#there's a reason i haven't talked to any of them in years and it's not because i don't like them
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777rare · 2 days ago
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Since most of you voted for Solar Return Chart Observations, here we are! I will post the other topics that I mentioned in the poll as well but first,here you go~☺️💖 THESE NOTES ARE ONLY A STUDY OF MINE AND HAS/HAS NOT BEEN PROVEN YET, SO IF IT DOES NOT RESONATE WITH YOU, FORGIVE ME AS IT WAS ONLY A STUDY/OBSERVATION OF MINE.
Also, I tend to include this activity in my observations titled 'Imagine' so I can help in making you understand these observations as well as make it fun and easy for you guys. So whenever you see an 'imagine' title, please try imagining what I ask you to imagine, you can be creative with it because imagination is a wonderful way to learn better.
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• Where Chiron sits in the Solar Return Chart is where you will experience a lot of pain but also where you are pushed to heal unhealed past wounds. This can even reopen old wounds. You will either hurt people there or will be hurt by subjects related to that house.
Example: Chiron in the 11th house can make you have hurtful experiences with social groups where you may feel left out, you may be insulted or bullied through jokes by your friends, you may also hurt your friends and if you have an elder sibling, he/she can play the role as well where either they are the ones wounding you or pushing you to heal what you haven't healed (intentionally or unintentionally) and also possibly your relation with them can be quite rocky and hurtful this year.
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• Where your Fama asteroid(408) is, is where you will be very recognised and known. Where a lot of eyes are on you and your every move is witnessed by others.
Example: I had this last year in the 9th and I was very recognised in my college, by my teachers and my classmates. Every one of them had eyes on me (not like in a creepy way, for some reason they always witnessed what I was doing, but yes,my teachers intentionally kept an eye on me because I was a big responsibility and was in a lot of drama, even though I didn't want to be in it{I had it with venus, Pluto, Mars and mercury}).
The reasons why you are recognised or seen by many will depend upon the planet there or the sign overlaying that house (make sure to check where the sign lord is sitting in the chart).
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• Having Gemini Ascendant in the solar Return Chart means you will definitely be surrounded by friends and talk a lot that year. Even if you are the most silent creature on planet Earth, you will yourself be surprised how much you speak to others that year.
Example: I am an INFP type and we are firstly known as introverts, even if you do not believe in the personality types, it's okay, I was a very quite person in 2023 and the years before that but last year (2024) I had Gemini Ascendant and God, I could not shut my mouth. I kept laughing with friends, joking around with them but I also had a LOT of mood swings so be prepared for that as well. People couldn't quite understand how I suddenly became this and then that within a fraction of seconds (which is the duality of this sign).
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• Any planet or asteroid sitting in the 1st house becomes the theme of that year. Whatever happens that year in any area of your life will definitely be connected or will surround the topic of that planet or asteroid. That planet or asteroid will be the major focus that year for you.
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✨ Imagine:
Your chart as the solar system and that planet in the 1st house becomes the sun while everything else in the chart represents the planets that revolve around that sun.
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Example: If you have moon in the 1st house, overall that year will be revolving around your emotions, you home, your mother, your mind, women in general and your secrets.
Also make sure to check where the planets sign is seated because that house and the planets seated there are most tied to this planet.
• If you don't have any planets, look at the ascendant lords placement in the chart. 👇
An Example:
Leo ascendant sign lord, sun sitting in the 6th house, overall the theme of this year will surround your health, your mundane chores, your lifestyle, your pets, your innocence, your acquaintances, your hidden enemies etc.
Now, also check the aspects to the planet and whether the planet is seated with anyone else as well. If is Sun sitting with Pluto in the 6th house then overall there is a huge transformation in the way you go about your day, your health can also change drastically for the good or bad.
If the planet is conjunct another planet which is sitting in a different house, then the effects of that planet in that house will affect the other house as well. Like if sun in the 6th house is conjunct mercury in the 7th house, the areas of relationships and partnerships also will affect your health this year and there will be a focus on that area of your life as well.
Before studying your Solar Return Chart always see if till this day the whole sign Solar Return chart is reasonating with you or if placidus method is working out fine because it can really make a difference as the planets can shift into the next house in the whole sign method and changes the prediction.
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A planet in Special degrees (0°,22°,11°,29°) can indicate that the planet will be playing a VERY HUGE role in impacting that year for you. The degrees matter as well though:
• 0° = Major or Massive changes will occur there or that planet will have an unforgettable impact in that house and that area of your life. Whichever planet is in this degree will have an entirely new way of how they show up in your life so always check it's aspects and placement.
An Example:
I had my Pluto in 0° last year and my pluto was in the 9th house with venus, mercury and Mars. Now, Pluto had conjunct Venus and Mars so my beauty and the way I showed up in my college was entirely different, like an unrecognisable change was seen in me. Major changes were seen in my education, my beauty, the way I took action, the way I carried myself around, the way I dealt with men, my relation with my dad and teachers, etc.
I also had a lot of experiences where I showed my tough side towards a man which I never did in my entire life. Pluto took an entire 360° turn in my life but also this made me have so much of a controversial presence in the lives of my classmates and those I had real connections with. I was always in the drama in my college, lol, even when all I did was exist. There was so much of drama in my life last year, gosh.
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•22° = This is the famous "kill or be killed degree" and yes, that is exactly how I feel this degree works out in a chart. Whenever a planet is in this degree in your Solar Return Chart, that planet is going to challenge the hell out of you. I'm not even joking. Look, I don't want you getting into a war with a planet for pete sake😂 but that planet is up for a challenge so kill that planet with kindness (not literally kill, and if any planet heard me, I am sorry, but these guys need to know wtf you doin' lol).
An Example:
I had my Moon in 22° last year and my Moon was sitting with uranus and Jupiter in the 12th house, conjuncting with Uranus. Oh. Mah gosh. First of all the uranus was giving me Hell on a silver platter and then came this moon who wanted to challenge me. I was so damn EMOTIONAL!! Like I faced such internally damaging experiences that challenged my emotional strength and my decision making ability was so challenged because I was always having an uneasy mind. My morals were challenged by my emotions.
I just wanted to go into a coma till it all ended. My entire year was like that "eeemotional ddaaaamage" meme lol. 😭But damn, I put up a good fight. Even my mom and I were in a huge war with eachother, no. Literally. Anyways, I was in an internal war with my mind, my mother, my home, my family, my emotions and my goddamn tears that didn't stop flowing like a waterfall. I hated my entire family last year and was in an epic war with them but yeah, I got through it all.
(Not necessary you will hate your family too or be at war with them, but you may struggle with the women in your family or women in general).
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• 11° = OOkayy, now we come to this nice degree. This degree is all about the leveling up. When a planet is in this degree, you are gonna see major unexpected changes related to that area. Even a glow up! You will be throwing out the old and making space for the new when it comes to the areas of that planet.
You will be experiencing more events that open up your mind more and change your perspective on things in that area. This also makes you very influential in the areas related to that planet and house. You can also gain online popularity that year or just be seen by many online accounts that year based on what planets is in this degree.
This will also make you show up very uniquely in the areas of that house and the planet. You will also be very active online and have a lot of online connections based on what planets is in this degree, for example if one has venus in this degree, it can be more online romantic suitors or just flings.
The planet can show the reason for your online popularity or influential presence.
An Example:
I have Jupiter in 11° in the 10th house this year and even though the year just started and my birthday recently passed, I did come back here on Tumblr after a very long time and have already been posting a lot which many people read. Also, I will have a lot of recognition this year.
Also, I will level up definitely this year immensely and by next year, I will again be unrecognisable to those whose known me since ages. I am also being seen by readers online a lot because of my spiritual content and content related to deities which is Jupiter (ruler of the 9th and 12th house).
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• 29°= Well, this is a very well known fame degree along with 0° and 11°. Even 17° is in this category but it is not as special as these degrees are in my opinion. The 29° can make a planet reach its highest peak that year. That planet is in its peak, like really really strong.
This is because this degree is the highest and the last degree in the chart. In Vedic astrology we often term a natal planet in the highest degree as 'Aatmakaaraka' which means "soul carrier".
So basically, the planet in this degree this year will be the planet carrying your soul for the entire year. Whether you are in good hands or not cannot be told with the degree but with how the planets position is and where the planet is seated.
Now, when I say that I don't mean you will be in danger if the planet in this degree is sort of malefic and harsh, but I will say that you will be experiencing whatever that planet offers in your chart, a 100% so if it is planets like Mars, Pluto, neptune, uranus or Saturn or these planets are in conjunct with the planet in 29°, you can face a lot of struggles, but please don't take too much tension.
