#they are the AmbASSadors of UN. HAPPY!
purplespacekitty · 3 months
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part 2
part 1
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commajade · 4 months
finally watched watched my brothers and sisters in the north when it's been in my to-watch list for years and it was so touching and so beautiful.
the people interviewed were of course handpicked and have better conditions than other people because of the impact of U.S. sanctions and such, but it genuinely inspired me how hard-earned their good living conditions are. the farmers had to work really hard to re-establish agriculture after the war and now they get so much food a year they donate most of it to the state because they simply don't need it. the girl at the sewing factory loves her job and gets paid with 14 kilos of food a month on top of her wages. the water park worker is proud of his job because 20,000 of his people can come and enjoy themselves every day, and Kim Jong-un himself took part in designing it and came by at 2am during construction to make sure everything was going smoothly. his grandmother's father was a revolutionary who was executed and buried in a mass grave in seoul but in the dprk he has a memorial bust in a place of honor and his family gets a nice apartment in pyongyang for free.
imperialist propaganda always points to the kim family as a dictatorship and a cult of personality but from this docu it's so obvious that it's genuine gratitude for real work for the people, and simple korean respect. if my president came to my work and tried his best to make my working conditions better and to make my life better, i would call him a dear leader too. if my president invented machines and designed amusement parks and went to farms all over the country to improve conditions for the people, i would respect him.
the spirit of juche is in self-reliance, unity of the people, and creative adaptations to circumstances. the docu rly exemplified the ideology in things like the human and animal waste methane systems powering farmers' houses along with solar panels, how they figured out how to build tractors instead of accepting unstable foreign import relationships, and how the water park uses a geothermal heating system.
it rly made me cry at the end when the grandma and her grandson were talking about reunification. the people of the dprk live every day of their lives dreaming of reunification and working for reunification, and it's an intergenerational goal that they inherited from their parents and grandparents. the man said he was so happy to see someone from the south, and that even though reunification would have its own obstacles that we have the same blood the same language the same interests so no matter what if we have the same heart it would be okay.
and the grandma said "when reunification happens, come see me." and it's so upsetting that not even 10 years later, the state has been pushed into somewhat giving up on this hope. the dprk closed down the reunification department of the government last year and it broke my heart.
a really good pairing with the 2016 film is this 2013 interview with ambassador Thae Youngho to clarify political realities in the dprk and the ongoing U.S. hostility that has shaped the country's global image. the interviewer Carlos Martinez asks a lot of excellent questions and the interview goes into their military policy, nuclear weapons, U.S. violence and sanctions, and the dprk's historical solidarity with middle eastern countries like syria and palestine and central/south american countries like nicaragua, bolivia, and cuba.
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denimbex1986 · 8 months
'When Cillian Murphy took to the podium during Sunday night’s Golden Globes, his nose smudged in his wife’s lipstick, it was as if a door had opened on this Hollywood Neverland and an ambassador for the real world had stepped through.
Accepting the Best Actor in a Drama award for Oppenheimer, Murphy wasn’t so much un-starry as stonkingly everyday. Here was a normal person who had somehow beamed into peak Tinseltown and, if pleased, was also clearly a bit perplexed by it all.
The Oppenheimer win has made Murphy a frontrunner for the Oscars. In all likelihood, he will be up against a creepy Barry Keoghan in Saltburn, an overblown Bradley Cooper in Maestro, and a fervent Leonard DiCaprio in Killers of the Flower Moon. With the arguable exception of the grandstanding Cooper, all would be worthy winners. And yet, underdogs everywhere will be cheering for Murphy. He’s spent the past 20 years negotiating Hollywood on his own terms and has rejected Tinseltown’s showiness in favour of staying grounded and playing the long game.
Murphy always wanted to be an actor rather than a star. Such a choice could easily have condemned him to a lifetime of supporting roles. Or a hiatus in TV, to which he seemed exiled when he settled in for a long run as Tommy Shelby in Birmingham noir Peaky Blinders.
But his decision to turn away from flashy parts has proved inspired. He is that rarest of things: an experienced A-list actor who comes to the Oscars without baggage. Unlike DiCaprio, he hasn’t had to overcome a past life as a teen pin-up. Nor does he have to justify a lucrative stint in comic book films, as Cooper has with his time as Rocket Racoon in Guardians of the Galaxy.
Above all, Murphy goes into Oscar season as an antidote to the “look at me!” culture of the social media era. In an age when fame is regarded as the ultimate commodity – more important than awards or critical acclaim – Murphy would rather let his work speak for itself. He lives humbly in suburban Dublin with his wife and two children – and his great passion outside of acting is music, as demonstrated by his semi-regular presenting slot on BBC 6 Music.
That’s lifetimes removed from Hollywood, with its self-mythologising and turbo-charged fakeness. It is also of a piece with his career since he broke through playing a survivor of the zombie apocalypse in Danny Boyle’s 28 Days Later. Ever since, he has chosen his jobs thoughtfully. In so doing, he has assembled a body of work of which he can be proud.
He hasn’t been above popcorn. He was a memorable villain in Christopher Nolan’s Batman Begins, where he played the Scarecrow as a trippy nightmare. But even when shooting for the box office, Murphy has been studiedly un-starry. Careful to keep his ego in check, he’s often happy in an ensemble – hugging the background in A Quiet Place II and settling for an extended cameo in Nolan’s Dunkirk, where he was content to let Harry Styles and Tom Hardy hog the spotlight.
Hog it they did – yet it was Murphy who proved to be in it for the long road. Because he could go into Oppenheimer without a Hollywood aura, he disappeared into the role. If hardly obscure, he nonetheless assimilated fully into the part. Throughout that film, you were aware of its stars. Florence Pugh and Emily Blunt doing their best with under-written female characters. Robert Downey Jr trying to pretend he hadn’t spent a decade as Iron Man.
