Domestic Girlfriend
English: Before I started watching, I heard a lot of bad things about this anime. And maybe it's just me, but I actually liked it quite a bit. Anyway, we have the main character - Natsu. Natsu is in love with his teacher. The first time we see Natsu, he's in some club, where he meets a girl who stands out because she doesn't like those kinds of things. They realize they have some similarities and they go to her place (the girl's name is Rui) and try having sex for the first time because they're bored with their lives. Yes, there is a lot of depression in this anime. After that, they part ways and think they'll never see each other again. The mother of the teacher Natsu likes is getting married to Natsu's father. Also, Rui and the teacher - Hina, are sisters. So now they are Natsu's half-sisters. While they live in his house, there are a lot of "temptations" for Natsu because he likes Hina, but he had sex with Rui. Hina decides to live on her own. We meet more supporting characters. There are problems when Hina and Rui find out what Natsu had with both of them. There are really sad and ecchi scenes, so if you plan to watch this, watch it when there's no one else at home. At the end of the anime, Natsu's school goes to a festival where, for the first time, Natsu and Hina have a sexual encounter. However, the school finds out about it, and there are big problems. How they found out - well, Natsu and Hina were the only ones not present when the others took a group photo, and in the background of the photo, they could be seen through the balcony of a building, and it was clear what they were doing. Hina decides to move to another city, which causes Natsu to fall into depression, but he decides to do something with his life. That's where the anime ends, honestly, I would love to have a sequel, but I know very well that there won't be one. I mean, the manga is finished, but I really don't feel like reading it because it's quite long. The opening from this anime is actually my favorite opening in general, it's just amazing in every aspect. And yes, I gave it a two on MAL (MyAnimeList), but that's for safety reasons. Otherwise, I would give it a seven.
Favorite Character: Tachibana, Rui Serbian: Pre nego što sam počeo da gledam, čuo sam baš mnogo loših stvari o ovom animeu. I možda sam to samo ja, ali meni se ovo dosta svidelo. Uglavnom, imamo glavnog lika - Nacua. Nacu je zaljubljen u svoju profesorku. Prvi put vidimo Nacua u nekom klubu valjda, gde susreće devojku koja se izdvojila, jer ne voli takve stvari. Shvataju da su pomalo slični, te odlaze kod te devojke kući (devojka se zove Rui), i probaju seks po prvi put, jer im je dosadno u životu. Da, u ovom animeu ima dosta depresije. Posle toga su se razišli, i mislili su da se nikad više neće videti. Majka od profesorke u koja se sviđa Nacuu se udaje za Nacuovog oca. Takođe, Rui profesorka - Hina su sestre. Tako da su one sad polu sestre Nacuu. Dok žive u njegovoj kući, ima dosta "iskušenja" za Nacua, jer mu se ova sviđa, a sa ovom je imao seks. Hina odlučuje da ode da živi samostalno. Upoznajemo još sporednih likova. Bude problema kad Hina i Rui saznaju šta je Nacu imao sa obadve. Ima baš, baš tužnih, ali i eči scena, tako da, ako planirate da gledate ovo, gledajte kad nema nikog kod kuće. Na kraju animea, Nacuova škola ide na festival, gde po prvi put, Nacu i Hina stupaju u seksualni odnos. Međutim, škola saznaje za to, i dolazi do velikih problema. Kako su saznali - pa, Nacu i Hina jedini nisu bili tu kad su se ostali fotografisali, a na fotografiji su se mogli videti kroz balkon zgrade u pozadini, i to je moglo biti jasno šta rade. Hina odlučuje da se preseli u drugi grad, zbog čega Nacu pada u depresiju, ali odlučuje da učini nešto od sebe. Tu se negde anime i završava, iskreno, voleo bih da bude nastavka, ali vrlo dobro znam da neće. Mislim, manga je gotova, ali me jako mrzi da čitam, jer je dosta dugačka. Opening iz ovog animea mi je zapravo omiljeni opening generalno, prosto je predobar u svakom aspektu. I jeste da sam dao dvojku na MAL-u, ali to je zbog bezbednosnih razloga. Inače bih dao sedmicu. Omiljeni Lik: Tačibana, Rui
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Is It Wrong to Try to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?
It is too long for tumblr... :(
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Cyberpunk: Edgerunners
English: I refused to watch this anime for a long time due to several reasons: 1.) It was produced by Netflix. 2.) I played the game when it was released, and I was quite disappointed. 3.) I'm not a big fan of the 'Sci-Fi' genre, and I despise 'Mecha.' 4.) The ones who praised it the most were usually the ones with whom I often disagreed Anyway, I decided to give it a watch simply because it had 10 episodes, and I was going on a trip with nothing else to watch. That's when I realized I had been completely wrong. I got hooked after the first episode :))) Although the story started out simple, it gradually became better. I liked the entire concept of the new human society, especially the mechanized part, because there are heaps of people living on the streets and in all sorts of rundown places. David's mother dies right at the beginning, and she took great care of him. However, she was barely making ends meet financially. David is smart but not very calm as a child. He manages to enroll in the best school, which his mother could barely afford. He gets into trouble because he beats up the director's child who used to bully him. On the way home, his mother dies in a car accident caused by two gangs shooting at each other. David barely survives, and with no one left to support him, he ends up on the streets. He meets a girl named Lucy, who introduces him to the other characters. David undergoes a procedure to implant Sandevistan, which is military body technology, giving him advanced abilities. All David wants is to make Lucy happy and make his mother proud. David's friends die, one by one, until only a few remain. There's a time skip of about a year or a little less, and David undergoes a complete physical transformation. David and Lucy now live together, but after realizing who their real enemy is, they are forced to separate, and David must become even stronger to defeat the enemy. He and his team manage to find the most advanced combat technology. However, even before, David struggled to maintain his sanity due to various gadgets and enhancements he installed in himself. So now he has to use an even stronger calming liquid. In the end, David, along with his remaining friends, reaches the Arasaka corporation to save Lucy. His main goal is to defeat Faraday (the main antagonist in the story), but he is attacked by Adam Smasher (from what I heard, this character should also exist in the game), who is on the same level of strength as David. David loses to Adam Smasher because he runs out of calming liquid, but he manages to save Lucy, leading to their final kiss, which also calms David down. This part is supposed to be the one that made everyone cry, but I didn't, probably due to the environment I was in while watching. Nonetheless, it was indeed sad, and I liked how everything was packed into 10 episodes. I'm really glad I decided to give it a chance. After watching the anime, David also made it into my top 10 favorite characters because he's basically me, but extroverted. Maybe in the future, I'll try playing the game again, but I'll see because I'm not doing well on the computer, and I don't want to spend money on a PS4 copy right now.
