#there was literally a mom scared her son was going to die and then a suicidal woman.
clowndensation · 2 months
i don't know if i have the constitution for that firefighters show. i've cried twice in the first 3 minutes.
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sukunas-wife · 9 months
you could do something where sukuna and yuji team up to protect their mom/wife when a person is bothering or harassing her, they love her so much that they won't let someone hurt her 🥹💗
Leave Mama Kuna alone 😔
Old Day, because no one was brave enough to confront Sukuna for murder.
Warnings? Murder, in red text a man attempted to force himself on reader, Gore, Blood
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It didn't take much to upset Sukuna, he was always looking for a reason to snap at someone and end a life. Sadly his son Yuji was a cock block for murder, and it irked him that he basically had to shake and rile his son up to get angry and then he’d just flat line and “but why don’t we-“ They didn’t agree to often on why a man should die- but in this case they were all agreeing. “Get him daddy!” Yuji yelled, pointing his chubby finger at a man maybe in his early Twenties who had been talking to you while you were trying to pick out Snacks for Yuji. He had wandered off after passing a candy stand and usually you’d send a maid or help to get the necessities but today you wanted to take Yuji out to walk and play and hopefully learn some self preservation, Sukuna, well he was feared and he just wanted to come along to make sure no idiot would try to disrespect you. “Listen, I’m just trying to get some things for my son. Leave while you still can and maybe my husband will let you live.” You smiled nodding at the man who scoffed “Your husband? What is he? a Mercenary? What’s he gonna do to kill me? That’s probably a lie you probably don’t even have a so-” you sighed turning away when Sukuna lifted the man by the neck with one hand twisting him around to face him, “No, I’m your God,” his stare darkened “but I’m not so merciful.” There stood Yuji by his dads leg, “Yeah! You deserve no mercy! That’s my mom you were disrespecting!… Idiot!” You tried not to laugh at Yuji’s extra words and went back to paying the scared vendor for the snacks you had picked out. By the time you looked back the guy was laid out on the floor bloody and probably just barely clinging to life, head being pressed into the dirt being grinded on by Sukuna’s large foot. Yuji was swinging away on his ribs and stomach, for a 7 year old his hits were surprisingly solid.
As the day progressed you had managed to convince Sukuna to have lunch despite the fact he didn’t eat human food. But he watched as Yuji sat beside him slurping away at noodles and his rice topped with diced meat, “Boy’s more human than curse.” Was all Sukuna said when Yuji looked up at him, noodles hanging out his mouth before he slurped them up smiling. “Daddy I gotta Pee.” Sukuna sighed standing up out of the booth, “then go.” “…go with me?” Yuji looked up at his dead with pleading eyes before Sukuna groaned and motioned for him to go, “Fine.” Sukuna was waiting outside the bathroom when he heard a trio, two men and one woman. “That's her isn’t it? She’s the Deity at the Shrine house isn’t she?” One man asked the girl. She just shrugged, “Yeah but I don’t see what’s so special about her? So she had some big curses kid, her body’s probably trashed or something.” “Shut up Kaguya, you're probably just jealous, any man would give anything to lay that woman in their bed. If I had a chance I’d get her pregnant too, look at her, I’d do anything to pull her robes off.” The second guy spoke up, “That’s sick man, she has a husband and kid, Yeah she’s pretty but she’s literally a deity, have some respect.” Kaguya interrupted “She’s probably a slut and maid who just had sex with him and got lucky she got pregnant, she’d probably spread her legs for anyone if they offered a comfortable lif-“ Sukuna’s hands were bloody, in a matter of seconds he had ripped th hearts out of the first man and the girls chest. It hadn't been processed as they managed to look up his blood covered hands. The smirk on his face was sinister and became worse when the second man looked up at him in fear, struggling to scream. He shoved the man’s friend's heart into his mouth like a gag, leaning down with a threatening voice “You’d do best to keep your mouth shut.”
Yuji and you had wandered off from Sukuna when he became surrounded by people bearing gifts to honour him. He was annoyed and even more when he turned to realise both you and Yuji had left his side. You were taking Yuji with you to the shrine house the people had built for you. The eunuchs at the entrance greeted you, stopping to ask if Yuji would be entering with you, which caused him to hold onto the side of your robes and sleeve, you put your hand on his shoulder comforting him, “Yes, this is my son after all.” Entering the shrine, you made your way all the way to the back where you would sit and wait before the doors would open to the public. Yuji was walking around the room looking around until he stopped. You had a wall where all the drawings he’d ever given you while leaving the palace had been framed because “I don wan you to forget me” A young girl came into the room shocked that Yuji was there until you cleared your throat, “oh! Forgive me Lady Y/n, I didn’t know you would be here today.” You waved a hand of dismissal. “I didn’t expect to be here either, but I thought Yuji,” you looked at him, he was staring at the girl in the door, slowly walking to you, his eyes never left her face. He looked serious, a face his dad often wore when something was wrong and he was watching it play out or when he was lost in thought. He turned away from you leaning against your lap standing between you and the girl. “Who the hell is she?” He sounded like a younger version of his dad with his demanding tone and dead stare, his curse word caught you off guard. You tried to form words stopping when you couldn’t, “she’s a servant who works here Yu, what’s wrong?” You leaned trying to get a look at his face, but he wouldn’t turn to look at you, he had his target. The girl became uncomfortable under his stare, “well, him Lady y/n there was an expecting mother who came by begging for a miracle.. the details shouldn’t be explained in front of such a young boy or boy at all really but-“ you held up your hand silencing her. “Bring her into the main room. I'll be out in a minute. I just need to make sure Yuji will be okay here for a few minutes.” She bowed, closing the door, Yuji turned to look at you and he seemed visibly at ease, “Yu.. what’s wrong?” He looked at the door, “She’s funny.. in a bad way..” you didn’t know how to answer. “Alright, I’ll remember that then.” You stood up, setting him on your chair and kneeling in front of him, “Will you be okay here? Alone for a short bit?” He shook his head no while kicking his feet, “Don’t leave me.”
That’s how you ended up with Yuji following quietly behind you when you made your way through the hallways to the main room. He got distracted stopping for a moment to look at a picture, the end of the hallway split two ways. There was a painting of Sukuna holding newborn Yuji, he looked so serious in the painting, when you told Sukuna you wanted it for your shrine he refused to smile saying it wouldn’t look good in the public eye or something along those words. Yuji was pulled out of his day dream when he heard you scream, he ran trying to find you. He froze seeing a man cornering you in the hallway, you were fighting him off the best you could but you couldn’t only do so much against a half curse half man that was attempting to measure up to Sukuna. He was far off from even touching the hem of Ryomen’s robes, but he was an entitled arrogant bastard. When the servant girl came, Yuji saw how she smiled at the scene. Yuji ran in blind, jumping and climbing the man’s back, wrapping his arms around his neck and biting into his shoulder. The man screamed and tried to pull Yuji free. He couldn’t do it alone so the servant girl tried, you fought harder when you saw how she was shaking him around. You broke free from the man's grip pulling Yuji free from her before rushing screaming for Sukuna, all the eunuchs wouldn’t be able to help you. The man grabbed your robes and Yuji fell from your arms, he watched his man lift you by the front of your robes and your hands, nails were digging into his wrist.
Why don’t you use your technique mom!? DO SOMETHING! dads not he- “Domain Expansion” the room went black, there was the sound of a drip and everything was dark, it felt hard to breathe, “Cleave.” Your eyes widened before you shoved the man off of you. You heard the squelch and thud of a body, and the crashing and cracking of the walls to your shrine being torn apart. Turning to look you saw Yuji, his hand sign was opposite his fathers, but he looked livid. His face was covered in markings mirroring his fathers more human form. You wanted to say something, but you turned to the gaping wall. The Cursed man was laying in the dusty street, he was sliced deeply but not fatally. The servant didn’t stand a chance. She was sliced finely for betrayal. Watching a crowd gather you pulled Yuji with you to see if the cursed man was alive. He was laying there, unfocused, he saw you and yelled “ILL FUCKING KILL YOU AND YOUR DAMN CHILD I AM THE ONE DESTINED FOR GREAT I WILL BE THE KING OF CURSES YOU BOTH WILL DIE AT MY HANDS,” before forcing himself up, chest, arms, and waist crossed with deep gashes.
He tried to lift his hands only to realise they weren’t there, his arms were gone. Yuji was mad that a man would try to take advantage of his mother, but as long as his father wasn’t there he would be there, but for now, a low chuckled rumbled behind the man, “You’ll need your hands to even think about laying them on my wife and son.” Sukuna wrapped his arm around the man from behind, large hand squeezing his neck, a low grumble, “You aren’t strong, you’re a fool and your brain is a pile of shit. You deserve only the worst death, but I’m having a little fun here so I’ll make this slow and painful.” Uraume approached Sukuna holding out his staff. Sukuna stabbed it into the ground piercing the man on the pointed edges, letting him sink down until it pierced through his chest. There the cursed man screamed and no matter how much he squirmed and begged for mercy Sukuna would push him down further. The man begged for mercy, for him to stop, “Did you listen to my wife when she asked you to stop?” He took the man’s jaw in his hand forcing him to look up at him, the pressure slowly fracturing his jaw as he shook his head no trying to profusely apologise. Sukunas nails dug into his face before he let go, “Did you have mercy on my wife when you grabbed her like this?” His large hand crushed the man's throat, nails digging into his skin, blood flowing, “WHEN MY WIFE TRIED TO PUSH YOU AWAY DID YOU WALK AWAY? NO YOU TRIED TO TOUCH HER LIKE THIS.” Sukuna placed his hand on the man’s chest, “dishonourable actions will be paid for with blood.” The crowd was watching when Sukuna drove his hand into the man’s chest squeezing his heart in his chest, the man screamed and gurgled as he spat up blood. Sukuna ripped out his heart throwing it on the ground and ripping off his head crushing his skull in his head, “Let this be a warning to every human in the vicinity, in this city in the existence of this time, that any man or woman who would act to lift a hand against my child or wife, your blood will be spilled to atone your sins.”
