#we really have just been calling this dude the first hero or her hero for a few weeks now. hope you enjoy whatever vision is going on here
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verflares · 9 months ago
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collection of some loz origin au stuff i've been chipping away at for awhile now ^_^ with a healthy amount of dunmeshi insp for good measure LOL (the ooccoo isnt relevant she's just here for size comparison purposes)
feat my beloved good friend @linkvcr's hylia design also. because i am obsessed with her and you should be too 🫵
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shouyuus · 2 months ago
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violet; 5,460 words; fluff, suggestive content, drama, hockey!vi, figure skater!reader, smau-intermissions, miscommunication, fake dating, lesbian situationships rly hit diff, toxic ex!cait, simp!vi, rival!sevika, inappropriate use of locker rooms, vi is down so horrifically bad its kind of sad tbh
summary: in which instagrams are posted, texts are sent, hockey games are played, and you try your best to make it back in time to gie vi her present.
a/n: a lot of things happen here. LOL but i promise they're not all bad! ALSO. the insta post picture IS NOT PERFECT but it was the best i could do. and i didn't have time to commission an artist to draw the exact image that i wanted :( but i hope it at least gives the vibe of the post. and... it starts getting frisky here so... yall have been warned!
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─── Ⅵ "OH SHIT, she said that?”
Vi grunts, rolling her eyes as she drops the deadlift bar with a loud thunk, flicking her belt off with her thumb.
“Yeah. I told her to fuck off.”
“Atta girl!” Jayce says, thumping her on the shoulder. Vi casts him a disgusted look.
“If you value your future offspring, Talis, never call me that again.”
Jayce laughs, reaching down to help Vi put the weights back onto the rack.
“I honestly thought it was gonna take much longer for you to, y’know —”
Vi pauses before straightening to pin him with a look.
“What? You thought I’d super hung up on her or something?”
Jayce shrugs, “Well, yeah. You seemed pretty deep in it when you two were together so…”
Vi sighs, carding a hand through her sweat-slicked hair.
“I mean, I was, but… I dunno… seeing her with that new girlfriend of hers… and just… her reaching out to try and — what… sabotage my…” Vi bites back the word ‘relationship’ so she just makes a vague sort of gesture and continues, “really kinda put things into perspective for me.”
Jayce hums thoughtfully, “Yeah, but that Nolen girl’s no joke either. Her whole family’s been in the military — her dad’s some sort of war hero, and her mom’s the daughter of a politician, I think.”
Vi casts him a sidelong glance before scoffing, “Wow. Mel really did her research, huh?”
At this, Jayce jerks up, sputtering, “Well — she just — you know — her family’s also — I —”
Vi laughs, waving him off, “Whatever dude… but I already knew all that — why d’you think Caitlyn even ditched me in the first place?”
Jayce frowns, “Wasn’t it… because her mom didn’t approve of you or something like that?”
“Yep. We had one dinner together, and her mother made it very clear that she didn’t think someone of ‘my elk’ was worthy of being with her daughter. Apparently, having an adoptive father who owns a local watering hole and coaches college hockey isn’t the exact pedigree she’s looking for.”
Jayce lets out a low whistle.
Vi grabs a dumbbell for bicep curls.
“And… it seems like Caitlyn really look her mother’s words to heart. Cause a few weeks later… well, you know the rest.”
Jayce sighs, “That’s… unfortunate. But hey, look on the bright side. Without Cait’s mom, you would’ve never had the chance to date an Olympic athlete, right?”
Vi’s mouth twists into a half-grimace as she puffs out a breath and flexes her arm up, her eyes focused on her form in the mirror.
“Yeah well — not sure what exactly we are right now so… who knows.”
Jayce folds his arms, “Give her time. I haven’t known her as long as Mel has but she’s still a really good friend and…” Jayce allows himself a tiny, slanted grin as Vi pushes through her reps, “Mel wasn’t lying when she told you that we’ve never seen her like this with anyone else before.”
Vi finishes her first set with a loud exhale, glancing up at him.
“Don’t go getting my hopes up like that, pretty boy,” but she’s smiling when Jayce bends down to hand her a bottle of Gatorade, “hasn’t anyone told you it’s not good manners to toy with a girl’s feelings?” she pitches her voice up at the end, wiggling her fingers through the air even as Jayce rolls his eyes.
A few minutes later, Jayce frowns as he turns back to Vi.
“You’ve blocked her number, right?”
Vi huffs, still counting beneath her breath, “— twenty-two, twenty-three — who? What? — Twenty-four —”
Vi grunts, straining through a few more reps before stopping to glance up at Jayce.
“No. Why? Should I?”
Jayce licks his lips, frowning slightly.
“Yeah. Might be a good idea.”
Vi shrugs, “Yeah. I’ll do it later.”
Jayce nods, “Good. Alright — abs, lets go.”
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You’re antsy all the way to the airport, checking your phone every four seconds, your knee bouncing even as the cab driver pulls up into the terminal and opens the trunk to grab your bag with a smile.
You bolt through the doors, thanking the heavens that the TSA Pre line is nearly empty.
Just as soon as you get through security, Mel calls.
“Have you got it?” you ask, without even saying hello.
Mel sigh, “Yes, yes, but it won’t do much good if you’re not here to give it to her —”
“I know! I know — I’m at the airport, and just got through security. Are you and Jayce —”
“I’ll come pick you up at the airport — thank god it’s only 16 minutes away from campus.”
“And you’re sure we’ll still make it on time for the game?”
“So long as your flight doesn’t get delayed —”
“It won’t.”
Mel laughs, the sound soft as you speed-walk your way through the terminal, slumping down next to your designated one with a long breath.
“Alright then, darling. I’ll see you in a few hours,” Mel says.
You make a loud kissing noise into the speaker and hang up, your fingers automatically flicking through the open windows till you come to yours and Vi’s text history.
You grin down at it stupidly for a few more seconds before jolting out of your seat as one of the gate agents comes to shake your hand and help you board first. As you sink into the wide, business-class seat, you close your eyes, taking a few deep breaths. Your fingers fiddle with a thin gold chain around your neck and you bite back another grin.
You tug out the small teardrop locket dangling from the chain and flick open the clasp. Inside is nestled a single violet flower, pressed and perfect, preserved behind a thin pane of shimmering glass.
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Vi makes a round of the rink, scanning the crowd with furrowed brows.
Nope. Nope. Nope…
She swears silently to herself, rolling her shoulders as the crowd roars.
You promised you’d be here tonight.
“And tonight, we’ve got our season’s top two favorites for the NCAA’s Frozen Four Championship — the Piltover Enforcers, and the Zaunite Barons!”
Vi grins as the stadium positively shakes with applause. It’s always nice playing on home-ice. Across the rink, she can see the huge, lumbering shapes of the Barons, and her jaw clenches as she catches Sevika’s eye.
They’d been something like childhood friends once upon a time. But after a falling out of meteoric proportions, they’d settled somewhere between grudging acquaintances and mortal enemies. Where they land on the scale on any particular day typically depends on the weather, the orbital tide height, and whether or not Mercury is currently in retrograde.
Though judging by the smirk that’s visible from beneath Sevika’s helmet, Vi thinks it’s nearing the mortal enemies end of the spectrum today.
All the players line up for the face off.
Vi bites down on her mouth guard and smacks her stick against the ice. Sevika skates up to her, bending down so close their helmets clack.
And for a brief, interminable second, Vi thinks Sevika’s going to stay quiet. But the moment passes and Sevika chuckles, the sound low and hoarse and utterly derisive. It sets Vi’s teeth on edge even before the first word leaves her mouth.
“Heard America’s snowflake-sweetheart’s got you wrapped around her little finger.”
“Tch. What’s it to you?” Vi’s eyes flash up.
Sevika’s smirk has morphed into a full blown grin, sharp as freshly turned blades.
She shrugs, keeping her voice low as the official says something or other to both the teams.
“Well… just a lotta people buzzin’ online about her perfect skate at her competition this past weekend and I’m just thinkin’… man… you must not be fuckin’ her right —”
“You —” Vi nearly jerks up, but Sevika presses in just a bit tighter and Vi grounds her teeth down over the mouth guard.
“Cause if you lemme **take her for a spin, you can bet your scrawny ass that she won’t even be able to stand up straight, let alone skate clean.”
The puck hits the ice as if in slow motion; Vi feels a white-hot anger mixed with something very much like hurt surging up the length of her spine as she watches Sevika’s stick make contact with the puck first. But she doesn’t care — she slams her body forward and feels her shoulder check into Sevika’s chest as they both go sprawling across the ice and the puck goes wide.
They scramble up and take off after the puck, now in Zaunite possession, Sevika’s shoulder ramming reflectively into Vi’s as they jostle down the length of the rink.
Vi cracks her shoulder back into Sevika and the momentary gap is all she needs to break away, circling wide behind the goal. Someone shouts Reverse! and Vi feels more than sees the tiny black puck make contact with her stick. Her body moves on instinct, and she’s halfway down the rink before the others catch up to her.
She allows herself a single, tight-lipped grin before someone slams into her back with the force of a speeding firetruck. The world spins, but a second later, Vi hears the unmistakable sounds of Sevika’s heaving breaths.
“Ha. Aren’t you glad your little girlfriend isn’t here to see you eat shit?”
Vi flips around and before she knows it, she’s swinging her left arm into Sevika’s helmet, knocking it askew.
Vi’s whole body seizes at the sound of your voice, and she looks up wildly, but she pays for it a moment later as Sevika’s fist connects with her jaw and her head snaps back. She brings her elbow down against Sevika’s extended arm, her free hand grappling to keep Sevika’s head shoved against the ice.
A whistle blows and they shove apart, shaking their heads and spitting blood. Vi tastes iron on her tongue and winces as she rotates her jaw. There’ll be a nasty bruise, but it’s not dislocated, and Vi’s suffered much worse at Sevika’s hands.
Half a foot from her, Sevika is shaking out her arm, looking murderous as the official comes up to point them towards the penalty box.
Vi looks around, and halfway across the rink, she sees you, your eyes wide, your hands pressed over your mouth, Mel and Jayce sitting next to you, both looking worried. But you’ve got dark streaks painted on your cheeks, and it takes her a second to recognize the large “VI” written there — her number, her name.
The world melts around her as she meets your eyes, and you look so worried that she almost laughs. This is nothing, she wants to say, you ain’t seen nothing yet, princess.
But the second is short lived as the official skates over and jerks his head towards the penalty box. She sighs, begrudgingly skating over and settling herself as far away from Sevika as humanly possible as the clock starts on their five minutes.
When all’s said and done, the game is a good one — with the final score of 3-2 in Piltover’ s favor. Sevika gets another penalty, but Vi manages to keep her cool. And by the end, everyone’s sweaty and tired, but riding high, and Vi can’t help the way she once more scans the cheering crowd for your face.
But, you’re not there. The seat next to Jayce and Mel is empty, and Vi can’t help the clawing, hollowing sensation that burrows up her chest from the base of her stomach.
“Don’t look so disappointed,” Margot teases, bumping Vi as they all clamber off the ice.
Vi narrows her eyes, “What’dyou mean?”
Margot only grins, shooting Vi a wink before following the rest of the team towards the lockers.
Her phone buzzes and Vi glances down, only to see a single line of text from you:
come to the figure skating lockers. i’ve got a present for you.
Electricity zings up Vi’s limbs as she pivots hard left and makes her way down the heavily padded hallway towards the figure skating lockers, tugging off her gear as she goes. By the time she gets there, she’s managed to get most of her upper pads off, shucking them outside the door, leaving her in her loose jersey and pants.
She pushes through the thick metal door into the figure skating lockers. They’re smaller, brighter, and generally cleaner than the hockey team lockers. Vi’s never thought herself a stickler for things like nicer locker rooms but stepping in, she can’t help the way that her eyebrows shoot up.
“They’re not all this nice.”
Vi whips her head around so fast she almost gets a crick in her neck at the sound of your voice. And there — standing next to the far row of pure white lockers, with your hands behind your back and her number (her name still painted on your cheek), you.
“Yeah?” she asks, even as she drops her helmet on the thickly padded floor and shuffles forward in her skates. She takes her time looking you over — and objectively, she knows it’s only been a few days since she’d last seen you, but it feels like forever, the way time stretches endless when you’re a little kid on the playground and eternity is just another thing you can take for granted.
You purse your lips around a shy grin and Vi almost groans as she notices the bright pink ribbon tied around your neck like a choker. You’re wearing the little black dress that you’d worn to that sorority party, the one that’s been the subject of one too many of her dirty daydreams — her varsity jacket slung around your shoulders.
