#they are just there to give people therapy and drink tea
catarium · 3 months
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Everything I have learn about Testament is a slap in the face. Specially about their hobbies.
More GG shitposting
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erinfern0 · 5 months
husband simon "ghost" riley
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husband!simon who cried while reading his vows, looking around the venue to see his team cheering for the both of you. They're one of the few people invited from his side of the room, but it was all the family he had and needed.
husband!simon who feels like he waited for this moment his whole life, the moment you finally said yes, giving yourself to him fully. Wearing the fanciest piece of clothing he ever had, saying the most important words he ever did, standing right beside you was a dream come true.
husband!simon who wouldn't drink a lot during your party, just admiring the view of you dancing and being so happy for him, with him. Especially enjoys when Kyle and Johnny stumble upon you and chuckle, pushing you towards the dance floor, having the time of their lives at the wedding of their favorite couple.
husband!simon who would take secret pictures of you, especially if you fall asleep amongst some guests. Head on Price's shoulder, Kyle's lap, or tangled up with Johnny on the couch in the hallway of the venue. He'll definitely torment you with them later, especially since you didn't really have a chance to get back at him as he has a spider-like sense for cameras and quickly avoids them.
husband!simon who's the happiest man alive beside you and would do absolutely anything to make you happy too. Acts of service are his favorite way to show you his love, especially when he's back from deployment for some time. Doing most chores and bringing you hot tea every morning,
husband!simon who spends as much time with you as he can, usually at home where he can just pull you close without caring for others. Grabbing your hips while you wash the dishes or pulling your waist when you try to get out of bed are a must.
husband!simon who just can't resist you, thinking about you all the time. Being far or close doesn't matter, you're on his mind 24/7. You can sleep beside him or be a thousand kilometers away, he's still thinking about you. If he can't see your face in the morning, he'd just imagine it with a smile on his face.
husband!simon who attends therapy regularly so he can be a better version of himself for the both of you. Especially if you're planning to make your little family a bigger one.
husband!simon who suffers from sleepless nights whenever you argue. He can't just fall asleep when you've just argued, so in most cases, he occupies his mind by cleaning the entire house or filling in some missing reports.
husband!simon who gets his stuff after the argument and gets ready to sleep on the couch, only to smirk when you enter the living room and make him come back to bed. You can't sleep without him as much as he can't without you. Yeah, you may not talk, but his arm will find its' way around your waist as you fall asleep.
husband!simon's favorite way to make up after an argument is waking you up with his arms around your frame and soothing apologies spilling from his lips. He loves the way you immediately pull him closer and comply, adding your own apologies to the mix.
husband!simon who is too old to care about morning breath, if you don't mind, he'll put a thousand kisses all over your face at any time of the day, especially to wake you up.
husband!simon who brags about you to his mates and won't shut up even if they complain. That's the price they pay after begging him to get to know more about his secret little love before.
husband!simon doesn't care about the money, because let's face it —he's got tons of it and will gladly spend it on you. Buys you secret gifts that he hides around the house before deployment, so you don't miss him too much.
husband!simon leaves the room whenever you call him. Your conversations are sacred, no matter how much his team wants to say hello, it's your time. They can call you themselves if they are so interested.
husband!simon who becomes a handyman as soon as you ask for anything. Your shelf is not leveled properly, and the sink is broken? Don't worry, love, he'll take care of it.
husband!simon who watches lots of documentaries with you in your free time. Also, secretly enjoys cooking shows and even more secretly — makeover TV shows. Especially the ones where they turn alternative-looking people into some normies, and loves to complain that they rip them off all their personalities.
husband!simon will get a matching tattoo with you. Probably already has some that remind him of you.
husband!simon who becomes very conversational, something you wouldn't expect the day you two meet. If you finally let him open up, he's yapping all the time with you, just rambles about all the little things that are on his mind.
husband!simon who very much enjoys those conversations while you two have sex, makes it even more sweet and domestic in his mind. Most of the time, you two talk about plans for the day or random chores that you need to finish while he pounds into you, making you both giggle and out of breath.
husband!simon definitely changes his tone around you. When Johnny heard that for the first time, his jaw dropped at the soft way he talked to you.
husband!simon who does everything in his power to protect you. The address he doesn't share with anyone, burner phones to contact you while being deployed, highest quality security. Most of the time uses nicknames instead of your name when in public, and probably one or two guard dogs that are y'alls most-loved pets (he pretends not to see how you spoil them while he's gone).
husband!simon who takes you on nice vacations whenever he can to make up for the time you two lost while he was deployed.
husband!simon who cannot see his future without you, you're stuck with him for eternity.
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masterlist | request info
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promptfairy · 9 months
change gendered language   &   add context to your needs . happy roleplaying !!  ♡
“ the best way to make beautiful art is to constantly expose yourself to new & exciting places . ” “ nothing makes me happier than seeing a plant i’ve grown from a seed produce a gorgeous bloom !! ” “ you have this magic ability to make people happy . i hope you’ll show me how you do it someday . ” “ it’s good to live in the moment & not worry too much about the past . ” “ isn’t that nice ?? we’re all just little clumps of stardust , walking around . ” “ i was so innocent back then , before i learned the cruel ways of the world . ” “ all i want to do right now is hop into a warm bed & not get out until the end of winter . ” “ come on , treat me like a pretty princess !! ” “ i’ll love myself by eating my favorite ice cream & wearing baggy clothes . ” “ lots of folks try to take the easy road , but that just means you’ve gotta deal with a lot of traffic . ” “ thanks for being my friend . you’re always there for me , & i think that’s great . ” “ there are some things you just don’t realize about places until you leave them . ” “ it’s like i gave you a little piece of my heart , & you kept it safe & warm . ” “ i don’t feel like i can trust anyone right now , so i need to be alone . ” “ were you being nice or sarcastic ?? ” “ no matter how much time passes , i can’t forget him . ” “ why think about boys when you could be thinking about really important issues ?? ” “ my dream is for everyone to find something they can be passionate about & to fully enjoy each day . ” “ i’m okay with anything , as long as there’s some romance in the story . . . ” “ you’re looking awful as ever . who dresses you ?? ” “ are you some kind of antisocial freak , or something ?? ” “ whenever we talk , i feel like there’s a lot more going on inside you than you ever let anyone see . ” “ you’re so passive - aggressive . get some therapy . ” “ sometimes , all it takes is a good friend to remind you of all the things you like about your life . ” “ if you waste your time doing something you enjoy , then you’re not wasting your time . ” “ i hope you get stung by a thousand bees . ” “ who decided oranges have to be named after their color , but bananas aren’t just called ‘ yellows ’ . . . ?? ” “ doesn’t the sight of petals falling make you feel sad ?? . . . makes me feel kind of sad . life is so fragile . . . ” “ if i pass out here , please make sure i have some lipstick on . ” “ you could give me bellybutton lint & i would still treasure it . ” “ when you laugh , you look dreamy . ” “ i hope you go to jail & that your stupid house is torn down . ” “ you are in need of some serious fashion first - aid . ” “ what sort of sadist would drag me out of bed this early in the morning ?? ” “ i have to drink ten gallons of mint tea every single day . ” “ well , you’re so pretty , it doesn’t matter what atrocious thing you wear . ” “ there are things you want to do & things you have to do . . . but don’t forget to do nothing now & then . ” “ please don’t question my driving or parking skills . you couldn’t even begin to understand the level i’m on . ”
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animementrash · 8 months
AOT Veterans red flags Pt.1
Characters: Levi Ackerman, Erwin Smith, Hange Zoe
Tags: headcanons, implied established relationship, annoying things I think they would do, they/them pronouns for Hange <3
A/N: Listen, I don't know about you but I can't enjoy anything without trying to find something bad about it No wonder why I've been in therapy for 4 years, so this is me trying to find annoying things they would do when in a relationship. I will also post the cute/nice things version soon, so don't worry! :p
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Levi Ackerman:
Will snap at you when mad. Even if you manage to get him to date you and even if he really loves you, when he’s mad, he doesn’t make exceptions on anyone and will most likely snap at you if you’re nearby or if you’re the reason he’s upset.
Will give you the cold shoulder after arguing. He may be a strong and composed man but most definitely lacks of some emotional intelligence so if you have a fight his first response is to back out and ignore you until he’s sorted his mind. It may be hours, days or even weeks until he starts reaching out to you normally.
Will never admit he’s wrong. Following with the arguing theme, if you guys are fighting about something he is wrong about, he will rather leave you talking to yourself than to admit he’s wrong. He may reach out to you and admit it afterwards but will never do it at the moment you’re arguing.