Favorite Character: Martinez, David Serbian: Dugo sam odbijao da gledam ovaj anime iz više razloga: 1.) Napravio ga je Netflix 2.) Igrao sam igricu kad je izašla, i baš sam se razočarao 3.) Ne volim baš toliko 'Sci-Fi' žanr, a 'Mecha' prezirem 4.) Oni koji su najviše govorili da je odličan, bili su oni sa kojima najčešće ne delim mišljenje Uglavnom, odlučio sam da ga pogledam, čisto zato što je imao 10 epizoda, a ja sam išao na put i nisam znao ništa drugo što bih mogao da gledam. Tada sam shvatio da sam se teško prevario. Navukao sam se odmah posle prve epizode :))) Iako je priča počelo prosto, kasnije je počela da postaje sve bolja. Svideo mi se čitav koncept novog ljudskog društva, barem onaj mehanizovani deo, zato što ima gomila ljudi koji žive na ulicama i kojekakvim rupčagama. Davidu na samom početku umire majka, koja se jako brinula za njega. Ipak, finansijski je jedva sve izdržavala. David je pametno, ali ne i toliko mirno dete. Uspeva da upiše najbolju školu, koju je njegova majka jedva uspela da plati. Ulazi u nevolju zato što je prebio direktorovo dete koje ga je pre maltretiralo. Majka mu umire na putu dok ga vozi kući zbog dve bande koje su se za to vreme pucale. David jedva ostaje živ, i, pošto nema više ko da ga izdržava, ostaje na ulici. Upoznaje devojku po imenu Lusi, koja ga upoznaje sa ostalim likovima. David ugrađuje u sebe Sandevistan, što je vojna tehnologija za telo čoveka, i ima veoma napredne sposobnosti. Jedino što David želi jeste da učini Lusi srećnom, i majku ponosnom. Davidovi drugovi umiru, jedan po jedan, dok ih na kraju ne ostane nekolicina. Imamo tajmskip od nekih godinu dana ili malo manje, David se fizički totalno promenio. David i Lusi sada žive zajedno, ali nakon što shvate ko im je zapravo neprijatelj, primorani su da se razdvoje, a David, kako bi pobedio neprijatelja, mora da postane još jači. On i njegov tim uspevaju da pronađu najnapredniju tehnologiju za borbu. Međutim, David je i pre jedva uspevao da održi razum zbog raznih stvarčica i poboljšanja koje je ugradio u sebe. Tako da je sada morao da koristi još jaču tečnost za smirenje. Na kraju David, zajedno sa svojim preostalim , dolazi do Arasaka firme kako bi spasio Lusi. Glavni cilj mu je da porazi Faradeja (glavnog netivca u priči), ali ga napada Adam Smešer (ovo bi, barem koliko sam čuo, trebalo da bude lik koji postoji i u igrici) koji je, po jačini, na istom nivou kao David. David gubi od Adama Smešera jer mu je ponestalo tečnosti za smirenje, ali uspeva da spasi Lusi, te tako dolazi do njihovog poslednjeg poljupca, koji ujedno i obuzdava Davida. Ovaj deo bi trebalo da bude onaj uz koji su svi plakali, ali ja nisam, verovatno zbog prisutnog okruženja dok sam gledao. Sve u svemu, jeste bilo tužno, sviđa mi se kako je sve ubačeno u 10 epizoda, i jako mi je drago što sam ipak odlučio da mu dam šansu. David mi je takođe, nakon gledanja animea, ušao u top 10 likova, jer je bukvalno ja, samo je ekstrovertan. Takođe, možda u budućnosti probam opet da igram igricu, ali videću još, zato što mi na računaru ne ide dobro, a trenutno mi se ne daje novac za ps4 kopiju. Omiljeni Lik: Martinez, David
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One Punch Man
English: One of the first ones I watched. I wouldn't have decided to watch it if I hadn't come across those short anime videos that were quite interesting. Like the one with the mosquito or when he did the physical test for heroes. The first season was really interesting, with him being too strong but also too dumb, so they classified him as a 'C' class hero. His disciple Genos tries to learn something from Saitama, while Saitama barely takes anything seriously. There are also some iconic moments, like when he realized during a fight that his discount at the store had expired, and he decided to finish off the enemy right then and there. The relationship between Saitama and Genos gives me more of a vibe of brothers rather than sensei-student. I also like that the strength of the characters is based on their danger level. If I remember correctly, there are 'Demon,' 'Dragon,' 'God,' and something else. I can't recall exactly what happened in each season, but I remember both of them being pretty good. Then, the other top heroes can't understand what's so special about Saitama because he has never been able to show it to others. The only ones who have seen his true power, if I recall correctly, are Bang and Genos. At the end of the second season, they supposedly fought against some giant caterpillar, and that's where it ended. I can't remember what happened to that Garou guy, whether he died or he's alive, I think he survived... Also, this was the first anime that gave me motivation, and I actually started exercising for a while. The third season is supposed to come out in the near future, and I'm interested to see how the story will continue. I've heard the manga is excellent too, so I can't wait.
