#they actually fought over the custody of this child
soimcoga · 2 years
03!Leo: No.
Rise!Leo: But-
12!Leo: But Aniki-
03!Leo: You're not adopting-stealing another kid.
Rise!Leo: What do you mean another?!
12!Leo: And what do you mean stealing?!
87!Leo gently waves from behind them, smiling while having a delightful tea party with both Casey Jr. and Chloe, who still have their own, loving parents.
03!Leo: This.
Both: Yeah fair.
Rise!Leo: Just to be sure, we're totally taking the kid in, right?
12!Leo: Oh, absolutely.
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thesummerestsolstice · 7 months
In my post about the strange residents of Rivendell, I mentioned a Feanorian die-hard and an old bodyguard of Thingol. I recently hit a thousand reblogs– which is amazing! So in honor of that, I'm writing their stories out. This is part one, I'll get the rest out over the next couple days.
The Feanorian Die-hard: Hrivossa
Maedhros' right hand at Himring, a dedicated captain with an axe and a burning hatred of Morgoth
Laiquendi former thrall, captured during the First Battle of Beleriand; when the Laiquendi king Denethor was killed
Was refused entry to Doriath after escaping from Angband– at this point, most escaped prisoners were thought to be sleeper agents sent to get information for Morgoth
Wandered for the next few years, mostly alone, occasionally finding Elvish towns that feared her because of the marks of Morgoth's torture and thought her one of his puppets
Ended up stumbling across one of Maedhros's orc hunting parties in the Early First Age, and jumped at the chance to actually fight Morgoth
Maedhros was also one of the only lords willing to help former thralls at that point; he gaze Hrivossa a new home and purpose, fighting alongside him against their shared tormentor
It's not hard to understand why she became so loyal to the Feanorian cause
This is also when she took the Quenya name Hrivossa, "winter wall," because she was as frigid and unbreakable as Himring's walls
(her original Nandor name is mostly for her close friends)
Between Denethor's death and hiding in Doriath with Melian instead of doing anything about Morgoth, Hrivossa absolutely hates Thingol
She's generally a cold person around strangers, but she warms up around her friends, and her wits and tongue are as sharp as her sword
Part of the general morbid humor culture that built up in First Age Himring
She does not have a soft spot for the Sindar claiming that the Silmaril belongs to them now
She does have a noticeable soft spot for small half-elves who keep pestering her for stories about what life was like in Beleriand before the sun and moon
She fought with Maedhros until the bloody, bitter end, being forcefully brought into the custody of Valinor's forces late in the War of Wrath
She was the leader of the Feanorian faction who chose not to submit to the Valar's judgement, or to willingly go to Aman to do penance
They generally made themselves trouble while in custody
To avoid any more ugly conflict, Elrond eventually took responsibility for this faction, becoming their lord (though Elrond did NOT become Lord of the House of Feanor) and promising to keep them from committing any more violent acts
Hrivossa and the others, all of whom had lived in Amon Ereb and helped raised Elrond, found this agreeable
All of these elves are still very much see Elrond as their Lords' child, who must be protected at all costs, so there's that
And that is the story of how Elrond became responsible for the remaining Feanorians, but only the really fucked up ones
Seriously, they don't do any other murders, but they do cause all sorts of other trouble
Also, how Elrond inherited one (1) extremely determined bodyguard
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reconstructionlegacy · 2 months
Ngani Zho Coerced Custody Of Theron
[Zho] had told the Jedi Council and the leaders of the Republic military that he had sent Satele on a vital mission— something he could not speak of for fear of endangering her life. Given Master Zho’s impeccable reputation, none had questioned him. Now, however, the mission was over. It was time for her to return; the Republic had fought too long without their champion. The Sith Empire’s relentless advance had gone too far. She could no longer ignore the Republic’s need. [...] “You promised you would take him,” Satele said softly, gazing down into the child’s wide, wondering eyes. “I will,” Ngani assured her. “If that’s still what you want.” “What I want has nothing to do with it,” she muttered as she reluctantly handed the child back to her Master. [...] As he took the child from her arms, the moment of greatest joy she would ever know ended.
— Star Wars: The Old Republic: Annihilation
Ngani Zho trained, according to Lost Suns (admittedly according to Zho the manipulator), Satele Shan, Syo Bakarn, Jaric Kaedan, and Bela Kiwiiks. Obviously, that is not possible for full Padawans, and Satele was under Kao Cen Darach's mentorship in the first trailer (and then he died), so my theory here is that Zho stepped in to "foster" mentor at least some of these promising young Jedi (and gain influence with them).
Zho was somehow trusted by the Council (maybe because he partially trained a third of them). Satele became pregnant, went to Zho for advice, and rather than saying "let's talk to the Council, the normal Jedi support structure, which trusts me," he said "I will cover this up. For you." Like a favour.
He said to the Council that she was on a mission, which put a time limit on the 'plan' ("Always with the plan, aren't you?" Zho asks Theron in Lost Suns). By lying to the Council on her behalf, he made it impossible to go to them for support, or at the least heavily implied to Satele that her pregnancy was somehow wrong or shameful.
By isolating Satele from everyone but himself, and putting a time limit on her seclusion, he arranged for her to have no real choice but to give him custody of Theron. (The scion of a powerful bloodline... and possibly even blackmail material against the future Grand Master.)
Then, having secured the custody of Theron, he proceeded to isolate him as he had isolated Satele, and thoroughly abuse him. This is detailed in Lost Suns, and I will not detail it here; suffice to say it began at the earliest when Theron was five, and Theron's life was endangered by Zho, who abandoned Theron upon realizing he was not Force-sensitive.
Years later, when Theron is an SIS officer, under convoluted plot circumstances (that is: the plot of Lost Suns), he reencounters Zho. Zho takes another young person, Teff'ith, under his wing, which Theron is unhappy about. (Teff'ith asks Theron, who has used the term 'childhood trauma' about Zho by this point, and will later elaborate with horrific detail that I, once more, decline to repeat, "Scared of him?". Theron says 'no' - you know, like a liar. Anyway -)
(My theory is that Zho was Star Cabal, Revanite, or both, and wanted complete control of the training of the Blood Of Revan... but fuck knows why he did any of this. Your guess is as good as mine.)
I do think, in the text, Zho's treatment of Theron is framed as abhorrent, especially given the cited and open trauma and abuse. There is also a line in Annihilation about him glaring at Satele in a way that reminds me of Theron's textual panic attack when Satele mentions Zho to him elsewhere in the book. Given this, I think it is an entirely reasonable conclusion, even ignoring the fact that he is baby-stealing Jedi georg, the only Jedi known to have actually stolen a baby, that he mistreated Satele, too.
At any rate - Ngani Zho coerced Satele into giving him custody of Theron. Theron does not know this, and assumes Satele chose freely to gave him up.
We can't know what her decision would have been, because she didn't truly get to make one. She may have chosen to give Theron up. She may not have. But as it was, as it happened, she did not have a genuine choice.
TL;DR: Tie-in material makes it quite clear that Ngani Zho, the "Master Zho" in one of Theron's combat lines, coerced Satele into giving the infant Theron into his custody. This was terrible for everyone involved, except Zho.
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daeneryseastar · 8 months
Nobody cared that Rhaenyra was a woman. They cared that she was a violent narcissist who married an even more violent narcissist (and undermining the only reason she was even named heir to begin with), who would have gladly killed Alicent's children for existing.
see, imma stop you right there, “nobody cared rhaenyra was a woman.” so you’re saying that if rhaenyra was a man this situation would still have occurred? that alicent and her ilk would have had the support they needed to usurp the king’s first born son?
or! i’ll even do you one better, why is it that when aegon ‘won’ the war he named his opponents son his heir over his only surviving child? was it, mayhaps, because…she’s a girl? and that that would have defeated the entire purpose of the war? because women cannot inherit, right? according to team green, at least.
the lords of the realm who fought for the greens did not do so to protect alicent’s kids. if you believe that for one second you’re incapable of critical thinking and need to go back to elementary school. they did it because if a woman came into power (especially over the king’s first born son) their own power was at risk. it would’ve directly changed the status quo and led to women being seen as viable options for inheritance, and not just as a last resort.
personalities are not important to a feudal monarchy and make no difference on whether someone is going to become the reigning monarch. aegon ii (you know, the guy who was described as a drunk serial sexual harasser at best, and a child diddler at worst?) and aegon iv would be an example of that. this is also a history book, written by green-leaning maester’s over a hundred years after these events took place. you and i don’t actually know rhaenyra’s or daemon’s personality, but suffice to say that the majority of westeros didn’t care (53 houses supported rhaenyra to aegon’s 28), and that’s not how everyone interprets her character anyway (and goes to show you have no idea what narcissism really intails). you’re letting your personal bias affect the way you analyze this story. not a great way to start or win an argument.
i’m going to use quotes from the book so that maybe your pea-sized brain will actually understand it.
as for my half-brothers and my sweet sister, helaena, they have been led astray by the counsel of evil men. let them come to dragonstone, bend the knee, and ask my forgiveness, and i shall gladly spare their lives and take them back into my heart, for they are of my own blood, and no man or woman is as accursed as the kinslayer.
which refutes your claims that rhaenyra would have put alicent and her children to the sword had she ascended the throne peacefully or even before aemond murdered luke. mind you, she had custody of alicent and helaena when she took kingslanding and still didn’t kill them, despite you saying all of them were in danger. also adding that kinslaying is considered to be one of the greatest abominations one can commit in westeros. the faith of the seven, the old gods, and the drowned gods are all said to look down upon and curse those who would commit such an egregious act. there are also plenty of different ways for alicent’s children to renounce their claim to the throne (kingsguard, night’s watch, maester’s vows, etc.) that would protect them and not lead to bloodshed.
here’s a proper lesson for you anon: if you want to refute someone's claims you need to use facts and evidence, not personal feelings. so in short, you're half-assed 'gotcha' moment is just that. you added nothing to the conversation and made it quite easy for me to shut down. thanks for that.
