#thread with: carmen marisol
kingtylerreigns · 4 years
INVOLVED: Tyler Carter, Mia Carter, Farrah Parker, James Parker, James Parker, Jr, Nadia Montgomery, Greyson Montgomery, Rachelle Patterson, Daniel Patterson, Charlie Patterson, Harper Patterson, Patricia Parker, Gloria Greene, Brittnay Stevens, Vivian Parker, Kathy Hicks-Patrick, Carmen Carter, Anthony Carter, Aria Carter, Fátima N. Rivers-Luna, Ezra Rivers, Ángel I. Rivers-Luna, Natalia Dawson, Russell Dawson, Michael Dawson, Mila Rivers-Luna, Jason Artists, Gabriel Rivers-Luna, Joelle Cook, Axel Carter, Vivian Carter, Dominic Carter, Roxanna Emmerson, Alex Carter, Lexi Carter, Naomi Carter, and Madison Carter TIME FRAME: Saturday, May 2, 2020 LOCATION: Masraffs; Houston, Texas SUMMARY: Tyler and Mia get their families together to celebrate and party for the gender of their baby. It’s a fun and festive event that ends in a firework show revealing that Tyler and Mia are having a baby girl.
Tyler held Mia’s hand in his own as he escorted her into the venue with a small smile, nodding at the manager as he moved past. He let go of Mia’s hand and wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close as he pressed a kiss to her temple. Reaching out his freehand, he pushed the doors to their private room open and entered with Mia, smiling at all of their friends and family.
Mia walked with Tyler; she held the purple dress up a bit so that it didn’t drag on the ground as they walked. She looked at him and smiled, she was so curious to see what his mother had put together for them. She was sure no matter what it would be cute and heart felt. As they reached the doors to the private room, she smirked as he kissed her, walking along behind her and he pushed the doors open and she walked in her heart racing. The room was filled with their friends and family; she smiled releasing a chuckle as she took the venue in. “Aw,” she said happily as tip toed further into the room with all the commotion.
Fátima sat at one of the tables in the center of the room, looking around at all of her family members on one side of the room and who she assumed to be this Mia girl’s family on the other side. She swung her foot back and forth, her legs crossed with her hand over her knee as she looked towards her daughter, prepared to say something before Mia and Tyler entered. She turned her body in the chair, looking at her grandson and his wife as they entered. “Whoo,” she said aloud verbally, shocked to see how large the girl was.
Carmen sat at the table with her husband, mother, and father with a hum as she sipped some of her lemonade. She looked at her watch on her wrist before she stood up and made her way over to Mia’s family, wanting to introduce herself to a few people. However, as Tyler and Mia entered, she smiled brightly, looking over at them. Seeing Mia, she gushed. “Oh, you look so beautiful,” she said loudly in Spanish as she sat her cup down on a table and rushed over to them in her heels.
Tyler smiled as he looked around the room, trying to hide his shock and disappointment. He had honestly expected a bit more from his mother. She had begged and begged to be able to plan this party and this is what she had come up with. He let out a small sigh, shaking it off as he looked at his mother as she came rushing over. “Hey mom,” he smiled at her before he looked around the room, taking in their various family members.
Rachelle sat next to her sister and she smiled excitedly, her little niece was married and pregnant. Though it happened so fast, she’d been watching them on YouTube, and she couldn’t deny their chemistry was beautiful. “I know she looks beautiful, she probably bet her face to perfection,” she said gushing over the thought as she turned to Farrah. “Look, look at mama’s face,” she pointed out, “why is she eyeing those people like that?” she asked her older sister. When Mia walked through the door, she lit up again. “Aw, look at her,” she said as she stood up at the table smiling. “My little me-me,” she said.
Farrah watched around the room at everyone, there was a decent amount of people in there for the majority not to know the other. She looked at James and then at her sister nodding her head. “Yeah, I am sure,” she said quietly. She looked over at Nadia and raised her brow. “That is your mother,” she told the woman with a headshake. “You know how she is about people she doesn't know...” she said sighing. However, when Mia and Tyler walked into the room she smiled watching as a taller fair skinned woman ran over to them. “I think that’s his mother,” she said to her sister. “She put this together, I guess,” she shrugged, “I could've done better though,” she said slyly.
Mia continued to smile, her shoulders to her ears, as she beamed happily. When Carmen moved towards them, she smirked. “Hey ma,” she said reaching her arms out for a hug from the woman. “It’s beautiful ma, I love it,” she told her happily. “It’s beautiful,” she exclaimed.
Fátima watched her daughter run across the room and she pursed her lips as she rose slowly, smoothing out her dress with her hands. She gathered herself for a moment before she found herself walking over towards her daughter, grandson, and her supposed granddaughter-in-law. She placed her hand on Carmen’s shoulder as she approached, pulling her back and out of her way as she gazed at the couple. Her dark eyes took them in, scrutinizing every little thing about them before she finally said, “hello,” to Mia. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you,” she said, looking at Tyler with a raised eyebrow.
