#i just HATE misunderstooding characters and stupid stereotypes
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yasukematsudadefender · 3 months ago
Tbh it drives me crazy when people call Junko antisocial (describing antisocial personality disorder) and don't focus on Mukuro who is 100% more antisocial than Junko.
Apart from the fact that Junko doesn't show almost any of ASPD symptomps. Ig chronic boredom and reckless/impulsive behaviours is the only symptomps she showed (but these also can be BPD/HPD symptomps which definetely fit her more)
That's all for first
For second, I hate when people are making Junko a freaking devil (I mean, they're right but it's not about this right now) and show Mukuro as a "little baby girl who didn't do anything wrong, she was so sweet and manipulated🥺" WTF DO YALL EVEN TRY TO WATCH THE SHOW AND THE OTHER DANGANRONPA STUFF.
Don't misunderstood me. I love Mukuro with all my heart but she absolutely wasn't an angel. Of coure, Junko was the mastermind but Mukuro was the same terrorist and helped her with pleasure and any guilt or empathy to others (if we talk about antisocial traits??). She was the same aggressive and verbally/physically abusive as Junko. If she wasn't worse.
No, just because she was dependent on Junko and developed weird Stockholm Syndrome (that's joke guys) doesn't make her poor and innocent baby, please don't make her this way.
I'm not trying to defend or make one of the sisters more or less bad, but between these two Junko was the one who felt more of empathy, guilt and remorse. Mukuro absolutely didn't. So why Junko is the one who was "sociopath"?? No, not everyone who is a murderer has antisocial personality disorder.
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willowisapillow · 8 months ago
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👑🍑 Why Peach Is One Of My Favorite Comfort Characters 🍑👑
It’s Princess Peach Month, babes, and as a fangirl, I’m obligated to make a post like this become a reality. Feels quite sinful that I wasn’t able to jack for the month last year (aside from reposting some cringy fanart), but this year I’ll try and bring my A game this year. Was also inspired to make this post after reading some articles that are in defense of characters that are in a similar vein to Peach, like Daphne Blake and the Disney Princesses (specifically the classic ones like Snow White, Cinderella and Aurora).
Last year, I made a post where I partially went in defense of the pink diplomat, but for this post, I’m gonna go in full defense of her, and also why she’s personally special to me.
Now, where do I even begin? Imo, Peach has been one of the most unnecessarily lambasted, maligned, overhated but also misunderstood characters in not just Super Mario, video games, but also fiction as a whole.
One of the most talked about criticisms I hear about her is, “ShE’s UsElEsS, aNd Is aLwAyS bEiNg KiDnApPeD LiKe EvErY dAy”. While it kinda has become somewhat of a running gag in the series, I am willing to admit that she’s not always able to defend herself. However, I’m still here to say that’s she’s far from useless or weak, girlie clearly can defend herself, like- are y’all really forgetting the many times where she can be strong like in SM3DW, Mario + Rabbids, SMB2, SMBW, SMRPG, and so many other titles? Hell, are we really forgetting about the movie that literally just came out a year ago where she’s being a strong, dutiful leader, AND the fact that she has two solo starring games where it was her turn to save the day all by herself? Let’s also not forget the Smash Bros. series where she’s one of the highest ranked characters in three of the entries. And also, it’s not, “every day”, some of y’all need to stop exaggerating that 💀
Even when in captivity, she still manages to help out Mario by sneaking 1-Ups like in Mario Galaxy. It irks me with how stuff like this is often ignored in order to pigeonhole her into the damsel role, when she is strong in her own right. She doesn’t always get captured, and more people could understand this if they stopped degrading her for Bowser and Daisy’s actions.
Speaking of Daisy, another criticism that I hear about her is, “ShE’s A bAd FrIeNd To DaIsY, aNd BeTrAyEd HeR fOr RoSaLiNa.” Jesus H. Christ, this one genuinely makes my blood boil. Daisy is another one of my favorite characters in the series that is special to me, and it makes me upset with how her and Peach’s friendship is often portrayed in the fandom. Like, show me proof. Show me factual evidence that Peach “betrayed” Daisy that isn’t from fanart, fanfiction, animations, or anything else fanmade. This is giving the same vibes as, “Mario is a bad/abusive brother to Luigi” rumor that MatPat popularized and I hate it sm. And while we’re at it, can we not throw Rosalina under the bus, she herself gets an unnecessary and unneeded amount of hate already :/
Peach and Daisy are canonically BFFLs, and I hate hate hate how they’re usually portrayed as enemies. I remember seeing so much fanart back in the day where Daisy is bullying, fighting, or being straight up toxic towards Peach. I do see Daisy playfully teasing Peach and being competitive, but being toxic? No, honey, no 😣
And now moving on to my next criticism which is, “ShE’s ToO sTuPiD aNd GiRlY”. Aah yes, the whole, “being hyper feminine/girly is bad” trope, oh how I have not missed you. First of all, Peach is not stupid. Naive? Yes. But she’s no dumb blonde, or airhead, or ditz, or bimbo, or whatever the hell type of pejorative, misogynistic, blonde stereotype-based word you wanna throw at her. She’s clever, and has been able to use her smarts to outwit her captors. And newsflash, there's absolutely nothing wrong with loving traditionally feminine things like baking cakes, or fashion, or liking the color pink. It kinda rubs me the wrong way with how people remove the feminine aspects about Peach and the other things that make her special in order to have her be taken seriously. They just end up making her a Daisy clone. You can be both girly and badass too, y’know!
And here’s my final criticism that I hear about her, “ShE’s A sPoIlEd, StUcK uP bRaT wHo DoEsN’t CaRe AbOuT mArIo”. Look, just because she’s filthy stinking rich, doesn’t mean she’s a spoiled brat. This is yet another thing I see her being portrayed in fanmade stuff; spoiled, bratty, entitled, and bitchy, and I’m just here like, “Did y’all mistake her for Wendy, or?”. Peach is one of the sweetest, empathetic, selfless, and most wholesome characters in the series, and would never act like that.
But nope, pink = girliness, and girliness = bad, so that means we gotta make her a complete Karen/s
I get alternative character interpretations exists, but I feel like people use that as an excuse to deliberately demonize and flanderize characters for the sake of it -_-
As for Mario, have you guys even played any of the games? She clearly does love and care about him and is grateful for what he’s done for her. She thanks him for helping her, giving him kisses, baking cakes for him, and inviting him to fun places. If she “didn’t care about him”, then she wouldn’t be doing all the above mentioned stuff for him. And something I also forgot to mention in my Y2K Peach post is how people assume she has Stockholm Syndrome- which she doesn’t. She clearly doesn’t like Bowser, wants nothing to do with him, and shows 0 romantic interest in him, so how could she have Stockholm Syndrome lmao
Phew, glad I got all of that off my chest. Stuff like this has been bugging me for so long, so I’m glad to finally let it all out. Now I’m gonna explain why I find Peach to be one of my favorite comfort characters.
Ever since I was a small tot, I’ve always admired Peach. She was pretty, pink, super girly and ruled a whole damn kingdom. While she isn’t always strong, there are still times where she’s able to put her foot down and stand up for her friends and herself. She puts her subjects' needs before her own needs, and is basically a gentle soul. She’s also a jack of all trades, she’s not just a baker, but also a golfer, tennis player, kart racer, equestrian, and so much more. She’s also able to be patient with others, and sees the good in even the wickedest of people.
I especially loved playing as her in the Smash Bros. games, I’ve been a Peach main ever since the Brawl days. Her inclusion in the series just shows me that, even if you love doing unapologetically feminine things like wearing dresses, painting your nails, shopping, or cooking, you still matter. You’re still capable and strong in your own way, and you can still save the day. Embrace who you are. To this day, I still find this to be an empowering message that not just young girls, but anyone can resonate with. This is why Peach has always been a special character to me <3
Apologies if I kinda went into, “I’m 14 and this is deep” territory, but that’s just what I truly feel about Peach. She’s no damsel in distress, or a pretty face, or a walking talking prize, she’s much much more than that. She’s one of the best characters, and deserves better not just in the games, but in the fandom as well.