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Round 5, Match 2: Gintoki Sakata vs. Kim Dokja
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Submitted kids:
Gintoki Sakata: Kagura and Shinpachi Shimura, his own de aged mentor Shouyou, Hashida Kanshichirou, and Seita
Kim Dokja: Lee Gilyoung and Shin Yoosung are the commonly accepted ones but you can also make a case for Lee Jihye and Biyoo
Propaganda under the cut!
Gintoki Sakata:
1. “Gintoki is introduced to us as a depressed twenty seven year old dealing with ptsd who first adopts Shinpachi after protecting him from Amanto (aliens, who have somewhat taken over earth) who were harassing him, which led to Shinpachi losing his job, and Gintoki having to help him rescue his sister Otae from the family’s debtors. Shinpachi comes to work for Gintoki as Odd Jobs, soon joined by Kagura (an amanto herself with super strength who was working as part of gang prior to Shinpachi and Gintoki helping her leave) Kagura leaves in his house and later Gintoki allows her to get a pet dog. It’s made clear that these three are a family and more than a few episodes make it clear that Kagura seems Gintoki as her earth father (her bio dad, the strongest man in the universe, goes around the galaxy fighting monsters) and Shinpachi feels a familial connection to him as well. There’s also Hashida, a baby who looks a lot like Gintoki, whom Gintoki takes care of when the custody battle over Hashida becomes an actual battle. This includes drinking together, tying the baby to his back while fighting his way to Hashida’s mom, and Hashida crying when Gintoki leaves, after promising they’ll share a drink when Hashida is older. In a similar vein is Seita, a street kid who tries to pickpocket Gintoki but gets robbed in return and ends up working for Gintoki’s landlady (Gintoki’s own adoptive mother) and being taken care of by her and the odd jobs family as a whole, before Gintoki discovers Seita’s mother is Hinowa, the Sun of Yoshiwara and its highest ranking courtesan, and fights Housen, a crime lord who fought Kagura’s father for three days and nights until they considered it a draw, and kills him, just so Seita and Hinowa can reunite. During the timeskip late in the series, we discover after seemingly defeating the Big Bad Utsuro (an immortal who formerly was Gintoki’s adoptive father and teacher Shouyou) Gintoki spent two years raising the reincarnated Shouyou as a baby, before being given his heart to prevent Utsuro’s followers from taking it. These are just the most notable examples, pretty much any character younger than Gintoki gets taken care of or helped by him in a way, including Kagura’s older brother, temporary member of Odd Jobs Pirako, and even to an extent youngest Shinsengumi member Okita Sougo. Gintoki is positioned as acting as the same adoptive parent role as his own adopters (Shouyou and his landlady Otose) are, taking on similar burdens and making, or trying to make) similar sacrifices as well. He can be really soft with kids at times, and has at least once carried Kagura and Shinpachi away from a fight on his back.”
2. “#hell adopt your unorphaned kid hell adopt your dad hell adopt his own deaged mentor!!!”
Kim Dokja:
1. “In the first scenario (where you have to murder something alive) his first priority is to make sure Gilyoung makes it out alive (by giving him the grasshopper before letting others know about it), and when the future version of Yoosung (41st round) is going to cause havoc his first plan is to basically the past (his present) version of her so they would have her on her side (he takes her in as his incarnation- if that isn’t an adoption idk what is); Biyoo is literally the soul of 41st Yoosung that he WENT THROUGH AN UNDERWORLD TRIAL to get her back and she is legally his child. Lee Jihye is more like the older sister-teenager of the group be she’s still adopted by association and Han Donghoon is a kid who was hypnotized and exploited by the ‘prophets’ and Kim Dokja saved him and became someone he trusts in- which is basically adopting. Mia is YJH’s little sister but with the family dynamic all of KimCom has she’s basically adopted too. This man is someone who believes the worst in himself but gives all these kids someone they need and in return they are the family he’s never had.”
2. “He saved Lee Gilyoung on the subway when he was orphaned at the time the apocalypse started even when he didn't need to and kept him by his side and fed him at his own expense and believed in him and taught him to be strong when no one else had really done that for Lee Gilyoung before.
MINOR SPOILERS AHEAD (pretty vague):
Shin Yoosung was a character in the world of the apocalypse that occured (long story, won't explain here lol) and she was supposed to be destined to become a monster that would destroy Seoul and the two people other than Kim Dokja who knew this wanted to kill her when they found her to prevent her from becoming that but Kim Dokja refused to kill her and physically stood to protect her and then he later became her sponsor (uhhh it's a whole thing in-universe but basically pledged to back her and help her ig) and the stigma (a special power thing that can be gained through a sponsor) he gave her was based in him protecting everyone in their group and his love for all of them.
Both Shin Yoosung and Lee Gilyoung are extremely attached to Kim Dokja and have on at least one canon occasion slept clinging to either side of him.
LESS MINOR SPOILERS AHEAD (though not terrible ig and still mostly vague at least):
Biyoo is. well she's Shin Yoosung actually but also not. So basically y'know that monster future Shin Yoosung was destined to become? so that monster version of her from a different timeline was sent backwards and sideways in time (idk how else to describe it jskdfs) and nearly did destroy Seoul as prophesied but Kim Dokja tried to save her—and he nearly did but then a shitty dokkaebi (they're like admin streamer people. idk would take a while to explain) did a shitty thing and forced her to be 'evil' and then she had to be killed ;-; but Kim Dokja promised to get revenge for her and after that he went and beat up the asshole dokkaebi who did that so badly that he gained a legendary Story. And then he traveled to the Underworld at risk of his own life to retrieve her soul and put that into a dokkaebi egg that he personally hatched. And she lost her memories for the most part but could still sense a bit what he'd done for her :') and so yeah she became Biyoo and is somehow both adopted and originally parented(?? idk saying biologically is. doesn't feel quite right lol) by him.”
3. “Bro is THE DAD of the group”
4. “Adopted his kids so hard that they’d do like anything for him they love him so much”
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lixzey · 1 year
The Story of Us.
In which you are Timothée Chalamet's high school sweetheart. After a messy break up ten years ago, Timothée is Hollywood's it boy, while you are a rising star. The two of you will star in a new movie, what could possibly go wrong?
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2009, freshman year
You took a deep breath before stepping inside the classroom, your palms sweating as you gripped the strap of your bag tighter. Today was your first day of freshman year at LaGuardia, and you were absolutely terrified. It was your first time at a new school where you actually had a chance to finish an entire school year without moving to another state because of your mother's job.
As soon as you stepped inside, you felt everyone's eyes land on you. Was it because you had a Hello Kitty shoulder bag? Was it because you had a mass of frizzy hair that looked like a bird nest? Or was it because you were the only one wearing a pink floral dress with a white long-sleeved cardigan? You gulped before making a beeline towards a vacant seat at the very back of the classroom, hoping to try and stay out of everybody's way.
“You're going to be alright, y/n. You're gonna be here for the next four years; you can do this,” you muttered to yourself, trying to calm your anxiety.
You still couldn't wrap your head around the fact that you got accepted to the Fame School, as everyone called La Guardia. You were pretty sure that you weren't talented enough to get in. Yeah, you could sing, act, and write, but you thought that it wasn't enough to get you in, but to your surprise, you got accepted. Your mother was absolutely proud of you, supporting your every dream, but your father? It was a different story. 
Your parents got divorced when you were eleven, and it wasn't a delightful experience. You saw how your parents fought almost every day since you were ten because your mom accused your dad of cheating, which was true. Having had enough of your father, your mother filed for divorce. The divorce was traumatic for both you and your mother. Your father was insistent on getting sole custody of you, as you were his only child. In the end, your mom got full custody of you, granting your father only visitation rights along with paying child support.
You haven’t seen your dad ever since, but you still had contact over social media. You hated it, but for the sake of formality, you just went along with it. 
“Is this seat taken?” 
Someone asked, snapping you out of your thoughts. You huffed before looking up, your eyes meeting bright green, making your breath hitch in your throat. God, he’s beautiful. 
“Is this seat taken? I really don’t want to sit up front,” he asked, a hopeful look in his eyes.
“Uh, no, it isn't.” you smiled nervously. “Go ahead.” 
He sat down beside you, a grateful smile on his lips. “I'm Timothée.” He introduced himself, his hand out for a handshake. 
“Uh, I'm Y/n.” you said, taking his hand in yours.
“Nice to meet you, Y/n.” Timothée grinned, shaking your hand before letting it go. “I hope you don't mind me sitting beside you; I really don't like sitting in front.”
“Nice to meet you too.,” You chuckled nervously, feeling butterflies flutter in your stomach. “I don’t mind; I mean, I don’t own that chair, you know?” 
You tried acting normal, but the way he smiled at you made your cheeks heat up in a way you couldn’t understand why. Timothée had a beautiful face, like he was some sort of Greek god trying to flirt with you and wanting to have demigod children with you. You were pretty sure that his chiseled jawline could cut your finger if you tried to touch it. His eyes? Like emerald jewels set in ivory. His gaze, luring you in like an enchanted forest.  
“So, where are you from?” Timothée asked, turning his full attention to you.
“I live nearby,” you answered, tugging on the sleeves of your cardigan. His attention was solely on you. He didn’t pay attention to the girl in front of you, who was batting her eyelashes at him. Stop looking at me like that!  “Lincoln Square.” 
“That's nice. I’m guessing you walked to school?” 
“Uh, no, my mom dropped me off on the way to work.” You felt your cheeks heat up. Gosh, he must think I’m a mommy’s girl. “What about you? Where are you from?” 
“Hell’s Kitchen,” He answered. “Yeah, I know; it’s a little bit far from here.”
“It’s only twenty minutes away, not that far. I heard famous artists live there.” 
