#a guy will experience being mesmerised by someone’s beauty for the first time and think he was poisoned
acediaedeus · 2 months
I just know coming off of the battle high after a spar with Ichigo makes Grimmjow a little bit dumb, and he’s suddenly all loose, and relaxed. a cat readying for a nap after eating a mouse it caught for lunch.
so obviously this state of his leads to some interesting revelations. because the first time Ichigo witnesses this abrupt relaxation he immediately goes into panic mode, and hurries over to check on Grimmjow. but all Ichigo gets when he grasps his forearm to pull the fucker up and get him into the healing spring, is a half-lidded look full of reverence and satisfaction, which hits him like a freight train, and makes him go dumb too. because, sure, he’s witnessed his fair share of Grimmjow’s satisfied looks. but all of them were marred by blood splattered across Grimmjow’s everything, coating his sword, his hands, a lot of the times his teeth (asshole loves taking a bite out of him), they were pure battle and blood thirstiness. this? this is wholly uncharted territory. it’s soft, and contented, and all around nothing like what Grimmjow is. and then it hits Ichigo that maybe he doesn’t know what Grimmjow is like at all. and then, for the first time in his life, he finds himself jealous, of all things. because there definitely someone that does know this side of his favourite Arrancar (there isn’t).
also, let it not be forgotten, that Ichigo’s kind of an idiot, at least when it comes to things that aren’t beating up thugs and gods, or Shakespearean tragedies and dramas. so it should be no surprise that this also happens to him. that just like Grimmjow, he too, becomes just a tiny but dumber. but instead of a cat that got the mouse, he’s more akin to a lizard basking on a sun-warmed rock.
revelations come from this too. and although at the start of their arrangement Grimmjow isn’t even close to being so nice as to help the asshole up, and make sure he’s fine, that doesn’t stop Ichigo from propping himself up on his elbows and beaming an absolutely blinding smile at Grimmjow, before passing the fuck out. and because Grimmjow is still unsure of what’s to happen now, and also not at all accustomed or prepared for human interaction, he thinks the bastard’s good will ran out already, and this is some pathetic last resort attack on his senses. but Kurosaki’s not moving, very obviously sleeping (and isn’t that an insane power move? “hey look, I’m so sure you’re not anywhere near my level, that I’m going to sleep right in front of you, my enemy.” downright mocking, how dare he). he opens a Garganta, and ditches as fast as his sonído will allow, before his brain even starts trying to find any other explanations as to what THAT was. he tries not to think about it, and swears to, from now on, leave before Kurosaki attempts any bullshit.
but the next time it happens some stupid curiosity wins out, and he stays, and he watches as the Shinigami does the whole routine all over again, and… Grimmjow suddenly can’t breathe, can’t take his wide (surely from fear) eyes off of Kurosaki’s prone figure, his face bursts into flames, his mouth runs dry, and that useless dead heart in his chest beats out of rhythm. whatever he’s doing, whatever that attack is, it’s working, and Grimmjow better get away fast.
later, much later, Grimmjow will realise that the reaction he, at first, classified as a symptom of poisoning, was him falling in love with the way Kurosaki’s permanently scowling face stretches out in an expression of pure joy just for him to see.
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mode-lfy · 2 years
Arranged Marriage (Gaeul)
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"Hey did you know that Sang-Hyuk got married?" One of his friends told Y/n.
"Really?" Y/n asked in surprise.
"Yeah! I heard he had a really naughty first night with his bride! You should get married soon too! Haven't your parents arrange you a blind date yet?" His friend asked.
"Well, mine is tomorrow... Hopefully I am able to choose a woman that I like... Hearing you guys talking about the juicy details of the sex with your women and all. I wonder if it will be the same experience for me as well." Y/n wondered.
"Well, I'm sure it will be good. You want to know a tip? Choose someone who looks fierce, and then you will tame her after marriage. Those who are fierce and hot women tends to be really naughty and sexy. Once you tame them... I promise you they will satisfy you!" His friend whispered to him. 
That night, Y/n laid in bed, wondering what kind of women will there be in the blind date. He just hope that he gets someone who can be a soul mate for him and not just someone who is supposed to satisfy his sexual needs.
The next day, he woke up and dressed up neatly. Assisted by his servant, a middle aged woman who practically raised him up as his nanny.
"Do you think that I will like one of the girls that will be coming here? I need to choose one who will be my wife..." Y/n asked for advice.
"Young master, I'm sure you will like one of them at the very least. Your family is well-off and this helps you have a lot of choices for a wife. Even then, you can always have a second wife and everything." His servant said, helping to make sure his attire is neat and he is handsome.
"But I..." Y/n was about to say when his father called him.
"Y/n! Come out. The girls are here." His father called.
Y/n walked out of his room where he sees 8 girls standing and waiting for him to see each of them, whether he liked any of them.
Y/n sees all of them and was particularly mesmerised by this one girl. She was pretty and had a decent figure for his taste.
He couldn't keep his eyes off her, she could sense his attention but was trying to avoid eye contact.
Y/n sat down and his father had every girl introducing themselves to him. He couldn't be bothered by any of the other girls, all he wanted to know is that girl's name....
When it's time for the girl to introduce herself, she said with a gentle tone, "My name is Kim Gaeul. My age is 20 this year." Then she continued about her speciality which seem to be just being able to clean up the house. 
Gaeul might not have as much skill specialties as the other girls who seem to be able to cook, sew and everything else.
Y/n whispered to his parents, "I want that girl, Gaeul." 
"Are you sure?" His parents asked.
He nodded with certainty.
And his parents decided to choose Gaeul as their son's wife, Gaeul was nervous and surprised as she got chosen while her mother who was waiting for the results was particularly happy.
However, Y/n was the happiest.
That day after the wedding ceremony which happened later that week, Y/n and Gaeul moved to a new small mansion, a gift for their wedding and for them to start a new marriage life and family.
That same night, Y/n was excited to have his first ever sexual experience, with a girl that he so much liked since the first sight.
He entered the room where he sees Gaeul sitting on the bed and waiting for him. She was looking down and very shy.
As he sat beside her and attempts to take off the veil. He sees her beautiful face, and smiled.
Gaeul's were biting her lips and her mouth was shivering. "It's ok. I won't hurt you." Y/n said, trying to comfort her as he slowly tried to undress her. 
Gaeul looked up to him and asked. "Will you have other women as your secondary wives in the future?" She asked, worried.
"Why? Y/n replied, asking as he continued to gently undress her.
Just then, he had undressed her dress down to her shoulders. And he see bruises on her shoulders.
"Your shoulders... there are bruises! What happened?" He asked, shocked and worried.
"Nothing. I fell down and got bruises." Gaeul answered in denial. 
Y/n was shocked and check her wrists and legs. It was also full of bruises. "What's this!?!?" Y/n demanded to know.
"Please. Don't send me back to my family. She will not be happy!" Gaeul pleaded, crying.
"That 'she'. Is it your mother?" Y/n questioned her.
"She's not my mother..." Gaeul said, before continuing to explain her family situation.
She was a girl who was born to her father's second wife. However when she was a teenager, her mother died and the first wife has been abusing her ever since, longing to make her get married and be gone from the family. 
Gaeul burst into tears, inconsolable. Y/n then helped to dress her back and hugged her tightly, patting her back.
"Sshhh. It's okay. I promise you that I will treat you well. Is that why you asked me if I have other woman as my secondary wives?" Y/n said as he was hugging her and trying to calm her down.
"Y-Yes.... So will you?" Gaeul asked, looking at him while tears still flowing down her cheeks.
Y/n smiled at her, "Then tell me that you want me to be yours only and that I'm not allowed to have other women." 
Gaeul hesitated but said exactly what she was told to say.
Then Y/n held her hands softy and pulled her closer, looking at her in the eyes and said. "Since my wife have said it. Then I shall obey her command. You will be my only woman." Kissing her hands, making Gaeul smile.
Y/n then pushed her down to the bed softly and smirked. "Is it time? For us to consummate our marriage." Making Gaeul blush and extremely shy.
"I'm not sure I'm ready..." Gaeul confessed.
Y/n leaned closer to her. "But my dear wife... I'm ready for this..." 
"But..." Gaeul hesitated and was starting to feel scared.
Y/n sighed in defeat. "I won't force you. Let's just sleep." He said as he got up and changed into a comfortable sleeping pyjamas. 
Gaeul too got up, took her clothes and was preparing to change. When she noticed Y/n staring at her back, "Are you going to watch me change?" She asked shyly.
"Do you not want me to watch? You are my wife, I want to admire your naked body." Y/n said, making her bite her lips.
Gaeul then took off her clothes, letting a man for the first time see her naked. Y/n took a look and was mesmerised.
Damn, he wanted to just take her right there and there, fucking Gaeul and claiming her as his. But he controlled himself, he promised to treat her well.
After changing, Gaeul laid down on the bed beside Y/n and was getting ready to sleep. "May I hug you while sleeping?" Y/n asked. 
Gaeul nodded, making Y/n smile and allowing him to wrap his arms around her waist as they slept for the night. 
The next morning, Gaeul woke up and felt something poking her on the butt. She turn around to see Y/n sleeping, still having his arms wrapped around Gaeul and close to her. 
She looks down to his pants having a bulge and the bulge poking her.
'Is this what they call a penis?' Gaeul wondered, as she slowly got closer and pulled down his pants, exposing his cock and morning wood. 
'Wow...' She thought, before trying to touch and feel it. Then Y/n woke up and see what's going on.
"Damn... an angel in my bed." Y/n said sleepily, complimenting her.
"What are you doing to my cock hmm?" Y/n asked, his voice still sleepy.
"No... I just wanted to see... cause it was poking me earlier...." Gaeul said timidly.
"Do you want to touch it?" Y/n asked, smiling gently and looking at her.
"Can I?" Gaeul asked, turning toward him.
"Do you know what's a handjob?" Y/n asked, thinking if a girl who looks as innocent as her knows something like that. 
Gaeul blushed, and nodded. "I heard about it from the other girls who have been married. They do it often for their husbands..." she said slowly, telling to Y/n about what she have heard.
"Do you mind doing it for me?" Y/n asked her, hoping she would do it.
"Sure..." Gaeul then slowly wrapped her fingers around Y/n's morning wood and slowly stroke it up and down. 
Y/n closed his eyes and enjoyed the current situation. As Gaeul continued doing it and started doing it faster, Y/n can't help but moaned.
"Yes! That's it! Continue!" Y/n said, wanting more.
Gaeul then continued doing it with fast strokes before Y/n soon shouted, "Yes! I'm about to cum!" 
Gaeul was then surprised as Y/n's penis spurted cum on to the bed sheet and messing the bed. 
Y/n let out a satisfied sigh and looked at Gaeul who looked back at him worriedly.
"I'm sorry! I wanted to put your... your penis into my mouth so that you will cum in my mouth and not mess the bed but-" Gaeul wanted to explain but was hushed by Y/n.
"It's okay... that was very very nice, Gaeul. Thank you for this. I know you are not ready to consummate our marriage." Y/n calmed her down.
"As for the bed, I will arrange for servants to come and clean this up. Don't worry about this." Y/n smiled at her, not blaming her.
They both then got up and washed up, showering. Y/n then go back to his old home and asked for some servants to come over, clean up and cook breakfast. 
His ex-nanny came over with some food and some servants who helped to clean up the place. 
His servant, helped to take out the good and plate the table for Y/n and his wife. 
Gaeul pick up a bowl of rice and tried to pick up some good but accidentally dropped the bowl of rice. 
*CLANG* The sound of the bowl crashing to the floor could be heard around the house.
Y/n quickly put his hand out to calm a shocked Gaeul but she suddenly put her hands up in self defense stance and cried out. "I'm sorry!!!" She said, almost bursting in tears.
Y/n was surprised by this and slowly put her hands down. "Gaeul... it's okay... I won't hit you. No one will hit you. Don't worry." Y/n said, trying to calm her down.
"Young master, I will clean this up and please wait in the living room while I do so." His servant said.
"Gaeul. Come with me." Y/n said, helping her up and going to the living room.
"Did you thought I'm going to hit you?" Y/n asked her with a gentle soft tone, not wanting to scare her.
Gaeul nodded with tears. Y/n looked at her, feeling sad for her.
Y/n pulled her close for a tight hug. "It's okay... you are now here. No one will hit you again." Y/n said as he patted her back, then kissing her on the forehead.
Gaeul could feel his body heat during the hug, it was warm and comfortable. And when he kissed her, she could feel his love and affection for her.
"Young master and lady, please come and enjoy your breakfast." The servant called for them.
"Let's go and eat breakfast okay? No more crying." Y/n said, looking at her teasingly. Gaeul wiped her tears and smiled weakly, nodding. 
They finished their breakfast without any further trouble and then suddenly his parents came to visit them.
"My son! How is it to be married?" His mother asked.
"It's fine. Gaeul is a lovely woman." Y/n said, smiling and holding her hands.
"I'm expecting a grandchild by next year!" His father joked. 
"Anyway, I'm thinking that I should send some young girl servants. First, they can help to take care of the house, allowing me and your mother to not worry. And second, a young man like is now in this era where he has a lot of... 'energy' so..." His father suggested.
Y/n looked over to Gaeul, who was worried and held his hands tight. 
"Dad, I'm fine with my old nanny as my servant taking care of the house. It's only me and Gaeul here. We don't need much servants here too. And... Gaeul is enough for me..." Y/n said, making Gaeul put out a small smile. 
"Well, if you say so. How was last night by the way?" His father excitedly asked, earning a pinch from his wife.
After a scolding, his father then called for the old nanny. "Ga-Young!" To which the servant replied. Then Y/n's father commanded.
"From today onwards, you will come to Y/n's house everyday and take care of the house. Cooking meals for him and his wife while tidying up the place. Is that fine?" He said with a stern voice.
"Yes. Old Master." To which Y/n was happy to still have his old servant with him. 
After his parents left and Y/n was alone in the room with Gaeul.
Y/n laid down and looked at Gaeul, who was daydreaming as they both had sat at the bed for awhile and not saying anything.
Gaeul then woke up from her daydreaming and sees Y/n smiling and looking at her. Gaeul wanted to speak but then Y/n suddenly sit up and pinned her to the wall.
"My dear wife... you are making me crazy. You know that?" Y/n said, his eyes looking at her intensely.
Gaeul nervously tried to look down and avoid eye contact but Y/n pulled her chin forward and made her look back at him.
"There's nothing more than I would be willing to do right now than making love to you. Making sweet love to you." Y/n said, repeating his last sentence and appealing to her.
Gaeul then said, "But... we haven't got to know each other much..." 
"How bout... let's take off our clothes and we can get to know each other more..." Y/n whispered to her ears as he leaned closer, his hot breath felt by her.
Just then, his servant called from the living room. "Young master! Your parents in-laws are here!" Y/n groaned in annoyance. 
They both greeted Gaeul's parents who were waiting for them at the living room.
"Hello! Y/n, my son-in-law! I hope my daughter was up to expectations." Her father said. 
Y/n smiled politely and answered, "Don't worry, sir. Gaeul is a beautiful woman, I really like her." 
Then her step-mom asked for a private conversation with Gaeul and they went into a room to talk. 
Her father then changed face and confided in Y/n, "Y/n, Gaeul has had it tough back in her family. I hope you treat her well, in place of me." 
Y/n then assured him. "Don't worry, sir. I promise to treat her well and make her happy and smile everyday." 
Y/n then talked with his father in law and about his future plans with Gaeul. Then as he was about to leave, Y/n went to call his mother-in-law and hear her scolding Gaeul, wanting her to send back some money every month to help pay for her half-sisters. 
Just as she was about to hit Gaeul, Y/n barged into the room and shouted at her. "Stop that!" 
Making both Gaeul and her step mom shock, "Gaeul is my woman! My wife! Get out of my house!" Y/n shouted, not willing to tolerate anyone to humiliate his wife.
The stepmom angrily walked out of the house followed by her husband. 
Gaeul look at Y/n and it felt nice to have someone to protect her. "Y/n. Thank you for protecting me." She said while hugging Y/n.
Y/n calmed down and smiled at the sight of her beautiful face. "Will you reward me then?" Y/n said jokingly. 
To which, Gaeul closed the door and gently pushed Y/n down to the bed, surprising Y/n.
She then slowly undressed and exposing her naked body to him. Coming closer to Y/n, she walked shyly, "How is this for a reward?" 
"Yes! Definitely. I love this reward." Y/n said as he put his hands softly on her butt and pulled her close to him. He then slowly caressed her body and kissed it.
She felt pleasure as Y/n gently kissing and sucking on her body softly.
 As he held her breasts and put his face into her cleavage, she moans and pushed his head gently into her.
Soon after, Y/n pinned her down to the bed. "Are you ready for what am I about to do to you?" He asked.
Gaeul then confessed, "At first... I was worried that you might not be faithful to me and you were not reliable. But now... knowing that you will protect me and is a reliable man. I'm willing to give myself to you." 
Y/n took off his clothes and they both slowly started kissing each other, initiating foreplay. Y/n eating Gaeul out before she returned the favour, sucking his member. 
Soon, Y/n starts sticking his cock inside Gaeul and thrusted inside her, filling her slowly. Gaeul moaned as her husband's cock entered her, "Are you okay?" Y/n asked worried.
"Just... just continue. It feels good but overwhelming." Gaeul said, explaining herself. 
Soon, Y/n starts fucking her fast, thrusting his dick inside Gaeul quickly and hard. Gaeul moans loudly and her legs wrapped around him, her moans encouraging Y/n. 
Soon enough, Y/n cummed inside Gaeul and he laid down beside, exhausted after his first ever sex. 
"Damn... that was nice." Y/n said, gasping for breaths of air. Gaeul looked at him and smiled, "I enjoyed it too... I'm now your woman and you claimed me..." 
"Should we continue this later tonight?" Y/n asked, smiling at her as he held his hand out and touched her body.
Gaeul could only blush and nod.
That night, as soon as they both got into the room. Y/n kissed her passionately and Gaeul wrapped her legs around his waist as he carried her to the table in the middle of the room. 
The room was heating and she could feel the lust and love of Y/n as they both kissed. Soon, they both got naked and started fucking.
Y/n bend her over on the table and started thrusting his dick inside Gaeul's pussy quickly.
"Yes! Y/n! Continue doing it please! Fuck me harder!" Gaeul shouted as she held on to the table for support while Y/n held on to her hips and thrusted his cock inside her enthusiastically
Soon after the amazing sex session where Y/n cummed inside her, they both rested on the bed, cuddling to sleep before continuing their activities the next morning once they wake up.
Btw I'm not glorifying arranged marriages or anything as not all arranged marriages turn out good. 
This is just a story. Thank you for reading
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pannabethjesus · 3 years
A Small Gift: A Jercy Fanfic
Jason tapped his foot nervously, as he stood outside the café. His date was supposed to arrive in ten minutes, and it was all he could do to not glance at his reflection in the glass every ten seconds to fix his hair.
He thought back to an hour ago, when Piper, his best friend, had been fussing over his clothes.
"No, Jason," she'd said, "You can't wear a white jacket on a lunch date. You'll look like a pimp." And with those words, his jacket had been tossed away, and replaced with a baby blue blazer, which went well with his soft pink shirt and black jeans. He had to admit, he did look handsome, and the copious amounts of gel Piper had used to set his hair seemed to be working well, despite his aversion to hair products.
He glanced at his watch, and let his eyes wander over the sidewalk. Where is he? The sun was getting lower, and he was beginning to feel like an idiot but then his eyes met a pair of stunning sea green ones.
Percy Jackson had finally arrived.
Jason felt his chest tighten and loosen, as he struggled to breath. His heart was beating dangerously fast and he could feel the back of his neck break into a cold sweat.
He's here, he's here, he's here- his heart was beating with that rhythm.
Percy was looking amazing in a deep green jacket and a grey shirt, paired with normal blue jeans. His eyes seemed to glow. Jason noticed that he was holding a small bouquet of yellow poppies and his mussed hair and cheeky grin, as he walked over, made his heart skip several beats.
Dammit, I should have gotten something.
Mentally slapping himself, he turned his attention to his date. He took a deep breath and gave Percy a big smile, one he had been holding in since he spotted him. Praying to whatever god was listening, he hoped he didn't look like a fool.
Percy's cologne hit him first and then he registered the dark haired boy grinning in front of him. He must have been nervous too, Jason noticed, because his knuckles were almost white with how tightly he seemed to be holding the poppies.
"Hey, you ma-" Jason began and before he could say anything else, Percy thrust the bouquet into his hands, his face flushing.
"These are for you!" He said, his voice an octave higher than normal. Gone was the look of the cheekiness, replaced by utter shyness. Jason couldn't help his smile at this sudden transformation.
Or maybe you never noticed this side of him before.
'I'll be able to experience more of it, if things go well today. ' He thought.
"I- thank you. These are beautiful." He answered and Percy's face lit up again.
"Really? That's great, my mom picked the-" He stopped immediately, the rose coloured blush making it's way back on his face and Jason had to bite his lip to stop grinning uncontrollably.
"Never mind that. I hope you didn't wait too long." Percy said and Jason shook his head. "Not at all. You're right on time."
He extended the arm that wasn't holding the flowers out to Percy. "Shall we?" He asked.
"Oh yes, absolutely." Percy answered and linked his arm with Jason's, eyes glinting all the way through, as both of them walked inside the café wordlessly.
It was a cozy place, nothing too flashy or gaudy. The interior had pastel coloured walls filled with canvases of paintings in different media, and the smell of freshly brewed coffee wafted temptingly about.
Although it was late afternoon, the darker bits of the café were illuminated by a soft golden light that made Jason's hair glow. Percy caught himself staring at his date several times in the few minutes it took for Jason to find both of them a table.
It was located right next to the large glass windows, from which the street was visible, but also was towards the back, so the chatter of the rest of the crowd wasn't very audible.
Percy took a step forward to pull a chair for Jason, at the exact same moment that Jason did the same for him and they both stood there, watching each other for a few seconds with their hands on the chairs, before laughing.
"Why don't we-" Jason began and Percy nodded. "Yeah, that works." He answered and they both sat down at their respective places, across the small wooden table. He watched as Jason fiddled with the bouquet before realising that he didn't have something to keep the flowers.
"Excuse me, miss!" Percy called out and Jason shot him a confused look.
"Have you already decided your order?" he asked and Percy felt his face warm up.
"No, I was hoping to ask them to get you a vase to keep the flowers in." He said and it was Jason's turn to blush.
"Oh." was all he said before turning his attention to the flowers.
The waitress who came over managed to get them an old jug for the bouquet and Percy watched as Jason placed the flowers meticulously, careful to not let break or bend. The blond's hands moved skillfully and deftly, and Percy marvelled quietly at how good he was.
"Your hands are really good at that."
He blurted out and the full weight of what he said hit him a second later. Jason paused and looked up at him, his icy blue eyes wide and his cheeks flushed.
Jackson??? What the hell???? His brain screamed at him, but he managed to keep his composure.
"Um. That came out wrong." He added and Jason chuckled.
"Thank you, Percy." He said turning his attention to him.
"So.." He began and Percy relaxed. He's just as nervous as I am. But his fingers did a little tippy-tappy dance on the table.
"So..." He responded, staring into Jason's eyes. "This is nice."
Jason tilted his head, a small smile gracing his face. " Yeah. It really is." He paused, considering his next words. Percy's eyes were really distracting and the way he was staring- it was unhelpful for his train of thought to say the least. He shook his head slightly and focused on the table in front of him.
"So, Piper.." Jason began, looking at Percy but avoiding his eyes. "You guys know each other?" He asked. Percy smiled and nodded, seeming absolutely at ease with himself, unlike Jason who was feeling like a dork each passing second- and not in the good way.
"Piper and I met in the college art club in our first week there. I've been into abstract art since I was a kid, so.." Percy trailed off, his smile unwavering.
Jason recalled Piper telling him that. She'd shown him some of his artwork and it was mesmerising.
"I saw some of your work in the exhibition. Percy, it was amazing. You're such a great artist. Have you considered going professional?" Jason asked excitedly. Percy blushed profusely, the smile on his face suddenly falling away and giving way to an expression of an artist not accustomed to praise, which was surprising since he was one of the best.
Percy looked at him with a sincere expression. "Thanks Jason, it means a lot. I considered going pro, but my major is oceanology, so that's what I'm inclined to do." His voice sounded empty as if a little of his cheerfulness had drained out of it. Jason cursed at himself mentally. He'd touched a sensitive topic.
"Oh." He responded, unable to find the words to say. How could he comfort him? It wasn't his place to say. He opted for the softer way out of this.
"Well, Percy, I'm sure whatever it is you decide to do, I'm sure you'll be great at it. Life looks out for people like you, you know?" At that Percy grinned. "You are quite the philosopher, Jason." He rolled his eyes in faux annoyance, feeling nothing of it.
"I'm flattered." He smiled, and then passed a menu to Percy. "I'm also hungry. And I'm guessing so are you."
Percy gratefully took the menu and smiled at him.
"What's your favourite here?" Percy asked and Jason grinned. "Have you had the chicken Alfredo pasta? It is to die for." Percy put down the menu and looked at Jason, his eyes sparkling and his face shining as if withholding a secret.
