#wait have I really never posted these before?
blackknight-kai · 3 days
listen ok? listen just a mo! gimme a chance
Modern reader with DO or SW who is shaved. or better yet waxed. just smooth as a baby
You and your monke getting frisky for the first time and the molecular movement of the universe stops the second he sees you bare... like wtf?!? Where's the fur? what did you do to it??? Why did you do it?!?
shennanigans follow, he basicaly gets all hissy and pissy and you need to promise to give your fur a chance. Once it grows out he's like "MY fuzzy peach."
Fur or no fur?
HAHA friend you always are on the same wavelength as me. I have THOUGHTS. (N.S.F.W WARNING FOR THE ENTIRE POST!!!)
He would not give TWO FUCKS about how hairy you are. Ever. Have you seen him? I’ve been thinking a lot about how he absolutely would not mind if youre a hairy person or whatever your weight is. That shit WOULD NOT MATTER. I feel like he’d love if you let your hair grow though vs being shaved/waxed. He lives in the jungle why wouldn’t he eat there too? 💀
I’ll try to give a little Drabble on both since it’s fun to imagine the subtle differences between them.
Reader in this is in a situation where she’d been zapped to the past but can go back when she needs to the present (after lots of trial and error). Sometimes he comes along, being her anchor to the past, and sometimes he stays back waiting for reader. (N.S.F.W bullet notes at the end :) - this get explicit for FEM READER you have been warned)
Destined one
The bathroom is warm and steamy from your bath/shower combo, you sigh opening the door letting the cool air into the room as you step into your connected bedroom. Seeing him look up at you as you come into view while he’s lounging on his back on your bed makes your heart beat quicken with anticipation. He’d been playing with your tablet, something he’s oddly gotten really good at messing with and especially enjoys the little word games you’d downloaded for him. Your world is still extremely strange to him and while he’s ever curious something as simple as these little games can keep him entertained for hours.
The reason he’s visiting today isn’t just because he’s curious about the life you came from. Oh no. Today, you both are taking a much needed break and a little private time for yourselves without the worry of constant danger or interruption. Since the day you’d become a couple you two had not really had too many moments for just you guys. It had been months since that day and you’d both gotten a little…pent up so to speak. The most you’ve gotten to do with your handsome monkey is heated make-outs where hands wander as best they can and a little grinding over the clothes before something or someone decides to ruin the moment.
It was a little bit of a shy awkward conversation but you’d both agreed that coming here would be the best solution to your continuous cock block issue. And since you were coming home anyway you figured you’d do a little self pampering and prepare for your first night with him. You’d even put on your favorite pair of ‘sexy’ panties, no bra, and slipped on a silk robe.
You smile as his tail, which had been completely still and draped across the blanket, starts to lazily thump against the bed, curling and uncurling as soon as his eyes locked on to you. It’s one of the ways you know he’s happy to see you. His eyes are another of his tells. The way he always looks at you with such focus and intensity. It makes your cheeks redden and a thrill run down your spine.
There is a thick tension growing in the air as you both study one another for a moment before he sets the tablet to the side on your nightstand and gets up from the bed, his eyes never look away from you and your heart pounds loudly in your ears as he stalks deliberately around the bed to stand just before you. Youre focused on his expression, it’s softer than usual. His frown lines relaxed and while he has that determined look on his face it’s not stern like normal. Out of the corner of your eye you can see his tail swishing behind him.
Gently he reaches out and you lean into his touch as he places his large calloused hand on your cheek. As he does so he brings his face closer and brushes his simian nose against yours tenderly and then he does it again with a slight smirk lifting up the corner of his eye and a soft questioning grunt. Seeing you nod he lets out a pleased sigh through his nose before leaning in to capture your lips with his. It’s chaste at first but quickly deepens as he wraps an arm around your waist to bring you closer and slides his claw tipped fingers down your neck with the other. Things rapidly heat up as the pent up need in you both starts to take over. Hands start to wander and you both start to breathe heavier as he impatiently slides his shirt off his shoulders. Your fingers immediately reach out to touch and slide through his warm fur starting from his tense abs all the way up his chest and over the hairless patch of skin just under his neck before circling your arms around his neck.
His own hands start to move too, holding you tightly against him as he starts to explore your curves. Impatiently he yanks at the robed tied around you while his tongue explores your mouth, wanting it off NOW. With a little laugh you try to reach down to untie the knot but you’re not fast enough. As he kisses hotly down your neck, having takin a moment to taste your skin, he presses his fangs to your throat gently as he rips the robes belt. You gasp, both turned on by the show of strength and annoyed he’d ripped it.
“Hey!” You say breathlessly and shiver as he nips your neck before kissing it as an apology.
Now that your robe is no longer hiding you from him he pulls your body into his by strong hands and you shudder at the feeling of his fur rubbing softly against your naked skin. His body answers in kind and he kisses back up your neck to devour your lips, his hands slipping into the opened robe to wander up and down your back. You allow the silk material to fall from your arms and on to the floor before wrapping your arms back around his neck. It’s like something has taken a hold of you two and you cant get close enough, cant feel enough, and before long he snatches you up into his strong grip only to deposit you onto your bed as he climbs over you.
You both groan as he lowers himself on top of you settling himself between your spread legs like he belongs there, his clothed hips thrusting instinctively against yours showing you just how hard and desperate he is for you. Your body arches up against his unable to stop the movement as he humps down against you for several moments while you pant into each others mouths, his fur tickles your breasts as your chests brush together making you let out little shivers. The claw tipped fingers of one of his hands dig into your hip and back as he starts guiding your hips to grind harder, your pussy pressing incessantly against his cock, the other arm is propped up next to your head keeping his weight from crushing you.
Your panties are soaked from how needy hes made you and you can tell he knows when he suddenly takes in a deep inhale through his nose before pulling back just a little to look down at you, his eyes are blown out with a heated lust you have only ever seen a few times. A little whine escapes you as he continues to pull back from you, he grins a little, the cheeky bastard, as he hears it. He’s breathing heavily, just as you are, and as he pulls his hips back from yours a groan rumbles through his chest at the visible wet spots you’d both made on the front of his blue pants and on your panties from your combined need.
Almost like a monkey possessed he slides down the bed, diving down to kiss your lips once and then nip at your exposed skin from your neck to your breasts. You tip your head back, your eyes closing in pleasure, as he pays special attention to suck each of your nipples into his mouth one at a time with a groan before releasing the currently captured nipple with a wet pop to continue his mouths journey down your stomach and to your panty line. His breathing has picked up even more, sending trembles through your body as his breath tickles your skin. Part of you feels a little self conscious as he is clearly taking in your aroused scent.
Without warning he shreds through your panties and you gasp at the action finding it ridiculously hot. You expect him to dive down and glide his tongue over your pussy lips to taste you or to spread your lower lips open with his thumbs so he can start to devour you with his mouth from how desperate he seemed, your anticipation is almost enough to send you over the edge.
But none of that happens. Nothing happens besides him making a very confused noise in the back of his throat. At the sound you glance down and you’re met with a sight you genuinely weren’t expecting.
He’s frowning. Not a look of disgust by any means but his expression is almost the same as when he’s seeing something from your world for the first time. Confused.
“Uh, you okay?” You ask feeling your heart pound with a slight worry.
He doesnt even glance up at you as another confused sound leaves him, it’s a mixture of human and monkey, something entirely just him. You watch as he slides his hand from your inner thigh, where it had been holding you open, and he pets over the smooth naked skin of your pussy lips almost tentatively. You’d just shaved in the bathroom in preparation for this moment so you know your skin is silky smooth.
A grimace accompanies the frown and now you’re starting to feel self conscious. His fingers explore but not in the heated way you would expect. His touch remains light as though he doesnt know what hes looking at and you cant stop the shiver that courses through you as his thumb brushes across the slick that had leaked from you, but he doesnt do much besides continue his investigation, not even opening you up to look as he is entirely focused it seems on your smooth skin.
Feeling nervous and wondering if maybe he’s changed his mind you squirm uncomfortably and lay your hands across your chest self consciously. “Do you,” You find your voice and with a worried heart ask him what’s now plaguing your mind. “Not like it? Does it look weird or something? You look like you hate it and if you dont want me-“
Your voice cuts off as his eyes snap to yours and his expression shifts immediately to one of apologetic realization. He shakes his head and lets out a little comforting noise as he starts to climb back up your body peppering little kisses all the way from your stomach until he captures your mouth in a firm kiss. You grip on to his biceps as he deepens the kiss desperate to prove he wants you. It’s a messy kiss and after a few moments you laugh and pull away. His frown is still there but it has a worried edge to it and you know he’s trying to convey his true feelings to you, its even more apparent as he nuzzles your cheek with his nose and gives you little kisses of apology.
“Okay okay,” You breathe out as he cups your other cheek with one hand and gives firmer kisses. The back of your thighs are resting over top his as he holds himself above you with one hand still on the bed next to your head. “It’s okay!” You try to say although you’re not quite sure what’s happened. “Just tell me what’s wrong, I dont,” Your paused voice has lowered to a murmur as he pulls back to look at you, his thumb brushing your cheek gently. “Understand why you were looking at it like that….”
His face takes a different expression at your words. He still looks a little apologetic but its taken on the edge of a…pout? It’s similar to when you sit just outside the reach of his tail so he cant wrap it around you and he stares at you until you either move closer or he huffs with annoyance and either pulls you closer or moves next to you. You watch as he seems to study you for a moment as though he’s trying to figure out what he wants to convey to you.
The hand on your cheek moves away as he bring it down to your pussy again. You watch curiously as he brushes his thumb across the smooth skin before he reaches up and tugs on a lock of your hair. It’s your turn to frown up at him and he huffs a little before finally opening his mouth to utter a single low raspy word.
Fur? You think to yourself as you also bask in the snippet of his voice that he rarely bestows on the world. He pointedly tugs on your hair before lowering his hand again to pat the soft skin between your legs, the action sends a jolt through you and makes your thighs tighten around him. His lip twitches at the action and it takes you just a moment but you finally realize what his problem is.
When you giggle his eyes glance down and narrow as your breast jiggle a little with the movement, you reach out and pet his cheek. He nuzzles into your touch with a slight sigh as he looks up from your chest. “You’re wondering where my hair is?” You ask with a smile. He nods and kisses your palm as your thumb brushes across the fur on his cheek. “I removed it for you!”
He gives you a confused look as if to ask ‘Why’ & ‘How’.
“I shaved it off earlier, it’s something most women do now a day’s. Guy’s usually prefer it that way,” You explain and you might have gotten offended by the look he gives you but it’s honestly too damn funny.
His nose wrinkles and he looks as though you told him modern people bathe in shit or something. With a snicker you pull him down to lie on top of you again, pleased to feel that his desire for you has not weaned if the hard press of his cock against you is anything to go by. You tentatively grind up against him and grin at the sharp intake of breath he does. “This mean you still want me?”
At your teasing question he snorts and gives you a rare wide smirk before thrusting against you hard sending a shock of pleasure up your spine as his clothed dick rubs against your bare pussy. His tail wraps itself around your calf holding you open as again he pulls back, to your disappointment, this time to sit up fully. You watch as he reaches down to push his pants down and your cheeks burn as you notice the string of slick connecting the bulge on his pants to your wet pussy. It breaks as he shoves the material out of the way and his heavy cock slips out. The hard length is drooling with precum as he palms himself and youre so focused on it for a moment you almost dont hear a light laugh come from him. His fingers uncurl from their hold on his cock and gesture for you to look up. Doing so you see one of the cockiest expressions on his face you have ever seen.
He spends the rest of the night showing you exactly how much he wants you and will continue to want you. Over the course of the next several weeks into months you discover several things about him. First and foremost, he loves your juicy peach. That said, he loves it even more when you let your hair grow out. He doesnt mind if you trim it or if you leave it wild and untamed. As long as he has something pet and play with as he licks you to orgasm.
Just to test that theory you hadn’t let him near your core until some of the hair had grown back, not that he had many opportunities anyway between the fights he always seems to get himself into. The adoring pleased sound hed made as he nuzzled his nose and cheeks across your soft fuzzy pussy would have been adorable if it wasn’t overly stimulating, especially as his sneaky tongue would slip between your lips every so often to taste you.
Shaving it has become rare, but sometimes just to mess with him you do it. Seeing his adorable pout and huffy attitude as he realizes you’ve shaved or waxed is just so satisfying especially when he gets so hot and bothered later when it grows back. Keeps him on his toes.
When you arrive, having in finished your business in the present time, Wukong is lounging on your now shared bed in the beautiful home he’d commissioned for you way back when he first decided you would be his. Yes, hed decided that long before you officially became an item. Part of you was annoyed by his cocky arrogance of it but the other part was thankful that you had somewhere safe to stay while he was off doing Wukong things, which generally consisted of annoying the hell out of someone, fighting someone, baby sitting the little monkey’s, or training his monkey’s. While hes always going to be mischievous and up to something, he is very protective of his people and now that you are part of his life he wanted to make sure you had a space of your own.
Apparently he’d taken inspiration from your modern home, which he is very rarely allowed to visit as he cant seem to keep himself out of trouble nor stop himself from messing with every little thing in your house to the point of annoyance. You find his curiosity adorable and love showing him new things but sometimes his more….chaotic nature takes hold and there’s only so much you can do to stop the force of nature that is Sun Wukong. Which most of the time is nothing. So to combat that you only take him to your time on special occasions.
It’s gotten a little better after you’d become official, he is calmer and not as anxious about when you will come back. Because in his mind you WILL come back and he trusts you to do so. The one thing that hasn’t gotten easier is your alone time with him. He’s quite busy oddly enough and since your relationship had only progressed so far you hadn’t really let him stay with you at the home he’d built you, not until about a week ago. You’d THOUGHT you might be able to get some action by letting him sleep with you at night but no. It’s been interruption after interruption or he comes back late into the night only to leave early in the morning for some reason or another. Someone always seems to need his attention and he cares too much about his people to leave them hanging. Plus protecting them from wandering dangers.
His furry warm solid body is a welcome comfort as you sleep but it’s not enough. Neither are sneaky touches and kisses he bestows on you throughout the day. It’s only made worse due to his cheeky nature as he enjoys watching squirm or get worked up only to cackle as you pout at him when he bounds off to another duty. You KNOW he’s suffering too, you’ve felt his heated eyes on you almost every minute youre within his sight and the lingering touches. Not to mention his obvious desire that ends up pressed against you when you kiss a little too long or when youre genuinely interrupted during an attempted moment alone together.
