#they both sing so uniquely! and change it as well
erendur · 2 days
Crack Silm relationships I'd like to read about
It would completely ruin the story and Jirt’s intents, structure, motifs and characters, but at least I could read the Silm without going “No, not the ruin of Beleriand again ! Ah, no, please, not the third Kinslaying, I can’t !”.
Maedhros and Lúthien.
He has trauma, looks much the worse for wear after his captivity, and would definitely piss off her dad as a choice of boyfriend (rebel teenage Lúthien energy). She is the most beautiful (self-explanatory), a unique type of Elf-Maia being (Noldor like novelty and are curious), spends a lot of time singing which I guess would foster a sense of comforting familiarity in one wounded not just in body but also in mind ?
Anyway, they could have a great Wounded Beast who Swore a Stupid Oath and Committed Some Crimes and Eldricht Beauty I Can Fix Him dynamic.
They both hang out in forests enough that they could easily meet. She would take him of a stealth mission to steal the Silmarils. He would borrow his brother’s knives (one knife per Silmaril), and they would be successful. Huan could give a hand out of family solidarity. Morgoth would be to stunned/ashamed/doesn’t really like to move his ass from his throne anyway so nothing much would happen immediately. They would still be at war and Morgoth would make more monsters and bid his time.
Lúthien could wear the three Silmarils on a crown. Maedhros would be very happy and proud. She is canonically the prettiest Elf ever and he is “well formed” so they could have the prettiest babies. And actually, and I’m very aware that is not at all how genetics work, but they would have Lúthien’s canonical descendants as their babies. That’s 7 of them, which sounds like an adequate number of sprogs for a Fëanorian (no need to change the family sigil !).
Eärendil and Elwing would be the elder, a twin brother and sister. At some point in their teens (Elvish teens, they’re in their thirties), they decide to take a Silmaril from their mother’s jewellery box and to go on their own little stealth mission to save the world, after having spend too much time with their Uncle Fingon. Since Elwing is very eldrichty and can change into birds, and Eärendil can (check note) make boats, the missions is of course a total success. Guided by the light of the Silmaril, they eventually land on the shores of Valinor where they immediately start singing a moving song about the plight of Middle Earth. Eärendil accompanies the song by playing Fingon’s harp (he knows how stealth missions work and of course took Fingon’s silver great harp along with his mother’s jewellery), Elwing leads a chorus of seabirds at key moments.
The Valar are of course moved (have we mentioned how pretty they both look ???), they send an army to Middle-Earth, Eärendil and Elwing are given the right to spend their life travelling between Middle-Earth and Valinor by the Valar as a reward. Eärendil choses to do the trips in the sky on his boat (because he can), his mum’s Silmaril on his forehead, the shadow of Fingon's harp clearly visible against the light of the Silmaril. The Fëanorians are totally cool with it, since he is himself a Fëanorian.
Elwing eventually settles in Tol Eressëa where she becomes Queen of the returned Elves, and therefore beats her Aunt Galadriel to the post by about an age at being the first reigning female ruler among the Elves.
Dior would be kept well away from making any sort of political decision. Given his clearly incredible fighting talents though, he would either end up being Celegorms’ favourite nephew and heir, or, my favourite version, he would take over the cavalry and the Gap from Maglor, who would be able to finally go chill somewhere and write some music.
Elured and Elurin would eventually inherit Doriath, just because. Or they would go and live a wild life of hunting and hanging out in the forest with their uncles Ambarussa. They’re still twins.
Elros and Elrond are obviously still twins as well. They are born very shortly after Elured and Elurin, and since that’s a lot of eldricht peredhil twins to have under just one roof (just the weather is wild, people are begging Mae to do something about it), they are given to foster to another family member as per Victorian family traditions. This family member is, of course, Maglor, who doesn’t really get to chill for very long after all. Since he’s no longer in charge of the cavalry or a super-hard-to-defend position, he raises the twins.
Elros of course is now an Elf-Maia peredhel, and doesn’t have to die. He still founds Númenor and becomes their king, because someone with the gift of prescience finally used it for something useful and figured out that these guys could really do with a wise, immortal ruler, who wouldn’t, you know, suddenly decide to go and invade Valinor once he finds the burden of mortality too hard to bear. Elendil is his son. Isildur his grandson. He is kept well away from rings.
Elrond is pretty much the same, but with less people around him having died/disappeared/been killed. But he’s too awesome to be different. He’s still the same “kind as summer” dude. He becomes his father’s heir, because he’s just too awesome. Everybody thinks it’s a great choice, because he is too awesome. He’s bestie with his cousin Gil-Galad, the High King. 
That turned out to be a longer post than intended so I’ll post the rest later.
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surrender-souls · 2 years
jun togawa did it again! [listening to a song they’ve heard 20 times already]
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shakingparadigm · 3 months
Once again, I can't really gather my thoughts cohesively on this right now, so please bear with me. Just musing, so the ideas here might be a bit disconnected.
As a prodigy artist well-versed in more than just singing, it's no suprise that art is a prominent part of Till's character. Everything associated with Till seems to carry his eccentric artistic talent, right down to the abstract symbols painted onto his otherwise blank white t-shirt.
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(Till's sketching and drawing seem to go hand-in-hand with his songwriting. Doodling and composition are two of his hobbies, and he's stated to be talented at both.)
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(His appearance in TOP 3 emphasizes this messy, artistic angle. The symbols painted on the wall are similar to graffiti tags, usually associated with youth and rebellion. Furthermore, there is paint splattered on his face, staining color onto his disheveled hair and baggy clothes.)
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(Even amongst the TOP 3, Till is presented with the most color. Between Luka and Ivan's main colors of white and black, their formal attire and elegant, charming personas, Till looks rather out of place.)
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(Till's personal/special talent is floral art.)
Art is an integral part of Till's character, something that defines him and his desire for self-expression and freedom (it's no suprise that when Till loses his will to live in ROUND 6, he's dressed in plain and monochromatic clothes that lack any of his own artistic touch). Despite the ties between creativity and freedom, Till's talents are regularly taken advantage of and even tampered with due to the treatment he receives from his owner.
Guardian Urak is an eccentric segyein. A hustler, materialistic and rather pretentious. He shows great pride in Till's "uniqueness" and artistic ability, boasting that he has raised the best human-pet in history. In order to create the success that is Till, however, Urak had to execute his methods on several other pets beforehand. His practices include the thorough abuse of his human pets in order to coax out their talents, pushing them to their limits with harsh training regimens and painful experiments. Violence is a tactic utilized heavily within Urak's line of business, and the human pets under his ownership are the most openly abused.
Urak is said to abuse his pets to the point of severe mental issues. It's due to these mental issues that his previous pets have failed to achieve victory, showing great promise but never making it to the end. He seems to believe in the idea that the peak of a human's talent is tied with their instability, that the more talented a pet human is, they more likely they are to be a freak.
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Urak pushes forward with the mistreatment of his humans despite their suffering. He believes it to be a part of creating exemplary art, playing into the idea of a tortured artist. Urak's pets were incredibly talented and top contenders for the title of champion. If not for their heavily deteriorated mental states, they would have brought Urak to victory long ago. It's quite clear that he does not intend on changing his methods because the humans he produces are some of the best products around. He doesn't want to change his methods, he wants a human that can withstand them.
Till's style is already established to be unique, nicknamed a "black sheep" in his official magazine page, emphasizing individuality. His brazen aggression in ROUND 2 caused him to attract much hate, but twice as many fans, too. The bashing of Freddie was framed as a bombastic and somewhat avant-garde performance act, referred to as art. Till's public persona was that of an eccentric and unpredictable artist, a highly reactive contrarian pet who presents both a high risk and high reward. Urak has produced another tortured artist, except this one is different (in his words, unrivaled). A higher caliber of pet, bringing him the closest to winning he's ever gotten thus far.
