May You Be Better For Your Battles
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Hi I'm Space | 20 somthing | Pronouns: I don’t even know anymore/whatever's funny | Third Culture Kid | There is no consistency in what I will reblog here
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spacetime1969 · 8 hours ago
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spacetime1969 · 9 hours ago
I'm sorry, professor, I consider publishing your course a day late, having a mandatory live zoom meeting during business hours to stay enrolled for an asynchronous class, and requiring students to use a $60 ***pdf*** that you wrote as their textbook to be exceptionally unprofessional and since I've still got 14 days to get a refund I'm totally not paying $150 to take your class.
Also, for all the newbie professors out there: a syllabus is not just a greeting and a list of assignments. If you haven't given your students AT LEAST your office hours, your late work policy, and your preferred method of being contacted, then you have not given your students a syllabus it's just sparkling announcements.
But really. Sir. SIR. You teach Speech 100. This is one of the most basic classes with like, 20 of the most widely available accepted textbooks and you want me to pay sixty dollars for a pdf of a book that you rewrite every semester so that there are no previous editions?
Buddy this is interpersonal communication, not introductory rhetoric. Why is one of your *four* total assignments about Socrates?
Maybe it's the fact that I've taken Spch 100 interpersonal communication three times already, maybe it's the fact that I grew up with somebody who taught Spch 100 interpersonal communication from 1981 to 2018, but buddy what the fuck are you doing?
"Some of our lectures will only be available for 24 hours so it is up to you to stay on top of it."
Friend, you are teaching an asynchronous online 100-level class at a community college during a pandemic. Get off your high horse, a third of your students are probably parents. There is no reason whatsoever to limit access to course materials to 24 hours unless you are doing it to be a controlling asshole.
Also YOU published your class a day and a half late! You don't get to publish your class late with an incomplete syllabus and tell students to "stay on top of it." Especially not since that means that people have two fewer days to buy your PDF textbook and only one full day to prepare for your mandatory 1pm on a Tuesday zoom meeting!
Why do you require me to have access to a printer for an online class? Oh yeah it's because you expect me to print out and draw on sections of your $60 ebook.
SIR. No thank you.
Kids, new students: this is a level of bullshit and disorganization from a professor that you do not have to put up with. This is a neatly ordered series of red flags that say "this professor is going to be absolutely unbearable."
Also *any* humanities class where your whole grade is 4 assignments should get serious side-eye. You should be able to pass most 100 level humanities classes by just turning in weekly assignments. 4 assignments means that by the time you figure out how the professor grades you're probably close to halfway through the class. Look for classes that require weekly participation as a major chunk of the grade because that way, even if you fuck up a project in a major way, just showing up can save your ass.
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spacetime1969 · 19 hours ago
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spacetime1969 · 19 hours ago
I am very happy that my doctors no longer go "Well that's interesting" whenever they look at my tests
Doctor: What do you see in this X-ray?
Students: *collective gasp*
Doctor: Please don’t do that in front of patients.
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spacetime1969 · 19 hours ago
just learned about farming simulator
I mean, I already knew about it, but I just learned about it
Did you know that the target audience for Farming Simulator is actual real-world farmers? Because I didn’t. I just assumed that farmers probably don’t want to go home from a day of farming to do some (presumably highly inaccurate) virtual farming?
Like, imagine if the target audience for Power Washing Simulator was actual professional power washers.
Farming Sim gets sponsored by companies and shit to put ads in their games. But since the game is for farmers, all of the ads target farmers. Advertising products that, realistically, only farmers would be interested in. Aka John Deere tractors and shit.
There’s a fucking farming sim esports league. Where do they play? Agriculture conventions. not gaming conventions. agriculture conventions.
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spacetime1969 · 19 hours ago
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Makeup by Mimi Choi
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spacetime1969 · 19 hours ago
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spacetime1969 · 19 hours ago
I'm glad that people are still having fun on tumblr even after we found out about the frightening ghoul that reblogs posts but doesn't say anything
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spacetime1969 · 19 hours ago
how do you tell the difference between a chemist and a plumber
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spacetime1969 · 19 hours ago
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spacetime1969 · 19 hours ago
I hope the "What if Disco Elysium was about a witch finding her cat in the mountains" post never leaves the gaming discourse vernacular. It will never not be funny to me bc it's got all the Gamer Entitlement™ levels of CoD bros throwing hissy fits about "woke" shit but instead of being couched in far right reactionism it's the exact kind of "Kingdom of Conscience" style liberal outrage at anything with conviction and beliefs that DE waxed on about. Like even chuds who get mad that the game calls you out for being racist interact with the themes of DE better and understand them more than Cat Lady did.
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spacetime1969 · 19 hours ago
i think a 7 year old girl could kill any transphobe. imagine telling a 7 year old girl she's not as strong as the boys around her because she's a girl, she'd rip your organs out in less than a second. have you ever seen what happens when a teacher says "i need a strong boy to carry this thing"?? have you never seen a small child carry four times her body weight with a smile on her face just to spite someone???? i think kids should be allowed to kill tbh
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spacetime1969 · 19 hours ago
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I got inspired by this post
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spacetime1969 · 20 hours ago
If I were a security guard for a person who’s being targeted by assassins I simply wouldn’t devote my entire attention span to every single noise I hear.
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spacetime1969 · 20 hours ago
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spacetime1969 · 20 hours ago
also to the random guy at the antique store: I saw you take out and leave that elon musk mug with hearts around his face and then drive away in your cyber truck. are you not proud of daddy musk anymore ? you abandoned the carcas of your golden calf yet rode away wearing its skin for all to see
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spacetime1969 · 1 day ago
The next time you've got a friend over, set an example and put your phone on the table, visibly there but not too far away, to let them know that you're intentionally present, not distracted, your attention is undivided and you want to be fully focused on being right there to spend time with them. Don't mention it or draw attention to this, you're not doing this to be preachy or wanting praise, you just want to be a good friend and you value your friend's time. Ideally, your friend will either notice this or even pick it up without conscious notice, and set their own phone aside on the table as well.
Then, when your friend takes a minute to go to the bathroom, grab your phone and take a photo of your friend's phone sitting on your table. Do not touch it, and put your own phone back exactly where it was immediately once you've got the picture. Carry on with whatever you two were doing.
Once your time is up and your friend has left for home, wait for a good 15 minutes or so, for them to either get back home or be well on their way there. Text your friend, "hey, you forgot your phone", and send them the photo you took of their phone on your table. Set a stopwatch running from the moment your friend sees the message.
Measure how many seconds it takes for your friend to process this and tell you to go fuck yourself.
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