I’m probably gonna get crucified and clowned on for this, but Idc, I spoke my truth 😤
Before I leave, if you still dislike Peach after reading this post, that’s perfectly fine, just make sure to keep the comments respectful and please don’t start any flame wars. Thank you 💕
Thank you all for reading my needlessly long and unhinged defense of one of my favorite Princess characters, and I hope you all have a good day or night, and make sure to stay safe out there ✌️
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👑 🍑 👑
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chaifootsteps · 10 months ago
I will put a trigger warning for sex abuse and sad stereotypes about sex working here, it can be very personal.
I am upset that Viviens shows are giving so much ignorance about consent and morality about sex workers. Because of this, there is a generation of kids who think sex working is funny or not a big deal, that all we do is jokes about sex, make normal people like our friends uncomfortable because we just think about doing that all the time. Or that pimps are stupid and funny guys when no they are so dangerous!
Clients are not so sad and misunderstood, they do not only buy sex from others because they’re so lonely and just need so much more love to stop them “falling” to something dirty like it. We endure so much violence from clients, things like knives and weapons they use on us, which Vivien also jokes about. The donkey show joke is pure evil too. They stalk us on our phones and Instagram pages too which they only see as more content. When they go to court for killing prostitutes they make the excuse that they were seduced by us and very lonely. And we are the monsters ruining them and their families. It is a stereotype. Some of them they hate us for not being nice enough to them like smiling, doing all their kinks, and we are dehumanised for not having romantic ideas for them or not wanting to be in love with them because they’re such “nice guys” who paid money for our time so we need to date them. So often they are rich white men who go on holiday and go after women of colour who cannot say no because they are hungry. These men have some sob story about their mean wife not being in the mood for their sex needs or nagging him. They have so much sympathy. They did not need more. When we get murdered on the streets or serial killers hunt us like sports, people look the other way. Because of this. Why are we the dirty lusting ones when it’s the other people are using their money like this? People don’t all become sex workers cause we are just so lustful sinners and love doing it so much, it’s for survival and money like any other work.
I feel no pity for like prince stolas because men like him who buy sex are privileged by society to do it and they are entitled, they get so much special treatment and pity. If they are gay it is no different they go after the boys instead. And male prostitutes are more hated for their sexuality and have no family. Valentino does not make me laugh either and he is not a very “pretty” character.
Meanwhile we struggle with such evil laws being made: https://x.com/thepublicanow/status/1789715774099136766?s=46
Jesus Christ, Anon...thank you so much for sharing this, and especially for sharing that Twitter link. We live in a sick, evil world and it's not Viv's fault we do, but she's definitely part of the problem, not the solution.
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How did you feel about Konrad's primarch novel- I just got into 40k and have so far read the first four horus heresy novels, started fulgrim and started the primarchs series. Just finished Konrad and holy shit-I feel so bad for him...mans never had a chance fr
Curious how you felt since I like your memes and you like the legion
Also loved sevetar- onto prince of crows
Maaan i love Konrad.
It's funny to see how different Night Lords are written, based on 1. Who is the writer 2. Who are the 'protagonists' of the book. This because unfortunately they act like stupid classic Disney villains when playing the 'enemy' characters in someone's else story, yet if you read their own stories you see that they are deeper than we initially thought.
(Legions/chapters/characters suffering this fate are actually pretty common, because people will usually associate them with random stereotypical memes and will refuse to actually check the sources. Other misunderstood legions, for example, are World Eaters or Emperor's Children - and this is coming from someone who hates the EC)
If you wish to continue reading good stuff with them, the Night Lords Omnibus is a masterpiece🙏🏻
Regarding the other primarch serie books, may I recommend you Magnus' one?
Also Valdor/Alpharius ones are soo good too (read Valdor first, Alpharius second tho😤)
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leantailean · 1 year ago
For the ship ask game: 💩 💦 💢
hi, thanks for the question!
Ship that is taboo: I don't think I have a taboo, just some ships are boring to me and have no basis in canon.
Ship that you find disgusting: All the ships with Zhao, perhaps? Especially r*pe fics with underage characters like Zuko or Katara. All the ships with Zhao are quite unpleasant, although zhaozai is, in principle, canon for me, with subtle hints in the show.
Ship that is most misunderstood: Oddly enough, I actually think it's Toko. Yes, this is my otp, and it’s quite rare. But often, when you read Toko fics, you see that people replaced the real character with some familiar stereotype, paying little attention to characters actual personalities.  Toph is always either rude and harsh, or too depraved, or doesn’t understand anything about sex, Zuko is a sex giant or, on the contrary, a stupid, naive turtle duck. But such an interpretation misses a lot! Toph can be very fragile, feminine, and vulnerable, while Zuko can be immature and harsh, poorly understanding other people's emotions. I hate it when their complex personalities and relationships are reduced to crude stereotypes.
Come on, ppl, ask me!
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monarch-boo · 8 months ago
Wheee rant time I'll write a calmer more condensed version of this later since its gonna be real important to get in people's heads before / by the time DRDR is out, but this keeps making me upset to think about so I'm gonna be a little bitchy first.
Anyway jesus fucking christ Paul is NOT a fucking incel it's so STUPID that people somehow interpret that.
I fucking hate how the interpretation came about to because its LITERALLY just
"hurr dhburr metalhead stereotype nerd stereotype and the people he snapped at happen to be women (and also Frank but let's just totally ignore that he thinks Frank is there to bully him too ehhh WHATEVER)"
That's literally it. Like what else is there for that assumption to work? And like I emphasized, it completely ignores Frank's role in the whole situation.
I don't even get why it happens either! Lots of the other bosses throughout the game have basically everybody fully understanding the stories and nuances of who they are and why they behave how they do, I've even seen some people do analysis videos and posts, like ___ Explained shit.
Why not Paul? Do I have to make one? I almost wanna make one, I'll fucking pore through everything of him in the game, hold people's hands through the opening cutscene and play all the voice clips that demonstrate further what's actually happening and read out like a whole fucking essay with fucking Speakonia because I don't wanna record my actual voice, maybe I WILL fucking do it one day but I'll at least wait until DRDR incase there's new lines (there is the random dialogue drops survivors can give during escorts, we saw in that one Natalie screenshot- I wonder if there's anything besides prestige point hints and if so if there's anything interesting Paul will say).
Like I'm genuinely fucking scared of how many brand new players coming in for DRDR are gonna get him wrong because of some surface level kneejerk reaction shit nobody will actually think and listen to the things he says or bother to do any real character analysis. I might actually stick to No Commentary playthroughs for a while if I wanna watch other people play because the commentated ones make me nervous now.
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Please Capcom I am on my knees begging DRDR to make this somehow even more obvious and harder to misinterpret by adding new ingame boss/escort lines or making the existing ones more frequent because almost nobody hears the other lines that convey his character more because the game barely ever fucking plays them.
His existing OG DR1 voice lines have some absolute gold in them characterization wise but OG DR1 largely shunts them in favor of HERE'S A PRESENT FOR YA, YOU GO BOOM NOW times infinity. The fact that they often go so unheard that they don't quell the surface level conclusions sucks so much, make the other ones play more in DRDR and maybe even record some whole new ones that are even more obvious.
I mean, jeez, to people who actually pay attention and think for more than a second just that opening cutscene gives you all the info you really need to interpret him and his whole deal correctly, but APPARENTLY that isn't enough for like 80-90% of the playerbase so I hope DRDR has something, anything, to drive the point home even further, y'know?
I'm so tired. I hate how one of my biggest comfort characters is also like one of the most misunderstood and incorrectly-interpreted characters of the whole fucking franchise.
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wildernessuntothemselves · 1 year ago
Can I ask how many chapters there are of jealousy jealousy? I feel like it’s a nice, short, concise story.
Also, I forgot her name but H, Beomgyu’s girlfriend, probably has her own struggles and insecurities being a stereotypical ‘hot girl’ in modern day and a girl in general. I know no girl in her position would be stupid enough to believe Beomgyu had any genuine love towards her, regardless of him liking MC, he clearly just wanted to fuck and it’s fine if that’s all she wants too.
I feel like H is misunderstood. She may not be a huge girls girl but maybe she has mommy issues yk?
I know you may not have put that much detail in her character but as a girls girl, I would never hate her for her relationship with Beomgyu because it takes two to tango. Even tho she may be a bitch for no reason it’s not her fault that Beomgyu isn’t pushing her away. Hell, if I had the opportunity I would go for Beomgyu regardless of MC.
MC is also probably subconsciously passive aggressive because she loves Beomgyu so much and because she’s so hurt.