Till's various artistic talents seem to be things that he has developed on his own, stemming from his own desires and interests rather than something forced onto him by Urak. In one of VIVINOS and QMENG's livestreams it was stated that Till is inherently gifted, a creative genius since birth. Till uses his abilities as tools of rebellion and self-expression, writing his own music, vandalizing and adjusting segyein-provided material and outfits in order to make them more his own. It's unfortunate that even Till's attempts at rebellion are taken advantage of and instead used against him. Constantly battered and bruised, isolated in a cell, forced to endure experimentation, all of his artistic ingenuity and creations have been taken by the segyein and used to promote him as a product. He has been turned into a spectacle, his misery and abuse put on display for others to gawk at. Suffering for the sake of art.
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femmefatalevibe · 1 year
Femme Fatale Guide: How To Validate Yourself & Stop People Pleasing
A comprehensive guide to learn love & trust yourself and break out of your people-pleasing identity. Hope this helps xx
Remember the longest relationship you have in life is the one with yourself. While we all need an external support system to be well-rounded & healthy individuals, no one else will be with you throughout your entire life except for you. So, acting as your own best friend is the secret to living your happiest and most fulfilling life. You ultimately need to do what's best for you. Otherwise, you're damaging the only relationship you will have to confront in every aspect and stage of your life.
Acknowledge your humanity and fundamental right to have needs, goals, and personal desires. Validate your personhood and individuality. Remember you're only human and are bound to have your own physical/emotional limitations and preferences. If you would be willing to cater to others' schedules, boundaries, and limitations, give yourself this equal level of respect and expect others to do the same.
Know everyone is self-centered to a certain degree. No one cares about your happiness as much or is watching you as closely as you are. They all have themselves and their lives to worry about. People are paying attention to their own self-interests (or want you to accomplish things to boost their own credibility or self-esteem). Being your greatest personal cheerleader is the only way to fully give yourself the praise and spotlight you deserve for your accomplishments.
Self-confidence is magnetic. It is the secret to showing up as your best self in all areas of life. Being secure in yourself makes you a better friend, family member, lover, partner, spouse, professional, conversationalist, etc. Validating yourself will make you feel good, but also radiates into every relationship or interaction in your life.
Discover what you love about yourself. Reflect on the personality traits, skillsets, and behaviors you know to be admirable about yourself. Are you constantly making others laugh? Do you get endless praise for your cooking, drawing, singing, or problem-solving skills? Would people come to you first to manage a crisis like a champion? Are you a master disciplinarian when it comes to going to the gym or reading? Do people regularly compliment your outfits or nails? Think of all of the aspects of your being that make you unique and help you to feel content with your existing, authentic self.
Take control of your life to cultivate your ideal self. While you should consistently praise your naturally admirable qualities, remember that you always can change aspects of your life that will help you feel like your best self. Know that you're in control of your decisions and have the mental freedom to think & act in any way you desire to reach any goals or implement lifestyle changes to feel like the person you feel destined to be.
Block out the noise and negative self-talk. We're (almost always!) our worst critics. Consider every new experience or interaction as a learning opportunity. Mistakes and failures are life lessons that facilitate self-reflection and opportunities for growth. Remember not to beat yourself up for past mistakes: You did the best you could with the information you had at the time. If you weren't embarrassed by your past self, you never gave yourself the chance to evolve and grow. Every success, failure, and new life stage offers its own lessons and teachable moments. Remember that we're all our own unique life paths. Comparing your life to someone else's is like comparing apples and oranges. Both entities may be fruitful but have vastly different flavor profiles, growing seasons, and rates at which they ripen. As Dita Von Tesse shrewdly said: "You can be the ripest, juiciest peach in the world, and there will always be someone who hates peaches."
Acknowledge that people-pleasing is a form of self-neglect. By prioritizing another person's desires or approval above your own, you're ultimately neglecting your physical, emotional, energetic, or spiritual needs. Consider acting in your best in your own best interest as an act of self-care that safeguards your well-being.
Set boundaries. State your limitations, calmly, clearly, and directly. Understand that boundaries are your response to other people's actions, not a means to control other people's behavior. An expectation would be to ask someone not to call you during the workday. A boundary is stating that you will not pick up the phone during the workday and will only make/return calls in the evening after leaving the office.
Communicate your needs & expectations clearly. While you can't control what others will do, being upfront with your needs and expectations can eliminate unnecessary stress, logistical issues, misplaced hurt feelings, or disappointment in any type of relationship. Direct communication between parties will allow you both to respect each other's boundaries and to prioritize interactions that are mutually more positive, helpful, and emotionally nourishing.
Express your "no" freely (and without over-explaining). Remember that "No" is a complete sentence. You do not owe someone your time or emotional energy simply because they asked or expect you to do something/attend an event out of perceived obligation/guilt or simply to make someone else happy. Making sure you're okay is your first priority. Feel free to say "no" to any requests that would emotionally drain you, make you overextend yourself, or compromise any of your personal values/goals/priorities. You don't need to justify your needs. Just kindly decline, and let it be.
Remain consistent with your boundaries & priorities. People will treat you how you let them treat you. Once you set a boundary or share your priorities will someone, stick to these words through your actions to show you're serious about how you expect to be treated. Teach people how to interact with you in a way that doesn't feel self-sacrificing. No one will respect your boundaries and priorities if you don't and are easily swayed to forgo these self-imposed standards on a day-to-day or case-by-case basis.
Consider the long-term consequences of people-pleasing. While it may appease immediate conflict or anxiety, people-pleasing offers a one-way ticket to resentment and misplaced anger. By ignoring our own needs for the sake of others, we place unspoken expectations on these individuals' obligations to reciprocate our emotional labor – whether it be with their future actions or matching our generosity with unprompted favors or emotional support. We start keeping score as we continuously give ourselves over to others of perceived obligation. When someone doesn't return the favor, we get upset, despite never expressing this expectation of someone else or that we're even self-sacrificing in any way. This can lead to us feeling depleted or guilt-tripping others, and from their perspective, seemingly out of nowhere. It is best to remember we always have a choice whether to give to others and it should be of a genuine desire, love, or support for the other person – not as a way to gain external validation or manipulate a situation to create a false sense of obligation that we keep ourselves or the receiving party beholden to. Think of your energy, time, and personal resources given to others as a gift, not a bargaining chip.
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wonbriiize · 10 months
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first date with riize
headcanons about how your first date with the riize members would be like…
shotaro ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。 ˚ aquarium
shotaro would take you to an aquarium. he thinks it’s super cool how you can see the underwater animals and maybe even discover new facts together. bonus; you can take cool pictures. he is going to turn into your own personal photographer and won’t stop taking pictures of you until you’re 100% satisfied. at the end, he would ask a random person to take a cute picture of the two of you (which he would later on post on all of his social media. he’d also post the pics he took of you cause he’s so proud of them).
eunseok ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。 ˚ café
eunseok likes it classy so he would invite you to a café. in his free time, he would search for a perfect one, somewhere you’ve never been before, and he also doesn’t want it to be boring so he’s looking for an unique concept. even the most simple things can be the most special and that’s what he wants to convey to you. just because he’s taking you out to a café it doesn’t mean it has to be a boring one, right? he spends hours looking for a cool café because he wants you to experience it with him, he wants you to have the memory of him taking you to such a special place that he searched out only for you.
sungchan ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。 ˚ day trip
sungchan wants your first date to be unforgettable so he’s taking you on a day trip out of the city. he’s not big on plans so he doesn’t know what exactly you guys will do, but he knows that just exploring a new place, even if it’s without a destination, is enough because he gets to do it with you. during the car drive, sungchan puts on music that the both of you like and you guys would start screaming out your souls to the songs. once you arrive, sungchan will not let you know that he has no idea what he’s doing; you will think he has planned out everything in detail because he’s so good at pretending like it. the day trip ends with you guys planning out your second date; where is our next day trip going to be?