Timothée’s smile widened. “Yeah, some do." A faint blush covered his face. “I'm going to be a big actor someday, like Leonardo DiCaprio.” He leaned closer to me, so only you could hear him. “I'm gonna be the star of the next big blockbuster movie when I’m all grown up.”
“I bet you will.” You smiled, patting him on the shoulder. 
Timothée looked at you with sparkling eyes, his head slightly tilted to the side. “What about you? What do you want to be when you’re all grown up?” He asked, tilting his head to the side. “Are you gonna be a big, famous person like me someday?”
“I don't know; I guess a writer? I mean, I do love to write poems and stories. Though I can sing and act too,” you shrugged. You really didn't know what you wanted to be. Your mom said you’d become an actress because, when you were younger, you loved to put on little plays for your mom and begged her to attend a few workshops along the way. 
But you loved writing; it was your safe haven. Writing was a way for you to let out everything you felt. You wrote stories, songs, and poems every time you felt the weight of the world—the weight of your father’s mistake. You were the scar, the bruise, and the result of the pain that he brought to your mother. Your mother knew that you write based on what you experience, of course. She told you that it was okay to write about how you feel and that it was better than keeping it bottled up. She didn’t want you to go through what she went through with your father; she didn’t want you to bottle all your emotions up and, one day, just explode. 
“Maybe you can write one of my movies someday?” Timothée said, snapping you out of your thoughts, a big smile on his lips. “Or I could be the star of a movie you’ll one day write. How about that?” He grinned, his green eyes sparkling, making it hard not to stare at him when he looks at you like that.
“Maybe.” You chuckled. “Maybe not.”
“I know it sounds silly, but I know it's going to happen. I can feel it.” Timothée sighed dreamily, his eyes glittering. “I really wanna be someone like Leonardo DiCaprio or, like, Johnny Depp, you know?” 
“If I'm going to be an actress, I want to be like Anne Hathaway.” You smiled as you thought about your favorite actresses. You absolutely loved her in The Princess Diaries, the movie that had you believing at some point that you were a princess. 
Timothée raised an eyebrow. “Anne Hathaway?” 
You looked at him incredulously. “What? She’s a great actress!”
“No, yeah, she is, but I bet you'll be even better than Anne Hathaway if you want to be.” 
You scoffed. “Oh, please, I’m not as pretty as her to get any roles.” 
Timothée seemed surprised that you said that you weren’t pretty. “Oh, please,” Timothée scoffed the same way you did. “You are pretty!”
You rolled your eyes. “You need to get prescription glasses.” 
Timothée scowled. “My eyes are perfectly fine; thank you very much.”
"No, they’re not, because I am neither pretty nor beautiful. I mean, look at my hair." You pointed to your frizzy hair, trying to prove your point. How could he tell me I look pretty when I literally look like a mess? 
“You are beautiful; don’t ever think that you aren’t.” Timothée waved a hand dismissively. “With your talent and your looks, you’ll definitely be a star someday, just like Anne Hathaway; I'm sure of it.” 
“How are you so confident that I’m going to be this star? You don't even know if I'm talented.” You asked, rolling your eyes playfully. “I mean, we only just met.”
He placed a hand over his heart, a mischievous smirk on his lips. “I have a pretty good instinct when it comes to people, and I just have a feeling about you. Besides, you won't know unless you try, right?”
“When's your birthday?” You asked, changing the subject.
“Wow, changing the subject already?” Timothée looked surprised that you suddenly asked him that question. “You want to know when I was born? That’s a new one.” 
“Just answer the question.”
“December twenty-seventh, why?” He seemed curious, a faint smile on his face.
“I'm older, October nineteenth.” You smirked.  
“Oh really?” Timothée laughed, raising a brow. “I didn't realize I was talking to an older girl,” he teased, his smile growing wider. “Does that mean you can boss me around?”
“Maybe.” You giggled, tucking a strand of your hair behind your ear. “Do you want me to boss you around?”
He looked at you, his head slightly tilted to the side, as if he was contemplating his life decisions. “Yes, please.” Timothée nodded his head up and down like a little kid, a cheeky grin on his face. “I love being bossed around by older, powerful women.”  
“How do you even pronounce your name?” You asked with a cheeky smile. 
“Oh, my name...” He scratched the back of his head. “You say it like tee-moh-tay. It's French, so it's a little tricky for some people.” 
“Sounds kind of pretentious.”
“You know what?” Timothée grinned. “I think that's exactly what my parents were going for.” 
“So, you're French?” You raised an eyebrow at him. “I mean, it would explain the fancy schmancy name.”
“Yes, yes, I am.” Timothée nodded and smiled confidently. “My dad is French, and my mom is American.” 
“French boy, huh? Do you like escargot? Since you know, you're French?” You teased, grinning at him.
“Escargot?” Timothée scrunched his nose in disgust. “No, thank you. There's no way I'm going to eat those slimy snails,” he shrugged. “I mean, I'm half French, but I am a New Yorker through and through. But I do like croissants, though.”
“You're funny.” You giggled. 
“I know, I’m hilarious,” Timothée grinned. “You want to hear a joke?”
“Go on, Frenchie."
Timothée raised a brow. “Frenchie, really?” 
“Would you rather that I call you french fry?”
Timothée rolled his eyes, a playful smile on his lips. “Do you want to know why you should never trust stairs?” He asked you with a cheeky grin, making you roll your eyes. “Because they are always up to something!” 
You laughed at his joke. “Yeah, you aren’t destined to be a stand-up comedian.”
“How could you?” Timothée gasped, feigning offense.
Before you could answer Timothée, the teacher came in. “Good morning, class,”
You looked at Timothée. “Talk to you later, I guess?”
“Do you want to, maybe, join me for lunch? I mean, I’ll understand if you don’t want to.” Timothée asked, a hopeful look in his eyes.
“Of course, I’d love to.”
“Okay, okay,” Timothée smiled, and suddenly you felt time stop.
Oh gosh. He’s too darn beautiful; it’s a crime. He was only wearing a dark gray t-shirt, but he still looked effortlessly handsome.
I’m not the kind to fall for a guy who flashes a smile, right? 
Maybe you were. 
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thekingofwinterblog · 10 months
Soul Eater Episode : 39 - Totally Uncool
Soul Eater has a number of great episodes, with the crowning jewel the series had being the finale to Maka's second fight with Crona.
However there is another episode that in my opinion is easily the second best, that being episod episode 39, where Crona's finally snaps regarding betraying Maka and the rest of the main cast to Medusa.
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It's a very great episode, but the single best part is the way it connects both Maka and Crona rejecting their abusive mothers, just in different ways, while also using that to strengthen the bond between the two of them.
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The first critical moment of this takes place in the early part of the episode, where Crona(Who is reeling with internal pains about Medusa, and betraying everyone) and Maka have a conversation where Maka bares her soul to Crona... Sort of.
Both of the two of them have massive, massive issues with their respective abusive mothers. While Medusa is an abusive mother who forces her child to dance to her tunes, and gasslighting Crona to believe nobody except her will ever show "forgiveness and kindness" Maka's mom instead very deliberately fought her exhusband for custody... Then after having achieved this symbolic victory over her husband, she took off, and abandoned her own child, only making contact with her through one sided postcards despite having every opportunity, and frankly a duty as Maka's legal guardian to look after her own kid.
Both of these women left deep, deep mental scars on their own children, just in different ways.
With Crona it is very, very obvious what Medusa has done, and is doing to her own child, as the episode is very much about confronting the effects of that abuse, but with Maka it's a bit less spelled out, and you have to read the subtext.
Maka puts her mom on a pedestal, mentally projecting her as a perfect woman who can do no wrong, not really being able to addmit to herself that her mom has left her and is not coming back. She instead projects all her frustration about everything to other people, more speciffically at the closest male figures in her life, Spirit and Soul.
It's a deeply, deeply unhealthy way of handling cope, and fuels a lot of her character flaws through the series, with both her relationahip with her father(Who though a terrible husband is not exactly the worst dad in the world) and her partner Soul being painted by hyper agression, a short temper, and a mental inability to give them any benefit of the doubt.
Interestingly enough, though chrona doesn't really push the point, it is Crona who is the person in the series who come the closest to realising directly just how fucked up Maka's relationship to her mom actualy is.
The most interesting part of their conversation though, is when Crona asks Maka what her best memories of her mother is, which Maka replies was when she divorced her dad, at which she saw her mom at her coolest.
This is a really, really fucked up thing to say for any child... But when you actually break it down, it gets even worse.
Maka blames her father rightfully for everything that went wrong in her parents marriage... But this divorce was a deeply fucked up thing. Her mother fought with her father for custody and won... Not because she actually wanted what was best for her child, but just to spite her husband. She wanted to rub it in that she won, and got the single most precious thing she could take from him... And having achieved this goal, she left, leaving her daughter behind in the same city her exhusband lived in, and effectively acting as her father anyway.
Its not exsctly clear why she did this. It could be that despite Maka's rose tinted glasses about her mother, her parent never actually loved her back nearly as much as she did her. It could be that she secretely came to resent her kid for a variety of reasons. Or it could be that she simply was too much of a coward to confront and live with the remains of her broken life, so she abandoned the most obvious reminder of that life.
Regardless, despite Maka's assessment that this was the coolest thing she ever saw her mother do, while the divorce itself was justified, what she actually did with it was the cowards way out, and left her daughter with a shit ton of issues, which she frankly was nowhere near able to recover from by the time the anime ended.
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Regardless of her intentions though, her baring her soul to Crona about her(in denial) feelings about her mother does not help Crona, who still runs away from Death city, and has a breakdown of sort(a much smaller one than the one that will immediatly follow) after leaving the city and wandering to find a place to be alone.
Feeling completely alone, guilty, and with a massive case of selfloathing, selfhate and fear of rejection, Crona essentially shuts down, while thinking about happier days, the days with Maka and the rest of the gang.
