doesbroga-blog · 9 years
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“———-” Okay, maybe Blaine wasn’t expecting that answer, OR the way Sam moved closer to him. “I
 I would say do what you want to do, and whatever that may be
 support you
It was at that point that Blaine stopped breathing, holding his breath as his heart raced inside his chest so loud he thought for sure he might wake the dead. Staring into Sam’s eyes, he subconsciously licked his lips, afraid to move.
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               Sam’s features became softer. His brows un-furrowed themselves && he stops chewing on the inside of his mouth; only licking his lips too now. It was like everything was falling into place so smoothly. Yes, the nerves were there && they were there at an all time high. But he was truly curious about what it was like to kiss a boy. The curiosity was always there, && there couldn’t be any better to try it out on than Blaine Anderson; his best friend forever. He wasn’t all that scared of it the closer he got to Blaine’s lips. Sam was more than ready for this. “ Well if you support me && all... I’m gonna do what my heart is tellin’ me to do. “ he says with a small playful smirk, && before he knows it his lips are pressed against Blaine’s, eyebrows shooting up instantly.
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doesbroga-blog · 9 years
best friend forever.
Blaine thought for a moment, chewing on the inside of his lower lip as Sam spoke. He was obviously confused, and Blaine knew that feeling all too well. He sat up, looking over at the other.
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“Boobs are great
 forget about males and females and sexuality and genders– all those labels. Just, throw them out of your mind entirely for a second,” Blaine looked at him seriously. “Like, look at me, really look at me. “Is there any  part of you that
 I don’t know
 maybe wants to kiss me?”
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          Kiss him? Suddenly, Sam felt his whole body overheating. He could only pray he wasn’t blushing. He had to stay calm, it was necessary. Was Blaine asking him to kiss him? Oh, god he suddenly wanted to && that was the thing that confused him most out of all. He takes a moment of silence while continuing to avoid eye contact, chewing on his lip as he listens to the sound of Blaine’s voice. Sam shifts his eyes from the ground && up to his best friend, furrowing his eyebrows in concentration, staring at Blaine for a long time. Filtering out all of the labels, he was realizing that he could see his lips against Blaine’s. Sam Evans was an open book, he would tell Blaine how he was feeling. This was his best friend after all. But it was so puzzling how those lips suddenly seemed so irresistible to him out of nowhere. “ What would you do if I... Did want to kiss you? “ he asks, subconsciously bringing himself closer towards Blaine. “ Because I kinda feel like I do if we’re being completely honest here. “
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doesbroga-blog · 9 years
Blaine turned his head towards Sam with a weak smile. 
“Thanks, Sam.” 
He closed his eyes, sighing again, his hands folded across his belly as he kicked his feet up on the coffee table.
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“I don’t know it just feels like– wrong. Nobody really gets me, you know? I wish you were gay
 or at least bi
 I’d totally date you, too. I mean, you already know that
 sometimes I should just stop talking.”
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          Sam bit down on his bottom lip a little with his thinking face on. What did it really mean to be not ‘straight’? What was holding him back from being that? He thought Blaine was cool, they definitely connected with each other on a special level. Sam loved being around Blaine more than anyone else. Blaine was attractive. Blaine made him feel good about himself. It was just that every time sexuality was even on Sam’s mind, he let it fly over his head. He never thought there was a way he could be bisexual. Confusion was an understatement now. “ I totally wouldn’t be gay because I dig boobs too much but I do wish I could be bi. If I was bi I could date you... We would be like the hottest couple ever, let’s be real here. “
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doesbroga-blog · 9 years
Sitting down on the couch with a sigh – at nine p.m. on a Friday night after a particularly bad date – next to Sam, he let his head fall back against the couch. 
“I just don’t think I’m cut out for dating in New York, Sam.          Maybe I’m not cut out for dating at all.”