The crowd quickly cleared out and Sukuna turned to you, Yuji still had the markings on his face, his eyes were red. Sukuna nodded, holding an arm out to you. Pushing Yuji ahead of you, you started to tear up, hugging your husband’s side. Yuji was hugging your side. “Ryo-“ he shushed you using a hand to press your face against his chest. Burying your face against his hot skin your body wanted to tremble while you cried into the comforting of your husband but his presence was reassuring as surprising as it might sound. He rubbed his warm hand up and down your back “I’m here now.” He rested his chin on top of your head, he looked down at Yuji pulling him into his other side ruffling his hair. “You did good kid.” Yuji still looked serious before he leaned into his dads side with a slight smile. He went over to hug you, you took hold of him and he didn’t let go until you stopped sniffling. He smiled up at you, puffy eyes and red cheeks, Sukuna snickered, pinching your cheek making a joke, Yuji’s bright smile didn’t falter, “I still think you’re pretty.” Your sudden laugh made your husband and son laugh. Kneeling down you pinched both of Yuji’s cheeks lightly as he laughed, before cupping his face in both hands bringing him close to kiss both of cheeks and forehead calling him “My Little Protector.” He smiled with pride before you got up smiling at Sukuna, he sides eyed you before sighing leaning to the side giving you his face, “and my big hero.” Cupping his face you brought him into a kiss and he smirked against your lips when Yuji let out a loud “eeeewwww”
“Cmon Yu,” you held your hand out to him and he took it happily walking while holding your hand, “I’ll be stronger next time!”
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ellie-r2 · 1 month
Book Curtis Brothers hcs
because I won't leave you guys hanging just because it got second place
-He'll do anything for his brothers even if he hates the thing. (first scene in the book when Pony says he could've just called Darry to watch the movie even though Darry hates them)
-He tries really hard to be gentle when physically comforting people but he's always too rough without meaning to be.
-Genuinely believed Ponyboy hated him for a good while and it would actually keep him up at night at times which added to his stress levels.
-Always makes sure the house is stocked up with first aid supplies for the boys.
-He asks Soda to talk to Pony for him to make sure Pony knows he loves him because he thinks if he were to do it he'd just say the wrong thing and it would go bad.
-The five days Pony was gone were the worst of Darry's life even more so than the death of his parents because to him at least then he got the news the same day but for Ponyboy he had nothing letting him know if he truly was okay.
-Says he would've been okay if Ponyboy never spoke to him again after the slap because he would've deserved it but in reality he wouldn't know how to live with it.
-Hated when people would confuse him for being his dad's brother instead of son because he hated that people thought he looked older when he's only 20. (which doesn't get better now that he's taking care of his brothers)
-Technically this is canon but adding it anyway he is insecure about the fact he didn't get to go to college because he did want a chance to leave tulsa and pursue a career in football.
-Stays by Pony's door until he falls asleep whenever he wakes up screaming from a nightmare to ease his nerves.
-Only irons Soda's shirts because he knows even if Soda has time he won't do it himself.
-When Ponyboy was in denial of Johnny's death he and Soda made sure no one ever mentioned anything about Johnny around Pony.
-He asked Tim to have Curly tell Ponyboy stories about reformatory to scare him from being sent there.
-Used to consider wanting to reconcile with Paul so he'd still have other friends outside the gang. After the rumble happened he stopped thinking about it.
-Apart from his brothers the person he's closest to in the gang is Two-Bit since they're closest in age and he's the only one he truly trusts to leave alone with Pony.
-Used to hate being the only blond one of his brothers until his parents died because he liked having his mom's hair color.
-Ever since basically moving into Pony's room because of the nightmares he now uses his old room as a storage space or offers it to the gang if they want to sleep on a bed instead of the couch.
-Will defend his brothers to the ends of the earth over literally anyone no matter who it is (I mean according to Pony the only time he was ever mad at Steve was when he said something about Darry).
-Took everything in him not to tell Darry that he suspected that Dally knew where Pony and Johnny were and almost slipped by wanting to ask him to proofread the letter.
-Slept in his room the days Pony was gone because it didn't feel right to him to sleep in there without Pony but he still didn't sleep well anyway.
-Plays football with Darry even if he's not the best at it just so Darry can still play his favorite sport.
-Contrary to popular belief while he is named the the crier of the brothers it is actually Ponyboy but he lets himself be called that because he knows Pony doesn't like being seen as "weak".
-Even though Sandy cheated on him and everything he couldn't find it in himself to hate her not even a little bit.
-Despite what Pony may think about comparing Soda and Steve to Bob and Randy, Soda would actually be the one to fight even harder and be angry if Steve were the one to die while Steve would be the one to not fight.
-Will gives massages to Darry when Darry works long nights at work because while his brother won't admit it, he doesn't take care of himself as much as he should.
-Misses the days when Darry was just his brother and not guardian because while he gets let off more than Pony the change in relationship between himself and Darry is still noticeable to him.
-Will cling to anything or anyone that is near him when sleeping.
-Is quite literally the little brother of the gang even though he thinks it's Johnny. (Everyone including Steve will drop everything for him).
-(pre book but after their parents died) Desperately craved attention/affection from Darry but didn't know how to ask for it.
-He has drawn every member of the gang + Curly but hasn't shown them any of the drawings. His favorite to draw was Dally.
-For the purly/papercut fans (me). Pony is the only one who can keep Curly from getting into too much trouble. (Like we know from Tim that Curly has talked about Pony and even calls him a good kid.)
-After Johnny and Dally's deaths he hangs up his drawings of them in his room. He also keeps Dally's jacket in his room even if he never wears it.
-Tried to finish reading Gone with the Wind after Johnny died but couldn't.
-Has nightmares of him being the one who was stuck under the beam instead of Johnny and being the one who died and wakes up terrified because he truly thinks it would have been better if it was him.
-Makes Darry go into the room with him at doctor's appointments and looks at Darry whenever they ask him a question. He'll also clutch Darry or Soda's arm because he hates being there.
-Quit smoking or is in the process of trying to quit post book because of guilt of potentially starting the fire and because it's not good for him being on the track team and all.
For all 3:
-Darry and Soda go to ALL of Pony's track events.
-Post book they all try to have one day of the week where they all do something together for the other. For Darry, Pony and Soda play football with him. For Pony, they go watch a movie together. For Soda, Darry lets him take them out racing but sits in the back with Pony to keep him safe if anything.
-When they were younger Darry would give shit to anyone who would say anything about his younger brothers having weird names. While Pony and Soda would give Darry shit saying he's the one with a weird name. "seriously DARREL"
-They all sleep in Darry's room together the night before if they know the social worker is coming in fear of separated.
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nthspecialll · 4 months
When it comes to Abigail Marston leaving John in 1907, a lot of people throw mean comments at her, say that she was unfair for doing so and a lot of other things, however I think that people fail to consider the time that this game is set. This is not our modern day woman, this is 1907, and it might sound like I am stating the obvious but by the hatred that she gets it I think it needs to be said again.
Do you know the rights that women had then? Or the lack of. Women were bound to their husbands, they weren't allowed to own close to anything and were only allowed to vote in about 4 different states, some women that is. Women were seen as a servant to her husband.
It was also hard for women to earn money, the average woman over 16 working in a factory (as the majority was) earned 5-6 or 6-7 dollars a week, a week! Eggs on average costed 29 cents by the doz, a pound of round steak cost 15 cents and half a gallon of milk costed 15 cents as well.
What about rent? New Austin, which Blackwater and the surrounding area is in, is based of Texas which in 1904 had a rent per room pr month of 28 dollars.
So why would Abigail ever go through all of that? Because of John, because of Jack. Abigail stuck around John for eight years, practically begging him to fix himself, to become better because she knew that she was pretty much dependant on him, because she needs his support to be able to live and she wants to give her boy a chance at a better life but she can't with John constantly picking fights and literally putting her and her son's lives at risk.
A lot of people make it seem like she just suddenly took that chocie, but she didn't, it was a choice that most likely took her years not just due to the financial burden but also the social burden that comes with being a single mom in a time where pre-material sex was seen as a death sin. She could very well be killed merely for being seen with Jack and without a husband.
And not just that, but it was probably also a hard choice because despite of everything she loves John, she really does, yes she screams at him for going out with Saide but who wouldn't. "She won't allow him freedom," no she is scared he is going to die, for us it is easy to say "he isn't going to" because he is a main character and we can just redo if we die taking on twenty skinner brothers or whatnot, but it isn't like that for her. I want you to imagine that your partner/friend/parent told you they were going to fight a gang of who knows how many, you are going to be scared no matter how skilled that friend is because you don't want to lose them. John himself admits it is dangerous work by saying "we always find a way to almost get killed, dont we?" Which Sadie agees to.