Will expect you to adapt to his lifestyle and not the other way around. He’s been very independent since a young age and his lifestyle is ruled by very specific ideals and schedules, which means he will most likely expect you to understand and adapt to said rhythm instead of asking for your way of doing things or even try to adapt to yours.
Will not “get out of his shell” for you. He’s a very reserved, quiet and simple man; no, he will not eventually start to like going out and meeting new people and no he will not suddenly change his attitude to be a friendly sunshine just because you’re like that or you want him to be like that. He is who he is and will not change for anyone, take it or leave it.
If he must choose between Erwin or you, he will choose Erwin. This isn’t even a question for him, and it’s not even an Eruri kind of thing, it’s just that for the most part of his life his only reason to keep going has been Erwin’s ideals, the only constant in his life has been Erwin and for him to choose something or someone else above that is almost impossible.
Will not like the things you like just to make you happy. If you like drinking coffee instead of tea it’s alright for him, but don’t expect him to start liking it too just because you offered him a cup. Also, if you are a social person and love to go out and befriend everyone, he will not stop you but won’t go out of his way to be friendly either.
Will most likely ignore you if he gets too overwhelmed. He will not do it on purpose or without a warning but if he’s tired and you keep on rambling about something that may not necessarily be interesting to him, he won’t hesitate on asking you to stop talking or to let you know he’s not interested.
Erwin Smith:
King of gaslighting. Erwin is such a great strategist, he’s smart and analytical, of course he will find a way to make you believe you were wrong when arguing even if he’s actually the one who messed up.
Will neglect the relationship more than expected. Whether you’re dating or married, you really should understand the role he plays inside the walls. He is the Commander of the scouting legion and will almost always be drowning in work, he may not like to do it but will sometimes put aside your relationship for the sake of his job, even if this makes you upset.
Won’t tolerate too much bs. Another practical man who’s been alone most of his life and already has everything figured out the way it works for him. If he dates you and you start to try to change his way of living or his routines, he will break the relationship without hesitation. He needs someone as mature and practical as him who will understand him without fussing about trivial things.
Will flirt and court other ladies if needed. I previously posted a HC about Erwin knowing he’s handsome and using that to his advantage sometimes and I firmly believe he would keep doing so even after he is in a relationship, he may not go all the way and cheat on you for the sake of the scouts but will probably accept an invitation to dinner or a flirty kiss on the cheek if he knows that can be beneficial to the legion. He isn’t trying to make you jealous or upset you, but don’t expect him to pass on an opportunity if the time is right.
King of mansplaining. He does not do it on purpose, I promise. But very often he will explain the most basic thing to you as if you were a toddler who just learned how to talk. He will also use that slow and condescending voice when explaining things that makes your blood boil.
Is a very jealous partner. Yes, he may flirt with a lady on a ball but that’s just because it’s for the sake of the scouts; your sweet greeting to that seller at the market isn’t saving the world so why do you need to greet him in such way?
Will leave to expeditions without saying goodbye. This behavior may appear only the first two or three times after you get together, this man is afraid of dying outside the walls and leave you waiting for him forever, so what does his smart yet dumb brain tells him to do? Leave without saying goodbye. that way if he does come back, he can always apologize and if he doesn’t, well, hopefully you’re too mad at him to notice he didn’t make it back home this time.
Hange Zoe:
Will prioritize their projects above anything. And yes, that includes you. If you’re expecting them to push everything away and come running to you just because they’ve been secluded in that office for too long, think again. Because they won’t.
Does not understand boundaries at all. Oh, you’re sleeping after a tiring shift? Don’t care, come look at this cool rock I found. Do you have an irrational fear of titans? Close your eyes, I will show you something so cool you will forget you fear them! (They will take you to see a real titan up close).
Will look down at you if you don’t understand them. They will constantly ramble about things that sometimes may be too complicated to understand, and if you dare to tell them that, they will stop talking and go find “someone who’s smart enough to understand”.
Hygiene isn’t their priority. They will run and hug you even if they just came back from training and they’re sweaty and smelly. Your clothes will never be clean again because they will randomly wipe their hands on whatever surface is near and, sadly for you, that will be you most of the time. “No, I don’t need to shower just yet, I did it a few days ago”
Will zone out when you’re talking. This isn’t necessarily their fault; they are just so invested on that new formation they suggested for the next expedition and can’t stop thinking about it that your childhood story about that bruise isn’t worth the time.
Will steal food from your plate without asking. “Sorry, I didn’t realize you were saving that piece of meat as your last bite, it seemed so delicious that I thought I’d take it before it went cold”.  “What do you mean it’s disgusting if I put my hand on your soup? I just wanted to fish that tiny potato and eat it!”.
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Bon dia. I am writing in English to make sure I get the feeling just right. Maybe this is not the right forum, but please know I'm asking this with nothing but respect and love. So, a few years ago I basically lost everything, and I ended up in the hospital as a result of a suicide attempt. For over a year I was convinced that I was never going to be able to leave my bedroom again, but after a lot of therapy and a small return to normality my friend managed to talk me into a super guiri coded trip to Barcelona. It was my first time being abroad since childhood (I'm Scandinavian). I don't drink alcohol nor do I like crowded places or heat, so while the group I travelled with did classic tourist shit I took some random train out to Terrassa, Cerdanyola, Sabadell and basically just found shadow or museums or some place to read. I had learned some basic Catalan before going, and I noticed that people really enjoyed that. Just by ordering tea I felt like I made friends, and locals offered to show me around or give me special tours of the museums etc. I've never felt more home, and I think I decided already there and then that this is where I wanted to be until forever. I live outside of Girona now, I'm decent in Catalan and I just started my PhD focusing on the political history of Catalonia. I'm a politically active leftist, and have really found a community here. Now, to my question: I want to get a tattoo, haha. I want to get something to honor my new home and celebrate this journey, plus also express some political alignment. When I ask my catalan friends they just laugh and ask why I would want to have a symbol of their "shitty" (said lovingly) country on my body. Their reactions make me worry it might seem like fetishism or appropriating, even if they mainly seem to find it funny. I would love to get a tattoo of the flag (maybe super simple, as in four lines and a star. Or even four lines that simply have the cutout of a triangle to show its the Estelada) but I worry I might be sending signals I don't fully understand. I was considering Montserrat or some other more... physical symbol. But a lot of them carry religious symbolism and that's not really what I'm getting at. I don't know. Maybe the very idea is disrespectful. I simply just need input from someone that's a) not my friend that will just laugh and b) knowledgeable in Catalan culture and codes. So if you have a take, I would be so happy to hear it. Thank you so much for your time.
Wow, thank you so much for all your respect, and I am very happy that you found a place to feel at home here ❤️
It would not be disrespectful at all nor signaling that you don't understand; all the opposite, it's a deep show of appreciation. I think your friends find it funny because it's unusual and, as you said, because they're your friends and friends always joke around with each other.
I honestly can't imagine anyone feeling like a tattoo like the ones you mentioned are disrespectful, fetishism nor appropriating. First of all because you have full knowledge of what you're deciding to tattoo and you are doing it from a point of appreciation, celebration, and also connection with an important part of your life. The only case I feel it's laughable is when people don't know what they're getting (for example, a friend showed me a TikTok where a foreign girl had gotten the tattoo "Besòs Mar" after the metro station in Barcelona for said neighbourhood at the end of the Besòs river —a neighborhood that doesn't have the best reputation, to put it lightly— and was showing it off pronouncing it badly and claiming it means "sea kisses" by her Google-Translate-level Spanish lmao. That's just stupid and will get her made fun of, but it's in every way all the opposite of what you're talking about).
All the options you mentioned seem completely okay to me. As always, everyone (especially Catalan people in this case) is welcome to add their opinion in the comments, but as I said I seriously can't imagine anyone taking an issue with it. I think people's reaction will be more of a mix of "wow!" and "aww ❤️".
I've been thinking of more physical symbols, I could think of a sickle, in reference to the reapers/els segadors, who were the poorest agricultural workers and marched to Barcelona in 1640 to kill the viceroy and to revolt against the monarchy that was restricting Catalonia's historical rights in favour of the king in Castilla. As you'll know, the reapers have become a symbol of Catalonia since then, and the folk song created during that war ended up becoming Catalonia's national anthem.
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Painting Corpus de Sang, by Antoni Estruch i Bros (1907) which represents the Reapers' uprising in the Catalan Revolt (Guerra dels Segadors).