Favorite Character: Saitama Serbian: Jedan od prvih koje sam pogledao. Ne bih odlučio da ga gledam da mi nisu iskakali kratki videi iz animea koji su bili prilično zanimljivi. Tipa onaj sa komarcem ili ono kad je radio fizički test za heroja. Prva sezona je bila baš zanimljiva, to što je bio previše jak, ali i previše glup, pa su ga klasificirali kao 'C' heroja. Onaj njegov učenik Dženos koji pokušava da nauči nešto od Saitame, dok Saitama jedva nešto shvata ozbiljno. Tu su i još neki ikonični momenti, kao kad je tokom borbe shvatio da je istekao popust u prodavnici, i onda odlučio da iste sekunde dovrši neprijatelja. Odnos između Saitame i Dženosa mi više daje vajb kao da su braća a ne sensei-učenik. Sviđa mi se i to što se jačina likova bazira na njihovom nivou opasnosti. Ako se dobro sećam, ima 'Demon,' 'Zmaj,' 'Bog' i još nešto. Ne mogu da se setim šta je tačno bilo u kojoj sezoni, ali se sećam da su mi obe bile prilično dobre. Onda, ostali veći heroji ne mogu da shvate šta ja to posebno kod Saitame, jer nikad nije uspeo to da pokaže ostalima. Jedini koji su videli njegovu pravu snagu su, ako se dobro sećam, Bang i Dženos. Na kraju druge sezone su se valjda borili sa nekom gigantskom gusenicom, i tamo se završilo. Ne sećam se šta je bilo sa onim Garom, da l' je umro ili je živ, mislim da je preživeo... Takođe, ovo je bio prvi anime koji mi je dao motivaciju, i tako sam jedno vreme zaista krenuo da vežbam. Treća sezona treba da izađe u skorijoj budućnosti, zanima me kako će to priča da se nastavi, a čuo sam i da je manga odlična, tako da jedva čekam. Omiljeni Lik: Saitama
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The Misfit of Demon King Academy
English: First of all, I wouldn't have even watched this anime if I hadn't seen a bunch of Anos-related edits and videos on tiktok. I actually liked the first episode a lot, but right after it, the quality started to drop drastically. They tried to make some "interesting" story with characters that are abnormally boring and lack any development. It's very obvious that the whole show is focused on Anos, because the powers of other two main characters are pretty generic. It's annoying that Anos is literally the strongest character and no one can defeat him, so when the other characters are in a dangerous fight or in trouble, he just appears and saves them. During the last fight (which was supposed to be the best and most interesting) I almost fell asleep. After watching the show (having on mind that Anos is the strongest character in anime fiction), I realized that Anos is very overrated and mid. Seasons 2 and 3 are due out soon, so hopefully it will get better then, but I think the chances are extremely slim. P.S. Giorno destroys Anos. Favorite Character: Voldigoad, Anos Serbian: Kao prvo, ne bih ni gledao ovaj anime da na tiktoku nisam video gomilu edita i videa koji su vezani za Anosa. Prva epizoda mi se zapravo dosta svidela, ali je odmah nakon nje kvalitet počeo drastično da opada. Pokušali su da naprave neku "zanimljivu" priču sa karakterima koji su nenormalno dosadni i nemaju nikakav development. Jako je očigledno da je ceo šou usmeren na Anosa, jer su moći druga dva main karaktera poprilično generične. Dosadno je što je Anos bukvalno najjači lik i niko ne može da ga pobedi, zato kad su ostali likovi u nekom opasnom fajtu ili nezgodnoj situaciji, on se samo pojavi, i spasi ih. Tokom poslednjeg fajta(koji je inače trebalo da bude najbolji i najzanimljiviji)sam skoro zaspao. Nakon gledanja šoua (imajući na umu da je Anos najjači lik u anime fikciji), shvatio sam da je Anos jako overrated i mid. Treba da izađu druga i treća sezona uskoro, tako da se nadam da če tada postati bolje, ali mislim da su šanse za to ekstremno male. P.S. Đorno uništava Anosa.
Omiljeni Lik: Voldigoad, Anos
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I Want To Eat Your Pancreas
English: Many people I know told me that I would definitely cry watching this movie, so I decided to watch it. I watched it and... nothing, absolutely nothing. A common "love" tragedy, I mean, it was sad, but not even close to making me cry. Maybe it's because I didn't get too attached to the characters. I gave it a 5 because I liked the vibe and it has some pretty nice music. The saddest part is (what most people on the internet say) when Haruki cries for Sakura and reads her diary that she left for him, I found that part more cringe than sad, while the scene after that is very interesting. So, it's not good, it's not too bad, it's somewhere in the middle, so I think 5 is a valid rating. Favorite Character: Shiga, Haruki Serbian: Mnogi koje poznajem su mi rekli da ću sigurno plakati gledajući ovaj film, pa sam zato i odlučio da ga pogledam. Pogledao sam ga i... ništa, apsolutno ništa. Najobičnija “ljubavna“ tragedija, mislim, jeste bilo tužno, ali ni blizu da me natera da zaplačem. Možda je to zato što se nisam previše vezao za likove. Dao sam 5 zato što mi se dopao vajb, a ima i prilično finu muziku. Najtužniji deo je (bar tako većina ljudi na internetu kaže) kada Haruki plače za Sakurom i čita njen dnevnik koji ostavila za njega, meni je taj deo bio više krindž nego tužan, dok je scena koja sledi posle toga vrlo zanimljiva. Dakle, nije ni dobro, nije ni preloše, negde na sredini je, zato i mislim da je 5 validna ocena. Omiljeni Lik: Šiga, Haruki
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Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation
English: SEASON 1 PART 1: One of the first isekai I watched, and somehow, it has something that different from rest. Each episode is more interesting than the previous one. Rudeus (the main character) was about 40 years old when he died and was reincarnated as a child in another world. It's funny how he has to act like a child because in reality he's older and more mature than everyone else. There are actually quite a few prom scenes that fit the situation very well. The main character does not have a specific goal, but we watch him find his way in his new world. There are a lot of comedic scenes, and I didn't like the ending of this part so much at first, but it turned out to lead to a much more interesting and better part. All recommendations. SEASON 1 PART 2: It’s been months since I watched the first season, and here I am, I have continued watching. Rudeus, Ruijerd and Eris are stuck on a monster island, trying to get home, I remember so much. As the second season began, I began to remember other things. Also to mention, this is my favorite Isekai. There are always some unexpected scenes and events. Our trio is trying to raise enough money to return home. However, they encounter interference. After various events, Rudeus ends up trapped and makes new friends there. The part in the forest and the rainy season were very good parts, both visually and the story. I don’t know why, but I was very excited when Rudeus unlocked a new power - the eye. I guess I haven’t seen a character with power in his eyes for too long. We learn that Rudeus and Eris are not the only ones who have been teleported, but all the people around the castle and Rudeus’ village. Rudeus finds his father and learns that there is no trace of his mother. Although I’ve never loved Paul as a character, this season has managed to change that. This is definitely Isekai with the best story, characters, art, music, animation, everything is on level. The end is both happy and sad, it depends on how you look at things. Overall, a phenomenal season, I can’t wait for the third.