“Sweet god, princess… is this the present you have for me? Please tell me it is —”
You let out a soft puff of exasperated laughter.
“No! I mean —” your eyes cut away as you shift your weight from one foot to another, falling back half a step as Vi takes a few steps closer. “I-if you want it to be — this can be — uhm — an additional present —”
“Mm… I don’t think I want any other present if I’ve got this one —” Vi says, inwardly thanking the heavens that she’d kept her skates on as they give her a few more inches as she corners you against a row of snow-white lockers, so bright they’re almost blinding.
“I — well that’s —”
“Mm… cat got your tongue, princess?” Vi asks, reaching up to tug your chin back towards her as you try to glance away.
You suck in a short breath, your lashes fluttering as you meet her gaze with yours — dark to light, amber and ice.
There’s adrenaline coursing through her system, and Vi knows she’s still riding high off the win, off the knowledge that you’re here, and that you’re here for her. She looks you over with reverent eyes, her gaze lingering on the dark paint now slightly smeared across your cheeks in a large “VI”.
“I… I got this for you a while back…” you say, pressing something into her chest. Vi pauses, glancing down to see a small black box wrapped in a length of bright pink ribbon the exact same make and color as the one around your neck.
Vi falls back a step to take the box in her hands, turning it over.
“What is it?”
You shrug, a tiny, bird-like movement. Sweet and almost daring.
Vi grins as she traces a finger along a single ear of the perfectly tied bow.
“Can I?” she asks.
You nod, chewing on your bottom lip.
Vi tugs on the ribbon and it comes loose with a whisper. She opens the box to reveal a simple, teardrop locket set on a golden chain. She picks it up, letting the locket dangle from her fingers.
“Go on, open it,” you prompt, looking both bashful and eager. Vi gives you one more glance before fumbling open the locket to reveal a single snowflake, carved into the thick glass set into the middle of the locket.
“Oh.” Vi breathes, her voice nothing but a whisper. She stare at the locket, at the simplicity and delicacy of it. And then, she looks back up at you.
“It’s — Mel and Jayce helped me pick it — I didn’t know if you even wore stuff like this but —”
“I’ll wear it,” Vi says, letting the pendant drop into the palm of her opened hand. She offers it to you with a lopsided grin. “Can you help me put it on?”
You nod, a bit breathless, even as you take the locket from her and undo the clasp with trembling fingers. Vi grins as she leans in to let you fasten the chain around her neck, reveling in the tiny kiss of cold metal against her sweaty skin as she pulls back.
“So? How’s it look?” she asks.
You stare at the locket, and then up at her, and she swears she can see your eyes go molten.
“It looks… good.”
“Good,” Vi whispers, reaching up to finger at the tiny pink bow still tied around your neck. You suck in a breath, going still against her as she ghosts her breath along the long column of your neck. And she thinks she can almost hear the sound of your heart pounding against your ribcage by the way your pulse flutters in your neck — she sure as hell can feel her own traitorous heart thundering away in her chest as she glances from the bow around your neck up to you and back down again.
“Can I?” she asks again, though this time, her voice is gentle, imploring, something like a plea as opposed to question.
She revels in the way your pulse flutters beneath the bright pink of the satin.
“Y-yeah —” you say, your own voice a harsh scrape of sound over a burgeoning need that Vi can almost taste on her tongue. But, she wants to take her time with you, she thinks, so she trails her fingers up to your neck and teases at the rabbit ears of the butterfly bow before tugging one end loose. And just like before, the ribbon gives way much too easily, and something gold shimmers as it drops from beneath the pink satin.
She stares.
It’s a gold chain identical to the one around her neck, with a teardrop pendant strung from it that mirrors her own.
This time, when she glances up, her eyes are wide, almost disbelieving.
Your throat bobs as you clench your fingers at your sides, resisting the urge to lift your hands and help her.
“What…” her voice trails off, disbelieving.
You lick your lips. “Go on — open it.”
Vi nearly fumbles the locket twice before she gets it open, and her short intake of breath is the only sign you get that she’s seen what’s inside. You hold your own breath, watching her face as it flickers through a film-frame series of emotions.
“Is that —” her voice is hoarse; she clears her throat, running a thumb over the glass.
“Yeah,” you say, reaching up to take the open pendant from her, glancing down at it yourself, heat pricking into your cheeks as your eyes settle on the pressed violet.
She’s kissing you before either of you can say another word, and the force of it nearly slams your head back into the lockers but Vi’s hand is somehow there to cushion you, her fingers digging into your hair as you gasp open for her wanting mouth. It’s not a sweet kiss and there’s nothing gentle in the sting of her nails raking against your scalp as she presses you close, and then closer.
It’s a clash of teeth and tongue, skin and sound — your tiny, surprised squeak eclipsed by the low moan that reverberates from her chest to yours as she licks into the hot cavern of your mouth and feels you soften against her — sweet as sun-warmed honey.
“F-fuck princess —” Vi hisses, pulling back with a panting breath as you let your head fall back, gasping for air even as she yanks you towards her till both of you are toppling onto one of the long benches, your legs falling open to straddle her thighs, her hands poised over the round of your hips.
You look down at her, running your thumbs along her cheeks eyes flickering over her face — and the admiration caught behind the fractured glass of your eyes is so obvious that Vi almost turns away, embarrassed. Instead, she leans up to nose into the triangle of your threading pulse, delighting in the shiver that chases down the shape of you, in the involuntary way your thighs squeeze on either side of hers.
She grins, inching her fingers beneath the hem of your little black dress, groaning as she finds the winged hollows of your hipbones and realizes, half a breath later, that you’re not wearing any panties.
“Holy shit — w-were you like this the whole game?” she asks, her eyes going wide with awe.
You bite your lips, cocking your head to one side as you reach up to brush away a strand of hair from her forehead.
“No…” you say, but your voice trails off and you glance towards the side. She follows your gaze to the left, only to find your bookbag sagging against one of the far lockers. A smirk twists her lips as her eyes slingshot back to you.
“Oh wow… so…” she drawls, trailing her fingers ever so slowly up the bare skin of your hips, hitching the hem of your tight black dress further and further up till it’s barely covering what she now knows is your bare cunt.
“You came in here and took them off… just for me?” she bats her lashes at you, her skylight eyes going dark and liquid as she watches you fidget above her. Your tongue swipes across your bottom lip and Vi has to physically bite back a moan.
“Maybe I did — what of it?”
Vi’s smirk stretches as she reaches up to tug your face down towards hers, so close you can taste her breath dissolving on your tongue like sugar into tea.
“Princess…” she says, and her voice is so thick with desire it might’ve been spread there with a butter knife, “I thought… you wanted to take things slow.” Her fingers have successfully rucked your dress up high enough for it to gather at your waist, though she keeps her eyes on yours and makes no move to take advantage of the fact that you’re now entirely naked from the waist down.
You shrug up a single shoulder.
“Right… but I also remember telling you that I’m not the best with impulsivity…”
Vi laughs, the sound bright and honest. You giggle, pursing your lips, your cheeks tinted such a darling shade of crimson that Vi doubts rosy-fingered dawn would’ve had the power to eclipse it.
“Good,” she says, reaching up to cup your face with both her hands, bringing you down to tease her lips over yours, her words soft and indulgent, “cause honestly, I’ve never been the best with that either.”
She’s about to kiss you again, content to lose herself in the intoxicating drag of your lips on hers, but a text message alarm blips from her pants pocket and it jars the both of you from your desire-induced trance.
You blink, a slight frown creasing your forehead as she reaches into her hockey pants and digs out her phone. You sit back slightly as Vi clicks on her screen to see a slew of notifications dating back till god knows when, but the latest is sent from a few seconds ago and only reads:
New iMessage from cupcake 🧁
“What the —” Vi frowns.
But a second later, you’re pushing off her lap, and Vi catches a glint of the hurt in your eyes before you’re tugging down your dress and wrapping your arms around yourself.
“That’s Caitlyn, right?” you ask, your voice tenuous.
And for a second, Vi seriously considers lying to you, telling you that it’s someone else — that it’s Powder or even one of the girls from the hockey team, but she sees the fractured look in your eyes and knows that she can’t.
“Y-yeah — it is but —”
You suck in a deep breath, your fingers twisting in front of you even as Vi pushes up from the bench to try and reach for you. You jerk away, your back hitting the lockers with a loud clang that set’s Vi’s teeth on edge, even as she clenches her fist and drops her arm.
“No, it’s — it’s fine,” you say, making your swift way to your bag and snatching it up, digging around for your phone before shouldering the straps and rounding the benches again. And maybe it’s the sheer desperation curling up her chest, or the fact that the name had just come up on her screen but when she opens her mouth again, Vi says the worst possible combination of words —
“Wait, cupcake —”
You physically flinch at the pet name and Vi squeezes her eyes shut with sigh. Fuck.
When she opens her eyes again, you’re by the locker room door, your hand poised on the handle. You shoot her a single, broken backwards glance before pulling it open and slipping away.
Vi stands there, held still by the oppressive silence and the bleached-white metal all around her. She’s frozen for a single second longer before she swings her fist into the row of lockers next to her and pain ricochets up her arm from her knuckles, and her fingers pull away, already bruised.
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Your fingers are shaking so badly it takes you three tries before you manage to punch the call button on Mel’s speed dial. She picks up after a single ring.
“Hey there, darling — well that was quick — we’re all heading to the after party if you —”
“Mel — c-can you come and p-pick me up?”
Mel goes quiet, and then —
“Darling? What’s wrong? What’s happened?”
“N-Nothing I just — can you come pick me up?” you hiccup halfway through your sentence, wiping at the fat, traitorous tears welling up in the corners of your eyes.
Distantly, you can hear Mel saying something and Jayce’s voice answering back. A moment later, she’s back on the line.
“I’ll come get you, but you have to tell me what’s wrong. Why’re you crying? Did Vi do something?”
“No — it’s — it’s nothing — I just d-don’t feel very good —”
Mel sighs, “Alright then, stay where you are and I’ll come get you. I’ll be right there, okay?”
“Yeah — t-thanks Mel.”
You hang up the phone and dart into the nearly abandoned parking lot, the crowds have long since dispersed, leaving you thankfully alone. You slump against the outer wall of the rink and suck in a deep, shuddering breath, reaching up to rub at your eyes with an angry palm. You cast your eyes up at the ruefully clear autumn night, the moon hanging fat and low, the stars twinkling with their cold, far-off light.
Approximately five minutes later, Mel pulls into the parking lot, mercifully alone, rolling down the windows as you rush forward and let yourself into the passenger’s side of the car, sinking into the seat with a bitten-off sob.
“Oh my darling… what happened?” Mel reaches over to give your hand a squeeze.
You bite your lips, blinking hard at the dark tarp roof of her convertible, clutching at your bag.
“Sh-she got a text from ‘cupcake’.”
Mel stares at you for a solid three seconds before slumping back into her seat and reaching up to pinch her nose bridge.
“I’m going to murder Jayce.”
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“I fucked up — I fucked up —”
“Whoa, whoa — slow down — what the hell happened?”
Vi nearly chucks her skates into the already dented lockers just as Jayce makes an abortive move forward as if to stop her. She drops her skates and buries her face in her hands instead.
“Caitlyn texted me, and — and I never changed her contact from ‘cupcake’ —”
Jayce groans, running a hand through his hair.
“I thought I told you to block her?”
“I forgot, okay?” Vi says, tugging so hard on her own hair that Jayce has to reach out and smack her hands away.
Jayce sighs, leaning back against the lockers, looking over the shape of her. He can’t help the tiny grin that hitches his lips or the small puff of helpless laughter.
Vi looks up, “What?”
Jayce just shrugs, “No, it’s just — been a while since I’ve seen you down this bad.”
Vi flips him off, “Fuck you, Talis. Yeah, laugh it up — look! It’s Vi! Piltover’s favorite train-crash lesbian, fumbling yet another —”
“Y’know, one of the things about being in a nice, committed, completely non-toxic long-term relationship —” Jayce says loudly, cutting her off despite the murderous look in Vi’s eyes, “is that you learn real quick that you’re always gonna be the one that’s wrong, and that your dear, darling, perfect girlfriend will always be the one that’s right.”
He grins, bitten-lipped and open-palmed. Like this, he looks almost like the politician that Vi knows Mel’s parents so desperately want him to be.