You could also do the shape of another mountain (Montserrat was a good shout but I understand the point about religious elements), you could do the Pedraforca or the Canigó, though the Canigó's shape isn't as recognizable and even less outside of Northern Catalonia. Maybe there's some place that you remember from your first trip or from your time here that you've enjoyed, or that you've seen often, a building or something else that you can do its silhouette.
I don't know, I'm saying ideas but the ones you mentioned in your ask were already good 😊
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m-jelly · 1 year
Hello, Jelly! Can I please request a Canon Levi x Wife Reader who is actually a sly cunning, smart intelligent noble woman with a kind, heart of gold? You can do what you want with the plot. Thank you
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@kenkopanda-art <3
Cute brain
Levi x fem!Reader
Canon, wife and husband, romance, love, married, sweet moment, fluff.
Levi spends a day off with you and gets to see how you work.
Big thank you to @ladycheesington for helping me come up with a plot.
@ladycheesington @levisbrat25 @nyxiieluna @li-anne @galactict3a @youre-ackermine @thebobaprincess @2moth-anon2 @cypidity @notgoodforlife @demonsimp6 @nbinairyn
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Levi leaned against the frame of the window as a man dropped to his knees before you. He tried not to laugh when the man started begging you to help him. The man was pleading for you to give him back everything, but you sat behind your desk drinking your tea.
He shuffled closer. "I need those trading deals. Give them back."
You hummed. "I paid for the fair and square. You lost, accept it."
He grabbed the edge of the desk. "I need them!"
"I don't think you do. You have so much money that you don't know what to do with it. It is just you and you pay your workers poorly." You sighed. "About them. I have paid them off and they are now working for me."
"You sly bitch!"
Levi snarled. "Tch, watch your fucking mouth. That's my wife you're talking about."
The man shook in fear. "I didn't know...you...uh..."
You smiled at him. "So, I have the trading routes, I have your workers and you kind of owe me money because you took some loans."
He started to get nervous. "I uh..." He laughed nervously. "I don't have it yet."
You tilted your head. "Hmm...Levi? As a man from the underground city, you know very well what things can bring in money, right?"
Levi walked closer. "I do."
"Anything on him that could sell well for his debt?"
Levi cracked his knuckles. "Yes."
You got up and packed a few things as Levi got what you needed. You waited for the man to scamper out sobbing before you held your husband's hand. "You ready?"
Levi squeezed your hand tightly. "Yes."
You kissed the back of his hand and walked with him through the town until you reached a large building. You slipped inside and grinned when kids started screaming and shouting for you and Levi. You kissed Levi's cheek and left him to the children you'd both saved from the underground. You moved to the person in charge and handed them money.
The teacher welled up. "Thank you so much! Oh, Mrs Ackerman, you have been wonderful. You and your husband have rescued so many children and women from the underground."
You smiled softly. "Levi came from that life and he lost his mother to the city. We want to prevent more death and suffering."
"You're both a blessing." She placed the money in her safe. "How is your husband?"
You giggled. "Likely playing with the kids." You walked with her back to Levi running around with the children. "There he is." You smiled as the rescued women were giggling and saying nice things about Levi. "It makes me happy to see these women and children doing well. Do we have enough for therapy?"
The teacher nodded. "We do. I'll action it. These ladies and children have seen and done things...we'll get them the support."
Levi jogged over to you and panted. "I have fought titans, people, trained for days and even camped out beyond the walls for days. None of that compares to running around with little kids for a while." He ruffled his hair and sighed. "I'm exhausted, but it's fun."
You giggled. "You are doing wonderful with them."
"Thank you." He hummed a bit. "Kids..."
You kissed his cheek. "A lovely thought."
He nodded. "Yeah, yeah it is."
You hugged Levi's arm. "Shall we buy the kids some sweets?"
"Sounds good and then a date after?"
You kissed Levi's cheek. "Perfect."
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sailoryooons · 1 year
Had a big flop of a date and I'm sad.
Need a bff Yoongi that listens to your wallowing and tells you you don't need to be getting your feelings hurt by other dumb boys because he's RIGHT HERE and he's ready to give you everything you need )))):
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❀ Pairing: Yoongi x f. reader
❀ Summary: You’re tired of the revolving door of boys in your life. Yoongi is tired of watching you nurse feelings in the quiet of your apartment. 
❀ Word Count: 1,406
❀ Genre: Friends to something more, a little angst, fluff
❀ Rating: 18+ Minors are strictly prohibited from engaging and reading this content. It contains explicit content and any minors discovered reading or engaging with this work will be blocked immediately. 
❀ Warnings: A little bit of angst, descriptions of loneliness and frustrations on dating, a little bit of insecurity, Hali’s Obnoxious Takes on Dating in 2023, a cute lil kiss, nothing too crazy
❀ Published: August 18, 2023
❀ A/N: Pardon me while I wax poetic about the current state of dating, especially with all these damn apps in the world. I hope this was able to capture how you felt in a way that feels authentic and then shatter it and make it better by offering a very sweet Yoongi ready to date you. I am so sorry your date was shitty, genuinely this is why I do not go on them!!!! This is currently unedited.
❀ Disclaimer: All members of BTS are faces and name claims for this story. This is entirely a work of fiction and by no means is meant to be a projection, judgment or representation of real-life people. Any scenarios or representations of the people and places mentioned in works are not representative of real-life scenarios.
| Masterlist | Ask | Hali’s Happy Agust |
Outside of your apartment window, the world is washed in gold. As the sun sets, you wish you could appreciate it a little more. The world looks beautiful outside, buildings like hammered bronze in the light, curtains lit up like a flame as they catch the rays of sun.
You look away from it, staring at your TV that is turned off instead. It’s silent in your apartment, the hum of the refrigerator the only noise. With your legs crossed on the couch, you tap your nails against the steaming mug of tea in your hands.
Sitting. Waiting. 
In another life, you’d perhaps be out on a date on account of the nice evening. The cool autumn air drifts through the cracked window, carrying the scent of possibility.
The only dates you’ve been on usually go two ways: they end in blocked numbers after uncomfortable interactions, or hurt feelings after being strung along for a few dates before eventually sending unanswered texts. 
It makes sense that dating is hard, but no one ever told you it would be this hard, trying to swim in a rushing river of dating apps, men who use therapy-speak to excuse their bad behavior, and people who have no accountability for others feelings. 
The sound of the front door opening brings you out of your melancholy daze. Yoongi walks in with a bag of takeout, immediately filling your apartment with the smell of fried wontons and the distinct hint of soy sauce. 
For the first time that day, you grin, unfolding from your spot on the couch and heading to wear Yoongi throws you a nod, already unbagging the food. You move wordlessly in tandem, grabbing drinks from your fridge with extra sauce and napkins. By the time you’ve returned to the counter to sit, Yoongi is already on his self-appointed stool, holding out his hand for chopsticks. 
This is what you need, you think as you pass them over. Someone who can speak to you without words, someone who just knows. Knows that when you sit down next to him, you need him to lean over and press a gentle kiss to the top of your head. It’s affection between friends, but it makes your heart flip. It always does, and you always ignore it.
“Talk to me about it,” Yoongi says, picking up a saucy strip of beef. “I want to hear about it.”
He doesn’t. Yoongi doesn’t say these things for his benefit. He says them because he knows that you’re too afraid of being inconvenient or annoying to speak the thoughts rolling around your head. His instincts are spot on - you do want to let out what’s inside of you, and the gentle encouragement that he wants to hear it does the trick.
“I guess I just don’t know what the point is,” you start, staring at your rice. “I really want a partner and someone that I can do life with or whatever so I’m less lonely, but I’m also so sick of first dates and having to play a game of social chess.”
“Dating in this era is impossible,” Yoongi agrees. “There’s a lot of very unempathetic and unaware individuals.”
“Exactly. Or people think they have endless options and it’s like, just because someone is in your DMs telling you that you look nice doesn’t mean that’s a potential suitor. It just means someone thinks you’re hot.” 
“What do you mean?”
“Okay, so the last guy basically told me that he wanted to keep his options open because he has options. And it got me thinking: do people actually have all these options for life partners, or is it just people who are giving them attention online?”
“I see.”
“Online clout is not the same as a relationship option,” you conclude. “And I’m tired of people confusing the two. Or getting people who think it’s cool not to care about their partner or who use weaponized therapy words at me to avoid accountability. I had some guy tell me he was setting a boundary for me on monogamy and that me being interested in a one-on-one relationship was a violation of his feelings and that I need to be open.”
Yoongi stops eating and looks at  you. His mouth presses in a firm line, the only sign that he’s truly irritated. “Did he say that before you started to go on dates?”
“Nope. Only later when I became invested.”
