#spot-the-ableism | ableism
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spot-the-ableism ¡ 6 months ago
Saw some receipts from a group of radfem transfems laughing and mocking a trans man who they harassed into hospital despite knowing he was seriously sick. The actual harassment is gone now because the person was blocked but I've heard it was pretty horrific.
Of course the main perpetrator found the post and decided to display more ableism lmao
thank you, and my goodness that is quite horrifying.
above is a link to a archived version of the link anon gave, this is for the future references anyone may need.
above is a different link^ the person we are talking about responds to the messages.
this is a pre-written by the time you get this ask, but oh my it is horrible.
for the blocklist
for suicide baiting and harassing a person with anemia+is a stroke survivor+has other neurological disabilities and possible GI cancer into needing to get a ambulance to be checked out at a hospital due to the distress it caused to their body.
also for being antisemitic this is a crossover episode
@spot-the-antisemitism got a new one for you to add to the blocklist. I cannot check her blog fully since I'm blocked by her already somehow? but this is a crossover episode.
for saying as I quote "this can't be a real message LMAO" in response to a anon saying basically the harassment they are doing to that person can kill them due to having hemolytic anaemia.
which the person actually had to go to hospital for due to the harassment.
so blocklist!
for saying "oh fuck rin your posts are too strong they are killing people"
and also being very incredibly antisemitic.
for saying "he's got glass bones and paper skin and every morning he wakes up and break every bone in his body and at night he does it too" when in the context of harming the disabled transman nightmaretour.
interesting overlap today guys with how many ableists and radfem's (not TERF's, EDT: TIRF’s get it right.) and how they are antisemitic.
anyway, new ones for the blocklist
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skipppppy ¡ 1 year ago
“You shouldn’t self-ID as ADHD/autistic, you’re turning a very real mental condition into a trend” Ok then stop saying delulu. Stop speculating on which cluster C personality disorder the criminals you hear about on the news have. Stop saying “schizoposting” and “acoustic” and “is it restarted?” Stop using “psycopath” and “sociopath” as catch-all ways of calling someone a bad person. Stop saying “the intrusive thoughts won” when you bleach your hair and then turn your nose up at people who suffer from very real, very scary urges of physical/sexual violence. Stop saying “I’m so OCD” as a way of calling yourself neat. Stop treating BPD/ASPD/Bipolar as inherently abusive. Stop saying “OP I am living in your walls” without tagging for unreality. Stop diagnosing complete strangers you’ve never met on r/AITA with NPD.
You first. If you don’t want our disabilities to be treated like trends then stop belittling and minimising them. I’ll NEVER judge a person for trying find labels for their symptoms when an apathetic, racist, sexist, ableist healthcare system refuses to. But I will absolutely judge a hypocrite. Which a lot of you are
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spot-the-ableism ¡ 5 months ago
i’m so sorry @theapollosystem they do this a lot. And spread misinformation about so many different things.
they are on our blocklist and many peoples blocklist
i hate how a lot of people who believe systems are faking DID are like well if you were actually a system it would be debilitating and you’d never joke about it
like i’m sorry the concept that i experienced childhood abuse and now i have nagito komaeda in my head is funny get over it
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clonerightsagenda ¡ 10 months ago
Observing various takes and tags on the content warnings poll and while my initial response was 'I see their utility but have a kneejerk assumption that the work that follows will be very Online' I am increasingly persuaded that the ideal solution is a folksonomy system a la 'does the dog die'. Because, frankly, the author may not realize what's most upsetting about their work. If an author deliberately writes about sexism, for example, it's easy enough to warn for. But if the author unconsciously writes something sexist, they're not going to think to warn for it, are they? If there are content warnings for other things, that just means the reader will be even more blindsided. Author-generated warnings leave you at the mercy of what they think is most upsetting, and that's a personal judgment. If we were going to hypothetically make this a Thing, I think crowdsourcing is your best bet.
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disbabeled ¡ 10 months ago
Absolutely begging able bodied people to remember that the accessible seats on public transport are NOT FOR YOU. You have the ability to walk two steps to sit in literally any other seat. Why do you insist on sitting in the ones specifically reserved for disabled people?
"Oh but I'll move if a disabled person is coming."
First of all, you can't always tell when somebody is disabled.
Second of all, not all of have the ability to stand there while you gather up your stuff and move, especially when the bus/tram/subway/whatever is moving. Sometimes we need to sit down immediately after getting on, which is why the seats right next to the doors are RESERVED FOR DISABLED PEOPLE.
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spot-the-ableism ¡ 5 months ago
Um, actually. Yes if something is so distressing or causing so much distress to the point of suicidal ideation for a person that IS hate speech/cyberbulling/violent speech
and you yourself are liable if someone commits suicide, as in jail time.
it’s usually called cyberbulling, but it’s classified as hate speech.