"What?" Jason inquired, fiddling with his menu, as Percy's eyes bore into him, sending electricity down his spine.
"What are the odds?" Percy wondered out loud. "What are odds," he repeated, "that my date and I would have the same favourite food, especially on our first date?" Jason's heart thumped loudly.
"No way." He said quietly, failing to repress a giggle.
"I think I'm in love with you already."
He blurted out and Percy laughed.
"I can't blame you, Grace, I'd fall in love with someone who was a fan of chicken pasta too."
And with that, he winked at Jason, who suddenly felt like the air was being ripped from his lungs and in the best way possible.
They ordered the food, talking back and forth about college, about everything and about nothing at all. The hours slipped away, the sun went lower and lower and gave way to shimmering moonlight. And they kept talking.
When it was finally time to leave, Percy and Jason walked out the door, the former shivering because of the cold. Jason instinctively put his arm around him, and Percy blushed.
"Oh-" He began, but Jason pulled his arm back.
"I'm so sorry, oh god, I didn't mean to." He sputtered out, his face warming up uncomfortably. Even in the dark, Percy's eyes still unravelled something inside of him and he had to make an effort to keep himself pulled together.
But Percy just silently took his arm and wrapped it around his waist, holding it there.
"Thank you for the warmth." He said and Jason relaxed.
They walked to the university dorms, and in the midst of a comfortable silence, their hands touched and wordlessly, intertwined. The flowers Percy had given were awkwardly tucked under Jason's arm but they were there. There was no further awkwardness, nothing that felt wrong.
Percy's heart felt light, as if a burden had been lifted off of him. He felt at home with Jason. Those five hours with him gave Percy more happiness than he'd felt in a long time in his life.
He had been meaning to ask out Jason for a long, long time and when Piper told him that it was his birthday, he knew it was the time. So three days before Jason turned nineteen, Percy asked him out on the date. Jason didn't know that Percy knew, and the small box that Percy carried in his jacket pocket felt heavier as both of them approached closer to Jason's dorm room.
As they reached, Jason stopped in front of the door and took out his keys with one hand. The other one still held fast onto Percy's. He turned to face the brunet and in the dim golden light of the hallway, he could he the pink tip of Percy's nose. He really liked it.
"So, this is my stop." Jason said and Percy nodded.
"So, is Piper there?" He asked, trying to make conversation but Jason shook his head. "I don't think so, she might be with a classmate of ours. Annabeth? I don't know if you know her."
Percy shook his head. "Never heard of her."
"Oh, cool."
Jason started to turn to face the door again but couldn't. Percy was watching him quietly and he didn't want to leave yet. They stared at each other, not wanting to leave, but having no idea what to tell the other. Then Jason steeled his nerves. He had been too much of a mess this evening.
"Percy, thank you for tonight. I loved it. And thank you for the flowers. I had a really great time."
Percy smiled brightly, his heart beating faster.
"Of course, Jason. I really enjoyed with you too, and I wish we had more time together but..." He trailed off. But Jason knew.
Life was hectic, university was stressful. But here they were, in their own moment of peace. That's what mattered right now.
Percy looked at Jason. He was beautiful. There was no other way to describe him. His icy blue eyes made his heart stop. And the tiny scar on his upper lip which almost vanished when he smiled made Percy want to kiss him and know how that scar felt. He was very much aware of how close they were and how his hand was held in Jason's. The scar on his lip was mere inches away, a tiny little shard of lightning.
Lightning! He thought and did a mental pat down to check if the box was still there. Sighing slowly, he let go of Jason's hand and pulled the tiny turquoise box out.
"I, um, got this for you.." He began and Jason gave him a surprised look.
"You didn't have to." He said but Percy shook his head.
"No, I did. Piper told me you liked charms so, here's one from me."
He said and lifted the lid.
Jason gasped when he saw what was in the box. It was a tiny, silver charm in the shape of a lightning bolt. Don't cry, Jason. Don't freaking cry. Do not. Nope.
He took the box quietly and turned the charm in his hand.
"This- Percy, I don't know what to say. This is beautiful..." He said and Percy bit his lip. "I'm glad you like it." He answered softly.
Jason looked up from the charm at Percy. His face was flushed.
Then he looked straight into his soul-melting green eyes, not caring how his heart suddenly was sprinting at twenty miles an hour and how his own face was probably redder than a strawberry.
"You're full of surprises." He half-whispered. To his surprise, Percy smirked and raised his eyebrow, leaning in closer. He whispered back.
"Do you have the heart for one more?"
Jason could have sworn he stopped breathing but he managed to answer any way.
"What do you have in mind?"
And that was it.
The wall came crashing down between them as they closed the distance between themselves. Percy finally knew what the scar felt like against his lips and it was nothing less than magical. The world was a blur, everything melted away and all that was important was that he was here, and Jason was here.
The kiss lasted mere seconds but Jason felt like an eternity had passed. When Percy pulled away, he struggled to breathe. He gasped and closed his eyes, trying to catch his breath. Percy didn't seem to be doing much better.
"I've been waiting a long time to do that." He said and those words made something bloom inside Jason's chest.
He somehow found the words to speak.
"Trust me, so have I."
Percy started laughing. And before he knew it, Jason was laughing too. Both of them were laughing quietly, marvelling at what had just happened and how there was nothing but pure joy behind it.
But once they stopped, Percy looked at him, his date, the golden haired boy, who had stolen his heart since the first time he had seen him. He knew it was getting late. "I'll see you around?" He asked hopefully and Jason nodded. "Absolutely. I'll see you tomorrow." He said and Percy's heart did a backflip. Tomorrow. Another day with him.
But for now, tonight was enough. Tomorrow would be dealt with when it came. Percy reached over and kissed Jason's cheek, who was still flushed from their kiss.
"Happy birthday, Jason." He said and turned around to go to his own dorm room, leaving behind a very perplexed and flustered blond.
"You're back! Did you guys kiss? Did he dance? Where did you eat? How was it?" Piper shot questions at Jason as soon as he entered his room.
His head was still spinning from all the amazing things that happened within a few hours.
"Weren't you supposed to be with Annabeth?" He asked, taking his jacket off, the charm still tucked inside his fist.
She waved him off and jumped up from the sofa. "Nah, I came back early."
"Oh." He said and collapsed onto the sofa, staring up at the ceiling.
Piper gazed at him. He looked like he was glowing and her heart softened. She sat back down next to him, and patted his leg. "So.." She began softly. "I take it, it went well?" She asked and Jason sighed happily. "It was more than well." He said and sat up, looking at her. She raised an eyebrow.
"You got something to say, Sparky?"
Jason's eyes glinted and he grinned.
"Oh, I have a lot to tell you."
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Alcina Dimitrescu/f reader
+some well meaning Chris
I also posted this on my ao3 account Homoeroticmicrowave as a part of my resident evil oneshots book the link to which is : https://archiveofourown.org/works/32351686/chapters/80202100
For context in this the reader works with Chris but got kidnapped by Alcina and ended up bonding with her
Anyway behold My dignified shit post:
Alcina tilted your head up by your chin with one of her claws with a gentle sort of care “I might just be enamoured by you my little maiden” her voice had a certain air to it as the power she carried held strong though the coldness it had been coddled by withered away.
“And I am just glad to have met someone as truly brilliant as you are you make my heart feel like it’s faltering” Alcina’s tensed muscles and rigid posture seemed to deflate as her claws retracted.
“My little human girl you truly are one of a kind you are too good for this world and it’s cruelty that it afflicts you with”
Her hands incased yours as she held them so lightly ”Stay with me” Alcina’s eyes steadily gazed into your own “I want you to stay with me in this castle forever with me. I want you to marry me and be mine and let me be yours”
You almost thought she was joking but Alcina Dimitrescu would never make such a joke and to claim that she had would be ludicrous it was simply not in her nature to be so brash with her humour. However, declarations received a treatment that was a far cry to how her delicate words of amusement were handled
“I can give you a life worthy of living for you. I’ll have you adorned in whatever clothes you would see fit to clad your body and express your beauty in all of its forms, I’ll have you living a luxurious life that would make a deity envious, your every desire would be fulfilled if you only ask and I promise you I will give you everything if only to see you relish the world you live in” there was a certain warmth to her tone that she never previously expressed to you.
”It’s a pitiful world full of devastation and tyranny and I will not have it harm you from hence forth”
You released one of your hands from her gentle grasp so that your hands could reach out
“You make me feel pink and small and like I’m fluttering like my feet could rise from the ground and I’d float in the air like some sort of silly, little cartoon character when they’re smitten by someone” you felt overheated and uncomfortable as you spoke but you continued
“I would stay with you whether or not you had riches to offer me. Castles and gowns and jewellery is all very lovely but it’s not what keeps me yearning. I want you Alcina, I want you and I want to spend every moment that I can with you” you smiled despite your inability to even glimpse her face. A coward you were and yet a lovesick fool you were all the same.
“I found a home with you Alcina.” Your eyes finally reunited with hers and as she looked at you, you had never felt more loved than in that moment. “Let me be your home too….let me marry you” the words caressed her heart and she moved your arms so that they fell around her neck and she lifted you up by your waist. “I treasure every moment I have with you my love” she whispered. “Let this world we’ll build last forever”
When you had a moment alone while getting ready you radioed into whatever members of your team were still alive and had their radios still working and on them “So I’m not gonna be able to go back with you guys but everything’s pretty good so uh yeah I don’t really know how to explain the predicament- no that’s too negative a word- situation- no, no this is not a situation that makes it sound like there’s some kind of situation- what I meant to say the events that preceded my current happenings can be perceived as a little odd however everything is fine, goodbye forever”
You threw your radio out of the window and into the snow and presumed it had broke. Chances were your teammates would not have heard your message but it was still polite to let them know you were alive and well and would simply just not be joining them on their way home or anything at all again ever because you were about to be married to a giant, homocidal lady. They could be angered by your supposed ‘disrespectful’ tone concerning how you address everyone and didn’t go over formalities but you were gifted with this thing known as manner which influenced your decision to inform them of your lack of presence on the return journey before hand.
You were just considerate like that.
You gushed over the dress you had been so graciously gifted. It truly was a work of art tailored just for you. Each detail of it was made with a passionate precision that had you gawking with glee as you admired every segment of material woven into the fabric.
It was a true marvel and you felt like a piece of artwork yourself that would be displayed with great care in an art museum. You looked like a glamorous painting that was created with such integral beauty that the expertise of the artist could not be measured by any title or prideful words.
A sense of pride ghosted your senses and you found your fingertips brushing the mirror with such a light touch that you couldn’t br sure your skin had made contact with the mirror at all. You were so subconsciously convinced what you were looking into was glazed with deceit and if you touched the mirror you would break the illusion of beauty and your true form of much lesser looks would be restored. But that didn’t happen and for a moment you could sympathise with narcissus as much like them you found yourself fawning over the being of beauty that you weren’t entirely sure was yourself.
You were truly a bride who’s beauty was beyond befitting of any title that could be bestowed upon you and you thought yourself to be belonging with angels of artwork, your place was dancing with the muses who were worth more than simple adoration and worship.
You weren’t a god but you were blessed by Aphrodite’s touch and you were sure simple folk could not help but be too mesmerised to experience jealousy at your envious appearance.
If it were a sin to be enraptured in revelling in your own appearance than you would relish the hellfire that rained down to scorch your flesh and soul. You’d paint such a pretty picture dancing in the misery of hell gifted by sins. Lucifer had treated you well and you thanked them for gracing you with what God couldn’t.
Alcina’s voice rang out like a dove from behind the door and lulled you away from the mirror your attention had been stolen by. “Perhaps you could be so gracious as to adorn me with your presence”
You turned to face the direction of her voice “of course anytime my love” you said earnestly.
“I won’t look at you now nor do I want you to see me just yet but I couldn’t help but to speak to you just for a moment beforehand…I want it to be special my dear and I won’t want for it to be any less special than either of us want for it to be because you deserve everything you want and yet lover I find myself needing to be selfish and needing to hear your voice”
”Alcina it’s okay” you couldn’t help but to let a giggle escape you “I can’t help but feel nervous to see you and yet I can’t wait to I love you and tonight is special because it’s our night it’s special because it marks the first day I get to be with you forever”
You head Alcina let out a small laugh tainted by an agitating anxiousness. “So do I”
You felt breathless as you stepped out into the night. Donna your apparent personal seamstress and now flower girl guided you to where it would take place.
Alcina stared as though she had witnessed something that couldn’t be explained by any science or rationality. While she herself was a sight to take in when she saw you she felt as though her childhood dreams were coming true as you seemed mythical.
When your eyes met her you felt like you were falling and you didn’t want to stop. Not for a moment. She was gorgeous. A wedding dress perfectly fit for her graced her elegant features. She looked ethereal and you wanted to reach out to touch her. Each step you took seemed so slow. Far too slow for your liking. You wanted to be in her arms and soon.
When you did finally meet her while tradition forbid you to kiss her just yet you at least reached out to hold her hands. Your eyes glistened with joy all of the love you had barely fit in your body as it threatened to burst out of you in bounds of laughter and tears. You felt so much and you wanted to feel like that forever. You wanted for this moment to last forever. You wanted to be held by her forever.
Your hair seemed so gorgeous and lustrous in the glowing moonlight. Fairy lights decorated the trees surrounding you and fireflies twirled in the breeze. To think you would see such beauty and wonder in what had once been a placed that had brought you such terror and havoc.
Alcina held you tenderly as though she couldn’t quite believe this was happening. She wouldn’t be isolated in that feeling as you were swarmed by disbelief, you didn’t shun all of the conflicting emotions you were feeling. Not for a moment. You welcomed them and you couldn’t help but tingle with the relief of any negative thoughts or surprise being overwhelmed with ecstatic delight. You had thought of marriage in the general sense before when considering where the events of your life might lead you and while it wasn’t conventional not anything close to what you could have ever expected you would gladly spend the rest of your days residing in Dimitrescu castle with Alcina. She really was one marvellous woman.
You had insisted on certain songs being played at your wedding from fun songs you had once joked about being played at your wedding to irresistibly romantic guilty pleasures that you would have been teased mercilessly for an infinite amount of times had you ever admitted you would want played. But that was in another lifetime and while Alcina may not always understand certain aspects of your interests she was always glad to watch you indulge in them.
You two danced, chests pounding with a romantic joy you had never thought existed in the way you felt it. As your arms wrapped around her neck as she lifted you up you couldn’t help but think how a much younger version of yourself would feel giddy at knowing how in love you were. Though knowing your child self the word ‘gross’ would also most likely make an appearance as the topic of love.
You admired every detail of her face and when you kissed her you thought about how you couldn’t wait to spend the rest of your life with her. However long you had would be amazing as long as it was spent by your side whether it be one day or one hundred years you wanted to spend it all with her. You had been bewitched by her and you couldn’t be happier.
Then your moment was interrupted by the sounds of gunfire. Violence and stubborn hatred truly had a way of ruining even the most kindest and beautiful of moments.
Alcina scooped you up and ran, throwing you over her shoulder and quickly moving so that you may escape the presence of aggression and be safe in the sanctuary she made for you.
Over her shoulder you saw Chris running, bullets blazing as he ran with a determined rage. You thought he would have been long gone by now. You had convinced Alcina to give up her part in aiding Miranda’s plan. Surely you could convince her to let these people leaves unscathed.
You moved in front of Alcina, attempting to quell her anger and bitter bloodlust with promises of trust and hope. You begged her to at least let you try to form some kind of truce so that you would not have to live knowing people you cared about destroyed each other. Hesitantly she let you go. Though her reluctance was apparent and she looked so eager to snatch you up and lock you far from those who put your life at risk.
You left the castle and approached the direction you were adamant Chris and probably his team would soon be.
Geez he really went to the effort to risk his life searching for your and stealing you back with him all so he could lecture you on your lack of formality and far too casual tone when you had radioed in as well as your blatant disrespect, poor execution of the mission and your inconsideration of the expense of the property you had been given. Sounds about right. It was a mistake to attempt some kind of means of communication really. And now look what happened your wedding was ruined.
You raised your hands up to show you meant no harm when Chris and found and approached you.
There was a moment between Chris properly processing you were there and him first catching sight of you where it felt like everything had been put on pause. He eyed you suspiciously as though you were some sort of distraction, a part of a malicious scheme Alcina had made in order to proficiently destroy any hope of Chris’s rescue attempt and mission succeeding.
”Hey” you waved awkwardly in a hopeless attempt to break through  the immense pressure and tension of the situation “nice to see you’re still alive and stuff that’s cool” your voice rang out through the silence. “I’m alive too which is fun looks like we have that in common”at that point you were just throwing dumb words at him in a blatant attempt to get him to respond in a way that wouldn’t suck.
Chris grabbed you and pulled you into a vice-like hug. You felt him lift you up “It’s good to see you….Where is that thing? What did that bitch do to you?” He seethed.
”Nothing she actually had a pretty good sense of hospitality-did you come here on your own without anyone-“
He had you back on the ground but his grasp never left you as he shifted his grip so that he now had a steady hold on your shoulders. “This isn’t the time to act like nothings wrong if you’re injured or you’ve been drugged with something you need to tell me” his hold on you was just as secure as it was when he hugged you even if he no longer had you squished against him.
“I’ve not been hurt really I’m not lying to you Chris” you looked him in the eyes and tried to communicate with your facial expressions that you were telling the truth.
Chris sighed slightly but nodded “good, we need to leave we can continue this conversation when we’re safe-“
You put a hand on his chest to put some distance between you both “look Chris I’m- I’m not leaving. I’m staying here” Chris looked a mixture of perplexed and horrified.
He stepped closer to you so he was practically leering over you “what are you talking about! We’re going. Now.”
“No Chris I’m not. I love Alcina and I’m not leaving her. I won’t. You can leave I’ll make sure she won’t come after you just as I made sure she no longer interfered with Ethan finding Rose but I won’t go with you”You stared defiantly at him as you stood as tall as you could despite him towering over you.
”Alcina? Is that what that bitch got you to call her!You think you love that thing! Jesus Christ what did she do to you!” Chris looked disgusted at your words.
“Hey man I don’t ruin your weddings do I the least you could do is let me go back to her-“ Chris held your arm tightly preventing you from leaving as he radioed into someone.
”I’ve acquired S/n. Clearly they’re under some kind of influence- they must have been brainwashed or put in some form of hypnotic state!” Chris hypothesised to the person on the other end of the radio upon your immediate reluctance to leave. The moment you suggested you had no interest in leaving he stopped talking directly to you. “We’ll meet you there soon we’ll need a medic and possibly some means of restraint for them” he tucked the radio back into his pocket and turned his attention back on you.
“I’m all here I’m just genuinely okay to stay here” you implored him to recognise that you were in fact all there.
Chris ignored your attempts to defend your sanity and slung you over you shoulder. “Fuck are you doing!” You yelped at his sudden action.
“I don’t know what that freak did to you but I won’t let you suffer! I won’t leave you in this hell hole! We can fix this I promise!” He seemed so genuinely concerned and you understood why but you just needed him to listen. You knew how ugly this was going to end up if he didn’t.
”Stop calling her that! You know nothing of her! There’s nothing to fix! She’s been nothing but kind to me! Please just put me down and leave!” Your pleads were wasted as he stopped responding to you.
Panicking you thrashed in his stone like grip even going so far as to try to bite and scratch him. He grunted in response to your little attack and repositioned you so that you couldn’t easily hurt him and if you did you wouldn’t do much damage.
Your fears were ignited when you heard Alcina’s voice rampaging through the wind. Chris cursed and you began begging you to put him down and leave you. Unfortunately, he interpreted your words as an attempt to sacrifice yourself for his sake, which he refused to go along with.
He didn’t let go of you as he began running and quickly grabbing a gun which he fired at Alcina with a precision you wish he lacked. You started screaming begging for them not to fight but your words crumbled as your weeping shouts were overpowered by the insatiable violence that inevitably occurred due to both parties refusal to attempt any form of reason.
While you understood the motivation both of them had and if you heard one perspective by itself you could easily side with it if the other one remained unknown to you.
Chris set you down by a tree after tying you to it. You blubbered through your messy tears that he needed to stop and listen to you for just a moment. You were desperate for them to stop before it was too late but just as always you were ignored as Chris left you to fight Alcina.
Your thoughts flurried as paranoia and fear truly sunk in and you were sure one or both of them would die. As you were sure you would lose everything to the cruelty of bloodshed. Time seemed to drag on and you struggled to release yourself from the rope that held you securely. You were so sure that one of them were dead as horrific sounds seeped into the cold night air.
Your fears proved true when you heard Alcina’s screams rattle throughout the air. Your breath hitched. What just happened-
Your head snapped at the sound of footsteps and your whole body felt like it was burning as you saw Chris’s weathered face.
He untied you and lifted you up into his arms that seemed to tremble ever so slightly. “What-what just” you could barely get the words out of your mouth. It couldn’t have possibly meant what-no there had to be some other explanation. Any other explanation.
”She won’t hurt you anymore” with those words you fell a part.
Chris remained silent as you sobbed. He just kept walking. He was sure you were just experiencing some kind of false mourning as the result of whatever Alcina had done to you. And yet guilt threatened to creep at the doubt that teased the back of his mind. He held back his thoughts and focused on getting you home.
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obeiii-mee · 4 years
Hi there! If its okay, could i ask for headcannons of the brothers finding out MC is an Artist? Something like, finding there sketchbook or napkins w doodles on them jfjdjs Or maybe they catch MC glancing at them alot while trying to draw them? hfjd Ty!! Your writing is really good~
Of course it’s OK! I’ve always liked the idea of MC having a really interesting hobby and teaching the brothers about it. I feel like all the brothers would be very supportive of them, even if they all had various reactions to their hobby but I really love writing wholesome moments like that. Sorry this took longer to come out, I made them really long to make up for it!
Also thank you. Your compliment means a lot :)
The Brothers’ reactions to MC being an artist:
-Well if you’re going to glance at him every two minutes, he’s bound to notice
-I mean, you’re pretty damn obvious
-Lucifer got pretty used to you whipping out your sketchbook whenever you could
-So for you to start doodling in his office while he worked wasn’t exactly unheard of
-He caught you staring at him before looking back down at your drawing, continuing your series of furious scribbles
-Now you piqued his interest
-“You seem very focused there love. What are you drawing?”
-Scared the crap out of you because he rarely ever talks when he’s working
-You were reluctant to show him but Lucifer has his insisting face on
-When you passed him the sketchbook, he momentarily froze
-Your drawing was so detailed and full of emotion, capturing him slumped over his desk, exhausted but determined to finish the work he’s been assigned
-He was so surprised and stunned, for a second, he forgot to breathe
-“It’s not exactly one of my best drawings yet but-“
-“You never fail to impress me MC.”
-He suspected you were drawing him but he wasn’t expecting this much effort to be put into it
-He would definitely keep all your drawings of him
-Loves all your work but secretly adores your sketches of him best
-Lucifer would occasionally look over your shoulder while you sketch, taking a peek at what you’re drawing and smile to himself
-He’s never felt this much pride for someone else before
-Was pissed you would rather spend time with an object rather than him
-It annoyed him at first because he couldn’t tell if you were listening to him or not while you had your nose stuck in your sketchbook
-Basically, he was jealous of a sketchbook
-You can’t do that Mammon, that’s Levi’s thing
-So one day he decided to see what the fuck was so great about that giant notebook you always have with you
-He turned your entire room upside down searching for the damn thing before finding it
-He flipped through it and I’m sure the entire House of Lamentation could hear his gasp
-You drew him for pages and pages in all sorts of positions and styles and he was a flustered tomato going through them
-You willingly drew him? The scum of a demon who could never do anything right unless it involved money? You put your time and effort into these sketches and doodles despite him being condescending and a dick at times?
-Excuse me but this man is already head over heels in love with you, you can’t keep giving him reasons to fall for you
-He was so engrossed into your work that he didn’t notice you behind him
-“Mammon why is there a mess in my room-“
-Too embarrassed to even think of an excuse for going through your shit
-“Ah those...I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have drawn you without your permission Mammon-“
-“Are ya kiddin’ me? MC, I feel insulted that you didn’t tell me about this sooner. Can...Can I keep some of ‘em??”
-Now he insists that you draw him as often as possible and would even pose for you (he loves the attention let’s be real)
-He wants to see all of your drawings and will endlessly support you
-Thought about using your skill as a way to make money because art can be very expensive
-But in the end, he dropped the idea
-Why would he sell something so precious to him??
-He probably has a sketchbook too
-You guys draw Ruri-chan together in your own styles
-Levi always insists that you’re much better at drawing than him tho
-Your talent makes him a little jealous but at the same time he’s fascinated
-Was so surprised when he found out you were into sketching
-Levi was even more surprised when you showed him all the drawings you’ve worked on for your favourite anime and video game characters
-OK but how come you’re so perfect? Not only are you a lovely person that is willing to watch anime with him without insulting his opinions but you can draw? W...h...a...t...?
-He requests several sketches of ‘The Tale of the Seven Lords’ characters and will actually tape them to his wall
-Some of them are right on his Ruri-chan shelf
-“Hey normie, do you...do you mind teaching me how to draw? I want to learn.”
-Is 100% determined to learn how to properly sketch from you
-You started drawing him as well, usually while he games
-You better stop, he’ll have a nosebleed if you keep being so nice to him!