Vi frowns, “What’re you getting at, pretty boy? Spit it the fuck out — I don’t have the patience for your bullshit right —”
“And you know what people do when they’re wrong?” Jayce continues in that chipper, Sunday-morning commercial voice of his. He leans forward even as Vi leans back, the frown digging ever deeper between her brows.
“Uh… cry and punch things and shoot for a new PR at the gym?”
Jayce snorts, but at least Vi’s smiling.
“No, you fuckin’ fratbro son of a — you apologize.”
Vi’s gaze goes flat. “Ah. Right. Of course — why didn’t I think of —”
“And then — ” Jayce continues, raising his voice even higher, a finger pointed up in the air as if he were delivering the valedictorian speech at graduation, before he twists his hand and pokes it into Vi’s jersey-clad chest.
“You do better.”
Vi’s breath catches; she blinks up at Jayce before swallowing around the peach pit in her throat.
Jayce hikes both of his eyebrows comically high. Vi glances up towards them before puffing out a breath.
“Think you can do that?” Jayce asks, his voice now finally back to normal.
Vi chews on the inside of her cheek before shrugging up a shoulder.
“Dunno, but… I really wanna try.”
Jayce thumps a fist into her chest.
“Good answer, Lanes. Now. Phone.” He opens his hand palm up.
She blinks at it for a second before sighing and digging her phone from her pocket and dropping it into his hand.
Jayce punches in the password without breaking eye contact, pulling up her text history and turning the phone around to face Vi as he clicks — Contact > Info > Block Caller — on Caitlyn’s number.
He hands it back just as the screen goes dark.
Vi stares at the long crack running through the center of her screen before the phone lights up again, this time, with a text from an unknown number.
Jayce barely glances at it before smiling.
“That’ll be Mel.”
Vi’s eyebrows knit as she flicks open the screen. There are two texts in quick succession:
i’ve gotten her to agree to come to the afterparty.
Do not. Fuck this up.
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elssero · 7 months ago
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loser denki who even now as an adult never quite let go of his arguably childish obsession with video games.
his life consists of working, getting home and gaming for hours with occasionally seeing his friends.
he spends hours on his computer- extremely frustrated at his now 5th loss in a row, he’s getting increasingly angry in the vc when he gets a call from kirishima.
“dude you have to come out with us this weekend- we haven’t seen you in like, forever!” he thinks about it- he’s right. he hasn’t seen in his friends in awhile- how long has it been? maybe a month? he curses at himself quietly for his own antisocial behaviour.
they’ll probably go to some cheap bar downtown, not really having the money for anything nicer on their intern salaries.
ultimately he decides to go. begrudgingly agreeing despite really only wanting to play video games when the time to go actually comes around.
he doesn’t dress up- he can’t really remember the last time he wore something that wasn’t sweats and his hero costume.
the first hour is boring- the boys settle into a comfortable lighthearted chat. he watches as sero sends a wink to a group of girls at another table. jealousy bubbling in his throat as he watches the reactions his friends seems to bring out of girls easily.
he and his friends are sat at a high bar table, throwing back drinks when you catch his eye.
your stood at the bar- a singular friend next to you as you smile widely at the bartender- he assumes that your ordering yourself a drink- vodka cranberry he guesses when the man hands you it, you take out your purse and bartender refuses, explaining it’s on the house- blushing like crazy when you thank him loudly for being such a sweetheart.
denki figets in his seat when you turn to your friend, you notice him staring and flash him a small smile before grabbing your friends hand leading her back to the dancefloor with your free drink.
sero notices the change in his attitude immediately. “someone caught your eye dude?” and suddenly all three pairs of eyes snap towards him. “w-what? what are you talking about” he spits it out, far to quickly and far too suspiciously for his friends not to take notice.
“who is it man? you need me to wingman you to get you some pussy?” kiri this time- he’s beyond excited for his friend. it’s been awhile since someone caught denkis’s eye. he’s nothing like how he was in high school. still girl crazy but now a lot more reserved- less confident.
“na he’s hopeless- idiot couldn’t get pussy tonight if his life depended on it-” snickers are heard from two of the boys next to him.
“shut up bakugo.” he sighs “it doesn’t matter anyway- doubt she’d be interested in me.”
kiri doesn’t take that answer- forcing the blonde boy to point you out to him and he gasps when he does. “oh dude you have to go for it- maybe the prettiest girl i’ve seen in all night. if you don’t go for it soon someone else will”
his friends usher him to talk to you- nearly pushing up out of his chair as bakugo warns him not to mess it up or he’s going next.
he stumbles towards you- doubt brewing in his mind as the alcohol in his system spikes his nervousness as he makes his way over to you.
your dancing lazily with your friends when your back meets his chest. you jump forward and turn around to face him. an angry expression on your face before it melts when you look at him. throwing him that same huge smile you gave the bartender.
“watch where your going idio- oh it’s you! your that cute guy from that table at the window!”
his eyes widen at this- cute? you think he’s cute? he might just explode now before he has the chance to talk to you- “yeah- um h-hi?”
he cringes- wanting to kick himself for stumbling over his words as you keep eye contact with him. he looks away, too nervous to hold your intense stare.
“don’t be nervous baby- you came over to talk to me right?” his mind is racing- he’s sure he’s making a full of himself. the way you so easily give him that nickname making heat rise to his face.
“uh yeah- yeah i did.” you don’t reply to him, instead grabbing his hand as you begin to dance with him, he stands still for a second- still a little shocked that you haven’t immediately walked away from him.
“you know- your even cuter up close. was kinda hoping you’d come introduce yourself.” you speak to casually to him- as if he isn’t nearly shaking at your proximity.
“i’m y/n! what’s your name hun?” he stutters for a second before replying. “denki- my names denki.” he feels stupid. he doesn’t quite understand your willingness to talk to him but god does he feel lucky, suddenly extremely happy he decided to venture out tonight instead of spending hours online.
you continue to dance with him- he makes quick eye contact with his friends at his table, kiri is smiling wildly at him- like a proud dad. bakugo looks more shocked than anything, rolling his eyes as he watches you move yourself against his friend.
he doesn’t want to waste his chance- the feeling of your body against his spiking a surge of confidence in him. “do you think- f-fuck. do you think i could get your number?”
you turn around to face him again, face flushed as you look up at him- the look in your eye is intoxicating as you stare deep into his own. you pull yourself up to leen into his ear, he feels your breathe on his neck as you begin to speak.
“how about you take me home instead?”
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small loser denki drabble bc i cant get him out of my head.
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sttm99 · 2 years ago
CW...? majorly fluff, suggestive scenes.
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The first time Bakugo sees you, he's having a random ass conversation with Kirishima, some students from the other classes walking in and out to collect test scores or something from Aizawa, and the you walk in, and he catches sight of you in his peripheral.
You're hot, he thinks. So much so that he's tuning out Kirishima, and his eyes are following you as you walk to Aizawa's table, your friend next to you, almost blocking his view of you, but he manages to catch the jiggle of your thighs, the lift of your skirt.
It makes him slightly feral.
He doesn't even know you, but he's so focused on the purse of your lips as you look at your score.
Then Kirishima's snapping his fingers infront of his face and he's jolting in his seat because of it.
"Dude? You've been staring at that girl since she walked in." Kirishima says, almost in awe that someone had managed to grab Bakugo's attention, much less someone from another class, because the angry blonde thought everyone not in the Hero course was a boring extra.
So this came as a shock, and Kirishima expected to be met with loud yells of negativity. But that's not what happens.
Bakugo's looking back at you as you walk away. "Who is she?" He whispers to Kiri.
And Kiri shrugs, "I don't know." There's a pause as he tries to internalise everything that just happened. "You like her?"
"She's pretty," Bakugo says, cause he doesn't know if he likes you likes you yet.
But he wants to talk to you.
Then Kiri's calling Mina over, and though Bakugo wants to be against it, not wanting her to know about his interest, he knows she's his best bet at finding out who you are.
"The girl that just walked in? Which one? There were two." Mina says, bending forward over Kirishima's table.
And then Bakugo goes into a mini rant about your appearance to Mina, describing your hair and your facial features, and she's kind of shocked that he managed to get the color of your eyes from where he was sitting.
"YN? That's YN." She says slowly. "You like her?" She asks like it's some crazy phenomenon.
Cause it kind of is. Bakugo? Crushing?
He nods slowly, thinking. "I wanna talk to her."
Mins purses her lips for a moment, thinking it through. "I know some of her friends. I'll get them to talk to her. She's a bit... shy. So it'd probably be best if we prepared her a bit. You're kind of intense, Bakugo."
And he understood that a bit, though that didn't stop him from glaring daggers at Mina and Kirishima. But he relents, allowing her get your friends to butter you up a bit.
It's basically just them asking you if you'd be into meeting someone... in the romantic sense. And asking about what you like, and what you find attractive.
Near the end of the week, Kiri and Mina show up at Bakugo's table with little smiles. "You wanna talk to her?" Mina asked with a wiggle of her brows. "You can today, at lunch. Talked to her friends about it."
And Bakugo nods, a tiny bit of enthusiasm seeped into the movement of his head. And before he knows it, the bell for lunch is ringing, and he's hastily packing his things cause he really does want to talk to you.
He sees you sitting alone in the cafeteria, tray of food before you, but your attention on your phone in your hand.
"She knows someone is meeting her, but she doesn't know who." Kiri says, pointing in your direction.
Bakugo rolls his eyes at it. It was basically them setting up a blind date for both of you. He doesn't exactly mind though, cause he gets to talk to you at least.
He makes his way over to your table, dropping his bag on it and taking the seat right opposite yours.
"Hi," comes his raspy, deep voice.
You look up at him, and he thinks you're even prettier up close. You smiled a bit, kind of nervous. He understands. His presence is not always very comforting or approachable.
"Hey," you reply softly, and he likes the sound of your voice.
Turns out you're kind of cool. He likes that. He doesn't have many hobbies in common with you, but you two have similar tastes; in movies, books, music.
But more importantly, he likes talking to you. He likes hearing you speak, cause he likes your voice, and your opinions, and the way you articulate your thoughts is cool.
He likes you.
You both exchange numbers, and begin to talk a bit more, having lunch together and even walking around the school together some times.
Of course people talk. Bakugo Katsuki. The walking cannon that had to be chained to the podium during his first sports festival, was seen walking to the cafeteria with a girl from the general studies/support/management course?
Not just that. Eating together, studying at the library.
You don't mind though. You're quick to defend him too, saying he's really calm, and he's smart, plus he's handsome, so that's a bonus. He's a little rough around the edges, a bit brash and loud, and very aggressive. But it's fine. It's cute. You find that you like those things about him.
You know he likes you though.
You've known for a while, a long while. He doesn't hide it at all. And you know he's trying to win you over. He's not just trying to be your friend. It's obvious in how he stares away guys that flock around you, always looking for excuses to walk you wherever it is you're going, and takes you out a lot. To movies, restaurants.
He's possessive a bit. When you go for parties, and even though you don't go together, he finds you either way, sits you right next to him or on his lap if he feels you're cool with it. Has his hands on your thighs, or gripping your waist.
You're walking down the school hallway and someone looks at you suggestively? He's glaring them away, walking closer to you, having a hand on your back.
You're Bakugo's girl. You have been for a while, even though you guys haven't put a label on it. And you're waiting for him to do that.
You guys have kissed, many times, some heavy petting at an empty staircase, his hands dancing on your thighs underneath your skirt during lunch. He calls you 'his baby', 'his', and you know damn well neither of you are letting other people kiss or touch you the way you allow each other.
But he's a bit stupid, thinking that you guys had been dating for a while now, since he first kissed you at a carnival he invited you to. It was atop a ferris wheel! He wasn't stupid when he did it! How didn't you know that was him telling you he liked you and wanted to date you?
It's when Kiri and Mina ask why you aren't dating yet, and he says that you guys are, but they say that you don't think so. And you're still waiting for him to ask you out.
Then he's glowering when you both have your weekly hangout at the back of the library. And you ask him what's wrong.
"Did you really not know we were dating this whole time?" He asks, frowning up at you.
"We are?" You ask.
"We are!" He says.
"But you never asked me!"
"I kissed you at the top of the ferris wheel! That's like... the textbook confession!"
"Confession, sure. But not dating."
You're giggling at him, covering your mouth with your hands to control your laugh. And after a while, he's no longer pouting, he's smiling at you, holding your hands softly in his, and asking,
"Will you be my girlfriend? I fucking like you a lot."
And you're grinning and nodding yes, and then he's kissing you stupid, and he's really really happy about it all.