Yes, this is real. Yes if anyone has ever sent you a death threat please know you should report them as that is in most of the world illegal including online. Death threats are not funny, death threats are not okay.
harassing people into suicidal ideation and tendencies online is NOT normal, and should not BE normalised, what you are saying is factually incorrect and goes against not only online terms of service, but many online acts and laws in place to protect and prevent these sorts of situations, you yourself are showing your ignorance.
“if you get suicidal because someone on tumblr insinuates youre roleplaying a mental disorder you dont need to be on the internet.“ - dissociative-misinfo
again, actually this is not okay in any situation at all. I have zero idea who you are referring to with this comment, I have zero idea what the “insinuations” are. But if you yourself say things to random folks and strangers on the internet and they suffer from harassment or suicidal thoughts that’s not a them problem that’s a you problem. It’s up to you as a person to have internet etiquette and do things in good taste and good fun.
I have been death threatened, cyberbullied, and fakeclaimed in my day to day life as someone with actual diagnoses for most of my disabilities.
and yes, fakeclaiming can be very damaging and hurtful to people who are diagnosed or have been struggling to get a diagnosis for their whole lives. I know from personal experiences.
why am I making this? Because you seem to be erring on the side of harassment and bullying towards people and that is not okay.
this is also a post to serve as a reminder that for people who are being death threatened and hate speeched online that you have rights and you should exercise them.
also again your comment was so may I say harmful to the greater discussion of online problems and intracommunity issues.
no it is not wrong in any situation to actually be a respectful and equal person when it comes to discussion and calling out of harmful practices and behaviour, and also not fakeclaiming, denying someone’s diagnosis, or symptoms.
Is actually a good thing and should be used more in online discussions
long post, but yeah no what are you on about
Regardless of what the discourse is, there's a really uncomfortable trend I've noticed regarding the language people use in these discussions.
"Roleplaying", "pretending", "faking", and the usage of "real"/"actual" are all, quite honestly, really inflammatory language and I've never seen it end well.
Even for points I may otherwise somewhat agree with or find interesting, the usage of this language and the act of assuming in/authenticity in this way (as well as the assumption that one can determine who is and is not in/authentic) makes me not want to engage at all, because it's just a very cruel way of framing it to me. I've seen this language really hurt people. I've seen people really spiral and become suicidal over it. It's not language that should be tossed around.
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shadelorde ¡ 1 year ago
Having celiac disease fucking sucks bc I’ll be invited to an Event and it naturally has to happen over lunch and they’ll be like “we can make accommodations!!! we can bring gluten free food!!!” And I’ll be like “no it’s fine let me bring my own food, I know what’s safe and you don’t and cross-contamination is not always evident”
And I’ll show up to the Event
And they fucking ignored me and brought “gluten free” food for me
But naturally it’s this cross-contaminated-ass-pizza
And then they’ll be like “what a good job I did!! Look I got you food!!! Aren’t I so great!!!” and I’ll be like “uh no this isn’t safe that’s why I said id bring my own food” or I just don’t eat it and they get SOOOO PISSY
it’s like girl you expect me to be grateful for you explicitly going against my wishes and getting me food I can’t eat to make yourself look good? Hello???
(Anyways shout out to that one girl in my orchestra class who was like “yeah it’s all cross contaminated so I didn’t get you anything” like actually unironically thank you so much. you Get it)
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spot-the-ableism ¡ 7 months ago
Had a job interview where multiple people had told me I'd do well at the job, despite my disabilities, only to have the owner over exaggerate the amount of physical labour in the job to get me to leave by myself.
(I had my cane with me, she pretended she didn't see it, and also made me do an on-paper, no calculators math test?? (It was for a jewelry making business fyi))
the actual fuck? Okay that’s actually horrible and Yup! that’s a ableism right there!
”I had my cane with me, she pretended she didn't see it, and also made me do an on-paper, no calculators math test? (It was for a jewelry making business fyi)” - from anon
I’m actually dyscalclic (the math dyslexia) and that is SO WEIRD, I’d understand if it was fast paced grocery store or hell even a small restaurant. But a jewellery store/Jewellery making business? One of the most laidback types of stores?
I actually know a jewellery maker very well, and have met many of them and this is so completely wrong it pains me.
I think genuinely the person interviewing you was trying to fail you for being disabled, and or dyscalclic because the random math test happened.
if you can I’d report them for discriminatory practices, I’m unsure where you live so I can’t help more than that.
But that is in most cases and places discriminatory behaviour, especially the over-exaggerating of the physical labour in an attempt to discourage or dissuade you and others.
And also the random maths test! So weird? Some jobs may make you do competency tests for various things, but usually they tell you that you’re going to have to do them.
For someone to basically give you one out of nowhere is extremely suspicious and as someone who’s been through actual hell because of my severe learning disabilities, they DEFINITELY thought that because you were physically disabled you were mentally or learning disabled as well.
