#there was gonna be 3 extra panels in this post but i think those 3 will be up tomorrow on their own because i have therapy 2day
inkynightmaresau · 3 months
Joey seems a bit too friendly… whatcha planning for the bean?
anonymous asked: Joey if you hurt Bendy I will magic anon your butt out of this universe!
(hmm... somehow, the others can't hear you. Joey only glares at you.)
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runabout-river · 28 days
Thoughts on JJK chapter 267 (spoilers)
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We're coming to the end of the manga 😭
But our girl has come back! After 150 chapters? Nobara enters the fight with the predictions everyone had about her coming true: she has an eyepatch now and she used Resonance on Sukuna's last finger.
Last December I made a meta post outlining every piece of information we had on the situation and how those come together to facilitate Nobara's return. So if you're confused about that, read the post to get a feel for the mechanics that are at play here before they get revealed in the next chapters.
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It's so funny how you could instantly tell that Yuta is inside Gojo and vice versa 😂
We get new information that switching souls unlike possessions doesn't grant the user access to the memories of the host. The same is true for Rika ingesting body parts to use copy on others.
We get info on how Yuta's copy works and it's not as overpowered like that but how did Yuta use copy on Inumaki before he lost his arm? It could be that Yuta, as he said, made BV to limit his usage but it could also be that Yuta can use copy without cannibalism but his count is limited to 3 or 4 CT as Yuki told us once.
Using Rika to copy more CT after that might be why body parts are required now 🤔
It's cute how Ui Ui is just sleeping while leaning on Yuji.
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The thing why this works so late in the manga is that Nobara didn't have open story plots left over after getting "killed". Outside of meeting Saori (which will happen when she's alive) her character arc was complete which was why the setup of her death itself was the biggest reason why we didn't believe she died.
For Megumi this is another thing though. He's full of incomplete character development, open plot threads and set ups. And I'm not gonna lie it's making me nervous how Gege will resolve all of that.
Even Sukuna still has open stuff going on: what were his origins? Why did he look sad in Yorozu's flashback? Why did he decide to turn into 20 fingers?
The last chapter will be extra long so with that and the three other chapters there is enough space at least to tackle Sukuna and Megumi together, but man...
Is it just me or do others also think that Gege has enough material and support/fame to just... make Jujutsu Kaisen 2 when he wants to? Like straight up give the manga a Shibuya like ending with the merger wreaking havoc and then make a time jump to 2024 and start JJK even more Kaisen...
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It's not shown but Utahime and Gramps might have used their support again to increase Nobara's CE output.
Also why was it just now that she woke up? Did sth happen that triggered it or was it a double effort from those around her to get her out of her coma?
And what if they actually did switch training with Nobara? Nobody told Yuji of course but it could've happened to get a healer inside of her and to get her up to speed to what was happening right now so she could make an effort to properly wake up again
When Nobara uses Resonance Yuji has a tear in his eyes 😢
And it's another blink and you'll miss it panel but after Dismantle with Yuji's next punch Sukuna pukes out his fingers again! 4 or 5 are on the ground now
So they will defeat him by literally ripping him apart from Megumi until he's 20 fingers again.
The thing is Sukuna has consumed his old body too and it might not be possible to get that out of Megumi. Megumi will not only carry mental scars from this, as well as whatever the Bath might've done to him, but part of Sukuna's essence might very well stick with him until he dies.
But also this fingers puking out business very well guarantees that Sukuna won't die by the end of the manga... jjk2
What will happen to Tengen and the merger is another big mystery right now.
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The three-fold visual of Sukuna getting hit by Resonance, Dismantle and then Black Flash is awesome and shows how Sukuna is at the end of his rope. As said at the end of the last chapter, this might've very well been the last Shinjuku chapter.
I can see next chapter starting with a Sukuna flashback that should (!) turn around until we land back with Megumi.
Overall an awesome comeback for Nobara with all our she's alive theories confirmed. Now the only things left are a deep dive into Sukuna and a Megumi resolution...
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pancake-breakfast · 1 year
Time to start Maximum for Trigun Book Club!
Trigun Volume 1: Covers + 1-3, 3 Detailed Thoughts, 4, 4 DT, 5-6, 5-6 + DT, 6 DT, 7-8, 9-10
Trigun Volume 2: Covers + Extras, 1, 1 Supplemental Research, 2-4, 5-6, 7-8
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for TriMax Vol. 1, Chapters 1-2 below. (More detailed thoughts will be their own posts.)
TriMax Volume 1 Covers
Kuroneko on the chapter index gives me serotonin.
Vash finally finds a lamp with a genie in it and all he gets is punched. He seriously has the worst luck.
Wolfwook looks VERY possessive over that cross of his....
LOL, switched to the sex doll. Of course.
Chapter 1: Hero Reborn
First Knives is reborn, now Vash will be reborn?
Yeah... kinda hard to forget someone literally shot the moon when there's a giant crater on it now....
Vash with dark hair has made his premiere.
Hmm. Needs more floaty cloth bits.
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Well, someone's having a bad day. I know I wouldn't want to end up tied up and tossed in a fountain....
LOL, they shout for the sheriff and the next character we see is Wolfwood. He's not a sherriff!
You gotta know a place is welcoming when you walk into a saloon and everyone immediately pulls a gun on you. I mean, that's just a normal day in Texas or Arizona, right?
Oof. RIP bus.
I mean, I realize Fifth Moon was traumatic and all, but somehow I doubt Vash would be filling someone with "twice his weight in lead."
I guess the person dumped in the fountain was actually the sheriff. Nightow could have shown the guy's badge or something to give us an indication of that....
Poor Vash. He doesn't deserve NEARLY that many knives in his picture.
Everyone has to ask about the cross. Wolfwood rarely actually answers. Deflection and misdirection is better.
LOL, Lina's face here...
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Oh, man. WW's face in literally the next panel after Ericks's entrance. He knows exactly who he's looking at.
Vash Ericks, I know you try to look for non-combative solutions, but female-bodied folk really don't have a lot of options when people get handsy if we want them to decide not to push their luck beyond just being handsy.
Ah, see, this is why he thinks she overreacted. Because now a lot more people are in danger.
Heheheheheheh, WW, Lina, and Vash are all in such a close clump here.
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Aaaand now "Ericks" has fully noticed Wolfwood.
Who the heck is this evil hamster of a human being?
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All I'm saying, buddy, is that her footpring miiiiiight just be an improvement.
Gods, WW is so intent in this situation. Just looking at everything and listening to everything.
Dude, who STOLE VASH'S JACKET?!?! Also, those sunglasses jut feel wrong.
Oh, Ericks. So gentle....
Yeah, pretty sure actual Vash the Stampede wouldn't stoop to humiliating people as part of a power play.
Ericks, though. He's like, "Cool, a bargain where people live at the end!"
I wonder how much of Ericks telling Lina to cover her eyes is because he doesn't want her to see his scars.
WW wasn't really with the group long enough to see Vash's scars before, but this really clears things up for the audience. And you can practically hear the gears grinding in WW's head as he observes this scene.
Dude. This imposter even copied his gay little earing. Now that's commitment.
Opening fire on a naked man? Rude.
*sigh* All of that for nothing 'cause Lina's still caught.
AGAIN?! How often does this guy get shot!?
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WW barely knows Vash and he's already like, "I WILL CLOCK ANYONE WHO SPEAKS SLANDER AGAINST HIS NAME."
What? He has super-healing? I mean, I guess that makes sense.
People really need to stop barreling their way into the infirmary....
Sheryl has a point. Things gotta get done. If the young folk won't help, then this old lame woman's gonna have to do it.
LOL, Wolfwood waking up Ericks will never not be one of my favorite scenes.
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Awwwww, Wolfwood! Don't remind him about Fifth Moon! He thinks about it every time he sees that moon, I'm sure. It's NOT a pleasant memory in any way, shape or form, and he hates the legends around him!
Ugh, someone give this man a hug....
Cruel, indeed. The way he looks when he picks up that gun. There are so many emotions going on here. Loss, resignation, familiarity, sadness. Seriously. Where are the hugs for this man??
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Wolfwood, always the pragmatist. He knows this isn't a great path, and how unfair it is for him to drag Vash back to it. But he also knows it's the path forward.
Heh. Yeah, just the two of them. For Vash to exhibit this amount of trust in WW suggests he's at least suspected WW's true nature for a while.
Annnnnd Vash's first thought on seeing the giant machine gun is, of course, "Please, no death."
This panel of them heading into the fight together just fills me with so much joy.
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Fake Vash is in a bit of a pickle, isn't he? Looks like he knows it, too.
Wolfwood reacting to Fake Vash demanding actual Vash say his name is beautiful. He looks like he's gonna die of laughter there in the dirt.
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Heh. And with that last gunshot, Vash reclaims who he is.
And even after that reclaiming, he gets a heartfelt, genuine, and warm hug from a young girl who has only really known him as her friend and adopted family member, Ericks. <3
Chapter 2: Lina
"Something freaky is going on here." Yes. You're dealing with Vash the Stampede and Nicholas D. Wolfwood. Even one of those should be enough to cause serious alarm.
SHOES OFF THE BED. Geez. Barbarian....
Ugh, I love his expression here.
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I'm sorry, I can't get over Wolfwood's weird duck face in this panel.
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This is a very interesting take on the Lady and the Tramp spaghetti dinner scene. That poor sausage....
Aww, you can see where his hair's gone all dark underneath now that he has it tied back.
Well, that's one way to get Vash's attention. He doesn't have as much chill when it comes to his brother. And understandably so.
Uhhhhhh, what's up with that spiky weird shadow guy?
TBH, Vash has good reason to be suspicious of anyone who knows too much about Knives. Knives's games aren't about humans. They're about Knives and Vash. Humans are just pawns and casualties.
I love how this 12-year-old girl is able to cow a bunch of whiny, scared men with just her presence. I love how angry she gets on Vash's behalf.
"If he and his followers sniff me out..." HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA no comment. Vash just got really freaking lucky with exactly who's sniffing him out.
The comedy of this panel is great. Granny's all like, "Oh, no.... You're gonna end up beaten up in a ditch somewhere...." Meanwhile, her granddaughter has already begun just wailing on Vash. Without even dropping the groceries.
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Ugh, just... having someone take care of him for a bit. It's a small and much-needed kindness. But that's how it often is with small kindnesses.
Wolfwood: "That brat (affectionate)"
LOL, Vash gets head-pats. GOOD.
Wait, Evil Hamster Man is back??
What the heck is even happening in this panel? Is this a second guy? Is this a growth on Evil Hamster Man's back? I don't know. We already had a guy with a LITERAL GUN for legs, so either wouldn't exactly surprise me. Wolfwood's face sums up my feelings perfectly.
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Ohhh, Vash isn't having any of this guy's shit.
WTF, he just KICKED the round out of the sky?!
Vash isn't really prone to showing off just to show off. I'm guessing he's doing this to make Lina and Granny feel a bit better about how competent he is.
Even Wolfwood, who's seen Vash's weird before, seems a bit shocked.
Also, LOL, Wolfwood frog face.
Literally still can't tell if the second gunman is an actual dude or just some weird Evil Hamster Man growth.
Oh, there we go. He seems to be a separate entity, after all.
LOL, Wolfwood, calling them like he sees them. (Thank you, @trigun-manga-overhaul, for keeping the swearing. It makes it that much more funny.)
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And now Evil Hamster Man is given a choice: a chance at redemption, or having to deal with an angry Stampede. Let's hope he chooses wisely.
Well, Granny's feeling better about the situation. Lina seems more... resigned.
There's something so lovely about the hair-trimming scene. It's one last bit of domestic comfort with his little found family before he heads off to war.
I genuinely believe Wolfwood here. He has a good heart, even when he tries to hide it.
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*sigh* And as Lina cuts away at his hair, we just drown in their shared memories. The vast majority of it is simple things. Family things. Quiet moments. But they meant the world to Lina. And they probably meant the world to Vash, too.
I have thoughts about Lina burying herself in the cloth from Vash's haircut.
This chapter ends beautifully and makes me want to cry.
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makeste · 3 years
BnHA Chapter 313: Deku VS Lady Nagant
Previously on BnHA: Hawks’s super-hot badass murder senpai Lady Nagant showed up to fire a cupid’s arrow into my heart, and a bunch of literal bullets into my son. Deku was all “oh shit it’s Hawks’s super-hot badass murder senpai, what do I do, let me think back to Hawks’s advice for a sec.” Flashback!Hawks was all “anyway Deku so if my super-hot badass murder senpai ever shows up you’re basically screwed so you’d better abscond the fuck out of there.” Present!Deku was all “lol idek why I flashed back to that conversation since I’m just going to do the exact opposite of what Hawks said” and charged directly toward Nagant because WHY NOT. Overhaul was all “waah I need to get back to my boss who I put in a coma out of love” and Nagant was all “jesus christ why did I even bring you here” and had a flashback to AFO who was all “ILU NAGANT IMMA GIVE YOU AN EXTRA QUIRK SO PLEASE CAPTURE DEKU FOR ME PLEASE AND THANKS” and yeah. Shit is all over the place right now and I love it.
Today on BnHA: All Might gets attacked by a pair of discount assassins and is all “Call an ambulance! ...BUT NOT FOR ME” and it’s really badass but also I really wish he would stop tempting fate like this. Lady Nagant is all “[casually flies around town shooting shit]” and I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t read an entire chapter of just that. Deku is all, “[gets shot (≥_<)]” and releases a giant Smokescreen which prompts En to show up. En is all, “( •᷄⌓•᷅ ) (⌣̀ Δ⌣́) ( •̀_•́ )σ (¬、¬) (눈_눈)” which I consider to be a high point of both the chapter and of my life. The chapter ends with Deku using the Third’s quirk to launch a bunch of random objects at Nagant so that he can jump up and grab her arm all sneaky-like, and I’m sure this is going to prompt another week’s worth of discourse that I don’t care about at all, but fuck it, I’m having a good time.
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you named your car??
you named it Hercules??
I love you so much??
please marry me you giant fucking dork???
lmao speaking of huge fucking dorks
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who the fuck are you clowns. la dee da we’re gonna murder All Might with our synchronized spear attack!! I mean... they’re clearly trying their best... maybe I should just be nice and politely hype them up like All Might is so clearly trying to do
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like okay, but we all agree that this is actually the least intimidating attack any of us has ever seen, right?? these guys zipped up their hoodies all serious-like and are trying to attack All Might and Hercules with their Walmart tiki torches, but just, no?? right?? like the only way this could possibly be effective is if they were trying to kill All Might with secondhand embarrassment
“those are assassins” this is a VERY generous assessment, All Might
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[slaps roof of car] this baby can fit so many weaponized festive backyard lighting solutions in it
and yet, even after watching this with my own two eyes, I still can’t take these dudes seriously. idek what it is. anyways r.i.p. Hercules, I loved you a lot but I guess you weren’t actually a very good armored car were you
omg they didn’t know it was All Might??
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okay 1) for a moment there I was like “oh hey maybe they’re not so bad after all” but then a moment later it was like “ah nope, they are.” like, that was an interesting .06 second emotional journey there. anyways 2) All Might you have my permission to kick their asses for this disrespect, and 3) anyone else all of a sudden getting “wouldn’t this be an interesting time for Stain to suddenly show up” vibes?? no?? just me???
(ETA: hmm tbh I’ve still got those vibes and they haven’t gone away lol. Stain?? you out there buddy?? do you want to be cool for just once in your life. ball’s in your court pal.)
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omg he’s shouting at them about how much Deku has suffered lmao and they’re just like falling over from being scolded
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so they have absolutely no idea what he’s talking about though, right? “SIR THIS IS A WENDY’S” well whatever, you killed his pet car so he’s in a bad mood now
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(ETA: also, the more I look at this panel, the more I’m just like, why the hell would you phrase it like that though, sob. way to doubly tempt fate?? are you trying to give Horikoshi a challenge??)
and now back to Deku who is randomly bouncing around the city and narrating it to himself just in case he was confused about why he was doing this
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who are you talking to Deku. but thanks we appreciate it
man you gotta love that overconfidence. the smartest guy in the world warned you away from this lady, so SURE, LET’S RUN RIGHT UP TO HER. “I APPRECIATE YOUR INPUT, FLASHBACK!HAWKS, BUT I’LL TAKE IT FROM HERE” well okay then!!
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I think it would be funny if RHA.com put little Buzzfeed-style polls in between the chapter pages so they could survey people at random intervals as they read their way through the chapter. like, you finish this page and then there’s a little poll there asking “do you think Deku’s plan of catching up to Lady Nagant and finding out where Shigaraki is will work?”, and you click “no” just like everyone else and then nod as the results show that 97% of your fellow readers also picked “no”, and you chuckle to yourself wondering how many of the 3% accidentally clicked on the wrong option by mistake, and then you keep on reading
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update: Deku’s plan not really working out. sources tell me my boy has been fucking shot. this is an ongoing story and we will keep you posted with the latest developments as they come in
wait what
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feel free to explain to the rest of us what all of this “UNLESS...” and “THAT POSSIBILITY...” shit means anytime, Deku
oh lol did he realize she could fly??