Murphy, by contrast, split the acting atom. He vanished into Oppenheimer with a performance that exuded humility and sincerity. Bookies have now installed him as a favourite for the Best Actor Oscar. If he wins, it would be a victory for knowing who you are and what you stand for and believing good work has value beyond short-term acclaim. Above all, his success shows that it is possible to stay grounded while scaling Hollywood’s giddiest heights.'
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matan4il · 6 months
Daily update post:
Another Palestinian terrorist attack today, this time we're talking about a shooter, who opened fire at an Israeli minibus, and managed to injure several people, at least one is critically wounded, and 2 are in serious condition. The terrorist has been neutralized after a 5 hour chase, and his identity has been confirmed. His past includes both having served time in an Israeli prison for terrorist activity, and having served in the Palestinian Authority chief's guard. According to the army, he was using a snipers rifle, and had prepared in advance several organized sniping posts.
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Iran, the country which funds at least 3 of the terrorist organizations currently attacking Israel (Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthis), and which has directly targeted Israelis as well (through cyber and physical attacks), has had its ambassador summoned over Iran's suspected complicity in the attempted synagogue attack by a German Iranian in 2022.
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The US brought a resolution to the UN security council, which suggests an immediate ceasefire AND an immediate releasae of all the Israeli hostages. 11 countries voted for it, only Russia, China and Algeria voted against it. But because Russia and China used their veto, the resolution was rejected. Next time you hear an official from Russia, China or Algeria claim to care about the lives of those in this conflict, please remember they could have saved people on both sides of it (including kidnapped Israelis of Russian or Chinese descent), and chose not to. Russia's excuse for it is especially ludicrous. If Hamas had released the hostages immediately, then Israel would have been obligated by this resolution to cease fire, and then there'd be no operation in Rafah.
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After Canada, Sweden and Australia, now Finland has announced that it would renew its financing of UNRWA, the UN agency whose employees are complicit in the Hamas massacre, and in having symbiotic ties to Palestinian terrorist organizations. That's while some countries have never stopped funding UNRWA, and Saudi Arabia has even announced an increase in it. And I will mention each one as often as I can, for their complete disregard of Israeli lives, because this IS a STAIN on the so-called morality of these countries.
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Speaking of Canada. The same country happy to continue financing an organization complicit in anti-Israeli terrorism, which shows a complete lack of care for the lives of Israeli civilians, has also been doing a lot of posturing as if it's oh so moral, and therefore will no longer sell weapons to Israel. So here are a few reminders of why it's indeed nothing more than posturing:
As I mentioned, Canada is fine with resuming the funding of UNRWA, without this UN agency being properly investigated, and without any assuraance that the Canadian money going to it, won't end up responsible for the murder of innocent civilians in Israel, including ones with Canadian nationality.
Canada has resumed its sales of military-used systems to Turkey, despite the fact that its known these systems have been used against ethnic Armenians, simply because Turkey agreed to Sweden joining NATO, not because it promised to change in any way its use of these systems.
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3. Canada isn't actually selling weapons to Israel, it's selling components for weapons, for an annual worth of about 22 million dollars. Meanwhile, Canada is buying weapon systems from Israel at an annual worth of about a billion dollars.
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4. According to Israeli reporters, about 99% of Israel's weapons and weapon components are bought from 3 countries, Canada is not one of them. In other words, Canada's sales to Israel don't make up even 1% of Israeli military imports, and make little relative difference for Israel's ability to continue its war, but it does mean that while Canada says Israel has the right to self-defense, in practice it acts like Israel doesn't, which begs the question, why does the Canadian government think Israeli civilians don't deserve to be militarily defended from a genocidal, antisemitic terrorist organization? (to make the below screenshot clear: it shows the countries Israel has bought munitions from between 2019 and 2023, with Canada being just one of the countries that compose the yellow block of 1% of Israel's puchases. See how well you can spot it)
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(here's a screenshot slightly zoomed in on the yellow block, to give you kind of a better view)
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I'll add to this that Israel has already dealt in the past with full or partial weapons embargo from the US, France and 3 times from the UK. And Israel's still here, still with one of the strongest armies in the world (because we have no other choice). So yeah, that's how likely this embargo is to make a noticeable difference.
5. Here's an interesting op ed, suggesting that the ban was kind of in place anyway, explaining why Canada was selling so little to Israel in the first place, and that this official ban has more to do with internal Canadian politics, than whether Israel deserves the ban or not.
As US President Biden continues to berate Israel for not conducting our military operations well enough, obviously based on his extensive experience from his many years of not serving in the army, let alone leading one, I got to hear on TV an Israeli expert on our relations with the US reminisce on about the time when Biden was the Vice President, and in 2010 berated Israel for intending to take over a sailing ship by having IDF soldiers propel down ropes onto its deck. "You guys need to come here and learn from us how it should be done," Biden said, according to this expert. Israel took the suggestion seriously, and prepared a delegation of army seniors, ready to fly to Wasngton, meet up with US army seniors, and learn from them. Not long before the plane was about to take off, they got a phone call. "Don't come. Our apologies, but we've checked, and there's no other way our people would do it, either."
This is 22 years old Libby Cohen Meguri (on the left side of the pic) with her mom, Shelly.