I’m so sorry that happened to you, shit sucks sometimes.
but I hope my response helps :smiley face:
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painfordays ¡ 1 year ago
Missed a train at night recently so I had to wait 6 hours until the first train came at 5am. My buddy and I had been to a concert so I was incredibly exhausted and in pain. We found a single bench that allowed me to elevate my legs in this big city train station. Every single other bench had these fucking anti homeless dividers In them. On my way to the bathroom I had to walk down a flight of stairs, there was no elevator. My legs were shaking so badly I nearly fell multiple times. All I wanted was to see some live music of a small band I enjoyed and instead I was hit by how much the world hates disabled and homeless people and I dont know how to motivate myself to ever venture outside again without having someone drive me places.
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spotsupstuff ¡ 2 years ago
If Biting Notos had a more traditional puppet, would it’s eyes be white?
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indeed it would! that's the Gen 3™ thing, after all
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spot-the-ableism ¡ 4 months ago
no problem! I’m always happy to help, people think I’m acting in bad faith a lot which is wrong, (I will happily admit when I’m wrong and provide evidence for my claims) but it’s very heartwarming to shout me out!
the post your looking for is this one!
Just a heads up: apparently this user, who was (according to himself) previously called a "race faker" by you (doubt that but ok), and is now falling for tamamita and co.'s doctored/cropped screenshots, has a reasonable number of followers, so you might have increased harassment coming your way the next days. Just thought you should know why it's happening if it happens.
peeper’s a grifter so he didn’t fall for them he’s exploiting anything he can get to play the victim in every discourse and get himself some sweet sweet attention
This just proves he’s desperate enough to lie about me for attention
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insomniac-dormouse ¡ 5 months ago
I love my best friend, but they keep using narcissist as shorthand for abuser and I’m loosing my fucking mind about it
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the-force-awakens ¡ 2 years ago
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my we're really feeling that media literacy crisis and the ableism in this house tonight, aren't we? Miguel is a good guy, actually, the film wouldn't repeatedly have that drilled into our heads and wouldn't have spent the first 20 mins of the movie showing us what he's like on an average day if he wasn't. The writers wouldn't have clarified prior to the film that he is not the villain, if he wasn't a good guy.
And "the only reason" cited here is such fucking absolute absurd bullshit. We see literally no evidence of anyone being coerced into the Spider Society. Miguel has the trust of other Spider people because he slowly reached out to them, he gave them a home, a place to stay: there's places to sleep, a fully stocked cafeteria, a fucking place for therapy — he has ensured that just about every single need that could possibly be met, has been met, for as many Spider people as possible.
He has their trust, because they understand better than anyone being unintentionally responsible for a bad thing happening, and then spending the rest of your life making up for that. Miguel makes the hard calls so no one else has to, so no one loses their universe. He gives Gwen a place to stay when her home life is clearly no longer safe for her, and they have rules in place to avoid Miles's universe because it appears to be keeping stable in spite of a canon change.
Miguel at the end of the movie is not Miguel's default state, and Miguel at the end of the movie is not a goddamned villain reveal.
Pavitr's entire universe is unraveling, and there's the possibility they won't be able to save it. Now that Miles is aware of canon events, the remaining (fragile) stability of his universe could fracture. That's two whole universes that could fall apart, literally BILLIONS of lives on the line. And while trying to prevent that and reigning in a meltdown, Miguel once again has jabs made about his physical differences from the other spiders.
A meltdown, an angry and even violent meltdown, doesn't make you a goddamned villain, and id encourage you to hand $100 bucks to every single autistic person who experiences those, as compensation for how fucking awful it is to hear every single time when a character has one, that it means they're a villain.
Miguel is a good guy. He is not a mustache twirling villain. He is a hero, with his own moral code, and he is a traumatized and flawed man who also happens to be a disabled man of color. So of course, you can't imagine him as anything other than a villain. He's different, and that's scary and wrong, so obviously he has to be the bad guy, ammiright?????
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knittinglizards ¡ 1 year ago
i think in addition to the obvious limiting factor of the writers' politics and biases, the stories in star trek (tos at least, the only other series i know is tng and i don't remember it well at all) that deal with oppression and Space Racism tend to be flimsy at best at least partly bc of the Choice to claim that oppression just doesn't exist on earth in the 23rd century (wild!) and that they generally portray the alien cultures relevant to the story in particular as entirely monocultural (just kinda lazy writing imo and denies any significant sense of historical conflict/makes the violence they try to present seem petty)
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chronicbackstabbingdisorder ¡ 1 year ago
There's something so deeply exhausting about people finding it necessary to argue and debate me everytime I point out ableism
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actual-corpse ¡ 1 year ago
I'm not afraid of becoming disabled for vanity reasons.
I'm afraid because this world isn't built for disabled people.
I'll be confined to my home because of the lack of public transit. Or I'll be stuck having to trust people to go out of their way to assist me.
Airplanes will destroy my expensive equipment.
I might not be able to use public restrooms.
There's nothing wrong with disability itself...
It's the world around us. It's so hostile.
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