It had come to a head when you’d had enough of his games on top of the true issues that seem to prevent you from getting your monkey king alone. He’d worked you up too much two days ago, his tail caressing you and sneaking under your shirt while you were cuddling in bed amongst the soft furs and pillows. Wukongs hands had also joined in as he pressed himself behind you, his hot breath tickling your ear as he rocked himself against your ass. Heat had started to build up within you and you’d just started to lean into him when he kisses your neck and then scurries out of bed with a laugh, saying he just wanted to spend a little time with you before his meeting with his generals.
You’d had enough. So as he turns you reached out and snagged his tail, yanking on it unkindly. His body had instantly frozen and you were pleased to see the full body shudder that went through him before his slowly turned to the side to look at you. Wukong was tense, his body taut, and his nostrils flaring as his expression went from playful to downright boiling with arousal. He exuded a certain air of ‘tug my tail one more time, I dare you’. Seeing the obvious bulge in his pants twitch at your defiant look, you almost yank his tail again. But there was a loud banging on your front door alerting the two of you that his generals were waiting. When he tried to turn to leave you dont let go of his tail making him pause.
You then tell him, “You have two days. On the 2nd day I’m going home and if you’re not here when I come back and have a clear schedule for a minimum of three days you will not be allowed in this house again and your hands will be kept to yourself from then on until I say so, am I clear Sun Wukong?” Your voice is firm and leaves no room for question.
Wukong raised an eyebrow as you use his full name and for a moment you were afraid he wasn’t going to take you seriously and instead start teasing you for wanting him too much. Another loud knock sounded through the house from the front door and thankfully he just smirked and reached down to tickle a claw under your chin. “Dont worry my peach, you’ll have your kings full attention. I’ll take care of your,” He trailed his eyes hotly down your body and then back up to meet your gaze. “Desires. All of them and then some.”
At his promise you let go of his tail, he swiped it teasingly against your cheek before he was off again.
Now as you reappear in your shared bedroom your eyes rake over him skeptically as he grins at you. He’s lying shirtless on his side, his tail swishing lazily behind him looking as though he’d been patiently awaiting your arrival. But the twig stuck in the fur on his head say’s otherwise. So does the open window behind him.
You raise your eyebrow at him and he gives you an adorable grin. Wukong see’s where your eyes have caught and he quickly rakes his claws through his hair and tosses the stick. Your eyes roll at how ridiculously accurate he is as he manages to throw it out the window.
“I see you made it,” You say walking over to the bed and putting your hands on your hips. The sight of his furred upper body and his muscles on display tempers your slight annoyance with him for clearly only just arriving. “Just in time it seems.”
Wukong chuckles and he pats the bed in front of him signaling for you to join him. “A King must make sure his Sweet Peach is satisfied does he not?”
You dont move to join him just yet, wanting to let him stew as his eyes roam over your body. The silk robe you’d put on was new and so were the matching panties. Your breasts were free and only just barely covered by the silk material, Wukongs eyes seemed to hover there for a moment before he looks up and meets your eyes. “I suppose thats true. I was starting to wonder though if my King wasn’t up to the task, he always seems to find some reason or another to leave me unsatisfied.”
The words are playful yet cutting. Wukong doesnt take the bait, you’d expected him to get huffy and go all ‘I’ll show you’ but instead his expression softens uncharacteristically. “Come here,” His voice is gentle as he holds out a calloused hand to you. “Please, come here,” Wukong doesnt beg but its near to as he say’s your name. Something he doesnt normally do preferring to call you his ‘Peach’ usually combined with a compliment.
Unable to resist you climb on to the bed, the robe thankfully doesnt go past your knees so youre able to crawl across the furs with no issues. He sits up to meet you and once youre close enough he pulls you effortlessly onto his lap as he takes your mouth in a desired filled kiss. You straddle him, a thigh on either side of his hips, and wrap your arms around his neck as his hands find purchase on your body. One wrapping around your waist to bring you close and the other glides up your back to hold the back of your head as he slips his tongue into your mouth with a groan.
Before the kiss can get too much more intense he pulls back, both of you a little breathless, and sets his forehead against yours. “My pretty Peach, you have no idea how much I want you do you?” He asks, voice thick with growing arousal.
A smile cracks on your face and you shake your head just a little. “I know you want me Wukong. I know you’re busy and have duties to your people,” You reply sincerely. “But sometimes I need you too, and not just stolen kisses or your little cheeky touches to my ass.”
Wukong’s arm around your waist tightens at your words causing you to slip further into his lap and settle your weight fully on him. “You’re right, I have duties to you too now. Not only as a King but as a mate. I promise to do better,” He nuzzles his nose against yours and of course pinches your ass with the hand that is no longer holding the back of your head. As you laugh he grins and his tail slithers up your leg, the soft fur causing goosebumps to crop up in its wake. “You better be ready,” Wukongs tail sneaks under the robe and you can feel it caressing your ass cheek as though it was trying to get under your panties. “I’ve been holding back for far too long and I’m going to show you just how much I want you.”
“Then get to it,” You challenge with a grin of your own. “Mate.”
He flashes his fangs as his grin widens. “I like that word on your tongue, say it again,” Wukong demands but doesnt let you even attempt to utter the word as he kisses you deeply, his tongue immediately entering your mouth, claiming you as his to kiss this way.
A moan leaves your throat as Wukongs hands migrate to your thighs, his claw tipped fingers digging in a little as he massages them sensually for a moment before slipping up your legs to your core. The claws of his thumbs brush just against the fabric of your panties catching on them as his hands continue their journey up your body.
Wukong makes a noise of complaint in the back of his throat as the belt of your robe prevents him from getting any further. Without breaking the needy kiss he deftly unties it. The silk material falls open and his hands slide up your sides until your breast are cupped by his large, rough warm palms. A needy sound escapes you as you feel him massage your tits, hearing the noise Wukong’s hips grind up against yours and you can feel just how affected he is by you. You grind down against him making him squeeze your breasts in reaction.
He breaks the kiss as he groans, a string of saliva connecting your lips together for just a second. Wukong nips your chin and trails wet kisses down your neck as he moves his hands once more, this time grabbing your wrists. You gasp as youre suddenly moved, your arms held above your head as your back hits the bed. Wukong’s furry face is grinning roguishly down at you as he effortlessly holds both of your wrists with one hand.
“Gorgeous,” He rumbles still breathless from your passionate kiss. You arch your back as he dives down to lick the center of your chest between your boobs before taking one of your nipples into his mouth and flicking it with his tongue. “Tasty too,” Wukong nips your nipple and then sucks little marks on your chest on his way to taste the other.
His strong tail circles your waist under your back and jerks your hips into his at the same time as he roughly thrusts against you. You let out a little sound as your thighs instinctively tighten around his waist from the stimulation which he answers with his own pleased rumble. His free hand gets to work shredding and ripping your panties off as Wukong traces his lips back up your neck and to your ear which he licks and nips at, his breath tickles your skin making you shiver.
“Wukong! I liked those!” You half heartedly complain.
Wukong smirks against your ear as he tosses the useless panties carelessly. “And I like them off you,” He says lowly as he leans back to look you in the eyes. “I can smell how wet you are for me Peaches,” Wukongs voice has taken on an aroused rasp and he licks his lips while taking a deep breath through his nose, his eyes never leaving yours. “No pretty little fabric is going to keep me from tasting your pleasure.”
“You still didn’t have to rip them,” You mumble with a slight pout but its quickly replaced by a gasp as he thrusts against you again while pinching one of your nipples with that free hand of his. He snickers and leans down to steal your lips in a messy kiss and then your arching your chest again as he breaks the kiss and replaces his teasing fingers with his mouth once more. He chuckles, the vibration felt on your nipple, as you squirm against him unable to grab him due to his hold on your wrists with his other hand. He takes pity on you and releases your wrists only so he can pinch both your nipples at the same time and roll them between his fingers as he kisses down your stomach.
Your thighs spread to accommodate him and his shoulders while your heart and breath quicken as he reaches his destination. His lips still though as they touch the soft naked skin just above your slit and a needy whine leaves your mouth. You try to wiggle your hips as if to say ‘let’s get this show on the road’ but suddenly his strong hands are gripping your hips holding you down and he fully sits up pulling his face away from your pussy.
“What the-“
“Where did your beautiful fur go?” Wukong demands, voice is full of confusion.
“What?” You blink at him, confused yourself before a little tremor runs through you as he begins to almost tentatively brush his fingers over your soft mound and down your slick lips, his fingers spreading your juices but not necessarily meaning to.
“Your fur, why is it gone? What did you do with it? Why do you look this way?” He locks eyes with you and you see how serious his question is. He’s clearly perturbed by what he’s found as he removes his fingers from you and instead grips on to your tense thigh. Wukongs tail smacks the bed behind him in an almost angry rhythm.
Your heart stutters but not with arousal. “I-uhm,” You stumble over your words completely taken aback by his change in demeanor. “I had it removed, got it waxed the other day for you after you left to talk with your generals.”
Wukongs face scrunches up with distaste as he looks back down between your legs. “Why would you do such a thing? Is it permanent?” His tone is incredulous and upset.
Feeling self conscious you try to close your thighs but he holds you open. So instead you reach down and cover yourself with your hands, the movement makes him look up at you but you turn your head to the side not wanting to look at his displeasure anymore. “I thought you’d like it,” You murmur lowly knowing he can hear every word with how good his hearing is. Your cheeks are turning red feeling a little ashamed now and not sure why. “Most guys want that.”
He scoffs, his fingers gripping your thigh and hip tighter. “You’re forgetting I’m not ‘most’ guys Peaches,” Wukong states his voice not quite angry but getting there. “I don’t care who you may have lain with in the past but they aren’t me-“
“I know that!” You turn your head to glare at him, pulling the leg up that he isnt holding and kicking him in the chest once. He doesnt budge of course nor does he even look like it affected him at all as you keep your foot there putting pressure in the hopes that he will just back off. He doesnt move and instead frowns down at you as he removed his hand from your hip to grab your ankle. Turning your head away from him again look anywhere but at him. “Where I come from this is normal! People trim and clean up for their partners, mates, and it’s supposed to be sexy. I-“ You cut yourself off and slightly curl in on yourself as you feel his gaze boring into you. Your skin has started to grow cold and if you didn’t need to cover yourself up you would have grabbed a blanket to cover up. “I just wanted to be pretty for you.”
At your admission Wukongs grip on your thigh loosens and he gently coaxes your ankle away from his chest pulling your leg back to his side. “Oh my gorgeous Peach,” He sighs softly and you can immediately tell the change in his tone. Wukong tries once to get you to remove your hands but you refuse. “Look at me,” Your monkey king asks gently and you shake your head.
With a gentle sound from deep in his chest, something you’ve really only heard him do with the little ones that are always following after him, he leans down putting one of his hands next to your head and the other sweetly cups your turned cheek. Firmly, but without much force, he coaxes you to look at him and when you do you see how much his expression has softened. You dont have tears in your eyes, not quite, but the look on your face has Wukong making that instinctive comforting sound again.
“I’m sorry,” He apologizes keeping his voice low, something that he very rarely ever does, as he gently taps your nose with his. “I didn’t mean to make you feel unwanted or that you aren’t stunning in every way,” Wukongs tail slides out from under your back and he brushes it soothingly up and down your leg. “Make no mistake, fur or no fur, I hunger for you.”
There is a certainty in his words and you know he’s not lying but the way he acted still has you defensive and unsure. “Then why are you acting like you hate it?”
Wukong has the capacity to look a little sheepish. “I suppose I just wasn’t expecting it,” He sniffs and glances away. “Your smooth juicy peach is still mouthwatering and beautiful, I just prefer you a little more…fuzzy. Seeing you bathing that one time made me very excited to explore your pretty little curls.”
The time he was speaking of was before you’d gotten together and he’d accidentally gotten an eye full of your naked body as he wasn’t being mindful of your personal time in the modern era and had thrown your bathroom door open to gripe about the magic box. Your tv had been buffering due to internet connection and it apparently was freaking him out enough that he forgot that you were bathing. Or so he says.
His words make you flush. “You’re so weird,” You mumble not sure what to say and blink up at him as he looks back at you with a raised eyebrow.
“I am, am I?” He teases as he leans back sitting up again before gently sliding his up and down your arms trying to comfort you. “Let me see you,” Wukong requests using your name once more with a pleading tone to his voice. Your hands twitch but you dont move them away from shielding your smooth hairless cunt from his eyes.
You shake your head slightly. “But you dont like it,” You reply still feeling self conscious about the whole thing.
Wukongs features soften again and that gentle sound hed made rumbles in his chest, oddly it’s extremely soothing and comforting it, he slides his hands down to cover yours, not attempting to move you just holding. “Forgive my little tantrum about your fur, I never not want to see you. Do you want me to show you how much I crave you? Because I do, all the time. Let me make it up to you,” His tone is comforting and also sincere as he strokes the top of your hands with his thumbs.
Studying him for a moment you contemplate if you want to continue this or not, you find that you do as you’d been waiting so long and you do trust him to be honest with his word. He’s said much worse to people and doesnt hold back when he’s thinking something. Finally you nod after you gather your courage. Youre just about to start moving your hands when he squeezes them and pointedly pats them.
“Keep them there for one more moment,” Wukong says in contradiction to what hed just asked. You frown with a bit of confusion up at him but he just smiles at you as he sits a little further back and you notice for the first time that there’s still a bulge in his pants. He clearly hadn’t lost his interest in your activities. His hands move to the top of his pants and start to push them down while his tail swishes back and forth behind him. “Thinking about you makes my cock ache daily you know,” He tells you, his voice taking on a more heated tone as his eyes roam over your body and especially over your pressed together tits.
A shudder zips down your spine as slips his pants fully off, tossing them behind him his fully furry body on display. His hard length is standing at attention and heat starts to build within you again as he takes himself in hand with a rumbling groan, stroking slowly and making the tip leak. You watch, your breath starting to pick up, as he thumbs the drop of precum off his cock and nods at your hands silently asking you to remove them.
As you do so he reaches out and swipes his wet thumb a little over your silky soft pubic mound before dragging it down to your slit, it’s an almost possessive act of rubbing his essence on you. You’re still wet from your previous activities and your body lights up as his thumb slides between your pussy lips slowly. Feeling how slick you are he croons lowly and slips his thumb out only to stick it directly into his mouth. Your hole tightens as he moans around the flavor.
Seeing you squirm a little he chuckles and scoots forward resting his hard dick against your slick lips, the dual sensation of his fur brushing the back of your thighs and his heavy cock sends heat racing through you. Your hips tilt and he mimics the movement pressing down on the top of his length with his hand so that it slips between your lower lips. The glide is smooth after a thrust or two thanks to how slick you are and little moans tear out of your throat as the head of his cock slides against your clit with each controlled glide. You grab on to his furry forearms just to have something to hold as moves against you.
