#trouble with finances and financial abuse
merrysithmas · 3 months
i see a lot of people speculate that john lennon had bipolar disorder but i dont think this is true (i think this is maybe the unclinical laymen viewpoint) but i think he definitely had borderline personality disorder instead
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AITA for suggesting that my friend (A) NOT focus so much money into her little brother's (B) top surgery?
their family, while not toxic or abusive, is a little more close (or enmeshed?) than i ever was with mine. and thats great! it works for them and i love how much they care for each other. but A is 25 and married, significantly in debt, has a kid (on purpose) and her husband hasnt earned that much in the years since he went straight from high school to the work force. he now has a job getting like 25-30 an hour i think, but still thats not a lot for their situation. she had a salaried job (about 30k/year) but it wasnt working for her and she decided to quit. which i totally support, the position wasnt great for her and she wasnt great for the position. if she hadnt quit, she woulda been let go. she's looking for new jobs now.
anyway, all this to say, they are NOT flush with cash. and yet, every penny they have left after basic needs is being put toward B's top surgery- before even paying down their debt.
i especially want to know if i'm the asshole in a transphobic sense, because part of my reasoning is that B is a super skinny kid, and only 15 years old. he has an A cup at most. and the family had to jump through a million hoops to get permission or whatever for him to get his top surgery as gender affirming care.
i've brought up the idea that maybe B waits till he's 18 and gets it as an elective/cosmetic procedure, because the cost will be about the same to do that versus to get it as gender-affirming care under insurance. and that gives B time to save up his own money, and his family more time to organize their finances and contribute their parts. but A never seems to give a direct answer for why their family is so set on B getting his surgery before he's 18. of course i believe he should be allowed to by law and he shouldn't have has to go through so much trouble.
but B works summers only, at a low-paying job (ive worked the same job when i was a teen, it isnt enough to save up much) and is depending on his family for all this, even though his sister (A) and parents are all in rough spots financially. A just seems so stressed about money and i wonder if i'm the asshole for thinking she should just focus on her and her little immediate family for a while till theyre back on their feet. its noble and caring to be so invested in B getting the care he needs, but it's hurting A's finances, mental health, and family stress levels.
of course at the end of the day, it's none of my business. i'm A's friend, not life coach or money manager or anything else. i'm just curious what the aita voters think about all this. if i were to push the issue and make suggestions, would i be the asshole?
What are these acronyms?
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mintharaworshipper · 6 months
BG3 headcanons (modern AU)
My brain is full of headcanons and I need to get them out!
Shadowheart: She’s an English teacher. Always advocates for her queer students, who see her as a refuge. Loves sweets and pastries and is always carrying a snack in her backpack. Dyes her hair once a month, different colour every time. Chronically online, Tumblr and Twitter user, has the best taste in memes out of all the gang. Writes poetry and fan fiction. Grew up in a cult and lives with religious trauma, but she goes to therapy and does her very best.
Astarion: He’s a lawyer, of course. Has an impeccable aesthetic in his instagram profile, with a defined palette. Very good taste in clothing. He was physically and emotionally abused by his stepfather when he was a kid and hasn’t really worked through this trauma (Shadowheart always encourages him to go to therapy). Very close friends with Shadowheart.
Minthara: Lawyer, but has specialised in finance and has rapidly climbed the financial ladder via questionable methods. CEO of a major company. Impeccable taste in fashion. Vegan. Has a section in her closet filled with BDSM paraphernalia. Everything she owns is expensive. She’s the daughter of a powerful senator who was very emotionally abusive to her growing up. Staunch defender of capitalism. Wakes up naturally at 5 am. Does yoga and tai chi.
Lae’zel: She’s in the air force, has wanted to be since she was a girl. She’s in the spectrum and has only recently realised. Her special interests are planes and meteorology. Wakes up very early to run 10k. Extremely mindful about her eating, every meal is perfectly balanced for her specific nutritional needs.
Karlach: Non-binary. P.E teacher, works at the same school as Shadowheart and that’s how they met and started dating. Loves large dogs. They are a personal trainer on the side. Loves going to the gym and is very supportive of new people. Friends with Wyll since high school.
Jaheira: Anthropologist, environmental and anti-gentrification activist. Has lived in her neighbourhood forever and hates that it’s getting gentrified. Being a local icon and leader, a few political parties have tried to get her to run for office but she always refuses because she doesn’t trust the establishment. Has been arrested multiple times at demonstrations. She’s so devoted to her activism that she has neglected her children at times. Chain smoker.
Halsin: Environmental lawyer. Has worked in multiple NGOs. Has been to therapy. Single, not for a lack of suitors, but because he wants to find a life partner. Has been a vegetarian for decades. Has a bear tattoo.
Wyll: Entrepreneur. Devoted to The Grind™. Has taken classes on gender politics. Goes to the gym with Karlach and uploads mirror selfies. Has asked Minthara to be his mentor but she keeps refusing. Has also been to therapy.
Gale: Successful academic. Has been going through a terrible divorce with another famous and powerful academic. Excellent cook, makes his own sourdough bread. Likes the finer things in life.
Bonus: My OC, Ramona
Literature major but has no academic ambition whatsoever. She does know a lot about it and runs a literature club for troubled teenagers with Shadowheart.
Was working as a barista when she met Minthara and was immediately enthralled.
Has shared a flat with Shadowheart since uni, and they’re best friends.
She’s easily the funniest one in the gang.
Always manages to get free stuff or discounts just because of how nice and persuasive she is.
Excellent liar (white lies, mostly).
Wears recycled clothing almost exclusively, which Minthara hates.
Everyone hated Minthara when they first started dating but over time, as she changed, they managed to put up with her, even growing fond of her (most of them).
I’ve been trying to write some fics but I can’t seem to find the courage to. I enjoy coming up with headcanons more
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*Flips over sofa* WHAT IF!...What if Oyei does owe debt collectors BUT it's not just because the gym is in financial trouble? It's clear Oyei regards Cher as more than his lover. Cher has booked clients and ran the gym while Oyei and Yak were away. He is a part of the business. He's also the brains of this operation. Unless there is a plothole, it would be difficult to believe that he doesn't keep a close eye on their finances because Oyei's gym isn't in trouble, THEIR gym is in trouble. This isn't only Oyei's burden to bear, which he doesn't seem to grasp BUT OKAY. Wouldn't he be able to connect that they have more money on hand than they make off fights and clients?