“Then it’s bullshit,” Yoongi scoffs, shaking his head. “You’re interested in different things, not violating a boundary. What an asshole.”
“They all are.”
Groaning, you press your forehead to your palm, supporting the weight of your head with your elbow on the counter. You hate this. Hate the way it all makes you feel, hate that you want something so bad but it seems just out of your reach, hate that you’d love to find someone like Yoongi.
Once, you’d thought about asking him. You’d decided that your friendship was more important, because without him, who is there? 
Now you look for someone - anyone - to do the bare minimum. To not make it feel like you’re searching for a needle in a haystack the size of Olympus, or like you’re being irrational for wanting human decency. 
“I’m not,” Yoongi says softly. You hum a question, confused as to what he’s talking about. “An asshole,” he clarifies. “I’m not an asshole.” 
“Well I know that. But I’m not dating you.”
“So try it, then.”
You lift your head from your palm, looking at him sharply. Yoongi isn’t much in the way of poking fun at you - not in a way that is really at your expense. He doesn’t seem to be joking now, staring at you with honest, brown eyes, chewing his lip. 
“I said what I said.” He drops his gaze for a second - perhaps towards your lips - and meets your eyes again. Your heart speeds up, thudding against your ribcage. “So try dating me.”
“Are you making fun of me?”
He scowls. “Of course I’m not. I’m being serious.”
“You want to go on a date with me?” He nods. “Why?”
Blowing out a long exhale of air, Yoongi shrugs. The golden light from the sunset hits him at just the right moment, then. He’s wreathed in gold, a shining beacon of hope. Of an answer. Of something more. You lick your lips as Yoongi considers his answer. 
“Because I like you, for starters,” he says, giving you a look. A look that means he thinks you’ve asked a silly question. “Because I think that you are wonderful and creative, and a gentle soul. Because I think you deserve someone who is interested in working on something with you, and who won’t flee at the first sign of conflict. Because I empathize with you, I enjoy doing life with you, and because you’re beautiful.”
Any worry you’ve had about your feelings for Yoongi comes to a standstill. There, in your apartment, in the honey-haze of evening, you drop your chopsticks and press forward. Curious, a little bold, a little terrified. Yoongi sucks in a sharp breath of air when he realizes what you’re doing, but he lets you anyway. 
Yoongi’s lips are soft. He tastes a little like soy sauce and sweet and sour, but you don’t care. Your heart thrums in your chest and your hands shake when you lift them to cradle his face. His hands go to your waist, holding you confidently, like they were made to fit there. 
Warmth blooms inside of your chest, unfurling dizzy petals as you pull your lips away from his. You don’t know where you got the bravery, but as your eyes flutter open to meet his gaze, deep and unwavering, you realize you don’t know why you were ever scared to consider him. 
Yoongi has always been right there. Holding your hand when you were lonely, offering a joke when you were sad. There have been countless times you could have had this, you realize. Little moments where the tension grew too thick or your gazes lingered too long. 
It’s only until now that someone was brave enough to say something. 
“Okay,” you breathe, fingers gentle against his warm face. He smiles, eyes crinkling. “It’s really that easy, huh?”
“It always was. I was always right here.”
You press your lips against his again, chaste and sweet. 
“You’re right. You were always right here.” 
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b1ackgh0st · 8 months
Writing as many HCs for Trolls characters as humanly possible!
Starting off strong with the Snack Pack + Poppy & Branch!
She was a later bloomer. Most (pop) trolls have a little bit of tit, but she was flat as Branch's voice at the beginning of the first movie.
Had a toxic best friend at one point. Nobody liked Poppy when she was young, but as soon as she became an adult, she was mote liked than anyone else.
Prefers black coffee over any other kind
Her favorite flavour is strawberry!
Even though she likes almost any flavour, any candy she has that's lemon or watermelon she gives to Branch because he is very addicted.
Speaking of which, she can't stomach spicy food at all and tends to projectile vomit.
Gets sick pretty easily, but won't admit it.
No one knows how she does it, but she can appear almost instantly. Whether it's in Branch's room at midnight or behind anyone in a crowded area, it's alarming.
Not physically violent.
Poppy is deranged AF!
She will verbally and mentally threaten people... and lord it's probably scary.
Too much of a morning person
By that, I mean she wakes up at around 3 am everyday after falling asleep at around 7 pm and starts her daily routine.
Refuses to wear make-up
Has never had acne or anything similar
Most Pop Trolls, Poppy included, have extream hair growth. She has to shave her legs daily.
Has literally no skincare routine
Unfortunately, she has to make her own shampoo because anything she can find in shops doesn't work and just causes dead ends and very greasy hair.
Very fidgety ADHD-er
Branch has the most excessive skincare routine ever
Wears A LOT of makeup to hide scars and stuff
Breaks out really easily
Autistic! Not Yay!
Or maybe it is Yay
Anyways, he had problems with bright lights, loud sounds, being close to other people, some kinds fo texture, and some scents
Has around seventy homemade candles around the bunker, all scented slightly different.
Most of them smell like citrus
Sucks at making coffee at home, therefore his coffee orders are pretty specific.
Despite going back onto society, he's still a feral troll.
Which means that, while pop trolls are omnivores who need lots of plants and sweets in their diet, Branch's diet is almost exclusively meat, sweets, and breads.
Has bitten Poppy before. (It was an accident, I promise. No trolls were harmed.)
While he may not overreact on safty stuff or the Bergens anymore, he' started overreacting to everything else.
Oh, Guy tripped and scraped his knee? GET HIM TO THE DOCTOR HE'S DYING!
Insomniac, unfortunately.
Eats bugs. (Small stuff like ants)
Also kind of deranged.
Or he had some undiagnosed mental stuff
Prefers tea
Also has ADHD
I ddont really have much since he's pretty perfect when it comes to the movies and his character-
Oldest in the gang, actually
She's thirty-eight, and witness Poppy hatching UP CLOSE
Poppy kind of sees her as a mother figure, mostly because Poppy never had a mother.
Smidge tried to have a kid once (yes, it was Milton's.), but it was a miscarriage
Her short stature and abnormal strength is actually a very rare genetic phenomenon
She used to have a really smooth, "feminine" voice,but after years of working out and screaming at the top of her lungs, her voice is scratchy now
Wants to do speech therapy to try and get her old voice back, but... well, Pop Village doesn't have stuff like that.
Has low self-esteem
Has been married to Milton for about a year (By the end of TBT)
Only drinks energy drinks, always Cherry flavour. (Or something similar)
Just a little crazy, but aren't we all?
The reason she's so close to Poppy is because right before the tunnel thing to get away from the Bergens, she worked with Peppy.
Won't continue with that.
Enjoys playfully bullying Suki because she's the only one who doesn't take it seriously.
Guy Diamond ◇
Oh man
Did NOT get enough attention as a kid
His parents were either too busy, and were both taken while running through the tunnels
Sky Toronto (From TBGO and Trollstopia) is his uncle, but neither of them know that
The only clothes he'd ever wear would be a scarf and leg warmers, maybe gloves.
Either he just dislikes it or he's genuinely afraid of it, he won't drink alcohol.
Secretly likes to eat things that aren't really edible
Also, scroll past this if you wanna because imma explain how it's not awkward that the glitter trolls are almost all naked.
So, since Glitter trolls are a subspecies, one which probably derived from a tribe long ago, their anatomy is a little different
They have protective slits that hide their genitals until needed
Essentially, the glitter trolls that have dicks.. their disks are hidden kn that slit, and will start to come out when said glitter troll is aroused.
For the one that don't, the slit will just start to open on it's own
Having a cock or not doesn't decide the gender of a Pop Troll, BTW!!
Cooper & Darnell
Darnell yassified him.
He ended up with silver tattoos on one arm, multiple silver bracelets, necklaces, and earrings, and silver dread cuffs
C & D spend a lot of time together
C had a hard time deciding, but ultimately chose to stay woth the Funk Tribe and his family rather than with the Pop Trolls
He stolll visits them <3
I'll make more later, dw.
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cairavende · 11 months
Worm Arc 11 thoughts (pre-interludes):
Taylor's dad sees his daughter for the first time since she ran away. Since the fucking Endbringer attack! And literally says the line "“I need to go handle this" about a fucking work thing. No Danny. You do not NEED TO HANDLE THIS. God damn. It is fucking hard to be a co-parent for Taylor when I'm the only one doing any parenting!
Speaking of parenting - Taylor, you really should get some therapy. That was a pretty detailed level of fucked up nightmare you had. I love you and just want you to take care of yourself.
Skitter just like "all right, for day 1 I'm going to gain complete fucking control over my territory and establish myself as an unkillable bug goddess". And then she worries if she is doing enough!