Carmen beamed from ear to ear as she hugged Mia close, rubbing the young girl’s back lovingly. “I am so happy that you like it,” she said with a chuckle as she pulled away. “I was so nervous,” she admitted, smiling. Feeling her mother’s hand on her shoulder, she stepped aside, watching closely as the older woman looked the couple over. “Mamá,” she hissed out to the woman softly before she greeted Mia. Pursing her lips, she shook her head slightly, looking around at all of the other guests nervously. She had told her mother not to do this and yet, here she was, doing it anyway, and in front of everyone at that.
Tyler watched as Mia and his mother hugged before he looked up at his grandmother, lips tucked into his mouth knowingly. If he thought his mother was upset when he told her that he had gotten married, it was mistaken. When he called his grandmother and told her that he was not only married, but his wife was expecting a child, and that she was invited to the baby shower Fátima tore him a new asshole in her native tongue. So, he knew for a fact, that the woman was not happy after she had called him all types of stupid asses and idiots over the phone.
Ezra sat at the table, shaking his head a bit. His back was to them, but he knew exactly what was happening. He took a sip from his glass, looking across the table at his son-in-law, Anthony.
Rachelle looked at her sister and said, “well do we go up there or…” she asked curiously, “wait our turn?” she breathed softly as she moved to sit back down.
Farrah watched as Mia hugged Tyler’s apparent mother and then she watched as the older version of the same woman rose up and walked over to her daughter. “Uh, uh,” she said to her sister. “I am going to go up there because I have not liked miss thangs face the entire time,” she said. “Have you seen the faces she’s been making?” she asked her as she rose to her feet, in her fitted dress moving on her heels only for her husband to grab her by her hip and hold her still.
James looked at Farrah and said, “no, you are going to sit and unlike some people carry ourselves with some dignity and class,” he told his wife.
“I agree,” Daniel said to his brother-in-law, “they haven’t even gotten into the venue good and people are bomb rushing them”, taking a sip from his glass he looked at his wife Rachelle and then their two daughters Harper and Charlie.
Nadia watched on as the older woman walked up towards the front behind the woman with the long legs in the short dress. She got up and moved towards the table with her kids and she tilted her head with her arms over her chest. “Now just when in the hell is Mia going to come greet us?” she asked them in Creole. “She wants me to yank her little ass from up there aye?” she said in her native tongue. “Flashing gum with these people who didn’t even have the decency to really come greet us after they put together this blue and pink circus of an event,” she rambled on.
Anthony looked across at his father-in-law and he shook his head back at the man. “I don’t even know why you’re surprised,” he said before he pulled a flask out his inner jacket pocket. He turned the cap, popping it open, pouring a little Cîroc into his lemonade before he slid it over to Ezra. “Drink up and just sit back,” he said with a chuckle as he brought his glass to his mouth, taking a sip.
Fátima cut her eyes at her daughter. “Hush child,” she said in Spanish, giving her a look of you not to grown for me to beat your butt before she looked back at the young couple. “Mia is it?” she asked as she took the girl’s hand into her own. She turned Mia slowly, forcing the young woman to do a full spin before her. She looked Mia over carefully, taking in the woman’s round stomach, full cheeks, and dark brown skin with a hum. “mmm.” She let Mia’s hand go before she said, “Mhm…” she knew exactly what the girl was having. The girl was carrying high and her stomach was very round. Now she wasn’t completely sure if that was due to the baby or if the girl was really just naturally round as such, but she had to assume it was a combination of both from looking at her.
Carmen clamped her lips shut now, looking at Mia with apologetic eyes before she looked at her son. She forced a smile into her face as she turned to everyone, saying, “let’s properly welcome the expecting couple,” loudly, to get her mother to sit the hell down. Clapping her hands, Carmen looked to her family for help.
Ángel looked at his sister, a smirk on his face. He was amused to no end as he sat at the table with their sister, Natalia, and her husband and their son. He chuckled softly, shaking his head. He had told her to sedate good old Fátima, but she hadn’t listened to him. At her insistence and clapping, he pushed his chair back and stood up, clapping along with her as he began to hoot, hoot, hoot, hoot, pumping his hand in the air a little for the couple.
Farrah pursed her lips at her mother and husband, sitting down in a chair. She looked at JJ who sat quietly before them before she said, “everyone let’s just calm down and be merry,” raising the sweet tea before she sipped it.
“Be merry?” Nadia asked her daughter with a scrunched face. “I still don’t know how you let this happen Farrah...” she countered.