It's here in this sandpit that Crona finally loses it due to guilt and lays it all out as Maka and Soul catch up.
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Crona at first rejects Maka's request to come back home with them, angrily shouting that Maka doesn't know anything about Crona's real self.
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It is here that Crona really, really loses it and lays out everything, poisoning Stein, still following Medusa's orders, the words, the tone and body language making it abundantly clear that Crona is absolutely wracked with self hatred for all this.
What Crona wants in this scene is for Maka to come down there and reinforce everything that Medusa has ever said, every lesson ever drilled in through long, hard, abuse. That Crona is a horrible, horrible person, who does not deserve sympathy or forgiveness, who frankly cannot be forgiven.
It's not what Crona actually wants deep down, but it is what the horrible words being said should logically lead to. It is the easy way out. The cowards way out.
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And at first it seems to work, because Maka gets absolutely pissed, and storms down there to confront Crona directly, with Crona not offering a hint of resistance... Only for Maka, rather than punching Crona in the face for betraying her, instead say this.
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Maka calls Crona out, but not in the manner she has so often done with her father or Soul.
Instead, rather than act with anger, or rage, lashing out because she feels angry and betrayed, she forces Crona to confront the fact that Crona neither wants to be a bad person following Medusa's orders, nor is completely devoid of virtues, quite on the contrary.
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Maka is in this moment, doing the exact opposite of what her "Cool" mom did with her.
After experiencing a brutal, hard betrayal from her husband, rather than take the risk of opening herself up her heart again to anyone, she instead left her old life behind, and after one, final display of anger and rage, she left her own child behind after lashing out at her husband.
She took the cowards way out.
Maka does not take the cowards way out. Instead, after experiencing betrayal from a person she loves and understands, she makes the concious choice to take the hard road. To embrace the seeming madness that is opening her heart again to that person and risk facing betrayal again, despite Crona's words.
Its an extremely powerful moment, not just because it serves to show Maka's growth, how much Crona really means to her, but also for how in the end it ties her thematically to Asura, and the ultimate point of the series. Bravery and madness are two sides of the same coin.
It is madness to open yourself up to someone else, to bare your heart and soul, knowing fully well that action can lead to betrayal and hurt unlike any other... But it is also something that only those who are brave are able to do.
It is something Maka's mother, and Asura was never able to do... But Maka did, and through that, she's able help Crona begin the road to actual recovery as well.
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baratiddyappreciator · 10 months
Hii! I heard you take requests? How about some childhood headcanons? Like what were these guys like when they were small… :0
Oh I am so glad someone asked this one because I've been having ideas bouncing around but haven't actually thought of making a post of my own. (Throwing in a bonus Natsue and Tokugawa because why not?)
He was a trouble-maker through and through. He didn't pay attention whenever he did attend school, and he'd always pick fights with any kids bigger or stronger than him so he could improve and get stronger, like his father.
Emi probably got a lot of phone calls from the schools to come get her rowdy ass child because he was being a menace. He wouldn't bully kids, but he would bully the bullies, and while a lot of the younger kids admired him because he'd get the bullies off their backs, they also feared him.
Baki has chilled out a lot since he first fought his father and joined the underground arena, bro used to be a fireball.
She was an angel, a quiet child, but an angel. She was sweet and helping her teachers with any tasks that they were doing. This girl cleaned the chalkboards, helped tidy up the class, and would even collect test papers and set them on the teachers desk, all without even being asked to.
Sweet to even the other kids, she wouldn't get picked on because most of the older kids thought she was just too adorable, and any attempts from younger students to pick on Kozue were very quickly thwarted by older kids, and once even Baki, though that was completely unintentional.
Despite her hard-working personality, sometimes Kozue would finish up early enough to just sit and doodle on her work instead of doing other things. The margins of her notebooks would be full of little flowers, butterflies and cats.
Quiet. Very quiet. He didn't really have a lot of friends as a kid, he was just big and quiet and other kids were too scared of him to really bother him. He spent a lot of time with his mom instead of his dad, though considering his dad passed pretty early on in his life, that wasn't really something he did willingly.
He didn't talk to a lot of kids, instead, he found himself mostly hanging around adults, so he's got a very old man way of speaking compared to other people his age, but sometimes he slips into a more expected tone.
It wasn't until he was about thirteen that he really started getting a cocky attitude, and by that point it was just puberty, which, obviously, hit him like a fuckin bus.
Before he was adopted by Doppo and Natsue, he was a pretty careless kid, but seeing his own biological father get mauled by a lion did a number on him. He used to have nightmares about it, but after a few years of therapy and care from Doppo and Natsue, he came to terms with it.
Given the chance, with the proper financial support and some of the best out there, Katsumi absolutely flourished. Doppo was teaching him Karate, sure, but he also had tutors to help him get some of the best grades in class.
He started slacking off when he was about sixteen, but he still did fairly good. He was a major spoiled brat when he was in his mid teens, though he did still at least treat his mother well.
He was always a really quiet kid, even before he was put back into his mom's custody, and he just kept getting quieter as he got older. Part of that is due to Diane's poor parenting, but another part of that is just his own personality.
Man was an absolute menace, he would crack back at anyone if they annoyed him enough, teachers, other students, anyone. He's quick with his words, though he doesn't always use them.
He's really good with younger kids, purely because he'd be running around just as much as them when he was younger in an attempt to get his stamina and strength up. He quickly became that cool older kid that would lay the younger kids climb all over him.
He was very similar to Kozue as a child, surprisingly enough, very quiet, but super sweet towards his teachers. Unlike Kozue though, the only thing protecting him from bullies was Kureha, and if Kureha wasn't there, he was free game.
By the time Kureha was going into high school, Kosho was left alone by bullies, because good lord he had this feral look in his eyes and nobody was about to mess with that.
He'd lose his homework a lot, not when it was time to turn it in, but right when it was handed to him. It would go into his bag, and then it would just vanish. He'd always find it in time to fill it out and hand it in, but it was just an odd occurrence he never knew how to explain.
He was a well behaved child, but ask any of his old teachers and they would tell you that they just got this feeling that this kid was weird, but he never really did anything worthy of getting into trouble.
He was sly, and he was really good at being sly. If he wanted someone to do something, he'd find a way to get them to do it without him even having to ask them to do it.
Definitely had a reputation as a boy scout to literally everyone but the kids that would pick on his younger brother. Because once there were no eyes on them, this man was a straight menace.
An ANGEL, just an absolute sweetheart. He looked up to his teachers and mentors. Really, before he accidentally, you know, killed a man, he was a perfectly sweet person.
He absolutely was the kind of kid that got jealous that he didn't have a full beard. Look at some of the people he grew up around, he was absolutely fuming that he didn't have a full beard. Until he tried to grow one, then he realised that they weren't for him and has been clean shaven since.
Someone had to show him how to braid hair at some point, and he was just flabbergasted by the idea. He tried to braid literally everything that he could just do that.
An absolute charmer. We all know that super charismatic kid, and that was definitely Doppo. Just look at that smile! You can't tell me that he didn't learn that a grin like that could get people to do what he wanted.
He was a smug bastard too, definitely one kid that would annoy the hell out of any adult, but one that would absolutely be popular with other students because "oh look he's talking back to the teacher"
He was a class clown in high school, all charming and funny, but he would start stuttering whenever Natsue walked into the room. Man was head over heels for her, even back then.
Natsue has always been somewhat of an old soul, even when she was little, but she was absolutely a girlie girl for a long time. Everything had to be pink or purple, pastels were her favourites.
She loved going to different field trips to important landmarks, she's always liked them and finds them relaxing to go to.
On her first date with Doppo, he took her to a festival, got all dressed up and everything, only for him to get a "random" and violent nosebleed (he got punched in the face before he went and it was a delayed reaction) and they wound up just ditching the festival to go sit up by the river and watch the fireworks.
T R O U B L E. Just trouble. He was a brat and a little shit. Stinky man. Problem causer. He would constantly pull pranks and cause problems in his classes and at home.
If this man had siblings then I guarantee you he was simultaneously the favourite and least favourite. Because he absolutely would do something stupid and blame it on his siblings, then make it up to them later... Only to do the same thing and get them in trouble.
He was absolutely the fun older kid that showed the younger ones cool tricks and funny jokes, if only to spread some mischief.
He wasn't too different, admittedly. Just take him, remove the wrinkles, give him hair and shrink him a little bit, and boom, you have child Tokugawa, relatively care-free and happy-go-lucky.
Really, the only thing that made him stand out was his knack for finding talented fighters. He would just get really quiet, and then, in a sweet little child voice, he'd point at someone and go "you've killed someone before"
He and Sabuko used to be really close, but when he inherited the dome they started to grow apart, especially since she had her own life to handle.
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kining-the-evil · 1 year
Nightmares: An ‘All I Have Left Story’
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Summary: Reader is have a nightmare and Chad finds her
/An/: This is a oneshot Story within my “All I have Left” Series. Within this oneshot, Chad and Mindy are 11 and reader has had custody for 4 years
/Warnings/: Reader having nightmares, remembering character death, reader remembers killing someone, motherly!reader, child Chad, Mindy isn’t a main focus, chad being worried about reader, reader is a grown adult
Series masterlist. Scream Masterlist
All masterlists
/Series Taglist/: @callsignwidow
“Randy!” You screamed, slamming your hands on the door of the news van repeatedly. You could hear his yelling, feel the van moving as whoever killed him. “Randy!”
Tears were streaming down your face as you yanked on the door. You’d never felt this helpless, not even two years ago when Billy shot Randy or when you were bleeding out while Sidney fought billy and Stu. Your screaming had gotten people’s attention, and soon the movement stoped.
You didn’t know where Gale or Dewey were, and when the doors unlocked you didn’t even think to try and stop the person from escaping. Instead, you yanked the door open, a scream leaving your mouth at the sight. Randy was laying on the ground, blood soaked through his clothing, his eyes completely empty.