Abigail took the choice to leave, putting herself in a terrible situation, not for herself, but for her son. She gave up her one true love so that her son could have a chance at life, have a chance to be better than her and John. It was not easy and it is not something we should shame her for, if anything we should praise her for putting her son before herself.
I love John, I really do, but I think it shows just how shitty of a father he really was, and that Abigail leaving was exactly the push he needed to get himself together, it was the wake-up call he needed. He knew how shitty women had it, he would have to realize how terrible he must have been for her to prefer that over him.
Now am I saying Abigail did everything right? No, she did not. Although I understand her fustrations with him doing bounties she has to realize she is not in a place to be picky about jobs. She did ask John to take on a huge debt for the farm and John is right in one thing "it is legal work that I can handle," and while the farm is taking some time to get up and running it is the best form of income that they have access to.
Now to talk about her annoyance with John going after Micah, it is understandable as it could trigger a decline to their former life of crime or just lead to straight up death. It is unnecessary, revenge is unnecessary, meaning that John is risking their entire life for "nothing." He argues back with "I am doing it for Arthur" but again, yes Micah killed Arthur but killing Micah wont change that, killinh Micah will not bring Arthur back nor put him in a better situation, it is revenge, it is not nessesary, it doesn’t do any good.
If John had died she would not only have lost her husband but also the farm, as women could not own property. I am not that knowledgable on debt laws in 1907, but I would imagine that in some way or another the massive debt John got would end up with her or Jack either way, putting her in a terrible situation.
@heavenlymorals made a similar post back in may 11th where they also explore and explain Mary Linton and Abigail in 1899, it is really amazing and also puts some other light on it.
Rent, page 369: https://fraser.stlouisfed.org/title/annual-report-commissioner-labor-6306/eighteenth-annual-report-commissioner-labor-608452?start_page=370
Food, page 233: https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=umn.31951000014585x&seq=233
Wages, page 15: https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=nnc1.cu56779232&seq=15
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icarusredwings · 24 days
I rewatched Deadpool 2 and took notes.
Disclaimer: He's mentally ill and does mentally ill things (GASP, who would have thought?). Also, violence. A lot of violence. It's really long. Like.. really really long.
The very first words he says is "fuck wolverine"
Then blows his own head off with a shit ton of gasoline. Wonder if he had insurance on that appartment.
He started taking worldwide cases
He also admits to knowing "8th grade spanish"
"Passion of the christ. Then me." Says the man whos marvel jesus now.
I wonder how much wade owes cab guy.
Cab guy killed bandu Lmao
"What is it?"
"My IUD"
"A bomb??" Tell me why he was lowkey excited for it to be a bomb?
I love how serious he gets talking about how scared he is to be a dad.
This empire joke traveled from the first movie too.
"Pretty sure it doesn't work that way but we can try" yes.
When making toaster strudles its almost as if he could sense them coming despite it being so silent. This kind of makes me think that Logans not the only one who just jumps up sometimes.
This man really just said "Fuck it" jumped out of a 2 story window, BOLTED after this guy as fast as he could, got hit by a car, rammed another car, and whole ass hugged this guy before jumping in front of a truck with him. I don't want to see anyone try to tell me he's one sandwitch drop away from jumping off a cliff.
Cinatography by Blind Al.
Directed by one of those guys that killed john wicks dog.
God I love Ryan Reynolds because you know it was him.
Wade stop peeing your pants in public.
Weasel "We still have bowie..." Yeah id lie to him too at this point.
"Yeah im fine"
Fucked up
Needy and
Emotional. Kübler ross apprently.
"Buck no more speaking lines for you" and he meant that shit.
Al is so humble and sweet. Making tea and giggling. Tries to shoot him and then just hears him collapse on the floor. How many times do you think he collapses on the floor a week? Just to be drimatic?
"Sweetheart can you speak up? Its a little hard to hear you with yhat pity dick in your mouth" Oh so shes his mom. Al is his fucking mom. Hands down. And the best one.
I love how he decided to do an entire bag of cocaine before dying. There was no reason for it and honestly was a waste of cocaine until you realize that these cocaine is wades whiskey. Shots dont work for him really, probably because hes already done it so much, but its the same way how Logan chugs that bottle before wade kidnaps him. Its easier to blame it on a substance then accept those were your actions.
Ness is so cute. The poster behind her has "I love you wade wilson" scratched into it. Its nice to know that his version of heaven is literally just a cozy Saturday morning with his wife.
Colossus just walking in to find wades body parts everywhere and put him in a bag like old dirty clothes lol
"Why cant I fucking die" tone was SO serious.
The fact that theres an x men rule book and its lowkey thicker then a bible. I bet you scott and Logan made 80% of those.
"That asshole was me" oh the tears. Baby boyy.
Wait isnt cable literally scotts son.
Im never going to understand this fucking time line jesus christ
Mutant rehabilitation?? What is he a drug addict? That kid is clearly in pain dipshits.
"X men trainee" is so funny
"Please stop cheating on me"
Daniel the pedophile looking ass
Bro casually signs ryan reynolds on the wolverine cereal box and then destroys his knee caps.
"Those guys hurt you??" It was at that moment, wade went ape shit.
Wade having fun in prison is so him. But come on imagine going to prison just for standing up to an abused child. Not to mention, His face when he immediately realizes how fucked he is and that "oh shit I actually DO have cancer now and it SUCKS"
Is it just me or does Cable reminds you of forge with all his cool fix it abilities. Or is he just futurey.
He didn't say were not friends to make him upset but to draw attention to himself. Him just eye rolling when stabbed in the hand was so funny too because he was like "Ouch. God damn it. Ducking OUCH."
Hes literally pleading with russel to find someone else to peotect him or hes gonna get molested because he cant do anything. His entire power is replacing dead cells WITH new cancer cells. His entire body is dying 24/7 but never fast enough to actually kill him, always regrowing way too quickly. Cancerous is better then dead.
"Get away from me kid" yeah cause he knows hes trouble and he REALLY doesn't wanna watch this kid die.
"Who the hell tries to kill a 14 year old boy"
"Kids give us a chance to be better then we used to be"
Dopinder is so wholesome. I love him so much. No i dont care that he killed a guy. Hes the type of friend you call to take to the movies or the zoo once every year and hes stoked just to be invited.
Peter: I just thought it looked fun :D
Dopinder: FUCK
Peter is that one dad whos kids left the nest and now he needs friends and a hobby so searches for the biggest weirdos he can find.
"Grab the boy- NOT INAPPROPRIATELY >:("
i love his crayon maps/plans
Oh my god weasel im not telling you anything ever again you snitch (same dude, cable is terrifying)
After crying over the love he has for his new team (x force) Wade confirms that he spent 10 years in special forces.
I love how supportive wade is with Peter despite him just being a normal dude only for him to immediately die LMAO
He just cassually lets his impulse win in which he steals a moped.
Oh i just noticed Dominos vitiligo. I always loved vitiligo charaters. Theyre so unique and barley ever given movie roles. Like why not?? Why wouldnt you want someone so beautiful? Im pretty sure she just has make up but it would be cool if not.
Something else is that cable just starts yeeting criminals out onto the street lol
"Theres nothing I cant kill" Let me intorduce you to the man whos on a constant road to dying but can never actually get there.
Im assuming cable wants to kill russel because he unleashes a big bad guy or something.
*cassually snaps neck back into place* Oh god that hurt!
Oh I was right! It was Juggernaut :)
Wade: *gets excited about being PHYSICALLY ripped in half*
"Rub my legs mama 🥺 I got growing pains"
"Oh noo! No no no Dp not again!" We love you Dopinder. Do not ever stop caring. "This shits happened before!?" Yes weasel. Sometimes your friends get ripped in half. Get used to it.
Wade just moves her gun to the right position.
Wade talking about saving russel is so serious that it makes you forget that he has a tiny baby ass rn. I couldn't make a deal with someone woth tiny baby legs... just... no. Not to mention that those baby legs are made of cancer.
"50 years from now you're super fucking dead"
Wade standing outside of the xmen mansion with his phone and a picture of a boom box playing music for Colossus to come outside and help him save russel is something i can see happening to Logan. They have a fight and he storms off to the mansion only for wade to stand outside like that.
"Hi Wade🎀✨️" "Hi Yukio!🥹 you guys make a super cute couple 😊 where was I? 🤨"
"So you wear a helmet so your brother cant read your mind?" "Yeaaahh" average kid conversations.
"Lets fuck some shit up is my legal middle name"
Okay sir edgelord.
Apprently wade has a gluten sensitivity
What is it with wade and metal men??? My man has a type.
"Im just gonna use this brick and maximum effort" Same wade. Same.
Yaayy!! Go yukio! Eveyone loves yukio.
"Thats how we do it in mother russia" What? Shoving an electrical cable up their ass and then put them in a pool? Damn. Ok.
That "I never should have never left you in that prison" with the hug? Man hed be a decent dad I think.
"Dont be ive been trying to make this happen for awhile" okay someone supervise him 24/7. Hes on the active watch list.