wonbin ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。 ˚ dinner
just like eunseok, wonbin is a classy guy. he would go for the typical dinner date. he‘d search out a fancy restaurant (with the best food ever) and pick you up, the whole gentleman stuff you’d expect. wonbin is someone who doesn’t necessary needs to talk a lot to enjoy someone’s company, so having dinner is perfect – when you guys eat, you don’t have to talk much. that doesn’t change the fact that wonbin wants to know everything about you though (but he‘s too cool to show it right away so you’d have to be patient with him). and whenever you would eat and not pay attention to wonbin, he’d secretly sneak a look at you with the biggest smile on his face, just admiring you while you eat.
seunghan ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。 ˚ amusement park
he would take you to an amusement park and he has made up a whole plan on how to get you fall for him. first, he’s going to take it easy and buy you some food. once you’ve warmed up to him, he will take you to the haunted house so he can protect you. lastly, you guys will go to a booth and he will try to win you a big plushie. he will not!! give up until he gets one for you, doesn’t matter if it’s going to take hours. he will make sure you go home with a big fluffy teddy bear which will always remind you of him.
sohee ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。 ˚ picnic
a picnic date in the park while the sun is shining and the air is fresh. sohee would totally prepare everything, the only thing you would need to do is; show up. when you arrive, you’re shocked because of how well prepared everything is – you are so amazed by the fact that sohee did it all on his own. he even brought uno along so you guys can play it (sohee would lose on purpose sometimes so you’re the final winner). towards the end of the picnic, you’d find yourself laying next to sohee and him singing your favorite song into your ear, making the whole picnic date end in the best way possible.
anton ˚ ༘ ೀ⋆。 ˚ drive-in cinema
anton is similar to wonbin when it comes to the fact that he doesn’t need to talk to someone a lot to enjoy their company, so he would take you to the drive-in cinema. it’s not the normal cinema which makes the date more special, and when you guys sit in the car and watch the movie, anton is barely paying attention to it – he just stares at you (without you noticing it of course) because you’re far more interesting than the movie – than any movie. the night would end with the two of you driving to a hill, sit (or lay, whatever you prefer) down on the car while watching the night sky.
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xuterboo · 3 months
Good time everyone!
The cutting and analysis of images continues, and today my hands finally reached the Lost Paradise.
Let's meet our beauties!
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Let's start with the broken king. Lost Paradise has quite a motley crew. Also, everything on the clothes is very scattered. Lucifer is wearing a strict black suit and a white striped shirt. An interesting observation: for Luci, both when he was still an angel and when he fell, The chest is open, emphasizing the scar. And he did not appear because of a fall from heaven. The scar was probably received before these events. (Fight for Seraphim's place?)
As shown in Liouifer's stories, his snake is alive, or rather, can come to life and move on its own.
I just want to throw in one thought: the biblical seraphim were created only to fly next to God and sing into his ears that he is so wonderful. This means that all Seraphim, including Luci, have a beautiful voice)
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Well first of all, gooooospaby, how I love this dragon!!
And secondly, doesn’t it seem strange to anyone that the staff of Gamigin (the dragon) are different from Gamigin (the demon)? As you know, Gamigin (dragon) devoured the demon who slept with him, and apparently the dragon's pearl greatly changed the staff.
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The gamigin himself is dressed in formal attire. But the casual look of directional sleeves makes the look looser. And also sneakers. Sneakers, damn it. Okay, if he likes it, then I won't mind. Blue color evokes pleasant and gentle sensations, but also helps reduce the desire to sleep. Nice contrast between Gamigin's activity and tenderness
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Marbas... His clothes are more like ordinary clothes in a mental hospital, but the factory did not have white fabric, and they took some kind of black one. I still don’t quite understand why he would chain himself in this during a fight. This is inconvenient and even dangerous. Either I don't understand something, or I don't understand something. But nevertheless, he has a very interesting design.
No shoes. My pants are constantly falling down (my friend: Was it too weak to lower my pants any lower?) I have a long-sleeve shirt that reveals my shoulders almost completely. Acts as a straitjacket, but looks good in everyday life. (I hope it doesn't hurt for him to walk😔)
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My sunshine Morax!☺️ I love him so much, I just can’t 🥹
He already has a more strict form of someone like a general. It can be assumed that he is more responsible for the military part of Lost Paradise .
He is probably in the same position as Glasialabolas (I hope I wrote it correctly), but as we have already noticed, PL is a more modest country than in Hades. Origin unknown. Most likely born in LP
He's covered in bandages. God, please give him a rest. Tie him down, but let him recover.
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Next up is Buer. One of two demons, behind which there is some kind of creature. You can guess from his clothes that he is from Tartarus. But with feet stained with the gold of the Tartarus River, his origins are confirmed.
Dressed in a kimono of gold, red and black. In China these colors mean wealth (who would doubt it), joy and prosperity. (Buer makes me feel like he is a Chinese healer living high in the mountains. Healing, only those who have a pure soul, hee hee hee)
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Also, according to official data from the Belphegor event, I am adding Batin to this collection, since he was born in the Lost Paradise.
He is a laid back lover of travel. Like most of the demons of Paradise Lost, he is dressed in black. Apparently in Nifelheim, Batin is also something of a general. In every country, one way or another there is a demon responsible for the troops, but in Gehenna this is not visible, since everyone has the same uniform.
I'm not entirely sure what culture Paradise Lost represents, as there's a lot going on there. I think this is the people who came together piece by piece from other countries. They brought something of their own to the new lands, combining knowledge with others, and this is how they turned out to be a unique nation. Friendly and quiet by nature. But as soon as you get to know them better, you will immediately see the warmth,which they emit. Although there is another facet that is in the shadows - their cruelty and indifference. It is shown when Adu or their loved ones.
The text turned out longer than I thought. OK...Thank you for reading! Write your interesting observations or thoughts about Paradise Lost!
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yan-lorkai · 7 months
Hello!This is my first time ever requesting.I don't know do you accept these kind of y/n,but may I ask for a Ciel Phantomhive x reader?Where the reader is giving Lana Del Rey vibes and enjoy writing poems and song for both herself and Ciel.
(I don't know if there is any chance that you know who Lana del Rey is.But if you do or you are willing to get to know her then I will very much appreciate it!Thank you!)
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☆*: A/N: Oh... I had written this and left on queue quite a while to be posted, queue didn't posted. I'm sorry darling, so I just go ahead and post this now. I had tons of fun writing this bcs I used to listen to Lana's song a lot when I was younger, still do sometimes. I hope you like it! :3
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ There was something special about you that enchanted him from the first time you met and the more he got to know you, the happier he was to spend time in your presence. From the way you dress to the way you act and talk, you were so peaceful to be around, so serene and graceful. Ciel likes to observes every little detail and he is enchanted by everything that makes you, well, you.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ When he found out you writed poems and songs he was curious and asked you about it. If you aren't comfortable with the idea of sharing them, he wouldn't pressure you but he was so lucky that you wanted to share with, you were happy to have a second opinion on them. Ciel loved your voice when you read all the little poems and songs you written about yourself, about him and about life, about your dreams and hopes. And alone in his office he often remember them when he need some extra motivation to finish his work just so he can seek you out to hang out a little.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Hearing your sing was a blessing, a sign that there was still something to work for, to make England safer just so you could live happily and unaware about life's difficulties. He liked to watch your face change from expression to expression, liked how your tone changed when you sang. By the way, I think he would love born to die, once upon a dream and dark paradise.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ He asks Sebastian to play the piano or violin just so you can get some instrumental following you. He isn't much of a dancer but if you wanted, Ciel could lead you on a waltz. Sofly, almost as sofly as your voice, magic as your songs, unique as your poems, wonderful. He loved this aspect of you, the poems, the songs, everything and he is very happy you shared everything with him.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ While he'd love to have you sing only for him, if you want to pursue a career in the industry, then he'll put in a word for you and arrange some meetings. And when you become famous, because he knows you can do it, he happily goes to your concerts with a smile on his face.