It's like That planet will be in a sugar rush where they are completely active, like no stopping, just doing doing doing.
Again, how and for what you will be very recognised for is based on the planet in this degree.
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✨ Imagine:
The planet in 29° is a giant who is carrying you on the palm of his/her hand till your next birthday and you can't even get off the giants hand because if you jump out of his/her hand, you'll fall, some few feet, till you get squashed on the soil, so you have to just sit there and see where the giant takes you. You can question the giants actions and maybe even change directions but you cannot get off the giants hand till you reach the destination that the giant is taking you to.
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An Example:
I had Venus in 29° last year and my Venus was in the 9th house with mercury, Pluto and Mars, conjuncting Mars and Pluto. Now....I obviously had an extreme unrecognisable glow up and I was the major topic of romance in my college for the drama that took place with it.
There was Major drama in my love life in college last year and I was the topic of so much gossip (mercury in the 9th). I also had a lot of arguements and competition with the women in my college even though I never wanted it. Venus was also trine ascendant so I was seen as rather charming and not egotistical by others.
People knew I was genuine and that others unnecessarily got triggered by my presence (12th housers problems) but yes, I was also seen as unattainable by the opposite and even the same gender. (Trust me,it's just the Pluto effect, I look like an average human being with acne😀).
Also, I couldn't stop this Venus giant from taking me where I was supposed to be taken,I did change directions and everything but nah, in the end, the giant took me to the destination meant for me...Hell. lol😂😂 no, I'm joking, it took me to a better place.
Having a lot of special degrees, like I had last year, can be a year full of experiences like never before. Whatever you never experienced, you will be experiencing this year. For some reason even if events are quite similar, they just don't feel the same and you will remember that year extremely well because of how much different it felt and how it deeply impacted you.
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Thankyou for reading this post!💖✨
I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed composing it!
Have a great day ahead and see you in the next one❤️‍🔥☺️
By the way, I have a very interesting post coming up and I'm sure you all will love it!🤭🎉
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lexicrvg · 1 day ago
On a random night in 1989, Ice and Mav have a fight about their future together. Ice wants to quit the navy and love Mav in all the ways he deserves, out and proud, but Maverick doesn't let him. He knows Ice wants to climb through the ranks and get stars on his shoulder, he can't be the reason Ice misses this.
That night, they broke up. Ice couldn't bear be with someone who didn't love him just as much as he loves them, and Maverick couldn't tell Ice he wouldn't give up flying for him.
Ice quits the navy. He would've done it with or without Maverick.
30+ years go by, and their lives haven't even once crossed paths, not even at Slider's wedding nor Sundown's funeral. It seems like the universe had separate plans for them, and it stuck this way.
(They were at both of these events, but Wolfman was in charge of "Not let Mav and Tom see each other" and he always aces a task)
Until Wolf's retirement party, that is. With him being the center of attention, he gives Hollywood the most important task of his life, Wood have other plans tho, he's very easily distracted by his husband's beautiful smile and when they're least expecting it...
"Hey" Maverick says, sitting on the bar, side by side with Tom.
"Pete!" Tom opens a big smile "Long time no see!"
"Yeah, right." Mav takes a pause, looking at the other up and down. "You look great"
And he did. Being away from the navy must've given Tom 10 years of his life back.
"You look exactly the same," Tom laughs. "Like, scarily so."
Pete laughs with him, although the smile doesn't quite reach his eyes. In just 2 minutes, between seeing Tom from across the room and engaging in conversation with him, Mav noticed he seems... happy.
"I think I've been time traveling in those jets," he jokes, and Tom laughs. Again.
Tom didn't have such an easy smile back then. It rubs on Maverick the wrong way.
"How have you been?" Tom asks, after taking a sip of his vodka.
Maverick did not have a good answer to that question. Miserable? Missing you every day of my life? Discharged?
"Good" it's what he settles for. "You?"
Something in Tom's eyes twitches, like he's well aware Maverick's lying to his face, he says nothing about it, and Mav doesn't give him a chance to. He spots the ring on Tom's finger and, before he can help himself, he asks:
"What's her name?" Earning yet another laugh from Tom.
"I know it's been a while, but I'm sure you remember I'm not particularly interested in women." Tom plays with his ring and adds: "His name is Grant, and he's..." Tom searches for something in the room, then points. "... right there."
Against his better judgment, Mav turns to see where Tom's pointing. He regrets it immediately. Grant is gorgeous.
He's the exact opposite of Pete. For starters, he's tall, taller than Ice, taller than Slider whom he's talking excitedly with. Grant's hair is silver, and he carries a smile that would make Mav swoon if the situation was any different.
"We met in 2001" Tom continues, smiling lovingly at his partner. "Got married in 2016, and..."
"Our kid came to our lives in 2019. She just turned 10."
Maverick feels like he's going to throw up. Husband and daughter. Tom had both a husband and a daughter while Pete was still in weird terms with Bradley and as single as he's ever been. It wasn't fair. He was the one who didn't want Tom and now... Now, Tom has been living a happy life with a family he could only dream of when he was in the navy, and Pete still held onto a tiny bit of hope that he would get Ice back.
It wasn't fair. Not at all. He might die of regret.
"Listen, I gotta go to the restroom, " Ice said, getting up. "You stay here! I'll be back. We have a lot of catch-up to do, " and walked away.
Mav downed the rest of Tom's drink in one go, very disappointedly realizing it was water and not vodka.
"Hey, shortstack!" comes from Ron Kerner, looking a bit tipsy, bringing Grant on his arm. "I want you to meet my dear friend, Grant!"
"Yeah, I..."
"Grant, this is Pete Mitchell, Tom's wingmen" hearing Slider refer to him as Ice's wingmen did something weird to Mav's heart. "Mav, this is Grant Kazansky, he's..."
"Ice's husband, yeah, I heard."
Both Slider and Grant giggle at this. Grown man. Giggling. "He hates being called Ice nowadays," Grant explains. "He says Iceman is someone who should stay in the past."
"Sorry, old habits." Mav opens an awkward smile.
"Can I get you a drink?" Grant offers. "Something stronger than Tom's water."
"I thought it was vodka." Mav murmurs.
Already gesturing to the bartender to bring a drink, Grant says: "He stopped drinking when our princess came to our lives."
"And yet I'm her contact emergency" Slider interrupts.
"Because you let her eat ice cream before dinner!"
And isn't this nice? Maverick thought to himself. Him, his biggest love's husband and fucking Ron Kerner all sitting together and having a nice chat!
Before he could actually throw up in front of these people, he excused himself and went to get some fresh air.
Not even 5 minutes go by before someone sits down besides him on the sidewalk.
"He talked about you." Grant says, offering Mav a glass of something that might be whiskey — or apple juice, you never know.
"Good things, I hope." Mav says, taking the glass.
Grant snorts, but doesn't answer. Awkward silence rovers between them.
"Do you love him?" Pete asks, breaking it.
Without missing a beat, Grant answers: "More than I ever loved anyone."
Something twists in Mav's stomach, but he ignores it.
"That's good. He only deserves good things."
But it went without saying. Grant knew Tom deserved only good things, hell, Ice knew it. He would never settle for less than he deserves, and that's why he's with Grant and not Maverick.
"He's lucky to have you," Pete finishes, swallowing the bitter taste the words leave in his mouth.
"I'm lucky to have him." After a beat of awkward silence, Grant adds: "You should come by to dinner."
Mav must've heard it wrong, so he waits for Grant to correct himself. It never comes.
"Dinner at our place," Grant explains. "He'd love to get you back in his life, he treasures his friends a lot."
Friends. Right. That's what they are. No.
"We haven't been friends in a long time," not since 1986, he lefts unsaid, since we started dating.
Grant seems to think about it, then decides, "Now it's a good time to reconect. Enjoy your drink."
Then he walks back into the bar, leaving Mav and his thoughts alone.
It all seems a bit crazy for him. Ice — sorry, Tom — has a husband. And they've been together for more than twenty years. A husband who loves him dearly and isn't afraid to say so. A husband who goes to navy events just to celebrate Tom's old friends. A husband who looks like could and would kill anyone who did Tom wrong. A husband who sat down with Tom's ex and invited him to dinner just because.
Pete thinks he should accept the offer. Just to see what Tom's been up to and meet his daughter, would she like him? Would she call him "Uncle Mav"? He should call Slider and check on what to wear and say...
