#jervis tetch x reader
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nxtaliaistyping · 7 months ago
Batrogues | p links part two
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(gotta be logged into twitter for links to work)
NSFW 18+. some new faces, some returning ones, part one here.
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨:·
The Riddler:
If you beg for his attention while he’s working in his workshop, then he’ll leave you like this.
Secretly has a soft spot for bigger girls <3
He’s a classy guy, he loves lingerie
How he eats it after you stroke his ego
He likes you dripping and desperate for him
Honestly this is how I need him to fuck me
The Scarecrow:
What, you thought just because he used to be a professor, he’d be turned on by you dressing so crude? He’ll show you what he thinks
Edward is the closest thing he has to a friend, it would be rude for him not to share you with the riddler.
As a thank you for letting him have you, Edward gave you a present. Now you use it and send videos to Jonathan when he’s working <3
You help him get to sleep
Likes making you ride him
This but he’s wearing the scarecrow mask
She gets a sick sense of pleasure when she seduces a woman whose in a relationship with a man
Takes you to expensive hotels just the fuck you in them
You told her and Harley that you wanted to be part of the Gotham City Sirens, but they said there was an entrance exam
Yeah, it doesn’t matter where you both are, she’ll just knock out anyone who stumbles upon you both
Breaks in to your house with her strap on under her suit so she can fuck you
Thank her for all the expensive gifts by getting on your knees
The Mad Hatter:
Once he found the toy under your bed, he knew he had to have you use it
Loves seeing you in such cute underwear
He also loves when you act all innocent, so he can feel like he’s corrupting you
How he treats his sweet Alice when you do what he says
And it helps when his Alice loves it as much as him
Though he likes when you take matters into your own hands
He owns plenty of handcuffs
If you try and ride him, this is how you’ll end up
Oh you’re wearing fishnets? Good luck
Where else should he cum, if not deep inside?
Yeah, he’s rough
But if it’s been a long day, he can be intimate too
Black Mask:
Makes you send videos like this all the time, the more embarrassing the dildo the better
What’s that? You don’t wanna do anal? Well then obviously you don’t want to be his best girl, do you?
You still have to look pretty, even when being punished
After coming back from a meeting
Unlike Scarecrow, he definitely isn’t shy about being into the whole schoolgirl outfit
As in incentive to his men, the lucky guy who earns him the most money that month gets front row seats to see this
Harley Quinn:
Harls doesn’t like to wait till you’re back from the club
She’s a threesome kinda girl
She loves your tits
Fuck her with the strap, so she can fuck you with the same one tomorrow <3
When you put her panties in her mouth, she came so quick
What happens when she invites you for a sleepover
·:¨༺ ♱✮♱ ༻¨
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yandere-writer-momo · 3 months ago
This is so niche. But enjoy the insane tiny man!
Yandere DC Shorts:
My Darling Alice
Yandere Mad Hatter x Psychiatrist Fem Reader
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TW: obsessive behavior, stalking, kidnapping, being held against one’s will, Mad Hatter is a creep, delusional behavior, very short horror, and mind control (mentioned at end)
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“Alice!” Loud giggles spilled through chapped lips as rough hands grasped at her face. (Your name) winced as the dry skin scratched the soft skin of her cheeks. The fabric of Jervis’s fingerless gloves did nothing but make the surface wounds burn ever so slightly. A sadistic reminder that this was no dream… her patient had escaped Arkham and kidnapped her to be his Alice. “My darling Alice… I finally have you in my clutches. Oh it’s wonderful to finally have you in wonderland with me.”
(Your name) caught a glimpse of her reflection and had to gulp down the hole that threatened to erupt from her throat like lava. She was in a baby blue dress with a frilly white apron a top of it. She even had on multiple layers of tile skirts under to make the dress have more shape and crisp white stockings with black Mary Jane’s. Had Jervis changed her clothes?! How on earth did she land in this ridiculously accurate Alice in wonderland attire?
(Your name) was by no means Jervis Tetch’s type! So why… why her?
“Do you love your dress?” Jervis’s lips twisted into a crooked grin, his cheeks aflame in awe. ���I personally tailored it to your sizes… it’s an exact replica of the one you made for my Alice doll in Arkham! Oh, my Alice… I’m so happy to have finally found you!”
(Your name) felt her heart sink. She had shown this loon kindness and he interpreted it as affection. This love starved man had set his sights on her and she could do nothing but play along. Unless she wanted to end up like the Alices before her.
“Jervis, I’m not-“ He bent down to kiss her cheeks. A shiver ran down her spine from how acrid the scent of his breath was.
“Nonsense. You’re perfect, my Alice.”
(Your name) felt a zap on her head and then her body was under his will like a marionette guided by its strings by a puppeteer.
“There we go… now be a proper Alice and come adore your Mad Hatter.”
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sqreamunson · 8 months ago
me after spending my entire day reading Gotham smuts :
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i-smoke-chapstick · 10 months ago
all i can think of are gotham villians that would 100% get incredibly possessive, pissy, and pouty when they have a dream of Y/N cheating on them.
Oswald? Yeah. He’s waking up in a cold sweat, drinking himself into a hangover with lots of insecure thoughts, before being very standoffish the next day with you, maybe even a little mean. More irritated then usual. You can either wait it out for him to calm down and realize he’s being silly or he’ll get hyper attentive to every move you make and accuse you of ACTUALLY cheating 😭 knock some sense into this man pls. superstitious and paranoid bird man thinks it’s a sign.