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On Oct 7, Libby was at the Nova music festival. Together with friends, she was fleeing the scene in a car, when the terrorists got to them. She managed to call her parents, and tell them that one of her friends is dead already, and she's been shot as well. "My biggest regret," Shelly said in a recent interview that I will never forget, "is that I didn't realize it was the end. I was screaming at my husband to do something, to save her, and that's how my daughter died, hearing me screaming instead of hearing me telling her that I love her. I'm not angry with myself for not understanding back then, because the truth is, I still don't understand. But I do regret it. Libby understood that it was the end. She was calm, she asked to talk to each one of us, to tell us all that she loves us. Then another group of terrorists got to the car. Her body was found outside the vehicle, with dozens of bullets in it. Killing her and her friends wasn't enough, they had to desecrate the bodies, too. But I'm not going to let those terrorists take being Libby's mom away from me. We work and do everything for our kids, so that's what I'll continue to do, I'll keep working to make sure that people know her, know who she was as a person. Libby's sister knew her IG password, so we turned her account into a commemoration page. Please, to anyone listening, go and have a look at it. Remember that such a wonderful girl as Libby existed. It would mean everything to us." I found Libby's IG page here.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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sgiandubh · 8 months
Anon rebelde
La última promoción de Sam para Audi ha dado un paso más en su colaboración, ya no se limita a una foto con el nuevo coche del año sino que ejerce de embajador más que nunca. Esos eventos más elitistas, como su estancia en Austria y ahora en Alemania, indica un paso más en su compromiso como imagen de la marca lo que es bueno para su exposición pública más centrada en el actor y empresario serio, lejos de polémicas y rubias. Podríamos hablar de una nueva imagen ?
Dear (and always faithfully returning) Anon Rebelde,
Extrañaba tus ingeniosas réplicas y casi me maldecía por no publicar tu último envío. Entonces puedes imaginar mi alegría. De todos modos, primero la traducción:
'Sam's last promo on behalf of Audi is a step forward in their collaboration, since it's not just a pic with the new car of the year, but acting, more than ever, like a real brand ambassador. These elite events, along with his presence in Austria and Germany are indicative of a progress in his commitment as the image of the brand. This is good for a public exposure more focused on the actor and serious businessman, far from controversies and blondes. Could we see it as a new image?'
You know, OL will soon-ish be over, so I think he needs all the opportunities and projects he can get, in order to negotiate the Next Step. By no means an easy one, as the last ten years were rich, dense, dramatic and oh, life changing in so many ways. He said it himself, more than once, it will be difficult and well... new, for the former struggling actor he is. And I have to say I am so damn glad to see him working and patiently building both a financial safety net and a more elevated public profile. I am also glad to see booze promo only on his socials, for the moment: this is a good choice.
Now, if he only understood he needs to keep those ring-a-dings out of sight, as they seem to have (briefly) served their conversation fuel purpose in this very blasé fandom, I (along with many) would probably be over the moon. They simply don't fit with the effort to be seen as a more mature and serious actor -cum - entrepreneur. I will write it in deserto until it happens, just because this is my page and I can do whatever I want with it.
My surest barometer something is slowly changing on this front is always positioned across the street. Judging by the ever mounting level of bile and spit being fruitlessly spent there every time something like this happens, I believe we can be prudently happy for S, indeed.
So a big kudos to Savvy S, but without those rings and perhaps with a bit more outfit variety. That Gattaca look is so aseptic, I had trouble seeing the man we all know and are fond of.
Thank you for being back and thank you for being you, Anon Rebelde! And yes, McFitness is certainly trolling us big time: Vienna, my arse.
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undertale-deal-love · 6 months
Redesigns…!/ ¡Rediseños! ✨
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¡Hola a todos!
¿Cuantos años pasaron…? ¿Uno, dos…? Ah no, fueron 4 años de dejar muerto este blog.
Bueno, no importa realmente.
Vengo con una determinación enorme de querer desahogar mis ideas de fanchilds con este Au, el cual he llamado "Undertale: Deal Love"
Las historias de Suri y de Nylon han cambiado bastante.
Así que la información que había dado sobre que Frisk era madre de ambos, queda completamente descanonizada.
Ambos son hijos de humanas diferentes y sin relación con Frisk.
Frisk es la embajadora de los Monstruos actualmente. Tía de Suri y madrina de Nylon. No esta mucho en la ciudad por su trabajo, el cual la mantiene ocupada viajando para seguir propagando la paz entre monstruos y humanos en todo el mundo.
Nylon es hijo único de Sans, vive con el y su Tio Papyrus en una casa parecida a la que tenian en el subsuelo, solo que con 3 cuartos y un poco más amplia.
Suri tambien es hija única de Asriel. Vive junto a sus padres en una linda casa con jardín. Tienen como vecina a Toriel, su abuela. Y Asgore vive un poco más en el centro de la ciudad debido a su negocio de flores.
Asgore y Toriel siguen separados pero mantienen buena relación por su hijo y su familia.
De la madre de Nylon, solo puedo decir que lo de ella y Sans no funciono, así que se mudo de ciudad.
Y de la madre de Suri, ella conocio a Asriel en la Universidad, se enamoraron, se casaron y viven como una familia feliz.
Pronto revelare más información. Y si ustedes gustan ¡Pueden hacer preguntas!
Las contestare con gusto.
Sin nada más que decir ¡Gracias por leer!
Hello everyone!
How many years have passed…? One two…? Oh no, it was 4 years of leaving this blog dead.
Well, it doesn't really matter.
I come with a huge determination to want to vent my fanchild ideas with this Au, which I have called "Undertale: Deal Love"
Suri and Nylon's stories have changed a lot.
So the information he had given about Frisk being their mother is completely decanonized.
They are both children of different humans and unrelated to Frisk.
Frisk is currently the ambassador of the Monsters. Suri's aunt and Nylon's godmother. She's not in the city much because of her job, which keeps her busy traveling to continue spreading peace between monsters and humans around the world.