Oh. He doesn't know what to say around Tom. They're strangers now. The man who he once shared a house, a bed, a life, and a heart with is now a stranger to him.
The realization does something to him, something very bad. He takes a sip of his drink and decides this day could not get any worse.
Huh. Whiskey. A good one. At least Grant knows his liquor.
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uboat53 · 3 days ago
Let's be perfectly honest, most people who use that exact paraphrase are using it because they're not willing to change their mind. Assuming, however, that you are one of the few who is genuine, I'll give it a go.
First of all, I'm not going to prove that no critic of Israel and Zionism has antiSemitic thoughts. It's impossible to prove what's in someone's head making it impossible to prove that negative. What I will do, however, is show that there are some legitimate grounds for criticism of Israel that have nothing to do with antiSemitism.
Let's start with Israel's democracy. Currently, Israel controls, between Israel proper and the West Bank, a population of about 11 million people, approximately 2 million of which are denied citizenship or voting rights in the government that rules them (accurate population statistics in the West Bank are hard to come by, so I'm using 2 million as a lower bound estimate). The fact is that the current situation is referred to as Apartheid even by Israeli human rights organizations.
There's also the Israeli treatment of Palestinian prisoners which has been reported on by multiple highly reputable news organizations from multiple countries spanning the ideological spectrum, including from Israeli human rights organizations such as B'Tselem. The reports show abuse throughout the prison system and people held for years at a time without charge, something which runs counter to the very concept of human rights and is abhorrent to any conception of Jewish morality that I'm willing to recognize.
We can also talk about Israel's well-documented use of white phosphorus in civilian areas. While white phosphorus is not entirely banned by international law, its use among civilian populations is, making this particular use a war crime.
We can also talk about its military operations in the occupied territory and Gaza which are becoming increasingly indiscriminate. In fact, an entire organization exists collecting and publishing thousands of first-hand testimonials from IDF soldiers about crimes they witnessed or committed in the course of their service.
You'll notice I haven't even talked about anything historical yet, there's plenty to criticize about Israel's current actions even if you accept the idea that nothing bad or blameworthy occurred in any of its previous wars or in the process of founding the state itself.
So, yes, there is plenty for a person to criticize about the state of Israel without ever dipping into antiSemitism. Heck, I'm a proud Jew myself and I constantly criticize Israel because it fails to live up to the Jewish morals that I was raised with.
Don't get me wrong, plenty of people do criticize Israel because they're antiSemitic, but plenty of people also strongly support it because they're antiSemitic. I grew up in a fundamentalist Christian hotbed in the United States and those people love Israel because it means all of the Jews are going to leave here and, according to their prophecy, either be wiped out or forcibly converted to Christianity. The fact that Netanyahu is openly allied with these monsters tells me everything I need to know about Israeli support for Jews around the world.
The fact is, Israel is not Judaism and Judaism is not Israel. There are good reasons for people, including many, many Jews, to criticize Israel that have nothing to do with Judaism or antiSemitism. Conflating legitimate criticism of Israel with antiSemitism only weakens accusations of antiSemitism and makes it easier for actual antiSemites to get away with harming Jews.
If you want to prove that criticism of Israel is antiSemitic, you actually need to do the work and show that the person's critiques are motivated by hatred of Jews. Simply shouting "antiSemitism" every time a critique is made only undermines us all. Stop doing that.
Okay, I've seen this going around a lot in Jewish Tumblr, so I need to take a moment to address it.
The fact that non-Jewish/non-Israeli people aren't mourning the death of the Israeli baby killed by Hamas or that they're not being silent during some period of mourning is not, at least not inherently, antiSemitic.
If they say the baby deserved to die because it was Jewish, that's antiSemitic. If they say Jews in general deserve to die, that's antiSemitic. If they say the baby deserved to die but don't clarify that it's because they're a Jew, that makes them a horrible person and maybe an antiSemite (though that would need to be confirmed).
If, on the other hand, they accurately point out that Israel has killed thousands of Palestinian babies and that no one observed any sort of period of mourning for them, that's not an inherently antiSemitic statement. Arguably it's not even the kind of statement that makes someone a terrible person.
Don't get me wrong, that person may still be antiSemitic and covering it up by stating a reason that is more generally acceptable, but the fact that a person doesn't feel that any mourning is necessary for one baby on one side of a conflict that has led to the deaths of thousands of babies on the other side of that same conflict isn't a clear-cut sign of bias, it's just as likely to be a sign that they don't accept the opposite bigoted view; that a single Israeli life is worth more than any number of Palestinian lives.
And I want to be very clear here, antiSemitism is a constant threat that has grown in recent years, but part of the reason it has grown is that we, Jews, keep accusing people of being antiSemitic anytime they accurately note that Israel has done something abhorrent. This is a particular problem because Israel doing something abhorrent has happened with increasing frequency since Netanyahu first took power over two decades ago.
What this does is make the accusation meaningless. If we want non-Jews around the world to understand that antiSemitism is a real and terrible thing, we cannot, CANNOT, allow it to be confused with legitimate criticism of Israel. As Jews, we pay a lot of attention to antiSemitic movements, their tactics, and their dogwhistles, but the average non-Jewish person does not and it's unrealistic to expect it of them. It is our job to make sure that, when we alert them to incidents of antiSemitism, that those accusations are clear and accurate rather than easily confused with otherwise legitimate statements and ideas.
If we keep using "antiSemitism" to mean "any criticism of Israel", we will have only ourselves to blame when people no longer take our accusations seriously.
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season1mac · 2 years ago
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season1mac makes season 1 mac gifsets 1/8
s1ep1: the gang gets racist
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a-god-in-ruins-rises · 1 month ago
looking at a bunch of my old favorite mutuals blogs that have been inactive for years. i miss them, even if i never really talked to any of them. when you're mutuals with a person for so long they become a comforting presence even without talking. you see them every day and read their posts about their thoughts or feelings or about what's going on in their life and so on. and they just become a part of your daily life in such a subtle way.
and then one day they just never post again. without warning. shit sucks. i actually hate it.
#i think about so many old mutuals like every day#just wondering where they've gone and what they're up to and how their lives have turned out#i love them and miss them so much#actually there have been a couple times when old mutuals suddenly become active again after years#but i can't count on that -- most don't#i wish there was some website or app or whatever#that would make it possible to stay in contact indefinitely#like i just imagine something like linktree or whatever#but also something more#just this one central hub with one username and it is just saved forever#and so any person who remembers your name can just look it up and suddenly have access to all these ways to contact you#because i've had my blog deleted a few times and like i gotta slightly change my url every time#so if someone looks up my og blog url they won't be able to find me#and that shit makes me sad#just a slight change in url could mean the difference between staying in contact#whatever#i get like this occasionally#nostalgic and sad because i miss old mutuals#scrolling their long abandoned blogs#idk why i do this to myself lmao#i do it with facebook sometimes too#i haven't posted since like high school#and sometimes i go back and see all my friends' profiles frozen in time#because a lot of their profiles are also inactive for whatever reason#i don't know why this shit makes me so sad#so yeah if you're a mutual -- even we don't talk -- don't ever just randomly delete or become inactive#even if we don't talk you can give me your other socials or whatever#or even an email idc#i just don't want to lose connection with any of you -- when i'm 80 years old i wanna reminisce with y'all#and i wanna throw everyone a feast someday
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justalittlebluetiefling · 6 months ago
I haven't been involved with coaching for almost 3 months now and somehow I am still getting dragged into the drama.