-Draw him as an anime character and he will start fangirling
-“Phew. OK I’m finished.”
-“What did you draw?”
-“This. Is. A. Masterpiece.”
-Will proudly show your work to his brothers (usually the same drawing more than five times)
-What did an otaku like him do to deserve you??
-He found out you were an artist fairly quickly
-I meant he found tissues with doodles you left behind everywhere
-He kept all of them
-It was so refreshing for him to see you so invested in your drawings the same way he is in his reading
-You’re still under the impression you’re being sneaky by drawing him while he has his nose in his books
-You ended up finally gathering enough courage to show him one of your portraits of him
-He had a reaction similar to Lucifer’s really
-He made your drawing into a bookmark
-Idk how but he did
-You leave him a few doodles of you and him being all lovey dovey and he absolutely adores them
-Will lose his marbles if anyone says anything remotely negative about your style or talent
-Draw him fluffy animals pls he will literally have them framed and fixed up in his room
-Also if you draw any of his brothers (specifically Lucifer let’s be real) in a silly way he will actually start snorting with laughter
-You sketch him pretty damn often and he can’t really complain
-It’s really peaceful when you two are in the library and you’re working on your doodling while he reads aloud to you
-Buys you equipment like pens and pencils and even sketchbooks when he knows you’re running out
-He’s really delighted when you come over to show him your drawings
-Once he caught you staring at a cat as you started sketching it
-He actually didn’t think it was possible to love someone this much
-Noisy little fucker that he is and in need of drama, he looked through your sketchbook
-Thought it was a diary at first but nope
-Imagine his surprise when he found pages upon pages of drawings of his brothers and him
-Except his weren’t really a surprise
-He’s gorgeous of course you would want to draw him
-But oh my God, do you realise how much he values art??
-I know he looks as if he only thinks about sex but he definitely has a thing for creativity and art like painting and photography
-“MC darliiiing~? Why didn’t you tell me you can draw?”
-He actually shrieks at how well you’ve captured his beauty
-He insists that they look like actual pictures of him
-Takes several pictures of all of them and posts them on DevilGram
-A bit salty when you drawing anything else but him
-However, he can’t deny that you’re one of the most talented individuals he ever met
-He comes up to you every day and lractically begs you to draw him
-One time you came in your room to find him naked and asking you to draw him
-Is actually kinda good at drawing himself
-Specifically people
-He has enough experience exploring the human body so he surprisingly enough, knows a thing or two when it comes to body proportions
-“MC draw me like one of your french girls~”
-I’m sorry I had to do that
-He also likes the attention he’s getting when he poses for you
-He may think he’s the most beautiful being in all three realms but he definitely thinks you’re the second
-So he often offers to draw you too
-He likes having cozy chats with you while you draw
-You left your sketchbook behind in the kitchen with him
-Mammon needed your assistance to get down from where Lucifer hanged him after one of his failed money schemes
-He knocked a glass of milk nearby it and had a panic attack for a minute
-Legitimately thought he ruined the whole thing
-Was actually about ready to cry because he knew how important your sketchbook was to you
-Looked through it just to make sure there were no splotches or anything
-To say he was relieved when he realised it was fine would be an understatement
-He was kinda drawn to your sketches, most of them carefully drawn and expressive, even some of the ones you scribbled out
-One specific drawing caught his eye though
-You drew him and Belphie together, with his twin brother’s head resting on his shoulder while Beel ate
-He was mesmerised by your talent and by your thoughtfulness
-Beel felt bad about it but he kept looking through your sketches, enchanted by everything in it
-You drew him and his brothers several times
-It’s safe to say the discovery of your drawings brightened his day
-Gave back your sketchbook later
-He apologised for going through it without your permission more than he needed to
-You had to accept his apology because he looked like a kicked puppy
-Feels very honoured whenever you let him look at your work
-Is more than happy to pose for you!
-But that might be a bit of a problem seeing as he tends to move around a lot
-“Whoa, that looks just like me! The food I’m eating looks really realistic too...which is making me hungry. Let’s go to Hell’s Kitchen, you can finish this there!”
-Supportive bean
-You gave him a family sketch of him and all of his brothers once
-Normally, he only likes gifts he can eat
-But he treasures that drawing more than food at times
-“This...this is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me! Thank you MC! But uh, someone’s missing in this drawing.”
-“Ah shit, who did I miss?”
-If anything ever happens to Beel or his happiness I swear to Lord Diavolo-
-OK but you left your notebook just sitting there right next to him???
-How do you expect him not to look through it?
-Belphie doesn’t care much for privacy
-And he doesn’t exactly have morals either
-He didn’t even know you were into drawing
-Which to be fair, wasn’t scandalous considering he sleeps 20 hours a day
-But he wants to be more involved in your interests so that’s why he took initiative with your sketchbook
-Idk what he was expecting but definitely not a sketch of him staring back at him
-His heart skipped a beat but I don’t even know if demons have hearts
-The cheeky little shit took pictures and may or may not have made on your drawings of him his wallpaper
-Most of the drawings were of him sleeping, surprising...absolutely no one
-“So that’s what you’re up to whenever I go to sleep huh? So cute~”
-But besides all that, he is really touched
-I mean, if there’s anyone undeserving of your love and respect is the piece of shit of who tried to kill you
-Yet here you are, continuously showering him with affection and now this
-Probably spent hours looking at your sketchbook while you were at R.A.D
-Didn’t say anything to you when you came back except handing your notebook back to you
-Though he was less of a smartass and more affectionate for the rest of the day
-Next morning, you took the liberty of waking up before him and sketching him again
-He grabbed your arm halfway through your doodling and grinned at you from under the covers
-“Drawing me again huh? You won’t mind me doing this while you’re at it then right?”
-Now he’s sleeping in your lap
-Whenever you show him your work, he makes a small approving noise but he’s seriously impressed
-Draw Lucifer or Lord Diavolo in any offensive manner and he will actually start giggling
-Gets all huffy puffy when you draw his brothers instead of him (we all know Beel is the exception)
-I may have a thing for Belphegour
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svtshine · 4 years
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pairing: Soonyoung x reader
genre: Soulmate!au, fluff
type: oneshot
ability: you can feel and experience the same pain as your soulmate. When you meet each other for the first time, your wounds would start to heal
Extra: Requests are welcomed guys ^^
It started when you were young. You didn’t exactly remember what happened but the aches, bruises just started forming for no reason. As a child, you took a liking to music and different instruments such as the Violin and the Piano. The most “pain” you felt from playing them constantly were aching in the fingers. You didn’t understand why there were bruises that formed on different parts of your body. You’d frequently wake up to the sight of a new bruise forming on your torso or your arm.
After your consulting your parents, you’ve concluded that you had a unique connection with your soulmate. One that included feeling the same pain that they had to endure and vice versa. You had speculations in the beginning, was your soulmate being bullied? or maybe..abused? it was a possibility. However your parents comforted you and tried reasoning that your soulmate might’ve been taking Taekwondo or a sport where he might have to endure certain bruises.
You still feared the worst. Since then, you became more careful. You’d avoid sports and tried to prevent situations where you might get hurt. It was tedious at certain times, but if it made sure that your soulmate wouldn’t have to endure extra pain from your side, you made sure to become more paranoid.
The bruises never really stopped. It became more frequent you noted, but they were a different type of bruising. More like sores and muscle aches everywhere especially your legs. It was like your soulmate was always moving. You found some cuts as well which probably meant your soulmate cut himself accidentally but a bandage would work fine.
It went on for years and it’s still happening now.
Sometimes you were just, afraid. You’d literally be able to feel the pain that your soulmate goes through. It seems like it’s a lot.
You sighed out into the night sky. It was about 8 pm and you had just finished your shift at your job. The sun had set hours ago and now a shimmery majestic blue painted the sky. The stars that were visible, were so beautiful. It was a little chilly that night as the days came close to winter. You headed towards your apartment in small steps, wanting to take in the relaxing cool night.
You checked your watch for the time, and the pastel purple flower bandage on your pinkie caught your eye and reminded you to change all the bandages again, including the one on your nose. You’d woken up feeling a slight sting on your nose on the previous day and wondered what the hell, how did my soulmate actually cut himself there of all places
You checked your bandage through the reflection on your phone and didn’t notice a step. You stumbled and fell, conveniently spraining your ankle while doing so. You wrapped your hands around your ankle as bit your lip to prevent yourself from crying out loud.
“Gosh are you okay?” A man in a mask and hat called out to you as he exited the building just ahead of you. He looked and sound pretty friendly, the pain that were shooting up from your ankles also told you not to care about it and focus on your ankle first. You shook your head, “n-no it hurts really really badly, could you please, please get me a cab or something? Sorry for b-bothering you.” You replied hastily, wanting to get treatment as soon as possible.
Darn you were so looking forward to taking a warm bath and relaxing on your bed. Heels be damned
The stranger nodded, “give me a second i have some people in the building who can help. Just wait here, i’ll go get help. I’m Seungkwan by the way.” You continuedhokding onto your ankle, the other hand clenching to distract yourself from the pain. “Nice to meet you Seungkwan but i don’t think i can go anywhere either” You snorted back
Seungkwan laughed awkwardly and mumbled a “oops” before rushing into the building.
Hoshi’s leg gave out in the middle of practicing. He didn’t know what happened but one minute he was focusing on the choreography and the next minute he was in the ground, cursing and grabbing his leg in pain. The members panicked and tried asking him what was wrong.
Hoshi didn’t know either to be very honest. He, as well as the members knew of his unique connection with his dear soulmate. However, most of the times, he also noticed that his soulmate went out of the way to take care of themself to prevent any major injuries. Hoshi sworn the most “major” injury he’d gotten from his soulmate was his fingers being sore. He’d guessed that they played instruments though.
It was rare to feel physical hurt that Hoshi didn’t inflict on himself. “this freaking hurts” Hoshi groaned as Seungkwan dashed into the building and trying to find someone who could help.
“coups hyung, there’s a girl who twisted her ankle really bad. Help me call a cab to the hospital.” Seungkwan rushed out. He then noticed, Hoshi lying on the floor and holding on to the exact same leg.
Hoshi’s eyes widened. Was it you? his soulmate? Hoshi instantly forgot about the pain emitting from his ankle and rushed down.
He’s been waiting for this moment ever since he was young. Hoshi knew that his sore fingers weren’t because of his taekwondo or dance training. But he knew the sores and aches and frequent bruising he got from trainings had taken a toll on him, and you too.
Hoshi noticed that he never really felt other types of pain other than his sore fingers and blisters. and the time you sprained your wrist when you were younger. He was thankful to you. It definitely helped him through training, knowing you were safe and in turn keeping him safe as well.
You were still holding onto your ankle, biting harder into your lips as you tried to stretch your leg out for a moment. That guy, Seungkwan went inside for a really long time.
You puff out in frustration. This was not what you expected at all.
You heard footsteps and thumps coming from behind you and another came rushing out of the building. His eyes landed on you and at that moment, all the pain that were making your eyes water vanished. You looked down at your ankle and look back up to maintain eye contact with the stranger, who also had a cute yellow bandage on his nose similar to yours.
Hoshi burst out of the building to see you sitting down on the pavement. Your eyes watered as you held on to your leg until you looked down at your own ankle and then at him. his breath was stolen. You weren’t dressed for anything, but you still looked so beautiful. The plaster that you pasted on your nose made you cuter as well.
Hoshi started walking closer to you. Your eyes still focused on him because of how mesmerising he looked. He was one handsome stranger.
Hoshi couldn’t help it but rush to you, sliding onto the ground and capturing you in his arms. You were shocked for a moment, and that was when you realised. He was your soulmate. This man, right infront of you, was your soulmate.
The pain clouded your thinking for just a moment. Tears sprung to your eyes as you held onto him tightly. Hoshi pulled away from you to look at your face and holding your face with his hand. He loved the way you nuzzled into his hand and the way you looked so happy to have finally found him.
“i-i found you” Hoshi whispered, placing his forehead on yours. “finally” he kissed your nose where the bandage lay.
You couldn’t trust your voice so you nodded in response. Hoshi stood up and offered you his hand,
“i believe i would like to know you better soulmate, if you’ll let me” he said, gesturing to the building. You didn’t mind, not at all. With your permission, he would carry you up like a baby before heading into one of the empty, smaller studios to hang out with you.
There he would shower you with love. Even though you had just met him, the connection with him felt stronger than ever. He apologised profusely for injuring himself accidentally all the time and about his taekwondo and dance trainings. He would also try to explain his idol situation as well to clear things up
Hoshi would definitely baby you, immediately calling you his baby and kissing the spots where some of the bandages were still visible. He’d help you remove them knowing all of them were healed by the soulmate bond.
“i’m so sorry for putting you through so much y/n, but now i can kiss all your boo boos away whenever you get hurt” he would say and flash you a cute close eyed smile.
After spending some time together and exchanging contact details, Hoshi would offer to send you home. He would walk you to your apartment and kiss you goodnight on the forehead.
You entered and watched Hoshi walk out of the building, punching the air and jumping around like a little kid. You knew what he was feeling, it was indescribable. You couldn’t help but miss that cute hamster already.
You took your time to wash up and check all your previous small injuries, happy that they were gone without leaving scars.
As you snuggled into bed that night, watching your soulmate’s performances, a small ‘ding’ made you open up your phone,
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Now this was a perfect end to the day.
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purvishraick · 3 years
Fanfiction : Bloodbound (Choices)
Pairing : Adrian Raines x Amy Richard Parker (MC)
Warning : none
Rating: Teen
TAG LIST : @otherworldlypresents ​  , @evelynistic ​   , @silma-words ​ , @fireycookie , @lauren-raines-x , @nala-raines
If anyone wanna be tagged in future do let me know….
read previous chapter here ….. Chapter 1 , Chapter 2 , Chapter 3 , Chapter 4 , Chapter 5 , Chapter 6
So here i promised this last night but sorry it got delayed ...got stuck in some important work .... now here i am .... i hope u like it
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Amy had to forcefully cut the call, in order to shut her brother and she new that this will make him angry. But she didn’t need a pep talk for not getting wasted in the club before her interview. She could handle her brother afterwards and the interview was important. She wandered here and there and settled on the bench. She felt like she is being watched from behind but didn’t find someone. Just then a stunning woman with an icy demeanor came towards her.
“Amy?” stern woman said .
“ yes that’s me “ she replied .
“I am Nicole Anderson, VP of operations at Raines Corp. I will interview you . “ she said .
Amy was surprised to see that she was going to be interviewed by someone so high at post but her queries were eased when she reminded her that they take their hiring process very seriously and she followed her in the conference room keeping her confident look .
“ now then. The Raines Corporation is a global leader in technology and innovation . Why exactly are you interested in being the executive assistant to our CEO ? “
“well…” Amy took a deep breath and continued , “ I’d love to help make the world a better place . what I admire most about the Raines Corporation is your dedication to global innovation and improvement. The clean – water initiative …the vaccine for the cerella virus …the green energy project… you guys aren’t just getting rich. You’re trying to help people, to make technology that’ll save the planet. I can’t think of anything better than being a part of that.”
“hmm……a good answer. A bit cloying , perhaps, but Adrian might actually like that “ Nicole said with an appreciative look.
Just as she was going to speak the next thing , the door at the back of the room swings open , and a handsome man in a perfectly – tailored suit strolls in.
Intelligence sparks through his eyes . He was extremely charming , with his black obsidian eyes assessing her , her already killer nervousness now peaked a whole new level.
“ Adrian I wasn’t expecting you…” Nicole asked unable to hide the surprise in her voice .
Adrian as in Adrian Raines …well all escalated very quickly for her .
“ I had a free minute. Is this the candidate ?” he asked taking the authority in his hands as he decided.
Professionalism and seriousness reflected in his voice .
“ yes …but I’ve just started the interview and—“ Nicole asked stammering .
“ I’ll take over from here “ he cut her off not wanting to take any excuses .
“……of course sir , go right ahead “ she surrendered .
Adrian sat across Amy , eyes burning right through her . He has never seen such a beautiful person in his entire existence , god knows how would she be as a person .
Amy’s nervousness grew even more when his eyes bore through her but she remembered once more , she is Amy Richard Parker and nothing in this world ever scares her , she remembered her brothers’ advices on professionality and confidence and recalled her dad’s proud thought about her and her mother’s loving smile . Now that was enough to calm her down , so she put on the brave and fearless smile again on her face and straightened her back.
“ Amy , is it ? “ Adrian looked at her and saw her hazel brown eyes which her so hypnotizing , with all his strength he prevented himself from being lost in them .
“ that’s right “ she said interrupting his thoughts .
“ tell me Amy , what do you desire ? “ he asked her and she was surprised at the question .
Amy was already so mesmerized from him that this question surprised her.
“ You mean ……why do I want this job ? Because I – “ but was interrupted by Adrian .
“ I didn’t ask why you want this job. I asked what do you desire . “ he asked seriously and professionally.
“ I desire ……PASSION “ she answered after thinking fir a while .
“ oh , really ? “ he asked , his brows raising , he was in true sense intrigued by her answer .
“Sorry , if that is too personal but I am just being honest . I want to feel deeply. I want to experience life , live every moment like my last. We never know when is our last moment , it is better to live our life to the fullest than to regret it afterwards . That’s what I desire “ she answered honestly and it was the true answer she saw what happened to her family everything was good and happy then suddenly they lost everything , she do not want to regret anything .
“ I can relate“ Adrian was impressed internally but didn’t expressed it. He supressed a smile to reach his face. He was truly impressed by her desire to live and feel and experience. He now looked at her resume .
“ lets see here … graduated college 3 years ago …masters in communication …interned at Mannon financial…volunteered in San Torbida and France abroad for a year “ he read out and again was impressed from her but wondered why it took her an extra year to sign up for this interview or for that matter any other one .
“ yep that’s right “ she said .
“ well , how was that tell me in three words “ he asked .
“ difficult. Enlighting. Rewarding. “ she replied easily .
“ good , this job can be challenging and unpredictable , are you comfortable running unusual errands ?”
“Absolutely “
I have been doing them since a long time now , she thought to herself , smiling .
“ Handling confidential information ? “
“ I can keep a secret “
You wont even realise how many I am keeping right now too , she thought again and smirked .
“ Working nights ? “
“ Always been a night owl “
Okay , I atleast told him one thing fully without strings attached , she smiled while thinking .
“ Good , Anything else I should know about you ? “
“ Hmmmm …… I have got WORLD CLASS people skills “ , she said with a proud smile .
“ Oh , really ? “ he asked with questioning eyes .
“ I was voted ‘ most likable ‘ in my high school class . Also ‘ most popular ‘ and ‘ best smile ‘ . Technichally you are not supposed to win in multiple categories , but I was able to persuade them . And also the cherry on the top I was the PROM QUEEN “ , she stated out all of her achievements proudly and remembered how happy and proud her father was to see her that day . She and her brothers has always been the brightest in the whole family , anyways. Suddenly feeling nostalgic and tears building in her eyes she averted her gaze on the floor.
“ Thus proving your point “ said a grinning and impressed Adrian , but he saw a glint of sadness in her eyes and he doubted that he saw tears too , and was unable to understand why counting her proud moments made her sad .
“ exactly” Amy said after controlling her emotions and forcing a smile.
“ one more question “ Adrian leaned forward hands folded on the table and with an intense expression , told her the story of a man who got a genie lamp and destroyed everything , and then finally asked her about what should his final wish should be .
“I think his final wish should be to undo his first two wishes “ she said after thinking for a while .
“because ?” Adrian asked curious to know her theory .
“ because he already had everything he could ask for a family and many friends …what could he ask for more it was more than enough …all he wanted or ever needed was right there in front of him …this is a story of temptation and greed …he should have never played this game …all now he can do is making things as they were before “
Her answer was something totally honest … Adrian glanced at her and then noticed how true each and every word was . she was not only beautiful but also quite intelligent …in true sense beauty with brains.
She was quite interesting too …Adrian personally never saw such a person in his entire life … and he needed to know her …he knew that it is a huge risk and a mistake but he already did that when he decided to interview her himself …now he couldn’t resist her … so then he does the only thing he could do …he knew that Nicole will be a big trouble after this but guess he was okay with that if it was what would keep this girl around .
Then he grins brightly at Amy and says
“ You’re hired “
“wait what ? …seriously “ Amy asked with wide eyes , she was surprised , how in world is it possible that someone gets hired so fast …this was weird to her … but of course she was happy .
Adrian left an inside giggle watching her surprised reaction …she looked adorable with those wide eyes …his smile grew even wider … and he extends his hand …which obviously she took .
‘ oh my god …his skin is impossibly smooth…and hold so firm …wow he is really handso-……no no no …stop brain stop thinking …no eyes …don’t look in his eyes for too long … fuck …, I am a disaster …stop cheeks don’t turn red …god please ‘ she thought .
Good god if god wanted to kill her please kill her in this exact moment …someone save her from this embarrassment …she was a disaster with wide eyes blushing cheeks …FUCK.
Adrian saw her flustered reaction which was by far the cutest thing he saw in his life … his vampire senses made her blushing cheeks clearly visible …the dark pink tint on her cheek made her impossibly adorable.
“welcome to Raines Corporation “ , he said with a bright smile
They made eye contact for just moment but everything stood still for that particular moment …it was mesmerising .
In that moment Adrian didn’t knew about Amy but he knew that they were going to go a long way .
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un-beel-ievable · 4 years
Before October’s Gone (Mammon × reader) | songfic
Author’s note: Please do not repost!! If you like my writing, please leave a like and a comment (and follow me to see similar content in the future :D)!
Inspired by Cimorelli’s song Before October’s Gone! You can listen to it here.
One of the longer fics I’ve ever written...I hope you guys enjoy it! I worked really hard on this one :3
♪ Our phone calls got shorter
And the nights they got longer
You stopped replying
And I saw you with her
You tell me you miss me
I feel special for a second
But then you turn around and show me that you didn't meant it
I listen to your voicemail from last September
And I bet that you don't remember leaving it
But it's all I got
My last piece of you ♪
“Mammon!” The chirpy voice at the other end of the line made up for the weeks that he’d missed hearing it. Curse Lucifer for implementing the stupid roster for phone calls —having to wait his turn while his brothers got to listen your cheerful voice and melodic laugh was beginning to drive him up the wall. He understood why Lucifer would have to put such a rule in place for his brothers, but surely the peacock could loosen up a little for him right? The others may be “eating up too much of their time”, but such an offensive statement could never be applied to him. After all, he was your first. “Yo! How’ve ya been? Wait, lemme guess. You’ve just been wanderin’ around in that sad, depressin’ human world with no place to go and nothin’ to do...right?”
You laugh, and his heart does a somersault in his chest. How he’s missed it. Nothing in all of the three realms could make him happier than hearing the sound of your laughter; it’s like music to his ears. Knowing that he was the one that drew such an adorable sound from your lips was the cherry on top. The first time he’d heard you giggle, he’d sprinted back to the House of Lamentation to begin devouring joke book after joke book to ensure his chances of getting to hear it again. Hearing his brothers criticize him for acting like a fool had always been something that bothered him in the past, but your arrival had put a spin on things —if amping up his antics was something that got you to crack a smile, he was all for being the butt of his brothers’ jokes. “How’d you know?”
He grins. “What did ya expect? I mean, I was your first, right? Your first demon. Which means we share a special sorta bond! I know these things!”
Another laugh. Mammon wonders if he should shoot for a third time, but you don't give him the chance to try. “Listen, Mammon...it was great hearing from you, but I have to go.” The bitter taste of disappointment fills his mouth. He’d been looking forward to this phone call with the eagerness of a child awaiting to open their Christmas presents...and you had to leave already? The two of you had barely even talked for 5 minutes! That’s so unfair! “What? Already? C’mon, we barely got to talk—”
His whine of complaint cuts off abruptly when he picks up on the sound of someone else’s voice on your end of the call. Curious, Mammon turns up the volume of the call and strains his ears. It’s a male’s voice, one that sounds awfully familiar… He frowns. “Is that Solomon?”
“Yeah! We’ve been hanging out a lot more ever since we returned to the Human World! Keeping each other company and all that. Let me just pass him my DDD, I think he wants to say hi—”
“Nah, don’t bother. Y’all have fun, I’ll talk to you again soon.” Mammon hangs up before you can get the chance to say anything else and flops back against the pillow pile on his unmade bed with a sigh. Solomon, huh? The two of you sticking together made sense —after all, you were the only two humans living in a realm of demons for an entire year. Of course you would form a bond over this shared experience. Still, the idea of you hanging out with Solomon frequently didn’t sit well with him. He was your first, if anyone should be hanging out with you, it should be him.
Envy was Levi’s thing, not his. But there was no stopping the jealousy that was blossoming in his chest. In an attempt to keep his emotions in check, Mammon powers on his DDD and pulls up the voice message that you’d left him a few months ago. You were still residing in the Devildom then, back when he didn’t have to resort to playing back an old voicemail to make him feel less lonely.
If he closes his eyes, he can almost convince himself that you’re lying in bed beside him, and not by someone else’s side an entire realm away.