So I don’t think you’ve really set the feminist movement backwards, you’ve shown this imperfect, authentic ‘hot girl’ who either just wants to fuck (all power to her) or has no sense of self worth and falls into a clearly one sided relationship. She shows that although you may look put together and sure of yourself, there might be more than meets the eye whether that’s having a super crazy high sex drive (which society deems shameful) or being in an toxic relationship.
Idk…I might be wrong, just food for thought <3
But the thing is she's not misunderstood. She really is a bitch 😂 but I can't talk more about this until the fic is over so as not to spoil anything.
I don't mean that I wrote her to be hated because of beomgyu but just wrote her as a bitch generally lmao. But I guess there are genuinely really shitty people out there and I've written really shitty male characters but it's just the one-dimensionality and us vs her aspect than annoys me at myself. I appreciate you looking deeper into it to make it meaningful but I gotta admit it was lazy writing on my part because it helps the story move along. If I gave her more depth then it would complicate a very simple story and would make oc and gyu out to be bigger assholes than they already are lmao
Anyway there are two chapters left
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bookmuseum · 4 days ago
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[REVIEW] Remarkably Bright Creatures by Shelby Van Pelt
3/5 stars (★★★)
"Humans. For the most part, you are dull and blundering. But occasionally, you can be remarkably bright creatures."
Pretty cliché, as is expected of a debut novel, but I still appreciated the sentiment.
I really hope the author doesn’t see this review because I know she meant really well and worked hard on this book, so if this is you, please try not to take it personally!
I just really wished Cameron died instead of his father, who, admittedly, I probably wouldn’t have liked much either. (Tova was great, but she was such a Boy Mom that it kind of got under my skin). While Remarkably Bright Creatures had a really interesting premise and good head-start with Marcellus and Tova's switching POVs in the exposition, the story got exponentially more irritating because of Cameron (Loseron), this deadbeat white straight man I'm supposed to care about but instead grew steadily more violent towards. There are books where the author wants you to hate the character and you end up finding them fascinating in the long run just for how abhorrently well written they are, but I knew Van Pelt wanted me to sympathize with him and I just didn't. Every time the book switched to his narration, I wanted to throw it across the room because there was a drastic downgrade in writing and character quality.
In short, though I can certainly go on for much longer (and I will, just wait), Cameron was a loser and I wish he died prematurely just like his sperm donor AKA father AKA Erik. The book’s synopsis gracefully failed to mention Cameron at all despite him and his sorry excuse for a narrative taking up most of the story. Marketing-wise, that was the smart way to go because all I ever heard about in (deserving) praise of this book only mentions Marcellus or Tova, who were worlds more interesting. Cameron literally ruined everything.
This book tried to make me buy that Cameron was smart, quirky, and a misunderstood "goddamn genius" because he knew what mudminnows were and could quote the most basic lines from Hamlet -- haha so nerdy and niche! how eccentric! -- but he was thoroughly so unlikeable, plain stupid, and flat-out gross. A literal manchild who’s entitled and disrespectful to the nth degree. He was so mean to Ethan, he was a deadbeat to his supposedly closest friends Brad and Elizabeth (fuck their lame ass band; Brad was more than valid for jumping ship when he did), and he was just generally unpleasant to literally everyone he came in contact with — even innocent convenience store workers just trying to make conversation with him. And he harasses Marcellus and mocks him for most of the novel! What the fuck! For a guy who's supposed to be smart, you sure have a lot of cephalophobic comments. I know that's not a real thing, but ugh. His (ex) girlfriend Katie should’ve just shot him with a gun and saved me 2/3 of this book. Forget about putting his stuff in bags and throwing it off the balcony -- put his guts in a trash can and roll it into the dump where he belongs.
Seriously, I’m supposed to believe this inconsiderate narcissistic douchebag who smelled like mattress piss and hadn’t showered for days for a significant part of the first act somehow got the attention of a hot beach body MILF like Avery who “is a sucker for wounded creatures”? She finds him oh-so-attractive after meeting him with chocolate on his face thinking it was shit? Get real. It sounds like a man wrote their entire "love story," it was so unappetizing. Especially all of the times Cameron unnecessarily mentions her nice flat chest, "perfect belly button," and how much he wants to have sex with her. Eugh. I can’t emphasize enough how I did not give a shit about and straight up abhorred Cameron because he was literally just every other stereotypically (weaponized) incompetent guy all my girl friends have dated against common sense and better judgement. He’s a loser. Plain and simple. I wished his luck got worse and he just stopped existing altogether. He doesn't deserve a cool grandma like Tova. Honestly, the best part he was in was when he finally got to confront the Brinks guy. I for sure thought he was gonna get jumped or accidentally stumble into an underground city cult during that section, which would've been funny, but even after the scenario was "explained," it was still such a goofy scene.
RBC doesn't take itself too seriously, which was a bit refreshing. The “mystery” wasn’t hard to figure out at all, which was kind of a disappointment since I was intrigued by the book's bait of "revisiting" a 30-year-old cold case. (I wanted disgusting badly rotten skeletons washing up ominously on the beach, triggering plucky detective work by the 70-year-old Swedish janitor widow lady, but instead I got a bitchy-whiner would-be incel in the making who wouldn't know how to keep an octopus in its tank even if he was entrusted with the only key to its enclosure at the aquarium that so generously hired him, only for him to walk out because our special baby boy was throwing a tantrum. Ugh!).
Even Marcellus got frustrated with how obvious the facts of the case were and I was right there with him. (Van Pelt should've just given Marcellus a gun). I usually don’t mind miscommunication being used to drive the plot, but this book felt like it was dragging itself by the heels with it. The argument scene between Cameron and Ethan right before Tova makes that mistake about Ethan's memorabilia band shirt made my eyes roll. We don’t have time for this!
The writing wasn’t all that engaging either. I wish I could describe it better, but it’s obvious this book was written in the 21st century by a first-time author during the pandemic, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but I find most books like this one aren’t as literary as I’d like. Of course, that’s just a matter of personal taste, but it was like the author wrote down whatever came to mind (or whatever their editor told them to write) and most of it was meaningless, self-reflexively unoriginal, and boring. Cameron’s sections were especially cringe-worthy and bad. I almost couldn’t believe this was the same writer who wrote Tova and Marcellus’ interesting POVs. Seriously, the downgrade gave me whiplash.
Ethan wasn’t all that interesting a character. I was hoping the book would go into his past when he was “chasing a lass” a bit more. His crush on Tova was cute, but I don’t think they’d ever work, especially since Ethan’s such a mess. I appreciate that in the end Tova and Ethan aren't "together," although it's heavily implied. (Tova is totally aro/ace comphet though ...). I also liked that we never found out what really happened to Daphne.
Needless to say, the book’s best parts are when Marcellus talks. Half of the time he insults the human race for being so stupid, but I completely agreed with him on pretty much everything, so there’s that. His chapters were usually less than a page long, which genuinely made me quite sad. Marcellus said he cant stand to communicate with me for long chapters because it makes him tired, so I made my peace with it and tried to understand. (He's an old octopus so I wanted to be respectful). That final scene where Tova sends him back to the ocean and he got one day of freedom plus a bit of extra spring in his dying swish-swish made the book worth it. I didn't know giant Pacific octopuses only live 3-4 years, with most cephalopods barely making it past 12 months. Even though it was clear Van Pelt wasn't a oceanographer and/or marine biology expert, she still did her job well as a writer in that she made me consider a lot of things differently. Above anything else, I really loved Marcellus:
"But I do not like the hole in her heart. She only has one, not three, like me."
You have four hearts, Marcellus, and one of them's mine!
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sburbian-mechanics · 1 month ago
! > HI!
! > recently, FIGURED out im a HEIR of HEART!
! > and I HAVE no CLUE what any of THIS means!
! > heh HELP.
Another Classpect ask! And so soon too- maybe I should get started on making a template for these things. Just Kidding! I would never sacrifice my individual charms to the whims of *structure*. (Also Heart is the best aspect and I have no bias.) (Definitly. Even if it's mine.)
Annnyyywho- quick classpect rundown go: Class, the first part, determines your playstyle and how you use your aspect, and it is tied to your personality and character flaws. Your planet generates quests based on it, both to make you a better person and teach you your new powers. Aspect are your powers, and are basically elements- they are tied to certain themes that have recurred in your life and may be the foundational units of the universe.
Got that? Now let's go over what each of them means, both in-game and for your character arc!