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          Sam was really hoping for Blaine to come home so he could hear how good of a time he had on his date, he loves seeing his best friend happy. But to see him bummed out, it put a frown on his face. Sam raises an arm && pats Blaine’s shoulder. “ You’re totally cut out for dating, Blaine. Maybe you just haven’t been looking in the right places. Like, when I loose my phone... I’m looking under the couch cushions when really I left it in the fridge by the eggs--- ya know? I promise you’ll find someone who makes you happy... && for the record, dude, I would date so hard if I was gay. Just puttin’ that out there. “ Sexuality was something Sam never really thought too much about, he always just assumed he was straight. It was weird for him to think about being anything but.
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doesbroga-blog · 9 years
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Whenever I’m sad, I think about how Sam having a True Jackson VP poster in his locker is canon, and it cheers me up.
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doesbroga-blog · 9 years
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Blaine can’t help the laugh, but he just shakes his head and grabs a handful of popcorn. “You are positively adorable when you get so excited about stuff, you know that?” He looks at Sam for a moment, smiling before turning his attention to the tv. “How many times have you seen all the episodes of this show, anyway?”
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          The theme song starts playing && hes singing with it under his breath at a way too high pitched tone until Blaine asks the question. It takes a moment for Sam to tune out of the awesomeness that is True Jackson VP && pay attention to what his best friend is saying. “ Uh, like a billion times pretty much. I own all three seasons on DVD, but you already know that. The show is so awesome that it never gets old, dude------- “ he was getting caught up in his enthusiasm for a moment until he stops speaking && turns his head to Blaine, realizing what he said beforehand. “ Adorable...? No, I didn’t know I was that... Adorable, I mean. “
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doesbroga-blog · 9 years
true jackson vp h8r.
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“Dude, you’re totally forgetting about Angela? Shawn’s main love interest who was recurring in the later seasons, and might as well have been a main character. She was African American, beautiful, and  totally kick ass, and yes, I agree, racism DOES suck. Look, I’m not saying True is bad, I’m just saying it’s not
 I don’t know, revolutionary. And the usual amount, please and thank you,” he said, plopping down on the couch and turning the tv on.
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          Sam let out a defeated sigh, Blaine’s logic was too good for him sometimes. Throwing the bag of popcorn in the microwave, he whistles while he waits until a louder than usual pop crackles in his ear. He jumps && has his fist out like hes ready to punch the microwave in half. Then he realizes it was just a loud popcorn pop && he lowers his fist, letting out a laugh of relief. “ WHOA, that was a close one. Totally thought it was gonna blow up the microwave... Like an action movie. That kind of would of been cool though... “ Once it’s all ready, he walks back to the couch && plops down next to Blaine, putting the bowl of popcorn in between them && pressing play on the remote.
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doesbroga-blog · 9 years
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“I appreciate your enthusiasm, Sam, but it wasn’t like
 Boy Meets World. That show, while classic and a bit before our time, actually shaped young adult television for our generation. I just don’t agree that True Jackson did that. However, I respect that you think that about it. Now make the popcorn!”
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      “ As much as I wanna stuff my face with some popcorn         I’m delaying that because you need to face the facts, Blaine       Okay first off, Topanga kinda got hot in the later seasons but       what else? You know? Second, did Boy Meets World have a       main character who was hella black? Negative. True was a kick       ass black chick who totally showed everyone who was boss.       Racism sucks... A lot. By the way, how much butter do you want       on the popcorn? I”m kinda getting hungry after all this preaching. “
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doesbroga-blog · 9 years
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“I will watch True Jackson VP with you with two conditions–        One, that you stop calling it top quality television.              And two, that you make the popcorn.”
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     “ But it seriously is top quality television! I’ll definitely        make some popcorn but I can’t lie about True Jackson        VP being a game changer of our whole entire generation.        I’m a honest guy, I can’t fake it. “
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doesbroga-blog · 9 years
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     “ Please watch True Jackson VP with       me! It’s top quality television, dude. “
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doesbroga-blog · 9 years
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          I DON’T KNOW. I‘VE NEVER HAD ANY            BALLS IN MY MOUTH-------- HAVE YOU?
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