I wrote all that to write that what if Oyei and Yak's daddy is struggling and Oyei's sending him money? We're now in uncharted territory because all of the scenes from the trailer have played out. We have not seen or heard them speak of their dad yet, but we know that Yak sees Oyei as his father figure, which means their dad is a BUM in my mind. Despite that possibility, what if Oyei feels some filial piety because his dad was his hero and he feels the need to help him out even though he is struggling himself? It wouldn't be hard to believe. The show is not subtle about how alike the Phadetseuk brothers can be. Yak needs to finish uni to honor his mom's wishes. Maybe Oyei is helping their dad financially even if he's a BUM, alleged by me.
Okay, I'm done.
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No I'm not. NOW! We have the knowledge that Oyei saved Cher when he was being assaulted by his ex-boyfriend. Probably not the first time he's been abused. Abusers gaslight and belittle and make you feel insecure, and we've seen at least three times in the last two episodes where Cher's insecurity has reared its head. He knows Oyei is hiding something. Trust is probably a hard thing for him, so to know that his handsy, flirty man who he trusts wholeheartedly suddenly has a wall up between them? He's internalizing that because what else could it be if not him? Ugh. Plus, we finally see them kiss as we're on the precipice of Yak and Wandee admitting that nothing about their relationship has been fake. What if as Wandee and Yak make it official, to no one but themselves but go off, Oyei and Cher's relationship goes through a rough patch due to Oyei's secrets?
A lot of what ifs because I don't know, but what I DO know? Oyei's ass is in trouble once Cher finds out about the debt.
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Edit: One more thing. I find it so incredibly attractive when someone is fiercely protective of those they love, but you cannot set yourself on fire to keep others warm. Especially if said loved ones would never ask that type of sacrifice of you and want to protect and take care of you just as fiercely.
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zagranismusic · 1 year
CW//Depression, suicide, and verbal abuse
Hello, my name is Serena Zagranis, I’m 20 years old, and I’m a trans woman living in New England. My mother is holding homelessness over my head, stealing my money from work, and emotionally abusing me and I need help bad.
Long story short, I don’t live in a good environment. I currently live in a house with my mom and my disabled little brother, we’ve been having financial troubles since I was born. We currently live off government checks and food stamps which is barely keeping our heads above water. My mom is physically and mentally unable to work due to her disabilities. As such, I have become the defacto “breadwinner” of the house, I’m the one with the job bringing in money and the one relied on to buy food.
I need to move out of my house, my mom has decided she is entitled to my money due to my existence under her roof and I simply don’t feel safe in the house due to her emotional outbursts, gaslighting, throwing out my furniture, manipulation and frequent use of her trauma and my housing as a weapon. I’ve been berated for getting food delivered for myself and when I ask her why, she’s “blown away” and “anyone with actual responsibilities would see how ridiculous it is to pay that much for food” when she is very painfully aware that I have no transportation, no constant savings and barely any food money, and no real choice over how my own finances get spent. This is on top of her asking me for monthly rent and taking money from my account whenever she feels she needs it. Now, I am very much aware, and I do not like ordering out but I need to eat. When I talk about how I feel judged she takes that as me painting her as a “fucking ogre” and I’m “not aware how good I have it”. I have tried numerous times to explain it to her but she will constantly give me the silent treatment, tell me to move, not be a reliable source of transportation for my job, or just be passive aggressive to further prod and instigate.
I’m posting this here because I am simply scared that if my mom finds any of this stuff she will threaten me into deleting it and silencing myself from the world, as she feels I am misleading people and spending their money on “useless shit” when I should just save up myself and take initiative which she knows is impossible with how she’s treating me. It’s hard to do that when I’m constantly losing money due to her stealing it and having no way of standing up for myself considering the threats and manipulation.
Linked below is my gofundme to help me move out along with my kofi for commissions. The situation is not life threatening but my mental state has been spiraling more and more over the past year and because of it I’ve had to seek external mental help for suicidal ideation and general c-ptsd after years of this treatment. Please help donate if you can, and if not, a simple reblog would be amazing. Thank you all for reading.
https://gofund.me/2ec89945 https://ko-fi.com/zagranis
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heathersdesk · 1 year
The F Word
I'm an elder millennial and I've been in LDS/Mormon online spaces since I was a teenager. Since 2007. Sixteen years. That's almost as long as some of you have been alive. And there's something I've never talked about before that I want to explain to those of you who need to hear it. And you need to stick around for THE WHOLE THING not to misunderstand what I'm going to say.
The vast majority of you end up okay. You'll make it. You'll figure out your happiness and embrace it fully, and it'll all work out. You'll be okay. I care about you all tremendously, but I've seen your stories play out enough times that I know how it ends. If we can keep you from yeeting off the mortal coil prematurely, you'll be just fine.
There is one group this isn't true for. They're the ones I worry about the most every time I see them: the trad wife cohort. The women who have already decided that their only plan for their future is to get married, have an undetermined number of children, and leave everything after that as a giant question mark, to be decided for them by other people's choices.
I'm the only LDS person in my family. I come from a family with three generations of divorced/separated women. To be financially independent enough to take care of myself was instilled in me from birth. Protect yourself and your financial freedom from abusive men, from men who do not have your best interest anywhere near their thoughts.
That's what I learned from watching my mother work herself to the bone to pay for my father's attorney from the constant legal trouble that alcoholism, drugs, and nonsense behavior from untreated mental illness brought upon us. There were times we didn't have food, but there was always a case of beer in the refrigerator. That's what I learned from my grandmother, who divorced her husband at a time when that was unheard of because he abused her. That was what I learned from not one, but two great-grandmothers who, as southern women with all of the cultural baggage it entailed, left their husbands and lived on their own rather than putting up with disrespectful behavior from the men they married. Women who believed that it is better to be alone than with any man who doesn't respect you.
This is my backstory, my lore, if you will. And I swore I would honor it by never putting myself anywhere near situations that looked like these. To be financially dependent on any man, no matter how kind and generous, was something I never wanted for myself. I wanted my own job, my own money, the ability to travel, to do as I pleased. I wanted financial freedom, the security of knowing I would always be able to take care of myself AND him AND our children if it ever came down to that.
That's not the life I have. In all but name only, I'm a trad wife. Chronic illness and disabilities have made it so I cannot work. I am fully financially dependent on my husband, and every effort I have made to change my situation has come at great financial expense, as well as compromising my physical and mental health. I've had to let go of the life I wanted for myself because I've never found any employer who was willing to give me the accommodations I need to accomplish even a fraction of my goals. And even if they did, it's impossible for me to work enough hours for me to ever achieve them.
