#they are both idiots
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starchaser45 · 5 months ago
Regular writers: The two main characters can't be both idiots one of them has to be smart
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on-the-clear-blue · 7 days ago
Danny, staring up at Tim, who currently Robin: okay...so this isn't what it looks like.
Tim, giving dead pan glare: so you arnt breaking into Drake Manor?
Danny, shoulders dropping: okay yeah it's totally what it looks like...but not because you think!
Tim, sighing slightly: so you arnt homeless and thought that since Timothy Drake was recently adopted by Bruce Wanye, and both of his parents are dead you can just move in and live here?
Danny, blinking owlishly: I mean, yeah? I mean, not homeless, and I didn't even know that dude got adopted, like good for him, hope that he is safe and shiz, sucks that he parents died and all but not here to squat dude.
Tim, raising a single eyebrow: then why pray tell are you here?
Danny, kicking at the ground a bit: so like...ugh, so I might be um like...a...fudge what's the word...ah! Psychopomp? Like I am a dude that helps like people's ghosts pass and like keeps em happy.
Tim, squinting behind his mask: the only person that died here is Jack Drake and I assure you, his soul would not be happy going to where he deserves to be.
Danny, holding up his hands: wow lot of misplaced aggression there boy wonder...no I ain't here for him, like him and his wife did like...so much tomb raiding they would make the Victorians jelly. I am here cus they stole some dudes shit and he wants it back...like yesterday.
Tim, tilting his head: so you are here to steal an artifact.
Danny, popping the P sound: Yup, something about some guys clay tablet, he liked keeping his hate mail for some reason, said this one was about how he shorted some dudes iron? Or was it copper... my Mesopotamian isn't the best.
Tim, eyes widening, because he knows *exactly* which tablet he is talking about: Oh...yeah no bro, you seem chill but I really can't let you have that so why don't you just like...walk away and I won't be forced to do something kay?
Danny, frowning: Sames dude, up until that .y guy cus like...I *really* wasn't asking...
Tim, sighing as he extends his bo staff: Try and just like, not hold a grude yeah? Don't need a new villain...
Danny, pulling out an ecto gun and turning it on: I don't know man...I feel like we have good banter.
(They fight, Tim is still training so he is a bit sloppy, and Danny isn't shooting to kill, so it's more of them playing cat and mouse throughout Drake Manor, it ends with Danny stealing the tablet but having to leave the ecto gun, which gets broken when he escapes)
Tim, panting as he watches Danny flee: Fuck...is this what B feels after fighting Catwoman?
Bruce, rubbing his temples as Tim explains why he was late for training: You tried to apprehend an unknown, with a weapon of an unknown source and power...in the home of your secret identity?
Tim, looking properly chastised: God...yes that happened...he wasn't that bad honestly...was pretty witty.
Bruce developing a twitch in his eye: No.
Tim: No? No what.
Bruce, glaring hard at his adopted son: No falling in love with a villain.
Tim, looking scandalized now: Oh? What is this? Hypocrisy thy name is Bruce Wayne!
Bruce's glare turns into a batglare: Ten laps around the cave and fifty bo staff katas...no villains!
Danny becomes Tim's rogue, but not really, most of their battles are more each other showing off their new gear/moves they learned.
Danny also is only using tech that his parents made and he upgraded since he really doesn't want to go ghost in front of *Robin*, who is totally not his crush, and the only reason why he won't is because batman would 100% be on his ass.
Danny, pulling a massive creep stick with a nail driven through it out of seemingly nowhere: The new and approved Creep Stick! This time with nail to add tetnus damage!
Tim, watching as 'The Inventor' escapes once more: I hate seeing him leave but by God do I love watching him go...Damn should have turned on the camera just so I can see it again.
Barbara chiming in: Keep the main line PG Robin.
Batman, through coms: Hn...we shall be having words when we get back to the cave
Tim, sipping a soup that The Occultist made: "So like...why were you even here?
When the Titans tower incident occurs, Tim could only watch in awe as the Inventor, not only comes in from the ceiling with a literal metal chair, and then continues to beat up the guy with a bad Robin cosplay.
Danny, panting as he holds up the chair again: Back I say! Back! My blorbo!
Jason, seething as he actually hisses at this random teen that appeared out of nowhere, scurrying away while cradling his broken arm: You shall rue the day! Jason Todd was here bitches!
Tim, staring up at Danny, face a bloody mess and an adoring look in his eyes: omg he stalks me, this is must what the other guys felt when I did it!