#personal#move back to your small hometown they said#it'll be fun they said#me chanting over and over again:#if you live here you get to see your family all the time#(this is a good thing for me i love my brother and his family)#dude honestly this whole thing is just hilarious at this point#anyway newest drama is that one of the parents thinks it's suspicious that i 'quit' the same time my best friend moved away#the shit that is being said about us right now??? fucking wild#i haven't told any of those kids why i really left because they don't need me to be gossiping about their current coach to them#that would be so unprofessional of me#i say like she wasn't spreading rumors about me to THEM directly last year#we are all in our 30s here why are we acting like fucking teenagers still#i'm about to be real petty when i go visit next week though#'oh my god you won't believe what i heard crystal is telling people at her salon'#to the coach not the kids lol#i have a sneaking suspicion that the she is involved in this gossip in an adjacent way not directly#and i want her to think about the shit she says before she says it#she's mad that i don't want to coach jv when i told her multiple times i don't want to run my own program#and that i'd be happy to help her out as an assistant coach but that having to deal with parents is my worst actual nightmare#see what's happening right now#literally the only reason i applied is because i love those kids and they were all freaking out about my friend leaving#because they thought their current coach was also going to be leaving#and i was like hey i won't leave you guys don't worry#it's her fault that she chose not to include me in any of her brainstorming for next year#if she really wanted me to be involved she would have been talking to me about it back in april#i'm literally barely pulling myself out of my grief hole about losing coaching#and i could have stayed around but i would have been miserable#because it wouldn't have been in the capacity that i really wanted#oof okay i feel a little better after venting a bit
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angy-grrr · 20 days ago
I don’t get why ppl keep saying bkdk is dead or Horikoshi broke off bkdk. If that were true, this extra would look very different as you pointed out multiple times. The extra was still heavily focused on them and I hate how ppl are letting one no dictate the entire relationship. Izuku asks him to be a special lecturer too. I think the no just needs more clarification but other than that it is mostly fine. If a ship were to be shut down by the creator, it would look very different. Same logic for if a ship were to be canon, it would look different than what we got in the end for izu///ocha. This extra was bad in different ways from ships. It was just a whole lot of nothing that doesn’t meaningfully add anything to the story but I guess we shouldn’t be surprised since it is an extra. It is still an ambiguous ending that can be pretty fixable by one shots by Horikoshi in the future or even better by fanfiction lol. Except for the Toga part. That is just inexcusable
himiko-chan :(
and yeah! like even tho 431 is terrible not only for pairs but also for the whole story, it only confirmed Katsuki feels something really strong for deku and he doesnt notice bc he doesnt consider himself to be that great; they keep talking, and they keep being in each other's lives with no problem -they also imply they will work on communicating their feelings, as the special lecture is about this topic and deku also thinks katsuki doesnt see himself in a high regard. This is actually something that could be used in the future, as their relationship and arc isnt completely finished -in the way that they arent at a point of no miscommunication, no yearning, etc. They still need something to work with in regards to themselves and each other in the process. When it comes to midoriya and uraraka, idk what exactly could develop from what 431 tell us -seems to be mostly about paying attention to the ppl in your life instead of just letting life happen I guess? But idk what conversation or arc they could have together that wasn't resolved already, it was a really weird choice to focus on them as if there needs to be more explored -which is why choosing to not make them talk to each other nor think of the other in these years is potentially interesting, like the only way they could actually need to talk things up or have a separated special moment is if they just stop being friends and want to talk more from now on. Like, if they kept their friendship these years and were part of the other's life, there wouldnt be a moment like this at all.
I think it hurt mostly ochako -and deku if we interpret it as "deku just wants to be teacher, he is super happy about it, and loveeees so much his ex bestie after 8 years of no contact and never thinking about her"-, more than the bkdk relationship.
It would be interesting to see those one shots, if he does them -I know he said he wanted to do more things and little drawings and content for it, but idk if he will do something elaborate or just one page of something silly. I think he still has to opportunity of working with the material and make something at least not this bad -or completely ignore 431 and just continue with their adventures like 430 implies lol If he wants to double down with the "romance" I have no idea how he could do it with what he has tbh, unless he just ignores the plot and their personalities.
#grrr talking#thanks bc I was getting a little crazy like wowowowow am I just making things up in my head???#I think bkdk keep having romantic connotation even if deku is so clueless#and while is sad to see them be insecure about themselves I think they do have reasons to do this more than ochako#she did learn her lesson with 429 and talked things with deku already -which is why you had to make them go no contact for them to even#have a “moment” -there was no need for them to develop anything with their friendship. and it still ended in a friendly note#while katsuki and deku never got to actually talk about their feelings alone#nor discussed all the trauma related to each other -the quirklessness the war shigaraki killing him the guilt over so many things#deku on another hand doesnt really have much to tell uraraka that would fit them as there wasn't a moment the war actually involved them tr#truly besides the himiko moment -which would lead to himiko's love for ochako and while this could be used to make her confess#its really... bad honestly considering thats the only thing that relates them -another girl who loves both#there wasn't a moment of him paying special attention to her in a romantic coded way and everything was just... pretty friendly honestly#while the war directly involved katsuki being targeted for being the closest to deku of them all#I makes sense for them to need to talk about this in comparison#what deku as a character needs is to consider why he doesnt see himself as important and why isnt he allowed to accept more for him than#what he got#and I just dont see how this could work with her considering they dont have a real friendship anymore#I cant see neither trying to push the other into being honest about hidden feelings for the other bc... why would they have that?#and why wouldnt they just talk about it before? as I said their arc was really done before the extra#which is why you had to make them lose their friendship and want to talk more from now on -bc if they keep being friends there wouldnt be#any moment that could be ambiguous enough#but with katsuki there are things left unsaid even when keeping in contact that involve each other and their self esteem#meaning they need to work in their communication#with 431 deku “going for” uraraka doesnt come off as “him choosing himself” and “living his life”#bc it was a decision that didnt involve any internal discussion about why he is the way he is#its not framed as him finally choosing for himself or being selfish -he just found her in his way home and wanted to talk more after no con#contact#he is still insecure about his needs and doesnt understand what katsuki means when he talks in such abstract ways#its not like he understood “oh I have to choose someone” or “I have to find my special person” bc he wasn't embarrassed about wanting to t#talk to her -he loves everyone yeah but he wants to talk to her more (they haven't talked to each other in so many years!)
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goblin-gardens · 7 months ago
Just wrote an email coming out as nonbinary to the hardest conceivable group: the 5 girls I was friends with in middle school because one of them is inviting us to her pre-wedding Girls Trip And Witchy Women Time. Yikes.
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scorpius-rising · 6 months ago
The current trend of 'anti-capitalist' (for want of a better term) positive affirmations leaves me fundamentally cold. It's not that I don't agree with the sentiments that 'rest is important', 'your worth is not defined by your productivity', etc., but at this point they're just the trend of motivational posters of the 90s and early 2000s looping back around again.
They can so easily feel like a substitute for engagement with awkward realities and the sobering nature of material conditions
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wild-at-mind · 1 year ago
If you ever see me becoming one of those transmisandry people, please fucking call me out immediately.
#it shouldn't happen though i am too triggered by MRA-lite material#i can't see that changing any time soon even though i haven't had exposure to the content for like 10 years#the transmisandry discourse on this site melts my brain it's awful it's just online stuff being argued about more online stuff#this is not the same as me saying i will never be treated badly for being transmasc i am not stupid i know that happens#and i am fully committed to fighting the patriachy which has nothing whatsoever to do with my individual manhood or anyone else's#it's a system and yes gender and how we fit into the patriachy is made extremely complicated in trans circles and that's ok!#i promise it is you don't have to design a new system that cis women and trans women are using to do oppression on specifically trans mascs#we're all being fucked over by the patriachy and how the fuck does it help to be divided#but in reality let's face it i can say this all i want but the real reason i'm never going anywhere near being a transmisandry person#is because i was exposing myself to MRA-lite content at a formative age and harming myself in the process#even if i didn't know i was a trans man guess what it would have harmed me just as much if i did have that awareness#and honestly when i see transmisandry discourse all i see is that fucking triggering stuff again#all it does is nitpick whether patriachy is real with tiny examples it doesn't talk systemicly and it doesn't help men in the slightest#it pays lipservice to marginised men but it has no interest in talking about the fact that men are usually simultaenously#oppressed and oppressor at the same time- this is not accusatory it is just factual#it's true of the queer community too and basically every community#but we can't seem to talk about it without just harming each other and blaming and not seeing each other as human#the internet makes it all so much fucking worse this stuff can't exist without it#anyway i'm super rambling but these are genuinely very triggering topics for me i have unfollowed people i LOVE becuase of this#and i still love them! unfollowing on a social media isn't a referendum on that i just can't see that stuff and i need it gone from my dash
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dilfosaur · 2 months ago
well i haven't spilled my guts on tumblr since i was in college but it's the platform that's felt The Most Mine thru the years, so
let's talk!
i've had a huge chip on my shoulder that i wanted off before the year ends. very bad professional experience to follow
so firstly to get ahead of the speculating, i'm not naming names or anything. some of you will puzzle out who i'm talking about, but please don't bother anyone especially not on my behalf. i've worked hard to distance myself from them the past few months. shit happens, especially when you're a dumb bitch (that's me!)