♪ I heard all the rumors
I didn't want to believe it
You barely mentioned her once
I didn't think anything of it
Sitting there on my driveway
Said you could listen to me all night
Now you're the boy who never meant it
And I'm just the girl who "took it all the wrong way" ♪
You’d always been fascinated by the sports car that he kept permanently parked in the upper floor of his bedroom. The both of you had gotten into a playful argument over justifying the reason behind his “absurd decision” (your words, not his). Out of the dozens of possible reasons that they’d managed to come up with during the hour or so their discussion had lasted, your personal favourite had been “to allow a quick escape from one of Lucifer’s extensive monologues”. He hadn’t even bothered to come up with a counterargument for that. One, it wasn’t entirely false; he wouldn’t deny that getting behind the driver’s seat in order to get away from one of the peacock’s pointless lectures wasn’t a thought that had crossed his mind on more than one occasion. And secondly...the expression that you wore while you were coming up with all of these ridiculous thoughts was just too cute. Your brow would furrow in concentration, and your tongue would peek out between her lips —you looked just like the cats that starred in those “cat blepping” videos that Satan would relentlessly spam his DDD with. The way your face lit up when you’d thought of a reason satisfactory enough for your standards was even more adorable —Mammon knew that as long as you kept directing that megawatt grin at him, he’d go along with anything that you said.
At some point during their conversation, the two of you had  relocated from the couch you were perched on to the backseat of his car. Mammon doesn’t even remember whose idea it was to move in the first place —he couldn’t recall if this was the result of you pleading with him to allow you to take a better look at the vehicle or if he’d suggested it to you first. He doesn’t even remember what the both of you had talked about once you’d gotten in the car; the topic of their conversation had switched course multiple times. What was etched into his mind’s eye for the rest of time, however, was how attentively you’d gazed up at him when he was talking. You seemed as mesmerised by his words as he was by yours. The notion that someone genuinely wanted to listen to everything that he had to say felt foreign to him; his brothers had brushed him off as nonsensical and annoying a long time ago. You made him feel important.
“...Mammon! HEY, STUPIDMAMMON! Did you even hear anything I just said? Sheesh…”
Mammon’s train of thought is derailed by a pillow that hits him square in the face. Normally, such an action would trigger a rowdy pillow fight that usually ended in Lucifer barging in and bringing an early end to an evening of fun. But today Mammon was so lost in recollections of the past that he barely even kicks up a fuss as he peels the cushion off his face. “Huh?” Levi raises an eyebrow at the second born from where he’s seated across the room. Mammon could be a moron at times, but rarely was he this unaware of his surroundings. “I said, did you see MC’s latest Devilgram post? They were at this Human World anime convention with Solomon, you know the one I told you about last week? The one that Ruri-chan’s voice actress was going to appear at? MC’s soooooooo lucky that they got to see her perform live. I can’t believe Lucifer wouldn’t let me go, it’s so unfair…”
Mammon usually tuned out of the conversation entirely whenever Levi starts going off on a tangent about something related to his animes, but the mention of your name had caught his attention. You were at a convention? With Solomon? Like...on a date? Mammon snatches up his DDD from where it’s lying on the armrest of his seat and loads up your Devilgram page. As usual, the sight of your bright smile is enough to cause his heart to skip a beat —you’re so breathtakingly beautiful that it’s unfair. But the sight of the male posing beside you in the picture causes his mood to turn sour quickly. Solomon. Was that the human sorcerer’s arm around your waist?
Flipping his DDD over so that he doesn’t have to look at the screen, he sets it back down on the armrest with enough force that it actually causes Levi to cut his ramble short mid sentence. Pretending that he didn’t notice the odd look that Levi was giving him, Mammon settles back in his seat and closes his eyes.
If there was something going on between you and Solomon, he wasn’t sure if he wanted to know about it.
♪ On that October night when I let you go
You didn't even try to make me stay, no
I didn't know that you could be so cold
Like the Minnesota snow
Somehow I always knew we'd end up this way
And I hope you feel happy someday
I just wanted you to open up to me
But now that's on the list of things you never did ♪
Mammon had spent the last couple of months waiting for this moment. You were back. Back in the Devildom, back in your room in the House of Lamentation, back by his side. A new semester of classes was something he’d never looked forward to in the past, but things were different this time. A new school term brought copious amounts of coursework and misery, sure, but it also brought you back to the Devildom. You’d returned from your vacation in the Human World with bright eyes and rosy cheeks, armed with souvenirs for each and every one of your favourite demons. Mammon was thrilled by the small paper bag bulging with keychains and other assorted trinkets that you’d thrusted into his hands, but the one gift that he’d appreciated the most was the warm embrace that you’d pulled him into.
The next few days pass in a blur, with Mammon still finding it difficult to believe that you’ve really returned (he has to keep pinching his arm to reassure himself that this isn’t a cruel joke that his subconscious is playing on him). He'd been there to greet you upon your arrival in the Devildom. And he’d seen you during meals and passed by you in the hallways...but he hadn’t actually gotten the opportunity to spend proper one on one time with you —you were too busy settling in and making up for lost time with everyone else. Until now. 
Seated atop of a hill overlooking the rest of the Devildom, the vantage point gives the both of you a spectacular view of the expansive shopping district. You can even spot the town’s affectionately dubbed “party central” —also known as the area where most of the popular bars and clubs are located— in the distance; or at the very least, the colourful lights that illuminate every building in that part of town. It’s quite a sight to behold, but the hustle and bustle that can be seen even from a distance makes you appreciative of the fact that you and Mammon are far away from the crowds of Denizens enjoying an evening out. You shiver when a passing gust of wind rustles the leaves of the tree overlooking the bench you’re seated on.
“Cold? Let the GREAT Mammon warm ya up.” Before you can even roll your eyes at the suggestive nature of that statement, Mammon has shrugged off his jacket and wrapped it snugly around you. Not that you’re entirely surprised by his words at this point, this isn’t the first time he used that line with you. Just like every other time he’s done this, he doesn’t remove his arm afterwards, keeping it draped around your shoulders. But unlike the previous times he’s pulled this stunt, you don’t nestle into his side, or even lean your head against his shoulder. He feels a pang in his chest, but he refuses to let it show on his face. “So how was your vacation in the Human World? I bet it had to be pretty borin’ without the GREAT Mammon there to keep ya company.”
“It was alright.” A pause. “Listen, Mammon...There’s something that I need to tell you.”
The smile that Mammon’s attempting to keep plastered to his face wavers, but he nods at you in encouragement as you chew on your lower lip anxiously. When your next course of action is to raise up your left hand instead of carrying on the conversation, his brows knit together in confusion. He’s about to ask if this was some kind of odd ritual and whether or not you’d joined a cult in your absence, but then he spots it. The glint of silver on your ring finger.
His jaw drops.
Noticing the expression on his face, you hurry to clear up any misunderstandings before he —understandably— jumps to the wrong conclusion. “It’s not what you think! I’m not engaged or anything, it’s just a promise ring. Solomon and I...we got together two weeks ago. I meant to tell everyone, but everything’s been so crazy ever since I got back —I’ve barely had the time to catch my breath, let alone make such a big announcement.. But now that thing’s have quieted down a little...I wanted to tell you first. After all, you are my first demon.”
The Avatar of Greed was uncharacteristically quiet as you rambled on. When he finally speaks up again, his voice lacks the boisterous energy that usually radiates from him. “I am, aren’t I?”
A low chuckle rumbles in his chest, but there’s no humour in the sound. “You should head back to the house without me. I’ll catch up.”
“Look, don’t worry ‘bout me. I’m fine.” Mammon takes both of your hands in his and gazes up at you with earnest wide eyes, as if his overexaggerated acting skills were enough to sell his words to you. Ridiculous as it may be, his ploy seemed to work —or perhaps you just didn’t care enough about the hailstorm of emotional turmoil that flickered in his azure hued gaze. It didn’t matter. Either way, you were gone before Mammon could change his mind and convince you to not to leave him. Tears pool in the corners of his eyes and blurs his field of vision, but he doesn’t take his gaze off of you as you disappear down the path that leads to the House of Lamentation.
You don’t even bother to turn around and look at him.
♪ Maybe sometimes things just have to end
Maybe sometimes there's just no explaining it
But you could've let me know
You'd be moving on
You'd be moving on
You'd be moving on before Octobers gone ♪
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elaboratedbee · 4 years
Bigby x Reader
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Request For: @awfullest​
Rating: E
Summary: The Mundies think that there are five love languages, and Bigby’s going to need to learn how to speak every single one of them if he’s going to get you to understand how he feels.
Word Count: 4623
Note: i loved this prompt!! i thought it would be super cute to come up with all the ways bigby could try and get the reader’s attention without being obvious :’) big thank you to @punxgal​ for teaching my dumbass what a taglist is, so i started one! just hit me with a message if you want to be added (or just want to rant about bigby lmao) ily guys!!
Taglist: @punxgal​
Five Ways To Say I Love You
 “You know, the Mundies think that there are five love languages,” Snow informed him, watching with a faint smile of amusement as Bigby quite literally banged his head against the wall of the Business Office. While usually she didn’t enjoy dispensing love advice; after all, she was a very busy woman, watching Bigby experience any kind of emotion, let alone love, was more than worth it. His pining was probably the most amusing thing that had happened in Fabletown in a long while, so she was happy to be his confident. 
“And I can think of five ways to tell Mundies how that sounds fucking stupid,” came Bigby’s gruff response, but he did finally move away from the wall and come around to join her at the desk, which she could only assume was Bigby Speak for her to continue. 
“Words of affirmation, acts of service, receiving gifts, quality time, and physical touch.” After Snow had revealed them, the wolf repeated the list under his breath as he committed them to his memory, before he huffed in frustration. 
“Nothing I do works! Nothing I say comes out right and they’re just so –”
“ – perfect, I know,” Snow cut him off, more than familiar with this particular rant, “maybe if you ever did something about it and made it clear that you were interested, they might actually respond positively. You’ve been pining for months, Bigby! It’s getting embarrassing.” His scowl was lost on her, as she was more than used to dealing with an angry Bigby and his frustration at his own love life certainly wasn’t the worst she had dealt with. 
“Fuck off, it’s not pining,” Bigby growled at her, as he produced a cigarette from his pocket and placed it between his lips. Snow didn’t bother to argue the point, because she could tell by the long and hopeless drag he took of his cigarette that the Sheriff already knew that it was true. “I’ll try that Mundy thing.” Bigby admitted after a long time, before he nodded at her and stalked out of the office to patrol the streets of Fabletown, or whatever else he got up to whenever there wasn’t some major emergency that he contacted her about. Well, that was about as much thanks as she could expect. She sighed, and rolled her eyes as she watched him retreat. Men. 
Words Of Affirmation
Bigby was head over heels for you. Since Snow had become the Deputy Mayor, there wasn’t much about Fabletown that hadn’t improved. Not everything had changed drastically of course, and there wasn’t a night that went by on the job that the wolf didn’t wish that things could be better for all of the Fables that lived here, but he could console himself with the fact that they were getting better. Slowly was better than not at all, after all. He supposed that he should apply that same philosophy to his feelings for his current infatuation, since he did think that he was making slow progress. You had taken a job casting spells and creating glamours on the thirteenth floor almost half a year ago, now, and it had taken barely any time at all for Bigby to realise that you were everything he had ever wanted.
Every so often, a crime occurred that could benefit from the help of someone who was proficient in magic, such as covering up the scene of a particularly noticeable crime from Mundies or assisting with the aftermath. Bigby had recently found himself running to you every single time a matter like this befell, with the whispers and teasing from some of the other staff at the Business Office being more than worth the chance to spend so many prolonged hours working with you and witnessing your gift. This often came with the additional bonus of being able to show you that he was made the Sheriff for more than his strength. Most of the Fables thought that he was given the position purely due to his violent streak, so to be able to display his prowess at investigating crimes made a nice change.
Tonight, was one of those nights and the two of you had ventured out to cast a spell over a building that had been set on fire by an arsonist. Although the fire had been combatted with the help of some water nymphs, the plumes of black smoke obscuring the horizon were sure to pique the interest of any Mundies within a couple of miles radius. It struck the Sheriff that now was the perfect opportunity to use the first of Snow’s techniques as he walked you back to the Business Office, enjoying the pleasure of hearing you rant and rave about howof all of the possible crimes, arson was certainly the most pointless and dangerous. Bigby loved how passionate you were, how you could probably form a strong and justified opinion on almost any topic. He loved the way you used your hands and gesticulated wildly without even realising, like you were always casting a spell. It certainly felt like you had cast one over him, after all, he was constantly thinking about you. The first thought on his mind in the morning, and the person running through his mind whenever he attempted to sleep.
The two of you reached the business office and entered the deathtrap elevator. He took the opportunity to employ his first method as you had fallen silent when pressing the button for the thirteenth floor, before hitting the one for Bigby’s Office, too. The wolf felt a spark of happiness as he noted how well you knew him, his routines and habits. Although he hadn’t known you for very long, it was obvious that the Sorcerer was the kind of person that noticed the little things, that cared for each and every person that came into the Business Office looking for help, whether it be a standard glamour or something with far higher stakes. The dedication to their job was something that Bigby could very much relate to, and the fact that you often complimented the Sheriff on his duty to Fabletown made his heart warm in his chest – not many people did.
The only problem was, every time Bigby had tried to compliment you back, he failed miserably. Either it came out completely wrong, or it didn’t come out at all. But this time, it would be different. He had used the entire walk to plan what he was going to say, and now was the time to implement it. As the elevator rose, Bigby removed his cigarette from his mouth and met your eyes, trying not to focus on your mesmerising beauty. “Thanks,” he managed to get out, his voice rough, “I couldn’t have done it without you. You’re the best Sorcerer I know.” The words were genuine, even if they were a little bit gruff and came out a little fast, and the Sheriff internally celebrated. Finally. He watched closely as your eyes lit up with joy and pride and you stood up just a little bit taller than before. It had made every bit of stress worth it, in Bigby’s eyes.
“Thanks, Bigby. I’d say you were the best Sheriff I know, but you’re sort of the only Sheriff I know,” you teased him with a smile, and leaned forward to punch his shoulder gently. God, everything seemed to come so easily to you, he noted. The way you spoke and joked with him, managing to drag a smile out of him even on his darkest days, the way you touched him so casually. Perfect. The elevator doors slid open, and you flashed him one more bright smile before you were gone.
Taking a deep drag of his cigarette, Bigby slumped against the elevator wall and luxuriated in the feeling for a long moment. On some level, he could recognise that it was mildly insane to feel such euphoria over such a minute interaction, one that you probably wouldn’t even remember when tomorrow arrived, but he didn’t care. The elevator arrived at the Business Office and the door opened to reveal Bluebeard standing there. His eyes narrowed when he saw the Sheriff, and his mouth opened, but he was cut off as the wolf walked right past him, dropping his cigarette at the man’s feet.
“Fuck off, Bluebeard.”
Acts Of Service
“Bigby, you really don’t have to do this,” your voice came from behind him as continued his way down the hall, carrying the large wooden desk in his arms. Considering your hard work, it was really only a matter of time before they got promoted, and Bigby was incredibly pleased that your talent was being recognised. Along with the promotion came a brand-new office, that Bigby was currently help you move your things into.
“It’s no trouble, really,” he insisted once again and that was telling the truth. The desk was really no problem for the wolf to manage, but the praise made it feel even lighter. You followed along behind him with a box of personal affects, pictures and stationery, along with a little cactus that, to quote you, ‘even you couldn’t kill.’
They entered the office, which, like most of the Business Office, was somewhat in a state of disrepair. The lighting was dim, the window dirty and the paint a faded, peeling yellow. Even still, he watched you regard it as if it were a silver palace, a spark in your eyes. Unlike Bigby, you were an optimist, always able to see the bright side of life and the best in people. It was a refreshing change to the wolf, who very rarely had a reason to give people the benefit of the doubt in his line of work. You saw the best in him, having never been afraid of him for a second, and throwing him a bemused look whenever he tried to pull his ‘big, bad wolf’ act around you.
“Thanks for helping me,” he felt a hand on his arm and the warm pressure grounded him, causing him to meet your eyes, “there was no way I could’ve dragged that heavy ass desk down this hallway. You’re handy, you know that?” The compliment was strange, and Bigby huffed at the word. Handy. There was something almost domestic about it, which caused a warmth to spread through his chest.  
“Yeah, well, I’m only downstairs if you need me,” Bigby reassured you, the feeling of being needed satisfying the more primal parts of his nature. To be able to help you, provide for you, was what the wolf inside him desperately craved.
“Good to know you’re not just a pretty face,” you teased him with a wink and Bigby almost choked on his own spit. He felt hot under the collar all of a sudden and he cleared his throat before he was able to answer, much to his enchantment's clear amusement. Even though you were clearly fucking with him, the implication that you thought he was attractive was enough to imprint this very moment on his mind for what he was sure was the rest of all time.
“I’m a man of many talents,” the Sheriff managed to reply, his voice rich with sarcasm as he bumped his cigarette packet, making one shoot up out of the box. He raised it to his lips, quirking his eyebrows at the other Fable as means of asking for permission, a very rare honour that was not often bestowed upon. You nodded their approval and the wolf sparked up, taking a deep drag. After all, he was fairly sure that if he didn’t find something to focus his thoughts on, he was going to kiss you here and now. The way that you were leaning against the desk, the one that he had moved for you, was testing his self-control in ways that he hadn’t expected. What he wouldn’t give to just push you over the desk and –
“I think it just needs a new coat of paint,” your voice (thankfully) interrupted his thoughts before they could spiral any further. Bigby grunted and exhaled his smoke.
“I can help with that.”
Receiving Gifts and Quality Time
It had taken him forever to find, but Bigby didn’t plan to admit that to anyone else. He held the cassette tape in his hands, remembering so clearly the first time you had showed him one. One late night, he had caught you leaving the Woodlands as he approached, bruised and tired after a long day. He wasn’t particularly happy that you were here at such a late hour, you work ethic concerning at times; it made him worry that you didn’t get enough rest, which was more than ironic coming from him. Despite how battered he must have looked, it didn’t stop the smile from breaking out on your face at the sight of him, and it made his long day seem just a little less long. As you walked through the glass doors, Bigby noted a strange device in your hands, with wires that followed all the way up to your head.
“What the fuck is that?” He asked, amused at the sight of it. It was cold on the street, but the Sheriff was more than happy to linger outside for a little more time as long as it meant he got to speak to you.
“It’s a Walkman,” you informed him brightly, and it was immediately clear from your tone that this little device brought you no shortage of joy, “it plays cassette tapes.” The wolf had some vague recollection of what a cassette tape was, although he had never heard of the “Walkman,” so he could gather that it had something to do with music at least. His brows furrowed as he tried to decipher the little thing, when suddenly you were stepping forward into his space. With bated breath, Bigby tensed as you pulled off their headphones and held them up between the both of you, leaning close.
Don't leave me this way.
The music played and provided him with something to focus his mind on and flood his senses with, which was a welcome release now that your scent was flooding his nose so distractingly. When you were this close, Bigby could see every little detail of your face, and he found himself committing every last detail to his memory. The faint scar you had just above your eyebrow that he so desperately wanted to know the story behind, the permanent imprint on your lower lip that you had left from biting it so much, every shade in your eyes.
I can't survive, I can't stay alive.
You met his eyes, clearly waiting to hear his judgement, but Bigby didn’t offer one, wanting to prolong the moment of intimacy for as long as he could get away with it. He couldn’t help it, after all, having you so close to him was intoxicating. It was a feeling of pride and accomplishment to him, that you had chosen to share this part of yourself  with him.
Without your love, no baby.
“I like it,” he admitted, although what he really liked was the way his approval made a smile emerge on your face, illuminated by the soft yellow lights of the Woodland. The simple praise was enough, although Bigby wished that he could find better words, more impressive ones. You had a way of making him feel like that way; of making him feel that for all of his inadequacies, he was enough. It was a more addicting feeling than smoking his damn cigarettes.
Don't leave me this way.
Bigby knew that if he stayed stood there for much longer, he would inevitably do or say something that was going to get him trouble, so he cleared his throat and stepped back, watching you click a little button the stop the cassette from playing. You looked almost disappointed that you had to go, but it was late and cold, so Bigby was glad you would finally go home and get some rest. The song’s words came back to him as you bid him goodnight and retreated into the night, hailing a cab. Don’t leave me this way.
He didn’t want you to leave at all.
The Sheriff had laboured over finding the perfect gift for you after that, stopping by many Mundy places whenever he had a spare moment, or his work brought him close to the edge of Fabletown. Gently, he placed the cassette down on your desk, wrapped carefully by Snow after she had seen Bigby’s attempt at it and laughed outright.
Even better, it had become a habit of yours to sit side by side in his office every so often and listen to whatever song had become your recent obsession. He would listen to you talk about what made it good, or why you loved the band and enjoy your company much more than he enjoyed the songs themselves. It had been a long time since Bigby had done something just because he enjoyed it. Not to escape, or distract himself, or to forget, but something that made him grateful for the here and now. Sometimes, he was in a good mood and he offered his opinions, which slowly became more informed over time as you listened and asked for his favourites. Other times, he was exhausted and broken after a day of dealing with the worst that Fabletown had to offer, and he would sit in silence, letting the sound of your music and your voice wash over him. It was like the tide, eroding a jagged stone smooth, corroding away all of his edges and damaged parts so gently that he hardly even noticed.
Stepping back, the wolf smiled proudly to himself and propped a cigarette between his lips. This whole love languages thing was getting easier all the time.
Physical Touch
For all his success, this was certainly the one that Bigby was most nervous about. After all, he wasn’t exactly known for his ability to be gentle. A good chunk of the Fables probably thought that the Sheriff was directly synonymous with bruises and a ringing pain in their heads after he had used force to encourage them to comply with the law so many times.
The ballroom spread out before him, as picturesque and charming as it was every year. Bigby was so nervous that he regarded it more like a battlefield than a ballroom, the polished wood floor masking countless traps and landmines, the spinning and smiling Fables his enemies, waiting for him to slip up. The many twinkling lights gave the room an iridescent glow, but he felt like they were interrogation lights, his nerves rising in his stomach as he waited for you to arrive.
It had been the first year of the Remembrance Ball that Bigby had been the one to convince somebody else to go, considering he was usually the one to be dragged along so unwillingly by Snow. Not this year. This year, he was prepared. He had sacrificed his pride and given up far too many evenings to twirling around the Business Office with Snow once the building quietened at night and while he still lacked a fundamental sense of grace, he was now at least proficient enough that he wouldn’t stand on your feet. For the first time in centuries, Bigby had sought out a brand new suit, one that wasn’t as terribly dated as his previous one, although it was still a simple and understated design. Goddammit, Bigby had even been extra careful on the job the evening before, carefully avoiding taking any hits to the face, so that he wouldn’t be bruised and bleeding. There was nothing else he could do; he was ready.
At least, he thought he was. But no amount of preparation could have prepared him for seeing you walk through the ornate doors. He imagined that the feeling he experienced must have been akin to being struck by lightning, as it travelled through his entire body within the span of a second and paralysed him. It completely broke his brain trying to process how completely and utterly perfect you looked when you were dressed to the nines and he suddenly understood why the other Fables enjoyed this damned dance so much. For in that instant, Bigby would have done it all over again, a million times and lived a million miserable lives just to be given the chance to dance with you tonight.
To his delight, your eyes scanned the crowd and settled on him, so he lifted his glass as a means of greeting, beginning to cross the dance floor so that the two of you could meet in the middle. He quickly lost sight of you in the crowd, but eventually, he felt a tap on his shoulder. “Well, you clean up nice,” the voice was familiar and teasing, which made Bigby feel hot under the collar.
“I could say the same about you,” he returned easily, gesturing to your elaborate clothing. The Sheriff wanted to vocalise it so much better. You looked positively divine, to the point where the other Fables within a visible radius had their eyes stuck on you, either jealous or starstruck. Bigby was overcome with the overwhelming desire to make sure they all knew who you had come for and it was the push he needed to step forward and take you in his eyes. He watched your eyes widen slightly, clearly surprised that Bigby had been so forward and so confident in leading you into an, albeit very simple, dance. All those evenings were certainly paying off.
Emboldened, Bigby made a second and better attempt, “you’re breath-taking. Nobody can take their eyes off of you.” Watching the blush break out on your face, coupled by your closeness, was enough to make Bigby feel that he was in heaven. Your scent was in his nose, even sweeter tonight with whatever scent you were wearing, and you were safe in his arms, his and only his, even if it was just for tonight. Physical touch, he thought, was quite possibly his favourite love language in the world.
It wasn’t enough, he could never get enough of you. He wondered if he would ever be fully satiated, surely not when felt like he wanted to drown in you. Pulling you close, he could feel how rapid your heartbeat was in your chest, and a smile crossed his face. “I didn’t take you for a dancer,” the surprise was evident in your tone, and not at all unjustified. After all, the Sheriff had refused to dance at this damn thing for quite literally centuries, so he supposed he was equally responsible for the stares they were receiving as you spun on, unphased.
“Like I told you, I’m a man of many talents,” Bigby repeated the sentiment from one of your older conversations, which earned him a laugh that he could feel resonate through his body, which was even better than simply hearing it.