Wade: *is dying* Hi Yukio :D
Yukio: Hi wade :)
"R-dog" Oh my god hes too cute.
Them carrying the racist joke all the way til the end made me cringe but that was the point.
His last words being "do you wanna build a snow man?" Is such a deadpool thing.
I was NOT expecting to cry at the end of this stupid ass movie, AGAIN
"Dont fuck colossus" VANESSA KNEW
"Is there a knife in my dick?" "There's a knife in your dick."
Oh I just didn't even notice she has heterochromancia! <3 Aahh!!
"Dont scratch!" *shoots himself 8 times* "Love you! Bye."
Wolverine: ???
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cynthiav06 · 4 months
Question. do you think Percy should have stayed Single? Or ended up with somebody other than Annabeth? I Really think he should have stayed Single. Because I personally don't Like Percabeth, I don't Ship Percabeth and I don't Like Annabeth at all because of the way the Shippers act, or The way the characters themselves in Canon Act, like how Percy just does whatever Annabeth says, or how Percy is scared of Annabeth, Or how fans make it seem like Percy would become an Emo Edge Lord if something happened to Annabeth, Or How much she Belittles and Degrades him (I hate the nickname Seaweed brain), Especially since she acts like Percy cant do anything without her That moment when She and Reyna were talking about how ("Percy Couldn't find his way out of a Paper Bag without you")Made me SO mad it made me Dislike Annabeth even more and Dislike the Percabeth Ship as a Whole, I even hated when she Pretty much Restricted percy of using his powers You Know? "The sea doesn't like to be Restrained" well here it is.. being restrained...Exactly what it hates, and I hate how the Fandom makes Percabeth a Godly Ship saying they are the "It Couple" which they aren't and how They treat anyone who doesn't like Percabeth or Ships Percy with someone else other then Annabeth, but the one thing I HATE the most is how they make EVERYTHING percy Does Romantic for Annabeth like she's the only person who matters to him (Percy Only Remembering Annabeth (a Girl he's Known for only a couple years) Instead of The woman Who RAISED him by a goddess who isn't even the goddess of Love Made me SO MAD and Even when Annabeth made Percy remember when he was in the River Styx when it should have been his Mom made me mad) which is why I mostly believe that Percy Should have just stayed Single (I'm all for an Aromantic Percy) or At least Give him a Love interest who he can be Comfortable around and doesn't have to Constantly walk on Eggshells around her (I wished he Dated Rachel) or Hell Even make him Gay i've saw characters who have Better chemistry with Percy then Annabeth IMO but this all just my opinion.
You honestly don't know how long I could rant on this exact subject.
It's partly Annabeth's fault, and it's partly Rick's fault.
Anyone and everyone who has read the Pjo and HoO series should have noticed how illogical Percy's personality change was.
Percy Jackson, the hero of Olympus and the strongest demigod to ever live, sassy as can be, laid back but scary beyond measure if you cross him and an absolute menace to his enemies and loyal to death.
That's who he is, and Rick remembered that initially, and even till Son of Neptune then he just forgot how Percy someone he himself wrote to be this way is.
It's like Percy has no identity of his own, and he is only significant if he is with Annabeth. Like hello, he's the main character people, is the Fandom seriously going to degrade the main character, especially when the said mc is Percy Jackson???
Percy, despite his own issues, is and will always be foremost in helping people. He would be the first person to help keep the seven together. He would be the first to try and make a bond. He wouldn't have some stupid and illogical and totally ooc beef with Jason. Instead, he would help Jason be more sure of himself to stand up to Jupiter and for himself.
He would help Leo personally to bring back Calypso and they would both shit talk Olympians and how fickle their oaths are.
He would literally do anything to save Nico. Like hello, are you telling me that the boy who at 14 took it upon himself to bear the Great Prophecy, which he thought who end up killing him just to save Nico from that fate????? He would go absolutely madly feral to save Nico from the Giants.
If Piper and Reyna had their screws all properly fit they would see that Annabeth and literally everyone else would be all left to die if it wasn't for Percy. Percy gets himself out of everything by his own efforts and his own strategies. (Annabeth's rarely work). It's time the Fandom acknowledges that the best strategist in the verse is Percy, no questions asked and finally give him due credit for all HIS efforts.
Percy would never ever leave Sally unless it was for a quest, especially not when she was pregnant and absolutely not to go to college, something he hates especially when it concerns New Rome.
Here's a thing about Percabeth shippers they care about Annabeth's plans and her dreams, not Percy's. It is literally so out of character for Percy to want to live in New Rome a place that invests in a child army, a place that despises his father and wouldn't even build him a decent temple, a place so extremely cut off from the sea.
If Percy wanted to live in peace and grow old, he would do it in a place of his choosing close to his mother, Paul and Estelle, and close to the sea. But here's the thing about Percy.
I don't think people get this, but Percy can't just up and leave, nor would he want to. His damned fatal flaw is LOYALTY. He would never ever leave demigods or anyone helpless by leaving Camp Half Blood. Sure he would take less quests on but he would ALWAYS stick around and Rick did him so dirty by making all his thoughts revolve around Annabeth and insinuating he would let others suffer just fine to be with Annabeth.
Percy gave up immortality because he took Sally's teaching to heart as she did so too when she denied Poseidon's offer. He did it for himself for demigods it didn't have shit to do with Annabeth, but of course, he would look at her because she represents his life as a demigod.
Rick making Percy see Annabeth near the Styx and making him remember Annabeth instead of Sally is just him bullshitting. We all know Percy is a mama's boy, and he would do right by Sally always, so him giving a girl who he has known for barely long enough has no basis to it.
And Percabeth stans literally can't take a mention of a single alternate Percy pairing that alone is the biggest red flag. Because they know their ship is toxic and that Annabeth is the root of it.
For the PEOPLE IN THE BACK aka toxic stans:
Annabeth's fatal flaw is HUBRIS, and she is by nature controlling and condescending, and her character had the chance to GROW and CHANGE, and it would have been the most epic character growth sequel but she did not and she is CONTROLLING, DISMISSIVE , DEMEANING.
The newest Read Riordan entry literally has Annabeth saying that she needs to catch up to Percy cause he scores a better grade than her in school (even there Percy is smarter folks there you have it) and she literally says if she doesn't catch up Percy might start calling her SEAWEED BRAIN. So it is a demeaning nickname she gives Percy and continues calling him that even after knowing how Gabe similarly verbally abused Percy.
This is the fandom's IT couple? Wow. Percy literally is going against his own nature of being free and unrestrained like the sea because of Annabeth's controlling nature.
The worst of her behavior is when she blames Percy for his disappearance when she dismissed him when he was talking about his trauma induced by Gabe, her beyond toxic treatment of Rachel, especially when she unreasonably asked Percy to supress the use of the very power that got them out alive (she is scared naturally but she cannot force her own fear on Percy when he did nothing wrong).
So yeah, Percy Jackson with anyone but Annabeth. I am all for aromantic Percy, but personally, I find Perachel to be more appealing.
Trust me, I could rant about this for hours, especially how Rick butchered Percy's personality and made it full of Annabeth, especially how he threw Percy's insecurities and trauma and PTSD out of the gutter post tartarus.
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
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So you know how french people's insult are always outta pocket (from a person who's first language is french I can tell you that no other language compares in insult -apart for African languages)
Like,, some "bad" insult here would be : bitch, fuck off, whore,..
Which we can all agree is boring...
We be getting creative with it
"mange tes mort" wich translates to "eat your dead (relatives)"
"vas te fair enculer" means "go get yourself pegged in the ass"
(yes, we have a specific word for being fucked in the ass 💀)
English could never compare ✨
how would the characters react if reader was from france/ belgium/ canada(or any other french speaking country) and started cursing people out like they eould do in their home countrie !?!?
The eay their face would drop
We would make a couple of people cry
Trying to un-teach them would be hell *cries*
Your thoughts?
Love yaaaa~
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Nobody has any idea how much I HATE ENGLISH both for its rules/pronounciation BS/etc. But also, most importantly, THERES LIKE NO GOOD CUSS WORDS- OR LIKE CUSS PHRASES??
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like idk we got "eat shit and die / fuck off / go fuck yourself" ???? Like- thats pathetic 😟.
I love hearing someone just cuss smbody out their native language/non-english, it’s so badass and cool to see
Anyway u already know i love non-native english speakers from the bottom of my heart✨️
and i researched french cusswords/phrases,,,
“bête comme ses pieds!” IM ROLLING ON THE FLOOR-
(trans: you’re as stupid AS YOUR FEEEEEETT)
idk what’s funnier, you translating urself in real time and saying all these phrases to ppl,
OR just scaring the ever-loving shit out of every teyvat citizen within a mile radius bc oh wow- you look pissed, so yeah somebody’s about to lose all their self-esteem for the rest of their life bc ur insults are known to be extra cutting bc ur so blunt-
OH CREATOR ABOVE (…oh creator, present??)- you changed to your holy language FOR THIS???
everybody just giving the npc the most bombastic side-eye for pushing you to do this,
or even just you stubbing ur toe/ate food when it was too hot
or my favorite, getting onto ppl like Wanderer when they do smth silly lmao
STOP I HAD A FOUL THOUGHT OF GETTING ONTO Ei AND WANDERER (like ei for not keeping him/at least giving him to someone else to raise, then all the shit he did as Scaramouche lol)
“Putain de salope…” (whore of whore, I LIED IT MEANS FUCKING BITCH LMAO😭)
STOPPP wanderer using it against other ppl ever since u used it lol
oh no stop dont bring the kids into thisss 😭😭
Klee would deffo be the first one to pick up ur words and use them, omg she just uses them as catchphrases like when throwing her bombs 💀
Venti would definitely make sure the winds “pass along phrases of the sacred All-God language!”
i hope u guys are having a great summer! its basically too hot to go outside where I am, not unless ur going straight into the water or smth
which hey, ill be doing that this weekend, floating down the river about an hour away from my house with friends! :]
which,,, if anyone sees this, U GOTTA HELP ME THINK OF A 1000 FOLLOWERS MILESTONE THING TO DO IDK WHAT TO DO BUT I WANNA CELEBRATE IT BC I NEVER THOUGHT THATD HAPPEN!! lmk what u think in the comments if u read this!