I'm a trad wife, not by choice, but out of necessity. And it scares me every day.
If my husband dies in an accident, or a mass shooting? If he becomes disabled? If he ever becomes as sick as I am, or worse? What will we do? We have plans for this. We have multiple retirement accounts, including one in my own name, that he puts money into. He sees my situation, understands it, and prioritizes it in how he manages our finances. But if it were to happen today, tomorrow, any time before we both can retire, we're screwed. Shit Creek, no paddle.
If he leaves me? If I ever have to leave him? How will I support myself? Honestly, I don't know. I don't have an answer to that question. It scares me more than I can articulate. I hope I never have to find out because I'm too disabled to take care of myself. That's the only thing I know.
There are too many women who are far too eager to put themselves into this place of financial insecurity and precarity. They don't even realize how dangerous that path is, for them and for their children, to have nothing that truly belongs to you. Not really. Not if the money that paid for it wasn't yours. Not when everything you treasure and recognize as the life you want has his name on it.
Being a trad wife is built on an agreement of mutual exploitation. In exchange for providing unpaid, undocumented labor, your spouse has agreed to pay all of your expenses indefinitely into the future. If this were a job, you would never agree to those terms. Trad wives don't understand that when it comes to marriage, however, they're jumping into that exact situation head first.
All of this to say: I'm not morally or ideologically opposed to anyone being a house wife or SAHM. I understand EXACTLY what happens to women to make that a necessity. I don't judge anyone who ends up in that position, either by choice or by force. But I'm not going to let anyone go into or remain in that situation blindly, having never once thought about how to finance the life they're dreaming about. I'm not going to let anyone walk through life somehow thinking that everything is supposed to magically work out for them like some sort of fairy tale. That's not how the world works. That not how life works. And I hate the thought that the first time all of this occurs to someone is when their life comes crashing down around them.
If "feminism" is the dirtiest word you know, you're not in any kind of position to advocate for yourself. If you don't see yourself as your husband's equal (which is what feminism, by definition, HAS to mean), how could you even begin to negotiate for yourself in a divorce, a job interview after being out of the workplace for 10+ years, or to family who you'll be reliant upon to get you back on your feet? If you don't even have the courage to say you deserve to be treated like an equal in society when everything is going to plan, how would you do it from the floor with the wind knocked out of you?
Not as long as "feminism" is the dirtiest word they know.
I'm not here to argue about the superiority of trad wives OR working wives. I'm not here to fight for anything but UBI so we can all exist in a more secure financial state, independent of individual circumstances. And I'm definitely not here to scare you.
I'm simply here as the person you will inevitably be turning to in that moment of crisis, where faith and devotion fall short of giving you everything you wanted in life. I'll be the one with the bottle of water and saying "You are brilliant and strong. You can figure this out." I'll also be the one nodding in agreement that your husband took for granted all the love and labor you gave to him, purely because he was socialized to think he has a right to do that to you. No, I don't think you're crazy. No, I don't think you're asking too much. YES, YOU NEED A LAWYER FOR YOUR CHILD SUPPORT CASE. I'll be there for all of it, to say all of the things to you that you can't imagine ever needing when you say "all I want is to be a trad wife."
How do I know? Because I've been doing it for sixteen years now with people who sounded just like you do now. In person and online. In public and in private. With friends and strangers. I've never had the luxury of being anything but a feminist, an advocate for women they don't even realize they need, that they don't (and won't!) have the vocabulary to ask for.
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izacore · 2 years
Will you do a reading on all of this when you have time? Maybe also on how HL are doing? I’m so fascinated by your readings!
I did a few readings for my friends yesterday!
Harry's feelings about the stunt with the child bride:
eight of pentacles reversed - lack of quality, rushed job, bad reputation, lack of motivation, mediocrity, laziness, low skill, dead-end job, careless about finances, overspending, you need to execute swiftly and with great care if you want to be happy and successful with this outcome, importance of impressing your employer through your diligence, dedication and intelligence
the devil - oppression, addiction, obsession, dependency, excess, powerlessness, limitations, feelings of entrapment, emptiness and lack of fulfillment in your life, feeling trapped in job, blaming colleagues, self-sabotage, lust, hedonism, selfish disregard for lover’s feelings, obsession
judgement - self-evaluation, awakening, renewal, purpose, reflection, reckoning.
The Judgement card reminds us that we all will be faced with choices that will have an astounding effect for your entire life. The card brings to mind moments where actions you have taken have changed the course of your path for good. There may have been a moment where there is no looking back. The consequences of those actions eventually will catch up to you, and this card seems to indicate that this is the time. You may have to let go of the past, so you can move forward with your plans to have a new life.
back of the deck: page of cups reversed - emotional vulnerability, immaturity, neglecting inner child, escapism, insecurity, a shy, vulnerable partner, emotionally immature partner, insecurity in romance, troubled person, afraid of reality whether it’s emotional, financial, illness or something else. They find these issues difficult to face, perhaps leading to abuse of alcohol or drugs to escape. It could be an image of you or a loved one who is struggling with self-acceptance.
Welp, I think it's pretty explanatory that he seems "thrilled" about it and spiraling as always (the devil card). We have always known he had those tendencies 🥴 It looks like he just hates it and considers it a poor decision. And if the rumors about him soundchecking Woman are true and he will bring it back now I will take it as a confirmation for this reading. Which also, you know, poses a question, what is the point but alas
Louis' feelings:
ten of swords reversed - survival, improvement, healing, lessons learned, despair, relapse, healing from past, putting relationship back together, changed jobs, found less stressful work, no way to avoid this tragedy - it has happened over a long course of events that have been a long time coming. recognition that you have hit rock bottom, an opportunity being presented here to correct what has hurt you, but you must make the effort to climb out yourself. What has happened was terrible, but everyone has a part in the responsibility.
wheel of fortune - change, cycles, fate, decisive moments, luck, fortune, unexpected events, relationship changes, navigating change with partner, making adjustments, luck in career, opportunities present, adapting to changes at work
two of pentacles - balancing resources, adaptation, resourcefulness, flexibility, stretching resources, inability to provide the energy and time required to make your partner happy. Your partnership should be your main priority, but with all the madness in other areas of your life, you are finding it hard to devote your attention to your loved ones.
back of the deck: ten of pentacles - legacy, roots, family, ancestry, inheritance, windfall, foundations, privilege, affluence, stability, tradition, creating lasting career, stable future
In this case, I feel like I am able to interpret it in two ways, depending on some variables.