Heirs are both the easy mode class and the most difficult coplayers in actually getting stuff done. I don't know what it is, because even though they have the highest elemental power in the game and specialize in Making Things Happen, they seem to be terminally unaware or uncreative in everything they try to get involved in. It's not their fault actually- TC is one of the smartest people I know and it seems other Heirs follow suit- in fact, they seem the most capable at actually doing the impossible if they put their mind to it. It's just that Heirs don't seem to like thinking about that- or any problems really. These guys are terminally afflicted with Repression, and like to think that letting things happen and just helping people along is enough. News Flash; Your ideas are worthwhile. Your insecurities are surmountable. And thinking about your trauma actually increases the chance that you'll get over it! Crazy, I know. Gamewise, these guys are more or less stuck in your bog-standard Heros Journeys questwise, and fall into a druid playstyle focusing on improving your relationship with your aspect and controlling its wild power. I wasn't kidding about the highest elemental power part- these guys can do things with the pure raw form of their aspect that make Lords look like amataurs in comparision. They just need to realize that they can wield it first.
Heart is the best aspect. Sort of. While I have no bias, I must admit that I have more experience in this element than most, and I may make it seem a little too easy to master. That is not true. Heart deals with the Soul, and with Identity, along with Self-Expression and the Ego. It deals in explosive Emotions, electric Passion, (not just romance do you know how much I hate that stupid stereotype it's about love for what you do and courage and the willpower to be yourself and-) well um. Love I suppose. Not bonds or relationships but care and empathy, the ability to look at another's Soul and relax. Took me a while to learn that. The relaxing I mean. Anyways, people who are Heartbound do tend to be firecrackers, or "unique souls." Expect to deal with the struggles of being misunderstood, or having to understand others. Heart also deals with selfishness after all. Don't you love paradoxes? Gives TC a headache, but I always thought that humans are inheirently paradoxical. Maybe all sapients are!
Tangents out of the way, (And boy was that a tangent,) If you put it together you get a Heir of Heart. Combining Repression with the aspect of Identity probably means there are some Things you need to realize about yourself- or maybe you just need to stop repressing your emotions for once. Be Yourself is going to be a theme for sure, so get a headstart on that self-actualization by letting go of Embarassment. Easy, I know! On the power side of things, Heart always seems to be a bit variable compared to other Aspects- but I can see the raw power of Emotion being manifested catastrophically by a good Heir. Allowing Heart to be controlled is no small feat, and Heirs specialize in massive aoe and swaying people to their side. Combined with Hearts powers of persuasion, and this is looking to be a good combo indeed- as long as you know when to stop. Heirs that subsume to their Aspect get consumed, so hold on to your will and stand your ground. I'm sure you'll do fine. I believe in you!
Maybe don't be so graceless with your Grandeur next time...don't need to record for an hour for every ask! Save it for the Sburb Info posts...
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kalims · 2 years ago
˖ ִֶָ here we have the stereotype love interests for every love story.
characters. ace, azul, leona, malleus, idia
content. gender neutral reader, kinda cafe au for idia
cw. mention of.. embryo eggs 😁 it's just malleus being vague about it and us mistaking LOL
note. mc does not like cats at first for the sake of plot :)
thank you for 5K <3 mwa
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ace trappola | the resident 'bad boy' troublemaker that everybody dislikes (oh well. those are the ones usually misunderstood anyways)
though severely lacking in the physical quantities of your resident bad boy, (leather jacket, too much gel used for a horrendous slicked back hairstyle, cold demeanor, and the same motorcycle that seems to be present in every variant) you can say that although he fits in the category pretty well the title didn't really suit him.
every professor on campus despises ace trappola and his 'unfunny' pranks (of which they claim so.) you had bear witness to one of them so when he ran out of a classroom and locked eyes with you. you knew you should have ran away in turn because he shoved you in the way of a furious crewel and has the audacity to laugh as he escaped.
(crewel, AKA the scariest professor on campus so you definitely peed your pants a little when you heard the grunt he emitted when you collided into his probably hundred dollar fur coat—and wow, who knew he hid such a broad frame?)
but still. you sulked in misery at the silent room. even though you had told him several times that you, were indeed not an accomplice to that insane red head's crimes crewel did not let you off without a punishment. "had you not been in my way I would have captured that little puppy," he had said.
I didn't know. you cried comical tears at your horrible timing. wrong place in the wrong time. being a new student is hard around this place.
only then was the sky freed from your vengeful glare when a body falls into the room just after the door opens—then closes.
a new object of your hate. you suppose, far more deserving than the sky.
"this freaking sucks," ace trappola had to audacity to complain when you were the one he dragged to his stupid scheme. the moment he saw you heartedly glaring him down from your seat is when he released another groan. great, the person who he sacrificed for the better cause.
yeah that's right this is your fault, you watch him through accusing eyes as he stands up and starts circling the room. carelessly touching the several expensive looking items around the room with no regards; which honestly gave you a heart attack but either you give up the intimidating act or assert your dominance?
easy choice.
finally you scowl, albeit a bit softer than the previous face you adorned. "what in the hell are you doing?" ace looks back at you with a casual grin—the kind of grin that would lead into nowhere good but you and your stupid self engrossed in too much stories (in your opinion but you'd probably pick up another book later on,) paused to register the fleeting sense of attraction.
my teenager hormones always at the wrong time. you deadpan.
ace leans over the counter and gives the window a little push. smiling when the window creaks open with age and the wind brushes over his face. (ooo rhyme.)
you watch him. too entranced for your liking.
"are you coming or not?"
you sputter. "uh, excuse me?"
this time ace looks like he's having fun. (did you miss that kind of face everytime he was in trouble just cause of the adrenaline?) "have you ever left detention without permission?"
the second you took his hand and let him guide you down the third floor was definitely the time you knew you were in trouble.
azul ashengrotto | that one sophisticated, cunning character that's in the 'out of your league' circle (except this one immediately falls over for you)
' to mx.lastname '
' professor crewel has assigned me to foresee your school activities for the period whereas you still are behind his classes. though we haven't met officially I know you. my name is azul ashengrotto. (yes, the scholar. which is why the professor had me tutor the lowest in class) I hope we can come to an understanding during our time together. in the library we will meet after school hours. '
signed.. azul ashengrotto in some fancy font you'd spend forever perfecting.
well you had no idea people in your time that still uses letters as a form or communication still exists. you do see a simple text far more convenient that this thing but whatever he wants you suppose..
should you be happy, sad, or offended by this?
happy because azul ashengrotto is the best, out of the best. and there's no doubt that there's gonna be results when he's the one that's going to be tutoring you. sad because you literally need a tutor—actually it's just happy and offended.
offended because he called you the lowest of the lowest, using it to boost his little ego? you've seen the guy, never met him but that's a little.. strange. you won't jump to conclusions because that's what idiots do.
unfortunately you are an idiot so.
although azul is definitely popular kid material for some odd reason everyone seems to avoid him like the plague when he's around these two.. what's their names again? leech siblings? it isn't any better when he's alone though. you conclude it's just the natural air around him that makes it so hard to approach.
despite the offense you had taken what he said was merely the truth. you were at the bottom of the class right now. (you're just annoyed he never considered the possibility of getting better) plus can't he cut you some slack? it's not like moving to a different school in an entirely different place magically made you knowledgeable about the history of this place.
monday flies by faster than you anticipated and you find yourself standing across the infamous top 1.
azul casts you an easy smile. "how about we get to know each other first? despite us working together.." he pauses. "—quite closely. I'd like to get to know you first." suspiciously, you sit down without much argument. and it's scary because it's like he left no room for it.
he sure has a way with words. you muse. no wonder why he's the best you eventually thought.
you spent a hefty amount of time just conversing with each other. hell, everyone was freaking wrong! there's nothing bad about this dude he's just the normal, rich looking smartie. (attractive, you'd add but you figured he didn't take compliments well when he went silent after you had gave him a positive comment.) <- one that was honestly more like flirting if you'd look back but you refuse to let the embarrassment consume you.
(come on honestly! who even says; "I like your mole, it makes you look very pretty." as a compliment and not assume it was you attempting to rizz up the smartie?)
no one had ever complimented that part of him.
honestly it felt like less tutoring and more like a date because if there's anything you learned it's that azul was pretty.