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clockwayswrites · 1 year ago
A Broken Sort or Normal, Epilogue
WC:1383, Masterpost
Danny glances up from his fight to fit the cufflink into the sleeve of his rich blue suit and smiles at what he sees in the mirror.
“You know, it’s supposed to be bad luck to see the bride before the wedding.”
Wally grins, easily, from where he leans against the door frame. “I’m the one in white so I think I’m the bride, in this case.”
“Oh, so putting the bad luck all on me?” Danny asks as he turns to appreciate how his fiancée looks. Wally really is stunning in his white on white tux. Danny hadn’t been able to stomach the idea of traditional black and white tuxes, not with Phantom still being such a raw wound. Wally hadn’t minded in the least going with a brighter color palette.
“Never,” Wally promises. “We’ll face whatever comes together.”
It’s a vow that Danny unquestionably trusts. Since the curse broke, Wally has been there for every step of it— and Danny has needed a lot of help with steps. Danny’s weakened core not only handicapped him as a ghost but as a living. Many days Danny is able to pass through it all relatively unaffected, other than the cold ache that has settled into his bones, but other days are harder. Other days Danny walks with canes braced against his arms. Other days Danny needs his wheelchair. Other days he can hardly get out of bed unless he goes ghost. And through it all Wally has done everything that he can to make things easy for Danny.
They have a house now, one story and carefully renovated so that on the days Danny needs the wheelchair he can still move around easily. There are electric blankets and soft pillows and this ridiculous massive bean bag that’s big enough for them to both sink into on the bad days.
And there are good days too. There are days where the aches are just a background note, days it all doesn't hurt so much, days where he can fly. Oh how Danny had missed flying. Of all the things that came with being a halfa, flying is what Danny had missed most– not because he could help or be a hero, he missed flying just for himself.
The first time he had felt stable enough to fly, Wally had whisked them out to that same field their first date was in and let Danny loose. Danny had flown for hours, darting around, doing tricks, and floating among the clouds. When he had come back down to earth, Wally had been there, picnic waiting and the biggest smile on his face.
So like everything in Danny’s life, it’s all a balance: the good, the bad, the effort… Danny loves it all.
He loves it not just because it reminds him of how much living means, but because of how deeply it shows that Wally cares. Wally’s love is one thing he can never question. It’s a certainty that Danny has needed through all of the aftermath.
Once Danny had been released from the Watchtower’s medical, he had started small dealing with it all. Coworkers were easy to reply to and he could trust that informing a few would spread the news to the rest. They didn’t push for more than he was willing to give, though he had known he would come back to questions and rumors.
Everyone else was harder.
He had set a video call with Sam and Tucker at the same time. It was maybe a little unfair to not give them each their own call, but he just didn’t have the energy for that. They weren’t kids anymore and hadn’t been for a long time.
“God, Danny,” Tucker started at the same time as Sam said his name.
He held up his hand and their mouths shut with a clack. His smile was tinged with sadness, but it was a smile. “Don’t. You two didn’t do anything horrible.”
“Dude,” Tucker said and for a moment Danny was back in high school. Tucker looked good, still in bright colors and with his hair expertly shaved on the sides with a little pattern. “We forgot about you.”
“We left you alone to deal with all that,” Sam said. Her hair was a more natural shade of black now and her smoky eye an expertly done wing. It was odd to see her lips red instead of purple.
“Because of a curse. You forgot because of a curse,” Danny said, “and then you just did what anyone does, you went on to have a future. It’s not like we had some big fight or anything, you both just moved on with your lives.”
“That still had to hurt,” Sam said.
“It did,” Danny said honestly. He didn’t see the point of pretending the past hadn’t happened. “But that doesn’t mean it was either of your faults. The last thing I want is anyone doing anything for me out of guilt, especially since in this case it’s misplaced. It’s okay that you both grew up. I did too.”
It hurt and it would always hurt, at least a little, but Danny didn’t want any false care now.
Sam chewed on her lip and Danny smiled a little at the sight of the old habit. “I’m still sorry.”
“Me too,” Tucker said.
“Thanks, that does mean a lot, but it’s okay, really.”
There was a level of peace from that talk. Sam and Tucker both asked if they could reach out sometimes, and Danny said yes but with zero expectations. They were different people than they were as children and Danny knew, because he had lived it, that without Phantom there wasn’t much for them to talk about. And Danny had no plans to talk about Phantom. That part of him had ended with a wish seven years ago. He didn’t want to rehash or relive it now, even with them.
Jazz… Jasmine was harder. Sam and Tucker losing touch was just part of growing up. His own sister ignoring him though, that wasn’t the same at all. If it wasn’t for his nieces, Danny didn’t know if he would even be trying with Jasmine, even as apologetic as she was. There were some things that were too hard to come back from.
“Are they here?” Danny asks and looks back down at his stubborn sleeve.
Wally steps forward and takes the cufflink from Danny. He’s gentle as he fits it into the slot and secures it. “They are. And all our friends are here too. Just remember that you don’t have to talk to them any more than you want to. It’s okay to be taking things slow. It’s okay to decide that you can’t do this with her. You know I’m with you whatever you decide.”
Danny raises Wally’s hands to brush a kiss across each set of knuckles. “I know. I’m so lucky to have you. Is it bad that part of me making an effort with them is so that my nieces have family other than their moms and our parents?”
“Nope. I think that makes you a really good uncle. I mean, where would I be without Aunt Iris? Family like that can mean a lot and if that’s the only reason you have for dealing with your sister, then that’s enough,” Wally assures him.
It helps Danny relax some.
“Okay, good. We’ll just… see how it goes. I’m not going to focus too much on them today, not when today is about me and you.”
“I think that’s all good. You’re just wrong about one thing though,” Wally says, his grin just a little mischievous. Danny loves that grin.
“And what’s that, Mister West?”
“Well, soon to be Mister West,” Wally says, “it’s that I’m the lucky one. I could have lost you so many times and so many ways and despite everything, today I get to marry you. I don’t think there’s anyone luckier than me today.”
“Well, not to have our first fight,” Danny teases, “but agree to disagree.”
“I think I can live with that.”
Danny laughs. There’s nothing funny about that, but the laughter bubbles up in him all the same, not from humor but from joy. “Living, that sounds like a very, very good plan.”
AN: Aaaaaah we are done!! Not everything is perfect, but Danny is alive and living and Wally is going to be with him for all of it <3. Thank you all for coming along for the ride on this! It's been unexpectedly delightful to write these two together and I'm glad to finally wrap it up with (hopefully) a nice bow.
And yes, this will be going up on ao3 but I need the brain functions to go back to the start and give it a good polish! I'll likely do it chapter by chapter weekly to give myself and my darling beta @mokulule time.
Until then or the next thing here, stay delightful, darlings!
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phant0mth1ef · 8 months ago
ch. 1 : i wanna watch the way you take the stage by storm
“is that the only word you know?” for someone who’s internet personality was always portrayed as something sweet, you had a terrible attitude issue.
“what’d you say, princess?” he was the phsyical embodiment of a scary dog with the way he never held his tongue, not even when a girl was sat right in front of him.
“i said, is that the only word you know?” you put your forehead to his, the both of you holding your noses up high as you clenched your teeth, pretending your forehead wasn’t beginning to hurt.
“tch.” he disconnected your heads as he turned back to the people in charge of this whole project, your managers.
“you’ve got to pretend you’re dating. if you guys soft launch each other as a couple, we’ve calculated that both of your ratings to up at least 30% in the first two weeks of your fake relationship.” your manager brought out her pointer stick, trying to show you where to look but you were too busy giving nasty faces to bakugou.
“you never told me about that! i wouldn’t have signed if i knew that!” his hands gripped the edge of the table.
“you never told me either, akari.” you spoke softly, a complete change in your demeanor.
“well see,” bakugou’s manager scratched his neck, smiling as if he’d just gotten embarassed really badly.
“we knew you wouldn’t agree to it if we did, so we just called it a collaboration!” their voices joined together, their eyes making it seem as if they’d just won the world cup with how ecstatic they were.
“this isn’t good for me. i just got out of a relationship with my ex.” your narcissistic attitude had disappeared, your scowl turning into a frown.
“sweetheart, that was 8 months ago.” akari had walked up to you, rubbing your shoulder as you sighed.
“fine. whatever. i have to go, there’s a show tonight. just let me know whatever we end up doing.” and with that you stood up, quickly exiting the room as your posture shot up for the paparazzi that were waiting outside.
“miss l/n, what were you doing at dynamights agency?”
“miss l/n, a word please.”
“miss l/n!”
the same night, bakugou had been personally invited to your show by your publicity team, gaining a free all access pass as he walked around backstage with fellow pro hero, red riot, also known as kirishima eijirou.
“don’t get what’s so great about her anyway. all she does is sing and play guitar.” bakugou was ranting to his longtime friend as they looked for the vip room.
“dude have you never heard her live? tons of people say it’s like an out of body experience! i almost fainted when you said you had an extra pass.” kirishima shined his pearly whites.
“yeah right. just another extra.”
when the show began, your opening act quickly exited the stage as you made your way out and begun your first song.
kirishima was right, seeing you perform live was an out of body experience. it was as if he’d been struck by some type of god.
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kiruamon · 1 month ago
A Villain's Light AU - Everyday Life
Some little glimpses into their daily life.
Let's start with a wake up call.
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Not that Eclipse really sleeps, but he does run a lot of his systems down when charging up. Although if he forgot about the time and worked through all of the night it could happen that he couldn't fully charge himself up until Snowcone woke up. He learned from it and mostly goes now to bed at the same time as Snowcone, just to make sure he can be at his best if his little one is ready to start the day.
Second... cookie baking! It was very yummy according to Snowcone.
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Snowcone was allowed to lick the spoon clean, but not more then once. But the cookies were even better.
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Eclipse can't digest any food or drinks. But he started to pretend eating meals with Snowcone after the first few days when he found out that Snowcone was no ordinary fox cub. He also cooks and prepares all the meals himself. Even as there had been a few obstacles to overcome at the beginning. (Like kidnapping and blindfolding a random human from the city to make him taste test Eclipse's first cooking attempts, before throwing the guy out on the street again when he was satisfied with the ratings. Poor dude didn't know what was going on at all.)
Also when the first snow came Eclipse did go on a walk with Snowcone and allowed his little boy close to the end of it to change forms even though Snowcone had to promise him not to change back before they got home so he wouldn't catch a cold. Eclipse still wrapped him into his scarf to make extra sure his little boy would stay as warm as possible after having jumped around in the cold weather.
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During a more sunnier and warmer time in the year Snowcone gathered some flowers for his papa and placed them in Eclipse's lap.
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Also bedtime stories are always good.
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And some sketches of sleepy Snowcone and Eclipse.
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And how about having a few small glimpses into the future?
This one here isn't even too far away from the heroes intrusion.
Snowcone will encounter a new friend. (Maybe some of you remember the joke-post with hero Sun? There it was mentioned that Moon is picking up stray cats from the streets sometimes. Well aaaand this here is the one he kept as his pet.) Snowcone adores her a lot. And the first time he saw her, he called her Prince like his plushy, because of how similar she looked to it. After Moon explained to him his cat was female and named Void the little guy switched to calling her Princess Void instead.
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I also made a little redraw of it during a gartic phone round.;)
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And if we look even further into the future...
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He still loves his 'little' boy. And it goes both ways.
Aaaand for last, have two random bonus drawings from Gartic Phone Icebreaker promts. One was to draw your OC with their favourite animal and the other one was to draw them as a pirate. Well... so I figured it was a good chance for Snowcone to show off his plushy friend.
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mirensiart · 5 months ago
i heard you wish for knowledge on roolie. and for today i shall forbid my role as a ghost and become a genie. :D
SO. Hyrule's games don't really have too much of a story on their own, my guy is hcs galore here. But what is canon is that after he killed ganon, his blood became cursed, meaning if he dies ganon will be brought back from the dead to reign terror over hyrule, with no hero to stop him.