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BREAKING NEWS UPDATE, CNN’s John King reports that Deku is still fucked. eyewitness reports now coming in that Nagant is doing no-look shots and basically not even giving a fuck. sources described her mannerisms and expression as “sexy, but in like an effortless sort of way.” we will continue to bring you the latest
so now there’s basically an entire page of Deku being all “ah fuck so she’s basically closing in and she could already hit me with impossible accuracy even from Far Away, so if that’s the case then her being Up Close is probably going to be even worse!” making good use of that Big Hero Brain there, Deku
so now what, you’re doing some kind of spiraling kick thing?? how is that going to help
oh lol he’s using Smokescreen to create some cover. aww, good for you Deku you named one of your Smokescreen attacks
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seriously, AFO?? you basically told her what Deku’s exact strategy was going to be but then couldn’t be assed to drop that little, small, barely notable piece of knowledge that Deku is rocking multiple quirks?? is it supposed to be a secret or something?? you dropped the ball here man
damn this is getting intense now
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(ETA: the way En is poking Deku’s head in that first panel is fucking sending me, I love this guy so much omg.)
well then what are you planning, Deku?? I’m actually really curious!! I am genuinely starting to be invested in this fight scene not only in the “wanting to see who wins and how that impacts the plot” sense, but also in the “wanting to see how it happens because the choreography and strategy is actually pretty cool” sense, which honestly hasn’t happened for quite a while now! this is fun
anyway so what’s up Deku, are you going to use another quirk?? I’ve been speculating that he hasn’t actually unlocked the last two yet (since Two and Three didn’t exactly seem convinced when we last saw them), but maybe I’m about to be proven wrong
(ETA: well he clearly has Three’s obviously, but Two’s is still MIA, and that’s the one I am of course the most curious about. that’s the one we’re all curious about, let’s be real.)
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(ETA: so yeah, after thinking on it, I’m not gonna say “please no Deku discourse on my blog” this week, but I probably will ignore any discourse that does come my way though, just because I don’t have much interest in getting involved in what would probably be a pretty repetitive discussion. like, I can just sum up my opinions (which is what they are) here instead. in fact here they are lol:
1) I like the SIXQUIRKS and I like seeing Deku be a badass.
2) I also don’t think Deku is too OP. more like he’s exactly as OP as he needs to be at the moment, given that we’re approaching the end of the series. I expect the other kids will also be pretty damn OP when we see them fight again. we’re just at that point now where they’re all badasses (as well they should be; they’ve grown a lot and they deserve it). it’s just that Deku’s the one we’re getting to see right now.
3) of course I miss Kacchan and the others, but for me this vibes much closer to the MVA arc where even though I missed them, I was still having a blast (as opposed to the dark days of the Basement arc where I was pretty much losing it lol). like, even though Kacchan’s my favorite, I still love Deku a lot and this arc has been amazing for him getting to shine on his own (for like the first time, really).
4) y’all know I love the OFA plot and I’ve never been shy about that lol. I like all of the Vestiges a lot. Banjou and his over the top personality; En and his “guy you thought would be serious and :| all the time but is actually hyper-animated and ALL OVER THE PLACE” energy; Shiro who actually is a :| sort of guy lol; Three who I still expect will be fleshed out in a more detailed flashback at some point; and of course Two, who, well. you know what I think about him lol. Bakuverse is still on the table and I’m still hyped. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that we still have yet to see Two actually talk to Deku (as opposed to talking to the other Vestiges while Deku is distracted). did he lend him his power yet?? or is he still holding out?? either way it’s definitely going to be a Big Thing when it finally happens and I can’t wait to see it.
5) Lady Nagant is Everything and just because Deku grabbed her arm doesn’t mean the fight is over yet lol. Overhaul hasn’t come into play yet either. not to mention that even if the fight is over, the “where do we go from here” part still has me excited either way. her connection to Hawks and the HPSC is very intriguing and we’ve barely touched on that as of yet; she definitely has more of a role to play in this.
6) last but not least, I feel like every week the discussion is all about how much focus Deku’s getting, and how OP he is or isn’t, and OFA this and OFA that, but meanwhile I’m actually so invested in the character development here though?? the way Deku has distanced himself from everyone (except for the Vestiges, because of course they’re already dead so it’s not like they can die again lol)?? the way he’s pushing himself far too hard and we can see the shadows in and under his eyes, and the fact that he never smiles, and even All Might has remarked on how he isn’t taking care of himself at all?? the fact that he’s so single-mindedly obsessed with focused on stopping AFO?? the fact that he’s still the same sweet old Deku despite everything and was so kind to that fox lady with the umbrella, but there was also something so sad about that scene because it felt like a reminder of the type of hero that he wants to be, but that he’s not allowed to be right now?? because the stakes are too high and the world is falling apart?? and he feels like he’s the only one who can do something about it?? and that he has to be?? and that he is putting so much pressure on himself right now, and it’s absolutely too much pressure for any one person to bear, and I feel like no one is fucking talking about this lol goddammit.
anyway so yeah. I have feels about this, and every week that slow-burn angst is getting more and more intense behind the scenes, and I feel like it’s all going to hit a breaking point eventually. sooner rather than later. it really feels like a mirror of Katsuki’s post-Kamino arc. where all that angst was just churning below the surface for like twenty chapters and then it finally was like “okay it’s time” and it all came bursting out and we got the best five chapters of the fucking series (in my admittedly biased estimation lol).
basically, I know that most of fandom is billing this as either the “villain hunt” arc or the “solo Deku SIXQUIRKS fighting arc” or whatever. but for me, it’s always been and still is the Deku Angst arc lol. the cool fights are a sexy bonus (the worldbuilding less so because even though it’s interesting to see society at such a low point, it’s also very depressing and gets old pretty fast), but for me the thing that’s really keeping me engaged chapter after chapter is seeing Deku like we’ve never seen him before. seeing him all quiet and withdrawn and brooding and focused on AFO, AFO, AFO, and seeing that “he just doesn’t take himself into account” mentality taken to extremes. I am invested in that. I’m soaking up that angst each and every week, and I’m invested in seeing what comes of it. it’s a big picture thing. week to week this arc might just seem like a bunch of villain fight scenes, sure. but Deku’s emotional journey is the thread that’s going to carry this arc through from beginning to end, and for that I’m willing to be patient.
anyway that turned into a BIG OL’ RANT there but yeah! so those are my thoughts on the disk horse as it currently stands. and like I said, I’m open to discussion, but tbh I will probably just wind up repeating these same talking points endlessly so just a fair warning lol.)
anyway so Three says Deku has yet to use his quirk at ALL but now he’s trying to combine it with another quirk?? damn. also please check out En’s face here you guys
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En launching a sneak attack up my favorite character list by the sheer power of his expressions alone. he really knows how to make the most of his screentime
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at this point the 3% from that hypothetical poll earlier are starting to feel prettttty damn smug, I’ll bet. well shit
what in the fuck
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?? so like releasing his chi or whatnot?? isn’t that basically just like base OFA all over again?? also Deku did you seriously just apologize to Gran’s cape
update: Nagant has turned her eyeball into a gun
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hm. hmmmmmmm. ...okay yep, still somehow sexy
anyway so she’s just floating up there building suspense, as one does. lord I sure hope she has good reflexes because something tells me she’s going to need them
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but without the cape and the hood how will you continue to look like an enigmatic badass. you really can’t. which means we might finally be moving on from the wandering nomad part of this arc, stay tuned
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I hope he went full Kacchan with the dialogue there. his face sure looks like it lol. popped out of a building all mad fdskljlkj omg
well this was fun, shit. I still have basically no idea what Three’s quirk does though lol. like, can he use it to charge up objects with kinetic energy or something?? but then what was all of that talk about combining it with one of the other quirks?? or was that just because he was using Smokescreen at the same time??
(ETA: having seen and read an additional half-dozen explanations of Three’s quirk, I can say with confidence that I still have basically no idea what it is or does.)
anyway so!! Deku is a badasssssss but something tells me not to count Nagant out just yet even so. also I really enjoy seeing Deku flip out on people like he doesn’t have a fucking hole in his torso because it reminds me of A CERTAIN SOMEONE and I always love to see him channeling that feral energy; I feel like it’s been a while
anyways good luck to you both!! I truly wish that both of you could win. but if not, then maybe you can at least become friends instead. you have so much in common, you both can fly and have multiple quirks and you’re both badasses, and plus it would just be really funny to see the look on Hawks’s face lmao
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ootahime · 3 years
analyzing every gojohime moment in the manga p2
part 1 is here :3
this post includes more excruciatingly long paragraphs so grab urself something and enjoy LOL
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chapter 40 
i know they’re not interacting in this panel but i still want to bring it up.  i’m gonna give some context to this scene in case someone needs to jog their memory.  so basically, mei’s ability to command crows is what allows the staff to observe the students from afar.  however, gojo notices that there’s lack of footage where yuuji is and asks mei why that’s so.  she tells him that they’re animals at the end of the day so she can’t control what they look at.  he doesn’t believe her so he asks her whose side she’s on (for yuuji’s execution vs against yuuji’s execution) to which she responds with, “whose side?  i’m on the side with money, of course.  there’s no value in something that can’t be bought since you can’t exchange that for money.”  in other words, she’ll always choose the side that offers her more money because she doesn’t care about how morally “correct” or “incorrect” something is.  it’s not worth fighting for a cause that doesn’t benefit her in the long run which is why she views things that are unable to be bought (friendships, relationships, favors) as useless - they can’t be exchanged for money.  it’s clear that gojo knows she’s not on his side because he replies with, “spoken from experience!” or “i wonder how much!” (translation varies).  he says it out loud to perhaps let gakuganji know that he’s onto him.  i find it interesting how utahime is in the panel as well with a “?” to express her confusion at his words.  let’s overthink dissect that.  why is she there in the first place? if the message was to let gakuganji know that gojo is aware of his ulterior motives then a panel with gakuganji and gojo would have sufficed.  why add utahime with a question mark? 
here’s a personal headcanon of mine that makes no absolute sense, but who cares? it makes me happy LOL.  so let’s examine the panel.  gojo’s face is more simplified and cartoonish with a grey background on top and some sort of white bubble surrounding the three characters.  gakuganji is staring at utahime and gojo.  in the official viz translation, he replies to mei with, “i wonder how much!”  
normal and logical explanation: shading the principal by asking out loud how much mei was paid by him to avoid monitoring yuuji.
gojohime brainrot explanation: 
mei: “there’s no value in something that can’t be bought since you can’t exchange that for money”
gojo: (in response) i wonder how much utahime’s love would cost if it did have a price.
utahime: ?
you’re probably thinking i’m delulu (true) BUT HEAR ME OUT.  IT WOULD SOMEWHAT MAKE SENSE IN THIS CONTEXT...
mei’s saying seems to be what she lives by.  relationships, love, friendships, etc. do not matter to her as this is evident when she ultimately abandons everyone in shibuya to escape to malaysia, selling all her stocks before japan’s economy goes down.  she doesn’t care about anyone else.  she even takes advantage of ui ui’s adoration for her.  she contrasts utahime.  utahime is loved by her students.  children, especially teenagers, are picky when it comes to choosing the adults they admire and respect.  while everyone trusts gojo, they do not respect him because of his childishness and overall absurdity.  it’s refreshing to see how they always call him an idiot or have a -_- face when he’s around.  when akutami says everyone absolutely adores utahime-sensei, it says a lot.  we haven’t seen her interact with her students all that much, but she’s obviously close to them because she’s frequently arguing with momo.  even a closed off person like mechamaru wanted to keep her away from danger.  she most certainly expresses a lot of concern and care for her students, and gojo and her students can pick up on this. 
i’ve talked about this in every post LOLOL but there’s a reason why he went to utahime first to help him investigate.  utahime is a loyal person through and through.  she would never do something that harms the students even if she was offered everything in the world.  she values relationships above everything else.  besides her concern for the students, how else was i able to come to this conclusion about her character?  well, she got shoko to stop smoking because she was worried about how it might damage her friend’s health.  from these two details, it’s obvious that she’s the complete opposite of mei.  
maybe that’s why he calls her weak.  she’s too selfless and compassionate in a world where every sorcerer is for themselves.  the world is cruel as a sorcerer.  no matter how hard you try to fight, in the end, you’ll always die alone.  remember his talk with megumi after the baseball game?  after witnessing megumi pull a sacrificial bunt to help his teammates advance, gojo has a talk with megumi about his attitude and potential.  he says that being selfless and caring about others is not a bad thing, but in a world like this, where people always die alone, he is wasting his potential by being concerned with others.  it’s okay to be selfish.  this is why we see fierce independence in a lot of the sorcerers like mei, nanami, and gojo.  they each have their own reasons as to why they work alone, but it’s still a common characteristic.  i feel like utahime doesn’t have a selfish bone in her body.  i speculate that her selflessness is the exact reason why she is being held back.  during her mission to exorcise a grade 1 spirit by herself, the final task before being promoted to grade 1, she likely got distracted trying to help civilians out of danger and failed her mission.  he’s right when he says she doesn’t have the guts to be the traitor, utahime doesn’t have it in her to do something so boldly solely for her own benefit.  
after this long tangent, how does this relate to your headcanon, ootahime?  
as you know, love is not transactional.  you can’t pay someone to love you.  what if gojo is asking himself how much it would cost to buy her love.  hence, her confusion because she is oblivious to what he really means.  it could be probable because gakuganji is observing not only gojo, but utahime as well.  so what gojo says must involve her too, right?  
or she could just be confused because his words seem out of place because she is unaware of what gakuganji is doing behind everyone’s back.  that explanation makes sense for viz’s official translation but it doesn’t make sense when he says, “spoken from experience!” because his words make sense in that context.  he’s basically saying that mei’s beliefs must be based on her past experiences so he understands why she feels this way.  that’s an appropriate response to mei’s statement so i don’t see why utahime would be confused by this.  unless i’m interpreting this whole scene completely wrong.  in that case, whoopsies!  
let me know if you’re confused because i’m willing to clarify.  idk why but i found this really difficult to explain.  maybe because i’m reaching so hard haha
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chapter 40
he finds any way he can to tease her.  they seem like a married couple watching a movie or something.  does he take pride in being the only person she doesn’t get along with?  i mean, she says it herself so he is aware she thinks he’s annoying, but he keeps picking on her anyway.  he doesn’t even pick on his enemies this much LMAOOO i think the only other person he likes to make fun of is gakuganji but he does so because he doesn’t agree with his views.  with utahime it’s different.  he trusts her a lot and even looks out for her.  
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chapter 44
why are there two separate instances of gakuganji observing utahime and gojo’s interactions from afar?  nah i’m just playing.  he’s just looking because he’s concerned she’ll run into the semi-grade 1 curse he had for yuuji.  OKAY BUT I NOTICED SOMETHING KINDA CUTE?  whenever utahime says something suddenly, he always has those 3 little triangles near his head.  it’s like he’s thinking, “oh!  utahime is speaking, i must listen <3″  look at his face too.  he’s looking at her like :O
this is also an example of her showcasing her concern for the students in front of gojo.  i feel like he questions why she’s so caring because if it were him, he would have left the student to figure it out themselves.  i really wonder how she would react if he answered her truthfully when she asked what he’d do if she were the traitor.  
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chapter 45
there’s not much to say here...they’re just cute.  i know it’ll never happen but i’d like to see them fight side by side one day.  i’m aware that gojo works best alone but i just want to see how they’d work together, okay? 😔
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chapter 45
see the little triangles on his head again?  UGH SO CUTE.  
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chapter 45
IS THIS NOT INTENTIONAL???  they share the same thoughts.  he even finished her thought.  mannnnnnnnnnnnn what is akutami doing?  giving us false hope and stripping it away just for fun?  making them work so well together for what??
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chapter 52
cute how he looks out for her.  i have nothing more to say LOL
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chapter 53
notice how they’re sitting across from each other?  HEHE
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chapter 53
yet another instance of her caring for her students in front of gojo.  in the anime she has the cutest expression when she says she’s glad the students are safe.  i bet gojo saw that too.  i also bet that she looks prettier from his point of view.
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from the manga and light novels, gojo and utahime are the ones that talk about sports the most.  he most definitely chose baseball to cheer her up.  it’s not a coincidence people!  
i feel like i had a lot more to say but i completely lost my train of thought while writing this, especially with chapter 40. i’m once again writing this at 4 in the morning LOL........  please please please add on or share your thoughts!  thank you for reading and sorry for any mistakes.  
