carries a purse on her at all times and has absolutely everything in there. Pads, tampons, ibuprofen, lip gloss, hand sanitizer, wet wipes, anything you could possibly need is in that bag of hers. She also carries the big bag so you only have to carry around outfit purses than can barely handle a handful of coins. She also loves matching outfits with you!!! You probably own so many matching outfits, matching pjs, matching workout sets, as well as multiple items of clothing that are the exact same except for sizing.
☼She would be another one who constantly talks about her partner, albeit, in a much smoother way than Jayce does. Jayce jumps at every opportunity to bring you up in conversation, it's always flows naturally with Mel but she also brags far more. It's always, "That's great but my girlfriend..." or finding ways to talk about big accomplishments knowing damn well no one else can compete. See her girlfriend has a doctorate, or her girlfriend won this prestigious award, or her girlfriend was the first to do this...what were you saying about your wife though???
☼As for pet names, I think Mel would be another person who uses "my love" or "my dear" but I also think she'd be the type to refer to you as "princess". Once again, coming from royalty, she treats you as such, and that also comes down to how she refers to you. She also just likes calling you by name, usually in her sappier moments followed by her last name She can't get enough of the way it sounds rolling off her tongue and the two of you together just sounds perfect.
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bootycallin · 27 days ago
hi period sex w vi cuz im on my period and needy <3 cw: wlw men fuck off. obviously period sex. this is messy and nasty, don’t like it don’t read it. obv blood. vi lowkey has a blood kink. lotsa titty loving. u cry a little. lowkey projecting. not proofread.
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vi knows exactly when your period happens. she just does.
when your legs start aching and you complain about your chest being sore when she tries to lay on it and you’re snappier and more emotional than usual, she knows. so, of course, she takes that as a chance to spoil you. buys you a bunch of chocolate and sweets and cups or entire body with her arms when you’re sleeping.
one little problem, though, are the cramps. she herself has never really experienced them. most the time she’s just achey and sensitive, but you? you’re constantly complaining of cramps, doubling over while standing, a hand on your lower belly. you often tried to tell her, it’s just fine. but she can’t handle it. what? she’s a good girlfriend, she can’t handle seeing her baby in pain!
oh, and most of all, vi’s a sexual creature. her libido’s not insane, but it’s pretty damn high. she could’ve sworn her sex drive lowered significantly the last time she broke up with someone, but then you came around and she’s in puberty all over again.
and she couldn’t care less if you’re bleeding. they say sex relieves cramps, right?
when she starts kissing you, all tongue and teeth and spit, she’s already wet. it’s been, what, three days without sex? she should be able to handle it, but ever since she started dating you, she’s a fucking machine (no pun intended). literally anywhere. bed, couch, bathroom, kitchen island, counter, balcony. any place around the house is game to her. she claims she’s just “appreciating her treasure”, which… is she not?
her hands are roaming, squeezing and squishing any bit of soft skin, fingertips pressing into your flesh, groaning into your mouth. she’s between your legs, her torso on the lower half of your own. her hand slips under your shirt, sneaky, big palm resting on your breast and squeezing the plump flesh. it pulls a moan from you, a whimpery noise. it was pleasure that slightly mixed with pain, breasts extra sensitive and swollen—hell, vi loves it.
“vi—“ your breath hitched, just briefly pulling away to catch your breath.
“sshh.” she shushes you. her tongue peeks out from her lips to lick the seam of your own, seeking entrance and muffling the moan you let out with her own lips. her fingers squeeze, squish, thumbs running over sensitive and pebbled nipples in a way that makes you pull away from her just to throw your head back and moan.
“baby.” vi practically growled—it’s like she’s a rabid animal or something. she tugs at your nipples, relishing in the way you whine and cry. your small hands grasp at her wrists, trying to slow her down.
“vi, wait…!” you cry out. it’s too much. she’s just barely started with you and you’re almost crying—she knew you got sensitive during this time, but she didn’t know it was so much. cute.
she did stop; with a considerable amount of effort, might you add. her fingers let go of your nipples just to push your shirt up, until your pretty tits showed to her. vi’s just obsessed with how they look, pretty puffy nipples perking, shape swollen due to hormones. not that your body’s any less perfect when you’re not on your period, but she can’t help appreciating when your body changes and you look just as fucking good.
vi pressed a quick, butterfly kiss to one of your tits, kissing the other one, then down your sternum. she kissed down your tummy, lower, until she was right above your pussy. she felt like a feral animal. she swore she could smell you. it’s like her entire brain chemistry just immediately changes when she’s next to your cunt, and she immediately can only think of pushing her tongue inside you.
“vi, wait,” you stop her just as her fingers hook under your loose shorts, under the band of your panties. “you know i’m—“
“i don’t fucking care, princess,” vi muttered, almost sounding dangerous, she pulled your shorts down, tugging your legs up to remove them and then putting your legs over her shoulders, face to face with your cunt. you’re wet, and you have to blame it on hormones, because there’s no way you can get this wet thinking of your girlfriend eating you out while you—
you can’t really complain because she was quickly pulling your panties to the side, pressing her tongue flat against your puffy, red folds with a downright pornographic moan.
your hand flew down to grab at her hair, tugging slightly. her sounds are nearly ferocious and she all but rips your panties off of your body. her tongue is quick, licking and lapping up blood and juices alike now without a pad covering it. it's nasty. messy and so fucking good.
"sh-shii— viii..." you drag her name out, a near sob ripping form your throat. she's not listening, drunk on how you taste. blood covers her lips, and she couldn’t give less of a fuck. she just laps it up like some sort of messier vampire, almost embarrassing enthusiasm. hungry, savoring the metallic taste that’s coyingly sweet to her, shoving her tongue into your slick hole and holding your thighs open as they try to close around her on instinct.
shit, she’s not stopping anytime soon. not until you’re melting and all she can taste is you.
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𝄃𝄃𝄂𝄂𝄀𝄁𝄃𝄂𝄂𝄃 © bootycallin on tumblr. do not copy, translate or cross post without permission. ᛝ
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jtoddsbabymama · 9 months ago
jason todd headcanons //nfsw + possibly sfw?// \\18+ mdni\\
[this is my first time doing headcanons or something like this in general, if there is typos or tips pls tell me 😭🙏🏽]
- ¡Jason Todd! Getting pussy drunk when eating you out after a long night of patrol, all you can hear is murmurs and groans escaping his plumped lips. His chin glistening with your juices and his saliva, while a smirk plastered across his face as you cum on his face, satisfied with the mess you made.
- ¡Jason Todd! Having a size kink makes my brain go feral. This man would have a smirk plastered on his face as he sees his cock poking the inside of your stomach as he pounds into you.
- ¡Jason Todd! Praising you as you give him a blow job while you struggle to take him fully due to his size. He would say things like: "You're doing such a good job, taking me so well." or "You're doing so well babygirl."
- ¡Jason Todd! Rought sex yes. But slapping you in the face? Or choking you? No, he might be rough gripping your ass or hips tightly and hard but he never grips to hard to hurt you, he wants sex to be enjoyable for you and him both.
- ¡Jason Todd! Always, will ALWAYS! make or give you a safe word if it's too much for you to handle. No matter how rough or gentle the sex is, he always makes sure you're comfortable.
- ¡Jason Todd! Loves to give you backshots, to see your ass jiggle with each thrust he does. Holding your hips tightly to keep you in place whenever you squirm.
- ¡Jason Todd! Touchy. This man is TOUCHY, every second he's around you his hands are on you. It's either your thighs, hips, ass, or waist, doesn't matter his hands will always touch your body.
- ¡Jason Todd! Aftercare? Oh yea, HEAVY on aftercare. Jason's aftercare is something to make a girl fall deeper in love with him. He's gentle with you, he pampers you, running a warm bath for you, picking you up and helping you into the bathtub and helping you bathe. He makes sure you're ok, he'll ask you "I wasn't to rough was I, baby?" while helping you put on his shirt and helping you into bed.
This is the end. I'm so sorry if this is short, it's my first time doing this i ran out of headcanons ideas, i hope next time it'll be longer 😭. ANYWAYS, have a blessed day. 🫶🏽
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accidentcache · 2 months ago
teensy little shigadabi drabble <3 enjoyyy suggestive/nsfw / minors dni
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"just come here," tomura's hands meet your hips, effectively stopping you from moving any further away. before you can fight it, he has you straddled atop his thigh while he's seated at his desk-- league running on idle in front of him.
you're not happy. you only asked him to take the trash out-- his designated chore for the week-- and he's pitching this little fit instead of actually doing it. by fit, he's got you trapped on his thigh, hands tight on your hips and waist and those stupid puppy dog eyes that he knows works on you.
"just sit," he mumbles, his fingers dipping into the waistband on your shorts to trace the bare skin underneath. a free hand moves to his keyboard and his eyes dare to leave yours so he can stare at the gameplay in front of him. when you shift to move off of him, his grip gets tighter.
"tomura," your voice is a low warning. you're irritated, he knows it. his thigh tenses underneath youand your eyes dart down to the muscle between your legs with a slight look of incredulousness. "seriously?"
tomura pulls a face. "humor me, babe," he mirrors your tone in mocking and moves you along the flexed muscle ever so slightly.
the movement sends a ripple of heat throughout your body. from the looks of it, tomura is aware of it too. the corner of his mouth lifts ever so slightly with a smug little smirk and you fight the urge to smack him.
"loosen up," tomura murmurs in your ear. his fingers dig into the side of your hip as he continues to move you in the slowest, languid pace on top of him. "i'll take the trash out after."
your hands meet his shoulders and you fight the urge to clamp your thighs around him. a sharp exhale leaves your mouth when he presses up against you. "promise?"
the smirk widens. tomura continues to click into his game, his eyes flicking between your conflicted expression and the ranked match in front of him. he leans back into his gaming chair and his fingers tap against the skin of your waist and you can't help how your eyes roll in response.
he continues to keep you at this pace. slow and lazy, letting the heat build in your lower stomach as your hips rock on top of his leg. his hand moves from your hip to your thigh every so often, but he's in clear control of the pace.
at some point, your hips jerk and rut, feeling uncomfortable with the slow build and tomura clicks his tongue at you. "this is a ranked match, babe."
"fuck off," you quip in response. tomura lets out chuckle and his grip loosens, effectively letting you set the pace you want. his hand settles on your waist, his thumb runs idle shapes into your skin as you rock yourself against his thigh with more deliberate motions.
his smirk morphs into a feral grin the longer he watches you lose yourself. was he actually going to take the trash out after you've finished? not orignally, but you look so pretty with a flushed pout on your lips and your eyebrows furrowing the more you work yourself on getting off just using his thigh.
your brain is so fuzzy and foggy you barely acknowlege the door opening and footsteps approaching from the side. all you feel is a hand snaking into your hair and tugging your head upwards, forcing your gaze to meet a certain blue eyed individual.
dabi is clearly amused. the corner of his mouth is curled with a smirk, his fingers tighten their grip in your hair as your hips continue to rock against tomura's thigh. "enjoying yourself, sweetheart?"
your movements stutter, almost embarrassed in a way. tomura's hand immediately moves to keep your pace steady and dabi chuckles, lowering his head down to yours. his lips ghost over yours, teasing with a kiss that your parted lips desperately want.