Now in Zelda 2 (the adventure of link) he successfully defeats all Ganons servants who know the ritual to bring back ganon, saving hyrule and ensuring its safety. but people saw that and went "nah" so in most hcs he can still be used to bring back the ugly blue pig.
this means that monsters and a cult called "The Eyes of Ganon" most often are constantly hunting him down to kill him and use his blood to bring back their master, meaning poor dude is always on the run and has no real area to call home. some people hc that he also stays away from towns for this reason, to not draw monsters there like the selfless hero he is
he also is often in fanfic deathly afraid of bleeding, because it draws monsters to him. in the pain-share au this might also add emotional pain onto physical pain because first he gets a wound bad enough to bleed, and then he's freaking out and panicking on top of that
onto his spells. hyrule in-game has a fire spell, a thunder spell, a life spell, a jump spell and a fairy spell. the jump spell isnt really mentioned because in most stories this guy is already capable of jumping without magic. his fire spell casts fire around him, thunder spell strikes lighting all around (which could be pretty risky for fighting in groups), life spell heals himself or others as we see with twi in the lu comic, and fairy spell turns him into a fairy. (a lot of people hc him to be a fae because of this)
he has a magic bar though, and a limited amount of magic he can use. many people hc that if he gets too low on magic it could be dangerous, but thats not canon in the game.
zelda 1's plot is pretty much just "get triangle, kill pig" and thats it. zelda 2 is that princess zelda has been cursed to fall asleep and cannot be woken up, so to save her sleeping beauty ass hyrule goes and gets the triforce. along the way he finds ganons servants in dungeons, and defeats them so ganon cannot be ressurected. he eventually finds an old man in a dungeon, and has to fight his shadow (which btw is the hardest bossfight ever like wtf) and upon defeating it, proves himself worthy of the triforce and gets it. he then cures zelda of the curse, wakes her up, and they make out. yes the last part was actually in the game.
hyrules placement in the timeline is right after legends in the downfall timeline, so they get to be the downfall duo together. also hyrule is often hc with a huge hero-worship thing going on with legend, and he's afraid to dishonor or disappoint his ancestor.
and thats about all i know at least, i may be wrong and im sure someone will correct me if i am, but i wanted to provide info anyways! im sorry for the huge ask btw ;-;
Wow, ok! First of all, thank u very much for all this, like this has been super helpful!
Like, seriously, tysm for taking ur time to explain everything to me, I really appreciate it 🥹💖
I did know some of these things so I suppose I wasn't that lost on hyrule's lore!
I do enjoy the downfall duo tbh, I did know beforehand that hyrule is the last one in the downfall timeline, since I used to own hyrule historia ages ago (it got lost during one of the many times I changed apartments 😔) I think it's cute for hyrule to have a hero worship on him and for legend to be soft to hyrule too lol
Anyway! This has been super informative, I'll make sure to keep it in mind from now on, thank you!
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periprose · 2 years ago
Okay I gotta request something JUST HEAR ME OUT
Black Cat!Reader trying to tell Tasm!Peter she's Black Cat while he tries to tell her that he's Spider-Man at the same time. Queue up Peter being baffled, while reader just doesn't believe him lol
Also I am loving Florence, it's so good and rich, I'm still only on chapter three but I want to kiss your Peter senseless- he's such a sweetheart🫶 Also I love youuu🥰
AHHH bby i love this idea and I love you!! (also thanks for the support on florence)
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Secrets are difficult to reveal.
They're especially terrible when you're telling something so tumultuous to your best friend, something that could either make him judge you severely or run away from you.
How do you confess that you're a thief? An villain turned anti-hero?
Even worse, Peter is someone you really love. Someone you know is too good for you- he would never feel the same way. But that's why you have Spider-Man, right?
You always knew it wasn't always going to be fun and games to be Black Cat. To be the very symbol of bad luck- it's a bad premonition.
You stare in the mirror. Peter will be here any second- he always climbs up the fire escape into your apartment's bedroom, and you told him you had something important to say.
There's a knock at your window, and you turn a little too abruptly.
Peter watches from the outside. He has a tentative smile, but he can see that you're worried, and you make the conscious effort to relax your face.
Peter himself is worried. He's about to confess something very important to someone very near and dear to him- he's Spider-Man, and not just that- he's having a sort-of affair with Black Cat.
He doesn't even know how it happened. First she was stealing wealth from banks, then a few months later she came with him with the notion to be good, and Peter always believes in someone redeeming themselves... but that doesn't mean she had to be so goddamn hot, all black leather and white fur, and Peter's just a horny dude who could not help but kiss back when she made a move on him yesterday.
And it was hot, it was good for him to take out some very human emotions by making out with her, but it wasn't everything. It wasn't you, and now he feels incredibly guilty. So he wants to come clean. Peter wants to let you know the whole truth, and even if that means you'll never like him again- Peter will never act on his unspoken feelings for you- he knows you deserve to know.
"Hey." You let Peter in, and he immediately walks in with an air of anxiety, hands already shaking as he paces around. "You good?"
"Uh, yeah. Yeah." Peter shakes his head immediately. "No, not really. We need to talk."
"Oh." You give him a look as you sit on your bed. "You have something to say, too?"
Peter nods, and you think it can't be nearly as bad as what you're going to tell him.
"Okay. Let me go first- I've been hiding something from you." He starts, but you shake your head. "I haven't been around."
"I haven't been around, Peter." You tilt your head at him. "I... I haven't been telling you the truth."
"Just wait. I'm trying to tell you something important." Peter insists, wanting you to know the truth but you keep going.
"I'm a bad person, Peter." You murmur, and Peter stops, interest piqued. "I've been misusing our friendship- you wouldn't want to be friends if you knew my past."
"No. That's not true." Peter sits down next to you on your bed, feeling that he should comfort you before potentially breaking your heart. "I'll always be your friend. Tell me what's going on."
"Don't sound so sure." You grimace at him. "I... I'm Black Cat."
"I know, it's so terrible. I stopped with all the stealing and killing, but... I'm still not sure if my so-called good deeds are enough to forgive me." You lean over your legs. "I don't... I work with Spider-Man every now and then, too."
"But-" Peter tries to interject, and you keep going anyways. He's incredibly baffled- it's not that you don't match the size of Black Cat, it's just that he's sure he would've recognized your mouth under her mask. He's fantasized about your lips long enough.
"He kissed me yesterday." You admit, and for some reason it feels like a slap in the face to say, even if you know that Peter doesn't actually like you like that. "And I've always liked you, Peter, so I just have to get this off my chest, because I feel so terrible. I'm sorry."
Peter is snickering.
"What?" You shove him. "I'm trying to tell you about my actual, serious pain, Peter, and you're just laughing-"
He loves this. He can actually be with you, no questions asked, and you have to be Black Cat- who else would know that Spider-Man kissed you? Peter feels a little bad that you're clearly agonized about it still, and he is laughing, but he can't help it.
"I was trying to tell you the same thing." Peter shrugs, as you hang onto his every word. "Okay, not the same thing. But that I'm Spider-Man."
You raise your eyebrows. "Really?"
"What do you mean, really? What's so shocking?" Peter asks, somewhat affronted, still finding it funny. "Do I not look like I have Spider-Man's build?"
"No, no. It just... feels a little too convenient." You give him a pitiful glance. "Maybe you could prove it?"
"Wow." Peter shakes his head, stifling a small smile. "Why would I lie?"
"No, Peter, it's not that you would lie. It's just... it's too obvious of a happy ending for me, and I-" You wince. "I don't normally have those."
"Oh." Peter knows about your past, your unhappy origin story, and he doesn't want to say anything to negate that truth.
So he simply thwips out a web towards your desk, planting your water bottle against the wall, and you don't look too surprised, although you do inhale.
"So that means- I was working with- and you-" You try to make a coherent sentence. "We... we kissed?"
"Tell me if this feels the same." Peter murmurs, half jokingly, mostly serious, and he pulls your face up in the same way you remember he did yesterday.
Knowing that you were the one in that leather black suit with the white trimming stirs something more inside him- yeah, he loves you and he's so glad to have you here now- but it makes yesterday even hotter in hindsight.
No mask this time. Nothing to get in the way of you dragging your fingers through Peter's hair as he presses his lips against yours, not hesitant at all. His lips are firm, plying against yours, and he inhales in a way that screams that he's wanted to do this for a while- even if he kissed you a few days ago, it wasn't like this- and it has you understanding he doesn't want to be gentle. He wants to finish what he started.
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checkoutmybookshelf · 2 months ago
The Most Toxic Situationship I have ever Seen...And I Loved Every Second
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As far as sequels go, I cannot deny that this one rocked. It can be so, so hard to follow up a first book without it feeling like retreading old ground or that there is arbitrary or artificial conflict that doesn't feel natural. Xiran Jay Zhao did not have those problems. This book felt immediate, vibrant, and deeply fucked up in the best possible way. I loved how messy it was, and how it refused to make deeply morally, ethically, and organizationally messy things simple, instead giving us the chance to watch the mess unfold and force characters to make choices in situations where there is not right answer. Let's talk Heavenly Tyrant.
This is you SPOILER WARNING. If you go below the cut, I'm SPOILING THE END of the book in like the first two sentences. You've been warned.
Sooooooo...she fully stabbed Qin Zheng in the heart, which somehow radicalized him into a full-on misogynist and patriarchal asshole (although let's be fair, that wouldn't have happened if he wasn't already well on his way to this point), and Shimin is a mechanical bird now. That's a LOT to deal with, and we're going to get there, then this whole book was a LOT. You don't just casually wake up a historical hero, crown him emperor, end up in a toxic situationship with him where you both plan to take down the gods and then murder the hell out of him without a lot of other elements.
Oh also, there was a reign of terror in there that got a little out of hand before they reined it in.
Now, as a heads up for those of you who like all the sci fi stuff in these books: I'm not so much a sci fi girl, so I'm not really going to talk much about those elements of the book. They were well executed and fine, but I was here for other things, so if you want a deep dive into the more sci fi elements, this is not the review for you. My focus is really going to be character dynamics and the politics.
Zetian and Qin Zheng
Sooooooooooooooo. So so so so. These two. The absolute fuckery that is the power dynamic between Zetian and Zheng is unquestionably my favorite part of this whole book. She is out here without the education and experience he has, but the conviction that women are people, the end. He's over here being this weird combination of toxic Mr. Darcy who has the education and principles but SO MUCH PRIDE and patriarchal baggage that it fucks up his implementation and Phantom of the Opera who thinks women are property.
This is what we in the business call an irreconcileable difference. So naturally they have to rule Huaxia and defeat the gods together, which requires finding some way to WORK together. And they do, technically. They get into all these weird power and dominance struggles behind the scenes, but there are also some AMAZING saves because the truth is, they need each other for now. I'm thinking particularly of when Zetian saves Zheng's ass at her coronation and pulls off a "it was a tech glitch" cover for him low-key almost dropping dead mid-ceremony. That was an A-level situation save.
And then she goes around licking things in front of him to assert dominance, which...is a choice. That I kind of loved, not gonna lie.
That said, Zheng did that absolutely bonkers thing where he had to interact with Zetian every day, heard her advocate for women, and somehow STILL managed to think she'd be chill with being his personal fantasy of a tradwife? Like...my dude. She crushed a building of people who wanted that for her, and you think you're going to be the singular dude who changes her mind? And then he had the SHEER NERVE to be surprised when she stabbed him.
Qin Zheng. Sir. Zetian fought you tooth and nail this entire book and was in the single most mutually toxic situationship I have ever seen and you genuinely thought she LIKED YOU??? The cognitive dissonance and self-delusion there is astounding. And somehow also completely unsurprising. Although the fact that he went full paternalistic patriarch in the epilogue had me just DREADING what was coming for Zetian in the next book. And "After all, his son cannot grow up without a mother" is a HELL of a line from this man.
Now Zetian...Zetian learns SO MUCH in this book. She learns about building her own power base separate from Qin Zheng, but also she kept getting hit in the face with patriarchy. She kept getting "be a wife and mother" and "get pregnant" and "don't hurt the (extremely fake) baby" and "use your sexuality to get what you want." All of which are SO IRRITATING even as she learns to weaponize them. Literally patriarchy hurts everyone, and watching her having to use the tools of the patriarchy and hating it but having no recourse was painful and infuriating in the best way. And Qin Zheng somehow didn't see it coming because he didn't see Zetian as her own person.
I seriously want to shake this man.
Zetian and Yizhi
Yizhi just kept making me go, "Sir. SIR. Explain your damn self" through this entire book. Taking down his family made sense, but then he kept doing cloak-and-dagger secrets and betrayals and double and triple agenting, and SIR WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR ENDGAME HERE??? It seemed to be some combination of protecting Zetian as much as he could with what he was given, having a weirdly personal beef with Qin Zheng, and taking down capitalism, but I want this man's perspective and inner monologue because WHAT EVEN.