Jerome. Unlike Oswald, he will surprisingly gently wake up in the middle of the night. Theres no cold sweat or jolting awake, he just opens his eyes and stares at the ceiling for a few minutes….before settling on VIOLENTLY shaking you awake. You’ll be half asleep, and youll have to listen to him rant into the next day about how dream you is a total sleeze. You’ll be able to go back to sleep though, since his ranting is pretty much white noise. Despite this, he’s inwardly pouting. Will be passive aggressive the next day.
Jervis!!! He wakes up with a start and cannot erase the thought of someone else touching you. Makes him violently ill. Will polietly excuse himself from bed (Jervis, reader is asleep, they cant hear you) and will either throw up or just start tweaking. Won’t be able to fall back to sleep. The next day expect some eerily calm smiles and EXTRA affectionate doting, just incase you think you arent getting enough attention at home with him. which is where you belong.
they are all delusional. i love them sm
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batman-dc-imagines · 11 months ago
Incorrect quotes with the J Squad + (Name)
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(Name): Yo is Jerome sleeping or dead?
Jon: Hopefully dead, I hated his guts.
Jervis: Yeah, so did I.
Jerome: Okay first of all, fuck you-
(Name): *Screams*
Jerome: *Screams louder to establish dominance*
Jon: Should we do something?
Jervis: No, I want to see who wins
(Name): Everyone, synchronize your watches.
Jerome: I don’t know how to do that.
Jon: I don’t wear a watch.
Jervis: Time is a construct.
(Name): Can I be frank with you guys?
Jerome: Sure, but I don’t see how changing your name is gonna help.
Jon: Can I still be Jon?
Jervis: Shh, let Frank speak.
(Name): I hate y’all.
Jervis: You don’t mean that, Frank.
(Name), about Jerome: Apparently we’re getting someone new in the group.
Jon: Are we stealing them?
Jervis: New or used?
(Name): Wonderful responses, both of you.
(Name): How did none of you hear what I just said?
Jervis: I’ve been zoned out for the past two and a half hours.
Jerome: I got distracted about halfway through.
Jon: Ignoring you was a conscious decision.
(Name): Dammit, Jerome!
Jerome: What?! It wasn’t me!
(Name): Sorry, force of habit. Dammit, Jon!
Jon: Not me either.
(Name): Oh...Then who set the house on fire?
Jervis: *whistles*
(Name): JERVIS-
*(Name) is cooking*
Jerome: Any chance that’s for me?
(Name): It’s for Jervis. I’m planning on making some bad choices tonight, and I need him on my side.
Jon: I never realized the forethought that went into being a disappointment.
Jervis: I think (Name) was right.
Jon: I'm surprised they haven't marched in here to say 'I told you so.'
Jerome: They wouldn't do that.
(Name): You're right, Jerome. For once in your life, you're 100% right. I would never say that.
(Name): *turns around, the shirt they're wearing saying 'I told you so' on the back*
Jerome, banging on the door: Baghead! Open up!
Jon: Well, it all started when I was a kid...
Jervis: No, he meant-
(Name): Let him finish.
(Name): Have you seen Jerome around here?
Jon: Ugh, yes. He made a horrible mess of the blood fountain.
Jervis: It looks fine to me?
Jon: Why are (Name) and Jerome sitting with their backs to each other?
Jervis: They had a fight.
Jon: Then why are they holding hands?
Jervis: They get sad when they fight.
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adalwolfgang · 1 year ago
Jervis: Happy birthday my dear! It’s me! I’m your gift!
(Name), whispering to Jon: did you get a receipt or do i have to keep him?
(Name): And that's how I got here...
Zsasz: Ha! You sure are a funny one!
*Zsasz stares for a long moment*
(Name): What?
Zsasz: I like you. Like a lot. I'm going to keep you.
*His hand tightly held (Name)’s*
(Name): Uh..okay-.
Zsasz: Good! There was no choice anyway.
Edward: I always apologize when I'm wrong.
(Name): I don't think I've ever seen you apologize before.
Edward: I'm never wrong.
Oswald: you're trying to use my ego against me?
(Name): I thought it'd work.
Oswald: no, it worked. I'll do it.
Jerome: Something's off.
(Name): maybe you've finally developed human emotions and are actually feeling bad for hurting people?
Jerome: no, but that's funny!
Jon: Have you heard the joke about the gas light?
(Name): no..?
Jon: Yeah you have.
(Name): no I haven’t.
Jon: You've literally heard it already.
(Name): I HAVEN’T?!
Jon: You're crazy.
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youngstarfishphilosopher · 1 year ago
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Welp, good luck, my friend
- You would be one of his hostages who he was planning to kill. Patiently waiting your turn for your fun death. You had an abusive / less than kind family member with you at the time who had forced you to go there.
- When realizing that you two two were a little family unit, he decides to amuse himself a little.
- " Hey, hey you!" He would yell at one of his goons. " Tye them up to that uhhhh. . . That spinning wheel thing. And bring the kid over to me."
- Tying your family member up, Jerome places one of three throwing daggers in your hand( crowching down if you're small) while kind of just coaching you on how to throw them.
- What a surprise for him when not only do you do it without hesitation, but with a small smile on your face.
- That's when he goes, " Alright, change of plans, I like this kid." And immediately takes you under his wing
- There is never a dull moment with this man. There are plenty of bloody and horrific ones, sure. But never dull.
- Will make you kill the rest of your family members or do it himself if you can't. You're his now, and he doesn't need anyone trying to get in the way of that or distracting you.
- Sees himself as more of a mentor figure to you rather than an actual parent. But if you do end up calling him dad, he's not complaining.
- Takes you along with him for many of his usual, murderous antics. No matter how old you are, even if you are on the much younger side. "Best to teach them young," He would say.