Rachelle looked around the table and sighed. “Yes, be merry, there is a baby involved,” she reminded their mother easily. “And look at her, she’s beaming with joy. She’s glowing, how could you not be happy right now?” she asked them all. “Little Mia, aka me-me is having a baby,” she said, bright teeth flashing.
Mia looked at Tyler’s grandmother and she blushed a bit as the woman took her in. “It’s nice to finally meet you, I’ve been wanting to-” she said stopped short as the woman spun her around. Mia furrowed her brows once her back was to the woman, she looked at Tyler unsure what she should take from the act. She looked back at the woman. “Yes, Mia,” she said nodding her head, “and you?” she asked her, the woman hadn’t given her a name yet. “Your ma’s, ma?” she said gesturing Carmen next to them. “Oh, you have to give me a hug,” she exclaimed happily as she leaned in for one. At Carmen’s words she smirked and watched the crowd greet them again and she chuckled finally meeting eyes with her family off in the corner, and she groaned inwardly.
Ezra took the flask from Anthony with a wicked smile and he said, “you always come prepared,” as he poured a bit of the liquor into his own glass. He recapped the flask before returning it to his son-in-law and he took a sip, letting the liquor slide down his throat easily before he turned back, looking at his newest family member with a hum. This is not what he expected but he was pleasantly surprised.
“Ma’s, ma?” Fátima repeated softly before she looked at Carmen with a raised eyebrow. She absolutely hated that Tyler called Carmen that and here Mia was calling Carmen that. She ground her teeth together momentarily before she finally said shocked, “oh you don’t even know my name,” she was taken back as Mia spread her arms and out of respect Fátima hugged the girl back, looking at Tyler with a squint. “My name is Fátima, dear,” she told Mia as she rubbed the girl’s back. Pulling away, she looked at Tyler once more, wanting to drag him by his ear, but they were in front of everyone so she would do it later. Following Mia’s gaze over to her family, Fátima eyed them all, her eyes settling on the two white men and she let out an amused chuckle as she moved to go sit back down.
Tyler stood there, hands in his pockets now as he watched Mia and Fátima interact. Oh, there was a lot happening there, all wordlessly of course. He tucked his lips further into his mouth, clearing his throat a bit before he said, “we can get further into introductions and things soon, can we please just get out of the doorway.” He watched his grandmother to go sit down, knowing that he wouldn’t hear the end of it later before he gave his mother a look, “we will make our rounds, go sit down,” he told her sternly.
Mia looked at the older woman, her brow raising as she repeated her; the woman actually hugged her and she embraced her lovingly. “Fátima,” she repeated softly to her. “I love that name, beautiful,” she said easily, and she meant it. Smiling she let the woman go, allowing her to pull away from her as well. As the woman walked off chuckling, she eyed her a bit and tried not to be offended by the woman’s actions. She pushed a few braids over her shoulder as Tyler spoke with Carmen and tucked her lips in. “Where do we even start?” she asked him over the lightly played music and chatter.
Tyler smiled softly at Mia, trying to make the best of what just happened. Looking between his side of the family and then her own, he said, “let’s start with your family since mine is clearly out of control,” chuckling a bit. He placed his hand on the small of Mia’s back, as he pressed another kiss to her temple before ushering her towards her family. He also knew that they had to make this quick because Mia was wearing heels at the moment and he knew that soon enough, her feet would be killing her, if they weren’t already.
Mia looked at her husband and she nodded her head resting a hand on her stomach gently. She felt his kiss and she smiled gently at him as he ushered her towards her family, and she smiled. “Hey guys,” she waved gently as she moved for each one, shifting between the chairs. “Pop-Pop,” she squealed as she moved towards her grandfather and hugged the man tightly. “Grandma,” she said as she moved for Nadia and held her arms out. “I’ve missed you guys so much,” she told them. “Grandma, grandpa, this is Tyler, my husband. Tyler” she said shifting back for him, “this is my grandfather Greyson and my grandmother Nadia,” she said to him happily. “These are my mother’s parents,” she clarified.
Greyson watched Mia move over for him and he smiled as the tall man stood up and embraced her in a hug. “My special girl,” he sang out happily as he hugged her tightly in his arms before releasing her. He pecked her forehead gently before he pulled back. “Nice to finally meet you Tyler,” the cream-colored man said as he reached his hand out for him to shake. He looked at his wife knowingly and hoped she didn’t make a scene. After all there was a videographer in the building and a photographer as well.
Nadia looked at Mia and then her children as her husband stood and embraced the girl and her husband with no problem. She licked her lips and she smirked a bit hugging her back. “Oh, you look like a princess,” she said in creole. “Perfection,” she said to her sweetly as she pecked the girl’s cheek easily. She looked at Tyler and said, “yeah nice to meet you Tyler…” rubbing Mia’s back and smiling at her. Her other hand moving to her stomach as she rubbed it gently. “Aw,” she said she was still in disbelief about all of this.