Safe Travels 0rah,
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist / @thedevioussmirk / @the-dumber-scaramouche / @chocogi
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
[Send in more of your thoughts :3]
Well, for the most part, unless they want to cause cardiac arrests, not much could be done.
Depending on the SWK, of course. Maybe blackmail in exchange for something. Or just causing as many gray hairs as possible.
Erleng Shen finding out that by Celestial Law, SWK is his cousin could be worth a laugh, depending on the twos relationship, or lack there of.
But I am partial to them finding a way to use the parentage info to help get Cherry some more immortalities in him, to help with the egg situation.
[The Reincarnation of a *certain* Primordial Demon who has just died? And may need to be raised in tandem with it's Qi Energy counterpart in order to grow into a (mostly) balanced monkey? >:3]
Oh, that would be brilliant. If Xiao Qi remembers his previous life, would the Reborn!Luzhen also remember it or just completely fresh baby?
And if the former, then could Xiao Qi tell who Luzhen was? Cus...that could be interesting, like, that could cause some sibling fights, you know?
Point is, things could get chaotic for the Reborn monkeys. I like it.
hehehe Celestial law issues. referencing.
Depending on whether or not the Songzi-Stone Matriarch-Guanyin reincarnation cycle even applies to the other universes, I could def see a few monkeys sneaking into the Underworld just to make sure.
[Depending on the SWK, of course. Maybe blackmail in exchange for something. Or just causing as many gray hairs as possible.]
Definitively more of the latter. I feel almost any Wukong has a "I don't get no f--king sleep 'cause of y'all! Ya'll not gonna get no sleep 'cause of me"-relationship with Heaven/Celestial Realm. Dawn/Peach and Ace are more likely to blackmail this connection because of how long they've been around + having already completed their Journey. The others either keep quiet about their connection, or (most likely Cherry) no one would believe them anyway.
[But I am partial to them finding a way to use the parentage info to help get Cherry some more immortalities in him, to help with the egg situation.]
Cherry rolls up to Wangmu and/or Lao Tzu's place during his Journey and it goes like;
Cherry: Hey can I have some more immortalities?" Wangmu: "How in Buddha's name did you get here? And why should I?" Cherry: "I'm going to have a baby and I'm really scared I might die and leave them all alone. I need the immortalities so I can survive and make sure they have a parent to love them." :'( Wangmu, mother-goddess mode activated: "Oh sweetheart... You should have really just asked. Come! I can't spare you any more pills, but I'll take you you to my peach orchard instead!" Cherry, remembering the poisoned peach: "They aren't boozy ones right? Can't have those in my condition." Wangmu, thinking he's joking: "Oh no dear! They're quiet fresh!" Cherry: "Wow. I didn't even need to tell you that my boulder-mom is Guanyin's previous life." Wangmu: (*face contorts in shock*) "Excuse me?" Cherry: "Yeah I found this scroll in the Underworld that proves it. She also used to be a life goddess or something? I can't read the details so good." Wangmu: (*realising that the current Jade Emperor (I hc her only son) is outranked by her eldest daughter's firstborn - aka the very monkey infront of her*) Wangmu: "I... I may need one of those boozy peaches myself."
Don't tell the Netflix!JE. He will literally scream and hide if he found out that the Monkey King is the superior heir to the throne.
[Erleng Shen finding out that by Celestial Law, SWK is his cousin could be worth a laugh, depending on the twos relationship, or lack there of.]
Oh gosh the different Erlangs are going to have a fit, if not keel over laughing at the thought/knowledge of Sun Wukong, the Havoc of Heaven, being their legal blood cousin. XD
The ones with brotherly vibes are delighted, but the antagonistic ones are kinda sneering at the idea.
[Oh, that would be brilliant. If Xiao Qi remembers his previous life, would the Reborn!Luzhen also remember it or just completely fresh baby? And if the former, then could Xiao Qi tell who Luzhen was? Cus...that could be interesting, like, that could cause some sibling fights, you know?]
Xiao Qi remembers being Fruitie/Qi Energy, and specifically reincarnated so he could have a chance at meeting Monkey once again + go on the Pilgrimage. Of course he miscalculated how small, underdeveloped, and Baby he'd be, so it's gonna be a while before he can verbalize to Smokey that "Fruitie" is ok.
Xiao Lu however is the first fresh slate Yuandi has ever had in it's endless existance. Nuwa would likely show the soul some kindness and pour Meng Po's broth onto the clay so that the resulting baby wouldn't remember the eons trapped beneath the earth. Xiao Lu does however, remember her counterpart Qi Energy, and that they were fighting over something involving "Baba" [Smokey].
Xiao Lu assumes it's because Baba is her Baba and no one elses, so she perches on the brown monkey's shoulder and hisses at her brother whenever he comes near him. It's very cute.
Xiao Qi and Xiao Lu spend so much time play-fighting it's adorable. At first the adults thought it was cute, now they're starting to wonder if the pair are actually training for a future showdown. Then again it's hard to tell since in the blurr of black and white fuzz.
I'm glad that you like these little ideas of mine! :3
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master-of-stupidity · 5 months
Fuck it gonna put all my Tangled rants into a single thread that I'll just continue on if needed-
Oldest to newest btww (also spoilers most of these r about Eugene btw ik ik I'm a lil autistic spare me 💀)
That one part of Bruno is Orange but Eugene coded-
"Did you hear about that Father
Sent his own infant son away
And said "It's to *dangerous* for
you to stay so, I had to *save* you" "
I may be cringe but I am FREE
Yo omg ok so my brother is singin a Into the Woods song while I look at Tangled stuff n it made me remember a scene from the play where Gothel yells at the Prince "Rapunzel can think for herself!" n like- dude Cass said the same thing in Cassandra's Revenge to Eugene! Ooo girlll-
The way I would kill so many ppl if it meant getting a series about Lance n Eugene as kids like broooo imagineee-
Its crazy how like I'll be enjoying my day than suddenly I'll see a post of a mf going "Hey what if Eugene thought he was a yr younger cuz he was like a rlly scrawny kid?" Yeah ok sure n what if I hit u with a *metal pole*
My tangled ocs r so random its hilarious- like it goes from a bodyguard,a greedy businessman,a ringleader,n than that one serial killer who turns ppl into meat pies like how did we get here???? 😭🙏
I just remembered like just a few days ago my brother randomly said "vase" while playing Fortnite n my ass just said "vAHse" just to fck w/ him n like that kinda reminded me of that one scene of Eugene n Cass like damn they were sibling coded frrr lmao I miss em
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Wdym there was a scrapped Eugene n Lance childhood episode??🧍And WDYM it's literally everything I ever wished for and more???????? 😃
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Would love to see Eugene n Martin Kratt interact solely to see Martin be appalled n slowly lose his mind over how Eugene knows jackshit about animals 💀🙏
I think the Eugene genderbends look so weird to me because none of them kept the infamous goatee like cmon man don't be a coward give that girl some facial hair 🗣🗣
I should not be relating Heather's music to scenes from Tangled the Series yet here we r 😭
Omggg thinking about how Eugene proposing to Rapunzel in tts came from his abandonment issues n him literally not being able to see a life without Rapunzel omgg shut upppp leave me ALONEEE
Literally despise with every fiber of my being how the writers of the shitty Wreck it Ralph 2 movie had fcking RAPUNZEL of all ppl say "Do ppl assume all ur problems were solved just because a big strong man showed up?" They fcking HATEE the movie Tangled *so much* bro istggg
The way I wanna be bold n talk more about the "Over the Corona Walls" ep- esp about Staylan n Eugene n all the icky implications of that but I'm also so scared too cuz I fear ppl won't take me seriously or think I'm overanalyzing too much 😭🙏
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Lowkey not over the fact Eugene was willing to trap himself back in an abusive relationship, "leaving" the one person he HAS died for n would die for again, all to save his best friend like bro don't TALK TO MEEEE
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As u can tell I am totally normal n not at all ill about Eugene or this show 😁
What if I gave Eugene like- slight wedding trauma after the whole "Beyond the Corona Walls" incident??? I think it'd be kinda cool n in character ngll 🤭🤭
No but that prompt for the unaired Lance n Eugene episode STILL makes me so fcking ill bro stg can't STAND those mfss bro 😭😭
"And if I gave up on being *pretty* I wouldn't know how to be ALIVE" is SO Eugene coded idc idc idccccc
You think if I put Eugene Fitzherbert in The Amazing Digital Circus he'd be a walking dumpster fire considering he needs an identity to function n in TADC u like- quite literally don't have one??? 💀
Was listening to an audio last night n now I kinda wish we knew like- what Eugene's mom was actually *like* in a way considering I don't think her character was ever explored :((
Why is this plushie literally Eugene Fitzherbert omgg I want it nowwww
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To the ppl who only see others as their pfps lowkey rlly hope y'all just see me as jester Eugene Fitzherbert cuz that'd be rlly funny n I'd love that 💀🙏 like yes I truly am just Eugene in a jester fit yappin my ass off on twitter dot com LMFAOOO (btw follow me @/theratbatjester)
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cassandraevans · 5 months
Be advised, before y'all send your angry asks, these are my opinions, angry opinions but that's all they are, you're free to have your own, that doesn't mean we have to fight about it. Different people will have different opinions. Let's all just enjoy the show we love.
