#they have a whole bibliography
God give me the strength to not pick fights with people complaining about how every person who says anything about what helps them or others with their mental illnesses not following it up with a disclaimer of "you still need meds and therapy tho!!". There is no Single way to heal. Those therapies are often traumatising especially if you're suicidal and mention it to your therapist and they put you in a ward for it or because of the sheer amount of trauma a lot of people have with their therapists abusing the power they hold over their clients. And you'd think the blind faith in psych meds that were already founded on bogus science that was never properly proven to be true (the brain chemistry model) would at least dwindle now with the studies showing there's no correlation between serotonin and depression after all. Further readings and an organisation working on community based alternatives.
Another one and you can look at associated pages to find more, anti-psychiatry is the roots of mental health advocacy by mentally ill people who are marginalised and abused and oppressed by the system of psychiatry, it's nothing new and anti-science. Psychiatry is not an institution that is based on honest science.
I cannot believe the callousness of going to people or to creators or blogs or whatever that are talking about self care, about community care, about what helps them survive their afflictions, and having the audacity to say "you still need your meds tho, tell everyone mentally ill people need meds otherwise this is irresponsible and anti-science" no the fuck it's not. Therapy can help many people but it can and does likewise harm a lot of people too. People have the right to choose their treatment and choose how they want to heal from their traumas, you don't get to dictate that Western medicine has to be advocated by EVERYONE for them to be serious about their mental health. Psychiatric survivors are already traumatised by Psychiatry and speaking out about it and advocating for themselves and being thrown under the bus by people who don't care enough to organise and create a community that we can rely on.
Blind faith support for Psychiatry is Not Woke, it is Not Pro-science. And expecting people to advocate for it every time they so much as say "this comfort item helps with my disorder and distress!" is genuinely disgusting behaviour.
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petite-elf · 7 months
APA In-Text Citations
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[ID: A screenshot from scribbr.com showing an example paragraph with in-text citations. The citations are highlighted, and the text reads: "Body image issues have been widely associated with social media usage in young women (Perloff, 2014). The relation between media depictions and body image concerns is well-established; a meta-analysis by Grabe et al. (2008) concluded that exposure to mass media is linked to body image dissatisfaction among women. Several empirical studies have focused on Facebook usage in adolescent girls (Meier & Gray, 2014; Tiggermann & Slater, 2013), while a systematic review by Holland and Timmerman (2016) established a relationship between social networking and body image for both women and men." End ID]
2. Chicago Style Footnotes
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[ID: A screenshot from scribbr.com showing an example of Chicago Style Footnotes. The numbers are superscript numbers and correspond to footnotes.
The main text reads: This is an example of a full note,1 and this is an example of a short note.2 The footnotes read:
Stephen Covey, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, 3rd ed. (New York: Free Press, 1989), 75-89.
Covey, 7 Habits, 75-7
End ID]
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hand-face-chan · 7 months
I'm only halfway though Hbomberguy's new video and I dont know if this is a universal experience but my main horrified takeaway from hbomb's plagiarism video so far is that one of my highschools TAUGHT AN ENTIRE CLASS OF 13 YEAR OLDS TO PLAGIARISE. LIKE, ON PURPOSE.
I ended up moving to a much better highschool, but my first highschool essentially taught us to "write" essays by reading what someone else had written and then write what they said again but putting it "into your own words". Which in practice was teaching us to change, for example, "the works of Shakespeare were regarded by many as the first popular art form" to "Shakespeare's plays have been said by some to be the first example of popular media". One teacher actually told us that the process of writing an essay was "saying what the people you've researched have said, in a way where it sounds like you said it".
Like. The tactics that actual plagiarists use to hide the fact that they were stealing. An actual teacher tried to teach me to do that.
