#there may be a hip flask involved
onebraincellfan · 25 days
You know what I'd actually pay good money to watch? Sam and Caitriona watching all Outlander episodes together, talking about how "so in this scene I actually told them Claire wouldn't say that" or "we had to do that 50 times because Sam doesn't know how to put his shirt on" then go on giggling and rambling about shit sets and uranus for 45 minutes all while Sam is fidgeting with various objects and making paper planes
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cityandking · 1 year
🍉🍑🎂🍻🍟 for minah & bran!!
ty tabby!! // odd oc asks
🍉: Does your OC have a particular piece of jewellery that they always wear or refuse to part with?
MINAH — I don't think there's anything specific? she has some jewelry but nothing that's worth that much to her (except monetarily). oh wait she has a necklace she refuses to take off, but that's mostly utility
BRAN — she wears a signet ring on her left pinky finger that belonged to her mother. once upon a time she got stabbed to keep from losing it, so it's definitely the thing she refuses to part with. besides that, she's not too precious about her jewelry, though she doesn't like losing (or giving away) her things
🍑: What sort of traits does your OC look for in a Significant Other?
MINAH — generally speaking is not looking for a significant other at all. but if she had to..... I mean. money? (competence. power. forthrightness.)
BRAN — looks for someone who can have a Good Time. based on her dating history, Some Unresolved Issues is also a must (rip girlie). a quick tongue and quicker way into (and out of) trouble tend to be the big draws
🎂: Has your OC have any contradictory interests or traits to the first perception people have of them? How do they surprise people?
MINAH — in classic rogue fashion, minah cares more than she lets on. her tastes are also nicer than one might expect at first glance (case in point: the booze in her hip flask is really nice booze). she's got a discerning eye for valuables, but that's not too surprising when you take into account that she's a thief and has to know the value of shit to fence it properly. she's got a deep well of loyalty, but it takes a while to break that ground and get into it
BRAN — bran tries to present as very devil-may-care but she's got a big ol' very tangled up heart underneath the bravado. she's not shy about the way she cares for her people, but she keeps her own insecurities locked down tight. I think maybe she also surprises people with how willing she is to get involved and stick her neck out for a cause? like yeah she's a pirate but she has morals (and a hatred of the empress)
🍻: What's your OC's favourite comfort ritual? How do they calm themselves down after a rough day?
MINAH — minah doesn't really have any comfort rituals (though BOY HOWDY could she use some). when she needs to unwind, she usually just takes some time alone. not full up-on-the-roof levels of seeking out some privacy, but she'll take what she can get
BRAN — depends on the kind of rough day. most of the time she'll turn to some social time with her crew (drinking, dancing, music, losing herself in the crowd and the energy), but there's that 10% of the time when she'll retreat somewhere small and private to freak out in peace. never for too long—she's got things to do and places to be—but she needs the privacy sometimes
🍟: What does your OC admit to be their guilty pleasure? What actually is their guilty pleasure?
MINAH — she'd say it's some vice of the flesh (drinking, smoking, etc) but in reality... I have to think about it. daydreaming is the thing that comes to mind, which is a kinda horrible thing to feel guilty about. rip.
BRAN — branwen doesn't believe in guilty pleasures. branwen doesn't really believe in guilty anything, personally. absconding from her responsibilities? I have to think about this one too
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A Dead by Daylight Fanfic
Ash and Bill had just escaped another trial.
They’d both spent years in The Entity’s realm, but that didn’t mean they’d gotten used to the pain.
“Christ, that freak really did a number on you, huh?” Bill grumbled as Ash nursed his shoulder.
Ashley glanced up, sighing heavily.
“To be honest old timer, I’m just glad to be back at the campfire.” He deflected with a chuckle, turning his attention to the crackling logs. Bill scoffed, taking a drag on the cigarette hanging from his mouth.
The two sat in silence, occasionally looking up expectantly towards the woods. Hours passed, and their fellow survivors didn’t emerge from the fog.
“Weird,” Ash muttered, “thought at least that glasses-wearing nerd woulda got out.”
Bill grunted in agreement, staring at the flames.
“Well, good a time as any for Ash’s special treat.” Ash chuckled to himself, pulling a joint from his shirt pocket.
“The hell? You had that in there this whole time ya fuckin’ hippie?” Bill snapped, receiving a smug look from Ash.
“Maybe, but we’re always either around those dorks or that cop, never get a moment to myself!” Ash used the campfire to light up, taking a deep drag from the joint, “if I’m gonna spend eternity getting strung up like a turkey before thanksgiving, I may as well get a little hazy while I’m not impaled.”
As he finished rambling, the sound of two sets of running feet came from the mist. The two stood up, ready to start running on the off chance one of the killers had found a way out of the woods. Thankfully, the running belonged to two relatively human-looking figures. One was wearing a blue tank top and black denims, while the other was dressed in police combat gear - the letters R.P.D. emblazoned on his chest.
“Fresh meat?” Ash asked Bill, earning an apathetic shrug from the man.
“Who the hell are you?” Bill shouted, keeping his eyes trained on the two newcomers.
The two came to a stop a few feet away from Bill and Ash, catching their breath before responding.
“Name’s Jill, Jill Valentine, Special Tactics And Rescue Service.” The woman introduced herself, glancing back over her shoulder at the forest.
“I’m Leon Kennedy,” the man added, “Raccoon City Police Department.”
“Police?” Ash groaned heavily, using his metal hand to stub out the weed, “just as I was getting my buzz on.”
“Well, I was going to be a cop,” Leon admitted, “but I went to the city early, and then there was an…incident?”
“It’s a long story,” Jill interrupted, “but now we’re here…wherever here is.”
“Yeah, well, we ain’t exactly figured out where ‘here’ is yet either.” Bill chuckled, turning back to the fire. Jill and Leon walked around and took their place on a log next to the flame, leaving Ash standing. He shrugged, pulled out a hip flask, and slumped on the ground next to Bill.
“What do you mean? How long have you two been here?” Jill asked, poking the fire with a stick.
“Few years now, I reckon,” Bill replied, puffing on his cigarette, “hard to tell when there ain’t no clocks.”
“I ain’t been here as long as grampa over there,” Ash smirked, “but, yeah, this place is pretty messed up.”
Jill and Leon exchanged a worried glance.
“So, what’s going on here?” Leon asked, Ash cringing in pain from his shoulder.
“Whatever The Entity wants.” Ash replied mysteriously.
“Which usually involves getting chased around some hick farm by a nutjob with a chainsaw.” Bill cut the mystery short.
“What the hell are you talking about?” Jill demanded, tossing her stick into the fire.
As the stick got swallowed by the flames, a sickening breeze passed over the four, and each felt the burning gaze of someone in the forest.
“Kid, I think you’re about to find out.” Ash muttered.
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sylvie-writes · 4 years
Are You Worthy?
Part 2 of Getting Ready
Disclaimer: Some of the events may be out of order or removed but it’s for the purpose of the story
Warnings: mentions of alcohol. any screw ups in spelling or grammar.  
I just found out that I screwed up the timeline... but this is fanfcition... so just please ignore that huge plot hole that i’ve just created. 
Loosely edited. I will fully check over it this week, my loves. 
Sorry about the end. It’s midnight and i’m too tired to write a whole ass scene. 
The drive to the compound was a little over twenty minutes, the late night traffic of Brooklyn lightly flooding the roads. Sarah was in the back seat, strapped in her car seat joyously maundering about making new friends tonight. That child was a social butterfly, never really understanding the stranger-danger rule, one you and Steve often tried to implement into her impressionable mind. Steve looked into the rearview mirror, shooting the mini chatty cathy a large smile. 
Arriving at the event, ponds of cars littered the street, valet attendants frantically rushing around to the lineup of many pretentious cars. Once a valet had taken your car, Steve stepped out, first helping you from the passenger seat and then unbuckling Sarah. All three Rogers casually strolled into the multi-level tower, its height unfathomable. Heading to the back elevators, which weren’t crowded, for you all knew the compound layout better than most of the guests. Sarah’s hands held your’s and Steve’s as she was sandwiched between the two of you, yet happily swinging her parents’ hands with her own.
Sam immediately greeted you, Steve and Sarah, quickly inviting you all over for a friendly game of pool with some older gentlemen. Of course, since Sarah was only three, she couldn't play pool and instead joyously watched as the billiard balls fell into the pockets, only piquing her interest as she wondered where the pockets led to. You and Steve decided to share one cue stick, each shooting while the other held Sarah, who babbled to the parent holding her at that time. 
About halfway through the game, Steve had noticed you were shivering just a smidge. He swiftly laid the cue stick against the pool table as it wasn't his turn anyway. Taking off the leather jacket, Steve wrapped it around your shoulders, prompting you to turn your attention and body back towards the pool table and him.
“You scared me, Rogers.” You jocosely squinted at the man then handing Sarah over so you could properly wear the oversized leather jacket. The pleasant and familiar cologne wrapped around your body as if it were a warm and securing hug. By the time you had finished your mini conversation with Steve it was your turn to play pool, Sarah preciously becoming your cheerleader. 
Steve had ventured off with Sam while you and Sarah had ended up with Tony, Thor and Maria, painfully listening to Rhodey’s recollection of his time as the War Machine. 
“Well, you know the suit can take the weight. So I take the tank, fly it right up to the General’s Palace, drop it at his feet, and I’m like BOOM, you looking for this?” 
Tony and Thor just looked at Rhodey with an unamused look while Sarah giggled at the story, not really understanding but laughing at the funny voice he had used. Reiterating himself, Rhodey repeated the story in hopes of getting a better reaction from his crowd. 
“Boom. Are you looking- why do I even talk to you guys? Everywhere else that story kills.”
The disappointed man turns to face you, his hand up, expecting a high five. You just look at him before laughing and shaking your head, while Sarah glady gives Rhodey her hand in place of yours. 
“Well that's the whole story?”
Rhodey turned back to Thor with a mirthless expression.
“Yes, that’s the War Machine story.”
Thor turned to Tony, then back to Rhodey, laughing deeply and then responding with what you had assumed was sarcasm.
“Oh it’s very good then. It’s impressive!”
“Quality save.” 
Amused at Thor’s attempt, Rhodey then changed the subject, the conversation moving faster than Steve could run.
“Gentlemen, where are the ladies?” 
Maria’s simple question turned into a compliment battle between Tony and Thor. 
Sarah continued to giggle and out stretched her arms to the man beside you, a signal to hold her. Stopping your own laughter, you hand Sarah over to Rhodey who was just as giddy as the little girl in his arms.
“Go find your hubby!” Rhodey nudged you in the shoulder and you gave him and Sarah a quick hug before going your separate ways. You shot the two gloating men with a look of mock disappointment, bidding Maria a “good luck”, and then leaving at Rhodey’s wishes. 
“What happened to him?” You walked to stand beside Steve, watching as an older gentleman, drunkenly passed out, was being carried by two younger men. 
“This.” Steve brought the glass to your lips, a sour look tainting your face after just a small sip.
“My god, what is that?! It takes like fire!” A hearty chuckle left Steve as he pointed to Thor who was holding a small flask and doing shots with a group of men. 
Sarah was still with Tony, allowing you and Steve to go enjoy some time with each other. The two of you just stood on the balcony, your arms linked together as the stars brightly painted the sky. It had been a while since you and Steve had such a heartfelt conversation, both recalling old memories. Not only was the man linked beside you, your husband, but also your best friend. You and Steve have always shared everything with the other, whether it be tears or laughter. This man was literally the epitome of your everything. 
“Do you remember when you listened to a few of my vinyls for weeks just so you could learn the words?” 
Steve’s lips were on your head as he talked, leaving gentle kisses.
A chuckle left your mouth at the adorable yet embarrassing memory.
It was in the beginning of your relationship when you and Steve were just months into a relationship. Steve had always let you choose the music. He even learned how to use cd’s in a boombox, quite the change from vinyls and a record player. Well, one day, Steve had left for a mission, one you were not needed for. During the day that he was gone, you spent hours trying to figure out how to use his record player. When you finally did, that day all you listened to were the vinyls, engraving every word into your mind.  
“I couldn’t figure out how to play the vinyls.” A small pout wiggled onto your lips, one Steve kissed away then pulled from your face chuckling breathily. 
“Don’t laugh at your wife’s pain!”
“I’m not trying to! You are just so damn adorable. I see where Sarah gets it from.”
An hour later, you and Steve had parted ways and you were currently strolling over to the bar, a martini in mind, but when your daughter came bounding at you, hugging your leg, your plans for a drink changed.
“Hi, Mommy!” Unlatching the girl from your leg, you leaned down to pick her up, seeing Tony now staring at you with a look of relief. Sarah must’ve run from him at the sight of her mother. 
You waved Tony away, bidding him back to his conversation. 
“What are you doing, Mommy?” 
“I was just about to get a drink.” 
“Ohhh can I have one?”
After her request, you explained to her that some drinks were for adults. Martini long forgotten, you instead went to order a shirley temple to share with Sarah. At first she was confused since you had just explained that the drinks from the bar were for adults, but then you further told her some drinks were okay. Long story short, Sarah had just learned that she must ask you or Steve since you would both know what to order her.
Now done with the most confusing lesson you’ve ever taught Sarah, you continued your walk to the bar.
Natasha was behind the counter, currently pouring a drink for herself while she and Bruce returned some playful chatter. A few minutes passed and their conversation ended. Smirking, Nat left the flustered man with your husband, who had just shown up at the end of the counter for a beer himself.
“It’s nice.”
Bruce turned to look at Steve, genuinely confused, partly to Steve’s statement and then Natasha's flirting. 
“You and Romanoff.” 
Once all the pieces finally clicked in the clueless man’s head, he instantly denied the claims thrown his way. 
Deciding to finally join the conversation, you walked up beside Steve, who was happily surprised at your appearance, with Sarah on your hip. 
“Yeah, you both are adorable!” 
Poor Bruce was a ball of nerves not even able to form the words to repudiate your comment. 
“It’s okay, nobody’s breaking any bylaws.”
Sarah’s attention had now shifted from the mature conversation and to Thor who was a few feet away. The man was making funny faces at her, snickers ensuing. Tapping your shoulder politely, she then pointed to Thor and you set her down, watching her run away, never once peeling away your eyes until she made it into the safe hold of the man, who shot a thumbs up allowing you to return to Steve and Bruce’s conversation. 
“It’s just that she’s not the most… open person in the world, but with you she seems very relaxed.” 
“Agreed. You two are practically like Steve and I!” 
“No, Natasha, she just likes to flirt.” 
“I’ve seen her flirt. Up close. And this ain’t that.” Your husband reached for a beer, then holding his arm out for you. 
“Look, as maybe the world’s leading authority on waiting too long. Don’t. You both deserve a win.” 
Steve gave Bruce a heartening smile, waiting as you unlatched your arm from his. You placed a friendly peck on the man’s cheek before giving him some words of reassurance.
“Don’t underestimate your worth.” Bruce then gave you both a small meek smile, returning to his drink. 
“What do you mean up close!” You and Steve were already long gone yet still able to hear Bruce’s cry of befuddlement to which your husband smirked, causing you to scoldingly slap him on the chest.
“You're absolutely terrible, Grant.” 
As expected, Steve just laughed at your reprimand. Whenever you scolded him, it usually involved his middle name being crammed somewhere into your lengthy chide. Like a disciplined child, he’d listen pitifully. Most of the time you’d chastise him for his reckless nature, that scared you to death. Then he’d apologize a thousand times while planting kisses all over your face, making you giggle endlessly, certainly failing at keeping up the irritated facade.  
“Yet, you love me, doll.” Steve had somehow dragged you to the dance floor, pulling your flush to him as the song began. You brought your arms to his neck, noses touching as he proudly smiled down on you, slightly tightening his grip on your waist. The two of you swayed slowly, your lips connected softly. 
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” 
Once the song had finished it was replaced with an upbeat line dance to which you and Steve briskly rushed off the floor being met with Sarah who sat at a table with Natasha, cheering at you and Steve.
“Mommy, Daddy! That was omazing!” 
“Well, how about you and I go get some celebration cake for everyone!”
As any sane toddler, Sarah agreed to her father’s delectable plan. Steve plucked his daughter from Natasha’s lap, then taking yours and hers order. Once the two had left, you dived right into a conversation with Nat. The topic; Bruce.
Not too long after, the party ended and all Avengers then regrouped, tiredly surrounding the large coffee table covered in takeout and Thor’s hammer idly resting on the end. 
“But it’s a trickkkk.” Clint dragged out his statement to emphasize his belief, the little girl sitting beside you, smiling wider. 
“No. no. it’s much more than that.” Steve and Thor exchanged the flask as you stared at it, still revolted by its god-awful taste. 
“Ah, whosoever be he worthy shall haveth the power.” You leaned towards the table, reaching for the carton, laughing at Clint’s truthful reenactment. 
“Whatever man, it’s a trick!”
Arising a challenge, Thor pointed to Mjolnir. 
“Please, be my guest.” 
“Come on.”
Clint got up from his seat on the ground, walking confidently towards the hammer as Tony let out a snarky remark.
“Clint, you’ve had a tough week, we won’t hold it against you if you can’t get it up.”
Laughter circled around as Clint came up to Thor, a promising look on his face.
“You know I’ve seen this before right?” 
With one hand, Clint attempted to pull the hammer, utilizing all his strength not an ounce unused. 
“I still don’t know how you do it.” 
“Smell the silent judgement?” Giggles escaped yours and Sarah’s lips as Steve turned to see his two best girls enjoying the amusement. 
“Please, Stark, by all means.” 
With arrogant poise, Stark raised from his seat, scooting to the table as you could picture his impending disappointment, already laughing at the mere thought. 
“Never one to shrink from an honest challenge.” 
Rolling up his sleeves, Tony placed his arm in the handle of the hammer.
“Right, so, if I lift it, I then rule Asgard?” 
“Yes, of course.” Thor calmly replied, just basking in the free entertainment from his competitive friends. You could see Steve who was beside him, trying his best to contain his laughter. Directing Sarah’s attention from Tony and to Steve, she held in her own laughter as you explained what was happening. 
“I will be reinstituting Prima Nocta.” To no surprise, the hammer didn’t budge leaving Tony quickly trying to cover his displeasure. 
Tony then returned with his suit’s hand, the hammer still resting on the table. Even Rhodey joined Tony’s unsuccessful conquest. 
“Are you even pulling?” 
“Are you on my team?”
“Just represent. Pull.” 
Next up was Bruce, who also failed, luckily not hulking out on everyone. Natasha gave him a smile while Steve and Thor tried to hide their merriment.  
After Bruce’s fruitless attempt, it soon became your husband’s turn. 
“Come on, Cap.” 
Steve then pulled on the hammer with all his brawn. You weren’t even sure if you were paying attention to the hammer anymore, too caught up on the shirt clinging to Steve. 
Your attention span was then proved when the hammer moved up. Sarah’s eyes widened as did yours. Thor had obviously noticed since you sensed some tensity from him. Steve tried once again, this time receiving the same futile result as the rest. When the hammer stopped budging you saw the now relieved man swiftly try to cover up his reaction. A nervous chuckle escaping his lips, echoing into the glass. 
“Mrs. & lil Ms. Rogers?” Steve outstretched his hand to yours and Sarah’s, guiding you both towards the hammer. All three of you grabbed the hammer. Steve holding the handle while you and Sarah pulled at the stick. Everyone’s combined strength was enough to lift the hammer had it not been of otherworldly decent. Giving up, Sarah was just a smidge disappointed, perking back to herself at Tony’s quip.
“Even the House of Rogers failed too.” You shot Stark a faux look of vexation from the couch, to which he returned with his tongue poking out. Sarah caught this and then ran to him copying his action while you went to sit on Steve’s lap.
“And, Widow?”
Natasha sipped her beer and shook her head. 
“That’s not a question I need answered.” 
The night continued on with conspiracy theories about the hammer and playful jabs at Steve’s slip-up on his choice of words from the mission recently, Sarah enjoying every moment of the time albeit past her bedtime. 
At some point, Sarah had fallen asleep on your shoulder as you and Steve bid your fellow Avengers goodbye. 
Indeed, today has been one of the best days, all in part to your lovely family and closest friends. 
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writes-in-skies · 4 years
That time you said you despise me
Prequel to That day at the pond
One year ago at Von Haunt Museum….
"Relax your strokes. Focus on the direction of the ripple," said Madam Juliette, the art instructor. 
Astoria nodded and obeyed her instructions using the paintbrush in her hand. What stood in front of her was a fountain garden of the historic Von Haunt Museum. That day she attended a painting class while her Great Aunt Lorraine had tea at the parlour with some old friends. 
She dared to glance over at her neighbour's work in progress and realised she would never be as talented. For a moment she felt embarrassed being there. To be fair, painting was never her strongest suit. She always had trouble controlling her brush and the colours don't seem to be the right one. Astoria had always preferred sketching as she always knew how to control her pencil properly. 
Astoria heard some distant voices from where the class was held. The Von Haunt Museum was holding a private tour for new donors that day. She had expected guests to pass by. She felt even more embarrassed over the idea of strangers comparing her skills over her peers. She wished the class would be over. 
The voices became a ruckus as it approached closer to the open class. Astoria spared a glance over the group coming their way. She recognised the two men leading a group of females by their shoulders and hips. Blaise Zabini and Draco Malfoy. She knew of the two in Hogwarts and they were friends with her sister. Well, Blaise was a close friend to Daphne. Draco was more of an acquaintance. 
Lately, she has been seeing the both of them at high society parties. Usually with drinks in their hands and dates in arms just lounging around without a care. Great Aunt Lorraine criticised their behaviour greatly, commenting on how inappropriate they are as Pureblood men. She especially had disdain towards Draco Malfoy.
Astoria was curious about Draco. The last she saw him was at Diagon Alley just before her final year in Hogwarts. He was with his mother in hand strolling past the stores, trying to ignore the whispers of passer-bys. She felt sorry for Narcissa and Draco who had to pay for Lucius' involvement in the war. But it is not as if Draco was entirely innocent as well, he had that scar on his arm to prove it. However, when she saw him at the time, he seemed to be a shell of what he once was. But now, he seemed like a changed man. He was not the same rude boy in Hogwarts who demanded attention, or the boy who was afraid of everything and everyone. The last thing she heard about Draco Malfoy was that he is attending medical school. She wondered what triggered him to do so, or if he always wanted to do that.
She realised she had been staring at the group when Draco made eye contact with her. She averted her gaze and tried to focus back on her unsalvaged painting. 
"Hey, Little Greengrass," greeted Blaise. Oh how Astoria despised the nickname. Usually people call her that because they couldn't recall her name or just wanted to see her mad. "I didn't know you would be here."
"Hi," Astoria responded to both men shyly. "I attend classes here while my Great Aunt Lorraine catches up with her old friends. Are you the new donors for the Von Haunt Museum?" 
"My mother is on the board of directors. Draco, however, just donated under the Malfoy name," Blaise answered, patting his friend encouragingly. 
"I see. That was very generous of you," smiled Astoria. 
"Nice painting," Draco said suddenly. 
Astoria turned to him, suddenly blushing, "Thank you. It is not done yet." 
"Oh," Draco responded lamely and they fell in silence. 
"Well, I am going to talk to that beautiful girl back there. I suggest you walk around the gardens a little bit. I'll catch you later, my friend," Blaise decided before running off without giving Draco a chance to protest. 
Astoria then heard Draco clearing his throat before speaking, "Your name is Astoria Greengrass, right?" he asked casually, with his hands in his pockets. 
Astoria nodded in response and tried to revert her attention back to her painting. Much to her dismay, Draco remained where he was standing and watched her at work. "That really is a nice painting," he spoke.
"You don't have to be nice to me," she sighed. 
"You're right, I don't have to," shrugged Draco as he continued staring at her work. "I have always preferred realism art compared to contemporary."
"And what do you know about art, Mr. Malfoy?" Astoria amused him.
"Maybe I know more than you think," he answered. "I don't just give money away to just any charity you know."
"Sure, you just give it to any organisation in hopes they don't spit in your face," she said. 
To her surprise, Draco did not look insulted one bit. Instead he chuckled and walked around her while taking a flask out of his pocket. He drank the flask in her opposite direction and looked back to see her stoned cold expression. 
"Sorry, you wanted some?" He asked. 
"No thanks. I don't drink," she replied, looking away. 
"That's a sentence I never heard of before," he chuckled.
"Of course you don't. Not with the people you choose to hang out with," Astoria retorted. "Are you sure your day drinking would not affect your studies at Durant?" 
Draco could not hold a smirk, "Have you been keeping track of me, Astoria? I'm flattered."
Astoria sent him a disgusted look, "Don't be. In fact, I despise you," she said frostily. 
"But you don't even know me," He fought back defensively. 
"I know enough there is to know," she replied. 
For some reason Draco still stuck around even after her cold exchange. He kept his flask back in his coat and just stood around her as if waiting for a conversation to start again. Thankfully, the session had ended and Astoria waved her wand to pack her belongings neatly. Before she could grab her packed belongings, Draco lifted the handle of her art tool box. 
"I got this," Astoria said to him, trying to take her belongings back from Draco only for him to move it from her.
"No, please. Let me. Consider this a peace offering for my behaviour," Draco replied. 
Astoria took a deep breath and puffed her chest. She was used to guys trying to be nice to her and acting all chivalry. It usually comes with strings attached. But she could not do anything about it in public. She did not want to embarrass herself or her family name. She decided to lead him to where her aunt was. Great Aunt Lorraine would certainly chase him away in no time.
"Very well," she said and began walking to the parlour to meet with her aunt.
"So what brings you here in Monaco? Greece isn't exciting enough for you?" Draco asked politely, trying to make conversation. 
"I enrolled into Lourvette Institute of Arts. I'm studying magical art history. Great Aunt Lorraine invited me to stay with her while I pursue my studies and I would be her companion," Astoria explained. 
"That explains why both of you are attached at the hip during parties," commented Draco.
"Have you been keeping track of me? I'm flattered," she bemused him. 
"You're not hard to spot in a group full of insufferable snobs," stated Draco.
Astoria rolled her eyes, "You're a snob for calling them a snob. Besides, if they are insufferable, why do you come to those parties?" 
"Why do you think? I did it to appease my parents for leaving the nest. My mother thought that I should mingle in high society as much as I can." 
"My parents expect me to do the same," Astoria shared. "If they had it their way, they would have had me married off by now. But I just needed to get away from all of that. You must be glad to get away from your parents as well."
To her surprise, Draco looked perplexed at her statement. He looked as if he was trying to figure out if it was true as well. "In all honesty, it is weird being on my own. I finally got the freedom I wanted and I feel lost." 
"I thought you were studying to be a healer?" 
"I plan on taking the pharmaceutical route. I'm better at potions anyways and I actually like it," he corrected her. 
"Is that what you wanted to do since you were little?" 
"Who knows…" he trailed. 
Astoria stopped on her tracks when they were reaching the parlour. "I got it from here, really. You don't want to deal with my aunt especially when you're not sober," she told him. 
Draco resigned to hand her back her materials. "I understand. See you around, Astoria."
"Why do you call me that?" She asked him. 
"Isn't that your name? I may be a little drunk but I certainly remember the blonde Greengrass being Daphne," mused Draco. 
"Everyone calls me Little Greengrass like Blaise just did. You used to do it all the time when we were younger," she pointed out. 
Draco shrugged easily, "I need to learn not to slur my words with other people. Saying people's name no matter how illiterate they sound keeps me focused I guess."
Astoria squinted her eyes, not believing every word he just said "Yeah, right. Whatever. I don't care. Goodbye, Draco." 
"Goodbye, Astoria."
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moon-spite-ffxiv · 4 years
LF Contact: Rapha’li Narahl
Tumblr media
Basic Information:
Full Name: Rapha’li Narahl Nicknames/Titles: Instructor Hardass (by his students), Raph/Rapha (by friends) Gender: Cis Male Alignment: Chaotic Exhausted Age: 24, he thinks; indeterminate Race: Miqo’te - Keeper of the Moon Birthplace: South Shroud, the records suggest Current Residence: Limsa Lominsa
General Character Info:
Sexual Identification: Homosexual Relationship Status: Single; roommate of Ehnek’a (@mathemagiks​!) Occupation: Eternally-broke aetherial physics instructor, healer-for-hire, the world’s first man to thrive on an exclusive diet of donuts and shame Enemies: Philosophy majors. Primals. Literally anyone who tries to get too frisky with his roommate.