Tyler moved with Mia over to the members of her family, his new extended family. As they approached and Mia began to introduce the man and woman to him, he smiled a bit, trying his best to hide his shock as he stared at the white man before him. Grandpa? Maybe the man had married her grandmother later on, after she had kids in a previous marriage or relationship or something. Licking his lips, he held his hand out to Greyson. “Nice to meet you as well,” he shook the man’s hand firmly with a smile, his dimples creasing. Releasing Greyson’s hand, Tyler looked at Nadia, Mia’s grandmother. As the woman spoke to him short and sweet, he tucked his dimples away, glancing at Mia quickly as he said, “... yup…” in response to the woman. “Nice to meet you too... “
Farrah stood up and moved for Tyler and Mia now. “Tyler don’t mind my mother, she’s just an old school Haitian woman,” she said, eyeing her mother with large eyes. “She believes in the traditional,” she spoke up. “Now that you have met my father and mother,” she said pulling her son-in-law with her, “you know James and JJ,” she waved off moving him further. “This is my baby sister Rachelle,” she said with her arm around Tyler’s waist. “Her husband Daniel,” she pointed, “their two kids Harper and Charlie,” she pointed to the mixed children nearby. “And this is Patricia, James' mother,” she said gesturing to the woman.
Mia watched her grandmother and she looked at her oddly, she looked at her grandfather before her mother walked over and spoke up. What in the hell was that? She watched her mother take Tyler off and introduce him to the people at her table, her extended family, and she followed behind them. Only stopping to speak to a few people at the table alongside theirs. She followed up behind her mother and she hugged JJ, who wasted no time to greet her finally.
Tyler looked at Farrah, smiling softly at the woman as he dismissed her words slightly. “It’s fine,” he said casually, willing to let it go because it was indeed Mia’s grandmother and they didn’t really know each other yet. Plus, he had been working on his anger. Following Farrah willingly, Tyler looked at Rachelle and he said, “hi,” greeting the woman easily before he looked at Daniel, smirking a bit. Well, after finding out who Mia’s grandfather was, this was just amusing. “Nice to meet you both,” he said to Rachelle and Daniel before he looked at the children giving them a wave. Looking to Patricia, Tyler nodded slightly, smiling. “Hello, I’m Tyler,” he said politely.
Mia stopped to hug Charlie and Harper, then she moved to her uncle Daniel, shifting to her aunt Rachelle and she hugged her tightly for a long while rocking back and forth gently. “I am so happy you guys came,” she said gently to her as she embraced her. “He’s a dream, we all have to go out for dinner or something. In a closed setting,” she said gesturing with her hands. “Daddy,” Mia sang out as she moved to hug the man tightly to her side, chuckling a bit at him as he rubbed her stomach with his large hand. Meeting Farrah in the middle she hugged her grandmother from behind pecking her cheek sweetly. “Granny,” she said, greeting her in their embrace.
Rachelle smiled at Tyler with a head nod, “hello,” she greeted happily taking him in, he was handsome. When Mia moved for her, she smiled and stood up embracing the girl’s hug, hugging her so tightly. “You looked beautiful me-me,” she gushed again. “We would not have missed this are you kidding?” she asked her seriously as they pulled away from each other finally. She nodded her head at the girl and tossed hair over her shoulder as she moved to sit down watching them make their rounds.
Daniel looked at Tyler and raised his glass to the man. “Welcome to the family,” he said with a grin. He smiled at Mia as she rounded to them saying her hello’s.
James watched Mia and he smirked to himself, so this was really happening, huh? His daughter was having a baby and he was sitting in a room full of people waiting to hear just what she’d be having. Life is crazy. As she hugged him before he got up from his seated position, he hugged her back, his head resting against her side as he placed his hand over her stomach protectively.
Patricia watched the young man approach her and unlike her daughter-in-law’s mother she was raised to treat everyone equally and with respect. No matter how peculiar it was that the girl jumped up and got married and was expecting a baby. “Hello,” she told the boy gently with a smile. “Nice meeting you Tyler,” she said, crossing her ankles. She felt Mia from behind and she smiled as she kissed her cheek. “Hey, my baby doll,” she told her as she looked over her shoulder at her.
Farrah watched the couple before she pulled Tyler further. “This is James’ sister, Vivian,” she told him, pointing her out. “This is James’ aunt Gloria and her daughter Brittany,” she said as she moved around the next table. “And James’ aunt on his father’s side Kathy,” she told the boy. “Back there are a few more cousins', honey,” she said gesturing the table in the back before she turned him back around. “James' father passed away 2 years ago,” she noted to him quietly before she said. “You look good, I like this,” as she brushed some lint off his sweater. “You guys go ahead and make your rounds,” she said as she swayed back towards her table.