Finally! My heart knows peace! Ughhg I've been so so pissed at the writers and Eddie for being such an absolute Akshat to Shannon.
Eddie himself has never been present for Shannon. Literally or metaphorically. He left for his deployment a week after Christopher was born.
He left his newborn child and his wife alone, granted it was his job. But what if she had postpartum depression like Maddie? Even without that we see how hard it is to care for a newborn child as a couple when Chimney and Maddie had Jeeyun, even with Albert and Anne's help they were overwhelmed. Yes Shannon's mother and Eddie's fault was there but he was the father. Fine, let's leave that.
He wasn't there even Christopher was diagnosed with Cerebral Palsy. Shannon raised her son alone, imagine how scared and broken she must have felt when he was diagnosed, we see how terrified Maddie was when Jeeyun had a fever. But the writers completely disregard anything when it comes to Shannon.
After Christopher was diagnosed, Eddie ran away by enlisting again when he was supposed to be coming home, which he himself admitted, without telling Shannon.
And that scene of him, refusing and asking her to soothe a crying baby Christopher while she's literally telling him he shouldn't be a fucking stranger to his own kid? He looks at her like it's a punishment, don't anybody dare say he was overwhelmed, she was way beyond overwhelmed and he was basically refusing to be a goddammit father to his own kid. As if it was her responsibility alone to take care of the child that she had WITH HIM.
Her mother was dying from cancer, fucking cancer and he didn't even try to comfort her, at all. When she asked him to leave, he used that his family was gathered to celebrate his return as a reason that they can't leave now, no he said it wouldn't look good so they shouldn't leave now, not even you go first we'll catch up, he didn't even want her to go, he just wanted her to stay and take care of Christopher and him while he can go be a hero. Her mother was dying from relapsing cancer and he didn't even care.
What on earth did he think was going to happen? Was he expecting Shannon to wait until her mom was dead?
He had some right to be upset when she left, some. But he had to have seen that coming with now dismissive he's been of her feelings, and that her mother was fucking dying and he didn't want to leave Texas so she can take care of her and he has the audacity to blame her for it.
The fact that he was never been there for her for Christopher's diagnosis of CP, or after, to comfort HER, imagine how hard that must have been on her, alone, her mother battling cancer on one side, her child have cerebral palsy on another side and her husband never being present? Can't imagine how family was very keen to console her with the way they speak of her even after Shannon's death.
I imagine Shannon's mother died in the two years she was gone from Eddie and Christopher's lives, if the show mentioned it directly I might have missed it. But the point is Shannon had to LEAVE her child with his father so he can FINALLY start being a FATHER, and she dealt with her mother's battle and succumbing to cancer, ALONE. With no one to turn to, she was an orphan, even when she had a so called husband and a son.
And when she comes back what does Eddie do? He tries to keep her away from seeing her child like she's the one who's done all the sins. He waited and she never came back and he's mad at her for it? Oh did it ever even occur to him that there's another option, that maybe he could, you know, visit her? Maybe? Would it have killed him to do so? Would his entire family die if he like VISITED, not even moved but visited her, ONCE? He was oh so ready to up and leave Texas to Los Angeles when it for him but not when Shannon HAD TO?
The DOUBLE STANDARD here is off the charts.
He only calls her when he needs her to admit Christopher to school, he never tried to contact her before that, he never TRIED ANYTHING, from his end to fix their relationship that he himself broke piece by piece by breaking Shannon piece by piece.
Don't even get me started on once she comes back, and gracefully does what is needed for Christopher, because she fucking loves her child. And is even willing to apologize to him for what she did when he's the only one who should be apologizing.
But no an apology is not enough for him, he keeps her away from Christopher, he makes her beg him to let her see her own child, he doesn't even have custody over him. He justifies it by saying she abandoned them both? Then what the fuck was it that Eddie did when he reenlisted the moment Christopher was diagnosed? He himself admits later to Buck I think that that was him running away. And yet be has the audacity to punish Shannon for it? When she's the only one who stayed the whole time? Before being forced to leave to care for her dying mother, alone because whiny Eddie doesn't want to leave Texas and his family, boohoo.
Eddie makes it all about Christopher, he sure loves to hear that he's a good father when in truth he didn't even know the first letter of the word before he forced Shannon to leave Christopher with him. Eddie only started being a father to him AFTER SHANNON LEFT.
Eddie then "somehow ends up with her in bed" every time they talk, oh yeah somehow and he doesn't know how it happened at all. But when Shannon thinks that this, him taking her to his bed each time is him finally stopping gatekeeping her from her own child, he has the audacity to the ask if SHE thinks it's a transaction, that she sleeps with him and he let's her see HER SON, I'm sorry sir what the fuck else would she think? When her husband suddenly starts bedding her, of course she thought he finally let her back into her own fucking marriage. But no he just wants the sex but he wants her to stay away from her son cause she deserves to be punished for her sins, which he has committed teen folds.
But no she apologizes again. And he acts like he such a saint and it's a huge sacrifice that he's doing for his son when he FINALLY lets her see her son, that too only after Christopher asks, so no matter how long she kept begging him to let her see Christopher, he wouldn't have, but he sure would have loved to have sex with her the whole time. How is that not him taking advantage of his power over her, which is access to Christopher and using it to use her body. That's manipulation.
He loves Christopher, that's obvious, but it's also obvious that he doesn't even like Shannon but wants her body and wants her to always take care of Christopher and do nothing else ever.
He never once asked Shannon how she was feeling, he never once cared, to ask that. Not even Christopher was diagnosed, not when her mother had a cancer relapse, not when she came back for Christopher's school after her mother's death, he didn't ask her anything about her at all, about how she was feeling, as a result of his actions. She vouched for the ask admittance, that's it. He asked her to sneak out of his bed after having sex, by deceiving her, so that their son wouldn't see her, Christopher didn't even know she was in the same city as them. Eddiegot his sex from her, that's it, now she should leave and not be seen by their son, he got what he wanted and that's all that matters to him. She should never expect anything back for it, she could never, even when she desparately needed him, he didn't give her anything, he abandoned her first, again and again, he expected her to be always a wife and a mother but he was never a husband to her, he wasn't even a father until she left, she was alone in her marriage, Shannon was a married single mom. What pisses me of more is that he used their son to do it, he used their son to punish her, and when she asked for a divorce because he's a fucking shitty, absent, negligent husband who won't give her anything other than sex, he had the gall to be offended and angry at her for it, even after she died.
Of course the writers killed her off, she's better off dead than being married to him.
In season 5 I think, he finally brings her up and the fact that he kept her away from their son, he says he thought did it to protect Christopher, cause he didn't want him to be hurt by his mom leaving again but she didn't want to leave, she wanted them to come with her but who said no to that? Oh no must be someone else. He continues saying to he was really don't it to protect himself? Seriously? I wanted to reach into the screen and bang his head against the table. If anyone needed protecting in their marriage it was Shannon, from his emotional negligence and later manipulation by using Christopher to use her body.
Don't get me started on his dating Ana, she was amazing, in general and to Christopher, and to Eddie, which he didn't deserve one bit. Some people find this storyline boring and I agree but that's not the point. He was so sweet to Ana, so caring to not overload her or overexpect from her, I don't remember which episode it was or what it was about but Eddie said something like I don't want to spring that on you or something that essentially translated to I don't want to ask you to do that cause you shouldn't have to and it wasn't even a big thing. Yes she was his new girlfriend and all but he has never showed even 5% of that care or concern for Shannon, he never had a problem expecting anything and everything from her. He settled with Ana cause she was taking care of Christopher and him, he wants a girl to take care of him, perform her womanly duties while he lounged and prided himself on how great a father he is.
I can't say the writers don't know how to write a healthy relationship either. Cause Chim and Maddie, Athena and Bobby? Especially Athena and Bobby, cause when Athena's father gets into that accident? Bobby drops everything to go with Athena to go visit and stay with her in her parents house and supports her, granted he was already packed and prepared to leave for the vacation, but he left a very well deserved vacation to go support not only Athena but also her parents in their time of need, even when Athena's mom being very rude. if Eddie had been in Bobby's place he not only would have not cared and thrown a tantrum over how he didn't want to leave his vacation but would've also tried to stop his wife from going to check on her parent at all. That is if Eddie hadn't already guilt tripped Shannon into distancing from her rude mother had she been anything like Athena's, he would have thrown an even bigger victim tantrum about how he didn't deserve it and deserved better, nevermind the dying parent.