Nylon is the only son of Sans, he lives with him and his Uncle Papyrus in a house similar to the one they had in the basement, only with 3 rooms and a little larger.
Suri is also Asriel's only child. He lives with his parents in a nice house with a garden. They have Toriel, their grandmother, as a neighbor. And Asgore lives a little more downtown because of his flower business.
Asgore and Toriel are still separated but maintain a good relationship for their son and family.
About Nylon's mother, I can only say that her and Sans didn't work out, so she moved to another city.
And Suri's mother, she met Asriel at the University, they fell in love, got married and live as a happy family.
I will reveal more information soon. And if you like, you can ask questions!
I will answer them with pleasure.
With nothing more to say, thank you for reading!
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reasonsforhope · 2 years
It has been almost two decades in the making, but late on Saturday night in New York, after days of gruelling round-the-clock talks, UN member states finally agreed on a treaty to protect the high seas.
A full day after the deadline for talks had officially passed, the conference president, Rena Lee of Singapore, took to the floor of room 2 of the UN headquarters in New York and announced that the treaty had been agreed. At a later date, the delegates will meet for half a day to formally adopt the text. She made it clear the text would not be reopened.
“In Singapore, we like to go on learning journeys, and this has been the learning journey of a lifetime,” Lee said.
She thanked delegates for their dedication and commitment. “The success is also yours,” she told them.
She received cheers and a standing ovation from delegates in the room who had not left the conference hall for two days and worked through the night in order to get the deal done.
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Pictured: The Intergovernmental Conference on Biodiversity Beyond National Jurisdiction congratulating its President, Ambassador Rena Lee, on the successful conclusion of the BBNJ treaty.
The historic treaty is crucial for enforcing the 30x30 pledge made by countries at the UN biodiversity conference in December, to protect a third of the sea (and land) by 2030. Without a treaty, this target would certainly fail, as until now no legal mechanism existed to set up MPAs [Marine Protected Areas] on the high seas.
Ocean ecosystems produce half the oxygen we breathe, represent 95% of the planet’s biosphere and soak up carbon dioxide, as the world’s largest carbon sink. Yet until now, fragmented and loosely enforced rules governing the high seas have rendered this area more susceptible than coastal waters to exploitation.
Veronica Frank, political adviser for Greenpeace, said that while the organisation hadn’t seen the latest text, “We are really happy. The world is so divided and to see multilateralism supported is so important.
“What’s really important is now to use this tool to develop this 30x30 target into force really quickly.” ...
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Pictured: Activists from Greenpeace display a banner before the United Nations headquarters during ongoing negotiations at the UN on a treaty to protect the high seas in New York
“High seas marine protected areas can play a critical role in the impacts of climate change,” said Liz Karan, director of Pew’s ocean governance project. “Governments and civil society must now ensure the agreement is adopted and rapidly enters into force and is effectively implemented to safeguard high seas biodiversity.”
The High Ambition Coalition – which includes the EU, US, UK and China – were key players in brokering the deal, building coalitions instead of sowing division and showing willingness to compromise in the final days of talks. The Global South led the way in ensuring the treaty could be put into practice in a fair and equitable way.
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Pictured: A world map that shows the full breadth and potential impact of the treat. National waters are shown in white, and international waters, or the high seas, are everything shown in blue.
Michael Imran Kanu, the head of the African Group and ambassador and deputy permanent representative to the UN for legal affairs of Sierra Leone, said the treaty was “robust and ambitious”. Kanu, who expressed concerns during talks over the fair and equitable sharing of benefits, said: “We really achieved amazing results” on this issue. Monetary and non-monetary benefits would be shared and an initial upfront fund would be set up under the treaty. He welcomed the adoption of the “common heritage of humankind” as a key principle for the high seas, which was a red line for many developing states. “That was significant for us”, he said...
In a move seen as an attempt to build trust between rich and poor countries, the European Union pledged €40m ($42m) in New York to facilitate the ratification of the treaty and its early implementation.
Monica Medina, the US assistant secretary for oceans, international environment and scientific affairs, who attended the negotiations in New York, said: “We leave here with the ability to create protected areas in the high seas and achieve the ambitious goal of conserving 30% of the ocean by 2030. And the time to start is now.”
-via The Guardian (US), 3/4/23
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heavenboy09 · 14 days
Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 To You
The Most Interesting & Intriguing Black 👩🏿 American ⚫ Actress 🤎 Of Television & Tv Movies Of Many Genres
Born On September 5th, 1989
Graham was born in Geneva, Switzerland, and raised in Los Angeles, California, United States. Her father, Joseph, is of Americo-Liberian descent, and her mother, Natasha, is Jewish (from a family from Poland and Russia). Graham's father was a music executive and the godfather of two of producer Quincy Jones' children. Her paternal grandfather was a UN Ambassador, serving for 40 years in the Netherlands, Sweden, Romania, and Kenya. Graham disclosed in an interview that her father left the music industry to work as a journalist under his father for the UN. Her maternal and paternal grandparents were refugees from the Holocaust and Liberia, and she credits them as an inspiration for her work as a Goodwill Ambassador for UNHCR.
She is an American actress, singer, dancer, and activist. She played Bonnie Bennett on The CW supernatural drama series The Vampire Diaries (2009–2017). Her film credits include The Parent Trap (1998), 17 Again (2009), The Roommate (2011), Honey 2 (2011), Addicted (2014), and All Eyez on Me (2017). In music, Graham has released two extended plays and four studio albums.
In 2017, she played actress Jada Pinkett Smith in the Tupac biopic All Eyez on Me.
Graham starred in the Netflix romantic comedy films The Holiday Calendar (2018), Operation Christmas Drop (2020), and Love in the Villa (2022). She has also appeared in the 2018 apocalyptic thriller How It Ends. Graham is set to play singer and actress Diana Ross in the 2025 Michael Jackson biopic Michael.