Wukong groans deep in his chest, his own breath picking up speed. “You feel so fucking good,” He pants as you squeeze your legs around him tightly. His hands wrap around your hips preventing you from arching your self just so as he almost slips inside during one thrust making you both shake and moan. “Ah, ah, ah, I’m not done with you just yet,” Wukong grins down at you as he pulls his hips away from yours. He snarls as he sees how wet you’ve made his cock and the strings of slick connecting the two of you. “I told you I crave you. I intend to satisfy that craving.”
You cry out as your hips are suddenly raised up and youre bent almost in half as your pussy is pulled directly up to his waiting mouth.
He spends the next several hours, days honestly, making sure you know damn well and good that he is desperate for you at every minute of the day. That he craves the taste of you on his tongue and the feeling of your warm pussy wrapped tightly around his cock as he pounds into you. Fur or not he hungers for you like a starved monkey.
When alls said and done though he absolutely DEMANDS that you let your hair grow back. In fact he pouts around for several days after your little mini vacation until you finally agree to never shave or wax it again. But only after he reassured you that he would respect your choice of course if you decided to do it, he would devour you regardless.
As the hair slowly grows back Wukong seems happy, content. When it’s about half grown in you have to laugh your ass off as he mumbles to himself, “MY fuzzy peach”, one night before proceeding to eat you out like you really ARE his favorite food.
At some point you end up blocking him from seeing or touching your pussy. Why? Because he constantly checks to see how fast your curls are growing back and after a while it gets annoying. It’s honestly not that bad, youre happy hes excited about it, but just to mess with him you put a no sex or heavy petting rule into play. It’s worth it when you finally walk into your shared bedroom fully naked one night, curls on display. He promptly drops a dish of whatever he’d been snacking on, a very primal sound leaves his throat and youre promptly pounced on.
That night he’s untamed.
Few things that I think BOTH would do:
- [ ] Rub their cheek/chin/lips over your fuzzy peach - like how cats like men with beards and like rubbing in their chins 💀
- [ ] It’s kinda like scent marking - he’s wearing you and you are wearing him - his sensitive nose reminding him that HE was there and only him.
- [ ] Enjoys combing gently through the jungle with his claws or twirling the hair softly as he licks you and tastes you.
- [ ] Might stick his hand down your pants/underwear when you cuddle at night to make sure you haven’t gotten rid of it 🤣
- [ ] Enjoys making your fur wet with his cum just like he enjoys you soaking his fur with your juices.
- [ ] Likes seeing your “fur” tangle with his as he fucks you.
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supernovafics · 2 days
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series masterlist | last part — next part
pairing: modern!college!steve harrington x fem!reader, bestfriend!eddie munson x fem!reader
word count: 2.9k words
warnings: explicit language, nothing else really?
summary: your life goes back to normal— how things were before you knew steve— and it’s fine (or at least that’s what you keep telling yourself)
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CHAPTER SIXTEEN | ❝𝒇𝒓𝒂𝒈𝒎𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆❞
Spring Semester 2017
“This is how villain origin stories are born,” Robin said with a loud sigh as she closed her laptop for the time being. “Apartment hunting. Why does this suck so much?”
“Because everything’s severely out of our price range,” You responded, looking up from your own laptop. “Also, there are barely any three-bedroom options.”
“And the ones that are available and in our budget are very shitty,” Vickie added and you nodded in agreement.
The three of you were sitting on the carpeted floor in your dorm room. Living together for the next school year had been jokingly and playfully talked about in the very early stages of your friendship with Robin, but then as the months passed, it settled into an idea that actually became serious; mainly because of how much sense it made. And then Robin introduced you to Vickie and another friendship, and roommate, was born. 
Eddie was also set as a fourth roommate for a bit, but then he told you that he and Chrissy decided to live together for junior year, so it became settled that it would only be you, Robin, and Vickie. Which sounded great, and you were already excited about it since you hated living alone, but the apartment-hunting part quickly proved to be a lot more of a nuisance than any of you had expected.
“Fuck it, let’s just do a four-bedroom, then,” Robin said, shrugging. “There are a bunch more options for those, anyway. Like, the one I showed you guys yesterday. That place was perfect.”
“Did I miss the moment when our fourth roommate magically appeared?” Vickie asked, a playful smile on her face. 
“We can easily find someone else in one of those, like, Facebook group things.”
“That’s honestly not a bad idea,” You responded, already going to pull up Facebook on your laptop. 
Robin smiled. “Thank you. I always have great ideas.”
Vickie gave her a look. “Do I need to mention the ‘donating blood to get concert ticket money’ idea you had a week ago?” 
“No, that’s okay. We don’t need to discuss that low point.” 
You were the one who showed them Talia’s posting on one of the “searching for roommates” groups. She seemed nice and interesting and both Robin and Vickie thought so too. The three of you put together a quick message— briefly introducing yourselves and that you were looking for a fourth roommate— and sent it.
“Okay, fourth roommate, check,” Robin said once you pressed send. “Now, we have to get the place that I showed you guys yesterday.”
You laughed a little. “Let’s wait until she actually says something, Rob.”  
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
Spring Semester 2018
Initially, it felt equivalent to a family meeting. Well, more so what you imagined a family meeting would be like because the four of you never actually had to have one before. 
But then, it actually felt like you were giving some sort of speech or presentation because of the setup. Robin, Vickie, and Talia were on the couch and you were standing in front of the TV and explaining everything to them. 
You kept in most of the details— you and Steve agreeing to fake date, your feelings for Eddie being the reason behind it all, and how it was only meant to go until Spring Break. 
Aside from the fact that they all seemed shocked to learn that you had feelings for Eddie, their collective thought was that the entire relationship between you and Steve had seemed so real.
“We were just really good at faking,” Was your response to Vickie specifically saying how cute you two had looked together; especially during the one reality TV night where Steve came over and picked the show.
You remembered that night pretty well, but you didn’t remember any specific moments where you had felt as if you and he had to “play up” the relationship or lay the PDA on thick since Eddie wasn’t around that night, so you weren’t sure how that moment was considered a definingly cute one for the two of you. 
“Were you good at faking or was it not really fake?” Robin asked, giving you a certain look. 
“Definitely fake,” You didn’t hesitate to answer because you deliberately didn’t want to think about her question too deeply. “We’re not even really friends, and he just went on a date last night. Hence the Eddie punch.”
Eddie was still sleeping in your bed. When you got back from Steve’s place, you weren’t in the mood to wake him up or tell him to shift over and make room for you, so you spent the night on the couch. 
“Damn, it kinda sucks that we’re never gonna see him again. He was the only one that liked when I made the pumpkin cheesecake cookies,” Talia said.
Vickie laughed a bit. “The only reason we don’t like it is because that's clearly a Fall cookie, Tal, and it's Spring right now.” She then looked as if she thought of something. “Hey, but at least you won’t have to get stuck on a team with Eddie for game night anymore. We’re back to individual stuff or you being the referee.”
Talia smiled. “Thank you for reminding me.”
“Wait, that just made me remember something,” Robin started. “Guys, I need you to please hear me out on this one,” She paused for what seemed like dramatic effect. “I think it's time to bring back Monopoly.”
There was a collective groan that immediately filled the air upon hearing her suggestion. Monopoly was a near friendship-ending game for you all, and it was only meant to be played on the rarest of occasions; which actually meant never. 
You sat down on the small loveseat then, glad that the subject had been shifted and that your speech, mixed with a Q&A, was over. “Robin, why do you wanna ruin all of our friendships?”
She quickly shook her head. “Come on, it’s been months. We’re all much more mature and reasonable adults, and I doubt we’ll have any arguments like last time.” 
Before any of you could respond with any sort of rebuttal, your bedroom door opened and out walked a tired looking Eddie. 
“Somehow, I heard the mention of Monopoly and I’m here to immediately veto that suggestion.” 
Robin rolled her eyes at him. “Go back to sleep, Munson.”
The game night conversation continued, and from there, things were normal. And you didn’t mind the normalcy that your life settled back into over the next few days and then weeks— even though, at one point, the thought of it bothered you and you had missed a lot of the things that came along with fake dating Steve. Now you knew there was no point in missing any of it; in fact, it felt kind of dumb to. 
Your classes got more and more intense during the entire month of April, so there wasn’t that much time to think about Steve or wonder what he was up to. However, the moments you did think of him surprisingly hit hard. 
When you all ended up playing Monopoly at game night, after Robin’s many begs and pleads, you thought about Steve and how different things would’ve been if he was there. You imagined him as a pretty competitive Monopoly player, and felt almost certain that he would’ve either had the biggest rivalry with Robin or formed some sort of alliance with her; she was the one that actually ended up winning after an intense and exhausting seven hours of playing that night. You wished that he could’ve been there. 
And then there were the reminders of him that were left around— his t-shirt that you’d never gotten around to giving back to him, his sunglasses that you didn’t realize you’d stolen until you were finally finishing unpacking your stuff from the Mexico trip, and the bear that he got you for Valentine’s Day that you refused to ever get rid of, but you eventually stuffed Hartford away in your closet instead of leaving him on your desk to make things feel easier. 
Anytime one of those moments happened where you randomly thought about him, you immediately reminded yourself of the rule and simply buried yourself further in whatever school assignment you needed to focus on, or made abrupt plans with Eddie, Robin, Vickie, or Talia. 
It was late in the month when Talia wanted to set you up with a guy from one of her classes, who she claimed would be “perfect for you.” Initially, you were hesitant— more so leaning toward no than yes— but he had the Talia stamp of approval, so you let it happen. She gave him your number and there were a handful of text messages shared between you two that led to a museum date a week later. 
It wasn’t terrible. But, your heart wasn’t in it at all, and neither was your head most of the time. And by the end of it, more specifically as you were in the elevator headed back up to your apartment, you realized that you probably wouldn’t see him again. 
When you walked into the apartment, you spotted Talia in the kitchen and the entire apartment smelled amazing; which, of course, didn’t surprise you at all.
“Hey, what are you making?” You asked as you pulled off your jacket and hung it on one of the empty hooks next to the door. 
“I got bored, so I decided to do a quick roasted chicken. It’s in the oven now,” She said, shrugging as if that was entirely normal. It would never not amuse you how her boredom would always spur on elaborate meals. “So, how was the date?”
“It was fine. Good, actually,” You answered after the briefest moment of hesitation. “He was pretty cool and we had a lot in common and stuff. But, I don’t know… It just didn’t feel right, I guess. My head was in a different place a lot of the time. Thinking about other stuff.”
“About Steve?”
Hearing her say that, surprised you. “What? No. I haven’t talked to him in like a month.” 
She gave you a quick shrug. “That doesn’t mean that you can’t think about him.” 
“I guess that’s true, but I haven’t really thought about him,” You said. It was a small lie that you were okay with telling because you didn’t want to admit or even ponder what it meant that you did think about and were so easily reminded of him sometimes. 
“I’m kind of surprised that you two aren’t friends or something,” She told you as she went to grab something from the fridge. “I don’t think I could do a whole fake dating thing with someone and not, at least, be friends with them after it.”
You leaned back against the counter. “We came up with a bunch of rules when we started it, and that was one of them.”
“To not be friends after?”
“Not exactly that, but pretty much, yeah. The rule was to go our separate ways once the fake dating was done,” You shrugged. “Becoming friends was the last thing on both of our minds when we came up with that since we were basically strangers at the beginning of this. And when we were ending things, we both knew that it would be impossible to be friends after because of all of the lies that started this.” 
She looked at you then. “But we all know the truth now, though. So you two could be friends and none of us would question it.” 
Talia’s words made complete sense and they were something that you should’ve realized and thought about a lot earlier than this moment. You were quiet for what felt like forever because you didn’t know what to say in response. Your immediate reaction was to still say no, you couldn’t be friends with him, but if she followed up and asked why, you knew that you wouldn’t have an answer. 
When the oven started beeping, it felt like a very “saved by the bell” kind of moment. Talia pulled out the chicken from the oven and let the conversation shift from there. “You got back from your date just in time, by the way. You wanna try this?” 
“Of course, I’ll never turn down anything you make.”
You went to your room first to change out of your date outfit and put on some pajamas instead and then you joined Talia back in the kitchen. The chicken was quite literally perfect, which didn’t surprise you, and you retreated to your room for the night after you finished eating, while Talia put on a documentary that she had to watch for one of her psychology classes. 
As much as you tried to focus on anything else as you lay in your bed, you inadvertently spent the rest of the night thinking about Steve— it was too hard not to. 
You thought about every moment that you had been reminded of him over the past month— how it hadn’t felt like much at first, but when you thought about it all at once, it was a lot. You also thought about what Talia said and why you and he weren’t friends even though it was pretty obvious that you should be— what else could explain why you both had prolonged and dragged out the conversation in his car the night you two “broke up”? Neither of you had wanted to let the inevitable happen. 
All of this was about more than just following the rule to you. Of course, it was about more than just that. 
Deep down you knew exactly why you couldn’t listen to what Talia said— why you couldn’t text him, go to his place, or do anything else to lean into that short-lived friendship you two had that you actually had a feeling was still there— but right then you refused to admit it. 
Instead, you grabbed your phone and put on a random podcast just so you could use the noise to drown out your thoughts and force yourself to fall asleep.
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
It wasn’t until a few days before finals that you thought about Steve again. It was kind of hard not to because you ran right into him— or more so tripped over him. 
The campus library during the week before finals week was probably one of the worst places to be, but you were in a last-second search for a book that you needed to do an essay on and you refused to buy it online because, for some reason, it was way too expensive.
Your eyes were trained solely on the spines of books as you searched for the one in particular when you tripped over something in the middle of the aisle. It wasn’t a full-on fall, just a very awkward stumble, but it somehow felt just as embarrassing. 
You let out an abrupt yelp in the middle of your stumble and heard a voice before you even got to see what caused you to trip. “Oh, fuck, I’m sorry.” 
You recognized Steve’s voice immediately and it sent a surprised jolt through you as you turned to look at him. He was leaned back against the long bookshelf with his legs stretched out and there was a textbook opened in his lap. He must’ve just been sleeping because you saw him rub his eyes and let out a quick yawn.
He looked up at you as he crossed his legs under him instead of having them stretched out in the aisle. He seemed as if he was surprised to see you too, but from the look on his face, you could tell that he saw it as a good surprise; you weren’t sure if you could say the same just yet. “Shit, now I feel worse knowing that I just did that to you.”
That got the smallest smile out of you. “Yes, you should feel a thousand times worse for almost ending my life.”
“I’m sorry.” 
“Why are you sleeping here?” You asked. Both of you were keeping your voices low because you were on one of the quieter floors of the library. 
He shook his head. “I’m not sleeping. I was taking a break from studying for a test and just resting my eyes for a second.” 
“So sleeping?”
“A very brief nap,” He corrected.
“Ah, okay, got it,” You nodded, words coming out completely sarcastic. “Sorry for interrupting your very brief nap then.”