- Praises you a lot whenever you decided to join in on the fun and always makes either his goons or his hostages cheer for you.
-If you're more on the socially anxious side, he'll try to put you in the spotlight less often and leave your killings as just some private family bonding time.
- This man CANNOT cook. He would burn whatever place he was staying out down to the ground if he tried.
- Gives you a lot of freedom to have fun and do whatever, but don't think that means you're allowed to leave or disobey him. You're still his protégé and need to listen to what he says.
- If you are on the younger side, that list of freedoms would be much shorter.
- He would want you around his vicinity or next to him and would make some of his goons keep an eye on you if he was busy with something.
- Lots of physical affection and inside jokes from this guy.
- All in all: Getting a child wasn't something Jerome had on his bucket list. But he's not really complaining.
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- To say this man is obsessive is the understatement of the century
- Spots you in the crowd at one of his performances and chooses you as his willing participant
- You might as well forget your parents now, because he'll have already hypnotized them to walk into traffic or jump off a building.
- Unlike the other two, Jervis will expect for you to see him as your dad.
- Will plan extravagant teaparties with all your favorite teas and sweets. And if you're not a sweets kind of person, then he'll put out more savory stuff like sandwiches as soupes.
- Hope you like fancy outfits, because you'll be wearing a lot of them. But don't worry, he'll try to find some that you're comfortable in.
- Doesn't give you a whole lot of freedom. Especially if you're on the much younger side.
- He'll also just randomly picks you up and carry you around with him if you're small enough for him to do so.
- Will not hesitate to hypnotize you and tie you up if he feels it is necessary. So you nest behave
- Usually reads bedtime stories to you, no matter how old you are.
- In conclusion, this man is obsessive and delusional. So just sit back, relax, and let your new papa take care of you.
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-Well, this is rather unexpected. He never really saw himself taking care of a child
- He met you at Arkham: His cell next to yours. And you two would talk through the walls whenever a day was especially boring.
- After a while, he warmed up rather well to you. He starts to see you more as family in a way and immediately gets you out of your cell when a breakout in the asylum starts.
- Keeps you far away from your previous family members if you have any. He wouldn't kill them the first time per-say, just . . . Scare them away.
- The second time, he would be much less merciful. They had their chance and should have listened.
- He doesn't let you get too close to him when he's working on his projects in fear of you accidently getting hurt. But if you're an older teenager, he would ask if you would like to try and face your fears.
- He wouldn't force anything, though.
- You see him more as an older brother type figure rather than a parental one.
- Agian, if you are older, he doesn't really let you participate in his antics and usually lets you stay home if he trusts you. But will just bring you along to watch if you're much younger.
- A decent cook all things considered. Not the best by any means, but at least it's not a burt piece of charcoal.
- Will sit and talk with you whenever you need it. He's a pretty good listener.
- He can also get really protective a times, no matter what age you are, and will not hesitate to fear gas somebody.
- Not the best when it comes to physical affection. But will give you some if you want it.
- Although you entering his life was unexpected. Jonathan has found himself enjoying your company a lot more than he ever thought he would. It's probably the only thing good that ever came from being trapped in arkham.
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angelofthenight · 1 year ago
Jervis: we have to think! what would Jerome and (y/n) do in this situation?
Jonathan: you want us to make sex jokes?
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fetish4juggalos · 2 years ago
Bed time with Gotham villans
I haven’t posted anything recently and thought in light of 2023 coming to a start I’d post something for the new year even though we’re 6 months into it :3
I apologize in advance for both grammatical errors and spelling errors:)
Oswald Cobblepot
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I can imagine oswald being a very wild sleeper. Like the kind that can go to sleep on the opposite side of the bed and end up with their leg over you with their arms wrapped around you
Probably has alot of night terrors specially about his mom and dad. Loud random screams in the middle of the night will be a common occurrence for you
Goes to sleep in a full pajama set with night cap and slippers:)
Blanket hog all the way, constantly kicking you in the back, cuddling into you, ect.
Though he's probably not the best to sleep with hes definitely got the nicest bed. Like im talking king sized with silk pillow cases, and sheets with a ridiculous thread count
I imagine him having some long ass night routine or some weird night ritual he follows before bed
He's the last to get into bed and the first to fall asleep
Likes a warm glass of milk (or a lukewarm glass of alcohol) before bed because he's old fashioned
Refuses to go to sleep without you and will wait till the early hours of the morning and late hours of night for you to come to bed
Edward Nygma (pre-riddler)
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Ed unsurprisingly is very pleasant to sleep with
He’s not a very calm sleeper but he isn't like incredibly wild either. Maybe a arm or leg thrown over the edge of the bed but thats about it
Has the occasional night terrors but besides that is otherwise peaceful 
Sleeps in relatively normal sleep attire. Plain shirt with pajama pants mostly
Really basic white male night time routine. shower, brush teeth, wash face and head to bed
He has a decent sleep schedule with only the occasional sleep insomnia
Likes to spend a little time playing video games or solving puzzles before bed
Edward Nygma (post-riddler)
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Sleeps a lot less then pre-riddler ed
When he does sleep it’s only for a few hours and tends to have nightmares in between periods of rest
He’s not one to initiate cuddling during bed time but he won’t stop you from cuddling up next him
Will at times sleep on the couch or wherever he ends up falling asleep. Mostly up to you to make sure he gets a healthy amount of rest
Over thinks greatly before bed and ends up circling the room on a tangent or whenever an idea strikes
Sometimes breaks into your apartment just to sleep next to you or will show up and pass out on your couch
Talks and mumbles in his sleep
Victor Zsasz
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Victor rarely sleeps but will lay in bed just to be next to you for a few hours before his next job
Sleeps in mostly just boxers since he takes a shower directly before he goes to bed but on off days he’ll throw on a t-shirt and lay in bed with you
Calm sleeper surprisingly
It takes a specific type of man to be able to kill someone then come home and sleep peacefully
He’s a quiet sleeper which is also why he makes such a god assassin as noise suppression is a huge part of his job
You always fall asleep first and he likes to just stare at you for long periods of time
Half drunken water bottles and glasses on the night stand at all times
I feel like he would have some kind of lengthy skin care routine before bed
Likes cuddling especially if he’s the little spoon
Wakes up at ungodly early hours of the morning
Blanket hog but just to be annoying and so that way you’ll sleep closer to him
Only really sleeps if you’re sleeping with him as he doesn’t really sleep as much as most people and probably only rests his eyes for a few hours at a time
Jervis Tetch
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Jervis is very affectionate when it comes to bed time. He loves cuddling, holding you, kissing you ect.