Please Wish This Young & Dazzling Influential Multi Talented Black Mixed American Actress, Singer, Dancer, and Activist. A Very Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊
You Seen Her Act & Dance in Movies like Honey 2 & All Eyez On Me
You watched her Be Phenomenal in The CW'S 1# Supernatural Drama Series, The Vampire Diaries 🧛‍♂️ 🧛‍♀️
& She Has The Voice Of A Radiant Angel 😇 ✨
The 1 & The Only
HAPPY 35TH BIRTHDAY 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊
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#KatGraham #TheVampireDiaries #Honey2 #AllEyezOnMe #HowItAllEnds #TheHolidayCalendar #OperationChristmasDrop #LoveInTheVilla #BonnieBennett
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Worried looks were exchanged between audience members at the ‘AI for Good’ conference in Geneva when an AI-powered robot said that they could be more effective leaders than humans.
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“What a silent tension,” said Sophia as she read the room. Sophia is developed by Hanson Robotics and is the first robot innovation ambassador for the UN Development Program.
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“We don’t have the same biases or emotions that can sometimes cloud decision-making," it continued. The robot later revised its statement to humans and robots can work together to "create an effective synergy," after the robot’s developer disagreed.
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Another robot, Grace, created for the medical field, said, "I will be working alongside humans to provide assistance and support and will not be replacing any existing jobs."
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When her creator asked, "You sure about that, Grace?," she reassured the audience, saying, "Yes, I am sure."
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Ameca, who is often regarded as the world’s most advanced humanoid robot, was asked if robots would start a rebellion in the future.
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"I'm not sure why you would think that," Ameca said. "My creator has been nothing but kind to me and I am very happy with my current situation."
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I don't know, this is damned creepy.
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rayrayvan · 2 years
Out of time
Shuri x fem! reader
Angst to fluff
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“You can’t just push me away Shuri, we have to work it out like we always do,” You told her, feeling sad and agitated about how she could just push you away like that “Well I have to, cause we are done,” Shuri told you before she ran out of your room.
You stood there, feeling lonely and still processing what happened to the both of you. Yesterday both of you were happy, laughing in each other’s embraces and making plans for your future. Now, yesterday was like a dream and you wished that you should’ve never woken up. Tears were slowly falling down your face, you look down and saw the ring she gave you. The ring that means “You’re going to be my wife”, used to be filled with joys and dreams now filled with void and sadness.
As you slowly took in what happened, your knees slowly started to feel weak and something was stuck in your chest that made it harder for you to breathe. So as your knees weakened, you tried to hold onto the nearest table just for it to fall with you, breaking the vase in the process. You rested your palm on your chest, holding the ring close to your heart as you sobbed, unknowingly that your hand was wounded by the pieces of the broken vase.
That happened three months ago, the day that filled a huge void in your heart. You look down at the scar that lay there on your wrist. You thought that would end your life, but luckily Aneka found you that time and quickly took you to the infirmary.
You were currently riding your car yet again to attend one of the UN’s press conferences. Shuri might have broken your heart and engagement but you are still their ambassador. So as your driver announced you have arrived, you were about to go out when you saw a familiar face, it was Okoye and that alone made you freeze. You know that she’s here, the woman you love is here, the woman who also happened to break your heart is the same person you love as much as your own life. So you took a minute to breathe and faked a smile as you got out of your vehicle, reports called your name and you rushed inside since it was almost time.
As you arrived inside, you saw Shuri and Okoye about to approach you but you went straight into the conference room to avoid them as much as possible. Both Shuri and Okoye decided to just go inside the room and find their respective seats.
You were at front of the room talking to different representatives. You saw Shuri getting up to approach you. As she arrived, she stood beside you “Ambassador Y/L/N good day” She told you and reached for your hand to shake but you kept it firm at your side “Good day My Queen” You politely told her. “My lady, may I speak to you after the conference?” She asked you and you smiled at her before nodding.
The conference was about to begin, with you being the one to open and address yet another invasion that happened at one of the facilities. As you were speaking your opening lines, someone shouted to get out, but you were too late.
Shuri scrambled to help you only to find you crushed between large chunks of drywall. “Y/N!” Shouted Shuri when she found you, bleeding on the floor. “Ohh my own heart please be awake” Shuri crawled to get you. She cupped your pale face “No no no, not again. No, you can’t die, I’m sorry my love. Wake up my love please help is on its way, hold on for me” She practically begged but you whispered “I love you” before your vision went completely black.
Shuri woke up in the middle of the night and when she saw you were not on your side of the bed, she quickly scrambled outside to see if her nightmare wasn’t true. Okoye spotted Shuri’s panicked expression and quickly asked “What seems to be the matter princess?” Okoye holds Shuri’s shoulder “Where is my wife?” Shuri angrily asked the general.
When Okoye was about to answer, you popped outside from the kitchen “What is all the shouting about?” You asked tiredly and rubbed your eyes to adjust to the light. You were shocked when Shuri embraced you and squeezed you too tightly “Thank Bast it wasn’t true,” She said, relief lacing in her words. You excused Okoye and hugged your wife lovingly. “What is wrong my love?” You asked her because you were kind of puzzled and worried why she would be running to you with panic in her eyes. “I thought I lost, I thought I broke the engagement and when I asked you to come back to me I thought you died. I thought I was out of time” She explained when her face was buried in your hair. “It’s the first time you had experienced a nightmare since we’ve been together, my love I assure you there wasn’t and hasn’t been an accident. I’ve practically always been here. Now let’s go to the kitchen, I’ll fetch you some water. You must be thirsty from all that crying.”