“No! No, no, no, no, baby, Randy.” You collapsed next to him, pulling his head to your lap. His blood was stuck and warm, your own body being covered in it, and he wasn’t breathing. “Please, baby, wake up. I need you to wake up!” You begged, sobbing as you held his head to your chest the best you could.
It felt like hours, and at the same time seconds, before two pairs of hands were gripping you and pulling you away.
“No! Please! Randy, please!” You fought against the arms until one pair pulled you to their chest.
“Deep breaths, It’s ok.”
Your eyes shot open at the voice, making you look up. Mickey. Suddenly, you weren’t outside. Instead, you were standing in the theater, Mickey standing in front of you, a bullet wound in his head.
“What’s wrong baby?” He gave you a look of fake sympathy, making you walk backwards until you hit someone else. You spun around, making eye contact with Mrs. Loomis. She had stab wounds all over, blood leaking from them, but she was standing just find.
“How do you think randy would feel, knowing you stabbed me 17 times?” You looked down, seeing the bloody knife in your hands. “People already think you had something to do with Woodsboro, and now you slaughtered me. Even Sidney didn’t do that.”
“Shut up!” You begged, hand wrapping around the knife tighter. “Please, shut up.”
“I wonder,” Mickey walked up from behind you to speak in your ear. “What it would take to truly make you a killer?”
“Yes.” Mrs. Loomis spoke, taking the knife from your hand and stabbing it into your stomach.
You sat up quickly, a hand shooting down to where you had just been ‘stabbed’. Your eyes frantically searched the room around you, trying to remember where you were.
You looked to your left to see Chad standing next to the bed. He looked nervous, waking you up a bit more.
“Chad?” You reached a hand up to whip away the few tears that had gathered on your face. “Are you ok?”
“I got up for some water, but I heard you- you were screaming.” The boy mumbled. Your eyes slid closed for a moment, cursing yourself for the dream. You may not actually be able to control it, but you felt bad for worrying him.
“It um, was just a bad dream.” You explained, rubbing a hand over your face. Chad didn’t say anything for a moment, just watching you before quickly walking out of the room.
The suddenness of it shocked you, which in turn made you get up to follow him. You followed him into the kitchen to see him getting two glasses of water, bringing one over to where you had sat down at the bar.
You took it, raising an eyebrow at him. “You always gave me and Mindy one when we had nightmares.” He attempted to explain.
You nodded, pulling him to your side. “Thank you Bub.”
“Do you want to talk about it? Your dream?”
You sucked in a breath at his words. You’d never actually talked to the kids about what had happened to you in your life, and you had no idea how much they really knew about that kind of stuff. Mindy had recently asked about seeing the newest Stab movie, in which you immediately said no. The reasoning you gave being she was to young.
“You know, how I was going to marry your uncle Randy?” He nodded.
“Well, I was dreaming about when he passed.”
“When he was killed?” You flinched slightly at his forwardness, Chad noticed, his face falling slightly. “I’m sorry! I shouldn’t have said that-“
“It’s ok, It’s ok,” You quickly calmed the boy. “But yes, i was dreaming about that.”
“What was he like? Uncle Randy?”
“He was, sweet and caring. He was always there for me, and he always made me laugh.” A smile came to your face as you thought about your late fiancé. “One time, I got sick at college and he skipped all of his classes just to stay with me and make sure I was ok. He would have loved you and your sister.” You whispered the last part, imagining how Randy would have interacted with the two kids.
“Do you feel better?”
You pulled the boy into your arms fully, hugging him. “I do, thank you Bub.” He hugged you back. “Ok, come on. It’s 2:30, you need to go back to bed.”
You put both of your cups in the sink before leading him upstairs to his room. While he was to old for you to really tuck him into bed anymore, you did pull his blanket back so he could get into bed.
“Good night Chad.”
“Night mom.” You couldn’t help but smile at his words. While both kids had called you that a couple of times over the last few years, recently they had started to call you that. And you couldn’t help but view them as your own kids.
You ran a hand over his head lightly before leaving the room and closing the door. You glanced into Mindys room to check on her before going back into your own room to lay down.
You played with the ring on your finger while laying there. “They are so much like you,” You spoke quietly. “You would have loved them so much.” You rolled to your side pretending that randy was there next to you. “I love you.”
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jessaerys · 7 months
Hey what the actual fuck did your reblog of my brba shitpost mean. Seriously. None of those words are real you just made that up
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the intertextuality (the parallels and/or linkage between two texts that exist in relation to and/or shape one another)
between this post ("a bunch of bald guys [which within the world of breaking bad are all masculine patriarchs entangled in a power struggle] having custody battles [positioning jesse not as an equal but as an object to be possessed and fought over, like a child and/or a lover, a status that is backed up by the breaking bad canon wherein he quickly becomes walter's surrogate son and wife] over a swagged up white boy" [the character of jesse pinkman, described here as a boy, in opposition to the aforementioned bald guys, ie. the dominant men in his life, the active subjects, the pursuers, the penetrators, hence putting jesse into the passive role of the beloved, the object of desire, the penetree so to speak])
and contrapoint's twilight video essay (found here)
which is actually (ie. purports to be about the twilight franchise, but is in reality a much broader examination of the contents of sexual fantasies and the world within which they are concoctioned, presented in a somewhat facetious manner within the pretense framework of the twilight saga) about the integral blocks of eroticism (including but not limited to: to be possessed, to be ravished, to exchange power, to be dominated or to dominate, etc etc and so on, all of which as mentioned exist within a patriarchal society that eroticizes domination and passivity. the video goes on to further analyze why and what it all means. viewing is requited for further context)
therefore implying that the way your post (ie. the subject of this ask message) succinctly sums up breaking bad in a tongue-in-cheek manner that challenges assumptions that breaking bad is a complex story about choice, power, the violence of the failed patriarch both within the nuclear family and a broader capitalist society, etc. etc. and so on and so forth, but is, actually, about several powerful, dominant, masculine men trying to gain sole control of jesse, ie. the passive object, the beloved, the pursued, the prey, the passive partner, is in direct conversation with the analysis of the foundational blocks of eroticism presented by miss natalie contrapoints
they all want to fuck jesse is what i'm saying
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bafflement · 4 months
Deaged Oz AU - School Daze
Tip blinked as his scroll pinged, he hadn’t been expecting a message, but maybe someone needed to get in contact with him? He flicked the notification open absently, wanting to get back to the conversation he was having with Qrow only to blink down at it in horror. What the hell? Why would he be enrolled in a primary school of all things? This had to be a joke, but if it was then it definitely wasn’t a very funny one.
But no, it very much seemed to claim that he, or rather ‘Wintertip Pine’ was now enrolled in the final year of an Atlas primary school. No, no this wasn’t funny in the slightest. He had a job to do, he couldn’t pause things to go and pretend he was an actual child. A chill seemed to run over him at the mental image that provided. Salem wouldn’t hesitate for a breath before burning it to the ground to get to him. After all, she’d done it before. He closed his eyes for a second, trying to force the imagery that bought up back into the depths of the wizard’s soul… he wasn’t going to think about the consequences to this, it was fixable. It had to be, he’d never survive, having to pretend to actually be the eleven year old his body currently resembled. At least it might grant Salem a moment of amusement before she killed him and anyone else close by? But James knew that, he had to know that attempting to place him in a school would just put everybody else in danger. Unless… was that why he’d fought so hard for his custody, to turn around and pull a power move like this? He wanted desperately to believe that James would never even think of doing something like this, but obviously someone had. If not him, then who?
Some of the shock and anguish must have shown on his face, because Qrow snatched his scroll out of his hand, looking worried. That worry turned to fury as he read the same message Tip had.
“What the hell is Jimmy thinking?” he snarled, almost dropping the scroll in his rush to reread it, hoping he was hallucinating. Looking up from it, he met Tip’s eyes and realised just how haunted they were at the moment. No, this was no hallucination. This was very, very serious. “Doesn’t he realise that you’re Salem’s main target? Dammit, Oz, you’ll be in danger and so will any actual kids caught up in this stupidity. No, we’re going to go and see Jimmy, right now.”
“I was about to suggest that meeting with him would be the best option.” Tip agreed, his voice sounding vaguely distant to his own ears. If this was something James had actually set up? Well, then, they might need to have a far more serious talk about boundaries. It was bad enough that he’d given him a tracker without his consent, but something like this? Putting actual children in danger for what, appearances sake alone? No, that was insupportable. James was a good friend, but if he was starting to think like that, then maybe it might be better to distance himself now. While he still could, for all the fact that the General held temporary guardianship of him and his brother both.
Oh no, what if he’d placed Oscar in school, too? He would be less of a target than Tip was, maybe, but only as long as nobody realised that they were brothers for all intents and purposes. That alone would make him excellent bait to all the wrong people trying to get to him through those he loved. He was just glad that Qrow was more than old enough to look after himself and that the others, for all they were still of an age to be Beacon students were technically fully accredited hunters now. They’d been trained well, he just had to have faith in their abilities.
“Qrow? We need to check, to make sure that Oscar hasn’t been subjected to the same thing. After all, James is technically his guardian, too.”
“If it’s Jimmy, which much though you know I don’t really get on with the guy seems less than certain.” Qrow winced though, arguing in favor of Ironwood wasn’t something he’d ever really seen himself doing but here they were. He seemed to be doing a great many things he was less than comfortable with, lately.
Tip grinned at him, briefly surprised. It was pretty clear he was very distracted by the notification, though.
“Oscar?” Tip asked softly, his brother looking up from his book in curiosity.
“Yes? What do you need?” Oscar asked, registering the serious look on Tip’s face and halfway rising from his chair. Tip shook his head slightly and Oscar settled back down, head cocked to one side.
“Nothing urgent, I just, did you get a scroll notification recently?”
Oscar blinked, looking down at his scroll in confusion, before shrugging. “No? Should I have done?”