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zoominsainz · 7 months
Sainz Sr has always rubbed me the wrong way, maybe not like Jos Verstappen levels of ick, but pretty up there… that mentality he taught Carlos from the young age that he has to toughen up if he wants to succeed, I can’t imagine saying to my kid that he can’t be himself and be successful at the same time. And sure, maybe this mentality is right for the sport, but it seems like it’s not right for Carlos as a person which in turn affects him as an athlete because he’s afraid to disappoint his father or embarrass their family name so he has to play up the ‘tough’ act. Idk. My perception is that he’s just different than his dad but he’s been molded into someone else his whole life so there’s a big conflict inside of him. His dad needs to step away from managing Carlos’ career me thinks, I feel like that would bring Carlos at least some peace
I wanna relate the ‘toughen up’ with the way he acts around people, he’s so constructed around patriarcal masculinity that being soft around people is weak and so he has to masc his affection by being rough (ie. his way of showing affection is physical touch but feminine! So I’ll hit and shove and throw you around bc I’m a man and I’m supposed to be rough)
It’s so obvious that senior is the most important member of the sainz family, he’s a renowned sportsman plus I’m guessing he’s the responsible one for the family’s wealth and political power so everyone looks up to him as the leader and so being named Carlos, after him is such a big honor and you’re the only boy! So you have to carry on the legacy of the successful sainz family, so you have to live up to be as great and efficient and be a leader, be a shark, a force to be reckoned with, that’s what you father tells you since you are 6, and all the family around you telling you “you got to be as great as your father”. In a family with such conservative and patriarcal values there’s no room to make a mistake or even be mid, it’s glory or failure, and they won’t hesitate throwing at his face everything they have given him and his only job being to be the person they boast around in gatherings and events.
But Carlos, he’s soft, he show he cares, he doesn’t like putting people down, he never boasts about winning bc he can see that the real fun part was the activity and not the result, ofc he likes winning, everyone does but like with lando, when asked who wins at golf and saying ‘oh in the end we didn’t keep score’ or with charles in the challenges, whenever charles gets too competitive he always offers to share the points instead or recognizing his efforts out loud.
I think he does feel immense pressure of living to his dads standards, show him he can be as good as his dad expects him to be, a carlos sainz as good as carlos sainz and the spanish media have a whole cultural background approach to carlos that he has to be perceived as a tough, emotionless guy, he always sounds snarky and very masculine coded when talking to dazn, very matter of fact. With his country also expecting him to succeed like the other spaniard in the grid with 2 wdc.
I agree with you, if his dad stopped managing him I think he would be able to relax and craft his approach to the sport that he loves in a more personal way and not with his dads expectations but also financial and political interests looming over him.
This was very rambly and messy and the anthropological pov discourse possessed me for a little bit there.
If you have any more thoughts I’ll be happy to read them.
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visenyaism · 1 year
Hi I’m sorry, I’m new to the asoiaf fandom, was wondering if you could explain the “visenya blood curse” or just “visenya curse” people tend to mention?
Also, similarly, what is visenya’s relationship with gender and the line of succession? I’ve seen posts suggest that she influenced the line of succession to be male. Thank you for the help!
yeah sure i wrote a joke post about this at some point and also an actual explanation of my thoughts but basically she is the last of her name because 1)usurping the throne for her terrible son maegor the cruel made her not popular and 2)everyone who has tried to name a child visenya has lost the baby and then died via kinslaying, which looks pretty suspiciously like a curse if you think about it and she WOULD be the type to pull something like that.
The gender stuff is pretty tied in with the curse- she's the only woman in the family to ever be "allowed" to wield that kind of military power. Everyone else just kind of got stuck being married off at 14, getting their claims nullified, and all dying in childbirth it is very sad. So there literally cannot be another Visenya with the name curse, but there also metaphorically cannot be another Visenya in terms of gender roles. she kind of slayed though
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first draft making progress (but it still feels very scattered, as first drafts are wont to do)
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deadbeatdadjokes · 2 years
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littleeyesofpallas · 8 months
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Y十M ~Yagyuu Ninpou-chou~[Y十M〜柳生忍法帖〜]: Y十M ~Yagyuu Ninja Scrolls~
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the-kneesbees · 11 months
it was really good! but i am also. a bit dissapointed.
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transmascmikey · 11 months
im so fucking exhausted. i spent 3+ hours yesterday debating how trans people deserve to be referred to by their desired pronouns even if they aren't in the room. press f to pay respects
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what-even-is-sleep · 2 years
Forgot how much adhd medication helps my adhd cause my adhd
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terastallized · 2 years
stages of doing homework like
- oh fuck this is so complicated
- nvm i understand the instructions now im fine this is so simple
- ok. i feel like im dying this is not simple
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overlookedfile · 2 years
I bought the book on a whim, but I'd forgotten what "children's books" were like in decades past. These were the kinds of history books I liked as kid. 🥰
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quicksilverblue · 18 days
Student: Do we need to use MLA or APA for reflection paper?
Me: Reflection papers are informal, I don't care.
Me: Also no, always and only and forever Chicago!
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theawkwardone6 · 2 months
Anyone else just scrolling through the watcher tag and laughing
We could just buy the subscription or unsubscribe from the YouTube channel bc we disagree on principle but instead let’s fight😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭it’s so funny. And the fact that they’re STILL fighting. Like how are you surprised by this in the slightest
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snailmug · 2 months
sometimes you just have to lie
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