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captnjacksparrow · 3 years
Not exactly SNS but I just think it's funny how Naruto liked Sakura for literally his entire life (from the beginning of Naruto to the end of Naruto Shippuden) and they kinda just randomly stuck him with Hinata with no real closure or end to the Naruto liking Sakura thing. Its so wishy washy and sudden that even if you were someone who liked Naruto and Hinata together, you wouldn't be quite satisfied with.
If Kishimoto was gonna make such a bad ending and continued to ruin his legacy with Boruto he should've left the ending of Naruto open ended. OR, hear me out, made SNS canon, 2 middle fingers up to the haters and fall of the face of the earth, just never seen again. Maybe on a private island with the loads of money he made from Naruto.
Uhhh....????!!!!! 🙄🙄🙄 Entire Life????
Since when did this development happen which I failed to watch??? Where are the clues??? I think, Anon, You must start to READ THE MANGA instead of watching filler stuffs. 
Movies, OVAS, Filler Episodes are not canon.... In the movies, SP tried to portray a different Sakura (a pleasant Sakura) from how Kishimoto originally designed her (A total Ass-Hole)... Kishimoto had nothing to do with any of those fillers. 
I’ll tell you one thing..... There are few drawing errors, unresolved plotlines and minor plot holes in this story. Yes, I agree with it. But plot wise.... Kishimoto gave every characters a reason for why they do what they do... It’s not random, it’s not meaningless or anything. NaruSaku bond is one such. 
Naruto never loved her.... Not in the beginning.... DEFINITELY NOT TILL THE ENDING. I think I wrote 2 big posts with all the valid panels to make sure of that. [Post 1] and [Post 2]. In Both of these posts, I focused only on NS but it will blatantly give you SNS vibes throughout.... Because NS bond was built upon the foundation of a 3rd person called Sasuke. Without Sasuke, NS is nothing.
Again I repeat..... NS is a Red Herring Bond in Naruto series to mask Naruto’s feelings for Sasuke. For Example, Say you have a ‘Prophesized Saviour’ thing in a TV series.... All the Prophesies will be fulfilled by Character A which will be blatantly evident to our eyes and will make you believe that Character A was indeed the ‘One’.... But the real ‘Prophesized One’ will be hiding some where else... Only very perceptive readers who picks up the clues and patterns of the author can find the real one.... NS is something very similar to that... 
Even if Naruto superficially "liked" her... It was all over the moment he Kissed Sasuke accidentally. And his crush was definitely over the moment he tried to kiss Sakura in Chapter 3. It's one of the fakest bond in Narutoverse where both the parties involved have no interest in each other.... Not in 'that way'...
Here's the thing, Anime knew about SNS bond because they are the one who converts picture into a visual media, they look for all hints thoroughly and know almost everything... It’s because of this very reason, they desperately add lots of extra scenes between Naruto and Sakura. If Naruto goes totally Lovey Dovey about Sakura in a filler... Then it means Naruto is going to be angsty about Sasuke in the Canon episodes.
Just to make Naruto look like an hetero boy, Anime added tons of extra scenes..... In order to reduce Naruto's obvious Gayness.....
In the Manga, he never once claimed, he loved her. This is all Anime's doing.
They kinda just randomly stuck him with Hinata with no real closure or end to the Naruto liking Sakura thing.
What about that time Naruto blatantly rejected her proposal by recalling the moment she said, “I want your acknowledgement, Sasuke-kun”????.... So, Naruto knew that she loved Sasuke from the day Team 7 was formed and that’s why he rejected her outright. What more closure do you expect????  He was masking his feelings for Sasuke and he was lying to himself by flirting with Sakura because wanted to stay in that Closet forever. You should read those attached posts to understand what I am saying.
make SNS canon, 2 middle fingers up to the haters and fall of the face of the earth, just never seen again.
As for that SNS becoming Canon.... This world is not ready for it. Expecting such an ending is very futile, imo.
If Kishimoto was gonna make such a bad ending and continued to ruin his legacy with Boruto he should've left the ending of Naruto open ended.
As for that Boruto part.... I've made peace with it and I am not really bitter anymore. Because if he truly wanted to make so much money, he would've given us a Happy Hetero Ending and write Boruto to be even more interesting which would fetch him a lot of money.
Especially he knew the Ending while he was drawing the Pain Arc.... And this is 2009 we are talking about.
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This is one of the Official Commentary from Kishimoto which he used to mention in every volume of Naruto Manga. This piece is from Volume 47. I mean right after Naruto lands in Konoha (in Pain Arc) to find it has been reduced to a Dry Desert. 
So.... At this point Kishimoto knew whom he was gonna pair Naruto with. And it’s not surprising that he brought Hinata’s confession out of nowhere, in this Arc, only to make her yeeted out in the very same chapter. 
Also, it’s funny that he used the word, “The general script guides are already agreed until the end of the series”..... 
Agreed with whom???? He is the story writer after all.... So, his editors had a say in the script. Even if his Editors did had a say, why couldn’t they make Kishi to develop NH into another MinaKushi instead of making Neji into a Pathetic Love Broker and some disturbing horny reference???? Why couldn’t they stop Kishi to draw Under the Bridge scene in a different way??? Why couldn’t they force Kishi to develop SS in a positive way??? So, Kaguya shit wasn’t planned at this time, eh???? 
Hilariously after this arc, 
Naruto ignored Hinata & her confession (NH is ignored).... 
Sasuke stabbed Karin (SK is crushed here).... 
Naruto blatantly rejected Sakura’s confession... (NS is officially buried here).... 
Sasuke tried to kill Sakura twice as a counter attack (SS became a butt-end of a Joke here).... 
Whereas, Sasuke stopped his rampage and Naruto confessed to Sasuke and also he promised to die with him together (like some star-crossed lovers)....... 
Kishimoto mercilessly destroyed/ignored every other ships after the Pain Arc and kept only the SNS bond intact even though he knew the ending. 
I was like, “Are you guys fucking kidding me??????”
Added to this, Kishimoto always knew the ending he wanted to achieve right after he drew VoTE1. Part 2 of the Manga is all about to reach that ending in a convincing way.  
The following is the interview excerpt from 2006 about the Ending he envisioned.
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Again, in 2015, he references the interview he gave back in 2006 and reveals what was the ending he really envisioned....
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And his envisioned ending is to make Naruto and Sasuke to reconcile with each other.
Where is Sakura and Hinata in any of this???? 
Now people will pull up the “Kishimoto don’t know how to write Romance” card.... But that’s not true at all.... And I have some Official Receipts here.... LOL...
In Chapter 498, We got this short and cute Love Story...
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The following panels are from Chapter 511.... This is almost 80 chapters after Pain Arc. YahiKonan is an unneeded and unnecessary ship, from Narrative POV. It didn’t affect the story in any way. And yet he went onto convey a cute romance in 3 panels.
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And he also gave a very good closure to DanTsunade in the War Arc... Just developed a bit about ShikaTema since it was already well-developed....
Don’t you find this weird??? Like, After Pain Arc, he introduced 2 short love stories.... But didn’t give 2 fucks about developing a healthy love story for his own Main Characters????
Instead he found million different ways to mock Hinata and Sakura in an obvious and hilarious ways. I am going to talk only about Hinata mockery here. 
For Example.... 
Mockery No. 1
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Hinata is gleefully watching her beloved “Naruto-Kun” getting hugged by another Girl..... Like.... Is this necessary??? When Hinata literally gave her life to protect Naruto (Which she dramatically failed anyway), why make Sakura to hug him??? And make Hinata watch them right under their panel???? Hinata’s smile is so pure and precious.... isn’t it???
This scene is also another way to mock Sakura as well... Which I will explain in some other post...  [[Don’t assume that this is some Romantic NaruS*k* moment...]]
But Hinata was horribly ridiculed here.... 
Mockery No. 2
We already knew Naruto’s impression about Hinata in Part 1. 
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Naruto finds her “Weird”....
And In Chapter 504,
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Kushina POINTEDLY & SPECIFICALLY asked Naruto to not look for a “Weird One”..... I checked the Japanese Raws and I heard the word pronounced here... Both are same, just in case if you think that it’s a translation error.
Why is Kishi mocking NH again if he knew who Naruto was gonna end up with???? 
So, this Kishimoto don’t know how to write Romance is all some bullshit. If he can develop some unnecessary ship like YahiKonan... He could’ve did a lot better for his Main Characters. 
Now, all that’s left is to say is, “Oh, Kishimoto don’t know how to write Female Characters.... He is a Misogynist”
And I’d suggest you to read Chapter 509, 510, 511 where Konan fought with the main villain of the story and almost killed him using her 600 Billion paper bombs. And then there is Tsunade vs Madara fight.... every Kages were knocked down and she was the only one who desperately tried to save him. And then during chapters 501, 502, 503 we see Kushina’s sacrifice to save Naruto and the Village.
Am not going to say.... All these chapters are some GREATEST FEMINIST LITERATURE or something... But, he did gave some strong, resilient, selfless, have a strong conviction oriented women after the Pain Arc.... Which he intentionally failed to do for Sakura and Hinata.
Anyways... What we can understand so far is that Kishimoto can write good Female Characters, he can write an excellent Romance.... He knew the general script of how it’s going to end and yet he intentionally failed to give any scope for SS or NH or NS or SK..... He never made the boys to reciprocate or to give a damn about any of those girls’ advance while SNS was the only one to remain intact.
So, What was Kishimoto planning anyway???? He can neither put N and S together nor did he attempted to give anything for other ships!!! Where is this Manga going and what was his End Game???
Much later,
Here comes that shitty Last Movie announcement in December 2012.... [Link]
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At this time, Naruto Manga was at Chapter 596 or 597 where Kakashi found out the Man behind that Mask was Obito all along. And four months down the line in April 2013, in Chapter 613 or 614, we get Neji’s death. Still no hint of Kaguya Nonsense. Naruto just held Hinata’s hands with no romantic intention from his side whereas Hinata was getting ready to be hornily pounded in front of Neji’s dead body.
All this means, Boruto shit sequel hasn’t been planned. Otherwise Kishimoto could’ve easily introduced Kaguya plotline at this time.
So, no matter how some Movie announcement was happening from SP’s side, Kishi didn’t bother to develop any of the Hetero couples in this series. He was very content with his envisioned ending all along. Meanwhile he gave a good amount of Fanservice to all other ships. Like letting Karin hug Sasuke, Sasuke holding Sakura, Naruto calling Sakura as his Girl Friend, Sakura giving Lip to Lip CPR to Naruto.... But he never consolidated any ships. 
Mockery No. 3
I mean it’s confusing.... He knew who Naruto was gonna end up with.... He made Naruto “hold” her hands at the expense of Neji’s death and right after that, he did this...
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This is another mockery from Kishimoto.... Like Why???? The purpose of this scene is to make Naruto look cool before his Dad.... But he could’ve easily pointed out that Hinata was his Girlfriend. 
Mockery No. 4
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As you can see Hinata-Sama was desperately trying to save her Naruto-kun but failing so spectacularly.... What a Fun Stuff!!!
Mockery No. 5
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This is just 9 chapters before the Manga was about to be over... That is literally 2 Months before this Saga was going to be completed.... This is the perfect place for Naruto to confess the Girl he found to be similar to Kushina.... NaruS*k*s shamelessly claim Sakura as Kushina Personified.... Then why couldn’t Naruto say it out loud??? If not Sakura, why not Kishi made Naruto to say. “I found Hinata”.... Because at this time, That Abominated Last Movie was already made and was waiting for a release. It doesn’t hurt to consolidate NH here, you see.
The Point is.... Why is he mocking his Titular Character’s ship which was decided from the Pain Arc???? Especially after that, he wrote 2 short and cute Love stories that involved another pair. He could’ve easily made NH into another MinaKushi and be done with it. 
Even till the very end, he deliberately didn’t validate any ships even though he had ample time to do it. Ample time is the understatement to be honest.... Pain Arc happened in 2009.... And the Manga ended in 2014. 
That Guy had 5 whole years to do it.... He could’ve added as little as 6 panels to show Naruto and Hinata have some romantic moments in all those 5 years.. And yet he intentionally didn’t. 
So, Yeah....
Kishimoto had an ending in his mind right after drawing VoTE1.... Part 2 was all about how Naruto reconciling with Sasuke.
And in every Arc, Naruto’s desperation and obsession to save Sasuke was very Obvious.
In the Gaara Retrieval Arc, Naruto and Sakura were literally discussing about “How to save Sasuke?”....
In the Sasuke-Sai Arc, Well... You know what happened....
In the Kakuzu-Hidan Arc, Naruto was developing a new jutsu called Sasuke-Shuriken... Ooops... Sorry.... Rasen-Shuriken.... by constantly thinking about him even under the Shooting stars.
In the Itachi pursuit arc... Well... Again, he brought 2 teams to pursue Sasuke and bring him back to the Village....
In the Pain Arc, Naruto may not have thought about Sasuke... But here’s the plot twist... Kishimoto designed that Entire Arc to make Naruto understand Sasuke’s Pain.... He even killed Jiraiya for that exact same reason. And also to make Naruto into a forgivable person so that in the end, Naruto could easily forgive Sasuke. He even confessed this in an Interview.
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“I wanted one of the themes of the end to be Naruto forgiving Sasuke.... I wanted to make sure the intervening story (Pain Arc) lead naturally to that in a realistic way to make it plausible.... Because if one minute they’re fighting and then ‘Oh, I forgive you!’ would be weird.”
And this panel consolidates it...
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So, an entire arc was dedicated to the Protagonist in order to understand the feelings of his Deuteragonist.... Only for Naruto to confess these feelings to Sasuke in the very next Arc by ignoring a proposal from the girl and rejecting another proposal... Such a dedication for making N understands S.... Why couldn’t he put 0.5% of this dedication to his Titular Character’s ‘Supposed’ Love Interest???
In the Kage Summit Arc, Naruto declared his feelings in the most dramatic way (with romantic undertones) that he will bear the burdens of Sasuke and die with him together.
In the Final Arc, Naruto reconciled with Sasuke.
All of this clearly shows that he planned to end the Manga open ended and let the Last Movie handle the romance part of Naruto so that he could mockingly call the movie as Canon. Because, in this way, he get the ending he always wanted in his own Manga and the Movie team can have their own ending and call it as Canon. Best of both worlds. Just like how SP made many people believe that Naruto loved Sakura by spamming us with filler bullshit and made a fool out of everyone.
But since, SP decided to go for a Sequel, Kishi had to introduce Kaguya crap out of nowhere at around Chapter 646 and he nerfed Madara like a clown and ended up drawing Chapter 700 as a Prologue for Boruto Manga by making everyone marry and have kids.... Otherwise he would’ve made Chapter 700 as to how Naruto became an Hokage.
Just to finish this off,
Kishimoto had no obligation or necessity to write a story about two boys finding Love in each other. HE ABSOLUTELY DON’T NEED TO. And yet he did.
After the Pain Arc, he could’ve easily wrapped his ‘Boy’s Love’ Element and started to go ‘Dude Bruhhhhh’ and focus only on the story. All the while he could’ve made those boys develop a Nice Relationship with those girls. This would have given a Happy Hetero ending in a traditional sense.
But all he did was to intentionally deride Sakura and Hinata at every given chance especially in the War Arc and made those boys to remain indifferent to their romantic Advances.
I don’t know how much he must have fought with his editors to reach his envisioned ending by not giving any content for SS and NH.... Like, Don’t you think, there wasn’t one person from the Manga editing team would have questioned, “Why do you have to kill Neji to bring Naruto and Hinata together and right after that he forgot about her completely??? You could’ve easily made it so much better!!”.... He himself acknowledged that there is a pressure from the Management regarding Boruto series and we don’t know the extent of the pressure he had faced...
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He kept his ending in his heart all throughout these years and he gave all out to reach that destination despite facing lot of pressure from the management. I could see his desperate efforts throughout the Manga and it shows.
He must have planned for the Open Ending for as long as he can... Even after the Last Movie announcement.... But because of the sequel, he must have decided to keep all the 699 chapters for himself and let that 700 as a prologue for Next Generation series. Even in the NextGen series, he never stopped mocking NH and SS.
We can either stop at Chapter 699/698 (Phase 1) or we can go ahead and read Boruto Manga to find that ‘There’s no NH or SS in any of this’ and find some faint happiness (Phase 2). It’s up to us.
I was in Phase 1 for very long and moved onto Phase 2 and I am no longer Bitter. Because I got what I wanted from this SNS bond... that is for them to Be Soulmates.
Point me any other Daring Shounen Mangakas who wrote a bond where 2 Boys find Love in each other and almost kept them as the ‘De Facto’ Couple for 99.9% of the Manga.... Show me and I’ll start to get bitter about Kishimoto... Until then, I have no issues and I understand why he did what he did because of his sincere efforts. 