Character Appearance:
Hair: Navy blue, eternally tousled. Curly, but grown out into a loose-hanging mop. Skin: Fair, freckled-lilac. Eyes: Pale lavender, tired past the point of reason. Wears rimless glasses. Height: 5′1″ Markings (Scars, Tattoos, etc): A pair of lavender stripes on each cheek, a circular lavender birthmark just above his tail. A baffling series of arcanima diagrams tattooed at conveniently-hidden points across his body. Form: Short, compact. Varies between average and severely underweight, with seemingly very little time in between the two states. Common Accessories: His grimoire full of arcane geometries. A side-satchel laden with more parchments and reagents than it should reasonably be able to hold. A pocket watch. His trusty bandolier of aetherial inks. A hip flask. A usually-empty coin purse. A single heavy pearl earring.
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Social Level: If in a decent state of mental health, outgoing and flirtatious. Prone to lengthy periods of self-isolation, however, usually buried under an avalanche of half-graded papers and books. Optimistic/Pessimistic: If it can go wrong, it will go wrong. That’s why the gods invented scientists in the first place. Positive Personality Traits: Protective / Hardworking / Diligent Negative Personality Traits: Pessimistic / Unyielding / Sharp-Tongued Misc. Quirks: Aether-sensitive folk may very well boggle at how the hell this one’s even still alive. His very essence is held together with more aetherial anchors, redirects, and dead-man’s-switches than a cheap scrap of imitation Magitek. Prone to spontaneously appearing / disappearing in mid-sentence, much as if he himself didn’t expect it. Religion/Philosophy: Menphina’s all right, he guesses. Religion’s not a priority for him. Likes: Food, when he remembers to eat. Stimulants, occasionally combined with depressants. Men. Math and physics, to a life-consuming degree. Exuberant debates about magical theory. SLEEP: the rarest treat of all. Favorite Foods: Anything greasy and over-indulgent. Pour some melted cheese over a pile of fried chicken and lard-bread, then dump a bucket of bacon over it. Slap some hot sauce on top. Garnish it all with crispy onion strips and dot it with a single teensy sprig of parsley, because that’s hilarious. Favorite Drinks: Whiskey, pale ale, orange juice. Favorite Colors: Blue, silver, purple. Dislikes: Henpecking / smothering, solitude (though he’ll say he loves it), having to teach 9am classes to all you godsdamned daywalkers. Hobbies: A spot of recreational math, to take his mind off all the professional math. Lobbing terrible innuendos at handsome men, usually involving a groanworthy science pun or two. Puns in general, really. Doing nice things, but only when no one is looking. Recently, baking -- but only in 400-attempt batches, each one with a single variable changed in order to determine the best combination of heat and ingredients, Food Lab-style.
Are you a fellow scholarly-type? Want to learn from him, or alternately engage in increasingly-loud and petty debates about whose theorems are more on point? Flip a table or two? Develop a professional relationship (and/or rivalry!) that’ll rock the scientific community to its core? There’s a catte for that!
Are you some kind of aberration from another plane, such as a Primal/Voidsent/Fae, or just want someone to bounce really dangerous research off of?  Does it involve magic in some way? Raph is HERE for it. If your character is at all involved in Inadvisable Dickery™ for the sake of knowledge, he will at least be partially interested. Bring him along. What’s the worst that could happen? At least you’ve got heals now.
Speaking of heals: going on an excursion and need a pocket(-sized) healer with you? It’d do Raph some good to take a day off now and then, and see things that aren’t his classroom or his apartment. Maybe you’ve heard of the guy’s healing skills somewhere! Much of an ass as he can be, few will deny he’s damned good at what he does.
Just want to hang out and talk shit with a nerd for a while? Teach him new baking recipes? Get flirted at by a lightweight who has none of his shit together? Explore the depths and implications of mental illness and causality alike? I’m up for most ideas once we talk about it! Throw ‘em at me!
Server: Mateus Timezone: CST Experience: I have some! MMOs and tabletop and all in between. Prefer in-game RP. Can do Discord or Tumblr stuff; it just takes me longer. Waaay longer. Type of RP: Humorous / adventuring / dark / mature / social / slice-of-life Looking for: Friends, adventuring-buddies, disco-sticks to ride. Kinda everything! Contact: In-game as Rapha’li Narahl, or here on tumblr!
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hitchell-mope · 4 years
(Third film. At Evie’s house. Mal has very recently just fainted in midair due to fatigue, turned back into a human, and fell through the sky, landing upside down by her legs on a branch in a tree located in her sister front garden)
Evie (looking disapprovingly you at the elder demigod): you’ve not eaten since breakfast have you?
Mal: if by “eaten” you mean “surreptitiously take swigs of booze from my hip flask intermittently throughout the day” then yes
Evie: I do not
Mal: ohhhh. Then no. No I have not
Celia: and you couldn’t have been more obvious if you tried
Uma: Ceels is right. I saw you. Twice.
Mal: damn you guys sure know how to raise a girl up. Help me down?
Evie: you can fall perfectly well all by yourself
Mal: urgh, fine
(With a little struggle and a quick, extremely high pitched yelp, she shifts off the branch and falls to the ground and land on her back with a pained grunt)
Evie: now was that so difficult?
Mal: dad will judge you eventually. And he may not be so merciful.
Evie: A. He’s not my dad. B. Get up before you’re clothes are dusted beyond repair
(Just then Uma shrieks and throws a frog off her head)
Evie (snickering): really? You’re scared of frogs? Isn’t that part of you powers. Communication with sea life?
Uma: yeah sea life not pond life that jumped up bastard is not my guy
Evie: funny, I’d have thought you’d like them consider you’re dating one
Uma (laughing mirthlessly): and don’t you share blood with him?
Evie: urgh don’t remind me
Mal: hate to break up the familial bonding but is anyone scared and/or allergic to locusts?
Celia: no
Uma: no
Evie: no, why do you ask?
Mal: because a swarm of them is headed this way
(She’s right. A huge cloud of locusts are speeding right towards them. Mal takes out the sceptre and sets it into the ground, sending the swarm away from them)
Celia: what the hell was that about?
Mal: oh I think I have an idea
(Back in the forest)
Harriet: what the fuck
Cj: Jesus
Harry: what is that?
Hades: cinders.
Elsa: what?
Adam: well. You did say I was hiding behind religion
Ben: speak properly or not at all
Adam: you saw the movie, you’ve heard the stories and you have been to church
Jay: you’re joking!
Adam: why would I joke about your imminent destruction?
(Back at Evie’s)
Mal: this is gonna sound patently ridiculous, (she whacks a frog off Uma’s head), but I think, oh god how do I put this? I think
Celia: Red Sea?
Mal: yes! Ohhhh thank god for the youth
Celia: I’m thirteen
Mal: I was hatched old kid.
Evie: what do we do?
Mal: block them
(Back in the forest)
Gil: what do we do
Ben: block them
Adam: if you’d left those things where they belong this wouldn’t be happening
Ben: what?
Adam: it’s an environmental reaction to their abominable presence
Ben: it’s Maleficent!
Adam (snarling): exactly
(This is when “the plagues” happens. After the song the onslaught is still happening)
Uma: fuck lot of good that did genius. Any other bright ideas?
Mal: who has the ember?
Her sister and cousins: YOU DO
Mal: right! Yes. Of course. Hands in. Chop chop
(They all put their right hands over the ember and it starts to glow)
Mal: you've caused our friends pain and fear/we've had enough now disappear
(Nothing happens)
Mal: it’s not gonna work if you’re not gonna help. Again
The sisters rotten and the sisters Facillier: you've caused our friends pain and fear/we've had enough now disappear
(The onslaught ceases. The rogs and locusts turn to ash. Back in the forest the raining fire wafts away)
Ben: Mal
Jay: who else?
Harry: uhhhh, Uma, duh
Lonnie: Uma wishes she was as cool as Mal
Elsa: Lonnie, please, not now
Lonnie: ok. Cool. The girls are at Evie’s house right?
Jay: yeah
Lonnie: good. This Uma chick is with them yeah?
Carlos: ...yes...
Lonnie: aces. I want some words with her
Ben: Lonnie don’t please
Lonnie: no, Ben, I’m sorry. But this chick abducted you, tried to kill you, hypnotised you and tried to capsize the boat the entire student body was on. I think that warrants a dragging. Don’t you?
Harry: if you hurt her
Lonnie: what are you gonna do jar jar? Flirt at me? Yeah didn’t think so. C’mon guys. Oh Ben. Love the wings and the beard.
Ben (feeling his teeth with his tongue): I think I got fangs as well
Lonnie: can you believe this guy. King of an entire nation, almost pure magic and still inordinately adorable. How does he do it? Not as adorable as you though Gilly
Gil: YAY!
(Harry growls in irritation. They start to move. Unbeknownst to them Adam whisked away by purple smoke. Back at Evie’s palace she’s itching to get inside. Sadly for her. She’s got a clingy reptile hanging on to her ankle)
Evie: c’mon M let go. I could always kick you into the foliage?
Mal (reassuming her regular form): I have a bad feeling about who’s waiting for us in there
Evie: it’s Doug. My Doug. I’m sure he’s fine.
Mal: sis look. The way you reacted to seeing Doug in the mirror. It’s gonna be a lot worse to seeing him like that in person.
Evie: so you obviously don’t me all that well then “sis”
(She stalks off inside the house)
Mal: sadly I do know that well. (Turning to the Facillier’s) look. I’m not expecting you guys to go in there with us
Uma (already heading inside): way ahead of ya
Mal: you’re eager
Uma: don’t wanna miss the kaboom
(Inside the house. Evie’s poking and prodding Doug’s dude futilely)
Evie: c’mon sweetie stop playing around it’s time to wake up now
Uma: not as fun as I thought it was gonna be
Mal: she’s in shock. Once her body and brain catch up with each other. It’ll be horrible
Uma: but it’s a sleeping curse. She knows how to wake him up.
Mal: she’s emotionally involved ok? Like I said. Body and brain haven’t caught with each other yet
Celia: oh no
Mal: what?
Celia: uhhhh nothing. Hey, Uma, why don’t we go see the pool?
Uma: what’s that
Mal (following Celia’s line of sight and cottoning on): yes! The pool! The pool is great. And the hot tub is just what someone like us needs after a day like today
Celia: exactly so c’mon sis. Let’s go for a dip
Uma: I’ve spent a year in the ocean. I don’t need to go back into some more water. Now what are you trying to keep me from?
Celia and Mal: it doesn’t matter
Mal (telepathically to Celia): keek her away from the couch (verbally) I’ll try and pry Evie off her man
Uma (her voice very small): no
Celia: ohhhh fuck
Mal (walking over to Evie and gently trying to pull her away): c’mon kiddo. You need a breather
Evie (thickly): no, I’m not leaving him
Mal: you need to eat, you need to drink. If you’re stressing out you’ll be no help to him.
Evie (stubbornly): I’m not leaving
Celia: and there we go
Mal: c’mon you can’t help him when you’re like this
(She starts pulling Evie away from Doug. Evie starts screaming and crying begging Mal to leave her there. Celia tries to do the same to Uma who starts screaming and crying demanding to know why only one twin is on the couch. Eventually it gets too much for the temporary queen)
Mal: ok that’s it. Both of you FREEZE. That’s better. Celia. Reconvene in the kitchen
(In the kitchen)
Celia: what is her problem? It’s a curse. She knows what to do. True loves kiss. It’s not that difficult
Mal: well it is if you have their combined dating history
Celia: yeah she dated the dick that’s trying to kill us. Juice please. Thank you. Merlot? Really?
Mal: my hip flask ran out. Fry up?
Celia: sure. Wait what do you mean combined dating history?
Mal: Doug is amazing and kind and attractive and will defend those he cares about to his final breath. But Dopey’s son.
Celia: ohhhh. He’s like dizzy.
Both: kid of a sidekick
Mal: and here. The social hierarchy was: Prince, Princess, hero, heroine, sidekick
Celia: poor guy.
Mal: yeah. So you’ve got. Brainwashed girl who feels compelled to throw herself at a royal douchebag. Douche bag ghosts her. She’s heartbroken, despite me jay and Carlos spending days trying push her to the better and accurate option of Doug,
Celia: as you do
Mal: right. Then you have Doug. He’s Harry Potter and lifes Dudley Dursley
Celia: what
Mal: I’ll let him explain that reference. Anyway. Because of what they’ve each gone through separately. They’re wracked with insecurity. Because there’s that niggling feeling that they’ll get heartbroken again
Celia: so what do we do?
Mal: I need to be the responsible big sister and kick her ass into gear
Celia: and me?
Mal: put a blanket on Squirmy he looks cold and try to make sure your sister doesn’t burn this place to the ground with us inside
Celia: smart plan
Mal: hold on I’m getting a call. Mal here. Jay. You found him! Oh thank god. Good that’s good. Whoever said that about my son needs a kick in the dick. Oops. Sorry hadie. What? Bastards. Squirmy’s here. Asleep and aortaless. But he’s here. Dizzy’s fine. That’s just Celia whooping. Merlot. Well the hip flask ran out. Yes I did. I know I should’ve. But I didn’t. Mom and————whatever she does to him he’ll survive and isn’t her fault. Ohhhh. Oh yeah. Yeah. I froze them. She’s heavy. Not good. At all. Oooh I dunno. Two hours. Surprise? Oh I see. This is why you didn’t FaceTime? Thought as much. Well. See you when we see you. Love ya. Bye. Got all that kid?
Celia: essentially, yeah
Mal: good. Now take Uma’s sword off her. Knowing her she’ll start swinging the nearest weapon once she’s reanimated
Celia: and Evie?
Mal: oooooh. Put a protection spell on Squirmy in case the windows shatter
Celia: done. Ready?
Mal: god no. But when have I ever been?
(They go back to their positions and Mal unfreezes the sorceress and the sea witch. Immediately the two of the resume their breakdowns. Uma peters our first and dissolves into tears. Evie keeps screaming at Mal to let her go until her voice goes horse)
Mal: are you done?
(Evie grumpily shoves Mal off her and stalks outside to the back garden)
Mal: Uma what about you? Need a drink (Evie lets out a skyward scream and the windows all shatter to dust)...Celia honey, could you be very very helpful to your very very tired cousin and clean up the glass?
(Her right eye twitches and Celia reverses tne damage)
Mal: thank you. Uma. Drink?
Uma: mhmm
(She sits Uma at the kitchen island and pours her a glass of wine)
Mal: thought you might be fed up with grog and muskat. The I’m more partial to rosé but red is Gil’s favourite.
Uma: I’m s. Suh. Rry (Celia elbows her in the ribs) I’m sorry
Mal: why? You were stuck with you’re mother for a year. That must’ve been hell for you. At least you know who what was unconscious for it. But you remember everything. If anything it should be me apologising to you
Uma: you said that back on the ship
Mal: and I’ll keep saying it until you tell me to shut it
Uma: Mal
Mal: yah?
Uma: shut it
Mal: ookay
Uma: what’re you gonna do about her?
Mal: I’ll let E cool off then try to talk sense into her.
Uma: shouldn’t it be easy though? TLK. It worked with you and beasty boy last year. So why can’t she.
Mal: I have literally just filled Celia in on their joint history. You wanna know why she’s distraught, ask your sister. Now. Drink.
Uma: mm this is good
Mal: beats grog don’t it?
Uma: yeah. More?
Mal: sure
Celia: I’ll just take a lil snifter of brandy
Uma and Mal: dream on kid
Celia: bitch
Mal: we’re you’re family
Uma: we’re allowed to be
Mal: you know. If Grimhilde hadn’t sent Evie after us. And I hadn’t, you know
Uma: yeah, we could’ve teared the isle up.
Mal: two sets of juvenile delinquents
Uma: one massive conflagration
Mal: more?
Uma: ehhhhh. Go on then
(This is when “old fashioned” happens. After the song Mal stops and looks outside)
Mal: I should probably go check on her right?
Celia: you do that and I’ll stay here
Uma: under the watchful eye of your older sister
Celia: fuck
(Mal goes outside to Evie who’s sitting in the gazebo)
Mal: hiya.
Evie: what’s wrong with me?
Mal: how much time have ya got?
Evie: I’m being serious here. A year and a half with Doug and I can’t say it.
Mal: it took me a while to say it to Ben
Evie: six months. Compared to eighteen that’s pretty damn quick.
Mal: Don’t measure your own relationship with you’re own boyfriend by mine and my fiancé’s. Remember what Professor Porter said in science class. No two people are alike
Evie: Archimedes Q Porter is a living remnant of the Victorian era. And as such. He is full of shit half the time.
Mal: oh c’mon sis. Porter was your favourite teacher. After the other guy got done for exam favourtism. Good job on that by the way. Never liked him. Smarmy ass little bastard.
Evie: it was Doug who told on him. There was literally no way in hell chad got a 100% on a test he never studied for. It also got Royston booted off the board of governors.
Mal: finally. So. Wanna talk it out?
Evie: no. It’s just that
(She sighs. This is when “safer” happens. After the song Evie looks at Mal in shock)
Evie: what?
Mal: don’t kiss him. Let him slumber. When we off the maniacs the curse will end and Doug will wake up. Of course he’ll be heartbroken. But at least you won’t have failed. Right?
Evie: how, how COULD YOU! I can’t just leave him like this. He’s my boyfriend. I love him!
Mal: and there’s your answer. Ouch! Ooo!
(Evie just slapped her around the face. Then she hugs her)
Evie: you’re a bitch you know that right?
Mal: yes. I think you may have mentioned it before
Evie (pulling away): a giant scaled covered purple soon to be shedding bitch
Mal: and your fourth fifths of the way to becoming a suburban housewife
Evie: why is that an insult?
Mal: I dunno. Saw it on a britcom. Noe go. Go girl go. Save your Robert Phillip
(Evie lets out a happy shriek and rushes back into the house)
Vision!Ben: you did a good thing
Mal: just hope the end result is desirable for all concerned.
Ben: understandable. Doug is one if you’re closest friends.
Mal: he’s first and foremost Ben’s in the entire goddamn world. It’ll kill Ben if he doesn’t wake up. Now if you’ll excuse me I gotta go out some ice on my ol’ cheek here. Sorceress packs a punch.
(She walks back to the house. In the mirror world Doug and vision!Evie have arrived back at the mirror in Evie’s workshop. With a front row seat to his own unconscious body)
Evie: she’s here! Oh yes finally
Doug: oh thank god.
Evie: there’s probably still time for a small amount of and I’m looking at your face and I’m seeing that there isn’t.
Doug: I’m sorry. It’s just that I know your true form is me. It’d just be too weird
Evie (same time as him): too weird. I understand. Physical manifestation of your girlfriends subconscious who’s true form is yourself isn’t exactly the greatest claim to fame is it?
Doug:...please don’t make me answer that
Evie: ah yeah. The clone incident. (Perking up). We should replicate that
Doug (talking over her): no we shouldn’t. Never again (he walks right up to the mirror). C’mon E. Please. I know you can do it. Please.
Evie: it will work
Doug: you don’t know that. Neither of us know that. (To the real world). Please Evie. Honey. Just say it. Say something. Please. Or just a kiss. It doesn’t even need any gravitas. Just shove our lips together. That’ll do it. Just please do something. She’s hesitating
Evie: that shouldn’t be happening. C’mon kid. Do it. Oh god. I’m so sorry sweetheart. This is where I leave you
(She turns back into Doug, jumps out of the mirror and cuffs Evie around the back of the head)
Evie: OW! What was that for?
V!Doug: hesitating.
Evie: I’m scared. I love him. But I’m scared.
Doug: oh good god almighty. You’re impossible you know that right?
Evie: mhmm.
Doug: you know what? Fine. Bimble however long you like. I am going back into the mirror and comforting your boyfriend. Auf Widershein
Evie: I’m so so sorry. You deserve better
(In the mirror)
Doug: but you’re the best.
V!Evie: it could take some time dear.
Doug: so what do we do?
Evie: we wait
(This is when “say something” happens. After the song, in the real world, Evie crouches down beside Doug)
Evie: how do I start this? I guess I should just come right out and say it. I love you. And I’m sorry. I’m sorry you’re going through this. I’m sorry I let you stay here. I’m sorry I didn’t stay. And I’m sorry if you ever thought I didn’t love you. Because I do. And I’m kicking myself for letting you stay here. I should’ve brought you with me. Screw the twins you’re more important (she dodges a vodka bottle) NOT NOW UMA! I’M SPILLIMG MY HEART PUT TO MY BOYFRIEND HERE IF YOU DON’T MIND! Idiot girl. The fact of the matter is. You’re the best thing that ever happened to me Doug. I’m sorry it took so long for me to say it. That’s on me. Not you. I love you. I always will.
(This is when “never knew I needed happens”. After the song, she kisses him. In the mirror vision Evie kisses him as well)
V!Evie: see you on the other side my dear one
Doug: you too
(Doug fades away from the mirror world and wakes up in the real world with a jolt. He sits up, strokes Evie’s cheek and pulls her into a hug)
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rhetoricalrogue · 5 years
And now for something completely different
@alittlestarling and I were plotting an AU of our squishy mage children when she mentioned in passing another AU where Vincent wasn’t in the picture and Roz and Rolfe had met in Haven instead.  To say that I was a) excited about this idea and b) completely SOLD on the pairing is a gross understatement.
This is 2,000-ish words of 100% rough and unedited writing, but  the prospect of a new pairing knocked a bunch of rust off my stagnant writing gears. Enjoy the start of an AU of an AU!
Upon meeting one of the fledgling Inquisition’s leaders, Rolfe Trevelyan, senior member of a secretive order of spies, trusted bodyguard to the Chantry’s upper echelon, confident musician and charming rogue, found himself desperately wishing that the earth would open up and swallow him whole.
Rolfe had plenty of time to craft his introduction on the trip from Orlais to the snowy backwater village of Haven.  Considering that both the Left and Right Hands of the Divine were both involved with what most of the remaining Chantry leaders were calling a heretical group, he’d decided early on that honesty would be the best policy while explaining his presence.  His superiors had ordered him to investigate the Inquisition, to survey the damage of the destroyed Conclave, and to verify reports that Chancellor Roderick had been sending back about a redheaded nobody of a mage that Rolfe was almost certain was named Rosalind - or maybe it was Rosmund; for someone who handled the Divine’s correspondence and was responsible for communicating her will to the rest of Thedas, Roderick was dismissive of the woman’s name at best and downright inconsistent with names at worst - and weigh the threat she supposedly posed to the world with his own eyes.  He had gone over what he would say time and time again, mentally editing and polishing until each word shone like freshly-minted coppers.
The last leg of his journey had him practicing a charming smile as a way to distract himself from the biting cold and the wind that cut through his cloak and the multiple layers of clothing he wore underneath.  He took some time to straighten his cloak and make sure his hair was in some semblance of order while he took in what could only be defined as a refugee camp.  This was no army ready to overthrow the Chantry, this was a gathering place for people running from the chaos in the Hinterlands, both from the conflict between mages and Templars as well as from the demons pouring out of rifts in the sky.  Ever observant, he made a note of the few handful of people teaching farmers and stablehands how to make use of the pointy ends of swords with varying degrees of success.  
His steps faltered at the first glance of Cassandra Pentaghast, the former Right Hand of the Divine.  He’d only seen her from afar once or twice in his twenty-year tenure in the Chantry’s service, and was unprepared for the combined sense of competence and almost cowing intimidating presence she radiated.  He was both impressed and intrigued as he veered away from the makeshift training grounds and made his way further up the hill towards the Chantry.
“Ser Rolfe Trevelyan, of the Order of the Sacred Flame,” he muttered under his breath, passing a dwarf huddled by a fire who was not-so-quietly complaining about the cold.  Rolfe could have sworn he had heard him comment about how he should have never left Kirkwall, but he wasn’t quite sure.  “Ser Alexander Caldwell sent me on behalf of…”  He rounded a corner and froze to the spot when he spied a flash of red inside a tent set up just outside of the Chantry doors.  His mouth went dry and his tongue glued to the roof of his mouth.  All sense of charm or good manners seemed to abandon him as he made his way inside.
He didn’t get but a foot inside when the woman turned at his presence.  “Ser Rolfe Trevelyan,” she said, tipping her head in recognition.  “I should have expected the Order to send their best agent.”
Rolfe opened his mouth, his well-practiced speech evaporating from his lips just as his breath fogged in front of his face.  “Sister Nightingale knows my name?”
An hour later, Rolfe found himself wedged in a corner of the Singing Maiden, a watered down mug of what could only be considered “beer” consoling his battered ego.  He’d bungled up the only chance he had at making a first impression, but had luckily recovered soon after.  His explanation for his presence had been received with cool eyes, Sister Leliana’s gaze seemingly cutting through him more keenly than the wind around them, yet chilling him to the bone in the same manner, if not even more so.  She’d raised an eyebrow as she listened, and Rolfe had the distinct impression that had she been displeased with his reasons for his arrival, she would have dispatched him on the spot.
At least Commander Rutherford was a bit less of a challenge, he thought, sipping at his drink.  He made a face and pushed it to the side, offering it to a man with soot-covered hands and the look of a local blacksmith, fishing under his cloak for a silver flask and taking a swig of premium Antivian brandy, the liquor warming him from the inside out.  Commander Cullen had been skeptical of Rolfe’s arrival, yet practical enough to offer a curt greeting and take him up on an offer to help train anyone who showed more promise with daggers than with sword and shield.  Seeker Pentaghast had given him a dismissive snort when he made an offhand comment that not everyone could be blessed with her proficiency in weaponry, but he was certain that he had caught the faintest tinge of pink dust her cheeks at his comment.
“The Herald would be here to welcome you,” Ambassador Montilyet had explained, “however, she is currently traveling through the Hinterlands seeking support before journeying towards Orlais.”
It had been disappointing that Rosalind - the Herald of Andraste’s name had been Rosalind - hadn’t been present, but it gave Rolfe some time to figure things out now that he’d been welcomed and not immediately told to shove back off to Orlais post-haste.  After his brief meeting with her advisers, he’d taken a short tour of Haven and had the misfortune of running into Chancellor Roderick himself.  The man was trying his best to incite division within the population seeking aid and break up the Inquisition from the inside out.  Rolfe found himself disliking him immediately.
He shuffled closer to the corner of the table he had secured and scanned the crowd.  Taverns and inns had long since been familiar and welcome places to him and even in the midst of all the current upheaval, the Singing Maiden proved to be no different.  There was a certain sense of comfort in the scenery and Rolfe’s people watching skills came out to play.  He briefly entertained himself with making up professions and identities for the anonymous patrons.  He was halfway through imagining that the woman perched on a stool near the worn and scarred bar was a noble in exile when the door opened and a small, well-bundled up woman came through, a hood and scarf wrapped around her head.  She briefly stopped at the fire next to the bar to warm her hands before taking the mug the barmaid offered her.  Whoever she was, no one seemed to pay her much mind as she wove her way through the crowd, eyes scanning for an empty seat.
Ever the chivalrous type, Rolfe stood and waved her down.  “Fancy a seat?” he asked, habit making him flash her a smile that showed off a dimple on the right side of his cheek.
She paused and gave him a quick once-over.  Now that she was closer, Rolfe could see that the tops of her cheeks and end of her nose were red from the cold.  “Depends, does it come with a price?”
He leaned his hip against the edge of the table.  “Only the price of  my company, my lady.”  Her hands were soft looking, so the brief thought that she could have been a baker or a shopkeep fled from his mind.  Perhaps she was the noble in exile, though the way that she sipped at her drink - tea, from the looks of the leaves floating on the surface - quickly made him think otherwise.  She regarded him with bright blue eyes that reminded him of a summer sky, a dusting of freckles that showed up once her face had warmed up from being out of the cold catching his attention.
She gave a brief snort of laughter before sipping her tea.  “And if I don’t want to pay for my seat?”
“Then I shall bid you good evening and go soothe my wounded heart elsewhere.”
She rolled her eyes.  “Something tells me that you don’t have to do that often.”
He grinned.  “What makes you say that?”
“Oh no, I am not feeding an ego.  I may not know you, but I know someone fishing for compliments when I see it.”
Well, this was a far better way to finish off a day of embarrassing himself in front of the Inquisition and then striking out at greeting the Herald.  “If you’re not going to fish, mind if I throw out a lure of my own?  What is a lovely lady like yourself doing in a place like this?”