So the writers do know how to write a healthy relationship, even one that has problems, the couples overcome them. Eddie was just an undeserving asshole to Shannon. Who deserved far far better than she ever got with Eddie. Christopher deserved his mother, not his father gatekeeping him from her while having sex with her and asking her to sneaking out like a thief.
He's never once shown to realize any of this, how this was all wrong, how much of a double standard he had been utilising, how shitty of a husband he was, how he basically ruined her life. He's shown to be the poor victim who was abandoned by his wife and had to raise his special son alone, nevermind this was of his own engineering from all the negligent husband moves he pulled. Yes he's the victim of course.
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localfanbaselurker · 2 months
Watching Voltron: Legendary Defender for the first time and recording my thoughts
S1-2 | S3 | S4 | you are here! | S6 | S7 | S8 |
This one is not as long because I literally finished it like two days ago as I write this so the thoughts are still simmering down but I need to remember them before I watch s6
Pre-S5 thoughts
-> I hope we get Keith back, his near sacrifice really scared me at the end of S4. I want my son back.
-> pLEASE let that poor girl get her father back. Oh my lord. Give him back. Pls. I can’t wait anymore. Will the real Sam Holt please stand up? Please stand up?
-> FRICK Lotor I know they’re probably gonna give him some backstory or whatever on him being a good guy but I DOOOOONNNNNNT CAAAAARRRREEEEEEEEE. I do NOT like him and they can never make me. he is EVIL and you cannot tell me otherwise.
->^“but laura-” idc. I don’t trust him. His voice is too American-Psyco-y. He is a little scheming cunty little elf. He’s onto something. He wants something out of this.
->^I will miss his team of lesbians tho. They ate.
->There seems to be a lot of hints towards allurance! I hope they get a good arc. They are very sweet!
-> I hope we see more of Matt! It’s like that one quote from Brooklyn 99. “I’ve only had [Matt] for [an episode and a half] but if anything were to happen to him, I’d kill everyone in this room, and then myself”
Post-S5 Thoughts
-> my suspicions of Shiro grew bigger and bigger as this season progressed. I think I have it figured out by now. 🔍🧐☕️
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->^Lotor low key ate her up with this
->^i think that’s her main arc: she needs to let go of the thought that all galra are evil (which she has fair reason to do so), as it is a war, and things aren’t all black and white. As much as I hate to admit it, I feel like having Lotor around this season will help her character development.
->^I wrote that at the beginning of s5, I was right, it did help a little (though then they brought up the fact that Lotor was half altean so maybe she just thinks he’s good because of that—let’s hope not)
->They did not, in fact, bring Keith back. Very upsetting.
->^That was an emotional episode for me. I cried when they didn’t find him in the “prison” thing and I cried again when Pidge ran into the hologram thing. They make me feel so weak. I was so happy when they got him back fr.
-> And then I cried again at the end of episode 3 cus he was like “I decided im leaving, good luck out there, kids”. Bawling.
->Speaking of episode 3… 🔍🧐
->^and episode 4…and episode 6… 🧐🧐🧐🧐
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->^me rn vs. you guys probably.
->^He’s 1) been listening to everything Lotor says, ignoring the team and going behind their back/without consulting them. And 2) Being uncharacteristically hostile to everyone. I swear I felt like I was reading a really OOC fanfic nearly the whole season.
->^Yes, Shiro is leader-y, but he also (s1-2) tended to listen to his team and have unserious moments. I feel like he’s lost all of that. And I think that last picture is all I need to know.
->(moving on)There seems to be a big focus on Lance this season (yay!) I really hope it’s not for the usual reasons characters get extra screen time (because I would die). I feel like they have been leading him to be the black paladin with how leader-y he has been this season but even if that’s not the case I do still feel they are going to do something really important with him for the next season and I am so excited to see what they are going to do with him! 😊
-> if Keith doesn’t leave the Backyard of Malnutrition next season im going to make myself go inside the show and personally take him out
->/j/j/j…or is it? ☕️🧐 (someone needs to take this emoji away from me it’s made me too powerful)
->^I was so shocked I literally slammed my computer shut (not that hard, im not a psycho dw)
->^HE GOT HIS MOM BACK!!! I cried after that episode because can you imagine? He just got her back and he thought she was dead/abandoned him for like his entire life. And now he has her back and oh my god I need to open ao3 where are those “first time calling <someone> mom/dad” one shots.
->^AND KROLIA. SHE JUST GOT HER BABY BACK!! Stop im fr crying as i type this. guys. Fuck. I genuinely can’t handle family-related stuff in shows like I will cry so hard. It doesn’t even have to happen on screen my brain just makes the scenarios for me and I obey and bawl my eyes out.
->They are trying to make me like Lotor and Allura together…it is almost working. Almost. I still don’t trust him. And I like allurance better.
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->^i just KNOW she was internally kicking her feet and giggling at this. “Then you’re…🤔😯 Half altean 🤭🤭😍😍😍”
->^speaking of that ep, I was sooooo happy for Allura because she finally found a way to still be connected with her dad/culture after having to lose him in s1 and not being able to pilot red in s3, absolutely overjoyed for my best girl!! 🤍🩷🤍
->I absolutely LOVED episode five’s subplots. We have: A-plot) Keith+ his mom going on a mission together, B) Lotor +Allura finding altean stuff in Haggar’s lair, and C) my personal favorite, The garrison trio getting up to shenanigans with a galra robot thing.
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->^Later Pala-dudes is my hero, too, lance
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->^^Look at those dorks. I love them so much.
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->^See this is proof that Lotor is actually Evil™️ and Not Good™️ because he immediately went to violence and trying to fight to greedily get what he wanted while Allura saw the right path and allowed the secrets to be shared with her willingly in this essay I will-
->When is Lotor gonna find out his mom is haggar?? Hopefully s6 cus I can’t take this anymore. the evidence is RIGHT THERE, bucko. Figure it out already.
->If they want me to like Lotor they better work extra hard next season. I’m beginning, BEGINNING, to actually, kinda-sorta-maybe actually like him. BEGINNING! And it is a rough start at that. But im defrosting my built-up dislike for him. It’s a burn slower than 300k words but it’s getting there. They’re gonna hold hands any chapter now.
These are thoughts I’ve been compiling for a while. I will continue to post my thoughts on the tag “laura’s first vld”
I finished Season 5 on 07/13/24. I have not yet started season 6. Stay tuned!
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inmyhorrorsera · 1 year
S5E5 "Local News" thoughts
Vampires being scared of the dumbest shit and making a situation worse than actually is ("Brain Scramblies", "The Curse") its one my favorites recurring plots.
This one doesn't top "The Curse", but it's not a fair comparison considering S2E4 is probably one of the best episodes this show have ever made.
LOVE LOVE LOVE that Guillermo is so caught up in his own drama that he forgets his mother's literal birthday!! I also love when the show remind us that he can be selfish and scummy and not the poor innocent angel some of yall wanted him to be for whatever reason.
I repeat my love for Colin making all these traps to defend their lives. It's so refreshing seeing him being part of the group and not the typical "the vampires are crazy and Colin rolls his eyes at their stupidity".
Guillermo's mom with her best intentions placing the crucifix necklace on him who cant tell her how much it hurts: something something catholic son who was afraid of coming out for 30 years and now he has another (worse) secret that he's afraid to share something something.
I miss when Laszlo and Nadja were always on the same page. Saying that I NEED to see better pics of Laszlo's plans he had scattered all over the room.
Biggest laugh of the night: The dolly suddenly having blonde hair too (i have the stupidest sense of humor).
One-sided Guidja real.
So Nandor IS upset at Guillermo not being there to prevent him of doing stupid shit. The smallest nandermo crumb so I can't die of hunger.
I love that the Guide had tv lady as a snack, one win for my lesbian loser.
Here's the thing: I don't feel that bad for Guillermo. Honey, you wanted this. You chose to become a vampire. You actively seek it. Even your "friend" with +500 years of vampiric experience told you it isn't that great of an existence but you ignored it and continued to wanting this and rushed behind the back of your friends and family to become one. So… reap, sow, etc, etc.
I miss his cool vampire slayer era, this season his role has been mostly "being anxious".
I know its tv budget, but those CGI traps and balls of fire looked so bad 😭
Anyway, where's the Djinn??
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bbqfrank · 2 months
EggCatron SMP Log#23 PART1
Discussion with Magma.
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(V33 Is looking for blue creatures and is informed that magma owns one)
V33: Can I see him Im looking for someone right now and need all the leads I can get.
Magma: Uhh Sure..
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(Magma returns with his blue creature)
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((used the wrong sign in this screenshot))
V33: Well this is a blue creature can I borrow it?
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Magma: Why..
V33: it'll just be for a little bit I need to borrow it to see some things..
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Magma: but he's my son..
V33: Don't worry I promise I'll give it back to you.
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Magma: Can I come with you instead I get separation anxiety when I'm away from my son..
V33: I suppose I could take you.
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Vee: Magma I need to show you something just know I'm not being myself right now and I don't want to scare you but I need to bring you to that place I've been staying.
(magma agrees to go and they teleport to vee's faraway home)
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Vee: it's important I show you what's inside I wasn't sure how long I'd be able to think for myself so I left a book with instructions to get to the place below that now holds everyone's blue creatures.