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kyluxtrashpit · 3 years
Okay so I jokingly mentioned I have an entire rant on twitter and then people wanted to see it so I’m gonna crosspost here too cause why not
(Note: includes spoilers for Major Grom and Plague Doctor comics, has nothing to do with the movie. It’s regarding what I strongly predict will happen in volume 8, which comes out next week)
(Second note: I’m gonna tag this with ‘long post’ even though it’s behind a cut for the sake of mobile users to go blacklist literally right now if they’re not interested cause I included the relevant comic panels and thus it’s LONG sdklsdklsdks)
Anyway: why Sergey must be the one to personally rescue Oleg in volume 8, from a narrative point of view
In order for Sergey and Oleg's relationship, regardless of how you want to define it, to move forward with positive momentum, this /must/ happen. The narrative demands it in order to bring closure. Why? Well, let's get into it by analyzing what we have so far
1) While I do fully believe Oleg trusts and forgives Sergey (and I’m not gonna go into proof of that here, as others have before), there is a constant spectre hanging over them. A spectre in the shape of 5 bullets. We are reminded constantly of it, largely in the form of Sergey's guilt, which is something we haven't gotten any real closure on yet. Sergey believes himself only capable of destruction, which is literally represented using a picture of him and Oleg.
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The rift in their relationship is why Sergey doubts himself. The lasting physical effects bother him as well and we are all but beaten over the head with it - Sergey can't forget and neither can we, the audience. Oleg, too, has to live with this, even if he has made his peace with it
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In fact, his long term injuries are what cause him to be captured in the first place. This situation, from a narrative pov, is thus Sergey's fault - if not for the 5 bullets, it's implied Oleg could've won. But no, he's captured and tortured, because of what Sergey did
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What Oleg does or doesn't think of that is honestly irrelevant; the narrative is what's setting this up as a direct consequence. Also, whether or not Oleg has forgiven Sergey is also irrelevant because Sergey hasn't forgiven himself. This is what the story has presented and thus what it needs to conclude.
2) We are all also aware that Oleg has rescued Sergey more than once, even when it was ill-advised. The first time, sure, there's some risk, but it’s still in the range of manageable. But the second time? Not only was it more dangerous, given all that was going on in the immediate aftermath, he’s also risking himself to rescue someone who shot him 5 times. Oleg is cautious; he keeps Sergey in a cell presumably until he feels safe freeing him, but he still did it. He planned it, had that place ready, faked their deaths, all of it. He did that after the 5 bullets
So Sergey isn't lying when he tells Lera they don't leave their people behind. Oleg has been there for Sergey before, rescued him no matter the dangers, continues to stay by his side, and even cares enough to make sure he sleeps. Given this, how could Sergey not be ready and willing to return the favour?
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3) Every outside character who knows anything about their relationship believes it to be imbalanced. The mercenary, Altan, Vadim, and even Lera. They all say this, they all point out the 5 bullets, that oh, Oleg, why does he stay?
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While they don't have the insight us readers do, this tension is here for a reason, especially coupled with the previous two points. Even if we know better, the narrative is offering us a kernel of doubt. Does Sergey really care? Will he go as far for Oleg as Oleg has for him? Did he really mean those apologies? Or are the others right? Even Oleg, although I do think he's lying to protect Sergey, says he has doubts. Vadim seems certain Sergey will come, yet still calls Oleg “Mr. Stockholm Syndrome”.
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The equality of their relationship is continually called into question - why do that if it's not going to be resolved? Why play this 'will he, won't he' game if he won't? Why set us up for disappointment? If Sergey doesn't go, all of this will remain unresolved and their relationship can only get worse, not better. The spectre will never leave them alone.
(One note here: I believe most of these perspectives are from unreliable narrators, given what details they give and that their accounts conflict with what we actually see. But these perspectives are included for a reason – imo, so that Sergey can prove them wrong)
4) The other thing the narrative tells us is that Sergey can be impulsive. Yes, he's brilliant, frighteningly so, but it's Oleg that is constantly urging caution. Sergey is aware there are risks, yet he forges ahead anyway, restrained (sometimes) only by Oleg's advice.
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Why would that change now? If anything, with how distressed Sergey seems to be, I'd argue he'd be even /more/ impulsive than usual because he's too emotional to think right.
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And who's going to urge caution, if not Oleg? Lera? I doubt he would listen if she did and, to be frank, why would she care if Sergey gets hurt? She knows him primarily as the one forcing her into a situation that is having serious negative effects on her life. Her secondary knowledge is that he's a murderer and terrorist. Much as it's fun to think of them all having a friendly relationship, Plague Daughter and all that, that’s not where they are right now. She might from a logical point of view, just because it is very obviously a trap, but Sergey knows that - her saying it isn't going to convince him of anything. Even if she did try, I don't think it'd have any effect.
5) And lastly, Lera is absolutely not ready for this fight. This isn't some regular asshole on the streets; Vadim is a professional killer. He beat Oleg in a fight and, even with his injuries, we all saw the kitchen fight. We know what Oleg is capable of. I love Lera with my whole being and she is a badass, but she's not ready for this. She had trouble with Kamenny, who honestly may have let her win under Altan's instructions.
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Even still, Vadim is MUCH better and, much as Altan wants PD alive, I don't think he much cares in what condition. Best case scenario is that Lera gets captured too, and Vadim likely wouldn't hesitate to kill her, and then Sergey has to go himself anyway. Lera may come to help, but Sergey needs to be there. If Sergey really is better than Oleg at present, he's the one who needs to fight Vadim (with a plan, obviously, and maybe some extra backup).
In conclusion, all of this comes together to say one thing: Sergey needs to go. He needs to prove to himself, to the audience, and most of all to the narrative that no, this relationship isn’t one-sided, and that he will go as far for Oleg as Oleg has gone for him. The narrative made this a big point of tension, insisted upon it, beat us over the head with it, and now has teased at Sergey’s opportunity to put up or shut up. It has to be Sergey, both practically because Lera isn’t ready yet, and in order to be a satisfying story. Because if he doesn’t, that tension isn’t resolved. His guilt will only grow after failing Oleg once again, despite Oleg sticking with him through everything, and it would have been by his own choice, not because of the Bird’s influence or anyone else. He will know it. Oleg will know it. We will know it. And their relationship can only sour from there. There will be no more possibility for positive momentum, only negative.
As a last point, I will also say that I’m aware my anxieties may be unfounded. These creators do seem to legitimately care about these characters, telling a good story, and satisfying the audience. But I’ve been burned by pieces of media where that is not the case, so it’s hard for me to trust and not doubt, even with creators who have, so far, not let me down lmao.
Anyway, thank you for coming to my tedtalk, I’m sure I missed something I would’ve liked to add but holy shit this is absurdly long already sdklsdklsk so uh bye ✌️
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chidoroki · 3 years
TPN - “Dreams Come True”
What better way to cheer up the TPN fandom after the second season’s final episode than with the special exhibition chapter finally being fully translated. I caught glimpses of a few pages here and there over the past couple months but seeing all the children live happily together in the human world in their own little village that they made close to Emma and Alex warms my heart. Of course I would’ve loved if we got to see more of the GP Resistance (because the anime denied us of them) but following the GF kids around the world as they experience their dreams is fair enough. We started the series alongside them so might as well finish strong with them too. I really loved seeing everyone grow up but no matter how old they get or how much time passes, I’ll probably never get used to seeing Emma without her iconic “63194.” It’s a bittersweet feeling for me, but her smiles bring me so much joy and I’m beyond happy that she accepted everyone into her life as they accepted her without her memories.
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I haven’t a clue on how much time passed since everyone found Emma in ch181 to now, but seeing her call out everyone’s names is a little detail that I love so much considering she had no idea who anyone was at first. Trying to remember 60+ names doesn’t seem like an easy task to me. No doubt I was just as shocked as our girl upon learning these mere children bought a goddamn plane! We learn in a couple pages that it’s because of Norman’s company that they can afford it, but still, he’s like 15 or 16 now? He’s still a child! And I’m impressed! Not only at him, but that Oliver and Violet became pilots as well! It’s especially cute when you remember that Lucas gave Oliver a little toy plane during their time at Goldy Pond.
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Speaking of GP, is it just me or does Emma’s current outfit resemble her GP one just a little bit? Sure we have no idea what color scheme this one has but come on, the short jacket, the dark shirt and jeans.. just imagine it! Jemima, Yvette, Alicia and Mark remade Gillian’s original GP outfit sometime before the Grace Field Raid arc (ch137 extra page) so I don’t doubt they could’ve done the same for Emma. Of course that’s just me being completely hopeful and missing the Goldy Pond arc to death but yeah! I’m also so happy to see Chris up and moving again! Seeing him wake up briefly in ch181 was nice but this is so much better. I imagine he and Emma have a lot to catch up on in terms of stories, with him being unconscious since ch105 and Emma not remembering anything.
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But here we go, the original 15 escapees plus Norman, Phil, Sherry, I believe I saw Carol somewhere and a couple other random kiddos ready to see the entire world. They get to accomplish so much.. and in a single day too I believe? At least that’s what Phil and Alicia say a bit later about everyone’s wishes, but aahh what a lucky bunch. Hell, I’ll say we’re lucky readers too to be able to see such a great story. Can’t thank Shirai and Demizu enough y’all. I wish we got to see more of Alex though. He’s such a kind soul but I’m sure he’ll be just fine staying behind with everyone else.
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This entire page where we learn about Norman as a CEO is gold. I still can’t believe this child successfully built up an entire multipurpose company not only to help their search for Emma but also because he didn’t want to live off the Ratri clan. I wish I knew about this last week when writing out Norman’s birthday post because hell yeah this deserves some praise! AND he managed to graduate school as well during all that! Well, by skipping grades which totally makes sense. I mean, if he managed to pass all the Grace Field and Lambda tests effortlessly I’m sure normal human world school was a piece of cake for him. Holy shit dude, keep on impressing me why don’t ya. Not only him but Nigel and Sonya too! I’m not surprised that Vincent helped out but I’m glad those two got a tiny moment to shine as well! Ray is another obvious choice when it comes to helping Norman, as they’re best friends and he’s always been good with machines.. but boy, I can’t take you seriously when you’re just sitting there unamused and eating chips! Hahah I love him so much! And the fact he replies to Norman’s idea with just a simple “kay” is an eternal mood.
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Okay boys aside, can we talk about our fabulous girls now? Because oh my god, they’re so darn beautiful! They’re more fashionable than I’ll ever be and it’s so cute how they drag Emma along to take advantage of the 3-for-1 deal. But our girl pulls off that sporty look so well! (r.i.p. goldy pond outfit ver2.0). I’m not at all surprised that Nat wanted to go see the opera. That's perfect for him and I’d like to think the anime did something similar with that one shot we see of him in the human world. We don’t see him in a theater like this but to me it looks like he’s on the streets of Broadway? At least that’s the vibe I get from it. I’m sure there was something music related on one of those signs.
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I can’t get over how adorable all the children look and how happy they are fulfilling their wishes, even if some of them aren’t as extravagant as others. Like eating a fluffy pancake and a ton of ice cream? We can do that whenever we want. But for these kids, it means everything and they absolutely deserve to experience such simple joys like that after all the harsh nonsense they’ve been through. I also love how Ray continues to be such a great older brother by still looking out for them too. The fact he remains completely unfazed by the haunted house is perfect. This boy has been haunted by his own nightmares and demons his entire life, there’s no way a couple of lousy jump scares are gonna spook him. Though I do find it funny that Alicia and Rossi still manage to get scared while Yvette is having the time of her life. I can’t help but laugh at Thoma’s “Shirai face” as well.
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I find it interesting that out of all the different kinds of exhibits they could’ve shown us while Rossi visits a museum, they give us dinosaurs.. like that seems so silly to me. Y’all have seen several demons in your young lives already and yet dinosaurs manage to amaze you too? God these kids are precious. And then our boy Phil finally gets to see and ride a train! Just look how happy he is! The poor kid can’t even sit still he’s so darn excited and I can’t help but smile with him! Thankfully the anime showed us this too.
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We eventually get to Ray’s wish and guys.. oh my fucking god. Tell me that this is not the absolute best and prettiest smile we get to see from him!! It honestly leaves me speechless okay? Ray never imagined he would ever get to see the outside world, let alone live past the age of 12, and yet here he is, seeing such a beautiful sight such as this, right in front of him instead of from inside a book. You can’t believe how happy and proud of him I am right now. Did you see how ecstatic I was when the anime kept Isabella alive? Multiply that feeling by ten and there ya go. That’s my level of happiness upon seeing my favorite boy smile like THAT! AAHHH!! That panel is gonna live rent free in my head until the end of time. I can’t get over how damn perfect it is. His smile is so pure and how he looks like he’s in complete awe is beautiful. He’s about to burst into tears and I swear I might do the same because I’m making myself emotional over this fantastic boy. Someone hold me.
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No seriously, hold me because we’re about to get into some angst as we move onto to Emma’s wish. We all know that ever since 2039 her one dream was to ride a giraffe once they got outside, so here we are, about ten years later and the animals in question are within reach. Our girl should be totally excited, right? Ha, not quite.
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That wish was something the old Emma wanted, but since demon god had to be such a bastard, this Emma doesn’t know what to think, let alone what to even feel. She hasn’t experienced the same hardships as her family. She hasn’t gone through hell and back while holding onto that one wish that would make all the suffering worth it. The amount of joy everyone else felt upon living out their dreams, she wonders if she would be able to feel it too.
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They brought her here to make her happy, but is this truly want she wants as well? This is old Emma’s wish after all. What about her and what she wants? Could this wish make her just as happy as her old self? She knows her family is only trying to help, but seeing her doubt herself does a number on my heart. Even without her memories, she’s still the same Emma deep down, as she doesn’t want to disappoint her family. She spends so much time worrying about living up to her family’s expectations, to try and be that Emma they all love so dearly.
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Little does she know that she acts the exact same as usual, almost as if nothing has changed when she finally expresses how much she wants to ride a giraffe. And that’s great considering when they first arrived at the giraffes, no on had even mentioned riding them. She came across that feeling all on her own and everyone else can’t help but laugh and feel relieved. Her mind may have forgotten but her heart remembers everything. There is no “old Emma” and “new Emma” to her family, just “Emma” and words can’t express how wholesome that is because they love her regardless. All that matters to them is Emma’s happiness because if anyone deserves to feel and experience that, it’s her.
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I just made myself tear up, damn it. I started this series with season one okay? I heard about this precious girl’s dream within the first minute of the first episode and here I am, a little bit over two years later, finally reading about it coming true and seeing that bright as hell smile on her face. Do you know how amazing it is to come full circle like that? My heart feels so full right now. I’m beyond proud of her and love her to death. Say what you want but I believe this to be the true manga ending in my eyes.
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(damn this series for always getting me emotional)
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cloverque · 4 years
monochrome (miya atsumu)
黑白 (宮 侑)
your life is like the black and white panels in a manga, until a certain someone dyed his vivid colours into yours
5190 words
past highschool, present post timeskip, nostalgic themes(?), tiny enemies to lovers trope, theme revolves around unconfessed love until years later
a reuploded request from an anon-then-now-my-friend! <3 not edited
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Monochrome. Your life was like the black and white pages in a manga; dull and neutral. There was nothing special about you, for the most part, you were ordinary.
At some point, almost every girl would like a colourful romance. One with blooming roses, scintillating sparkles and handsome young men. Topped off with promises of abiding love and vibrant days filled with never ending mirth.
However, you never pursued it, nor did it find you, and that was alright. Besides, what was the point of heart throbbing ardour if it were all to come to an inevitable end?
With a few clicks, your computer was turned off. You began clearing your desk, sorting out your folders and files when your colleague spun around in their chair.
“Hey, (l/n)-san. Did you hear?” The mousey woman enquired. A small smile was etched across her makeup coated face as she continued. “There’s going to be a dinner function! It’ll be held in the fancy hotel across the building.”
Your coworker across your table stood up to peer pass the desk divider. She chimed in with avidity, “I’m soooo going tonight! I heard the other divisions has a ton of hotties. No way in hell I’m gonna turn down a chance to meet ‘em!”
“Geez, you’re always thinking about men...” The lady beside you sighed, before returning her gaze back to you. “So, wanna go together?”
You shook your head, “Count me out. I already have plans tonight.” As you got up and shifted your handbag, you smiled apologetically. “Let me know if anything interesting happens, though.”
“Oh, okay... See you tomorrow,” she bid you farewell, albeit disappointedly. You nodded and bid the duo the same.
When your back was turned to them, the lady across the divider whispered to the one beside you. You knew what they were prattling about: that you were plain and boring. Wordlessly, you left the room, your heels clacking against the tiles as you made your way to the elevator.