“Sorry for almost killing you.”
“Thank you.”
You knew that you should’ve let the brief conversation end there. You should’ve looked away from him then and continued searching for the book you needed to find. But, you didn’t. 
Instead, after the briefest moment of lingering silence between you two, you sat down across from Steve. The book and the essay that you needed to work on became the farthest things from your mind for the time being.
You didn’t have the strongest grasp on what you were doing right then and why you were doing any of it, but you decided not to question it. Instead, you simply did what felt good in the moment. 
You leaned back against the bookshelf opposite Steve and crossed your legs as well. “Hi.” 
He gave you a questioning look at first— maybe he was also expecting the conversation to end in that previous spot; like it would’ve with any other two people who weren’t really friends that had just randomly bumped into each other. 
But then, he was smiling, a genuine Steve Harrington smile that felt really nice to see. “Hey.” 
.・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。. .・。.・゜✭・.・✫・゜・。
a/n: ….. i'm sorry for the cliffhanger !!!!
next part!
taglist (lmk if you want to be added or taken off<333); @eddiernunson , @loulouloueh , @the-aster , @blckburd , @totally-bogus-timelady , @yujyujj , @irhdifartzamfyaa , @mochminnie , @munsonssweets , @blckbrrybasket , @xprloki , @definitionwanderlust , @dwcode , @sun-fiower-seed , @keerysfolklore , @damon-loves-pie , @lodeddiperrodrick , @bisexual-and-intellectual , @munsonburn3r , @negomi123 , @khena , @facexthexsunshine , @seatbacksandtraytables , @suckerfordylansstuff
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seungkwanniee · 22 hours
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pairings : boyfriend!seventeen x gn!reader
genre : fluff
warnings : reader is said to have puffy cheeks and... yes it's all I think?
synopsis : when their s.o is that kind of shy person that he even needs to ask things for you
hyung line ,, maknae line
an : WHY EVERY SINGLE POST IS FLOPPING SO BAD and I also feel this is a little boring im so mad
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he finds you way too cute thats why he is giggling looking at you 24/7
when youre trying to overcome your fear so you are finally ordering for yourslef
or also when youre absolutely doing nothing, he just remebers how cute you are those tjmes
but, don't get it wrong, he isn't actually laughing AT you because you look stupid or smt else
it's more like a kinda of proud laugh, and because you look good
he gives you pat behind your back as an emotional support lol
he looks at you while youre ordering with those little fangs showing
he is nodding slightly his head at every word you pronunce because wow 😍
he doesn't give a fuck about what maybe the worker can think about you two
rather, he is giving them the biggest side eye if they even try to make a weirded out face
after, when you two are taking a sit or waiting for your orders be ready, he is saying how pround he is
i think he would advise you to meditate
he is like 'meditate, it can make you calmer so you will not have trouble speaking'
and ofc he is doing it for you for emotional support
before entering into the bar, he stops you and pat your head
he is looking at you with the most comprensive eyes ever
'do you feel like to order or not? don't worry I can always do it for you untile you are confident enough'
you are melting for this man, he is too sensitive and understanding man ever
if you'll say you will do it for yourself, he kisses you forehead while squeezing your cheeks
he is intertwining your pinks togheter so you know he is here when youre ordering for yourself
proud smile on his lips never miss
before he met you, he wasn't even thinking about a person that shy beside him but when he met you
ooh lord, he fall in love even with your maybe odd behavior
but in his eyes you weren't anything but super cute
he lives for how you look when you are shy, the way you hide you face in your shoulder and YOU CHEEKS BLUSHING UGH
he have a thing for your puffy cheeks for sure
he would care LESS!!
when he frist met you, you were struggling to ordering for yourself
he saw you beside him at the bar, not in a really good condition and he was just like
'you kay? you need something?' sooo nonchalant
but for you he was the god on earth, and he ordered for you
you somewhat felt so sicure next to him, and it was really weird for you and your personality
never ever leaved your side since then
and when something is pointing it out he goes 'none of your business'
with the coldest look he can gave while his hands lay on your lower back to guide you somewhere
he doesn't even know where as long its as far as possible from that person
the big smile he have is unrepeatable
his love need to know the price of this bag? dw he got your back so quickly
he is so fast that you can't even follow him
and for that he also get stares from the assistants but honestly, how cares?
as long its making her beloved happy it's all okay
if youre feeling insicure/down about it all, he is the person he can comfort you the most
he coups your cheeks showering you with kisses all arounf your face
but he loves the tip of your nose the most!!
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wonderjanga · 12 hours
Biblical Marvel
This is connected to the Revival post. If you don’t want to go find that, let me give a quick summary of it. In that post, Mary and Freddy die a lot in their Marvel forms. As a result of this, Billy has to revive them a lot. It honestly stresses the poor boy out too because at the end of the Revival post, Billy finds some grey hairs. So, yeah.
Anyways, so people think Marvel is god sent in human form to protect them. (Let me also connect this to the Billy is Really Old post too. In that post, Billy has been a hero since 1940.) It explains why he hasn’t aged over the almost 80 years of him being a hero. Not only that but once, a homeless person asked him to turn water to wine, and he did, though that’s more a of Jesus thing.
Speaking of Jesus, some people think Mary and Junior are Jesus split in two. I mean, Mary has blue eyes (from C.C.) and brown hair (From Marilyn) for Christ’s sake. Not only that but her name is Mary. Maybe Jesus/Mary is honoring his/her mother. And as for Junior, maybe Mary took the looks and he took the gender?
Marvel: *sorting through letters and replying to a bunch of fan mail while sitting at a table in the kitchen.*
Wonder Woman: *Sitting next to him, eating ice cream*
Flash: *zips over and is now leaning on Marvel’s shoulder looking at the fan mail* “Dude, is that fan mail?”
Marvel: “Yup.” *finishes replying to a letter and putting it in the ‘done’ pile*
Flash: “How do even get fan mail? Do they know your address or something?”
Marvel: “Whiz Kid.” *picks up a super fancy looking letter*
WW: “Pardon?”
Marvel: “Whiz Kid. He gets them, and then he gives them to me.” *opens fancy letter*
Flash: “Wait, that little dude who does the radio show?”
Marvel: *Doesn’t like being called little but thinks it would be weird for him to defend himself while in Marvel form* “…Yeah… That ‘little’ dude.” *Takes out letter and reads it before sighing*
WW: “What’s wrong?”
Marvel: “The pope asked me to dinner again.” *sighs again and puts letter down on table to slouch and spin in his chair like a depressed little kid* “Now I gotta think of another excuse.”
WW: “The pope? As in the Catholic pope?” *eats bite of ice cream*
Flash: *looks to WW* “You know who the pope is?”
WW: *looks to Flash* “Yes? Flash, I may be from Themyscira, but I’m not completely ignorant of man’s world.” *looks to Billy* “If you don’t mind me asking, why don’t you want to go?”
Marvel: *shrugs as he slows his spinning to a stop, having came up with an excuse. Picks up letter and starts replying* “I don’t know. Do you want to have dinner with a guy you’ve never met?”
WW: “I see. I suppose not.” *goes back to eating ice cream*
Mary: *Watching a show on a TV in Mount Justice*
Robin!Tim: “Mary? Could you help me with something?”
Mary: *pauses show* “Huh? Yeah sure.” *flies over to Tim* “What’s the problem?”
Robin!Tim: *sitting at the kitchen at the counter with a laptop* “Can you tell me everything you know about angels? I’m writing a paper about it for school.”
Mary: “Oh. Uh, sure?” *Proceeds to talk Tim’s ear off for the next 15 minutes about angels and their different types and personalities and such*
Robin!Tim: *finishes paper* “Thanks a lot.” *closes computer and hops off chair*
Mary: “No problem, but why’d you ask me specifically? Why not use the internet?”
Robin!Tim: “Aren’t you like the primary source?” *heads back to his room*
Mary: *confused*
*Captain Marvel flies down and asks to pet a woman’s dog when all of a sudden, a mother holding a child runs up to him*
Mother: “Please cure my child!” *holds child out to him* “You can perform one of your miracles, right? Please!”
Marvel: “What?” *looks between Mother and child.*
Child: *looks really sick*
Marvel: *gets concerned at the sick child* “You haven’t taken him to a hospital?”
Mother: “It’s too expensive! Please! Just this once.”
Marvel: “Uuuuuuuuuuuhhhhh…” ‘Solomon! Help me!’
Solomon: ‘Repeat after me, Billy’ *proceeds to rattle off healing spell*
Marvel: *repeats spell and heals child*
Mother: “Oh, thank you! Thank you!” *hugs child tight* “I’ve never been much of a religious nut, but now I’ll have to start believing more. Thank you so much!”
Marvel: *Little confused by sudden mention of religion* “Your welcome? Have a good day, miss.” *floats off the ground, giving her a little wave before flying off*
*Freddy is hanging outside one of a meeting rooms in the Watchtower because he wasn’t allowed in due to the face he looked like a kid. He’s now talking to someone on the phone.
Junior: *talking on a phone he magicked from God knows where while floating a foot or two off the ground*
Kid Flash: *bored out of his mind, leaning against a wall, standing next to him cause he also wasn’t allowed in for the same reason*
Junior: *ends call*
Kid Flash: “Who were ya talking too?”
Junior: “My friend, Cain.”
Kid Flash: “What, like bible Cain?” *was joking*
Junior: “Yup.” *didn’t realize he was joking*
Kid Flash: “What seriously? The Cain from the Bible? The Cain that stabbed his brother? The Cain that’s immortal because he stabbed his brother?”
Junior: “Yup.” *starts typing on phone, a little too nonchalant about the conversation*
Kid Flash: “And Cap just lets you be friends with him?”
Junior: “Uh yeah? Why wouldn’t he? You know he’s friends with him too, right?”
Kid Flash: “Wait really? Shouldn’t they hate each other or something?”
Junior: “No? Cain’s pretty chill.”
Kid Flash: *blinks a couple times at that* “Huh.” *he seems a little surprised*
*The meeting ends and the heroes file out of the meeting room before Kid Flash can ask another question*
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brucewaynehater101 · 2 days
I’d love to see more of the Emotional Marks AU. I want to see the reveal and the Bats having the realization that just because they’re doing better /now/, it doesn’t fix the damage they did before. And that they can’t force things to heal. Healing takes time.
Post being mentioned is here
What I'm curious about is if it's a human only thing or if others (like Kyrptonians, Martians, Atlanteans, etc.) also get marks.
Anyways, here's some more stuff I thought of. As always, take as little or as much as you'd like of it ^^
Tim never takes off the object hiding his marks, even for himself. It's part habit and part desperation to never see how much his loved ones have actually hurt him.
He's unique in that he isn't sure where most of his marks come from. People usually see the marks within 24 hours of their appearance. Tim has gone years between seeing his own marked skin.
As I've stated before, the object works like glamor. Therefore, those with enough magic power would be able to see past it. This is part of why Tim wanted pants for the Robin uniform (any magicians working with Robin would see the moment they saw any of Tim's bare skin). Tim is very lucky the marks on his face only appeared a bit before he became Red Robin (and part of his reason for the cowl).
Marks typically stay away from the face. They only appear there if symbolically significant or if the marks are running out of space elsewhere on the body. Bart and Kon dying really did a number on Tim even though it wasn't their fault.
YJ and Dick have helped soothe some of the marks left behind by the Drakes (and Bruce too if you want good dad Bruce). Quite a bit have even fully disappeared due to them.
Tim still collected them like Halloween candy, though.
Major marks and their placement [though feel free to offer different ideas]:
Bruce calling Tim "Jason" - x on the back of neck
16th birthday - Major gash on right temple hidden by hair
Janet dying - splintering cracks along hand (bigger version of the one Janet fakes)
Jack coma then death - line in left calf then up to mid back of thigh
Bart dying - right side from under armpit to end of ribs gash
Kon dying - giant oval over sternum
Jason's TT attack - left foot/ankle cracks
Damian's attacks - stomach area
Losing Robin - largest slash diagonal across back (left shoulder to right hip)
There's more marks, but the ones on his face are caused by people not believing in him [this is not a "they should have" argument. It would have hurt regardless of what they should have done]
Hmm... So, the reveal? I'm thinking a magician. This would be after Tim switches back to just a mask and no cowl. His face marks would be on display for magicians but no one else. He, wrongly, assumed he'd be fine.
He's playing nice with the Bats at this point, even if he doesn't fully trust them. He loves them and wants to keep the peace. He'd never voluntarily show them his marks or tell them about it.
The Bats are being nicer under the idea that their assumptions about markless were incorrect. It weirds Tim out and usually has him ghosting them for a few days if they try to initiate feeling conversations with him. He kind of wishes they would just go back to normal.
It's a few months of this behavior before some magician makes a remark about Tim's facial marks. Something along the lines of, "You okay, Red? You're aware of how dangerous it is for marks to progress as far as the face, right?"
Cause what happens when there's no more room for marks? Drastic decrease in physical health. Could lead to death.
The Bats overhear and promptly freak the fuck out again.
Tim, who has been dealing with their bullshit for the last few months and doesn't want to deal with the confrontation, disappears. He's waiting for them to process their shit before returning [he loves them but does not want to be caught in that fucking whirlwind. Bats notoriously do not handle emotions well]
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akutasoda · 2 days
house cat
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synopsis - a domestic morning with your beloved cat officer
includes - seth
warnings - gn!reader, fluff, wc - 584
a/n: hi hi! this is a request by anon!! and as they requested a couple different things in one, im posting this separately! i was meant to finish the dan heng one first but ended up finishing this... hopefully will post the dan heng ons tomorrow!!
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as light streamed through the gaps in the curtains, the first thing you heard was the beeping of someone's alarm. your’s or seth’s you didn't know but either way you reached over to turn it off - by now you knew it was a futile effort in total to move your entire body as of now.
as always, you had to gently shake seth awake. every morning without fail, seth would always be curled up into your side, he slept noticeably heavier this way compared to how he used to be the first one up ages ago. seth was always much more cuddly when he was tired and the mornings were no different. fortunately, he roused rather quickly.
seth would never admit it, as it was incredibly cheesy and would embarrass him greatly to say out loud, but waking up to see you by his side never failed to make his heart flutter. gently, he'd nuzzle slightly into you before untangling his limbs from yours and the both of you would start your morning routines.
another noticeable trait you'd become familiar with was that seth didn't dare stray from your side for too long. of course, he was respectable and would give you space and privacy but otherwise he needed you to be in his line of sight. it was more for his peace of mind and he seriously meant no harm, so you allowed him.
he waited patiently for you to finish up your usual routine before following you toward the kitchen. occasionally, seth would wake up earlier just to be up to make you breakfast but nowadays he enjoyed your company more so - although he still wants to sometimes but leaving you alone in the morning is a difficult task.
seth would stand right beside you, helping you with whatever you wanted to do and eagerly listening to you, he really only wanted to help you.
you need him to go grab something? done. need him to make something? he'll try his best. simply want some affection? your going to have to pry him off so you can leave the house.
seth would also have quite the habit of giving you constant reminders. you swore he knew your schedule and tasks better than you did. they were all gentle reminders to make sure you got the best start to your day. even sometimes he got carried away and would start telling you about his plans, or even something he thought to do, just the two of you.
and as you both approached the front door, you gave seth one final kiss on his cheek. some form of goodbye that never failed to leave his tail furiously wagging. as soon as either of you would open that door, you two would have to go your separate lives until both of you arrived home later in the evening - although occasionally visiting the other at work wasn't entirely uncommon.
every morning ran like this. a blissful routine that the pair of you could always trust.