It earned her another laugh, even as she rolled her eyes again.  “Compliments and a come here often opening line?  It isn’t even my birthday.”  She sighed and slumped in her seat.  “To be honest, I don’t know what I’m doing here.”
Oh.  That sounded less like a lighthearted quip and more of a start of a silent request for a sounding board.  “If it helps, I’ve been told that I’m an excellent listener.  Sometimes it’s best to get what’s on your mind off your mind over a few drinks and company that won’t judge.”
She sighed.  “Thank you, but I fear that what’s on my mind is more than what a mug of tea and conversation with a stranger could cover.”
Rolfe didn’t know what it was about her, but he was compelled to dig in.  Perching a leg on the edge of the table, he leaned his elbow on his thigh.  “How about a secret for a secret?  I tell you one thing that happened to me today and you tell me one thing that’s bothering you? Like I said, no judgement.”
Her eyebrow raised again.  “You are a persistent one, aren’t you?”
“I prefer the term tenacious.  I’ve been told it’s a defining feature of mine.”
“Somehow, I think someone meant stubborn when they told you that.”  She took another sip.  “So, how was your day?”
“I made an ass out of myself in front of one of the Herald’s advisers.”
She sat up straighter.  “How so?”
“I had a whole speech on who I was and why I was up here prepared and I garbled the entire thing.”  He felt his face heat up when she burst out laughing.  “Hey!  I said no judging!”
She smiled behind the rim of her mug.  “You said that, I made no such promises.  It couldn’t have been that bad.”
“You would say that, you didn’t  blush like a schoolboy and forget your own name when Sister Leliana declared she already knew who you were before you could even get a single word in.  I’m certain she thinks I’m an idiot.”
That earned him another laugh.  “Somehow I seriously doubt that.  Leliana isn’t one to harshly judge people by first impressions.  Believe me, I know.”
He snapped to attention at the mention of being on a first name basis with Leliana, though he easily kept his relaxed posture. “And I doubt that you could have made a horrible first impression.”  Rolfe’s eyes scanned her features, trying to catch a glimpse of any hair that peeked out from under her hood. The tavern’s dim lighting worked to his disadvantage, making discerning if her eyebrows were a brown or red color difficult. “Now, your turn.  How was your day?”
She looked away, her shoulders curving inwards as if she was trying to curl in on herself to make herself smaller.  “I…”  Her brows furrowed.  “I found a friend, of sorts.”
“Friends are always good.  Someone in high places?”
“Yes.  Maybe.  I don’t know.”  She tugged at her scarf and pushed her hood away.  “What else happened today?”
Rolfe licked his lips and took another swig of his flask, his eyes roaming over the windblown strands of hair that had escaped the neat braid curling over her shoulder.  Red.  “I had hoped to find someone when I first arrived, but they weren’t here.”
“Someone important?”
“Maybe.  I don’t know yet.”  He stood up and gave her a brief nod.  “I’ll leave you to your tea, I still need to find a place to turn in before it gets dark. Thank you for the company.”
She looked like she wanted to say something else.  “I hope you find who you set out to look for,” she told him instead.
“I hope so too.  I’ll be around until then, so maybe I’ll see you again?” 
He watched as her eyes widened.  “Maybe.  Wait, what’s your name?”  There was a charming flush that spread across her cheeks that had nothing to do with the cold.  “I mean…”
Rolfe winked.  “Maybe I’ll tell you when we meet again.  It lends a certain air of mystery to me, no?”
She sighed, but this time it was tinged with a playful sort of annoyance instead of the weight of whatever had been burdening her.  “It lends you something, though I’m not quite sure mystery is what I would have described it as.”
“And with that, goodnight.”  Rolfe made his way to the other side of the bar, stopping long enough to drop a few coins from his pocket into the jar for the barmaid.  The blast of cold air hit him hard as he left and he pulled the edges of his cloak closer to his body on his way back up the hill.  He’d lied when he told her that he still needed to find a place to stay, Lady Montilyet had secured him a small room within the Chantry.  It was cramped and he shared it with a nobleman who was complaining about the conditions, but Rolfe had had worse lodgings during his many travels.  Shoving his pack into a makeshift pillow under his neck, he rolled to his back and stared up at the ceiling as he tried to mentally compose a report to his superior as a way to fall asleep.
Alex, he started.  Roderick is not to be trusted.  He completely neglected to inform us about how pretty the Herald is.
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n00dl3gal · 5 years
Sweeter Than a Cupcake (McCree x OC)
A commission for @junko-brewer! A challenging but fun story for me to write, than you again for your support!
Commission Info  |  Archive of Our Own
McCree didn’t consider himself to have much of a sweet tooth. It wasn’t that he was against candy or desserts, he just tended to favor savory food more. There were, of course, exceptions. If there was a plate of biscochitos in sight, he’d devour them quicker than Tracer could Blink. And if he found himself passing through Cincinnati, he’d always find himself opening Bunny’s door. 
Bunny looked up from the counter she was wiping. “Jesse McCree,” she said, voice exasperated. Her hands were on her hips like a cross mother, but her smile was warm. Despite her voice, McCree could tell she was glad to see him. The feeling was mutual.“You have a lot of nerve showing up here again.”
McCree tipped his hat in response. “And a good day to you, Miss Bunny. If this is about the tab at the bar down the street-” 
Bunny laughed. “I mean waltzing in like there isn’t a bounty on your head,” she chastised, setting her rag aside. “If I had known the first time you came by just what kind of trouble you were, I would’ve refused service.”
He shrugged, looking over the case of cupcakes. “Now we both know that’s a lie. You’ll always hold the door for a paying customer,” he teased. Bunny blushed slightly, lips downturned in a pout. “And maybe it is dangerous coming back, but with cupcakes as good as yours… well, I’ve always been a bit reckless. What’s good today?”
The baker smiled, still flushed, and reached into the case. “I think you’ll like this one in particular,” she announced, setting it on a plate. “For a man as fond as whiskey as you, a Jack-and-Coke cupcake. All the flavor, none of the booze.” McCree reached for the cupcake, but was smacked back by Bunny. “Hey! Pay first, food second.”
“Alright, alright,” he conceded, reaching for his wallet. The bell above the door jingled again. Bunny looked at the new arrival and paled, prompting McCree to turn around. “Ah, speak of the bounty…” 
“For someone with that much money on your head, you do tend to attract attention,” the bounty hunter said. “It’s pretty easy to track down a man in a serape in Ohio.” 
McCree tipped his hat. “Gotta keep up appearances, ya know? You’d know all about that, wouldn’t you, Naomi?” 
The bounty hunter- Naomi- flicked her ponytail back and cocked her gun. Bunny squawked at the sight, shaking. “Drop the cupcake and come with me, McCree. I don’t want to involve any innocents in this.” 
“Funny. Neither do I.” In a flash, he had jumped onto Naomi and had her in a stranglehold. She choked, giving McCree ample time to pry her gun away. Naomi managed to elbow him the gut, however, and used his exhale to free herself. She tore her gun back from his hands and pistol-whipped the side of his head.
McCree was seeing stars, barely able to roll out of the way. Chairs fell over in the chaos. Naomi was lining up her shot again when he used one of his flashbangs to blind her. For a moment, it seemed like it worked, but McCree wasn’t able to pull her weapon away before her eyes refocused. 
He was staring down the barrel, knowing full well a shot at this range would be instantly lethal. With a grunt, he placed his metal arm over the gun and punched Naomi in the face. “I hate beating up a lady, but if they make the first move…” 
Bunny had long since ducked under the counter, knees to her chest. She held her hands over her ears as she shook. A fight, in her bakery! All she had wanted to do today was test out the recipe for her new lavender-and-honey cupcakes and make a few sales, not fear for her life!
Naomi staggered back, holding her nose. “The rest of my team isn’t far behind, McCree. We’ve been staking this place out since Tuesday… awfully nice of the baker to confirm you’re a repeat customer.” 
Bunny gulped. She didn’t dare poke her head and look at McCree’s expression. Was all of this her fault? 
It didn’t matter. McCree had taken the opportunity to tackle Naomi head-on. In a panic, the bounty hunter’s finger slipped, firing the gun. It flew off towards the glass case Bunny was hiding behind, and the sound of shattering glass echoed across the room. McCree held Naomi down to the ground, hand over her throat, until she finally passed out. 
He stood, surveying the store. Aside from some upturned chairs and tables and the cupcake case, it remained intact. Good. He hated adding to the sum on his head. McCree leaped over the table to find- “shit!” 
Bunny was clutching her arm, bleeding. Some shrapnel from the case must have hit her. “I- is she- did you kill her?” Bunny cried. 
“Just passed out,” McCree reassured her. “You have bandages anywhere?”
“B-by the sink in the kitchen,” Bunny said, gesturing with her foot. McCree found the first aid kit easily, crouching next to Bunny. “Should I go to a hospital or-” 
“Lemme take a look,” McCree interrupted, guiding her arm away. The cut was long but not deep. Stitches probably would help, but a wanted man taking an innocent woman to the hospital was sure to stir up additional trouble. Bunny looked traumatized enough as it was, eyes darting around the place. “Bandages will do for now. This may sting a bit,” he warned, opening a wipe. 
Bunny didn’t hiss when the wipe traveled across the wound, but McCree could see tears forming in the corners of her eyes. Some part of him wanted to wipe them away. He was quick; years of working with Deadlocke and Blackwatch had trained him well. Gauze was wrapped around the cut quickly, secured with a safety pin. “There, all finished. Stay right here, I’m gonna make sure nobody else is here to mess up your store.” 
He stood and made his way to the door. There were no suspicious vehicles outside, or people with unusually large backpacks or coats. It was entirely possible Naomi was bluffing. McCree flipped the open sign around and told Bunny it was safe. 
She stood on shaky legs, eyes still searching like her namesake. “I-I don’t think we should stay here. Either of us.” “Couldn’t agree more,” McCree answered, tucking Peacekeeper back in his holster. “Lead the way back to your place, Miss Bunny.” 
“Wh-what?” Bunny choked, trembling even more. The blush from earlier had returned, stronger than before. “B-but- you should go! What if there really are more b-bounty hunters looking for you?” 
McCree shrugged. “Then I’ll deal with ‘em when they show their ugly mugs. I’m not about to let a lady in your condition walk home on her own, ‘specially with dangerous folks out for blood. Speaking of which…” He began straightening the chairs and let out a soft sigh when Bunny joined him. Good to know that, despite her anxiety, she was still able to tend to her store. “Never mind. We can discuss it once we get you home.” 
. . .
Bunny’s apartment was small, but cozy. McCree was surprised to see there was a balcony; he wasn’t sure how much Bunny made, but usually a balcony like that would hike up rent considerably. It was small, though, and covered in foliage. Potted plants, both green and flowered, dotted the railings and the floor. McCree had never been to the rainforest, but he imagined it was similar. 
The inside was just as much of a menagerie, just for fauna, not flora. As soon as Bunny had unlocked the door, an overweight house cat had come to greet her before running off at the sight of McCree. Bunny explained that he was skittish around guests, especially men. McCree wasn’t sure if he should be offended or not. He did think the bearded dragon lounging on a hammock was better company. 
Bunny was headed for the kitchen when McCree intercepted her. “Just tell me where everything is and I’ll make ya a cup of tea,” he said kindly. “Unless if doing somethin’ll help you keep your mind off things.” 
“I think it might,” Bunny replied, reaching for the cupboard. “Is there anything you’d like? I realize they don’t compare to cupcakes, but… I think I have some, uh, stronger stuff.” She pointed towards the top shelf. 
McCree pulled out his flask. “I’m fine, but I appreciate it.” Bunny nodded and busied herself with preparing the kettle. While she worked, he sat at the kitchen table, watching her work. She was a pretty young thing, wide eyes and dirty blonde hair. Short, too, making her look even younger than she was. McCree couldn’t relate. “So… what Naomi said. About you sellin’ me out.” 
Bunny sighed. She didn’t answer as she set the kettle on the stove. “I didn’t realize,” she eventually began, laughing bitterly. “I didn’t even know about the bounty. They came, asked about you, and I thought maybe they were friends of yours. I try to assume the best in people, but maybe… maybe I shouldn’t.” 
McCree shook his head. “No, it’s good to be an optimist. But ya need to be careful. There are bad people out there,” he said slowly. “But for every single bad folk, there’s at least three good’uns. Trust me, I’ve met a lotta ‘em.” 
Bunny nodded and finished making their tea. “It’s just lemon flavored, I hope that’s alright. Sugar?” she offered, passing a cup to McCree. They both added their sugar, Bunny pouring in a small portion of milk. McCree did the same, but with a shot from his flask. They both drank in silence, letting the warmth of the tea calm them down. “How did- never mind, it’s probably not something you want to talk about.” 
“If it’s about my arm, then yeah, that’s a bit personal,” McCree replied. “But if you’re wonderin’ about the bounty… well, it’s a long story.” 
“That’s alright,” Bunny told him. “I’m patient and we have time.” 
“Alrighty then, where to start… how much do you know ‘bout Overwatch?” 
Bunny stroked her chin, thinking. “They were a military-like group who rose to prominence during the first Omnic Crisis, and were recognized as heroes… but something changed and the public turned on them. I was a child when the last of them were disbanded. Why?” 
“See, I was part of Overwatch,” McCree explained. “Not at first, mind you. When I was around your age, I… well, I was one of the Deadlocke Gang’s founding members.” 
“A gang?” Bunny gasped, nearly dropping her cup. “You- did you-” 
McCree sighed. “I ain’t proud of what I did back then, not anymore. But at the time… Deadlocke was my family. If it felt that right, it couldn’t be wrong. But then we got busted by Overwatch and they gave me a choice: join them or rot in jail.” 
“And you chose the former,” Bunny concluded. Her shoulders were haunched, like she was still prepared to run. Maybe explaining this wasn’t the best idea. Too late to stop now. 
“Bullseye,” McCree said. “Put me in Blackwatch, Overwatch’s covert ops group. Second to Gabriel Reyes. Now Reyes… hoo, that man. He could shoot like the best of ‘em but had a temper a mile wide. Both he and Jack Morrison were in the runnin’ to be Strike Commander. Basically the head honcho of the whole organization,” he elaborated at Bunny’s blank expression. He paused to take another gulp. The burning on his throat reminded him of his cigars. Maybe he’d sneak off to the balcony for a smoke later. “Morrison got the job, and Reyes was shipped to the rejects in Blackwatch. And then… things got nasty.” 
“What do you mean, ‘nasty?’” 
“I don’t remember all the details, but there was another Blackwatch agent- Moira. She and Reyes did some science-y stuff I still don’t understand, and at some point both became double agents for Talon.” 
That got Bunny’s attention. “Talon- the terrorist organization? The ones responsible for Mondatta’s death? I was watching his speech on TV when… oh my gosh,” she whispered, gnawing at her lower lip. 
“Shit hit the fan, as it were. Overwatch was disbanded, and I… well, I had years of covert ops under my belt. And I was a former gang member. Still, sixty million…” McCree took another sip of his tea. “Gosh, it sure build up quick, don’t it?” He laughed, but there was no humor behind it. 
Bunny rubbed her arms. “I’m harboring a wanted criminal. A very attractive criminal, but I’m sitll-” “Hey now, don’t think of me like that,” McCree teased. “I’m just passing through. A houseguest for the night. Not even that, if you don’t want. Don’t stop with the compliments, though.”
Bunny looked away shyly. “Just for the night… and s-say I did want you to stay the night.” Slowly, delicately, she reached across the table and took his flesh hand in hers. “And maybe future nights, too.” “Oh darlin’, you flatter me,” McCree said earnestly. He felt a little warm. “But you’re not doing all right in the head right now, that incident must be playin’ with your mind. Savior complex or somethin’, Winston would know what it’s called.” 
“It’s not- why do you think I was so eager to talk about you in the first place, Jesse? When they said that you were coming back, I was so excited- I made those cupcakes especially for you. I mean, I was planning on testing the recipe soon anyway, but-” Bunny grew more animated as she spoke, blush spreading across her face. McCree had a feeling his was a mirror reflection. “But I wanted you to be the first to taste them, Jesse.” 
Hearing his first name was a lot for him. Most people only ever called him McCree, especially after Overwatch ended. “Ah, shit… you’re gonna make this ol’ cowboy soft yet, Miss Bunny.” He stood from his chair, teacups rattling as he pushed away from the table. Bunny blinked owlishly as he approached. He quickly pulled off his hat and set it on her head. She pushed it up with one finger, giggling. “Alright. I always thought I was coming back for the food, but I guess there was another reason I kept visiting… and while I can’t stay for long, that means we gotta make the most of our time, right?” He picked her up, bridal style, and spun her around. 
Bunny laughed, hat flying off as she threw her head back. “J-Jesse! Put me down!” 
“Whatever you say, pumpkin,” he answered in the most arrogant voice he could muster. He carried her to the couch and laid her down, kneeling beside it. He kept his hand in hers. Bunny smiled up at him, using her free hand to caress his cheek. “You know, I’ve never met a bunny as cute as you. Real rabbits’ just don’t compare.” 
“Is that supposed to be an attempt at flirting? Or are you trying to make me laugh?” Bunny joked, stroking his jaw. 
His metal fingers danced across her stomach, eliciting a number of giggles. “Nah, if I wanted to make ya laugh, I think I have a few options. That was a genuine compliment.” He kept tickling her until she threatened to fall off the couch. Distantly, he heard the cat meow in irritation. 
Between her laughs, Bunny managed to guide McCree’s face closer to hers. “I could think of a few compliments for yourself, Jesse,” she said in the air between them before pressing a kiss to 
his lips. 
She tasted sweet, with a sour undercurrent that threatened to sweep McCree away. Lemon and milk filled his nostrils and he breathed her in. It was an innocent kiss, in all honesty, with only the barest heat behind it. Still, the touch of another human so intimately was something he craved. He kissed her back, just as tenderly as she did. 
He pulled away slowly. “As wonderful as this is, kneelin’ like this ain’t do my knees any favors. You mind scooching over?” She did, and McCree joined her on the couch. “Thank you. Now, where were we?” He was still cupping her cheek, smiling like she was the only thing that brought him joy. Her eyes were half-lidded with desire, pupils wide. 
“Oh, I think I remember,” she teased, kissing him again. She grabbed fistfuls of his hair as they kissed, pulling gently. McCree hissed at the sensation, letting Bunny slide her tongue in. They stayed like that for several minutes, kissing and pulling each other close, until Bunny was basically straddling him. “I don’t… even if we just have tonight,” she whispered, kissing his jaw gingerly. “Even if it’s just tonight, I don’t want to rush this. I don’t-” 
“Hey now, darlin’,” McCree reassured her, rubbing her back. “We don’t have to do anythin’ you’re not comfortable with. But it’s startin’ to get late… should we head back to your bedroom? Again, don’t need to do anything. You can always say no or change your mind.” 
Bunny nodded. “No, I’d like that very much. Please… promise me you’ll still be here in the morning. I know you have to go, but I don’t want to lose you just yet.” 
Another quiet kiss. “I promise, Bunny.” 
And he stayed. And he always came back. 
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cutesuki--bakugou · 5 years
Ancient Soul
Time Travel, Quirkless, Feudal Japan AU
“Your soul does not belong here.” Those were words you never thought that you would hear. Now, thrown into the past in feudal Japan, you must find a way to survive, all while struggling to avoid the growing feelings for one hot-headed war general. War, romance, death and love drive you forward, to find the place where your soul truly belongs.
Bakugou Katsuki x Fem!Reader
Want to start from be beginning? Check the Ancient Soul tag. New chapters released every Wednesday as long as schedule permits.
Genre: Romance / Angst Story Rating: Explicit | Adult Themes, Sex, Death, Depictions of Violence, Alcohol
Chapter 5: Battle Dance
Chapter Rating: Mature | Cursing, Violence, Death, Mentions of blood Words:  2900
Night swallowed the Earth faster than you would have preferred. With the setting of the sun, you knew that your life was now in the hands of fate, with multiple factors involved. Who would be the one to kill you or to make sure that you survive? Would Bakugou take your life or would you fall at the hands of an unknown warrior during the attack? Of course, you hoped it was neither, but you couldn’t help but sit in a constant state of worry, gaze locked on the crackling fire in front of you. 
Everyone had bathed and eaten a hefty dinner of fish, and much to your surprise, you were the only one that seemed tense. The others were laughing and enjoying a moment to relax, currently listening to some odd story Kaminari was telling. The only thing you gathered from it was that he had attempted to court a girl at the castle once, and he had failed in one way or another that you didn’t much care to retain. The only other person not involved in the conversation was Bakugou, and you could feel his eyes on you from across the fire. 
You assumed he had been watching you for any signs that you might give off, such as a signal or hint when the attack would come. He would get nothing from you, unless he took the shifting of your legs up to your chest as a signal of some kind. In truth, you couldn’t quite find it in yourself to care about what he thought or what he was waiting on. You had told him the truth and all that you knew, so now, all that was left was to await the attack. 
His glare boring into you was something that you just couldn’t ignore, no matter how hard you tried, so eventually, you pulled your gaze from the dirt to look up at him. As expected, his crimson glare was locked on you, leaning back against a tree with his sword resting against his right side. He had one arm around it, and you couldn’t help but think for a moment that it resembled how a man would hold his lover, except for the obvious harsh grip he had on the neck of the weapon, right below the round and highly ornate hilt. It was clear to you that he was ready to go at any moment, even though he seemed otherwise relaxed. You suspected that he was having the entire group act as if their guard was down, perhaps to entice the attackers to pounce. 
“--Isn’t that right, Sir?” Kaminari’s voice addressing him finally pulled Bakugou’s glare away from you to instead glower at his subordinate, obvious annoyance crossing his face. 
“Eh? What?” 
“That you didn’t give a damn about leaving me passed out drunk in the hallway! For an entire night!” 
“Of course I didn’t give a shit. I’m not your damn caretaker.” Bakugou fixed his sword down across his lap as he sat up, the annoyed snarl on his face almost enough to make you crack a smile. 
Kaminari sighed, leaning back on his hands as he stared up at the sky through the trees. “You could have at least called a servant to come to get me. A cute one.” 
“Bakugou wouldn’t know ‘cute’ if it smacked him in the face!” Ashido giggled, grin on her face as she swirled around some liquid in a flask. Sake, you assumed, and it was obvious she had a few too many sips of it. “He doesn’t think anyone or anything is cute. He just hates it all.” 
“You included,” Bakugou growled, glaring daggers at the woman as she giggled. Kaminari huffed, still pouting about his experience. Though, before he could speak, there was a rustle in the bushes behind you and it took every ounce of your self-control to not jump at the sound. Bakugou had warned you, very roughly, to not react if you heard any noise.  Although your body didn’t move, you couldn’t help but look at him with worry, though he only shared a glance with you. Nearby, the horses began to shuffle and grunt, stomping their hooves into the ground. Still, there wasn’t any reaction from the group, and you began to grow truly scared. 
Much to your surprise, Kirishima began to whistle a pleasant tune, one that you couldn’t recognize, but it seemed to have some significance. With this, Bakugou stood, making his way towards you and sitting down on your left side. “Are you ready to sleep?” 
Unable to help your confusion, you looked up at him, giving a small shake of your head. “Sir, I don’t understand--” 
“Are you ready to go to sleep?” He asked again, this time with a stern glare from the corner of his eye. Kirishima’s whistling only grew louder, a glance from the redhead giving you a sense of urgency. 
Shuffling in your spot a bit, you nodded, keeping your voice quiet just to where Bakugou could hear you. “Yes, I am.” 
“Under the bushes will be the most comfortable. I found a spot next to that tree I was sitting against, there is a boulder behind it. That way I can hear if you try to escape, Demon.” Bakugou stood, grabbing your upper arm and pulling you up to your feet. “And you had better not come out the entire night. Understand me?” 
You gave a quick series of nods, following him to the place he indicated. Using his sword, he pushed the brush aside for you, allowing you to crawl into the space. Before you could utter another word, a blanket was shoved underneath with you, a hard object poking you uncomfortably in the cheek. Frowning under the cover of the brush, you carefully moved the folds of the blanket aside, spotting the dagger buried within. Your stomach rolling and bubbling with fear, you took the dagger in one shaky hand, covering yourself with the brown blanket in hopes that it would work as camouflage and keep you unnoticed. Through the gaps in the brush, you watched as Bakugou stood back with his companions around the fire, placing his sword back into place on his hip. They all seemed so calm, yet you knew exactly what was going on. They were preparing for the battle, somehow able to sense the presence of the enemy where you couldn’t. 
A tangible heaviness fell over you as Kirishima’s melody came to an end, silence swallowing the entire area. The only sounds came from the crackling of the fire and the nervous huffing of the horses, or at least, the only sounds that you could hear. 
And then, it came like a whirlwind. 
Blood was not something you were particularly familiar with, or at least, not anyone’s but your own. But in those few seconds, you had seen more than you ever thought you would. The black clothing of the fallen assassins did little to hide the gashes and injuries inflicted upon them, making you have to cover your mouth so you wouldn’t scream out or vomit. The violence was sickening, and yet, you couldn’t turn your eyes away. 
The people that you had been traveling with were something different now. They were completely focused on their tasks at hand, which were killing all who attacked them. The laughter and soft expressions you had seen were now gone, not a single hint of enjoyment on any of their faces. That is, except for Bakugou. The manic grin on his face was something… horrifying, and yet totally mesmerizing. You could see the intense focus in his eyes as he pierced his blade through the attackers, but it wasn’t just that he was doing his duty. No, he loved it. War and fighting was his life, and the ear to ear grin told you that he was… having fun. 
That fact scared you. 
Suddenly, you felt a grip on your foot, yanking you backward out of the brush roughly. As the branches scratched your skin, you squealed out in fright, instantly losing your grip on the dagger and leaving it behind. As best you could, you struggled against the rough hands that pulled you to your feet, screaming and demanding your release. “L-let go of me, you fucking asshole!” 
“Someone help the Demon!” 
“I can’t get to her!” 
The voices in the background were barely recognizable to you over your sounds of struggle and the yells of the men around you. It wasn’t until you felt a sharp blade at your throat that you stopped, finding that your arms were held behind your back and up against the body of a man who, in all honesty, smelt like death. 
“What a fine piece of meat I’ve found.” He hissed in your ear behind his face mask, bringing tears to your eyes as your exhausted body was already giving out on you. “I think I may just take you with me. You’d be some fine entertainment-- gah!!” 
Your own shriek of surprise left your lips as you watched Bakugou’s blade suddenly pierced into the man's stomach right alongside your torso, so close he could have easily stabbed you on accident. In one swift movement, you found yourself held against Bakugou’s body, one strong arm around you with the other finished off the man that had attacked you. Sobbing and trembling in fear, you couldn’t help but clutch onto him tightly, moving along with him as if you were a ghost, completely disconnected from your body. 
With a rough shove, Bakugou pushed you back down into some brush, barely dodging an attack. With a frustrated yell leaving his lips, Bakugou sliced the man down in an instant. The feeling of hot blood splashing onto your cheek finally brought feeling back to your body, which instantly revolted in the form of vomit rushing out of your system. You collapsed down onto your hands and knees, holding your hair back with one hand as you retched. 
You didn’t stop until every last bit of the contents of your stomach was emptied before you, gasping and coughing as you tried to catch your breath. Behind the pounding of your ears, you could hear nothing, the silence of the forest pressing down on you. For a moment, you felt like a stranger trespassing in a deadly land, and any sound or movement would bring instant death upon you. That feeling was actually fact, and so you sucked in a breath to silence yourself, sitting down as quietly and carefully as you could.
Beginning to grow confused at the silence, you turned your head to look towards the still crackling fire, though you could barely see it behind the bodies surrounding you. Looking up, you were met with the glaring and wary eyes of those whom you thought were becoming your companions. They looked at you now as they had the first day they found you, and Bakugou’s now bloodied sword was once again pointed at your face. Trembling with tears blurring your vision, you looked between them all, struggling to find words to say. 
“W… what--” 
“Shut up.” Bakugou snapped, instantly making you cower down into yourself. “It was true. Your prediction was true.” 
With a timid nod, you clutched your clothing tighter around your body, trying to ignore the wet and sticky feeling of blood on your skin. “I told you…” 
“We can’t risk this, Sir. Having her around could be dangerous!” Kaminari spoke, prompting a conversation that you had no say in. “If she knew this was going to happen, then what else does she know? She could be leading us into a trap!” 
“Did you hear those odd words she was saying? It could have been a curse!” 