I imagine his bed is incredibly comfortable with many multi-colored and textured throws, quilts, and blankets covering the bed. Probably decorative pillows as well in many colors and shapes
Full pajama sleep attire. Button up sleep shirt, pants, slippers, and a night hat similar to Oswald
He likes reading to you or being read bedtime stories. His current favorite (aside from obviously alice in wonderland) is the wizard of Oz
A warm glass of milk or tea before bed is essential and he always makes some before bed
Jervis is a bit of a wild sleeper but for the most part stays in one spot on the bed only kneeing you a few times and stirring in his sleep
He runs warm so he doesn’t take up a whole lot of blanket but during the summer he ends up drenched in sweat blanket or not
Wild bed head since his curls are hard to tame at times
Stays up late so he falls asleep first since he’s always exhausted and sleep deprived
Wokenup in a cold sweat a few times from the occasional nightmares relating to his sister but all he needs is you to pull him back into reality
Talks to you until he falls asleep to help him get some energy out and clear his mind. He talks to you about anything and everything until he begins to drift off
Jerome Valeska
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Jerome is an incredibly wild sleeper. So much so to the point where no matter what position or side of the bed he’s on he’ll end up on the opposite side in a completely different position
Throws the blanket off and on going from hogging it to throwing it on the floor
He runs hot so his sleep attire is mostly him without a shirt and a pair of tattered pajama pants or just boxers
He doesn’t really have a night time routine to speak of or a steady schedule
Normally it’s just whenever he’s tired and wherever he’s at that determine what his sleep is going to be like and how long it lasts
He’s a big cuddler at first but because he’s such a wild sleeper he’ll probably end up letting go of you and turning to the opposite side of the bed
He’ll wake up in a bad mood if he’s not sleeping with you next to him or in his arms in the morning tho even if it’s entirely his fault
He’s a brat so it takes forever to coax him into going to bed. Plus he’s stubborn so even when you get him into bed he’ll do everything in his power to annoy you or to not fall asleep
He talks a lot in his sleep normally it’s laughter or it’s him mumbling on about his mother and the trauma he received
He has nightmares but they don’t wake him up only increase his tossing and turning and sleep talk
I feel like he sleep walks at times when he’s not knocked completely out and I can image you’ve had to bring him back to bed a few times
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cyanide-and-roses · 2 months ago
"In my imagination, in my realization"
Yandere Mad Hatter x Reader
⁽ᶜᵂ: ᵍᵒʳᵉ, ᵐⁱⁿᵈ ᶜᵒⁿᵗʳᵒˡ, ʸᵃⁿᵈᵉʳᵉ ᵗʰᵉᵐᵉˢ. ᴿᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ ⁱˢ ʳᵉᶠᵉʳʳᵉᵈ ᵗᵒ ᵃˢ ᴬˡⁱᶜᵉ ᵇᵘᵗ ⁱˢ ᵒᵗʰᵉʳʷⁱˢᵉ ᵍᵉⁿᵈᵉʳ ⁿᵉᵘᵗʳᵃˡ⁾.
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ᴺᵒʷ ᵖˡᵃʸⁱⁿᵍ: ᴬˡⁱᶜᵉ ⁱⁿ ᵃ ᴮˡᵃᶜᵏ ᴹᵃʳᵏᵉᵗ
Your eyelids were as heavy as lead, and your mind felt like it turned to cotton. You couldn't tell if you’d been sleeping or if you’d been awake this whole time without remembering anything.
You were sitting at the end of a rather long table decorated with porcelain plates and tea cups.
“Alice? Are you feeling alright, dear?”
A man’s voice reverberates in your brain. You think you recognize who the voice belonged to, but you cannot for the life of you remember the name of its owner. You shift your gaze towards the man, who was at the other end of the table.
“That's… not… not my name.” you mutter.
“What do you mean? Alice, you're talking nonsense!”
“That's not my name.” You repeat, feeling yourself waking from whatever spell you were under.
With your mind a bit clearer, you start to recall the name of the man across from you.
“Jervis, what is going on here?”
Your eyes land on a cake dome sitting in the center of the table. The glass it was made of was frosted, making it hard to discern what was inside, but you were able to tell it sure as hell wasn't a cake.
“That's a little surprise I got for you, Alice!” Jervis said, noticing you eyeing the strange thing underneath the cake lid.
Jervis got up onto the table, walking over towards the dish, before reaching down and slowly lifting the lid.
It was a head. A human head.
You involuntarily let out a screech, recoiling in horror, nausea hitting you like a truck. You avert your gaze away from the grisly sight.