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icedbeverageenjoyer · 4 months
Mr. Puzzles has manufactured everything about himself, including his voice: (A long post!! 📺)
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A thing I've noticed is just how often his voice changes, most notably when he's switching from his deeper narrator voice to his more energetic showman voice in the promo trailer. ^^^
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Here's another example from the song. Both lines are said in two distinct voices, none of them being the usual one we hear from him. One has a more pronounced Transatlantic accent and the other has an American one. We can assume someone else is talking and he just overlays himself on top, but he is explicitly the one shown to speak in that moment. ^^^
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This next one might be a stretch, but I think the supporting female vocals could be him as well. It is heavily implied he works alone and doesn't trust others with his vision so it kinda makes sense that he would also sing the song on his own. (If that's true damn does he have a good voice) ^^^
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Even the critical podcast host could be him. The first voice is deeper and rougher while the second is more sly and has a distinct influxion that is unique to Puzzles, so they could be just his inner thoughts and insecurities audibly manifesting through some complicated technical means.
He is alone in his office, staring at all the monitors that display his hard work. And he is not satisfied. His mind begins to wander and his self doubt begins to manifest out loud in the form of others criticizing him, further fueling his crippling perfectionism. ^^^
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Also here, when his lifelong dream is finally met he can't contain his (ever so slightly malicious) glee, and his voice deepens and begins to glitch out. ^^^
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Also a bit unrelated but did y'all notice that when he says 'crying' he is shown with his crazy big smile? You know, his main expression on all the promotional material.
I think his upbeat showman voice isn't how he usually sounds, but what he thinks others would like him to sound like. He has to keep up the energy that the audience has come to expect of him so he manufactured the perfect tv host voice to keep as many tuned in as possible.
I headcanon his real voice to be deeper, raspier and very monotone. I think that while he was smoking he had to turn off his voice synthesizer so the smoke won't damage it, which is why he doesn't talk in the scene. He has lost every bit of himself by molding into what he thinks people would like, and any reminder that he was once someone else makes him uncomfortable.
I'm going insane chat.
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hybbart · 2 months
What are magical Lizzie and magical jimmy’s powers and do their powers change with their outfits? What are the microphones for?
what do they fight or work towards in the au?
Well, it's funny that someone mentioned hirogaru precure in the notes first of all because the hirogaru transformation is the one I use in my head for theirs.
Anyways way too much info below
The Enchanter Wands are their transformation and final attack items, its day to day form is a pen probably. (This is where I show I thought too much about this) the paw on the front has three toe bean buttons and those control which mode they transform into and then press the heart in the centre while saying which mode into tbe microphone. The little coloured lights along it light up one by one during this cause all the best transformation toys do. And of course, the ribbon is moulded plastic like the rest of it. I'm awful at designing wands and toys alike but I think I did a good job of making something that meets the typical standards for the transformation trinket while making it stick out just enough to seem like it was designed first.
Anyways they're music themed! Just like my old art. They're Magical Enchanter Jimmy and Magical Enchanter Lizzie, because they're semi-idol magical girls so they sing, but I went with chanter because chanter is also french and it's not magical girls without random french. And enchanter makes it magical and a reference to minecraft. Magical is redundant but it rolls off the tongue. Also the abbreviation would be Macha rather than Maen or Maencha, just cause its cuter and be a similar pun to Precure.
Their transformation modes are as followed:
Cod Cajun and Axolotl Shanty. Aka their aqua forms they can breathe water and swim with these forms and their attacks are nature and water themed and magic oriented. They also let them create objects.
Cow Folk and Cat Carol. Aka their land forms, these ones have super strength more than the others and are defence oriented. They use fire and earth themed attacks. They also can make shields.
Canary Blues and Butterfly Ballad. Aka their sky forms. They can fly and have superspeed with theae forms. They're fragile but powerful. They use wind and light themed attacks. They also let them use disguises.
All the forms have about average strength, speed, jumping ability, and fighting ability like your typical combat magical girl, and they can also talk to animals. Jimmy also has super hearing while Lizzie's voice can travel long distances.
They're regular siblings who just love karaoke until their singing attracts the very distressed faeries, Norman and Joel, to them. They need help defeating The Silencer (Martyn) who attacked the Harmony Kingdom and stole the citizens' ability to connect. The seablings are heavily music themed but the overall theme is the arts and communication.
His henchmen are Tango, Cleo, and Shubble, all former citizens of the Harmony Kingdom brainwashed through their individual difficulties communicating. The daily baddies are manifestations of people's lonelines. The Harmony King is also Ren, who's been put into a great depressive slumber on his throne. Oli and Joe are also there somewhere too, but no one knows what's up with them.
Later they're joined by Katherine, the princess of the Harmony Kingdom who has a sewing and fashion theme who is very sociable but has a curse that turns her into the Dark Enchanter, who got brainwashed trying to save her faerie friend Shubble. And Pearl, a strange upperclassmen they meet in a gallery who has a sculpting and art theme who uses technical/scientific knowledge like redstone to enhance her art (cause the very first thing I would do if I was ever given a children's series to work onis subvert the performer-technician dichotomy trope since its my least favourite thing).
Both have their own unique trinkets of a makeup case and stamp palette, and their faeries are Shubble and Tango after they've been defeated and turned back to thwir faerie forms.
Jimmy and Lizzie's story is largely about them drifting apart after their parents divorce and they grew up going to separate schools, and reconnecting with one another through their shared love of singing and cute animals.
I think they would also all join theatre club together, as a way for them all to show off their talents. Lizzie is already part of her music club at the start but wants to switch to theatre because it better suits her passions (but isn't as respectable), and Jimmy is a bit more aimless, constantly getting in trouble and being bullied, and joins to make friends. Katherine and Pearl later join also in as the costuming and set design department. The teachers are oddly familiar...
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writingjjfics · 8 months
Pogues to the rescue!
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Pairing: JJ Maybank x kook!reader, Platonic!Pogues x kook!reader
Summary: JJ and the Pogues come to rescue Y/n from her Kook family party.
Warnings: Kooks
Requested?: Yes! See request here!
Word count: 1.4k
A/N: Guess who's back? back again? It's moi! I apologize for how extremely long this took, life got in the way 🙂 also I did change the request a bit, and got some inspiration from the midsummers episode, hope that's okay! Oh and Sarah is not part of the Pogues for the sake of the story (not my gif)
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The last few hours of your life have been a bore. You were stuck at this table with egocentric old kook people who could only talk about their 'perfect' lives and their well-succeeded grandchildren. You tried your best to show interest, but your mind kept drifting off. You nodded politely at them, and every so often, you mustered up a fake smile to make them think that you were listening to their boring stories.
When you noticed that their attention was no longer on you, which was hardly surprising considering how egocentric they all are, you quietly got up from the table and left. After quickly scanning the backyard in search of your mother, you, fortunately, spotted her in a conversation with her best friends. Taking advantage of the opportunity, you made your way inside the house to use the bathroom.
As you sat down on the toilet, you felt relieved. Not only because you could finally pee, but also after hours of miserably pretending to be anything close to a Kook, you could let your guard down here, even if it was just for a few minutes.
Taking your phone from your clutch, you check for any notifications that you might have missed in the last few hours. While scrolling through Instagram, you noticed your boyfriend had posted a video on his story. In the video, JJ was smoking his Juul, surrounded by the rest of the Pogues who were dancing and singing to some song in the background.
