#there’s no harm in repeating
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outlanderalien · 4 months ago
Arcane really was just like, the love was there and it changed everything.
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kmomof4 · 1 year ago
The great thing about reading on ao3 without signing in is that you can leave more kudos!!!!
Too adorable for WORDS!!!
There's No Harm in Repeating
Killian Jones has lived in apartment 204 for a year and has never exchanged more than ‘hellos’ with Emma Swan in apartment 205. That is until a run-in with her son, Henry, results in the boy doing some unintentional matchmaking. For how else do you find out what a woman thinks of you, if not through her four-year-old son? A Captain Swan as neighbors au featuring Captain Cobra moments.
Read on A03 and send some fluffy love to @beckettj
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kmomof4 · 2 years ago
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There’s No Harm in Repeating - a CS (feat. Captain Cobra) oneshot
Summary: Killian Jones has lived in apartment 204 for a year and has never exchanged more than ‘hellos’ with Emma Swan in apartment 205. That is until a run-in with her son, Henry, results in the boy doing some unintentional matchmaking. For how else do you find out what a woman thinks of you, if not through her four-year-old son? A Captain Swan as neighbors au featuring Captain Cobra moments.
A/N: This fic is inspired by all the wild and wonderful things said to me by various pre-school students over the last couple of years (though I did take a slight creative liberty in one section). And it does get wild. There’s no such thing as secrets when it comes to three/four-year-olds.
Word Count: 4432
Also available on: AO3     FFN
There’s No Harm in Repeating
A flask of coffee in hand, Killian Jones stepped out of his crappy apartment, into the just as crappy hallway, to the oh-so-familiar sweet sound of arguing travelling up the stairwell from the entrance hall below.
“Who the hell do you think you are, Emma? You have no right to stop me from seeing my own son!”
“Look at yourself, Neal! You can barely stand! You’re hardly in any fit state to look after yourself, let alone a four-year-old boy!”
Emma Swan. The irritation was clear in her voice, as it travelled up the pungent staircase that Killian started to take down, yet it was her voice which reminded him of the single reason why he hadn’t moved the hell out of the crappy apartment building at any point in the last year. Even when shouting, screaming at her dickhead of an ex with all her might, her voice was as captivating as a siren’s song, drawing him in as the rest of the world fell away around him.
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yasukematsudadefender · 3 months ago
Tbh it drives me crazy when people call Junko antisocial (describing antisocial personality disorder) and don't focus on Mukuro who is 100% more antisocial than Junko.
Apart from the fact that Junko doesn't show almost any of ASPD symptomps. Ig chronic boredom and reckless/impulsive behaviours is the only symptomps she showed (but these also can be BPD/HPD symptomps which definetely fit her more)
That's all for first
For second, I hate when people are making Junko a freaking devil (I mean, they're right but it's not about this right now) and show Mukuro as a "little baby girl who didn't do anything wrong, she was so sweet and manipulated🥺" WTF DO YALL EVEN TRY TO WATCH THE SHOW AND THE OTHER DANGANRONPA STUFF.
Don't misunderstood me. I love Mukuro with all my heart but she absolutely wasn't an angel. Of coure, Junko was the mastermind but Mukuro was the same terrorist and helped her with pleasure and any guilt or empathy to others (if we talk about antisocial traits??). She was the same aggressive and verbally/physically abusive as Junko. If she wasn't worse.
No, just because she was dependent on Junko and developed weird Stockholm Syndrome (that's joke guys) doesn't make her poor and innocent baby, please don't make her this way.
I'm not trying to defend or make one of the sisters more or less bad, but between these two Junko was the one who felt more of empathy, guilt and remorse. Mukuro absolutely didn't. So why Junko is the one who was "sociopath"?? No, not everyone who is a murderer has antisocial personality disorder.