“Alright, alright, be all mysterious, then,” you didn’t push him for a real answer any further, which filled him with a sense of relief, because he was certain that once he admitted to begging Snow for lessons, he was never going to live it down. His reputation as the big, bad wolf was already sure to take a large enough hit just from the fact that he had now been seen by almost every Fable dancing, so he really didn’t think it would be able to survive that on top of it all. Slowly, he could feel you relax into his arms as one song turned into two, then three. The orchestra played beautifully, but after a few songs, he felt a murmur in his ear.
“Man, they should have let us pick the music for this thing,” you joked quietly, as not to offend anyone in the near proximity, and Bigby fought to prevent himself from laughing too loudly and causing them to gain any more attention. The novelty of seeing the Sheriff dance had mostly faded by now, the whispers and comments over with for the most part, so he was eager to retain your low profile. He nodded his agreement, struck by how pleasant he found it that you were so similar to him in some ways and different in others. You were not the type to be overly enamoured by the illusion of glamour that the Fables created for Remembrance every year, but more the type to focus on the simple and understated beauties of everyday life. That, Bigby thought, was something truly rare and special and he intended to never let it escape him.
Bigby knew that he wanted to be with you forever. For the first time, he could imagine waking up next to someone every day and falling asleep with them at night. He wanted to be the person on your mind at all hours of the day and the one to comfort you after a terrible day or listen to your stupid jokes after a good one. Bigby wanted to come home to music blaring out of the tape player, instead of the silence and damp of his apartment. He wanted to part ways not just with a smile when you shared the elevator ride to the Business Office, but with a kiss. God, he was head over heels, and no matter how he said it, any one of the godforsaken five ways, he no longer cared. He just had to say it. He needed you to know.
You moved your hand from his shoulder to straighten his tie with a fond smile and that was it for Bigby. Pulling you close, one of his rough hands came up to cover yours, pressing your hand against his chest so that you could probably feel his heartbeat, rapid and strong. The other cupped your jaw, his touch gentler than he ever thought a monster could be capable of. He watched a thousand different emotions flicker through your eyes as he leaned in, too fast for even the Sheriff to be able to process and recognise them all. Your lips met and everything just stopped. It was like Bigby’s mind went completely blank of thoughts and all he could do was feel. His arms tightened around you as he tried to put all he had into it – every last word that he could never find, every smile that he had wished were a kiss, every song that he would never be able to hear and not think of you and this very moment.
Eventually, you pulled back from one another, but not far. You stayed close, your foreheads pressed together as you recovered, breathing together. “The Mundies say that there are five ways to show someone you love them,” Bigby informed you, after a long moment of silence, not entirely sure why he had said it.
“That’s so fucking stupid,” you replied, your voice much breathier than it had been a minute ago, and Bigby grinned widely at how closely your response had echoed his own. It was stupid, and he didn’t care. He didn’t care because it had worked, and he had you in his arms and he had kissed you, and he was never going to let you go. You began to sway again, finding your way back to the music and to reality, as much as he wanted to stay wrapped up in that moment forever.
It didn’t matter how many ways there were, Bigby thought, because he was going to discovery every, damn one.
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ratedbangtann · 5 years
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𝐌𝐨𝐝𝐞𝐥 | 𝙏𝙖𝙚𝙝𝙮𝙪𝙣𝙜 𝙭 𝙅𝙪𝙣𝙜𝙠𝙤𝙤𝙠
𝙹𝚞𝚗𝚐𝚔𝚘𝚘𝚔 𝚗𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚒𝚖𝚊𝚐𝚒𝚗𝚎𝚍 𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚋𝚎 𝚊𝚝𝚝𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚊 𝚐𝚞𝚢. 𝙰𝚝 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚝, 𝚗𝚘𝚝 𝚞𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚕 𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚔𝚜 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚃𝚊𝚎𝚑𝚢𝚞𝚗𝚐...
                                    Pairing: Taehyung/Jungkook Word count: 4.1k Warnings: homosexual, m+m, memberxmember, taekook, first time, anal sex, little preparation, oral sex 
a/n: this was one of the first m+m au i wrote like... ages ago. be kind lmao.
                                Jungkook had been working as an intern at a modelling agency for the past 3 months or so, shadowing some of the photographers, editing some of the shoots. Photography was his passion. He found it so fulfilling to photograph beautiful things, beautiful people...
He wanted to immortalise the beauty forever, hence why he chose photography. He wanted to start his own business, but in order to do that, he needed the experience. An internship was the best way into the business. But he was getting bored. He wanted to do a shoot. It wasn't enough to just watch from behind the scenes and edit other people's work.
And then, there was Kim Taehyung; the most prestigious model at the agency. He has modelled for some of the most famous brands across the world. Gucci, Fendi, Givenchy... His fame was something most models could only dream of. Jungkook had been behind the scenes at one of his magazine shoots before; a simple piece for a travel magazine. He'd been told to hold the light reflector. That was it.
Jungkook was getting frustrated, wanting to create his own art.
Finally, the day came.
"Jungkook, I need your help," his boss practically ran to his desk, hanging over the wall of his cubicle as he was editing a set of photos for some kids magazine.
"Sir?" he looked up from his screen to see his boss profusely sweating, eyes wide and frantic.
"My top photographer is stuck in Bali and can't get a flight in until tomorrow evening. I need you to take his place and photograph Taehyung for his personal fashion blog this evening." Jungkook's heart beat so fast at those words. FINALLY he was getting to do his own shoot. And with their top model? This was huge.
"He's very relaxed on his personal shoots and he'll be able to tell you exactly what he wants from your photos. If you do a good job, I'll make sure you'll be put on more photography jobs. I'll email you the details." And with that, his boss scurried off again.
'Time to show them I'm more than a spare part,' Jungkook thought to himself.
That evening, Jungkook made his way to the address his boss had given him with his camera bag in hand. He stood outside a large apartment complex in the richest part of Seoul.
It was a little intimidating, but his boss said that Taehyung was laid back about this kind of shoot, right? So he made his way up to the front door, pressing the buzzer for the number he'd been given.
"Yeah?" said a deep voice through the intercom.
"Uh, Mr Kim? I'm Jungkook; your photographer for the evening." He sounded nervous, and he knew it. This was his chance to prove himself, with the agency's biggest client.
"Oh sure, come on up." There was a loud buzz, and Jungkook pulled on the door open and made his way to the elevator. The apartment was on the third floor, and one of 6 doors on the floor. Jungkook knocked on Taehyung's, and waited.
Taehyung opened his door wearing a matching white shirt and trousers with thin black outline detail on. Jungkook understood why he had a fashion blog.
"Just one sec," he turned and picked up a baby blue coat from his coat rack just inside his door and stepped out, shutting the door behind him.
"Where are we going?" Jungkook asked. He thought the shoot would be done in his apartment.
"The roof. The blog post is about summer evening wear, so I wanna get the sunset in the background, the city... know what I mean?" Taehyung was very calm and collected.
Jungkook's boss had been right; he knew exactly what he wanted. He wasn't playing around. He barely paid any mind to Jungkook as they got into the elevator he'd just popped out of and climbing the remaining floors to the rooftop.
The city looked beautiful in this light, and Jungkook couldn't wait to immortalise this particular sunset, along with the other beautiful view; Taehyung.
"Okay, Mr Kim. What kind of thing are you looking for?" Kook asked as he assembled the lense on his camera, setting up.
"Rooftop, outfit, sunset. Other than that, have fun. I trust you, Jungkook." Taehyung smiled at the younger, noticing how his cheeks were a little flushed, his tongue cutely sticking out of his mouth as he fiddled with lenses and camera settings.
Tae had noticed Jungkook around the offices and in the background at shoots. He was cute, but Tae could tell he was getting bored of his little background jobs.
He liked the look of the intern. His style and his demeanour just told Tae he was an artist. He wanted to put him to the test, which is why of all the photographers in the office, he requested Jungkook to replace his usual photographer whilst he was stuck abroad. Jungkook intrigued Tae. The younger seemed like a little puppy dog to him, wanting to learn and play with the big boys. He found him adorable; definitely his type.
Not that Jungkook was that way inclined, or had any idea of Taehyung's little fascination.
"Okay, I'm ready when you are Mr. Kim," Jungkook stood up from his crouching position over his bag and stepped forward towards the edge of the roof. He shot a few snaps of Taehyung as he looked out at the view, then turned around to look into the camera.
"You look great, Mr Kim," said Jungkook behind the lense, snapping a few more. Taehyung looked past the camera at the view behind Jungkook, giving that far off look of wonder that was typical of modelling.
"Can I see what you have so far?" Tae asked.
"Of course, sir," Jungkook stepped towards him, Taehyung joining him to look at the little LCD screen.
"You can just called me Taehyung. Or Tae, if you prefer. Mr Kim sounds like I'm your boss, when really, we're just working together." Jungkook smiled at him politely, passing the camera to Tae.
"Wow, these are really great. You've really put your own spin on the lighting settings and stuff."
"Thank you, Mr Ki- sorry... Taehyung."
"I think we're done then." Taehyung handed the camera back to Jungkook, and he started to dismantle the lenses and pack them all away. "Say, Jungkook... would you like to stay for a drink? It seems you're quite an artist. I'd like to see more of your work, get to know you a little bit. I like to be friends with the photographers from the agency."
"Uh... yeah okay, why not?" Jungkook picked up his bag and followed Taehyung back down to his apartment, this time, being invited in. As soon as he stepped in, Jungkook was mesmerised.
The interior was stunning. Very minimalistic, very modern. He wanted to photograph the apartment itself.
"This is impressive, Taehyung... I'd love to live in a place like this," Jungkook looked around, his jaw hanging down in amazement. Taehyung chuckled to himself.
"Yeah, I guess it's nice. All those Gucci shoots paid for it. Gets lonely though." Taehyung walked past Jungkook and made his way toward the large black marble and mahogany kitchen to pour both men a drink.
"Make yourself comfortable, Jungkook," he welcomes as he picked out two bottles of Soju from his refrigerator. Jungkook sat down on the large couch, taking in the size and beauty of the place. Taehyung joined him and handed him his bottle. The two of them clinked their bottles together, and took a sip.
Taehyung couldn't tear his eyes away from the younger, watching as he lifted the bottle to his pink lips, as his adam's apple bobbed as he swallowed, as his eyes closed shut when he sipped the chilled booze. The young man was so beautiful to him.
His intrigue had sparked long ago, but now he was in front of him, drinking alcohol on his couch, it was growing by the second. Taehyung wanted to know more about him. Everything, in fact. He wanted to know absolutely everything about Jeon Jungkook.
"So, how are you finding life at the agency?" Taehyung sparked a conversation, wanting to hear all about Jungkook and his passion. Jungkook took another sip of soju before he answered.
"It's good experience, and there's a lot of trust in me to edit photographs. I just get a little frustrated that I don't get a chance to show off my own photography. Today was the first time my camera has seen any action, and that's by sheer chance thanks to your regular guy getting stuck in Bali." Jungkook sighed to himself.
Taehyung knew of course that it wasn't sheer chance, that he had in fact requested Jungkook be his replacement. He could have asked for any one of the photographers at the agency, but he wanted him. Jungkook was his own little obsession, and yet, he knew nothing about him.
"Well, today can only help. I love the pictures you took. I'll make sure your boss knows it," he smiled at the younger, taking another sip.
"Thank you, sir," ever respectful Jungkook thanked Tae.
"Please, just Tae," he smiled.
"Sorry..." Jungkook chuckles to himself, taking another sip, "I just have a lot of respect for you. You're extremely successful, and the way you present yourself and carry yourself is just... how could I not respect you, yknow?" he gushed. Taehyung was thrilled by the idea of Jungkook noticing him enough to see him like that.
"That's sweet, thank you," he gushed. "So tell me about yourself; Kookie." Jungkook looked up, smiling a little at the nickname.
"I haven't been called that in a long time," he chuckled. "Well, I'm 20, from Busan. I moved here a year ago with my girlfriend at the time, but she left me. Said I was spending too much time at work. That was the whole reason we moved here in the first place, though. I think she met someone else. Anyway..." Jungkook talked a little more about himself, Taehyung listening attentively.
But of course, he couldn't help but linger on the fact that he had a girlfriend. He was straight. Not ideal...
"What about you though? How did you get into this life?" Jungkook was genuinely interested in Tae. He seemed like a nice guy, and it'd be nice to have a friend in his life.
The pair talked for hours. They played some music and just got to know each other.
And drank.
A lot.
Taehyung went to grab another bottle of soju for them both. As he collapsed down onto the couch, bouncing into the cushions, he ended up closer to Jungkook, his thigh touching the younger's. He rested his head on his shoulder, sighing.
"Y'know what I hate about this model crap? It's so god damn lonely," Taehyung spilled. "This apartment... it's so BIG. And it's just me."
"Small apartments aren't any better," Jungkook argued childishly. He burped before continuing, "I'm alone too. Sucks." He took another sip of Soju, resting his head on Tae's. He burped again, and Tae giggled at him like a little girl with a crush.
"You're cute, Kookie," he looked up at the younger boy, his face flushed from the alcohol in his system. "Damn, you're pretty. You should be the other side of the camera."
Jungkook laughed. He'd never seen himself as remotely attractive.
"You must really be drunk," he sat up, placing his bottle on the coffee table. Taehyung sat forward too, looking at Jungkook as if he'd been hurt by what he said.
"You're a good looking guy, Kookie," he said softly. "I think so anyway..." Tae put his bottle down and started playing anxiously with his fingers. He didn't want to look up at Jungkook in case he saw right through him...
"Says the Gucci model," Kook scoffed.
"I don't say things I don't mean, Jungkook." Tae looked up at him, their eyes locking onto each other's for a moment. Whether it was the soju pumping through his blood or his mini obsession rising to the surface, Taehyung couldn't help himself.
He leaned forward, touching his lips to Jungkook's. He let it happen, kissing him back for a moment before he pushed Tae away.
"Uh...you're drunk, sir. And I'm... I'm not gay," he stuttered, nerves taking hold of him. Tae stared at him, mortified.
The more Tae stared at him, the more he stared back, taking in all of his features; his perfectly tan skin, his beautiful eyes, his cute little nose, and his lips... parted slightly and frozen in fear like the rest of him. They were so pink, and more plump than most.
He didn't understand why, but Jungkook leaned forward again, his lips connecting back to Taehyung's. The older man tilted his head to the side, hoping to encourage some kind of movement from Jungkook.
Kook had no idea what he was doing or why. Something about him was overpoweringly sexy? The fact he was actually interested in Jungkook? The fact that Jungkook was lonely? Maybe he just... liked it?
He moved his lips against Tae's experimenting a little. Whatever he was doing, it was working for him. This kiss was like nothing he had ever experienced before...
Taehyung couldn't control himself, lifting a hand and placing it on Kook's neck, pulling him just a little bit closer... He bit his lip a little; just enough to show Jungkook he was loving the way his lips felt.
The kiss came to a natural end, the two pulling away feeling a little dazed. Taehyung didn't move his hand, out of fear that Jungkook would suddenly disappear from in front of him.
"I-I'm not gay," Jungkook repeated, almost trying to convince himself.
"You don't have to be to like it," Tae replied. Jungkook swallowed hard, his nerves getting the best of him.
"Why did I like it so much?" he asked, his voice cracking a little, his eyes searching Tae's for an answer, but he didn't find anything. Just fear. Taehyung was terrified.
Jungkook panicked, his eyes wide and cheeks more flushed than before. He needed to know for sure. Did he really like kissing Taehyung?
He launched forward, his lips practically attacking Tae's this time. Tae fell back, but Jungkook just took advantage of his new position and hovered over him, slowly but passionately moulding his lips to Tae's.
Tae moaned into the kiss. He hadn't felt this close to someone in so long, and Kook's sudden dominance paired with his exceptional kissing technique was turning him on. So much so, he felt his pants tightening a little. He didn't want to frighten the poor guy away, but god, he couldn't help himself...
Tae's hands wandered underneath Kook's t-shirt, the first skin on skin contact he'd had with another man in so long. His fingers felt like they were on fire, igniting so many urges within him. Jungkook started to kiss Tae's neck sloppily leaving little wet spots all over.
"What...am I... doing?" he said between kisses. His confusion was obvious and yet, he didn't stop.
"Whatever comes... naturally," Tae said breathlessly.
"Shit, please don't stop Kookie. It feels so nice." Jungkook kept kissing Tae's neck.
"I don't intend to stop, Mr Kim."
Jungkook didn't understand what he was doing or why, but it wasn't going to stop him. He was enjoying himself too much. He was enjoying Taehyung too much.
Tae's hands ran along Kook's chest underneath his shirt, desperately trying to get as much contact as possible. Kook moaned against Tae's mouth, and Tae took the opportunity to slip his tongue past Kook's lips, stepping their kiss up a little.
Jungkook found himself grinding his hips down onto Tae's, the pure lust taking over. He couldn't help his erection from growing, straining against the jeans he was wearing. As he lowered his hips, Tae's bucked up, his own bulge meeting Kook's. The pair groaned in unison, the feeling overwhelmingly arousing.
"W-will you touch me, Tae? Please..." Jungkook asked, sounding like a little boy asking for candy.
"You really want this?" Tae asked. He had to be sure.
Jungkook nodded, whining a little. That was all Tae needed. He sat up and pushed Jungkook down on the couch next to him.
"If you want me to stop, tell me," he assured, before lifting his t-shirt slightly, and lowering his lips to Kook's stomach. Jungkook's eyes squeezed shut, loving the way Tae's tongue and lips felt on his skin; so warm and wet.
Tae kept kissing and sucking at the skin as he undid Jungkook's trousers, pulling them down to reveal some light blue boxer shorts with a rather large bulge protruding through the material. Tae let his kisses come down to Jungkook's thighs, worshipping them.
Jungkook found himself wrapping his hand in Tae's hair, guiding him closer and closer to his growing problem.
"Please, Tae... it hurts," Jungkook whined. Tae couldn't be the cause of his discomfort anymore.
He pulled Kook's boxers down by the waist band, his length springing free and resting on his stomach. Tae kissed his way up the inside of Kook's thigh, slowly making his way up until his lips rested on the head of Kook's cock. Jungkook moaned aloud, his head falling back onto the couch cushion and eyes squeezing shut.
Tae started to kitten lick the tip, tasting the little beads of precum that were already appearing. With no warning, Tae licked a strip down his length. Jungkook sat up straight, looking down at Tae as he took him in his mouth completely, bobbing his head.
"Oh, shit..." he moaned. No girl had ever made him feel so good. He guessed guys knew what guys liked. He couldn't believe he was in this situation. But he didn't want it to end either.
Tae decided to push his limits a little, and sat up to meet Jungkook's gaze. He placed one of his fingers on the younger's lips, and slowly slipped them into his mouth, wanting him to suck on them. He kept eye contact the whole time, his dominant and controlling side revealing itself.
Once his fingers were coated, he pulled Jungkook's hips towards him more, and circled his fingers around his hole. Jungkook was nervous. He'd never had anything in... there. But for some reason, he trusted Tae.
Gently, Tae pushed a finger into him, stretching him a little. Jungkook groaned; it felt so good. Tae pushes his finger in and out a few times before adding another finger. A few more times, and he added a third.
"F-fuck, Tae..."
"Are you okay?" Tae was concerned, hoping he wasn't hurting the younger man.
"It feels... so fucking good. I want more, Tae. Please," he begged as he bucked his hips into Tae's fingers. Jungkook reached to Tae's pants, frantically undoing the button and zipper, watching them slide down his thighs. He pulled his boxers down, freeing Tae's cock.
"Oh, you want this, do you?" Tae smirked as he wrapped his free hand around himself, pumping a few times.
"I wanna know what it feels like, Tae." His words turned him on so much, knowing he was about to fill Jungkook for the first time. He held his palm out in front of Kook's face.
"Spit, Kookie," he instructed. Jungkook obliged, and Tae covered his cock in it, hoping to make this a little easier on Kook in the absence of real lubricant. He positioned himself at his entrance, lifting Kook's hips up a little to get the perfect angle. And then he pushed into him, slowly, stretching him more than before.
Tae hissed through his teeth, finally feeling the pleasure he'd wanted for so long. Kookie was so tight around him, clenching at the unfamiliar feeling and making Tae throw his head back in pure fucking bliss.
"Oh, Kookie... fuck. Are you okay?" he hovered over the younger, his eyes searching for any sign of regret in Jungkook's face. He found none.
"Uh, you feel so good Tae," he wrapped his hand around himself, slowly pumping his shaft as Tae started to push in and out of him. Once Kookie was used to the feeling, he picked up his pace, thrusting deeper into him and hitting his prostate.
"Oh fuck," he cried out, feeling himself get closer and closer.... but he wasn't ready. He wanted to know how it felt to be inside Tae. He wanted to take over.
Without warning he pushed Tae away from him. He fell back, his hands stopping him from falling off the edge of the couch.
"Kookie, a-are you o-" he wasn't given the chance to finish as Jungkook smashed his lips against Tae's with such ferocity, it would have been no surprise to see them swollen and bruised a little while later.
"I want the chance to fuck you too, Tae," he growled, flipping Tae over onto his stomach, his face burying into the armrest. Jungkook wasted no time in spitting into his own palm and coating his cock, readying himself for Tae.
He didn't bother to start with his fingers. Tae had done this before, and he was lubricated enough to cause very little pain to the older man. He pushed into him, burying himself in Tae and feeling his tight walls around his cock.
"Shit, Kookie... you're...so big. Fuck it feels good... Fuck me," he begged. Jungkook obliged, thrusting into him hard and fast, pushing Tae's face into the fabric of the couch with each thrust.
Jungkook leaned over as he fucked Tae, kissing his neck, pulling the shirt off his back and kissing his bare skin. He held onto Tae by the shoulders, fucking into him harder. His nails dug into his back, dragging down the skin leaving bright red, angry marks.
The pain felt so good to Tae. He loved it. He moaned like such a slutty little man, letting the feeling and the euphoria take him over.
"Kookie, I'm gonna cum," he warned.
"Hold on, baby. I'm close... just hold on." Jungkook kept scratching at Tae's back, the only way of steadying himself at that moment and keeping Tae in place.
With a few more thrusts, Jungkook was seconds away from his high. He quickly pulled out of Tae, pushing him onto his back and straddling his thighs. The pair of them pumped themselves, wanting to cum together.
Jungkook leaned down, attaching his lips to Tae's again. Jungkook couldn't hold on anymore, his orgasm shaking him to his core. He shot his load onto Tae; his hand that was pumping himself, his stomach, chest... He hadn't cum so hard in so long. The noises that erupted from his mouth onto Tae's lips were ungodly, and sent shockwaves through Tae.
With a whimper and a throaty groan, Tae found himself cumming too, oozing onto his own stomach and Jungkook's too. His limbs shook with pleasure, leaving him utterly breathless.Jungkook let himself lay on Tae, not caring about the sticky mess they'd both created. His head rested on his chest as they both regained a normal breathing pattern.
"Damn, that was... I never thought I'd..." Kookie was speechless, at a loss for words.
"Don't read too much into it. For now, you liked it. You don't have to be gay," Tae said, trying to be helpful but upsetting himself in the process. He wanted Jungkook to want him. Not just when he's drunk, or just because he fancies some gay sex every so often. His little obsession was proving to be more than that, and he wished that Jungkook would want the same.
"You're cute, Tae," he giggled. "And I guess... I just never thought about it. I always found you attractive, but you're a model. I thought I was supposed to find you attractive... We, um... we can see what happens if you like?" He looked up at Tae nervously, thinking that maybe Tae was only looking for company for one night, and that he was already too emotionally attached to the guy he had his first gay sexual encounter with...
"Well, how about we start with breakfast tomorrow morning, hmm?" Tae smiled. He definitely wanted to "see what happens".
"Does that include me staying the night?" Jungkook smirked, a mischievous look on his face. Tae giggled.
"Yeah, I guess it does. But first... we should clean up. Time for a shower, I think," Tae sat up, readying himself to make his way to the bathroom.
"A shower sounds good..." Jungkook chased after Tae, spanking his bare behind as he walked.
"You're too cheeky, Jungkook..." Tae laughed as he slung an arm around the younger man's shoulders and walked with him to the bathroom so the two of them could shower.
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blu-joons · 5 years
You’re A Museum Tour Guide ~ Kim Namjoon
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You grabbed your microphone, adjusting your mic pack before walking out to meet the group of visitors who were waiting for you to show them around the museum. It was your fourth, and final tour of the day, and if you were honest, you just couldn’t wait to get it over with and go home.
Once they all noticed you, they turned to face you, paying their full attention to you. Each of them had excitable smiles on their faces, as you switched your microphone on, bringing it to your lips.
“Hello everyone, and welcome. My name’s Y/N, and I’ll be showing you around the museum,” you smiled, “if you’ve got any questions throughout the tour, then give me a shout and I’ll happily answer.”
You began walking through them through the opening of the museum, where several monuments stood. A few of the group walked away from you to explore for themselves, whilst you stood on the podium, clearing your throat.
“This right here is the start of your experience, and it’s also personally one of my favourite sections. These monuments were brought to the museum over a hundred years ago, and their design dates back a few hundred years before that too.”
Looking around, not many people had their eyes on you, with the exception of a silver haired boy at the back of the group, with a beanie on his head, and a rucksack strapped to him, he looked at you with great intrigue.