but also this person was someone i considered a close friend and it makes me uneasy to possibly direct backlash at them. "then why post about it" bc i did intermittent work for them for over a year. this is just about that. so hear me out
basically it started off fine. i initially did some commission work for good pay, then was invited to become more involved with their team. unfortunately as i became more involved with their operation it became more disorganized over time. projects started then forgotten, constantly shifting schedules, lapsing communication between roles, confusing financials, and often inconsistent if not late payments. during mid 2023 i was doing colorist work, sometimes on a one day turnaround (all while also preparing drawfee's summer merch launch). the payroll wasn't set up correctly so i wasn't paid for that work for over a year (more on that later), tho to be fair that was largely my own fault at first as i just didnt realize the payments didn't go thru lol
i always consider myself decently capable of separating friendship and coworker-ship; i run a company with 4 wonderful friends, going strong for almost 5 years. that didn't really work out in this case. by early this year our friendship was on the rocks; work issues fed into personal issues and vice versa. so as the rest of this shit plays out, we had just had our first "big fight" which i felt very bad about and added to all the upcoming tension
a huge point of friction was the fact that i really wanted to work with them to make a music video for one of their songs. i've always wanted a chance to make a music video, was confident in a concept i came up with, and even did some concept art for the idea. everyone insisted they loved the concept and that we should do it, but we kept pushing it back for various reasons. it ended up becoming a huge sticking point for my frustrations, which i tried to express productively. TLDR, we eventually got around to discussing it seriously around april.
i planned to ask for $4000 with negotiable add-on for the whole project, which was my Friend Discount price. i was offered a contract for $1000 flat rate, as they insisted that was the only budget they had for it.
don't ask me why i signed it lol. i didn't even counter offer
there was some girlmath to it: i wanted an extra 1k for a student scholarship i provide every spring and well, there it was. but if i had to guess, i saw it as something i just couldn't back down from any more. i caused these folks- my friends- a lot of problems bc i dug my heels in so deep to chase this project, so fuck it we ball
i had about 4 months to solo a 3 minute music video. they wanted it done in august so they could release it before summer ended, bc "it was a summer song". to be fair i was asked if i needed them to pay for anything extra like assistants (which i would have to find and manage) but i was so immediately overwhelmed that i didn't wanna slow down to wait on that process lol. there was very minimal communication other than brief progress check-ins every few weeks. i did everything for that project myself: the original concept, character designs, storyboards, layouts, backgrounds. i even did the editing/compositing for the final cut of the MV. the only favor i did myself was limiting the amount of it that was actually animated to simple loops and motions. hardly my best work but it was work still done
i did it all in between my full time job. i ended up having to take nearly a month away from most of my drawfee duties (with the support of the others) to make the august deadline. i only ever asked for a 3 day extension (notice given about a week in advance, around the same time i was given the final song file lol). i finished the music video at 6am on the final deadline and recorded drawfee the next day on 2 hours of sleep
but it was done, coolies. the team was very happy with the final product. honestly, without getting into it, those were a very emotionally taxing 4 months. on the professional side, i regretted agreeing to the project and especially for the dogshit rate they offered. i felt like a hypocrite- as someone who always wanted to advocate for younger artists demanding their worth in a world that's getting increasingly hostile toward creatives, i failed myself
so when i met with the manager to discuss the release plan, i told them to do whatever worked best for them as i only had one request: i wanted my credit removed from the project
tbh... like... lmao this dramatic bitch right!! but really, i decided that bad practices only breed worse business. friends or not, it was unprofessional of me to accept such a low paying job so i just didn't want my name used in association. everything felt so muddled to me and i was just really tired at this point
the manager was very understanding and then offered that i could be paid more. they said that their team "was surprised" i accepted their low rate and they would be happy to up the amount. this confused me as the initial budget seemed pretty set and at no point between april and august was i offered a better rate. i knew these guys weren't made of money. so, i declined. i didn't want to put anyone out of their means over work that was already done and agreed upon. but more importantly, i was over the whole thing and didn't want to prolong the project with a contract renegotiation. i just insisted my name be removed
they decided to use a pseudonym (which i was fine with) so they could create a story about a character who made the MV (this sounds really convoluted but i don't know how better to put it without getting specific, sorry). that way if people asked about the credit, they could speak comfortably about it without signaling that something went wrong behind the scenes. ok, kind of a silly narrative imo but whatevs. and maybe this is where i finally went truly wrong but. yolo i guess
i gave the name "D. Smithee", D as in dilfosaur and Smithee as in Alan Smithee. look it up for fun film trivia ig! was it passive aggressive of me to reference that in this context? yeah, honestly. but i thought it was kinda funny and really not that deep. if it was a problem, i have other real, non-cheeky pseudonyms i regularly use. the manager accepted it and all i had to do was wait for them to post the video and i could leave the whole experience behind me
a week later i received a message from the manager that my pseudonym had been denied by the rest of the team bc one of them got the reference. fair enough lol. however, they decided that rather than ask for a different name, the were going to make one up for me that they liked and would "fit the [story]", without asking me
and that! is when i finally snapped!
i was so tired of giving them concessions at this point and having a credit made up for me without any input from me felt genuinely violating and unethical. i started to Panic bc of how stressed i was, and asked for my overdue payments (aka the $500 still owed on the MV, and the colorist rate from a year prior that was never paid even tho i reported it in january) to be scheduled ASAP as i was leaving the work discord immediately
i finally told them off for exploiting me throughout the months while i kept trying to just be nice and finish my contact cleanly. in return i was told that it was unfair to say that as i agreed to everything- i accepted their cheap rate and denied further payment so that was all settled, and it was ok to change my credit without my consent bc i "said they could do whatever with the release". i called bullshit, ended the convo as kindly as i could, and cried lol. they agreed to ditch the pseudonym and just give no credit. that night was the last i heard from anyone on that team
and the real kicker?
august came and went. then september, october... and they never released the music video
and i don't know why, because i was never contacted about it. i've been removed from the picture entirely i guess. 4 months and boatloads of stress. just. up in smoke. i don't know what i expected honestly
it's hard to not take everything that happened personally and as done in bad faith. i really do, honestly. i've had plenty of shitty deals in my almost 10 year art career, but it hits different from people you saw as friends. but to the point of "why not keep it private", i have never felt so disrespected as a professional as i did this past year. i can toy with money and credits and other formalities all i want, but my work- my ideas, my labor, my effort- is still so important to me. i felt like the biggest idiot for doing so much work, pouring so much of myself into a piece for someone's use, for what has amounted to nothing
but more importantly i hated myself for undervaluing my work, even if initially i thought this person was a trusted friend. money is not really an issue for me- drawfee is my main job and i am fine and comfortable. it's so important to pay artists appropriately but i often undersell my own work bc i value the collaboration and passion between creatives more than the reward. i think a lot of artists tend to feel the same, and it often makes us easy to take advantage of. it's so difficult to find the balance between passion and making a fair living, and i think there's some shame within ourselves when artists choose to prioritize that passion
i wanted to finally get all this off my chest bc i was ashamed of every choice i made. things like this happen all the time i'm sure and hiding these mistakes only make it easier for it to happen to other people
tldr always value your work and protect your passion from people who just see it as a product. and don't give cheeky pseudonyms i guess lol
(and again pls don't bother anyone involved about this. a lot of chaos has left my life as i moved past all this, and this is me closing a door without opening new ones hopefully lol)
this shit was truly
so ass.
but i'm moving past it now
but on a nicer note. outside of all of this nonsense, i made lots of good memories this year. i'm truly so grateful to the many wonderful people in my life who keep me going even when i fuck up big time!
and thank you to all of you strangers who, despite everything, give me the time of day. especially if you read this whole thing. you're a real one :')
happy new year!