"don't stop on my account," dabi's eyebrow lifts a bit in a taunt. tomura continues to play his game, but he's also amused in a way as well. "show me you can get off using the loser's thigh, yeah?"
© accidentcache do not repost, translate or alter my work without permission. all rights reserved.
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rinhaler · 1 year ago
Yooo, your plug!sukuna x reader fic has got me so feral imgggg
And it got me thinking
imagine Yuuji and Sukuna double teaming you???
this is not canon buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut... it is hot so hope u like this hehe
warnings: 18+ MDNI, fem!reader, incest (itadori bro's sharing u), double penetration (one hole), degradation, praise, cheating mention, bruising, hair pulling, oral fixation, daddy kink mention, spanking, squirting, creampie.
words: 1.1k
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“B-Baby I- fuck. How could y-ou? Fuck him of all- all people?” Yuuji wonders, fingers gripping into your sides deeply. You’re bound to bruise. With the way he’s fucking you and squeezing into your supple flesh, you can practically feel the broken blood vessels forming purple blooms with every thrust into your squelching cunt.
It isn’t deliberate.
He just wants you to remember who you belong to.
“’m sorry!” you cry, tears pelting down onto the mattress below as he batters your interior again and again. “I didn’t mean t’ fuck him.. I didn’t—!”
“Aht aht. None of that,” Sukuna speaks, his fingers lacing through your hair and yanking enough to elicit a pained yelp from you. Your eyes shimmer as you they reflect the stare of red irises that have become so easy to manipulate you. “Wasn’t like that when you were crying for me to ruin you, was it? In fact…” he pulls out his phone and quickly finds the home made sex tape he’d made without asking.
“D-Don’t…” you sob, though you don’t have it in you to really fight him. He pushes his thumb by the seam of your lips in a bid to shut you up. And in your cock drunk, dazed state, you begin to suck like a baby with a pacifier. You clench around Yuuji as the video begins to play and you hear how loud you’re moaning for your boyfriend’s elder brother. The sex was phenomenal and you’ll never forget it for as long as you live. “Remember this? Hm?” he questions as he swipes to a certain point of the video.
“Want you to br-uuise my c-cervix, daddy.”
You scream, a trail of drool connecting his thumb to your tongue as you can’t help yourself when Yuuji spanks your ass. He’s seen it before, of course, but it doesn’t make it any easier. God you sound desperate, and in that moment, you were.
“Think it’s okay to f-fuck my brother? Huh? You were meant to say no.” he reminds you. He pulls your back into his chest and holds each of your wrists in his hands and keeps them near the small of your back. And he uses them, for leverage, as he fucks his length into your weeping slit. “Beggin’ for him to bruise your cervix like that? Had no idea what a little slut you were. You want him to fuck you again, don’t you?”
“N-No!” you lie. You’d love Sukuna to ravage you again. To make a complete mess of your insides and churn your brain into mush. You don’t want to think about anything but getting destroyed by him and Yuuji.
You feel so spoilt.
Sukuna doesn’t say a word as he gets closer to you. His length runs through your folds and nudges your clit as Yuuji keeps you pinned in place. Your face twinkles as the light reflects off of your tear stricken cheeks.
Yuuji slows down as Sukuna helps you angle your hips.
Though you aren’t sure how it’s only just dawning on you now what is happening.
Sukuna’s heavy mushroom tip begins to split your cunt further open. Each yelp and cry silenced by Yuuji as he smothers your mouth and whispers into your ear.
“Shhhh, baby, you can take him. You’ve done it before, yeah? Good girl, sh sh sh…” he consoles you. His hands grope your tits and his lips smother your neck and shoulder in soft kisses as he tries to distract you from the stinging stretch being inflicted upon you. “That’s it… good fucking girl… you can take us both, yeah? You wan’ us to fuck you stupid, yeah?”
You hum, unsure if you’re agreeing or not. Nothing is really making sense when all you can focus on is the fact you’re somehow accommodating two Itadori cocks at once.
“Look at you… elastic little cunt.” Sukuna snarls, laughing as he drinks in the sight of you being double stuffed like a porn star. He grabs his phone, taking a quick picture so that Yuuji can see the view he’s seeing.
“Woah… you’re so good, baby. Takin’ us so well.” he praises, kissing the skin behind your ear before slowly rolling his hips again.
“Don’t fucking praise her yet, haven’t even moved.” Sukuna starts, his hips begin to move too. Their thrusts are off beat and your heart begins to pound. You aren’t getting a break to get used to the feeling. The tempo of their mismatched thrusts has your vision whiting out. Your head lolls backwards onto Yuuji’s shoulder as they continue to ruin you, and you swear you can’t breathe.
You aren’t sure if you’re even there.
“M-Maybe we should slow down,” Yuuji tells Sukuna, his hips already slowing before he finishes his sentence.
“Fuck that.” Sukuna grabs your jaw and forces you to look at him. Drool spills from your lips and your eyes can’t focus. But he knows you’re listening and he knows you’re looking. You’re in there somewhere, enjoying this. “We already know you’re a whore so don’t act shy now.”
“’m g’na c-um.” you manage to squeak out even in your dazed state. “H-aah!” you struggle, but your pussy does all the talking for you. The sound of liquid spilling out of you is deafening. The suctioning and squelching sounds that follow are just as boisterous as they continue to pound into you. And just as you think your high is drawing to a close, their sloppy thrusts pick up the pace.
Another stream of liquid gushes from your cunt as they abuse your sweet spot in independently. Your head falls forward onto Sukuna’s chest, now. And he uncharacteristically cradles the crown of your head as you rest there.
Yuuji lets go of the singular wrist he’s still holding so he can focus on fucking into you. And he does, loudly. His moans are raucous as he empties his balls into your greedy hole.
Sukuna soon follows, hissing through his teeth as he spills his seed soon after his brother. None of you want to move, least of all you. You’re still clenching around them both while you rest against Sukuna’s chest. Yuuji begins to kiss at your shoulder, telling you how perfect and beautiful you are. And you shudder when his kisses trail down the column of your spine.
The elder brother is silent as he pants, stroking your hair repeatedly as he contemplates what just happened. But he hurriedly moves his hand away when he sees Yuuji look up at him.
“Knew she could take us,” he smirks. “Your girlfriend’s a perfect little whore.”
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© 2023 rinhaler
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satoruhour · 1 year ago
gojo nuttin in you and plugging you up!!!!
a/n: request: “I’m sure you’ve probably done something about it but the way that the idea of gojo coming in you and pulling your panties up after is so IRBDJEHDBEBSBNS makes my brain numb no thoughts off the walls feral” + so im combining these two! uhm. horny devil took over me while writing
warnings: fem!reader, reader is deep in sub-space, semi-public sex, multiple rounds, pet names, calls you ‘slut’, unprotected sex, creampie / breeding kink, lots of cum, n*sfw under the cut
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no one really knew where this breeding kink of gojo had come around, not when he was the student talking about how annoying kids were and then got blessed with megumi and tsumiki.
he’d like to think that it wasn’t because he wanted to see little yous and hims running around the house. sure, it definitely was in his future plan, but with everything going on it would be too chaotic, so he’s willing to wait. it unveils itself to him one night after cumming deep in you; it related more to his possessiveness over you—
it rings true when he’s got you riding him in his office chair, the pleasure of his cock deep in you overtaking the discomfort in your thighs. you’ve been holding back for the longest time in the meeting with the higher-ups and the other sorcerers, unable to stop your glances toward your boyfriend while they talked of another emerging curse user.
you jumped him as soon as the meeting was over.
“f . . fuck, baby,” gojo’s breathless as he says it, a thumb to your clit and drawing languid circles. it only prompts your pussy to clench around him and your head falls down to your connected bodies. “hear how sloppy your fuckin’ cunt is, sweets.”
you can both hear and see it, see the drag of your pussy along his length and the pleasurable stretch of your walls around him. your hands go around his neck to play with his hair, messing with the abandoned blindfold resting along his clavicle.
“were you this wet for m-me, for the whole meeting?”
your scrunched up eyes struggle to open as you meet his blue ones, a choked yeah leaves your lips as you continue to bounce on him. there’s sweat lining both your bodies from the clothes still inhabiting your persons, slowly getting soiled from your juices, too.
“oh, baby, you know i would’ve dropped everything to fuck you then and there—” satoru grits his teeth when you tighten around him again and you moan out loud at the words he says. you’re not even sure whether you came, thighs shaking from your mini orgasm that you limp forward into your boyfriend’s arms.
gojo coos into your hair, doing the work now as he fucks into your spent body. the slap of his balls against your ass is obscene, whining into your ears before he starts to rut in short little thrusts again. “cumming— cu—”
gojo’s eyes squeeze shut, hiding his forehead in your neck as he spills deep in you. a deep groan reverberates from his throat, feeling his cum feel you up spurt after spurt and you’re the same, mewling softly beside his ear that only gets him hard again.
“that’s right, take all my cum, baby.” gojo mumbles, drunk on the feel of your pussy before he remembers he has a class to get to.
“you gonna keep my cum in you?” he asks breathlessly, a little softer than he expected to. but his heart soars when you nod obediently, letting him help you put your other leg into your panties. his cum still threatens to spill out, but it’s still better with the fabric barrier.
gojo is disgusting like that, “i’ll see you at home, alright?” he taps your butt playfully, landing a sloppy kiss to your lips and indulges you with a few more pecks.
that one feeling hasn’t left him since the afternoon, determined to pump you full again that he couldn’t even conduct a class properly. all he wanted to do was to rush back to you, with a sweet reward granted to him.
you were so dazed from his cock that you decided it wouldn’t hurt to put on your favourite set under your clothes, tending to your own errands as you wait for your boyfriend to return. so when you’re welcoming him with more touches than usual and a sultry voice to match, he knows he wasn’t the only one with that creampie on his mind.
you aren’t sure what round you’re on by now, pussy feeling so slick and full from how much he’s cummed in you that your mind is fuzzy and muddled.
“like it when i breed you, hm?” he slams into you from above, bed creaking from just how rough he was being. he’s got your body pressed deep into the sheets and your ass up and as usual, he’s got your back arching uncomfortably.
“y— yeah, yeah, s’much, ’toru!” you whine into your hands, feeling your orgasm approach again as you feel like you’re driven to your limit everytime and yet you come back for more. gojo is quick to cum again, cock stilling in you as he pumps you yet again and the sight is so messy.
your ass and pussy is painted with white and gojo grins seeing your hole push out his seed. he purses his lips, scooping up his cum and pushing it back in. and then he’s got you on him again, thrusting into you from below. the strings of his cum stick to your pelvis, paired with your cum pooling at the base of his cock. it’s so sticky and lewd, the squelching sounds of pussy.
“can never get e-enough, of pumping you full, princess.” you groan into thin air, juices spraying everywhere from the sheer amount of it.
“love it— wan’ more, pleasepleaseplease.” you’re out of your mind, driven into oblivion and you think that this truly was your limit, sobbing out your lover’s name when he starts to rub circles along your clit and you’re squirting, hips bucking away from the overstimulation and you grab onto his forearms like a vice.
“good little slut . . mh, squirting all over my cock— s-shit—” you’re cumming so much he can feel it on his thighs, soaking his skin and sheets. the grip you have on his cock is insane, making him so difficult to move that he grunts and stammers, pelvis faltering with a twitch to his dick.