JJ's happy smile, as he hung out with the Pogues, made you feel a sense of joy for him. The Pogues are his true family and he deserves to be this happy and comfortable all the time. Sometimes you were jealous of their relationship. Even though your family has money and shows their love and care for you in their own, unique way, you've always felt like you don't quite fit in with them. It's as if you're the odd one out. At least the Pogues always have each other and their bond is unbreakable.
You snapped a quick selfie and sent it to JJ, showing him how extremely bored you were. After putting your phone back in your clutch bag, you let out a deep sigh, realizing you had to get back to the party before your mom would put up 'missing child' posters. However, as you reached for the door handle, you heard your ringtone go off. A picture you had taken of JJ at the beach during sunset a few weeks ago, filled your phone screen. A warm feeling spread through your chest as you answered the phone, grateful that he had taken the time to call you back.
"Party that bad, huh?", JJ chuckled as he spoke.
"If I have to listen to these fake people for a minute longer, I'll pull a van Gogh myself"
You could hear JJ snickering. "That's one way to answer that question"
"Can't you just hack into a system and send some emergency alert or something?", you whined.
"Honey, I'm definitely not as smart as Pope, but what I can do is try to sneak you away?"
"Tempting as that sounds, my mom would kill me"
"C'mon baby, we both know your mom loves her reputation too much to kill her daughter", JJ joked.
You rolled your eyes. "Very funny JJ, besides I don't want to be a burden to the rest of the Pogues."
You heard JJ scoff. Since knowing JJ, you've met the Pogues a few times, yet each meeting seemed to grow more awkward than the previous one. JJ always reassures you that the rest of the Pogues just have a hard time getting comfortable around the idea that he is dating a kook, or well just kooks in general, and that it's never because of your personality. "Before you know it, they will love you as much as I do", was what he told you occasionally. But you just can't help taking it personal.
"Y/n, stop being so stubborn, and let us help you. I want you here as much as you want to leave that party. Be ready in ten. I won't take no for an answer."
You were about to protest, but before you could, the distant chatter of the other Pogues in the background went silent, indicating that JJ had already ended the call.
After giving yourself a final look in the mirror and letting out another heavy breath, you opened the door and made your way back to the party outside.
Everyone was still engrossed in conversation, and it appeared that no one noticed you had been gone. It gives you a glimmer of hope that you might be able to slip away from the party without your parents noticing. However, at the same time, you can't help but recall a few years ago when you did the same thing, only to receive a month-long grounding from them.
After nervously looking ahead for a while, and making up different scenarios in your head, you suddenly feel a tap on your shoulder. Irritated, thinking it's one of your parents wanting to remind you to be more social, you turn around.
"You look like you could use another drink. Can I maybe offer you this one?"
In front of you stood JJ, dressed up as a waiter, holding a champagne glass. He gave you that annoying but charming smirk of his.
You took the champagne from him and chugged the entire drink, making JJ chuckle.
"Thanks, you always know exactly what I need babe"
You and JJ both laughed and you turned around looking for your parents. Your mother was still talking to her friends, while your father discussed work matters as usual.
"C'mon, let's go before my parents see us leaving". You were still nervous about the consequences, but decided that, that would be a problem for later. There's nothing you want more than to be with JJ right now.
JJ took your hand and quickly led you to the front of the house. Before reaching the gate, he suddenly stopped and gave you a kiss.
"Hi baby", he spoke softly.
You smiled. "Hi, Jay".
JJ gestured with his head towards the gate. "The others are right outside waiting for us." He squeezed your hand to reassure you that it was going to be okay. You nodded and followed him.
As you turned the corner, you saw the rest of the Pogues waiting next to the Twinkie. They were talking, but stopped abruptly when they saw the two of you approaching. Pope waved shyly towards you, while John B approached you enthusiastically. "That was quick"
"Yeah, I thought those kooks would give you more trouble", Kie said, rolling her eyes and emphasizing the words 'those kooks'. You saw Pope nudge Kiara. “Sorry, no offense to you of course”, she quickly realized her mistake. You smiled weakly and shrugged your shoulder. 'Well, luckily I don't see myself as a Kook'.
There was an awkward silence until JJ cleared his throat and walked over to the Twinkie to open the door. "Let's go back to the Chateau shall we?"
You got into the back of the Twinkie first, expecting JJ to follow you, but instead, it was Kie and Pope as John B and JJ got into the front seats having their own conversation. Kie sat beside you and turned toward you.
"Hey, I want to apologize if we ever made you feel unwelcome. We just had to get used to a new person in the group, but we see how happy you make JJ and that is the most important thing for us."
"Yeah, and you're real nice and fun to hang out with Y/n", Pope added.
You smiled, "Thanks, that means a lot to me."
"And I'm actually happy there is finally a girl in this group, I love these boys but I also really need some girl time", Kiara said making everyone laugh.
You locked eyes with JJ who was already smiling and gave you a wink. A few seconds later you heard your phone go off and saw that you received a text from JJ that said "I told you they were going to love you." You rolled your eyes at him, but chuckled nonetheless. You finally felt like you belonged there.
The rest of the night was spent hanging out at the Chateau, laughing, dancing, and getting to know the Pogues better.
As for your parents, you later found out that they had tried to call you many times that night, so you ended up being grounded again, but you really couldn't care less because JJ and the Pogues were helping you through it. They would always be there for you.
aaaah the end!! so so happy I finally finished a fic again. I was busy with my graduation project and had massive writers block, but I'm back! So if you have any requests or you just want to talk to me? LMK ❤️ Okay, love you byee x
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alastor-simp · 1 year
Vice Dorm Leaders + Ruggie & Floyd with a reader who sings like the Japanese singer, "Ado"
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🍀Trey Clover
-Trey enjoys listening to music especially when he is baking in the Heartslabyul kitchen. He doesn't really have any favorite music genre, as he just listens to whatever is playing or whatever Cater sends him. He had no idea you could sing so well until he heard you singing softly next to him when you were helping him bake tarts for Riddle. "Wow Prefect, you never told me you could sing so well. Its very nice." After your baking session, Trey learned about your video channel and listened to all of your songs in about a week. He knows it must be a lot of work to be a very popular singer, so whenever he has time, he bakes sweet treats for you and brews you tea to soothe your throat. His favorite song of yours is "Eien No Akuruhi" , he loves how it expresses the theme of falling in love.
🍩Ruggie Bucchi
-Ruggie is not really focused on social media and all that other stuff, as his mind is occupied with donuts and making some money. He discovered your talent when he came to the botanical gardens to wake up Leona, until he saw the both of you there, with Leona laying on your lap and you singing a lullaby to him. You stopped singing when you heard Ruggies famous "Shishishi" laugh, and saw him walking closer to you, then lay down on the grass next to you, arms wrapped behind his head and a cheeky smile on his face. He told you he came to get Leona, but he changed his mind and told you to continue. Great job! You got a cute hyena boy as your official cheerleader, as he would always pop into your recording sessions, quietly cheering you on and dancing to the beat. His favorite song of yours is "Odo", he thinks the beat is crazy and loves how energetic it is.
🍄Jade Leech
"Oh my, you seem to very talented, Prefect-san." Jade is always interested in the unknown, so he was very elated to discover you could sing without him knowing and that he found out without using his unique spell. He happened to hear your beautiful voice, when he was serving customers at Mostro Lounge and heard you at one of the far tables in the back, humming some lyrics, while writing some words on a notepad, most likely coming up with ideas for another song. Once you realized Jade was next to you, you greeted him and thanked him for the drink he made. Jade gave you his best gentlemen smile and said it was a pleasure, but before he left, he walked closer and leaned against your ear, whispering "You have the voice of a siren, Prefect. I wouldn't mind listening to you more, in private, of course." Chuckling, he walked away to finish his duties, leaving behind a flustered you. His favorite song of yours is "Love ka?", he loves the oceanic vibe of the song and how slightly twisted the song is.
