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bununiii · 1 month ago
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happy valentines i drew the part in rdr2 where kieran escapes the o’driscolls after shady belle and he and mary-beth get married hahahaha😁😁😁 bonus branwen!!!!! i love that this is real!!!!! 🐴🐴
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0kelkha0 · 8 months ago
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mysticetus · 5 months ago
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i present to you my blind kieran AU where he lost his eyes when he got kidnapped and interrogated by the o'driscolls but he got rescued...
i have a bunch of notes about it i put under the cut.
ive had fun researching disability history and also how each disabled person finds their own solutions and methods.
white canes weren't properly invented until the 1920s but he would pretty quickly start using a cane and likes finding good sticks (+ different sizes for different things).
he already couldn't read when he was sighted so not much changes there but mary beth would learn about braille and teach him i feel like she would be into it shes nerdy.
the gang seems to hold an attitude of acceptance for societal outcasts and find ways of survival in harsh circumstances so he would be in good company i think.
being blind doesn't impair his fishing that much because fishing doesn't rely on sight and hes got a little bell on the rod (sighted fishermen use this too).
HORSE: he can still ride and care for horses. it's so cool seeing all the stuff blind equestrians do. horse is a lot of tactile and smells and stuff and it's more about bond than anything. Bro's best friend is his horse i think branwen would be a great companion for outings.
despite a glass eye making a slightly plot-relevant appearance in rdr1 kieran wouldn't bother with one. these days prosthetic eyes are made of acrylic and are much more comfortable but in his era they were delicate and uncomfortable. i imagine arthur looting a glass eye off a body and giving it to kieran, asking him how it feels, and kieran's like "it feels like i have a rock in my face." and he never wears it again lol.
reblogs are greatly appreciated :)
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dinych · 2 years ago
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Baby boi 🤲💕
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leonyannedy · 2 months ago
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doodle :)
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keeperofoverlookhotel · 9 months ago
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synthsays · 11 months ago
We need to talk about how this is song is literally Kieran and Branwen
This is a strawberry roan horse
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This is Branwen for reference
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Branwen is literally a strawberry roan!
Do you think Kieran's horse was a reference to this song? Or just a coincidence? Anyway can we please make this their backstory. Pre-O'Driscoll kidnapped Kieran was looking for work and there was a horse that bucked everg other rider but him? And he got to keep Branwen because they captured him when he was riding around with her. I love them <3
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strawberrysc0ne · 10 days ago
ummmmm hello branwen
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ubtendo · 21 days ago
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Sequel to the ouaw characters drawn in a minute :
Icebound cast but I only had a minute per character!
Lot harder than the ouaw cast
Thinking that I might do this for all the LOA campaigns (because it's easy and fast and I don't need to watch the full campaign to draw the characters)
Annnnnd a bonus because I can't mention Icebound and not have them here
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@bunpiry chaos chaos chaos
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arthursguns · 10 months ago
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Branwen <3
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bunpiry · 2 months ago
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Saw an image and I had to do it. Original below
Branwen belongs to @ubtendo
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bununiii · 2 months ago
doing my second playthrough of rdr2 and i was searching for kieran after jack’s homecoming party before i remembered … i literally felt sick to my stomach UGHHHH ITS SO MUCH HARDER TO PLAY WHEN U KNOW WHATS COMING
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agyraty · 11 months ago
yandere kieran duffy maybe??
Of course!! Now I’m just going to warn you, I’ve never written Yandere once in my life, so I’m hoping this is good. I tried not to change him too much, keeping him as closely to his original character as possible despite the Yandere aspect.
That’s not Love
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Kieran Duffy x Reader
Summary: Kieran calls it love, but you call it an unhealthy obsession.
From the moment the O'Driscoll boy caught sight of you while bound to a tree, he was captivated. Your sense of style, the assertive stance you took with folks like Micah, and the kindness you showed everyone, him included, all drew him in. The sway of your hips as you walked, and your gentle beauty, fascinated him; he found you intriguing and admirable.
He’s finally been allowed to walk freely around camp, doing as he pleased. And he always found himself staring at you, watching your every move. Soon, he found himself volunteering to help you during missions, or brush your horse, even help you with chores, just so he could get to closer to You.
After awhile, you and him became friends. You’d always find yourself sitting with him near the fire or during meals, and on almost all of the missions Dutch sends you on, he’s almost there with you, which you found a bit weird, but you pushed it off as Dutch wanting to get Kieran working.