For Namjoon, this was a museum he’d been looking forward to visiting for quite some time. When he saw you walk out, his smile lit up, seeing someone young and smiley on a museum tour was rare, but something he looked forward to.
“If you guys want to take the time to look around, please do. My personal favourite is the dolphin at the back, I like to keep him in the best condition.”
Slowly, the group migrated to your favoured statue, whilst the guy hung back, cautiously approaching you. You kept yourself calm, using your personality to pull yourself together.
“Hi, do you have any questions?”
He loved the passion you had for your job, the warm endearing smile you had in making him feel so comfortable and well informed.
“I do actually. I was just wondering what you thought made the dolphin more special than any other statue?”
“I just think it’s beautiful,” you grinned, “if you look at the work done on it, and the background to it, I think it speaks for itself. It’s the first one I go to every morning, making sure it’s still looking as lovely as always.”
He nodded, thanking you for your time before walking on with the rest of the group, feeling his heart filled with warmth. The passion and dedication you had when you spoke was clear, you made sure no one knew how tired and exhausted you were, you just wanted to make sure that they all left having enjoyed themselves and learnt something.
The tour was brief, a lot of people simply paid attention to you, learning everything they needed to from the things you said. The museum was something you loved, it was a job you enjoyed greatly, it was your biggest passion.
When it ended, many people thanked you, yet the boy who’d caught your attention at the start of the tour lingered.
Throughout the whole talk, he was fixated on you. He thought he was passionate about history and architecture, but he had nothing on you. There was a spark in your eyes that kept him hooked on every word you spoke, teaching you things he’d never thought to know.
“That was a really good tour, thank you for your time,” he smiled, slipping his camera back into his rucksack. “I really enjoyed myself.”
“I’m glad you enjoyed your visit,” you replied, offering him a small smile before heading back to the staff room, finally preparing yourself to head home.
You stole one last glance at the man before heading into the room, quickly grabbing your jacket and bag so you could head home and relax after another long day of tours.
You loved it, but it certainly tired you out, which is why you looked forward to your weekends so much. It was your free time, when you caught think about something else other than the features and views around the museum.
After waking up earlier than usual, you decided to head down to your local coffee shop, make the most of the fresh air and enjoy yourself to a warm coffee in the cold weather.
The walk was short, but certainly refreshing, as you got to the shop, ordering yourself a hazelnut latte at the counter. It was quiet, having only just opened, leaving you in your own thoughts whilst the barista made your drinks.
“Excuse me,” a deep voice spoke behind you.
You spun around, giggling when you came face to face with the same guy, you’d toured around the museum a few days ago. This time, he was without his beanie, instead leaving his hair messy and flat.
“I thought I recognised you, and judging by the smile on your face, I think you recognise me too.”
“Yeah, I work at the museum, you were there a few days ago,” you smiled, falling silent momentarily whilst he ordered his drink. “So, you enjoyed the tour then?”
“Absolutely, seeing how passionate you were was incredible, it was nice not to be shown around by someone boring and miserable for once. It was clear how much you love your job.”
You nodded, as your drink was called out, reaching into your bag for your purse, when a hand stopped you. Your eyes met his as you dropped the purse back into the bag.
“Let me, a little thank you for such a great tour,” he encouraged, grabbing his wallet, pulling out enough for both yours and his drinks.
“I don’t even know your name.”
“Namjoon,” he immediately responded, letting go of a shaky breath. “My name is Namjoon.”
You took your mug, waiting for his to be finished, as he picked it up, you walked over to a table, feeling him follow behind you, sitting in the window seats, watching all the passers-by.
“You didn’t need to do that, being a tour guide is my job. I’m already paid to do it,” you giggled, taking a sip from the warm mug. “I just enjoy helping teach people about the things I love.”
“It shows,” he complimented, picking up once more on the wide smile on your face. It was still the same, mesmerising. “I wanted to talk to you more the other day, but I was far too nervous.”
You looked at him questionably, “why were you nervous?”
He shrugged his shoulders, feeling his cheeks darken with a blush. He had no idea what you did to him, but finding so much in common with you, he felt like he could be himself still.
“You were just so lovely, I wanted to get to know a bit more about you. I love museums, but my friends think it’s a bit weird. Finding someone my age, with the same interests as me just meant a lot.”
“Well, you’ve already bought me coffee, so I’d say you’re doing a pretty good job so far.”
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Enter the Kitsune - Prologue pt1
Being thrown back in time is hard enough without it being in a completely foreign country.
Aerion Foxx is a creative department employee at a fashion magazine. She was finally doing her dream job when this happened. Now trapped in the past she has no choice but to play along with whatever life throws at her next so she can get back to her own time alive.
The inner circle of warlords thought they were able to handle everything. from the daily running of their own fiefs to full-scale war. With the arrival of the new tomboy Princess, each one of them finds something new that they were not prepared for. For one warlord, in particular, his world is about to get a lot more entertaining and maybe even a bit brighter.
Warnings: Strong Language
Prologue part 1
Modern-day Kyoto
One place I never thought I’d find myself was here. Thanks to a frantic phone call placed to my department about some messed up photos from an important fashion shoot we needed for next month’s spread, I found myself now wandering the busy streets of somewhere I only ever got to see pictures of. I should have been cursing my luck to have the work put on hold back home but I just couldn’t, finally, I had a bit of a break and got to travel on my job.
I was one of the lucky ones. At least that was what most of my friends from college said when I landed a job after graduation. I was so excited to be hired at a popular magazine publisher. I was an ordinary office worker back then. It was hardly my dream job but it takes time and experience to get to the level of being able to be put on a team to discuss trends, layouts and hot topics that go to print.
Last month I was over the moon when they said I could take part on the team dealing with the rise in the trend of Japanophilia. Naturally, other magazines were looking at different aspects of the land of the rising sun’s cultural history and beauty but we had gone with a “Trends across Time” theme. And if you wish to show off traditional kimono the first place everyone thought of was here in Kyoto. The fact there was still a large number of historical buildings also made this the best backdrops for the photos.
It had been a seriously long day. If it hadn’t been issues with the photographer who was a Pro at everything except communication without insulting people who were not in front of the lens then we might have finished earlier. Still, the shots were in the bag and emailed back to the main branch. One of the models had suggested a great local shop that seemed to cover everything from ramen to Teppanyaki. The idea of sizzling thinly sliced pieces of meat and vegetables cooked on a hot plate was too much of a temptation to ignore after standing around all day plastering a smile on my face and doing damage limitation in order to get the job done.
Now I had eaten my fill I was feeling a little sleepy. I stifled a yawn as I made my way in a direction, I thought my hotel was, it was darker and the lights of the city were on. The air pressure must have changed a little so I dragged my favourite hoodie out of my backpack and pulled it on over my head. It would be my only defence against the approaching chill in the air. The soft fabric made me smile and as I pulled the hood up, I caught a glimpse of my shadow on the ground now sporting animal ears. I rounded a corner of a building and realised I was actually more than a little lost now. Did I come this way? Dammit! Ok going to have to pull out my phone and check google maps here. I began patting down my pockets in search of my elusive smartphone. I pulled it out the back pocket of my jeans only to sigh at the low battery warning flashing on it. Great.
I noticed something that looked like a landmark ahead of me. If I can figure out what it is, I might find the route back with no problem. Moving forward I discovered that what I had found was, in fact, a small monument at a site for a temple. The words carved into it weren’t in any way readable to me so I looked at the curator sign near it. “Oda Nobunaga 1534 – 1582” Oh it’s a memorial then? Ok. As I worked out what I was looking at I heard the sound of someone approach me from behind. Turning my gaze, a little I saw a young man dressed in a green shirt, dark trousers, glasses and what looked to be a lab coat. There was an ID badge clipped to it but I couldn’t see what it was. Guess he is either from a lab around here or maybe that big University I saw the other day.
He must have noticed my staring and looked back at me silently for a moment before starting to speak in Japanese and after registering my confusion corrected himself attempting English instead.
“Sorry. Good evening.” He seemed to be friendly enough even if his face didn’t move much more than to open and close his mouth as he spoke.
“Oh! Yes, Good evening.” I gave s small nod and an awkwardly sociable smile in reply. I felt it before I really saw it. A big fat raindrop landed on the back of my hand that was holding onto the strap of my bag. “Great…”
“Are you alright? Do you have an umbrella Miss?” The young man looked a little concerned and shifted closer. Honestly dude its just a bit of rain.
“Somewhere just not with me right now. Might have left it back where I’m staying.” I shrug knowing I’d left it on my bed in the room. The wind whipped up and then there was an almighty crack as a blinding light touched down near us. “AH!” Looking at the point of impact I could clearly see the modest stone monument had snapped in two. Did that bolt of lightning do that? The hairs of the back of my neck stood up straight at the thought. If I had been closer it might have killed me.
“Please be careful Miss…”
I looked back at the young man who seemed to be holding a hand out to me but almost as soon as I’d seen that he had disappeared. No, it wasn’t just him everything had vanished, swallowed up in some sort of impenetrable fog. Along with the loss of visuals, I felt something like the worst ever drunken night out experience. That feeling you get if you have more than one too many and you are stuck in a limbo between having a wide-awake hangover and that curious detachment from your body shortly before passing out. God, I feel sick. I squeezed my eyes tight shut the hand on my bag tightened its grip while the other just balled into a fist. Anything in an attempt to try to keep control over myself while I just felt that floating, swirling sensation wash over me in the empty darkness.
Burning… something’s burning. I opened my eyes and was hit with a lancing pain piercing through my brain.
“AH!” I cried out and groaned as I held my head in my hands. It was so sharp I ended up having to scrunch my eyes shut again a few times in an attempt to get used to it enough to focus on what was going on around me. Did I hit something? Remembering the smell of burning I looked around and saw the ribbons of smoke and flame licking at the building I was in. How the hell did I get here? The thick smoke was creeping around me clinging to the breathable air turning it against me. Pulling my collar up higher to cover my nose and mouth I tried to scan my surroundings to see if there was a way out.
Of all the unbelievable situations to find yourself in on a business trip, this was one that was going to make everyone in the office call me crazy. I couldn’t see the man from before anywhere. I edged closer to what I thought could be a stable exit and then found something that might as well have been a scene from a movie.
A Japanese soldier laying on the floor in full armour that looked like it was right out of a museum. There was a shadow moving that was darker than the others in the room, it was getting closer to the soldier. No that’s no a shadow… The light of the flames glinted off what the shadow had in their hand and my blood went cold. The cold unyielding gleam of metal reflected in the darkness cutting through the acrid smoke.
“Look out!” I called out before I even knew what I was doing. The shadow turned quickly and fled leaving the fallen soldier on the ground alone. I rushed to the soldier crouching down to look him over. Wait… was he asleep? Who the hell sleeps through a burning building? “Hey. Wake up!” I shook his shoulders urgently making his body rock on the hardwood flooring. With a small groan, the man opened his eyes. It’s ok no need to rush not like the building is about to collapse or something.
“Who are you?” The soldier's voice sounded deep and was almost rivalling the creaking timbers of the building that were struggling with the heat from the flames.
“Introductions will have to wait we have to get out of here.” I made sure my bag was secure on my shoulder before holding out my hand to the still-sluggish looking man on the ground. “Come on.” After hauling him to his feet we took off running through the building chasing the clean air to freedom.
Once making it outside I doubled over. That thick smoke had gotten into my lungs and as I gulped for air I glanced behind at where we had just been. A traditional looking building was in full flame now. Parts of the roof were already starting to creak and collapse in sections. Thank god we got out of that in one piece.
“Someone tried to do away with me while I slept? Audacious, but foolish. Killing my guards and getting that close to me are another matter. You there. Woman. Let go of me.” The soldier I ran from the building with addressed me and I then realised I still had hold of his hand.
“Ah. Sorry.” After giving a quick apology I dropped his hand and straightened up again. I hadn’t noticed in the smoky room but the guy was actually not a bad looking one. He was observing me clearly thinking of something. His black hair looked like it was absorbing the light, which probably had something to do with the soot in it making it appear even darker. His eyes were like a fine dark wine, the red of them was so deep and mesmerising you could easily be lost in them. If we had met in another way I might have been put under their spell easily.
“You saved my life. You may be some girl the monks snuck in for amusement, but I owe you my thanks.”
“Amusement? Seriously is burning down a building what passes for amusement these days? And what do you mean Monks? I have zero idea how the hell I even got in there.” With each confused, exasperated word that left my mouth, I felt a throbbing skull-splitting pain. I’d probably kill for some Advil right about now.
The breeze around us had managed to find something wet that was seeping down the back of my neck from where I had my hair tied back. The cold dampness on my skin was such a contrast to the heat of the burning building that it made me shiver. I really don’t want to look into what that is right now. Did I hit my head on something? The man in front of me looked every bit like a screen print of some historical samurai. The armour, the stance, hell even that cold calculating brutal look in his eyes all screamed of power you couldn’t ignore. That sword hanging from his side just added to the “do not ignore me” feeling.
“What are you staring at? Surely you know who I am.”
“Not a clue.” I sighed giving a slight shrug and small apologetic smile.
“You saved me without knowing who I am? Not expecting reward or favour? So be it. I shall tell you my name. I am the man who will rule all under the sun –” As he was speaking, he seemed to stand up straighter and taller than before. He was intimidating but it was the way he spoke and puffed out his chest that really set off a small beware alarm inside me.
“You really don’t have to tell me who you are.” I blurted out, cutting his introduction short.
“What?” His powerful gaze looked at me once more, full of interest and I’m guessing from the way his mouth was a little gaped he was also slightly surprised. Something about this whole thing makes me think I’m not going to enjoy solving the mystery of who you are.
“You’re a curious one, woman. No one’s ever spoken so impudently to me before.” He burst out into loud echoing laughter. I guess I missed the part of this where any of it is funny. “You intrigue me, which is almost as worthy of praise as saving my life. I am the Lord of Azuchi Castle and Daimyo of Owari, Nobunaga Oda.”
“That’s nice… Wait, what?” Part way through accepting who he was my sluggish brain caught up to speed with it and stalled. He just said Nobunaga Oda, as in that guy that got that monument at that old temple site. That Nobunaga Oda?  I began turning my head around looking for the guy with a camera that I was certain was about to jump out at any moment and tell me I had just been Punked. I saw the engraved sign on a gate. Honno-ji. So that building back there was a temple? “This is going to sound very strange but excuse me. Could you tell me what year it is?”
“It is 1582. Why?” Nobunaga asked inclining his head. This has to be a bad dream. No way this is real. I put my hand on my arm and pinched it as hard as I could. Ouch! Ok… bang goes that theory. “What are you pinching yourself for? I’ve given my name. It’s your turn.”
“Huh? Hey!” I cried out as I realised Nobunaga had stepped forward and abruptly used his hand to tilt my chin to force me to meet his gaze.
“Give me your name.” His voice was deep and commanding but it also made me bristle automatically. I am not something to be commanded. And clearly Please was not something this guy was taught as a child. Matching his gaze with a glare of my own I stubbornly refused to allow my body to react to him. Well, I guess there isn’t much harm in telling him my name.
“My name is Aerion Foxx.”
“Aerion then? A good name.” He had a smirk on his face that was like a child that just won a game. Ok, that is another annoying thing. I don’t mind games but there is something about this one that makes me think it's not one set on a foundation of mutual respect.
“Thank you I like it too. Now let go of me.” Brushing his hand away I was quick enough to put a gap between us again. Seriously ever hear of personal space? I need to work all this stuff out but I just can’t get my head to stop pounding. I don’t know if it was pain or shock but I felt my body start to tremble. I could feel a rumbling sensation under my feet. I had visions of that iconic scene in movies where you see a glass of water quake just before a huge monster arrived. Looking around I saw a wall of armoured figures approaching.
“Nobunaga, my lord, you’re safe!”
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yiqiie · 6 years
every week, i’ll sit down and watch the newest episode of Idol Producer Season 2 《青春有你》and write down all my thoughts. nothing get’s left out so get ready for a bunch of memes, shit posts and rants as we get through another season of our fave survival show 
feel free to send me any questions to my inbox and i’ll answer them asap!
a/n: I AM READY i’ve been so hyped after the previews i’m finally feeling a bit of the excitement i got from last season again 
start time: 7:32 am
my wifi has been pretty good lately so i’m praying i won’t have to take all day to watch this ep again 
wait omfg yaochi’s mum 
zyx you’re a little shit ahahahahaha 
also i love your dimple uwu 
no one in A class ;;;;
wait i got too caught up i forgot to write something
but like what he said is true 
you’ve got people who are already such all-rounded people compared to people who are maybe only good at singing so it’s gonna be harder for some people than it will be for others 
i love jolin so much guys she’s teaching them move by move 
i think the mentoring is so much better than last season though 
i think they focused way too much on like being strict last time but this time they’re actually doing move by move teaching 
it might have something to do with experience tbh 
but once again jolin is the cutest human and she’s my number 1 pick lmao 
hu chunyang uwu he’s so shy 
i love li ronghao teaching though 
the poor thing but look at how hardworking 
they’re so nervous though poor babes 
so baby pick-a me! 
i remember when he was teaching mask and all of the boys were doing zyx neck exercises and it WAS THE FUNNIEST THING 
i’m sorry i’m supposed to be focussed on the trainees but i’m mesmerised by zyx lmfao 
dude that is some pretty crazy workout 
they’re asking pd hard questions ahahahhahahaha
li wenhan teaching uwu what an aesthetic 
yaochi’s smile is so adorable 
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yao mingming is so cute honestly 
oh no baby ;;; 
he forgot some of his lines 
please tell me they’re going to A 
i will cry 
pls pls pls i’m begging 
i really have to get better at names 
wait someone got to A 
since when 
what who is it???
only 7 people went up from F ;;; 
please tell me someone went up to A 
no baby don’t cry no no no 
oh shit i’m crying 
okay i’m sobbing i can’t even see my keyboard 
[break while i get a tissue box] 
lol the subtitles aren’t matching the sound 
now there aren’t subtitles 
wait no they’re back 
wang jiayi you’re so hardworking i believe in you gorgeous 
well we already know wenhan is in A 
guan yue my number one pick baby 
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istg if zyx makes another trainee cry
oof his vocal power though 
‘hold me i’m going to faint’ 
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jia yi is holding the fcking yoghurt milk drink and practising 
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honestly my heart hurts so much for these boys they work so hard 
sorry lin mo crying for his teammates is making cry 
wtf jia yi those vocals holy shit 
lian huawei is such a meme i can’t believe this boy 
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sorry this is turning into a guan yue fangirl rant 
back to the topic 
damn that’s a lot of people in A 
sorry HE’S SO CUTE 
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also did jia yi change his hair colour?????
zyx has his proud face on 
casper’s ‘YOU GOIN A MAN’ 
xu fangzhou’s visuals though omg 
honestly the improvement over three days is so much obvious this season then last year 
you can really see how much they put in and how much they’ve improved 
no babes don’t cry no no 
‘my killing part is really weak’ 
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lmfao no one wanting to perform first ahahaha 
guan yue’s smile IS HONESTLY 
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he forgot the moves because he kept smiling AHAHAHA
i’m saying it again 
i’m finally loving the new song 
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jia yi don’t smile at me like that 
you know i can’t handle it 
[brb getting my tissue box] 
okay no one crying so far 
we good 
wait someone’s mum is brushing their teeth AHAHA
okay this is just really cute 
this is hilarious omfg 
‘it doesn’t matter if i can see you on weibo or not’ 
oh guan yue ;;; 
i’ve seen people on weibo saying that they don’t want them to show this bit and that people shouldn’t make a big deal out of it so i won’t talk much 
oh fuck where are my tissues 
no baby don’t cry you’re making them so proud 
lin mo pretending that there’s a bad signal so his mum doesn’t hear him cry 
perhaps my heart is breaking 
so is it gonna be this way producer team 
you’re gonna make me laugh and now you’re giving me all of this emotional stuff 
no li wenhan nope no no no 
i can’t even see my screen 
[break while i get water] 
ooooo group performances!! 
what are the songs this time 
pls don’t tell me there’s gonna be a PPAP level song 
wait like ‘dream’ as in the season one dream???
that was god-tier 
no one’s gonna beat zyx though just saying
ooooo we have a ballad!
it isn’t idol producer without some good old voting 
who’s number one pick 
li wenhan?
i bet it is 
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pls pick a good song though 
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he thought he was gonna be able to chose his song 
but he’s become li wenhan team’s competitor 
no one wants to be chosen anymore because li wenhan AHAHAHHAHAA
wait my wifi cut off how did we get here again 
oh wait three As in the other team 
now we’re onto the next song 
oh the poor baby’s face ;;;; 
before everyone wanted to be the next on picked 
but now no one wants to be picked anymore 
one team per song can’t perform on stage at all 
what the hell 
what’s the point of live voting then?????
5 vocals and there are 4 rap parts AHAHHAHAH 
i love how there isn’t even competing in their team they just kinda force chunyang to be leader lmfao 
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‘whoever has muscles, let them be centre’ AHAHAHHAHA 
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this is so funny i can’t believe this omg 
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wait they’re just kinda spoiling who’s gonna be able to go on stage 
not gonna lie though isn’t that kind of unfair?
oooo these groups look really fcking good 
wait li wenhan group’s outfits are low-key ugly lmao 
they literally just revealed who’s performing ahahaha 
honestly this is really unfair to the people who don’t get to perform 
finish time: 11:03am 
that’s all folks; tune in next week for another episode of mai’s shitposting whilst we suffer through another survival show together!
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prettywordsyouleft · 6 years
Different Kisses with Bang Yongguk
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I’m so happy to be able to write about one of my favourite leaders in kpop today! Yongguk is seriously one of the most down to earth, hard working musicians in this industry and I have so much love and respect for him. So thank you for requesting this, I’m gonna have a lot of fun writing this.
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There is only one word to describe Yongguk’s kisses and that’s passionate.
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First kiss:
It took awhile for Yongguk to kiss you, heck, it had taken about a year that he even admitted he liked you. Yongguk doesn’t open up to people he doesn’t know well, and he met you when he was the most troubled in his career, not looking for anyone to add into the complexity of his brain. But instead you entered in a calming way, meeting at a volunteering event. From there you crossed paths more often since he wasn’t grinding every day out in the studio so much from being on hiatus. Over time your friendship seemed to be a positive place for Yongguk to relax in and it wasn’t long until he realised he had grown feelings for you.
His first kiss came after some time into your relationship, because it took him awhile to move passed his awkward skinship with you. He wanted to let you know how much he was falling for you, but at the same time was hesitant, knowing once he let himself fall for you, he would become vulnerable, giving his all to you. And although he knew you had some bad dating experiences too, he didn’t want to hurt either of you if this relationship wouldn’t work out. All the same, you had just arrived at his studio after work, looking completely shattered despite smiling warmly down at him. He couldn’t resist kissing you then, wanting to ease your burdens, to lift you up. His lips were feeble at first, pressing to yours without moving, but it was like a spark surged through him from the connection, and soon you were both asking more of each other, Yongguk getting up from his chair and blindly walking you both back towards the wall, holding you there as he let the kiss wind down, resting his forehead on yours as you both panted from the exertion of the kiss.
And he saw through his hooded eyes that you were completely mesmerised by him in that moment and that was all it took for him to let go, and to allow himself to start loving you.
Public kisses:
Yongguk likes keeping your relationship private. Not that he’s afraid to share in PDA with you or anything, he often intertwines your hands when out together, smiling at you constantly and avidly talking into your ear whenever you were close. He just doesn’t want you to be exposed to living a more public life than you needed to. At most he kisses your cheek when not in a private setting, and this is mostly when you’re both our walking his dog Tigger, Yongguk so in love with the family dynamic you both have with his fur child.
He is rather protective though, and doesn’t like it when others look at you. He’s confident enough to know you’re both so in love that others don’t matter, but it doesn’t stop him from wrapping an arm around your shoulders sometimes, and leaning down to talk into your ear, angling it so it appears more intimate. In those moments you’ve come to realise what he’s up to, and frankly you’re just as protective of him and what you have together that you wrap your arms around his waist, burying into his side and making that gummy smile of his spread across his face. It’s a great deterrent, Yongguk’s attention is no longer on whatever spiked his efforts, and you get to be closer to your man too. Well played.
Private kisses:
A lot of your time at home with Yongguk is centred around relaxation. Since he lives such a stressful, workaholic lifestyle, and you yourself are normally very productive each day, everything is a lot simpler when at home. Apart from lazing around wrapped up in each other for entire days, he’s the happiest when you’re doing something together. Even something as mundane as folding clothes, his smiles are constant, as are his affections. He loves giving you forehead kisses, his smile meeting your skin before his lips press onto your head. He also is a back hug king, resting his head on your shoulder and sometimes turning to kiss briefly along your jawline, telling you how good you look to him. Yongguk loves to be connected to you as much as he can be, even if it’s just his hand resting on you. He also often stares over at you, amazed that he has such a beautiful person in his life. If you catch him staring though, he’s instantly shy, turning his gaze as he grins to himself. And if you can stop what you’re doing, you do, going over and stretching up to capture his lips in yours, thankful to have someone appreciating you every day.