🦐Floyd Leech
-If there is one thing to know about Floyd, is that he loves music. Music is his best subject at NRC, and he is a very talented dancer as well. He came to discover your singing, when he was training in the gym for an upcoming basketball tournament, and noticed you sitting at one of the bleachers, with headphones in yours ears and you quietly singing. Giggling to himself, he slowly came up behind you and lunged towards you in a bear hug, making you jump in fright. "Ehe~ Koebi-chan~, you're amazing", Floyd squeezed you tighter, super happy that he learned something new about you. After he let you go, you told him about your channel, but before you could talk more about it, he had already taken his phone out and subscribed. Floyd was a very chaotic supporter, as he often spammed the comments section with silly phrases and happened to squeeze you in happiness whenever you uploaded a new video, but you found his support sweet nonetheless. His favorite song of yours is "Rebellion" , he likes how its about breaking free and how he relates to it as he is a slight delinquent/rebel himself.
🐍Jamil Viper
-Jamil was a man of many talents even though he tends to hide them from others around him, but despite being skilled in cooking and basketball, he also happens to have a great singing voice and amazing dancing skills. He happened to discover your singing talent from Kalim, as Kalim was enthusiastically jumping up and down in joy, telling Jamil about your singing voice and that a celebration should be held. Jamil was annoyed that he had to prepare for another celebration again, but he was interested in your singing voice and wanted to learn more about it. He did come to wonder why you don't show your face in your songs like most other singers, but once he found out that is what you preferred to do, then he wouldn’t question you further. His favorite song of yours is "I'm Invincible" , he likes how describes the feeling of being confident and achieving their dreams.
🏹Rook Hunt
-"Oh la la! Your singing is merveilleuse, Trickster!" Rook hunt is a very interesting fellow, he is very poetic and loves to express his joy for findings things beautiful, but he tends to become a bit stalker-ish, when he finds a person very interesting. Well, enjoy being stalked around by this hunter, he is going to be following you 24/7. He is the definition of an obsessive fan, just minus the craziness. Vil has noticed that Rook has become a huge fan of your talent, but he rather it be you then Neige LeBlanche, yet he does tell Rook to suppress some of his antics as he can imagine how much stress it may cause you. Rook is always present whenever you are singing/recording for a new music video, swooning over your voice and holding up signs that say "BEAUTE! 100 POINTS!" It's very hard for Rook to chose a favorite song since he adores every one of them, but he does tend to listen to "Yoru No Pierrot" more out of the others. He loves the colorful animation of the video
🦇Lilia Vanrouge
-Lilia is very up to date with the latest trends and is the most knowledgeable about pop culture, like Cater. He is very talented in the music field himself, as he is shown to have a very beautiful singing voice and is part of the Pop Music Club with Kalim and Cater. He was on his way to his club room, when he heard the sound of singing nearby and went to go explore. He saw you in one of the empty classrooms, sitting on top of the desks, singing to yourself. While in the middle of your singing, Lilia had appeared above you, and gave you quite a scare. "Kufufu, your singing is quite lovely," Lilia said as he placed a hand on your cheek, while still staying upside down. Blushing, you thanked Lilia and he asked if you would be interested in joining his club. Before you could give your answer, Lilia had already dragged you out of the room and ran towards his club room. Lilia was happy to found out you had a channel on Magitube, and became your second biggest fan as Idia had already won the title of number one. Lilia was the most understanding of you not revealing yourself in your MV's , as he believes that you are already expressing yourself enough with your voice, and that it shouldn't matter whether you show your face or not. You did mention wanting to collaborate with his band, and make a song together, to help them gain some popularity. Once you told Lilia that, he was overjoyed. His favorite song of yours is "Tot Musica" , he can't get enough of how powerful your voice is and how intense the lyrics are.
credit to Japanese singer, Ado
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skyscrapergods · 3 months
i'm working on my own concept for my own mlp fanlore/au and i've been inspired by your take on alicorns to make my own more unique as well. my idea is centric around the concept that alicorns are ponies who acended into what's basically pony elves that get worshiped because of the mysterious way they ascended, but idk how to really make a religion set up that works cohesively with it. i am wondering if you possibly might have some tips and tricks for how to go about my alicorn religions.
The most important thing about religion is that it's made up. If it is based in observable fact, then it's not religion; it's just culture.
Paying taxes and bowing to the king is based on observable orders. Believing that the king has a divine right to be king, or that he has powers/blessings granted to him by birth/status is religion.
In skyscraper gods, things are different because believing something about a god actually has the power to make it true, or at least influence the god's form/powers in an abstract way. My gods are influenced/given power by belief and worship.
In the human world, you can believe whatever you want about any person or god, and that doesn't make it real. If there are gods about, they are unlikely to be controlled by human religion, and definitely aren't spawned by such (or we would have a lot more gods than we do)
In a normal world, religion is not based on observable fact, and it is designed and maintained by the people themselves.
So from my limited understanding of world religions, there are four "needs" that religion is designed to fill: Community, Ritual, Meaning, and Ethics.
I went off the deep end and wrote an essay about my philosophy. Whoops, hope you enjoy:
Humans need community, and many religions involve gathering and doing activities together. This makes religion incredibly important to human social health, as we often fail to fill our need for community because we don't immediately die without it. Under capitalism especially, we are incentivized to ignore as many human needs as possible in order to be productive/survive. Religion makes itself more important than simple survival, and ensures we fill certain needs by promising metaphysical rewards.
Ritual is also incredibly important to human health. We thrive when we have a consistent schedule to the day, month, season, and year. It helps us save our brain bandwidth if we already know what basic tasks will happen today. Instead of doing math to figure out optimum times to do so, we socialize, come of age, physically touch, meditate, sing, mourn, plant crops, travel, cook, keep records, hunt, celebrate, and more according to a calendar maintained by religion. These are all important aspects of life that we need to remember to fill, either by logic, community, or religion. Science even backs up the need for ritual, with brain pathways growing best in response to consistent habit-keeping. But brains aren't observable for most people, so we have culture and religion to keep time instead.
Meaning is a tricky one. We ended up with brains big enough to wonder why we exist; a burden few animals share. Scientifically, we thrive in environments/jobs/roles where we feel that what we are doing has value. I look at every part of my life and see the value of being a person, observing and changing my environment. Many people on earth aren't sure that's enough, so they invent an unobservable force that assigns value to their lives and actions. Meaning is easiest to keep track of and believe if others share your definition. Culturally, you have a lot in common with your neighbors, you both probably work toward similar goals (housing, stability, connection with others, secular holidays) and are satisfied when those goals are met. Religiously, you have a lot in common with others in your religion (charity, proselytizing, meditation, celebration) and are satisfied when those goals are met. Religion also provides goals for your entire life and community which are helpfully defined for you, whereas you have to come up with that on your own outside of religion. Doing so can be frightening, frustrating, and difficult, so religion is very rewarding and calming.
Lastly, there's Ethics. Not all religion deals with ethics, but many major earth faiths do. Humans desperately need to have a code of ethics to be healthy, and society works best when we all agree on some basics. That way when someone violates a law, you don't have to convince everyone around you that what they did was wrong; there's already a standing defined agreement. Ethics is about rewards as well as punishment. For example if you're the first one to read this whole thing I'll draw a pony for you just dm me. Community ethics are decided by those in power, and "those in power" can be: the people themselves via majority rule, chosen representatives, rich aristocracy, respected philosophers, religious appointees, kings and conquerors, holy mystics, sacred texts, etc etc.
Religion comes in with a code of ethics (written by the religiously powerful) and imposes it on its followers. This is useful and generally brings community harmony when they all agree on something. Religions based on ancient texts are tricky, because old, outdated ethics have to be reinterpreted to fit modern landscape. These interpretations split churches and create sub-religions, which mutate into cults, peter off into nothing, or go to war with each other. It's great fun. At the end of the day, having a group of people who agree on right and wrong within their community is the goal. We just got lost on the part that said everyone else in the world has to obey our ethics or else we're blowing up the planet.