It’s just became a normal thing, you’re always with the man. You even stand up for him when Bill, Javier, or Micah tease him about being an O’Driscol. Which was another reason he found himself so attracted to you.
Weeks turned into months, and Kieran’s obsession just grew even more. He began leaving anonymous Gifts in your tent every night. Things ranging from flowers, love letters, to jewelry and small trinkets.
You found it odd, having a secret admirer leave you stuff. You so desperately wanted to know who it was leaving you such gifts, and you looked at all the possibilities at camp. Never once did you suspect it to be Kieran.
At first, you tried to figure out who it was, asking the girls if they heard about anyone talking about it, or maybe even seen who it was.
But no body knew who your admirer was, so after awhile you just gave up, excepting all the kind gifts you got without thought. Obviously who ever was doing it didn’t have any bad intentions, right?
You’ve also noticed that a lot of the guys in the gang suddenly started to avoid you, Only speaking to you when they needed to.. it was strange.
Well today wasn’t to different from any other day, you walked around camp, did your chores, conversed with friends, and of course, spent time with Kieran.
Currently, Kieran was busy tending to his horse, so you sat by the fire by yourself, relaxing your aching muscles.
Kieran brushed his horse, tending to its muddy coat, gently scraping out the dirt. He watched you closely as he did so, his eyes never leaving your resting body. His eyes scanned your face, watching as the fire shined against you, its Orange and yellow light dancing along your fine features, illuminating your beauty.
Kieran snapped out of his thoughts once he saw Javier striding over to the camp fire, a charming smile on his face as he stopped just beside you.
You brought a hand up to rub your eyes gently, looking to the side. Suddenly, you heard the familiar voice of Javier call out your name.
“Hey.” He spoke softly, taking a seat on the dirt next to you. “Hi, Javier.” You turned your head to face him, a soft smile playing in your lips as you watched him get onto the ground.
He starts a conversation, his words flowing effortlessly, filled with anecdotes and questions that draw you in. His hand gestures add animation to his tales, and he listens to your responses with genuine interest, his eyes alight with amusement.
On the sidelines, Kieran's presence is like a silent shadow, his eyes never straying away from the duo. The sight of Javier's easy manner with You stirs a storm within Kieran, his emotions swirling like leaves in the wind. There's a sharp tug in his chest, a possessive instinct that he can't shake off.
He knew he shouldn’t be thinking this, considering you were his, and he wasn’t yours, but Every laugh shared between you two feels like a personal affront, as if Javier’s challenging him, like Javier’s trying to take away what belongs to him. His fingers clench into fists at his sides, the brush that was in his hand now dropped to the floor, the mirthful scene before him fueling a strange feeling of anger, of resentment. A bitter taste of jealousy resided on his tongue as he stands back, trapped in his own troubled thoughts.
He couldn’t help but think that it should be him over there, laughing with you, tlaking with you just like always, not Javier. Javier was getting to close to what was his. And Kieran didn’t take to kindly to that.
Kieran decides that he’s had enough, that he couldn’t stand by and watch anymore.
Kieran's beginge to walk over, every move he made was carefully calculated. His smile is a well-rehearsed curve of lips, not quite matching the mixture of angry feelings he felt deep down. "Javier, always the early bird, I see," Kieran offers with an airy chuckle that sounds more like a challenge than genuine humor.
Javier, unbothered by Kieran's presence, smirks and replies, "Just taking in the good company before the vultures swoop in." He spoke casually, but his words carry an edge to them, a subtle acknowledgment of the tension between them.
Kieran leans in closer, his voice a low purr meant only for Javier's ears. "You know, it's fascinating how you always seem to linger. But then again, some people are naturally drawn to the light, even if it burns." The insult is wrapped in velvet, but the threat is unmistakable. You stand there, eyes darting between the two men. You had no idea what was happening, nor what they were talking about.
Javier's response is quick, his ‘Friendly��� smile never faltering. "And some are too busy casting shadows to recognize when they're standing in someone else's sun." The air between them is tense as they try to play off their obvious disdain for each other, each man marking his territory with words as sharp as knives.
The back-and-forth continues, Kieran's jokes becoming more pointed, his patience wearing as thin as the veneer of civility that coats them. Then, a particularly barbed comment from Javier pierces through Kieran's armor, hitting a raw nerve.