“going to— give you another load, baby.” he mumbles breathlessly, giving one last deep thrust that has your eyes rolling back into your skull and body trembling and you’re so deep into sub-space that you just let him manhandle you roughly. satoru’s hips snap up into you impatiently before he’s cumming deep again, mind turned into mush once ropes and ropes of cum is pushed into your womb. you feel so full, so dumbed down that you don’t notice him scrambling for something in the bedside table.
“got your slutty pussy somethin’,” he whispers. the first pull out of gojo’s cock is gross, a translucent sheen of white covering his shaft from how much he’s cummed in you before he removes himself completely. you gasp at the emptiness, sinking behind into his embrace before you feel full again.
a cute little toy takes the place of his cock, a baby blue plug that is stuffed deep in you and possessiveness is starting to turn into wanting to get you knocked up. gojo isn’t sure any more.
your boyfriend prompts you to look down, caressing your thighs as he hums into your ears and you shiver lightly.
“need you to keep every last drop — can you do that, baby?” you feel him smile against your lips when you turn your head to kiss him, an affirmative response muttered against his lips together with a confession.
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tagging @hyomagiri @jabamin @shotorus @satohruu :3
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dragonsoulage · 2 months ago
How they eat it…
feat. Levi Ackerman, Eren Yeager, Armin Arlert, Jean Kirstein, Connie Springer
They love it, they are addicted, they just can’t get enough of you and your pretty heaven down there. How eager they all are to just eat you up…
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Hello friendos, here we are the next smutty smut I am uploading 👀💀 this time I felt like the AoT men deserved some attention or more like we deserved their attention xD so just have fun reading it 🤌🏻💕
Warnings: pūssy eating, face sitting, use of pet names, overstimulating
Wordcount: 4K
Levi Ackerman ~ The feral and mean captain
When you came in his office, like you did every day, as a good girlfriend, you didn't think you would end up sprawled out on his desk.
Not that this wouldn't have happened before. But he said he was hungry, little did you know, the only thing he was hungry for, was the paradise between your legs.
Not many things get off of his mind, it was so rare that he actually found time to relax.
Time to stop thinking, but hell, his brain stopped working on every heavy thought as soon as he had you on his tongue.
Tongue lapping at your pulsing pussy, hands around your thighs, holding you firm in place.
"Stop wiggling around so much, brat." he murmured between his ministrations.
Tongue laid flat against your cunt before licking up and then circling your swollen nub. It made your legs grew shaky every time he did that. And looked up at you, steel blue eyes, locked onto yours, not only did he devoured your delicious pussy, your very soul left your body when he looked at you like this.
Feral, you could tell he was so feral about your pussy.
No matter if he is actually inside you, feeling like the best place on earth, or if it's his tongue that danced around your sensitive flesh.
"Levi, I-I can't help, it's too much." you whimpered, and you were such a whiny slut for the captain. Even if you said it was too much, he knew you enjoyed it, the way you felt so hot on his mouth. Always these crashing orgasms he gave you, when he just couldn't stop, eating you out in the most feral way possible.
When Levi was hungry, he really was, and you shouldn't stop him from eating his meal
You heard a husky chuckle, what send vibrations through your pussy, made you clench around nothing.
"Too much? Always so whiny, but this pussy tells me otherwise, love." he answered you, before you felt his tongue wiggling his way inside.
And the sight, Levi's eyes rolled back, a groan was heard. Nearly as if this was even more satisfying than actual fucking you. Your taste addicting to him, your hands had found their way in his hair. Gently tugging on the raven black strands. His hands keeping you in place.
„You have some good pussy don't you?" it was not like he expected you to say anything, but shit, this pussy had him whipped. Face buried nose deep inside your sweet pussy.
All you could do was moan, heavy eyelids shutting because you felt the next organs approaching. Indeed, he used his whole lunch break to eat.
Even when the meal was your perfect pussy on his desk. „Do I, or are you just saying this because you are literally feral now?" you were able to say something in a complete sentence. Making him a little surprised. He stopped shortly, looking up at you, his lips glossy from your juices. Running down his chin. His look hard as usual, but with a certain spark in his eyes when it came to you.
He took one hand from your thighs, just to smear your slick arousal over your puffy clit, making you shudder nicely for him.
Maybe you had been too bold to tell him he is feral, as if he would not know that your taste was his weakness. But he could eat you out until his jaw hung slack, just to see you squirm.
„Feral? Says the one who is literally shoving my face towards her cute cunt." he pointed out gruffly, his thumb spreading your lower lips just a little.
He smirked before spitting right onto your sopping wet folds.
„You make it not easy with the way you eat-„ you were interrupted by a sudden swat right onto your precious cunt. Making you whine, looking at your captain with such needy eyes, eyes that pleaded for mercy.
„When you really want it feral, love... I do should use the last 10 minutes of my break and making you cum onto my face. Just so you clean up your mess." he saw it now as challenge, and before you could even discuss his tongue swirled around your swollen clit with such a precise movement. These probably would be the longest 10 minutes you would endure to cuming.
Eren Yeager ~ The unfair tease
„You are such a sloppy girl." you heard him chuckle before these wet noises and slurping sounds were heard. When Eren eats, you are literally not easy off the hook. Your legs dangling over his shoulders, eyes solemnly focused on this pink slit between your thighs.
Hands around your thighs loosely, because he just loved when you wiggled your snug cunt more into his face.
„You are just so damn pretty down here." Eren spoke in awe before his tongue flicked your small bundle of nerves. Then capturing it with his sheeny lips and sucked on it. Making your back arch and moan. „P-pretty?" was all you could ask before your head landed in the pillows again. Feeling his long hair tickling your thighs.
Although, your hot boyfriend was quite the vision. His brown hair framing his face with some strands, even when the most was in a small man bun. And the teal green eyes first looking at you, and how delicious you squirmed before they focused on the heaven between your legs.
„Well, a pretty girl, is pretty in all places." he replied to you against your heated flesh. Every time he ate you out, he made some breaks to justify teasing you. From licking all up and down your slit to simply kissing your outer lips with a cute ‚mwah'. His lips sheeny with all the slick from your pussy.
It was nearly torture, when he took his sweet time withe you, teasing and kissing, licking everywhere but not where you needed.
Just to watch how you bucked up your hips. Squirming in his grasp.
"Eren...'s not fair when you..." you tried to tell him that you wanted his mouth back on you.
You heard a chuckle from between your legs, and then his eyes darting up to look into your pretty face, your cheeks flushed to red, this cute needy expression.
"Oh, it's not fair to have such a perfect cunt, baby." he said to you low and husky, before leaning his head against your thigh, parting your thighs just a little more.
Thumbs coming up your outer lips to expose that sweet, swollen pearl that had you gasping for air when he touched it.
"Come on, be a good girl and be patient, still not done with her." Eren let you know before kissing your thigh, and then you got what you wanted.   
His hot flexible muscle inside your sopping wet cunt, wiggling his way inside you, groaning at your taste and how your juices flowed into his mouth.
When he eats, he eats nasty, wanting everything from you. Having your thighs quivering.
Having his sweet princess moan so pretty and with her hands in his hair, pulling him closer.
No matter if you were a shy one or not, the fact he wanted that you tugged and pulled on him, just so his tongue could delve deeper. He liked hair pulling, not matter if it was yours or his.
"Is this fair enough to you, sweetheart?" he asked you in between before you looked down, his eyes closed shut, just to savor your taste, his favorite meal after a long day.
He could spend hours between your thighs.
Jaw locked and tensed, and still he would be hungry for more. Would eating you out until you begged him to stop.
In general, he loved having his girl sprawled out for him, always getting you so wet without his cock in the near of your pussy.
And when you were sloppy enough for his taste, only then he freed his thick length, coating himself in your juices, making you whine even more.
How his tip would always brush over your sensitive clit, nearly shoving in before dodging. 
He was a merciless tease to you, just like now.... Fucking you with his tongue, only his tongue.
Making you all the cute noises and these squelches of your pussy, the way he slurped up every drop, it had him hooked.
The way he holds open your thighs, when he felt them shaking.
Just eagerly burying his head even more in your pussy. The pink tip of his tongue circled your clit again, before he snickered, after he heard that needy whine.
"Please Eren, am I not wet enough for you?" you pleaded head on the pillows and so needy, you wanted to cum so badly. But he always stopped before you had the slightest chance to ride that wave.
"Oh, you are dripping, babygirl. And I just love that...just a little more." he murmured before you felt his nose brushed your clit and his tongue was inside you.... It will still take some time until he would give you his dick you wanted so much.  
Armin Arlert ~ The greedy boy
"Keep going baby, grind that...ah grind that perfect pussy on my face." his smooth voice urged you, hands on your hips trying to move them for you.
Armin was always like a lovesick puppy as soon as he had his girl's pussy on his mouth.
Eager to lick up every drop from you, tasting every sweet release he could coax out of your breathless form.
You were a goddess for this boy, when eating you out, he just loved it when you rode his face.
Your pristine cunt smashing down his face, suffocating him so he could just die happy.
He knew he would, breathing you in and his skilled tongue, it made you feel like you were on cloud 9.
One of your hands, in his blonde hair, massaging his scalp and you were panting, whimpering.
Even when you were on top, and technically in charge, Armin was greedy.
"You are such a greedy boy, baby." you tried to speak, brows knit together as you felt slowly the next orgasm building up. Large hands went down to your ass, grabbing your soft flush, just to pull you even closer.
Hot tongue wiping so shamelessly over your clit, making you shudder, so he heard this cute noise again. And Armin? O hell he was gone, sky blue eyes fluttered open just to be able to catch a glimpse how you rode his face so elegant. 
For him, you were so beautiful, and it was a privilege that you allowed him to taste you.
Addicted to your taste, your pussy was just so sweet to him, honey from the most delicious ambrosia.
His cute kisses in between, when you could listen how wet his pressed a kiss right onto your swollen nub.
"You are just so, pretty. Such a pretty girl. Tasting sooo good." he praised you, always told you what your self-worth needed, always telling you how perfect you were to him. 
Your hips stuttered slightly, when your eyes rolled back, trying now more urgently to move back and forwards, your slick all smearing over his face, dripping down his chin. And he loved it, such a messy boy in bed.
You grabbed his hands, easing them from your ass, leading them right to your tits, he groaned, loved how good your tits fit into his hands. You were made for him, he was sure about this.
No matter what a big brain Armin had, sometimes he still couldn't explain why you were so satisfied with him, that you loved him...
"You are just too good to me, my good boy. You are my good boy, aren't you." you asked him, grabbing his hair just a little tighter now, as you then looked down.
What you saw... Armin, a total mess, literally whimpering just because your pussy was on his tongue.
A cute pink shade you could see over his nose and how hungry he devoured your cunt. His eyes reflecting with that pure need to satisfy you, over and over, wanting your praise.
How hard it was not to just beg you to ride his dick, because when you turned your head around, his neatly tugged away member was pulsing in his pants.
How you already could see he was leaking pre-cum, so, so much. You were sure when this would go on, Armin would just be cuming from eating you out.
His dick throbbing with so much contained need.
"I'm your good boy, ma'am." he replied before you heard that needy whimper, when he squeezed your tits, responding to the way you grabbed his head and pushed him nose deep inside your wet pussy.   