They don't really start dating, it's much more Danny breaking into Tim's house and just not leaving.
Tim, watching as his "arch enemy" is sprawled across his couch, bucket of ice cream in one hand, spoon in another, phone balanced between his ear and shoulder, pants and socks tossed haphazardly across the living room and just chilling in his boxers: Now wait a damn minute.
Danny, pausing while looking up from his ice cream (which is actually Tim's, since the boy is rich and buys the good shit), pointing his spoon accusatorily at Tim: Your fucking late Mister! Drag race started half an hour ago and we agreed to watch it together!
Tim, blushing under the Robin mask: Sorry case got good and- wait wait wait, when did we agree to watch drag race together?
Danny, rolling his eyes: when I made breakfast this morning? I even gave you extra strong coffee for your solem swearing that you would be here.
Tim, thinking back to earlier: I just...remember a bright white orb giving me a mug and a plate of food...
Danny, scoffing: this is why I need to drug you to get to sleep more often. Now take off your gear and get over here, they about to choose who shall sashay away!
Tim, nodding slowly: Hope it is that one queen from last episode, that lio sink didn't have any- wait! Ugh you keep distracting me! When did you fucking move in? I don't even know your name!
Danny with a spoon just an inch away from his mouth: Jazz? Yeah I uhh...I gotta call you back...(clicks hang up on his phone) Your joking right? For the shits and gigs?
Tim, shaking his head slowly: No shits, not a single gig my dude, 100% honest.
Danny, who had just arrived this morning since his parents are renovating because Fenton HQ is a glaring OSHA violation, but also who's middle names are "commit to the bit" and "Gaslight GateKeep Girl boss" : Babe we have been dating for like, *months*...d-do ou really not remember?
Tim, existential crisis made manifest: Oh no...I have been mind wiped.
Danny, astounded that worked: Baby I am so sorry...
They "date" for like a week before Danny starts feeling bad that he tricked Tim (who he finally got to see maskless, he had to stop his heart to not show any outward reaction to that, cus like hell he is cute) and wants to come clean but he honestly never had seen Tim more happy nor more healthy.
Danny, sitting across Bruce at the Manor: S-So um...like yeah we um...met at a science convention? My um...my parents were show casing stuff and like...we met there?
Bruce, eyes narrowing because that sounded like a lie: Hn.
Dick, happy that Tim finally felt comfortable to bring his "boyfriend" to dinner: B stop glaring! Your going to scare off Timmy's Bf! God you weren't this bad when I brought over Roy that one time.
Bruce doesn't stop glaring, and it's making Danny even more nervous: Um I uh...need to use the bathroom one sec...
Tim moves to guide him but Alfred waves him to sit down: You really must eat Master Timothy, I did make your favorite today. I shall guide Mister Fenton to the lavatory.
Alfred does indeed lead Danny from the dining room, but the second they are far enough the old butler suddenly has a shotgun in hand, skin suddenly a pale blue and objects around the parlor turning green and floating: While they do try and see the best in others, I do not Phantom, now I must ask you to kindly leave and never contact Master Timothy every again. I shall not let my charge fall for such as the likes of you.
Danny blinking at how he was addressed, a sudden ghostly blue mist escaping his mouth: Oh shit.
They have a ghost fight, all while comically popping in and out of the dining room, making excuses for whyvthe other is gone.
It ends when Tim, finally fed up with why his boyfriend is taking so long opens the door only to see him duking it out with Alfred, fully gone ghost and was loosing.
Such leads to confessions of lies, real feeling and why Alfred has been able to be a spry 60 even though he fought in WWI and it is very much the mid 2010s.
(Danny and Tim do end up together, this time with no lies about a mind wipe, and get Kon and Bart to join their polycule later on)
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adoptable-fanfic-prompts · 1 year ago
DP x DC Writing Prompt
For whatever reason, Tim hires Danny as a bodyguard/assistant (unaware of the ghost powers until later). Tim only did it for appearances but hey, Danny is actually really good at his job and understands completely that sometimes, Tim just needs to disappear for a bit and that it just happens to coincide with there being a problem in Gotham. Danny even lets Tim drink all the heavily caffeinated coffee he wants and doesn’t try to limit it like Tam tries to do (considering Danny drinks just about the same amount… (Tam tried to have an intervention, it did not work)). It’s going great…
… then Tim realizes that Danny has been bodyguarding him and secretly assisting him while Tim is out as Red Robin (how does Danny know Tim is Red Robin? Who knows). Eventually, Tim learns to accept it and you know what? Danny is a great partner to have… on the field… behind the scenes, that is definitely what Tim meant…
Then one day, while Tim is drinking the coffee Danny prepared for the both of them, he realizes where they both are and has just one question:
“When did Danny become his roommate?”