As the double digits on the digital screen changed to singular ones, you closed your eyes.
Truthfully, it would be a lie to say that your life was completely monochrome. It was once colourful, after all, despite being for a short period.
Those days had involved a boy named Miya Atsumu, and he was the one who had brought colour into your high school days.
It all began in a manga shop.
You were in your second year of high school then, and would frequent a manga shop on the way home. It was sandwiched between a decently sized Lawson and an antique shop, on a quieter side of town.
The shop was abundant with not only manga, but also multifarious classics and second hand books. With its reserved location, not many knew of its existence, thus it went unnoticed by hordes of rambunctious manga fanatics.
It was perfect for you; your little safe place. However, you didn’t know that it was also frequented by a particular faux blonde.
You had wandered in with a specific title in mind, looking forward to getting your hands on it the whole day. Meanwhile, the boy’s brain was so preoccupied with volleyball and upcoming matches that he didn’t notice you, in an identical school uniform, lingering in the same section.
And like a sick cliche, your fingers bumped into his.
Withdrawing your hand, you snuck a side glance, only to see a broad chest in your line of sight. You slowly tilted your head to meet his steely gaze. Flinching, you practically whipped around when you realised the boy was towering over you.
“Um, sorry...” You mumbled out whilst backing away.
Atsumu’s brows were scrunched together as he took in your form. He half expected you to latch onto him with your eyes, but you were looking away, at anywhere but him.
Maybe once you got a good look at him, you’d react like all the oestrogen in his life. Squealing his name, asking for his number, all thirsty for his attention.
However, all you did was stand awkwardly, without uttering a single word. The oddity took him aback slightly. Thus, he decided to play with you a bit.
The teen perked his brows slightly before pointing at the manga’s spine. “Don’t cha want this?” He gestured, making you nod. A cruel smirk sneaked up to his handsome face.
You thought he was going to pass it to you. Instead, he slipped it out of the shelf and sauntered away. He slapped a few notes onto the cashier’s counter, making the store owner jump at his boldness. The boy with the undercut swiftly shuffled towards the entrance, his book bag slung over his back with the manga dangling from his long fingers.
Gawking, you watched as the automatic sliding doors opened for him. You wanted to call him back, to demand him to return it to you. But you knew it was impossible. The manga wasn’t yours, after all.
The blonde cocked his back to catch a glimpse of you. Noticing your conflicted expression, a mischievous grin spread across his face. He stuck out his tongue at you, cackling as your eyes widened and your face flushed. Then he left as soon as he came.
Your entire body trembled with embarrassment and humiliation. What just happened...!?
To make your day worst, you later learnt that the manga was the last one in stock. The rest of your day was spent stabbing your food and antagonising your pillow.
The next day, you found him again in the manga shop, but with grey hair. You almost dropped your book bag as you stomped towards him, fuming and ready to pounce on him.
The ash grey haired teen glanced at you with a deadpanned expression as you stopped beside him, shaking with infuriation.
“How could you do that to me yesterday!? You took the last one! The! Last! One!” Your nostrils flared as you exhaled. “Now I have no wait an entire week– And why’s your hair grey now–!?”
Despite your confrontation, the boy remained unfazed as he cocked a dark brow. It took him a few seconds to realise. He glanced up at the ceiling then back at you.
“Sorry, I think you’re mistaken,” he began politely, maintaining a neutral expression. “But the person you’re talking about is probably my obnoxious twin.”
This encounter had ended with a deep bow and a deluge of apologies. Nodding, the more reserved twin gave you a cold ‘ok’ before ambling away.
Since then, you realised that there were two twins in your school: the Miya brothers. The asshole was Atsumu, and the quieter one was Osamu. Or at least, they had seemed that way to you, on account of your personal experiences.
You wondered how you had never noticed them until now, especially when they stood out during assemblies due to their dyed hair. Not to mention their questionable popularity with the girls.
Maybe Osamu was reasonable, but who in the right mind would fall for someone like that blonde jackass Atsumu!?
On one occasion, you were shuffling past the gymnasium for a nurse’s errand when you saw a glimpse of the volleyball club. Bright blonde hair swished past the doors, and you remembered your meeting with the haughty male.
“Nice kill!” A deep voice hollered, followed by the high pitched squeaks of shoes against polished floor. You peeked past the doors, eyes shining with curiosity, when the twins you had met suddenly jumped into the air.
Your eyes were set on Atsumu as he deftly set a volleyball for his brother, who spiked the ball without delay. Sweat glimmered down the faux blonde’s forehead, tracing his jawline before dripping onto the floor. The slap he gave Osamu’s hand reverberated in the gym as they shared matching grins.
Seeing them together really highlighted the fact that they were carbon copies of each other. Your train of thoughts were derailed when a member with dark hair and narrowed eyes pointed in your direction.
Atsumu glanced at you, his smile turned upside down whilst you jolted up. With confident strides, he was in your face in an instant. He gave you a once over before grimacing.
“Get lost.”
Then he slammed the door shut in your face. As you stood frozen in place, unable to register what had happened, Osamu pressed his lips together in a thin line.
“‘Tsumu, that’s no way to treat a lady.”
His golden haired twin simply snorted in response.
Your next encounter with Atsumu took place at the manga shop again. A fight had broken out between the two of you, both unwilling to relent. Gripping the limited edition copy tightly in your hand, you refused to budge.
There were extras, but you had arrived first before the haughty boy and both of you had touched the same copy. Consequently, warring with each other.
Both of you shared exasperated expressions, tugging and pulling desperately for the manga. Neither wanted to throw in the towel. Atsumu was much stronger than you, clearly, his biceps flexing as he clenched his teeth and tried to pry the book from you.
Meanwhile, your two feet were planted firmly in the ground, all your strength poured into rooting yourself into the tiles or risk falling backwards if he were to let go.
However, he would not in a long time.
“Let go, you brat!” He chided, grunting with exasperation. Tugging it back harshly, you almost stumbled.
Growling animalistically, you retorted, “Never!” Then you lunged forward to bite his hand.
The blonde released the manga with a yelp, shoving your face off his hand brutishly. You stumbled back in response, tripping and landing on your bum. A string of saliva dribbled down your lips as you stared up at him, grinning victoriously.
Atsumu glowered, holding his bitten fist with his other hand. A row of teeth had punctured his skin, and you realised there was a little blood. “What the hell is wrong with you!?”
As you stood up and brushed your school skirt, you adjusted your book bag and gripped the manga to your chest. Trembling with anger, you were giddy with pride and sheepishness.
“You slammed a door in my face, asshole!”
Then you rushed past him to pay for your purchase. Atsumu turned to watch you leave, your loafers tapping against the floor softly as you ran off. But when you hopped out of the outlet, you gave him a side glance and stuck out your tongue.
Atsumu recognised the gesture; he pointed a middle finger in return.
Days and weeks went by like that, with Atsumu and you contending against each other to buy the weekly Jump, the first copies of mangas or limited edition prints. It was childish, for two seventeen year olds to tousle with each other.
Atsumu would ruthlessly tug on your hair, screaming bloody murder of your existence and stubbornness. Meanwhile, you resorted to calling him all sorts of colourful words, which would result in the shop owner throwing the two of you out. There was even a time when you both were banned from stepping in until you made up.
It happened eventually, and the two of you would at least communicate with less insults and more civilly. Your peace treaty with him didn’t mean letting him snag first copies of new arrivals, though. But Atsumu and you settled it through more human means, instead of ripping out each other’s hair.
There was one moment in which Atsumu had made your heart beat a little faster, too. It had happened like this: you were found beside the school’s vending machine, crying because you had dropped your shoujo manga in a muddy puddle. It would never have happened if it weren’t for a group of girls that bumped into you on purpose.
Your emotional breakdown ended when Atsumu found you in that pitiful state, squatting by a murky ditch with a floating black and white book. He had stumbled upon you by coincidence, as he was buying a Pocari Sweat.
He recognised your (h/c) locks and your figure even from afar, and when he realised you were crying, he was stumped. Sure, you would cry when he tugged at your hair during fights, but for him to see your tear stained face outside arguments felt weird.
Atsumu remained silent, standing near you as you sniffled. You knew he was standing behind you, you could tell him from the hairdo in the shadow looming over you.
Instead of asking what had happened, his eyes scanned the scene and realised that a limited edition manga was floating in the dark brown puddle. Probably yours, he had thought. He connected the dots instantly. Atsumu may be childish at times, but he wasn’t an imbecile.
The blonde setter knew how much you loved your manga, how brightly you would beam whenever you got your hands on them. For you to ruin it must have felt like a heartbreak, or worse.
“Was that the one we bought two days ago?” He mumbled, and you nodded meekly.
With a soft sigh, he approached the vending machine. After slotting his coins in and pressing a button, a drink dropped to the bottom. He bent down to scoop it out, mumbling as he did so.
“You can borrow mine, if ya want.”
At that moment, your mind went blank. This immature boy was going to lend you his? It wouldn’t be such a big deal if this was anyone else, but this was Miya Atsumu you were talking about.
An insolent big shot who refused to let you win. Someone whose mental age degraded when he fumbled with words to support why he deserved to get the first copy. A selfish guy who never wanted to share.
You glanced up at the teen silently, tears still streaming down your face. He flinched as you croaked, “Miya-kun... Are you sick or something?”
“...Never mind. I think I’ll retract my offer!” He huffed, spinning on his heels as he shuffled away.
Scrambling to your feet, you blurted out, “W-Wait! I was joking, I swear!”
You chased after him, and although he couldn’t hear it, you wished Atsumu wouldn’t be able to hear your heart pounding in your chest.
Inevitably, the blonde twin and you grew closer. Sometimes, you would walk with him to school, though it was more like you were third wheeling with him and his brother. The two of them would converse about volleyball, homework, and even little things like bentos and nonsensical topics.
You grew used to their frivolous antics, and Osamu eventually opened up to you as well. The two of them even let you call them by their first names, especially since referring to both of them as ‘Miya’ was confusing.
Atsumu only learnt of your name when you both exchanged it, and when you told him he could call you by your first name, he chaffed you for the overfamiliarity.
There were days when the blonde and you would visit the manga store together. And in time to come, the teenager grew fond of your ebullient nature towards comics. He would poke fun of you for reading ‘unfeminine’ genres, such as horror and sci-fi. Whenever he found you peeking at boy love books, you never heard the end of it.
At the same time, you began to appreciate him, despite his snide remarks and snarky attitude. There were times when his jokes crossed the line you, making you pout and sometimes cry, but he would apologise through his actions, like gifting you the new arrival of your favourite manga.
It was almost impossible to get him to apologise, due to his pride, but he always made up with you in his own way. And for that, you were grateful.
As months passed and you both became close friends, Atsumu began hanging out with you during school hours. On one occasion, the both of you hid in the rooftop to eat lunch. Osamu wasn’t present due to a cold, so it was just the two of you.
Picking up an octopus shaped wiener, you gave it a half hearted glance before popping it into your mouth. Atsumu was rambling about morning practice, blathering on how pissed he was that his brother wasn’t around to spike his perfect sets.
Suddenly, without thinking, you interrupted. “You know, you’re not a bad guy, Atsumu.”
Your eyes were fixated on his when you blurted out. His cheeks were stuffed with rice as he turned to you, surprised. With a perked brow, he gawked at you like you had grown a second head.
“Wait, are you falling for me already, (y/n)?” His deep, buttery voice was muffled by the contents in his mouth.
You grinned and waggled your brows. “No way, your personality is like sewage water.”
With a giggle, you leaned in to take away the small grain lingering by his lips. Your soft knuckles brushed against the corners of his lips and he swore he had stopped breathing.
Atsumu’s cheeks were dusted pink at your kind yet intimate gesture. Nobody had done that to him before, and he was unsure of what to feel.
Taking notice of his sudden silence, you raised your brows. “Atsumu, are you okay?”
“Haaaah–?! What are you talking about, I’m perfectly fine!” He scrunched his brows together, wrinkling his nose in disgust. Then he turned away, his back facing you as he scarfed down the remains of his lunch.
You tilted your head, unsure of what had happened, but resumed eating too. Truthfully, he was a little abashed. Ever since then, his heart would beat a little faster for you too.
Atsumu’s presence in your previously dull life meant new found colours. Days went by in a blur, with jokes, nonsense and memorable memories. He had snuck into your life when you least expected it, and so did you in his.
You began watching the volleyball team‘s matches. Sitting in the back row, you would cheer for Atsumu in your own special way: inwardly.
You didn’t understand much about the game, but you knew that your blonde friend loved it more than anything else, even his manga. So it must have meant something strongly to him, and as a friend, you had to support him.
The game was moving quickly, a bit too quickly for your taste. You didn’t comprehend what was happening, but at least Inarizaki was winning. The intimidating black screen beside the court flashed with a new digit, eliciting an eruption of cheers from the cheer squad.
“Isn’t he cute? He’s kinda dreamy,” a girl in front of you sighed to her friend, and you perked up instantly. Unconsciously, you began eavesdropping. “I wonder if Atsumu-kun has a girlfriend...”
“Are you kidding? Men that hot are either gay or taken!” Her peer bubbled with conceited giggles.
You wrinkled your nose at the insensitive response, but you mulled over her words. You had never seen Atsumu with a girl before. However, there were instances when you stumbled upon him during a confession. You would hide in a bush or behind a wall, listening curiously as the girl rambled on about how much she loved or admired him.
Without fail, his words would be laced with distaste while turning them down. Usually with harsh responses like ‘you don’t even know me’ or ‘I betcha say that to every guy’. He would even go as far as ripping a love letter to shreds.
They were total knock outs to the girls’ feelings. And as they ran away in tears, you couldn’t help but feel devastated for them. Atsumu sure was a prick at times.
“Him? Having a girlfriend? Never in a million years,” you mumbled under your breath.
Strangely, your chest had tightened a little with the thought.
The game finished shortly and the volleyball team gathered together to thank the watching spectators. Atsumu’s eyes bore holes into the black banner hung over the wall when suddenly, he glanced in your direction.
You flinched under his discerning gaze, stiffening nervously. He didn’t know that you were here until now.
His eyes narrowed a bit before a smirk settled on his sweat stained face. Your face burned, a little too hotly for your liking, and you looked down at your shoes to hide it. Why was he staring at you like that?
The girls in front of your row squealed that he was looking in their direction, but when they called out to him, he looked away. His cold attitude almost made you snigger.
Now that the match was over, you decided it was time to head home. You were ready to descend a flight of stairs when a familiar voice called your name. Spinning around, you came face to face with the handsome blonde, who was wearing a shit-eating grin.
“Didn’t know you came,” he breathed, arms akimbo as you cocked your head.
“Yeah, I wanted to cheer for Osamu.” You gave him a cheeky, lidded eye smile. An irk mark formed on his temple as he chopped your head with his hand.
The two of you went off after that: you teasing him on his missed serve and how his brother had to pick up his slack. Atsumu bared his fangs and fired empty threats and curses, all the while you pulled your bottom eyelid and blew a raspberry mockingly.
A dark haired teen in a jersey with the number ten stood idly by his teammates. Leaning on a railing, he hummed. “Who’s that, Osamu?”
The mentioned twin watched his brother and you with a softened expression. As the two of you fought like cats and dogs, he chuckled. “Someone who can stand Atsumu more than me.”
“Huh... If I didn’t know any better, I’d say they’re in love.”
The Inarizaki volleyball club watched as Atsumu pinched your cheeks and spread them ruthlessly, earning a high pitched whine from you. You resorted to clawing his face and Osamu had to put an end to both of your antics–
The voice on the intercom derailed your train of thought. Getting up, you stumbled out of the train in a daze.
You had unwittingly gone down memory lane, a bit too much. As your heels tapped against the concrete sidewalk, you glanced up at the dark sky twinkling with a streak of stars. Clouds rolled by leisurely, and waning luna peeked from her wispy blanket.
The rest of your high school had gone by in a blur, most of it involving Miya Atsumu. There was one time when you went to an anime and manga convention with him.
You smiled fondly at the distant memory: Atsumu was teary eyed as he shook hands with his favourite mangaka, who was a hunched over man. Out of respect for him, he knelt down, to be the same height, and took a photo with him in that state. You had never imagined a day would come when he would kowtow to someone.
Taking out your phone, you searched up for his social media and tapped on his Twitter account. There were posts after posts of his activity in the MSBY Black Jackals.
A silly selfie with a dog filter made you titter aloud. The comment section was overwhelmed with questions of his next match, his day, relationship status and the like.
Atsumu was an even bigger shot now. He also moved nearer to his volleyball team’s hometown, just to be able to practice longer hours there. He had left his hometown a while ago, and the both of you hadn’t contacted each other for years.
You once had his phone number, until a sneaky crow took off with your old mobile phone. No clue as to why that had happened.