Favorite Character: Superdia, Ruijerd Serbian: SEZONA 1 DEO 1: Jedan od prvih isekaija koje sam pogledao, i nekako, ima to nešto po čemu se razlikuje od ostalih. Svaka epizoda je zanimljivija od prethodne. Rudeus (glavni lik) je imao nekih 40 godina kada je umro i reinkarnirao se kao dete u drugom svetu. Smešno je to kako on mora da se ponaša kao dete jer je u realnosti stariji i zreliji od svih. Zapravo ima dosta mature scena koje se vrlo uklapaju u situaciju. Glavni lik i nema neki poseban cilj, nego ga gledamo kako se snalazi u njemu novom svetu. Ima dosta komičnih scena, a kraj ovog dela mi se prvo nije toliko svideo, ali ispostavilo se da je doveo do mnogo zanimljivijeg i boljeg dela. Sve preporuke. SEZONA 1 DEO 2: Prošli su meseci od kada sam pogledao prvu sezonu, i evo me, nastavio sam sa gledanjem. Rudeus, Ruiđerd i Eris su zaglavljeni na ostrvu čudovišta, pokušavaju da se vrate kući, toliko se sećam. Kako je počinjala druga sezona,počeo sam da se prisećam ostalih stvari. Takođe da spomenem, ovo mi je omiljeni Isekai. Uvek ima neke neočikavane scene i dešavanja. Naš trio pokušava da sakupi dovoljno novca za povratak kući. Međutim, nailaze na smetnju. Nakon raznih dešavanja Rudeus završava zarobljen i tamo stiče nove prijatelje. Deo u šumi i sezona kiše su bili jako dobri delovi, i vizuelno i priča. Ne znam zašto, ali jako sam se uzbudio kada je Rudeus otključao novu moć - oko. Valjda previše dugo nisam video nekog karaktera koji ima moći u očima. Saznajemo da Rudeus i Eris nisu jedini koji su teleportovani, nego i svi ljudi iz okoline zamka i Rudeusovog sela. Rudeus nalazi svog oca i saznaje da nema traga njegovoj majci. Iako nikada nisam voleo Paula kao lika, ova sezona je uspela to da promeni. Ovo je definitivno Isekai sa najboljom pričom, likovi, art, muzika, animacija, sve je na nivou. Kraj i srećan i tužan, zavisi kako gledate na stvari. Generalno, fenomenalna sezona, jedva čekam treću. Omiljeni Lik: Superdia, Ruiđerd
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Dr. Stone
English: This title has always appealed to me, and it turns out to be a great one. So, humanity is suddenly petrified, and Senkuu (the main character) wakes up a few thousand years later. He tries to collect as many resources as he can, and a few years later he figures out how to unpetrify living things, then awakens his friend, and then the two of them work together to survive. They revived the strongest high school student - Tsukasa, and then they diverge due to different goals, Senkuu wants to solve everything with the help of science and revive every human while Tsukasa believes that power is everything and does not want to revive old people because he thinks they are making the world worse. And after numerous adventures and plots, the second season (which I will write about a little later) - Stone Wars - more precisely, the war between science and power, begins. As for the first season, I think it's very educational, it even has references to other anime, and it's quite humorous. It's very satisfying whenever they make something new. In the second season, there are many more important events and new characters. Also this part is drastically more emotional, we realize how much suffering Tsukasa is in, and after the fight, he and Senkuu team up. Tsukasa dies, Senkuu promises to revive him after he figures out how the petrification process works. This special that was released until recently was very interesting, although I don't know if it is mandatory to watch, but I think it is, since it is like a bridge between the 2nd and 3rd season. I saw that the third season is supposed to be at sea, I honestly don't know what to expect, but since it is Dr. Stone, it will probably be very good. Favorite Character: Senkuu Serbian: Oduvek mi je ovaj naslov bio privlačan, i ispostavilo se da i jeste odličan. Znači, čovečantsvo se odjednom skamenilo, i Senku (glavni lik) se budi par hiljada godina kasnije. Pokušava da skupi što više resursa može, i nekoliko godina posle shvata kako da odkameni živa bića, zatim budi svoj prijatelja, i onda njih dvojica zajedno rade kako bi opstali. Bude ostale i pošto su bili u opasnosti, oživljavaju najjačeg srednjoškolca - Cukasu. Oni se raziđu zbog različitih ciljeva, Senku hoće da sve reši uz pomoć nauke i oživi svakog čoveka dok Cukasa veruje da je moć sve i ne želi da oživi starije ljude, jer misli da pogoršavaju svet. I nakon brojnih avantura i zapleta, nastaje druga sezona (o kojoj ću malo kasnije pisati) - Stone Wars - tačnije rat između nauke i moći. Što se tiče prve sezone, mislim da je vrlo edukativna, ima čak i reference na druge animee, a i prilično je humorističan. Mnogo je setisfajng kad god naprave nešto novo. U drugoj sezoni ima mnogo više važnih dešavanja i novih karaktera. Takođe ovaj deo je drastično emotivniji, shvatamo u kolikoj patnji je Cukasa, i nakon borbe, on i Senku se udružuju. Cukasa umire, Senku mu obećava da će ga oživeti nakon što shvati kako funkcioniše proces okamenjivanja. Ovaj specijal koji je do skoro izašao je bio jako zanimljiv, doduše, ne znam da li je obavezan da se gleda, ali mislim da jeste, pošto je kao most između 2. i 3. sezone. Video sam da treća sezona treba da bude na moru, ne znam iskreno šta da očekujem, ali pošto je Dr.Stone u pitanju, verovatno će biti veoma dobro.