“Oh, I’m sorry, Alice. I didn't mean to scare you! I… I just got jealous, you know. You spent way too much time with this unworthy wretch!” Despite facing away from him, you can hear the smile in his voice. He isn't anywhere close to sorry.
“Oh god… that's not… that's not who I think it is, right?”
Jervis doesn't respond, giggling like a mischievous child.
“Don't be scared, dear! They had to go! Oh, please don't scream or cry! Here, let me ease your troubles…”
Jervis steps closer until he's standing above you, kneeling down and grabbing your face, turning it back towards him.
“Here, this should calm you down.” With his other hand, he reveals a pocket watch in front of you.
Your attention immediately focuses on the watch, and your mind goes back to sleep.
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littlelambscandyland · 2 months ago
Bunny, Bunny, Bunny
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Yandere!Cg!Jervis Tetch x Little!Reader
Warnings- Mind Manipulation/Hypnotism, Forced Age Regression, Implied Kidnapping, Third Person Pov
The clock ticked lightly in his palm. Aside from the soothing voice it's the only thing you heard. The tears have dried on your face as you fall into the perfect trance.
"Perhaps it's time to open that door, when you wake you'll be no older than the age of four. Your fear floats away with your ability to disobey. With no more drama you'll be happy with your papa." The rhymes fall from his mouth in a proper spell to enchant you.
And they do, perfectly. A smile graces Jervis' face when he looks at you. So long he'd spent looking for his little bunny, and yes, you weren't currently a willing participant, but you will be. It was just so nice to finally have you in his grasp. Waiting ever so patiently for his loving.
When he released you from your trance you blinked rapidly and looked solely at the floor. A once adult mind shrunken down to a much younger one, and it's clearly taking a second for you to gather yourself.
"Little Rabbit, won't you look at me?" He speaks softly to you.
Oh, your shiny little doe eyes could very well be the death of him. He can't help the smile that grows larger when you reach your hands up at him.
The whispered request, a simple demand "Up." You say to him.
And, of course, he raises you into his lap. Jervis can't help the fascination that runs through him when he looks at you. Even if you were simply playing with the puffy bow tie he wore today.
You were so content like this. He knew you'd never regress on your own, but he wished you would. Can't you see this was so much better for you than that nasty day-job you kept, than those terrible friends, and that wretched apartment you claimed as your home? He was your papa and he would care of you even if you didn't think you needed it.
"Play?" You ask sweetly tugging on his tie again.
"Of course, my bunny," Your Papa answers enthusiastically. "What would you like to do, hm?"
Excitement lights in your eyes. "Tea Party!" You bounce slightly.
Jervis' smile doesn't falter for a single second. He knew he'd picked right when he chose you. A perfect little rabbit for his hatter.
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lonleywriters-blog · 1 year ago
I hope you are doing well and if not im so sorry! I hope it gets better (it will it always does)
If you are still taking requests I was wondering if you could do head cannons (idk if that's spelt right, I cant spell to save my life) of gotham villans with a plus-size bf/gf? And if you do Jeremiah could you include pre-spray too? (Pre-spray Jeremiah has my heart) thankkkkkkk youuuuuuu!!!!!
Gotham villains with plus size s/o
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He isn't a smaller or average man himself so he can be insecure.
He genuinely doesn't even think of your weight, he is just so taken back by your curves.
He is entranced by the way your curves move and look.
He will buy you tight and fitting dresses all the time, unless he sees you are getting self conscious because of it.
He will sit you down and whisper sweet words in your ears for hours. He means every word to.
He loves to grab your thighs, it doesn't even have to be sexual.
If you are in bed reading with him his hand is just resting and lightly massaging your thigh.
He hates to see you cry or even slightly sad, especially if it's because of your appearance. He will literally drown you in affection until you can't say anything bad about yourself.
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He is so pathetic and needy, he is shocked anyone wants to date him.
He is even more shocked when it's a curvy girl, just his type.
He is literally always a blushing mess around you, it doesn't matter how long you have been together.
Will trace his finger up and down your stretch marks as he falls asleep.
If you ever mentioned being insecure he will find out why and point out every single reason he lives that part of you.
If you dress up he will let you walk him around like a dog, just happy to be by your side.
You could practically use him as an accessory, and he would happily thank you.
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Literally worships you, like actually has his goons worship you.
He will have shrines built, some combined with his, others separate.
He needs you to be seen and adored like he sees and adores you.
He will get the most expensive and flattering clothes, having you prance around for him.
You are like a model icon of the underground world, no one can say anything negative because you always look your best.
He spoils you. Hair, makeup, nails, anything you want you can have.
If you don't want anything at all he is more than happy with that as well.
Instead he will buy you movies, snacks, and the fluffiest blankets.
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My man will go feral.
He hadn't thought much of being with someone curvy, since he was mostly locked up or in middle of a big plan.
When he sees you, he drops everything. He doesn't care if he is getting shit at, he has to say hi.
He will never let you leave the house without giving you at least ten compliments and grabs.
He is obsessed with dressing you up.
Especially in vintage style dresses or gowns of any type
If he ever hears people talking about you he will torture them.
Sometimes he gets very tempted to just hypnotize you into being more confident when he sees you sad. He never would though.
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He gets so giddy around you, he just can't believe you are real.
You are real, and you really want him. That's almost too much for him.
He will do anything he can to make you comfortable and confident.
He always carries a mini lotion for your thighs so you don't get sores or chub rub.
He dots on you all day, you will distract him for work almost every time.
Can't help but grab your hips, literally always had a hand there.