“We can’t keep her with us--” 
“Enough!” Bakugou’s snap was loud and harsh enough to immediately silence everyone, startling you so badly that you jumped in fright. His glare didn’t leave your face, nor did his weapon. But, there was something new that you hadn’t yet seen. There was a fire, glowing with the flickering yellow flames behind him, and all you could relate it to was… ambition. A hunger for power that had been the end of many warlords during this time in history. “She will come with us, and I will present her power to our Lord. I’m sure he will be pleased to have such an asset.” 
Knowing better than to speak out when their leader has given such a firm command, the warriors around him paused, peering down at you with clear suspicion. You felt as if you were in more danger now than you had been the entire journey up to this point, as any little word or action you say could have an impact on your life here. For now, you figured that staying as calm and cooperative as possible would give you the best chance, even if you did feel like screaming your head off and running into the forest. 
“Get rid of the bodies.” Bakugou addressed Kirishima with a simple nod of his head, to which they all dispersed away from him. Stabbing his sword into the ground, Bakugou squatted down in front of you, keeping a grip on the hilt for support. Swallowing the sour lump in your throat, you forced yourself to not cower back away from him, eyes catching onto a bead of sweat that rolled down the bridge of his nose. “Are you injured?” 
You shook your head, relaxing a bit. “N-no… I think the bush cut me a little when he pulled me out, but I think I’m okay…” 
“You’re such a damn nuisance. Can’t even hide properly. Get up.” Bakugou stood, ignoring the furrow of your brow. With a sigh, you struggled to stand on wobbly legs, having to grip onto the tree beside you for support. 
“I’m not a warrior like you people, of course I’m going to be a nuisance! There’s nothing wrong with that, either.” You followed after him as he motioned for you to do so, crossing your arms tightly over your chest. “Not everyone can have those skills. I thought as a General, you would want to protect the weak.” 
Bakugou was silent as he reached the edge of the river, away from the rest of the group. “Demon… I only want one thing. And that is to advance the will of my Lord, by any means necessary. The weak are no concern of mine. The only reason you are still alive is because of this apparent power that you have.” Kneeling, Bakugou scooped up water into his hands, splashing it over his face. “Nothing else matters to me.” 
“Aren’t you worried I may be a danger to your Lord?” 
“If I even sense for a second that you have those intentions, I’ll remove your head from your shoulders.” Once he was content that the blood had been removed from all visible skin, he stood, pointing down to the water for you to do the same. Glowering up at him for a moment, you sighed and did so, finding that the cold water felt good against your flushed skin. You were embarrassed, angry and exhausted, so arguing about literally anything wasn’t something that you wanted to do. Not arguing with Bakugou seemed to be an impossible feat to accomplish, as anything that came out of his mouth was confrontational. 
As you washed off your face, neck, and hands, you watched his reflection in the water. You couldn’t get the vision of that grin out of your mind, or how powerful he looked when fighting. It was his true passion, and finally seeing him in action was… exhilarating. Although it was brutal, you felt like you could easily watch him for hours, like you were the only witness to an elaborate and passionate dance of some sort. You felt both attracted to and repulsed by this man, and you could only wish that he would see you as… well, just more. 
Finishing up, you stood, shaking your hands a bit to rid them of excess water. “So, gonna tie me back up?” 
“No.” Bakugou finished cleaning the blood off his sword, returning it to its sheath. “I told you before. If you were right, I would no longer bind you.” 
“You… meant that?” 
“I do not say or do things I don’t mean.” Bakugou returned his gaze to you. “I keep my word. Even for someone like you. Now come… We cannot stay here tonight.” With a touch softer than what you had ever experienced from him, Bakugou placed a hand on your upper back, urging you back towards the camp. 
Walking beside him, you fiddled with a piece of your clothing nervously, glancing up at him. “U-Uhm… Thank you for saving me…” 
“Tch, don’t thank me. It’s not like I had a choice. I wasn’t going to let you be killed by that scum.” 
“You’re a… very powerful fighter. I was very impressed.” 
Although silence followed your compliment, you could have sworn you could see red rise up in the tips of his ears, just a hint of embarrassment crossing his stern features. Seeing that, you couldn’t help but smile. He may have been harsh, mean and an overall brute, but there was still something about him that just… called to you. 
Maybe soon… he’ll warm up to me.
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jarienn972 · 5 years
A Simple Spell - Chapter Seven
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A Captain Swan Supernatural Summer Tale
I’m getting this update out a couple days later than planned due to a very busy week but I didn't want to wait until Monday to post it. I know I ended the last chapter on a pretty big cliffhanger (and just might do it again...) so I didn't want to delay the resolution for too much longer. Thank you, @lassluna for your beta assistance with a few corrections.  They were much appreciated!  Thanks again to @cocohook38 for the beautiful artwork above and to everyone involved with the @cssns event! I was hoping to have this finished before the summer officially ended, but real life delayed things a bit so it looks like we’ll run into Halloween season.
Anyway, when we left off, Emma had just learned that her mother, Ava, was Cora's sister making her a cousin to Regina and Zelena. It's not a surprise she's going to take lightly...
Read from the beginning on Tumblr: One  Two  Three  Four  Five  Six
AO3    FF.net
Emma's emotions were reeling and amplifying with every second that passed. Ruby wanted to say something but she didn't even know where to begin so she chose to remain quiet, close by should Emma reach out, but also just out of reach should her friend decide instead that she needed to punch something.
They had to have known.  Regina and Zelena had both been old enough to have known that Ava was related to them.and David had to have known that his step-mother had also been their aunt.  Why would they have kept something this important from her?
Emma had so many questions swirling inside her head for her newfound cousins and even more for her brother, questions she wasn’t even sure how to ask.  All she knew right knew right now was that she was seething and then she heard the voices echoing from the stairway.
“Everything is set up,” she heard Zelena announce, but Emma no longer harbored any interest in the planned rituals for the full moon or even for anything related to magic in general.  She was hurting and the secrets that had been withheld from her were the cause.  
The moment Regina’s visage rounded the last corner and came into view, Emma lashed out, holding up the photograph that had tumbled out of Gold’s book. “When were you going to tell me?” she growled, practically shoving the picture into Regina’s face.
“Tell you what? Zelena just said that everything was ready.  Let’s get upstairs…,” Regina responded, barely glancing at the old photograph.
“Seriously?  I’m not talking about your damned rituals!” Emma glared as she waved the photo into Regina’s line of sight again. “This!  When were you going to fill me in on this little secret, cousin?”
“Cousin…,” Zelena repeated knowingly, although she was more than happy to fade into the background and allow her younger sister to take the brunt of Emma’s ire.
“Emma…,” Regina began, hands raised before her defensively as she sought to defuse the situation that they had indeed created.  “Emma, we always intended to tell you when you were ready…”
“When I was ready?” Emma scoffed. “What the hell is that supposed to mean?  Why would I need to be ready to find out that we were related?   Why did it need to be such a secret for me to find out who I’m related to around here?!”
“Okay...that’s my cue to leave,” Ruby said shyly as she threw her crimson cape on over her shoulders as voices raised which was probably going to lead to tempers flaring. She flipped the hood atop her brunette hair and eased her way back a few steps past Zelena. “I’m outta here…” she whispered, grimacing at the thought of what was to come.  “Em, call me later if you need to chat…”
Regina ignored Ruby’s exit as she attempted to plead her case. “You needed to be more confident in your magic first,” she explained. “You needed to trust us as your teachers so that when the time came, you’d understand…”
“Understand what?  I don’t understand anything right now except that all of you lied to me!”  Emma shouted back angrily. “This doesn’t have anything to do with magic!  You knew that my mother was your aunt and that I was your cousin the moment we met.  Why would you keep that from me?”
“You may not believe us, but we did it for your own good,” Zelena interjected. “It wasn’t supposed to be a secret, but you had to be ready for the truth…”
“My own good?  You sincerely expect me to believe that?  Hell, why should I believe anything that either of you tell me now? Did you only sign on to tutor me in magic because I was your cousin?”
“It’s not like that, Emma…,” Regina sighed exasperatedly. “You being our cousin was only a tiny part of the reason we agreed to tutor you in the magical arts. Storybrooke’s future depends on it…”
“What?” Emma asked in confusion.  How was anything in Storybrooke dependent on her?  “You’re making absolutely no sense…”
“We can explain…,” Zelena offered, but she knew Emma was aching far too much and wasn’t in the most receptive mood at that moment.  There was too much history to explain.  So much that Emma would need to be educated about before she’d understand and this night wasn’t going to be near enough.
“Oh, I’d love for you to explain it all to me, but not right now,” Emma spat  “Right now, I can’t even look at the two of you without wanting to punch you in your faces, and I still have to decide how to go confront my brother about his role in all of this!” She snatched Gold’s potion book from the stool she’d rested it on and tucked everything that had fallen from it back inside the leather bound cover. 
“Don’t be too hard on David,” Regina stated dejectedly, lowering her chin to avoid eye contact. “None of this was his decision…”
“Doesn’t make him any less complicit,” Emma reminded her cousin as she tucked the book beneath her arm before stabbing an index finger into Regina’s face with a stern warning. “We’re not done with this conversation.  All of you owe me some answers and when I calm down enough, I’ll be back for those answers.  Right now, I’m getting out of here before I do something I might regret!”
She stomped up the steps into the mausoleum and stepped out into the moonlit graveyard with Regina on her heels.  Regina could plead for her to listen all she wanted but Emma had already tuned her out.  All she wanted right now was someone she could vent to - someone who wasn’t family and who wouldn’t jump to judgement.
Only one person’s name came to mind and she could only hope that he’d answer his phone at this late hour.
Emma didn’t even bother heading back to her car in her haste to escape the cemetery and the growing frustration gnawing away in the pit of her stomach.  She’d ended up taking a very brisk walk toward the harbor, wishing that the evening air would help clear her head and calm the maelstrom building within.  Nothing she’d done yet had been successful to quell her fiery temper  so she was pinning her hopes on someone else. 
Killian Jones had answered her brief late night call seeking a drinking buddy and, sensing her unspoken yet audible distress, had agreed to meet her at the dock.  Something was definitely not right with his new friend, the deputy, but he was chivalrous enough to lend a damsel an ear and allow her to vent all she needed.
“Is everything alright, Swan?” he asked stupidly, mentally kicking himself for such a ridiculous query when she was obviously visibly upset.  “You sounded quite vexed when you phoned so I’m concerned…”
“Vexed would be a severe understatement right now,” she grumbled as she neared.  As she drew closer to his position, even in the pale glow of the moonlight, he could see that her eyes were reddened and her cheeks dampened with trails of fallen tears.
“Why don’t we take a stroll away from here and find somewhere private where you can relay to me everything that’s weighing down your heart, Love?” he offered. “I believe you are in need of a patient, singular audience right now, not a noisy, crowded tavern…”
“As long as there’s alcohol involved, I don’t care where we go… I’m good with heading down to the Rabbit Hole, but if you have a better suggestion… I just want to drink until I can’t feel the betrayal anymore…”
He slid his hand inside his hip length black leather coat and withdrew a little piece of history - a weathered, dark brown glass flask topped with a cork plug. “There’s a small park that’s perhaps a five minute trip from here, right down by the beach.   The sea has always been a calming influence on me.  Perhaps tonight, it will be for you as well? I’ve plenty of rum here for whatever level of numbness you desire.”
“Rum, huh?” she chuffed. “Should have known you pirate types would have rum around…”
“Shall we then?” he offered, tucking the flask safely away until they reached their destination while simultaneously gesturing to the boardwalk that led away from the docks and down to the waterfront. “You can freely relinquish whatever is on your mind tonight, Emma.  You’ll find me to be an excellent listener.”
As they sat side by side on a concrete park bench, Killian proved true to his word, allowing her to air her gripes without commentary, breaking her monologue with only a few questions here and there for clarification.  Simply having him here by her side had already done wonders to lighten Emma’s mood, and although she was still bitter, Killian Jones had managed to temper the sting of betrayal with his mere presence. Most of the men she had encountered in her life had been dismissive - her former bosses, former lovers and even her brother at times, but Killian had shown a keen interest in all she had to say, no matter how trivial her ramblings might seem. Neal’s interest had been purely physical, as had most of her one night stands that came after that failed relationship so it was unexpected to have a man who actually wanted to hear her thoughts and legitimately cared about how she felt.
He’d patiently allowed her to unload everything on him as she relayed the tale of how she had grown up wanting to know all about her absent family and how she’d always felt she had a much larger lineage, despite her mother’s denial. She told him how she’d come to find David through her research and made the decision to move from Boston to Storybrooke, hoping she’d learn more once she could immerse herself into her birthplace. Then, she admitted for the first time tonight that she never imagined that the rest of her family would conceal the truth from her. Regina and Zelena could have told her that she was their cousin, but the simple fact that they hadn’t left her to only wonder what else they might be keeping from her.
“Do you think I’m overreacting?” she finally asked him directly after bombarding him for nearly thirty minutes with her woes, fingers tapping nervously atop Gold’s book that rested on the bench to her right. 
“Well, I suppose it comes down to precisely what their reasoning for withholding the information  from you may have been. I’m not privy to their thought process, Love, but perhaps they felt as though they had your best interests at heart?” Killian replied with a shrug of his leather-clad shoulders.
“Best interests of what?” she retorted. “What interests would it serve to not reveal that I was related to them?”
“I wish I could answer that for you but I think you know that only your family will be able to provide those details for you.”
Emma sighed in defeat as she slumped back against the bench, taking a pull from Killian’s flask of rum - and damned good, strong rum it was.  In her head, she knew he was right, but her heart still burned and she wasn’t anywhere near drunk enough yet to desire another confrontation with Regina or Zelena. Or to confront David for that matter.  She was probably angriest with him right now because they’d been working side by side and even living under the same roof for months and he hadn’t even dropped a single hint that Emma might be related to the Mills sisters. There was absolutely no way that he hadn’t known as a child that his stepmother was a member of the most powerful family in town.
“I suppose I’m not going to have a whole lot of options except to confront them, am I?” she asked rhetorically as he wrapped a reassuring arm around her shoulders, eliciting an involuntary shudder from her at the unexpected, yet not unwelcome touch.  His eyes met hers for a second, ready to apologize and pull away from her, yet she responded with a smile and leaned into him instead. “Thank you for letting me rant like a madwoman tonight.”
“Anytime, Love, although if I may be honest, I’m actually surprised that you contacted me   I would have thought that you’d have reached out to a friend in this situation, not to someone you barely know…”
“I don’t know… That’s the thing, I guess. I don’t have a lot of friends here that I feel like I can turn to.  I feel like no one really knows me around here and yet there’s a part of me that feels as though I’ve known you forever. I feel like you probably know me better than anyone else and maybe it’s because you haven’t lied to me yet.”
“Why would I lie to you, Swan?  I want to get to know you - the real you - not push you away.  I can’t speak for the others, but there are times when honesty becomes a double-edged sword.  I’m quite certain that your family held what they believed were valid reasons for not being upfront with you. When you’re ready to ask them, I’m certain they’ll provide you with the answers you seek.”
“I suppose...,” she replied, sounding both dejected and hopeful at the same time. “But not tonight.  Tonight, I just want to not think about anything… Oh - and I guess I’d better figure out a place to crash.  I don’t want to see David’s face tonight or I might punch it and assaulting the Sheriff, even if he is your brother, is probably frowned upon.”
“You’re welcome to join us on the Jolly Roger, if you wish.  You can have my quarters and I’ll bunk with with the crew…”
“As lovely as that offer sounds, I really don’t need the town talking about me spending the night on a ship full of sailors.  David already thinks you’re a bunch of dirty pirates so I’d rather not give him ammunition. I’ll probably just go sleep on the sofa at the station.  Even though Graham’s working tomorrow morning, he won’t care.”
“As you wish,” Killian replied with a mock curtsy before snatching his flask back from her hand and frowning when he discovered it to be nearly empty. “One might wonder who the pirate is here…” he commented with a sinful smirk as he took a swig.
“It’s good rum,” she stated with a dismissive shrug.  “I’m usually more of a beer and whiskey girl but that stuff isn’t half bad.”
“And more than half gone,” he scoffed sarcastically before bursting into laughter.  Even in her slightly inebriated state, she couldn’t help noticing how his blue eyes sparkled in the moonlight. Forget whatever ritual Regina and Zelena may have had planned, here was the real magic of the full moon and her drunken little soul almost didn’t want the night to end.
Even though she was feeling only slightly tipsy, Emma consented to allow Killian to walk her to the Sheriff's station, recalling only as she was fumbling for the key to the building’s rear door that she had left her car parked over by the cemetery. Oh well, it would be fine there for the night.  She’d go get it tomorrow after she sobered up. Everyone knew that the beat up old Volkswagen belonged to the Deputy so there was no fear that anyone would dare steal it. 
At least she’d been alert enough to remember to grab Gold’s potion book before they’d left the park. She was already questioning the veracity of his actual ownership of it and had added the shady pawn shop owner to her list of people she needed to confront over the course of the coming days.  Before settling down on the break room sofa, she placed the book safely inside her locker with the incriminating photograph and letter still pressed beneath the cover. Had it been merely a fluke that those telling items had fluttered out of the book when she’d dropped it?  Did Gold know they were inside already, sending her on a hunt to locate that specific volume intentionally? 
Those were questions that would have to wait until daybreak though as she yawned and stretched out on the faux leather sofa, pulling the royal blue and dark red plaid woven blanket off of the back to cover herself.  It didn’t take long for her to drift off to sleep, replaying the night in her mind.  She knew she’d probably regret some of the evening’s actions when the sun rose but she dozed off believing the hangover would be well worth it.
As Emma was making herself comfortable in the station’s break room for the night, Killian Jones was taking a leisurely pace on his short trek back to his ship at the harbor, grinning like a complete fool the whole way. He has no idea what to expect from his burgeoning relationship with Emma Swan but he fully intended to relish every moment spent in her company.  He tried not to think about the fact that he’d be setting sail in a few days, not looking forward to the departure.  He could only hold onto a glimmer of hope that should Emma reciprocate his increasing fondness for her, he would immediately start planning his return voyage to Storybrooke.
By the time he scaled the gangplank well after the midnight hour, he knew only a handful of crew would be awake so it wasn’t at all surprising to find the top deck of the Jolly Roger deserted. He crossed to the hatch above his quarters in a few long strides as he felt the growing chill apparent in the sea breeze.  Stooping to raise the hatch, his fingertips scarcely grazed the handle before finding himself struggling to breathe. Eyes widening, he frantically scoured the deck to find the owner of the unseen hands tightening around his throat but found himself still alone under the moonlit sky. He struggled against his invisible assailant, attempting to claw away whatever might be strangling him but to no avail. Unable to even shout for help, he succumbed to the darkness, falling unconscious atop the unopened hatch.
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kingtylerreigns · 4 years
INVOLVED: Tyler Carter, Mia Carter, Farrah Parker, James Parker, James Parker, Jr, Nadia Montgomery, Greyson Montgomery, Rachelle Patterson, Daniel Patterson, Charlie Patterson, Harper Patterson, Patricia Parker, Gloria Greene, Brittnay Stevens, Vivian Parker, Kathy Hicks-Patrick, Carmen Carter, Anthony Carter, Aria Carter, Fátima N. Rivers-Luna, Ezra Rivers, Ángel I. Rivers-Luna, Natalia Dawson, Russell Dawson, Michael Dawson, Mila Rivers-Luna, Jason Artists, Gabriel Rivers-Luna, Joelle Cook, Axel Carter, Vivian Carter, Dominic Carter, Roxanna Emmerson, Alex Carter, Lexi Carter, Naomi Carter, and Madison Carter TIME FRAME: Saturday, May 2, 2020 LOCATION: Masraffs; Houston, Texas SUMMARY: Tyler and Mia get their families together to celebrate and party for the gender of their baby. It’s a fun and festive event that ends in a firework show revealing that Tyler and Mia are having a baby girl.
Tyler held Mia’s hand in his own as he escorted her into the venue with a small smile, nodding at the manager as he moved past. He let go of Mia’s hand and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close as he pressed a kiss to her temple. Reaching out his freehand, he pushed the doors to their private room open and entered with Mia, smiling at all of their friends and family.
Mia walked with Tyler; she held the purple dress up a bit so that it didn’t drag on the ground as they walked. She looked at him and smiled, she was so curious to see what his mother had put together for them. She was sure no matter what it would be cute and heart felt. As they reached the doors to the private room, she smirked as he kissed her, walking along behind her and he pushed the doors open and she walked in her heart racing. The room was filled with their friends and family; she smiled releasing a chuckle as she took the venue in. “Aw,” she said happily as tip toed further into the room with all the commotion.
Fátima sat at one of the tables in the center of the room, looking around at all of her family members on one side of the room and who she assumed to be this Mia girl’s family on the other side. She swung her foot back and forth, her legs crossed with her hand over her knee as she looked towards her daughter, prepared to say something before Mia and Tyler entered. She turned her body in the chair, looking at her grandson and his wife as they entered. “Whoo,” she said aloud verbally, shocked to see how large the girl was.
Carmen sat at the table with her husband, mother, and father with a hum as she sipped some of her lemonade. She looked at her watch on her wrist before she stood up and made her way over to Mia’s family, wanting to introduce herself to a few people. However, as Tyler and Mia entered, she smiled brightly, looking over at them. Seeing Mia, she gushed. “Oh, you look so beautiful,” she said loudly in Spanish as she sat her cup down on a table and rushed over to them in her heels.
Tyler smiled as he looked around the room, trying to hide his shock and disappointment. He had honestly expected a bit more from his mother. She had begged and begged to be able to plan this party and this is what she had come up with. He let out a small sigh, shaking it off as he looked at his mother as she came rushing over. “Hey mom,” he smiled at her before he looked around the room, taking in their various family members.
Rachelle sat next to her sister and she smiled excitedly, her little niece was married and pregnant. Though it happened so fast, she’d been watching them on YouTube, and she couldn’t deny their chemistry was beautiful. “I know she looks beautiful, she probably bet her face to perfection,” she said gushing over the thought as she turned to Farrah. “Look, look at mama’s face,” she pointed out, “why is she eyeing those people like that?” she asked her older sister. When Mia walked through the door, she lit up again. “Aw, look at her,” she said as she stood up at the table smiling. “My little me-me,” she said.
Farrah watched around the room at everyone, there was a decent amount of people in there for the majority not to know the other. She looked at James and then at her sister nodding her head. “Yeah, I am sure,” she said quietly. She looked over at Nadia and raised her brow. “That is your mother,” she told the woman with a headshake. “You know how she is about people she doesn't know...” she said sighing. However, when Mia and Tyler walked into the room she smiled watching as a taller fair skinned woman ran over to them. “I think that’s his mother,” she said to her sister. “She put this together, I guess,” she shrugged, “I could've done better though,” she said slyly.
Mia continued to smile, her shoulders to her ears, as she beamed happily. When Carmen moved towards them, she smirked. “Hey ma,” she said reaching her arms out for a hug from the woman. “It’s beautiful ma, I love it,” she told her happily. “It’s beautiful,” she exclaimed.
Fátima watched her daughter run across the room and she pursed her lips as she rose slowly, smoothing out her dress with her hands. She gathered herself for a moment before she found herself walking over towards her daughter, grandson, and her supposed granddaughter-in-law. She placed her hand on Carmen’s shoulder as she approached, pulling her back and out of her way as she gazed at the couple. Her dark eyes took them in, scrutinizing every little thing about them before she finally said, “hello,” to Mia. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” she said, looking at Tyler with a raised eyebrow.
Carmen beamed from ear to ear as she hugged Mia close, rubbing the young girl’s back lovingly. “I am so happy that you like it,” she said with a chuckle as she pulled away. “I was so nervous,” she admitted, smiling. Feeling her mother’s hand on her shoulder, she stepped aside, watching closely as the older woman looked the couple over. “Mamá,” she hissed out to the woman softly before she greeted Mia. Pursing her lips, she shook her head slightly, looking around at all of the other guests nervously. She had told her mother not to do this and yet, here she was, doing it anyway, and in front of everyone at that.
Tyler watched as Mia and his mother hugged before he looked up at his grandmother, lips tucked into his mouth knowingly. If he thought his mother was upset when he told her that he had gotten married, it was mistaken. When he called his grandmother and told her that he was not only married, but his wife was expecting a child, and that she was invited to the baby shower Fátima tore him a new asshole in her native tongue. So, he knew for a fact, that the woman was not happy after she had called him all types of stupid asses and idiots over the phone.
Ezra sat at the table, shaking his head a bit. His back was to them, but he knew exactly what was happening. He took a sip from his glass, looking across the table at his son-in-law, Anthony.
Rachelle looked at her sister and said, “well do we go up there or…” she asked curiously, “wait our turn?” she breathed softly as she moved to sit back down.
Farrah watched as Mia hugged Tyler’s apparent mother and then she watched as the older version of the same woman rose up and walked over to her daughter. “Uh, uh,” she said to her sister. “I am going to go up there because I have not liked miss thangs face the entire time,” she said. “Have you seen the faces she’s been making?” she asked her as she rose to her feet, in her fitted dress moving on her heels only for her husband to grab her by her hip and hold her still.
James looked at Farrah and said, “no, you are going to sit and unlike some people carry ourselves with some dignity and class,” he told his wife.
“I agree,” Daniel said to his brother-in-law, “they haven’t even gotten into the venue good and people are bomb rushing them”, taking a sip from his glass he looked at his wife Rachelle and then their two daughters Harper and Charlie.
Nadia watched on as the older woman walked up towards the front behind the woman with the long legs in the short dress. She got up and moved towards the table with her kids and she tilted her head with her arms over her chest. “Now just when in the hell is Mia going to come greet us?” she asked them in Creole. “She wants me to yank her little ass from up there aye?” she said in her native tongue. “Flashing gum with these people who didn’t even have the decency to really come greet us after they put together this blue and pink circus of an event,” she rambled on.
Anthony looked across at his father-in-law and he shook his head back at the man. “I don’t even know why you’re surprised,” he said before he pulled a flask out his inner jacket pocket. He turned the cap, popping it open, pouring a little Cîroc into his lemonade before he slid it over to Ezra. “Drink up and just sit back,” he said with a chuckle as he brought his glass to his mouth, taking a sip.
Fátima cut her eyes at her daughter. “Hush child,” she said in Spanish, giving her a look of you not to grown for me to beat your butt before she looked back at the young couple. “Mia is it?” she asked as she took the girl’s hand into her own. She turned Mia slowly, forcing the young woman to do a full spin before her. She looked Mia over carefully, taking in the woman’s round stomach, full cheeks, and dark brown skin with a hum. “mmm.” She let Mia’s hand go before she said, “Mhm…” she knew exactly what the girl was having. The girl was carrying high and her stomach was very round. Now she wasn’t completely sure if that was due to the baby or if the girl was really just naturally round as such, but she had to assume it was a combination of both from looking at her.
Carmen clamped her lips shut now, looking at Mia with apologetic eyes before she looked at her son. She forced a smile into her face as she turned to everyone, saying, “let’s properly welcome the expecting couple,” loudly, to get her mother to sit the hell down. Clapping her hands, Carmen looked to her family for help.
Ángel looked at his sister, a smirk on his face. He was amused to no end as he sat at the table with their sister, Natalia, and her husband and their son. He chuckled softly, shaking his head. He had told her to sedate good old Fátima, but she hadn’t listened to him. At her insistence and clapping, he pushed his chair back and stood up, clapping along with her as he began to hoot, hoot, hoot, hoot, pumping his hand in the air a little for the couple.
Farrah pursed her lips at her mother and husband, sitting down in a chair. She looked at JJ who sat quietly before them before she said, “everyone let’s just calm down and be merry,” raising the sweet tea before she sipped it.
“Be merry?” Nadia asked her daughter with a scrunched face. “I still don’t know how you let this happen Farrah...” she countered.
Rachelle looked around the table and sighed. “Yes, be merry, there is a baby involved,” she reminded their mother easily. “And look at her, she’s beaming with joy. She’s glowing, how could you not be happy right now?” she asked them all. “Little Mia, aka me-me is having a baby,” she said, bright teeth flashing.