You felt just so hot, so damn wet, just because he made these puppy eyes when pleasing you. That he found more pleasure in fucking his tongue inside your sloppy hole, to have you moaning because of him, than anything else.
Calling you ma'am because it turned you on, he could be so submissive, although when you allowed, shit he grew all feral over you.
You leaned just a little back, grabbing his throbbing member that was still covered from his beige pants.
And when you did, he whined, making your pussy clench in response.
"Shit, Armin, you are so hard." you murmured, you would be so ready to ride him, to move your talented hips in circles making his head spin.   
When you wanted to pull away your addicting nectar from him, you didn't think you would have to deal with him, because no matter how desperate he was to spill his load, he wanted to make his girl cum first.
He was greedy, the future commander of Paradis, so greedy when it came to your pussy.
His elegant hands hastily grabbing your waist, just to glue you to his mouth.
"Not yet, want you to cum on my face first, pretty." he said to you, and there you heard this slight demanding edge in his voice, he served you but when he wanted something so bad he would make it clear....a submissive commander, just so eager to wiggle his tongue back inside your tight walls.
And when you heard his tone, it made your pussy flutter...
He did such good work, having you soon squirting all over his face, just to slurp up your juices and the having you propped up on his thick cock....  
Jean Kirstein ~ The sloppy and filthy gentleman
Jean, was just so into it, when he ate your pussy, he really ate. He made out with your lower parts, giving it a nice smooch, before spitting so sloppy down on it.
He was nasty, and he weren't even ashamed of it.
"So fucking sweet, baby, you are just so sweet. Can't believe you made me wait all day..." he started to speak just to interrupt himself with laying his tongue flat against your slit, to lick it up oh, so slowly before pressing a kinda tender kiss against your pulsating clit.
"...to fucking taste you, it should be a crime for refusing me access to this, treasure." Jean ended his sentence, and well he liked to babble when he was so focused on your cunt.
Dirty blonde hair messy, because you had tangled your fingers in it.
Your chest heaving because he was so mean when eating pussy, although he never denied you your orgasms, no...he made it worse, urging you to cum on him, just to spray your syrupy juices all over his handsome face.   
"Stop saying my pussy is a...fuck, babe." you wanted to complain, although it never was serious, trying to get him out of his hazy way to wipe his long tongue over your clit.
But as an answer, he just spit onto your pussy, smearing his saliva from your sensitive nub right down your clenching hole. Aching to be filled with him, and the noise you made?
Oh, that was so adorable how you chocked on your whimper. How your fingers grabbed his hair tighter.
"Let a gentleman enjoy his meal, darling. Otherwise, it's not nice, and you want to be a nice girl, for me, right?" he replied, but eyes focused on the spot between your thighs.
His thumb, just slightly teasing you, with sliding in just a tiny little bit, making your hips buck up, trying to get more, more, more.
He was anything but a gentleman right now, eating your pussy so messy, making out with it as if his life would depend on.
Groaning and rolling back his golden eyes. He could get drunk like this, without even needing whiskey.
"Please... I-I be a nice girl. Just...don't tease, I need you, Jean." you moaned so sweet, he loved hearing you like this. 
His sweet girl, so needy and stuttering. Pussy just dripping onto his tongue, your candied nectar, everything he needed. Before you felt how, he just parted your outer lips a little more, exposing your clit to the cold air.
"Look at that, you are throbbing down here, so cute. How should I stop, giving her the attention she deserves?" Jean spoke out loud his thoughts, not even being ashamed he talked about your pussy. Blowing cold air over your heated flesh, making you hiss in response.
Tugging on his hair with a little more force. You were a nice girl, mostly. But he drove you crazy when he couldn't stop talking.
"Jean!" you repeated his name, but you just saw how his glossy lips closed around your nub, sucking it in and making your toes curl.
Flicking his pointy tongue over it, making you feel so high, you nearly could taste your next orgasm.   
And Jean was so dirty, he sneaked one hand down his body, inside his pants, he was just so hard because of you.
So hard because of the way you responded to his touch. He kept his lips sealed around your clit for a further moment, sucking hard, making you gasp. Giving his balls a good squeeze.
His large hand wrapped around his length, feeling up and down his veiny shaft, while eating out his girl. Making him groan into you, what send a pleasant vibration through your core.
"Fuck, can't help when you are so delicious, gorgeous. Tell me, how much you want me to split you open, darling." he murmured husky before his tongue was back inside you, stroking your inner wall in such a precise perfection, it made you cry out.
Thighs shaking, and it didn't help when you looked down and saw that he was touching himself.
Jean was your tall, hot boyfriend, with literally the perfect dick, and he touched himself because he couldn't wait.
His thumb stroking over his leaking tip, no matter how composed he always seemed, how cool.
He was leaking and desperate for you, wanting all your juices in his mouth, down his chin. 
You tried to think straight, but it was all gone when his tongue was inside you and his nose brushed against your clit, all while he fucked his hand to you.
"Want...ahh want you to fuck me, honey." you manage to choke out, and this had him so gone, feeling his dick throbbing in his hands, hastily pulling your one thigh more apart to have that better access, to nuzzle his face in your pussy.
So you felt his light beard tickle your soft inner thighs, making the sensation all the better, making you whimper.
And this was the moment, he would do anything he can just so you cum right in his mouth, squirting your essence on his tongue so he could make you fall apart on his dick right after that...
Connie Springer ~ The chaotic talker
When he ate you out, it was chaotic. Although it nearly seemed like he purred when he felt your hands ran through his short hair, not enough to actually pull on it but enough to ran your fingertips through it so lovingly.
Although Connie had a pace, it made you anything different from crying and being an overstimulated mess, so your thighs were always shaking so cute.
"Stay still, baby." he said to you, trying to keep your legs in his grasp, before pulling you closer to his eager mouth.
Literally nuzzling his head into your puffy folds, tongue exploring every crease and crevice of your pussy, and he never got bored by it.
"When you...ahh when you go that fast I can't do much about it." you replied to him shortly looked down and saw how his yellow eyes glint up at you, oh he lived for eating pussy.   
No matter what treats he could have, you were his favorite.
Connie weren't a submissive one, not always at least, although he couldn't help when you were on top of him. But he lived for your praise, he loved to see you fall apart because of him.
Always think he weren't a great looker, not like you. Sometimes not really getting the fact he was able to pull you, a hot girl, a sweet girl, everything he wanted.
Always needing to prove it to himself that he could make you feel good.   
"But you enjoy it, sweetheart. I know you do, otherwise your little needy pussy wouldn't be clenching around nothing." he chuckled and then took a moment to look down, just to see you clench, with a following snicker.
"As I told, you can't make your pussy lie, pretty." he said before diving back in, holding your spread legs open for him.
Propped between them, kissing your lips down there over and over again.
When you looked down you saw how his tongue flicked out eagerly lapping up your slick, you were dripping for him and he enjoyed it.
Maybe even more than you, he ached to be inside you, but he worked on his impatience, besides he never could leave his girl needy on his tongue, could he?
"She is so responsive for me, isn't she." he whispered against your cunt, and you just whimpered, he loved the filthy pussy talk.
Even when you laid there, with a heaving chest, just finally wanting to cum, but he teased, made you so wet and hot, that you were the impatient.   
"So wet, so damn sweet. Hmmm...need to get her to talk a little more for me." Connie spoke before he just got a little up from his place, hovering over you, taking in your flushed state.
Your kiss bitten lips from making out with him, the way your top was halfway down because he just couldn't get enough of groping your tits when making out, this was what got him worked up in the first place.
Eyes wandering down to your pretty pink pussy. He tilted his head, why not trying a different angle?
And alone on the way he looked at you, you could see his brain cells working.
"Connie, what you are about to do?" you asked him, trying to catch your breath, and all you earned was a crooked smile.
Then he grabbed you, hands sliding down your creamy skin on your thighs, down to your ass. Grabbing the soft flesh, giving it a good measured squeeze.
Before he pulled you toward him, bringing your legs up to him, holding up your lower back so you were propped on your shoulders down the mattress.
"Switching things up, love. Got the feeling you would cum real good like this." he replied, holding you so secure in his hands before kissing your ankle, and then lowering his head.   
His knees dig into the plush mattress of the bed, your hips bucking upwards, you felt a little embarrassed in this position, but it felt good, when Connie fucked his tongue inside your needy hole, before just spitting down on your cunt.
"Yeah that's it...you like it when I do this right?" he talked, holding you on your thighs up.
All you could do was whine and nod, but you weren't aware that he wasn't talking to you.
"Shhh, baby, talking to m other pretty girl here. Listen how good I make her feel." he just shhhd you, talking to your pussy, licking over your clit, what made you close your eyes shut.
"You talk to...never mind." you then decided to just take it as it was, his tongue feeling too good to question anything, your pussy drunk boyfriend said.
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angelic--kitty · 12 days ago
Arle's boss form makes me go feral.. I need her boobs in my face so bad!! 。゜゜(´O`) ゜゜。could I request something like that w/ Arle? Bonus points if there scissoring bc DAMN we're severely lacking scissor content on this site !!
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scissoring w/ arlecchino
warnings: smut (mdni), wlw content, dom!arlecchino, boobs...., scissoring, oral, mentions of strap
a/n: your wish is my command 🫡🫡 i totally get it. while this isnt her boss form, i hope you accept this ;w;
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arlecchino hovered near the closet, perusing the options she could use for tonight. she felt you saunter over, your footsteps soft on the red carpet before you gently touched her bicep.
"not tonight." you mumble against her shoulder. "no strap. just you."
she exhales softly, nodding as she peers at you over her shoulder. "very well. if it would please you."
"of course it does." you smile at her, making her lips quirk up the slightest bit as she follows you back to the bed.
you pull her clothes off slowly, teasingly, tracing your fingers down her arms and chest, flicking over her nipples. she grows slightly impatient when you play with the button of her pants, watching her yank them off and push you down.
"oof-" you huff at her. "i'm delicate!"
finally, you earn a little smile from her as her hand keeps you pressed to the bed. "and you're much too covered for my liking." she tears your clothes right off, careful not to scratch you with her nails, until you're both stark naked, pressed against one another.
when she kisses you, it feels warm, like fire that consumes your mouth, your brain, and your body. she slides her tongue over yours while you squeeze her biceps, squirming underneath her until she finally presses her fingers to your pussy.
you are, of course, riled up, dripping for her, yet she makes no comment. she only moves to press her cunt to yours, leaving her chest close to your face as you whine, rolling your hips up against hers.
"oh- archons-" your face pushes against her soft chest, eyes fluttering shut at the feeling of her clit grazing yours.
she doesn't speak, only grunting, as she begins to find a suitable pace. eventually, with the help of your little moans, she begins to grumble soft praises to you, ones that make you squirm even more. she can tell you're desperate and aching to both cum and feel her cumming against you.
your tongue messily laps at her tits, laving over her nipple as she sighs heavily. "pretty-" you gasp, your hands coming up to squeeze them and keep your grip on reality with how roughly she rubs against you.
her eyebrows furrow as you play with her, thumbs working over her nipples as her own hips stutter, pace faltering.
she shoves you down harder, letting your mouth stay pressed to the skin of her breast, leaving pretty little marks only she will see while she drives the both of you impossibly close to the edge.