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lilacerull0 · 1 year ago
ahhhh just laid my soul bare
#jo in the tardis*#i think i can finally live again now. i haven't been able to since i left this place a month ago#because i experience everything too deeply and i experience it both in advance and in retrospect#and nothing happening was unbearable to me less than a year ago... and then thing started happening#and they weren't as overwhelming because i was living them as they were happening#but now it's like i switched back to reading my own story and i'm in constant fear of every chapter's end#like... i'll be sitting in that amphitheatre feeling like i could start crying any second because it will be over#and there will be next year but it won't be THIS year#and that isn't even the main issue... whatever happens in academic spaces is easy to me no matter how hard#because no matter how challenged i am there i am challenged in a way that i can easily understand#it's my primary mechanism. to be the person that wants to learn. and wants to love what others know#and i think the issue with my hypothesis regarding why i have a hard time Being There wasn't that i#SHOULDN'T be the person who has to be so devoted to everything but that i should accept myself as that person instead#like hey this is me. and i shouldn't get too deep about it.#i think the very reason why i was able to enjoy going back home was the fact that i didn't wanna go back#because that allowed me to feel that emotion in the right moment aka as it happened to me#i just... live for that feeling of... maybe... maybe i can just get out right now and pack almost nothing in my bag and go somewhere#i don't ever have to do it but the very idea that i could is enough for me...#i kind of wandered off here to talk about everything that's wrong with me lmao but yeah. i said it out loud earlier#for the first time and it's easier now
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astonmartinii · 5 months ago
little lion | max verstappen social media au
pairing: max verstappen x fem young mum!reader
journalists go digging in max's past and think they've found f1's next big scandal - but they underestimate just how protective max is of his little lion
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liked by user5, user6 and 23,095 others
f1tea: this is y/n y/ln the supposed baby momma of max verstappen. not much is known about her, with her only going back to work recently as a therapist in monaco.
her and max had their baby, a girl, back when they were 17 in 2015. max has never been seen in public with the child and has never publicly claimed her either.
will we see her in the paddock now all the news is out?
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user7: holy shit this is insane
user8: this poor girl doesn't deserve this
user9: literally, either max is a present father and is just private or he doesn't have anything to do with them? but it coming out like this is probably stressful regardless
user10: also by my calculations, the baby will be nearly nine, so probably has a concept of fame and celebrity and if they haven't gone to a race it's probably for a reason
user11: i mean the way people are already talking about them proves them right already
user12: ted kravitz telling it like it is 🤲
user13: no he's not ??? he basically went on broadcast to call y/n a slut and try and say that he was 'always right about max because this proves he is reckless'
user14: once again, this child is eight and could understand some of this if they see it
user15: also the incidents ted is bringing up happened EIGHT YEARS AGO stop bringing a child into your weird agenda
user16: if he's not careful red bull will ban sky from their media run again
user17: i found her instagram and max, alex and daniel all follow her so it's defo legit
user18: i also found it but it's private :(
user19: i tried to follow but got blocked :/
user20: do you people have rocks for brains if it's private it means we're not meant to find it, if she's not spoken about it in eight years that means IT'S NOT OUR BUSINESS
user21: someone tell max to get a DNA test asap, gold diggers will do anything for money and fame
user22: what fame? she's got like 400 followers and has never spoken about max to any media outlet
user23: the way you people jump to gold digging allegations kill me
user24: also if max is the dead beat that sky are trying to make him out to be and y/n is a gold digger then why haven't we seen some child support claims and whatnot
user25: you have no shame posting this, if she didn't want to be found she doesn't want to be found
user26: f1 vultures at their best
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liked by danielricciardo, landonorris and 2,389,774 others
maxverstappen1: i've seen a lot of journalists and 'professionals' trying to point score with the 'big revelation' of my daughter. sydney is the love of my life and for someone who grew up in the public eye i thought it would be best to keep my daughter away from the circus. not that i owe it to any of you people, but i see syd as much as i possibly can and i didn't want to post her or bring her to the paddock until she could make that choice for herself. y/n is a wonderful mother and is the exact support system i would want for my daughter.
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user27: MAX IS A GIRL DAD?
user28: congratulations media and internet you forced him to expose his kid
user29: the way they probably see this as a victory annoys me to my core
yourusername: you're an amazing father max, don't let them tell you anything else. sydney loves you and that's all that matters.
maxverstappen1: thank you y/n, i miss you both - see you this weekend!
yourusername: we look forward to it! x
user30: she didn't say that she loves him too so they're defo not together
user31: will you people ever learn to read the room?
user32: oh wow so max does see his daughter - watch sky still run with the deadbeat angle
user33: they were so shameless about his SLEEP SCHEDULE i cannot imagine the shit crofty is going to throw at him over this
danielricciardo: i'm sorry for how this has all come out max but i'm so glad i can publicly express my love for my god daughter!
maxverstappen1: this might mean that you can give her all of your gifts in person (if she wants to come) lord knows i can never fit them back in my suitcase
user34: you literally have a private jet?
maxverstappen1: you underestimate how seriously daniel takes being a god parent
danielricciardo: i think i'm singlehandedly keeping jellycat in business tbf
yourusername: and ikea, i have to buy a new shelving unit every couple of weeks daniel
user35: drop 💥 the 💥 daniel 💥 and 💥 sydney 💥 photos 💥 now 💥
user36: actually don't i don't think my baby fever can take it
alexalbon: you're an amazing father max and sydney is the coolest girl in the world!
maxverstappen1: thank you alex 😊
alexalbon: also if you ever convince y/n to come to races PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make her bake me some of her iconic brownies
yourusername: alex you know i can just bake you some and send them to you via max
alexalbon: please 😫😫😫
yourusername: no worries albono, you're a growing boy you need the nutrients
maxverstappen1: they're brownies
alexalbon: i need y/n's brownies to deal with YOU
maxverstappen1: ok maybe this is why i don't want to introduce you all :(
yourusername: don't worry maxie i'll make you some goodies to go
maxverstappen1: thank you :)
user37: she makes him to-go goodies 🥹
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liked by feranandoalo_oficial, danielricciardo and 319,506 others
tagged: maxverstappen1
yourusername: i'm not very happy that i have to make this statement like this because people couldn't respect the boundaries max and i have set as parents but alas: max is the loveliest man in the world and the best father sydney could ask for. he has a very busy life but he still makes as much time as possible for syd and she loves him very much. max has been in the spotlight from a very young age and did not want that pressure and spectacle on his own daughter. we may have never been together, but max has never been the monster you're trying to make him out to be. please respect my daughter's privacy. thank you.
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user41: once again, this is a very cute family but god this is a horrible way to find out about them :(
user42: i hope they know so so many of us are supporting them
danielricciardo: syd has grown so much i actually feel kind of sick
yourusername: i was a mess on her first day of school :(
danielricciardo: oh i can imagine ... max never told us but i'm sure he was his usual stoic self
yourusername: he tried, but we did both cry over a carton of ice cream for the whole morning
yourusername: it really was 🥺
user43: i'm sorry but why do two europeans have a daughter called SYDNEY?
maxverstappen1: she's nearly eight... i made my f1 debut in australia eight years ago... i can't hold your hand any more than that
danielricciardo: i am HURT i thought she was named after her beloved god father?
yourusername: if that was the case do you not think we would've gone for the more obvious option of DANIELLE???
maxverstappen1: also you were just an acquaintance and childhood crush at that point daniel
yourusername: omg childhood crush on daniel SNAP
danielricciardo: i'm not that old???
maxverstappen1: we have such good taste
yourusername: we REALLY do
user44: so like they're defo flirting right?
user45: ugh you people have no class (i hope so)
landonorris: i'm so sorry for you guys BUT THANK GOD IT WAS SO HARD TO KEEP HER A SECRET
maxverstappen1: i mean y/n and i kept her a secret for like nearly eight years 🤨
yourusername: i also 100% caught your slip ups you're just lucky there was never any rumour at those times
maxverstappen1: fine?
yourusername: i'd be more proud but everyone else also kept the secret sooooo ???
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liked by maxverstappen1, danielricciardo and 894,503 others
tagged: lilymunhe, yourusername
alexalbon: with permission i am now allowed to post my bestest friend in the world!
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user46: god has heard my prayers and gave me my alex and sydney content
user47: i'd say what a random pairing but i think my brain just blocked out alex at red bull as a trauma response
alexalbon: lord knows i only got through being locked in the sim with y/n's brownies and hugs from syd
yourusername: syd asked for her favourite uncle to score more points so we can get ice cream again
alexalbon: i'll fix the damn williams myself
yourusername: hurry up she's getting impatient (i have no clue where she gets that from)
yourusername: is that what you tell the engineers?
maxverstappen1: ... something along those lines
yourusername: are you going to get more community service?
maxverstappen1: i don't think there were any cameras ???
user48: so max doesn't believe in not swearing around kids... how bad is it with sydney?
maxverstappen1: i am on my BEST behaviour for her
alexalbon: she's like a little sailor
maxverstappen1: in my defence she's much cuter when she swears than me
charles_leclerc: is this why she called me a wanker when i didn't bring leo to the house?
yourusername: i fear that has alex albon written all over it
alexalbon: whoops!
lilymunhe: we need another play date asap !! he goes so mushy i can get him to do all the cute dates i wanna do
yourusername: is that why i got given a badly painted mug?
alexalbon: hey! i worked very hard on that :(
maxverstappen1: i thought sydney painted it alex
alexalbon: can you guys stop ganging up on me :(((((
yourusername: no!
maxverstappen1: 😘
user49: feeling some ... tension here
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liked by charles_leclerc, alexalbon and 1,450,987 others
tagged: yourusername
maxverstappen1: guess who wanted to come see dad at work?