Omiljeni Lik: Senku
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English: One of the most anticipated films. I didn't have any overly high expectations, because how could a parkour movie be good? That's what I thought, but I was wrong. I decided to watch it, because I saw who was working on it. Actually, parkour is only one segment. This film deals with the phenomenon. It's future, Tokyo is under a giant balloon, and people are living on water since it's submerged. Residents outside of Tokyo are not allowed to enter, because balloons are dangerous if I remember correctly. Music, animation and character development are on point. There are some really emotional parts too, but not enough to make me cry. The atmosphere is really strange, but also beautiful, the ending is interesting. It includes every supporting character, so I didn't get the impression that there were unnecessary ones. Favorite Character: Uta Serbian: Jedan od najiščekivanijih filmova. Nisam imao neka preterano velika očekivanja, jer kako bi parkur film mogao biti dobar? To sam mislio, ali prevario sam se. Odlučio sam da ga gledam, jer sam video ko sve radi na njemu. Zapravo, parkur je samo jedan segment. Ovaj film se bavi fenomenom. Budućnost je, Tokio je pod ogromnim balonom, i ljudi žive na vodi pošto je potopljen. Stanovništvu van Tokija je zabranjeno da ulaze, jer su baloni opasni ako se dobro sećam Muzika, animacija i karakter development su na mestu. Ima i nekih zaista emotivnih delova, ali ne dovoljno da me nateraju da zaplačem. Atmosfera je stvarno čudna, ali i predivna, kraj je zanimljiv. Uključuje svakog sporednog lika, i zato nisam imao utisak da ima nepotrebnih. Omiljeni Lik: Uta
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English: The theme of the anime itself is not as complex as it seems at first glance. Two or three episodes are enough to understand everything. So, the main character loses his mother at the beginning, but under the influence of circumstances, he becomes a suspect. Since he does not want to have any problems with the police, and he knows that he has no evidence to justify himself, he starts to run away. Scared, he jumps off the terrace, and the next time he wakes up, he realizes that he has gone back 20 years. He was still in primary school then. His main goal is to save the girl who was killed during that time, and also his mother, since he realizes that they were killed by the same man. He has a couple of suspects, but it is difficult for him to succeed because he is a child. The first 7-8 episodes are very emotional, because the last 3-4 are already the epilogue. I didn't expect this ending, before I watched it I was told that they didn't do it well, but honestly, it's okay. It seems to me that it is kind of rushed. Favorite Character: Fujinuma, Satoru Serbian: Sama tema animea i nije toliko kompleksna koliko se na prvi pogled čini. Dve-tri epizode je dovoljno da se sve shvati. Dakle, glavni lik gubi svoju majkuna početku, ali pod uticajem okolnosti, ob biva osumnjičen. Pošto neće da ima problema s policijom, i zna da nema dokaza da se opravda, kreće da beži. Uspaničen, skače sa terase, i sledeći put kada se probudi, shvata da se vratio 20 godina unazad. Tada je još išao u osnovnu školu. Glavni cilj mu je da spasi devojčicu koja je za to vreme ubijena, a i njegovu majku, pošto shvata da ih je ubio isti čovek. Ima par osumnjičeni, ali teško mu je da uspe jer je dete. Prvih 7-8 epizoda je veoma emotivno, zato što su 3-4 poslednje već epilog. Nisam očekivao ovakav kraj, pre no što sam ga pogledao, rečeno mi je da ga nisu dobro uradili, ali iskreno, okej je. Čini mi se da je nekako zbrzan.
Omiljeni Lik: Fudžinuma, Satoru
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Wonder Egg Priority
English: I love things that mess with dreams. I think dreams are really something fascinating, especially in my case. I remember almost every dream since I was 3 years old. My dreams are very different from the dreams of other people I talked to, mine are exotic. A lot of inexplicable things happen, but that's why I love them. A couple of years ago, I started to realize that I was dreaming, and that's why I can come out of the dream whenever I want. People would say it's a lucid dream, but it's not. I can wake up whenever I want, I'm aware that I'm dreaming all the time, I remember my dreams very well, but I have absolutely no control over them. Of course, my decisions affect how the dream will unfold, but I can't create whatever I want or do some things that are unrealistic in real life. The other day, a friend asked me if you can dream one dream more than once. My answer was "yes". I know this very well from personal experience, because I actually had some dreams more than once. I also came up with a theory a long time ago (which may already exist, but I haven't researched it) about how much real-world things affect an upcoming dream. My answer now would be that they affect a lot, at least for me. So when I'm thinking during the day about different things and happenings or whatever, everything that I've been thinking about somehow comes together, and comes into my dream. Sometimes it is not only the current day, but also the previous days. But let me not talk more about this, since the topic is the anime called "Wonder Egg Priority." The anime is about Ai (the main character) losing her first friend from school, so she stops going to the said school. Her life before that was very depressing, as she had no one to talk to. Her friend remains trapped in the dream world, petrified, while Ai tries to save her by fighting Seeno Evil. Over time, Ai learns that she is not the only one, and in her dream she meets the other girls who are also trying to save someone important to them. I don't know if they can be called the masters of the dream world, but they are about the main ones there, it's Acca and Ura-Acca. I don't know how accurately I understood this, since the anime itself is quite confusing, but, they put the souls of girls who committed suicide in the real world into eggs. Ai and her friends have to break those eggs in order for the soul to come out of them, and they have to protect that soul from the already mentioned Seeno Evils and the trauma that soul had during its life. From what has been written so far, it can be understood that Ai and her friends are in the same dream the whole time, which I also wondered for a while if it was possible. Admittedly, I think that much is not real and that it is fiction, but I would like to find out the truth once. During the anime, the topic of parallel universes comes up, which really makes sense, I also believe that there are parallel universes, but who knows how long it will take the world to find