Seriously though, letting that guy stab her and counting on her costume to block the knife? Fucking baller move. Also stupidly risky. So pretty much on point for my wonderful but stress inducing bug daughter.
And then she just sits in her chair drinking tea while she destroys two groups of Merchants? Doesn't just beat them, but absolutely terrorizes them. Lights one of them on fire with their own matches! WITH BUGS! I love her so much.
She also gained two minions as a side bonus to controlling her territory. And ensured their loyalty and dedication to her.
For real. Sierra would take a bullet. She'd die for Taylor. But Charlotte? Charlotte would kill for Taylor.
The speech Taylor gave Charlotte when giving her the options "leave town" or "work for me" was so well done! Came across as incredibly fair so Charlotte couldn't complain, but also just tied her in a little bundle all nice and neat. Set her up to want to work for you. Very nicely done. Taylor clearly has been learning from Lisa.
We're just pretty much giving up on that whole secret identity thing huh? It just started cascading out of control quite quickly. I don't expect Taylor and Skitter to be different people for much longer.
Lisa and Taylor went to a party together! A shitty villain party that was dangerous and almost killed them. But villain prom is villain prom. GAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!
Just a number of good Chatterbug (Smugbug) moments here.
Lisa has a MURDER WALL! AAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! I love her so fucking much and I will just sit in there with her working on the murder wall for hours. (She isn't trying to solve a murder so I know it isn't technically a murder wall, but it's a murder wall cause that's the best name.)
Fucking Bryce. Sure went through a lot of trouble for that asshole.
Skidmark just doing a thunderdome up in here. Some people use their powers for cool things and others build a fence.
Also really not seeming to do great for loyalty. Like ya you get a cape or two out of it but it left everyone in your gang not trusting anyone else.
I love everyone in Faultline's crew. Newter was my favorite but Shamrock may have beaten him out. I always loved Domino and Shamrock gives the same vibe.
Newter got a few good Nightcrawler like moments here too which was fun (grabbing things with his tail, talking to people from weird perches).
God DAMN Labyrinth is powerful. Like I knew she was but getting to see it. Holy shit. That was so fucking cool. Literal goddess of reality right here.
I'm really excited to learn more about Cauldron and the superhero in a can stuff. Very Weapon X with the memory wiping and such. (I'm just really on an X-men comparison thought process right now I guess)
Taylor "I'm not a skilled combatant" Hebert over here as she dual wields knives and successfully fights off multiple people, most bigger than her, while specifically using non-lethal attacks on them. Taylor that isn't what "not skilled" means!
Seeing the trigger event thing was really cool. I don't think the fact that any cape near a trigger event appears to almost pass out has been mentioned before. Obviously in universe know one would know anything beyond them appearing to stumble, but still. And we got to see more of the higher dimension beings. We in Flatland now.
Oh god there is so much more I think I'm missing huge amounts. AHHH!!!
Oh, this is important. While describing Mush Taylor says "He bore a resemblance to a particular pink skinned, scrawny goblin of a creature from those fantasy movies." That open endedness of that context made me decide she must be talking about The Goblin King in Labyrinth. David Bowie. But to keep things simple, since it might seem like she is talking about Gollum, I decided that on Earth Bet David Bowie played Gollum in the Lord of the Rings movies. This is canon as far as I am concerned.
That does also mean Mush looks at least a little bit like David Bowie.
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Gary "Roach" Sanderson headcanons
Warnings: None
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Gary is a fairly positive person, especially when he is around his teammates.
Likes to play pranks on everyone, especially Ghost.
Encourages therapy, even though Price had to trick him into seeing a therapist.
Odd sense of humor
On the spectrum
Slow games piss him off
Gets so focused on missions, he needs 2-3 days in order to get back in routine.
Physical touch love language. Very touchy with people he feels close to.
Is into gift giving and loves giving stuff he finds, or creates, to people.
If you let him talk, he will TALK. I mean, 3-8 hours will be spent of you listening to his current hyperfixations, or interests.
Mind is sometimes faster than his speech. He might stop for a minute, reboot and get back to talking.
Definitely a jokester. Will crack a joke in an uncomfortable moment.
Places small weird figurines in newbies rooms to freak them out. Thus said, he also hides in between the walls, or vents and make weird sounds - creeping the hell out of everyone. (He may or may not have recorded the reactions and would have uploaded them, if Price haven't caught him.)
Teaches recruits about vines simultaneously while teaching them old survival techniques.
CHAOTIC all around.
Tea party someone? Bonnets are involved. (If you lack a bonnet, it will be provided for you!)
Loves "baby" Soap (the sergeant). Shares lip-balm and with and ONLY him. Nobody knows why~
Eats Kinder eggs in front of Graves while maintaining an INTENSE eye contact with him, to assert dominance.
Good with the violin. Heard Gaz sing in the showers one time and assisted him with his instrument. Yes...while in the shower.
Duo with Gaz in an Las Almas local bar. Brough both Ale and Rudy to tears.
Has a major in History.
Walks around base with a wing shaped backpack and antennas.
Has a small cottage in a rural area, which only few people know about.
Loves writing and sending letters. Makes his own wax seal stamps.
Can crochet and is obsessed with cottage-core everything.
Is obsessed with planning stuff out and mapping tasks in his notebook, with highlighters.
Has a sweet tooth; drinks his tea with lots of sugar.
Has an expensive coffee taste. Prefer drinking coffee from small barista shops.
Favorite tv character: Jake Peralta from b99.
Loves horror, fantasy and sci-fi movies. Talks too much through them, or get engrossed to the point he forgets to move for the duration of the movie.
As a boyfriend/spouse:
Attentive boyfriend.
Will give you a gifts just because.
Loves talking about everything.
He will ask if you want to visit his cottage with him, but if you are not into this, he will not force it upon you. It will stay his own secluded hideout.
But, if you are into the cottage, especially cottage life, oh boy, Roach is all in. He will be over the moon and insist you move in there as soon as possible.
Be sure that his team knows about you, before you even meet them. Roach is constantly babbling about you to whoever listens.
He will text and call you whenever he can, needing to hear your voice.
He is on the fence when it comes to children. Can have, but not particularly interested.
Tries to cook for you, fails miserably, or get anxious when the food take a long time to cook. Cooking is just not his thing. Thus being said, he still cooks easy fast meals, he knows he will not f*ck up.
Prefers canning and preserving stuff instead.
Loves picnic and coffee dates.
Doesn't smoke, unless he has a nightmare, is anxious, or a night out - drinking. If you smoke, its okay, he won't judge or exclude you. Will steal and bring you a cigar from Price, if you smoke cigars. But shh... don't tell the captain.
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Unforgettable past part 1
Summary: Jay destroying himself more and more after skybound
!!! WARNINGS !!!
Uhm... We have lots of things here. We have mentions of emotional and physical abuse, self harm, sexual harassment, panic attacks, traumatic moments, self hate thoughts, thoughts of suicide, anger, bad language and curse words, smoking, heavy drinking, mentions of one night stands and abusive sex. I think that's all but tell me if i forgot anything.
You have been warned so don't read this if you are uncomfortable with those things. Now the responsibility is yours.
Writer: So, i wanted to write this thing from winter... It's summer here... I don't even know why it took me so long. Anyway, it's finally ready now. It's the dark fic i was talking about in this poll for anyone who doesn't remember or for people who didn't know about it.
Also it's the story i was referring to in this recent post:
**After Skybound**
As we all know, after Jay's last wish, Nadakhan returned to Tyrahn's tea pot and everything went back to normal. Ninjago citizens forgot everything and they just continued living normally, like nothing ever happened. No one remembered a thing, except Nya and Jay.
Nya had nightmares every night but she decided to ask for help for once. She isn't a person who likes asking for help, she mostly does things alone but she knew that she had no other choice this time. Going to therapy was a healthy thing to do, she didn't want to use other coping mechanisms. She even started talking to Kai. She didn't tell him everything about Skybound but still it was something. Nya was strong enough to realise and finally admit that she needed help. If she learnt something during possession and skybound it's that she doesn't always have to do everything alone and letting someone help her isn't a bad thing. At least she learnt her lesson after all the stuff she'd been through.
With Master Wu, Kai and her therapist's help and support she managed to remain sane. She even did the first small steps into becoming healthy again. It took time, lots of effort and it was very hard for her but success doesn't come for free, it needs hard work and Nya knew that very well.
Jay on the other hand.... He did the opposite thing. Jay found the opportunity to destroy himself completely. Why? No one knew, no one remembered. He didn't want to talk to anyone. Not even to his friends, neither to his... family,
nor to Kai.