Mia looked at Tyler’s grandmother and she blushed a bit as the woman took her in. “It’s nice to finally meet you, I’ve been wanting to-” she said stopped short as the woman spun her around. Mia furrowed her brows once her back was to the woman, she looked at Tyler unsure what she should take from the act. She looked back at the woman. “Yes, Mia,” she said nodding her head, “and you?” she asked her, the woman hadn’t given her a name yet. “Your ma’s, ma?” she said gesturing Carmen next to them. “Oh, you have to give me a hug,” she exclaimed happily as she leaned in for one. At Carmen’s words she smirked and watched the crowd greet them again and she chuckled finally meeting eyes with her family off in the corner, and she groaned inwardly.
Ezra took the flask from Anthony with a wicked smile and he said, “you always come prepared,” as he poured a bit of the liquor into his own glass. He recapped the flask before returning it to his son-in-law and he took a sip, letting the liquor slide down his throat easily before he turned back, looking at his newest family member with a hum. This is not what he expected but he was pleasantly surprised.
“Ma’s, ma?” Fátima repeated softly before she looked at Carmen with a raised eyebrow. She absolutely hated that Tyler called Carmen that and here Mia was calling Carmen that. She ground her teeth together momentarily before she finally said shocked, “oh you don’t even know my name,” she was taken back as Mia spread her arms and out of respect Fátima hugged the girl back, looking at Tyler with a squint. “My name is Fátima, dear,” she told Mia as she rubbed the girl’s back. Pulling away, she looked at Tyler once more, wanting to drag him by his ear, but they were in front of everyone so she would do it later. Following Mia’s gaze over to her family, Fátima eyed them all, her eyes settling on the two white men and she let out an amused chuckle as she moved to go sit back down.
Tyler stood there, hands in his pockets now as he watched Mia and Fátima interact. Oh, there was a lot happening there, all wordlessly of course. He tucked his lips further into his mouth, clearing his throat a bit before he said, “we can get further into introductions and things soon, can we please just get out of the doorway.” He watched his grandmother to go sit down, knowing that he wouldn’t hear the end of it later before he gave his mother a look, “we will make our rounds, go sit down,” he told her sternly.
Mia looked at the older woman, her brow raising as she repeated her; the woman actually hugged her and she embraced her lovingly. “Fátima,” she repeated softly to her. “I love that name, beautiful,” she said easily, and she meant it. Smiling she let the woman go, allowing her to pull away from her as well. As the woman walked off chuckling, she eyed her a bit and tried not to be offended by the woman’s actions. She pushed a few braids over her shoulder as Tyler spoke with Carmen and tucked her lips in. “Where do we even start?” she asked him over the lightly played music and chatter.
Tyler smiled softly at Mia, trying to make the best of what just happened. Looking between his side of the family and then her own, he said, “let’s start with your family since mine is clearly out of control,” chuckling a bit. He placed his hand on the small of Mia’s back, as he pressed another kiss to her temple before ushering her towards her family. He also knew that they had to make this quick because Mia was wearing heels at the moment and he knew that soon enough, her feet would be killing her, if they weren’t already.
Mia looked at her husband and she nodded her head resting a hand on her stomach gently. She felt his kiss and she smiled gently at him as he ushered her towards her family, and she smiled. “Hey guys,” she waved gently as she moved for each one, shifting between the chairs. “Pop-Pop,” she squealed as she moved towards her grandfather and hugged the man tightly. “Grandma,” she said as she moved for Nadia and held her arms out. “I’ve missed you guys so much,” she told them. “Grandma, grandpa, this is Tyler, my husband. Tyler” she said shifting back for him, “this is my grandfather Greyson and my grandmother Nadia,” she said to him happily. “These are my mother’s parents,” she clarified.
Greyson watched Mia move over for him and he smiled as the tall man stood up and embraced her in a hug. “My special girl,” he sang out happily as he hugged her tightly in his arms before releasing her. He pecked her forehead gently before he pulled back. “Nice to finally meet you Tyler,” the cream-colored man said as he reached his hand out for him to shake. He looked at his wife knowingly and hoped she didn’t make a scene. After all there was a videographer in the building and a photographer as well.
Nadia looked at Mia and then her children as her husband stood and embraced the girl and her husband with no problem. She licked her lips and she smirked a bit hugging her back. “Oh, you look like a princess,” she said in creole. “Perfection,” she said to her sweetly as she pecked the girl’s cheek easily. She looked at Tyler and said, “yeah nice to meet you Tyler…” rubbing Mia’s back and smiling at her. Her other hand moving to her stomach as she rubbed it gently. “Aw,” she said she was still in disbelief about all of this.
Tyler moved with Mia over to the members of her family, his new extended family. As they approached and Mia began to introduce the man and woman to him, he smiled a bit, trying his best to hide his shock as he stared at the white man before him. Grandpa? Maybe the man had married her grandmother later on, after she had kids in a previous marriage or relationship or something. Licking his lips, he held his hand out to Greyson. “Nice to meet you as well,” he shook the man’s hand firmly with a smile, his dimples creasing. Releasing Greyson’s hand, Tyler looked at Nadia, Mia’s grandmother. As the woman spoke to him short and sweet, he tucked his dimples away, glancing at Mia quickly as he said, “... yup…” in response to the woman. “Nice to meet you too... “
Farrah stood up and moved for Tyler and Mia now. “Tyler don’t mind my mother, she’s just an old school Haitian woman,” she said, eyeing her mother with large eyes. “She believes in the traditional,” she spoke up. “Now that you have met my father and mother,” she said pulling her son-in-law with her, “you know James and JJ,” she waved off moving him further. “This is my baby sister Rachelle,” she said with her arm around Tyler’s waist. “Her husband Daniel,” she pointed, “their two kids Harper and Charlie,” she pointed to the mixed children nearby. “And this is Patricia, James' mother,” she said gesturing to the woman.
Mia watched her grandmother and she looked at her oddly, she looked at her grandfather before her mother walked over and spoke up. What in the hell was that? She watched her mother take Tyler off and introduce him to the people at her table, her extended family, and she followed behind them. Only stopping to speak to a few people at the table alongside theirs. She followed up behind her mother and she hugged JJ, who wasted no time to greet her finally.
Tyler looked at Farrah, smiling softly at the woman as he dismissed her words slightly. “It’s fine,” he said casually, willing to let it go because it was indeed Mia’s grandmother and they didn’t really know each other yet. Plus, he had been working on his anger. Following Farrah willingly, Tyler looked at Rachelle and he said, “hi,” greeting the woman easily before he looked at Daniel, smirking a bit. Well, after finding out who Mia’s grandfather was, this was just amusing. “Nice to meet you both,” he said to Rachelle and Daniel before he looked at the children giving them a wave. Looking to Patricia, Tyler nodded slightly, smiling. “Hello, I’m Tyler,” he said politely.
Mia stopped to hug Charlie and Harper, then she moved to her uncle Daniel, shifting to her aunt Rachelle and she hugged her tightly for a long while rocking back and forth gently. “I am so happy you guys came,” she said gently to her as she embraced her. “He’s a dream, we all have to go out for dinner or something. In a closed setting,” she said gesturing with her hands. “Daddy,” Mia sang out as she moved to hug the man tightly to her side, chuckling a bit at him as he rubbed her stomach with his large hand. Meeting Farrah in the middle she hugged her grandmother from behind pecking her cheek sweetly. “Granny,” she said, greeting her in their embrace.
Rachelle smiled at Tyler with a head nod, “hello,” she greeted happily taking him in, he was handsome. When Mia moved for her, she smiled and stood up embracing the girl’s hug, hugging her so tightly. “You looked beautiful me-me,” she gushed again. “We would not have missed this are you kidding?” she asked her seriously as they pulled away from each other finally. She nodded her head at the girl and tossed hair over her shoulder as she moved to sit down watching them make their rounds.
Daniel looked at Tyler and raised his glass to the man. “Welcome to the family,” he said with a grin. He smiled at Mia as she rounded to them saying her hello’s.
James watched Mia and he smirked to himself, so this was really happening, huh? His daughter was having a baby and he was sitting in a room full of people waiting to hear just what she’d be having. Life is crazy. As she hugged him before he got up from his seated position, he hugged her back, his head resting against her side as he placed his hand over her stomach protectively.
Patricia watched the young man approach her and unlike her daughter-in-law’s mother she was raised to treat everyone equally and with respect. No matter how peculiar it was that the girl jumped up and got married and was expecting a baby. “Hello,” she told the boy gently with a smile. “Nice meeting you Tyler,” she said, crossing her ankles. She felt Mia from behind and she smiled as she kissed her cheek. “Hey, my baby doll,” she told her as she looked over her shoulder at her.
Farrah watched the couple before she pulled Tyler further. “This is James’ sister, Vivian,” she told him, pointing her out. “This is James’ aunt Gloria and her daughter Brittany,” she said as she moved around the next table. “And James’ aunt on his father’s side Kathy,” she told the boy. “Back there are a few more cousins', honey,” she said gesturing the table in the back before she turned him back around. “James' father passed away 2 years ago,” she noted to him quietly before she said. “You look good, I like this,” as she brushed some lint off his sweater. “You guys go ahead and make your rounds,” she said as she swayed back towards her table.
Tyler smiled at Patricia, nodding at her slightly. “No, ma’am the pleasure is all mine,” he said charmingly, with his dimples creasing as he gazed at her. He took Patricia’s hand on his own, giving her a gentle squeeze before he released her, looking at Farrah as she drug him over to more family members. “Vivian,” he said with a smile, “that’s one of my grandmother’s names,” he said thoughtfully as he greeted the woman with a smile and a wave before Farrah was introducing him to more people. “Hi, nice to meet you,” he verbalized with a hum to both of the ladies, following Farrah once more. Looking at Kathy, he smiled and waved once more, his eyes looking to the cousins Farrah pointed out and he smiled over at them before he nodded at Farrah. “I’m sorry to hear that…” he said a small frown on his face as Farah spoke to him, brushing off his sweater. “Thank you,” he said before he finally leaned in giving the woman a hug, since he hadn’t been able to do it previously. Pulling back, he nodded, looking to Mia with a smile. He pulled her close, one arm wrapped around her waist, his other hand resting on her belly as he pressed a kiss to her lips. “Ready for my side?” he asked her lovingly.
Mia let go of her grandmother and moved to slide past the back of her chair, squeezing past as she moved to follow them. “Hey aunt Viv,” she cheered, she didn’t get to see the woman much with the work she did in D.C. but it was always nice to see her. She hugged the chocolate woman before she moved to the next person “TT Goria and Britt,” she said hugging her aunt and her cousin, she let her aunt kiss her cheek gently and she squeezed her cousin. “In October,” she told her cousin with a head nod, “yeah,” she chuckled. “In Paris,” she said looking at her aunt Gloria now and she nodded her head before she moved to the next body. “Aunt Kathy,” she said as she hugged the woman from behind, bending over slightly “I missed you too,” she told her sweetly kissing her cheek. “I know,” she said nodding her head at the mention of her departed grandfather and she rubbed the woman’s back gently as she told her. “I didn’t have a preference really; I was excited no matter the way it swayed,” she joked lightly. Mia moved to Tyler’s side as she rested her hand on top of his kissing his lips back gently. “Yeah,” she said lovingly, a smirk on her face.
Vivian watched Farrah and she smiled, flashing her dark gums and white teeth. It was often she got to hang around with family but when she did, she happened to enjoy every minute. And this occasion was worth the time off from work. “Nice to meet you Tyler,” the woman nodded, having overheard his name a few times. She looked at Mia and kissed her cheek. “You look beautiful mama,” she told her as she took the opportunity to rub the belly her niece was sporting.
Gloria and Brittany both waved gently to Tyler as Farrah walked them through their family line. “Hey TT baby,” Gloria said to the girl as she kissed her cheek and she smiled. She hugged the girl back patting her hand. “So, where did you two get married,” she fired off as she and her daughter asked questions. She nodded her head at the responses and said, “you look good girl,” as she moved to walk away.
Brittany smirked and said, “I love your makeup girl,” knowing Mia most likely did it herself, she hugged her back and asked. “When are you due?” curiously, unsure. “Oh, that will breeze past before you know it,” she told her cousin. At her mother’s question she smirked looking up at Mia and then over to Tyler and she nodded her head at the girl’s response. “He got money mama,” she told Gloria as Mia walked away. “I mean look at this party, this is a lot of stuff for just a gender reveal,” she mused.
Kathy waved at the boy and said, “nice to meet you too son,” to him easily before Mia walked up behind her and hugged her from behind. “Hey baby girl,” she breathed. “I think the last time I saw you was at my brother's funeral,” she told the girl. “It’s been a while,” she told her before she asked. “So which did you want, boy or girl?” just curious to know before she casted her vote. But Mia gave her nothing, so she smirked and chuckled as the girl moved to excuse herself.
Tyler smiled down at Mia, kissing her lips one more time before he let out a hum as he lifted his head. He looked over at his family members and chuckled gently. “This is going to be fun,” he said as he turned with Mia to face his family. “Brace yourself,” he whispered into her ear he guided her over slowly, moving at her pace. As they reached the first table, Tyler smiled softly as he said, “Mia of course you already know ma and pops,” as he looked at them. “You’ve just met my lovely abuela,” he said with a smirk, placing his hand on his grandmother’s shoulder. “But this is my grandfather, Ezra Rivers,” he said with a hum.
As Tyler finally approached the family, Ezra took another sip from his spiked glass and he turned to the young couple, gazing at Mia with a smile. “Hello dear,” he said with a hum, “it’s nice to finally meet you, we’ve heard a lot about you,” he said offering Mia another smile.
Fátima gazed at Tyler and Mia as they finally approached their side of the family and she sat there, her lips tugged into a wide side smirk as she sat up straight, hands on her knee as she nodded curtly.
Anthony stood up slowly as Tyler and Mia approached and he moved around the table pulling Mia into a warm hug. “Hey, it’s great to see you,” he said with a chuckle, rubbing her arm warmly before he pulled away.
Mia kissed Tyler back again, and she moved with him hearing his words after his grandmother, what more did his family have to dish? She looked at Carmen and Anthony chuckling at them and she hugged her father-in-law gently, “good seeing you too, it’s been a while,” she acknowledged. Looking at his grandfather she said, “nice to finally meet you too Mr. Ezra,” she said before she looked to his grandmother and she smiled faintly at her.
Tyler stood there, allowing Mia time to speak with and greet the few members of his family that he had introduced. He watched his dad, smirking a little, the man had clearly been drinking a bit. So had his grandfather. He licked his lips and smiled. Looking down at his grandmother, he gave her a look before he said, “and over here…” he guided Mia over to the other table, “we have my uncle Ángel and my aunt Natalia,” he said as he smiled at the two of them. “Also, this is Russell, my uncle, Natalia’s husband,” he informed Mia before he looked around a bit before he pointed, “over there is Michael, my cousin,” he told her.
Ángel watched as Tyler brought his wife over and he looked at the two of them before he stood up and pulled Tyler into a hug, patting his hat a little. “You did good boy, damn good,” he chuckled before he pulled away looking at Mia. “‘Sup, I’m Ángel… the second oldest,” he informed her as he pulled her into a hug as well, “whoa there,” he chuckled as he pulled back, looking down at her stomach. “Precious cargo,” he joked as he placed his hand there gently before he pulled away moving to sit down.
Natalia sat there, leaning against her husband's shoulder with a hum as her nephew and niece-in-law approached. Sitting up some, she watched her older brother speak with Mia and Tyler before she rose slowly, walking over to them. “Hi sweetheart,” she said as she pressed a kiss to Tyler’s cheek before she looked at Mia smiling. “You look so beautiful,” she told Mia easily as she opened her arms, giving Mia the option to hug her or not. “It’s so wonderful to meet you,” she said sweetly, her voice soft.
Russell sat there with his wife and he looked over at Ángel before he looked at Mia and Tyler. The man didn’t smile much but the corners of his lips did twitch a bit as he nodded towards them both, sending a small wave their way.
Mia moved with Tyler and her hands rested on the back of a chair as she shifted on her feet. “Nice to meet you,” she told Ángel as he greeted them and she chuckled at his words amused, she hugged the man back moving her way closer to him and she chuckled at his words. “Mhm,” she said quietly as he touched her stomach. “Hi,” Mia said, greeting the boy's aunt easily and she moved into the woman’s hug. “It is nice to meet you as well” she said to her, “and thank you,” she added for the woman’s compliment. Looking at Russell, she smirked at him and then looked over at little Michael with a grin.
Natalia smiled at Mia as the young woman moved into her arms for a hug and she hugged her close, rubbing up and down Mia’s back warmly before she pulled back. “You’re so very welcome.” She let out a small hum of appreciation as she caressed Mia’s cheek before she moved to sit down once more.
Tyler hugged Ángel back, chuckling at the man. As he pulled back, he readjusted his hat on his head saying, “you know, I try, I try,” with a chuckle as he dusted his shoulders off a bit. As Mia and Natalia interacted, he smiled. Natalia was such a quiet but sweet spirit. Humming out, he whispered into Mia’s ear. “Just a few more people and then we can sit down,” he told her knowingly as he guided her over to the next table. “Here we have my other aunt Mila, her boyfriend Jason, my uncle Gabriel and his girlfriend Joelle,” he told Mia easily.
As Tyler and Mia approached, Mila sat her glass down, smiling and squealing. “Oh Tyler,” she said as she gazed at Mia’s belly. “I can’t believe my little sobrino is about to have a kid,” she gushed sweetly before she moved to stand up to properly greet Mia. “It’s so nice to have you as a part of our already large family,” she chuckled out as she hugged Mia close, rocking with the girl from left to right before she pulled back, gesturing to her boyfriend, “this is Jason,” she smiled as she leaned into him, pressing a kiss to his scruffy cheek.
Jason smiled, adjusting in his chair a bit and he waved at Mia. “Hi,” he said easily, picking up his glass and taking a sip of his drink as Mila kissed his cheek. “It’s a pleasure,” he voiced with a smile.
Gabriel waited his turn before he stood up and moved for Tyler and Mia. He playfully knocked the hat off Tyler’s head, catching it in his hand and placing it on his own head before he leaned in to press a kiss to Mia’s cheek. “Nice to meet you, I’ve heard great things,” he told her easily. “Blessed that you’re bringing more family into the world,” he said with a smile before he looked over at Joelle. “This is Joelle,” he introduced, “my heartbeat,” he told Mia.
Joelle stood with Gabrielle, holding her hands in front of her until Gabriel introduced her. “Hi sweetheart,” she said easily, leaning in to press a kiss to both of Mia’s cheeks before embracing the girl in a hug.
Mia walked with Tyler a little further though her feet were screaming for her to take her shoes off. “Hi,” she said waving at the boy's aunt and her boyfriend, “thank you,” she said, his family was far more inviting than hers had been. Well her grandmother had been. Mia hugged the woman back gently, rocking with her as she did. She shifted her weight on her feet and she licked her lips gently. “Hello,” she said to Jason before she looked at Gabriel and she smirked at the man’s interaction with Tyler. “Nice meeting you too,” she told the man. “Aw, thanks,” she said moving her hand to her stomach. “Hi,” she told Joelle as the woman kissed both of her cheeks and then hugged her. Mia hugged the woman back tenderly and said, “nice to meet you,” she told her.
Tyler snatched his hat back from Gabriel, placing it back onto his head before he moved along swiftly after Mia had spoken to and hugged with people from this table before he moved to the last one. Finally moving to his father’s side of the family. Walking over with Mia, Tyler said, “Mia I would like you to meet Axel and Vivian Carter,” smiled, “my father’s parents,” he informed. “Grandma, grandpa this beautiful woman beside me is my wife, Mia.” He beamed proudly from ear to ear before he looked to Dominic and his at the moment, girlfriend, Roxanna, “and this is my dad’s brother, Dominic, and his… Roxanna,” he told Mia, giving her a knowing look before he turned to look at Naomi, “and last but certainly not least, my aunt Naomi, my dad’s sister,” he told Mia.
Axel stood up, along with his wife Vivian, as Tyler approached. He smiled, his old hand shaking a bit as he held it out towards Mia. “Hello, my darling,” he said easily, shaking her hand before he moved to sit back down slowly.
Vivian placed her hand on her husband’s shoulder giving it a squeeze as he spoke to Mia before she smiled gently, her eyes taking the woman in sweetly. “Nice to meet you,” she said softly as she took Mia’s hand into her own, giving it a squeeze. “My first great grand,” she smiled, looking down at Mia’s belly before she asked, “may I?” her hand hovering over it.
Dominic sat there, waiting for his parents to finish so that he could properly speak to and introduce himself to Mia, a chuckle escaping him at Tyler’s not knowing what to call Roxanna as he looked over at her.
Roxanna sat back, swinging her leg a little from her knees crossed as she waited quietly for Mia to be free and able to truly speak with them, knowing not to interrupt Miss Vivian.
Following behind Tyler as he swiftly walked towards the last table, she smiled at them, resting one hand on her lower back. “Hello,” she breathed, dropping her hand to shake his grandfathers. “It is so very nice to meet you both,” she said dearly. “My aunt’s named Vivian,” she said slyly, looking at Tyler amused as she gave the woman all her attention. At the woman’s announcement she smirked widely at her. “First for everyone,” she said so very proud of that fact. “Yes of course,” Mia said, noticing that she actually asked before she truly touched her stomach. “Nice to meet you,” she said to Dominic and Roxanna, whomever Roxanna was to the man. She looked at Naomi and smiled at her, “hello,” she said sweetly.    
Vivian smiled at Mia, “oh well you can call me Sadie if you’d like,” she told Mia easily. As Mia told her this would be the first great grandchild on her side of the family as well, the woman’s lips pulled into a smile. “That’s wonderful,” she said before she placed her hand on Mia’s stomach, giving her a loving rub. “Oh, I know what you’re having,” she chuckled before she leaned in and gave Mia another hug before she moved to sit down.
As his mother sat down, Dominic stood up and he moved to Mia and Tyler. He hugged Mia, then Tyler with a smile. “Congrats,” he said with a chuckle.
Roxanna stayed seated even as Dominic stood up and she leaned over the table a bit. “Nice to meet you,” she said with a smile, eyeing Mia’s belly with a hum. “You’re glowing,” she said sweetly.
Naomi stood up behind her older brother, moving in, to hug Mia, a bright smile on her face. “I never thought I’d see the day,” she chuckled, “that Tyler settled on down,” she said before she discreetly pointed her thumb over at Dominic and Roxanna, “because you know…” she giggled.
Tyler stood there chuckling at everyone as they spoke to Mia and he looked at Naomi with a smirk. “Aye, aye, don’t start now,” he smiled laughing a bit as he pulled her in for a hug himself. “Okay, now we’re going to take a seat and let mama here rest for a bit,” he told them as he guided Mia over to the throne-like chairs over in the corner of the room where they could easily see everyone. He helped Mia lower herself down in the chair before he leaned over her, pressing another kiss to her lips. “Do you want me to take off your shoes?” he asked her knowingly.
“No, I am will call you granny Viv,” Mia said to her sweetly as the woman rubbed her stomach and she looked at her amused. “You do?” she asked her with a smirk. “We will see granny,” she told the woman with a chuckle before hugging the woman back a second time. “Thank you,” she told Dominic sweetly before she looked at Roxanna and said, “you too,” and tossed out a thank you to her as she shifted on her heels again. As Naomi greeted them, she smiled looking at Tyler at his aunt's comment, a smile still on her face, amused. “I hear it takes a real woman to slow and lock down certain men,” she joked gently with his family. As he said that they were going to go sit down Mia followed along with the taller man she sat down with his help. Sighing heavily, as she held his hand as she sat down and shifted sitting back in the chair as she looked at him. “Please, dear lord,” she told him seriously as she hiked her dress up a bit to reveal her feet to him. “My feet are killing me,” she told him.
Roxanna jerked her neck back at Mia’s comment before she pursed her lips, rolling her eyes gently as she folded her arms over her chest. She looked over at Dominic who found it to be oh so funny and she shoved his shoulder with a huff. “Shut your stupid ha-ha-ha ass up,” she grumbled to him.
Tyler smiled at Mia, kneeling down before her as she lifted her dress a bit. Tyler swiftly unbuckled Mia’s heels, taking them off carefully and sitting them aside. He began to rub her feet a bit, knowing that they had to be hurting as he gazed up at her. “So, thoughts?” he smirked as he caressed her feet.
Mia watched as Tyler shifted to take her shoes off of her feet, sitting them aside. She smiled, “thank you,” she said to him gratefully as he rubbed her feet gently. “Everyone is so kind and clearly so excited about the baby. Which I am happy about,” she told him nodding her head “the baby's acceptance is all I need” she told him stroking her stomach gently.
Tyler nodded at Mia gently. “You’re welcome baby,” he told her lovingly as he kept at it, rubbing her feet a bit more. At her words, he smiled a bit before he gently lowered her feet back to the ground and he moved to sit down beside her. “Yeah,” he chuckled. “First great-grand is a pretty big deal,” he said knowingly as he leaned over, placing his hand on her stomach as well. “I love you babe,” he told her with a smile.
Carmen sat at the table, speaking back and forth in Spanish with her mother, laughing a bit as she did. However, upon looking over and seeing Mia and Tyler resting in the corner, she smiled and moved to stand up. She walked towards the center of the room, against the dance floor in her tall heels. She picked up the microphone and turned it on before she smiled widely, looking around the room. “Well, well,” she began, “now that all of the wonderful introductions are out of the way,” she smirked, “I want to invite anyone up to the microphone if they’d like to say anything to Tyler and Mia,” she smiled looking around, “please let’s keep it to about a minute or so,” she chuckled before offering the microphone out to let anyone come up and speak.
Mia smiled at him and she nodded her head. “It is,” she told her sweetly. She pecked his lips tenderly before she said, “I love you more baby,” softly to him. When Carmen got up to begin speaking in the center stage, she smiled easily as she rested back in her chair.
Rachelle heard the woman speak on the microphone and she smiled as she got up happily. Of course, she’d be first, she was just that type of person really. She moved for the tall woman and smiled. “I have something I would like to say,” she told her as she grabbed the microphone. “Hi, my name is Rachelle,” she said to everyone, “I am Mia’s aunt,” she told them as well placing her hand over her chest. “I’m going to talk long, because I can be very long winded, my husband tells me,” she said looking at him. “However, Mia is my one and only niece and I would just like to say I am so very proud of how far she’s come,” she said looking over at the girl. “I’ve been keeping up with you and Tyler on YouTube and I would just like to say that you two are perfect together… perfect for each other and truly I cannot wait to meet my great niece or nephew,” she smiled proudly. “Congrats you two, on the baby and on the marriage, I pray for nothing but happiness and prosperity,” she said easily as she handed Carmen the microphone back and moved to sit down.
Carmen looked at the woman as she approached and she handed the mic over easily, stepping aside to give the woman center stage, listening and nodding along as she spoke.
Fátima leaned over to Anthony and asked him, “YouTube? What is YouTube?” she questioned him in a whisper.
Anthony looked at Fátima before he waved her off chuckling softly. “It’s nothing,” he told Fátima easily.
As Rachelle finished, Carmen stepped back up and she took the microphone. “That was beautiful,” she beamed, “anyone else?” she asked, holding the microphone out once more.
Mila stood up as her older sister offered the mic to everyone again and she walked over, giving Carmen a side hug before she hooked her fingers around the belt loops of her fitted jeans and took the microphone. “Hello everyone,” she said sweetly. “I am Mila,” she beamed, “Tyler’s tía, or aunt, whatever…” she told everyone, looking around the room, “and I would just like to say,” she turned to look at Tyler and Mia, “I am so happy for you two,” she giggled. “I have watched Tyler grow up into such an amazing young man and I am so happy that he has finally settled down with such a wonderful young woman,” she said as she blew them a kiss. “I truly hope that you two continue to thrive and be merry,” she smiled. “I pray that Mary continues to bless you,” she said with a bright smile before she handed the microphone back to Carmen.
Hugging, Mila back, Carmen handed over the microphone and stepped aside. She stood there, smiling softly as her youngest sister spoke. She nodded along, smiling from ear to ear, before she took the microphone back. “Mila, so sweet,” she said before she looked around more. “Anymore takers?” she asked, pointing the microphone at a few people.
Patricia listened and waited for the woman to finish and she nodded her head a soft smile on her face as the woman concluded. She moved to stand up and walked up to Carmen, accepting the mic from her and she smiled. “Hello,” she said to everyone, “I am Mia’s grandmother, her father’s mother to be exact,” she explained. “And I would just like to say that Mia has always been an amazing young woman. I’ve had the privilege to watch her grow up and blossom with each day” she told the crowd. “I am very proud of her and everything that she is accomplishing right now in life. IBM, marriage, a baby, a very elite scholar,” she listed. “You have made me very proud baby,” she said turning to her with a smile, “you grandfather would be so proud of you Mia, I wish he could be here to see the woman that you are,” she said offering the woman a bright and sad smile.