Tyler smiled at Patricia, nodding at her slightly. “No, ma’am the pleasure is all mine,” he said charmingly, with his dimples creasing as he gazed at her. He took Patricia’s hand on his own, giving her a gentle squeeze before he released her, looking at Farrah as she drug him over to more family members. “Vivian,” he said with a smile, “that’s one of my grandmother’s names,” he said thoughtfully as he greeted the woman with a smile and a wave before Farrah was introducing him to more people. “Hi, nice to meet you,” he verbalized with a hum to both of the ladies, following Farrah once more. Looking at Kathy, he smiled and waved once more, his eyes looking to the cousins Farrah pointed out and he smiled over at them before he nodded at Farrah. “I’m sorry to hear that…” he said a small frown on his face as Farah spoke to him, brushing off his sweater. “Thank you,” he said before he finally leaned in giving the woman a hug, since he hadn’t been able to do it previously. Pulling back, he nodded, looking to Mia with a smile. He pulled her close, one arm wrapped around her waist, his other hand resting on her belly as he pressed a kiss to her lips. “Ready for my side?” he asked her lovingly.
Mia let go of her grandmother and moved to slide past the back of her chair, squeezing past as she moved to follow them. “Hey aunt Viv,” she cheered, she didn’t get to see the woman much with the work she did in D.C. but it was always nice to see her. She hugged the chocolate woman before she moved to the next person “TT Goria and Britt,” she said hugging her aunt and her cousin, she let her aunt kiss her cheek gently and she squeezed her cousin. “In October,” she told her cousin with a head nod, “yeah,” she chuckled. “In Paris,” she said looking at her aunt Gloria now and she nodded her head before she moved to the next body. “Aunt Kathy,” she said as she hugged the woman from behind, bending over slightly “I missed you too,” she told her sweetly kissing her cheek. “I know,” she said nodding her head at the mention of her departed grandfather and she rubbed the woman’s back gently as she told her. “I didn’t have a preference really; I was excited no matter the way it swayed,” she joked lightly. Mia moved to Tyler’s side as she rested her hand on top of his kissing his lips back gently. “Yeah,” she said lovingly, a smirk on her face.
Vivian watched Farrah and she smiled, flashing her dark gums and white teeth. It was often she got to hang around with family but when she did, she happened to enjoy every minute. And this occasion was worth the time off from work. “Nice to meet you Tyler,” the woman nodded, having overheard his name a few times. She looked at Mia and kissed her cheek. “You look beautiful mama,” she told her as she took the opportunity to rub the belly her niece was sporting.
Gloria and Brittany both waved gently to Tyler as Farrah walked them through their family line. “Hey TT baby,” Gloria said to the girl as she kissed her cheek and she smiled. She hugged the girl back patting her hand. “So, where did you two get married,” she fired off as she and her daughter asked questions. She nodded her head at the responses and said, “you look good girl,” as she moved to walk away.
Brittany smirked and said, “I love your makeup girl,” knowing Mia most likely did it herself, she hugged her back and asked. “When are you due?” curiously, unsure. “Oh, that will breeze past before you know it,” she told her cousin. At her mother’s question she smirked looking up at Mia and then over to Tyler and she nodded her head at the girl’s response. “He got money mama,” she told Gloria as Mia walked away. “I mean look at this party, this is a lot of stuff for just a gender reveal,” she mused.
Kathy waved at the boy and said, “nice to meet you too son,” to him easily before Mia walked up behind her and hugged her from behind. “Hey baby girl,” she breathed. “I think the last time I saw you was at my brother's funeral,” she told the girl. “It’s been a while,” she told her before she asked. “So which did you want, boy or girl?” just curious to know before she casted her vote. But Mia gave her nothing, so she smirked and chuckled as the girl moved to excuse herself.
Tyler smiled down at Mia, kissing her lips one more time before he let out a hum as he lifted his head. He looked over at his family members and chuckled gently. “This is going to be fun,” he said as he turned with Mia to face his family. “Brace yourself,” he whispered into her ear he guided her over slowly, moving at her pace. As they reached the first table, Tyler smiled softly as he said, “Mia of course you already know ma and pops,” as he looked at them. “You’ve just met my lovely abuela,” he said with a smirk, placing his hand on his grandmother’s shoulder. “But this is my grandfather, Ezra Rivers,” he said with a hum.
As Tyler finally approached the family, Ezra took another sip from his spiked glass and he turned to the young couple, gazing at Mia with a smile. “Hello dear,” he said with a hum, “it’s nice to finally meet you, we’ve heard a lot about you,” he said offering Mia another smile.
Fátima gazed at Tyler and Mia as they finally approached their side of the family and she sat there, her lips tugged into a wide side smirk as she sat up straight, hands on her knee as she nodded curtly.