Kai, his best friend since forever, had never seem him in such a state before! And he was worried. Nya didn't know what happened to Jay in Nadakhan's ship... No one knew because Jay never told them, no matter how many times they tried to approach him and talk with him. He was becoming distant, building his walls.
His usual happy and cheerful self was gone. He was like a different person! He even asked Nya to give him a break. A break from a relationship that had barely started. A break from a relationship that Jay wanted this whole time. He didn't even want to hear Wu's advices. Cole and Zane had no chance with him. Neither Lloyd could find out what was the problem.
They knew that Jay had been a prisoner in Nadakhan's ship because Nya told them. But no one knew what actually happened there. Only Jay remembered those moments and he could never forget them.
Nadakhan broke Jay completely and took away his happiness. Poor Jay was so close to give up. He didn't actually believe that he could survive in this life for any longer. He lost all hope. That's how his cigarettes became his "friends". He first started smoking after Zane's "death" at s3 but now he started doing it uncontrollably. Kai even found an empty bottle of alcohol under his bed once.
This was the current situation:
Jay doesn't listen to Wu, he avoids and ignores his friends, he pushes everyone away, and Nya? Once she finally decided to give him the love he desperately wanted for so long... He doesn't want it anymore. He doesn't deserve it, no. He knew that he lost himself and this new Jay would hurt everyone around him. Mostly the old Jay who was still somewhere deep inside his heart but too deep for him to reach.
Jay thought that he was stuck in a loop-like situation. He still desperately wanted to feel loved and desirable and special and cared for by someone... But he thought he couldn't...
Someone who doesn't love himself can't be loved by others.
Nobody actually cares about you.
Who would ever love someone as pathetic as you?
You are useless. Only a burden for those who pretend to care about you just because they pity you!
You're not worthy of my pity... You're not worthy of anyone's love...
That's all that Jay knew and all he could think about 24 hours per day. That's what he kept saying to him and what Jay's mind repeats, day and night, since then.
Instead of getting the love and affection he wanted, he got the complete opposite. So, after that, he started having meaningless one night stands with just... Whoever wanted him. He chose this way to feel some temporal "love". This wasn't love... This was just lust. It meant nothing. It was just cold, rough, painful, almost abusive sex. Jay got used to that pain. Even a little addicted. Addicted to this feeling of humiliation, pain and torture.
A part of him wanted to quit and try to become healthy again. But he didn't feel like he could do it. He didn't even know if he had the choice anymore. He just continued falling in the arms of any man who wanted him. And who could say anything since is was his own choice? Jay just kept breaking his own heart more than it was already broken.
During most of those times he was kinda drunk. It felt somewhat good since he wasn't thinking clearly. But the next morning when he was sober again... When he found himself naked, cold and alone? He hated himself! He wanted to rip his own skin! The self-harm scars on his body forced him to use tones of makeup to be able to hide them.
And the same scene was repeating itself over and over again. Jay, laying on a huge empty bed, alone, cold, naked, shivering and crying... He just lost count of all the times he returned home late at night, dizzy, hurt and broken. His already revealing clothes ripped from his own anger and bursting.
What kind of person was he now? He said that he had no idea. Oh, but he knew... He just didn't want to admit it.
He blamed himself for everything. He didn't think that he deserved to be a ninja anymore.
Kai's heart was breaking more and more every single day. He couldn't stand watching his precious best friend like that anymore. He hated all the times he had to hear Jay's footsteps at 3 am. He knew that his friend was going down the wrong path.
He desperately wanted to help Jay get out of this madness. He just didn't know what to do. While he was her "personal therapist at home", Nya told him all that she knew about Jay during skybound but it wasn't enough. Something extremely bad had happened in that ship but he didn't know what. He had no idea what made Jay's heart break like that. His mind though of every possibility. Just not of the one that actually happened. No, it couldn't be... right?
Kai definitely wasn't an idiot. He wasn't naive either. He wasn't delusional. Kai knew how cruel this world could be. He knew how much darkness was out there. He knew how unfair and painful life could become sometimes. He just didn't expect that his beloved Jay had to go through something like that. No, this was too much for him to even think about it.
He promised one thing though. He would find out the truth behind Jay's current behaviour. In a period where everyone was mad at his friend, he would find out what happened in that ship. He wouldn't leave his friend's side no matter what. Never. Especially now that Jay needed him the most.
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vynnytypesstuff · 2 years
Can you do uhhh joker p5 relationship hurt/comfort or fluff maybe,, up to you!!
꒰୨୧﹒Persona 5 - Relationship Hurt/Comfort Hcs for Akira and His S/O 
I'll take a nab at hurt/comfort hcs, hope you enjoy!
P.S. Going to be writing this as an x reader
Warnings: Light angst
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Akira Kurusu/Ren Amamiya
• Let's start with how he comforts his partner!
• Akira is a people-watcher. His quiet nature allows him to observe others and pick up on mannerisms that even they may not be aware of. He tries to keep his telling abilities to a limit, though, as he's big on respecting boundaries and doesn't want to invade his partner's privacy
• However, if it becomes increasingly apparent that something is wrong (especially if it's for an extended period of time), he'll act on it
• If you and him are out of the house, he'll ask if you want him to take them home. If you both are out with friends/other people, he'll simply tell them that you aren't feeling well (he doesn't want to give further explanations without your permission)
• Once you reach home, he's walking you straight to your room and sitting you down wherever you feel comfortable
• He's not entirely sure what to do, at least, not right away, so he decides to pull you into a hug, letting you rest your head on his shoulder as he strokes a hand through your hair. He lightly squeezes you every now and then, a non-verbal sign that he's not going anywhere
• If you can't find it in themself to talk about it, he just lets you get all your emotions out. If you need to cry you can cry. If you need to scream you can scream. If you need to hit something he's grabbing the nearest pillow. There's no judgement with him. He stays with you until you've let all your emotions out
• More then willing to listen if you need to talk about what's going on. He's silent for most of it (apart from the occasional nod of acknowledgement), but I promise that he's listening intently, he just doesn't wanna interrupt
• He's not letting you do anything for the rest of the day. He has it all covered down to every miniscule task. He wants you to be able to relax and feel pampered, even if it's for a brief moment. Additionally, if you had plans with other people, he offers to notify those people that you'll be staying home
• Constant affirmations that you aren't being a bother and that your feelings are important. He also lets you know that he's proud of you for pushing through
• Tries to encourage you to eat/drink something. He makes a freshly-brewed cup of coffee along with some curry to help replenish your energy. If you're not a coffee person, he's got other options such as hot chocolate or various herbal teas that Haru recommended to him
• Asks what you would like to do in the moment. If you're truly unsure, he'll default to putting on a movie or playing a laid-back video game
• Brushes your hair or gives them light massages. He's trying to use physical touch to coax away the bad thoughts
• Overall, he's extremely caring towards you and wants to do everything he can to make you feel loved and safe
• Now as a bonus, here's a few reverse-comfort headcanons!
• When he's stressed, upset, overwhelmed, etc., Akira has a tendency to camp out in his room and shut himself down. He doesn't do it entirely on purpose, it's just a habit he developed over the course of his childhood
• He's good at keeping his emotions to himself, so it may be a bit difficult for to identify if something is wrong
• Sometimes, though, his bottled up emotions will spill and silently collapse into you (give this man a hug, and therapy tbh)
• He doesn't always talk about what's wrong, not because he doesn't want to, but because he's unsure of how to word his emotions. It's best to let him know that there's no pressure to find the right words or form coherent sentences, or even talk about it at all, you'll be here to comfort him no matter what he chooses to do
• He might try writing out his feelings if he's unable to talk. He'll start by writing a few "keywords" and go off of that
• Enjoys laying in bed whilst holding you close. It's a huge source of comfort. He'll play with your hair or mess with your hands
• Sooooo appreciative if you do anything for him (ex. cooks for him)
• He's not used to the extra attention he's getting and it makes him a bit self-conscious. He starts asking if you're is feeling okay in an attempt to turn the attention away from himself, but it only takes a firm hug and words of affirmation from you to get him to stop
• He has wayyyy too many responsibilities and deserves all the love in the world
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4 F's of February
Feast: Dialogue
It started as pickup lines, then some random bug got in my brain and the end of the month looks nothing like the rest... Regardless, enjoy and write responsibly.
"Want a raisin? No? How about a date?"
"You owe me a drink. Because when I saw you, I dropped mine."
"Let’s taco ‘bout how amazing you are over tacos and margaritas next week."
"Is your name Dunkin? Because I donut want to spend another day without you."