Sighing at the thought, you stepped foot into your destination: a manga shop. The same one you had first met him. It never really changed; faded beige walls and oak wood shelves with blanched posters. Walking back in here only reminded you of how colourful your life had once been.
“Welcome back, (l/n)-san!” greeted the young boy behind the counter. He was the grandson of the shop owner, whose knees had deteriorated over the years.
You glanced in his direction. “How’s business been, kid?” He gave you an ‘ok’ sign and your expression softened. “Hope it’s okay if I take a bit. I finally found some time to shop.”
“Store’s closing in ten. Don’t take too long!” He waved back earnestly and you nodded.
Making your way past the familiar shelves, the clacking of your heels resounded in the almost empty store. Your hair bounced behind you as you tread past the sports manga section, past a tall, blonde.
You had failed to notice the old friend behind the mask. The blonde man glanced up the moment you passed, and his eyes widened in shock.
Without hesitation, you picked up the latest issue of Jump. It had been a while since you read manga, as everyday was swamped with work. Flipping through the black and white pages, your mind drifted to the reality in the panels.
You were oblivious to the male strutting towards you. As he approached, he took in your more adultly figure and attire. You were dressed in a white button up which clung to your chest, and a black pencil skirt that hugged your waist and hips.
You looked ravishing, to say the least, and Atsumu had to swallow the lump in his throat. There was no mistake, the beautiful woman in front of him was you.
He stopped behind you, hands jammed into his jean pockets before pulling down the white mask. The man with a dark cap atop his fluffy blonde locks peered past your smaller form to take in the manga in your hands. With a soft hum, he spoke up.
“Something’s never change, huh?”
You jolted up in surprise and whipped around, only to come face to face with an intimidatingly tall man. He was almost 190cm, perhaps, and was built with muscles that even his clothes couldn’t hide. His broad chest was in your face, and you had to tilt your head back to meet him in the eye.
With a lopsided grin, the man took off his cap. His tousled blonde locks sprang out of their cage, and your eyes widened in recognition while he smirked, “Sup, (y/n). How are ya?”
“Atsumu?!” You gasped, the Jump going slack in your hands as you dropped it. It flopped onto a pile of similar copies whilst said blonde placed a finger over his lips.
“Shh, I’m here on my day off!” He teasingly hushed, and you instantly clamped a hand over your mouth to silence your confused screaming.
Was this for real? How could the boy, who had painted your monochrome life full of colour, be standing right in front of you? Right now and right here?
Your eyes flitted from the pooling chocolate brown in his eyes to his larger stature. Raking his figure with your wide eyes, you came to a conclusion: Atsumu had changed.
You knew that he was more built from his self-centred topless selfies, but seeing him upclose was a whole different experience. He has grown taller too, though he had always loomed over you either way, but it was still a little frightening how much he could grow even after puberty. Meanwhile, his undercut was relatively the same, except his bangs were not pushed back, unlike before when they were swept to the right.
The only thing that had remained unchanged was the playful glint in his orbs and the smug smile tugging on his lips.
“I...Is it really you, ‘Tsumu?” You murmured, albeit teary eyes as you removed your hand from your mouth.
Running his fingers through his golden mane, he chuckled, “Do ya know anyone with these good looks?”
Your eyes narrowed playfully and you pinched his cheeks. Huffing, you told him off, “Stop trying to be so suave, weirdo!”
“Geh– But seriously, I thought you died or something! Ya never responded to my texts,” He spluttered out as you pulled his cheeks harder, and he managed to add, “But lucky me, you’re still kickin’!”
“Wait, you what?” Your lashes fluttered in confusion. You hadn’t gotten a word he had said since the beginning.
“I tried contacting you once in a while, but you never replied.” He blinked, and you looked down at the ground, suddenly embarrassed.
“Ah... My phone was stolen by a crow. And I lost your number...”
“Wait, for real? That sounds like something straight outta a manga!” He chortled as a sheepish smile snuck on your flushed face.
When Atsumu had calmed down, he placed his hands over yours, detaching them from his cheeks. Holding your hands gently, he wore a mask of calm. You were a bit confused by his sudden, gentle gesture. You gave him a questioning look, although your heart was starting to pound uncontrollably behind your ribs.
Squeezing your hand lightly, he began quietly. “(y/n), I know it’s been a long time and all... But I never forgot the times we had together. And, well, I know it’s kinda late, but I liked you.”
A blush crept up on both of your faces as he continued clumsily. “I kinda still do, so, well... If you’d like, we should–“
“Shop’s closing!” Atsumu and you jumped up in surprise. The boy was standing at the end of the section, a look of genuine surprise on his baby face. Glowering, the blonde barked fiercely.
“You ruined it, ya moron!”
The teen flinched before scuttling away. You burst into giggles as the upset athlete scowled. Whipping his head back to you, he scrunched his brows together, exasperated.
“What’s so funny?” He enquired, still wearing a frown.
Breathing shakily, you wiped away a tear in your eye. “You never really changed, Atsumu!” With a lidded eye smile, you grinned at him innocently, heart swelling with nostalgia.
His glare softened at your expression. Shooting a quick glance at the returned boy, who was peeking from the shelves anxiously, he clicked his tongue.
“Let’s ditch this place,” he grunted, taking your hand in his again as he dragged you out of the shop. You stumbled but eventually matched his pace.
With an apologetic glance at the young boy standing in the shop, you turned back to Atsumu. “Still as mean and pushy as always, aren’t cha?”
The faux blonde gave you a side glance, still pulling you along. Eye rolling, he slapped back on his cap and looked ahead, “Shut up.”
Neither Atsumu nor you couldn’t deny that both of your hearts were pounding. The two of you ended up taking a long stroll in your hometown, catching up on the pass few years and more. The night also had ended on a high note.
Once again, Miya Atsumu’s vibrant colours had seeped back into the monochrome panels of your life. Perhaps, this time, a romance would bloom between the two of you.
128 notes · View notes
sailorspazz · 3 years
Remote 10 Dance Ball
I know this is coming way late (as in, 3 months after it occurred!), but I’d always been planning to write up a report about the Real 10 Dance event that took place shortly after vol. 6’s release in Japan. Before I get into the explanation of what exactly this is under the cut, enjoy this promo image that ticket holders were able to print out at Japanese convenience stores (mine had to be printed by friends who live there and then scanned to me)
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The Real 10 Dance is a series of events that have taken place over the past few years featuring real life pros performing routines inspired by the manga, meaning that most of the dances feature male-male couples (though they all have female partners in their regular careers, for these performances they dance together, and the women are given a group number to perform). The most recent live event took place in September 2019 shortly after vol. 5’s release, and there was another planned for 2020 in Osaka, but it was delayed and eventually completely canceled due to Covid restrictions. Wanting to still put on the event in some form, they later announced that it would take place virtually, and would be branded as the Remote 10 Dance Ball. For the cost of 1,000 yen, viewers could watch a stream of the event as many times as they pleased from the time it went live on March 20 until the viewing deadline 72 hours later. Unlike the in person events, there were no merchandise buying opportunities, but there was the option of paying additional 1,000 yen tips to either the performers, the production committee, or Inouesatoh herself. Choosing any of these options would give that ticket holder access to a code to print the postcard shown above, as well as a link to view a 17 minute making-of video of the event.
Before I get into the rundown, The Real 10 Dance Twitter account posted a preview video a couple weeks before the event, which you can watch if you’d like to see some of the action instead of just still images (and the only ones I’ll share here are those that were posted publicly, since they were pretty adamant about no screenshotting/recording of the event…not gonna lie, I did attempt to screenshot a couple parts, but due to the shaky streaming quality, the official photos are much better than what I was able to capture anyway :P) Also, I only made bare minimum notes while I was watching this (and was drinking hard cider), so I’ll give as much detail as I can remember, but there are definitely things I’ll have forgotten by now.
The show started off with one of the female pros giving a demonstration of how to apply makeup for competitions. After this came an introductory show with all of the participants dancing to the opening theme from La La Land.
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Next up was some of the pros talking about the characteristics of their costumes, such as the Latin outfits having features like illusion netting to make their limbs look longer, and fringe to create movement.
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After this, some of the pros gave tours of the dance schools that they run, which also served as advertisements for those who may be interested in signing up for lessons.
Then came some step demonstrations, showing specific panels from the manga and then describing how to perform the moves. This included Al and Suzuki’s rumba walk from chapter 18, and the throwaway oversway from the chapter 4 scene where Sugiki turns Suzuki into a princess. For the oversway, they performed the move a few different times, using prompts such as “do it like the world’s about to end” to show how the same move can feel very different depending on the emotion behind it.
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This was followed by an interview with former standard world champion Christopher Hawkins. The interview was conducted in Japanese, as he is fluent in the language (Inouesatoh tweeted about him being the inspiration to have Norman speak some Japanese in the story, though she acknowledged that Chris’ abilities are far above Norman’s very basic phrases). It included two interviewers asking questions that were submitted by Inouesatoh and her editor. It started off with some basic talk about the process of training and getting prepared for competitions, then moved on to topics like whether he had any competition related superstitions/habits, such as how some dancers will have a pair of lucky underwear they always wear when competing. He said he had a specific order to how he would button his shirt and attach his cufflinks (as in, not just going straight up or down, but skipping over some and coming back to them), and if he didn’t do this specific routine it made him feel like the competition would go poorly. After telling this story, he laughed and said that he’s never told anyone about this before, so it was definitely an interesting question. Then came probably the most important question for fans of 10 Dance: since the series centers around men dancing together, what sort of experience does Chris have dancing with other men? (Funnily enough, for some reason, the male interviewer first asked this question in Japanese, then rather enthusiastically asked the question in English as well lol). Chris said that of course he’s danced with male students a lot in the course of teaching them, but outside of that also had times where he would train in the female role so he knew how it felt to be the following partner, and therefore could become a better lead. He mentioned some performance he did with another high level male dancer that was pretty amazing (forgive me, I didn’t catch the name at all, or even whether he was a standard or Latin specialist), which caused the female interviewer to joke about writing a love story about the two of them.
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Then came the main draw of the event, the dance show! I’ll include the song, dance style, and an image from each performance below.
One Way or Another by Blondie, jive
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Lady Marmalade (I believe it was the Moulin Rouge movie version), ladies group cha-cha
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Half of Me by Ken Hirai, rumba (I don’t know if it’s just because it made me think of the melancholy rumba shown on vol. 6’s cover, but this made me both want to cry and watch it multiple times over, definitely my favorite because apparently I like to punish myself with sadness :P)
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All of Me by Michael Bublé, foxtrot (this was filmed both in the performance space and out on the streets in one of the locations used in chapter 33, as shown in this video from one chilly looking morning. Also, this dance featured a leader switch partway through!)
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If I Can’t Have You by Shawn Mendes, cha-cha
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Finale with all participants to It’s Time to Dance from “The Prom” musical
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Last up was a virtual art exhibition featuring 17 sketches by Inouesatoh, including the most powerful sexual stimulant in the known universe, Bathrobe Sugiki.
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Overall, I was very happy to get the chance to witness this event. Normally, the number of people would be limited to just those who were in Japan and able to purchase tickets before they sold out, but this remote version allowed a much larger number of people from all over the world to watch (I bought my ticket not even knowing if it would be region locked or not, but thankfully it wasn’t). I hope that the world situation improves and they can put on the event live and in-person again (even better if I could somehow find a way to attend when that happens!), but I think this was a great alternative, and probably a good way to make some revenue in a time when the ability to stage events is limited. The price of 1,000 yen was an incredibly good deal for all the content that was presented (and you better believe I slammed an extra 1,000 straight to Inouesatoh; the only merch I’ve been able to buy is secondhand, and while this satisfies my needs as a collector, it unfortunately doesn’t provide any support to the author). If real life performances are still a long way off and they decide to do a virtual one again, you bet your ass I’ll be right there in the (imaginary) front row!
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pancake-breakfast · 1 year
Second week, second volume! Trigun Book Club!
Trigun Volume 1: Covers + 1-3, 3 Detailed Thoughts, 4, 4 DT, 5-6, 5-6 + DT, 6 DT, 7-8, 9-10
Stream-of-consciousness thoughts for Trigun Vol. 2, Covers + Extras, below.
Trigun Volume 2 Covers
The cover for this volume is so pretty, what with the plant all coming out of Vash's gun there.... Pretty and strange and kinda disturbing.
I wonder what's in those jars floating around the hairy-legged plant man thing. Are they even jars? Blood bags? Hard to say.
Hey! Wolfwood's on the back cover! WOLFWOOD IS ON THE BACK COVER!!!
Also, Legato Bluesummers. Shit.
Aaaand there's a blow-up doll on the fake back cover. Because why not.
There are a LOT of familiar faces on the back of the Japanese Volume 3 cover. I don't like it. They mean bad things are coming.
Ok, Legato's getting eaten by a shark on the fake version of it, though, and I think that's hilarious.
BUT NOT AS HILARIOUS AS MERMAID WOLFWOOD'S SEASHELLS AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I'M DYING!!!! Nightow's obsession with this man's tits confirmed.
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Extra 1: Day In Day Out
Ooh, a glimpse into the daily life of Mr. The Stampede? Why do I suspect donuts are part of it?
I'm gonna be honest; I did NOT peg Vash as an early riser. Then again, it might be important if you're on the run all the time.
LOL, I remember him not being very good at meditation.
I'm imagining that egg is hard-boiled. Or hollow. Like, this is still a good trick. No need to waste breakfast on it if it fails, though.
Three HOURS?? Dang, no wonder the guy's got skills. I can't do much of anything before breakfast.
Oh, fine. I guess it was a raw egg.
LOL, "John P. Smith." The most boring alias he could come up with. I wonder what the P stands for. Pseudonym, perhaps?
Psh, Vash can be plenty sneaky. But only in fights. Or when fleeing insurance agents.
Serious Vash expression! I seriously love all his expressions.
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Gambling at chess. Ok, man. Whatever floats your boat.
LOL, he lost all his money. I take it back; he needs a new hobby.
Yeah, he's definitely letting the kids get him. As we see with how fast he switches to being the person in power when the motorcycle comes through.
Funny how much trouble one can stay out of by simply foregoing revenge.
Vash would like oldies....
Ew, this bike guy's kinda creepy.
"Sonic Sodom." Yyyyyeeeeaaaahhh, that's not exactly a name that inspires trust.
I love the irony in this panel. They're talking about how dangerous Vash is while he's (apparently) being taken down by a small child.
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Dude. Who fires a gun to get people to shut up like that?! Rude.
LOL, the bleeping.
Props to this lady. She's like, "I don't care who you are. If you're gonna come in here, shoot things up willy-nilly, make threats, and swear at us, then you take your ass elsewhere." Like, this happens after this guy does all these things. Mad props.
They bleeped out all that stuff, but he still calls her a bitch....
Hahahaha, that's a wonderful way to take care of the issue. Good job, Vash!
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Extra 2: Pilot
(Fair warning: I'm in a Mood as I write this due to some real life stuff, so apologies if it's overly vague or anything.)
Post-Hiroshima environment?? Damn.
Heck, I'd take two years of food as a form of payment....
Ahhhhh, this jacket! It lacks the sexy leg slits, but I still love it. Also it still somehow manages to show off his waist. And throwing the Love and Peace fingers with his clearly mechanical hand!
I'm in love with this first line. "We fell from the sky like droplets of rain." Poetry. MAJOR props to @trigun-manga-overhaul for their choices in both flow and rhythm for the words.
The second sentence is a lovely contrast, what with the rain versus the sun. But also a lovely parallel, as both images are destructive.
Covering a few additional elements here: metal, wind, sand/earth.
He can't ever escape being surrounded by graves, can he? Babygirl here needs a break. I love how small he is relative to the field of death.
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HEY. The right alcoholic drinks are GREAT with ice!
Oh, shoot. I recognize this story from '98.
LOL, look at him go. This was my favorite Vash entrance in all of '98. It's very memorable. I hope Johnny Yong Bosch had a blast doing the voiceover for it.
He's just dancing away from the bullets, as if it's all just luck.
LOL, three guns. It's Trigun!
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Goshdarn stupid flip-up glasses....
I love how quick his reaction goes from this (Seriously, what is he, a teenager??)...
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...to this.
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Psh, as if Vash the Stampede needs a measly pistol to wreak havoc.
Ah, the return of lecherous Vash. NGL, was kinda hoping that moment was an anime-only. Though they really took it and ran with it, though, didn't they?
You don't get to say, "That's no way to treat a lady!" to others when you were just looking up her skirt.
LOL, I love her response here. Perfect.
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Huh. Something tells me these guys are after a bit more than a rich guy's "pocket money." Is it the fact that one of them shoved a gun in the daughter's mouth? Could be. Could be....
Distracting table-crash provided by... Vash the Stampede. I told you he didn't need a gun to wreak havoc. Though of course the whole incident gave the guy's friends time to restrain him and get him away from the girl before he did anything rash.
