#theres actually a lot more drawings that i did but now i dont have the confidence to post. i would if i hadnt been in the mental institutio
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ilikemicrowaves · 2 months ago
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Art I made while in the looney bin. I couldn't use ANY PENCILS. It was a nightmare. But it did help me practice traditional art with no backspace or eraser so it fun. I was experimenting with character design most of the time and mini concepts for my fop fic.
Drawings I made once I got out v
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I was SO RELIEVED to have a pencil again. I swear as soon as I got my hands on my favorite drawing pencil a Shockwave went through the air or something it was fucking bliss. I plan to digitalize most of these.
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todayisafridaynight · 2 years ago
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sequel to this cause Uh Oh !!!!!!!
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opens-up-4-nobody · 2 years ago
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#hello to anyone who happens to b interested in the saga of my life... also maybe the irl person i gave my url to... hopefully my blog#didnt freak her out too much lol. anyway so its been a busy week? 2 weeks? month? year? life? its been a lot. my parents helped me move#across the country from the desert to somewhere that's beautiful and green. my dad is so jealous of me lol its so so so pretty and theres s#so much to do. will i do any of it? that remains to be seen but im gonna try to be better about that sort of thing. try to get some help#with the thoughts in my head that keep me from doing and enjoying most things. its weird like im decorating my new room which i love. the#location and living situation seem ideal and i really hope i can stay here all 5 years of my program but i was picking a lot of bright#colors and now it feel uncomfortable. like if i wear things that r too bright or my room is too bright without dark contrast it feel weird#like if im wearing it it kinda makes me feel sick. idk what thats abt. anyway. ill try to heal my brain and im just so happy to b out of the#southwest. i was so so so excited when we were leaving thr city and even more so when we left the state. i cant believe im here. in December#it felt like a million years away and i really truely could not fathom how i was gonna survive that long. my thoughts were so distorted. but#i did and here i am. and in like a month i should b starting my phd program and my parents were telling me how excited ppl r for me and#jealous of where im living and im glad. im glad they're excited. i think i am too but its under a layer of: if i get excited it wont happen#im not allowed to b excited or it wont happen. which is irrational but ya kno. anyway so that's yeah. im so happy to have a fresh start and#the town seems super cool. a liberal blip in a sea of... not that so theyre very visibly pride forward haha and i think itll b way easier#for me to get around without driving. and im gonna try to make friends. i need someone to tell me where to get tattoos haha. so yea im happy#but exhausted and i dont wanna go back to work and so so greatful to my parents for being wonderful ppl idk how bc both of them had fucked#up childhoods. like my mum will say the saddest shit and im like bro this is y i don't wanna talk to my grandma fuck her and my dads parents#r so fucked. like my nana is the reason im so fucking control freaked out but i kno i have issues and she has no insight and thinks shes#better than everyone. anyway hopefully i can get back to drawing a posting more now. ive been drawing it its been in a sketch book#like an actual sketch book for sketching big ideas thst r gonna take fucking forever to draw 😭#so that's all. just uprooted my whole life. thats all. but in a good way :-]#unrelated
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bf-rally · 5 months ago
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wee today i managed to get stuff to start listing
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sparklecur · 10 months ago
heehee hoo i love anxiety i love being anxious over people not reblogging my stuff
#BTW LIKE IF YOU DONT REBLOG SOMETHING I MAKE JUST BECAUSE YOURE NOT INTERESTED IN IT THATS OK!!!!!#i post stuff that I Like and thats good enough for me and i dont wanna force anyone to reblog my stuff if they dont wanna!!!!!!!!!#i just. sometimes get really nervous like what if they arent reblogging it because i did something wrong what if i drew the character wrong#and now everyone hates me and thats why they arent reblogging...............#[uh it gets kinda rambly/vent-y past here feel free to ignore idm]#what if i drew or said something wrong and it means im racist/ableist/what have you#*posts cute doodle* haha what if i accidentally promoted ableist stereotypes#WHAT IF I HAD A BAD TAKE ABOUT The Character AND IM ONE OF THOSE FANS THAT PEOPLE VAGUEPOST ABOUT LIKE#not to point any fingers but ughhh#some people in this fandom really get on my nerves (tumblr wont let me use quotation marks???)#its even more nerve racking when the fandom is small like#if you have a Cringe Take in a fandom like sonic or pokemon its such a big fandom you might not get as much attention for it because theres#so many other people but when the fandom has like 5 people its way harder to ignore#thinks.#when i think about it a lot of my worries are centered around fae actually#what if the way i draw her is infantilizing!!!!!!!!! what if im being annoying by drawing her so much!!!!!!! what if i only have a surface#level understanding of her character!!!!!!! and most of how i perceive her is just headcanons and projection!!!!!!!!!!!#same goes with almer like i dont really talk about him much although im less. anxious about it? because i just dont talk about him as much#ecause i havent really studied him as a character in depth and stuff#HEY SUPERGIANT GIVE HIM MORE SCREENTIME GOSH DANG IT#um anyways#oh yeah what if i have a bad take about the character and im accidentally ableist or something!!!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaa#and like like like i am guilty ofthe not fully grasping her character thing or at least like for some reason i either forget or ignore her#interest/connection with the scribes despite that being like. an Important Part of her character and i feel kinda bad about that#same with almer and cur culture/tradition and stuff#YOU FOOL!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE IGNORING MAJORLY IMPORTANT ASPECTS OF THEIR CHARACTERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU BUFFOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!#YOU DONT DESERVE TO HAVE THEM AS YOUR BLORBOS IF YOU DONT UNDERSTAND THEM/APPRECIATE THEM PROPERLY!!!!!!!#NOW THE MOB WILL COME FOR YOU#hhhhgggggg#hm. uh that was way more words than i expected !