"cum for me." she urges, head falling forward to allow her hair to cascade around you. and, oh, you do, leaving a beautiful mess all over both of you as she follows not long after.
though, as you catch your breath, you see her sinking to her knees, parting your thighs. "wait-"
"i'm not finished. lie back down." her eyes find yours, searing hot with lust and pride as she runs her sharp fingers through your glistening mess. your chest heaves as you eye the red marks you've left on her, and you know, even after this, she won't be quite satiated yet.
perhaps you will find yourself helping her pick a strap out after all.
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bitchface24-7 · 18 days ago
Hi this is my first time requesting a story so please bear with me (my first language isn't english)
Can you make a jayvik fic when they are in the lab struggling to crack open a code or an ecuation and reader (preferably male or gn) disides to help them and they find out reader is really smart or even smarter than them but they barely help out because they are just a lazy potato
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synopsis: you’ve always been great in school. Barely studying, amazing grades, and your teachers loved you. If only you participated a but more in class. A prodigy is what they’d all call you. But you’re burnt out. You’re tired of all the expectations, so you’ve taken a backseat in academics. Until your two boys are struggling, and you could easily help them.
warnings: fluff, pre-established relationship, V and J stressed tf out and here you are cutting up an apple to eat, you help them… eventually, teasing, banter, Grammarly as my beta
genre: m/m/f or m/m/m
p.s. As a burnt-out gifted kid myself, I hope this is relatable. Also, I've been eating apples like crazy these past few weeks, so y'all are having some now too LMAO
This is a lot shorter than my average writing. I'm just trying to get back into my groove. So I hope y'all still enjoy my small blurbs ❤️
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Your boys are stressed.
It's easy to see.
Jayce is pacing, running his hands through his hair and muttering in irritation. Viktor just sighs every once in a while and swears under his breath.
The chalkboard is dusty, due to the amount of time they've redone their calculations. It’s a mess. Jayce's clothes are ruffled and Viktor has chalk all over his hands and a bit on his face.
They're completely drained.
You slowly look up toward the board as you finish cutting up your apple into slices, the core left onto the paper towel on your desk. Your eyes scan the board quickly— and you immediately see where they've gone wrong.
“You forgot to equalize the equation. Also, is that a negative sign or a smudge of chalk on the board?”
Viktor and Jayce stop their crash out and slowly turn to look at you, Jayce looks bewildered, Viktor looks feral.
The slight man whips back around and half-hazardly fixes the equation. His arm tense, the chalk clicks against the board in a gross way that makes you cringe; but Viktor’s on a roll. He's not gonna stop.
When he's done, he slams the chalk down into the holder, breaking it in half. Jayce looks away from you as you crunch down onto an apple slice and sees what Viktor’s done.
He fixed it.
He fixed it!
This stupid equation that's been kicking their ass for far too long has finally been solved— and they weren't the ones to do it.
You were.
You solved it as you enjoyed their suffering. As your feet were casually crossed at the ankles as you munched on your apple slices like a child. Jayce kind of hates you right now.
He definitely loves you right now.
“Why haven’t you helped us out until now?! My god… so many breakdowns and crash outs that could’ve been avoided if you helped us…” He questions rapidly, his tone rising with each statement.
You just laugh, “I enjoy watching you two suffer. You look so pretty.”
Jayce's mouth drops and Viktor huffs out a small exhale from his nose, “Sadist.”
“Only for you two, my love.”
You casually munch on another apple slice as your boys look at you with fond exasperation. You're kind of an asshole, but you're their asshole.
They're definitely going to bother you more often now that they know you’ve kept your brain from them.
Viktor looks gleeful as he tells you this, you groan, and Jayce just looks lovesick.
“You're a sadist too Viktor! Damn you!”
A dark hum is all you get in reply, “I never said I wasn't. Should I not use all the tools in my arsenal?”
“Is that all I am? A tool?”
“You're the prettiest one I've got. Neck and neck with Jayce. I'd say the two of you are tied.”
Viktor just continues to work on the blackboard as you and Jayce gape at him.
He got you good.
(Guess you'll be helping them out after all huh?)
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AHHHHH I've been in the biggest writer slump recently. So I hope y'all enjoy this tiny piece. I may do more bullet form fics since they help my flow in writing. I'm not too focused on the fluffy stuff and get to give you the meat and potatoes of the story. Xoxo love y'all ❤️
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xoluvx · 8 months ago
lunch; b.eilish .˚₊✩ part three ✩₊˚.
yeah, she dances on my tongue
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part two
Billie couldn’t stop thinking about what had transpired a few nights ago. Your relationship hadn’t seemed to change. You were still friendly and bubbly and goofy, but her heart fluttered when you cuddled while watching a movie or when you'd bend down in front of her. As innocent as it was, her mind couldn't help but wander.
The first thing on that contract was still engraved in her brain. I will not fall in love with my best friend.
Then why were you the only thing she thought about now? And why did she have flashbacks every time she looked at her fingers? Why could she only picture the way you looked when she touched you and how you moaned for her? You fucking moaned for her.
Maybe it was just lust and the fact that she’d never done those things with a girl before.
“Earth to Billie,” you waved your hand in front of her face. Billie blinked before turning to look at you. She held an arm around your body as you reached for more popcorn from the bowl.
“You missed like half the movie,” you informed turning to look at her finishing the popcorn in your hand. Billie watched as you licked your fingers and maybe she should’ve been grossed out, but she was strangely turned on. So much so you felt her shift on the couch and you looked at her quizzically while wiping your hands.
“You okay?” You asked sitting up and stretching. You moaned when your hands reached above your head. Your t-shirt riding up showing skin. Billie felt like a feral rat at the sight of your skin. It’d been too long since the first time you’d let her touch you. Because that couldn't have been the last time.
“When’s the next lesson?” She asked bluntly causing your brows to furrow.
“Oh. I thought you had your dose,” you teased leaning back on the couch crossing your arms.
“I think I still have a lot to learn,” she replied scooting closer, placing her arm on the back of the couch. You looked at her with a devious look and nodded.
“You’re right,” you agreed.
“You want to learn how to eat pussy?” You asked and Billie nearly chocked on her own saliva. She coughed covering her mouth. And you smiled with satisfaction.
“I’ll demonstrate first,” you smirked pushing her back on the couch. Billie swallowed nervously allowing you to push her body down.
She thought she’d been forward when she brought it up, but not like this. Not in the slightest as you slid her sweats off. Billie hummed as the cold air hit her thighs. Chills coursing up her spine.
“These-“ you marveled pulling on the side of her lace thong. “-are so slutty. Were you planning on getting some tonight?” You asked teasingly looking at her as you supported your weight on the couch with the palm of your hands, your knees pushing down on the cushion.
Billie blushed, biting her lip and shaking her head. She hadn’t exactly not planned it either. It'd just been wishful thinking.
“You gotta tell me what you want Bils,” you hummed noticing her silence while running your hand along her hip pushing up her hoodie to reveal the rest of her tattoo. You remember when she got it. How you held her hand and she winced biting her lip the entire time; it’d almost bruised.
“Mm,” Billie couldn’t help but moan. The implications in your touch were overwhelming and lustful. She was right, it was just lust and it was a relief that you felt it too.
“It’s only okay if it’s consensual. Add that to your notes,” you teased removing your hand from her skin.
“Touch me. Touch me pl-please,” her voice cracked as she grabbed your hand placing it on her thigh. She didn't see how you smiled to yourself when she closed her eyes. She was showing you a new side to herself. A side that Billie, frankly, didn't know she had. She'd be on her knees begging if she didn't prefer her legs being opened right now.
"You have to open your eyes, how are you going to learn?" your voice was sultry, but playful as you fisted the fabric of her hoodie, the other hand tugging at her underwear. Billie opened her eyes lifting her hips so you could slid off the pesky fabric that stood between her throbbing pussy and your tongue.
"Are you sure about this?" you asked settling yourself between her legs. One leg was draped against the couch, the other hooked under your arm preventing it from falling off the couch. Yeah, there was no going back. She was one hundred perfect sure of this.
"Yes," she nodded bunching her hoodie giving her an excuse to hold on to something while your head lowered closer to her pussy.
Billie groaned softly when she felt your finger run between her folds. She was soaked, she knew it. She'd felt it. As soon as you walked through the door of her house knowing you'd be cuddled up on the couch, she'd knew she was going to have to clean up her mess with or without you. She was just glad you were cleaning it for her.
"Are you always this wet?" you asked in a tone that indicated it was mainly to yourself. Billie bit her lip at the comment. To be honest, she'd never had someone between her legs. Scratch that. She'd never had someone's face between her legs. And she'd never thought you'd be the first.
The thought only made her pussy throb harder, it almost hurt.
Billie looked at you questioning the hold up.
"You have to build up to the moment," you informed placing a kiss on her thigh. Billie winced and quickly relaxed when you kissed lower and lower until your tongue ran between the space that connected her thigh and her pussy. There was a whimper coming from her body now. The anticipation was killing her. Even if your tongue never touched her, she could live with this memory and be content.
But thank god she didn't have to do that because soon enough your lips were wrapped around her pussy. Right at the top lowering until you were at the base of her pussy. With your tongue sticking out, it ran between her folds so painfully slow.
"Oh my god," Billie huffed feeling her chest tighten.
Your eyes closed feeling the reaction shock down her thighs when they quivered. Billie struggled to keep her eyes open when you moved. You removed your tongue repeating the motion again, opening her folds with your tongue lapping her built up.
She saw the way your eyelids fluttered, intoxicated by her taste. You ran your tongue along your top lip like you were showing her exactly what was to come. Spoiler alert: it was her.
You let go of her thighs and they slumped on the couch weakly. Billie was having a hard time holding herself together.
She watched as your fingers pried her pussy open. She clenched and she swore she heard you moan from witnessing this monumental event. Your tongue was flat when you lowered your head and ran a stripe from the base of her pussy to her clit.
"Mmm," Billie muffled her whimpers while biting down on her bottom lip. Just like she'd done when she got her tattoo. You repeated that motion again and again until her legs were closing.
"Keep your legs open," your voice muffled by her pussy.
Billie nodded still fisting her hoodie. She watched as your tongue focused on her clit. The warm sting coursing through her body as you circled your tongue before flicking.
She thought the first time she touched you, she'd be able to taste you. Maybe she'd been a little ambitious considering nothing had happened since then. That's not to say she hadn't thought about it since. She thought about it constantly. And it's not that she hadn't wanted to taste you that first time. She'd wanted to. So bad. But it was one thing fingering your best friend. It was an entirely different thing having your tongue up their pussy. So she digressed.
But now your tongue was in her pussy like actually. She could feel you filling her up, your nose pressed on her cunt.
She didn't think she could come close to making you feel the way you were making her feel right now. You were glorious with your tongue.
Truthfully, she could cum on your tongue right now. Fuck, she wanted you to cum on her tongue. She wanted your thighs to smother her face. She wanted her fingers in your pussy, her tongue on your clit. She wanted to make you feel the way you were making her feel right now.
"I want to cum," Billie's breathing was heavy. She could hardly get her brain to function. It took every ounce of her strength to declare her impeding orgasm, but you simply shook your head vigorously. The flat of your tongue mimicking the motion on her aching clit.