1. He could have realized what a fucking poor choice it was, come to terms with the fact that he hit a rock bottom with it and will now try to look for ways to improve his situation without continuing the stunt.
2. If the stunt is to continue, he lost his fucking mind and must be delusional or something 🤣🤣🤣 He truly thinks that this will bring him success and fortune and legacy (or that it's a step towards that legacy), even if in the back of his mind he may be aware that it's really embarrassing. He also seems to be stressed about juggling seeing Harry in the middle of it all (two of pentacles) and spirits are trying to advise him to pay more attention to him - which would confirm Harry spiraling again lmao. But like I said, in some twisted way he thinks it's necessary.
Now is the actual fun part tho, that made me want to fight my cards agshsj bro I'm so fucking confused.
I asked about the general results of this stunt, 4 cards fell out:
five of pentacles reversed - positive changes, recovery from loss, overcoming adversity, forgiveness, feeling welcomed, improved love life, opening yourself to others, friendship at work, end of work hardships, brightness coming into your life, light at the end of the tunnel. The reversed Five of Pentacles means change is coming.
nine of cups - wishes coming true, contentment, satisfaction, success, achievements, recognition, pleasure, appreciating current love life, positivity leading to romance, cheerful romance, satisfying career, recognition and respect at work, avoid being overconfident, a good change that something wonderful will happen in your workplace. It is time for you to push on your stalled project or if you have a something that you desire greatly, there is a possibility that you will finally achieve it. It also holds a positive meaning when it comes to love. Your romantic relationship with someone is destined to reach a new level.
ace of cups reversed - coldness, emptiness, emotional loss, blocked creativity, feeling unloved, gloominess, you have been enduring emotional instability or pain for some time.
four of cups - apathy, contemplation, feeling disconnected, melancholy, boredom, indifference, discontent, feeling discouraged and unmotivated, You may feel as if there is no solution or way forward in your situation. Life has become stagnant, and nothing seems to make you happy or passionate. You are feeling apathetic - regardless of what happens, whether the day is good or bad, none of it matters to you.
back of the deck: queen of cups - compassion, warmth, kindness, intuition, healer, counsellor, supportive. You may be the emotionally strong rock that serves as an anchor for someone else. The Queen of Cups normally thinks with her heart, instead of her mind. She can lack rationality and common sense, but she can also be intuitive, dreamy and almost psychic at times. The Queen of Cups could be the answer to your problems when a logical approach is not working.
This outcome actually made me so angry because 1. How can this stunt bring good results. 2. It confirms readings my friends did and got the same positive answer agshdj.
If I were to guess, and interpret it the way I'm feeling it, is that the mess it created could actually serve as a wake up call of some sorts for them and will get them to think with their hearts instead of trying to follow the option they were made to believe is the most logical? That they'll realize they're miserable being stuck in those patterns and life simply cannot go on like this? This is just the vibe I'm getting. I'm not sure if I trust it tho as the circus really put me in a very pessimistic mood, but we'll see. Of course, this only works if we assume that they'd want the things we do for them. If they're okay with their situations now, it will strengthen them too and they'll achieve what they wanted with it but in the end they won't feel happy about that.
Anyway I think it's interesting nonetheless and I'm gonna also wait and see what my friends will get in their readings to compare. I'm tired and confused and simply don't know anymore.
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loverockawaitsyou · 1 year
I put in my notice at my toxic live/work situation today.
Of course, names have been left out.
TW: Workplace abuse
I did it. I finally put in my notice at my workplace. I’ve mentioned it before, but I was doing a work exchange (I lived where I work, with 11 other people including my bosses). I’ve been at this place for nearly three years.
Now, some work exchanges are pretty great if the owners have actual culture and work exchange at heart. However, in my situation, I was dealing with shady bosses who used a “community” of artists and economically vulnerable people to run a business without properly compensating them. And of course, they targeted people who were trying to live out their Big Hollywood Dreams.
Back in August of 2020, I answered an ad for a “Live-in writer/editor.” At the time I was living with family in San Diego and was looking for a way out. It was during the pandemic, and I actually wasn’t looking for a new place, but I found the ad coincidentally. 
At first, it seemed too good to be true... and yeah, it was. But it took me a while to realize it. I had wanted to move to LA for so long, but due to paying rent to my family and other financial obligations, I struggled to save enough to move for years... that is until this live-in opportunity presented itself.
I can live somewhere in LA for free? How amazing! I thought.
Back in the ‘90s...(Bojack Horseman singing) and early 2000s my bosses (a married couple) had a brief stint with fame because they had a special on a major cable channel. Previous to that, my bosses were on public access and were locally famous. My bosses, the married couple were as follows: A sexy on-camera therapist who answered phone calls about sex and relationships, and her husband, an actual prince with no fortune and former pornographer and dirty magazine publisher.
During that time period, they made millions from their specials and coinciding phone sex business. So... yes, the business I ended up working for also operates a phone sex business out of their quarters, and they’ve done this for over 30 years. Additionally, they produced (and still produce) a little seen show with porn stars, artists, scholars, models, wannabes, stoners, junkies, and freaks... etc. They also threw wild parties after these shows and have thousands of hours of footage that is mostly pornographic. And before you ask, everyone who came through the building had to sign release forms for filming.
My bosses are totally for “ethical” hedonism (or so they say) so they adopted this bohemian lifestyle filled with sex and drugs and a hint of rock n’ roll.
So to run the phone sex business and show, my bosses created this community of live-in employees. I guess it was a sweet deal for some back in the day. Think about it: Weekly wild parties, free food, gorgeous ladies (and people in general), a prime LA location... They hired people to multitask as phone sex business receptionists as well as show producers, editors, photographers, office assistants, etc. 
However, as my bosses’ popularity waned, changes in the adult entertainment industry occurred, and numerous lawsuits and financial troubles eclipsed the business, things changed. But on the other hand, they never really let go of their glory days and continued to persist with this “show” despite its nonexistent audience and their shaky finances.
Fast-forward to 2020, and I entered the picture during COVID. Gone were the days of yore where orgies regularly broke out and almost everyone working for the business was a hot young model or porn star or industry hanger-on...
My bosses’ business had relocated to a quieter side of LA county, and also due to the pandemic, in-person events had ceased. I never knew those wild party days, but some of my housemates did, including a guy I’d go on to be romantically involved with. He’d lived there for 10 years. He is the same age as me (I’m 30), but he started working for my bosses when he was 20 years old and a fresh college drop out. More on my relationship with him later and all those complexities.