"We should go out for coffee sometime. Because I like you a latte."
"Are your parents bakers? Because you're a cutie pie."
"Know what's on the menu today? Me 'n u."
"Do you want some wine to go with this cheesy pickup line?"
"Is your name Chamomile? Because you look like a hot-tea."
"Let’s make a deal: I’ll cook you dinner if you cook me breakfast."
*with a rose in hand* "I just wanted to show this rose what true beauty is."
"Honey, you give new meaning to the defintion of edible."
"You really are eye candy 'cause you're giving my eyes cavities."
"My lips are Skittles, wanna taste the rainbow? "
"Are you a coffee person or a tea person?"
"Maybe we should talk about this later? Over dinner?"
"Have you ever tried (obscure restaurant)? Would you like to?"
"How can you eat after watching that?"
"Please don't tell me you're one of the people who bites their icecream..."
"Smells nice in here, shame we only came in here because it's raining cats and dogs."
"So, what was it you wanted to talk about?"
"Is there anything on this menu that isn’t swimming in gravy?"
"For the record, no. That place wasn't worth the trip."
"I don't have much of a sweet tooth." -snarky friend- "But you have a crush on [Name]?"
"What is this even supposed to taste like? I can't put my finger on it."
"You wouldn't have slipped some pepper in my tea, would you?" *tense moment of silence* "LIAR!"
"Remind me why I'm going through this much effort for a coffee."
"All I want to do is go home, binge my shows, and eat chips... is that too much to ask?"
Here are a few extras for anyone who wants them.
Those tense moments before/after placing an order.
"So... do you come here often?"
Small talk with the server (or a whole therapy session with the southern hospitality type)
"Ow. I can't believe I bit my tongue."
"You ever have a headache so bad, you can't eat? Even when you know the problem is that you haven't eaten... the monotonous task of chewing just makes it worse."
Buy me a Kofi?
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thru-the-grapevine · 2 years
A Spoonful of Sugar
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Pairing: Baker!Yuta x fem!Reader
Genre: fluff and absolute silliness
Word Count: 1717
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In hindsight, you should have looked up your alternate route to work before just randomly picking one. But then again, how were you supposed to know that the new route would also have a bakery? Trying to curb your addiction to baked goods was going to be more difficult than expected. 
However, you would not be true to yourself if you didn’t at least have a quick peek at this new discovery. If therapy taught you anything, it was to follow your passions. And this morning, your passion just so happened to be whatever that delightful smell was.
So, you pushed open the glass door and made your way inside the warmth of the shop. Immediately, your senses were delighted with the smells of baking bread and freshly brewed coffee. In front of you stood a small, but packed display counter full of muffins, breads, pastries, and all manner of sweets. 
The menu behind the counter was handwritten a little messily, but still readable as you poured over the coffee and tea options. Oh, this was both a brilliant idea and an absolute mistake. There was no way you weren’t leaving without at least a blueberry muffin and a cappuccino to go. 
“Can I get you anything?” A voice jerked you out of your daydream of how wonderful a muffin sounded right about now. You looked over to the cash register where the most handsome man you’d ever seen was giving you a cheerful smile. 
He was also the last man you’d expect to be working at a cute little bakery had you encountered him on the street. His dyed red hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail, revealing his dark brown roots. His ears were covered in earrings, and you spied several tattoos visible where he’d rolled up his sleeves. His clothes were dark and artfully ripped, a striking contrast to the pastel yellow walls around him, and the floral apron he wore. 
Oh, you were staring. Oops. You cleared your throat. “Um, yes! I’d like, uh, a blueberry muffin and…” you trailed off, eyes back on the drink menu. 
“If you like tea, the green tea latte is a personal favorite of mine,” the man said. “And I promise it’s not just because it’s my specialty.” 
Did he just wink at you? He definitely just winked at you. You coughed and mumbled, “Sure, I’ll try that.” 
The man grinned. He packaged your muffin and drink for you, rang you up at the register, and waved as you left the store with a, “Thanks! Please come again!” 
You were in such a daze the rest of your walk to work that you nearly walked right past the office building. Hoping none of your coworkers saw you, you waddled back to the building, flashing your badge at the security officer, saying, “Morning, Steve.” 
He wished you a good morning too, and you joined the throngs of people dressed in their best work clothes waiting for the elevator. Finally remembering you spent money, you took a sip of the green tea latte and had to stop yourself from exclaiming out loud. It was good! Normally, this type of drink wouldn’t be up your alley, but this one was delightful. You couldn’t wait to try the muffin. 
Once at your desk, you unwrapped the muffin and sighed happily as you breathed in the sweet smell. It only took one bite for you to decide you would definitely be going back to this bakery. The muffin was incredible, and somehow paired perfectly with the green tea latte. Maybe Mondays weren’t so terrible after all. 
The next morning dawned cold and rainy. The perfect morning for a piping hot coffee and a warm pastry, you mused. Naturally, despite the horrid weather, you found yourself walking to the bakery once again. 
And once again, you were greeted with the cheerful smile of the handsome worker, his hair once again pulled back in a messy ponytail. You couldn’t help smiling back with a shy wave. 
“Same thing as yesterday?” he asked, leaning on the counter. 
You shook your head. “I want to try something new. But thank you for the tea recommendation yesterday. You were right, it was amazing!” 
The man beamed. “You won’t find a better one anywhere! They’re a Yuta exclusive,” he said with a wink. 
You turned your head away just in case you were blushing. Couldn’t have him seeing that. But still, you were pleased. He told you his name. Yuta. 
All throughout your meetings, your mind drifted to Yuta. Even long after you’d finished your coffee and strawberry pastry, you heard his voice in the back of your mind. 
This worried you. After all, you had a career to focus on! Drifting away to thoughts of some pretty man who happened to know how to bake during important meetings was not like you in the slightest. You prided yourself on your impeccable work ethic, always striving for perfection, sometimes to the point of near exhaustion. But thanks to you, your department flourished. And for your efforts, the bonuses came frequently. You couldn’t complain. 
And yet, there you were, drifting into Yuta’s bakery every single morning. And every single morning he greeted you with a bright smile. When the weather was terrible, he made your warm drink as quickly as he could.
“You need to warm up your hands!” he would always exclaim. You didn’t mind. You had to admit, the attention was nice. 
Even when there were other customers in line, Yuta would have your green tea latte ready to go before you could decide on your morning treat. And every time you asked, Yuta had a recommendation. 
You weren’t sure if it was a coincidence, but you noticed some of your favorites becoming more regular in the display as well. No, surely this was a coincidence. They were probably some of his best sellers, so it made sense he’d make them more frequently. 
As the holidays approached, and the weather grew colder and grayer, you were grateful for the cheerful bakery and its warm goodies. Some mornings, you could barely get out of bed. Only the thought of a hot drink and a sweet treat could get you going. And maybe the thought of seeing Yuta helped a little. Maybe. 
You couldn’t help your attraction to him. He always seemed so at ease, so comfortable in the world, as if he could ride any wave life threw his way. 
You felt like his opposite: always dressed in professional clothing. It was a little stiff, but you believed in making the best first impression with your clients. And your world required deadlines and perfect reports. Yuta’s world was sugar and cinnamon, colors and laughter. Yours was spreadsheets and formalities. 
No, your silly little crush was just that: a silly little crush. Yuta was merely a polite worker, intent on making a profit with his business. You weren’t even sure he knew your name. 
One particularly frosty morning, Yuta decided to prove you very wrong. 
Your visit to the bakery started like any other. You ordered your drink and pastry (the cinnamon rolls smelled delectable). Yuta was cheerful as always. 
But as you went to check out, Yuta stopped you before you could pull out your card. “Today is on me,” he said. 
You took a moment to register his words, your attention focused on his hand covering yours. Was it warm in here? “Huh?” you looked up at him. 
Yuta smiled. “Today is on me. And… well…” You had never once seen Yuta hesitate. The man was always coming up with something to say, exuding confidence. But now he was almost unsure, looking away from you and fiddling with the hem of his apron. “I wanted to ask you… if you’d like to, well, I wanna take you on a date.” 
A date. 
A date. A date. A date?!
“I don’t have a whole lot of money, but I was wondering if you’d like to come over and, well, help me taste test? I have some ideas for the bakery, and you always seem so enthusiastic?” 
You stared at him. He wanted to bake for you. For you?? Feeling your heart speed up, you realized you hadn’t said anything. Poor Yuta was looking at you nervously, hopefully. 
You opened your mouth to respond when the front door slammed open. You jumped, turning instinctively to see a man in a mask, holding a knife as he stalked toward you and the register. 