I did ADORE that he was over here quadruple agenting and conspiring to trick Zheng into thinking he would die horribly if not in isolation and mucking around with IVF procedures. Although the "Dammit Zetian, I'm a political and criminal mastermind, not a doctor" line when he said the baby PROBABLY isn't Zetian's was just...*chef's kiss*
That said...he did still definitely violate Zetian's bodily autonomy, even if it was to stop Sima Yi and Zheng from forcing her into having a biological child. It's...one of those situations that is so fucked up there just isn't a RIGHT answer, there's only the answer that you and the woman you love can (probably, we all hope) live with. I love how MESSY this whole thing was. Yizhi is a messy drama queen in the very best way possible.
And the vibes I got from how Yizhi said "entertainment establishments" on the giant-ass space station made my heart hurt for him. I was really impressed that Yizhi could be as hard and soft as he was simultaneously.
Zetian and Her Various Girl Squads
Zetian is absolutely correct that women need more autonomy. Does she go about this perfectly, or even in the most effective way possible? Big Sister showing up in a dream to ask what she's doing for the 97% of women who can't be pilots would suggest no, but we aren't going to be the people who stop trying because the solution we have in the moment isn't perfect. And one of the strengths Zetian has is that she pulls lots of different kinds of women around herself and she listens to them.
She reforms the Iron Widows and she takes as much of a personal interest as she can in these girls, helping them follow in her footsteps. Then she also brings Wan'er and Taiping into her circle and she takes the different perspectives in, synthesizes them, and does her best to advocate for them with Qin Zheng before they collectively figure out how to scaffold other structures and organizations to do that work independently. It's not perfect, and it's probably not going to be enough now that Zheng has decided he understands why binding women's feet is a GOOD idea, but Zetian made real, concrete strides forward to support and protect women.
I also love her relationships with Wan'er, Quielo, and Taiping, because again, this whole book is about fucked up situations and relationships, but Zetian does manage to make these real, valuable, and lovely connections that bring meaning to her life, both personally and publicly. I love a good girl squad, and Zetian manages to find hers, even after being surrounded by men and betrayed by a female mentor figure in the last book. That kind of resilience and willingness to see messy nuance and keep moving? Impressive as all hell.
The Shimin Thing and the State of the Polycule
Shimin is a metal bird now. Shimin is the Vermillion Bird. This honestly left me with more questions than anything else, because it's not entirely clear what Shimin is, where his head is at, or how he is. And it's not clear how Yizhi and Zetian are about getting him back in this form, in this way, especially after accepting that he was gone.
Not to mention that the Yizhi-Zetian size of the iron triangle is...a little rusted, to say the least, and Zetian had whatever the hell she had with Zheng too. Yes, she stabbed him. But that was complicated by the relief mixed in with the frustration when she didn't succeed in killing him. So uh...the triangle is doing something weird and we're going to need to address that more in the next book. None of them are ok, and they're ALL going to need to deal with the aftermath of the past year-ish.
The Politics
OK SO. The sheer amount of cognitive dissonance in Qin Zheng's whole "the products of labor should belong to the laborers" and the whole productivity fetish and the "don't be a money-grubbing capitalist" thing coexisting with "women aren't really people" thing is insane. Also, the whole, "your value in society is contingent upon the labor you provide" tends to rub me the wrong way because it does not take into account things like severe disabilities or illnesses and implies a devaluation of anyone who does not provide labor that society considers valuable. Which Zetian DOES address from a gender perspective, because Qin Zheng clearly misses the amount of labor women do that simply isn't acknowledged as such. And Zetian tried to ameliorate this. But I also wish just a little that the existence of a human life was valued more than anything else.
Zetian also learns how to perform politics in this book, which is a really interesting journey to watch, and having her go from randomly screaming slogans Wan'er feeds her to actually plotting photo ops and events is intriguing.
Overall, this was a FABULOUS book, and I cannot wait to see where these characters go and what Zhao will do next.
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dizziedupthegirl · 6 months ago
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alright, lets go over this for the very first time. my name is rhylyn stacy.
i was bitten by a radioactive bat and for the few last years ive been the one and only vampyra. im pretty sure no one really knows the rest. 
some call me a hero some call me a villain. in reality, im just a tired college student. tabloids will say me and the spidey-dude are enemies but oh lord what they dont know….
before we get that deep into the lore, heres a little extra backstory for plot development purposes:
 you must be thinking: stacy huh? yeah. thats me. gwen stacy’s older and much more cooler sister. 
growing up, i typically hung out with felicia hardy. my day 1. me and her have been through it together. our confusing childhoods just crashed with one another and its been history ever since. do we agree on every single thing? hell no. have i returned stolen art and jewelry anonymously from our apartment? hell yes.
ill let her have her fun. at some point.
alright now back to the “spidey lore.” 
peter parker and i have had an odd relationship that dates way back to grade school. (he married me on the kindergarten playground)
then we almost never spoke throughout majority of junior high. however, i did always see him sneak some glances in the halls. 
then freshman year happened. our teen years got wack. we were friends again, then it was awkward. then he asked me out to sophmore hoco. it was this whole thing.
somewhere along those lines radioactive beings got added to the mix.
(peter wanted to do good with the outcomes and i did some not so good.) but the plot thickens.
i never knew he was spider-man. i never knew that on that day he got bit. nor did he know that i was keeping a secret from an accident made on the previous night.
all i do know is that with great power, comes great responsibility.
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pls pls pls send me asks 🙏🙏
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see-arcane · 4 months ago
Eggers is really getting on my nerves - he now goes around saying how Ellen is actually a victim of XIX century and doesn’t belong, how her husband doesn’t understand her and how there’s a love triangle happening between Ellen, Orlok and Thomas. 🤦‍♀️ Just….why?! Why?
Playing very halfhearted devil's advocate, I can see how Bobby Egg would glean this from the original Nosferatu even without the Coppola influence.
Ellen is a victim of her time period!
Ellen Hutter is from a film made in 1922, with its story taking place in 1838. Neither period was a stellar one for taking women seriously or seeing them treated well/as equals (and fuck, just look around right now). A lot of directors and writers fall into this track of thinking when doing period pieces, because, yeah: Women Always Got the Short Stick. Especially women who behaved outside The Norm (c).
The problem here is that Ellen's weirdness is not a turn-off to Thomas, nor does it make her a pariah to her friends who host her while Thomas is gone. At most, Thomas can be pointed out as foolishly (but, fine, rationally) not taking Ellen's spontaneous Foretelling of Doom over a business trip seriously. Thomas' main character flaws amount to 1) Not believing Ellen until it's too late and 2) Insisting the supernatural reality is just him going mad/dreaming. But Ellen faces no other trial than the one she takes upon herself--the martyr sacrifice.
Herzog played with it pretty well, showing his Ellen/Mina-figure 'Lucy Harker' coming up against the walls of 1) Skepticism from the Learned Man, 'Van Helsing' bluntly refusing to listen to her about Nosferatu and 2) Everyone around her, men, women, and children, cracking under the fear and despair of the plague and just waltzing around in Danse Macabre happy-hopelessness, deaf to any warning from her. Again, not because 'Girl One Weird! Girl One is Girl! Let us jeer and torture her about it, as is right.'
Eggers is doing for his Ellen what he did to Thomasin in The Witch. Leaning heavy on extremely grim hyper-realism as it might have been for a young woman being Odd in the 19th century. A factor that did not exist at all in the 1922 or 1979 versions. But it adds to the 'All the time period's humans around her are trash and backwards! no wonder she would rather die with Orlok!' of it all. So yeah.
2. Her husband doesn't understand her!
Is Thomas himself weird? Creepy? Into dark and eerie things? Nope. Dude's a human golden retriever.
But he loves Ellen and all that she is. The entire first scenes with them are them hugging and loving on each other. The first thing he does upon returning from his escape (other than mentally grafting a belief that it Was All in His Head) is crushing her in an embrace. He is proof that you don't have to be Grim and Gothique and Misunderstood to love yourself a Morticia. At most, we could say that he fails to clock when Ellen is lying to him--because she is shown lying to him exactly once.
When she says she is sick and tells him he must run to Prof. Bulwer for help. He does so immediately, leaving the house for Ellen to call in Orlok for the sunrise trap. At a stretch we could paint this as Thomas, the 'lighter' half of the couple, failing to understand the 'darker' half's acceptance of a deadly price for Doing What Must Be Done. Thomas Hutter is, if not childish, very clearly meant to be in a different story. He is more the flighty loving and beloved maiden than Ellen, the self-sacrificing gothic hero, is. If Thomas is ignorant, he is ignorant in the way of someone who was meant to be in a sweeter fairy tale where he and his love were destined to live safe and happy together who realizes too late they are in a horror story.
But to throw that tragedy out and just graft in, 'Well he's too dry and proper to really get her, I guess," feels lazy. Usable, but lazy.
3. It's a love triangle!
I mean. Yeah, it is. A love triangle just has to involve three people with attraction floating around between the three points.
In the original and in Herzog's, the triangle is 'Human Couple is in Love. Nosferatu gets a Crush. The Crush is used to Bait Nosferatu into the Sunrise Trap.'
But Bobby Egg is pulling a Coppola by deciding aaaactuallyyy, Ellen is super goth-horny for Orlok, not her unsatisfying unmanly cuck husband Thomas. The sacrifice is still technically there--the whole "We belong dead" of Ellen giving her life to make sure Orlok dies by sunrise--but it feels so damn pointless from that angle.
I have said it before, this premise is peak gothic. It is a very tasty notion to consider: A misfit who, being too weird and unhappy to live, but still bound by Morals enough to destroy herself and her would-be Ideal*** mate rather than inflict their horror upon an ungrateful humanity, is some very meaty stuff! Excellent even!
Ellen of the original was terrified. She was repulsed. She did not want to do what she knew had to be done...but it had to be done. And so she abandoned joy. Abandoned life. Abandoned Thomas, who she loved. All to lay herself out as bait in a trap and ensure that her beloved and the dying townspeople, including her friends, would be saved. That is the tragedy. Ellen was happy. Ellen was loved and in love. Ellen was singled out by Orlok's craving and so left as the martyr under the spotlight: Well, Ellen? What will you do, knowing what you know? Will you sit by and live and be left free of violation as the deaths pile around you? Hmm?
And, as Mina Harker was prepared to do before her, she put herself on the chopping block. It is brave. It is painful. It is unfair.
As I'm sure Eggers' Ellen's end will feel to some degree. The audience will be honed by then into grieving her loss, this misunderstood and monstrous beauty dying by bleeding and writhing to death under her would-be undead beau. But it will be an end less than the sum of its original.
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noonaishere · 4 months ago
Online/Offline [C.S] - one hundred and four | A Series of Tubes Between Us
“I’m Namhae.”
He laughed. “I’m Mountain of Namhae.”
“You’re not--” you laughed loudly, “Oh my God. I never put it together because of the emoji and because I always called you ‘Namhae’ instead.” You groaned at your own stupidity. “I’m so fucking mad right now.”
“At me?”
“No! At myself for not realizing…”
He laughed. “Here, look.”
The option popped up on your Discord to accept a screenshare from San. You accepted it.
“Here’s me using my account.” He used the mouse pointer and circled around his screen name.
“Oh my god I’m so mad. And that fucking explains why Namhae-who-I-didn’t-know-was-you fucking left when you started streaming! There was so much happening that the thought didn’t even occur to me.”
He laughed.
“You even made a new account and everything-- Why didn’t you just tell me it was you?”
“Well, at first I was sort of nervous, and also, meeting in the first place was so weird and I didn’t want you to think I was creepy or something.”
“Why would that be creepy?”
“I don’t know, it was just so weird that I would randomly meet you, my favorite streamer, at the café I worked at.”
“I don’t really think that’s weird, but okay.”
“Well… then the stalker thing happened and I didn’t want you to think I was also stalking you, so at that point I just couldn’t say anything.”
“That’s a bit more sound of a reason. But if you had told me the first chance you had, you wouldn’t have gotten to that point, because I’d already know you weren’t the stalker because he was a separate guy coming in.”
“Yeah… I guess.”
“See? Logic.”
He laughed.
“So… you’ve really been watching me since about the whole time I’ve been streaming?”
“Yeah, I think I was… eighteen when I started?”
“Wow, so I was eighteen too. That’s creepy dude.”
“I’m kidding,” you laughed. “That’s actually sort of cool, from your perspective, because it’s almost like we’ve been friends for a long time. Except for that invisible wall in between us.”
“The screen?”
“And the whole-ass internet.”
He laughed.
“The Mountain Between Us? More like A Series of Tubes Between Us.”