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(they go down to the bunker here vee will show magma the new room she discovered while she was conscious)
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Vee: So.. this is where all of them have been kept..
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Vee: I don't remember making this room he must've made it.
Magma: He??
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Vee: Right.. so a short summary of why I've been acting strange, I'm not exactly sure how but I started going in and out of consciousness and I wasn't able to control what I said or did also I have something I need to show you...
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Vee: I didn't know if I should show anyone this but.. ever since I came out here there was these fumes being emitted from the sunflowers its almost like they were supposed to be near me or i guess corrupt me in some way?
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Vee: I think I have an idea on what happened, this person I had mentioned earlier "he" is actually my boss his name Is "Haku" he is a scientist from my original world.. I know this is really sudden to tell you all of this but I wanted you to at least have an idea on why your mom is acting different.
Magma: Does he Know about me?
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Vee: Soup mentioned to him while he was in control that I had a son but she didn't say much about you it was pretty vague
Magma" So is he okay with you having a son?
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Vee: I'm not exactly sure since he never directly told me I'm not allowed to but he isn't someone who was fond of being around people (maybe he wouldve want the same for me)
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Magma: I mean, I'm not people I'm a gator soo.
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Vee: That's true but it may be best he doesn't know your a gator for now at least because he's after bluebell and if he knows what a gator looks like it will be easier for him to track her down..
Magma: Why is he looking for Bluebell?
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Vee: well.. I may have sort off sent him valuable information for him to base his choice of taking a new subject off of
Magma: What will he do to her if he finds her?
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Vee: Well if he was capable of literal mind control I can only imagine the things he would do with her but if were being specific I do know exactly what he will do (vee overheard while being sent to this island)
Magma: and that is?
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Vee: He's going to test on her likely put her through tests to make her "stronger" he wants new subjects who wont die so easily and now that he knows gators have tough skin he's probably going to make "clones" or variations of her.
Magma: Will this hurt her?
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Vee: it's likely the tests he will put her through could kill her.. but I never before this thought it would actually impact anyone it was just supposed to be a simple mission.
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Vee: I'm sorry magma I never said I was a good person so I'm sorry if I disappointed you as well.
Magma: :(
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Vee: I really don't know what I'm going to do now this whole thing with my arm I didn't know how to get of it or if I ever will..
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Magma: Put flower poison on it or weed poison which ever you wanna call it
Vee: That's a thing?
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Vee: I guess trying it wouldn't hurt but magma your the Only person ive ever told about this And i think it'll stay that way maybe even forever I think its best I wait here and wait forever whatever this is to take its course you know where to find me.
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Vee: I'm not sure how much longer I will be myself but please don't be scared of me I never wanted that for you
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Magma: Well at least I know you aren't really yourself
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aita-blorbos · 1 year
AITA For Drowning A Thief?
I (12M) recently moved to a new school. They have a group of kids who, like me, are also descended from a powerful magician. One of these kids, T(14M), allies himself with the local troublemaker, C(12M). For context, there's a curse in my family that says either the father or the son will die when the son is in his 13th year. To help protect me, my mother (who died when I was a child) gave me charms crafted from the gold of drowned men's teeth (she was a mermaid). If I don't have these charms, I literally have uncontrollable fits where I'm shaking and glowing green :( After I tried to drown C and two others (long story, but they deserved it), T stole one of my charms. And then, instead of giving the rest back, he dropped them in the grass just to be a bitch. I stole C's magic moth and T agreed to give me my sea gold charm back in exchange for it. When we met and swapped items, T started bitching (I gave him a fake moth) and getting stormy (he literally creates storms). He was getting under my skin, and I had made sure the room we met up in had access to a water tap, so I flooded the room and left him to drown. He deserved it for being an asshole, for taunting me, and for stealing my sea gold creature (that my dead mom made to protect me). I got detention and missed out on dessert because I was technically just supposed to scare him, not kill him, so it's not like I wasn't punished. Thing is, my father's been showing up at school now that I'm about to turn 13 and I'm scared he's plotting against me. C is the only one that would have looked into what's going on, but he's all upset over T's death. I've been telling C and his friends that drowning T was an accident, but one of them (12F) had shifted into a bird, spied on me and T the whole time, and has been telling her friends I deliberately killed him, so none of them believe me. I think I might have gone too far when I drowned T, even though he was a huge asshole to me and deserved it. AITA?
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valyalyon · 6 months
August 2, 2025
This short post is about D's labor with her and Raphael's son, lot of CW's ahead. This is does have a happy ending, though, so I hope everyone enjoys!
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I had entered the hospital early that morning with Raphael at my side...
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CW: difficult labor resulting in rapid blood loss, mentions of vomiting, hospital setting, blood collection and transfusion mentions, near-death experience. 500 words.
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...My water had broken a few hours before we had arrived, but I had delayed going to the hospital just a bit.
Even arriving after a delay, our son was still not ready to come out, and I went through a pretty agonizing labor. About mid-day, Raphael was calling my mother to come to the hospital.
By that point, I had started to bleed, but not a lot. I was holding up really well, and kept a pretty jovial personality the whole way through, sometimes cracking jokes in the heat of a contraction to help Raphael calm down.
He was definitely panicking, and I know it was warranted…
When my mom arrived, she was brought into another room immediately for her blood to be collected. Only about 35 minutes had passed since she was called, and I had started losing a lot more blood.
I was still seemingly in good spirits, but I was quieter, and my eyes and face were getting dull. Raphael was in panic mode, he had never seen me so weak and was worried he’d be losing me.
I remember trying to crack jokes, but soon I was vomiting.
Within seconds, there were IV’s, blood transplants from my mother, and the voice of a scared Raphael, “hurry! Fuck, hurry!”
There was a moment where I felt myself losing consciousness, I could feel everything around me, but I was standing or floating? Apart from myself, and then I started to lose everything.
I was in quite a lot of pain, and our son was not budging. My cervix was expanding, but my son just wasn’t coming out, I needed to push.
The issue was that I was so weak after all the blood I lost. My brain essentially was convinced that I was dying, and I started to die.
Even after the transplants, my body was like, too heavy to move. Like I had already gone into the mode of a corpse. Emotionally, I died, and my body felt so weak.
My mom’s blood literally saved my life.
For a couple hours, I barely moved, and then I finally gathered the strength.
I sat up and started pushing, giving birth to Leon at 8:15pm.
Leon had tufts of dark hair and he was a fat baby. He laid on my chest with his eyes closed, and a little scowl on his face that reminded me a lot of his father.
Raphael’s eyes were bright for once. He looked at Leon and I with an expression that showed care and concern. Finally, he spoke, “he’s so beautiful… you’re so beautiful. Thank you, Dolores.”
“That labor was scary,” I finally admitted to him.
He nodded his head, a sigh escaping his lips, “yeah that was terrifying.”
“Do you want to hold him?” I asked, looking up at Raphael.
“Please,” he pulled up a chair and I handed Leon over to him slowly.
Raphael took him into his arms, cradling him, and then sitting down, “he’s so pudgy but small…”
“He has your hair,” I laughed and pointed.
“I’m so lucky to have you and him here right now, Dolores. Thank you…”
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stardust-sunset · 6 months
I think people go easier on Gerald because he doesn’t get as much screen time compared to Randy especially in the more recent seasons so you see more of Randy being awful than you do Gerald and also the Help! My Teenager Hates Me sort of put him in a better spotlight Dadwise for a bit.
Anyway, remember in the Vaccine Special when he called Kyle to guilt trip him into getting him and Sheila vaccines, he said a bunch of manipulative shit I can’t really remember everything word to word, but I think some of it was basically like “Me and your Mom aren’t spring chickens, the virus is still out there we could die in the next few months, and you did nothing” “Silence is violence Kyle, don’t kill Mom buddy” then hung up, like?? Now Sheila wasn’t really great for just letting him talk to her son that way, but he really put me off and it was really hypocritical because he was literally guilting Kyle for apparently not caring about their safety, but didn’t care when Kyle was informing them of his own safety, Kyle was even like “you aren’t worried?” I felt so bad :( The special does sort of justify his relationship with his Mom though, when Stan confronted him on taking some of the vaccines, he said he didn’t want his Mom to die (didn’t give a shit about his Dad lmao) so people can stop making him out to be scared of or hate her. ( However I don’t think Gerald is the worst and I do think his parenting and character is more complex than I’m making it out to be, but I just wanted to add this :P)
that would make sense.
like yeah, i get it. gerald hasn’t gotten his kids arrested and he doesn’t seem to favor one over the other like randy does (i guess you could make the argument that he favors ike because he talks to him more but idk) but that doesn’t excuse skankhunt. like he manipulated his four year old, verbally berated kyle on multiple occasions and yeah, like you said, he guilt tripped kyle for vaccines.
honestly? i can see kyle not wanting to be affiliated with his dad. or at least not often. he obviously favors his mom over his dad, and i feel like if it weren’t for his mom and ike he would probably only come back for thanksgiving and spring break. like idk i feel like kyle has more angst with his dad that you could create than randy does with stan. but stan always has to be a victim.
like randy is an idiot. he’s yelled at stan. he’s done horrible things but so has gerald.
don’t even get me started on the way people forget about shelley. yall want angst, she’s RIGHT THERE.
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