Back to the ad I answered, even though I thought it was too good to be true, I answered the ad anyway and sent my writing samples. Later on, I talked with a nice office manager of the business. I did an edit test, a phone interview, and then was asked to come in person to meet the bosses and my future coworkers/housemates.
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marcelinesghost13 · 24 days
Okay blog... I am going to try to write about the events that have been occurring over the last couple days. There is a part of me that just wants to ball my fucking eyes out and cry uncontrollably. Then there's a part of me that wants to fucking scream her fucking lungs out.
So if you've read my blogs before you know that I have left my wife because of her actions towards me last Friday. Over the last couple days I have been trying to mend and fix my relationship with her.
Yet there are several people that care about me and love me that don't agree with my actions. One of those individuals even pretended to be me and filed a police report of abuse. I addressed those actions on my FB because I know it's someone there that did this. I honestly was not too happy that they did that but I don't hold it against them because what they did was an act of love. And I'm very much about love as many of you know. So whoever it is is well aware that I'm aware of what they did and I am going to move on.
As far as my marriage goes it is totally 100% dead at this point. That was evidently clear to me today. My wife let me know exactly her point of view of our relationship and the things that I have done to ruin it. She has let me know that she is allowed me to have the friends that I have. She has allowed me and tolerated all my crazy ideas. And I have treated her like dirt along with my family. And have completely abandoned her her entire life. I have never made a decision with her at any point or time in our marriage or relationship. Simply because I do whatever the fuck I want to do because I am a narcissistic asshole. She let me know that she was upset that I got her a car and she didn't get to make a choice of what kind of vehicle she wanted. I just got her a car and told her deal with it this is what you're going to be driving now. That's just one of many things that has happened in our marriage. She also let me know that me transitioning was supposed to be a decision that we both made. And me deciding to come out was very selfish for me to do because I should have talked to her first about coming out as a girl. He is upset with me because I have treated her like crap her whole life. and the reason why she is acting the way she's acting is because she's finally standing up to me and all my bullying towards her. She's not going until allow her husband to make decisions for her anymore. So that is my wife's point of view on our relationship and marriage.
As far as I'm concerned I'm done. We clearly do not have the same point of view of what occurred in the last almost 30 years of being together. I was a good dad to my daughter and I was constantly there all the time. I have done a lot of things in my life in order to make my wife's life so much easier. Plus she has a tendency of getting in trouble quite a bit especially when it comes to finances. I have bailed her out of every financial hole that she has dug. I have supported her for every bad fucking decision that she has made and her life and she has made a lot of bad decisions. Some of them have to do with her leaving a job simply because she's upset that the manager is a bitch or the manager is a fucking asshole so she's not going to put up with that kind of attitude and I'm the fuck out of here. Even though her leaving would financially fuck us. I still supported her leaving because I knew I could pick up the slack. I have constantly been buying her side the whole time she's been sick. I have made sure that a lot of the doctors don't bully her into something that she doesn't need to get into. Granted I'm not very smart when it comes to medical stop I am the first to admit to that but if something sounds wrong I am going to say something. I think that's what a good husband would do. I have done everything I can to love this woman and she never once affection. I've tried to do holding hands and just public affection she doesn't care for it. I've tried for years for her to like cuddle with me not happening. The bad that we sleep in literally has a lump in the middle of it because she sleeps on one end and I sleep on the other end. There's no snuggles there's no cuddles there's nothing. I can't do this anymore. And everything is always so fucking negative. And then I'm the one that gets gaslighted for her having a miserable fucking time. None of this adds up. And I know I'm not a narcissistic asshole or bitch. Then I didn't know it was her choice for me to come out as a girl. I didn't know that I was posted clear it with her about coming out as a trans girl. I just don't think any of it's right.
It's really hard to write this blog and stay clear minded and focus. Simply because I'm writing this after I just had that conversation with her about our future together and what direction we are moving in. Because there was a whole lot of gas lighting in that conversation and I'm trying not to be pissed off. But I'm royally pissed off and I'm very hurt and I'm trying not to cry also because I'm so angry.
For days now I have been dropping off food at the house that way she doesn't starve to death. Because I know she needs to eat in order to take her medication. So that's why I've been getting food everyday Plus she doesn't know how to fucking cook. So I'm making sure that she's okay. This shows my level of compassion for her. Even though she's being really fucking mean I'm still showing up and being kind to her. If I was a narcissist I wouldn't be doing this. If I was a fucking asshole I wouldn't be doing this. If I only thought about myself I wouldn't be worrying about her. So how is it that someone can point that finger at me and say those things when I'm actually doing the complete opposite. It just doesn't make sense. It's hypocritical thought. I see you being kind to me I see you doing kind things for me I see that showing me compassion. Yet you're a narcissistic fucking asshole. Right.... How does that work again.
I am so done I'm not texting her anymore. We are supposed to go to Denver Colorado in order for her to meet with her doctor. I don't think I can do that. Simply because I don't know if I want to be stuck in a car with her for 8 hours. I have done it a number of times with her over the years. And sometimes a lot of the times actually it is gotten really fucking ugly. She completely freaks the fuck out and screams her ass off and lets me know how shitty of a human being I am for the entire road trip. What.... how does that work. I'm wasting my money to get a hotel and drive you with my money to put gas in my car to get you to where you need to be in order for you to get the treatment that you need. But yet I am the shitty fucking human being. Okay.... No I'm not doing this anymore I'm not putting up with this abuse I'm not putting up with the gaslighting I'm not doing anything anymore with her I am done. Honestly I don't want to be with anybody right now I just don't. I'm good with being friends with other guys and girls but I don't want to do the whole relationship thing right now. I honestly don't even want anything to do with sex right now. I I don't want to do that kind of human interaction I just can't fucking do it right now. My emotional level is completely fucking maxed out. I just can't have that kind of human interaction right now in my life. I need to actually be a little selfish right now and worry about me becoming the girl that I need to become.
The reason why I say that is because I found out last week that I am an intersex AKA a hermaphrodite. My genetic coding says that I have more x chromosome than y chromosome. Which means that I was supposed to be born a fucking girl but yet I'm stuck in this mierda male body. No longer will I be stuck in this body. I am going to do everything that I can in order to become the woman that I need to become. I can't be in this male body anymore.
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secrettyrant · 2 months
Owen's Acting Career
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2019 (Age 21)
Starring in "After": Owen lands the lead role in the first "After" movie, catapulting him to fame.
2020 (Age 22)
Starring in "After We Collided": Owen reprises his role in the sequel, continuing to build his fanbase.
2021 (Age 23)
Starring in "After We Fell": Owen stars in the third installment, solidifying his place in the franchise.