out what is exactly true. The anime has a wonderful atmosphere, music, and the art and animation are also unique, these are some of the other things why I love this anime so much. Favorite Character: Ooto, Ai Serbian: Obožavam stvari koje se petljaju sa snovima. Mislim da su snovi zaista nešto fascinantno, pogotovo u mom slučaju. Sećam se skoro svakog sna otkad sam napunio 3 godine. Moji snovi su mnogo drugačiji od snova ljudi sa kojima sam pričao, moji su bizarni. Mnogo se neobjašnjivih stvari događa, ali zato ih i volim. Pre par godina sam počeo da shvatam da sanjam, i zato mogu da izađem iz sna kad god hoću. Ljudi bi rekli da je to lucidan san, iako to baš nije tako. Mogu da izađem iz sna kad god hoću, svestan sam da sanjam sve vreme, pamtim svoje snove jako dobro, ali, nemam apsolutno nikakvu kontrolu nad njima. Naravno, moje odluke utiču na to kako će se san dalje odvijati, ali ne mogu da stvorim šta god želim ili uradim neke stvari koje su u stvarnom životu nerealne. Pre neki dan me je prijatelj pitao da li se jedan san može sanjati više puta. Moj odgovor je bio "da". Znam to vrlo dobro iz ličnog iskustva, jer sam neke snove zaista sanjao više puta. Takođe sam, davno, smislio jednu teoriju (koja možda već postoji, ali nisam istraživao) o tome koliko stvari iz realnog sveta utiču na predstojeći san. Moj odgovor sada bi bio da utiču mnogo, bar kod mene. Dakle, kada razmišljam u toku dana o različitim stvarima i dešavanjima ili čemu god, sve to o čemu sam razmišljao se nekako spoji, i dođe u moj san. Nekada nije u pitanju samo trenutni dan, nego i prethodni dani. No, da ne pričam više o ovome, pošto je tema anime pod nazivom "Wonder Egg Priority." Anime se radi o tome da Ai (glavni lik) izgubi svog prvog prijatelja iz škole, i zato prestaje da odlazi u istu. Život joj je pre toga bio vrlo depresivan, pošto nije imala sa kime da razgovara. Njena prijateljica ostaje zarobljena u svetu snova, okamenjena, dok Ai pokušava da je spasi boreći se protiv Seeno Zla. Ai vremenom saznaje da ona nije jedina, i u svom snu upoznaje ostale devojke koje takođe pokušavaju da spasu nekoga njima važnog. Ne znam da li se mogu nazvati gospodarima sveta snova, ali oni su otprilike tamo glavni, u pitanju su Aka i Ura-Aka. Ne znam koliko sam ovo precizno razumeo, pošto je i sam anime dosta konfuzan, ali, oni stavljaju duše devojaka koje su izvršile samoubistvo u stvarnom svetu u jaja. Ai i njene prijateljice moraju da razbiju ta jaja kako bi iz njih izašla duša, i moraju da štite tu dušu od već spomenutih Seeno Zla i traume koju je ta duša imala tokom života. Iz do sada napisanog može se shvatiti da su Ai i njene prijateljice u istom snu sve vreme, što me je takođe neko vreme zanimalo da li je moguće. Doduše, mislim da toliko već stvarno nije realno i da je to fikcija, ali bih želeo da jednom saznam istinu. Tokom animea dolazi i tema paralelnih univerzuma, koja zaista ima smisla, ja isto verujem da postoje paralelni univerzumi, ali ko zna koliko će vremena svetu biti potrebno da sazna šta je tačno. Anime ima predivnu atmosferu, muziku, a art i animacija su takođe unikatni, to su još neke od stvari zašto toliko volim ovaj anime. Omiljeni Lik: Oto, Ai
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The Rising of the Shield Hero
English: SEASON 1: I don't even have to tell you how it all starts since we all know how it is when it comes to isekai. The first 3-4 episodes are phenomenal, the main character's emotions, that suffering and misery simply make the viewer sympathize with him. I like when there is a certain segment that reminds of video games in isekai, and in this one it is one of the main things. Naofumi (the main character) is rejected by society throughout the anime, and he has Raphtalia and Filo by his side. Malty Melromarc is currently my most hated character in anime fiction, and that's why I was so happy at the end when they said everyone had to call her "Whore" or "Slut". This anime is a bit above than average isekai, but again it's nothing too special, just very fun to watch. SEASON 2: I would rather call this season “The Fall of the Shield Hero”. The first six episodes dealing with the Spirit Turtle were desperate. Both story and animation. After that it becomes okay. Naofumi and the others go to another world to defeat Kyo (the new villain). They discover that actually that world and theirs are very similar. They become friends with the villains from last season (L'Arc, Therese and Glass). Raphtalia gets a new power, Katana Vassal Weapon. And that’s about it, I think the last episode was unnecessary, literally nothing major happened in it, just flashbacks to previous episodes. This was a terrible season, I hope the third one will be much better. Favorite Character: Iwatani, Naofumi Serbian: SEZONA 1: Ne moram ni da pričam kako sve počinje pošto svi znamo kako je to kada je isekai u pitanju. Prve 3-4 epizode su fenomenalne, emocije glavnog lika, ta patnja i beda jednostavnu navedu gledaoca da se saoseća sa njim. Volim kada u isekaijima ima taj neki segment igrica, u ovom je to posebno izraženo. Naofumi (glavni lik), je kroz ceo anime odbačen od strane društva, i pored sebe ima Raftaliju i Filo. Malti Melromark mi je trenutno lik iz anime fikcije kojeg najviše mrzim, i baš zbog toga sam bio jako srećan na kraju kada su rekli da svako mora da je zove po imenu “Kurva” ili “Drolja”. Ovaj je anime malo iznad prosečnog isekaija, ali opet nije ništa previše specijalno, samo je vrlo zabavan da se gleda. SEZONA 2: Pre bih ovu sezonu nazvao “Pad Heroja Štita”. Prvih šest epizoda koje su vezane za Duhovnu Kornjaču su bile očajne. Kako i priča, tako i animacija. Posle toga postaje okej. Naofumi i ostali odlaze u drugi svet kako bi pobedili Kjoa (novog negativca). Otkrivaju da su zapravo taj svet i njihov veoma slični. Sprijateljuju se sa negativcima iz prošle sezone (Larkom, Terezom i Glas). Raftalija dobija novu moć tj. Vazalno Oružje Katane. I to je otprilike to, mislim da je poslednja epizoda bila nepotrebna, bukvalno ništa bitno se nije dogodilo u njoj, samo flešbekovi na prethodne epizode. Sve u svemu, užasna sezona, nadam se da će treća biti mnogo bolja. Omiljeni Lik: Ivatani, Naofumi
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Rascal Does Not Dream of Bunny Girl Senpai & Rascal Does Not Dream of a Dreaming Girl