Kieran's laughter dies down and his expression darkens, the atmosphere quickly changed. "You think you're clever, don't you? Let's see how witty you are when you're the one being laughed at.” Kieran hisses, the mask of friendliness slipping to reveal a bit of what he was truly feeling.
You quickly looked over at Kieran, his sudden outburst shocking you. He’d never spoken to anyone like that before, he normally acted all timid and scared, but now.. he seemed completely unfazed, the expression on his face dark and intimidating.
The change in Kieran was startling, like witnessing a shadow come to life. His usual shyness was long gone, replaced by a steely resolve that seems alien on his normally gentle features. The atmosphere tensed even further, as if the air itself is holding its breath, waiting for what Kieran will do next.
You can't help but feel slightly uneasy, watching this new side of him emerge. It's as if he's shed his meek exterior to reveal something much more dark beneath. His eyes, once filled with hesitation, now burn with a cold fire, and his posture is straight and rigid, every muscle tense and coiled like a spring.
"Is everything okay, Kieran?" you ask, voice slightly caseous, the concern evident in your voice. You're trying to reach the friend you know, the one who's always been more keen on retreating from conflict rather than causing it.
Kieran's gaze quickly lands on you, and for a seocnd, you see the flicker of the normal Kieran that you know, the vulnerability returning in the depths of his eyes. But it's gone as quickly as it appeared, his expression hardening once more. "I'm fine," he says, though his tone suggests anything but that. “Just tired of playing the part of the harmless one, that's all."
Your eyes widen slightly. Playing the part? What does he mean playing the part? Has he.. has he been faking his personality this whole time? Your gaze remains on his body as you watch him closely, And you notice how everything about him has changed. He’s standing meow straight up and assertive, rather than his slightly hunched and shy posture. His face is more hard unlike his normal gentle expression. And the way he speaks, is so much more different.
The mere thought of it sends your mind spinning. The Kieran before you is like a puzzle with pieces that don't fit the image you've always known. It's slightly unsettling, the idea that he might have been wearing a mask all this time. His new demeanor is like a rude awakening – assertive, confident, almost a stranger compared to his old personality.
"Kieran, what do you mean?” Your question is gentle but probing, an attempt to peel back the layers of this sudden change. You're reaching out for answers, you need to get to the bottom of this.
Kieran's gaze flickers past and lands on Javier with a dismissive sneer. "Why don't you go bother someone else, Javier?" he snaps abruptly, his voice carrying a sharp and cold tone. The unexpected harshness in his tone seems to cut through the air, and with an annoyed look, Javier turns on his heel, walking away without another word.
With Javier gone, Kieran's attention shifts back to you, his posture relaxing slightly, but his expression remains intense. He takes a step closer, his eyes searching yours for any type of reaction. "I'm sorry about that, but I couldn't stand it anymore," he begins, his voice softer now, but laced with a slight desperate tone, maybe even crazed. "I've been trying to keep this to myself, but it's driving me crazy. I'm in love with you. I'm the one who's been leaving you those little gifts you find, hoping they'd bring a smile to your face."
He takes a deep breath, his hands clenching and unclenching at his sides as if grappling with the weight of his confession. "And it's been me, joining you on those missions without even asking Dutch. I wanted to be there to protect you, to be close to you. I've been... I've been scaring off any guy that gets too close because the thought of someone else being with you—it's unbearable. That’s why people haven’t been speaking to you so much lately, but that’s a good thing. That’s how it should be.”
The expression kn his face was unlike anything you’ve ever seen before. It was almost crazed, desperate. If you were being honest, it scared you.
“.. And that’s the way it should be.”
You looked back at him as he said that. “What..?” You whispered, shock present in both your tone and present on your face.
“I’m the only one that you need, I’m the only one that deserves to talk to you.” He stepped closer, looming over you with an unreadable facial expression. You stumble back, trying to keep some space between the two of you.
Your brows were knitted together tightly as you tried to wrap your mind around what he was saying.
“Why can’t you see that this isn’t bad? That I’m what you need, and no one else?” He reached out to grab your hands in his, but you quickly swatted them away. “Don’t touch me.”
Your heart hammered against your chest, a mixture of fear and disbelief coursing through your veins. "You can't just decide what I need, Kieran," you said, your voice firm despite the slight tremble running through your body. "You can't force someone to want you or to be with you."