2022 (Age 24)
Starring in "After Ever Happy": Owen's role in the fourth movie keeps him in the spotlight.
2023 (Age 25)
Starring in "After Everything": Owen continues his leading role, bringing the series closer to its conclusion.
Scandals Involving Owen Hawthorne
Public Altercation: Owen gets into a heated argument with a paparazzo, caught on camera.
Leaked Private Photos: Private, intimate photos of Owen are leaked online, causing a media frenzy.
Relationship Drama: Owen dates his After co-star but photos are revealed of him cheating on her, leading to speculation if the franchise will continue.
Substance Abuse Allegations: Rumors circulate about Owen's alleged substance abuse after he is seen acting erratically in public.
On-Set Behavior: Reports emerge of Owen having difficult and unprofessional behavior on the set of a new movie.
Financial Troubles: Owen is sued by a former manager for unpaid dues, leading to revelations about his mismanaged finances.
Inappropriate Comments: Owen makes controversial comments during an interview that spark backlash and calls for an apology.
Party Lifestyle: Photos of Owen at wild parties surface, portraying a reckless lifestyle.
Legal Issues: Owen is arrested for a minor offenses, public intoxication or disorderly conduct.
Feud with Co-Star: Owen has a public falling out with a co-star, leading to a social media war of words.
Accusations of Cheating: Owen's partner at the time accuses him of infidelity, resulting in a very public breakup.
Involvement in a Protest: Owen is seen participating in a controversial protest, leading to polarized opinions from fans.
Caught Using Offensive Language: A video surfaces of Owen using offensive language, prompting outrage and demands for accountability.
Physical Altercation: Owen is involved in a physical altercation at a nightclub, resulting in headlines and legal consequences.
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reallyclearfire · 10 months
Understanding Risk: Exploring the Consequences of Gambling Behavior
Gambling, with its promise of excitement and the chance to win big, can be enticing. However, beneath the glitz and glamour lies a world of risks that extend beyond the thrill of the game.
In this article, we'll delve into the consequences of gambling behavior, shedding light on the potential impacts that go beyond the spin of the wheel or the flip of a card.
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Financial Fallout: When Luck Takes a Turn
The allure of hitting the jackpot often overshadows the financial risks associated with gambling. Many individuals find themselves entangled in a web of debt and financial instability due to excessive gambling. It's crucial to understand that the odds are designed to favor the house, and chasing losses can lead to severe financial consequences for individuals and their families.
Emotional Toll: Riding the Rollercoaster of Highs and Lows
Gambling can be an emotional rollercoaster. The highs of winning are euphoric, but the lows of losing can be devastating. The constant oscillation between hope and disappointment can take a toll on mental well-being. Anxiety, depression, and even suicidal thoughts are not uncommon among individuals struggling with the emotional aftermath of gambling losses.
Relationship Strain: The Impact on Families and Friendships
The consequences of gambling behavior extend beyond personal finances and emotions; they can strain relationships. The secrecy often associated with gambling problems can erode trust between partners, strain family bonds, and lead to isolation. Friends and loved ones may be left in the dark, unaware of the extent of the gambling-related challenges their counterpart is facing.
These are the different types of gamblers you must know about...
Legal Ramifications: When Fun Turns into Legal Trouble
Engaging in certain forms of gambling can have legal consequences. Illegal gambling activities may result in fines, penalties, or even imprisonment. Understanding the legal landscape surrounding gambling is essential to avoid unintended legal entanglements that can further compound the challenges associated with gambling behavior.
Impact on Work and Productivity: When the Dice Roll Affects Your Career
Compulsive gambling can spill over into the professional realm, jeopardizing one's career and livelihood. Decreased productivity, absenteeism, and in extreme cases, job loss, are potential outcomes when gambling begins to interfere with work commitments. Understanding the impact on professional life is crucial for individuals striving to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
Addiction and Dependency: Breaking the Cycle
For some individuals, gambling transcends a leisure activity and transforms into a full-blown addiction. Just like substance abuse, gambling addiction alters brain chemistry, making it challenging for individuals to control their impulses. Seeking help and support is vital to breaking the cycle of addiction and regaining control over one's life.
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While the consequences of gambling behavior can be daunting, it's essential to approach the activity with awareness and responsibility. Setting limits, recognizing warning signs of addiction, and seeking help when needed are crucial steps to prevent the negative impacts associated with excessive gambling.
By understanding the risks involved, individuals can make informed choices that prioritize their well-being and mitigate the potential fallout of gambling behavior. Remember, the thrill of the game should never come at the expense of your financial stability, mental health, or relationships.
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redkidblues · 11 months
i dont think i ever realized just how intensely i’ve believed that i’m a burden my whole life until now
like. i was a very sick child during a time of widespread financial crisis. i know that keeping me alive was incredibly expensive for my family. i saved every goddamn penny i got in my allowance and i barely spent any money on anything. i always listened to my parents arguing about finances. i knew that my mom’s job was killing her, she was making her back worse by working. i knew my dad was working long hours during the week and was working a second job, sometimes a third, over the weekends. i knew that i was the cause of it.
and i believed that i was helping my dad by letting him hit me, that his stress was always my fault and that the least i could do was let him do what he needed. i thought i had earned the lack of patience and the anger and fury by nature of being a financial burden. i was the reason my parents couldn’t sleep, why they had to work so much. it was my fault.
and then my dad got a job that made him a lot of money, and i recovered, my mom could quit, my dad only had to work one job instead of multiple. and yet i was still being abused, and i convinced myself that i still deserved it for what i had put my family through. that i was the drain on the family, i was always the problem, and that i deserved what i got.
i still have trouble wrapping my head around the idea that it’s not okay for people to hurt me when i cause problems, that it’s not okay for people to hurt me even if they’re stressed or upset about something, that it’s not okay for people to hurt me even if i do something to deserve it. it doesn’t make sense to me. it feels like bullshit, it feels like a lie. it feels like a fantasy, a fairy tale i would have tried to tell myself in bed as a child. it doesn’t feel real.
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maranofamilylawyers · 2 years
Free Consultation From Divorce Lawyers
When you are going through a separation and divorce, you can find a great service and free consultation from some of the best divorce Lawyers Sydney free consultation. They can help you get through the entire process from the beginning to the end, and you can make sure that the right decisions are made at the right time. These experts will also be able to advise you on the financial challenges you face during the process.
When you have decided to get a divorce, you can use family lawyers in Sydney to help you through the process. A good lawyer can make sure you get your fair share of the marital property. They can also provide advice and assistance with preparing your financial documents and settlement.