Before you could react, he grabbed your arm, shoving the knife at you threateningly. “Gimme all your money, or she gets hurt,” he snarled at Yuta. 
Yuta’s eyes were wide, but he held his hands up. “Okay, okay, hang on,” he said carefully, moving to the register. 
Remembering him telling you he didn’t have much money, rage filled you. So you did what any sensible woman would do. You grabbed the man’s arm, placed your foot against his, and flipped him over. He cried out in surprise as you took the knife from him and stood on his chest with your full weight. “Don’t move,” you said coldly. 
You looked up at Yuta who was staring at you, mouth wide open. “How-” he started.
“Yes, I know martial arts. I have a stressful job. I had to unwind somehow,” you said defensively, a little embarrassed that you did all of that in your pencil skirt. 
Yuta’s open mouth formed into the widest grin you’d seen him do yet. “I would very much like to kiss you now,” he said dreamily.
You flushed. “That’s very sweet of you. Perhaps you should call the police first,” you gestured to the man groaning in pain beneath your feet. You were sure your heels could not be comfortable. Oh well. 
“Oh yeah,” Yuta said, turning to the phone. “But like, seriously, will you go on a date with me?” he asked before punching in the numbers. 
You hid your face behind your hands. “Yes, of course I’ll go on a date with you! Please, this is so embarrassing,” you mumbled. 
Yuta’s twinkling laugh would echo in your ears throughout your entire work day as you watched the clock, begging for it to move faster. After all, you had a date.
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boomboxboi · 11 months
How the BucciGang COPES 🌦️
Bruno Bucciarati
What’s that?
He just puts all of his focus on everyone else.
If he can’t make himself happy, he can definitely make others happy.
A good jazz song and cooking helps.
Even though everyone seems to want to eat out whenever he cooks…
Or going for a fast drive.
Wind through his hair.
And the sea breeze on his face.
Distractions are a must for Bruno.
Focusing on things beyond his control are pointless so he focuses on what he can control.
Even if it feels like what he can control is extremely limited.
Leone Abbacchio
A bottle of wine.
Not that he should indulge in drinking when upset.
Music and gardening helps, though.
He will join Bruno on his chaotic car drives.
Solitude is what Leone thinks helps.
But that’s not actually what helps him.
Being around others makes his days a bit more bearable.
Also completing tasks.
Something about that smile Bruno gives when he completes a task given by him…
He also just enjoys hearing the rest of the gang laughing and joking around.
He needs to be around positive people because he gets too caught up in his own thoughts when he’s alone.
Pannacotta Fugo
Getting lost in the pages helps when he’s feeling like he’s ready to burst with anger.
Nature walks help, too.
Also likes to focus on what he can control.
But gets upset when things don’t always work out how he meticulously planned it.
Rage rooms do not help.
They just make him angrier.
He leaves them feeling like he needs to do more than just break something.
Hot tea also helps him calm down.
And he recently has started meditating.
Just don’t bother him when he’s trying to wind down.
Narancia Ghirga
Warm and fuzzy anything.
You name it.
Of course, his impulse control is pretty bad.
Can justify buying anything, even if it’s useless, by saying it brings him joy.
Also likes to get his adrenaline pumping.
What he really needs is stability and a reminder that he has a support system now.
Gardens with Abbacchio.
It’s one of the few times he will either have serious conversations to process his childhood or simply sit in a comfortable silence.
Often works out because he struggles staying still.
Specifically enjoys cardio.
It gives him a sense of strength and control over his life.
And also gets rid of some pent up anger of his own.
Guido Mista
Skipping the dreaded number.
Also an avid exerciser.
But prefers lifting weights over cardio. 
Cooking also helps relax him.
And unlike Bruno, his food is edible.
Romance movies and music also put him in a good mood after something stressful.
And being around his friends.
Needs to work on not letting intrusive thoughts take over and should focus on ignoring them.
Rather than focusing on his rituals to avoid the dreaded number.
Also calms down by caring for the Pistols.
In a way, that’s self care, right?
Since they’re a physical manifestation of his soul?
Giorno Giovanna
After a particularly rough day, all Giorno needs are three things.
First, a beautiful scenery.
It could be a park, the ocean, or anything like that.
Second, he requires limited or no company.
Only those he’s close with should interact at these times.
Third, a puzzle book.
He likes to problem solve when he’s bothered by something.
Puzzle books and the right atmosphere and (sometimes) company give his brain that itch it needs to calm down.
Being able to solve any problem helps to improve his mood.
Trish Una
Retail therapy.
That dose of dopamine she gets when she buys something she likes increases her mood.
Though it isn’t exactly the most helpful tool.
But being around Mista and Narancia also lifts her mood.
They’re both just goofballs and she can’t stay angry at the world long enough when they’re both acting like fools.
Also venting.
Just verbalizing her frustrations instead of bottling them up generally helps.
It also lets her make sense of what the real issues she’s concerned over are.
And talking it over with a trusted friend gives good insights.
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pissedpupp · 9 months
heyhey i’m another disabled wheelchair user into omo and holding and all that, but i often find that my disabilities get in the way of letting me enjoy it or do it (ie: cant drink enough to get desperate, or my bladder will lock up and not let me pee when it’s time) how do you,, , like navigate stuff like that? i really wanna enjoy this kink but my body cockblocks me😭
wooo boy okay so theres a few things!
part of it for me is like, reframing. bc im not gonna be able to enact most kinks in the ways that able bodied people do so instead of hating that *i* cant do the kink, i rework the kink to fit me. like, i get REAL nauseaus REALLY easily, specifically i get ut really bad from water 🙃 so i will take it slow, or take some zofran or jist drink something else entirely.
another example is im on a medication that helps my kidneys retain water, but that means i dont really get super filled up from the amounts of water it might for an able bodied person. and on top of it all before this developed as a kink i was in pevlic floor physical therapy for urgency and pissing my pants, which kinda gave me some advantages in pissing myself on purpose
like i was told that after toddlerhood, you are ALWAYS choosing to pee. unless you have a disorder or syndrome that specifically affects your urinary tract, you are always choosing to pee. most people are just conditioned on when its acceptable to pee. so like, for example. someone who has REALLY bad urgency right before they get to the toilet has subconsciously ttained themselves to start to pee before they sit down, like a self fulfilling prophecy. if you go "oh god im not gonna make it" youre basically dooming youself. and if you do that often, youve now conditioned yourself, to the point that seeing a toilet right in front of you will give your body subconscious cues ro start to go. so someone who is trying to curb the issue i just mentioned would just wait a few seconds, or a few minutes, before sitting and peeing. (and do control exercises like kegals) until its deconditioned.
so all that being said! something im working on now is that i previously had like, 5-10 minutes after sex where i physically COULD NOT pee. and i will lose urgency while getting stimulated, so like. kinda awful for omo and related things. so ive been doing like, extremely intense (for me) and very long (many hours) holds and then sort of conditioning myself, im into edging, so ill get to the point of bursting, let out a controlled leak and then edge. or edge and then push on my bladder to be forced to leak. over and over, until either im so lost in arousal that ill be able to force myself to piss while i orgasm, or im out of pee and can now orgasm anyway. (for right now, this all happens while im sat on the toilet. less mess, and it gives my subconscious the cue to pee)
and ive made some progress! i had a few open hours and followed omo dungeon and then forved out a few big leaks while masturbating and then pissed for a VERY long time. im not anywhere near done, so if i do end up being able to pee during a sexual act its the smalled of streams. i swear i peed for a solid 90 seconds straight last night
ANYWAYS. you have to accommodate yourself. figure out what really works for you. personally soda doesnt make me have to pee but sweet tea REALLY does. i probably cant make a huge habit out of pissing myself uncontrollably because i spent a lot of time unlearning it, and while the idea of accidentally pissing myself without meaning sounds hot, as someone who has pissed themselves in public its just. real embarrassing. not in a cute way. and now that its a kink? you gotta have everyone who witnessing it give enthusiastic consent. and having genuine bladder issues really fucking sucks for like, being an adult lmao.
and so, if i decide to make this kink a regular thing in doing its gonna be a lot of pretending to wet myself, like getting to bursting but not actually truly losing control. a lot of practicing kink is actually just improv and acting im sorry to say 😬
if you wanna talk more ab it feel free to ask more questions! or dm me! im an open book! and your situation is most likely different from mine mechanically. but i can probably help you try to navigate it, might be better to have more specifics before i can give more pointed advice anyways.
as always! consent is key, dont do things that can alter your life outside the scene, and be kind to yourself if you cant fullfil the kink exactly how you want.
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