He laughed again. “A Series of Tubes Between You and a Mountain.”
You laughed. “But that’s kind of cool. Did, uh, how did I hold up against your expectations?”
“Oh, um--”
“Should we meet our heroes? I guess, is what I’m asking.” You laughed.
He laughed. “You were mostly like the impression I got from watching your streams. I already thought you were a cool, caring person, and you held up to that.”
“Did I look how you thought I was going to?”
“Um… I don’t think I really had an idea one way or another?”
“Most people give me cat ears at least because of the name.”
He laughed. “No, you were just a voice with a great personality to me.”
You chuckled.
You sat in silence for a few minutes.
“Wait,” San started, “What were you going to ask me about?”
“What? Oh, so uh, I heard some interesting information yesterday. I can’t tell you from who, but uh… You were a Chaebol heir?”
He thought for a second. “...Seonghwa wouldn’t tell you because he doesn’t like to gossip, I told Wooyoung not to, so that just leaves Minsoo.”
“Yeah. It was an accident; apparently your mom called her to try and find out how you’re doing or something and when I went to ask something else she accidentally told me.”
San sighed.
“Don’t be mad at her, please.”
“I’m not. She normally becomes an emotional mess after she talks to my mom. She never told me she called so I’ll have to check on her later.”
“Well, I guess Seonghwa would know about it, right? She probably talked to him about it.”
“True. But she’s my mom-- or was. So I’m obligated.”
“She apologized right after telling me.”
“Yeah… But yeah, it’s true. Nice to meet you, I’m Choi San, firstborn son of the owners of Choi Electronics and I left the family when I was eighteen.”
“That’s so young.”
“Yep. I graduated high school and my parents started talking to the family of another company about me marrying their daughter. We met and she was… not a nice person. At all. In the slightest.”
“Just a heinous human being?”
“The most heinous.” 
“Just the ugliest personality that a person could have. When we first met I thought she was actually quite pretty, but her behavior when we went out to eat made me change my mind fairly quickly.”
“That’ll do it.”
“And I told my parents that I didn’t want to marry someone to further their business. That’s not a life.”
“Yeah, she told me all of that.”
“Yeah, so... I moved out, sued my family for emancipation, and got a sizable chunk of money to live on while I looked for a job. Seonghwa’s family actually let me live at his house until I turned twenty.”
“Oh, really? That was nice of them.”
“I really owe them everything… they didn’t have a ton of money - they had worked really hard to put Seonghwa into a top school - but they didn’t mind having an extra son for a couple years. I insisted I help them pay rent. Then Seonghwa told me his idea of wanting to open a café and how he was going to take out a loan for it, and I suggested that I invest money in it instead and… here we are.”
“She told me that too. I would never have known, you don’t walk around like a hot shot investor.”
He laughed softly. “It was the money my parents had put away for me, it’s not like I earned it. It’s not really mine.”
“Yeah, I guess that’s true.”
“Did Minsoo… Well, no, I never told anyone this--”
“The real reason why I left.”
“Oh? I thought it was because you wanted to be in charge of your own life.”
“Yeah, that’s it; on the surface and at its core. But I didn’t know that until I was eighteen.”
“Because of the blind date?”
“No, this was before that. I umm… I started watching this streamer, who seemed so happy and who had a great fanbase who loved her, and friends who loved her that she could spend time with just having fun and I started to wonder if I could have that too…”
You thought for a moment, confused as to who he meant, until you realized who he was talking about. “...You’re not serious.”
“I am.”
You waited while he thought for a moment.
“I left my family… I left the future designed to ensure I was always wealthy, where my family picked my college and my major and the person I would marry, all with no input from me… because of you and your streams. It was just...” He chuckled to himself. “You just seemed so happy, your friends and your chat loved you, and when your parents would walk in and we’d hear them or you’d tell a story about them… I wanted that. I wanted people in my life who really loved me because they loved me and not because of what I could add to some arbitrary number, so… I left.” 
“What the fuck,” you whispered.
“I thought... if I wasn’t going to have that at home, I should fight like hell to leave. So, I traded all that money, those opportunities, what I thought was the love of my family... for my freedom.”
“I… I’m sorry, I’m having a hard time processing that I inspired you to want to be free of your gilded cage, and you never even let on that you knew who I was.” You rubbed your eyes. “This is ridiculous.”
He laughed. “Sorry.”
“You should be,” you laughed.
You were quiet for a few moments.
“So, what do we do now?” You asked. “Now that I know you know a ton about me and have known of me for a big chunk of my life?”
“Yeah… I don’t know.”
“Mmm… well… maybe you could tell me more about you? To even it out.”
“I’m good with that.” You could hear the smile in his voice.
“And maybe… we could start streaming together again?”
“Yeah… I sort of miss having you around. Who am I going to work on our Minecraft house with? Or build a new house with? What if I want a summer home?”
“Hmm… I mean, everyone else does hate playing it.”
“Yeah,” you laughed. “But my chat loves it. You’ve definitely cornered the market.”
He laughed. “I suppose… I could come back. You know, so you have someone to play with.”
“I’ve never met a man so willing to sacrifice himself for someone else’s happiness.”
He chuckled. “Can you send that to my parents in writing?”
You laughed loudly.
“I remember being called a ‘selfish little shit’ at least fourteen times during one fight, so I think it’d make their heads explode.”
“If you really want me to write it, I’ll write it. And hey, I’m kinda famous, so…”
“Nah, you don’t have to.” He chuckled.
You smiled. “Shit, wait.”
“I told everyone we broke up, remember? To flush Byungchul out.”
“Oh, yeah.”
You thought for a few moments. That fucker really had to ruin every aspect of your life, huh? Unless… 
“Unless you come back as Namhae.”
“Oh… yeah.”
“Because JGG broke up with MorningStar, so he can’t come back, but Mountain of Namhae can definitely be promoted to stream buddy.”
“I think… he could definitely do that.”
“Can you ask him for me?”
He laughed and put his hand over his mic, pretending to talk to someone else. “Can you-- oh! Oh, you can? Okay, I’ll tell her.” 
You laughed.
He took his hand off. “He said he can.”
“It’d probably be weird if we played the Minecraft game we played before so we’ll have to start over so no one catches on. But… Namhae will finally get to hang out with the streamer he’s been watching for years and years, who inspired him to be happy.” 
You dangled the idea in front of him, knowing it would be a good story for the chat as well. They already liked ‘Namhae’ so they would have no problem accepting San under his original name.
“Hmm,” San mused. You thought it sounded like he was smiling. “I think he’d really like that.”
You laughed. “Did you just refer to yourself in the third person?”
“I’m sorry! I was talking about Namhae!” 
The two of you laughed.
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a/n: Two out of three secrets have been revealed to y/n!
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spacetime1969 · 4 months ago
Danny Fenton’s Field Trip to the Ghost Zone!
I have had the wonderful opportunity to write a fic inspired by the art of the wonderful @arisu-artnfics as part of @ecto-implosion. I ended up thinking it would be fun to bring in a trope from a completely different fandom, and write a Peter Parker Field Trip fic for Danny Fenton. Make sure to check out the art too!
Chapter 1: Trapped in the Zone!
Ao3 | First | Next
Danny woke up excited for his field trip. He had been to the planetarium a bunch as a kid, but that didn't mean that he wasn't happy to go again on a field trip.
He hurriedly packed his school bag and ran through his door. He didn't even bother to open it, just used his ghost powers to phase right through it. He also used his ghost powers to jump over the railing and into the living room, doing a little flip as he fell just because he could.
He laughed at Jazz's scandalized yell as he landed. He ran past her into the kitchen and grabbed some yogurt and a banana for his breakfast before turning back to run out the door.
"Bye Jazz! Don't want to be late!" He heard her sigh from behind him but that didn't stop him from running out the door.
He checked to see if anyone was watching before yelling his catch phrase. "I'm going ghost!"
White rings split from his waist and transformed him from Danny Fenton to Danny Phantom! Ghost hero extraordinaire! He turned himself invisible, and flew to school.
It was, as he liked to point out to Jazz, a much better way to get to school than taking the bus.
When he reached the school he invisibly searched for his friends. Spotting them, he flew down into a nearby bush and transformed himself back. Climbing out of the bush he walked up behind them.
"Hey guys!" he said cheerfully, startling both his friends. They spun around to face him, and he laughed at their surprised expressions. "You miss me?"
"Danny!" His friends came over and hugged him.
"Dude! I was starting to wonder if you were gonna make it in time!"
"And miss our field trip? Of course not!"
Sam laughed. "Yeah Tucker, did you really think that Space Case Danny would ever miss out on a trip to the planetarium?"
"Hey!" Danny pouts at her, but she just raises an eyebrow at him.
"Am I wrong?" she asks.
Danny holds the pout for a moment longer, before shrugging. "Yeah no you're right."
The three laugh together, before their teacher, Mr. Lancer, calls all the students to him.
They made their way over to where he was standing next to a school bus.
"Alright students, as you all know, we are going on a field trip to the Lutz Planetarium. I want you all to be on your best behavior! If any of you cause problems on this trip then by The Count Of Monte Cristo I will see you in detention for the rest of your life! Now, everyone on the bus!"
The A-Listers shove their way to the front of the line, claiming the front of the bus for the popular kids. Danny and his friends ended up in the back of the bus with Valerie.
Things had been a little touch and go between them when she had first figured out his identity after the Vlad thing. Once she’d found out that Vlad and Dani were halfa's, it hadn’t been hard for her to figure him out too. The fact that he had taken Dani to the Nasty Burger while Valerie was working there had nothing to do with her figuring it out (AN: This is a lie). Since then things between them have improved a lot though. Now Valerie had become a regular part of their little group, and Red Huntress had become a full time member of Team Phantom.
"Hey Valerie! You excited about the field trip?" Danny asked.
"Hi Danny. Yeah it should be fun. Any reason to get out of class right?" she joked. They all chuckled and made their way to their seats.
The four of them chatted while the other students climbed into the bus. It didn’t take long before Mr. Lancer called for a head count and the driver closed the doors of the bus.
They pulled out of the school parking lot and made their way towards the planetarium. Danny tunes out as Mr. Lancer calls attendance and relaxes into his seat. He was looking forward to a whole day of no ghost business to worry about and getting to hang out with his friends.
Suddenly the driver slammed on the brakes, throwing everyone forward in their seats as the bus started to rapidly decelerate, but when Danny looked up to see what was going on, he could tell that it would be too little too late.
The natural portals that had started to show up since the Fentons closed the one in their lab had grown bigger and bigger, until there was one large enough to swallow Danny, his classmates, and their entire bus whole, and he and his class were heading straight for it.
Danny joined his classmates as they fell, screaming, through the portal and into the ghost zone.
Across the ghost zone Clockwork looked over his ruined lair. It had been destroyed almost entirely. Mirrors were smashed, metal cogs and gears snapped or bent. His home had been destroyed.
He floated a little further into the room. Leaning down, he picked up a certain silver and green thermos out from the rest of the scattered debris. He turned it around in his hands, examining the large gash in the side where something, or someone, had exploded out of it.
He waved his staff and the room put itself back together. Bricks flew up from the floor and put themselves back into the walls they had fallen from, gears and cogs screwed themselves back together and slotted back into place, and glass shards flew up and reformed into mirrors and clock faces.
One of the mirrors rippled as it reformed. Where one would normally expect to see their reflection, there was instead an image of a ghost of an alternate timeline, flying quickly through the zone.
Clockwork smiled and waved his staff over the mirror. The image rippled again and changed to show Danny and his friends climbing out of the crashed bus and staring up at the green sky of the Ghost Zone.
“All is as it should be.”
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tlbodine · 1 month ago
Overthinking: The Phantom of the Auditorium
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The Phantom of the Auditorium came out in October of '94, and is another book I have no memory of form childhood. It's also one I don't hear people talk about much in general, even though there's both a TV episode and a stage production (as I just learned).
So what's the deal with this one? Worth a read, or snooze-worthy? Let's dig into it.
First, the Plot:
Our story centers on long-time friends Brooke and Zeke. Like many Goosebumps heroes, they love both horror and practical jokes, which is why they can't resist trying out for the school play--because the rumor is that it will be spooky.
Turns out the play may be cursed. At first this comes up from Brooke's overly-obsessive under-study (who really wanted the lead part, ok), but it's later confirmed by the teacher.
The basic plot of the play is: A theater owner has a hideously deformed, mask-wearing squatter living in the crawlspace under his theater. But theater-owner's daughter falls in love with this "phantom" anyway, much to the annoyance of her fiancee, who kills him. But the phantom returns as a ghost to haunt the theater anyway.