Look at him. He's just a little guy....
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Vash, not taking any chances. Distraction might not be enough. Use Advanced Projectile Gum Technique!
This sure is a colorful cast of characters....
I'm just saying, they don't really seem like the type of folks the sheriff should have on speed dial.
I love how pissed off Vash looks as they're talking about how he'll kill them all if he shows up. This is the face of a man who's had it with your lies and slander.
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Dude, the rich guy was like, "Just so long as my daughter lives," and the sheriff was like, "They'll do the job so long as you pay upfront," but girl's gonna get taken down in the crossfire.
Or, she would if Mr. The Stampede wasn't there.
The girl is physically ok, but mentally, she'll be scarred forever. That's some Hellsing/AoT-levels of, "This character is definitely dead."
Aaaand three panels later, Vash realizes he forgot to continue pretending to be tied up and tries to remedy the situation.
Bossman here (I mean the gang leader, not the actual character named Bostalk) was already suspicious of Vash. Now he's extra-suspicious.
Somehow, Vash revealing his identity has not made the Bossman less suspicious.
Vash, the multi-talented. He can fight and preach at the same time.
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Oh, so the field of graves at the beginning isn't Vash's fault somehow. That's... good.
I mean, dear old dad might care a lot for his daughter, but he clearly stated he didn't give a shit about the lives of anyone else in the building.
Vash is disappointed in Bossman's life choices.
BTW, Vash's hair in this whole chapter just makes me think of thistle flowers.
Yes. Refusing to do so just leads to more cruelty.
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Vash just let the guy shoot the man, huh?
Oh, he's not happy about it.
Ah, yes. There's the greedy sheriff I remember!
This sheriff mentioned his hired help didn't think anything of taking human lives, but it seems they're not the only ones.
Oh, no. Sheriff triggered Angry Vash.
Not really sure what happened in this panel save that Vash was at the center of a bunch of destruction. Again.
Ah, gun arm. I thought it might be gun arm. I couldn't remember.
I love the sheriff's expression here. Like, he literally has his own gun to Vash's face, and he's effing terrified.
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Vash, dodging bullets again.
WTF, he shot him right in the badge. Talk about insult and injury. My boy knows what he's doing.
Hahahaha, everyone else just looks sooooo confused. Hopefully, they'll get it someday.
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Whoo boy, been a little bit. I can’t really say much besides IRL sucks, so. Back to something that doesn’t suck, which is BNHA. This chapter is dedicated to the good bean Tenya, especially his little smile which forced me to change my pfp on discord because I just couldn’t.
I was kinda planning on doing arc summaries between sections, but honestly, the BNHA wiki already has those, so if you don’t want to go back and read through all the posts I’ve done for the pre-USJ chapters, just head over there and do a skim of the summaries there, I guess?
[No. 12 - Yeah, Just Do Your Best, Iida!]
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I just love how his hand gestures are actual effective tools against enemies, I cannot even. Also, a good and friendly reminder that carbonated drinks stall his engines! I have never seen that used in fanfic, whether for crack or whump purposes… a shame.
We head right into the next morning from that battle training, with the kids being held up by the media as they ask about All Might. Izuku is a bundle of nerves as he awkwardly excuses himself to the nurse’s office, Ochako is a darling who describes All Might as super muscly, and Tenya goes into a whole ass speech with a lot of fancy language to explain the honor of being at UA and learning under All Might. 
(Honestly, I find it hard to determine whether this is genuinely earnest or if he’s picked up media warding skills from his parents and older brother. It’s probably genuine, but I just love the idea behind low-key troll master Tenya who learned from the best, aka his older brother.)
Katsuki, unfortunately, is still known as ‘the kid from the sludge incident’, which I mean. I am so fucking baffled at how long the media in this have held onto that 'sludge incident' thing, like, you'd think they'd have moved on to other things by now and don't really think about it much.
It’s the same with the general public (as seen in chapter 3), like, yes, I too would have a fucking complex and anger issues if all anyone thought about in relation to me wasn't my high grades or my skill in combat or anything, but that one time a year ago where I was almost suffocated to death while the people who were supposed to save my life did fucking nothing. I mean, Katsuki has always had a complex, but This Didn't Help.
Moving on, we see the media wondering who the fuck this messy looking dude waving them off is, while Aizawa just. Fucking shoos them like they’re dogs or kids or something. His words seem like a vague attempt at being polite about shooing them, but with the hand gesture, well. Basically comes off more as a chastisement. 
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...honestly, this feels so weird that no one knew about it even though the kids who got in got a message from All Might saying he’d be teaching there. The only thing I and the others can assume is that there was an NDA on him teaching until it was announced to the newspapers on the first day of classes. Which would explain why it didn’t hit the news until said day…
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Whatever, it’s weird, let’s just move on.
One of the reporters steps forward, asking/demanding a chance to speak to All Might about his sudden shift to teaching, only for the guy behind her to try and call out a warning - just a touch too late, as the sensors over the gate react, causing the daunting hunk of metal serving as a gate to slam closed right in front of her. Gonna guess she’s new to the reporting scene. The guy explains that the UA barrier locks down if someone without a school ID approaches the gate, and that supposedly there are more sensors throughout the campus.
The panel gives us a diagram of the three ‘levels’ of sensors - the gate/wall around the school, the walkway to the school, and the school itself. Which I think correlates to the security levels that come up later, since it’s a ‘level three’ breach, which means the school was broken into. Was it… always that fucking simple and I just totally glossed over that detail until now? orz
While the newsfolk complain about not getting comments from UA, we get to see the back of a ~mysterious figure~ who definitely isn’t the primary antagonist of the entire series. God, you can see his individual neck vertebrae.
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We transition to 1a’s homeroom, with Aizawa going over the battle training as well as their grades / evaluations. Aizawa calls out Katsuki and tells him to grow up and stop wasting his talent, which Katsuki grudgingly accepts. Izuku jolts at being called out next over his broken arm, and accepts the chastisement of learning to control his quirk, because trying isn’t going to cut it. Aizawa does soften the blow, however, by repeating that Izuku has potential, assuming he overcomes that issue.
With that done, Aizawa ‘Plus Extra™’ Shouta gets the whole class tense by drawing out the next class announcement. While I think it’s a translation error, the whole class sweating as they wonder whether it’s another brutal pop quiz is hella funny. (I’m guessing it was meant to be ‘test’ which would reference to the quirk assessment as well as the battle training, but ah well.) The whole class sighs in relief as one as Aizawa finally reveals that their task for the morning is to choose a class president - a normal, school-like thing in comparison to the past two days.
Pretty much the entire class has their hands raised to volunteer for the position, with Katsuki being particularly aggressive about it (as per the norm). Even Izuku has his hand shyly lifted up from the desk, while his narration notes that the position in normal schools entails mundane tasks, but in UA’s hero course means leading the group - a position suited for a top hero in the making.
Tenya calls for them all to quiet down, drawing attention as he goes on to explain how leading people is a task of heavy responsibility, but that ambition is not equal to ability. He is so intense it’s hilarious as he explains how the office demands the trust of its constituents, and that if it’s to be a democracy, then he puts forward the motion that they choose their leader through election.
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Seriously this is just so fucking hilarious, I love this boy so much. And I love whoever it is that calls out that this is a classroom, not congress. 
Tsuyu points out that the class hasn’t known each other long enough to build trust, and Kirishima notes that everyone will vote for themselves. Tenya points out that that is precisely the reason that anyone who gets multiple votes will be the best suited for the job. He then checks with Aizawa if this is allowable, which the teacher agrees to so long as it’s quick. And a quick transition, we reveal the winners-
Izuku with three votes, and Momo with two.
Everyone else, it seems, still has one vote, which was their own (as predicted). Izuku is shook. Katsuki is shaking in anger as he demands to know who the hell voted for Deku. Ochako is whistling and looking away, thinking that she’d better not let Katsuki find out.
(Also of note is that Sero is already approaching Katsuki and making a joke here about it being obvious Katsuki wasn’t one of Izuku’s votes, and then seemingly laughing a bit when Katsuki’s temper turns on him?
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Hard to say for sure, but it seems Sero is the first of Katsuki’s future friend group to approach him and get away with poking at his temper. Which I feel is something very much overlooked by the fandom in favor of Kirishima for fairly obvious reasons.)
Tenya, meanwhile, is in a funk as he notes he has no votes, and that that is the harsh reality of office. Momo is concerned as she notes that zero votes meant he voted fro someone else, while Sato points out that Tenya was the one to suggest the election, so what did he seriously want? Izuku and Momo go to the front of the class - Izuku a nervous wreck while Momo’s just exasperated with the situation. Aizawa confirms their positions as he gets out of his sleeping bag, and the class talk a bout about the suitability of the chosen pair while Tenya continues to sulk in his seat.
With that, the first half of the chapter is done, so I’ll call it here. I can certainly say I learned a thing or two today, and I hope y’all did as well!
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the-bejeesus · 4 years
To Those Who Say “I’m not gonna catch up on One Piece until it’s finished. Why would I watch/read 1000+ episodes/chapters when I don’t even get to know how the story ends?”
      Now for the past few years, when I came across somebody who said this, my rebute would be something like “Well the series is great already. It doesn’t really matter if I don’t know how it ends, because the journey itself is enjoyable.” or “Man if that’s your excuse, who you gonna explain why you read/watch stuff like Berserk, Hunter X Hunter, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, and My Hero Academia? Newsflash, they aren’t done yet.” But it came across my mind that I can now apply a completely different approach:
“If you start watching/reading at this pace right now, it will be over by the time you catch up.”
      If you’re a fan of the series, you’ll know that for awhile now Oda has been saying that he plans to end the series in just 5-4 years. Now he’s made lots of claims in the past that turned out to be ridiculous. However, many One Piece researchers have compiled his claims and found out that they only get more accurate as time goes on, with the most ridiculous claims being found to be myths. And with the most recent claims of ending the series in less than 5 years, even his editors who are usually skeptical have started to trust that he can do this. After all, he has officially set there to be only one more saga (which isn’t necessarily one arc, but it’s either going to be 1-2 major arcs or an anthology of 5-6 shorter arcs). And now that we can trust this claim, we can essentially extrapolate how many chapters/episodes are left and what pace we have to binge to catch up at just the right time.
If you plan to read the manga (black and white):
The manga in black in white is a perfectly fine way to enjoy One Piece. It’s what Oda draws, it’s how he intends it to be viewed, and best of all, it will be the first version of publication to finish.
     Out of the 1223 weeks since the first chapter published in July 19, 1997, 1000 chapters have published, meaning on average he publishes 42 chapters per year, or in other words, there are only 10 hiatuses per year (including holidays where WSJ does not publish). Now if I wanted to be more accurate, I’d only look at the chapters published this year, to exclude outliers like how he had no hiatuses for the first 200 chapters, or how he had a 4-week hiatus during the timeskip, but 2020 has been a bit crazy, so we’re not doing that for this or any of the others.
     Going off of this, the final chapter would be chapter 1212 in December 28, 2025 (yes, the 28th would be a Sunday again.) So here’s how you’d calculate the pace in which you need to read One Piece, and really this is how we’ll calculate it for every version)
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     Now I know math is boring, but the reason I’m showing this to you is because the amount of weeks until One Piece ends will vary based on when you start this binge. Chances are you aren’t going to start the day you see this post, and there’s an even greater chance you won’t see this post the day it’s posted. For every example I’m going to assume you started binging on December 28, 2020. Now let’s try to use it for this example.
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     And there’s your answer, just read 4-5 chapters per week. By the end, One Piece should be nearly over or have very recently ended. To put that into a different perspective, you could purchase and read just two volumes per month and you’ll be at prime pace. Or you could read one chapter every day, but only on weekdays.  If you want to, you can see this calculation in action in graph form.
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     While this is a very rudimentary graph, it’s a basic visualization of what we’re calculating here. We’re calculating what speed we need to binge to catch up at exactly the right moment. I say exact, but ultimately no one can predict how many chapters there will be exactly, nor how many hiatuses Oda will go on during it. It will be important, as you’re nearing the end, to find a spoiler-free way to keep up on how close One Piece is to ending. To know whether you ought to speed up or slow down.
If you plan to watch the anime (subtitled):
For years now people have hated on the anime “terrible animation!” “terrible pacing” but at the end of the day, it’s the more popular version. Or the more viewed version I should say. And personally, I think that once you acknowledge its problems and learn how to deal with them, it’s a perfectly fine experience. There’s enough good voice acting and enough good storytelling that you’re easily able to ignore the problems. Plus, the animation has substantially improved since Wano.
      Now for this we’re going to have to change a lot of variables to get this right. We’re going to have to adjust when publication started, and recalculate when One Piece will end by looking at how slowly the anime adapts the manga, and how behind it is. The anime aired on October 20, 1999, and has aired 956 episodes since then. This means on average they air 44.9 episodes per year, meaning there is pretty much only 7 breaks the entire year. With these 956 episodes, they have adapted 955 chapters, making the pace almost exactly one chapter per episode. However this is really inaccurate, considering all the better-paced arcs earlier on in the story. Looking solely at episodes 2012 and onwards, the anime adapts at a pace of 0.65 chapters/episode.
     Knowing that there are roughly 212 chapters left, and Toei adapts at 0.65 chapters per episode, we can assume that there are going to be roughly 324 episodes left. That sounds like too many, but keep in mind that there will be several, several instances where the manga will be on hiatus whereas the anime will keep on airing. Knowing there are approximately 324 episodes left, and that the anime only takes about 7 breaks a year, we can assume that it will take 7 years, or 374.49 weeks before the anime will end. So now we have the information we need to do the math again.
x = 1280/374.49
x = 3.417 episodes/week.
     It may seem like a more relaxed binge, since you get a whole 2 extra years to binge, and you only have to do 3-4 episodes per week, compared to the 4-5 chapters. But keep in mind that these episodes are 24 minutes each. Still not at all bad, but you will be spending more time on it overall.
If you plan to watch One Pace:
One Pace is a fan project that edits the anime so that filler and padding is cut, other edits will be made to make the anime more manga-accurate, such as reorganizing scenes, or adding title cards where absent. Originally only used by a niche number of One Piece fans, One Pace has grown in popularity, and has tried to improve its quality to accommodate more fans, such as making their episodes Dual Audio (meaning you can switch between the dub and original Japanese audio tracks), and including Spanish subtitles.
      You’d think we’d have to adjust for when One Pace began, how slowly One Pace catches up, and the works, but there’s not much to calculate. Fortunately for us, no matter how far behind One Pace is on editing the current arc, they always like to wrap things up just a few weeks within when an arc ended, if not the very same week. So really all we have to calculate is how many One Pace episodes there will be by the end of all this, so that we know how many you’ll need to watch per week.
      Looking solely at what they’ve covered so far, One Pace has taken 573 episodes and condensed it down to 259 episodes. That’s a pace of 2.21 anime episodes/ paced episode. Earlier we calculated that there would be 324 episodes of the anime left, making for 1280 episodes total. This would mean that there would be around 578 One Pace episodes by the end. And One Pace would probably wrap up in, let’s say 376 weeks, because as I said, they’ll probably finish editing the final arc a week or two after the last episode airs.
x = 578/376
x = 1.53 episodes per week
      Now that’s a relaxed pace. 1-2 episodes per week? That’s so slow, I’m not even sure if I’ll remember what I watched last week next time I watch some episodes. The only problem is some of the pre-timeskip still haven’t been edited. They’ll probably be done by the time they finish the final arc, but that’s not gonna work out fast enough. You’ll hit your first roadblock about 7 weeks in when you need to watch the Baratie arc and it’s not done. And don’t even get me started on how many arcs aren’t done in dub or Spanish sub yet. Hopefully you could just switch to the anime or manga when you hit these arcs, readjusting how many episodes/chapters you need to watch/read when you do. But that’s a bit of an excessive amount of math for something that’s supposed to be fun. So yeah, if you’re still convinced you shouldn’t get into One Piece until it’s ended, maybe this is the option for you.
If you plan to read the manga (Colored):
Since 2012, Shueisha has made a colorization of One Piece. It’s not a fan coloring, it’s as official as it gets. Many consider the color schemes portrayed in this version as the most canon, as the majority are pulled straight from whatever colored illustrations of Oda’s they can find. And quite frankly it makes the manga at least 10 times more beautiful. It’s especially great if you have trouble interpreting dense, small black and white panels.