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sheikfangirl · 2 months ago
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"You're still so nervous around me... Relax."🤭
Note: I found this in my doodle folder. Its old and Im pretty sure its based on a reference...
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janahanooo · 1 year ago
Yuu: do you guys celebrate valentines day?
Ace: obviously?
Yuu: oh okay
Yuu: I want to ask Horntorn to be my valentine, so I was worried you guys don't do that here. But now I'm relived
Ace: horntorn? Who-? Omg
Ace: you mean Draconia senpai??????
Yuu: yeah?
Ace: oh lords, yeah good luck
Yuu: fucker, I have been tring to tell him with the help of Lilia, so I better be lucky. Don't jinx it for me
Yuu: hey horntorn!
Malleus: oh? Child of man, what a pleasure seeing you!
Yuu: I wanted to give you these... here.
Yuu: *gives him a giftbox and a letter*
Malleus: may I know the reason for these gifts?
Yuu: uuhh.. j- just read the letter first!
Malleus: as you wish. *opens the letter*
"Dear Horntorn,
I have been meaning to tell you this for a long time. However, I never really had time, or something came up. So I tell you here, in this letter.
Malleus Draconia, I love you. I fancy you. I admire you. For a long time I have been. I'm not quite sure if you noticed yet, but I have asked Lilia to help me giving you signs of my love. So, can ask you...
Would you be my valentine?"
Malleus: ...child of man.
Yuu: oh god I knew it it was a dumb idea, of course I understand if you don't feel the same.. I'm not even sure what I was thinking? Why would you love me of all people? I'm very sorry-
Malleus: child of man. Calm down. *smiles at Yuu*
Malleus: I do love you too, and I have been too trying to court you. However, it seems dragon courting is very different from the human way.
Yuu: ...so when you offered to kidnap me from P.E. was actually you... courting?
Malleus: ...yes...
Yuu: oh. OH. It seems the both of us are oblivious
Malleus: it seems like that. So, for the question my answer is, yes. I would love to be your valentine.
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roxthemoonchild · 1 month ago
Harry: Okay, what did I do?
Severus: What do you mean?
Harry: You look like you want to rip my head off.
Severus: Oh, that’s just how my face works.
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spiney-oofet · 1 month ago
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happy love day
bonus doodle
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ogdegenerate · 8 months ago
Bowser has shit pick up lines.
This is not me saying that Bowser has no rizz, infact he’s very handsome in koopa standards and can be very swave when he wants to be. The thing is that his confidence and presentation is the only thing making up his charisma.
I shit you not, bowser will say the most corniest, cringiest, and downright left field shit to you and grin as if he was a poetic genius.
Peach tries not to laugh out of sheer awkwardness because bowser WILL take it as a successful flirt. The only people who have the balls to point out the koopa king’s lack of game is Mario, Daisy, Kamek, and the older koopalings. (Wendy is very mean about it). Everyone else is either too afraid to tell it to the king’s face or is actually caught up in Bowser’s hype.
Now LUIGI is the only of very few people to actually get verbally seduced by bowser. Luigi doesn’t really have any standards of pick up lines, pretty much because he barely gets complemented and even gets flirted on even less. He also find the goofiness very charming. The first time Bowser flirted with Luigi, he got really flustered, and the koopa kings ego grew three times as big to the dismay of everyone.
Luigi: “Mario, He’s not-a THAT bad!”
Mario: “Mio fratello, the princess with her explosive speech is better with her words!”
Now you think that since bowser can dish it out as much as he can take, and you’d pretty much be right. As royalty, people do sing his praises and talk about how hot he is. But you had to see the flabbergasted face of King Bowser once Luigi muster up the courage to flirt back. It was like if a cave man discovered FIRE. Bowser’s entire face was redder than his hair and eyes. Reptile brain full on blue screened. He was hooked.
And no, luigi isn’t this secret love master, he (and mario) just has that autistic rizz. And bowser not having his feelings reciprocated to someone he was romantically interested for most of his life played a big part in that.
At this point it’s a game of quick draw, whoever flirts first makes the other a red puddle of giggles with a belly full of butterflies.