"I'm not done. Hold it," you instructed holding her thighs pulling her closer to your face. She could feel her walls clenching around your tongue. She felt a tightening sensation unlike no other. She felt like she was going to physically erupt if she didn't cum right at this very second. So she tried closing her thighs.
"Be a good girl and hold it," you snarled hooking your arms tighter around her thighs keeping them open. Fuck, did you just call her a good girl? You weren't making this easy for her.
Your tongue lapped her pussy, rotating, flicking, slurping and good god your fingers were in her pussy. Is this what heaven looked like? Billie felt her eyes roll to the back of her head. She grabbed your head no longer able to control her urge.
"Cum on my fingers," you muttered before sucking on her clit, your fingers pumping in her pussy.
Billie was gasping for air, you didn't have to tell her twice. She let herself unravel on your fingers. A string of moans escaped her parted lips as she shook in your hands. You rested your head on her thigh as you felt her walls cave around your fingers. You curled them and she winced when you made eye contact.
"Fuck, that was-" Billie inhaled deeply resting her hands on her open thighs. "-so hot," she exhaled watching the way your lips curled into a smile. You pulled your fingers out of her, they were dripping and your tongue licked them like it was your favorite ice cream. Billie watched through hooded lids and bit her lip.
"You can't do that and expect me not to fall in love with you," she teased, but her voice sounded more seductive than she'd intended. She noticed the way the comment knocked the air out of your lungs as you tried to mask it by rolling your eyes.
"You can make any girl fall in love with you if you learned anything from today," you responded playfully sitting up.
"I don't remember, can you show me again?" Billie's voice was playful, but her choice of words were meticulously chosen.
"Shut up," you laughed tossing her sweats at her.
"Get changed and use the bathroom," you stuck your tongue out and watched as she struggled getting up from the couch. Her legs felt weak and her pussy was still throbbing remembering all the ways your tongue and fingers had touched her.
She pulled up her sweats and leaned down to face you, her arms resting behind her back. She pursed her lips and, as if you'd done this millions of times, you cupped her face kissing her. The kiss lingered longer than either of you probably intended, but it was nice. It felt warm and tingly feeling your lips on hers again.
Lust didn't make you want to kiss your best friend after having her tongue and fingers in your pussy like it was the most normal thing, Billie thought.
Lust didn't make you jokingly tell your friend you'd fall in love with her either.
It wasn't lust.
part four
.˚₊✩ masterlist ✩₊˚.
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void-my-warranty · 10 months ago
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my mouth is currently salivating. I NEED TO BITE BF/ MANWIFE KONIG
Okay I’m continuing this because I got a new brain worm.
Konig/Reader Biting Part 2 (18+) (part 1 here)
“So many days I am hungry for you.”
Overwhelmed, you shudder at the raw confession breathed into your ear. Your fingers tighten in your boyfriend’s hair, unable to prevent the way your exhales have all turned verbal and needy with how close you are.
He sounds wrecked. His voice has gathered this rough edge which, under different circumstances, might give you that heavy thrill of power in your chest. Right now you’re so taken over by the sensations in your body that you can’t really process it, have to just hold on for dear life until you can cum your head clear.
“Please,” you whisper, though there’s nothing else he could possibly give you. You’re getting fucked so right on his nice comfy bed, and the way he’s moving inside you has your orgasm absolutely locked in. It’s a guarantee at this point, sitting in the chute and just waiting for the right button to get pressed, for your mind to give up its hold on reality and let yourself drown in sensation.
He bites down on your neck just past the line of pain, and it makes you whimper with gratitude. You like when he helps you stay on the edge, distracts you with things like bites or hair pulling to make sure you can’t quite cum yet, that you have to just stay dumb like this, and blissfully take his cock for a minute longer.
“It hurts in my lungs,” he pants against your skin. “I cannot breathe, my Angel. How can I breathe?”
You gasp as your pussy begins to tighten up, unable to really spasm with how thick he is inside you. Come on, just a little more—
The next bite above your collarbone has you crying out in a mix of pain, frustration, and deep pleasure. Again your orgasm retreats slightly, even though you’re still getting the most delicious dicking down you could possibly imagine.
Your eyes water with the sharpness of being this aroused, of getting forced past the point of orgasm without actually getting to cum. It’s holding in your belly and thighs, a feral creature clawing at the ground while it waits for its opening to escape.
Your boyfriend’s face hovers above yours, though between the water in your lashes and the way you’re starting to float above the visual plane, you don’t really see him. But you do feel his fingers stroking your hair, his hand cupping around the side of your head while you whimper.
His voice is a low whisper as he works himself over and over into your willing body. “Cum, Angel.”
Unable to control yourself at this point, your head flexes back with a breathy cry, and all you can do is hold tight to the promise that he’ll let it happen this time.
Flames lick through your body, and you burn beneath him. It crackles up every nerve ending with vicious sparks of pleasure, even when he runs his hand over those bites and adds that sensitivity to the storm already inside you.
Your man buries his face in your neck, for kisses this time. Reverent lips trace the marks there, the hickeys and the bites, the proof of his ravenous nature. You lay there after a while, panting and twitching and feeling utterly consumed.
When you’re finally able to blink away the haze, the man you love stops moving inside you. He didn’t cum, you think, but he still stays there for a moment, pulling his face back to observe your fucked-out expression.
“I cannot get enough close— close enough to you,” he rants, some kind of wildness coming through in his bright eyes.
“It’s okay,” you slur, running your hand up and down his broad back. “It’s okay, baby.”
His fingers find the front of your throat, gentle and searching. You trust him enough that you let him wrap his hand around the vulnerable top of it, pressing into the space right under your jaw where your lymph nodes are.
“It hurts here,” he whispers, “when you are with me.”
You nod, closing your eyes and feeling that same prickle of emotion in your own throat. That deep, gnawing need for connection to him.
He pulls himself out of your body, wet and still very hard. His forehead drops to your shoulder as he gently caresses his thumb down your throat. “I am…” he pauses, his shoulders shuddering with a wave of want. “…so hungry.”
Still raw from the aftershocks of your orgasm, your trembling hand finds the back of his head, stroking through his hair.
Knowing exactly what it will do to you, prepared to sacrifice your comfort, you murmur, “Eat, baby.”
He was waiting for the permission, the understanding. Without another word, he crawls down your body and wraps his hands around your thighs, pushing them up and out. He’s holding your flesh so tight that it gives you a fresh wash of pleasure, the knowledge that you’re handing over your body to his whims, even in this hypersensitive, vulnerable state.
His breath ghosts over all the wetness coating the most delicate part of you, and you lay there curling your fingers against the sheets, and accept that it’s going to hurt. It’s going to be uncomfortable to have his mouth on you so soon after you came, but your man is hungry, and you have food.
His lips move softly, a glaring contrast to the way he’s holding your legs open in a near-bruising grasp. You think maybe he knows that this is your sacrifice, and he’s trying to make it gentle for you. He kisses across your most secret place, dragging his tongue up the mess he just spent the last hour working out of you. He knows he shouldn’t contact your clit too much just yet, but he can’t help running his tongue against the velvet of it, making you quiver in his hold.
He’s just so hungry.
Drabble masterlist
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sadhours · 11 months ago
better than ever
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Steve Harrington x f!reader
cw: smut, 18+ minors dni, oral (f and m receiving), p in v, unprotected sex
Just something to remind y’all I’m still here ❤️
Dehydrated. That’s how you feel. In the middle of the hottest month. Sticky and too warm and a little exhausted as you lay back on the bed. Hands tangled in sheets, trying to catch your breath as Steve licks you through what you think is your third or fourth orgasm of the day. In the haze of pleasure, your brains a lot fuzzy and Steve’s insatiable. Big hands gripping your thighs, moaning into you as he ruts against the damp sheets. He’s still dressed and you’re struggling to keep your eyes open.
“You’re gonna fucking kill me,” you mumble out, pushing his head away.
He hums, nips at your thigh before he sits back, smoothes his hands over your hips and grins wolfishly down at you, “They don’t call me King Steve for nothing.”
A roll of your eyes before you close them, unable to hold back the laugh. It’s a line. An absurdly dumb one so you say, “Nobody even calls you that anymore.”
The line worked though, you’re flushed and smiling ear to ear.
“Oh?” he squeezes your hips, “The first time I got you in bed you were screaming it. Remember?” He moans out mockingly, “Oh! King Steve! Yes! Right there, King Steve.”
You lazily kick his chest and roll over onto your stomach, reaching for a cup of water Steve so considerately placed on the nightstand for you. “I hate you,” you lie, feeling his hands grope your ass as you gulp down the water.
“I love you,” he mumbles out, voice sounding dazed as he jiggles your asscheeks in his hands. Then he squeezes and you feel his lips on the small of your back. Brings chills all the way up to the nape of your neck, makes you sigh before gulping down some more water.
After placing it back on the stand, you tell him, “Give me a break. Just a small one.”
“Five minutes?” he replies with a pout and you laugh, sit up and get your wobbly feet on the ground.
“Like an hour?” you offer as you turn around to look at him. He flips onto his back, looking pathetic as he puts on his best puppy dog face. Then your eyes skirt down to the tent in his pants. Ah. You can help him out. It’s only fair.
You smile and crawl back onto the bed, rubbing his hard on over his jeans as you kiss his lips softly. Steve hums, all pleased as he kisses back. You unbutton his jeans and he helps getting them wiggled down to his ankles. Your hand returns to the bulge, not as constrained by his briefs and you drag your tongue across his bottom lip. Earning a whine from him as you squeeze his cock just slightly. Steve makes the prettiest sounds. So soft and sweet. And the exhaustion you’d felt before dissipates. You want nothing more than to please Steve. Moving your hands to his stomach, you start pushing his shirt up and he gets the idea, helps pull it over his head and then he’s grabbing you for another kiss. This one is more hungry and desperate. Has you both writhing against each other and swapping muffled moans. Your hands run up his chest, skin soft and speckled with moles. They meet the tuft of hair decorated there, something you’re a little obsessed with. Makes Steve so manly. Sometimes you find yourself rubbing your face against it, loving the way it feels.
“Still need a break?” he mumbles against your lips, all smug.
You move your hand back down to his cock, squeeze it again and tell him, “Something needs my attention.”
“All yours,” he gasps, hand grabbing your waist before he licks into your mouth. Nasty in a way that’s unlike him. But he’s been particularly feral today.
You kiss down his jaw, neck, chest and abdomen until you reach the elastic of his briefs. Mouth his cock over the cotton, eyes up on him. His lips parted, soft groan slipping through as he rolls his hips up. Probably can’t help himself. With the way he was humping the mattress while he ate you out, you’re shocked he didn’t cum in his pants. Then again, Steve’s always had incredible stamina. Can fuck your for hours before he cums. Or if he does, he’s usually good to go again in an impressive time.
But you can’t wait anymore, you pull his underwear down and the prettiest cock you’ve ever seen springs out. Long, thick and curved just right. Pretty pink tip, leaking beautifully. Trimmed curly brown hair framing the thing. It’s a sight you’ll never tire of. Steve’s beautiful. Every goddamn inch. And he’s got a lot down there. You admire for a moment before you’re licking along the vein, then sliding your tongue against the edge of his head. Focus on the sweet spot for him and Steve’s moaning out, all pretty for you as he writhes against the bed.