.. uhm.. pretty smart.. yeah..
there was zero history you learned about NRC but rather the history of azul. his family restaurant and explaining his two friends when you had brought them up. the whole time you were both just all smiley, a little shy but time eased the tension out and you both had conversations you'd never thought you'd have with a stranger.
that day when you said your pleasant goodbyes and turned turned leave azul had offered to atleast walk you home. to which you replied in an easy joke; "sorry I don't let people I meet once take me home."
his eyes glinted. "oh? I had assumed we were well acquainted by now." azul ashengrotto gives you an award winning smile. "my apologies then. have a save trip home."
for once you almost regretted not saying yes from his words alone.
I take it back maybe there is something bad with him? you think back at your old assumption awkwardly.
you end up finding another letter stuck on your door. somehow it feels like the contents inside were vastly different from the first.
' dear mx.lastname '
' I enjoyed our time together yesterday. I apologize for taking up all the time without studying but it's like I could not stop talking with you. ' is he flirting with you right now?
' though our official study sessions will start tomorrow. if you ever find the spare time I'd like continue our conversation elsewhere. '
' of course wherever you think is fit will do nicely with me :) '
sincerely, azul ashengrotto.
... definitely different
leona kingscholar | the brooder that just looks done with everything 99% of the time but will end up having a soft spot for the main lead
coughs maybe leona is the bad boy in this case?
everyone knows leona 'I hate everyone' kingscholar. be it from the missing seat in their class or the clump of brown and yellow passed out in the botanical garden. in your case it was the latter. (you being too engrossed gawking at your phone you literally tripped on something and ungracefully landed on the floor)
you just went through the seven stages of pain cause pardon your language but holy fucking shit you feel like you just broke your jaw.
question is who the hell would carelessly leave something on the floor for an unfortunate soul to trip over? (which is you.) the pain stinging your jaw as an awful reminder of your oblivious nature to your surroundings was already depressing but there lays your phone in the literal lake swimming around pretending it's a fish.
"I hope you got some good explanation as to why you ruined my sleep." a deep voice says, nearly making you shit your pants. you turn and stare fearfully at the dead, annoyed face the newcomer gives you. though the rest of his arms are hidden by the shirt you can tell he wouldn't have much problem pushing you in the lake so you can join your phone.
"listen i—" you wince at the jolt of pain accompanied by your words. you learn quickly that perhaps this isn't the time to speak at all. though the man who is way too mad over an accident doesn't seem to care.
he raises his brow and huffs. "what? do I need to take a tooth for you to talk?" yeah asshole like causing me more pain is gonna make the words come out of my mouth.
you slump. as much as you'd like to defend yourself right now, you honestly have more problems to think about. like how your phone just drowned or how you're gonna have to make a trip to the infirmary.
you do the most rational thing you can do.
you make a series of incoherent sounds, point at your phone in the lake and run a marathon once this fool actually looks over to the end of your finger. sucker. you think smugly.
(should leona exert the energy to catch you right now?) I'll get that one next time. he grunts and lays down, facing towards the sun. leona recalls the name on their ID. (name) lastname)
3-A. he closes his eyes.
in your assigned classroom you sit. your friend grimaces. "what the hell happened to you?" he gestures to the obvious bandage under your chin ending over your head. if the ice pack you held your jaw doesn't give him the confirmation that it's broken then you don't know what does.
you sigh. missing the times where you could reply to this idiot.
the class atmosphere is just like any other you've encountered. surprisingly bright and chatty. all forms of sounds immediately halted once the door creaked open and crewel strutted in. he doesn't cast all of you a glance but you can see the approval when you all fall silent.
"hunt. name all the herbology we studied yesterday." you and your friend both exchange looks of relief. I'm so glad I didn't get picked.
not that you can recite it anyways. your friend snickers. thought they didn't speak you both reached a point in your friendship where you could understand through eye contact. you're so lucky.
be for real I'm literally in so much pain. you roll your eyes
as hunt enthusiastically does so you could hear a faint noise from the door. though in favor of continuing your 'conversation' with your friend you both ignore it.
only then when your friend pauses and gawks behind you do you stop.
"kingscholar. I'm suprised you decided to grace us with your presence." who the hell is kingscholar? a clear thump resounds behind you.
wow almost like if someone sat behind you but that's impossible because the guy behind you is always running his mouth and annoying you in every way possible.
AKA the seat was occupied and dude was already sitting there before you arrived. and if he was really your seatmate for what? months? you'd know that he does not get up at all.
"what the h—" speaking of there he is. why does he sound scared though? you wonder.
you turned and if you could make a sound, (to be more specific a scream of horror right now you would. loud and full of terror) holy fucking shit is that the guy you literally used the oldest trick in the book and ditched?
you aren't even given the opportunity to mask your expression.
malleus draconia | typically mysterious stranger that everyone goes insane over
the one you'll meet 'by chance'. actually the first few times you did meet was a complete coincidence but the following was just malleus knowing where you are and when. hence... he just is there..
in conclusion this dorm was really shitty. you sulk, placing a hand to support your body so you could lean but the quality of it had other plans.
you stare blankly at the piece that just broke off in your hand.
but you suppose you ought to be grateful. you sigh, throwing the piece aside. it's not everyday you get given a home for free. problem is the food though, I don't wanna starve.
let's see. very dusty bed or very dusty couch to retire in? you hum in contemplation. even the grass sounds better. you'd sleep outside if you could but the variety of insects just...
it's has it's charm though. though you'd prefer it with less dust. atleast it's not haunted!
something creaks near you.
you would have screamed very, very loudly if the emerald eyes figure didn't place a finger to his mouth and you consider this.. random person to be very intimidating and it actually scared you to obedience and silence.
he raises a brow at your shell-shocked look. "w-who the fuck are you?!" you croak out.
at your words he seemed quite surprised like HE WASNT THE ONE ON YOUR TECHNICAL FRONT DOOR. "oh? it seems like you don't know me," he chuckles, as though pleased. no shit sherlock you don't know me either you grumble.
he smirks. "I'll leave that up to you to find out then," this bitch.
ever since that you always seem to encounter than random guy everywhere. what surprised you more is the fact that he actually goes to the school you go to, which you admit was a stupid thought cause he was on school grounds when you met him and this school doesn't let random people in.
even with the godly amount of times you both meet he.just.wont.tell.you.his.name. annoying the hell out of you because you can't keep calling him tsunotaro when his green haired dog came close to biting your leg off when you did.
even though you don't ask him to he always seems to be trailing after you wherever you go but you can't really tell since, he scarily does not make a single sound when he's following you. (which is strange because it's always silent when he's there, even in the crowded halls.) it's like someone just flipped a switch!
"isn't this a party? even the music stopped," you frowned.
tsunotaro casts a look at your confused face and shrugs with a smirk. "hm. I wonder why indeed,
he always seems to appear at the most convenient of times. he's honestly saved you many times from a pile of medical bills for accidents which is a relief and an anomaly in itself because that's just.. eerily mysterious.
if a person was involved it's like your luck is always there because you never see them again.
somehow you befriended some short dude who calls himself lilia and likes bats. you assume he knows your friend because he's always dancing thin circles around you practically flaunting his knowledge of your friends true name.
said lilia is the one that assures you that 'nothing came to harm to that person. I heard they're merely on vacation' which is strange cause you never mentioned them being hurt at all.
for a single day you left your usual spot with them in favor of sitting with your friends during lunch and the thunder storm that week was so bad that you had to just pray that the old wooden boards would be able to withstand the water and shelter you.
you watch a piece of your roof fly off into the unkown. "the weather forecast literally said it was gonna be sunny all day," you deadpan.
once his dog had almost came close to saying his name which was a pain because HE SHOT HIM ONE LOOK AND THE BOY IMMEDIATELY SHUT UP. you were literally shaking said dog trying to get his name out of curiosity and anticipation so when you look at tsunotaro with a glare of playful annoyance he actually droops and looks lost
that by the way. is only a fraction of weird stuff that happened after you 'met' malleus. met as in met once then meeting each other so often that you had just allowed him to follow you around and befriend you.
cause. can you blame yourself? he's very adorable in his own right even if your friends insist that he's literally terrifying. <- you deny it to defend tsunotaro cause he's the purest being on the planet! you say as your friends shiver at the figure behind you wearing an ominous smile.
they run away as you trail off. "hey you—! ugh.. what a bunch of assholes," you fume. who even runs off in the middle of a conversation? you wonder in your mind. did they dislike your friend so much that they'd run away? but you don't get it! you've been telling them how good your friend is and how wrong they are.
you scratch your head.
a voice clears their throat behind you as you blink then perk up.
when you turn tsunotaro is there in all his glory. dorned in the most simple school clothing yet looking so elegant, don't forget his pitch perfect posture. wow.. it's almost like he's a regal royal haha.. but that can't be right haha..
he looks.. upset.
you frown. "what's with the face?"
he tilts his head. "what face? I've always had my face since I was an egg,"
what. you blank. one thing about your friend was that he had weird.. vocabulary, you've heard it plenty of times but it doesn't make new ones less surprising to hear. as in embryo eggs? you grimace. again, weird.
you choose to ignore his response.