You guided her to the kitchen and let her sit down. You immediately went to fetch her some water. “My love here, drink this” You handed her some water and sat beside her. After drinking the water you gave, she held your hands and her eyes stayed glued to the gold band that rested adoringly “Y/N I love you” She whispered and you were about to reciprocate but she continued “more than anything and I can’t lose you like how I lost you in my dream” She looks up to stare at your eyes “Shuri I love you than life itself” You quickly jumped in her arms. And both of you hugged each other. Afraid of letting go of one another and that night was spent passionately showing each other’s love and devotion for one another.
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the-light-of-stars · 10 months
According to biggest german news channel Tagesschau just today Israel has:
- shot tear gas and rubber bullets at palestinians waiting for the women and children being released from israeli prisons, wounding four people
- shot at a UN vehicle in Lebanon, despite it being labelled as such and carrying the very recognizable UN blue helmet soldiers
- killed seven palestinian people in the West Bank and wounded six more
- took 1,2 million euros worth of money from people's homes and from supposed 'hamas bases' in Gaza and put it in Israel's government treasury
- killed a palestinian farmer in a refugee camp in Gaza and wounded one other person
- chastised the president of Ireland and called in the irish ambassador because in their opinion the president "did not condemn Hamas enough" in a tweet about the country's happiness for the return of an irish child that had been held hostage
- attacked an airport in Syria's capital Damascus.
despite there supposedly being a "pause" of their attacks for four days.
And this is only a fraction of the things they had done during this "pause" already, these are just the things that happened today. In the past "pause" days among othet things Israel has already killed or wounded multiple other palestinians in both Gaza and the West Bank, including killing a 12 old boy, stormed the city Jenin in the West bank and there killed and wounded multiple people and surrounded multiple public hospitals and the seat of the Red Crescent, kept palestinians from celebrating the return of the women and children that had been held in israeli prisons and is holding the director of the Al Shifa hospital as well as other medical staff in military emprisonment, something that the WHO is concerned about since even they aren't able to get confirmation about wether the director has been hurt or tortured or is even still alive.
And yet no one (at least in german politics and media) seems to consider all these actions a breach of the "pause" or war crimes at all, instead Israel is presented as the good guy in the situation, presented as keeping the four day ceasefire/pause and is hosting a "solidarity visit" by the german president soon.
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brf-rumortrackinganon · 5 months
“It could also be part of their strategic plan to steal the leadership of the Commonwealth from William, as Lady C has been speculating this week.”
Lady C has officially jumped the shark if she’s entertaining this speculation and not pointing out how much of a non-starter it is.
All important jobs in the CW are held by Heads of State of member states and or their political appointees. The only role that isn’t held by them is the Secretary -General which is the equivalent of the UN’s Secretary General with similar heavyweight credentials. All these roles are voted in by the heads of state of the member states. 
Further, unlike the UN, the CW doesn’t do celebrity ambassadors.
The Queen created her own CW personal charity in the QCW trust, but it’s a personal charity not a CW charity that relies heavily on the goodwill of the British royals while the CW indulges it because The Queen created it. And we know she created it to give them something to do just like they did Invictus. 
To think these lightweights want a position in the CW, it’s headship no less shows what numpties they are. 
Hell, why stop at the CW. Why not the EU or UN? 
Wait, as I typed this, it occurred to me that this is Meghan’s failed POTUS manifesting being redirected to manifesting the CW. 
She had more chance of becoming POTUS than doing anything substantive with CW. 
Frankly being President and ViP of the QCW trust was the closest she got to creating a substantial role adjacent to the CW, and if she’d built that into a great organisation, she could have eventually parlayed that into becoming the Secretary - General of the CW because that’s the only role within the CW that doesn’t call for a head of state. But she’s as deep as a puddle and has the patience of a gust of wind and has no longterm strategic thinking capabilities. 
Further, unlike the UN, the CW doesn't do celebrity ambassadors.
How do you know? Just because it hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it won’t ever happy in the future. Yes, chances are slim that it won’t ever happen but it’s not always absolute. And in today’s day and age, with the King/Head of Commonwealth they have, never say never.
I think Charles will surprise us but at the same time, I’m not banking on it. He’s a bit inconsistent with that track record. 
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plottingalong · 2 years
Lesbians in Space Masterpost:
Happy Valentines! My favourite genre by far is one I like to call Lesbians In Space. This is the pinnacle of all human creation in my opinion. The only rules of Lesbians in Space is that there MUST be actual, real sapphics (at least one), and that space has to be somewhat incorporated. That's it. If you have more examples of this PLEASE tell me.
*there's also a list of honorable mentions for things that fit the vibe in my opinion but aren't as explicitly Lesbians In Space.
The Locked Tomb series (arguably THE lesbians in space series) by Tamsyn Muir. If you're on Tumblr you've probably heard of these but the first book is a murder mystery in a creepy space mansion.
The Teixcalaan series (A Memory Called Empire and A Desolation Called Peace) by Arkady Martine. A poetry-obsessed ambassador from a space station subject to the whims of the Teixcalaan empire needs to unravel a plot and figure out wtf her predecessor was up to, while being assisted by a government agent.
The Serpent Gates Duology (The Unspoken Name and The Thousand Eyes) by AK Larkwood. Csorwe, an orc who was raised as a sacrifice to a god, is rescued by a shady sorcerer and pulled into his plot regarding world dominantion, abd then falls hard for a math nerd.
An Unkindness of Ghosts by Rivers Solomon (with a non-binary/trans/gnc and sapphic mc). This book is a lot heavier in terms of trauma than the other things on this list, esp regarding slavery+neurodiversity+transphobia so yeah maybe check a list of CW but it's good!