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eden-falls · 12 days ago
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the manwhores of the realm. i mean fellowship of the ring
design notes under cut!! this is the product of a lot of work and i planned to design EVERYONE but i got tired and this is a good stopping point. for now.
expect more sansûkh gigolas soon. what a genuinely phenomenal piece of writing
• just an unassuming scruffy old guy. nothing weird going on here definitely not a minor god wandering around kidnapping hobbits for quests
• the staff was inspired by a shepherd's crook which felt appropriate considering his role
• i did also design gandalf the white but i dont like that one as much so if it ever comes up i'll go back to it
the hobbits:
• tails!! the length indicates age which is why pippin's is the shortest
• frodo's outfit is inspired by welsh traditional clothing (i am welsh) while merry and pip are kinda more general edwardian style and sam more medieval aligned based on a particular vintage costume design i dug up
• pippin's pockets are endless and hold many mysteries! he ties his hair like that to look taller
• to be honest. still not sure about him. i think the green is a mistake when putting him next to legolas and i sort of think the elves of rivendell go for deeper blues and purples, but my reasoning for the green was like... nature and camouflage? this one is still subject to change colour wise
• i didn't forget arwen's necklace he just wears it under the jacket
• yah theres not really any real life inspo. the cut of the jacket is viking i think but it's like 90% made up
• the books say he is the tallest so i let that hold true. however. know i am not happy about it and will probably continue to draw legolas the tallest otherwise
• first and foremost black hair. idgaf thats what the books say and in this regard i like canon more so
• i didnt wanna just do black and white gondorian colours so i played about with saturation a bit
• i moved the tree from the shirt area to his belt buckle only because i have made the shirt too complex to properly display it
• a little inspired by traditional turkish wear! i don't have much reasoning its just how i imagine minas tirith style clothing
• hes a WOOD ELF he is GREEN 💚
• always has a stray leaf in his hair its literally in the name
• he has scabbards for his daggers on the back of his belt
• silver metal details rather than golden like the others
• like pippin's pockets nobody knows how deep his little bag actually is. he probably puts bugs in it or something
• his bow is pretty simple. i like to think he made it himself or maybe tauriel if we r considering her canon
• hair defies physics slightly
• high ponytail gimli truther it's just GOOD
• as is usually headcanoned, there's an overwhelming viking influence here. i felt however that horns on the helmet would be too much (and historically inaccurate if thats something that matters)
• jewel tones! i think he has an appreciation for aesthetics like this. nice patterning as well
• i added leather armour here but i probably won't draw it very often because why would he wear armour to smooch legolas. it's just so i can be consistent when i DO draw it honestly
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opiopal · 7 months ago
yall wanna know something I think abt a lot? teenage/ little sibling mc au's. Mc gets brought down to the devildom at like 15-16 yr, obviously there is zero romance and instead they just get kinned as the 8th sibling in the HOL.
you guys wanna know what else I think of a lot? little sibling Mc being an agent of chaos when their found family trope isnt paying attention.
I can't help but imagine that once mc is kinned they get crazy spoiled. not spoiled rotten but they know they can get away with a LOT because they're now seen as the cute youngest that doesnt know any better. but obviously they do since they are a teenager who knows how the world works.
and I mention the agent of chaos thing is because they were already attending highschool before hand, so they quickly notice how highschoolish RAD feels, so they were able to jump into the social ring a lot faster then regular Mc. and thus have the ability to get information from people who trust them/like them. so it ends up being useful to them. and now to my leading point: imagine a sort of friendship with Mephisto. its really more like, a symbiotic relationship. they are around each other for a reason. and that reason is RADs newpaper club.
it first started out with Mc staying after at RAD with lucifer to help with a few things, eventually Mc was put in a random room to hang out in after they did all that they could. which turned out to be the room for the newspaper club. after a while they get bored because their D.D.D died and they snagged a paper that was meant for the next day. eventually Mephisto enters the room, goes to tell them to leave which quickly they say "Dia told me I can be in here, if you have a problem with what the lord wants you could always go tell him that!" which shut him up fast. a good couple of minutes go by before the silence is broken by Mc speaking up and going, "You know, this is kinda boring." offended, he whips around, "excuse me?"
"theres nothing interesting here. interviews.. talking about things that everyone already knows about.. like, I could google half this junk." "I- well what would you know!?" "a lot actually. you dont appeal to any of the students here."
he glares for second before inhaling slowly, remembering that diavolo might be nearby.