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eqt-95 · 3 days
day 2 | courage / trust issues
supercorptober / whumptober the master list
There were clues. Hints and moments. Together it made the end more inevitable, but like time, those hints and moments often just seemed like life until cast under hindsight’s guise.
“Are we going to talk about this?” Kara asked, following closely through the apartment door. She tossed her jacket onto the back of the stool-back and watched Lena’s focused expression fixed on the glow of her cell phone’s dim light.
Her thumbs tapped without interruption.
tap tap tap tap
Lena dropped her phone onto the kitchen island and reached for her laptop. Kara watched, perplexed, dumbfounded, and with an unhinged jaw as Lena’s attention turned to the brighter, larger screen. It made the apartment seem darker.
“Is this because I ate that tray of potstickers?” Kara continued. Her hands found confidence poised on her hips. “Because I asked the caterers before and they-”
“What?” Lena asked, her focus broken to interrogate Kara standing across from her. “You what?”
Kara rolled her eyes and flipped the lightswitch, earning a small squint of adjustment and nothing more.
“Did I do something wrong?” Kara prompted, the whine barely concealed under the question.
“Are you really-”
The forgotten phone buzzed, lighting up with an incoming call. Lena reached for it, confused expression never leaving Kara as she answered.
“Jess, hi… Yes, yes, please… No, only once we have NCFD’s approval. I don’t want to activate the nanobots until then… Before midnight if possible. Reconstruction will take at least…” tap tap tap “four hours; maybe five. Any wiggle room before rush hour is a luxury we need… Thank you; keep me posted.”
Kara balked. “This is about the overpass accident?”
“Can we do this later?” Lena asked, though it wasn’t a question. Her attention had already returned to the computer. “I’ve never simulated this kind of infrastructural engagement-”
“You’re really picking a freeway over our relationship?”
“A two hour pause in an argument will have far less implications on the trajectory of our lives together when stacked against the risk of a failed structural intervention, so if that’s how you want to frame it, then yes: I’m picking the freeway.”
“So we are fighting,” Kara huffed.
“We are doing nothing until I get these things programmed-”
“It’s a block of concrete, Lena. It can wait.”
Lena hunched forward against the counter. There was exhaustion in the tired way her jaw worked and reworked until the words felt right. “It is not just a block of concrete.”
“Then what is it? Why are we fighting?”
A tired thumb and forefinger squeezed the bridge of Lena’s nose. “You can’t keep choosing me. You can’t…” a slow breath, “eleven people died tonight. Three are in critical condition. Another four dozen sustained injuries-”
“And that’s my fault?” Kara asked instinctively, defensively; with shoulders straightening and eyes narrowing.
“No, Kara, of course it isn’t your fault, but,” Lena sighed. She sighed because this wasn’t the first time; she knew it wouldn’t be the last. She hated that but didn’t know any other way than to persevere; to echo the words of Rita Mae Brown like a broken record. “Countless others were trapped. J’onn and Nia were there, but first responders were overwhelmed.”
“I wasn’t on duty-”
“That’s not the point.”
“Then what is it?” Kara asked, a familiar impatience rising in her voice.
“You could have helped.”
Kara flushed and clenched her jaw. “I was celebrating my wife’s big night; her accomplishments-”
“I don’t need to be celebrated, Kara,” Lena said with familiar exasperation. “Especially not when it means ignoring people who could be saved.”
“So I’m supposed to put every part of my life on hold and just courageously carry the banner of a tireless hero?” Kara growled. “There will always be people who need saving. There will be people tomorrow and next week and next decade and next century.”
“And that’s what, an excuse for inaction?”
“I can’t be everywhere-”
“That’s not even what I’m asking for.”
“Then what? What do you want from me? You want me to promise I’ll choose nameless strangers over you? That I should stand with one foot out the door, perpetually waiting for something to interrupt a dinner or a movie or a holiday?”
“Or better yet: should I promise that, given the choice between a bullet barreling toward you and Mrs. Fischer, I’ll pick Mrs. Fischer? Because I’m not doing that.”
“Even if you promised it, I wouldn’t trust it,” Lena shot back.
The moment of honesty slipped free, and Kara pressed her mouth into a tight line to conceal the tremble in her lip.
“I’ve got forever, Lena,” Kara replied, voice gravely with emotion. “So if it’ll make you happy, you can rest assured that the day after you're gone, I'll go back to saving all of those other people first.”
“That’s a heavy burden for a person to carry.”
“I guess it helps that I'm an alien then.”
“Except I'm not.”
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verycoolusername1 · 2 days
Quite This High
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Summary: In which Luke inspires a song out of you about his gorgeous blue eyes.
Luke Hughes x Singer!reader - Social Media AU(fc is Olivia Rodrigo)
A/N: this is part two to angel boy if anyone wanted it lmao you don't have to read the first part to understand this one as it's a social media au :D
Also I have no idea what Luke's eye color is but ig in this he has blue eyes and since it's national boyfriends day(and I'm hopelessly single) I decided to post a little something
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Yourusername posted on their story!
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Tatemcrae: you're so evil for this!!!
liked by lhughes_06. Viewed by 4,567,981 others...
Real life
You sat on your couch with your notebook in your lap, on FaceTime with Luke.
"And then Jack slipped and I just could not keep it together." Luke chuckled at the memory.
You admired him through the phone. "You have nice eyes."
Luke looked at you softly, a pink hue slowly appearing on his face.
"What are you gonna write a song about them?" Luke joked but you could really tell he appreciated the compliment.
"Maybe." You smiled. "No yeah I am."
Luke's eyes widened at your confession.
"Have you already recorded it?" Luke asked.
"No, I record it next week." You answered.
Luke made a realization. "Wait... I come home next week. Are you... I don't know waiting for me to get back?"
You chuckled at his awkwardness. "I might be. And I still have to fix some of it. I only have the demo."
"Your job is like so cool. I suck at singing." Luke comments.
You chuckled. "Well you're amazing at talking so maybe one day you could be featured in one of my songs."
Luke looked at you in suprise. "Me in one of your songs? That would freak everyone out!"
You shrugged. "I know but I want you on one of the tracks."
Luke looked at you in admiration. "You're dangerous, you know that?"
"I've been told." You laughed.
In all honesty you could stare at Luke forever, more importantly you would probably drown in his eyes then an idea sparked.
"You just had an idea... what is it?" Luke asked.
"I know what to write, gotta go love you!" You rushed to your voice app.
"Love you too." Luke laughed.
You grabbed your guitar and began writing down lyrics on paper then you started the recording, getting to work.
One week later
Yourusername posted on their story!
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Liked by lhughes_06, edwards.73. Viewed by 1,567,832 others...
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Liked by username60, username75, and 18, 536 others...
Y/n.updates: Y/N and Luke outside the arena after the devils win tonight!
Username54: after Y/n's story I gotta admit these two are cute
Username79: they are serving omg
Username52: is this man gonna make yn FINALLY drop a love song??
Username43: @/username52 damn I hope so I'm tired of crying to songs- I'VE NEVER KISSED A GIRL 😭
Yourusername just posted!
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Liked by lhughes_06, tatemcrae, laufey, and 5,480,378 others...
Yourusername: my new single 'ocean eyes' is out midnight and my new album 'CARE' out October 30th!
Conangray: I live to see Halloween after all
Laufey: so so excited to listen!!!
Tatemcrae: 😏
Username48: @/tatemcrae WHAT DO YOU KNOW TATE
Username73: not the album release date the same as the hughes bowl 😭
Username89: @/username73 ik they're so evil for this
comments are limited
Several hours later...
You ran your fingers through Luke's hair as he patiently waited for your new song to come out. Since you two have started dating he's practically became your biggest fan(Conan did not take that lightly).
He refreshed his phone multiple times and checking the time every five seconds. You could see his eyes beam with joy as he realized it was midnight.
You awaited his reaction as he put his phone to his ear, looking up at you softly. You two stayed like a couple of minutes before the song came to a close.
"What do you think?" You asked, breaking the long silence.
"I- it's amazing." Luke gushed.
"You really think so?" You said softly.
"Of course I do. Your voice is beautiful... I could listen to it for hours if I'm being honest." He admits.
You kissed his forehead. "That's nice to hear."
"How long have you been thinking like this?" He asks.
"About writing a song about you?" He nods his head. "Honestly since the day we met. I always knew I would write a lyric in about your eyes I just never knew I would write a whole song about them."
"Well your songwriting is nice, can you write more songs about me?" Luke looks up at you.
"Oh yeah I definitely will... maybe about your arms next." You teased.
Luke chuckles. "I think you should do my ears- oh or my curls since you love to run through them so much."
You kissed the tip of his nose. "I love you."
Luke kissed you properly on the lips. "I love you too."
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skullyragdoll · 17 hours
Drdt ep. 16 thoughts pt.2
the squeakquel
pt. 1 here
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10. Teruko CRYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SHE BLAMES HERSELF SHE'S ACTUALL CRYING I CAN'T!!!!!!!!!!!!! TERUKO I CAN NEVER HATE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! also if her secret is the David got that's gonna be really bad... (tldr I luv u teruko)
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(also these 3 r so stay soft by mitski coded and ace is also fear of dying coded by jack off jill)
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11. CRUEL MONO TV!!!!!!!!
HOW!!!!!!! IT HURTS TOO MUCH!!!!!!!! Monotv made sure that they would both feel horrible before the execution!!!!!!! ToT
This is so sad I luv both min and ace, I can't even this is so freaking sad. TERUKO LOOKING SO MAD AT MONOTV!!! this series is too good at getting me to sympathize and love characters that are about to die!!!!!!!!
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12. me trying not to be dumb challenge
My wifi was really bad so it froze on this image and for like 30 seconds I was like "That's so deep its just her and Mono TV in silence..." LIKE NO FIX UR WIFI!!! ToT
I eventually realized that it was frozen lol
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I feel really bad for her, like why must she suffer!!!!! :(((
(also if u played a drinking game with how many times I used ToT in this post and my last post u would get alcohol poisoning)
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14. Ace's gloves
What do u meean!?!??! What is he hiding?!?!!! Don't leave me on this cliffhanger!!!!!!
(Update: does it have to do with him saying a third death on his hands?!? or is it that just about his own death??? Did he accidentally kill Taylor, his friend?!?! I can't wait till his bonus episode if we get one!!!)
Anyways this series is so good I luv it so much the drdt brainrot is insane
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shadewolf95 · 2 days
Short Adam x Reader scene i have been think about for some time. Please be kind, it's my first time posting something like this to Tumblr. Please let me know how you like it! Also I'm horrible at tags.
Adam, do you want some gum?
  It was a normal nice day, like it always is in heaven. You were walking towards your favorite coffee shop when you heard a commotion behind you. Turning, you realize it was Lute angrily shouting at a winner. As you walked closer to them you realized the winner was also shouting at Lute.
Winner: “It’s not my fault you can't watch where you're going!”
Lute: “You owe me a new coffee!”
Winner: “I don’t owe you anything, get lost!”
You notice the coffee cup on the ground and decide to interfine.
Y/n: “Hey now. What seems to be the issue here?”
They both turn to look at you. Before Lute could even say anything the winner took his chance to give you his sob story.
Winner: “Oh! Thank goodness you're here, y/n! Lute here is being so mean to me, I accidentally bumped into her and she just started screaming at me. I don’t know what I was going to do if you hadn’t showed up! Please help me?!”
Lute: “That’s not what happened at all! You weren't watching where you were going and ran into me! You didn’t even apologize, just told me to watch it and shove off!”
Winner: “She’s lying! I would never do that, you believe me right?”
Was he really going to try to wiggle his way out of this. Only one way to find out.
Y/n: “Oh dear me, what a mess indeed. Well I do believe you should apologize even if it was an accident.”
Winner: “You are absolutely correct, I apologize Lute. So we are good now right?”
Lute looked like she was about to say something but you cut her off.
Y/n: “Good job. You obviously bear no ill will to Lute.”
Winner: “Nope. Not at all.”
Y/n: “Good. Then you wouldn't mind paying for her to get another coffee, correct?”
Winner: “Not at all….wait what?”
Y/n: “Is there a problem? If no ill intentions are here then you will have no problem fixing an issue you caused.”
Winner: “But..but…”
You gave him the look a mother does when scolding a child. Meanwhile Lute’s smile could be seen for miles. The winner finally sighed in defeat.
Winner: “Here you go Lute, this should cover your new coffee.”
Lute accepted the cash with a shit eating grin.
Lute: “Thanks.”
With that the winner finally left. Lute looked down at her phone and sighed.
Y/n: “Something else?”
Lute: “I don’t even have time to get another, I’m already late to practice. Adam is going to be so mad. Ugh!”
Y/n: “I can help with that too, come on let's get you that coffee.”
Lute laughs at you as you both walk into the coffee shop.
Lute: “Unless you plan to finally sleep with him I don't know how you plan to do that.”
Y/n: “Trust me.”
     You both hid around a corner left to the entrance of the practice field. You had already told Lute the plan and while she seemed apprehensive she agreed to try it. Adam was waiting near the front of the gate. Looking down at his phone, he seemed irritated to say the least. With one final look at Lute you both nodded and you started walking to Adam alone, popping a piece of gum into your mouth in the process.
Y/n: “Well well well, who do we have here?”
Adam looked up at you, you quietly noted the hint of interest tracing his mask outlines.
Adam: “Ugh, it's you. What do you want, y/n? I’m busy.”
Y/n: “Oh come now is that anyway to treat me? I thought we were past that?”
You stopped to his right forcing him to turn away from where Lute was still hiding to look at you. 
Adam: “Pfff as if you don’t enjoy this. It’s the only way I get you to even talk to me. Face it, you love it!”
You rolled your eyes and Adam laughed.
Adam: “I’m not hearing a no.”
Y/n: “We’ve been over this a million times, even after I tell you no. You stop for a day or so then keep coming right back to me. What are ya, obsessed with me? Not used to having a woman tell you no?”