You should hire an experienced lawyer to ensure you get the best outcome. These people can give you legal advice and make the legal process a little less stressful. In addition, they can make sure your children's interests are taken care of throughout the process.
During a divorce, the courts will be dealing with issues related to property and parenting arrangements. For example, if one parent is refusing to pay child support, you need to find out why. It may be a sign of an abusive past or just a personal preference.
However, a divorce can be a long and tedious process. If you are in the middle of one, you need to know the rules to avoid getting into trouble.
If you are looking to file for a divorce, it is important to ensure you are prepared. The process can be lengthy and tedious, so you should always seek legal advice. It can be helpful to find a family lawyer in Sydney to represent you. A good lawyer can help you prepare all your documents and present solid arguments to make sure you get the fair share of assets.
Firstly, you need to establish that you are eligible to file for a divorce. You can apply for a divorce as a couple, but you will need to prove that the marriage has broken down. You will also need to demonstrate that there is no prospect of reconciliation.
There are many factors that can be considered by the court. These may include the history of domestic violence, drug abuse, and mental illness. You will also need to demonstrate that you are separated for at least 12 months.
Financial challenges of separation and divorce
Divorce can be a stressful, emotional time. But financial challenges are a major factor as well. It is important to understand what these issues are and how to overcome them.
Divorce is a complex process, and both spouses need to take it into consideration. Fortunately, there are many tools to help you navigate this difficult time.
To begin, you need to know how to protect your finances. The first step is to gather your important financial documents. You should also set up a bank account and credit card in your own name. In addition, make sure to establish a savings account that is only accessible by you.
Once you have a plan, you can start preparing your new budget. If you have children, you will need to talk about how you will provide for them. Your divorce attorney can also assist with this.
When dealing with your finances, it is important to remember that you are both responsible for debts that you incurred during the marriage. This can be difficult, but it can help to work out a payment plan that is fair to both parties.
Longevity of a divorce
There are many factors that can affect your life expectancy, including education, physical health, and socioeconomic status. But some people wonder whether divorce can also reduce your life span. However, research has shown that divorce is not always a direct cause of premature death.
It is estimated that nearly half of all marriages in the US end in divorce. This number is increasing, especially for people over 50. The reason is not clear.
However, there is evidence to suggest that divorce can have a negative effect on the health of children. Studies have found that children who had a divorce were more likely to smoke and to drink heavily. In addition, they are less likely to complete their educational goals.
Divorce can also lead to other unhealthy patterns. People often have a negative outlook on their life after a divorce. They are less physically active, and their lung functions suffer.
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texasmadehustler · 2 years
Childhood & Family 
What beliefs do you have about yourself that resulted from your childhood?
If you could change anything about the way you were raised, what would it be and why?
Were you allowed to express your emotions as a kid? Why or why not?
What are your families views on race, ethnicity, and politics? 
Sex & Intimacy 
What should we do if we end up having mismatched sex drives at some point in our marriage?
Is there anything from your past that might affect our sex life?( Examples: sexual abuse, molestation, early interactions with pornography, toxic relationships, depression, medication side effects, etc.)
What are ways we can make sure our sexual intimacy stays a priority once we’re married?
Do you consider watching pornography cheating? Why or why not?
When one of us is not in the mood for sex, what should be communicated so neither of us feels rejected?
Are you comfortable discussing our sexual likes and dislikes? Why or why not?
Who taught you about sex? Was it helpful or a hindrance?
How many sexual partners have you had in the past? Do you feel like these experiences will hinder or help us in our sex life together?
Past Relationships
What did your past relationships teach you about love, trust and commitment?
Were any of your past relationships physically or emotionally abusive? Explain.
Were there any red flags you saw in past relationships that you ignored? Why do you think that was?
What were some of the mistakes you made in past relationships with your boyfriend/girlfriend? 
Conflict & Repair
When conflict arises, do you tend to want to fight or avoid it? Why do you think that is?
How and when will we resolve differences in our marriage?
Do you feel comfortable seeking professional counseling if needed? Why or why not?
Do you feel like we have a good understanding of how and when we should bring up issues in our relationship? Why or why not?
How can we make sure that divorce is NEVER an option for us?
What things make you angry? What do you do when you’re angry? What are ways you process your anger in a healthy way? 
How would you rank all the priorities in your life: work, family, spouse, friends, hobbies, church, school, etc.? Does your ranking reflect the amount of time you spend on each?
What boundaries can we make that will protect us from spending too much time on our phones?
What does self-care look like to you? How well do you implement self-care into your life?
What are healthy boundaries we need to put into play on having friends of the opposite sex?
What topics do we deal with as a couple that we will not discuss with our parents and family members?
Career & Money 
How compatible are we in our money styles and how will we handle finances once married?
Are you willing to relocate for either of our jobs and if so, to where?
How much a month can each of us spend without any rules and without having to ‘ask permission’?
What will happen if one of us loses a job or is laid off? What would be your plan of action?
How would we navigate a drastic career change once we’re married?
Have you ever run into trouble with debt? Do you have any debt and if so how much? Tell me about it.
Which one of us will pay the bills? Or will we share that responsibility?
If we have differences regarding our finances, how will we plan on resolving them?
What are ways that you would like us to financially invest in our marriage? (Ex: date nights, vacations, seminars, relationship books, etc.) 
Pregnancy & Parenting 
One day in our future, would you want children? And if so, how many?
If we are unable to get pregnant naturally, would you be open to fertility treatments such as IVF, artificial insemination and surrogacy? Explain.
Once we have kids, is it important to live near family? Why or why not?
Do you anticipate raising our children the same way you were raised, completely differently from the way you were raised or a mixture of both? 
What is the best way for me to communicate difficult feelings about you so that you are not offended?
What are some unhealthy habits that we have when we communicate? (Ex: Name calling, blaming, fixing, minimizing feelings, making judgmental statements, eye rolling, shutting down.)
Do you feel like I try my best to understand your views, feelings and opinions? Why or why not?
What is one thing that I can work on to become a better listener? 
Spirituality & Faith 
Do you think we are spiritually compatible? Explain.
What are your thoughts about prayer and mediation?
How important is spirituality to you? 
What are five things we have in common?
In what ways has our relationship changed you?
What can I do that provides the greatest comfort and encouragement for you when you are hurt, fearful, anxious or worried?