"oh yeah? as if you could do better." "I could actually," "well i would love to hear it then."
he says sarcastically. though Mc speaks anyways.
mc adjusts how they were sitting and scans over the paper for a second.
"a gossip section would do it good." "what?" "come on dude, its non-sports club 101, if you want people to pay attention to you, you need to appeal to them. I was in theater for a while and we'd bribe people with free food if they sat through the whole show. this place loves drama. and lucifer being drawn riding on a unicorn isn't funny enough to get more then one person to buy it."
slowly they start talking a bit more casually and stop being so hostile. eventually Mc says that they could tell him the gossip they hear if he wants to make a part in the paper for said gossip. so, from then on they slip notes to him about student drama. which does indeed get more papers told!
though one day, someone pisses Mc off. not really that they were the one insulted, but they heard a few demons talking shit about their older brothers. so for the next week Mc takes a good amount of notes on those demons. which eventually they go to Mephisto with their notes and gave them to him. when he questions why these particular demons, he's met with a very angry "if those cunts want to talk shit and not mind their business then why shouldn't their own business get talked about." for a moment he wants to press further... but unfortunately for him he found himself actually caring about this human very much so he couldn't help but just want to make them feel better... and this much of a consititant story would draw people in so its totally not that he kinned this kid as well, totally!! so for about two weeks the gossip section has an ongoing story that causes nearly the whole school to get a paper to stay updated.
of course every bit of gossip uses code names to keep people from being outed on anything. and honestly some of the gossip might end up being people bringing it to the newspaper club themselves, so maybe a small confessions page ends up being opened.
obviously this is something a little cracked, and just a not very thought out thing that exists bc it makes me giggle when I'm daydreaming before I fall asleep<3 and honestly I wouldn't be surprised if there was already a gossip section in the school papers, but unfortunately I was never ever able to make it past the first few lessons of session 2 of obey me, which sucks:/
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jimmy-tulparco-pilot · 4 months ago
*throws the entire canon jimmy mouthwashing lore for you to read then leaves*
Here's what the actual jimbus nimbus the III did
IMPLIED ABUSE. (Can be interpreted as SA or Phisical Abuse)
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(Oh my god Jimenez Lore drop? 👀)
Hi! Im the OP once more, and here's a little secret about me, more than an artist, im a medical student with the focus of becoming a psychiatrist and a psychoanalist. anyway here is a little something: Mentions of Abuse, under the cut and a little personal rant if you dont want to read you dont have to.
A lot that the Psychoanalists of Freud and Jung talk about is the co-relation of the bad parenting to ones trauma in development, if you were Abused as a child theres a higher possibility of you growing to be an Abuser as an adult, if you have been thought that your values as a person is defined by a certain something as a child there's a higher possibility of you believing that to your adulthood and that's what im going here about.
For the ones who dont know, i have a comic strip that works for Canon Jimmy and the tulpar crew, where the topics of Mental Health will also be aborded. more info about it on @analgesic-comic
Now a bit of a Personal talk, i know some people are getting mad that jimmy on this au hast done anything big assholish to anyone yet and that he hadnt r**ed anya and that its "out of character". But i will be honest, i made this for me to draw some silly goofy stuff, while i take breaks from my comic, my comic has a lot of heavy writing envolved and doesn't give much space for jokes, there's funny stuff here and there but still all of it is pretty heavy because its based of a psychological horror. So i made this Ask blog that aint even in the future. It's in the present to be able to draw the characters and get my mind out of some stuff.
I love drawing jimmy because i love his design, and i love drawing all the characters, but if every drawing i made of them was strictly related to canon i would never bring myself to draw any stupid stuff because my autistic brain would ran me on the "Oh no they wouldn't do that because jimmy is there, jimmy and curly are the only ones you can draw together because curly is the only one who turns a blind eye to jimmys actions"
On the ask blog, Jimmy keeps his personality, but he is getting MENTAL TREATMENT that is making him a little less insuferable, of all the answers most of them there's scenes of him trying to gaslight curly or being mean to someone so i think i madd quite clear he is not healed, i just made him not be a criminal.
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variousqueerthings · 2 months ago
rewatched the due south pilot again with someone new. gradually pspspspspspssss at everyone i know about this show.
but yeah, two scenes really stick out to me this time about ray in terms of core features in how i come at him:
the second time they meet: their first meeting did not go well, he thought fraser had ruined his case, he was generally quite done with Stuff (and later on of course we will learn more about why he's so run down), there's this stranger demanding his time, and oh- oops he's just insulted his dead father accidentally and, huh, this oddity of a person is taking it pretty well to be honest... the second time they meet is entirely on ray. he seeks fraser out having done research on the case, but first he apologises to him very sincerely for having said those words. that is the first, big thing that ray offers fraser (the next, of course, is giving over his entire life and soul to him, but i don't think he realised that in that moment...)