Aaaanyway, this was about.... my little pony?
Does Religion Affect Gods?
The first thing you must choose is how much the religion is based on fact, and how much is made up. In my world, there's a lot of things that are made up by ponies, that either become true or influence the god's form/powers in some way. Luna used to be silver, but now she is dark blue.
You can do that, or you can be normal about things. Typically, religion does not actually do anything. Gods are gods whether or not they have worshipers. People believe things that gods tell them, and they make up their own lore as well.
What about People? What about this and that and everything?
You need to decide if your alicorns are participants in the religion about them, or just subjects. Do all/some/any of them take their place as religious figures and command the masses? Do they speak ethics? Do they inform ponies of the powers they have? Do ponies make up abilities they think alicorns have? Do they like being worshiped, or is it more like stalking?
Some alicorns may embrace godhood, while others flee from it. The ones that get the most involved will have influence over how the other alicorns are treated.
Is there a standard to which alicorns must live, failing which they can't be "real" alicorns in society's eyes and are thus shunned/killed? Do the alicorns ever give an opinion that is taken way out of proportion and suddenly became a major religious movement? Are marshmallows illegal because one alicorn doesn't like them? Do ponies get prosecuted for stepping on "sacred" flowers which are just regular lilies? Is there taxes/tithing to alicorns? Are alicorns promoted to political office for nothing except their nature?
How do ponies construct their sermons/temples/practices to fulfill the four tenants of religion? Does alicorn worship provide them with Community, Meaning, Ritual, and Ethics?
Do alicorns actually earn any of this? Are they regular guys that just look special? Can they abuse their powers? Can ponies abuse others in their name? Do the alicorns speak to the masses or to religious leaders? Do they have any control over their legacy or is it out of their hooves? Are they in danger of their worshipers deciding they need to be freed from their mortal bodies? Do religious leaders go power crazy and use alicorns to further their agenda? Are their schisms and wars over beliefs? do the alicorns command their followers to fight each other? Do they fight with each other? Does each alicorn have a different following or are they all part of a shared pantheon? Do they respect each others' role within that or struggle for change?
And remember, what is true for one alicorn/church/sect/country may not be true for another. Variety is the key.
It's all About the Questions
The trick to worldbuilding is to ask a lot of questions. You can answer them as you go, having the answers lead to more questions, or you can ask a bunch at once and answer them all later.
Every decision you make has consequences. Big social movements affect the environment, the environment affects food supply, food supply affects social movements. Everything is connected, and religion makes those connections more magical, for better or for worse.
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callmerainman · 6 months
Oh my gosh! You should make an Adam x reader playlist on like what you think the vibes and aesthetic of the relationship would be like!!
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"but it's not forever, it's just tonight. oh, we're still the greatest"
Sex on Fire by Kings of Leon fits Adam's rock vibe, first of all. I see him performing it at his shows, and thinking about Reader in the process, it's just passionate in every way possible.
"just to cure it 'cause I can't ignore it if it's love"
Adam is definitely bad at feelings. Has a hard time understanding when he's in love, and when he does it really feels "accidental". Also, Adam gives romantic 2000s rock love songs vibes.
"honey, we can see right through you. girl, you can't conceal it. we know how you feel and who you're thinking of"
This all time classic goes for Reader, who I can picture struggling to accept that they're falling in love with Adam (I mean, it's Adam). But they're having it bad, so they come to terms with it (but won't say it).
"where can I find a woman like that?"
Watch Adam writing a whole-ass song if he ever were to fall in love with Reader and they're taken. Performing it a show and looking at them in the eyes and everything. He can't help it, he wants them to be his.
"some things just make sense and one of those is you and I"
Still into You just fits the vibe, just over the top love rock song that would go well with a possible Adam love story perfectly imho. Maybe after a break up.
"oh I, I just died in your arms tonight, it must have been something you said"
Would comedically work as either Adam or Reader suddenly realize that they're in love in a very specific moment. Reader being vulgar or violent? This song starts playing as Adam goes all wide-eyed looking at them as his cheeks get red. Adam playing the electric guitar? Reader goes full Lego Batman GIF looking at him.
"Don't go breaking my heart"
"I won't go breaking your heart!"
Throw this song in Hazbin Hotel as a duet between Adam and Reader where they profess their love for each other as soon as they realize it.
"(s)he ain't got no money, her/his clothes are kinda funny, her/his hair is kinda wild and free"
I see this more applied to Adam. Because people will ask Reader WHY Adam, and he's just that guy. Can work the other way around if Reader is particularly unique.
"one good girl is worth a thousand bitches"
Adam, in my opinion, is capable of serious relationships even if he's kinda hinted to be a fuck boy. He definitely has many flaws in relationships but he would be willing to work on them. Also, I headcanon him to listen to Kanye even if he's a rockstar lmao.
"the soul you bring to the table, the one that makes me sing in a minor key"
I'll finish this on a tender note. Adam and Reader come full circle about how much they love each other, they accept it, they know. And love changes both of them, both their souls. It can be that deep, even if it's Adam we're talking about. Reader makes his soul sing, and Adam theirs.
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onskepa · 1 year
Na'vi Children with humans
Hellooooo, so I have done a poly, then a single two pair, now I was thinking what other's I could do. So then, I thought of the children. Now for this I will admit, I did pull ideas from other fellow tumblr users. I will tag them by the end of the list. As well as the other two previous headcanons that I did in case you are all interested. If you would like to use this list for inspiration or use it in your fics, I don't mind, but please credit me. Now that's out of the way, LETS GO!
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[ FYI I pulled this off the internet, if this is yours pls let me know so I can tag ya]
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Na'vi children I would say, would live as normal as na'vi life can be, be it hybrid, or full bloodied, despite having a human for a parent.
I can imagine them be really close to their human parent, enjoy the facial expressions, soft warmth the human provides, and since their Na'vi parent is always busy, they have their human parent to enjoy and have fun time with.
The human parent would tell human children stories, sing classical nursery songs, and possibly games they grew up with.
If the human were to explore or doing something around the village, the Na'vi children would obviously follow them very closely, and simply being happy being near their smaller parent.
I can see the na'vi kids being jealous of just about anyone. Be it their other parent or other kids taking their human parent attention away from them. Might hiss or yell in frustration.
If they could, they would cling on to them for the rest of their lives.
Of course would spend every minute with not just their human parent but as well as their na'vi parent. Spending family time together.
If the Na'vi children were to have human features, should they feel a bit insecure about their oddities, their human parent would support and uplift their confidence. Telling them its another addition of them simply being unique.
When growing up and doing their Iknimaya, the Na'vi children would no doubt feel pressured in some way to perfect their skills, be it in hunting or healing, or in some other way, their worries will always be there.
While yes their Na'vi parent will always be their to support them, the human parent is more like a support that Na'vi kids seek.
Refuse to do their duties without a loving kiss and hug from their human parent. Tends to be physically affectionate with their human parent.
Saying anything bad about their human parent, both Na'vi child and mate would pounce and silence those who speak ill of their human.
As the Na'vi kids get older and taller, easily over towering their human parent, they will share the same instinct as their na'vi parent to protect their human parent as they are smaller and can easily hurt themselves.
The Na'vi parent would absolutely tell how their kids how to fight back others if other na'vi they hurt their human parent, and how to protect them should the Na'vi parent not be there.
No matter how old the Na'vi kids are, even if they are now adults, they will still seek out their human parent, if the now grown up Na'vi have kids of their own, the human parent, now grandparent, would be there for the new generation until their time ends.
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Now again, I might add or change things. Idk. But that is all. This one is special, all thanks to these people, check out their materials too!