He loves to hug you while you cook and use his hands to move your hips to whatever song plays.
He is obsessed with the way your curves move, he can't get enough.
He will beg you to sit in his face, he needs to feel your thighs around his head.
He is actually so whiny and pathetic for you.
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i-smoke-chapstick · 11 months ago
Just dug up some Gotham alignment charts I made years ago…
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batman-dc-imagines · 1 year ago
This idea came to me while eating lunch and watching this movie.
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jokingmisfit · 2 months ago
Yandere Jervis Tetch Abc's
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Affection: How do they show their love and affection? How intense would it get?
He is severe in his ministrations. Any way that a person can show love he will do. Giving you presents, complimenting you continuously, holding you to his chest, and simply sitting with you for tea. He is obsessive and if you're in a room his attention is on you. He can get intense with his love giving you terrifying gifts, telling you terrifying confessions of love, holding you a little too tightly, and staring heavily from the seat across from yours.
Blood: How messy are they willing to get when it comes to their darling?
Jervis isn't a stranger to getting his hands, metaphorically, dirty. The only person safe from his violent acts is you. Anyone who gets in his way of you can and will meet a cruel end.
Cruelty: How would they treat their darling once abducted? Would they mock them?
He is as sweet as he was before, and if you hadn't met him before then he's as sweet as he always planned to be. He might mock, but not purposefully, it's just the delusions making him think what he's saying is true, not an insult.
Darling: Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling’s will?
Of course he would, he's a hypnotist. Jervis will invade your mind so often you may start losing touch with time with how many chunks of it are missing.
Exposed: How much of their heart do they bare to their darling? How vulnerable are they when it comes to their darling?
He is an open book. He'll spill his guts to you so quickly. You are his biggest weakness and he is more than willing to show you any and everything he has so long as you ask him too. He'll be nervous to be so open in the start but soon enough his madness will flow like a river.
Fight: How would they feel if their darling fought back?
Jervis doesn't understand why you won't just let him love you. You're the love of his life why can't you just love him back?
Game: Is this a game to them? How much would they enjoy watching their darling try to escape?
He absolutely hates that you keep trying to leave. Why are you running what are you the white rabbit? He wishes you'd tired yourself out already with these stupid games.
Hell: What would be their darling’s worst experience with them?
Watching the people you love or care about die. If they get involved or make Jervis feel threatened in any way he will make you watch as he disposes of them or make them dispose of themselves.
Ideals: What kind of future do they have in mind for/with their darling?
A domestic dream. He plans for the perfect wedding and living happily ever after, with a few kids if you want that.
Jealousy: Do they get jealous? Do they lash out or find a way to cope?
Jervis absolutely gets jealous. Before he kidnaps you he'll cover it up well and hypnotize the idiot responsible later into ending their own lives. After he kidnaps you he's much more deranged about it. He'll hypnotize them while standing behind you, holding your shoulders to make sure you watch.
Kisses: How do they act around or with their darling?
He's an absolute sweetheart with a dark manic twist. He's clingy and intense. It's like if a golden retriever and Cujo mixed and became obsessed with you. He'll treat you like royalty like his world is nothing but you.
Love letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?
Jervis is a gentleman. He brings you flowers and clothes. Cooks you food and makes you tea. His way of flirting is to shower you in compliments. Before kidnapping you, you might think he's the perfect man with the sweet words and gifts. After kidnapping you, you see through the gentleman act even though he does all the things he did before but things are more extreme and darker. He'll cling to you more and be more aggressive with things.
Mask: Are their true colors drastically different from the way they act around everyone else?
Absolutely not. Like I said before he is an open book. Of course, he's sweeter to you than he is others, but that's because he loves you not them.
Naughty: How would they punish their darling?
Jervis doesn't really do punishments. He'll hypnotize you to get you to listen, but he doesn't take any disciplinary actions against you.
Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?
Mostly just your freedom, and occasionally their sense of reality. You can still do the things you love you just have to do them from the comfort of the beautiful home he murdered the family of and trapped you in.
Patience: How patient are they with their darling?
Jervis switches up frequently. Other days he's calm and patient as you cry and scream, and other days he's grabbing your hands and hypnotizing you to shut up. He can be extremely patient, but the man craves your love and needs some reprieve from your screaming.
Quit: If their darling dies, leaves, or successfully escapes, would they ever be able to move on?
If you die a whole lot of people are going to as well. He's already lost one love losing another will drive him to a place darker than he's ever been. If you leave or escape it doesn't matter where or for how long he will bring you back. He'll manipulate, murder, and search until you're back in his arms.
Regret: Would they ever feel guilty about abducting their darling? Would they ever let their darling go?
No, and no. Jervis doesn't feel guilty for kidnapping you, but he does pity you. He doesn't get why you are so upset by this, but he will still empathize the best he can. He's not going to let you go and if you escape he will find a way to bring you back.
Stigma: What brought about this side of them (childhood, curiosity, etc)?
He's always had this side to him, but losing Alice drove him off the little pillar of sanity he had balanced on for so long.
Tears: How do they feel about seeing their darling scream, cry, and/or isolate themselves?
It upsets Jervis so much. He doesn't understand why you can't just listen to him. He'll hypnotize you to make you stop or he'll hold you for hours as you try to wiggle away.
Unique: Would they do anything different from the classic yandere?
Not really, he'd never kill you, at least not on purpose, he'd kill so many people for you, he'd manipulate, and he'd kidnap.
Vice: What weakness can their darling exploit in order to escape?
Play into Jervis' delusions a little bit. Manipulate him back and you may be able to escape for a very short period of time.
Wit’s end: Would they ever hurt their darling?