after he gets blown up and is lying in hospital: he apologises again, this time for screwing things up. we know by now that he had a bad relationship with his own five-years-dead father who never thought he was good enough, that he's struggling under his caseload at work, we've got a sense he isn't super respected there either, and although we've met his family which is actually very loving (if loud and argumentative) he's giving a sense of being pretty lost in the world at that point and nothing that happened before was his fault. he's been helping fraser, against his superior's wishes, done some good sleuthing/detective work, and saved fraser by putting himself in front of the explosion. and then he apologises
I feel like a lot of the time ray's thought about in terms of his abrasiveness with people generally, his shield against the world he's quick to assume the worst of people and doesn't let others in, but fraser neatly bypasses those walls. on purpose? by accident? bit of both? i think he does sincerely See more to ray in their first scene, the "like you, he is pretending to be someone he's not" line feels like it's talking about more than just ray having been undercover in the previous scene, and because he's fraser he never belittles or mocks or gets aggressive about ray's behaviours throughout their first meeting, which probably also draws him in on top of the need to Make Things Right
i think beneath some of the goofier stuff (which, honestly, i dont think theres thaaat much of, but id have to do a proper count and parallel how many times he's there as "comic relief" vs when fraser is, and also times where ray is shown to be extremely competent which is often -- maybe i'd wish for more dramatic episodes for him but that's more to do with how good marciano's acting is than a real disservice done to ray himself) and the more petulant/childish manifestations of insecurities (it's hard being friends with a Saint, as he puts it very fairly in my opinion, although i also think that line partially relates to some other stuff he'd said about Fraser Please Taking Better Care Of Himself throughout the whole season) there's this ray, and that core is quite obvious pretty much from the get-go
a ray who meets sincerity with sincerity and takes fraser in with honestly barely any prompting at all on fraser's part. a man who maybe was desperate for something/one to believe in, who isn't super macho about admitting fault, and then -- in the hospital scene -- a man who's so used to thinking of himself as a screw-up to the point that he'll apologise for getting blown up to save fraser
there's a lot ray gives fraser. for one thing, fraser would be dead multiple times over without him. but ray Needed him to appear in his life in order to get through the damn day. he saw some storybook larger-than-life weirdo and grabbed hold of him immediately and then realised that the rest of the world seemed to want to eat said weirdo alive and pretty much said over my dead body and he's done pretty well living up to that
did, though, very much appreciated fraser finally properly telling him in red white or blue how much he means to him and how valued he is, because ray doesn't always see it. (funnily enough, they had another bomb threatening to detonate at the time. almost a full circle)
two scenes in which ray says sorry, one in which he was right to do so and one in which he was wrong. there's more to it, but that's the... Thing im thinking about
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solargeist · 8 months ago
Does Grian reflect some of the manerisms Aether treated him with when he was with the Watchers onto baby Xelqua? I think you said before that he didn't really have parents so him only kinda knowing how to parent because of being treated like a child back with the Watchers is really sad and really cute
Also since after season eight Xelqua can come and go as he pleases does that mean that Aether and Flora can to? Or at least see what's going on there with Watcher magic and stuff?
oh yes ! i've thought abt that before !! but wasn't sure how to draw it, but yes ! Grian does accidentally mimic Aether, even with things he didn't like.
Like, the Watchers used to coo over how cute he is, showing off his wings or commenting on his height, making him feel small and embarrassed--but they did this out of genuine adoration. Grian sorta does mimic this with Xelqua, he's so small its ridiculous, isn't it ? But look at his ears, they're so big ! Grian does this bc he does think its cute. (xelqua likes the attention at least haha)
Tho with some things, Grian remembers and purposely does the opposite, even tho its not exactly the best choice either. Like with food, he only got food if the Watchers allowed it/he asked, but Xelqua can pick and eat whatever he wants, whenever, and yes this would be good--but sometimes kids make bad choices and eat a lot of candy and get sick to their stomach, like, no you can't have the entire bag, lets put a few in a bowl, yknow ? He has to learn this, hard way ! Xelqua throws up on his rug.
Grian used to get upset abt people messing with his food cabinets, bc he has a food hoarding issue due to food insecurity, but hes gotten more steady abt it.
But with a lot of parenting things, Grians sorta learned along his entire life, he's already 30 by time Xelquas around, and he raised Pearl--even if they were kids at the same time--it sorta helps now.
Grians also learning to relax and take things slower, not stress and overwork himself, thats something he also struggled with the Watchers, and he has to bite his tongue and swallow his disdain when Xelqua is being lazy (being a kid, rly) bc he's aware enough to know thats just the Watchers in his head, not his actual feelings.
Theres probably other moments, like i think when Xelqua hugs Grian's leg or leans against him, Grian ruffles his hair in a specific way he remembers Aether doing to him. But i can't think too much rn i'm sleepy !!
