thetruekyle 19 days
It's not an act, btw.. I really Am a Father. And I want so many more kids, but my life has been violently uprooted and tumultuously reformed in myriad ways over these last few years...
The Big Hit was when My Daughter was kidnapped in 2020 by a scornful and unforgiving, post-divorce ex-wife who has since leveraged every violence of the state to target, assault, & injure me to the point of reactivity- to then gaslight me- and point to my reaction while twisting facts against me, and actually claiming my cognitive fitness was endangering my child...
AND even my own family, -who are entirely wayward, unchristian heathens (& who take pride in their atheism so that they are essentially unwitting pawns of satan) banded together with my ex and all the STATE criminals to steal her from her rightful home and my dutiful care- which I had been doing as diligent steward, without ANY real issue since we (my daughter and I) were both abandoned by my ex back in 2015. . . Even as a single parent, I made it work so that my daughter was excelling at school and generally thriving. But that has all changed, and it has been heartbreaking at every turn...
-I have since labored and fought and protested and even began studying law for myself, and each time I came near to reclaiming my rightful custody under my own knowledge and power, or to saving enough money for a good lawyer who might do it for me- I would be blindsided by yet another legalistic curveball and/or direct spiritual attack on my being... but I have always survived, by the Grace of God.
When thus first happened, GOD didn't turn his face from me, and He found me in the depths of my despair to raise me up as something new with His righteous right hand. Even now I am becoming better than I ever was as my old self, and as His new creation -as I walk in His grace with discipline and obedience, -my days are become blessed beyond measure. And even though the weapons continue to be formed against me, I am still- and at peace, by resting in His promise that they shall never prosper ever again.
So many times I've had to start over these last few years as I even now- fight to rescue my daughter from the clutches of all this entrenched institutionalize`d'evil... with no chosen helper or loving partner at my side.
But I yet have hope, and with God, I have truly learned how to recognize and walk the straight-and-narrow path. With God I have been given a higher purpose than merely finding a battle buddy to take on the system. And so even now, finding the time to earn a good woman's eyes has been strained at best, and thus far- fruitless . . .
But then who truly 'finds' a good wife, for her value is far above that of pearls and rubies. So instead I have and keep faith that God has the perfect one for me. The best one, in fact, picked out and likewise waiting patiently on her end for a perfectly risen, and reborn me, chosen by God, to be hers.
And so I am patient, because it matters, and ever since giving my life to Christ I have found every success to feed my faith and hope. I Am still building a life that is meaningful, writing a story for me that is inspiring, and nurturing my own Holy Spirit of Truth that is absolutely founded on the rock that is my pure Love for our Lord GOD.
~And so- in earnest love for our Lord GOD;
FATHER I rest on [Your] promises, and keeping faith in [Your] Word -I pray [You] send my helper into my arms so very soon.
I really want her here.
But all things in [Your] perfect timing, Lord. For it is not my will, by Thy will be done. For it is not my dominion, but Thy Kingdom come. And so I thank [You] with all my heart, with all that I Am, and shall Ever Be, and with Gratitude All Ways, always, in Jesus' name, amen. 馃檹馃槍
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This guy (drinkycrowconcussion, formerly yandereronaldmcdonald) is falsely acusing spacelazarwolf of being a "racist transmisogynist pedophile" respectively over;
His explicit posts calling for a ceasefire and daring to be even a little concerned about the safety and life of jews
Being a "transandrobro/transandrothruter" (thinks trans men are literally not an oppressive class and suffer opression)
Acording to SLW's archive, a whole year ago in crows old account an ANON HARRASER sent him ANON ASKS pretending to be Avishai to say horrid shit related to real csa trauma of a relative of crow.
This guy has a history of going apeshit and harrasing and calling anyone that easily pissed him off a pedophile over petty internet disaagrements, is an open suibaiter tankie pro-pal transphobe friends with everyone in rin-tezuka/tamamita/euniexenoblade's clique. It's an extremely violent person and has admited to irl physically assaulting people over dumb shit. Please procede with caution.
Good god,
I have my beef with Avi's takes but he's a good person and it's as laughable when thisismisogynoir and blachaernae palace claimed Avi wanted to rape lesbians when he A GAY MAN.
also you get accussed of hating trans women by baedells by transitioning to a man and "betraying women". Baedells want to forcefem cis men and trans men into sacred womynhood so that tracks.
I need those screenshots OPs. It's how I finally shut up 2peachy's stalker Rene who falsely accussed her of raping her for... calling out that she steals fanart when I proved Rene sent does screenshots to herself.
Also have you considered this guy is someone else's sockpuppet?
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spot-the-ableism 3 days
Saw some receipts from a group of radfem transfems laughing and mocking a trans man who they harassed into hospital despite knowing he was seriously sick. The actual harassment is gone now because the person was blocked but I've heard it was pretty horrific.
Of course the main perpetrator found the post and decided to display more ableism lmao
thank you, and my goodness that is quite horrifying.
above is a link to a archived version of the link anon gave, this is for the future references anyone may need.
above is a different link^ the person we are talking about responds to the messages.
this is a pre-written by the time you get this ask, but oh my it is horrible.
for the blocklist
for suicide baiting and harassing a person with anemia+is a stroke survivor+has other neurological disabilities and possible GI cancer into needing to get a ambulance to be checked out at a hospital due to the distress it caused to their body.
also for being antisemitic this is a crossover episode
@spot-the-antisemitism got a new one for you to add to the blocklist. I cannot check her blog fully since I'm blocked by her already somehow? but this is a crossover episode.
for saying as I quote "this can't be a real message LMAO" in response to a anon saying basically the harassment they are doing to that person can kill them due to having hemolytic anaemia.
which the person actually had to go to hospital for due to the harassment.
so blocklist!
for saying "oh fuck rin your posts are too strong they are killing people"
and also being very incredibly antisemitic.
for saying "he's got glass bones and paper skin and every morning he wakes up and break every bone in his body and at night he does it too" when in the context of harming the disabled transman nightmaretour.
interesting overlap today guys with how many ableists and radfem's (not TERF's, EDT: TIRF鈥檚 get it right.) and how they are antisemitic.
anyway, new ones for the blocklist
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