#they have no creativity or innovation
mickraine · 3 months
trying to read a fiction workshop book that’s required for my creative writing class, but I disagree with some of the author’s advice so harshly that I find myself frustrated/struggling to consider the rest of his advice.
Idk. He’s saying that if you’re lacking inspiration, then listen to OTHER PEOPLES’ orally told stories and… write those ???? And not even like, draw inspiration from them. Just full on write them. Put them into another story (I guess so he has his own words surrounding it ??) and draw some deeper meaning I guess?? What the fuck are you saying man. Don’t do that.
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tangramkey · 20 days
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i love my Basketbot Portal AU
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dodgebolt · 1 month
scrap the minecraft movie immediately. get rid of jack black steve. final scene needs to be alex and steve reading the end poem (alex green text steve blue text). fuck it keep the original plot of whatever they're doing and when steve says "wake up" at the end of the poem the 4 humans r back in human world.
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lilidawnonthemoon · 4 months
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nigh7mare0nline · 2 months
watched american psycho and it sucked ass is this really some ppls fav movie
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iampikachuhearmeroar · 6 months
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im sorry UTS, but WHAT on fucking earth is "creative intelligence and innovation"????? and why on earth would anyone studying nursing or midwifery need "entrepreneurship and innovation" as a double degree??
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gyooza · 5 months
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b0bthebuilder35 · 1 year
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wedding-shemp · 11 months
FNAF movie was ASTOUNDINGLY bad, just a real turd. Really impressive to take a concept this basic (what if Chuck e cheese scary) and fuck it up this badly. Genuinely might be the worst film I've seen in a theater
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helielune · 3 months
#thoughts from hel#so basically i submitted a cover letter with some highlighted text in random colors bc i forgot to unhighlight them before submitting#(i highlight things to remember to change them for each job app but i might have to deprecate that practice after this)#and then i realized and was like oh fuck and i was like well maybe i should just own it y'know. it's me being super innovative and creative#and also since i highlight stuff to change all the highlighted texts were the most relevant parts of the cover letter anyway#but the highlighting job was messy as hell after i dragged sentences to and fro all over it while i was formulating that thing. like#the highlighting started kind of in the middle of my sentence and had extra highlighted spaces and colors n stuff it was. haphazard.#so i was like okay. i probably can't gaslight (by sending psychic vibes to the recruiter-- since it's an online form#with no direct communication between me and them whatsoever) the recruiter into reasonably thinking this highlighting job#was on purpose. so i spent a full like TWO EXTRA HOURS spiraling into “can i submit the form twice or should i just take the L on this”#and ultimately submitted it a second time with the fixed letter. uhhh hopefully it was the fixed one but i'm too tired to care now#part of the job description was “attention to detail” so i definitely failed that one the first time around but the recruiter#who reads (hopefully. because with how saturated the job market is now they might not even do that) my apps#had BETTER see all the fucking attention to detail i paid to making sure my decision to resubmit would be a good one#telepathically. of course. (the difference between overthinking and attention to detail is how much you are appreciated)#i literally went on so many forums and the help page for the recruiting application website thing to find out how exactly they handled#duplicate applications bro i could RECITE this shit to anyone now. fuck#time to go to sleep. tomorrow is a new day. with ten+ more companies to apply to. 👍
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merrysithmas · 3 months
i see a lot of people speculate that john lennon had bipolar disorder but i dont think this is true (i think this is maybe the unclinical laymen viewpoint) but i think he definitely had borderline personality disorder instead
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reasoncourt · 1 year
i just don’t think people who say taylor swift isn’t talented are serious people. like you can argue that she got to where she is because of her parent’s money and her white privilege etc. that’s totally true. and you can argue that there are many super talented artists who remain in obscurity for their whole career despite being absolutely way ahead of the game and more deserving of worldwide renown. all that can be true. and it’s worth having discourse about. but you lose me when you point to someone who is so clearly talented and say “she’s mediocre”. because she is obviously not mediocre. like idk. it just bugs me. because i think there are so many valid criticisms to make about people like taylor swift but it gets goofy when you call her talent into question
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blabberingabout · 2 years
and everytime i see the username Mangkorn uses i just want to laugh because of course it's mangkorn_x69
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dykephan · 7 months
been watching all of phil's and dan's and danandphil's videos in chronological order 🫶🏻
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lord-squiggletits · 1 year
I know OP is never gonna be a cop again (and I'm fine with that because I think IDW Coptimus works well only within the specific continuity and the themes that were written in it) but like it's actually so infuriating that it's apparently Hasbro's mandate to make him an archivist/data clerk/etc from now until the end of time because I'm so fucking sick of it already it's been done like 5 times. We could have dockworker OP again (G1) or firefighter OP (TFA) or sports athlete OP (Marvel G1 I think) but NO it's going to be boring ass paper pusher OP from now until forever.
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echoesofdusk · 8 months
some more thoughts regarding Palworld
I'm actually beginning to wonder if the Pals that are so similar to Pokemon can be traced back to a freelancer or two. lots of freelancers were hired for the development of Palworld. while some Pals heavily resemble already existing Pokemon, they are kinda in the minority of the overall Pal designs, it has plenty of original designs
also wrt plagiarism accusations, I honestly think it's just best left to courts to decide in any potential lawsuits. not that tipping copyright holders for possible plagiarism is bad, but that's all it is. a tip. best to just let actual lawyers who study these laws to judge (and even actual copyright and IP lawyers will tell you just how freaking tangled copyright laws are) in the even of a possible lawsuit
#and while i'm in the camp that some of the plagiarism accusations towards palworld are a reach i won't lie#some of those designs fly far too close to the sun#like direhowl#'there are only so many ways to design a wolf' please look at the wolves in digimon i'm begging you#as well as wolves from other media#there are plenty of ways to design wolves. even the most literal down to earth wolf#i'm not a lawyer and i don't want to say for sure if i think direhowl is plagiarized but it's def one of the more uninspired pals#along with verdash#on the other hand i'd be interested in hearing from an actual lawyer whether splices constitute plagiarism or not#like ok i'll admit i like dinossom but i acknowledge it's a splice of already existing pokemon#shadowbeak too#love the design but i know it's just a splice of arceus and silvally with a gryphon spin#still that design fucks#i also kinda like the centaur ceruledge pals they look p cool#cmon pokemon give us actual centaurs#also if pocketpair do get hit with a lawsuit i really hope all they'll have to do is replace pals that look too much like pokemon#i'm afraid of a lawsuit scenario which is ruled in favor of TPC bc of potential precedents that could be set#that go on to hamper creativity and innovation#and the monster taming genre is already as monopolized as is by nintendo#other developers have been prying that control away slowly throughout the years and there's been a more general acceptance of other games#but there needs to be more#palworld#hazy rambles#also i do wonder if there could possibly be a day where palworld is released on a nintendo system#think about it#game has been selling like crazy and nintendo def wants a piece of that pie#and pocketpair would reach an even bigger audience#everyone would win in that scenario
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