Not physically, but mental manipulation takes its toll. Sometimes though he might put a little something in your tea to help you sleep.
Xoanon: How much would they revere or worship their darling? To what length would they go to win their darling over?
Jervis can and will kiss your feet like a follower to their god. He thinks the two of you were destined to be together. You're the love of his life and he will worship you till the day he dies.
Yearn: How long do they pine after their darling before they snap?
A few months. He may be quick to fall in love, but he's a gentleman. He'll try to hold out but he probably only lasts for 1 or 2 months. He just can't help it and you aren't taking the hint! What else is he supposed to do.
Zenith: Would they ever break their darling?
If permanently hypnotizing you counts as breaking, then yes. Then again, he might just drive you insane. Jervis would try his best not to get you to that breaking point, but the confusion that comes with him mixing reality and fantasy and hypnotizing you repeatedly is bound to drive anyone over the edge.
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caesariawritesstuff · 2 months ago
Hello!! I'm new to sending request and a bit nervous but I was wondering for the Valentines event if I could request the prompt "🌹= Single Rose" ♥️💋 with the prompt 48. Enemy caretaker for BTAS Mad Hatter x reader where the reader and Jervis are enemies
Thank you and I hope you have a good day!!!
Until Next Time
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Summary: As a nurse at Arkham, the last thing you want to do is treat Jervis Tetch - but things take a turn when he begins to consider you as his new Alice.
Word Count: 2.0k
Content Warning: Nonconsensual kissing.
A/N: Ahhh anon, don't be nervous about requesting AT ALL! I really hope you enjoy this request. I don't normally write for BTAS Hatter so I hope I did okay haha.
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You were running late.
Traffic had been backed up for an hour on the way to Arkham Asylum. Your job as a nurse was already on the line as it is, with looming budget cuts and a lack of funding. Frowning, your heart hammered in your chest as you pulled up outside the asylum, the building looming over you; it was shadowed by the dark night, and a bolt of lightning struck across the sky. You parked your car and got out, shivering at the cold breeze as it whipped around you – but something else caught your eye, something large parked out front: the Batmobile.
Great. This was just what you needed. Who could Batman be bringing in now? There were plenty of criminals out on the run. The Joker, the Riddler, Poison Ivy – all of them had escaped weeks ago, but one in particular, the Mad Hatter, made your stomach twist in knots. You really, really hoped it wasn’t him who Batman had brought in. Jervis Tetch had never been your favorite. In fact, you had to admit, you kind of hated him. His proclivity for Alice in Wonderland annoyed you to no end. The constant rhyming, the references to the book – God, was it annoying as all hell. You’d never cared for the book, either, finding no fascination with the story within your life. Whatever he saw in it, you’d never know.   
Frowning, you made your way inside the asylum. Dark halls greeted you, the smell of must and mildew clinging to your nose as you entered, hurrying into the staff room to put your stuff down. Sweat beaded on your brow as you rushed to your locker, the cold, metallic room filled with lockers surrounding you on all sides.
“You’re late,” said your friend, Bethany, who was sitting a nearby table.
“Sorry,” you muttered, rolling your eyes. “Traffic was backed up like crazy.”
“Well, we’ve got a whole lot on the books,” Bethany said. “And Batman hauled in Tetch tonight. Beat him up pretty bad. You’re gonna need to take a look at him.”
That made you still. You frowned, your insides clenching tightly, agitation rippling across your skin. Disgust rumbled in your stomach as you rolled your eyes. “Just what I needed tonight,” you muttered.
Sighing, you quickly changed into your uniform and headed out of the room. Heart beating heavily against your chest, you made your way through the dark, quiet halls until you reached the infirmary. Luckily, you saw no sign of Batman, but there were two guards posted right outside the infirmary doors. The heavy stench of antiseptic and chemicals filled your nose as you nodded to them, letting them know you would be fine. Jervis was dangerous when he had access to his mind control abilities, but without them, he wasn’t too much of a threat. The guards shot you a look before returning to their rounds. The heavy smell of antiseptic and chemicals filled your nose as you peeked your head into the infirmary.
Right away, you spotted Jervis Tetch on one of the nearby beds. There was a bruise on his left temple, his nose bloodied, a gash above his right eyebrow. His eyes were cast downward, his blue costume ripped and dirtied, his hat set aside on the bed beside him.
You sighed. What a miserable little man, you thought.
Swallowing down your irritation, you stepped further into the room. Well, best to get this over with. You’d bandaged his wounds and send him back to his cell. The quicker you got this over with, the better. Jervis looked up as you walked inside, but his eyes immediately hardened at the sight of you, his lips peeling back in a sneer.
“Oh, it’s you,” he muttered. “The Red Queen.”
You frowned. The Red Queen. That’s what he always called you. Seeing you as an enemy against himself and his own pursuits. You still didn’t quite understand the meaning of it, but you didn’t care much, either.
“Hello, Jervis,” you sighed, wandering to the side of the room to begin pulling on some gloves and grab some bandages from a nearby counter.
He clicked his tongue in distaste. “Can’t you send someone else in here?”
“Sorry, but you’re stuck with me,” you said. “Believe me, you’re the last patient I wanted to see tonight.”
“The feeling is mutual,” he muttered.
You frowned, fighting your scowl. God, was he annoying. You would’ve given anything to treat the Joker instead of Jervis right about now, and that was saying something. Once your gloves were on, you turned back to him, wandering over. The breath caught in your throat as you approached. Now that you were closer to him, you were beginning to realize the extent of his injuries: the bruises and the blood, just how damaged he looked. Batman’s fists must’ve done a number on him. You pulled up a nearby chair and sat down in front of him.