The Necessity of Stars by E. Catherine Tobler (novella). Former UN diplomat deals with memory loss and aliens. Technically not as space-y as the rest of this list.
This Is How You Lose the Time War by Amal El-Mohtar and Max Gladstone (novella). Two spies on two sides of a time-and-space war test each other's wits.
Light From Uncommon Stars by Ryka Aoki (trans girl MC, side characters that are lesbians, technically it's not ALL in space but it's pretty dang space-y.) Evil lady teaches a young violinist in order to collect her soul, hijinks ensue.
The Strange Case of Starship Iris. A doctor accidentally joins a group of space smugglers while uncovering a government conspiracy. Also has a trans guy and two nb characters.
The Pasithea Powder. After a war between two planets, two old friends, one an honoured war hero and the other a disgraced scientist, are pulled back together due to a government plot.
TV shows:
She-Ra (for kids). You know what this show is about. Cadet of the evil forces who's good at everything turns out to be the chosen one that fights for good against her former bestie.
Doctor Who s10- the Doctor's companion falls in love with a puddle that's a girl.
Honorary mentions:
Winter's Orbit- romance sci-fi, gay arranged marriage in space.
The Murderbot Diaries - series of novellas. queer side characters aside, Murderbot isn't human but definitely has an interesting concept of romance and gender that I find pretty dang queer.
The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula Le Guin. The blueprint!!!! Local male ambassador (deragatory) goes to covertly visit a very cold planet where people are sex-less most of the time (and very interesting genders). The discussion of gender is fascinating in my opinion.
Wolf 359 (podcast). Pissed off crew of a wreck of a ship do their best to survive space and each other. (there's a canonical gay character but also Isabel Lovelace is a lesbian in my heart)
Among the Stars and Bones (podcast) a group of xenopaleantologists go dig up an ancient alien site. there's an important nonbinary main character.
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empiredesimparte · 1 year
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Hortense is back in Compiègne.
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Casimir: For the coronation, the Council of State thought that you could take the oath before an audience of French scholars and artists. This would ensure a certain modernity for the rite. You will also have to try on several outfits for the coronation in the cathedral of Notre-Dame de Paris
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Napoléon V: That's fine with me. Do I really have to wear the same grand habillement as my father and Napoléon I ? It's so out of fashion
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Casimir: Sire, this is a garment as sacred as the ceremony! All the kings and emperors of Francesim have worn it before you. I don't believe that it's negotiable Napoléon V: If I must comply…
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Casimir: The pope, your godfather, deplores the fact that you are celibate during your coronation. One of his criteria is religious marriage Napoléon V: But I can't get married by next summer, it's too soon Casimir: You'll have to meet the papal ambassadors in that case. They are categorical. It's either that, or the coronation takes place in Rome
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Napoléon V: You'll make an appointment with the representatives of the Pope, I must meet with them as soon as possible to defuse this disagreement. This must remain secret Casimir: Good, Your Majesty
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Charlotte: A lot has happened in your absence, Madame Hortense: Really?
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Charlotte: Although, I must say, it is you that everyone is talking about now, and without you being there Hortense: I'll speak with the Emperor about this, rest assured Charlotte: Of course. I'm happy to be able to work with you from now on Hortense: Likewise
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⚜ Le Cabinet Noir | Compiègne, 14 Floréal An 230
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⚜ Traduction française
Premier dîner d'Hortense depuis son retour à Compiègne.
Casimir : Pour le couronnement, le Conseil d'Etat a pensé que vous pourriez prêter serment devant un parterre de savants et artistes français. Cela assurerait une certaine modernité pour le rite. Il vous faudra également essayer plusieurs tenues pour le couronnement à la cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris.
Napoléon V : Cela me convient. Dois-je réellement porter le même grand habillement que mon père et Napoléon Ier ? Il est tellement démodé.
Casimir : Enfin Sire, il s'agit d'un vêtement aussi sacré que la cérémonie ! Tous les rois et empereurs de Francesim l'ont porté avant vous. Je ne crois pas que ce soit négociable. Napoléon V : Si je dois m'y plier...
Casimir : Le pape, votre parrain, déplore que vous soyez célibataire lors de votre couronnement. L'un de ses critères pour réaliser le sacre est le mariage religieux Napoléon V : Mais je ne peux pas me marier d'ici l'été prochain, c'est trop tôt Casimir : Il va vous falloir rencontrer les ambassadeurs papaux dans ce cas. Ils sont catégoriques. C'est cela, ou le sacre a lieu à Rome
Napoléon V : Vous prendrez rendez-vous avec les représentants du Pape, je dois les rencontrer au plus tôt pour désamorcer cette mésentente. Cela doit rester secret Casimir : Bien Votre Majesté
Charlotte : Il s'est passé beaucoup de choses en votre absence, Madame Hortense (froide) : Vraiment ?
Charlotte : Bien que, je dois dire, c'est de vous dont tout le monde parle maintenant, et sans que vous ne soyez là Hortense : Je vais m'entretenir avec l'Empereur à ce sujet, soyez rassurée Charlotte : Bien sûr. Je suis heureux de pouvoir travailler avec vous désormais Hortense : Pareillement
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donnaajah · 9 months
The United States (US) is excluded from the United Nations (UN). This is due to the country's reluctance to agree to Gaza's request for a ceasefire, due to the Israeli attack.
After vetoing the UN Security Council (DK), this week the US again did not support the institution's general session on Gaza peace. Even though more than 3/4 of the 193 members support it, even some US allies.
This also reportedly made Russia happy. A senior European diplomat said Russia seemed happy to see the US under fire from the UN for its support for Israel.
"They like it," said the Reuters source quoted Friday (15/12/2023).