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catboy-medic-tf2 · 7 months ago
im letting my urges win, can you please draw medic head-patting a sad soldier??🫣‼️
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I thought this idea was so silly that I felt I should animate it
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cybernightart · 1 year ago
late valentines day doodle i forgot to post lol
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gotta love character development XD
(also sneak peak at my monty design)
these drawings where actually done months apart so its kinda realistic to how my au goes XD if you change the 4 months in to years at least.
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sleepy bear hugs<3
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i need to finish this at some point
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Human glamFronnie doodle 💅✨
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Now just some additional Freddy doodles, because my Freddy has a cape lol
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zonxter · 10 months ago
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whiteboard tingies !!1!
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acediaedeus · 8 months ago
I just know coming off of the battle high after a spar with Ichigo makes Grimmjow a little bit dumb, and he’s suddenly all loose, and relaxed. a cat readying for a nap after eating a mouse it caught for lunch.
so obviously this state of his leads to some interesting revelations. because the first time Ichigo witnesses this abrupt relaxation he immediately goes into panic mode, and hurries over to check on Grimmjow. but all Ichigo gets when he grasps his forearm to pull the fucker up and get him into the healing spring, is a half-lidded look full of reverence and satisfaction, which hits him like a freight train, and makes him go dumb too. because, sure, he’s witnessed his fair share of Grimmjow’s satisfied looks. but all of them were marred by blood splattered across Grimmjow’s everything, coating his sword, his hands, a lot of the times his teeth (asshole loves taking a bite out of him), they were pure battle and blood thirstiness. this? this is wholly uncharted territory. it’s soft, and contented, and all around nothing like what Grimmjow is. and then it hits Ichigo that maybe he doesn’t know what Grimmjow is like at all. and then, for the first time in his life, he finds himself jealous, of all things. because there definitely someone that does know this side of his favourite Arrancar (there isn’t).
also, let it not be forgotten, that Ichigo’s kind of an idiot, at least when it comes to things that aren’t beating up thugs and gods, or Shakespearean tragedies and dramas. so it should be no surprise that this also happens to him. that just like Grimmjow, he too, becomes just a tiny but dumber. but instead of a cat that got the mouse, he’s more akin to a lizard basking on a sun-warmed rock.
revelations come from this too. and although at the start of their arrangement Grimmjow isn’t even close to being so nice as to help the asshole up, and make sure he’s fine, that doesn’t stop Ichigo from propping himself up on his elbows and beaming an absolutely blinding smile at Grimmjow, before passing the fuck out. and because Grimmjow is still unsure of what’s to happen now, and also not at all accustomed or prepared for human interaction, he thinks the bastard’s good will ran out already, and this is some pathetic last resort attack on his senses. but Kurosaki’s not moving, very obviously sleeping (and isn’t that an insane power move? “hey look, I’m so sure you’re not anywhere near my level, that I’m going to sleep right in front of you, my enemy.” downright mocking, how dare he). he opens a Garganta, and ditches as fast as his sonído will allow, before his brain even starts trying to find any other explanations as to what THAT was. he tries not to think about it, and swears to, from now on, leave before Kurosaki attempts any bullshit.
but the next time it happens some stupid curiosity wins out, and he stays, and he watches as the Shinigami does the whole routine all over again, and… Grimmjow suddenly can’t breathe, can’t take his wide (surely from fear) eyes off of Kurosaki’s prone figure, his face bursts into flames, his mouth runs dry, and that useless dead heart in his chest beats out of rhythm. whatever he’s doing, whatever that attack is, it’s working, and Grimmjow better get away fast.
later, much later, Grimmjow will realise that the reaction he, at first, classified as a symptom of poisoning, was him falling in love with the way Kurosaki’s permanently scowling face stretches out in an expression of pure joy just for him to see.
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whuuuuuuhhh · 9 months ago
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someone pls come and sedate her
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unlawfulchaos · 2 years ago
Ice: Honey bun?
Mav: Yes?
Ice, blushing: I meant, would you like one?
Mav: Oh. Yeah, thanks. Sugar?
Ice: Yes?
Mav, also blushing: I was just asking if you want sugar in your coffee.
Ice, flustered: Oh, yes please.
*Both flustered and avoiding eye contact*
Goose, at the table, head in hands: This is painful to watch.
Slider, sighing: I'm embarrassed for them.
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someonestolemymacandcheese · 3 months ago
draw harcody if you want
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Heh.. harody. They are both LOSERS.
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watcherinthesky225 · 5 months ago
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