And !!! Thats an interesting thought, Xelqua..... in his natural form... is on his own level, he can do what he wants, rly. The Watchers........ Don't necessarily have a reason to go in and out of Hermitcraft, but they're aware of it now post s8. Since Watchers are based off viewers, i think they Watch the Hermits, but don't interact or control anything, its a sturdy world. I haven't rly thought abt this, i've had a few random ideas, like grian writing letters, but i dont know anything for sure. The AU around this point becomes a badly drawn horse i think ADGKAJK
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lemon-wedges · 4 months ago
Hello!!! I love your art and your style. I'd love to hear your inspirations behind how you draw and, in addition, hear a bit about your painting process (I love the impressionistic look your paintings have)
ahh!!! thank you so much ;u;
Ill tried my best to break down my thought process behind my drawing, so i hope this all makes sense aahaha
undercut cause it came out real long
SO Karl Gnass is an instructor that i took an anatomy class with. and who broke down anatomy in a way that really helped me grasp space. like space a figure occupies. and from that i think my characters feel a bit more...grounded? im not sure what the right word would be but tangible is something people sometimes say about my art.
And i do think when youre able to make a figure look like its really wrapping its hands around something it makes character interactions a lot more intimate.
heres a few under sketches i do when i start a drawing (i am trying REALLY hard not to use my nsfw ones tho those are pretty perfect when it comes to showing u anatomy RIP)
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after i got the poses done ill turn down the opacity and rough sketch out details on top of these. and once THATS done i move onto lineart. and the most important aspect of this step is NOT TO TRACE YOUR UNDER DRAWING!!!! thats what sucks the life out of your work!!!!
instead you use your undersketch as a guide. ilI actually redraw the simple anatomy underneath very lightly, erase where they over lap and then add line weight variety + darken up the details.
examples of this are gonna look a little messy but. Left is the original pose i drew out with rough details. right is the drawing i do on top of it. you'll see theyre not one to one and theres some lines i didnt fully erase out when redoing the anatomy. i find my clean up has a lot more energy when i do this.
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the thing about my style is that you'll notice i never actually do actual clean smooth lineart. and thats because i HATE DOING THAT SHIT. like i did learn how to do it and consistently forced myself to do it for over a year. and while i do think i learned a lot about line weight and drawing clearer. i realized? its just not for me. I like a textured brush and i like being able to see those small lines i didnt get to fully erase out because i think they look cool lol and thats ok!! do what you want forever man!!! its your art!!!
Also before i move onto painting ill show you this neat little trick. you know those more "loose" drawings of mine that feel more gestural? the begining process is exactly the same. the difference is i use a chunkier pen and try to see how much i can simplify details + just feel out the energy of lines
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man. where to even start.
the thing about painting is that its an entire different set of skills that need to each be honed on their own and will slowly build up together. ill break it down like this.
I've said this on another ask before but you'll notice ill do a lot of black and white sketches. and i do that to practice choosing how to group values.
like this example. how light is laios' wolf coat compared to his skin? or kabrus skin color compard to laios coat. when do you want to really push the contrast of light and dark and when do you let values be closer to each other when you DONT want attention
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the next step from this is adding a light source.
and when you're working in black and white its a lot easier to pay more attention where you want your light/how its gonna look like hitting youre characters and how far youre gonna push your shadows.
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and you know if you get good at this you can play with limited color palletes
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this is literally just be picking out blues and hitting the bottom with the gradient tool to light it up
is a lot harder and also very subjective. I do a ton of impressionist studies where i just color pick the fuck out of a piece to see what colors masters used + knowing the history of paint and what colors were available during that time period. +knowing what colors = what mood + knowing what colors to use when you want to be more realistic vs when you want to lean into more stylized+ what colors YOU specially incline towards + AHHHHHHHHHHHHH
its a lot and im actually still learning myself
But when i do a painting i collect a LOT of refrences of the kind of mood i want my own painting to feeling like. I've show the first example in another ask before but heres one from my latest labru too
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WHen i actually start a painting tho they look like this. The top drawings are just flat colors with a simple outline of where i want the light to be hitting. like in my value studies im just trying to get the idea down, seeing what values need to be darker vs what is lighter. and how the light source covers the character.
figuring this out in the begining makes the rest of the painting so much easier because youve essentially made all the big compostion decisions NOW. from here you can start playing with colors.
my second stage, youll see with drawings at the bottom, is when i start using my texture brush to lay in extra shadows and just play with variety.
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and then? i start rendering
that would be TECHNIQUE
And well....thats also something thats gonna be very subjective.
With my own style im not interested in rendering everything to perfection. Im trying to figure out how to texture hair/skin/clothes in ways that make them feel like the materials they are while also showing the energy of my brushstrokes.