Adam: “NO! It’s…it's not like that at all! Leave me alone! Like I said, I'm busy!”
     You smiled, you could sense him becoming flustered. He’d always been like that with you after the first time you turned him down for trying to ask you out. If he wasn't such a manwhore you might have agreed. Unfortunately for him you had been well warned ahead of time by others about him and his antics. But it still felt nice to mess with him like this. 
Y/n: “I guess you're right, besides I have other places to be with far more important people to interact with. But before I go, do you want some gum?”
Adam gruffed at you before giving you a questioning look.
Adam: “Gum? Seriously? That’s the best you could come up with to stand around here a little bit longer? You know what, yeah give me some gum.”
    Adam smirked at you but you only grinned back. Without warning you reached up and grabbed the front of his robe by his throat pulling him down to your mouth. It all happened so quick he couldn't process it until his and your mouth were smashed together in a forceful sloppy kiss. Your wings spread wide to enclose the two of you together hiding you both from the view of onlookers but most importantly giving Lute the much needed coverage to slip past Adam undetected. After a few minutes you pulled away wiping spit from your mouth and chin. Adam just stood there mouth a gap staring at you. It was actually quite funny to look at, he had not moved an inch other than what you made him do. No hand movements nothing other than his wings fluffing up a bit and what was that? You swear you could see a hint of blushing from under the mask. You grinned again and raised your hand to close his mouth.
Y/n: “Goodbye Adam, see you around.”
With that you flew away, leaving Adam to wonder what in the world just happened. 
     Adam watched you go, feeling hot all over. He looked down at his phone again and it was 30 minutes past when training was supposed to start. He silently cursed at nothing. Turning he was still not sure what had just happened with y/n but he could wait any longer for Lute to show up from what he only assumed was her playing hooky. He'll have to teach her a lesson later. All thoughts stopped though when he saw Lute doing warmups with her sisters.
Adam: “Lute when did you get here?”
Lute: “I’ve been here this whole time Sir. We’ve been waiting on you, Sir.”
Adam watched as the others nodded with her. Was he going crazy? This had to be a dream right? Yeah. That's definitely what was happening, just a very real feeling dream. There was no way any of this was real. 
Adam: “Alright ladies go run some laps!”
Adam watched as they started to run, still unable to shake the feeling that this isn't some sort of awesome dream. Maybe the gum in his mouth was the cause of this feeling. 
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quibbs126 · 2 days
have you done elder faerie and dark cacao…
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So I ended up getting on this because I saw an announcement for an eldercacao week, but it also means I got through this design, so here we are with Silver Clay Cookie
So Silver Clay here is supposed to be a weaponsmith, though she specializes in silver weapons. She's got a noticeable amount of silver in her dough, and it makes her have a particular attunement to metal, as well as being able to shape it out of clay. It makes her pretty important around the Faerie Kingdom
She's also a bit of a germophobe, and hates stains. They don't really get on her, but she's got a bit of a compulsive need to get rid of germs and such when she sees them. She also instinctively does not like the yeast creatures around the Faeriewood, for the same reasons (it's because silver is antibacterial)
She generally lives in the Faerie Kingdom, and is expected to take up the mantle of Guardian if something ever happens to Elder Faerie. She does visit the Dark Cacao Kingdom, but not often with the Licorice Sea being a barrier. The metal powers make her more important to the Faeries than the Dark Cacao Kingdom
She has a tendency to be rather high strung, and has inherited some of her father's (Dark Cacao's) traits of not really letting loose and relaxing. If you see her at a party outside of the start of it, it's because someone's keeping her there or because she's multitasking. It makes her odd among the Faeries, but she doesn't pay it much mind in favor of more work
She also doesn't really have wings, due to only being half Faerie. She says it doesn't bother her, but it always kind of has, at least in the back of her mind. She wonders if things would be better if she grew up and lived in the Dark Cacao Kingdom, but she usually shakes it off as it doesn't really matter, she's living in the Faerie Kingdom
Where she stands post Beast Yeast Episode 2, I don't really know. I haven't put much thought into where she fits in the timeline, since I don't know when Elder Faerie and Dark Cacao would have hypothetically met. That's also why there's no mention of Dark Choco here either
I don't think I have much else to say on her, so let's move on to design things
So I actually didn't spend much time on picking a name. Her name's Silver Clay because silver is associated with the Faerie Cookies, and I know someone used it in a chocolate knife once. Silver Choco was also a consideration, but I went against it because I feel like I give too many Cacao kids the name "Choco". That's about it
I probably could have come up with a better name if I had spent more time on it, but I didn't, so
Silver clay (idk I couldn't find a good picture of the clay itself):
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To be honest, I don't really know what to put here
Her design's me trying to mix Elder Faerie and Dark Cacao design elements. Though I do also feel like she ended up being too plain at the end
I mean she is supposed to be a weaponsmith, with that being her primary role outside of her princess status, so I guess it works? But also I still feel like she's plain looking. Maybe she needs an alternate outfit
I'm gonna be honest, my main takeaway from Silver Clay is that she's underbaked. I did not spend much time at all fleshing out her concept, or in general the concept of an eldercacao kid. I didn't really even have a name and I went with the first idea that popped into my head. She has not been marinating
I feel like I feel this way with a lot of recent fankids. I guess I really don't have as much time to think about them as I did before, but in general I feel like I haven't been putting as much thought into them. And their designs just come out okay to me. But maybe I'm just being too hard on myself?
It doesn't really help that if I do wait, I get even more backup than I already do. Like, the 100+ unfinished requests will never be done. And even at this rate, it'll be forever until I finish one. This person's lucky I happened to have something force me to do this request
But yeah, I don't know. I guess Silver Clay isn't terrible, but she's undercooked in my opinion. I feel like I could have done better
But I hope you at least enjoy her
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tinytinyblogs · 1 day
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He told the whole world that he loves you, even if it meant risking both of your careers.
(2K words)
💬Thank you for waiting until I finished this request. I’m not creating a reaction for this one—something inside me said it would be better to turn it into a story like this. Hope you enjoy reading!
Stray kids masterlist
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Your insights and reactions make these posts come alive. Love reblogs, comments, and all the good vibes welcome ✨
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"I mean, you both make it pretty obvious," Chan started, his voice filling the room as the others nodded, grinning. "Hyung’s never this soft with anyone else but you," Changbin added, looking at you. Hyunjin, leaning back on the couch, glanced between you and Minho, "We’ve all been guessing what was going on between you two before you decided to make it official." But the mood shifted. Chan’s expression turned serious. "As your leader, I have to say, I’m concerned about your plan, Minho," he said, his tone firm. "Revealing it to the fans—I'm worried. We’ve worked so hard from our trainee days to where we are now, and I don’t want either of you to regret this decision or get hurt." The room fell into a tense silence, the weight of unspoken words pressing down on everyone. All eyes were on you and Minho, the gravity of the moment settling over the group like a thick blanket. You could feel Minho’s hand slightly tremble in yours, and it made your heart ache, knowing that this was a conversation neither of you had really wanted to face just yet.
Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Chan cleared his throat, breaking the silence. His voice, though soft, filled the room with a mix of warmth and concern. "I just want to say, I'm really happy for both of you," he began, his eyes shifting between you and Minho, a genuine smile tugging at the corner of his lips. "We all are, honestly." He gestured to the other members, who nodded in agreement, some smiling in support while others looked more conflicted he reiterated his point that there was no opposition to your relationship in the room. He sighed deeply, running a hand through his hair. "But.. again, you’ve both worked so hard to get to where you are, and I just don’t want either of you to regret anything. The pressure, the scrutiny… it can be brutal. I’m saying this because I care about both of you." The room grew heavier with his words, the reality of the situation sinking in. You glanced at the other members, and one of them let out a heavy sigh, their eyes filled with concern. Their gaze shot between you and Minho, the unspoken worry clear. You could see it in their faces—they were happy for you. They love how the two of you seem to complete each other, but they were also scared of what this revelation could bring.
You squeezed Minho’s hand a little tighter, seeking comfort, and he returned the gesture, though you could sense his own uncertainty through the way his grip faltered slightly. He hadn’t said much, but you both knew what Chan was getting at. It was the very thing that had been gnawing at the back of your mind for weeks. The question that you had asked Minho countless times but that neither of you had really been able to answer: Is this really okay? Would everything be alright if the truth came out? Minho hadn’t given you a straight answer before because, deep down, you both knew it wasn’t that simple. The love you shared was real and beautiful, but the world outside—the fans, the media, the industry—was unpredictable. Would they accept you? Would they understand? Or would this love, which had brought you both so much joy, end up being the thing that tore everything apart? As you sat there, surrounded by the people who knew you best, the weight of the decision felt almost unbearable. Chan was right. You had to think about this carefully, for both of your sakes.
The room remained quiet, everyone waiting for what would come next, but for now, there were no easy answers. Just questions that neither you nor Minho were quite ready to face. Even after the others had left, and despite the hours that had passed, your mind was still a chaotic mess. The weight of the conversation lingered, heavy and unresolved. Minho sighed as he sat beside you, his expression showing that he was struggling just as much. His hand found yours, squeezing gently, an effort to calm you, though you could feel the tension in his touch. He wasn’t calm either. "One thing I believe without a doubt—loving you, being in love with each other, that’s not a mistake," he said softly, his voice breaking the stillness in the room. The ticking of the clock echoed in the background, filling the silence between his words. His face was so close, his eyes full of emotion, and the sight of him in that moment made your chest tighten, the pressure building as if tears were inevitable.
He took a deep breath, his gaze not leaving yours. "I’m tired of hiding, of pretending," he continued, his tone more vulnerable than usual. "I’ve been living my life in the shadows, afraid of what others might think, but I don’t want to do that anymore. I should be able to love who I love, openly, without shame. We’re just people, after all. We deserve to be happy, to love like anyone else. Why should it feel so wrong to want that?" His words hung in the air, raw and real, and you could see the pain he’d been carrying, the longing to live authentically. He looked at you as if searching for an answer, as if needing to know you understood. And in that moment, you knew this was more than just about your relationship—it was about his freedom, his right to be himself, and to love without fear.
"It’s a risk, I know," Minho began, his voice heavy with emotion. "But every day, we’re so in love, and yet we have to act like nothing’s happening in front of everyone. It’s eating me up inside. Pretending like this makes me feel like I’m not loving you enough, like I’m holding back, and I hate that feeling." His grip tightened slightly around your hand as he continued, his frustration clear. "I want to hold your hand whenever I want, not just in private. I want to look at you the way I always do—with love in my eyes—without having to worry who’s watching. And I hate, hate seeing people ship you with other idols while I’m standing right there, pretending it doesn’t hurt, pretending it doesn’t bother me when all I want is for them to know that you're mine. It’s like I’m living two lives, and I can’t keep doing it." He paused, his voice softening as he looked at you, vulnerability seeping through his words. "I just want to stop pretending. I want to be with you fully, without having to hide or downplay what we have. It shouldn’t feel like a crime to love you so much."
That day—the day the news was about to break—felt like the weight of the world was pressing down on you. Sitting on your bed, anxiety gripped you so tightly that even breathing felt like an impossible task. Every second felt heavier than the last as the looming uncertainty settled into your bones. The door creaked open, and there he was—Minho. His eyes met yours across the room, filled with an understanding that only he could give. After a few moments, he took a deep breath and slowly made his way toward you, the hesitation clear in the measured steps he took. Finally, he sat beside you, close enough that you could feel the warmth of his presence. His hand lifted to gently caress your cheek, his touch soft and comforting, like he was trying to ground you in this storm of emotions. "Whatever happens, I love you," he whispered, his voice tender and reassuring. "Just remember that." He reached for the phone in your hand, the device that had become a symbol of all your fears and doubts, and tossed it to the far side of the bed as if to say it didn’t matter, at least not right now.
For a moment, it was just the two of you, free from the noise of the world outside. Minho leaned in, pressing a soft, lingering kiss to your lips, his way of telling you what words couldn’t fully express. "I’ve never regretted telling the world how much I love you," he said quietly, his eyes searching yours for a sign of comfort. "Not for a second. I mean it—I love you, and I’m proud to say it. No matter what happens next, I want you to know I’m standing by you. Always." In that moment, the chaos swirling in your mind seemed to fade, if only for a heartbeat. The tension in your chest loosened just enough to let you breathe again. Minho’s presence was your anchor, the one constant in a day that felt like it was spiraling out of control. And as you sat there, his words echoed in your mind, offering you a sense of peace amidst the storm.
He leaned in for another kiss, soft and tender, as if the world beyond the two of you had ceased to exist. In that moment, everything else faded into the background—the headlines spreading like wildfire, the breaking news that had already made its way across the globe. Your phone, once an object of anxiety, now lay forgotten on the bed, buzzing uncontrollably with notifications. But none of it mattered. Not now. His lips on yours felt like an anchor, grounding you in this quiet, intimate space where nothing outside could touch you. The flood of messages was relentless, a stream of congratulations from fans, filled with excitement and support, echoing their joy at your announcement. There were messages from your fellow members too—some sending heartfelt words of encouragement, others teasing you both in their usual playful way. It was a whirlwind of emotions, but all the messages carried the same sentiment: love was never something to hide.
Each notification seemed to whisper the same truth—that choosing to love openly, even with all its risks, was worth it. There was a collective understanding from everyone that risking something for love would always be better than living with regret. And now, together, you and Minho were embracing that truth, daring to love in front of the entire world. It was terrifying, but it was also freeing. Minho pulled you closer, deepening the kiss as if he were trying to make you forget everything except him—the worry, the fear, the uncertainty. His kiss was filled with reassurance, a silent promise that no matter what came next, the two of you would face it together. His love for you was unwavering, steady like a lighthouse in a storm, and you could feel that strength in every touch, every breath you shared in that moment. The phone buzzed again, but it didn’t matter. You were both too lost in each other to care. The outside world could wait.
When he finally pulled back, his forehead rested gently against yours, his breath mingling with yours as you both tried to steady yourselves. His eyes met yours, and you saw everything you needed to know reflected in them—love, trust, and an unshakable belief in what you shared. "I never regretted telling the world that I love you," he whispered, his voice soft but filled with conviction. "Not for a second. And I never will. We’re going to be okay. We’ll get through this, together." His words sank deep into your heart, filling you with a sense of calm you hadn’t felt in hours. You believed him. You always had. With Minho by your side, everything felt possible, even when it seemed like the whole world was watching, waiting for you to falter. But you wouldn’t. Not as long as you had him. The notifications kept piling up—messages of love and support, playful jabs from the members who knew you best, fans who celebrated your happiness as if it were their own.