Anthony stood up slowly as Tyler and Mia approached and he moved around the table pulling Mia into a warm hug. “Hey, it’s great to see you,” he said with a chuckle, rubbing her arm warmly before he pulled away.
Mia kissed Tyler back again, and she moved with him hearing his words after his grandmother, what more did his family have to dish? She looked at Carmen and Anthony chuckling at them and she hugged her father-in-law gently, “good seeing you too, it’s been a while,” she acknowledged. Looking at his grandfather she said, “nice to finally meet you too Mr. Ezra,” she said before she looked to his grandmother and she smiled faintly at her.
Tyler stood there, allowing Mia time to speak with and greet the few members of his family that he had introduced. He watched his dad, smirking a little, the man had clearly been drinking a bit. So had his grandfather. He licked his lips and smiled. Looking down at his grandmother, he gave her a look before he said, “and over here…” he guided Mia over to the other table, “we have my uncle Ángel and my aunt Natalia,” he said as he smiled at the two of them. “Also, this is Russell, my uncle, Natalia’s husband,” he informed Mia before he looked around a bit before he pointed, “over there is Michael, my cousin,” he told her.
Ángel watched as Tyler brought his wife over and he looked at the two of them before he stood up and pulled Tyler into a hug, patting his hat a little. “You did good boy, damn good,” he chuckled before he pulled away looking at Mia. “‘Sup, I’m Ángel… the second oldest,” he informed her as he pulled her into a hug as well, “whoa there,” he chuckled as he pulled back, looking down at her stomach. “Precious cargo,” he joked as he placed his hand there gently before he pulled away moving to sit down.
Natalia sat there, leaning against her husband's shoulder with a hum as her nephew and niece-in-law approached. Sitting up some, she watched her older brother speak with Mia and Tyler before she rose slowly, walking over to them. “Hi sweetheart,” she said as she pressed a kiss to Tyler’s cheek before she looked at Mia smiling. “You look so beautiful,” she told Mia easily as she opened her arms, giving Mia the option to hug her or not. “It’s so wonderful to meet you,” she said sweetly, her voice soft.
Russell sat there with his wife and he looked over at Ángel before he looked at Mia and Tyler. The man didn’t smile much but the corners of his lips did twitch a bit as he nodded towards them both, sending a small wave their way.
Mia moved with Tyler and her hands rested on the back of a chair as she shifted on her feet. “Nice to meet you,” she told Ángel as he greeted them and she chuckled at his words amused, she hugged the man back moving her way closer to him and she chuckled at his words. “Mhm,” she said quietly as he touched her stomach. “Hi,” Mia said, greeting the boy's aunt easily and she moved into the woman’s hug. “It is nice to meet you as well” she said to her, “and thank you,” she added for the woman’s compliment. Looking at Russell, she smirked at him and then looked over at little Michael with a grin.
Natalia smiled at Mia as the young woman moved into her arms for a hug and she hugged her close, rubbing up and down Mia’s back warmly before she pulled back. “You’re so very welcome.” She let out a small hum of appreciation as she caressed Mia’s cheek before she moved to sit down once more.
Tyler hugged Ángel back, chuckling at the man. As he pulled back, he readjusted his hat on his head saying, “you know, I try, I try,” with a chuckle as he dusted his shoulders off a bit. As Mia and Natalia interacted, he smiled. Natalia was such a quiet but sweet spirit. Humming out, he whispered into Mia’s ear. “Just a few more people and then we can sit down,” he told her knowingly as he guided her over to the next table. “Here we have my other aunt Mila, her boyfriend Jason, my uncle Gabriel and his girlfriend Joelle,” he told Mia easily.
As Tyler and Mia approached, Mila sat her glass down, smiling and squealing. “Oh Tyler,” she said as she gazed at Mia’s belly. “I can’t believe my little sobrino is about to have a kid,” she gushed sweetly before she moved to stand up to properly greet Mia. “It’s so nice to have you as a part of our already large family,” she chuckled out as she hugged Mia close, rocking with the girl from left to right before she pulled back, gesturing to her boyfriend, “this is Jason,” she smiled as she leaned into him, pressing a kiss to his scruffy cheek.
Jason smiled, adjusting in his chair a bit and he waved at Mia. “Hi,” he said easily, picking up his glass and taking a sip of his drink as Mila kissed his cheek. “It’s a pleasure,” he voiced with a smile.
Gabriel waited his turn before he stood up and moved for Tyler and Mia. He playfully knocked the hat off Tyler’s head, catching it in his hand and placing it on his own head before he leaned in to press a kiss to Mia’s cheek. “Nice to meet you, I’ve heard great things,” he told her easily. “Blessed that you’re bringing more family into the world,” he said with a smile before he looked over at Joelle. “This is Joelle,” he introduced, “my heartbeat,” he told Mia.