“Not really, no.” Tip responded, sounding relieved. “Don’t worry about it.”
“… did something happen?” Oscar asked suspiciously. Tip shrugged back, trying to look nonchalant.
“Nothing urgent. It’s alright, I just needed to check.”
Oscar stared at him for a second before deciding that the blank face his brother wore meant that he was unlikely to get any more of a response tonight. It was always annoying when he did that, but if it was actually important he’d probably find out eventually.
Qrow gestured towards the door and Tip followed him out into the corridor and towards James’ office. This wasn’t going to be a fun conversation, but he dearly hoped that Qrow was right and James had not in fact done this. He was in charge of Atlas, with Salem almost at their doorstep. If he’d gone mad on top of everything else, well better not to think about that too deeply. At least the walk would be quiet. Winter was somewhere else right now, so she wouldn’t be here to witness the fallout. What she didn’t know, she couldn’t yell at him over. Right?
James looked up with a smile as Tip and Qrow entered, though that quickly fell away at their expressions. None of them said anything for a few seconds, staring at each other before Tip sighed, laying his scroll on James’ desk, the notification of his supposed enrolment fully visible on its surface.
“Explain.” Was all he said. James blinked at him before picking up the scroll. For a man that was usually rigorously self-disciplined, his feelings were laughably easy to read for once. Shock, followed by a sick sort of horror flashed across his face as he read the mail Tip had been sent. So it really hadn’t been him. But if it wasn’t James, then who was it? He was the only man in Atlas that had even the pretence of being Tip’s guardian, and Aunt Em certainly would never have enrolled him in a school, of all things. She knew better than anyone that he wasn’t actually a child. Besides, she was all the way in Mistral, how would she ever even have heard of the school in question. As some of Tip’s anger drained away, he vaguely recalled hearing the name of it somewhere before. It was probably even a very good school. He just wasn’t in any need of their services. Could this be Salem, hoping to lure him out? It felt different, though… no, something still wasn’t right.
“I… why is this an enrolment notification, Oz? You’re not actually a child, you don’t need to go to an actual school. Even if your next vessel… apologies, but it does have to be said, was an actual child that would be waived. In a school, Salem would know where you were, we couldn’t protect you. Why enrol yourself?”
“I didn’t.” Tip stated, voice still tight with fury. “And since you didn’t either, would you happen to know who did?”
“I can find out.” There was a dark tone to James’ voice now, eyes steely as he turned them back to the scroll. “Although, you may need to take certain tests and exams to test out of school, Oz. That might not even be a bad thing, really. It would provide more of a paper trail, give you more legal standing than you currently possess. Foundling, wasn’t it?”
Tip scowled at that, though he acknowledged that James was probably right. Besides, it wasn’t like foundling was particularly accurate anymore. He wondered if his records still stated that, considering his family and their likely reactions to that little detail, but that was less than important at the moment. What was important was fixing this, or at least making things as quick as possible. At least he could easily test out, even if it would take time he couldn’t really afford to waste right now. Hopefully he wouldn’t have to.
James tracked the request backwards, landing on a rather familiar name. He groaned to himself in annoyed frustration, but he had to admit this was probably at least partially his fault. After all, he had asked Clover to keep Oz out of danger, though this was not what he’d meant. A school, under other circumstances, would even make some sense. Except, of course, for Salem. Except that Oz, for all his physical age was chronologically thirty six. He sighed to himself at that, too. Why his records had been altered by over four years was something he was still unsure of. But then, even when Oz had been obviously all of fifteen in retrospect, the new head of Beacon, everybody had been so eager to believe his stated age. It was easier to think he just looked younger than he was, as opposed to admitting to themselves that Vale had likely actually lost the plot. Anyone else, in that position at that age, would have been an absolute disaster. Ah well, that was a thought for later. He summoned Clover to his office, a dark scowl on his face. This might almost be fun, though it was looking more and more likely that Oz was actually going to have to take those damn tests, At least they knew who to blame, now? At least it wasn’t Salem, so hopefully she didn’t actually know Oz was a kid, either. At least not yet, but then underestimating her was never a good idea, either.
Clover Ebi, ever punctual, strode into James’ office. His face dropped on noticing the acidic glare the General was shooting him, but he hadn’t done anything wrong to deserve that, surely? He was a good soldier and as far as he was aware, he hadn’t committed any acts against the orders he was given. Unless… was this about little Tip Pine? The General had ordered him to protect the boy and keep him out of danger though. The easy way to do that was to put the kid in school. Besides, weren’t children supposed to be in school?
As Ironwood started to yell at him, Clover looked more and more woebegone. He’d only been doing what he thought was right, but apparently that had been the wrong thing to do in this instant? He thought he was just following instructions… why had things suddenly become so much more complicated, and why was the youngest Pine boy always somewhere in the thick of things? Things weren’t meant to be this complicated… he missed the days when everything made sense.
Once he’d dismissed the downtrodden looking Clover, Ironwood settled back in his chair, staring at the scroll that Oz had left behind. He would have to get that back to him at some point, of course, but Oz’s scroll was the only one they had right now capable of interkingdom communication. He wished that Oz knew how he’d done it, but the boy had assured him it wasn’t replicable and he was loathe to deprive Oz of his own communication. It would be so useful, though. Ah well, Oz was nice enough to let him borrow it at times, not that he’d ever break his trust. Part of him still smarted under the idea that Oz had truly thought he would enrol him in a school without his permission, but from Oz’s point of view? Well, he was his guardian, after all… it made sense. If it hadn’t been for Salem, would he have actually done it? There was no way of knowing and he liked to think he was rather better than that, but then he would certainly have been tempted.
Speaking of, would Oscar be better off in a school, he wondered. The boy didn’t have the same excuses Oz did, though that didn’t mean that he wouldn’t be a target. If only they weren’t brothers, if only Salem could be trusted to stay away.
Tip, several rooms away, couldn’t see Ironwood’s face as he mulled things over. If he had, he might have had even more second thoughts than he already had been regarding their friendship.
Making a decision, Ironwood resolved to ring the school in question. He didn’t really want to talk to them, but maybe his position as head of Atlas academy… and the Army… would be enough to get them to back down? It was such a silly issue, after all. What was one less student, compared to the danger they’d be in? Not, of course, that he would tell them that, though the mental image of the looks on the faces of the council members if they ever found out was rather amusing in itself. Clover might need to find a very deep hole if that happened, but then he might even deserve it at this point. Ironwood certainly wouldn’t be able to protect him.
He hit call.
The line was picked up by a helpful sounding young woman, who reacted rather predictably to the news that it was General Ironwood on the line. She sounded slightly overawed which was vaguely gratifying. Hopefully he could use this to get Oz out of the situation. It truly was rather ridiculous, after all. Oz was laughably unsuited for a primary school, he could probably pass the tests in his sleep. Not to mention exactly what the teachers would make of someone like him, he’d be their best student… but quite possibly also their very worst nightmare.
“General Ironwood? It’s an honour, sir, may I ask why you’re calling?”
“Ah yes, there seems to have been a mistake and my youngest ward appears to have been enrolled into your school. His name is Wintertip Pine, if you could remove him, that would be for the best.”
“Ah yes, I see his enrolment here. May I ask why you wish to remove him? The records state that he’s eleven, so he’s the right age for our school.”
“Tip is… rather too advanced for a primary school, I fear.” Ironwood sighed, uncertain just how to put it.
“I hate to tell you this sir, but the system won’t let us just unenroll your ward. He’d have to test out.” She really was sorry to say it, but it wasn’t like General Ironwood had been the first proud parent to try this stunt. Imagining him as a parent was rather strange, though. Poor boy.
Sighing, Ironwood arranged for the requisite test packets to be sent to Atlas. It looked like Oz would actually have to take the tests, but at least once it was done, he wouldn’t need to do it again.
Tip filled out the tests rather quickly, grumbling to himself. Thankfully, at this level, his way of writing probably wouldn't be noteworthy. He hoped.
He passed, of course, but that was hardly a surprise, as James said, he could take these in his sleep. He shouldn't have had to, but if it hadn't been Clover, then it might have been someone else. They had a point, the longer the paper trail went, the more proof he had that he was a legitimate citizen. Having more or less appeared out of nowhere according to the records, he needed all the help he could get in that regard.
Clover might need dealing with at some point soon, though. He wasn't actually a child and he really didn't appreciate this. He wondered if it might be an idea to take the tests to graduate high school, too, but as a physical eleven year old, that might gain him too much scrutiny. Besides, high school tests tended to be essay based and he was rather uncertain if he could word those in a way they would expect an actual child to sound like.
Ah well, he'd find out if he had to?
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thetruekyle · 19 days
It's not an act, btw.. I really Am a Father. And I want so many more kids, but my life has been violently uprooted and tumultuously reformed in myriad ways over these last few years...
The Big Hit was when My Daughter was kidnapped in 2020 by a scornful and unforgiving, post-divorce ex-wife who has since leveraged every violence of the state to target, assault, & injure me to the point of reactivity- to then gaslight me- and point to my reaction while twisting facts against me, and actually claiming my cognitive fitness was endangering my child...
AND even my own family, -who are entirely wayward, unchristian heathens (& who take pride in their atheism so that they are essentially unwitting pawns of satan) banded together with my ex and all the STATE criminals to steal her from her rightful home and my dutiful care- which I had been doing as diligent steward, without ANY real issue since we (my daughter and I) were both abandoned by my ex back in 2015. . . Even as a single parent, I made it work so that my daughter was excelling at school and generally thriving. But that has all changed, and it has been heartbreaking at every turn...
-I have since labored and fought and protested and even began studying law for myself, and each time I came near to reclaiming my rightful custody under my own knowledge and power, or to saving enough money for a good lawyer who might do it for me- I would be blindsided by yet another legalistic curveball and/or direct spiritual attack on my being... but I have always survived, by the Grace of God.