The world had seen your love now, and they were telling you in every way they could that it wasn’t wrong, that this kind of love was worth fighting for, worth risking everything for. You leaned into Minho, your head resting on his shoulder, feeling the warmth of his body beside you, his hand still intertwined with yours. Together, you had taken that leap, and now, no matter what came, you knew you’d overcome it side by side. Love was a risk, yes, but it was one you were willing to take. And with Minho’s love and the belief you both shared in each other, you knew you had the strength to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The world could watch. But it could never take away the love you’d found in each other. Haters will hate, regardless of their judgement. They've never experienced what you've been through, so let them be.
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smollsmule · 22 hours
Loved the Charles having a crisis at the beach post on your dash , but I have to ask …
What do you reckon is the most boomer thing Charles believes in ? 👀👻
(Ok second attempt bc tumblr decided to mess with me last time.)
I'm so happy to hear you liked it!! I don't usually like to post about my writing before I'm in the editing stage at least bc I don't like building expectations like that and making people wait. This time I hadn't even started writing (I was actually writing another, quite different fic that is almost ready to go up now). It was just an idea I had been rotating in my head for some time and I wanted to know if there were people who agreed with me. But everyone has been so lovely and enthusiastic and I can't wait to get it done and share with the class!
Now, for your question. Actually, no, first let me take this opportunity real quick to say:
I know what Gen X is, guys! I know Charles isn't actually a boomer, please stop yelling at me in the notes (please)!!!
Now, I was going to go into this whole spiel about how Charles is actually a really interesting case because he
seems to have had rather forward views when he was alive
unlike many of his peers, died before growing to adulthood in Thatcher Britain beat them out of him and left him a cynical husk of a person
So I actually like to think he is less behind than you'd expect from a guy who didn't live to see the iron curtain fall (see, just for some examples, his helping his classmate and unwavering support of other's queerness (though his reaction to Chad and Hunter in particular warrants a whole essay)).
And then after thinking all these thoughts I realised that pretty much everything we thought to know about dinosaurs in the 80's has since been overhauled. (Jurassic Park hadn't even been released yet!) And then I couldn't get this image out of my head of Charles scream-crying at a museum plaque (ineffectively since a) he is inperceptible, b) it is an inanimate object.)
So yeah, my answer is dinosaurs. I also firmly believe he checked out re the internet the moment they got rid of the dial up modem, if not earlier.
(All that said you should not think about the (lack) of sex ed this boy recieved and was probably never updated on)*
(*that last one might have been inspired by my own writing I'll admit)
But seriously, I am opening up the floor on this one, because now *I* wanna know what everybody thinks abt this. Thanks for the interesting question!!
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rallamajoop · 1 day
Queer lit of the 1800s: Two gay Victorian vampire stories you've probably never heard of
So, I have this post in the works tackling that all-important question: just why are there so many gay vampire stories? But in writing it, what was supposed to be a brief tangent about a couple of little-known m/m vampire stories from all the way back in the late 1800s era… started expanding into something not-so-brief, as such tangents are prone to do.
But what the hell, the internet tells me it's queer history month: clearly the only solution is to give those stories their own post, where my tangent can spin out as far as it likes!
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Now, if you know anything about Victorian vampire literature or the lesbian vampire genre, you’ve probably already heard about Carmilla, by Sheridan le Fanu (1872), the world’s very first (known) lesbian vampire story. To this day, it's easily the second best-known and widely adapted tale in all the Victorian vampire canon (after Dracula, obviously) – and it probably deserves to be too.
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But this is not a post about Carmilla, because Carmilla is not the only gay-vampire-story written way back in the Victorian era. It's not even the least subtle gay-vampire-tale.
There are (at least) two others, both featuring male/male vampire/human pairings. And whether or not they ‘deserve’ to be remembered in the same breath as Carmilla, they’re both fascinating works in their own rights: Manor, by Karl Heinrich Ulrichs (1884) – one of the world’s first gay activists – and A True Story of a Vampire, by Count Eric Stenbock (1894).
You can read both online. A True Story of a Vampire is long out of copyright and can be found on Gutenberg (Carmilla is too, if you're interested), and many other places. Manor has been translated into English only much more recently, but you can still get hold of it in pdf form, or buy it in ebook format. But if what you really want are some summaries, and/or whole lot of extra context and analysis to go with the stories themselves, I've got you covered below.
Manor (1884), Sailor Stories, and Karl Heinrich Ulrichs
We’ll start with Manor, since it was published ten years before our other example, and because I’m not quite cruel enough to leave you going "wait, did you really just tell me there was a legit gay activist writing vampire slashfic in his free time way back in the 1880s?" while I ramble on about the other story first. We'll start with the author himself, because his own story is at least as interesting as any fiction he ever published.
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Born in Germany in 1825, Karl Heinrich Ulrichs knew from a young age that he was attracted to men. He trained in law, but wisely resigned before he could be fired in 1854 when his proclivities came to the attention of his superiors. Most in his position would've redoubled their efforts to hide; Ulrichs spent the next several years joining societies dedicated to science and literature and developing his own theories about non-hetero orientations, before officially coming out to his family in 1862.
He was just getting started. By 1867, he was ready to come out to the whole world.
Ulrichs is far from the first gay man to recognise his attraction without shame and find society in like-minded individuals ‒ but he may well be the very first to come out voluntarily and publicly, and advocate for the decriminalisation of homosexuality. And when I say "publicly" what I mean of course is, "in a formal address to the Congress of German Jurists." He was shouted down, but it was still a staggering act of bravery for a man of his time. It would still be a staggering act of bravery in many parts of the world today.
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Undaunted by his reception, Ulrichs would also publish a dozen booklets advocating for rights for his community between 1864 and 1879, framing their sexuality as natural, inborn and wholly benign. In 1880, after multiple arrests for his political advocacy, he left Germany for self-imposed exile in Italy, where he would remain until his death in 1895. But it's during this period that he published some poetry, as well as Sailor Stories, a collection of four short stories inspired primarily by Norse mythology, including Manor (which we’ll get to, don’t worry).
Though Ulrichs saw little legal success in his lifetime, through modern eyes, his greatest failure might be only that he was so far ahead of his time. When he began writing and advocating, the word 'homosexuality' didn't even exist yet ‒ he himself used the term 'Urnings' for gay men, eventually coining terms for variations like 'Mannling' and 'Weibling' (gay male equivalent of 'butch' and 'femme') as well. He also came to recognise bisexuality, lesbian attraction, and even intersex conditions, theorising that all resulted from some combination of male and female characteristics developing in the same individual, as the available knowledge on embryonic development suggested might be possible. For a guy with only Victorian era science to work from, that's still remarkably close to the modern consensus today.
Nor did Ulrichs' work die with him. His writings would go on to inspire and be republished by gay rights movements that followed him ‒ including the work and advocacy of Magnus Hirschfeld, who created what may be the world's first trans-affirming clinic. Even in his own time, responses from his own readers show much his work meant to them, reassured at last that they weren't alone.
So how does a German activist from the 1880s find himself publishing gay vampire fiction based on Norse mythology while living in exile in Italy? I only wish I knew. My sources suggest his main goal with Sailor Stories was to publish something that would sell. Unsurprisingly, given the subject matter it seems to have sold very little. Manor is the third of four short tales, and by far the gayest of them all. It's also (IMHO) by far the best, and the most interesting.
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Set in a Norwegian fishing village, Manor tells the story of the romance between a 15-year-old boy called Har, and the titular Manor, a sailor 4 years his senior, who rescues Har from the wreck which killed his father. In the days that follow, the pair become close, and Manor takes to swimming across the bay on summer evenings to visit Har at his home. And so they meet whenever they can, until tragedy strikes again, and Manor is killed in a shipwreck near the coast, leaving Har inconsolable with grief.
But this being a vampire story, in the nights after Manor’s death, something is seen swimming across the bay to Har’s home, just as Manor used to do. Har is visited night after night by the spectre of his beloved, who lies beside him in bed, strokes his cheek with cold hands, and kisses him with icy lips, draining his blood from his heart, "like an infant at its mother’s breast." Har himself awaits each night with mixed joy and fear, longing to see Manor again, even in such a form.
As Har weakens, the villagers attempt to trap Manor in his grave by hammering a stake through his body, but he continues to visit Har nonetheless, now sporting a gaping wound in his chest. The villagers return with a new stake, widened at the base like a giant nail, and finally, Manor is restrained in his grave. But it’s too late for Har: weakened and heartsick, he dies, begging only that he should be buried beside his beloved at last. Neither rise again. 
Though I can’t speak to how it reads in the original German, in translation, Manor is relayed in largely workmanlike prose. Its tale is short, simple, and sad – but so much about it fascinates me all the same.
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(Draugen, Theodor Kittelsen, 1891)
There’s the incorporation of elements you might better recognise from Norse draugr folklore – revenants more typically associated with deaths at sea, or charged with guarding their own graves ‒ but still far more closely related to the vampires of Slavic mythology than most people probably realise. Manor is also one of painfully few stories which clearly recognises what is surely the original purpose of hammering a stake through a vampire’s body: not to kill it, but to hold the creature down and prevent it from leaving its grave. As a hopeless vampire-nerd (I've presented panels at conventions about this stuff, it's dangerous to get me started), I can’t tell you how much I love those aspects of this story.
But above all, Ulrichs’ tale captures what might be one of the oldest and most traditional versions of the folkloric vampire: the spectre of a lost loved one, and the potent mixture of fear and twisted longing thus inspired, that the weight of their loss might drag you down into death to join them. Many ‘real’ tales of vampirism have been inspired by outbreaks of wasting diseases like consumption, working their way through a family, one member at a time. But in Har’s case, it is clearly grief as much as Manor’s physical visits that claims him. He loves Manor so much that he welcomes his lover back, even as a revenant. In his own way, Har too is cursed by Manor’s death to wander the world like the walking dead, until finally reunited with his lover once more.
Nowadays, tragic love stories like this tend to get an eye roll from a lot of the queer community. The old ‘bury your gays’ trope has been done to death, and we’re largely sick of being told that noble suffering is the best we can hope for. But it’s notable nonetheless that Manor’s sexuality has no bearing on his death, and little about the story would change were Har female. It's far from clear if the rest of the village even recognises Har and Manor's love for what it is, let alone whether they'd disapprove ‒ after all, vampires will often go after friends and acquaintances when lovers and family members are exhausted. As such, it’s hard to read the village’s attempts to keep Manor in his grave as a simple matter of prejudice. They're also genuinely trying to save Har's life.
And yet, the way Har keeps the undead Manor’s visits a secret, even begging for the stake to be removed so they can resume, echoes the real experiences of so many gay and lesbian couples far too clearly to be accidental. And however disturbing to a contemporary audience, Har’s willingness to follow his lover to the grave leaves little doubt of the depths of his feelings. To an audience in the 1800s, even the most cliched example of bury-your-gays would be revolutionary.
Did I mention that this story fascinates me? There are layers to this thing.
For completeness, I’ve also read the rest of Sailor Stories (and you can too at the same link). Only one of the other three tales contains any queer romance: the first, Sulitelma, where a boy called Erich falls for a handsome sailor called Harald he meets aboard a spectral storm ship. But there's no happy ending: his sister falls for the same handsome sailor, and shoves Erich overboard to his death to eliminate her competition.
Atlantis, the second story in the collection, is a direct sequel to Sulitelma, but it's even more bizarre. Erich is barely mentioned, and instead we find ourselves reading a tale which I can only summarise as like something I might have found on fanfiction.net back in the early aughts, written by some 14yo trying to straightwash the original material. Here, Harald and some of his fellows go on shore leave to the land of the phoenix, populated by Greek nymphs and Cupid, and mildly comedic hijinx ensue. It is fascinatingly bizarre, but not exactly satisfying as a read (or a sequel).
The final story, The Monk of Sumboe, tells of how two close friends destroy their relationship and themselves with their fixation on the tale of an alluring siren. There's a solid concept in there somewhere, but it's far too short and abrupt to do much with it, and all the characters remain strictly heterosexual. But if there's one thematic detail that ties it to the rest of the collection (beside the many Norse elements), it's that hopeless longing for something others would warn you away from ‒ whether that be a phantom ship, a visit from a vampire lover, or an elusive siren. None of these tales end well for their protagonists, but we're drawn to sympathise with them nonetheless.
I cannot guess what reception Karl Ulrichs expected in publishing this book. Sailor Stories is neither a work that could expect good reception from mainstream audiences or a defiantly-radical queer masterpiece. What did people make of it in its own time? Was it read and cherished by at least a few boys or men like Har and Manor? I’d hope so, but I’ll probably never know.
If you'd like to read more about Karl Ulrichs, I can recommend (among my sources) this New York Times article for a quick overview of his work, or the various work of Michael Lombardi-Nash and Hubert Kennedy (link 2). You can also read the first chapter of his published correspondence online for free.
A True Story of a Vampire (1894), and Count Eric Stenbock
Our second Victorian vampire tale was first published in English, though it was written by a Swedish Count. Like Carmilla in its own day (and quite unlike Karl Ulrichs), both story and author seem to have flown largely under the radar until many years after publication, the queer subtext little noted or commented upon (if at all).
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If nothing else though, A True Story of a Vampire aptly demonstrates that at least someone of that era spotted what Carmilla was really about – because he wrote his own version, only about men. Stenbock’s tale is effectively a much shorter, gender-swapped version of Carmilla – but with a larger age gap between vampire and victim lending the story uncomfortable pederastic overtones.
"Vampire stories are generally located in Styria; mine is also," it begins – though I couldn’t name you any vampire story from the era besides Carmilla set there. The narrator, the surviving sister of the vampire’s victim, is called ‘Carmela’, if you needed further proof.
Much like in Carmilla herself, the vampire, Count Vardalek (a Slavic term for vampire) arrives at their house after being forced to seek local hospitality when some convenient ‘accident’ interrupts his travels. There, he bewitches and slowly drains the life from her brother, Gabriel – a boy described in terms variously angelic and fey, a wild thing who befriends wild animals and would rather climb a tree to a window than take the stairs to his own room, but who cleans up beautifully for church – a sublime, cinnamon roll of a creature, far too good for this sinful earth, too pure. Gabriel is a true male equivalent of the likes of Dracula’s Lucy, feminised further still by his youth and innocence. Had a vampire not got him, one can only imagine he’d have eventually have been spirited away by the fairies.
Gabriel and the mysterious Count are drawn to one another immediately. Even as Gabriel wastes slowly away, he greets Vardalek eagerly each time he returns by throwing his arms around his neck and kissing him on the lips. Count Vardalek himself seems to be a vampire of the psychic variety, gaining in health and vitality while Gabriel wilts, merely after spending time in one another’s presence. Vardalek himself seems to genuinely regret Gabriel’s inevitable death, but unlike in Carmilla, there’s no rescue at our conclusion. Gabriel dies, and we’re given no reason to assume he’ll rise again.