Joelle stood with Gabrielle, holding her hands in front of her until Gabriel introduced her. “Hi sweetheart,” she said easily, leaning in to press a kiss to both of Mia’s cheeks before embracing the girl in a hug.
Mia walked with Tyler a little further though her feet were screaming for her to take her shoes off. “Hi,” she said waving at the boy's aunt and her boyfriend, “thank you,” she said, his family was far more inviting than hers had been. Well her grandmother had been. Mia hugged the woman back gently, rocking with her as she did. She shifted her weight on her feet and she licked her lips gently. “Hello,” she said to Jason before she looked at Gabriel and she smirked at the man’s interaction with Tyler. “Nice meeting you too,” she told the man. “Aw, thanks,” she said moving her hand to her stomach. “Hi,” she told Joelle as the woman kissed both of her cheeks and then hugged her. Mia hugged the woman back tenderly and said, “nice to meet you,” she told her.
Tyler snatched his hat back from Gabriel, placing it back onto his head before he moved along swiftly after Mia had spoken to and hugged with people from this table before he moved to the last one. Finally moving to his father’s side of the family. Walking over with Mia, Tyler said, “Mia I would like you to meet Axel and Vivian Carter,” smiled, “my father’s parents,” he informed. “Grandma, grandpa this beautiful woman beside me is my wife, Mia.” He beamed proudly from ear to ear before he looked to Dominic and his at the moment, girlfriend, Roxanna, “and this is my dad’s brother, Dominic, and his… Roxanna,” he told Mia, giving her a knowing look before he turned to look at Naomi, “and last but certainly not least, my aunt Naomi, my dad’s sister,” he told Mia.
Axel stood up, along with his wife Vivian, as Tyler approached. He smiled, his old hand shaking a bit as he held it out towards Mia. “Hello, my darling,” he said easily, shaking her hand before he moved to sit back down slowly.
Vivian placed her hand on her husband’s shoulder giving it a squeeze as he spoke to Mia before she smiled gently, her eyes taking the woman in sweetly. “Nice to meet you,” she said softly as she took Mia’s hand into her own, giving it a squeeze. “My first great grand,” she smiled, looking down at Mia’s belly before she asked, “may I?” her hand hovering over it.
Dominic sat there, waiting for his parents to finish so that he could properly speak to and introduce himself to Mia, a chuckle escaping him at Tyler’s not knowing what to call Roxanna as he looked over at her.
Roxanna sat back, swinging her leg a little from her knees crossed as she waited quietly for Mia to be free and able to truly speak with them, knowing not to interrupt Miss Vivian.
Following behind Tyler as he swiftly walked towards the last table, she smiled at them, resting one hand on her lower back. “Hello,” she breathed, dropping her hand to shake his grandfathers. “It is so very nice to meet you both,” she said dearly. “My aunt’s named Vivian,” she said slyly, looking at Tyler amused as she gave the woman all her attention. At the woman’s announcement she smirked widely at her. “First for everyone,” she said so very proud of that fact. “Yes of course,” Mia said, noticing that she actually asked before she truly touched her stomach. “Nice to meet you,” she said to Dominic and Roxanna, whomever Roxanna was to the man. She looked at Naomi and smiled at her, “hello,” she said sweetly.    
Vivian smiled at Mia, “oh well you can call me Sadie if you’d like,” she told Mia easily. As Mia told her this would be the first great grandchild on her side of the family as well, the woman’s lips pulled into a smile. “That’s wonderful,” she said before she placed her hand on Mia’s stomach, giving her a loving rub. “Oh, I know what you’re having,” she chuckled before she leaned in and gave Mia another hug before she moved to sit down.
As his mother sat down, Dominic stood up and he moved to Mia and Tyler. He hugged Mia, then Tyler with a smile. “Congrats,” he said with a chuckle.
Roxanna stayed seated even as Dominic stood up and she leaned over the table a bit. “Nice to meet you,” she said with a smile, eyeing Mia’s belly with a hum. “You’re glowing,” she said sweetly.
Naomi stood up behind her older brother, moving in, to hug Mia, a bright smile on her face. “I never thought I’d see the day,” she chuckled, “that Tyler settled on down,” she said before she discreetly pointed her thumb over at Dominic and Roxanna, “because you know…” she giggled.
Tyler stood there chuckling at everyone as they spoke to Mia and he looked at Naomi with a smirk. “Aye, aye, don’t start now,” he smiled laughing a bit as he pulled her in for a hug himself. “Okay, now we’re going to take a seat and let mama here rest for a bit,” he told them as he guided Mia over to the throne-like chairs over in the corner of the room where they could easily see everyone. He helped Mia lower herself down in the chair before he leaned over her, pressing another kiss to her lips. “Do you want me to take off your shoes?” he asked her knowingly.