Mia watched as people walked up to speak and when her grandmother did, she smiled happily at her. Nodding her head as the woman went on to explain her thoughts about her right now. As she went on to explain how happy and proud of her, she was, she smiled at her, and then moved to stand up as the woman mentioned her late grandfather. Mia walked towards her grandmother bare foot and she hugged her tightly. “I love you, thank you,” she said sweetly to her, as a tear rolled down her cheek gently as she closed her eyes, arms wrapped around the woman’s neck.
Tyler sat back, watching everyone as they got up and spoke sweet and encouraging words to them. As Mia’s grandmother stood up, Tyler watched Mia rise and he rose with her but stayed put as she walked over to her grandmother.
Carmen handed the microphone over, stepping back once more and as the two women embraced, she dipped her head, trying to make herself small, not wanting to intrude on their moment.
Mia pulled away from Patricia and she smiled at her kissing her cheek gently and she told the woman. “I love you,” again sweetly, as she wiped her grandmother’s tears with her fingers gently.
Patricia released Mia finally and she nodded her head telling her, “I love you too gently,” as the girl wiped her tears. She sniffled slightly before she pulled away from her completely moving to go sit down.
Mia wiped her grandmother's cheeks dry with her thumbs before she released the woman, she tapped her face with a single finger. She needed a napkin really and when she sat down with Tyler, she picked up her napkin and she dabbed her face gently to dry the tear, sniffling slightly at the thought of her grandfather not being here and another tear rolled.
Tyler watched and waited for Mia and when she sat down, he slid his chair closer to hers, taking her hand and giving it a loving squeeze. “You okay?” he asked her gently.
Carmen bit her painted lip softly, watching as the two embraced and cried and when they pulled away and cleared the area and stayed quiet for a moment, letting the room recover from the moment before she said, “and with that, I do believe it’s time for us to move on to the next activity.” She paused for a moment, blinking hard to push back her own emotional tears, feeling for the women, before she put on a smile. “On your tables you’ll all find blue and pink paddles,” she explained, “and it’s now time to lift one up and cast your votes,” she smiled at them, “first up, is a boy,” she said, “lift up a blue paddle if you think Tyler and Mia are having a boy,” she said sweetly.
Mia looked to her husband and she nodded her head at him sadly, using the napkin to pat her face and to dry the corner of her eyes. “I’m okay,” she told him easily before, she sat the napkin down. “May I have something to drink?” she asked him as Carmen began to speak once more she looked at the group of people watching as people lifted their paddle and she smirked.
Tyler nodded at Mia and at her request he said, “of course,” as he rose from his chair and moved to the table that housed the finger foods and drinks. He grabbed a cup and poured some pink lemonade for Mia, looking back at his mother as she spoke as he did. Returning to Mia, he handed over the cup, looking around the room as he sat back down, watching everyone raise their paddles for the boy vote.
Farrah watched Carmen, wondering to herself why the woman didn’t ask her to help with this planning and event. As she spoke Farrah looked around before she raised a blue paddle.
Ezra listened to his daughter and he picked up his blue paddle, raising it high for everyone to see.
James raised a blue paddle when instructed to do so from the woman looking around to see who else had up blue.
Ángel licked his lips, raising his blue paddle as he looked around the room slowly.
Nadia watched on and she offered Patricia a kiss of which she blew to her as she moved back to her seat. She looked at the tall woman over the event and she moved to raise her blue paddle up high.
Lifting her blue paddle, Natalia smirked as she looked over at her brother before her eyes scanned the room.
Greyson watched the woman and he looked at his wife before he raised a blue paddle up, looking over at James with a smirk.
Mila lifted her blue paddle, glancing around at Mia’s side of the family with a smirk. She was seeing a lot of blue rising. They had to be right.
Daniel looked at Farrah and James before he raised a blue paddle up.
Gabriel listened to his sister, nodding slowly before he looked between the two-colored paddles. He had no idea. On a whim, he grabbed blue, holding it up.
Patricia moved back to her seat listening to the woman, she made sure her face was dry before she grabbed her paddle and raised the blue one up.
Joelle followed her boyfriend’s lead and grabbed a blue paddle, raising it into the air.
Gloria figured they needed a boy in the family and hoped that Mia and Tyler were having one, so she proudly raised her blue paddle to cast her vote along with her sister.
Axel looked at his wife as he picked up the blue paddle and held it up. “I don’t know about this whole high, low round stomach thing,” he said chuckling, his hand shaking as he held the paddle up.
Kathy watched Patricia sit back down and she rubbed the woman’s shoulder loving before she raised her blue paddle up behind the woman. “Come on, we need a boy,” she said happily.
Dominic snatched the blue paddle immediately, holding it high for Carmen to see.
Looking around the room, Roxanna counted all of the blue paddles in the air and knew they would take the majority, so she went with it as she rose her blue one into the air as well.
Carmen looked around the room, watching the blue paddles rise. She nodded slowly as she said, “please keep your paddles up while I take a tally,” she said before she began counting everyone that had a blue paddle in the air. “And it looks like Blue’s have… 17,” she said with a bright smile. “Okay you may go ahead and lower your paddles blues,” she said before she went on, “pinks please go ahead and raise your paddles now,” she hummed out as she moved to pick up a pink paddle herself, lifting it with her freehand.
Anthony lifted his pink paddle behind his wife as she stood in the center of the room.
Hearing the woman ask for pink paddles Rachelle wasted no time to lift her paddle in the air proudly.
Aria sat at the table with her younger cousins and though they weren’t voting, she was. She lifted her pink paddle into the air with a smile, really hoping for a girl.
JJ looked at Mia and Tyler, though his parents thought it was a boy he didn’t mind a little niece. So, he raised a pink paddle up in the air for them to see.
Fátima grabbed her pink paddle and lifted it into the air as she looked at her husband. “I can look at her and see it,” she said easily with a smug expression on her face.
Following behind their cousin Charlie raised a pink paddle.
Russell grabbed his pink paddle and lifted it with a hum.
Harper raised a pink paddle behind her sister, choosing what Charlie chose easy.
Jason had no shame as he lifted his pink paddle into the air.
Brittany waited for the pink turn and she raised her paddle, thinking Mia would be cute with a mini her.
With a sure smile, Vivian lifted her pink paddle into the air, winking over at Mia.
Nova sat in the back next to Aaron, she raised a pink paddle thinking the idea of Mia having a girl while she brought forth the boy would be cute.
Aaron wrapped his arm around Nova as he lifted his pink paddle into the air, looking at her with a chuckle.
Riley sat at a table with a bunch of random school friends noticing Aaron and Nova did not sit beside her and she raised a pink paddle, looking at them and then up at the front of the building.
Naomi lifted her pink paddle, smiling sweetly as she gazed around the room.
Quickly Carmen began to count as the pink paddles were raised, being sure to count herself. “Well,” she smirked, “it looks like the Pinks have 16, so the blue’s win for now,” she said chuckling. “We will find out the true gender of the baby a little later,” she informed everyone sweetly as she turned to the small chalk board and wrote down, “17 under blue and 16 under pink.” Turning back to everyone she said, “now at this time I would like to offer Tyler and Mia a chance to speak,” she said smiling as she turned to the couple.
Mia watched on as people voted, taking a sip of her lemonade from the cup Tyler made her and she licked her lips, smirking. Some paddles had been raised so fast you’d think there was money or a prize on the line. As Carmen wrote down the predictions down on the chalkboard she clapped playfully. When Carmen mentioned them speaking, she smiled and nodded her head. Standing up on her feet she moved towards the woman resting her hands on her lower back with a smirk as she waited for Tyler.
Tyler chuckled as he watched people vote. Oh boy, this was going to be interesting when the truth was revealed. As his mother spoke, inviting them up, Tyler rose with a smile and he walked over with Mia. Gently he took the microphone from his mother as he stood there beside Mia. Turning to look at their family members Tyler began, “firstly I would just like to thank all of you guys, all of our family members and all of our friends in the building,” he said looking over at Aaron and Nova, “I know some of you traveled pretty far to be here today,” he said knowingly. “And all I got to say is let’s have a good time, we're going to turn up a little bit, live ya’ life, you know what… what you want to say babe,” he said, extending the microphone to Mia before he pulled it back saying, “yeah I’m a daddy, you know what I’m saying,” with a smirk on his face. “And the last thing I got to day is, life is good, you know what I’m saying,” he paused for a moment, letting his family members speak back to him before he said, “I need an all the time, I’ma say it again, life is good...” he held the microphone out to everyone, his family saying back all of the time happily and he said, “that’s what’s up,” before he wrapped his arm around Mia’s shoulders with a smile as he handed her the microphone.
Mia stood there licking her lips slowly and she watched as Tyler as he grabbed the microphone. Now just what was he going to say? As he began to speak, she nodded her head gently. She had one hand on her lower back and the other now on her stomach. As he began to talk about turning up, she smiled at him a bit, listening and keeping her eyes focused on him as he did. She rubbed her stomach lovingly as he went on. She chuckled gently at the man as he went speaking about everything and nothing at this point of time. As he extended the mic, she was going to reach for it, but he kept up and she couldn’t help but drop her head and laugh at him along with everything else’s laughter and cheer. When he said life was good, she looked at him again watching him, he asked for an all the time from everyone and her mouth parted slightly. When their family and friends actually repeated him, she looked at the crowd like they were nuts before she chuckled lightly grabbing the microphone. “Okay,” she started another chuckle leaving her she said, “so we all know that Tyler isn’t good with words so…” she snorted lightly as she shifted on her bare feet. “Forgive me, I have taken my shoes off, growing a life is a full-time job,” she told the crowd. “Uh, I just want to thank everyone for coming out and supporting us. The last 4 months have been a very fast paced and magical rollercoaster for him and I both,” she stressed. “And we haven’t been able to take you all on that journey with us so far but for this we would greatly appreciate everyone in the building maintaining this tight knit village for our little pumpkin,” she said touching her stomach. “Rather boy or girl, Tyler and I are ecstatic about the journey we are embarking on right now and we just want to thank our family and friends for being understanding and supportive right now,” she said happily.
Tyler stood beside Mia, hugging her close with a chuckle as she spoke now and he nodded along to her words. Licking his lips, he looked around at their families, all sitting on separate sides and he hummed out softly as Mia finished. “We really do appreciate each and every one of you,” he said loud enough to be heard without the microphone. “Let’s dance, let’s party, let’s mingle,” he smiled. “I have a task for everyone, by the end of this I want everyone to know at least one new person,” he said looking around the room, trying to get their families to bond, “and one fact about them,” he smirked.
Mia looked to Tyler as he had more things to say and she nodded her head at him holding the microphone up for him to speak. She smirked at his suggestion nodding her head, she liked the idea. They needed to be one, they needed to be a unit. “Thank you,” she said graciously again considering some people had taken the time to bring a few gifts and she handed the microphone back over to Carmen. Mia shifted on her bare feet and she fixed her earring subtly, shifting some braids over her shoulder. “What did you have planned?” she asked the woman discreetly, fully ready to eat.
Tyler smiled at Mia nodding along as Mia said thank you to everyone before he looked to his mother as Mia handed the microphone back to her.
Carmen stepped forward, taking the microphone from Mia and she held it down at the girl’s question before she smiled. Lifting the microphone, she looked around at everyone, “and now we eat, we mingle, and we have a good time,” she said smiling brightly. “If you all look right over here,” she gestured over, “the food has been brought out and is ready for everyone to grab a plate,” she said smiling, “music will commence shortly,” she told them before she added, “let’s allow Tyler and Mia to get their plates first, then all of the grandparents, and then everyone else,” she said knowingly with a smile, “with that, enjoy everyone,” she said sweetly before she clicked the microphone off and turned to look at Tyler and Mia with a smile. “I basically ordered a buffet style set up of everything on the menu and they’ll come and replenish as needed for the next three hours before we head outside,” she told them.
Mia licked her lips and she nodded her head at her. “Okay,” she told her sweetly. She looked at Tyler and tried to decide whether she trusted him with making her a plate for her or if she should. Hm. “Sounds good,” she told the woman as she looked at her husband “I’m hungry,” she said to him with a smile.
Tyler nodded at his mother as she spoke to everyone and when she turned to them, he smirked. “Okay,” he said easily before he looked at Mia. “You rest your feet, I’ll make your plate,” he told her lovingly, pressing a kiss to her forehead as he moved to go do so. Walking over to the buffet table, Tyler picked up two plates, balancing one in the palm of his hand and one on his arm as he began to place food on them. When he was done, he moved to Mia at their little thrones as a table was now pushed close for them to eat. He sat Mia’s plate before her, before he sat down beside her.
After Tyler walked away from the table Vivian stood up, “don’t worry baby, I’ll make your plate for you,” she told her husband easily before she walked over slowly, picking up a plate.
Rising from her seat, Fátima made her way over. She grabbed a plate and began to select her food looking over the options carefully before she looked over at Vivian, her lips pulled into a tight line. “I see you rose from your coffin to make it, how wonderful,” she said to the woman easily.
Moving to make his plate, Ezra hissed at his wife. “Fátima,” he said quickly. “Stop it,” he told her sternly.
Mia looked at Tyler and she nodded her head at him as he moved to prepare them plates. Mia moved back to their table sitting down, and she smiled as a few of her cousins came over wanting to touch her stomach and talk a bit. She shifted the chair angling them for them and she laughed and talked before Tyler returned. She smiled hugging her cousin close to her in her seated position as another cousin took a photo gently. The girls left to go back to their table and she turned back to their food. “Thank you, baby,” she told him gently as she moved to test the food, forking some into her mouth gently and moaning out softly in appreciation.
Nadia moved to stand up with her husband Greyson, they walked to the buffet grabbing plates and waiting their turn as she waited to fix the plate. Seeing the other two grandmothers of this clan standing there and she said, “hello,” to them both, “I am Nadia, Mia’s grandmother,” she said, “and my husband Greyson, her grandfather,” she said happily. “Nice to meet you both,” she said politely as she picked up some tongues and placed a dinner roll on her husband’s plate and hers.
Patricia stood up and looked at her sister. “Hopefully the food is good,” she said to her with a chuckle. No one could cook better than her in her opinion. She moved to grab a plate following in line with Nadia and her husband, she licked her lips as she listened, and she nodded her head. “And I am Patricia, her other grandmother,” she told the two women with a smile. “Nice meet y’all,” she said in a southern accent.
Vivian looked at Fátima, squinting slightly at the woman. “Don’t start with me you old cow,” she began before she looked over at Nadia and Patricia. “Hello,” she said politely, brushing Fátima off. “I am Vivian, Tyler’s father’s mother,” she explained, “and my husband Axel is seated over there,” she told them before she placed a bit more food down on Axel’s plate. “It’s very nice to meet you as well,” she hummed out.
Placing some chicken on her plate, Fátima looked at Vivian. “Shut your mouth,” she hissed back in a thick Spanish accent before she looked at her husband as she moved down the line, gazing over at Nadia and Patricia, she took them in. “Fátima,” she said her name easily. “Carmen’s mother,” she added before she pointed her thumb, “and my husband Ezra,” she explained. “Yes, it’s nice,” she nodded her head. “I just don’t understand these kids these days, rushing to do everything,” she said, shaking her head.
Nadia scooped some food up with a spoon placing it on her plate and Grayson's listening to the Fátima woman as she ranted a little. “Yeah, their generation scares me,” she said, “her little friend is back there pregnant too,” she said to the woman. “Jumping quick is their claim in life these days,” she sighed. “I can say though… I can’t wait to see this little baby,” she breathed happily.
Patricia looked at the women smiling and nodding as she added a little of everything on her plate to try. She heard them and she nodded her head gently. “You know I wondered if they planned it myself, her and that Nova girl has been friends since the 9th grade,” she said to them all. “Her little boyfriend is back there with her; this is just everyday life for those kids,” she spoke.
Vivian snorted at Fátima as she rambled off in Spanish and she shook her head. Looking over at Nadia, she nodded slightly, looking over at the other pregnant young woman in the room. “I saw that,” she said, humming out before she looked at Patricia, “I wondered the same thing,” she added. “I think it’s popular,” she stated. “All the kids are getting pregnant these days,” she said, licking her lips as she covered Axel’s plate with a napkin before she moved to make her own. “It’s trendy,” she said, “babies having babies.”
Fátima nodded at Nadia and Patricia and she squinted over at Vivian as she added more food to her plate. She looked over at Nova and her boyfriend, Aaron, asking, “is her friend married as well?” questioning with an arched eyebrow as she stood there with her finished plate.
Nadia looked at the meat selections and chose steak for her husband easily allowing him to walk away. The man didn’t eat much so his plate was done and she nodded her head. “Mhm,” she said to them easily “I guess in a sense our children are to blame,” she acknowledged. “What they were doing, I don’t know...” she said to them.
Patricia shook her head at Fátima and said, “nope they are not, and that poor probably won’t marry that girl. That’s another trend,” she pointed out with pursed lips. She looked at Nadia and said, “I can agree with that, though,” she said paused, “Farrah was much older in life when she had Mia and James Jr.” she reminded the woman. “Mia was a quiet and withdrawn girl; I am shocked she even came out of that shell of hers enough to get pregnant or get married,” she told them.
Vivian listened to the other women, ignoring the looks from Fátima, Vivian said, “I don’t know,” she said, “I raised Anthony right,” she hummed out. “But that Carmen… now she’s a piece of work…” she said, looking at Fátima once more before she looked at Patricia. “Now that’s just sad,” she shook her head in shock. “Well you know, Tyler is very charming,” she said with a hum before she finished her own plate and she walked away with that, picking up Axel’s plate as she did.
Fátima scrunched her nose at Vivian. “Watch it,” she said quickly to Vivian, giving the woman a look. She was trying to be nice because of the occasion but the woman was pushing it. “I raised five wonderful children,” she told Vivian harshly before she looked at Patricia and Nadia. “Quiet and withdrawn?” she asked with a hum. “Interesting,” she said before she moved to walk off, sitting down beside her husband who had long since sat down and began to eat.
Nadia looked at the two women and she raised her brows looking over at Patricia with a knowing look. “Honey they are buck wild and lose,” she said in Creole to herself with a shake of her head. She continued to fix her plate moving down. “How are you holding up Pat?” she asked the woman looking at her. She held her plate in her hand, done fixing it now.
Patricia grabbed a napkin and looked at the two women before she looked at Nadia. All these years and much like her son she did not know a lick of creole. She smiled at her and said, “I am holding up honey, thanks for asking,” she said softly. “One day at a time, I know my Kenneth is in a better place,” she said to her nodding her head before she walked off from the woman offering her another smile.
Nadia nodded her head at the woman offering her a smile and a pat on her shoulder before she walked off and moved to her table.
Nova moved to stand up and she pulled the card out of her bag, “I’ll meet you at the buffet,” she told Aaron as she moved towards Mia in her Gucci get up. She walked on her heels towards Mia and Tyler. “Hey guys,” she said happily sitting the card down at the table. “You two look good,” she said as she kissed Mia’s cheek hugging her gently before she moved for Tyler offering him a hug as well.
Tyler sat there eating his food hungrily and he didn’t have to ask Mia if she thought the food was good because she was giving her approval with every bite, causing him to smile as he thought about their first date. As Nova approached them, Tyler smiled, looking up at her. “Hey,” he said, “sorry we never made it over to you guys,” he said knowingly. “A lot going on here,” he smirked a bit as he hugged his friend back.
Mia smiled at Nova and sat her fork down for a moment covering her mouth with her hand. “Hey bestie,” she said happily. “I don’t know how you and Aaron ended up all the way back there,” she told her. She rested her hand on Nova’s stomach giving it a rub. “You are rounding out now,” she commented to her with a smirk before Nova moved towards Tyler. “You should have text me and told me Riley was here,” she said leaning against the table a bit as she shifted in the chair drinking down some juice.
Nova smiled at Mia and chuckled at Tyler. “It’s fine, I know the feeling,” she told them before she moved in front of the table they were sitting at. She rested her hands against the table gently leaning in to hear Mia and she gave her a knowing look. “Who knew she was invited?” she asked her confused herself. She moved her hand to her stomach rubbing it gently and she said, “Aaron and I sat on the other side,” she said gesturing with her head. “Because you know how I am,” she told them easily.
Tyler chuckled at Nova and he nodded a bit before he ate a bit more of his food. “Ma made the seating chart,” he told Mia easily. “Organized the whole thing,” he emphasized before he looked at Riley as she sat at a random table and he shook his head. “I don’t even know how my mom would have gotten in contact with her,” he said with a deep sigh.
Aaron walked over to his friends and he sat Nova’s plate before her easily before he stood beside her, forking some food into his mouth. “Congrats y’all,” he said easily as he just walked in on the conversation.
“Well you know damn well I didn’t want the bitch that fucked my husband here,” Mia told Nova with a knowing expression. “Anyway, she’s here and it’s nothing we can do about it,” she told Nova knowingly. “Let it lie,” she said looking over at the girl. “Although I still don't know how the bitch sleeps at night knowing she’s slept with Tyler,” she said as she tilted her head over at him. “But is supposed to be my close friend,” she added. “Hey A,” she said, pulling her eyes from Tyler as she looked at the man with gentler eyes. “Thank you, brother-man,” she smirked.
Nova looked at Aaron and she smirked. “Thank you, baby,” she told him as she continued to lean against Mia and Tyler’s table. “Don’t get me started,” she chuckled with a headshake, she leaned upright and grabbed her plate. “You right though,” she told the woman before she looked at Tyler. “I’ll see y’all on the dance floor,” she said pulling her dress down a bit as she moved in the thigh high boots back towards her table, looking over at Riley again as she did.
Tyler dropped his head, eating his food hungrily now. He heard every word Mia said but he didn’t dare lift his head or look over at her as she went on. He only looked up when Aaron approached and he nodded at his still, still not daring to speak a word.
Aaron smirked at Tyler before he cued in on the conversation and he tucked his lips in until Nova rose up. Grabbing her plate, he moved with her back to their table.
Tyler stood on the dance floor with Mia as bodies surrounded them. With his hips pressed to her ass, he lifted her hands into the air as he moved against her easily to the music with a wide smile on his face.
Mia swayed to the music, surrounded by all their family members and friends as they danced to the music. She planted her bare feet and she wind her hips to the song playing, “Joanna,” she repeated to the lyrics of the song.
Tyler laced their fingers as he moved in sync with her. He smiled, looking over at everyone else as they dance as well. He dipped his hips a bit, really getting up under Mia’s ass as he danced against her, knees bent.
Mia continued to dance against Tyler as he laced their fingers together, she smirked watching her cousins dance outrageously on the dance floor around her. She bent over a bit as she wind her hips to the beat.
Thrusting his hips, a bit, Tyler chuckled as he looked over at his parents as they danced against each other grinding, thrusting, and touching all over. As Mia bent over, Tyler let go of one of her hand, moving it to her hip as she wound against him. Leaning over her some, he whispered into her ear. “Mmmm, that ass.”
Mia continued to dance giggling a little to herself as she did, as Tyler leaned over her whispering in her ear she smirked widely, another chuckle leaving her before she began to tick-tock her hips to the beat, tapping into her native style of dances.
Tyler smirked softly, his hips moving along with Mia’s effortlessly as she ticked against him. “Alright now,” he chuckled as he gripped her hip gently in his hand. “Don’t start nothing you can’t finish,” he told her softly, his hand moving down from her hip to her thigh.
Carmen pressed her ass back into her husband, leaning over a bit as she moved against him, knees bent as she tossed her long hair over her shoulder, looking back at him with a wicked smile as she rolled her hips to the music.
Anthony stood behind his wife, hands on her hips as he rode the wave, moving against her with a lick of his lips, even smacking the side of her ass a few times without a care.
Mia smirked at Tyler not saying much as the song changed and all of her cousins screamed as the beat dropped. Mia leaned up right pulling from Tyler and she turned to face him as she continued to dance pressed into him, her hands on his hips as she did.
Farrah sat next to James cutely and she smiled as the music filled the room watching everyone enjoy themselves as she rocked gently into the chair. “Come on,” she to her husband poking him as she moved for the dance floor tugging him up with her.
James looked to Farrah licking his lips slowly and when she pulled him up, he moved with her onto the dance floor chuckling a bit. They were elbow to elbow dancing with everyone.
Tyler licked his lips as Mia turned around to face him and he smirked, looking around as her cousins squealed out. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close as his body rolled against hers. He pressed a kiss to her nose, his own scrunching playfully as he slid his hands to her ass holding her there as they moved as one.
As the song changed, Carmen leaned up turning around and wrapping her arms around her husband's neck as they danced close. She bit her lip softly, a bit of sweat rolling down her back from the dancing and all the hot bodies around them.
Anthony held Carmen by her ass as she turned around and he gripped her close, looking into her eyes as they danced. He licked his lips slowly, smirking at her before he looked over at Farrah and James as they joined the dance floor.
Mia smirked, closing her eyes for a moment humming to the chorus of the song as Tyler kissed her nose, she opened her eyes moving along with him. As the man held her by her ass, she began to wind her hips grinding her ass into his hand. She moved her hands around his neck pulling him down for a kiss before she looked over at her mother. “Uh oh,” she said with a grin.
Farrah rocked her hips as she moved on her tall heels towards the dance floor with James. Once there the woman brushed a few bangs out of her hair as she snapped her fingers the woman wind her hips a bit lowering herself down towards the floor before she picked herself back up. “Ye,” she mouthed along with the lyrics.
James moved onto the dance floor and he watched his wife with a sly chuckle as he bobbed his head to the music and his shoes slid against the flooring as he moved along with the music.
Looking over at his mother and father, Tyler shook his head with a smirk before he looked back at Mia. Her ass grinding into his hands only made him pull her closer, grinding his hips into hers. Glancing at Farrah as she dropped it low, Tyler’s eyes went wide and he said, “well now I know where you get it from,” he smirked.
Carmen looked over at Farrah and James as they joined the party and she watched the woman drop it low before she giggled out, “whoo!” she hollered to Farrah. “You better drop it low!” she screamed out over the blaring music. Pulling away from her husband a bit, she took Farrah’s lead dropping it low in her own little dress, making sure to hold it down as she did. She popped her ass back up slowly to the music.
Anthony chuckled at Farrah and James and when his wife pulled away from him, dropping it low, he smirked at her. “That’s what I’m talking about!” he clapped his hands as he watched her closely, circling around her getting a full view.
Mia looked back at her mother and squealed chuckling at Tyler’s comment. She covered her face partially as she laughed looking back at the woman before she looked at Carmen. “They are showing out,” she told him with a chuckle. She continued to move against her husband, her hands resting against the back of his head.
Farrah moved closer to James pulling the man to her by his hips as she moved along with him, she rolled her body against him with a smirk, ignoring the catcalls on purpose. She licked her full lips as she danced to the familiar song.
James chuckled a little at Farrah as she pulled him close by his hips and he moved, wrapping her up as they swayed together. He leaned in pressing, his lips to her ear as she rolled her body against his. He smirked wickedly, pulling back and watching the slightly bounce of his wife’s full breast as she moved to the beat.
Nova held Aaron’s hands, lacing their fingers. She danced with the boy gently in her heels on the dance floor watching the parents of the parents-to-be dancing and smiling widely. Her own parents were here but they would not have dared, she looked over at them in the corner sitting and talking.
Aaron moved with Nova to the music humming to himself. He was looking over at the parents, smirking a bit. This was wild. His parents would absolutely never, especially his mother. Looking back at Nova, he held squeezed her hands.
As the song changed once more, Tyler paused as he listened to the music before he smiled widely and he took Mia’s hand spinning her around before he began a salsa with her, his feet moving effortlessly.
“Aye! Aye! Aye!” Carmen called out as the song changed and she grabbed her husband quickly as they began to salsa across the floor, moving as one as they did, spinning and stepping together.
Anthony grabbed his wife’s hand immediately as the song changed and he knowingly fell right into a salsa, moving with her in perfect sync.
Mia smirked as the song changed and she spun around with Tyler’s help with a grin, the song change did not eliminate the bodies on the dance floor. She moved with Tyler. She didn’t know how to salsa dance, but she would let him guide her with a bright smile. “Babe, I didn’t know you could salsa dance,” she giggled at him. She looked at Carmen and Anthony and she smirked watching them as she held Tyler’s hand in hers.