Most kisses are always longer than a peck with Yongguk, and because he loves connection with you so much, he always draws you towards his body, resting his hands on the small of your back or on your hips, whilst he deepens the kiss. There is always a reason for his kisses, even if you don’t get why in the time, you’ve done something to warrant it. And like most of the idols in this series, if you wear his hoodies/tees, especially if that’s all you’re wearing, you can guarantee his lips will be finding yours, captivated by how well you wear his clothes.
Making out:
Imagine this, Yongguk’s deep as hell voice. Now, add that against your ear. And finally, with you in his lap. Welcome to heaven. Yongguk is passionate naturally, so of course you know you’re going to have a good time making out. He’s going to treat your body like it’s his only treasure, exploring and mapping you out with his hands and mouth. He won’t have a constant stream of words to say to you, but he’ll definitely voice how good you’re making him feel, how turned on he is by the mere sight of you. Guttural groans when your lips attack his collar bones, your hips grinding against his. I don’t think he’s a man of standing when making out. He likes it to be always the same, you in his lap, making you move up when he wants to suck at your navel and supporting you with his strong arms under your butt, and then pushing you back down so you’re able to move your magic on his groin. He is a killer for love bites, and has no shame in leaving many on you when you make out. But he’s a tasteful man, and they’re all hidden, mostly on your chest and stomach and thighs but that comes much later on, bye. I don’t think Yongguk would ever be just satisfied with making out with you, he’s already this hot and heavy that once he’s had enough in this seated position, he’ll scoop you up, not allowing his lips to fall from yours and then take you off to hell, where its far too hot to keep your clothes on any longer within the pleasure you’re both experiencing.
And because Yongguk is weak for your form, you’ll have an active, passionate love life, that’s for sure, so making out is a regular occurrence whenever you’re together.
Morning kisses:
Yongguk isn’t much of a sleeper. In fact, if this boy is resting, it’s a miracle. But to him, you’re the miracle, waking up and finding you sleeping peacefully beside him is enough to re-energise him for another day. He loves to watch over you, taking in all the little differences he might have missed whilst he’s been busy. The type of guy who knows you need a new skin care routine and buys you one as a gift, all because your skin looked a little tired and dry one morning. That’s how much he’s soaking you in, because he needs this moment. He doesn’t wake you up, waiting for you to find him, smiling widely at you when you do. And you mirror the reaction, lazily moving in to kiss him softly. Hearing Yongguk talk in the morning with his extra husky tone is everything to you and whilst he might not have a lot to say when just woken up, you try your best to get him to in between kisses, your hands trailing over his tattoos, sometimes even kissing them lightly before returning your eyes back to his. You have a lot of time for each other in the morning, both filling up on love for each other, soft grazes of your lips constantly guiding you to fulfilment.
Making up:
Most of the time you don’t fight, but if you do, his calm front is always more frightening than yelling would be. He’s good with his words when he does use them, his tone cold, and almost detached. He doesn’t like fighting with you, and if it gets too heated, he’ll walk out on it, not wanting to raise his voice or get too angry with you.
Definitely the type when it’s time to make up who needs a little encouragement. He’ll honestly apologise if he was at fault, but equally expect one back if it was yours. And you’ll be so ready to see his soft, warm side again, that it’ll be your lips meeting his first, Yongguk unsure if you should both be kissing so soon after fighting like that. However it’s easy for him to feel his desire build for you again, and he’d start to crave that connection you were already seeking out. I feel he would be up for make up sex if the fight had really scared him, otherwise he’ll be happy to just get wrapped up in you for a bit, before you both make sure you’ve understood each other and made an appropriate action plan to ensure whatever it was never happens again.
Jealous kisses:
If there’s one reason to your relationship that gives you the green eyed monster, it’s Tigger. And you adore Yongguk’s adorable poodle almost as much as he does, but it doesn’t help when you’ve had a long day and come home to want nothing more than some chocolate and snuggles with Yongguk, and he’s too wrapped up in taking photos and videos for Instagram, dressing Tigger in adorable outfits that has him so in love with his dog, and a lost cause for some time afterwards at how cute it all is. And sometimes you’ll pout and stomp off, finding the chocolate you wanted and take it all the way to bed, letting Yongguk enjoy his fun, and bitterly curse yourself out for being this worked up over a dog. Rationale can’t save you, and sweet sugar can’t calm you either, and so you’ll eventually get up and make your way back down to the living area and have very little regard for whatever your boyfriend is doing, making sure to grab all of his attention by pressing your lips down on his with demand. He allows you to kiss him for several minutes before his smile breaks you apart, pushing the hair out of your face and giving you a little chuckle. “You got jealous again, didn’t you?”
Tigger kisses:
And speaking of Tigger, at least Yongguk’s absolute love of the Winnie the Pooh character, your house together is littered with plushies of all different sizes and types. You were surprised the first time he did it, but sometimes when you’re being too cute, he picks up one of the Tigger plushies and makes it kiss you, telling you in a voice higher than usual that you’re being so cute that even Tigger has to kiss you. And this makes you both laugh, wrapping your arms around each other and smiling out this adorable moment. This is too much for my heart to bear.
Thank you kisses:
Since he spends more time at the studio than at home sometimes due to his work ethic, you often visit him to bring him various things, food, a change of clothes, your affections, and it’s these moments that Yongguk realises just how much you are his everything. When immersed in his work, he’s hard to bring out of it until it’s done, and often can forget about himself. He’s typically the type to text to make sure you’ve eaten all whilst forgetting to do so himself regularly. And so having someone like you who supports him when he needs it the most makes him very appreciative of all you do for him. He is the type to shower you in gifts, but the ones you love the most are the kisses he gives you. Yongguk lets his lips erupt over yours, in a concession of breathtaking kisses, holding you tightly to himself as he does so. And when he’s done, he reaches to place his lips onto your forehead, quietly thanking you for everything you do for him.
And even though some days you’re truly worried he’s going to work himself into an early grave, you know you would do everything to ease some of the self-inflicted strain he puts on himself and assist him as much as you can. You don’t expect to be thanked for your efforts, your concern being the main fuel for doing such things, but the kisses you receive make it all worth it too.
Critical kisses:
Due to the nature of his personality and the pressures from his job (thank the lords he has escaped the clutches of T$), Yongguk faces moments in his life where he struggles to remain confident. Even if he’s doing everything to the best of his abilities, some things that come along really throw him off, and affect his anxiety. And whilst he tries to fight through, he’s also not afraid to break down in front of you. In these raw and fragile moments, you play a pivotal role in helping ease his mind and heart, listening to what he can get out, sharing your thoughts on whatever is bothering him. But more than that, you spend an immeasurable amount of time just cradling him to you, placing kisses on the top of his head and letting him rest against you. And when he’s feeling like things don’t seem so hopeless, he’ll reach up from his place in your arms to kiss you desperately, making sure he still has the ability to do something right. It’s reassuring when you respond to him so easily; calming him, making those kisses drift off tenderly. He’s exhausted, murmuring his thank you to you, nestling into you and holding on as he attempts to sleep away the pain in his chest, knowing you’ll keep him safe, always.
I love you kisses:
Yongguk doesn’t say I love you often. Not because he doesn’t want you to know, if anything, he’d be the type to tell you every day as opposed to never. But it’s because he is a man of action. He knows words can be felt, but emotion is best practiced through actions. He’s learnt that people can promise him so much but actually receive so little in return that he never wanted to be that way with you. And so he tries his best to let you know with his hands in how gentle they hold you, with his eyes and how he only sees you, and with his lips, pressing his love into you. But there are times where he just can’t get it across without those three words, uttering them before placing his lips upon yours, softly at first. You love these kisses. Because the build up is so intense. Much like your relationship. You started out with barely any touches, and now as his lips are crashing against you in heated waves of passion, his hands accompany the embrace, searching to grab a hold of your soul. Over time you had become everything to one another, and these kisses really represented your journey so well. You never thought they could get more breathtaking each time, but you swore there was something new each time, much like in your love. You were both constantly growing as a couple, your love further intertwining every day. And when he kissed you like this, you knew you would only love Yongguk in this lifetime, and the next, your heart beating to the same rhythm as his.
Loving Yongguk is really a journey. You never knew you could feel this way about another person, especially since you both had less than ideal experiences with love before each other. But you firmly believe you endured those hard times to be rewarded with each other, the passion of his kisses singing to your soul every time.  
Other B.A.P members: Himchan // Daehyun // Youngjae // Jongup
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dalekofchaos · 6 years
What I love and hate About Moffat’s Doctor Who
Much like I did for RTD’s Era, I will be listing my What I love and hate about Moffat’s Doctor Who.
What I love
Eleven. Ten will forever be my Doctor but Eleven has a special place in my heart!  I will always remember him in my heart, I will cherish the memories I had that he was The Eleventh Doctor, I will always remember his epic sense of fashion, his triumphs and sad moments, his eccentric childishness both as him and as a way to trick you and then you realize Eleven is truly terrifying. I will always remember Eleven as The Doctor!
Twelve. I love Twelve. He may have had some poorly written episodes given to him, but Capaldi still handled it like the professional he is. Twelve brought back the sternness of One and the dark manipulator of SevenI Capaldi’s ability to portray the extremes of human emotion make him, perhaps, one of the most skilled and diversely talented actors to take on the role. One of the most joyously mesmerising facets of Capaldi's interpretation of the role is the level of sincerity and gravitas with which he approaches every scene - it doesn't matter if the Doctor is being funny, Capaldi plays the Doctor with a sense of naturalism and realism which has breathed new life into the part. While Smith and Tennant each had a wonderful sense of humour in the role, Peter has taken the opportunity to play the straight-man when it comes to scenes involving a degree of comedy, making the Doctor all the more funny for it. I also love Twelve because I liked the fact that his sheer introduction brought back the idea that older actors (and now actresses) can play the character. Having been a lifelong fan himself, Capaldi would have accepted the role knowing full well that his life would never be the same again. Aside from this willing acceptance of the renown that comes with the role, Peter seems to be one of the warmest and most genuine actors to adopt the guise of the Time Lord. He regularly speaks warmly and at length of the entire history of the programme, not just the series since he joined. His knowledge and passion for the shown and it's fans is truly moving as Capaldi is regularly warm and inviting to those fans that speak to him in the street. Some actors can be somewhat short with their fans, especially if they're having a tough day, but Peter seems to be welcoming and charming regardless of the circumstances. In short, he's nothing shy of the perfect ambassador for the show. The Doctor was indeed in safe hands and we will miss Peter dearly.
Moments like The end scene of Vincent And The Doctor and Twelve’s brilliant anti-war speech in The Zygon Inversion. 
Amy Pond and Rory Williams I loved Amy and Rory.  Amy Pond is an incredibly layered, wonderful, and flawed character. She is brave and independent, she is scared of abandonment and commitment, she is rude and yet compassionate. She has a knack for creative problem-solving and can make connections other people can’t, whether it is realising the truth about the star whale or figuring out how to defeat the Weeping Angel.She has had a difficult life, but Amy is always changing and growing, as she holds onto the contradictory pieces that make up her own histoy. We watch her learn to love and to trust. We see her struggling with keeping up with both her travels with the Doctor and the normal life she comes to value. She experiences joy and loss and she just lives, passionately.What is so exceptional about Amy’s ending isn’t that she chooses Rory; she likely would have made the same choice two seasons earlier. But for the first time it feels like a decision that she can be happy with. Because she no longer is “the girl who waited” - and the Doctor didn’t keep her from growing up, he just became part of her story to get there. Rory is awesome. He’s one of my favorite companions ever, despite being on and off at times because of small things like being dead. Rory is smart, cool, actual husband material, and he keeps The Doctor humble.  I adore their relationship. Amy and Rory loved each other. Their relationship is what made series 5 and 6 great. Beautiful soulmates and The Ponds are beautiful.  I think my favorite part about the Eleventh Doctor, Amy, and Rory’s time together was the fact that most of the other companions in New Who were always talked down to. Not that the Doctor didn’t respect them. He did, immensely. But he was always the one to explain something, always the one looking smart, always the leader, always the one saving the day. But in the case with the Doctor, Amy, and Rory, the Ponds were the ones figuring things out and saving the day while the Doctor tripped as he tried to simultaneously put on a bowtie and eat a fishstick. And that’s beautiful.
Clara Oswald Clara Oswald is a perfectly ordinary sweet natured girl, who’s compassionate and caring, who has shown herself to be quite independent on several occasions, who takes care of children simply because she knows perfectly well what they are going through, and saved the Doctor on so many occasions just out of the goodness of her heart. Clara Oswald is a scared but very clever girl, who becomes very good at playing the most dangerous of situations to get advantage and gets addicted to that thrill. From the beginning, she parallels the Doctor, with her whole era basically being a female Doctor origin story.
Bill Potts.  Bill was wonderful. Finally, a companion who is not a forced plot device, Bill is finally a companion who is special just because The Doctor considers her special cause she’s The Doctor’s friend. Bill is a proud gay woman of color. Her introduction is brilliant, hella adorkable, Has immense respect for the Doctor without ever defining herself around him like so many other companions, strong and stands up to him without ever seeming condescending or ‘you may be the Doctor but I know you better than you know yourself’ and all the slapping him. The Doctor and Bill have the healthiest Doctor/Companion dynamic. Has a clear inferiority complex but never takes it out on the people around her. Her first reaction to seeing depressed Heather is to sit down and ask her what’s wrong, because that’s what she feels is right. Basically so incredibly kind and selfless to everybody. I love Bill so much
The Paternoster Gang. Anytime Vastra, Jenny and Strax are on screen, it’s instantly gold. A  trio of associates to the Time Lord who didn't have hokey origins or contrived resurrections. They emerged fully formed and unexplained; Vastra was a lizard serial killer, Jenny was her servant/lover and Drax made some funny jokes about not being able to understand human biology.
Missy Michelle Gomez was so deliciously and hammy evil. I loved every moment she was on screen, it’s a shame The Doctor Falls ruins it. In her first two appearances she was firmly established herself as a force to be reckoned with. Suffice to say, you wouldn't want to meet this renegade Time Lord in a dark alley. She'd sing "Oh Missy you're so fine" and then obliterate you on sight. After taking a selfie with you, of course. Plus Missy always looks her best when she’s ready to destroy the world!  When she gets her lipstick out, you know that something rather unfavourable is about to hit the timey-wimey fan. Anyone can kill someone but it takes a special sort of person to do it with as much attitude as Missy. After all, if you're not going to zap someone to death looking your best, you might as well not do it at all. It's rule one, guys. Though I do wish they just called her The Master. If Moffat doesn’t think she couldn’t keep calling herself The Master, I’m pretty sure he’d rename Thirteen The Nurse.
Simm!Master’s glorious return! Simm!Master returned and it was perfect! It was both what the fans of Classic Master wanted and what Simm wanted. John Simm always wanted to play a dark and evil Master, it was RTD who wanted Simm to play a dancing and giggling lunatic who acted like Frank Gorshin’s Riddler on crack.  Pure and utter hatred for The Doctor and no regard for anyone but himself. Absolutely glorious. It’s just a shame that Simm!Master will not return and an even bigger shame that the surprise of Simm!Master’s return was spoiled by the trailer and bad make up and inability to hide Simm’s voice. 
The Guest episodes in RTD’s era and the new monsters. All the guest episodes are great. Moffat is good at writing monsters. Moffat is responsible for creating the best monsters in New Who. The Weeping Angels, The Empty Child, Vashtra Narada and The Silence were all good. The sad part is Moffat is good at writing guest episodes. 
What I hate
Plots that go nowhere and abandoning established ideas for his plots and just making up as he goes along. Moffat tends to introduce plots and either never intends to go back or explain them or abandons them altogether. In series 5, it’s introduced that Th Alliance, a group of The Doctor’s worst enemies all worked together to put The Doctor in the Pandorica, who brought them altogether, when and how are they joined together and when are they gonna return? Never brought up again....Okay? When we all heard “Silence Will Fall” it gave us a sense of wanting more. And in the series 5 when River went to Amy’s house in The Pandorica part 1 ending, I saw Omega symbols everywhere. This led me to believe that Omega is tied into the cracks in the universe and The Silence and maybe we would see Omega in series 6 and maybe The Silence were created by Omega. It never happens. The Silence are a religious order. It STILL could’ve worked because there were STILL Omega symbols all over in A Good Man Goes To War. And once again, nothing, I don’t know if Omega was ever planned to return but something was dropped. Moving on. I thought that the reason why The Doctor’s name was shown to be this terrible thing in New Who is because The Doctor used his real name to Timelock The Time War and saying it would unleash The Time War on the universe and...his name is dropped like it’s nothing. The Silence with a flip of a hat decide to join The Doctor despite it being their goal to kill him because...reasons. So glad that was resolved so easily. How did The Doctor and Clara escape The Doctor’s timestream? Never addressed. John Hurt’s character. I always thought he was gonna be The Other considering the 50th was coming up and it might be the Cartmel Masterplan. He’s a Doctor between 8 and 9 and was the one who fought in the Time War? Okay. Okay when Missy started appearing and when she talked about Clara “I chose you well” I got the hint that who this big bad was, that she created  Clara to use against The Doctor, this led me to believe that Missy was The Rani. “Oh she’s the Master, but instead of calling her The Master we call her Missy now”....kay? The Master chose their name like The Doctor, I’m pretty sure they would not change it because The Master changed genders, but whatever.  The Hybrid. Something so horrible that The Doctor left Gallifrey “it was The Doctor and Clara” are you fucking kidding me? Oh it gets better, The Doctor doesn’t even care that he found Gallifrey, all he wanted was Clara back despite Clara being content with dying. No seriously you fucking asshole, you wasted my fucking time with either dropped storylines or shit you made up cause we all fucking know you did not know what you were doing. 
River Song The issue with River Song is she is simply an awful character. River stokes The Doctor’s PTSD really bad. She is a character forced upon both the audience and The Doctor. River is a character who kills at the drop of the hat and makes a Dalek scream for mercy. Yeah, call me old fashioned but showing mercy to a Dalek is more compelling. She encourages The Doctor to kill, and reveres him as some untouchable genocidal god, and constantly pushes herself onto him sexually, even though he pulls away. River Song is Steven Moffat’s Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way. And there’s the fact that River is predatory. If it was a male character constantly coming on to the much physically younger female character, and being naked and doing so despite being asked not to do that like.... people would have freaked out and called River out for being a predator and had a fit, but because she's an older female and he's a younger bodied male this is... somehow badass and empowered? Oh and let’s not forget the fact that River is somehow part Time Lord? Being born in the fucking TARDIS does not make you part Time Lord. Jesus fucking christ, JENNY is more Time Lord, at least that makes more sense. And the revelation that River is Amy and Rory’s daughter makes no sense. Rory was erased from existence. How can River still be their daughter if Rory died at that point? But moving on.  I hate that she is used as a plot device. Oh, by the way she can fly the TARDIS, and oh by the way, she can flipping regenerate. I’m sorry, but River Song should, by NO means, be able to regenerate. She pops in to get the Doctor in and out of trouble and then disappears to who-knows-where/sometimes prison. And fixed points in time? Excuse me? No. I mean, really. That was absurd. Special rules do not apply to her. Moffat is just trying to make her look cool and I am not sacrificing good writing for image. River Song is a sociopath whose entire life revolves around The Doctor, there is not ONE SINGLE decision she has made for herself. She goes around with a gun, shooting things, causing genociide and we’re meant to believe the Doctor is actually ok with that? Giving her a gun does not make her a strong, independent woman. It makes her a sociopath with a gun. Her smugness annoys me to no end. Fucking spoilers. Fucking hello sweetie. Her sensuality is forced. She has no chemistry with Matt Smith. Her line in the wedding of River Song. I’ll suffer if I kill you-more than the entire universe-yes. How selfish can she get? She is constantly rubbing in her knowledge in not only the Doctor’s face but the companions. It’s like when Moffat took over he wanted to one up RTD so he made River who lets everyone know how awesome she is, how well she knows the doctor, how she can fly the Tardis so well (you turned the “handbrake” off, congratulations) She has no reactions to her parents dying. And finally she is meant to be this brainwashed sociopath who exists to kill the doctor and in the space of literally 30 seconds she changes her mind. A lifetime of brainwashing and trauma and pain and she gets over it in 30 seconds. Like I said, I shit you fucking not River Song is Moffat’s Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way. And yes, the marriage. It was forced. The Doctor flat out states that he doesn’t want to marry her and she pressures him into it because it’s the only way she’ll let him touch her. If there is any kind of pressure, blackmail or abuse to get someone to marry another person, the marriage is forced. The Doctor was absolutely pressured into participating because not participating would’ve ended the universe. Here’s the difference between Rose Tyler and River Song.  Rose Tyler was a character who existed and had a romance with the Doctor. There was NO love at first sight. it was not Predestined, or anything like that; it was just some crazy old alien being like “oi, you wanna go and see all of time and space?” and rose was all, “yeah, why not!” and they were BEST MATES FIRST. they were just two best mates flying around in their stolen TARDIS, having a laugh, and then when the Stakes Were Raised rose kind of went - oh fuck. i love him. and the doctor went - oh fuck. i love her. it was just a natural, mutual caring and it was just two nerds, both of whom would raise HELL for the safety of the other while saving the universe together.  River Song was a character who existed TO have a romance with the Doctor. We are instantly told, not shown by the first meeting that River is important to The Doctor.  Someone The Doctor would give his screwdriver to and tells her his name. And eventually  they meet again and she kills and The Doctor is okay with it...for reasons. No one ever bats an eye that another genocide happens, but whatever. “Never be cruel or cowardly” apparently The Doctor overlooks why he chose his title when River is around. Honestly, The Doctor would never fall in love with someone who would risk THE ENTIRETY OF SPACE AND TIME because she didn’t want to kill him, i.e. river. he would NOT love someone like that, much less he would certainly not marry her because of it.  Okay. Why is River the only one who knows The Doctor’s name? You might say that River does have a life outside The Doctor cause she’s an archaeologist, yes, but that is barely shown. What do we really know about River? Even though she’s not consistently characterized, we do see that she’s violent, crazy, arrogant, overly sexual, sassy, and even bossy. Not much is known about her that makes us actually love her except that we are supposed to love her because of the Doctor.   If I could change River’s character, it would be this.  River should have been like a future companion who was mentored by The Doctor. Like Seven mentored Ace. In which he becomes like a father to River. She is hateful to him at first because of the conditioning done to her by The Silence. The Doctor saves her from herself and makes her a better person and slowly mentors her, I kind of got that impression when she told Rory about herself in The Impossible Astronaut.  I would have prefered a father/daughter relationship more than a romantic one. And River getting over trying to kill the doctor in just one episode (Let’s Kill Hitler) didn’t really take advantage of the weapon turned companion plot, and it was such a waste! It’s so frustrating how much potential there was there to really tell a story, and instead they just rushed it and made it into a nonsensical mess, rushed into a mystery and rushed into a forced romance. And we will never be free of River, as long as Moffat guest writes for Doctor Who, River will always be there. Even when she is being sent to her death, River Song’s presence is forced upon us in series 10 and no matter how much we want her to go away, River will never leave. Fuck Moffat for forcing River on us.
Moffat’s perception of The Doctor. Moffat sees The Doctor as this angsty vengeful authoritarian god. The Doctor is important because They are the one being trying to make a positive impact in the universe not because they’re a god/angel/cosmic authority/vengeful deity
The Doctor’s Name. Since when does the Doctor’s name matter so much? He chose his own name, Doctor, for a reason. It stands for everything he believes in.  and that’s what matters, not his birth name, they weren’t gonna do the Carmel Masterplan, so it really doesn’t matter. Furthermore, how could the Doctor’s name bring about the end of the universe? I just…I don’t understand? I’m really trying to and I can’t, because it makes no sense. Before Steven Moffat took over, The Doctor wasn’t this prophesied space messiah that all the evil beings in the universe were hell-bent on destroying because they knew that his name had catastrophic properties. Never explained why and all mentions of why his real name is important is thrown away, thus once making something built up entirely pointless.
The Silence Genocide. Here’s the difference between how genocide is presented with the Ninth, Tenth and Eleventh Doctors. The Ninth Doctor has the opportunity to destroy the Dalek Emperor’s fleet with the delta wave generator, but it would be at the cost of the humans and Jack on the game station. He couldn’t bring himself to commit genocide a second time, he would choose to be coward over a killer anyday. With Ten, he had no choice but to destroy the Racnoss and commit genocide, but he was ashamed of himself. The Silence had been on earth for thousands of years and had influenced human history and helped get humanity to the moon. One of them killed a human.  The Doctor sanctioned a genocide of an entire race with a smile on his face and turned on by his psychopathic future forced wife(jesus I wish I was making this up) and the humans just go along with it, The Doctor might as well have just told Cletus to burn a cross on The Silence’s yard. What was The Silence’s crime exactly? furthering Man's achievements? I can only assume that no one knows about the killing of Joy in the toilets, but if the Doctor did its a bit harsh to wipe out a whole race because of the actions of one. I mean, holy shit we have a jail that is capable of holding aliens established in the beginning of the episode and apparently killing them all instead of holding them all away is preferable. 