When thus first happened, GOD didn't turn his face from me, and He found me in the depths of my despair to raise me up as something new with His righteous right hand. Even now I am becoming better than I ever was as my old self, and as His new creation -as I walk in His grace with discipline and obedience, -my days are become blessed beyond measure. And even though the weapons continue to be formed against me, I am still- and at peace, by resting in His promise that they shall never prosper ever again.
So many times I've had to start over these last few years as I even now- fight to rescue my daughter from the clutches of all this entrenched institutionalize`d'evil... with no chosen helper or loving partner at my side.
But I yet have hope, and with God, I have truly learned how to recognize and walk the straight-and-narrow path. With God I have been given a higher purpose than merely finding a battle buddy to take on the system. And so even now, finding the time to earn a good woman's eyes has been strained at best, and thus far- fruitless . . .
But then who truly 'finds' a good wife, for her value is far above that of pearls and rubies. So instead I have and keep faith that God has the perfect one for me. The best one, in fact, picked out and likewise waiting patiently on her end for a perfectly risen, and reborn me, chosen by God, to be hers.
And so I am patient, because it matters, and ever since giving my life to Christ I have found every success to feed my faith and hope. I Am still building a life that is meaningful, writing a story for me that is inspiring, and nurturing my own Holy Spirit of Truth that is absolutely founded on the rock that is my pure Love for our Lord GOD.
~And so- in earnest love for our Lord GOD;
FATHER I rest on [Your] promises, and keeping faith in [Your] Word -I pray [You] send my helper into my arms so very soon.
I really want her here.
But all things in [Your] perfect timing, Lord. For it is not my will, by Thy will be done. For it is not my dominion, but Thy Kingdom come. And so I thank [You] with all my heart, with all that I Am, and shall Ever Be, and with Gratitude All Ways, always, in Jesus' name, amen. 🙏😌
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cindytoast404 · 2 months
as per request by @anfroginous i am HERE TO RAMBLE ABOUT MY BLORBOS
so uh basically when i disappeared off of tumblr for like. two months i was NOT in fact dead but i was writing!!! got way too overly invested in a story i'd been cooking up mentally for over a year and decided fuck it, let's just see how this turns out.
and so, i ended up with over 100k words and a very dysfunctional found family accidentally starting a rebellion as they try to stop an eldritch horror.
(i'm just going to ramble about the pov characters bc it's late and sgjdfhsdkds words are failing me)
meredith: the central character!! she's an aroace bartender in her mid-to-late twenties. after a pretty rough childhood, she managed to get emancipated from her parents, and when they died in a car accident over a year later, she fought for custody over her younger siblings, allowing the three of them to stay together. an empath on her mother's side, she has a chronic fear of loneliness and surrounds herself with loud noises and the people she loves as much as she can <3
fynn: actually had a well-adjusted childhood! he's half-siren, and he and meredith met in their teens (they quickly became friends due to meredith's ability to pick up on his bullshit and call him out for it every time). bi king, theater kid, bit of a bastard. fell hopelessly in love with the biggest loser in the kingdom.
kiran (biggest loser in the kingdom): if fynn's the most well-adjusted of these three, kiran is the least. effectively raised as a child soldier in a cult, unknowingly as a vessel to an ancient deity. my guy is... going through it, and the sopping wet cat energy is something i am trying to make seep through every page of this damn thing. he gloats about fighting people and then immediately fails every fight he's ever been in. i love him.
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miasudare · 1 year
Tumblr media
I had to remake him cuz he looked horrifying in his first version.
Name: Ink /@comyet
Safe Spot Au Age: 37
Og Age: Same as the start of time
Gender: Male (he/him)
Art Teacher at Underhigh (Protector of Aus)
Ink - Before safe spot
Ink is as old as time. He was one of the few first Sanses in the multiverse. After the Dreamtale War, Ink become friends with Dream. Him and Dream fought with Error and Nightmare for a long time. That was until he met with Gaster. For over 7 millenias he was looking for peace in the multiverse. And Gaster showed him a way.
Ink - Safe Spot:2000's
In 2002 (14-15), at high school, Ink met with Dream and fall in love with him at 17. He was a good student and a wonderful boyfriend. His teachers were amazed with his artistic talents. It was obvious that he was a Da Vinci. In his free time he either draw stuff, messed with Nightmare & Error or just made out with Dream. In 2005 (18) he married with Dream right after they graduated. After graduating from Underhigh he went to Hope University to be a Arts teacher. In 2006 on July 26th he had his son Palette. He is not his biological son but rather Dream's. Since Dream donated his sperm so they could have a child together. In 2009 he graduated from H.U. and started to work at MultiBridge Middle School. While Dream was taking care of Palette.
Ink - Safe Spot:2010's
In 2015 (29) Dream and Ink got divorced. It just didn't work out. But they decided to end their relationship in a civil manner and they even share the custody of Palette. Palette was 9 years old during that time.
Ink took a break from being a teacher in 2015 and took care of Palette until 2019. That's when he started to teach at Underhigh. And met with Error. Surprisingly Nightmare and Dream was also there.
Ink - Safe Spot:Present
In 2020 Error and Ink got married. Ink moved in to Error's house with Palette. He got along with Cil but PJ didn't quite like him. Gradient? He didn't even meet him actually.
Working at Underhigh he was known for being the most patient person in the school. He knew how hard can art be. Even though he is pretty chill, he still takes his job seriously.
The students and faculty likes him except for two people: Nightmare and PJ. He doesn't know why.
☆He works for them.
☆He used to be a bully in Highschool.
☆PJ is a good artist, Ink doesn't want her to go to waste. So he helps PJ even if he doesn't want to.
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lowkeyclueless5137 · 1 year
Hey hey~ I have this random idea. Hear me out:
What if Riddle's father is Azul's step dad and Riddle's parents are divorced because Riddle's father hate how his mother treated Riddle. So instead of son of two famous doctors of Queendom of Heart, Riddle is the son of a famous doctor and a lawyer!
But it means instead of fully human, Riddle is actually half merman. His mer form is quite unique, since he looks like a goldfish. You know, the aquarium, man made, kind.
It also means Riddle is Azul's step brother. But because of this marriage Riddle finally got a good mother that will spoil him. Since we don't know when did Azul's mother divorced and remarried, it makes Riddle's friendship with Trey and Che'nya to be questionable depend on the timeline of this marriage.
Either way, I want to see whatever stupid things that happen during their childhood. Heck, it can means two OB didn't happen in canon if it happen!
:0 that sounds like one fluffy friendship.
NGL, I imagined Azul's step-dad to actually be a Shark mer(tiger shark specifically bc yes)... Like a big, bulky, absolute UNIT of a man with scars and all that... But he's actually just puppy energy all across the board. Azul accepts this one because he treats Mrs Ashengrotto like the queen she is U-Ub
He's still smol compared to his wife bc I say so :v
Funny thing... I've made a smol repartition of mers in twst, mostly bc of those NPC sprites. So unlike most expectations, as appearance... In this specific scenario, Riddle would fall in the same box as Azul, which means a lot more human like features rather than fish, but still not at obviously as top fully human and bottom fish. :v
YES! He would be a goldfish... But more leaning onto the gradients and spots variations of black and white on that bright red. He might just have one big black spot on his eye in the shape of the heart as a treat (fun fact, those goldfishes are names Kalico or Shubukini(hope I spelled it right)) ;3
Maybe the divorce in between the og Rosehearts couple happens after Riddle's 8... Mostly since around then his mom finds out about him Sneaking out to play. And while his father fully gave his permission for that, it was clear that a big ass argument broke down and here we go with the divorce papers. :v
Poor lil Riddle didn't have any idea why his papa suddenly said they will go on a trip to grandma, but he never saw grandma so he's curious to see big shark memaw.
I imagine first the grandma nagging Mr Rosehearts since 'I told you that woman was no good! Thank God the child has your genes!'. Yep... One belt later and she's ready to tare down the ex-Mrs Rosehearts to shreds. :'3
I don't know why, but I want Romanian like memaws... Like they take no shits and would destroy anything in their path if you ever dare to make them mad. Also in most cases they make good food and gib you money.
And that's how lil Riddle meets lil Azul, who was also on a trip to his grandma. They bond over the fact that 'My parents fought and now I'm on a trip here.' 'No way! Mine too!'.
And that's how Mrs Ashengrotto and Mr Rosehearts meet. And bc my man fought to hell and back for his custody, he decided to help out Mrs Ashengrotto. (more like this octo-lady yanked him and put him to represent her in court and that's when cupid decided to act)
Riddle also doesn't really grasp that well the general mer culture at first. So when he first saw Azul his mind went like static before he decided 'Yep... I'm gonna talk with this guy! He looks nice!' meanwhile Azul had a crying fest since 'who tf is this guy and why is he so nice?!'. Riddle thought he scared him so he starts crying as well and that's when the parents first meet and realise what exactly went down in between these 2.
For now, I imagine bc of their previous wrecks of a marriage, Mr Rosehearts and Mrs Ashengrotto have an engagement period. But like it's so long and both are so comfy and natural around each other that everyone just assumes they married in a more private way. Sometimes even Azul and Riddle forget about it. They once asked Mr Rosehearts where it was his wedding ring and man looked for it for HOURS, just cuz he bought the genuine question.
And school... Oh god school... Just having one overly bullied kid and one kid who never even knew the concept of public schools is just asking for disaster.
First day: 15 kids got collared. Riddle had one kid bite his arm and he couldn't bite back cuz the teach came in. When asked about it, Azul said that those guys picked on him and made Riddle 'smol'.
Later they also meet the twins. Mostly since Riddle and Floyd picked an epic fight and some snitch just had to tell the teach. Azul personally wanted to strangle them, bc he made a bet with Jade on who throws the table first.