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user51: oh she really is max verstappen's daughter with that cold middle finger to ted kravitz
user52: are they going to make an eight year old do community service as well?
yourusername: great now she's attached to the engineers
maxverstappen1: oh noooooooooo how will we ever cope??? maybe we should all go to every race ???
yourusername: that would be very convenient, wouldn't it?
maxverstappen1: i can see you smiling while typing, i don't think you're as opposed as you say you are
yourusername: you got me! i like to see syd happy :(
maxverstappen1: and me...?
yourusername: and you, i guess 😚
user53: so like are we just going to ignore all of this ^^ and the second picture?
user54: it would be nice that through all the shit they've had thrown at them that they got together through it
danielricciardo: he's been waiting long enough
maxverstappen1: DANIEL???
danielricciardo: what ???
user55: daniel, thank you for your service
user56: i mean we've seen them at one race and it's crazy to think they're not together
alexalbon: why did i have to track my bestie down at the hotel? you verstappens too good for the williams garage?
yourusername: we were busy !!!
alexalbon: franco is distraught
francocolapinto: i am?
alexalbon: yes!!!!
francocolapinto: i am!
maxverstappen1: stop yapping for the love of god i was getting my shit together - something YOU told me to do
alexalbon: fine... i guess
user57: so like that's confirmation right?
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liked by danielricciardo, pierregasly and 2,349,855 others
tagged: maxverstappen1
yourusername: i'm still reporting all you journalists to the ethics boards but i guess something good did come out of all of this
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user59: a family that flips off ted kravitz together, stays together!
user60: y/n's dirty look at him will forever be legendary
maxverstappen1: i've always loved you, and i've loved playing the long game with you and prioritising syd !! here's to the rest of our lives xx
yourusername: i've always loved you too but as convoluted as it has been i think this has been the best way to be - all love to syd first
maxverstappen1: but now we can cut the shit and do all the cute things without it having to be a 'play date'
yourusername: i love you dummy, but your cats are mine now
maxverstappen1: they've always been yours, just like me
user61: okay fuck you guys this is too fucking cute
user62: no because i'm too chronically lonely to read this this morning
danielricciardo: booooooo, we've all kept this secret you're not special
landonorris: i thought i was the only one who max told about his feelings? like literally on the podium when he saw y/n and syd watching?
oscarpiastri: i think you just can't read people lando, even i knew max liked y/n and i've only seen them interact THIS WEEKEND
alexalbon: we've all known forever lando, you're not getting sympathy for keeping the secret for 12 hours
user63: the grid being so protective of the lil family is so cute
user64: i read that george got the GDPA to sign a petition that the media couldn't ask about syd before max was ready to start the conversation himself
user65: also by the sounds of it, they've been rooting for this relationship just as long as max and y/n
maxverstappen1: i'm so lucky to have two amazing girls in my life, i'll love you forever and as long as you'll have me
yourusername: now i have you, i'm never letting you go
maxverstappen1: right back at you
yourusername: you're the bestest father ever and the love of my life, never let anyone tell you anything else my gentle boy
maxverstappen1: i love you both more than anything ever, you're my guardian angel and syd is my favourite little lion
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mangostarjam · 2 months ago
you've been touching him a lot since he got back.
itoshi sae doesn't do anything about it — doesn't dissuade you from tugging at his sleeve or sliding his jacket zipper back and forth while you talk. doesn't comment or bring your attention to it.
but he watches.
you've been around him a lot since his plane landed, making up for all the time he's spent abroad, as if your daily chat threads haven't been enough. most of the time it's just the two of you, the way it used to be. sometimes his brother is around, though thankfully it doesn't seem like you've gotten any closer to rin since sae left.
other times there's a group, mostly your friends, a mix of guys and girls who don't seem to know what to do with themselves around him. sae is used to this — fame brings strange things to light — but you treat him as you always have, except for the touching.
you don't touch anyone else.
it makes him think.
sae has his reasons. he's never let your relationship get past that line, drawn in the sand. he's a professional football player on the other side of the world, and you have a life here. you have friends (even though you still call him your best friend), you have a job (that you complain about all the time), you have family (that can't be bothered to ever congratulate you on anything).
it wouldn't be right — to make you leave. to take you away. not when he needs to focus on being the best in the world.
(he is the best in the world. all those years ago he showed the U-20 team in japan the difference between them, the way the most they could hope for was dating a gravure model. sae never cared about that aspect. he already had you.)
he lets you touch him, but he doesn't touch you back. he keeps you at arm's length — where you're safe.
and then you ask him to be your wingman.
someone else — touching you? kissing you? having you? unthinkable. sae steps out of the shower and barely dries off before pulling on his briefs and pants. steps into his room and there you are, sitting on his bed, looking good, if a little sad.
he considers telling you to get your passport updated and catches the way your eyes trail down his form. maybe this conversation would be easier if he's wearing a shirt — your gaze is too heated, too distracting. you probably think you're being sneaky, hiding your feelings as best as you can, but sae knows you.
and your casual touches are ocean waves washing that line in the sand away.
sae walks towards his closet when it happens again. your finger in his belt loop, stopping him in his tracks. "what?"
"you were ignoring me," you say. "i asked if my outfit is okay."
your outfit is more than okay. "i would have told you to change if it wasn't."
"if you're going to be my wingman, shouldn't you hype me up?" you huff.
sae feels his jaw clench at the reminder. "no," he says, and his tone comes out cold. you don't seem to notice, falling back on his bed and testing every bit of self control in his grasp. "this is a waste of time."
he goes to pull on a shirt before he does something drastic. you're saying something, but it hardly matters when his flight leaves if you'll be on the plane with him. you've covered your eyes with your forearm, so you miss the way he pauses at the foot of the bed, teal eyes drinking in your form splayed out so defenselessly.
sae climbs over you silently, knees nudging yours apart, hands planted on either side of your body. "this is a waste of time," he repeats, watching with amusement as you take in his position. a blush sweeps across your face, but you don't push him off. that's a good sign, at least.
"what, you think i'm not worth being a wingman for?" you ask. silly. you have no idea.
and then you reach for his belt loops again, as if that's a totally normal thing to do and not something that drives him a little nuts every time. sae prides himself on his control, though, so he doesn't lean down to kiss you just yet.
"tell me," sae says, "have you become this touchy with all your friends since i've been gone?"
it's cute, how wide your eyes get. sae leans down a little closer. feels your breaths on his lips. still doesn't kiss you — yet. "then i won't be your wingman. you don't need one."
"why not?"
do you know how breathless you sound? sae considers his apartment in spain, how he'll need to make sure the bedroom doesn't share any walls with the neighbors. the way you sound is all for him and him alone.
"because you have a boyfriend, now."
(companion piece to this)
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whateverloomis · 3 months ago
🖤 Dilf!Billy Loomis x AFAB reader (Stepcest)
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🖤 Part 2
Warnings: Stepcest, predetermined family, fingering, teasing, p in v, roughness, infidelity, unprotected sex, dirty talk, daddy kink, slight degradation, mentions of Stu, age gap (middle aged Billy and reader in their 20s,) AFAB reader (no pronouns,) unedited
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Your mother had never been shy with her love life. She's had multiple partners after your dad passed away. Random hookups with attractive older men happened pretty often too. You're sure it's all been to fill the void and drown the unwanted emotions.
You've never really had the best relationship with her, you bud heads a lot and have grown distant since your biological dad passed, not to mention the countless arguments about every little inconvenience.
For that reason and many others you haven't been secretive about the attraction towards your step father, Billy Loomis. You don't care if he actually loves her or not. You'll let any selfish thoughts cross your mind and oh boy, you want that man inside you as soon as possible.
He's been living with you and your mother for 2 years and as time went by it got more difficult to contain yourself around him, especially since he openly flirts with you and you swear that one of these days you're going to jump on his cock the second you find a chance.
One particular day your mother left for the weekend on a business trip. You were more than sure that she'd been cheating on Billy with his best friend, Stu Macher. They've worked together for years and it's so obvious that they've got something going on.