"you look sad," you clarify.
ah. very observant. he thinks. tsunotaro hums in contemplation. "you seemed upset with me earlier, naturally I got upset since you were. I just.. don't want our.. friendship—" his face shifts a little at the mention of friendship. "—to change after you know who I truly am,"
aw. your eyes soften. "tsunotaro.. I won't judge you it's alright, to be honest I don't really know anyone here and even if I did know you I would always find you and befriend you," you say firmly as his green eyes seems to be sparkling as he takes in your words.
it's settled then.
a calm period of silence crosses over the two of you. perhaps it's the relief knowing that he had finally expressed his reasoning. it's not that often you both talk in an emotional degree like this seeing as tsunotaro doesn't seem to have anything he kept from you.
even if he did you reckon he'd tell you pretty quickly.
"malleus.. draconia,"
"excuse me?" you blink.
he looks at your eyes deeply. searching them inch to inch making sure he takes in every feature of your face. he looks at you so seriously that it honestly makes your heart skip a little beat. "it is.. my name, you can call me what you'd like—" as though a curtain is being drawn right before your eyes. "—please do not let this change anything," he makes sure to add.
but there is no frightened yell over his name or the fearful eyes latched on his figure during everything he does.
but the welcoming warmth that the cold is too unlucky to not have.
there is only the eyes that is so blissfully ignorant. because beauty is in the eye of the beholder and you look at him like he's.. someone and no one at the same time.
malleus is not sure if he's happy that you are so unknownst to the perspective of others. they have a point, everything he's tied to demands intimidation. so even if you don't understand the significance of his name you take in every one of his imperfections and accept him wholly.
malleus would cut out not even a piece of his heart but just hand it to you on a silver platter cause that's you already have. though not his eyes, arms, or legs it's him. his heart is his whole and you have it.
your eyes crinkle. "how about mal?"
idia shroud | introvert cat lover, stranger danger aka hitoshi shinso 2.0 but more shy
that guy by the cat cafe is pretty weird.
besides the blue bundle on his head—that you refuse to call hair because hair has strands and by the blue, wavy flames framing his head there's obviously none on his head right now.
maybe that's what had gotten you stealing glances from across another table despite the research paper draft on your laptop that hasn't been changed for the past five minutes. you like to tell yourself that the only reason you're staring is because he's.. peculiar.
yeah nothing else!
since last month, where you started claiming a particular spot in the cat cafe. (not a normal one because you have something similar on your bucket list that includes getting buried by cats) you've never not seen flame boy over there in the cafe.
judging by his usual spot in the far corner where he thinks no one sees him this guy does not have a life but fuck that cause so do you.
life update: that bucket list goal is not gonna get achieved anytime soon cause you can't help but grimace away from the cats. you don't blame yourself cause since you got chased by a cat and proceeded to get beat up by it you steered clear from them.
and you can't literally dislike cats forever cause they're like.. a very common animal to see in the world and your delusional mind thinks that this silly little opinion will get you killed.
spoiler alert! it did not get you killed but it did get you working in the cafe temporarily since you literally forgot your wallet, therefore you can't pay for what you just ate. (which they would've let you off cause you're practically a regular now but somehow you narrowly avoiding a kitten made you bump into a vase) so.. yeah.. temporarily.. for a week atleast cause the vase was pretty costly and you're lucky theh let you off without a fee.
but labor instead sighs.
your temporary manager points to a table.
okay so maybe this will prove a little useful. you just want to get to know this dude for.. blackmail purposes.. nothing else.
"hi um—strawberry shortcake for idia?" you place the order in the counter carefully. raising your voice a pitch to let it reach the farthest table. you already knew that the flame boy is gonna come get it since it's hid order but you still hide your suprise when he does.
neither does he. in his very pretty, yellow eyes flashes recognition but it vanishes as he lowers his eyes. as though, nervous. "that's for me," he says quietly. bowing his head and muttering a quick thank you. before you know it he's already gone back to his abode full of kittens leaving you a little flabbergasted at his voice.
so idia was his name. what a pretty name.
the next day idia orders the same thing and with explicit permission you ask the temporary manager if they'd let you deliver it to his table personally (you lowkey felt bad for using their menory to convince them but you're on a mission here!)
"hi," you greet with a small smile. the boy avoids your eyes and instead focuses on the cup of coffee jelly beside his plate of shortcake. "uh—here's your order. I hope you don't mind, idia right?" he nods mutely as you slide the two dishes to him. little force so it won't slide off completely.
"I didn't order that—" he glances at your chest quickly, scanning your borrowed uniform for a sign of a name tag. you smile. "(name),"
"—(name)," he repeats slowly. internally panicking in his mine cause one. he knows you! somehow you're now working in the cafe and two, was this a game master ploy to assassinate him?
you glance at the coffee jelly. "it's complementary," complementary your ass you bought that with your own cash but he doesn't need to know that.
at some point you rushed through the paper to apply for the cafe part-time job just because you had enjoyed the time you served under idia. cause it gave you all the well I've to communicate with him since both of you are way. too awkward to do it normally.
it was a grueling two weeks of you waiting to get accepted and for once you felt accomplished when you received an email. wanna know the first thing you did? go straight to idia's table a few minutes after he arrives and slide him a coffee jelly.
a contrast to his wary expression his face visibly relaxes—and even brightens at your face. (beautiful, beautiful face.) "I'm back," you huff proudly, hugging your own clipboard to your chest and pointing at your personal name tag. "welcome back loser," idia snickers.
during the time you were giving him orders before you had managed to sneak a couple of words for conversation and boy did you learn a lot. to be honest those conversations was the reason you squeezed enough time in your schedule for this job. at some point you're convinced idia enjoyed it as much as you did because he even shyly asked if you played any games and had twstcord.
suprise suprise. idia was a freaking nerd and had.. weird humorous words. (in a joking, good way,) ever since you both exchanged info it was basically never sleeping in favor of talking 25/8. you like to say you were both exceptionally close and reached a peak in your relationship.
did you mention that idia had taught you the way of the cat?
"what if they tear my eyes off?" you worry as idia forcefully gets you to lay on the grass with a small grunt. he deadpans at your words. "chill out. I'm a level 99 cat whisperer I got this," as you said. weird humor and words. still. it's reassuring enough.
then he just stands up to scoop up the cats he can find and pours them on you. giving you a heart attack everytime one leaves and he just yanks them back. you realize—"this.. this is heaven, I'm in heaven," you breathe out.
idia looks at you then pauses. oddly looking like the same the first time you've seen him. he grows quiet. ".. y-yeah,"
"BTW where's the complimentary jelly?"
"there's none today. I'm freaking broke,"
"WDYM.. that has nothing to do with it cause it's complementary,"
(idia thinks the person in the cat cafe is weird.
in a good way he supposes.) but who is he to judge when said person just.. turned into someone he'd consider a player two?
note. umm just pretend that we get a broken jaw like that because it's for the sake of the plot LOL
send help it's like almost 1 in the morning and I just wrote for the whole period of midnight
not proofread
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sofoulandfairaday · 3 years ago
I'm so sorry but sometimes I feel like the Harry Potter fandom tries too hard to make certain characters look too cool. Case in point: the Slytherins. As a Slytherin myself I'm biased to say it's the coolest house, yes, BUT
Draco Malfoy was a simpering little coward, he was NOT a cool, cigarette-smoking Little Lord with a muggle shirt on (that's all Tom Felton)
Theodore Nott is described as "weedy", "stringy," and "rabbity" and yet somehow he always looks like a god in fanfictions. He wasn't even that close with Draco, there's no indication they were friends.