This play was supposed to be performed like 70 years ago, but on opening night, the kid playing the lead disappeared and was never seen again. They never performed the play after that and reportedly destroyed all the scripts, but somehow they survived! And now we're going to perform it, for...reasons.
Part of the play involves a trap door, which works like a dumbwaiter to deliver the titular phantom up from under the stage. Zeke is instantly intrigued by this bit of equipment and encourages Brooke to stay after school and test it out with him. They plunge deep below the school, way further than expected, and get a little lost. Then they bump into the night janitor, Emile, who shoos them away.
The next day, Brooke befriends new-kid-in-town Brian, who already knows about the play and wants to get involved. It's too late to have a part in it, but he gets a job painting backdrops.
Predictably, weird stuff begins to happen. Threatening messages get left first in Brooke's locker, later scrawled across vandalized set pieces. And a couple of times, Zeke has shown up in a mask on stage, acting creepy and erratic...except Zeke insists it couldn't have been him. Oh yeah, and nobody's ever heard of the night janitor, either.
Alas, nobody believes Zeke, and he gets thrown off the play. Eager to clear his name, he convinces Brooke and Brian to go with him back tot he school to get some evidence of his frame-up. They figure out that Emile isn't a janitor but is actually just some poor homeless dude living under the school. He's been leaving them messages hoping they'll leave him alone.
They call the cops on Emile, but he clears out. Opening night of the production, though, Brooke is joined on stage by a masked phantom who is certainly not Zeke, although she's the only one who notices. The phantom delivers his backstory, and it's totally off-script. We find out that he's the kid who disappeared 70 years ago -- he fell in the trap door and died under the school and nobody found him, but now he's returned to stage to act in his role once and for all!
He disappears in a dramatic curtain call, Brooke runs into Zeke, and then the two of them end up back at her locker to find an old year book that shows a picture of the missing kid from 70 years ago....Brian was the phantom all along, ooooOOOOooooo
Overthinking It:
I imagine that, as an 8-year-old reading this book the first time, the twists may have blown my mind. It's possible that there was a time when I didn't see Brian show up as The New Kid In School and immediately think, oh yeah, this is clearly the ghost of the missing student.
Alas, I am 30 years past that, so I pretty much had the plot of the book figured out within a few chapters.
Homeless-guy-Emile is a nice subversion, though. I am amused that, as far as we can tell, Emile's threatening messages and Brian's ghostly appearance are wholly coincidental and unrelated. Brian actually seems as frightened about the whole thing as anybody else.
What's frustrating about this book is that it is almost really good. But it just fails to tie up its loose ends or smooth over its plot holes naturally, instead taking a jackhammer to exposition to ram the plot along.
Why would the teacher have resurrected a 70-year-old cursed play? Like why that play in particular? And then why tell the kids its backstory? Because it's a necessary plot device and Stine is tired, obviously. But I kept waiting for it to pay off somehow, for it to turn out the teacher was in cahoots with the ghost. Alas, no dice.
It's also not at all clear how Emile the homeless guy is presumably breaking into lockers to plant evidence. And then later when the yearbook shows up in the locker -- that was Brian's doing, right? So was Brian also planting evidence? Why? What is happening here?
I do enjoy the story-within-a-story-within-a-story construct. There's some really trippy multilayered storytelling that could happen here, in a more ambitious work that wasn't going to be banged out over a weekend (no shade on R.L. Stine, banging out a book in a weekend is his whole thing). But it handles it well enough, and the ambiance and theater bits are fun and engaging for what they are.
If You Liked This, THESE Will Really Give You Goosebumps:
Obviously, the title is a nod to The Phantom of the Opera, which you can enjoy in novel format by Gaston Leroux, or in many different film and stage productions -- take your pick.
But the story here as presented is also heavily inspired by The Hunchback of Notre Dame and just a dash of Macbeth, or rather the theater kid legends about the Scottish Play.
There is a 2015 movie called The Gallows that appears to have a lot in common with this book, but I haven't seen it so I can't confirm.
For a very different take on dead students taking the place of live ones (and causing trouble), see the anime Another (directed by Tsutomu Mizushima). Compare and contrast with Stephen King's Sometimes They Come Back (and its film adaptation).
And -- spoiler alert -- for more stories about a haunting that turns out to be some dude in a crawlspace, check out The Boy and Housebound.
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epicrainbowsheep · 2 years ago
You're such a dork
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader
*Warning blowjob with cum that isn't amazingly taste, especially when said man does weed and other illegal stuff*
Eddie finally graduates and is at the mall with the hellfire club and see's you across the food court. Reader has graduated from University and has come back to Hawkins for good. Running into each other you decide to catch up at his trailer...
Enjoy 😘
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It's summer in Hawkins and school has finished for the year, the mall was filled with prepubescent teenagers and seniors who have recently graduated celebrating finally being out of the hell that is high school. One group was more rambunctious than most, Eddie and his hellfire crew were celebrating him finally finishing school, over burgers in the food court.
“Well done Eddie” Gareth yelled and slapped him on the back, Eddie nearly spitting out his drink. “I’m proud of myself, just needed to do the bare minimum of attendance and BAM!” He suddenly stands up holding up his drink like hero, “Nearly instant diploma” Dustin slaps his leg “Took three goes”, all of them laughed and continued talking about their summer plans with finishing school for the year.
Eddie’s eyes caught a familiar face as he bit into his burger, it was (Y/N) he hadn’t seen her since she graduated, in his first senior year. Eddie grinned like the Cheshire Cat, remembering what they used to get up to after school, starting the hellfire group together, “Boys I’ll be back in a minute” he says as he stands up and jogs up to you, who’s looking confused.
“Okay now Uncle Bruce told me to get-“ 
You whipped your head up and saw Eddie running towards you, panting as soon as he got to you. “Long time no see sweetheart” looking at you as you turned around, you’d changed a lot since he last saw you. Hair is (longer/shorter) and your skin looks absolutely radiant, your body filling out more and your fashion sense definitely changed. 
“Eddie! It’s so good to see you” you smiled, your confusion fading as soon as you saw his face, his hair was longer but not much had changed about him, still wearing his leather jacket and his battle vest with more patches decorated all over.
“You look absolutely gorgeous (Y/N), I haven’t seen you since you left for collage” his eye’s still had the same sparkle in them since you last saw him, “It’s been a while Eds but I’m back for good now! Graduated with my bachelors, back in Hawkins for good” You scratch the back of your head smiling at Eddie, “What have you been up too?”.
“Pretty much the same, still doing hellfire, playing with my band, graduating high school…” he looked away sheepishly when the look of shock hearing the last of his sentence. “Really Eddie! It took you three years of doing senior year?!” You said gobsmacked, “Third times a charm” he looks away unable to face you directly.
“Well better late then never Eddie” You looked into his face while smiling and put your hand on his shoulder, his smiled back, your smile was always infectious. “Well since you’ve graduated we should-“ 
“EDDIE YOU COMING? MOVIE STARTS SOON” Mike yelled in his direction.
“YEAH EDDIE COME ON!!!” Dustin yelled with him.
“IN A SEC!” Eddie yells back, “(Y/N) I wanna keep talking but the boys are calling” he says turning his attention back to you. “Thats fine Eddie you still at the trailer park? I can stop by with Chinese food, and we can catch up like we used too~” your hinting didn’t escape him.
“Ssounds like a plan babe” Eddie tries to play it cool, but his voice fails him breaking mid sentence. (Y/N) laughs and kissed him on the cheek “See you later”.
Eddie was feeling giddy as you walked off, holding the cheek that you kissed. “Dude who was that?” Lucas said as the boys came up behind him, Eddie didn’t even realise they were there until Gareth spoke.
“That was one of the original co-founders of hellfire (Y/N), she was Eddie’s fuck buddy” Eddie cringed at his wording, “She was more than a fuck buddy” he grumbled the younger boys still trying to get their heads around that she was one of the co-founders.
“Let’s go we’re gonna miss the movie!” Dustin piped up.
You turned into the trailer park where Eddie has lived since you can remember, memories of you both walking back drunk through the forrest from parties held at Harrington’s house, or watching Eddie smoke a joint while sharing a bottle of whiskey.
Slamming the car door, making sure to grab the Chinese food that was in the front seat, barely knocking before the door is ripped open with a very excited Eddie standing behind it. He looked like he just had a shower, hair blowdried, fresh cologne, and a totally different outfit to the one he was wearing earlier at the mall.
“Hope your hungry, I picked up Chinese food” you held up the plastic bag as you walked past, placing the bag on the coffee table in front of the TV. “Absolutely starving sweetheart” he said while he plopped himself on the couch, you both got out the food and started eating.
Both chatting, Eddie just shoving food into his mouth, speaking with his mouth full the entire time. You smiled remembering that he still ate the same as he did when you both were still in high school, both geeking over DnD and discussing who was the better band, Kiss or Metallica. 
“So Eddie you seeing anyone?” You said, facing him as you both finish eating. “No haven’t really dated anyone seriously, most of the girls in Hawkins can’t handle all of this” His hands went up and down his body as he spoke.
“True, the girls here have basically no taste” you shuffled closer to Eddie on the couch with your hand slowly going up and down on his thigh, “A-are you seeing anyone?” He managed to get out, not expecting things to turn this fast.
“No, the boys at collage don’t match up to the man I’ve had waiting for me back in Hawkins” you purred into his ear, “I’ve missed you Eddie” your hand hovered over his growing bulge.
“Let me make it up to you~” licking the shell of his ear, shuddering as your hand squeezed his cock through his jeans. “Yesss babe, you’ve got a lot of time to make up for” him saying that you unzip his pants, shoving them down to his ankles, moving from the couch to kneel between his knees.
“Well then, I better get to work” You give his dick a few pumps, licking from the base of his cock to the tip, making sure it was wet enough to slide into your mouth.
“Fuck baby” Eddie cries out as your mouth swallows his dick, you hollow out out mouth to suck even harder as you reach the base of his cock, holding it there, deep throating him, making sure to worshipping his 6 inch cock. His mind goes blank with pleasure as you continue to suck his cock, twirling your tongue around his shaft.
“Shit sweetheart just like that” he whines out as you pick up the pace, your neck starting to strain since it’d had been awhile since you’d given head. “Y-you know just how I like it-t, deep and fast” he babbled, “You’re such a dirty wench, like an npc bar maid” you couldn’t help but think while sucking his cock ‘He’s such a dork’.
Your hand goes down to cup his balls, knowing that would bring him over the edge, “Shit baby I’m gonna cum” his hand gripped your hair, now being able to feel your head bobbing up and down on his cock. You pull on his balls he screeches “FUCCKKK (Y/N) BAABBYYYYYY” he grips your head tighter, keeping your head there as his cum fills your mouth.
Unable to move your head, Eddie’s cum bursts into your mouth, the horrible tasting thick cum forcing its way down your throat, choking on the foulness of his cum you pull off and rush to the bathroom, gagging the whole way just making it in time to the toilet to hurl up the Chinese food you just ate.
Eddie was in such bliss he didn’t realise you’d run off straight away, when he came down from cloud nine he heard you gagging in the bathroom. Realising what was happening he rushed to stand up, forgetting his pants were still around his ankles he fell flat on his face.
“Fuck” He groaned out rolling on his back while rubbing his nose, scrambling to his feet, kicking his pants and boxes off in the process. Stumbling his way he slammed into the door frame of the bathroom, looking down at you, wiping your mouth with toilet paper. 
“Eddie your cum tastes foul, it never was that bad!” You looked at him as you stood, “Sorry (Y/N) I had no idea it was that horrible, are you okay?” He walked to the cupboard and handed you mouthwash, you thanked him and gargled till you got the taste out of your mouth. 
“I’ll survive” you chuckled, “I don’t even know why it tastes that bad” Eddie walked you over to the couch where you both sat down. “It’s cause you do drugs Eddie, it makes your cum taste horrible, it was tolerable when we were in our seniors since it was just weed��� you laughed cuddling into him.
“Shit I didn’t know that, it’s in the brain bank now, saved for future endeavours” He slid his arm around you, pulling your body even closer. “Especially since you’re here for good now” His hand lifted your chin, his lips inches from yours, you moving the last few inches until your lips met in a sweet kiss.
“Now baby let’s get back to watching that movie” He grabbed the remote and pressed play as you both snuggled in closer, starting off where you guys left off when you left for collage.
“Yes babe?”
“You’re suck a dork”
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