To be completely honest, you wouldn't mind having Stu as your next step father. He's just as hot as Billy and you never miss the way that he checks you out whenever you're around him. Gosh, if you could have both of them at the same time you know you'd cum the second they both lay hands on you.
Being alone with Billy for the weekend was going to be difficult. You haven't hooked up with anyone in so long and touching yourself isn't satisfying anymore. The way he shamelessly walks around shirtless with sweatpants that highlight his cock drives you crazy and you don't know how you'll survive around him.
Because of that you were feeling bold. You wanted to risk it all, and you did.
It was a Saturday morning and you wake up ready to take the day off to relax after a long week. After you brushed your teeth and showered, you went to the kitchen in just a thong, a thin cotton crop and knee high socks. You knew Billy would walk in the kitchen any second after hearing the water turn off in the shower and were ready to pounce at any moment.
"Well good morning to you too." The sound of his deep voice instantly sent shivers down your spine.
Billy was standing against the countertop behind you shamelessly looking at your exposed ass and gorgeous legs. His hair was damp from the shower and slicked back. No shirt on. Grey sweatpants. He was out to hunt and you were his easy prey.
Turning around, you smiled innocently at him and pointed at the stove, "You want pancakes? I'm making myself some."
Billy could see right through you and he wasn't playing your games.
At your question he chuckled and walked towards you. His hands instantly found your waist and his eyes captured yours, "I'm hungry for something else," he said and squeezed your flesh slightly, his eyes lingering on your tits before scanning your face.
He was driving you mad. You couldn't help but bite your lower lip to suppress a pathetic moan that threatened to come out of you.
Billy seemed to notice and smirked at your reaction, "I don't think your mother would like knowing you're walking around the house looking like that while I'm here," he said and it was your turn to chuckle at his nonchalant comment.
"I don't think she'd like to see her husband grab me like he is right now but here we are," you answered and he lost it.
Billy ran his hands down and under your ass cheeks before picking you up. He sat you on the counter and positioned himself between your legs. His large hands rested on your thighs and he occasionally squeezed them.
"Don't use that tone with me," he said half serious and you laughed teasingly as his words.
"Why? Is daddy gonna ground me? Hm?" you teased further and Billy grabbed your face with his right hand under your jaw, making you look into his eyes. You smirked at him and that was enough, the man crashed his lips against yours and kissed you hungrily.
You were desperate. Both of you were. Your hands were tangled in his hair and he was holding you impossibly close to his body. He groped your ass as you rocked against him slowly.
He was hard and needy before, but having you like this was going to make him cum right then and there if he wasn't careful.
Billy slid one of his hands from your ass to your hip, down your inner thigh and finally over your core. He felt the wetness through the fabric of your thong and he gasped at you mockingly, "I've barely touched you and you're already soaked," he said and you whined softly. So desperate to feel him inside you. Your body ached for his cock.
The man couldn't contain himself much longer. He was already pulling your panties to the side and playing with your cunt. Rubbing your sensitive bud in circular motions and running his fingers down to your throbbing hole, dipping them just enough to pleasure you but not enough to satisfy the craving. He was torturing you. Torturing himself.
"Mm... Billy please," you moaned and grabbed his big hand, pushing his fingers all the way inside you and whining at the feeling of finally being filled up. It still wasn't enough but fuck did it feel amazing when he started to fuck you with his fingers.
You throbbed around him and he groaned at the feeling.
"Fuck baby, you feel so good... I bet you'll feel better around my dick," he whispered in your ear as you fucked yourself with his fingers.
You grabbed his cock and felt how big he is. Gosh you were so right when you imagined him as you rode your dildo in your room alone at night.
"Mmphh... Please fuck me," you begged and Billy pulled his fingers out of your cunt, sucking on them teasingly and moaning at your taste.
He pulled you towards him by your thighs and you wrapped your arms around his neck instinctively. He held your legs around his middle and carried you to his and your mother's bedroom.
After he released you, you crawled on the bed and positioned yourself on the edge on all fours, giving him a perfect view of your behind. You slowly removed your thong for him and revealed your glistening cunt.
Billy groaned at the sight and pulled his sweatpants down just enough to release his throbbing cock. He wanted to eat you up and taste your whole body but right then he couldn't handle the sight of your waiting hole. He'd been wanting to bury himself inside you for so long, and when he finally did you both moaned at the same time.
He didn't bother to wear protection and you honestly didn't give a fuck at that point. You didn't care if your stepfather knocked you up, as fucked up as it sounds.
"Ahh fuck... Harder Daddy, harder!" You nearly screamed, and to that he complied.
Billy grabbed your hips harshly and pounded you hard enough that you felt his cock all the way up your stomach. He pressed your head against the mattress, your back arched perfectly for him and the sight of your ass cheeks bouncing against him was nearly enough to make him cum inside you, but he was smarter than that of course.
"Getting fucked by your stepfather, who does that?" He shamed you and it made you throb around him. You were nearly going to cum just by hearing his words, it was a chase for release between the two of you.
After a few more thrusts the knot inside you finally broke as his tip brushed against your gspot. You came around him and screamed at the feeling of the intense waves that were coursing through your body. You had one, two, three mini orgasms after the big O and fuck you needed more.
Billy nearly bust his load inside your sweet pussy, but he managed to pull out and cum all over your back. He took a mental picture at how good your body looked covered in his seed.
"I'll clean up the mess for you," he whispered teasingly before giving you a lingering kiss.
As he walked into the bathroom you heard the front door open. Your mom and Stus voice echoed in the living room.
"I'll take care of it..."
I know I know, we hate cliffhangers but I love teasing y'all :p ;)
Hope you enjoyed reading <33
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silkentine · 2 months ago
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Wha--?! Silk finally finished her fem Zoro design after (checks notes) literally 6 months since she made the canvas in procreate?
I'll break down design thoughts and share some fun bonus pics under the cut:
I LOVE long hair on Zoro, I think that was the first change I wanted to implement. Zoro in canon actually has a really interesting relationship with gender dynamics which (if for some reason you're reading this and you haven't watched One Piece) can seem out of left field for the "dumb brute" character. His rivalry with and reverence for Kuina suggests he doesn't adhere to the idea that women are weaker than men. Later on, however, during his confrontation with Monet and Tashigi during Punk Hazard, his hesitation to slash her down reveals that he's subconsciously over-protective of women because he thinks they're inherently weaker. I actually don't have any problem with this character trait, I think it makes him feel more real as a person and he obviously gets shit-talked enough about it in the story itself. But how did I want to reflect these beliefs if Zoro had been born a woman? Easy: internalized misogyny and applying value to herself via her appearance.
My version of Zoro grew up wanting to fight with swords but her only chance of entering the dojo was to work under the proprietress, Lady Shimotsuki to maintain the property, cook meals for the male students, and eventually be a good wife to the current heir, Kuina. She learns that, to get what she wants, she must be the ideal woman, even if she stays up all night training swordsmanship with Kuina when she isn't supposed to. He treats her love for swordplay seriously and treats her like an equal, which sparks a bond between them and eventually leads to Zoro's goal of becoming the world's greatest swordsman after his sudden, accidental death.
After years of intense training (now that Lady Shimotsuki admits that she'll need a new heir and Zoro is the closest thing she has) Zoro's finally old enough to leave and begin her journey. She starts letting go of the idea that she has to look pulled together to be taken seriously because she can just kill anyone who looks down on her. Her clothing falls into disrepair, she wears outfits that help her move in combat, and she starts tossing her hair up into messy, knotted buns under her bandana. Even so, she keeps her hair long like rolling hills of grass. (At least during pre-timeskip. She lops off her hair to prove to Mihawk that she's serious about being trained.)
I've put her in a thin sweater that she stitches (poorly) back together after her first interaction with Mihawk. (I kept one sleeve because I was inspired by the santoryuu Nami that Oda drew that one time.) I also wanted to girl-ify the ubiquitous haramaki so I picked leg warmers for her because I think they're sufficiently "dated" enough to be kinda analogous with his old man belly warmer. I also love gyaru fashion, sue me.
Here is a screenshot of her as a blonde:
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And here is a sketch of her post-timeskip where she's fully embraced her butch nature:
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Hubba hubba, am I right?
Check out my tag "girl piece original design" to see more of my genderbending art! Next post, I'll put all my East Blue Crew designs together! I can't believe it's taken this long but I AM SO HAPPPPPYYYYY
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