I dont zoom in while i paint btw. everything i do is zoomed out so i can see the entire drawing. it helps me not tight up my strokes while also letting me build up all areas of the painting equally. the only time i zoom in is when im lining out the eyes/mouth of a character. and yeah. it drives me insane doing this because ITS SOOOOO Tempting to obsess over paint 1 area forever then zoom out and see that nothing matches lol
The other thing about my style of painting. Is that im not gonna use the exact same formula for every piece. like this isnt cell shading. you can have an idea of how to texture skin/clothes/hair and sometimes it looks great and beautiful in one painting and then it looks like shit in another. ive overhauled a lot of paintings multiple times because what i thought would work doesnt and ive had to force myself to explore and play with my brushstrokes. and you know? i wouldnt have it any other way. it means none of my paintings are gonna look alike! and i think thats pretty cool :D
ill leave you with this in the end. a painting im in the middle of doing and debating to overhaul cause im just not feeling the strokes. who knows what ill look like in the end
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anyways i hope this helped a little? even if you look at all this and go. IM NEVER GONNA DRAW LIKE THIS BOZO ahahah
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dreamsy990 · 2 days ago
revised my penelope design! gonna yap about the process because i did a lot with this. you dont have to read what im talking about if you just wanna see the art i will not be offended dvbvgfvg anyways putting this under a read more to be nice
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so here was a sketch of my old pen design for reference. she was super simple and mostly done as a placeholder. i still like this design a bit but my biggest issue with it was that over time i ended up drawing odysseus pre-calypso with those exact bangs??? and i wanted them to look different. and ive gotten very comfortable drawing odysseus like that and i needed to redo penelope anyways to make her design more interesting so! i figured id change her. so first thing i did with her was change her hair!
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doing a different thing with my design process here where i actually uh. used references. very new process for me,,,,, i normally just kinda fuck about and find out. anyways i wanted to keep her bun but i wanted to make it look different enough so i pulled up a TON of references off pinterest that i liked and wanted to mess around with.
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and these are the three sketches i made based on these references! ended up mostly going with the first one (the bangs are inspired by 2 of the images in the bottom right of my reference page). i thought of complicating it but i think something simple honestly works for her! pen doesnt really give me the vibe of someone who cares all that much about doing something intricate with her hair. idk. so shes relatively simple. i shortened her bangs and called it a day! anyways and then i had to face the horrors: clothes
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greek clothing is SCARY it was really hard for me to find good references originally. i started with looking at stuff from hercules since it seemed easy enough? so i grabbed a couple references of women in the movie and then asked my father to name women from the show for me to look at. i barely ended up looking at them though. i figured some live action movies might be good so i grabbed two pictures of helen in troy and a circe and pen from the odyssey (THERES ALMOST NO GOOD SHOTS OF PEN IN THE ODYSSEY MOVIE OH MY GOD). havent seen the odyssey but i hear its good? idk it looks funny as hell to me. troy was pretty bad though. anyways. i grabbed a couple drawings of gigi and wolfys penelope designs too. and then i forced myself to look into greek clothing. sighhh. so i grabbed a couple more historically accurate refs. these were actually helpful.
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with that stuff in mind i threw out these three penelope concepts. i liked the color palette i had for her being mostly blue and gold, and black and white are basically free colors for me. she has an earring here i just forgot to color them thats in the final art though. anyways. i added a little pattern on whatever was blue on here to match with telemachus (thats also in the final image lol). otherwise i sort of just messed around with things i like. i sent these in the epic discord to get outsider opinions and teh general consensus (which i agree with) was that 2 was the best design, but 1 had really nice sleeves. so then i threw out a final draft.
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heres my final penny! im not entirely sure this is the best i could do with her but im happy with this as her design for right now. itll probably change organically over time as most of my designs do, but im happy with this overhaul for now.
as a bonus for sticking around so long, heres a silly redraw of a sketch by my lovely mutual @asha-dasha and also a miserable little tele for when i got distracted working on this
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11vein · 7 months ago
heyho! how did you learn how to draw and make art in general? i find your artstyle visually pleasing and nice to look at, i wish to one day be able to draw like you but i don't know where to begin 😞 also what are your art inspirations?
i know this is a cliche answer but i self-taught myself and improved quickly in my early years simply by attaching to a character i really liked and drawing them nonstop especially during my school days (and that character eventually morphed into my oc kaizer) because my ADHD ass didn't want to do anything with school loL genuinely though this is one of the best ways to learn is just to get really obsessed with something and draw it and branch out from there after you've had your fill dont be like me completely though when it comes to studying with art, you should absolutely do fundamental studies too (still life/etc) . i was stubborn and didnt really do it because i dont find a lot of joy in it but i think its kinda stunted my abilities that i never did in recent years though i went from drawing characters just standing/busts in an empty space to realizing i love drawing actual scenes with characters interacting with their environments and it has forced me to learn ways to streamline my art process and learn to do backgrounds. its been fun but now ive gotten way too ambitious and perfectionistic about one-uping myself and burnt myself out so im currently working on re-finding my passion and ways to work around that perfectionism. so thats kinda where i am rn...?
anyway, its really a matter of finding an obsession and honing in on it like i said . so do that but dont get so obsessed you ignore important stuff like i have done haHA
sidenote. don't fuck up your wrist listen to artists when they say you should not overexert it and do stretches because im fucked with carpal tunnel syndrome in both wrists already at age 23 whoops. also references. dont be afraid to use those theyre so important it took me so many years to not be stubborn about them and that also stunted me anyway when it comes to my art inspirations/??? a lot of it is just aesthetics of various media ive absorbed into my brain and jumbled around, but when it comes to actual individual artists here are some im heavily inspired by on the visual art side (warning for nsfw/suggestive works on some of these artists pages)
nuqelear (rip)
vellmori (inactive)
bakui (is this their name?)
avrilundi/_96peori theres absolutely so many more but these are like. some of my primary ones i can recall lately
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ldy11lc · 4 months ago
Artrick x theater kid moodboard?