Nova smirked at everyone before the song changed again and she smirked widely as Tyler’s family lit up the dance floor, her hands still laced with Aaron’s.
Tyler snorted softly at Mia as he danced her around the limited space, twirling her body and pulling her close, his footwork immaculate as he guided her easily. “What?!” he said shocked before he laughed, “I would be a disgrace if I couldn’t salsa,” he told her with another chuckle.
Aaron looked at Nova, moving with her easily. He looked around at everyone, smiling as they got really into it, dancing across the floor. He licked his lips before he looked back at Nova letting her hands go to hug her close.
Tyler gathered outside, his arms wrapped around Mia holding her close as they stood out in the sand, waiting for the firework show to commence.
Mia had been most excited about this part of course; she stood with Tyler and she wrapped her arms around him as well, resting her head on his chest as they waited for the firework show to start. She shifted her feet in the sandals her mother gave her from the trunk of her car. “I am so excited,” she said giddily.
Tyler pressed a kiss to Mia’s cheek as he chuckled. “Me too, I can’t wait to see everyone’s reactions,” he smiled a bit, hugging her to him. It was a bit chilly considering they were on the beach in the night air, so he wanted to make sure she stayed warm.
Carmen walked across the sand barefoot, holding the microphone in her hand as she turned to address everyone. “And now we’ve finally come to the part of the evening that everyone has been waiting on,” she beamed. “We have a special treat for you all,” she smirked. “Now I’m sure you’re all wondering why we’ve moved to the beach but that is because you’re about to experience a firework spectacular,” she giggled. “Remember what you voted for because you’re about to find out now!” she said happily, a bit excited to find out herself. “So, everyone please without further ado, turn your attention to the water,” she said, gesturing it to it as she walked off, cutting off the microphone before she found herself snuggled in her husband's arms, waiting for it all to begin.
James stood on the beach with Farrah in front of him, holding her from behind arms wrapped around her as Carmen spoke. Nodding his head, he watched on anticipation killing him.
Farrah caressed James' hands lovingly before she moved hers to JJ’s shoulders as he stood before her. She hugged the boy close to her as they waited for the fireworks. She was nervous as hell.
Mia smiled as Tyler pecked her cheek, she held him close to her as Carmen spoke and she chuckled as different voices yelled out cheers as they all waited. When the fireworks started, she gripped onto Tyler a little harder now.
Tyler looked over at his mother and father and then at Mia’s parents before he turned his head, looking at his grandparents as they watched with anticipation as well. Smirking, he gave Mia a gentle squeeze before he returned his gaze back out over the water as the duds began to fly out and fizzle with nothing more.
Rachelle stood with her two girls hugged up against her watching as a few shot up not showing them much of anything. Tricksters. She continued to watch on as a few more were dispensed. “Oh goodness,” she said nervously.
Nadia watched over the water with a smirk. “This is a neat little idea,” she told her husband with a smile as she waited for the reveal.
Patricia stood off to the side and she waited like everyone else, her fingers crossed secretly as she waited to see what they were having, as two shot up in the air she watched as they burst in a bright pink color. Her vote lost but she couldn’t deny how happy she was as she watched on in shock.
Ángel stood there with his hands in his pockets as he stared up at the sky, waiting with bated breaths. As pink filled the air, he let out a happy chuckle. He had lost but he didn’t mind one bit.
Fátima sat in a beach chair beside her husband as they watched the pink fireworks fill the night sky. She smirked smugly, looking over her husband. “I knew it,” she said with a satisfied hum as she sat back.
Carmen stood there in Anthony arms, watching with tears in her eyes as pink filled the dark skies. “Oh my!” she squealed out happily, bouncing a bit. “A girl,” she said sweetly in Spanish.
Mia watched as the action stopped for only just a moment before pink fireworks burst in the air and she gasped, shocked. “What?” she said in disbelief and she looked up at Tyler quickly. “A girl?” she asked him, her mouth parted as she gazed at him. She heard the cheers in the background and the loud screams from friends and family, but she was in shock.
Tyler watched the sky closely and as soon as the first pink burst erupted, he looked down at Mia, nodding his head with tears in his eyes. “A girl,” he confirmed, placing his hands on her stomach. “We’re having a baby girl,” he told her sweetly, blinking hard, a tear of emotion sliding down his cheek as he gazed at her, all of the commotion from their family and friends drowning out around him as he focused on her.
Mia watched his lips as he confirmed it and she covered her face with her hand as she began to cry because of the news. She couldn’t believe it still; they were having a little girl. She leaned her forehead into his chest, letting out a soft cry before she dropped her hand looking up at him again. She looked at him as a tear lid down his cheek she covered her face again, sniffling hard.
Tyler watched as Mia covered her face and he smiled softly, sniffling a little. As she leaned against him, he held her close, rubbing his hands up and down her back tenderly. “A little girl,” he said again, having already known. He found out right after their appointment to be able to set up the firework show. Pulling her hand from her face, Tyler leaned down and he captured her lips in a tender, loving kiss.
Mia reluctantly allowed him to remove her hands as she continued to cry as she kissed him back gently. She cupped his face, closing her eyes and kissed him deeply. The night still lit with pink orbs before the grand finale and more colorful fireworks burst in the sky. She pulled away from him chuckling a little. “A girl,” she finally said sweetly back to him. “I’m so happy baby, I am so happy,” she told him. “I love you so much,” she breathed as she pecked his lips gently.
Tyler ignored everything else but her. He was solely focused on her as she cupped his face and he kissed her once more. Looking into her eyes, he nodded at her with a smile, another tear of joy rolling down his face. “I am happy too,” he told her truthfully with a small nod before he breathed. “I love you too baby, you’re my world.”
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hippychick006 · 6 years
4.14 - Sex and Violence
I’m going to call this the episode that hellers should watch a hell of a lot more closely.  This is a very long post but there’s so much going on in this episode that can’t be summarised and I want to capture it all so I’ll put it under a cut this time.
Dean wakes up and Sam’s not in bed, but in the bathroom whispering on the phone.  It couldn’t look more like Sam’s having a secret affair if they tried, which he kind of is, going off with Ruby.
Did Sam just call Dean kiddo?  Dude, he’s four years older than you and thirty!
Sam’s puppy eyes and “please” work on the guy they are interviewing who bludgeoned his wife to death in the opener with a meat tenderiser, so he tells them about the stripper he was going to run off with.
Sam goes to speak to the Dr involved in the case and oh my God, Dr Cara has dark hair, and if you change the last two letters, we get Cass!  Definitely hinting at Sastiel which is totally end game (me if I was a heller).
Dr Cara asks to see Sam’s badge again which he shows with a lot more confidence than when he was a bikini inspector in the early seasons. He also looks like an FBI agent instead of a kid just out of high school.   My bby is growing up
Hellers need to watch this episode if only because the doctor explains what oxytocin is - which explains why Destiel is not now and never will be canon because there is absolutely zero attraction between Dean and Castiel. I don’t even think Castiel;s body would release any hormones.
Dean walks in and Dr Cara brushes him off and goes back to speaking to Sam. Heh.  Later Dean accuses Sam of c-blocking him.  No Dean, she’s just into Sam and given your brother is really smoking hot, it should happen a lot more often than it does.  Dean quickly cheers up though as they seem to be on a case involving strippers, finally.
They figure out through a phone call with Bobby - and how did the Winchesters cope before him? - that they are dealing with a siren.
The strippers are named after Disney princesses: Ariel, Aurora, Jasmine and next up Belle.
Hellers, this line (which Sam says to Dean in the strip club) will be important later in the episode:  “Yeah. You see, sirens can read minds. They see what you want most and then they can kinda, like, cloak themselves. You know, like an illusion.”
Remember it looking like Sam was having an affair earlier in the episode?  Now Dean’s checking through Sam’s phone to see who he called.  He dials a number he doesn’t recognise and it’s Ruby.  Dean’s pissed.  When Sam returns and Dean tells him he forgot his cell phone, Sam looks guilty.  Oh show.
They find out from Bobby that to kill the siren, they need some of his venom which may be in the blood of the guys so they go back to the hospital.  Sam and Dr Cara flirt and Dean rolls his eyes.
FBI man, Nick Munroe’s arrived and incidentally, the actor, Jim Parrack, is listed as the same height as Jared on google.  I liked Jim’s role in this, quality guest stars in both Cara and Jim.
Nick phones the number on Sam’s FBI card to check their credentials and we see that Bobby has a list of phones covering Federal marshals, FBI, CDC, police and health inspectors which is a nice little detail.
Sam persuades Dean to work with Nick to get him out of the way so that Sam can get the blood samples.  Dean agrees, but he’s not doing it for Sam, he’s doing it for the girls.
Sam finds the blood gone.  Switch to Dean who is bonding with Nick in the strip club.  Nick hands over an evidence bag containing a flower which he says was found at each crime scene.  Dean recognises the flower from Dr Cara’s office.
Cut to Sam and Cara talking about the case, and Cara says at one point: “Come on. Haven't you ever been in a relationship where you really love somebody and still kinda wanted to bash their head in?  ”I’m thinking yes, Dr Cara and that person is his brother.
Dr Cara offers Sam a drink and for the first time in Sam’s history, he accepts (he’s normally the one stopping Dean from taking things - like the Carrigan’s offering peanut brittle in A very Supernatural Christmas episode.
Dean calls and Sam rejects the call.  
Sam and Dr Cara get it on and that’s twice Sam’s been shirtless this season.  I mean if I’d worked as hard as Jared to get that body, I’d want to show it off a little too. 
Sam returns to the motel - and we get a beautiful shot from behind of what appears to be a freshly showered Sam walking down the corridor to the room.  Velma Dinkley is right, those shoulders...
Dean’s not in the room so Sam calls him.  There follows a whole conversation which I can’t do justice to, but basically Dean tells Sam he thinks the siren is Dr Cara.  Sam tells him he doesn’t think it is.  Dean asks Sam if he slept with her, which Sam denies and we get this from Dean: “Holy crap. You did. Middle of Basic Instinct and you bang Sharon Stone? Sam, you could be under her spell right now!” and also this one, “No, It's just...first it's Madison, and then Ruby, and now Cara. It's like... what is with you and banging monsters?” 
Upshot of the conversation is that Dean doesn’t trust Sam and he’s going to finish off the case himself.  I love Dean, I do, and I’d love to say he’s already under the siren’s spell during all of this, but he’s not.  My bitter Sam girl is starting to rise up and Season 4 only gets worse from here on out.  
The only consolation I have is that Sam looks smoking hot during that entire conversation.  Jared really suits the dark suit and the open necked shirt look.
Sam throws his phone after that conversation and I think we’re supposed to see this as Sam becoming angry and unable to control it.  I’d have thrown my phone too after that conversation so try harder on the anger front show.
Dean phones Bobby and asks for his help and then Nick to help him with the case and they start following Dr Cara.
Dean tells Nick his crazy theory, and asks Nick to just trust him on that.  To Dean’s surprise and delight Nick agrees.  Dean says. “Thank you. That's actually nice to hear.”
They share a drink from Dean’s hip flask which is a bad move on Dean’s part, because Nick then says Dean should have wiped the flask before drinking, revealing he’s the siren.  
Hellers, this next line is also important: “ I should be your little brother. Sam. You can't trust him. Not like you can trust me. In fact, I really feel like you should get him outtta the way, so we can be brothers. Forever.”
Sam’s been out - not sure where - and when he returns to the motel, he sees Nick sitting on the bed.  He asks what he’s doing there but gets jumped from behind and pulled back against the door with a knife to his throat by Dean.  Sam quickly figures out that this is not normal behaviour - even for Dean - and accuses NIck of being “one butt ugly stripper.”
Sam doesn’t struggle in Dean’s arms too much and I got to say he looks kind of comfortable where he is.  Sam tries to appeal to get through to Dean, but Nick shows Dean is under his control by getting him to cut Sam’s neck a little.
Hellers, this next line is again important.  When Sam accuses Nick of poisoning Dean, Nick answers: “No. I gave him what he needed. And it wasn't some bitch in a G-string. It was you. A little brother that looked up to him, that he could trust.”   The episode could not hammer this home more clearly, how on earth do you all misinterpret the hell out of this episode?
Nick sprays Sam’s mouth with venom and I’m only slightly disappointed he didn’t get closer to Sam to do it.  Honestly, Jim and Jared only had a couple of scenes but they were good ones and I love when Nick beckons Sam forward and he just goes.
There follows a brilliant scene between Sam and Dean with lots of hurtful things being said between them (again it sounds more like Dean’s accusing Sam of having an affair than anything else).    
My favourite line during this is from Sam and the delivery was perfect: “You're too busy sitting around feeling sorry for yourself. Whining about all the souls you tortured in hell. Boo hoo.”
BROTHER FIGHT!  And we should have more of these, if for the only reason that Jared and Jensen are seamless in the fight choreography when it’s between the two of them.  
Dean wins the fight, by crashing Sam through the motel door and it’s interesting the only time I can remember Sam winning is when he was hopped up on demon blood.    
Sam’s lying winded on the door, Dean grabs a conveniently located emegency axe and goes to swing it.  
Bobby’s arrived!  And just in the nick of time.  He stops the axe and stabs Dean to get some infected blood and to Sam’s anguished cries of “no!”, he throws the knife at a rapidly retreating Nick, killing him. 
That shot of Sam on the floor at the end of the scene :(
At the end of the episode, they both say they didn’t mean the things they said:
SAM: 'Kay. So... so we're good?
DEAN: Yeah, we're good.
Narrator’s voice: They were not good.
What I am going to point out loud and clear for the final time, is that for all four men, the woman appeared as a stripper and they thought they loved her so the relationship was clearly sexual.    For Dean, his siren is a representation of his brother.
Coming up, Sam and Dean go to couple therapy.  (Which I’ll come back to in episode 4.18 (The Monster at the end of this book).
If it’s not clear, I loved this episode, even with all the brother angst - ok, if I’m going to be completely honest, especially with all the brother angst.
Next up Death Takes a Holiday.  
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normal-goatboy · 6 years
heart pumping blood
Pairing: Carver Hawke/Merrill Words: 3050 Summary: The kids are momentarily stranded with Merrill’s clan
Read on ao3
The glow washes over him, harsh against his eyelids, waves rocking unrelenting. Made it another night. His insides may never recover, twisted all up in knots. Carver cracks a glance and swears. Thatched ceiling slowly rotating, straw poking out at angles. He isn’t at sea; the motion is in his head.
He’s mid rolling over, anticipating minding his head when it occurs there’s no top bunk above him to mind. This is not his house.
Sitting bolt upright is neither a good course of action for his stomach nor his head. He groans and heaves, and then gasps as Merrill’s voice finds him.
“You should lie back down. I expect you’ll be a bit dizzy.”
He does so, clenching his jaw against another wave of nausea, vision blurring as he lowers himself. Maker, this is the sickest he’s felt in years. Maybe ever. He must have been very drunk.
“I’m so sorry, vhenan. I feel a bit responsible.”
When he opens his eyes again, she’s crouched next to him, and he reels. He’s ruined it. The few times he’s even been in her house, he’s left with a kiss at the most, and now he’s undressed in her bed and doesn’t even remember.
“What’re you sorry for?” he mumbles. His mouth tastes of vomit and blood and grit.
She looks at him sideways. “Do you know where we are? What’s the last thing you remember?”
Someone sharpening a dagger, Marian laughing, flashes of black and red. His last coherent memory is of following Marian out of the house, the tip of her staff bouncing behind her head. It was afternoon. How long ago?
“We were headed to Sundermount,” he says, and then it rushes back. Those beastly giant spiders. Hands and knees in the dirt, oh Carver, not on my boots. He can still hear Marian’s laughter faintly repeating in his ears. For a panicked moment, he thinks he might vomit over the edge of the cot, but he braces against his boiling insides until it’s passed. Merrill backs up incrementally, and he tries to think of anything but those things and their fangs, poison in his veins.
“I’ve never seen anyone react to spider venom like that,” she says, a hint of relief in her voice, alongside what sounds dangerously close to amusement. “You must be quite sensitive to it.”
Sensitive, that’s just great. Merrill moves to perch next to him, her hand flitting up towards his face. She cards a hand through his hair, comforting until her delicate fingers come away with white webbing pinched between them.
He shudders as she flicks it onto the floor. Her face creases, a hand on her chin, “I should have seen it. I wasn’t paying attention.”
“Where did- I don’t see any bites,” Carver says, tentatively lifting the skins draped over him. He can’t feel his upper thighs at all.
“They’re not terribly big. And they’re all treated and bandaged now. The healer said it’s just a matter of letting the toxin run its course.”
She isn’t looking at him anymore, thankfully. She glances around the room, crosses over to a chair with some clothing tossed over the back, his sword leaning against the wall behind it.
The Keeper agreed to let us stay here until you’re ready to make the journey back. She’ll expect you to thank her, just so you know.”
“I know,” he says, more irritably than he meant to. He reaches for his clothes, but finds he has little desire to move. “Did my sister leave?”
“She went back to the city with Varric. I told her I would see to you.”
Varric was there. Fist to his mouth and Marian leaned sniggering into his shoulder.
Merrill’s put on a dark green tunic that billows around her slight frame, loose around the arms. “You should sleep more. It’s quite early still.”
He curls into himself, letting his limbs fall heavy into a position that’s almost comfortable if he doesn’t think about it too much. Eyes closed, he listens to the rustling and shuffling of Merrill trying to be quiet moving about the room. His chest lurches when she runs her hand over his shoulder on her way out. She said it’s early still; he must have lost several hours.
But he smiles to himself because she called him vhenan, and though she might not think he knows what that means, he does. He thinks he does anyway.
Carver doesn’t exactly sleep, but he can’t do much other than lie there burning and shivering and cursing Marian, spiders, the Maker, and anyone else who may have been involved in this turn of events.
The bites are on his ass, he discovers. Well, one is, and the others are on the backs of his thighs. Marian’s laughter makes a bit more sense now; she’s forever found that sort of thing hilarious.
Merrill confirms it when she returns. “She felt very badly about it.”
“Nice of her,” he grumbles.
She laughs softly and turns away. He is making things uncomfortable with his mood, something he has a talent for or a habit of or whatever his sisters have always said.
She’s pouring water into a cup from a flask, the curve of her hip, the space between her thighs shadowed when the light catches her clothes. It feels familiar somehow, and a sudden but not unpleasant thought descends on him, that he’d like to see her like this every morning.
Just as soon as it comes, he chases it away. “Is that for me?”
“You’re meant to drink as much as you can,” she says, turning to him and raising the flask. Her left arm is bandaged where it wasn’t before. “You need to replace your fluids.”
He’s nervous he’ll spew the water right back, but he doesn’t. “So… we’re with your clan, then?” he asks.
“Yes,” she says, then, “I’m surprised. I thought you’d laugh at the bit about fluids.”
She’s teasing, but something cloudy has crept into her voice since he asked about her clan. “No, I- I mean,” he struggles, “I’m not the one who- I’m not Isabela.”
He gets a smile for that. “No, certainly not. Your boots aren’t nearly tall enough.”
It gets worse before it gets better. The water comes back up just a moment later, as if his stomach has suddenly reversed its stance on fluids. And the healer makes it sound like he was even worse last night.
“I see you’re not on the floor now, at least.”
He never learns the healer’s name, an older pot-bellied man, hair graying around the ears. When he speaks, he doesn’t look at either of them, which makes Carver itchy and irritated, the way he feels when people talk to Marian and act as if he isn’t there.
The way almost everyone does.
She left him here, her own brother, an inconvenience to her plans. He can only imagine what’s so damned important, that took precedence over his being violently ill and apparently lying on the floor at some point.
Probably Anders. Probably… whatever they get up to when they go out for days at a time. She can’t be going home; mother would throw a fit.
She likely already is. Fuck.
The sun is going down by the time his fever breaks. Carver wipes down his face and chest, but still feels sweaty and grimy when he leaves the little structure.
“I didn’t think the Dalish… built things,” he murmurs to Merrill when he finds her sitting cross-legged on a log. His knees shake when he settles next to her, and he remembers her unstrapping his sword from his back yesterday and carrying it for him.
“They don’t usually. Nothing permanent. But w- they don’t expect to leave soon, and the weather here is tricky.”
She was writing in a little book, but she put it away when she saw him coming. About the camp there’s movement, back and forth, figures dark against the sky’s dusky pinks and blues. They’re cooking, cutting, cleaning - about the same activity as you’d find in Kirkwall or Lothering or wherever, except outdoors. That grumpy woodworker has his coveted blue bark, and the slow rhythmic scraping of his tools is oddly soothing, makes everything else quiet in comparison.
The Keeper finds them, asks after him. Her voice is kind, but her eyes flicker to Merrill’s arm, wrapped just underneath the elbow, back to him, and narrow.
“What happened to your arm?” he asks once she’s gone.
He forgot to thank her.
She touches it, puts her hand over it like she’s hiding it. “We can talk later.”
“Who is Mythal?”
A very old man squats in front of a group of restless kids, all jabbering and climbing over each other. They answer, but not loudly enough for Carver to hear them. He only hears the man as he replies to them.
“All-Mother, protector, keeper of justice…”
Merrill must notice him looking. “That’s Paivel. He’s our story-teller.”
“And what did she do?” Paivel asks.
Carver remembers he and Bethany sitting in the Chantry in a group like that one, some Sister or another talking at them. They didn’t ask questions, though; they only talked. Beth always sat at the front, while he hunched in the back and stared longingly out the window.
His stomach growls.
“...from the sea, yes…” Paivel is saying.
“I heard that,” Merrill smiles sly, and inclines her head towards his center.
“Yes, the moon, that’s right, Adara. Now what-”
Carver puts a hand to his belly. Less sore than it was. “Heh, yeah, I guess I’m…”
She nods, brushes off her bum when she stands, turns around three quarters or so like a dog. The way she nearly always does when she stands up. “I’ll get you something.”
“...and quelled Elgar’nan’s rage, so that the sun could return, and the world be remade. What does this story tell us...”
The others avoid her, part around her as she moves through them. No words, that he can hear at least, but glares, grimaces. There’s a shoulder bump, brief enough to be accidental, but it isn’t. She doesn’t react. His head buzzes and his throat hurts. When she carefully hands him a steaming flat piece of bread, he has to unclench his fist to take it from her.
She called him vhenan. He wasn’t imagining it. And he thinks he knows what it means.
Eating was a good idea. He feels sturdier, more focused. And ready to get out of here. He almost asks Merrill if she’d like to go now, but it doesn’t make sense to leave in the dark.
They stay one more night, he on the same cot as before, her elsewhere. He wishes he knew where. He wishes he’d at least asked her if she’d like to go home.
He wakes to arguing outside, and wishing hardens into regret.
“I am not a child-”
“I understand that. I wonder if you do, Merrill.”
He slept in his clothes this time. He still feels vaguely hungover.
“I wonder if you’ve considered-”
“Even if I hadn’t, haven’t you conjured every horrid scenario, every-” Merrill’s voice climbs several steps, threatening to break, “dire consequence you could think of by now? And haven’t I answered you? Every time, haven’t I-”
They stop abruptly as he rounds the corner, two faces whipping towards him.
He doesn’t say anything, and wouldn’t be able to think of anything if he had intended to.
Merrill looks him up and down. He must look awful. “We should go.”
The Keeper is taller than Merrill, and standing up straighter. She is slightly out of breath, and looking at him like he’s a fox in her hen coop.
“I’ll get your pack,” he says.
They don’t go back to Kirkwall. She heads further up the mountain without waiting for him, and he has to run to catch up to her.
Now even she’s leaving him behind.
He shouts after her once he’s caught sight of her again, and she turns quickly as if she’s startled to see him there.
And something jumps out behind her.
She yelps and lets out a wave of energy, knocking both he and something brown and furry back a few paces.
He stays on his feet. The goat tumbles backward and rolls, hooves flying.
It was a goat. “Oh,” he says, slinging his sword onto his back again, “I thought that was…”
Merrill nods and straightens. “I know.”
She thinks he’s an idiot. He’s sweating again, exhausted, and he needs a bath. And no matter where he goes, no one wants him there.
“Can we-” he shrugs, exasperated. “Can we go home?”
A sharp intake of breath, and she crumples, her hand over her mouth, and everything aches.
He’s ruined it. If it weren’t for him, she would have left two days ago and none of this would have happened. She wouldn’t be standing here crying. She’d be probably doing whatever Marian’s doing right now.
Feeling useless, he takes a few tentative steps towards her because, well, there’s no one else here to do it. She doesn’t pull away when he lays a hand on her shoulder; she leans into him, her head on his chest.
“I’m sorry, Carver,” she says.
She called him vhenan.
“No,” he replies, arms around her shoulders, and leaves it at that.
“Can we sit for a while,” she asks, “first?”
She leads them to a small lake off the path, and he leaves her to sit on her own while he washes off. Even in summer, the water is freezing. It feels awful and nice at the same time.
He pulls his trousers back on, his boots, stubborn on wet legs, and finds her again.
She’s sitting on a rock with her knees pulled up to her chest. She looks like a ghost in the fog, like something mysterious. “Do you ever feel like,” she says after a while, “everyone in the world knows something that you don’t? Something so obvious they wouldn’t even know to tell you?”
“All the time,” he answers without hesitation. “Like if someone couldn’t see colors or something.”
“That’s how it’s been since we got here,” he says. He doesn’t even remember getting here, not really. “I feel stupid. I- What’s going on? What happened to your arm?”
She winces. He must have spoken too harshly.
“Blood magic?”
A nod. “What I’m doing isn’t safe.” She’s not crying anymore, her voice more confident than he expected. “But I know that, and I’m being- I’ve taken precautions.”
He should disapprove. That’s what his father would do, what Marian would do. Though lately, he isn’t entirely certain he knows that about Marian. “Merrill…”
“This is what I’m supposed to do. I’ve studied for this my entire life. This is- This is what I’m supposed to be doing. I don’t understand why it’s all gone so wrong.”
She’s crying again, a shaking hand wiping her nose and then thrust out in front of her as if she’s choking someone. “I don’t understand. And there’s no one I can go to. A Keeper is supposed to help, but she-” She puts her head between her knees, and he wants to take what’s hurting her and snap it in two.
“I don’t know why you’re any of you doing this,” he says.
She looks up at him, questioning. “Why torture yourselves over something that’s gone?” he asks. He’s speaking louder than he should, his voice an intrusion on the peaceful scene in front of them. “Why does everyone pray to gods that don’t listen to them? I don’t understand it. Why dwell?”
“What would you have us do?”
She says it gently, not intending to scold him or make him feel stupid, so he tries not to feel that way anyway.
He tries. “I… I don’t know. Look forward instead of back, I guess. That’s- I don’t know. All anyone talks about around me is what they used to be.”
Merrill shakes her head. “It’s different for you, for your family. You know where you’ve been. All we have is what we’ve been. And from what I do know, it’s worth searching out.”
She sounds sure now, in a quiet way. He sighs.
“You’re a lot smarter than me.”
“No I’m not,” she says immediately. A reflex, politeness.
Her ears are flushed. He touches behind one of them, soft with his knuckles, the backs of his fingers, and she jumps a little.
“Sorry,” he says.
“No, it’s-” She hugs him, slipping arms around his waist, and he hugs back. It’s been too long since they haven't had eyes on them.
She’s warm, her face wet and pressed against him, and he should have put his shirt back on. As if she’s read his mind, she says, “Carver, don’t you ever wear a shirt?”
He laughs weakly. “Uh…”
“I’m teasing. I like it.”
She called him vhenan.
“You’re not alone,” he says. “Not if you don’t want to be.”
Arms squeeze him tighter. “The Keeper doesn’t like you. Doesn’t-” She seems to think better of that statement, “Doesn’t approve of you.”
“You told her?”
“Not intentionally. She has a way of just knowing things.”
That’s what she says, but she’s hugging him still. And she likes it when he doesn’t wear a shirt. She shifts fully into his lap, fits in the space between there and his chin easily, her back against his chest. She’s light, easy to hold. No trouble at all.
He waits for her to tell him either way.
“I don’t care about that. Do you care?” She lifts her arm, and he catches it, examines the wrapping, where she bound it up.
“Does it hurt?” he asks.
“Not anymore.”
“I want to- What does vhenan mean?”