To the modern reader, the true horror of this tale lies not with the vampires or even the homoeroticism, but with those uncomfortably pederastic implications. Gabriel can’t be more than twelve years old, his youth and innocence emphasised in his every description. Pains are taken to suggest that Gabriel’s own attraction to Vardalek is as much responsible for his fate as the vampire himself. Gabriel’s father is similarly bewitched by this charming stranger, and never recognises the danger, or the reason for his son’s tragic death. Even the narrator, his loving sister, cannot truly hate Vardalek for taking her brother from her – even when her father dies of grief soon after. Gabriel’s fate seems sealed from the moment the Count enters their home.
But knowing how often real child molesters get away with it, their actions excused or downplayed by their family, their victims accused of ‘seducing’ their abusers and made complicit in their own misery… I can only say that, for my money, A True Story of a Vampire is a very effective horror story in ways the author probably never intended, once you start to question the reliability of its narrator.
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It won’t surprise you to learn that the author, Count Eric Stanislaus Stenbock, was a (very) gay man, deeply involved with the gothic and decadent artistic movements of his day. Born to a Swedish Count and an English heiress, Stenbock seems to be remembered less for his writing than for his character. In The Oxford Book of Modern Verse, 1892-1935, W.B. Yeats describes him as a "scholar, connoisseur, drunkard, poet, pervert, most charming of men" ‒ naming Stenbock as an exemplar of the poetic zeitgeist of the age. Notably however, none of Stenbock’s actual poetry is featured in the volume.
Stories about Stenbock are so bizarre that it’s hard to know how much should be believed. Eric Stenbock supposedly travelled with a multitude of exotic pets and a life-sized doll he referred to as his 'son', dabbled in religions ranging from Roman Catholicism to Buddhism, and decorated his dwelling with peacock feathers, oriental shawls, a bronze statue of Eros and a hanging pentagram. One acquaintance once compared him to a 'magnified child': "very fair hair beautifully curled, and a blond, round, blue-eyed face," who paused at the door and "took a little phial out of his pocket, from which he anointed his fingers, before passing them through his locks." But by his thirties, he was already dying of liver disease after years of alcoholism. He passed away at only 35.
Stenbock’s surviving artistic legacy consists of three volumes of poetry and one of prose, with some of those poems including explicit references to Ganymede or male lovers. So how did he escape the same controversy that dogged similar works by other queer creatives of his day, like Oscar Wilde or Walt Whitman – let alone Karl Ulrichs? Well, simple: his work never attracted enough attention to generate real controversy. Stenbock may have been just as much a character as figures like Wilde, but he hadn't nearly the same talent or success.
One last minor biographic detail that may be worthy of note (discovered courtesy of some very poor-quality scans of his one proper biography) is that the youthful Gabriel of A True Story of a Vampire may owe his name to a real Gabriele ‒ a female cousin ten years Stenbock’s junior, whom he would've spent time with in his teens, and seems to have been especially fond of. Whatever the true significance of that name, he'd use it more than once in his fiction: another short story, The Other Side: A Breton Legend, also stars an angelic little boy called Gabriel, with a similar dangerous attraction to the strange. It features some lovely mood and imagery as it sets the scene, but (perhaps as a result of the lack of a suitable model story like Carmilla) it is, in my opinion, a much weaker story overall.
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But again, the most disturbing aspect of Stenbock's biography are the hints about his own relationships with much younger men. His second book of poetry, Myrtle, Rue and Cypress, is dedicated to three people: Simeon Solomon (a gay painter of the pre-Raphaelite movement, whom he met at Oxford), Arvid Stenbock, Eric's cousin, and to "the memory of Charles Fowler" ‒ the son of a Clergyman, who died of consumption at only 16.
This enigmatic dedication is all we know about Stenbock's relationship with Fowler. We don't even know how the they met (Fowler seems to have had a relative at Oxford at the same time as Stenbock, but even this is speculation). But that dedication, in a book which will go on to feature poems about the beauty of Ganymede, or explicitly addressed 'To A Boy' (Tis ever a delight, dear, To gaze upon thy face, To love the life within thee, Fair fashioned, full of grace) makes it hard to read Stenbock's feelings as remotely platonic.
It doesn’t help that the same volume includes a poem about an actual vampire, published ten years before A True Story of a Vampire would ever be penned, but with very comparable subject matter:
With slow soft sensual sips Draw the life from the tender spray, And brush from thy soft lithe lips The bloom of thy boyhood away
It's worth keeping in mind that Stenbock himself would've been only 21 at the time of Fowler's death, and that we don't know whether he ever acted on his attraction (whatever form it may have taken). He may well, as I've seen suggested, have kept his admiration private, idealising the image of the beautiful, dying boy in his final days, in that classic Victorian-gothic way. But it doesn't help that Stenbock's cousin Arvid, from that other dedication in the same book, was 8 years his junior, and that their family apparently disapproved of their relationship as "unnaturally close." Or that another famous Stenbock-associate was Norman O'Neil, a composer whom he met on a London omnibus in 1891, when O'Neil too was only 16. Stenbock was apparently taken by his intelligence and beauty, and would go on to leave him a considerable sum of money in his will. By 1891, Stenbock would've been 31, but his fixations hadn't aged with him.
So how are we to take all this? This was an age where a marriage between a 16-year-old girl and a suitor of Stenbock's age would scarcely have raised eyebrows. Uncomfortable as it may sound today, for many queer youths of the era, a romance with someone older and experienced enough to play mentor may genuinely have represented the safest real option available. There are layers of complicated subtext, meanwhile, in the idea of any gay man of the Victorian era casting himself as a vampiric monster, doomed to ruin the object of their attraction with their very touch. There may be layers more in Stenbock framing his tale as "A true story" before telling us of the misery a foreign Count brought to an innocent family, with his helpless fixation on their youngest child.
It's worth noting also that even in Manor, by Legit Gay Activist Karl Ulrichs, our love story is between a boy of 15 and a man of 19 ‒ an age gap of only 4 years, but large enough at 15 to raise some serious eyebrows. His first story too, Sulitelma, involves attraction between a man and a boy (exact ages unknown). Though Ulrichs explicitly viewed relationships with prepubescent children as reprehensible, he seems to have had no problem with relationships between young teens and much older adults ‒ even printing a story sent in by a reader (details in this article), joyfully recounting how he (the reader) was initiated into the world of male/male love as a 14-year-old by his brother's riding master. Ulrichs saw no reason to disapprove.
To confuse things for anyone looking this up today, google Ulrichs, and you'll find a number of online articles claiming that his own first experience involved being sexually assaulted by a riding instructor when he was only 14. This is wrong on multiple fronts: not only is the story related by Ulrichs as a positive experience, it wasn't even Ulrichs it happened to. No, shit like this would not be okay if it happened today (and frequently wasn't then), but we don't help ourselves by distorting the stories told by our queer forebears to fit modern expectations.
But none of that surrounding context makes the youth of the day any less vulnerable to predation, or Stenbock's fixation on youthful beauty less creepy. Today, no evidence remains to help us guess whether idealising the beauty and innocence of youth was the greatest of Stenbock's actual crimes, or the least of them. Anything is possible.
In brief: welcome to the joy of trying to reconcile the complicated place of pederasty in queer history! I'm afraid you can look forward to seeing a lot of it from here on back.
A True Story of a Vampire is not a bad work of fiction by any means. There are some lovely descriptions and entertaining turns of phrase, and the horror is certainly effective. It may even be considerably more readable than Carmilla to many, simply for being so much shorter. But how you feel about it is really going to be up to you.
One last digression about Carmilla and Christabel
There’s one additional work that I’ve once or twice seen listed as an even earlier queer vampire tale: Samuel Coleridge’s unfinished poem Christabel (1800) – the only problem being there’s no vampire in the story (and how queer it is may be questionable too).
Like Carmilla, Christabel tells of a Baron’s daughter (the titular Christabel) who comes upon a mysterious stranger in apparent distress (Geraldine) and invites her into her home. We never learn what kind of being Geraldine truly is (three further parts were planned in addition to the two that were completed), but when she undresses, Christabel spies something that horrifies her, remembering it later with the words "Again she saw that bosom old / Again she felt that bosom cold." But under Geraldine’s spell, Christabel’s recollection of this incident comes and goes, and Geraldine has soon bewitched her father too.
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All ‘evidence’ that Geraldine was intended to be a vampire rests on such details as Geraldine having to be carried past an iron gate into the house, much as vampires have to be invited in – but that particular vampire trope wasn’t actually codified until a solid century later (like most vampire-tropes, we have Stoker's Dracula to blame). The idea that Geraldine has the cold, shrivelled body of the undead and revives herself on Christabel’s blood is a perfectly valid reading, but the more obvious interpretation would be that she’s some manner of shapeshifting fairy creature, weakened by the iron of the gateway, not the entrance to Christabel’s home. The aristocratic literary vampire had existed for over 40 years and appeared in numerous works of fiction by Carmilla's day; but Christabel predates the origins of the genre a solid two decades. For Coleridge to have come up with the idea independently seems vanishingly unlikely.
I mention Christabel here partly for completeness, but mostly to bring us back around to the greater family of Carmilla, which is still legitimately the first known queer vampire story. Though far better known than any other story discussed here today, how it came about is perhaps the most mysterious.
Sheridan le Fanu was a prolific writer, but I don’t know of any other story he’s penned with subtext like Carmilla's (and I’m not quite invested enough to read all of the rest to check, though someone totally should so I don't have to). Le Fanu was married, and had children, and that's all I can discover about his personal life. Was he some shade of queer himself? Did he have connections to anyone who was? Did he even realise what he was writing with Carmilla? Nothing I’ve read about him provides any answers. Nor can I tell you how many readers spotted the subtext it the story was first published. In its own time, it caused no great scandal, nor even seems to have garnered much attention (by contrast, Byron & Polidori's The Vampyre caused an uproar when it was published in 1819, mostly thanks to Byron's established fame and debates over its true authorship). It took until well into the 20th Century for it to obtain the reputation it has today.
But I’m sure it’s no coincidence that it was Carmilla that spoke to Stenbock enough that he chose to retell it. And while A True Story of a Vampire is still the only other vampire story of the era set in Styria, there was almost another one: Dracula, at least Stoker’s early plans for the novel. Styria also remains part of the unused prequel chapter later published as Dracula’s Guest. The setting isn’t the only detail Stoker nearly-borrowed from Carmilla either, my favourite example being the weird schedule by which both she and Dracula seem to have to be in bed in their coffins at dawn each day, both apparently helpless and immobile in sleep, though both are also repeatedly seen up and about later in the day. Neither tale offers any real explanation.
Have I mentioned lately that Stoker, too, was almost certainly some shade of gay?
Now, the fact that two different queer writers both found Carmilla so very inspiring – and would even both publish their own works of vampire literature within five years of one another – isn’t much to go on, in trying to establish what a story like Carmilla might’ve meant to England’s queer population some twenty years after it was written. Maybe Carmilla was being eagerly passed around London’s own Uranian gothic societies at the time. Or maybe two different men happened upon it by chance in wholly different circumstances, and took very different things from reading it. Maybe Stoker didn’t even notice the queer subtext himself. But I can’t help but wonder if just maybe, there's something more than coincidence at work here.
Carmilla the vampire is an explicitly villainous character, her victim confused and unwilling. But she remains one of the most complex and sympathetic vampires of her era. And perhaps, to a community who had never seen Ulrichs’ writing published in their own language, and might never see themselves represented in fiction except as monsters buried in layers of protective subtext, that still meant something to readers like Stenbock, and Stocker, and who knows how many others.
In short, maybe old, gay vampire stories like these really are worth remembering. I'll leave that one up to you.
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My heart is broken :( . But let us remember that grief is the enduring presence of love in the absence of the one we've lost. Fare thee well beloved Adar. 🖤
May the fanfics to come help us heal; pray there be many🎇
My heart is absolutely broken.
Sorry in advance because this is going to be a rambly and a bit personal post about writing/creating but WOW. I have been blown away by how acutely this character death is hitting me today.
The simple fact is, Adar has been my creative playground for over 2.5 years now. I have never been so instantly grabbed by a character and then POSSESSED with the ideas that that character inspired. I've spent endless hours thinking about his origins, his psychology, his motivations, and his ultimate destiny.
Before TROP, I had never really paid much attention to the early elven part of the Legendarium. When Adar came on the scene, I really delved into the legend of Cuivienen and the awakening of the elves and found a full, complete origin story waiting there to be told. (And as a writer who's always wanted to actually finish something, I'm INTENSELY proud that I was able to see this one through to the end.)
There's so much to explore with a character and a history like this: the absolute, unleaded spectrum of rapture, terror, beauty, pain, grief, love and hope. This character has become so represenative to me of all the facets of Tolkien's work... and as a writer, being able to explore all of those things was, frankly, intoxicating.
I know the writing can and will continue. But there's something sad about knowing, conclusively, how his story ends. And about knowing that the world and the fandom will eventually move on, as they inevitably will.
Adar was responsible for such a period of high creativity in my life that I'm so grateful to have had. I'm just sad to see his onscreen journey end the way it did.
So yeah. Intensely bittersweet.
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themagicalghost · 2 days
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Well look at that, it's the 1 year anniversary from when I played Corporate Clash for the very first time. And I am still here.
What initially got me interested on playing the game was seeing the makeship campaign for the Duck Shuffler plushie, and with how I was seeing some fanart of the managers that got me intruiged before then I was like "Oh fine, I'll try the game". Then what happened? To put it short, I became a part of what seems to be one of the best communities on the web.
Never ever have I been in a community as fun as this one, I like talking to people around in Toontown on a regular basis and see what people are up to. It has a few rotten apples sure, but that is nothing compared to the vast majority of fresh and friendly fruits (and I am not just referring to the queer ones). It's why I still like doing VPs after maxing my Sellbot suit, as there is usually some people willing to chat or are discussing something already. Talking is nice, and just one conversation can make a big difference to brighten someone's day
This community makes me very happy, I had to even hold myself off from just posting how much I liked it. To be honest really, it has improved my social confidence by a lot. I used to barely post anywhere publically before getting into Clash, but after I decided to use this blog to talk about my thoughts and post things I make it had only went uphill since. I can confidentally say it was one of the best decisions I had ever made.
Lots of respect to those who keep the community going wonderfully, this includes all the artists, content creators, Clash Crew members, active toons in general, etc.
And a special thank you to all the dear friends I have made here too, you are very special to me. I can't wait to see what the future of Clash has in store for us, there is a lots of good potential.
I have been on and off posting on this blog, but it doesn't mean anything for how much longer I will stay here. I realized I was not obliged to post all the time, and my own personal life keeps me busy outside of Clash at times is all. Rest assured that this rosey red cat isn't going anywhere anytime soon.
I love you all, stay toony.
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Ps. :]
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