You kitten lick against the spot, blinking all wide eyed up at him as he gazes down at you dreamily.
“You’re so pretty,” he tells you, breathless.
You laugh, “You just saying that ‘cause I’m licking your cock?”
“No,” he gasps, “You just look extra pretty doing that.”
“So sweet to me,” you pout, wrapping your hand around the base of him. You spit, saliva dripping from your lips onto his flushed tip and down the side of his cock. You stroke him then, smearing the natural lube all over his cock. Slow movements of your hand up and down, gathering more saliva in your mouth before you lower your head and wrap your lips around his tip. Steve groans, hand immediately knotting into your hair and tilts his head back.
“Fuck,” he breathes, eyes fluttering shut as you take him deeper. You use your hand to stroke what you can’t fit in your mouth, drooling down his length. Squeezing your eyes as the tip of him reaches the back of your throat, breathing through your nose as you get used to the stretch.
And your core aches now. You long to feel that stretch inside your pussy. Growing wetter by the second as you bob your head up and down, sucking when you get to the tip. Steve’s cock pulses in your mouth, you can feel it against your tongue and it makes you hum. The vibrations have Steve moaning out, tightening his grip on your hair. You squeeze your thighs together, suddenly desperate for friction. But this is about Steve right now. He’s been spoiling you all day.
You lower your hand down and cup his balls, rolling them in your palm as you suck on the tip of his cock and he keeps spewing these pretty noises and a little bit of nonsense. Stutters and compliments he can’t quite get out because it just feels too good. They break off into moans.
“That’s— oh, god, baby— you’re so fucking goo— ahh, oh, fuck…” he babbles, “Holy f— that’s it, you’re such a good girl…”
You pull off with a pop and satisfied smile, glad you can make him fall apart as easily as he can make you do it, “Yeah? All for you, baby. Just wanna make you feel good. Am I making you feel good, Stevie?”
“Uh-huh,” he nods, eyes flickering down to watch your hand stroke his length. “So good. Fuck…”
You lick the tip, all exaggerated and as slutty as you can be. Slap it against your tongue as you look at him with wide eyes and knitted brows. He whines, a broken and pathetic sound that makes you feel powerful and also, so full of adoration. He’s perfect, all easy for you. You suck him into your mouth again, go down as far as you can. Struggling to breathe, eyes closed again as you swallow around him and Steve’s panting, groaning and tugging on your hair. Cants his hips up delicately, still enough restraint not to totally fuck your face. Gentle but needy.
“Christ,” he grunts, eyes crossing as you softly squeeze his sack. “Shit…. Baby… fuck.”
Then you pull off again because you’re needier, more than desperate for him. You hook your leg over his hips to straddle him. Bracing your hands on his shoulders, you grind down against him. The length of Steve’s cock catches on your folds, slides through them and coats his cock in your slick.
“Need you,” you confess, “So bad.”
Steve surges his lips up to yours, hand on your hip and the other on his cock. Guides the tip to your entrance and when it catches, your pussy sucks him up desperately. You sink down on it, the pair of you moaning in eager relief. Then you’re grabbing his face, holding it as you gaze down at him and wiggle against him. Once he’s fully sheathed inside, it’s like no other feeling. Complete, full and so deliciously hot. You sloppily kiss, riding him a little uncoordinated because you’re so desperate.
“Fuck,” he manages to mumble out against your lips, both hands on your waist as he guides you.
“Stevie,” you whine, pleading for more.
“So fucking wet for me,” he pants out, a hand grazing up your back to hold onto the back of your neck as he thrusts up into you.
It’s electric, the way you two move together in synchronized rhythm. As you grind down, Steve jerks his hips up. The sweaty, slapping sound fills the room. You keep your grip on his jaw, pulling back from the kiss just to look at his gorgeous face. He meets your gaze, looking as dazed and euphoric as you feel. The stretch is always a little difficult to get through but you’re so on and Steve looks so goddamn pretty that it makes it almost frictionless. It’s easy, it’s perfect. Complete.
Steve whines, moves his hands up to grab your face, too. And the pair of you are just staring at each other, bodies as close as they could be. Tangled in the most beautiful way. Sloppy movements because you’re both a little lost in it. Can’t be as coordinated due to the drunken love taking over. Sensual and lovely, you feel so connected to Steve. Almost overwhelmingly so.
“I love you,” you gush, can’t keep it inside.
He reciprocates, easy and just as heartfelt, “I love you.”
Your skin is sticky with perspiration and you're so wet, slick leaking down to Steve’s sack. He whines and strokes his thumb against your lower lip, and you suck it between your lips. As you're sucking on his thumb, you grind down against him. The tip of his cock stroking wonderfully against the sweet spot tucked deep inside you, the spot only Steve can reach. His eyes darken, watching you salaciously sucking his thumb.
He pulls his digit from your mouth and crashes your lips together, flips you on to your back. Kisses you passionately and filthy, uses his hands to spread your thighs. Grinds down into you deep and wonderful, holding your legs open for him. His face gets all screwed up, nose scrunching and eyebrows knitting. Then Steve’s thumb is catching on your clit, rubbing circles against the bundle of nerves as he kisses you sloppy and needy.
Steve knows exactly how to touch you, he’s perfected it. Down to a science, this boy can make you cum in seconds if he wants to. And it seems like he’s determined so he must be close. As he moves his fingers against your clit, you clench around his cock. Hands messing up his hair as you slip fingers through his locks, grabbing and moaning out for him.
“Fuck, Stevie…”
“You gonna cum for me, baby?” he asks, voice a little higher than usual, “Can feel you squeezing me, you’re close, huh?” He kisses you gently, rubs his fingers in circles against your clit faster and you whine, nodding up at him. It’s building quickly and abruptly and he’s so pretty, you can’t stop looking at him.
When it hits you, it’s intense. Has your eyes prickly with tears, your hands grabbing his face and pulling him into a kiss. Steve kisses back with just as much intensity, fucks you through the orgasm. Your eyes roll back before they close and you’re squeezing onto him for dear life. Stunned by the euphoria, makes you cry out. Repeatedly chanting his name.
Steve tucks his face against your neck, thrusts hard and deep before his hips still and he’s shooting his release into you. Hot and thick inside you. Makes you whimper, grab onto his sticky back and pull him close. He starts kissing against your neck and up your jaw and to your lips.
Pushes your hair back as he pulls away to look at you, fondness clouding his eyes as he tells you, “I love you.”
“I love you, too, Stevie,” you hiccup back, all smiles.
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v3nusxsky · 3 months ago
Write the wandanat smut... for the sake of my mental sake I need your brilliantness (only write it if you want to)
Mommy’s toys 18+
*Authors note~ this one lives in my brain rent free. I’m so excited to give this idea from @wandaslittlebird and put my own spin on it. Also having a rough day so I had to reach into my wips to finish this off. *
Trigger warnings~ voyeur dom! Wanda dom! Nat x sub reader, voyeurism (new kink) edging, oral, strap on, sex toys, daddy Nat, mommy Wanda , degrading kink, praise if you squint?
Prompts~ see ask^^^^
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Stumbling across voyeurism was never meant to affect Wanda this much. So much so it’s all she can think about. She knew her girlfriends would never be against trying something new in the bedroom but the possibility that Natasha or yourself might dislike this new found desire of hers still unsettled her. Wanda loved to play with you, that’s a given but something about having the power at her fingertips to control your pleasure just makes her feral. Focusing purely on watching every little movement as your pleasured by Nat under her commands. Even just thinking about it riles her up. That accidental discovery planting its strong roots of desire within Wanda refusing to let go.
Natahsa was the first one to notice the change in the witch. Subtle but to her trained senses she couldn’t miss it, you however remained oblivious. With you on a mission Natasha had the perfect chance to sit down with Wanda and discuss what was so evidently on her mind these days. Wanda couldn’t help but be relieved when Nat listened and even reminded her how much you love being guided through masturbation while they are out on missions. Neither you or Natasha would shame Wanda for wanting to explore and try something new. And it was from there that your loving wives hatched a plan to bring the desire to fruition.
Unknowingly you fell into their trap. Days stretching on where they let bratty comments slide, lulling you into a false sense of security. You continued to get bolder with each passing day, testing the carfully arranged boundaries in order to gain a slither of their attention. Both of your wives continued to ignore your bratty behaviour until Nat was called for a last minute intel mission. Wanda couldn’t help but give into her dominant side. Natasha would understand if she got you ready for the evening.
“Mommy” you whined again for fifth time in quarter of an hour. “Fine” you huffed at the silence that followed, “perhaps Carol would want me.” It was a low blow, you knew that. Wanda and Natasha are very protective of you, both having high levels of jealousy and dominance. “Brat” was all Wanda muttered in response before her magic reached out to restrain you. Red whips wrapping around your torso with a practiced ease. “Mommy! Let me go” you squealed in response with flailing limbs fighting against her tight magical hold.
“No.” A simple statement. One you weren’t expecting due to the previous comments being ignored. “Daddy” you whimpered pathetically continuing to squirm as her forest green eyes raked over your bound figure as she returned to your shared room. “Don’t daddy her dekta, you’ve been practically begging for this for days now, and now what do you say Nat, want to play with our brat?”
Magic provided the ease for Wanda to strip you bare with her mind and bind you to the bed. Fully on show for your lovers as the paid you no mind, wrapped in each others arms, lips entwining as you helplessly watched. “Welcome home Dekta” Wanda mumbled against Natasha’s lips, nimble fingers stripping her from her suit with a practiced ease. The way she would run her hands over the newly exposed skin was driving you wild. You want to touch! “Share mommy” you pouted before you even realised what you said. The pathetic whimper gained you a slither of attention as Wanda commanded Nat to shut you up.
Heaven. The way she plunged her skilled tongue into your aching core, the skill she had to trace intricate patterns on your throbbing clit always amazed you, her strong grip pinning your thighs open, allowing her to reacher deeper within you. Your slick covering her lower face as she ate you out like a starved animal. “Stop” Wanda demanded when your thoughts of cumming on her tongue got too loud. You weren’t to come till she said so. The annoyed whine you let loose when the red head removed herself from your aching cunt was magical. She should’ve recorded it.
“Here, use this on her, don’t let her come Dekta, I’ll reward my good girl if you can do this for me” Wanda murmured, handing Nat your favourite vibrating toy before bringing her in for another kiss, moaning as the taste of you seeped into the kiss before removing herself to sit on the chair on the other side of the room. “Put a show on for me baby. Show mommy how badly you want to come.”
Natasha is a skilled lover. There’s no doubt about it. The way she works you up so perfectly only to rip the pleasure away at the perfect time is maddening. Truly. The sounds clawing their way from your throat as you fought the magical bindings didn’t seem human. All while feeling the witches intense gaze on you. The way she was clearly taking in every little detail. If you had the upper hand you maybe would’ve commented she should take a picture. It would last longer. But right now the only thing you knew was the feeling of the vibration assaulting your puffy clit. “Please daddy! I wanna cum for you. Please daddy feel so good” you mewled feeling the beautiful pain of being on the edge once more. You just needed a bit more. A firm press of the toy would do. Only for the red head to remove everything instantly. “Fuck sake!” You practically screamed with frustration. This isn’t fair.