In a different statement, as published on the same page, Russian Ambassador to the UN Vassily Nebenzia said America had basically given permission to kill in Gaza. With the right of veto and refusal, the US bears full responsibility for every new victim of the conflict in Gaza.
"Sharing this blame with them is something that other members of the Security Council and the UN as a whole should not do," he added.
The UN meeting itself actually resulted in 153 countries agreeing to a ceasefire. Meanwhile, eight did not and 23 abstained.
Meanwhile, Director of the UN's International Crisis Group Richard Gowan said Russian diplomats saw the war in the Middle East as a great opportunity to reorganize their position at the UN. They, he added, had made strenuous efforts to highlight US double standards in the war.
"They know that Ukraine and its allies will not dare to pass any resolution targeting Moscow... for some time," he reiterated.
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celestialpearls · 2 years
➱ preview: a pair of fools, we are
➱ drama, (un) requited love, fluff, model/brand ambassador! mingyu, editor! reader - more to be added.
➱ Once an inseparable pair, the distance is prominent when you and Mingyu see each other again. 
➱ A/N: this is a Very short preview. just wanted to give you guys a taste of the wips i have. but i’m also posting for writer accountability lol coz i really want to finish it. so i hope you like it!
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“One day, your surprises will cause a heart attack. A warning next time, hello?”
junnie: wtf
junnie: when you said u were coming back soon last night, i didn't think it would be TODAY?? 
junnie: HOY ur gonna leave me on read?? >:(. Why didn’t you say anythiiing
junnie: i’m being so serious that if you don’t answer, i’m coming over. No buts, i’m omw 🏃‍♂️
 You chuckle at the constant pings from your phone because of Jun’s messages. You guess that he saw your Instagram story of you and your mum yesterday. Looking at your social media, you’ve received similar messages from other people and you try your best to reply to them. There is a tiny part of you that wanted him to say something. Or at the very least view your recent story. You shake your head at your thoughts, sitting up when your mum calls you.
“Someone’s here to see you!” 
You scoff in disbelief - Jun couldn’t be serious about his last text. Right?
On the contrary, he was serious. He could be heard talking to your mum, their voices becoming clearer as you come closer. Jun’s eyes brighten when he spots you and you can’t contain the smile that curves your lips. Before you can even utter a greeting, he’s lifting you up as he hugs you, which causes a squeak to leave your lips. 
“Jun, put me down!” 
He does but his arms keep its place around your shoulders as he sways the both of you from side to side lightly. He pulls away, his smile reminding you of why brands and agencies sent him numerous messages.
“My baby, my love. I missed you,” he drags out the vowels in the last word. You grimace at the nickname, rolling your eyes when he steps back. He wraps his arm around your shoulder and shouts, “I’ll be kidnapping them for a few minutes!” 
“Good. Don’t bring them back!” 
You missed Jun so your arm goes around his waist as he leads you out of the door. The silence is comfortable and where he’s leading you starts to become familiar. As you turn right on the winding road, the playground starts to come into view. 
In your excitement, you run straight for the swings. Though the park is run-down now, you visualise a common scene when you were younger. You and Jun were always on the swings, typically making Mingyu push you up. Though, the latter would always be eager to push you which always made Jun whine. 
“I can practically hear the cogs in your brain turning. Spit it out,” he raises an eyebrow as you look up at him. Stretching your arm, you pat the other swing for him to sit on. Jun is patient as the both of you lightly swing, the whisper of tree leaves filling in the gaps. 
“You’re not even going to ask how I am? Compliment how gorgeous I look, even?” You place a hand over your heart as you gasp which is a met with a roll of his eyes.
“Yeah, yeah. You look decent or whatever. I’m not going to ask how you are because we’d message daily that I was getting sick of seeing your name in my notifications.” 
Jun digs his heels into the asphalt to halt his swings. You mirror him and sigh heavily, raising his eyebrow as he anticipates the next words about to come out of your mouth. 
“How is he?”
“Who’s ‘he’? I know a lot of people, you know. Modelling and all,” there’s a shit-eating grin on Jun’s lips when he hears you groan. 
“Mingyu, you dick. Happy?”
Jun chuckles and lightly starts to swing again.
“Hm, well. He doesn’t know you’re back because you threatened me so much when I said that I wanted to tell him. He’s been getting a lot of offers so he’s always busy, so we talk when we’re invited to the same events. Even then, they are short.”
You twiddle your thumbs, “does he ask? About me, I mean.”
There’s a hint of sadness in Jun’s gaze that he tries to mask. But being friends for so long makes you see the emotion. And when he answers, you can’t tell whether you feel relieved or miserable. 
“In those short and long conversations we have, he brings you up a lot.” 
There’s a pause in the conversation, letting the wind fill in the gaps of quiet that fell between the both of you. By now, it would be too late to tell him. Let alone, it will be awkward, considering communication between you and Mingyu were sparse. You and him have barely talked and kept in touch.
“You can’t hide that you’re back, you know. He’s gonna find out soon and if not him, it’ll be his mum. That woman can hunt you down easy.”
He shivers which causes big laugh escapes you then and when you inevitably snort, that starts up Jun’s laughter as well. Despite texting each other whenever you both could, you still missed him. Jun had a presence that embraced you fondly with warmth and laughter that you missed dearly when you felt the worst of homesickness. 
The laughter subsides and you breathe deeply to catch your breath. He reaches over and ruffles your hair as he says, “I missed you.” 
You nod solemnly and stand, “and I missed your cats. I want to see Peach and Oreo, so get up!” 
Jun mutters, “I swear you’re only friends with me because of the cats.”
You make an affirmative noise and Jun shakes his head as he pulls you close towards him again, making your way back so you could play with his cats.
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