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ᯓᡣ𐭩 theyre your biggest supporters, full stop.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 art is at EVERY single show with a bouquet of flowers in hand, ready to congratulate you and give you a giant hug afterwards. dosent matter if you were the lead or if you had one line, hes there (even if you only helped with the sets, he’s still there)
ᯓᡣ𐭩 patrick does his best to make it to your shows, but he’s on the road a lot for tennis, so he dosent always make it. he feels so guilty but he always makes a point of video calling you before a show while youre getting your hair and makeup done when he cant be there !!
ᯓᡣ𐭩 every time he demands art record the entire show for him to watch after, even if it isnt allowed. art has gotten in trouble for this multiple times
ᯓᡣ𐭩 when he CAN make it though, you know it. he cheers and claps louder then anyone when you come onto stage, when you make a joke, even if it isnt that funny, he’s cackling, and he has gotten into a whisper fight turned accidentally too-loud argument when someone was talking during one of your big moments. (he apologised to you profusely afterwards)
ᯓᡣ𐭩 art has so many ticket stubs from your performances, that he now has a small box dedicated to only them, since there just isnt enough space on the wall (it’s probably definitely got some cheesy label with your name and a bunch of hearts and drawings on the lid) (he isnt ashamed)
ᯓᡣ𐭩 if youre doing a shakespearian play, theyre in the audience doing their best to understand whats going on. if its a musical, they are whooping and cheering every single time you hit a hard note.
ᯓᡣ𐭩 ALWAYS reassuring you and comforting you. you accidentally messed up your words on stage ? no one even noticed ! pre-show jitters ?? you’re going to do amazing, they just know it !!
ᯓᡣ𐭩 theyre at every rehearsal they can be. its nice to watch you in your element !! plus seeing you out of breath and sweaty from the choreography isnt so bad either
ᯓᡣ𐭩 patrick CONSTANTLY talking about how good you look in the costumes and asking if they would REALLY notice if you were to take it home for just one night. everytime you say yes and that you cant but hes slowly wearing you down
ᯓᡣ𐭩 if theres any moment where you have to kiss someone else on stage, theyre doing their BEST to stay calm and supportive (they KNOW its just acting, they DO) but its hard. they’re silently fuming in their seats until they can see you again, and if theyre a little more touchy then normal ? well, that dosent seem like SUCH a bad thing…
ᯓᡣ𐭩 you have definitely almost been caught in compromising positions with them by excited co-stars coming to congratulate you after a show. every time you tell the boys its not going to happen again, but you all know youre lying.
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Notes. ᡣ𐭩
╰┈➤ aughhh !!! i really hope this is okay !! tbh ive never actually been involved in any kind of theatre (im WAYY too shy for that 😭😭) but i LOVED this prompt !! i just think its so cute !! i hope i did it justice with my limited knowledge <33 also just a fair warning for the other moodboards im going to do !! they are probably NOT going to be this detailed !! 😭😭 i really dont know what came over me for this but i just couldnt stop the words from coming !!
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midwestemoismid · 5 months ago
Do you ever love a character so much you sorta steal your entire personality from them,,
<autism rant>
Cuz like I'm obsessed with Nicole from class of '09, if sorta stolen my whole humor from her, Which isn't really a good thing because shes kinda a piece of shit, the game revolves around her being a horrible person or trying to kill herself or something like that, I'm not like as mentally ill as her, but my humor has evolved to be similar to Nicole and ive sorta had this not care attitude. I've also been really jokingly mean to one of my best friends (he knows its a joke, thats our humor) but I accidentally did that to my little brother and felt SO bad lmao,, (he said something very obviously and I loudly go "yeah no fucking shit bitch" then started apologizing profusely) This other time I was playing blooket w/ that same friend and I did something that made him eat a fake burger and I went really loud "have this fucking burger you fat ass bitch" and hje just stared at me like wtf,, and the other person on the call (who I just met) was SHOCKED.
i'm not a bad person,, hes okay with me making those jokes btw
well im sorta a bad person but i'm working on that
i sorta hate having obsessions over character because i want to BE THEM. and it sucks even more when theyre a horrible person--and when theyre a girl,, cuz like i want to de-transition and become a terrible person and chane my name to Nicole WHAT THE FUCK WHY I DONT KNOW and like i had an alt acc on tiktok where i used she/her and named myself nicole and it was like a class of 09 fanpage sorta. and like i dont wanna be a bad person nor do i wanna hurt people feelings or be addicted to drugs AT ALL but like NICOLE🙏🙏🙏
this always happens when i have some sort of obsession. i dont typically have favorites but when i do its like an obsession
and like one other problem with being obsessed with nicole is i accidentally obsess over mental illness and (stuff i shouldnt obsess over), wich is really bad and unhealthy.