She tilts her head back to look at him. “It means ‘heart.’ Ma vhenan, my heart. I’m sorry, I assumed you knew, but I shouldn’t have.”
“I was just making sure.” He pulls her against him again, backs straight and even. “I want to help however I can. I don’t know if that’s what I should do, but I want to.”
He wants her to be safe.
“Just keep me company,” she says. “That’s all the help I need.”
“I can do that.”
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kumkaniudaku · 6 years
A/N: I’m inspired by @justanotherloveaffair and her ability to write beautiful smut. This is my attempt to emulate the master. Enjoy some Sunday filth. 
Warnings: SMUT 
Word Count: 4k
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Audio from Beyonce’s Coachella set kept your attention as your younger sister, Tiana, applied a light dusting of contour to the perimeter of your face.
“Get that double chin, girl,” you instructed. “I still have five pounds of hungry weight to get rid of before I can get to the baby weight.”
“Hush, T! You look good. Now you finally have an ass and some to hold up your jeans.”
Tiana dodged your playful attempt to her arm before she returned to your makeup. Despite the self-deprecating jokes, with some help from your husband and personal trainer, you’d learned to love your new body. You were far from the slim figure you sported in throughout your early years, but you appreciated the changes that came from bringing two humans into the world.
“May I ask why you and Chadwick are getting dressed separately? Is something wrong? Do I need to call Daddy?”
You chuckled at her rapid-fire questioning and shook your head, “No, TiTi, nothing is wrong. We’re, um, setting the mood.”
“Gross. I didn’t wanna be part of y’all’s freaky escapades.”
“Too late. You’re an accomplice to the murder of this pu-”
“Lalalalalala! I can’t hear you,” Tiana exclaimed, dropping the fan brush she was using to walking away and search for the setting spray in her kit. “I can’t even believe I’m asking this, but what mood are you setting?”
“I suggested we spice things up, you know. A little role play ain’t ever hurt nobody.”
“Please, spare me the graphic details.”
Rolling your eyes, you caught a glimpse of the message from “Ashy” flash across your screen. Like Micah when she’s promised ice cream, you jittered in your seat. The thought of your plan leading to some passionate, no kids around sex was the most exciting thing to happen in your life in months.
“It’s not super graphic,” you explained. “It’s only a little ‘pretend we don’t know each other double then go home and fuck like college students’ role play.”
Tiana’s dramatic gag made you double over in laughter. “Mama always said you ain’t listen. I bet he just sent you something nasty.”
“See, I wasn’t gonna say anything, but since you did, let’s see what we got from Daddy.” 
“Don’t ever call him that around me again.”
“Anyway,” you giggled, “He said, ‘We’re excited to see you later.’”
“We? Who is we?”
The attached images sent in invisible ink kept your mouth closed, mainly to stifle the moan tickling the back of your throat. Looking over your shoulder, Tiana caught a glimpse of what had you so preoccupied.
“Oh my God, do not open that while I’m standing here! This is like hearing mom and dad have sex that one time!”
“Are you comparing your brother-in-law and me to senior citizens? I’m offended.”
“Then you’ll just have to be offended. You’re old now, and Chadwick feels like my blood brother. I never want to hear about y'all's sex life.”
A long pause as she applied your lashes kept the room silent until you decided to speak. “You wanna know how it turns out, don’t you?”
“Girl, yes! If it works, I’m definitely stealing that idea for Nate and me!”
Getting dressed for an event was always a long production for you, but nothing could compare to preparing yourself for the red carpet at Diddy’s annual white party. The lavish event almost always featured a day party with Hollywood’s elite in attendance. This year, the hip-hop mogul decided to switch things up. Instead of a day party, the event was moved to the evening to accompany the theme for the year, the Roaring 20s.
Standing in the mirror, you looked at your ass over your shoulder while twisting your hips. The custom Valdrin Sahiti gown fit your curves in all the right places while providing ample room to twerk and bounce as you saw fit. The bright lights in the hotel suite made the dress twinkle like a brand new diamond, adding to your confidence. Your face was beat, your wig and headpiece were secure, and your shoes were the perfect balance of stylish and comfortable. The only thing missing was your man.
An hour-long drive to the mansion that inspired the Great Gatsby gave your mind time to wander to what would happen during the evening. It felt like you were preparing for an actual first date, except it was with the man that had been in your life longer than most people. Still, the thought of “meeting him for the first time” kicked up nervous energy that you hadn’t felt since your wedding day. For Chadwick, a glass of whiskey and a three-way conversation with both brothers before leaving the suite he was using to get dressed calmed his nerves enough to convince him that carrying a flask to a party full of alcohol was a good idea. By the time the chartered car pulled in front of the opulent venue hosting the event, Chadwick was loose and ready for a good time.
Red carpet pictures for both of you were filled with questions from reporters about where the other one was. Deciding that it would be too weird to discuss your intentions to role play throughout the party, smiles and waves spoke for you. You were sure there would be a headline that all but confirmed your divorce, but it didn’t matter. They would see you making googly eyes at your man on the way out and change their tune while you raced back to the hotel to get what your body folded into a human pretzel.
Stepping inside the mansion opened up a world like no other. A host of famous faces covered in expensive fabrics moved and mingled in the expansive space, freeing themselves from whatever problems they had before coming inside.
“Tasha, girl, you look good,” you heard from behind you as you leaned over a railing to search for Chadwick for what felt like the hundredth time. Turning around brought you face to face with Jemele Hill and her boyfriend.
“Me? Girl, you! How you been?”
“Working and pissing off these old white men. The usual,” she laughed. “How are things with you and the family? I see you pulled up here alone.”
“The family is good. The kids are great, and Chadwick is doing well.” Your decision to ignore the latter portion of her sentence was not lost on Jemele.
“Oh, so you just gon’ not say anything about the last part, huh?”
“He’s here. Between you and me, we’re playing a little game. Consider it foreplay.”
“Oh, really,” she asked, looking over your shoulder with a smirk. “Looks like the other player is ready to get the game started.”
“Wha-” A warm hand on the small of your back and the scent of his familiar cologne alerted you to the presence you’d been looking for since the party began.
Jemele offered a silent smirk and nod before walking away to greet other party goers. After taking a deep breath, you turned to face Chadwick for the first time all night.
“I’m sorry, I don’t think we’ve met,” He greeted with a broad smile and a confident aura that took your breath away. Running his fingers down your arm to reach your hand, he lifted your knuckles to his mouth to brush his lips across them. “I’m Chadwick.”
“I-I, uh, I’m...I have no idea who I am right now. Damn, you look good, baby.”
“Co, you ruined it,” he laughed, pulling you close to peck your lips.
“I’m sorry! Dammit, I was supposed to say my name, huh?”
“That’s usually how those conversations go.”
“But these conversations have never involved a man as fine as you. Turn around so I can see you.”
Taking a step back, Chadwick allowed you to hoop and holler as he gave you the full scope of his outfit. Using Quick from Harlem Nights as a style reference, Chadwick dazzled in an updated version of the classic choice. The white blazer and shirt contrasted his brown skin beautifully, complementing the black bowtie, pants, and shoes that went with the look. A red rose on his lapel, and an ornate pocket square tied the look together. You almost felt underdressed standing beside him.
“What you smilin’ at, girl?”
“You look so good! Is this the day my husband outdresses me at an event?”
“It might be,” he chuckled. “You look amazing, Sunshine. I saw you when you walked in, and I couldn’t even focus on the conversation I was having.”
“So, I make you lose focus? I’ll keep that in mind.”
Chadwick’s eyes twinkled with mischief before he spun your body around to direct you through the crowd.
Returning his hand to the small of your back, he leaned over to whisper in your ear, “Enjoy it now. You’ll be the one losing focus when we get back to the hotel tonight.”
A high pitched squeal of excitement left your lips, making him laugh. For the remainder of the night, no matter what was taking place at the moment, whenever your eyes would land on your man, anticipation made your body hot to the touch.
You watched him move around the room like he owned the place, waiting for the signal to head to the door. Every dance resulting in your ass being pressed to his crotch was torture, and he knew it. Inconspicuous nods to the door only made him want to stay longer to draw out your excitement for what was waiting for you on the other side of room 1405. But, as the party continued and the shots of “moonshine” were passed around, you noticed Chadwick morphe into a version of himself that you hadn’t seen since both of you were much younger.
The more the alcohol was introduced to his body, the more loose and carefree he became. Carefree turned into uncharacteristically loud and handsy, making you worry about what was to come.
Pulling him aside, you cupped his face in your hands to get a look at his eyes. Sure enough, Chadwick’s drooping lips did little to hide his red eyes.
“Babe, you’re drunk,” you deadpanned. “Let’s go. I’m not babysitting you through a hangover in the morning.”
“I’m fine, Sunshine! We’re having fun, right?” His arms circled your waist as he dipped his head to kiss random places along your jaw.
Alcohol mixed with his natural scent, creating the smell that you hoped would be intertwining with yours in a moment of sensual passion. It was clear that the only action you would see tonight was a 200-pound man smothering you under his weight for ten hours.
“You’re having too much fun. It’s time to tell your friends goodbye.”
“You look so cute when you’re mad at me.”
“You haven’t seen mad yet, Aaron. For the last time, let’s go. You’re one shot away from stumbling out of here and embarrassing yourself. These shoes are too cute to be dragging your heavy ass.”
“Those shoes are cute, baby. Did I buy those?”
“Get yo’ ass outta here, nigga,” you scolded Chadwick through gritted teeth, adding a hit to his arm with your clutch.
You sent a silent prayer to God, asking him to grant your inebriated spouse the strength to pull it together long enough to make it out of the building with no major mishaps. Channeling the sober actor deep inside, Chadwick made a clean exit, but not without sneaking one last shot when you weren’t watching. The last shot would prove to be the dagger.
Riding back to The Peninsula hotel was a task as both of fought to prevent Chadwick from ending up on TMZ the next morning.
“Drink the water, Chadwick,” you whispered through pursed lips. “If you throw up in this car or on me, I am going to call your parents.”
“I’m trying, Co. I feel like I gotta -.” His sentence was cut short by a loud dry heave, startling the driver.
“Is everything okay back there? I can stop if you need me to.”
“He’s fine!” Your answer was a little too cheery and obviously a lie. “Please, no matter what you do, do not stop this car. Get us back to the hotel as quickly as you can and pull up to the back entrance. I can handle it from there.”
Chadwick managed to hold in the consequences of his rapid alcohol consumption until he reached the hotel room. The moment his expensive oxfords hit the plush carpet of the hotel suite, the race to find a nearby receptacle was on. From the small kitchenette, you watched with an annoyed stare while he hurled into the first trash can he could locate.
“Baby, help,” he whined from his spot on the couch. His body sagged against the couch to match his disheveled appearance and crestfallen expression. His eyes, round as saucers and pleading for your attention, were almost too hard to ignore.
“Hell no. I told you to slow down, and you didn’t. Suffer. I’m taking a shower and going to bed.”
Over his shenanigans, you retired to the bathroom to take off your wig and wash off the night before stretching across the bed naked to mourn what could have been. The idea to masturbate the pain away was fleeting, leaving you to scroll through social media feeds until you were tired.
Chadwick followed your lead soon after and took a shower to forget about the evening’s events. He knew he shouldn’t have gone that hard, but when the drinks are flowing and the vibe is right, it was hard to turn down a shot or ten.
After allowing the shower water to wash away his sins and begin his descent to sobriety, Chadwick entered the bedroom with his shoulders slumped.
“I never want to drink like that again, baby. I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry to me,” you answered without turning to look at him. “Be sorry to yourself. You knew your old ass didn’t need that much liquor.”
“Shit, if I didn’t know then, I sure as hell know now.” Ignoring your condescending “mhmm,” Chadwick chose to take advantage of your position on the bed and rest his head on your bare ass. He hummed a sigh of approval as he wrapped his arms around your waist and nuzzled his face your supple skin. “This is the only thing that makes sense right now.” 
“Yeah, well, don’t get comfortable. When this tutorial is over, I’m getting dressed for bed.”
“Give me five minutes, sweetheart. The room feels like it’s spinning.”
A Jackie Aina holiday look tutorial played in the background, becoming the only sound in the room for several minutes. While you clung to the YouTuber’s every word, Chadwick drifted in and out of sleep with his face pressed into your behind. The concoction of Ace of Spades and whatever was in the house Moonshine was still influencing his decisions, and trying to convince him to do the unthinkable. There were a few trends he promised he would get himself into, but the alcohol was in control.
He started with a quick kiss to the cheek he was laying on to test the waters. A small peck didn’t kill him or garner your attention, so he decided to up the ante. With a hand gripping the left cheek, he ran a tongue across the right side before sealing it with a kiss.
“What are you doing, boy?”
“I have no idea. Just go with it.”
“Aaron, if you don’t - oooh!”
In an unexpected turn of events, Chadwick’s hands spread your cheeks to make room for his face. Your breath hitched when his tongue came in contact with your rim, surprising you while sending a tingle from the tip of your toes to the top of your head. He’d done a lot to your body with his mouth, but this was a first.
You’d heard the stories from your girls about their significant others venturing into uncharted territory, and told yourself it was something that you wanted to experience without forcing the issue with your husband. Now, with your body writhing in pleasure against your man’s face, you finally had a story for the group chat in the morning.
Chadwick was lost in his own world, alternating between different pressures and speeds as he used his hands to jiggle your ass for his amusement. His tongue swirled in time with his long index and middle fingers pumping in and out of your center. You saw stars, and with the assortment of liquors in his system acting as a low budget Heart Shaped Herb, he showed no signs of letting up.
“It’s too much,” you whined between whimpers. The slurping behind you and the wetness leaking from your core added to your sense of euphoria, making the current activities overwhelming.
Chadwick chuckled at your attempt to tap out and continued to give your rim his undivided attention. His tongue flicked between your puckered hole and your perineum, drawing breathless moans from your throat. The more you voiced your approval, the more he met your cries of pleasure with groans of his own.
Feeling your walls contracting around his fingers, he took the opportunity to attack your clit with his mouth. Chadwick sucked and licked without regard for your mild convulsions under the weight of his arms. Pushing your right leg up gave him a better angle to suck the rest of your consciousness from your pussy. He was a man on a mission for your pleasure and his. As far as he was concerned, he could and would taste you until the sun took its place in the sky the next morning.
You came with a silent scream followed by an ear-splitting groan before your muscles released to leave you in a pliant heap. The way your chest heaved in search of oxygen to replace what was lost during your mind-boggling orgasm. You needed five minutes and a water break before you could engage in any more activities. Chadwick only needed a split second to shimmy out of his briefs before he was flipping you onto your back and pulling you to the end edge of the bed.
You yelped in surprise and readied yourself for whatever he had in store. Chadwick’s eyes were blown wide with lust, a far cry from what you witnessed at the party. Lifting your legs, he used one hand to keep your ankles together and the other to stroke himself.
“C’mere, girl,” he growled into your ear before aligning his tip with your entrance. He stared at your pussy in awe of the way the head of his dick glistened the more he rubbed the sensitive area along the seam created by the position of your legs. Still, he wasn’t satisfied.
Letting go of your ankles, he pushed your legs until they were parallel to the bed on both sides. He wanted you wide open for him, and you knew what to do next. Braving through the sting of the position, you took control of your legs to keep them open. As your hands gripped your thighs, he slid into you in one fluid motion.
Chadwick’s jaw dropped to let out a moan that you couldn’t distinguish from yours if you tried. Leaning over, he thrust his tongue deep into your mouth to accompany his deep strokes. The way his chest hair teased your taut nipples and the coarse hair of his beard rubbed against your face as he sucked on your neck felt like sensory overload. You hoped the slow swivel of his waist to hit every spot within you would continue until both of you collapsed in satisfaction.
Instead, after he’d suck every inch skin he could get his mouth on, Chadwick began a relentless pace. His hips snapped to yours rapidly, his shaft disappearing and emerging drenched in your juices each time. His hands pressed your waist into the bed as he threw his head back and let out a string of praises and primal grunts.
“Look at this pretty ass pussy,” he husked with his eyes fixated below your waist. “Who this pretty pussy belong to?”
“You! It’s yours!”
“And what’s my name, gorgeous? Say my name.” He slowed his pace again to suck your bottom lip into his mouth, not releasing until it was swollen and red from the contact. It felt like he’d taken your common sense with him, leaving you wide-eyed without a clue on how to make your mouth say words. “What’s my name, baby?”
“Fuck,” you squealed as he returned to his quick thrusts. “You fuck me so good, Daddy! Shit!”
“Let me see if you can take all of it, Co. Turn around for me.”
You didn’t have time to comprehend the instructions before you were flipped onto your stomach and repositioned at the edge of the bed.
Your feet could barely hit the ground before he spread your legs with his knee and pulled your hips back to meet his body. He stilled for a moment to kiss a trail up your spine and to your ear.
“Can you take it,” he whispered into your ear while nuzzling his nose into your temple.
You responded with a nod and a breathy ‘yes,’ receiving praise and a gentle kiss to your ear.
With the pads of his thumbs buried in the small of your back, he resumed his long, deep strokes. The bed quaked in time with his rhythm, creaking under the power of his movement.
You reached for any available fabric to keep you steady as you tried to form a coherent thought. For as long as you’d be intimate with Chadwick, you’d never allowed him to do all the work during sex. Though he’d dominated the encounter thus far, you had to contribute to the group effort.
Mustering up some strength, you met his strokes at the halfway point, earning a pleased moan. His hand came down hard on your thigh as he increased his pace, daring you to keep up. The burn of his skin colliding with yours triggered an animalistic nature in you that was rarely explored.  
“That’s right, baby, use me. Give me all that shit.”
Chadwick didn’t verbalize his reaction past a few grunts of effort, prompting you to twist your body to look back at him. When he pulled his eyes from his work to look at you, the fire in his eyes was one you hadn’t seen in a while.
Even in the dark, you could make out a primal desire smoldering behind the eyes that always looked at you with love and admiration. Releasing his bottom lip from his top row of teeth, he reached to your face and gripped your chin.
“Look at me.” His movements never stuttered despite the momentary shift of focus.
Obscene smacking and expletives filled the atmosphere already thick with the musk of sex. Chadwick’s grip in your chin forced you to maintain intense eye contact through the onset of another orgasm.
“Kiss me,” you rasped. “Kiss me right now!”
He obliged with no hesitation, pressing his palm into your back to flatten you against the bed before connecting his mouth to yours with a string of his saliva. Under normal circumstances, the thought of someone else’s spit entering your mouth in this manner was a hard boundary. Fortunately, these weren’t normal circumstances. You welcomed the lewd fluid swap with your tongue outstretched. His lips came crashing against yours seconds later, excited to nibble and lick to his heart’s content. Together, your tongues explored each other’s mouths and absorbed moans to eliminate some of the noise in the room. Chadwick’s left hand moved from your waist to fondle your breasts while he kissed your shoulder blade.
“You gon’ cum for me, baby girl? I wanna feel you all over this dick.”
“Mhmm! Yesyesyesyes!”
“Good. Tell everybody on this floor who got you this wet.”
“You, Aaron!”
“That’s right,” he smiled against your shoulder. “Tell everybody who’s making you feel like this, Queen.”
“Fuck,” you gasped as the first wave of your release came crashing down “You, baby!”
Knowing and feeling how close you were to his desired goal, Chadwick straightened his body and pulled your arms behind your back for leverage. With your arms crossed in the middle of your back, your body shook through a gushing orgasm, soaking your legs and his to match the tears rolling down your face.
The strength of your release, the pulsing contractions of your walls surrounding him, and the waning effects of the alcohol contributed to your husband’s pursuit of his own orgasm.
“I’m ‘bout to cum, T. Can I c-”
“Do it on my face, Daddy.”
His eyes searched yours for any sign of reluctance or a joke but found none. He couldn’t believe that you of all people would make such a request. He was intrigued and ready to live out a dark fantasy from his late teens.
He pulled out of your pussy and jerked himself until you were situated on your knees in front of him. Pushing his hands away, you took over.
Your hands twisted in alternating directions as your mouth focused on the head of his dick.
“Got damn, Co, just like that,” he groaned with his hands palming the back of your disheveled cornrows. “Fuck, let me finish.”
Your hands relinquished control to slide up and down his thighs while you braced yourself. Chadwick pumped at his shaft vigorously, moaning and rasping incoherent phrases until he was at his peak.
His release came complete with a booming grunt and his toes curling beneath him as ropes of thick cum sputtered across the smooth plain of your cheeks and mouth. You thought you’d feel disgusting, but the more he came, the more you felt like the most powerful woman in the world.
His massive head tapped against your lips until he was sure there was nothing left to give you. Immediately, your tongue jetted from your mouth to taste all that you could reach.
“Mmm, you taste so good, Daddy,” you purred, still covered in his cum.
Cupping your face, he pulled you to your feet while enthralling you in a kiss so passionate you could feel your knees buckling below you.
After what felt like an extra ten minutes of kissing, Chadwick left to fetch a warm towel to clean both of you up.
“Damn, Lil Bow Wow, who knew you were down to get this nasty?”
“Did you just call me Bow Wow,” you laughed. “How rude! I was going for Queen Latifah in set it off.”
“Right now you’re Skin Diamond, and I’m not mad at it. This was definitely top five between us. I’m willing to give it the number one spot.”
“Oooh! Wanna see if we can...top it? You’re not too tired, are you?” You pulled your bottom lip into your mouth, hoping that he would agree to one more round before you were forced into quiet sex when the kids were asleep.
He quirked an eyebrow at you with a smug smile, “Is that a challenge? You must be trynna make another baby.”
“Woah, no! That is not what I said! Put me down!” Your squeals and giggles fell on deaf ears as Chadwick hoisted you over his shoulder to carry you to the hotel balcony.
“Nah, you were talkin’ real tough, CoCo! We ‘bout to make a baby on this balcony. Hell, we at least gon’ get some good practice in!”
TAGS: @njadont @k-michaelis  @wakandanmoonchild  @idilly  @texasbama @afraiddreamingandloving  @inxan-ity  @daytimeheroicsonly  @onyour-right @brianabreeze  @sisterwifeudaku  @ironsquad @killmongerdispussy @90sinspiredgirl  @willowtree77785901  @maynardqueen101  @heyauntieeee@halfrican-heat  @purple-apricots  @lalapalooza718 @blue-ishx @profilia @ljstraightnochaser  @girl-wtf-lmao  @dramaqueenamby  @royallyprincesslilly@melaninmarvel  @thiccdaddy-mbaku  @lavitabella87 @purplehairgawdess@unholyxcumbucket  @airis-paris14  @uhlxis @oshasimone @maliadestiny@drsunshine97  @cozyshack2 @zxddy-panther @queentearra @skysynclair19 @retro-melanin @mermaidchansons @misspooh @melanisticroyalty @babygirlofwakanda @wakanda-4evr @sarahboseman  @karensraisns@blackmissmarvel @wakandankings  @kaykay4454fan @ororowrites@awkwardlyabstract @mixedmelanin  @brownsugarcocoabutterwildflowers@sunflowerpsalms  @panthergoddessbast @justanotherloveaffair @jaeee-http @iliketowrite1996 @blackpantherismyish @thompettiedatheaux @msincognito67 @reignsxjackson @yaachtynoboat711 @syreanne  @ilcb7@minim236 @yoyolovesbucky
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valdrenduskstrider · 5 years
Commander Valdren Duskstrider
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 Basic Information
Name: Valdren Duskstrider
Title: Commander of the Dark Phoenix Regiment
Race: Ren’dorei
Class: Umbral Spellblade
Age: 377
Eye Color: Luminous Blue
Height: 6’3”
Body Shape: Muscular
Birthplace: Goldenmist Village, Eversong Woods
Residence: Stormbreaker Castle, Silverpine | Telogrus Rift
 Additional Information
House Name: Duskstrider
Nickname: V, Val
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Motto: “If you wish for peace, prepare for war.”
Personality: ENTJ-T
Known Languages: Thalassian, Common, Orcish, Zandali, Demonic
Occupation: Alliance Special Operations Commander
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
 Character Description
Valdren Duskstrider, a denizen of Telogrus, is a ren’dorei that makes no attempt to hide from the world what he has become as he regularly summons forth shadows that congeal and dance about his form before being abruptly dismissed with little more than a thought. He walks with his head held high, the seemingly unending strife he has been forced to endure in recent decades failing to anchor his pride and confidence. Following his infusion with the malevolent void, his once lightly tanned skinned has taken on a dark and dusky hue. Cold and captivating eyes are no longer an iridescent emerald, but instead a luminous blue. Raven black hair has become a midnight blue that cascades down around a handsome oval face defined by high cheekbones, a strong jawline, a moderate amount of stubble, and a deep scar that runs vertically over his right eye, from his brow down to his cheek. From the ends of his locks, void energy coalesces into tendrils that act as an open warning to all that this elf is not one to be trifled with.
Valdren stands slightly taller than the average ren’dorei with a body that has been honed to the pinnacle of perfection. Broad muscled shoulders give way to a sculpted chest that sits above row after row of neatly stacked abs. Strong arms are corded with thick muscles. Intricate runic tattoos that glow vibrantly when the magic contained within is activated cover his chiseled form. The taut skin of his back ripples with the muscles that lay beneath and a phoenix that rises from the ashes is inked upon flesh. The body of this ren’dorei is a weapon, and the strength of his torso is mirrored in his glutes, thighs, and calves. A battlefield veteran who has been involved in numerous war campaigns, Valdren bears many reminders in the form of scars, ranging from healed over small cuts and scratches to the occasional long and deep lacerations, several of which tell stories of near-death experiences.
 If it was not already obvious that this was a man that spent nearly every waking moment working to prepare himself for the next threat to his people or Azeroth as a whole, there would be no questioning by any who looked upon him dressed for battle. Heavily enchanted leather armor, dyed a dark blue to openly display his newfound allegiance to the Alliance, has been reinforced with forged and tempered azerite, providing him with ample protection without hindering his ability to swiftly navigate through the field of battle. Should he need to engage in combat, his preferred weapons of choice would be the pair of flawlessly forged curved swords traditionally found sheathed at his hips. While these sharpened blades are his favored, the ancient Quel’dorei bow strapped across his back, the pair of revolvers, or the multitude of spells that rest at the tip of his tongue can prove just as deadly, should any be so foolish to cross him.
Despite the seemingly endless threats to peace, Valdren occasionally finds the time for a respite from the field of battle, and it is during these moments that one might find him in a more casual attire that offers limited protection. Make no mistake that although he may be seemingly unarmed he is no less dangerous for he is ever vigilant and prepared to face off against any who would have the gall to attack him.
Vengeance and Wrath,  Runed Blades of Retribution
(Twin swords) Description Coming Soon™
Tempest, Twilight’s Storm
Quel’dorei bow) Description Coming Soon™
Description Coming Soon™
Conjured Weapons
Description Coming Soon™
Description Coming Soon™
Dark Phoenix Amulet
Description Coming Soon™
Alliance Commander Insignia
Description Coming Soon™
Dark Phoenix Regiment Insignia
Description Coming Soon™
Titansteel Band of Lightning
Description Coming Soon™
 Azure Ring of Arcane protection
Description Coming Soon™
 Common Items
Water canteen
Coin pouch
Steel wire
Vials of Potions
Vial of acid
Flint and Steel
A Tome or Two
Father: Merillan Duskstrider (Deceased)
Mother: Kelaena Duskstrider (Deceased)
Brother: Lorleron Duskstrider (Deceased)
Sister: Sylowyn Duskstrider
Spouse: None
Children: None that are legitimate
Current Affiliations
The Alliance
7th Legion
 Past Affiliations
The Sunfury
The Scryers
The Shattered Sun Offensive
The Horde
OOC Information
First and foremost, I require that any who engage in roleplay with me be 18 or older. This is non-negotiable. 
I will not be held liable for my character’s actions. As far as I’m concerned, roleplay is storytelling. My character’s actions, beliefs, goals, morals, etc. are not my own. In-character drama is great, but I have a zero-tolerance policy for any out of character drama. 
I have a preference for mature and adult-oriented role-play. Dark themes are welcomed and encouraged. My only restriction is that it needs to make sense with my character. If you have an idea that you would like to run by me, please do not hesitate to send me a private message so that we can discuss it.
Out of Character, I’m probably one of the nicest guys you’ll meet and I’m always looking for more friends. Please feel free to message me to chat any time! There is no reason to be shy!
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