But they bond! Both twins find Azul very interesting (and squishy), so they declared they will stick with him. Even though Floyd and Riddle fight daily. Like by now it's the norm for them to square up. It's their love language. U-U
Probably the twins are very confused at the parents situation for the 2 since 'they live together but they aren't married, but still they still kiss in the morning and we call them mama/papa and they don't seem to mind, but still they aren't married.' like... Their lil 10 year old brains can't wrap around that.
So they drew the conclusion that 'oh no, they be cheating with each other!'. Cue another long talk and explanation on why this is fine.
Besides fighting in academics, Riddle and Azul would have a competition over almost anything when smol. They would annoy each other bc they live for that. Also blackmail galore. Azul can't go out bc Riddle would snitch on him about the lipstick incident, while Riddle can't go out as well bc Azul said he will tell about who ate the last piece of cake... Yep... Fun times :'D
As they still get older... They still forget that their parents are 'just engaged', so there is A LOT of confusion in between people when these 2 introduce themselves and mention that they are brothers as well. Like there is some mental gymnastics in here and some may assume the worse. :'3
First time on land is also some hilarious thing bc poor Riddle forgot again that bc since he's half human, he can switch in between forms without potion(his downside is that he must avoid water at all costs). So Riddle just stays on a rock and looks at Azul like he's about to grow 2 heads or something.
"what are you waiting for?" "I don't have a potion..." "You need a potion?" "RIDDLE I SWEAR-"
NRC is also not ready for these 2.
They get in different dorms and since they knew their pops went to NRC, they also ask in Which dorm he was. Watch them ask 'were you in Heartslabyul or Octavinelle?' only to be hit with a 'I was in Ignihyde'. :'3
Also Trey is stunned to see Riddle in here. Mostly since their connection got stranded since that day the ex Rosehearts couple fought and divorced.
Still, Azul and Riddle often eat lunch together. Since the only ones who are actually classmates are Riddle and Jade, the twins also tag along.
One time surely Floyd got a punch in the stomach from Riddle and bro went all giggly mode since apparently... Out of all the possible ways of showing affection... Raw violence was their way... No one knew of this except Azul and Jade who find it enderdaining. But at least now savanaclaw dudes know they shouldn't be picking a fight with the red shortie :v
Unlike in cannon, Riddle becomes Dormhead in his second year, Azul becoming in his first. So first year was establishing the monstro lounge (and getting that sibling discount).
I imagine that in order to learn to share, their parents gave to Azul and Riddle a jar and went all like 'you 2 will share all the money in here. You gain money? You put it in the jar. You take money only from the jar.' Currently, the Jar is hidden under Riddle's bed, since the twins somehow cracked Azul's safe code for the valuts(it's called a hammer, Azul...) and weekly these 2 go over the income.
Second year is when the whole cannon thing happens and hoo Boi.
Riddle first catches Grim and contemplates if maybe he should use the Raccoon-cat on the twins. The headmaster said no tho :<
And then the freshmen... Oh the freshmen... No collar can seem to even hold down Adeuce. Jade suggested homicide and Riddle took it into account.
Azul came once to visit only to see Riddle chasing down Ace and bonking him with his staff.
In chapter 2, Azul also calls Riddle like: 'look... Kingscholar wants to sabotage my boyfriend, but he also is paying me some good ice cold cash for it... So I'm giving you half of the money if you bust him.' 'Give 65%'. '55% and dinner privileges...' 'Deal...' 'also... What did Shroud do?' 'it's Malleus-' 'SINCE WHEN YOU SMOOCH DRACONIA-' beeeeep! 'ASHENGROTTO GET YOUR ASS BACK ON THE PHONE!'
Yeah... Azul would never hear the end of THAT...
And while Riddle's ob doesn't happen, mostly since he got distanced from his mother, the source of his strictness and messed up view on the rules... Azul still had his piece of bullying, no matter what. Soooo :3
Chap 3 is more like Riddle realising that Adeuce messed up bad. He tries to talk Azul out of this, but it falls on deaf ears. In the first year this seemed bearable, but Riddle drew a line this year since it became messed up. That's mainly why he helped Yuu in here.
It gets messy, but that's Azul's wake-up to reality. At least he mends things first with Riddle, mostly cuz siblings! Yay! As if they weren't at each other's throats minutes ago. :D
By the end of the chapter, Riddle treats Yuu and Jack to dinner with money from the jar, knowing full well those are Azul's money as well. >:3
At the start of chap 4, when everyone is leaving for winter holiday, the braincell gang find out that Azul and Riddle are some kind of sibling and that's why Riddle's staying in. Adeuce's collective braincell just let out a big bang explosion at that info. Since Riddle didn't go with them at all to the museum (he tended to dorm duties), Adeuce were pretty much 'Dormhead is a fish?!'
Yep... Someone ace was kicked through the mirror that day.
Scarabia arc is mostly unchanged at the base. Just add in some smol Florid moments and Jamil losing his shit a bit less, since Riddle was at least a good student and if he rubs on Kalim, that may be beneficial.
Pom pom arc is also the same. :v
But then we have chap 6! Hoo boi... Chap 6.
Just Riddle losing his shit, mainly at Malleus cuz 'what do you mean your boyfriends got kidnapped and you are sitting here like a plant?!' Malleus just shrugs. He knows they would be ok. :3
Trey thinking finally Riddle would not chase after danger again, only to be meet with Floyd coming in since apparently Riddle desemned him to watch over Heartslabyul while he's gone.
Trey is both hurt and concerned as fuck-
Just Idia receiving a full slap across the face he plummets into the ground.
After the whole ordeal, Riddle tells Azul that he has very poor taste in men. And that comes from someone who's dating FLOYD of all people.
I imagine that there is a serious time gap in between chap 6 and 7, so that's where I'll pull the actual wedding in between the parents. So it comes like a big shock for everyone when they find out these 2's parents weren't actually married.
Idia having war flashbacks about the wedding, but Azul told him his parents want to meet him and Malleus. Now it's worse. Doesn't help that Riddle gives them the side eye after the whole STIX ordeal. :3
I imagine Idia probably going more whiter than is biologically possible when he sees Mr Rosehearts. Like man is towering over him, being taller than Malleus too, and you tell him that man is the biological dad of the red shortie-
Malleus tries his best to make a good first impression. He fails because he can't get social cues... :'3
And you bet Riddle's just poking at Azul like 'You can't go back into the pot... Mama expects both of us to be here'.
The rest is up to interpretation :3c
Welp I didn't expect to be so long... But here we are :v
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sahonithereadwolf · 2 years
What is at stake with the icwa
Please read the preliminary report from the department of the interior's initial investigation to understand the very surface level of what it is the ICWA (indian child welfare act) is defending against. It is not an easy read. It in fact will be very upsetting. https://www.bia.gov/sites/default/files/dup/inline-files/bsi_investigative_report_may_2022_508.pdf But know no matter how upsetting you find the horrific abuse and death, this is the surface of a very deep trauma. There are many aspects it did not touch. And the academic language used to insulate mutes a level of horror. These schools did not end. Some are still in operation. Some closed in the 80s. Many of them became adoption agencies. There use to be vans that grabbed kids off the street. Estimates place 25-35% of native children were taken out of their communities. Forced sterilization was something that happened to about 1 in 4. There were whole communities that lost all their children. The reason we don’t have examples of exact numbers were that people didn’t think it was important enough to track or purposefully obfuscated and buried it. --- Please understand this about the supreme court. These are men, who will never feel the consequences nor guilt of their actions arguing in favor of genocide. And should be treated as such. They feel no shame over this nor the racist propaganda they propagate. Only see a smug righteousness and oil money in their future. And it is oil money. https://lakotalaw.org/news/2021-09-17/icwa-sovereignty The ICWA has been under attack for a while by people claiming it's "for the children". But the documented truth is native kids need the support of their community and there is a long paper history over-policing of indigenous communities. The ICWA isn’t some poorly thought out patch job. It in many ways is a gold standard of child welfare. Plenty of advocacy groups, be it child welfare, mental health, or transracial adoptees agree. Last count  I checked was 486 tribal nations, 59 Native orgs, 11 child welfare orgs, 26 states In fact the only people that seem in favor of it is the state of Texas, a conservative think tank, and a law firm funded by big oil? Now what would all these these people have a vested interest in a face that on the surface level seems to be about custody? Well, the case is arguing that the policy is reverse racism and that indigenous identity is racial instead of, what it actually is, a political and social identity as we are sovereign nations and political entities. They say this to enforce exterminationist policies like blood quantum. The practice of determining indigeneity by blood fractions. Something that is racist, has no basis in science, indigenous models of nationhood or belonging, and again, is made to be exterminationist. That indian can be bred out.   This, would be key to undermining Indigeneity as an identity at all. Basically, legally, native folk would be tied to (by the US's definition) an identity that couldn't exist in a sustainable or politically defensible way. Thus undermining every bit of sovereignty or civil rights protection that has been fought for over hundreds of years. Or, more direly, leaving it up to the states. Something oil has a monetary interest in as this has been the cornerstone of indigenous nations to stonewall oil pipelines going through, lands, sacred sites, and watersheds. It is one of the keys to success for pipeline protest all over the country. Standing rock put the fear of god into these folk. Indigenous nations are politically sovereign entities with our our rights, cultures, languages, and definitions of belonging and community. We're not purebred dogs nor can we be bred to extinction. We have the right to our children and they have a right to their future. Please don't let some clowns arguing "reverse racism" without the first clue over indigenous identity, belonging, or kinship being backed by oil money and a racist lawyer with a grudge against natives take our children our undermine our sovereignty. I do not have faith in american government on issues of indigenous rights. Especially in this supreme court. Indigenous racism has long been defined by a hyper invisibility which silences our struggles. Do not let this be one of them. All I ask is you pay attention and listen to the people actually affected by this case. And question the motives of anyone that says a civil rights ruling is unneeded. Indigenous people are not inherently less capable of providing for and loving our own children.
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