      This one is a doozy. You’d think all I gotta do is calculate how far behind the colored manga usually and just adjust from there, right? Wrong. Because how far behind the colored manga is, or how frequently they release volumes in full color, is one of the most inconsistent things I have ever seen. You wanna see what I’m talking about? This is how they’ve chosen to release each volume since 2012:
Volume 1-12: July 15, 2012
Volume 13-23: September 28, 2012
Volume 24-63: December 4, 2012
Volume 64-65: April 4, 2013
Volume 66-68: December 20, 2013
Volume 69-70: August 25, 2014
Volume 71-72: September 16, 2015
Volume 73-75: October 4, 2016
Volume 76: December 2, 2016
Volume 77: March 3, 2017
Volume 78: July 2, 2017
Volume 79: September 4, 2017
Volume 80: December 4, 2017
Volume 81-82: March 3, 2018
Volume 83: October 4, 2018
Volume 84-86: August 2, 2019
Volume 87-92: September 16, 2020
     How I am supposed to find out how long it will take for Shueisha to colorize the final volume of One Piece is beyond me. I guess the first step would be to look at how far behind the manga each release was on average, but I’m going to ignore all the ones before 2013, because those were clearly just Shueisha catching up really fast cause they just started and didn’t want to be dozens of volumes behind forever. So of the 14 publications between 2013 and now, on average the last chapter of the last volume they colored was 97.78 weeks after that chapter had published in Weekly Shonen Jump. This means that if the final chapter of One Piece is chapter 1212 on December 28, 2025, then you can expect the final colored volume to publish November 14, 2027.
x = 1212/359
x = 3.37 chapters/week
     So if you prefer the manga but don’t want to read 5 chapters every week for 5 years, this might be a better option for ya. But yea, I have no doubt my prediction is at least a little off for this one.
If you plan to watch the anime (dubbed):
Unlike the 4KidsTV and Odex dubs of One Piece, the FUNimation dub is a perfect way to enjoy One Piece. The DVDs come with enjoyable commentary and a marathon mode, great for binging.
       FUNimation’s releases of the dub are inconsistent, although not nearly as erratic as the colored manga release. However, there was recently a 2-year hiatus we only just got out of. Since Episode 1′s dub in May 27, 2008, the dub has gotten as far as Episode 614. But that’s only looking at the DVD releases. If you’re willing to stream on FUNimationnow, the dub is as far as 641, and if you’re willing to digitally purchase it from an e-shop such as the Microsoft store, it goes all the way to Episode 654. With that being said, that would mean that on average, FUNimation dubs 1.004 episodes per week. Although if we go back to before the two-year hiatus so as to exclude it from the average, it’s actually 1.10 episodes per week. Not a huge difference, actually. And then if we look solely after the two-year hiatus, it’s actually 2.25 episodes per week, which is insanely faster. It’s hard to tell what the future of the dub will be. I can’t assume they’ll go this fast forever, so I’m just going to take the average of all 3 and say it’s 1.45 episodes per week. Don’t know if that’s the best mathematical approach, but the number seems about right.
     So knowing that the dub is at Episode 654 and looking at our previous guesstimation that the anime will be 1280 episodes long, we can predict that it will take 431 weeks before the dub catches up and ends. That would be in 2029! Sounds quick at first until you notice it’s 4 years behind!
x = 1280/431
x = 2.96 episodes per week
      Looks like it’s almost exactly 3 episodes per week. Not as much less of a workload as I expected, compared to catching up to the sub. You know, I figured those 4 extra years would make you binge a lot slower.
Final Thoughts:
      There’s a lot of my math that was estimation, approximations, extrapolations. Feel free to correct me or fact check me, especially if you plan on using this. I figured this would be a fun thought excercise. There’s also a lot of smaller variables I simply didn’t want to take into account because of how long this is already. For example, reading the black and white manga. The calculation can vary slightly depending on if you read it the day it’s published (which I assume would have to be a fanscan unless you can read Japanese), reading the weekly publication legally on Viz.com, waiting for the physical volume release. The dub can also vary depending on whether you buy from Microsoft, wait for the FUNimationnow release, wait for the DVDs, or wait for the Collection sets. So feel free to take this into account.
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lorewritesandcrique · 3 years
Mini ReWrite: Episode 153, Cursed
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So, I want to do this New Series called “Mini ReWrite” which unlike my Big Posts will only Encompass 1 Episode and not Multiple. Hopefully they will be able to be Posted after. I am gonna Start with this one as I am gonna just RePost What I put in the Discord. Plus, it’s still on my mind. Anyway without further ado,
TLDR: This Episode Under Utilizes The Artemision in it’s WorldBuilding by making it Empty and it makes it seem that Artemis has No Following. It also Under Utilizes Artemis herself. This is her Temple but we don’t get to know her more. Why is she here? does she go here often? We could have gotten Characterization on her. This Episode should have been Split into 2 Parts, Hades/Persephone + Hecate and Eros/Psyche + Artemis. With this we have extra Panels that could be Devoted to Developing Artemis’ Character not only with herself but with her Worshippers.
ReWrite Under the Read More:
Issues with the Episode:
1. WorldBuilding Surrounding Artemis’ Temple and by Extension Artemis herself
This Temple, (The Artemision), is completely Empty. Which doesn’t make sense as this is suppose to be Artemis’ “Main Temple.” Where are the Temple CareTakers? Where are her Worshippers? Now, you could say “Well, there is a Bear in the Temple!” To which I respond with “How did it get in there? Where are the CareTakers?” I love Artemis and her Conversation with Eros is Great but,,, it does Lack Characterization that is Unique to her. Of course, Artemis is gonna get Angry because Eros is Hiding something from her! I wish we got something more Unique to her.
2. Eros/Psyche’s Part is Too Long and could be Removed
I am gonna be Honest I don’t particularly care for Eros/Psyche, so there part is really UnNecessary. You could have started with them already going to Artemis’ Temple and nothing changes.
3. Hades/Persephone and Hecate goes on Slightly Longer than Necessary
The Title of the Episode “Cursed” comes from this Part and it is Good. But, I do think it has some UnNecessary Fluff that could be cut out for Artemis Characterization.
ReWrite, (will be laid out in the would be Order of the Episode):
Hades/Persephone + Hecate:
You can keep it mostly the same I would recommend taking out the Last bit of Hecate telling Persephone about she saw her Mother. It’s just an unneeded CliffHanger that could be taken out. The Focus is Minthe and her Curse. Keep it there. And the Part of Persephone Explaining how Minthe can both hear them. I think that bit could be added in another Panel before hand. So, with those bit out we now have 5 Extra Blank Panels (They will come in Later)
We are taking their entire Section out as stated. Just give us 3 Panels of them going to Artemis’ Temple. First, Of them Traveling. Second, Of Psyche Asking where they are going. Third, Of Eros Responding with Artemis’ Main Temple and How he wants to check up on her. So, with this we have 9 Extra Blank Panels
Instead of, the Bear and the Temple being Empty. When Eros/Psyche arrive in the Temple, Mortals are getting ready to Worship and Artemis is Watching while Invisible. Artemis Shushes them when they try and Talk to her as she just wants Enjoy her WorShip.
This way, we finally see some Mortal and God Interaction. Which the Series is Sorely Lacking. This Story is about the Gods but we never see anything with the Mortals and How the 2 Interact with the Other. (Besides Mortals Dying that is) We never see Mortals Worshipping or Praying or anything.
Another thing that could be Improved by this is giving Artemis a Special Relationship with her Worshippers. She Watches over them, quite literally. It’s an Intimate Moment which she take part in to be close to them. Here is some Potential Dialogue of Artemis for this Section:
  "I like to Watch them whenever I have Time,,, it's Relaxing in a way,,,It,,,It Helps me Clear my Head." 
"It's Interesting Watching the Mortals and How they do things.,,, I could never do what they do, but it's still nice to Watch. I can UnderStand them better."
“I want to Join them but,,, I get the Feeling it wouldn’t be the same, you know? They are Mortals and we are Gods”
With Dialogue like this we could see a New Dimension to Artemis, A Goddess who Enjoyness the Closeness and Bond she has of her Worshippers, but will never join them as there is a Power Difference.
With this we will have at least 2 Extra Blank Panels as we are getting Rid of the Bear.
So, How would you fit this? Well, Remember those Extra Panels we got Rid of? They are being reused here. We have 16 Extra Panels. With all those Extra, you have a lot of ways to Format it. Here is one off the Top of my Head
5-7 Panels for Set Up: Showing us the Artemision and all the Mortals.
4-5 Panels for the WorShip: Just Showing the Mortals Worshipping
4-5 Panels for Artemis: Giving her Characterization with the Dialogue up above
And that’s my First Mini ReWrite
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stalactice · 3 years
A Stream of Consciousness Reaction to SnK
by a (newbie-ish) rivamika fan
Part 8: Shipping Levels Off the Charts
(aka I reach chapter 138)
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 (end)
Annie, definitely probably: I'm off to save my boyfriend! Never in a million years would I have ever thought Aruani would happen in any way, shape, or form and *insert vague flailing*
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Okay, I'm gonna go lie in the street and wait for traffic to hit me BYE
Isayama's writing can be very "what the hell are you talking about, dude?" at times, but in my very (layman's) opinion this is one of the strongest series of panels he's drawn and written in the whole manga. It encapsulates why I think people read snk from the start. Yes, the concept and world-building is unique and interesting; however, hope is part of what I as a reader specifically look forward to reading. After all of the suffering these characters have experienced, there has to be a payoff somewhere where the hope comes to fruition—all of the sacrifices and deaths of these characters were not for naught. tldr; I just really like these panels.
Arrested Development Narrator, after reading 139 and extra pages: Their deaths, were in fact, all for naught.
The former iterations of titans helping the fight ;;;A;;;
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*singing off pitch* And IIIIIIIIIIII WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU His face here absolutely kills me ugh
I am finally free from Zeke Jaeger. There is some mercy in this world.
Levi casually mentioning he's an Ackerman in a semi-throw-away line.....is the closest we get to an "Ackertalk" in this whole thing?... All those parallels WASTED
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Sexual tension on a bird while the world's ending!
Rivamika sexual tension possible in every possible setting
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He said her name! He said her name!!!
This is not a drill, my friends!!!!!
~To the ends of the earth would you follow me?~
(Lord Huron is one of my rivamika muses, okay?)
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*even louder yodeling* The real trio of this series, fight me.
Look how far they've come!!!!!
[And tumblr won't let me post more screenshots, ugh]
[to be continued, I guess...]
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theapathetickat · 5 years
long post ahead. way longer than i thought it was gonna be.
So I found a bunch of official character design scans from the Soul Eater anime, and included were some height charts!
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So I chose one of the height charts to calculate with, adjusted a few characters' standing places (Crona, Soul, Maka, the Thompson sisters) to make them more even with the others, and since there was a 150 cm mark, I knew what I had to do and got to work.
After adjusting the aforementioned characters, I first made some marks for 1 meter and 50 centimeters by measuring the pixels between designated points on the 150cm/0cm lines and labeled these points. Then I determined the approximate height of a centimeter in pixels and rounded that to both the nearest whole pixel and the nearest tenth. (I used the nearest tenth to calculate with) Then I approximated tops of characters' heads, accounting for typical anime hair volume, and made multiple points for characters with super spiky hair (to see how much the spikes add) and Lord Death (because I wasn't sure which point I should use).
Finally I took the difference between the head lines and what pixel of the image was my designated zero, and divided that by the number I calculated to be a centimeter's height in pixels to generate approximate heights. These heights were then rounded to the nearest whole centimeter. However, they seemed off.
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Approximate heights ordered left to right, using 150cm mark as reference:
Black☆Star: 150cm/4'11" (169cm/5'6" including hair spike)
Lord Death: 203cm/6'7" at Point 1, 218cm/7'1" at Point 2, 256cm/8'5" at Point 3
Tsubaki: 166cm/5'5"
Stein: Ok according to this chart he's 194 cm/6'4", but in the NOT! production note he was 210 cm (6'10"). I'm gonna chalk this inconsistency up to differing character designers for the anime adaptations (Yoshiyuki Itou for the original and Satoshi Koike for NOT!) and no known release of character heights from Ohkubo. And I'll still be going with the 210 cm number for Stein's height as it's the only one that's known to have been stated by any staff member. (I double-checked my math and it still checked out within an acceptable margin of error, but there is still the possibility that I was off somewhere in rounding)
Medusa: 172cm/5'8"
Crona: 161cm/5'3"
Soul: 142cm/4'7" (15ocm/4'11" including hair spike)
Maka: 145cm/4'9"
Spirit: 194 cm/6'4"
Death the Kid: 150cm/4'11" (note: his shoes have a slight heel to them so I feel it's reasonable to estimate this despite him being slightly above the 150cm line) (In the NOT! production note he is listed as 158cm/5'2". This can be attributed to the same reasons as the inconsistency with Stein's height)
Patty: 145cm/4'9" with heels, 139cm, 4'7" without. (The NOT! production note lists her as 160cm/5'3")
Liz: 161cm/5'3" with heels, 155cm/5'1" without. (This is also inconsistent with the NOT! production note which lists her as 170cm/5'7". This inconsistency I'll chalk up to the same reasons as Kid, Patty, and Stein)
Sid: 196 cm/6'5"
So all the kids are just absolutely TINY in the anime universe if we go by the mark on this production image.
Here are set 2's numbers, which ignores that 150cm mark and bases the heights off what's in Stein's NOT! production note files, because I was curious as to what numbers that would show: (Note: Kid, Liz, and Patty's numbers may not match that production note because this is enough of a different point in the story that they may have grown) (all heights rounded to nearest whole inch/centimeter)
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Black☆Star: 161cm/5'3"  (182cm/5'11" including hair spike)
Lord Death: 219cm/7'2" at Point 1, 237cm/7'8" at Point 2, 276cm/9'1" at Point 3
Tsubaki: 180cm/5'11"
Stein: 210 cm/ 6'10"
Medusa: 186cm/6'1"
Crona: 174cm/5'9"
Soul: 153cm/5'0" (161cm/5'3" including hair spike)
Maka: 157cm/5'2" in combat boots (because let's be real those are definitely adding an extra inch or two)
Spirit: 210 cm/ 6'10"
Death the Kid: 162cm/5'4" (the 4 centimeter difference from the NOT! info can be attributed to NOT! being a prequel and Kid having grown since then, or a really big margin of error in my calculations)
Patty: 160cm/5'3" with heels, 154cm/5'1" without heels
Liz: 174cm/5'9" with heels, 168cm/5'6" without heels (see Kid's footnote)
Sid: 212cm/6'11"
These heights feel a little more statistically accurate to (mostly) American teenagers, (some were born outside the US but a majority of the kids were), though ranging on the tall side for a few.
However, one time a while ago my brother and I tried to calculate character heights based on the manga post-timeskip using that same Stein height from NOT! as a reference. I redid the calculations using the metric system (because I used the US Imperial system before and that one has way more opportunities for conversion errors) and got this: (it only contains a few characters because Ohkubo's paneling clearly never had full height comparisons in mind)
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Transcription of heights incase my handwriting is unreadable for the characters in this image:
Stein and Spirit: 210cm/ 6'10"
Maka and Kim: 170cm/5'7" (Kim was stated to be 154 cm in NOT!, but considering the timespan and her age, it's perfectly feasible for her to have grown)
Black Star: 170cm/5'7" (177cm/5'10" with hair spike)
Kid and Azusa: 175cm/5'9"
Soul: 181 cm/5'11" (186cm/6'1" with hair spike)
Crona: 176 cm/ 5'9" (also because their neck is so long-looking, I measured that. It is roughly 13cm/5.12")
Jackie: roughly the same height as Crona, give or take a centimeter or two.
I was originally going to calculate Marie, but the proportion of characters shown wasn't enough in that panel to calculate. (with no designated zero, it's tough)
Even though the anime adapts pre-timeskip events, I was a bit suspicious of the height differences. Because there is absolutely no way Crona only grew 2 centimeters from pre-to-post-timeskip, especially if Maka grew 13cm. Look at their relative heights on both sides of the timeskip:
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So I did a quick Google search on growth rates and compared what a few different websites say, which was that on average (in America, judging by the websites' lack of metric system usage), AFAB people grow around 2.5-4.5 inches per year during puberty (often being closest to 3 inches a year), while AMAB people grow 3-5 inches per year during puberty (often being closest to 4 inches a year). The timing of when these growth spurts occur varies by individual, but considering the canon age ranges of the Soul Eater kids it's safe so say most of them are in the peak growth spurt area.
Comparing these averages to the different sets of data I calculated, and considering inconsistencies such as Stein's height when going off the 150cm mark in that height chart, Crona's relative height to Maka across continuities, and Soul potentially having a growth spurt well over twice the average, I think it's safe to say that as long as the heights relative to other characters are consistent, go nuts.
In conclusion, it's likely that Ohkubo and the anime's character designers, or for that matter, the character designers between the original and spinoff's adaptations, may not have been in close communications when it came to consistency in character heights, even factoring for time differences.
if only Ohkubo or Studio Bones had completely released official character heights then I wouldn’t have calculated this mess
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