You couldn’t help but whine in frustration when you heard wands chuckling to herself and praising Natasha for a job well done .”Poor baby.” Wanda cooed teasingly, “Do you want daddy's cock, baby? Do you think you're ready for daddy to fuck you?" It didn’t occur to you, Natasha was being incredibly submissive to the witch, maybe you would’ve if your mind wasn’t clouded by the denial bestowed on you. “Hmm, I'll think I'll have daddy use the purple strap. The one with the- what did you call them- the 'mean ridges'? The ones that scrap against your special spot so perfectly?" Well you were fucked.
“And I think I want you on the bed just like this, on your hands and knees. I wanna watch those pretty little tears run down your face while daddy fucks you." Wanda freed your limbs before coming to position you where she wanted you, Nat seemingly following the instructions and began to strap up. The pure power play of Wanda being the only party clothed was certainly noted on your part. But the second you tried to pull at her shirt, she tutted at you like a disobedient puppy. “Leave it” was all she offered you before returning back to her seat, admiring your position as your chest heaved trying to calm down properly. She’d never seen you so riled up before from only one of them touching you.
“And don't even think about letting your arms give out. If can't see your pretty face, I'm gonna make daddy stop, understand?" She threatened as your arms began to shake with the weight of holding your body weight battling your desperation. “Wands, she’s leaking on the sheets” nat murmured eyes glued to your leaking pussy as she moved to find her place in Wanda’s scene fully strapped up. “Because she is a desperate whore for us Natty. Were you good for me? Hmm or do I need to check you set up right?” Being on show like this and being ignored wasn’t your favourite way to spend your time but if anything was clear, you were better to play along than fight back. “Did everything you asked Mommy” Nat teased back chuckling when you whined at the title.
“Go on Dekta, make her cry for me. Let mommy see her toys playing perfectly together.” Your new position allowed you to gaze into wands eyes as Nat pushed into your eager cunt. You couldn’t help but whimper, “daddy,” at the stretch she created. “Fuck so pretty, taking me so well Dekta” Natasha murmured appreciatively, eyes glued to watching you drag her deeper inside. “Please” you practically sobbed, desperate for more. Anything. Yet no matter how much you pleaded with her to move, Natasha waited for Wanda to demand it.
“Such a desperate slut, you haven’t worked out what’s going have you darling? Daddy won’t listen to you, she’s my toy who’s using my other toy for me. So be a good girl and take what we give you” Wanda muttered before nodding to her other lover. The way she slowly pulled out so just the tip of the faux cock was inside of your greedy little hole before slamming back into your warmth. “Oh Natty keep going our dumb little slut likes it rough” Wanda called chuckling as your mouth fell open into an “O” shape. The way her hands gripped your hips hard enough to leave bruises as she drilled herself into you almost distracted you from watching Wanda’s hand sneak into the waist band of her trousers. Almost.
It didn’t take long for the pace to drive you insane, moaning like a common whore your arms gave out. “Out” she demanded and Natasha complied slipping from your messy cunt. “No no no! I’m sorry please no mommy” you sobbed struggling to push yourself back into position. Tears streaming down your cheeks at the continued denial. “Cry for me Dekta. So pretty when you cry for mommy. I did warn you. Cause a dumb little bitch can’t listen when she needs to be fucked dumb.”
This time there was no warning as she plunged into your core again, instantly falling back into her ruthless pace. You trained your gaze on Wanda, determined to follow her desire and enjoy the show. Your tears started to mingle with the slight drool leaving your mouth as you were pushed to the edge for whatever number it was tonight. “Please oh god mommy please make daddy make me cum. Wanna cum for mommy please” you sobbed, desperately wishing to get what you need. The orgasm you were given was nothing short of magical, your inner walls milking the dildo for all it was worth, Natasha grunting as she fell with you, continuing to dig herself deeper into you. Wanda was next, the sight and sound of her lovers enjoying themselves caused her to fall too, hips bucking against her own fingers. “Natty stop” Wanda murmured, taking in your absolutely spent body. The way you collapsed after riding the pleasurable waves was rather comical. “Want more” Nat grunted practically sulking as she slipped from your core, cock thickly coated in your slick. “Later, look at her Nat. She’s throughly fucked. Let her rest my love.”
Wanda gentled rolled you onto your back, stroking your sweat covered hair from your face, “can mommy clean our sweet girl up?” You knew you should reply, but all you could do is whine In response. So deep into bliss you forgot how to form words. Together your lovers worked on cleaning you up and settling in to bed, your head on Wand’s chest as Nat was the big spoon. “Good girl for us Yano that? Our best girl” was the last thing you remember hearing before sleep claimed you.
Word count~ 1884
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sylvieisoffline · 23 days ago
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Saw this pose template on X and came up with a headcanon for the bad ending of Innocent Birdcage
word count: 1.2k words
tags: MDNI, spoilers for Innocent Birdcage's bad ending (kind of), mentions of blood, mild dubcon, implied smut/implied loss of virginity, mentions of restraints (chains, captivity), fading in and out of consciousness, choking, predator/prey dynamics
note: I honestly don't know how my work-fried brain managed to conjure this one. This is my first fic on L&DS so please be kind. Notes, comments, and reblogs are highly appreciated 🥹🙏🏻
Pain laced through your body the moment you regained consciousness, your skin burning where Sylus had bitten you. The metallic taste of blood lingered in your mouth, your breath shallow and ragged. The world around you swayed, the dim glow of the headquarters casting eerie shadows over the metal bars that trapped you inside this formidable cage.
Sylus stood before you, crimson eyes glowing with something feral—hunger, desperation, something unhinged. Chains wrapped around his wrists, but they did little to restrain him. You knew this wasn’t him. Not truly. But that didn't change the fact that you needed to escape.
With a burst of adrenaline, you lunged, hands moving on instinct. In a desperate act, you managed to loop the heavy chains around his upper body, twisting them up toward his throat. His breath hitched, a low growl rumbling from his chest as he staggered. It wasn’t much, but it was enough.
Enough for you to scramble out of the cage.
Your hands fumbled with the lock, your pulse hammering as you slammed the door shut behind you. The last thing you saw before you turned to run was the glint of his crimson eyes—wild, unfocused, burning into yours as the chains rattled violently in protest.
You didn’t stop. You didn’t look back.
Bursting out of the HQ, your vision blurred as the cold night air hit you. The world outside felt disorienting, the pavement tilting beneath your feet. Your body wasn’t just weak—it was failing. Blood loss, shock, exhaustion. It all hit you at once.
A blaring horn jolted through your skull just before headlights flooded your vision.
You struggled to grasp at the last strains of your consciousness as everything faded to black.
When you woke, everything smelled sterile.
The rhythmic beeping of a heart monitor echoed in the quiet hospital room. Bandages wrapped around your arms, a dull throb pulsing through every inch of your body. The last thing you remembered was the feeling of pavement scraping against your skin as strangers rushed to help you.
Was he still trapped? Had he broken free? Had he gone on a rampage, blinded by the bloodlust that had taken over him?
The thought lingered even as you were discharged days later, still weak but well enough to be sent home on recovery leave. The solitude of your house offered little comfort. Just silence and memories you couldn’t shake.
That’s when you found them.
The air in your home office felt suffocating then, thick with the weight of everything you’d uncovered. Pages upon pages of classified research on Ever lay scattered across your desk, but your focus had honed in on a single red folder.
Tartarus' file.
The name alone sent a shiver down your spine. He had always been dangerous, always teetering on the edge of something primal. But that night, the night you escaped, he had been something else entirely.
More beast than man.
Your hands trembled as you flipped it open, eyes scanning the classified documents detailing his condition, his planned containment, the terrifying reality of what your Sylus become. You mull over the blank spot where his photo would've been had the LCBI known his true identity. Fingers tracing the edges of the folder as your mind replayed the last moments before you fled. The way his carmine eyes had burned into yours, the way his breath had hitched when you tightened the chains around his throat. Had it been pain that flashed across his face? Or something else?
You never got the chance to find out.
Too caught up in your thoughts, you didn’t hear the patter of footsteps approaching from behind.
Not until it was too late.
The folder was ripped from your hands in an instant, yanked away with a force that sent your heart slamming against your ribs. You barely had time to gasp before a strong grip caught your waist, pulling you back against something unyielding, something warm, something alive.
Your breath hitched. A scent too familiar filled your senses—dark, heady, tinged with the sharp edge of something untamed.
A slow, satisfied chuckle ghosted against your ear.
"I bet you thought you'd seen the last of me, kitten."
Your blood ran cold.
Before you could react, he spun you around, forcing you to face him.
You barely recognized him.
His usually sharp, composed features were wild with something feverish. His sanguine eyes glowed in the dim light, darkened by something you couldn’t name. His grip on you was bruising, fingers digging into your hips as if grounding himself—as if keeping himself from devouring you whole.
"You ran," he murmured, voice smooth yet dripping with something dangerous. His free hand came up, fingers grazing over your throat, lingering just enough for your breath to falter. "Learned from the best, haven't you?"
He tilted his head, watching you like a predator sizing up its prey.
"But you shouldn’t have left me alone."
Panic coiled in your stomach as he pressed closer. The heat of his body seeped into yours, his presence overwhelming, suffocating. Your hands flew to his chest, pushing, struggling—but he didn’t budge.
He exhaled sharply, almost amused.
Then his fingers tightened around your throat.
Not enough to hurt. Not yet. But enough to make your pulse stutter beneath his touch.
You swallowed hard, meeting his gaze with defiance. "You weren’t in your right mind. You—"
"Needed you," he cut in, voice low, almost a growl. His thumb pressed lightly over your pulse, feeling the frantic beat of your heart. "I needed you—and you left me."
His grip loosened, only for his other hand to slide lower, gripping your hips with possessive force. Your breath hitched as he leaned in, brushing his lips along your jaw, your throat—pausing where his teeth had sunk into before.
"I don’t think you understand just what your presence does to me," he murmured against your skin.
His teeth grazed over the sensitive flesh, a silent warning before he bit down.
A sharp gasp tore from your lips as pain bloomed, electric and dizzying. Heat shot through you, something raw and unfamiliar pooling in your stomach. You barely registered your knees giving out, your body slumping against him as the world blurred at the edges.
Sylus caught you easily, growling as he pushed you back and up against your desk. His hands were everywhere—rough, desperate—holding you in place, claiming.
Your breath came in shallow gasps as he pulled back, licking the wound he’d left. "Still so fragile," he murmured, almost reverent. "Yet you've never failed to put up a fight."
His hands trailed down, fingers brushing over the waistband of your shorts. A shiver racked through you as he slipped his hands beyond, and for the first time, you felt something shift in his intensity—something darker.
"You’ve never been touched like this before, have you?"
The sound of slick from where his fingers disappear in you was answer enough.
Sylus groaned, his forehead dropping to your shoulder. "I should stop," he muttered, his voice strained. "I should."
But the way his fingers coaxed your clenched walls said otherwise.
The way he dragged you closer, his body pressing into yours, said otherwise.
You felt lightheaded, fading in and out of consciousness due to the bleeding on the side of your neck from where he's bitten again, but his touch was an anchor—his grip, his heat, the possessive growl rumbling in his chest as he slowly undoes the growing knot that's swirling in your stomach.
He wasn’t going to stop.
And deep down, you know you didn’t want him to.
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