Apparently sexual assault is funny if a woman forces herself on a man. If someone forces themselves on you without your consent, it is assault. It happened with Amy(while she was on her way to being married), it happened with River, it happened with Clara, it happened with Tasha Lem,  and it happened with Missy. It was not funny in absolutely any time, yet this immature fucking jackass always plays assault for laughs. If this were an older man forcing himself on a younger woman, there would be outrage. and the creepery of women who meet fully grown men as little girls falling hopelessly in love with that same grown man, usually throwing themselves at him and forcibly advancing on him.  And him sexualizing them when they're adults when literally like 5 minutes ago for him they were children, it’s really vile.
Moffat’s inability to break the New Who companion formula with Clara. When we were first introduced to Oswin Oswald, I sincerely thought we were finally getting a new type of companion, FINALLY a companion from the future and not just another modern girl from the UK. Then Oswin was revealed to be a Dalek and she died. Sad but I thought she was a great character and I really wanted her to start traveling with The Doctor, Oswin and Eleven had great chemistry and unfortunately it was wasted potential. Next, we get Victorian Clara. Finally, a companion from the past. Her story was so great and once again good chemistry with Eleven and once again I wanted Victorian Clara to travel with The Doctor and she dies. What happens next? We are once again forced to have a “the companion must be special to travel with The Doctor plot device” and we have Clara Oswald from modern UK. Okay, fuck you. You complete and utter fucking moron. Not every goddamn companion needs to be from the modern UK. The Doctor has traveled with companions from the past, from the future and even aliens, hell, two of his companions were Cybermen. The Doctor traveling with a companion from the past or future works. 
Moffat believes companions should only be female. Gee, it’s not like Ian Chesterton, Steven Taylor, Ben Jackson, Jamie McCrimmon, Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart, Mike Yates, John Benton, Harry Sullivan  Adric, Vislor Turlough, Mickey Smith, Captain Jack Harkness, Rory Williams and Danny Pink don’t exist or are important. Seriously fuck you, the male companions are just as important as the female companions. 
Death always being teased but never executed upon and made ultimately pointless in the end. Rory has been dying in three fucking seasons until he actually dies in series 7. His death in series 5 was actually great. Then, when Amy and Rory ACTUALLY die in Series 7, it makes absolutely no sense and there are so many plot holes around it, it can be avoidable and The Doctor could simply just travel to a different part of the country in the TARDIS and just go back to New York on plane or car. Their death is completely avoidable and comes off as Moffat saying “He can’t save them because shut up” The Doctor let Amy and Rory go at the end of series 6. That is all you had to do. LET THEM GO, their deaths were avoidable and if you wanted to write them off, let them go. The most interesting Claras died and the last Clara died but was stupidly brought back despite the fact that Clara was content with dying. Ashildr had a great death protecting her people and of course deus ex machina technology makes her immortal. Even Heather, a girl from one episode had a good emotional death, is brought back in the finale. Bill Potts had possibly the worst possible fate. Bill was shot and everyone was shocked. Like damn, Bill is dying and the next thing we know is she is being converted into a Cybermen and who knows The Doctor is being forced to deal with the fact that he led his friend to a fate far worse than death. The emotional pain is there...and it’s ruined. Bill is fine and gets a happy ending like Clara and Ashildr. River is dead AND WE ARE STILL NOT FUCKING FREE FROM RIVER SONG! I don’t know why the fandom perceives Moffat as bad as George R.R. Martin, Moffat is a coward when it comes to death and never sticks with death, everyone HAS to come back and the deaths for every companion is undone and makes their deaths and sacrifice completely pointless. The reason Adric dying worked SO WELL is because he stayed dead and Adric’s death was a sacrifice and it worked. If Moffat was headwriter for Earthshock, I’m pretty damn sure he would find a way to undo Adric’s death. Death has no consequences in Moffat’s Who.
Until Bill Potts, every companion ALWAYS had to be special because the plot demanded it. Amy was “the girl who waited” River was River and Clara was “The Impossible Girl” no one could be special cause they are special to The Doctor, they had to be related to the plot
Day Of The Doctor was not celebrating 50 years of Doctor Who. It celebrated New Who and The Time War. It only celebrates The Time War and Moffat’s Who. It makes Not only that, it makes it black and white, it makes The Daleks the true evil of The Time War and erases the culpability of The Time Lords. Remember  it wasn’t just the Daleks who were the cause of The War, it was The Time Lords themselves who started The Time War when they convinced Four to try and stop the Dalek creation in Genesis Of The Daleks, it’s very important to understand that it wasn’t black and white and make the Time Lords the innocent party. And Day Of The Doctor ignores that and ignores that Rassilon wanted to erase all life and make The Time Lords beings of higher consciousness at the cost of all life in the universe.  
Mishandling The Time War itself. Throughout series 1-4 The Time War was built up as this horrible war that was so horrible that if it did not end, it would’ve destroyed life itself. The Time War NEEDED  to be more than a generic Sci-Fi battle. in the novelization of the episode Rose, 
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The Time War was meant to be bigger and more horrifying.“this wasn’t a fight like laser guns and spaceships and explosions, this was a filthy, stinking war that changed reality itself.” Instead, it became a generic Sci-Fi action movie. Instead of the enormous time-traveling, inconceivable concept that was painted. The Time War prior to the 50th was something that we COULD NOT CONCEPTUALIZE because it was not fight like a normal war, it spanned galaxies and time. The true tragedy of it wasn’t that the Daleks were going to destroy Gallifrey or Arcadia, it was that THE DALEKS AND TIME LORDS BOTH WERE RIPPING THE UNIVERSE APART WITH THEIR WEAPONS. You cannot show that. So instead, we got shitty action movie explosions. When I got real interested about the Time War before series 6, a fan trailer showed a concept that The Daleks wanted to capture the Eye Of Harmony and insinuated that the Daleks went to war with the Time Lords to gain Gallifrey’s resources so they can gain mastery over space and time. That alone is more compelling than “Daleks just wanna exterminate the Time Lords” it was lazy writing, even more so by portraying the Time Lords as the innocent party. The Time Lords tried to get The Fourth Doctor to stop their creation and The Seventh Doctor manipulated Davros into destroying Skaro. There is no innocent Time Lords, retconning their actions throughout classic who and ignoring Rassilon and the High Council’s plans was complete and utter lazy writing. Rassilon and the High Council were as scary and menacing as the Time Lords from War Games and  Rassilon was a fearsome genocidal demigod. Choosing to ignore that was seriously dumb. Let’s go over Moffat’s depiction of children of Gallifrey and how he portrays the Time Lords waging War. Ignoring the concept of looming is dumb. “children of Gallifrey” I was just so mad when I heard about this. looming made Time Lords more alien and it is an interesting portrayal of Time Lords being asexual. Ignoring that, the concept of Time Lord Children is really dumb, Time Lord children carry stuffed rabbits. Because Time Lords children = Human children. Oh wait. Then Moffat’s concept of how The Time Lords would wage war.  Time Lord soldiers have helmets.  Time Lord soldiers have helmets to protect them from the rubble. There is rubble.  Things are burning. No, I mean things are literally burning.  Things are burning because the Daleks are shooting ray guns and the Time Lords are shooting back using their super advanced … ray MACHINE guns!!!!  Just to remind the audience, the Time Lords are a superior race with power over time itself.  The Time Lord soldiers have walky-talkies. No really, they do.  When Time Lords make art, they make it in 3 dimensions.  When Time Lords make war, they make it in 3 dimensions.  “Have you ever thought what it’s like to be wanderers in the Fourth Dimension?” Masters of time and you decide to make them have ray-guns? This isn’t the fucking Terminator. And also, it ignores the fact that The Doctor witnessed Gallifrey burned. The way The Time Lords were portrayed in DOTD, was just lazy.     
Sonic Sunglasses. I believe that the sonic screwdriver needed a long break. It worked for Five-Seven so it would work for Twelve.  I like the sonic screwdriver but I hate how they constantly made Ten and Eleven dependent on it and turned it from a time lord device that can open any door to a magic wand that can perform a deus ex machina. What happens instead of Twelve relying on his intelligence and wit? He gets a downgrade and gets himself Sonic Shades. It worked like the screwdriver, with a few added bells and whistles to justify this downgrade.  One of the most noticeable problems with the glasses was that, unlike the screwdriver, their effects weren’t visible. Doctor Who is ordinarily a visual program that has always drawn attention to its colorful sci-fi/fantasy moments. Also, unlike the screwdriver they weren’t exclusive used by The Doctor, making them far less special. Clara, Ashildr and Osgood all donned the specs during the limited number of episodes in which they appeared. In series 10, the glasses committed their greatest sin. After the events in Oxygen rendered The Doctor blind, instead of having him deal with the extent of losing one’s vision, he popped on his magic glasses, thus cheapening the experience. While they didn’t restore his vision, the tech provided him with enough guidance to dramatically lessen the full extent of his blindness. Sadly, if the writers had allowed The Doctor to go 100% blind, the sheer vulnerability of such a powerful character could've made the Monk Trilogy a much stronger arc.
Hell Bent undid Clara’s sacrifice and made Day Of The Doctor completely pointless. Hell Bent STILL leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. All this mystery around The Hybrid and it was completely pointless. Gallifrey was completely wasted. We were given hope that The Doctor would see his home and his people again, but instead of The Doctor restoring Gallifrey, finding Susan, Romana, Leela and Ace again, Gallifrey is reduced to background noise and The Doctor doesn’t even care that he’s home. It was all just to bring back Clara. Clara was content on dying to save Rigsy. Clara paid for her mistakes by trying to emulate and be The Doctor. Heaven Sent was brilliant, it showed The Doctor trying to struggle without Clara, it was emotional and brilliant. Not only is her death undone and Gallifrey is reduced to background noises, Clara is rewarded by her actions by becoming a faux Doctor with a TARDIS and her own companion in Ashildr. This is the complete opposite of what should have happened. She gets rewarded for trying to become The Doctor when she shouldn’t be. She should be paying for it, that’s the whole point. Clara isn’t The Doctor, what makes her different is her primary strength and that’s why they need each other. Clara dying was the only good way to end this character and it ended up as a copout. It took her agency away and because Moffat could not let her go he had to bring her back, thus making Face The Raven and Day Of The Doctor completely pointless
Because Moffat STILL will not let River go, he has a portrait bigger than his own granddaughter’s Susan Foreman. There is no way within time and space that The Doctor will never believe River Song is more important than his own granddaughter. In my opinion, he should have picture frames of Rose, Jackie, Mickiem Jack, Martha and Donna, The Ponds and Clara along with Susan, but only River gets the big special picture. Fuck Moffat and his petty favoritism
Nardole For the majority of series 10, The Doctor was followed around by a cue-balled whiny crying cyborg known as Nardole. He first appeared in the 2015 Christmas episode with a purpose and then proceeded to just sort of hang out afterward with no discerning purpose. Then midway through series 10 in the episode Extremis, his purpose was explained. He was just a reminder that River Song is still there. We can’t be free of River no matter what and because of that we have to sit through this unbearable, annoying screaming robot. Kamelion is better than him and that should show you how bad Nardole is, but unlike Kamelion who had issues cause the robot malfunctioned and only lasted a few episodes,  we suffered through the entirety of series 10 because of Nardole.
Bad make up and giving away Simm!Master in the teaser ruined the reveal. The series 10 trailer spoiled that John Simm would return as The Master at some point. However, since he didn’t appear in the first ten episodes, it became a given that’s he’d appear sometime during the two-part series finale. And while they might have been saving him for part two, it was likely they’d want to utilize him for the entire story arc. So with all that in mind, a character that looked and sounded like John Simm in heavy makeup appeared about 15 minutes into the penultimate episode, The World Enough and Time. Some viewers may have been as shocked as The Doctor and Missy were by the reveal, but it could’ve been handled better. Simm did his part by disguising his voice and mannerisms. Yet it feels like a lost opportunity with an easy enough fix, if anybody had cared. The whole thing could’ve been avoided by either not including The Master in the trailer, or by disguising Simm in even more makeup and prosthetics.
Ignoring Simm!Master’s character arc in End Of Time. I don’t like End Of Time for a majority of reasons, but even I understand that Simm!Master had an arc in End Of Time. Sure, he mostly wanted revenge for what Rassilon’s done to him, but he still saved The Doctor, he considered The Doctor’s offer and had a realization that maybe he doesn’t have to be bad. Simm!Master had sane moments in his insanity which all had in some way the Doctor involved, showing him listening, with tears in his eyes. And in The Doctor Falls, he is completely unchanged. Acts as if the character arc never happened, Simm!Master is sexist for no reason.  Time Lords have no real concept of gender inequality. The Master had respect for Jo Grant, Nyssa, Tegan and Martha Jones and never harbored sexist attitude for them, he had ill feelings as an enemy, that’s it. Made to hate the Doctor so much he’d rather die than standing with him - Ignoring the fact that’s exactly what he did in The End of Time Part 2 and also the fact that the Master’s main goal over everything else was always his own survival. So he dies unredeemable, learns nothing, uncaring asshole, and completely disregards his character development in "The End of Time and all just to make Missy look good.
Missy had no reason for wanting to change and my annoyance at the name change. I don’t see or understand why Missy wanted to change. Obviously they are gonna give her a redemption story for...reasons. What are the reasons you might ask?...Shut up. Well, we obviously need her to fight her demons so why not give her absolutely no reason to want to change (except “I want my friend back” which apparently wasn’t enough reason for any other Master) I seriously do not understand why Missy would want to change. Missy/Master would want to fight a common foe with The Doctor and later betray The Doctor later and their game would go on as it always goes. Missy had no motivation, every chance The Doctor gave her, she always went back to her old ways. Missy’s “change” simply comes off as “let’s praise Missy She’s changed!! Why? Who cares. Motivation? Character development? Nuances? I can’t do that, I can only create a contrast between new and old so crass, everyone will see the change! Shut up and stop asking questions!” If Missy returns, I want  them to stop calling her Missy. Call her The Master. The Master chose their name like The Doctor, I’m pretty sure they would not change it because The Master changed genders. You don’t just change that name. She can very well still call herself The Master, there is no reason why, they cannot call her The Master. Changing gender is not a reason to change the title The Master chose to be called as such as they believe they can rule and subjugate the universe. But The Master should at the very least return as a villain, despite the forced change.
The Daleks and Cybermen are misused and overpowered. The problem with the Daleks is that Moffat has no idea what he wants to do with them. This video explains it perfectly. When the Daleks returned in series 5, they returned with an awful new look but they are still the biggest threat in the universe and the emotional trauma and hatred with the Doctor is there. Then, The Daleks go away and nothing is done with them. In series 7, Asylum Of The Daleks they return. They are not treated like the unstoppable force they were once in Classic Who or in Davies’ Who or even in Victory Of The Daleks. They are instead treated like another monster of the week. It’s not a big deal for The Doctor to face them anymore, he doesn’t seem to have any kind of reaction to them still operating or prospering in the universe. So now with no explanation Skaro is apart of the universe again despite the fact that it was destroyed in Remembrance of the Daleks,  there is a Dalek parliament, thousands of them exist, they have their own asylum(apparently the Daleks are too scared of their own malfunctioning Daleks) and they have death camps. Dalek death camps and The Doctor doesn’t care. Dalek death camps and The Doctor has no reaction to nor does he want to help anyone in the camps. While the execution of Evolution of The Daleks wasn’t very good, Dalek Sec was right that the purity of the Daleks would always destroy them in the end and must change if they are to survive, but that is no longer relevant. The tone of the Dalek appearances after Victory Of The Daleks shows their menace is no longer there. The Doctor goes from being enraged and consumed by grief by seeing The Daleks, to not feeling anything nor caring that the Daleks having death camps across the universe. The Rusty thing just didn’t work. The only thing that did work was the “you are a good Dalek” line. The Daleks have lost their menace and if The Doctor doesn’t care or show any fear or hatred towards them, then why should we as an audience care? As for the Cybermen. The problem is they are just the Cybus Cybermen with the symbol removed, the same monotone “DELETE” the only difference is they are too overpowered and well they are apparently Iron Man now thanks to the Nightmare In Silver all rocket boots and detachable limbs and superspeed. In  Dark Water/Death in Heaven they are nothing but Missy’s slaves with no autonomy of their own rather than a true force to be feared. It hasn’t helped that more often than not, modern Doctor Who has repeatedly decided the only way to beat the Cybermen is to overwhelm them with the power of love, a trope the show falls back on far too often. What made the Cybermen scary in Classic Who is when they were first envisioned, they were meant to be a chilling extrapolation of what creators Dr. Kit Pedler and Gerry Davis saw as the future of prosthetics and cosmetic surgery, humankind chopping bits of itself until what was left was more machine than man. Only their very first incarnation, the Mondasian Cybermen has ever tangibly captured the gruesome, tragic roots that sit at the heart of the concept behind them as monsters. Tomb Of The Cybermen also showed them as a true threatening monstrosities.  So when the Mondasian Cybermen do return, Bill is converted and what happens? Bill retains consciousness and apparently it’s not enough to have the Mondasian Cybermen, Moffat just HAS to bring back his overpowered Iron Man knock off Cybermen. No true and utterly terrifying new designs, just the overpowered Metallic Gary Stu Iron Man Cybus Cybermen. So as usual Moffat has a genius idea and manages to ruin it in the end.  
Moffat’’s sexist garbage ruined The First Doctor in Twice Upon A Time. I have seen EVERY First Doctor serial and One is not sexist at all. I get it, the sixties were a different time, Since the First Doctor was of that era, he wanted the audience to laugh at how different things were back then. Especially with the constantly horrified reactions of Twelve at his former’s self’s behavior. So what’s the problem? Short answer, it’s because the First Doctor wasn’t like that. Not even remotely.  And this is the story that takes place before One’s regeneration, apparently Moffat doesn’t care about all the character development One went through with Ian and Barbara, he just wanted bad humor that goes against One’s character just so he can appear as the better party “see? My Doctor is better than Classic Who” no, asshole, The First Doctor was not at all like that One wasn’t a walking ball of sexism, he was a curmudgeonly grumpy old space grandpa who lightened up with his first human contact, grew warmer and closer to them and learned to help rather than… eh.. smash people’s skulls with rocks.
The real problem with Moffat is that  Moffat is a good writer, capable of being a great one at times, but a terrible showrunner. Steven Moffat was a man who in the beginning had some marvelous ideas, and much like another BBC writer Terry Nation. When writing scripts once or twice a year were completely brilliant, but when stretched to almost write an entire series single handed, the outcome suffered. Doctor Who used to be a show full of heart, courage, emotion, character driven, cared more about the heart of the show and character than the concept of the over-complicated plot that will eventually be dropped at the end of the series. And honestly sometimes Moffat’s fans sound like Rick And Morty fans “To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Moffat’s Doctor Who." that’s what most of y'all sound like.  After watching the teaser for series 11, I am finally really excited for Doctor Who. It feels like everything it used to be, everything that made Classic and Davies’ Who great. 13 and her new friends I cannot wait and finally it feels like Doctor Who
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jwnchstr · 6 years
It's You
Pairing: Surprise!
Summary: Reader has a crush with Dean for a long time and seeing Dean moving in with his fiance breaks her heart. But then, Sam kisses her.
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"It's great isn't it?" You smiled half-heartedly as you and Dean stared at the woman in the garden talking with Castiel. Dean's fiance. She's tall, beautiful, kind, soft-spoken. 100 percent your opposite, but sometimes you think that Dean doesn't fit with her. You feel like Dean needs someone sharper, maybe....like you.
"Looking forward to go home to see someone you love," you said. You didn't dare to look at Dean, feared that Dean will see the pain inside your eyes. Is it okay to say that you are jealous and disappointed with Dean's choice? Because if it is, that's exactly how you feel. But if it not, that's still exactly what you feel.
Dean smiled shyly and proudly. "Yeah," he admitted. "I never knew that I'll have this life." He chuckled to himself. "I mean, hunter I know never had happy ending."
That hurt because that's what you're facing, what Sam's facing, what other hunters Sam and Dean didn't know are facing. You didn't want a family when you started being a hunter. Heck, that was the reason why you started hunting because you know no one wants you. Came from a broken home, hot-headed, cold, emotionless, kill mercilessly. No guy wants a girl like you. But then, you grew older and seeing kids running around the park makes you feel something inside.
Sometimes you can't help searching online about mums telling their experiences while being pregnant. Most of them saying that it's a wonderful experiences, putting aside the morning sickness and constant mood swings. However, when the baby's born, those are nothing. The baby's face, the baby's smile, the baby's first word. They were worth it.
And you wonder how that feels.
You smiled at Dean's reply. "Yeah. My friends--"
"Hey, Dean!" The woman's voice cut you. "Look what I found!" She beamed as she approached Dean sitting with you on the front porch. You and Dean turned to look at her and instead of giving a straight look, Dean had a big smile on his face while he watches her approaching him. His eyes shone, glittered even, like seeing a star. You wish that's how Dean looks at you.
"Eh hey." Dean's eyebrows knitted. "What you got there?"
"Rabbit. Cas and I found him in the bushes. He was alone so I decided to take him."
"Isn't he cute?" Dean pet the rabbit and you watched as they engage in a conversation as if you were invisible. They firstly talked about the rabbit, about his name and who's going to take care of him. They talked about how they're going to buy him a house, or build for him since Dean was good with carpenting. And then they were talking about the house. The porch you're sitting in, it's theirs.
Seeing that you're not needed there, you got up and walked away from the scene. Dean didn't ask where you're going and his fiance immediately took your seat next to him. You walked up to the kitchen to isolate yourself there when you saw Sam leaning against the counter. He was looking out the window so far like he was thinking of something. Castiel wasn't here anymore.
"Hey," you greeted. He jumped on his feet, came back to reality and turned to you. He gave you a small smile.
"Hey," he replied. Both of you looked at each other without blinking, without knowing what to say, awkward. But then Sam opened his mouth first. "Want some water?" He offered, gesturing to his left side where the water dispenser is located.
You smiled. "Yes, please."
For a moment the kitchen was silent as you approached Sam. He poured some cold water into a tall glass for you.
"Thanks," you said as you take the glass in his hand and took a few gulps of water. Sam watched you drinking as if it was bizarre to see you drinking. Feeling his stare, you turned. Seems like Sam was mesmerised by something. "You okay?"
"Huh? What?" Sam shrugged. He suddenly looked nervous and uncomfortable. "Oh, uh, nothing." He hugged himself, keeping his hands away from but still keeping his body posture cool and relax.
"Okay." You nodded. And then you shook your head and suddenly laughed at yourself for feeling stupid to say what you are about to say. Sam looked at you oddly.
"Is there a problem?"
"No, there's no problem," you said at first, but sounding unconvinced, you shook your head immediately and be honest with Sam. After all, he's been your bestfriend for a long time although you don't always express your feelings. "I mean, yes, yes, there is."
"I don't know. I don't know what's the problem with me. One moment I say I don't want a family and then another moment, seeing Dean, I suddenly want one. Even though if it means your child is a rabbit."
Sam laughed at your last word.
"I'm serious!" You lightly punched Sam's hard chest. "I mean, don't you want it? Haven't it ever crossed your mind?"
"Uh, you know, I'm starting to feel like water is also a drug for you," Sam commented with a smirk.
You raised your eyebrows. "What do you mean by that?"
"Did you hear yourself?" Sam asked. He was being serious. He was not mocking you. "The deepest thing you opened up with me was when there was a guy you hooked up with turned to be a serial killer. But even then, you never talked about this family and stuff. Not like I'm complaining," Sam added quickly.
You smiled warmly at Sam. "I don't know, Sam," you replied. "I just...." you watched the two shadows outside the house intently. Seeing you sort of amazed by it, Sam turned his gaze. Yes, there. His brother and his fiance.
By this time, Dean's fiance was already on his lap and they were cuddling. The rabbit's gone and they were left alone with kisses and soft laughs. Sam doesn't know what you feel, what you are thinking, but hearing what you said, Sam could assume that you want Dean's life. You want what Dean have. You want a partner, a home, a happy life. He doesn't know you like Dean, fortunately, but it hurt to see you hurt.
Without warning, Sam tugged your arm and pulled you close. He quickly caught your lips and kissed you. It was like a cardboard kiss especially when you weren't ready for it. Your mind was astounded and told you to push him out of spotaneois reflex but as soon as it sinks in, you understood what he's doing. But before you could kiss him back, he pulled back.
You looked up at him with eyes wide, panting lightly. "What-- what was that for?"
"I'm-- I'm sorry, I can't help it," Sam whispered so close with you. You could feel his hot breath against your skin.
"No." You shook your head. Surprisingly, even to yourself, that you liked the kiss.
"I'm-- Sorry," he muttered before turning around. He started to walk away with his head hung low seeing he didn't get a positive feedback from you. He was disappointed, sad. Heart broken, maybe. But you never knew Sam likes you. You thought as only friends, not more than that.
But then you grabbed his arm, stopping him. He looked up at you in a surprised manner, though there were no smile on his face. He was questioning you with his eyebrow.
"Kiss me again," you stated.
"I--" Your eyes went wild on his feature, as if looking for something, although you didn't know what. You, suddenly, like to look at his face. "I didn't know that I've always loved you. I thought I liked Dean, but no. It's you." You paused, waiting for Sam's objection. "So kiss me again."
Sam looked at you for a few more seconds, trying to understand the situation. He waited for you to change your mind and to take back what you said, but you didn't. You queezed his hand, assuring him with a smile. Only then he returned to you and kissed you again.
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