“Stay still,” you muttered, as you prepared a piece of gauze with some alcohol on it. As you reached forward to place it on his gash, he jerked back and hissed through his teeth.
“Ow!” he hissed. “Can’t you be a little more gentle?”
“And can’t you sit still?” you asked, fury burning through your veins.
He scoffed and wave his hand. “Your touch leaves much to be desired, my dear.”
You blinked, taken aback by his words and you leaned away slightly. “Don’t call me that. Now sit still and let me treat you.”
He frowned, but you caught eyes with him for just a moment – but it was a moment too long, nonetheless, and his gaze hardened the longer he looked at you. Your insides squirmed and you looked away, peeling your eyes from his own. His stare burned holes into your skin, and you suddenly felt a pang of regret for being so mean to him, so curt. He was a patient here, after all; maybe you needed to be kinder. You were a nurse, after all.
“Please,” you said again, a little softer this time.
He hesitated, before nodding, relaxing into h is spot on the bed. You reached forward, gently dabbing at the gash above his brow. He winced, but didn’t pull away this time; he was quiet as he let you work, continuing to bandage his wounds, ensuring they were properly cleaned and covered to prevent infection. He smelled of sweat and something metallic, something like gunpowder and a factory. Perhaps that’s where he’d been staying for weeks. But as you worked, you felt his eyes continuing to burn holes in your skin, as if you were something to be studied.
You frowned. “You can stop staring at me like that,” you muttered.          
“Like what?” he asked, curiosity lacing his tone.
“Like…” God, you didn’t even know how to explain it. All you knew was that the way he stared at you made your cheeks flush and your insides warm. With fury or desire, you didn’t know which ruled you more.
“I’m simply curious, is all,” he said. “About whether you’re still fitting to be my Red Queen…or something else.”
“You better not call me Alice,” you muttered, before he could continue.
He paused, his brows raising slightly, but he remained quiet. As soon as you were finished with bandaging his last wound, you sat back and stared at him, your eyes narrowed. He stared back at you, but as he reached for his hat, he winced, cradling his arm in his hand.
You quickly looked him over. “You might have a sprain,” you said.
“Can you grab my hat for me?” he asked.
You sighed. The last thing you wanted to do was encourage him, but you grabbed his hat anyway, the material soft against your fingertips. You turned back, watching as he continued to cradle his arm in his hand. Sighing, you placed the hat back onto his head, but as you did, something inside of you shifted as your heart leapt into your throat. He gazed up at you, before smiling, his lips twisting into something strangely pleasant and warm.
“Stop smiling like that,” you muttered, stepping back. But as your arms dropped to your side, his hand suddenly shot out, snatching up your wrists – and in that moment, you realized he had been faking his sprain.
“You know,” he said after a moment. “You’re much better suiter to be Alice than you are the Red Queen.”
You paused, his words taking you aback, blinking as you tried to process what he said. Your mouth went dry, panic crawling up your throat.
“Or are you better suited to be the Red Queen?” he asked, almost a curiosity in his tone. “To be the enemy of Alice? To all of Wonderland?”
“Jervis…” you said, your tone testing. “Let go of me. Right now.”
“But, my dear, don’t you see?” he asked, rising to his feet. “We can be more than enemies. Aren’t you tired of this little dance we do time and time again?”
His words were like a slap in the face, like a knife being thrust into your heart. His hand tightened around your wrist, fingers digging into your flesh. Ever since you’d started working here, you had done this strange dance with Jervis: the hatred, the insults, the glaring at each other every time one of you walked by. That fire burned in your belly as bright as a dying star. Fury filled your eyes as you yanked your arm from his grasp.
“You are crossing a big line, Tetch,” you said, a warning in your tone.
“Oh, but alas,” he said. “I think I’ve far from overstepped.” He smiled, a wide-toothed grin, his eyes alighting with desire and desperation.
You gasped as he closed the distance between you two, and in one stride, he grabbed your face between his hands and pulled his lips to yours. His mouth tasted of blood and sweat, but his tongue brushed against your own as you gasped. His hands were warm on your skin – and a sudden warmth trickled through your veins. It had been so long since you’d been kissed, so long since anyone touched you – and there was something deeply primal about kissing a man you hated so much. The gauze fell from your hand and fluttered to the floor, and you relaxed against Jervis, letting him kiss you as you kissed him back. One of your hands came up around and fisted in his light blonde hair, twisting your fingers in the strands. He was warm and soft as his body pressed against your own, as sick desire twisted in your own gut. Warmth pooled in you core, alighting inside of you, and you moaned into his mouth.
His hands tightened around you as he pushed you back against the nearby counter, his warm body enveloping yours. His teeth nipped at your lips, and you pushed yourself harder against him, grinding yourself into him, desperate for more.
“God, I hate you,” you whispered, though you couldn’t pull your lips away.
That made him chuckle, a low rumble deep in his throat. “And I hate you just as much, my dear Alice,” he murmured.
But just as his lips found yours again, footsteps down the hall suddenly made you pull away. You gasped as the realization of what you were doing – that you were kissing a patient – made you step farther back, putting distance between the two of you. His eyes widened, his mouth falling agape as the two of you stared at one another. But you gritted your teeth and scowled, realizing just what you’d done. Words died on your tongue as you stood there, heart hammering against your ribcage, trying to process just what you’d done – but with an angry huff, you turned on your heels and raced out of the room.
“Until next time, Alice!” he cried as you stormed out of the infirmary.
But as you stormed down the hall, fury burning in your stomach, you couldn’t help but smile.
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