@hinataashoyos @i-thirsty-boi @mandomaterial @sunandsstars @avatarbyamara @star-girl69 @wholelottawidows https://www.tumblr.com/byunpum
Now after this one, I am not sure what else to do. Still got no story to say, I dont mind suggestion! Hope you all liked it! And if you haven't read the other two, here are the links to them!
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urboynoah · 5 months
How the ES!Autobots would react to you singing a love song in another language
that silly idea just arrived in my head listening to "Mon Amour - Remix" because, idfk, it has such a good vibe. I KNOW i haven't written shit for literal years but transformers got the best of me! Link of the song as the end, ASKS OPEN!!
The terrans part is NOT ROMANTIC!!! IT'S YOU ASKING THEIR OPINION ON SINGING IT FOR YOUR CRUSH!! don't make this weird pls
(Also I know I'm bad at writing. I just do it for fun so no judging pls!! Apologies for any spelling mistakes, english isn't my first language!)
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Would look at you like that exact emoji : “🤨”
The fuck you mean you can sing?
He ends up loving it and even vibes a little, tapping his feet on the beat
Still confused about the meaning of the song
He asks you so many questions when you finish singing, since when you started learning the language, what does it mean, blablah.
You explain to him you were born and raised in Mexico, your parents would always talk to you in Spanish. You learned english by yourself when you changed country.
He's actually amazed at how good you speak both languages
He still hasn't forgotten about the meaning tho.
He begs you to know, but you don't give in, and let it as a mystery, because you're just silly like that. :b
Optimus Prime
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If I had to also use an Emoji for his expression, it'll probably be : “😲”
He didn't expect you to sing at all, considering how shy you are
He even less expected you to sing WELL.
Not to complain.
He thinks your voice is very soft and even if he isn't too found of music in general, this one sounds strangely soft and optimistic.
Is it because you sing it? Maybe
It took him a few seconds to realize that if he wasn't understanding what you were saying wasn't because you were stumbling on your words, but because you were speaking another language.
He's very gently surprised by that fact, it makes him smile.
Not only because it only makes you look smarter to him, but also because he realizes you two are similar, both talking multiple languages.
He softly asks you what it means, not pushing too far.
He looks at you SO SOFTLY you cannot bring yourself to say no
You explain to him it's a love song, and he tries his best to fight the need to give in and kiss you. (He's a cutie patootie real no fake)
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Judges you at first. I'm not sorry.
Like why did you randomly start singing??
Why can't you even do it in THE RIGHT LANGUAGE
He seems annoyed tbh
You chuckle and tell him it's a love song, but you hold a strong bond to Spanish language
He relaxes and rolls his eyes, because he can't admit that it's actually sweet.
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You go up to him and asks him for an advice or two.
He immediately accept, staring at you like, bro/gurl, you got his full attention.
You explain to him you want to sing a song for a person you like, with a twist. It's a love song, but in another language.
He seems both interested and curious
You start singing it to have his opinion on the vibe, and when you're done, he aggressively nods. Approved by Thrash.
He seems curious on how you know Spanish, tho..
You explain to him your story real quick, that your parents come from Mexico but you changed country. You know the language by them.
He's amazed. You're such a cool person.
Will ask you a full translation of the lyrics!!
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You find her completing the chores to earn stars, she seems so focused and flying everywhere, it's hard to get her attention.
You have to tell her you'll give her your star if she helps you out.
It didn't take a lot more for her to sit on the floor, focused on what you're about to say. (Make it quick, her adhd head isn't going to hold for long :3)
You explain to her you want to impress your crush by using the little things you know the best.
Singing, and your ability to speak another language.
She immediately agrees, it's sweet and unique!!
She doesn't ask any questions and just tells you to go for it, like what are you waiting for??
Don't forget her star. :3
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solei-eclipse · 2 months
[ ALNST SEASON 39 ] - A New Era Has Begun!
Exclusive interview with SIDE A : ROUND ONE stars CIRRUS & AZURE!
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The stars have aligned yet again for a brand new season of ALIEN STAGE!
With four times as many contestants, the competition is sure to be four times more rigorous! What will happen? Who will win? Well, the sky's the limit!
ALIEN STAGE MAGAZINE is proud to present an exclusive pre-round interview of CIRRUS & AZURE.
[ contestants have been interviewed separately. ]
What have you been up to since your graduation from the Anakt Garden? How has your life and routine changed since then?
AZURE : A lot of performing and photoshoots, i could hardly keep up! This is all quite new to me since the change of crowd, been more sociable than usual. But this is the life that I should get used to if it means to be with you all.
CIRRUS : It’s certainly a lot different than what I’m used to, before ANAKT I spent most of my time alone and indoors. Now I’m around people a lot and it took a while to adjust, but I think it’s going pretty well. Photoshoots are rather fun and performing in front of other people has gotten easier as I’ve gone smaller events, I think it’s best to be prepared for what’s to come.
How do you feel about the start of the new ALIEN STAGE season? Are you feeling any pressure as the opening act of the show?
AZURE : I mean, who wouldn't? but nervousness does not even rival the excitement of performing to you all, so you could say that i'm looking forward to it. This season gives me the opportunity to showcase a new wave, one that's bigger than the past seasons. I hope that wave reaches to you.
CIRRUS : There is pressure, certainly, but I think it wouldn’t exist if not for this pressure. It is a form of entertainment, no matter how cruel. I am anxious knowing what the outcome may be, and I wish Azure the best of luck, but I know that I cannot change what happens in the end.
What do you think is your charm?
AZURE : I'll let you decide on that. Although, I do hear some people saying that it's my eyes with the company of my voice. They see it fit, and i'm glad to hear so.
CIRRUS : It is difficult to speak on one’s own charm when you’re unfamiliar with yourself, I think. I’d like to think it would be my eyes, but I’m aware they can be rather intimidating as well.
What are your recent interests?
AZURE : Exploring different concepts. My guardian has always been the artistic type, so I was pretty exposed to uniqueness ever since I was young. I do hope I could use these ideas in my performances.
CIRRUS : My interests as of late have been the human mind. It’s a very captivating subject. I would love to learn as much as I can about everyone, and what makes them tick…
Has your guardian been involved in your preparation for ALIEN STAGE?
AZURE : Of course, he is very excited, and I am too. Performing for you all is such a privilege, and I'm thankful that my guardian has given me such an opportunity. With that, i hope you all enjoy.
CIRRUS : My guardian has never been very physically present in my life, but as of late, they seem a little more interested, though not as much as everyone else, it seems.
How are you preparing for your performance with Cirrus/Azure?
AZURE : What is preparation without practice? I like to use my time polishing skills that i already have.
CIRRUS : It’s not been easy to find something that truly helped me feel prepared, but the best thing I’ve found is to simply give it my all in practicing both my communication and my singing. I don’t aim to make enemies, so I’d like this to be as fair as possible, and I want us both to do our best.
Speaking of Cirrus/Azure, what do you think of them?
AZURE : They're interesting. They have this certain vibe that could capture the audience, color me intrigued.
CIRRUS : Azure seems a lot like me, in a way, though I seem to be more interested in people. His mindset is quite interesting. I haven’t met many like him. We both have intriguing eyes, in my opinion. I wonder if they could be used as an intimidation tactic… I’m certainly interested to see what he thinks about all of this.
Do you think you can win?
AZURE : Oh? Let's leave the results for later, wouldn't want it to ruin the performance.
CIRRUS : I believe that either of us could win. If I’m honest, though, he seems to have more motivation. As much as I’d love to be able to see what happens to everyone else, in the end, I cannot change what the outcome stacks up to be.
Do you have anything to say to your opponent?
AZURE : I'm looking forward to performing with you, good luck.
CIRRUS : Let’s make this an illustrious opening, shall we?
Cirrus : @yunoftheclouds
Azure : @azureitri / @4listr
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