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tarotlogy · 2 years
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Financial & Material Circumstances Improving, End of Hard Times, Light at The End of The Tunnel, Turning Point, Positive Change, Slow but Steady Progress, Release from a Difficult Situation, Securing Employment, Becoming Financially Stable, Paying Bills/Debts/Loans, Living Within Your Means, Building on Your Resources, Rescue Package, Relationships Improving or Ending, Learning From Mistakes, Being Brought in out of The Cold, Forgivenenss, Tolerance, Scandal Disipating or Deepening, Realising what is of Worth or Value, Charity, Renouncing the Material World, Health Improving or Deteriorating, Diagnoses and Treatment,   Abuse or Neglect of Body, Degradation, Disgrace, Major Losses, Total Ruin, Prostitution, Unhealthy Relationship
When the Five of Pentacles Reverses, the snow now at the top of the Card brings a brightness to your situation as the darkness begins to clear.  The Stained Glass Window now resembles a doorway or passageway with the bright yellow Pentacles symbolising Light at The End of The Tunnel.  Therefore, depending on surrounding Cards it is a welcome sign that change is coming for the better.  It suggests that your financial or material matters are beginning or will begin to improve.  The worst is now behind you but nothing dramatic is going to happen overnight. Short of a Miracle or sudden windfall, it is going to take time to find your balance again and get into a position of strength.  This slow but steady stabilisation could be related to finances, property, possessions, business, health or relationships.  It can mark the turning point you never thought you would reach. You have struggled through the hardest of times, endured and find that you are still standing.
If you are still in dire circumstances, somebody may come to your help just when you are about to give up all hope of rescue.  You may have to set aside pride in order to accept what is being offered.
Slowly but surely, you are beginning to get your finances under control as debts begin to reduce and bills get paid on time instead of constantly being in arrears.  The load and burden begin to lighten as you feel closer to standing on your own two feet.  You have got to be congratulated for many others would have given up and collapsed under the pressure.  With grim determination and possible stubbornness, you refused to let your circumstances break you.  You have survived  and this will only make you stronger in the future.  You have also gained some valuable experience and have learned a lot from any mistakes you have made in the past.  It is unlikely that you will find yourself in this situation again.  You will either decide to live within your means from now on or build strongly on your resources to ensure that you can withstand any downfall in the future.   This may have you returning to the Four of Pentacles in order to save long and hard.  If the money is beginning to come in there is little chance that you will be running out and spending it immediately for you were caught out doing that before. However, do not let the miserly side of The Four of Pentacles take over.  You must find a balance and not shut down altogether. Make sure the Bills are paid, money saved and then something left over that you can happily spend.  Money is like energy, so needs to move around.  Sometimes you have to spend money to make more.
If you are emerging from financial hardship then you may see the world and the people around you with new eyes.  This period of deprivation or struggle will have brought great spiritual development and awareness. You may feel more compassionate and understanding of others in trouble.  If you have been helped or assisted by those around you then you may be determined to repay or do your bit to ease the plight of fellow sufferers.  Your whole attitude may have changed and as a result the world has changed around you.  The Hierophant, Card V of The Major Arcana is pleased that you have remembered your spiritual side during your trying circumstances. You may have been trying to force or control your situation but then decided to let go and surrender to it.  Sometimes when you let go, the Universe steps in and everything begins to fall into place.  You may view your losses now in hindsight with a deep understanding that what appeared to be a disaster was really a blessing in disguise.  Without all the financial baggage and energy spent gaining an maintaining it you may find that you are a much happier person with less.  You may also have discovered hidden strengths and abilities you never knew you had. Your life may be taking you in a completely new direction which would not have happened had you not experienced this tough time.
If you have become estranged or alienated from friends and family, a thaw has set in and feelings towards you changing. You may be invited back into the fold and brought in out of the cold. Doors open to you now instead of slamming in your face as people accept, tolerate or forgive your situation.
A slow recovery from a lingering ongoing illness can be represented.  You eventually find the doorway that leads to correct diagnosis and treatment.  If you are caring for a sick child or dependent, help may be offered even if it is only practical and not financial.  However, depending on surrounding cards, there may be a deterioration in your condition.  A cure may be difficult to find or you may be slow to respond to treatment. Socially unacceptable or contagious illness may be involved.   The Five of Pentacles Reversed can also point to degradation and abuse of the body.  You would need to see what other cards are in the spread, but if the Devil, Reversed Nine of Pentacles or Reversed King of Cups appears with several Swords Cards such as the Eight of Swords, then prostitution may be a possibility, especially if homelessness is involved.
In Relationships the Reversed Five of Pentacles can suggest a slow but steady improvement after a period of strife and disharmony.  As a couple, you may now be appreciating the simpler things in life . This Five can represent a release from a person or situation that has been dragging you down. It may have felt like a long time coming but at last you are free.  This relationship was unhealthy and destroying you on every level so do not feel guilty or bad about letting anyone down.  Any relationships that were based on material status alone will naturally dissolve and much will be learned as a result.  However, if this Card goes into the extreme aspect of the Reverse, then we may see couples being torn apart by poverty or struggle as self-esteem and pride plummets.  If the relationship you are in has caused a stir or scandal, then the drama may have worn off as people begin to accept you as a couple.  Then again, if you have forsaken all for the one you love, the Five of Pentacles Reversed can find you missing the life you had and all the benefits that went with it.
Career related, The Five of Pentacles Reversed can suggest returning to work after a long period of unemployment. After your CV being constantly declined or rejected, a job offer comes your way and someone wants to hire you.  This means a regular income again and the chance to sort out your finances.  You can start to plan your life once more.
In business, a financial rescue package arrives just in time, preventing the need to close down or lay off staff. Your struggling business is given a boost and you can begin to build on it once more.  This will be a slow process, but there should be a steady determined confidence stirring in you that will get you through the remaining bumps and hurdles. It will also involve making some changes to your business and cutting out any unnecessary waste which is only a good thing.  If you have been bailed out by a friend or family member there may be a realisation and understanding of what real friendship is. You now become aware of all who have selflessly helped you through your time of trouble.
In the extreme negative aspect of the Five of Pentacles, poverty and want can worsen, health deteriorate further and major losses in businesses.  Look to the surrounding Cards in the Spread when attempting to interpret this Card both Upright and Reversed.
*The next time we visit the Pentacles in Card Six, we will be eager to see if they have managed to sort their finances and accommodation problems or will we still find them wandering the streets in the cold, even more wretched than they already are.  Something tells me that this is only a temporary set-back and will recover.They may even be stronger than they were before.   I would hate to think of them not making a comeback for we are relying on them to provide for us all.  
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