English: I have a feeling that a lot of people are seeing this anime wrong. Especially because of the bunny costume and similar stuff. They think it's based on fanservice, and that it's probably just some bad romance. I hate it when people judge something at first sight. Mainly, the anime is about the phenomena of adolescence, the main character Sakuta meets the actress Mai in the library. He realizes that no one can see her except him, it was the first of several phenomena. It is very interesting to see how they cope with them. In addition to all this, this anime is extremely sad. I almost cried at the end of the movie. Also, this is the first anime that I always stayed to listen to the ending, because it sounds too good. I'm curious to see if I can find a better romance anime than this one in the near future. Favorite Character: Azusagawa, Sakuta Serbian: Imam osećaj da mnogo ljudi pogrešno vidi ovaj anime. Pogotovo zbog kostima zečice i sličnih stvari. Misle da je baziran na fanservisu, i da je verovatno samo neki loš romance. Prezirem kada ljudi sude nečemu na prvi pogled. Uglavnom, anime se svodi na fenomene adolescencije, glavni lik Sakuta upoznaje glumicu Mai u biblioteci. Shvata da niko ne može da je vidi osim njega, to je bio prvi nekoliko fenomena. Jako je zanimljivo gledati kako izlaze na kraj s istima. Pored svega ovoga, ovaj anime je izuzetno tužan. Skoro sam zaplakao na kraju filma. Takođe, ovo mi je prvi anime uz koji sam uvek osta da poslušam ending, jer stvarno zvuči predobro. Zanima me da li ću u skorijoj budućnosti pogledati bolji romance anime od ovog. Omiljeni Lik: Azusagava, Sakuta
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Attack on Titan
English: This has been my favorite anime for a long time. I don't think it's overrated and I think it is a masterpiece, it will always be one of my favorites. If I remember correctly, this was my fifth anime, I found it so interesting, so I watched it in 2 days. It had 74 episodes then. Before I started watching it, various videos came out on my fyp on TikTok and that made me start watching, but I totally got the wrong picture. I couldn't have guessed how well thought out and complex the story is. The vibe that this anime gives off is indescribable, I liked the third season the most, especially Grisha's backstory and one of the best arcs in the entire anime fiction - Return to Shiganshina. While I was watching, I had so many questions, there were many mysteries, but I won't say that this anime is not completely unpredictable, because there are really parts that seem obvious, but again, you can't be sure. There were many parts that gave me goosebumps, the deaths that were totally unexpected, the twists, the history, the music... Eren is one of the best main characters I've ever seen, his pain and suffering develops throughout the anime, at the beginning he so cheerful and self-confident, but the more the story develops, the more depressed he becomes, because he realizes that actually the titans are not real opponents, but humans. That's why everything becomes different in the fourth season. Many people don't like this season, but I think it's perfect. There's a huge twist, Eren becomes a villain. His character has completely changed. I'm not going to say anything more about the story itself, because I think I've already spoiled a lot, but as it says above in the account description, read this at your own risk. I forgot to say how much natural beauty this anime has, I've rarely seen it this unique yet beautiful. I read the manga, since the anime ending will be changed anyway, and I have to say that unlike the vast majority, I really liked the manga ending, I can't put into words why, but I have my reasons, and even if I could say, probably no one would even understand. I'm just going to say that those who don't like the manga are crybabies. I believe the anime ending will be worse and that MAPPA will screw everything up like they already did with the animation. But if they work together with Isayama, we might get a great ending. Favorite Character: Arlert, Armin Serbian: Dugo vremena mi je ovo bio omiljeni anime. Mislim da nije overrated i da je masterpis, uvek će mi biti jedan od dražih. Ako se dobro sećam, ovo mi je bio peti anime, toliko mi je bio zanimljiv, da sam ga pogledao za 2 dana. Tada je imao 74 epizode. Pre nego što sam krenuo da ga gledam, na tiktok su mi izlazili razni videi i to me je navelo da krenem da gledam, ali sam totalno dobio pogrešnu sliku. Nisam mogao ni da pretpostavim koliko je priča dobro osmišljena i kompleksna. Vajb koji ovaj anime odaje je neopisiv, najviše mi se od svih svidela treća sezona, pogotovo Grišin bekstori i jedan od najboljih arkova u čitavoj anime fikciji - Return to Shiganshina. Dok sam gledao, toliko sam imao pitanja, bilo je mnogo misterija, ali neću da kažem da ovaj anime nije potpuno nepredvidiv, jer stvarno ima delova koji deluju očigledno, ali opet ne možeš biti siguran. Bilo je mnogo delova na koje sam se naježio, smrti koje su bilo totalno neočekivane, preokreti, istorija, muzika... Eren je jedan od najboljih glavnih likova koje sam ikada video, njegova bol i patnja se razvijaju kroz čitav anime, na početku je koliko-toliko vedar i samopouzdan, ali što se više priča razvija, tako postaje depresivniji, jer shvata da zapravo titani nisu pravi protivnici, nego ljudi. Baš zbog toga u četvrtoj sezoni sve postaje drugačije, mnogi ne vole ovu sezonu, ali ja mislim da je perfektna. Dolazi ogroman preokret, Eren postaje negativac. Karakter mu se potpuno promenio. Neću da pričam ništa više oko same priče, jer mislim da sam dosta već i spojlovao, ali kao što gore u opisu naloga piše, čitate ovo na svoju odgovornost. Zaboravio sam da kažem koliko prirodne lepote ovaj anime ima, retko kad sam video da je ovako unikatna ali i predivna. Pročitao sam mangu, pošto će anime kraj svejedno biti promenjen, i moram reći da mi se, za razliku od velike većine, manga kraj jako svideo, rečima ne mogu da opišem zašto, ali imam svoje razloge, i čak i kad bih uspeo da kažem, verovatno niko ne bi ni shvatio. Samo ću reći da su oni kojima se ne sviđa manga kraj plačipičke. Verujem da će anime kraj biti lošiji i da će MAPPA sve da upropasti, kao što je to već učinila sa animacijom. Ali ako bude radila zajedno sa Isajamom, moguće da ćemo dobiti odličan kraj. Omiljeni Lik: Arlert, Armin
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English: Subjectively, I don't like anything about this anime, but objectively speaking, this kind of art would do well in a horror or something. The sound during these 57 seconds was too loud and mixed with our character cursing and shouting, it was awful to listen to. Don't waste 57 seconds of your life on this. 57 seconds could be better spent staring at the wall, not wasting even one second on this. Serbian: Subjektivno, ništa mi se ne sviđa oko ovog animea, ali objektivno gledano, ova vrsta umetnosti bi dobro došla u nekom hororu ili sličnom. Zvuk tokom ovih 57 sekundi bio je preglasan i pomešan sa našim likom koji je psovao i vikao da je bilo mučno slušati. Ne gubite 57 sekundi svog života na ovo. 57 sekundi bi se moglo bolje potrošiti gledajući u zid.