He looked taken aback, as if your resistance was something he hadn't anticipated, as if he excepted you to just be okay with this whole thing. “But I love you," he insisted, his voice softening. "I've done everything for you. Can't you see that?"
"You're talking about love, but what you're doing isn't love at all," you countered, finding the strength to finally counter his response.. "Love is about respect and choice, Kieran. You can't protect me from the world, just like can't lock me away from it either."
"I need some time to think about all of this..”
As you turned to walk away, You hoped that when you faced each other again, it would be with a new understanding and a healthier perspective on what it really means to care for someone.
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myreia · 1 month ago
HI HELLO I will submit Branwen for OC kiss week, kissing Venara! He's temperamental and ambitious mage, and quite caring and protective of family, friends and the Dalish way of life. He's demisexual and hetero-romantic! Maybe a shy first kiss between friends turning more? or something else!
hi viking, mwah! 😘🥰
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frickingnerd · 10 months ago
the aftermath of that night
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pairing: qrow branwen x gn!reader
summary: after a one night stand with qrow, you start to avoid him. but qrow demands to know why you're avoiding him!
tags: smut/suggestive, hook up/one night stand, idiots to lovers, angst with a happy end, confession (reader to qrow), oblivious!qrow, qrow calling reader 'sweetheart', angst to silly fluff
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“where do you think you're going?”
qrow had you cornered, his hand gripping your wrist, to make sure you wouldn't run away again – just like you had the last few times the two of you crossed paths.
“i-i'm busy… can i leave?”
you looked up at qrow. you didn't struggle, nor did you raise your voice. you didn't plan on making a scene, since you knew qrow would never hurt you. but you still didn't want to be around him…
“you've been busy a lot recently. but i don't buy it.”
qrow loosened the grip on your wrist, to show good faith. but he wouldn't let you go until he got answers from you.
“i don't think you're actually busy. i think you're avoiding me. and you've been doing that ever since we hooked up!”
you looked away, but it was already too late. even when avoiding eye contact, your reaction gave you away. qrow had figured you out.
“so that's it. i knew it…”
qrow mumbled and let go of your wrist.
“was it that bad? if you didn't enjoy it, you could've said something… or was it that good~?”
qrow tried to lighten the mood a little, but it seemed not to work on you. instead of laughing, you only seemed to lower your head further and stare holes into the ground.
“so it was that bad, huh?”
“no, it was… alright”
that didn't sound very enthusiastic.
“listen sweetheart, just tell me what's up. if you don't want me around, then tell me. but don't expect me to be able to read your mind”
you sighed, slowly raising your head. your eyes met qrow's and your words got caught in your throat. you opened your mouth, struggling to tell him what's been bothering you.
“i… i enjoyed it a lot. but i was… kind of hoping for more…”
qrow smiled amused. that certainly wasn't the answer he had been expecting.
“well, if you want a round two we could always just go to your place now or–”
“not like that–!”
the mere suggestion of that made your cheeks turn red. it seems you really had to spell it out for qrow. how embarrassing…
“i was hoping we'd do more than just… you know. that maybe… this wasn't just a one time thing… and that you'd ask me on a date or something…”
you were mumbling those words to yourself, but qrow managed to pick up enough of what you were saying to understand what you meant.
“sooo you're saying… you have a crush on me~?”
qrow was acting overly flirty and cocky. but honestly, he was just overcompensating, as he tried to cover up how flustered he was getting. he was used to one night stands, but nobody had ever cared to return for a second night, let alone a date! this was a first for him…
in response to his question, you only nodded shyly. you still avoided eye contact, scared of qrow's reaction. but he gently lifted your chin with two of his fingers, to make you look up at him and see his genuine smile.
“if you wanted a date, there was no reason to be shy and avoid me. you're obviously my type and now that i know i'm yours too, i'd love to take you on a proper date!”
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ihearhercalling · 3 months ago
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𝔐𝔶 𝔇𝔢𝔦𝔱𝔦𝔢𝔰 || Branwen
origin // cymru, y mabinogi domains // grief, motherhood, resilience, family ties, sovereignty, peace, guardianship of the land, emotion, resourcefulness, messages, compassion, infants, comfort for mothers who have lost children symbols // ravens (particularly white), the colour white, starlings, cauldron or chalice, standing stones & mounds
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