Regulus Black was NOT a poor misunderstood little soul, he was the less attractive brother, less charismatic, he was a blood-supremacist, and he was a Voldemort fanboy all throughout Hogwarts (he had a room full of newspaper clippings of him and all the DE attacks!). And yes, he did redeem himself, but much like Snape he probably wasn't that good of a person.
Pansy Parkinson is described as ugly, and stupid, and she's also quite nasty and a stereotypical mean girl.
This is not to say that these characters shouldn't be explored in the fandom, but I would love to see more realistic depictions of their flaws and shortcomings because they feel more like real people in the very limited lines they have in the books than in all of the fan meta/etc. written about them.
I would love to explore them more but I hate when they are just name-holders for people's Mary Sues and OCs.
Give me resentful, mean, small, bitter Theodore Nott who's highly individualistic and resentful of Draco Malfoy because he's not that much better of a wizard and only gets on in Slytherin house because of his surname. Give me neo-Death Eater Theo Nott in book 7 who rejoices like the others at the Malfoys' humiliation.
Jegulus has somehow become a trend??? All right, even as a crack!ship it has so much potential for drama. Give me a good reason why James Potter is attracted to Sirius' hateful, resentful little shit of a brother and the drama that comes from that because Sirius would never forgive him if he ever found out. And give me a bitter and angry Regulus that only gets close to James to get back at his brother/to get info on Voldemort's behalf/for whatever reason and then James grows on him? He can't decide if he likes him or hates him.
And by the way, let's quit it with the abusive relatives in Slytherin. I'm pretty sure Walburga was but not because she cursed her children. Emotional manipulation while being perfectly convinced you're in the right is a trap into which even good parents fall, in the real world. Draco Malfoy's parents were anything but abusive, I don't even think they were cold towards their son. Yes, they were racist jerks, but they truly loved their child, Lucius too.
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comicaurora · 3 years ago
Does operating with such a large buffer ever cause any issues for you? I imagine the relief of deadline-related stress and the ability to streamline several pages at once makes up for it, but do you ever find yourself regretting that you can't go back and tweak soon-to-be published pages to alleviate reader confusion? Is it weird to be working so far in the future from what the fanbase is currently experiencing?
Honestly I think that's an unconditional advantage. I really, really hate being misinterpreted or misunderstood - like, pathologically - and while I like seeing diverse interpretations of the story and characters and interesting headcanons I didn't consider, I don't like it when it gets turned into "wow, Red clearly meant to say this" or "Red is obviously intending to say this but actually fucking up and saying this other thing" etc etc. I am, by nature, a very angry person who has a very hard time saying "no" when picking battles, so the temptation to march in with a sternly-worded clarification and quash that confusion becomes very, very difficult to resist.
The Falst intro arc, for instance, was exceptionally tortuous because of the purposeful misdirect woven into the actual plot. Having to watch weeks of discourse about how terrible - or, more charitably, stupid - I was for making this fictional character play into fantasy-racist stereotypes before the reveal that Falst was actually just being framed was pretty hard for me to sit through. If I were also scripting those next pages at the same time, I don't think I'd have been able to resist having one of the main characters turn directly to the camera and state outright "gosh, we were led to believe that you were a villain acting according to harmful stereotypes of your people, when in actuality you were a person with your own thoughts, desires and struggles all along, deserving of our compassion and respect! It's a good thing Kendal was open-minded enough to have a charitable interpretation of your motivations rather than immediately believing that you were the heartless monster we were told you were! Guess it just goes to show you can't judge a book by its cover and also racism is Bad And Wrong :]"
Right now I have several more chapters storyboarded, and the script is unlikely to change much between now and when I finalize them. There's complaints and concerns I've seen brought up that I think those pages will incidentally address, but ultimately I have to tell the story I want to tell, not the story I'm defensively compelled to constantly apologize for. Having a buffer helps protect my story from my knee-jerk hatred of people Just Not Getting It So Let Me Explain It More Simply. If it doesn't work for someone, bummer, but I'll still have told it how I wanted to.
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smokie-rosie · 3 years ago
Stranger Things Unpopular Opinion. Slight season 4 spoilers.
To be clear, I am not putting down the actors, just the way their characters are written. No hate to the cast.
I dislike a lot of the characters Stranger Things
Jonathan? He creepily took stalked Nancy in season 1 and we just forgave him??
Mike? He has always been kind of annoying to me. Whiny, self centred, it’s been hinted that he does not actually love El but just saw her as a Super Hero.
Lucas could have added so much more but his ego and his selfishness was just so not it for me. He has been kind to Max but he constantly fight with the others in his friend group and ditches them the first chance he gets for his ego.
Erica is just so unhelpful, obnoxious and all around mean to everyone. She shows up only a couple of times, has she most to say but almost none of it is helpful. She bullies people and gladly gets the hang into trouble even though she knows they were key to stopping bad things from happening.
Max could have been more than she is, she just seems like such a stereotype. I understand having moody, misunderstood, sarcastic characters and I am all for them but Max just seems particularly untasteful.
Nancy has Steve stuck in this “will they, won’t they” stupid ass love triangle. Yeah, that’s about it. I’m just sick of her pulling Steve into her love met and then ditching him for creepy, stalker boy.
El, not my favourite Main Character, honestly I don’t have an issue with El but it’s not great when alot of the fandom prefer other characters like Dustin. We were supposed to root for her. Believe in her but I just end up skipping her scenes.
Now onto the characters I adore, Steve was not a great person in season 1 but his character has had the most amount of development. It’s a shame everyone else’s characters stayed in perpetual stagnation. Dustin, just all around the best character. Robin is amazing. Eddie is now my favourite and if he dies I will destroy Netflix. Will Byers just feels like he is the series punching bag and my boy does not deserve this, abducted and hunted in season 1, throwing up slugs in season 2, and now in season 4 everyone forgot his birthday.
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lucent-knight · 4 years ago
Ok, so this is my post on hogwart house stereotypes. Now let me make this clear that I am a Slytherin and I have seen the change in the fandom regarding my house but there are still some people who don’t get that. Not only that but other houses also get hate in their own ways so I would like to address that issue.
The first thing is that the author of the books a lot of us love and consider our safe place has already caused a lot of trouble and I don’t want you interacting with my content if you support JKR. The fandom should be a safe place for people not a place where they get more negativity and hate.
First and foremost I want to talk about my own house Slytherin:
Being a Slytherin doesn’t mean someone is evil or is a horrible person, it means that they are resourceful, ambitious, cunning and the type of people who calculate their moves and try to be a few steps ahead.
Slytherins were portrayed as the evil house in the books and movies but we have a lot of people such as andromeda black who left her family for love and a happy life, Regulus black who at the age of 18 figured out the horcruxes and destroyed one of them, we have slughorn who was a loving teacher and made the slug club and invited promising students in it regardless of their house and so many more other wizards and witches we never came to know about.
Our house is not defined by people like Voldemort who tried to push blood purists, Severus Snape who bullied children and discriminated between his students, and all the other horrible death eaters.
Also Slytherins are ambitious and that is a trait that can go in a really good or a really bad way.
Please for merlins sake don’t say things like “you are too nice to be a Slytherin”, “why are you so happy to be in Slytherin” , “Slytherin is the worst house” and don’t assume that someone is not nice just because they are in Slytherin.
We also love our house and are proud of it.
Just like that Gryffindors are also facing unnecessary hate just because they are hyped in the books and it is not their fault that the main character is in Gryffindor.
Being a Gryffindor does not mean that someone is unnecessarily rude and loud.
It does not mean that they are vain idiots who jump in any stupid thing just because they are the brave sort.
I know Gryffindors who are loud and cheerful, who jump in situations because they have a hero complex and that is something that goes against my previous statement but they are not rude or stupid because of that, it is a part of their personality.
Please don’t tell a Gryffindor that they are overhyped, that they are not really a Gryffindor and are lying to be considered cool, that they are stupid and idiotic just because they are a Gryffindor.
The Ravenclaw house are overlooked a lot and are misunderstood as hell and if some of my observations are wrong please do tell me I don’t have a lot of ravenclaw friends and neither am I a ravenclaw but my observations are that,
Being a ravenclaw does not mean that someone is a nerd or is the annoying fact correcting person.
It does not mean that they are the uncool people who would sit in a corner and just go on and on about the homework or schoolwork.
Being a ravenclaw means that you have a in-depth passion for learning new things and being a creative person who would try and find a solution for a problem.