I gain little obsessions over certain things, like right now im REALLY obsessed with a game called "bad parenting" and it's a really really sad game. I wont spoil it but its genuinelly depressing and made me cry. after i saw it i wanted to hug my dad and tell him i loved him for being a good dad. ive been listening to the backround song on repeat for a bit, i might even draw fanart of it idk,, but i feel like i shouldnt be hyper obsessed with it
as a kid i also was really obsessed with "salad fingers" wich had a sadish theme to it, i kinda forget the plot but i thought it was interesting and how the main charecter was kinda messed up.
I also really like "little miss fortune" wich was also really sad. again i dont remember the plot my childhood is sorta a blur and i dont remember it well
"Sally face" is another sad game i liked. not gonna spoilt it but i loved the supernatural bit and there was a lot of death.
I also really love horror movies, ESPECIALLY horror movies that go into psychology. Like for example, saw is pretty interesting because its cool to see if people would rather cut of an arm or die. I know it's fake but it's still really cool.
Theres a lot i find interesting but i dont wanna sound like im actually insane lol
This ran went in so many placed i forgot what the original post was about😭 took me abt 2 and 1/2 class period to wright
If you read this all, thanks! If you relate reblog or comment (or make a new post and tag me) and tell me what charecter you relate to/obsess over
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favvnsongs · 20 days ago
@elizaviento said a thing the other day and it's been living in my head rent free like some sort of wretched little brain worm and its like one thirty in the Night and i dont even Know what this is but just. lmao listen okay like
no but. so many things. like So Many Things when it comes to the weird as fuck silco&jinx situationship, like behind the scenes and during the timeskip and all of those unseen and unspoken little. asdfghjkl.
did no one ever go "hey isnt that vanders kid?" considering the whole. everyone is either dead and or presumed dead? like, oh .. okay so vanders upstart righteously indignant (ex) co-revolutionary has popped back into the public sphere and also vander and benzo and those kids are all dead.. except that one. silco my guy why do you have vanders kid. like what was the cover story there. (and when did it start to get kinda >:T at constantly being referred to as Vanders Kid, how long did it take for her to get a little twitchy and disdainful about it. no, it isn't vanders kid. not anymore. not for awhile, frankly.)
but also also like. yeah theres the whole. fandom consensus bed sharing thing. i love the bed sharing thing. i also like the idea of her just. kicking around in his office. its quiet but not silent. familiar but not painfully so. he's got lots of little trinkets and oddities. maps and books and music and "whatcha doin'" without being talked down to or shooed away. endlessly curious. went from the youngest of four to (presumably) an only child overnight. everything is so empty and quiet and how odd it must be to go from last in the pecking order to no competition at all. whatcha doin. whats this thing do. whats this word mean.
(the boundaries though. the whole. drawing on things. the backtalk. being too too too much because gosh she loves to self sabotage.)
if she really wanted, it probably wouldnt be that hard to send her off to be an actual legitimate kid? he's gotta know people, even if in passing, from forever ago, that he could trust with her. if she wanted to, he could send her off far away to grow up like normal children do.
(it'd be such a betrayal though. tossing her away. making her someone else's problem. always Someones Problem. she doesnt need to go anywhere she doesnt want to go anywhere pls dont get rid of her she can be so so good and helpful and useful and not even a tiny bit of a burden. promise)
(yeah she's silco's kid but also, more evident every single day, a protégé and confidant and not Quite silco's kid)
underfoot and shy and easily distracted but he'll bring her along sometimes. a working lunch here, talking shop there, a spur of the moment "this is your last fucking chance" surprise visit and veiled threat detour, sometimes.
dont curse in front of the kid. dont yell in front of the kid. dont be disrespectful and condescending to the kid. so used to "adults are talking, go do something somewhere else" but now she can sit tucked into the corner of the chaise with a book (or one of his stupid fucking starry eyed idealistic revolutionary journals from forever ago) and he wont tell her to leave? how rattling it must be, to barge into someones office unannounced and uninvited, making demands only for "jinx my dear, do you mind?" "no, i guess thats alright," the most uninterested underwhelmed bored contempt.
the first time someone ever says something gross about her. in her presence, at least. needling insinuations. derisive little remarks. it's rude not to share, uncouth to brag about it, hypocritical to trot her out and expect people to not comment on the obvious. because surely theyre fucking. why else keep her around. she might be Silco's Kid but she certainly doesnt act like it. kept pet or whatever. theres what Looks like an empty birdcage behind his desk lmao i mean.
no but. he doesn't tolerate disrespect. maimed people for being gross to her. about her. broken fingers for trying to touch. kicked someone's teeth in for calling her a whore. gutted someone like a fish for trying to take advantage.
maybe she doesnt really care too much about the whole. revolution thing. he does though. if its important for him its important for her. disloyalty? how dare they. when she's a kid tripping in the hall and smacking her face on the floor, he'll wipe her bloody nose and her pitiful tears clean clean clean. when she gets into an argument that turns into a scuffle, he'll tsk at the dirt in her hair and the split in her lip. when she kills two of his men for after theyve lied and stole and plotted against him? after she leans against the wall in an alley and watches them drowning in their own blood? he'll tuck her bangs behind her ear and tell her she did good and it'll be like breathing fresh air for the first time in forever okay just agdjfnfk
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