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beneathsilverstars · 9 months ago
the shit siffrin said in act 5 isn't even that bad 😭 they were mean one time!! very precisely mean but like. their friends aren't that fragile. i woulda forgiven them even if they weren't going through timeloop hell. sometimes you're feeling shitty and don't know how to handle it so you fuck up and what matters is that you recognize that and do your best to take steps to prevent it from happening again!
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onlybecauseimhappy · 5 months ago
im coping im coping im coping im coping im coping im coping im coping im coping im coping im coping im coping im coping im coping im coping im coping im coping
the blood and delusions are just a little side effect
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mapicccc · 4 months ago
I just wanna ask and I'm sorry if this is mean or I'm wording it wrong. I just wanted to ask
But when you mention Kab and zam in the context of their streams, do you mean the characters they are streaming or the actual people?
the characters they stream? idk these people i have no reason to make actual judgement about who they are as people, especially when both of them are very adamant about having a character on lifesteal. but i also feel like this doesnt negate the fact that at times, things they do as characters can reflect back on them or harm the audience. its improv minecraft roleplay, its a lot harder to have strict lines between character and actor.
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thetrinketsystem · 28 days ago
You will
be able to
Hate Someone
into being something
you like.
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itspileofgoodthings · 1 month ago
a weakness of analytical minds, especially strong ones, is thinking they gotta analyze everything.
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duncanor · 2 years ago
It's really interesting how Nightow talked about humans being some kinds of Gods to Plants because they created them. (Thus playing around with the trope of Man vs God)
And then having Knives describe himself and his kind as Gods or angels.
In a way, his goal was the exact same as humanity. Building a paradise for his kind to thrive in, free of the horrors and errors of the past.
However, like men were created in God's image, Knives is as human as he gets. Repeating the same mistakes and furthering the harm he and his kind received. Perpetuating the cycle of never ending violence.
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asterus19 · 8 months ago
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adorawasright · 1 year ago
as i said in the tags, i just rewatched the light spinner episode (i think the most memorable one from s2... other than white out, for entirely wrong reasons). i thought it was an interesting look to shadow weaver's motivations - and i guess catra's too, since despite everything, catra didn't want to send SW to beast island. not to mention her feeling pushed away by hordak in favor of entrapta, which is just history repeating itself in catra's eyes.
i guess my issue with this episode comes from the poor world-building... everything felt too vague when it came to the war, the role of the sorcerers, and how the spells worked. i thought the spell turning "evil" was kind of weird imo. it probably meant that "ooooh light spinner was secretly evil all along!!!". but like, you kinda understand why LS went this far, because she knew the rebellion was losing to the horde, and none of the other sorcerers wanted to do anything to help. they just expected the princesses to solve everything even though they were clearly losing.
i thought light spinner's dynamic with micah was interesting too. like save for her lashing out at him once, their relationship wasn't... outright abusive? i hope i'm not being ignorant or anything. she did use his power and she felt betrayed by him supposedly ruining the spell, which isn't true. but it didn't feel like the way shadow weaver used adora later on. and before disappearing, SW doesn't hurt micah like she did the other sorcerers in the room. she only gently touched his cheek and looked at him with... love? she did seem to care about him. OBVIOUSLY, i'm not erasing her being an asshole overall. i'm just saying.
yeah, basically, i think this is a solid episode, save for the world-building. it's too bad this complexity was dropped in the final season.
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panlight · 2 years ago
IS there a cringier piece of writing in Twilight than:
Aro started to laugh. “Ha ha ha,” he chuckled. Or is that like, the pinnacle? I'm not talking ~problematic stuff just like, clunky writing generally, dialogue that was so awkward it pulled you out of the story, etc. Please share!
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duckduck-buck · 11 months ago
Wanting a cheating storyline as a kickstarter for buddie is crazy ngl
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warning-heckboop · 1 year ago
What if Floyd never went back to Branch not because he was unable to, nor because he didn't miss his baby brother, but because he was ashamed of who he'd become in the time since they'd last met, and he'd rather Branch remember him as he once was than see him as the disgrace he is now
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