The funny thing is that the ravenclaws I know are the people who would forget about their school work but would sit and research about their favourite topics for 4 to 5 hours straight because they want to know more about it.
We have amazing ravenclaws like Luna who does not care about what others think of her and lived in a unique way, Cho who was an amazing quiddich player and stood by her friend when no one did, Padma Patil who loved her sister even though she was in a different house and was a creative person and so many more people we don’t know much about.
Please don’t tell a ravenclaw that they are nerds who don’t matter, that they are the stereotypical studious kids, that they are the boring house.
The worst type of hate is given to the absolutely lovely Hufflepuffs and I am willing to finish you off for that,
Hufflepuff is not the house where all the unnecessary kids go, it is the house where the loyal and kind at heart people go.
Actually Helga hufflepuff said that she would take the people who don’t fit other house traits and honestly that is what makes them much more stronger than others because just imagine the level of diversity in that house.
They are not the all the stereotypical soft, fluffy people. I know a lot of hufflepuffs who look intimidating but are absolutely lovely people.
We have a lot of amazing people like Cedric diggory who gave up his life and told Harry to run when he could have avoided the situation, Nyphadora tonks who was an absolute punk rock icon, who could have used her abilities too be the most physically attractive person but choose to make people laugh by changing her appearance and fought until the end to bring a change and we have so many more amazing people in that house.
Please don’t tell hufflepuffs that they are the weak house, that they are unnecessary, that they don’t fit in if they are not too flowery and that they are unable to defend themselves.
At the end of it all I want to remind you that we are all a part of the fandom and the houses don’t divide us but only teach us how to be loyal to a certain group and tell us about our strong traits. Don’t stereotype people and spread negativity based on a small thing like houses. Try and make the fandom a positive space for the love and just spread love.
If you have your personal views on this post then do share it because I mostly have strong opinions on Slytherin and the other houses are mostly based on my conversations with the few friends I have from those houses.
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wingedeclipsed · 4 years ago
I just reread One Of Us Is Lying and am once again struck by emotions, so here is a rushed pile of compliments.
(spoilers under the cut, in case anyone is later to the party than I am)
Reading Book 1 the first time I genuinely couldn’t tell who did it. Maybe I’m just stupid but she makes everyone look suspicious. the TALENT
Speaking of talent: this is the first high-teen book I’ve read where the author really seems to get how high schoolers think. Sure, there’s romance, but it doesn’t take up most of the plot, and they all have lots of other things to worry about. It’s refreshing to read about teenagers who are in real trouble besides the romantic sort,  looking at you Meg Cabot, this 15 y/o girl is looking VERY VERY HARD at you MEG CABOT,
Despite the fact that I’m pretty much his exact opposite in terms of personality, I, too, can relate to Nate Macauley because Bronwyn Rojas would be the love of my life if she were real
and, you know, willing to notice me.
This came out of nowhere but I really appreciated how not all of the characters had a “tragic backstory” involving bad parents. Bronwyn’s family is so supportive, and so is Addy’s sister.
Speaking of the queen herself: Addy’s arc?? How does one begin to describe Addy’s arc??? Addy’s arc is perfect. I heard its dramatic haircut moments are insured for 10000 dollars. I cried for her. Her POVs were so emotional but so full of growth and ultimately hope
In book 2 it’s mentioned that Addy is the “queen of second chances” and Phoebe or someone needs that reminder now and I just. Going from the girl who needs inspiration to the girl who inspires others is a PERFECT ending for Addy it was handled so well hhhh-
Have I mentioned that I would die for Addy Prentiss yet?
Not gonna lie I was kinda hoping Jake would suffer a tragic accident as a footnote in the epilogue. But nothing happened, he’s still there and Addy gets to move on from him completely of her own will without any external force to move them apart. *slow clap*
Moving on to Nate and Bronwyn because I have a massive crush on both of them they’re both such interesting characters. I find Bronwyn the most relatable character of all of them, it’s easy to understand why she does things, and the way she protects her sister was so sweet. This was handled really well in Book 2 also. They genuinely care for each other instead of falling victim to the “ugh I’m so unique and misunderstood I hate my sibling” trope. 
While we’re on the subject of tropes, Nate and Bronwyn’s entire relationship was just *chef’s kiss*
I love that they’ve known each other for a long time before they decide to get together, too- these childhood flashbacks are precious. And they actually seem to enjoy one another’s company. It’s the typical “good girl falls for bad boy” cliche, except the bad boy is falling approximately eight thousand times harder and not that “dark” when you get right down to it. 
Also appreciate that Bronwyn gets to be the coolest most “badass” character in the book and save the day without getting into any physical fights at all. Her strength is in her intellect.
I love that he conforms to exactly zero (0) gay stereotypes
I know some people tend to over-praise straight authors for including the bare minimum of lgbtq+ representation but Cooper had a complete arc that was given as much attention as the others’ and it gives me life my dudes
I have never played baseball, ever, in my life, but I somehow managed to get emotionally invested in Cooper’s games and the beginning of Book 2 just CAME TO GET ME
“Preteen girls don’t care that he might have committed murder because he has dreamy eyes” I strongly suspect that this is a callout for one specific person
Also someone says “ooh burn” unironically in the second book, and popular culture and Internet language is referenced constantly without ever being awkward. None of that “hey there, fellow young people” vibe at all. The author doesn’t try too hard.
The closer I came to finishing this book the first time around, the more worried I got because I thought everyone was going to get their picture perfect happy ending without addressing any of their trauma but nope, none of that tropey stuff comes within a hundred feet of that epilogue. Sure, the ending is happy, but it’s also realistic, it fits them and lets them be imperfect. And it continues into Book 2: the murder club still has their issues, they’re still growing up and growing and learning. They’re allowed to be three-dimensional and interesting and flawed right to the end and I love that for them. 
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In Defense of 9S
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Okay, I love nines and don’t think he deserves all the hate. So here’s my defense.
Reasons for being hated: Whiny, emo, Sasuke/Shinji clone, annoying, not manly/chad enough for 2B, wimp, hard to play as, went crazy in route c, murdered “innocent” robots, hates A2 for no reason
Whiny: Yeah, so what? Isn’t he a teenager or early 20 something along with 2B? I believe he is and most teenagers and people around 18-22 would be pretty whiny.
Emo: a fashion style popularized in the 2000s among teenagers; they are stereotyped as self harming and listen to edgy rock music
I believe humanity would’ve been extinct before emo became fashionable in the NieR universe unfortunately, so he’s not really emo.
Sasuke/Shinji clone: No way in hell. They are both completely different characters than Nines. Maybe they have some similarities but they’re very different from him.
Not manly/chad enough for 2B: Yeah, and what’s wrong with boys who are big softies? And by that I also mean boys who aren’t muscular. I don’t believe 9S is muscular and his outfit is dorky but there are girls who like dorky/soft boys like him. 
Wimp: I wouldn’t say so. He’s a skilled hacker and while he is capable of fighting, he prefers hacking. That doesn’t make him a wimp though. Yes, he did get captured by Adam at one point, but that was only once.
Hard to play as: Honestly, I didn’t like playing him at first, but I got the hang of it. To me he isn’t that hard to play as.
Went crazy in route C: And why? Because he learned the truth. He found out humans were extinct and never went to the moon. That YorHa lied to him and all their other soldiers to give them hope. That, and he saw 2B getting killed by A2 and he misunderstood everything. In fact, he knew that 2B was really 2E, an execution type android whose mission was to kill him all over again. So in the end, he went through too much hell and couldn’t stay sane anymore.
Murdered “innocent” robots: He was ordered to by YorHa. If you think he’s stupid for killing “innocent” robots, then by that logic 2B isn’t any better. They were just following orders. Yes, most of his actions were unjustified in route c, but in his defense he never murdered Pascal or his villagers. Even he believed it was wrong. He directed his anger at the other machines because they’re the ones who gave out the virus after 2B and 9S defeated Eve.
Hates A2 for no reason: Yeah. It’s not like he’s mad at her for killing 2B. He’s obviously hating her for no reason (sarcasm). A2 did kill 2B but it was because the virus was controlling her and coming to her core. 9S thought she killed her for no reason and hated her for that reason. 9S got annoyed that the girl he loved/ had a crush on was killed and he couldn’t tell her the truth about YorHa because he never had that chance.
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