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The World Ends with You The Animation
English: A very boring anime, the main character's goal is to figure out how he died, or rather who killed him in the real world. The whole anime resembles some kind of game. I didn't like many things, the story is quite boring, CGI is obvious and horribly done, and the music and animation are okay. Although there are some minimal plot twists, I think this anime could have been much better. While watching, I had some bland feeling, the main character and side cast are annoying. Since there was one scene which gave me goosebumps, I didn't want to give a lower score than three. Favorite Character: Bitou, Daisukenojo Serbian: Vrlo dosadan anime, glavnom liku je cilj da shvati kako je umro, tačnije ko ga je ubio u stvarnom svetu. Ceo anime podseća na neku vrstu igrice. Nije mi se mnogo stvari svidelo, priča je dosta dosadna, CGI je očigledan i užasno urađen, a muzika i animacija su okej. Iako ima tu nekih minimalnih plot tvistova, mislim da je ovaj anime mogao biti mnogo bolji. Dok sam gledao, imao sam neki bljutav osećaj, glavni lik i side cast su dosadni. Pošto je bila jedna scena na koju sam se naježio, nisam hteo da dajem manju ocenu od trojke. Omiljeni Lik: Bitou, Daisukenođo
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Kaguya-sama: Love is War - Ultra Romantic
English: I wasn't hoping that the main theme of the anime would end in this season, since I saw that there is still a lot of content in the manga to make a fourth and even a whole fifth season. But I'm not complaining, this is a perfectly fine place for the anime to end. As the episodes started coming out, I lost hope in this anime more and more and thought they would just keep milking out the same content forever. While the episodes aren't boring, I wouldn't like it if the anime had a bunch of episodes just for Kaguya or Shirogane to confess their feelings to each other. The comedy is superb, the characters are well written, each one is special in their own way. And after getting to know them through the last two seasons, we now get to see them in their full glory. In this season, we also see a lot of Shuchin Academy's past, and when I found out that Shirogane was successfully accepted to study abroad, the hope that the anime will end in this season increased. And that's how the Shuchin Academy festival started, where the whole school participates. At first it didn't seem like anything major was going to happen, but I remembered that it was almost the end of the season and that, as far as Kaguya as an anime was concerned, something big happened between the last episodes of each season. The moment when both Kaguya and Shirogane told themselves that they would confess their love no matter what, it hyped me even more. The rule is that if someone gives a heart to someone at the festival, it is the same as a confession of love. That's what Ishigami did (unknowingly because he didn't know about the rule), and that's how he finds himself a girlfriend, although it's not yet confirmed that they're together. At one point everything starts to go perfectly for Kaguya and Shirogane, so I thought something was bound to happen, but Shirogane's 500IQ plan was too perfect, so no one could get in their way. And so the two of them go to the top of the school where Shirogane, in a very beautiful way, confesses his love to Kaguya. Literally everything could have been Shirogane's dream, but if it really was, I'd drop the next season of the anime. The night after the festival, Shirogane thinks about how tomorrow's day at school will be like now that Kaguya and him are together, which I find interesting because even after they confessed their love for each other, how will they suddenly meet tomorrow at school and forget how they acted together in front of others and all those moments when they turned out to be stupid? But despite this, in the last scene of the anime we see them holding hands, which means that they are a perfect couple and will get along well, as predicted in one of the previous episodes. But I'm interested in how it would all turn out, I think another season would be great. Favorite Character: Ishigami, Yuu Serbian: Nisam se nadao da će se glavna tema animea završiti u ovoj sezoni, pošto sam video da u mangi ima još mnogo sadržaja toliko da se naprave četvrta, pa čak i cela peta sezona. Ali ne bunim se, ovo je sasvim dobro mesto da se anime završi. Kako su krenule da izlaze epizode, sve sam više gubio nadu u ovaj anime i mislio da će večno da milkuju isti sadržaj. Iako epizode nisu dosadne, ne bi mi se svidelo da anime ima gomilu epizoda samo da bi Kaguja ili Širogane priznali osećanja jedno drugom. Komedija je vrhunska, karakteri su fino napisani, svaki je poseban na svoj način. I nakon što smo ih upoznavali kroz prošle dve sezone, sada možemo da ih vidimo u punom sjaju. U ovoj sezoni dosta vidimo i prošlost Šučin akademije, a kada sam saznao da je Širogane uspešno primljen da studira u inostranstvu, nada da će se anime završiti u ovoj sezoni se povećela. I tako je krenuo festival Šučin akademije gde učestvuje cela škola. Prvo mi nije delovalo kao da će nešto mnogo bitno desiti, ali sam se setio da je skoro kraj sezone i da, što se Kaguje kao animea tiče, među poslednjim epizodama svake sezone se desi neka velika stvar. U trenutku kada su i Kaguja i Širogane rekli sebi da će priznati ljubav bez obzira šta se desi, još me je više uzbudilo. Pravilo je da, ako na festivalu neko nekome pokloni srce, to je isto kao i priznanje ljubavi. To je uradio Išigami (nesvesno jer nije znao za to pravilo), i tako nalazi sebi devojku, iako nije još potvrđeno da li su zajedno. U jednom trenutku sve počne da ide savršeno za Kaguju i Široganea, pa sam mislio da će sigurno nešto da se desi, ali Široganeov 500IQ plan je bio previše savršen, tako da niko nije mogao da im smeta. I tako njih dvoje odlaze na vrh škole gde Širogane, na veoma moćan način, priznaje ljubav Kaguji. Bukvalno je sve mogao da bude Široganeov san, ali da je stvarno tako bilo, pao bi neki drop na sledeću sezonu animea. Noć posle festivala, Širogane razmišlja kako će izgledati sutrašnji dan u školi sad kad su Kaguja i on zajedno, što i jeste zanimljivo, jer i nakon što su priznali ljubav jedno drugom, kako će se odjednom sutra u školi sresti i zaboraviti kako su se ponašali jedno pred drugim i sve one trenutke kad su ispali glupi? Ali, uprkos tome, u poslednjoj sceni animea ih vidimo kako se drže za ruke, što znači da su savršen par i da će se lepo slagati, kao što je u jednoj od prethodnih epizoda i predviđeno. Ali mene zanima kako bi sve to izgledalo, i mislim da bi još jedna sezona bila odlična.
Omiljeni Lik: Išigami, Ju
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