“No, I am will call you granny Viv,” Mia said to her sweetly as the woman rubbed her stomach and she looked at her amused. “You do?” she asked her with a smirk. “We will see granny,” she told the woman with a chuckle before hugging the woman back a second time. “Thank you,” she told Dominic sweetly before she looked at Roxanna and said, “you too,” and tossed out a thank you to her as she shifted on her heels again. As Naomi greeted them, she smiled looking at Tyler at his aunt's comment, a smile still on her face, amused. “I hear it takes a real woman to slow and lock down certain men,” she joked gently with his family. As he said that they were going to go sit down Mia followed along with the taller man she sat down with his help. Sighing heavily, as she held his hand as she sat down and shifted sitting back in the chair as she looked at him. “Please, dear lord,” she told him seriously as she hiked her dress up a bit to reveal her feet to him. “My feet are killing me,” she told him.
Roxanna jerked her neck back at Mia’s comment before she pursed her lips, rolling her eyes gently as she folded her arms over her chest. She looked over at Dominic who found it to be oh so funny and she shoved his shoulder with a huff. “Shut your stupid ha-ha-ha ass up,” she grumbled to him.
Tyler smiled at Mia, kneeling down before her as she lifted her dress a bit. Tyler swiftly unbuckled Mia’s heels, taking them off carefully and sitting them aside. He began to rub her feet a bit, knowing that they had to be hurting as he gazed up at her. “So, thoughts?” he smirked as he caressed her feet.
Mia watched as Tyler shifted to take her shoes off of her feet, sitting them aside. She smiled, “thank you,” she said to him gratefully as he rubbed her feet gently. “Everyone is so kind and clearly so excited about the baby. Which I am happy about,” she told him nodding her head “the baby's acceptance is all I need” she told him stroking her stomach gently.
Tyler nodded at Mia gently. “You’re welcome baby,” he told her lovingly as he kept at it, rubbing her feet a bit more. At her words, he smiled a bit before he gently lowered her feet back to the ground and he moved to sit down beside her. “Yeah,” he chuckled. “First great-grand is a pretty big deal,” he said knowingly as he leaned over, placing his hand on her stomach as well. “I love you babe,” he told her with a smile.
Carmen sat at the table, speaking back and forth in Spanish with her mother, laughing a bit as she did. However, upon looking over and seeing Mia and Tyler resting in the corner, she smiled and moved to stand up. She walked towards the center of the room, against the dance floor in her tall heels. She picked up the microphone and turned it on before she smiled widely, looking around the room. “Well, well,” she began, “now that all of the wonderful introductions are out of the way,” she smirked, “I want to invite anyone up to the microphone if they’d like to say anything to Tyler and Mia,” she smiled looking around, “please let’s keep it to about a minute or so,” she chuckled before offering the microphone out to let anyone come up and speak.
Mia smiled at him and she nodded her head. “It is,” she told her sweetly. She pecked his lips tenderly before she said, “I love you more baby,” softly to him. When Carmen got up to begin speaking in the center stage, she smiled easily as she rested back in her chair.
Rachelle heard the woman speak on the microphone and she smiled as she got up happily. Of course, she’d be first, she was just that type of person really. She moved for the tall woman and smiled. “I have something I would like to say,” she told her as she grabbed the microphone. “Hi, my name is Rachelle,” she said to everyone, “I am Mia’s aunt,” she told them as well placing her hand over her chest. “I’m going to talk long, because I can be very long winded, my husband tells me,” she said looking at him. “However, Mia is my one and only niece and I would just like to say I am so very proud of how far she’s come,” she said looking over at the girl. “I’ve been keeping up with you and Tyler on YouTube and I would just like to say that you two are perfect together… perfect for each other and truly I cannot wait to meet my great niece or nephew,” she smiled proudly. “Congrats you two, on the baby and on the marriage, I pray for nothing but happiness and prosperity,” she said easily as she handed Carmen the microphone back and moved to sit down.
Carmen looked at the woman as she approached and she handed the mic over easily, stepping aside to give the woman center stage, listening and nodding along as she spoke.
Fátima leaned over to Anthony and asked him, “YouTube? What is YouTube?” she questioned him in a whisper.
Anthony looked at Fátima before he waved her off chuckling softly. “It’s nothing,” he told Fátima easily.
As Rachelle finished, Carmen stepped back up and she took the microphone. “That was beautiful,” she beamed, “anyone else?” she asked, holding the microphone out once more.
Mila stood up as her older sister offered the mic to everyone again and she walked over, giving Carmen a side hug before she hooked her fingers around the belt loops of her fitted jeans and took the microphone. “Hello everyone,” she said sweetly. “I am Mila,” she beamed, “Tyler’s tía, or aunt, whatever…” she told everyone, looking around the room, “and I would just like to say,” she turned to look at Tyler and Mia, “I am so happy for you two,” she giggled. “I have watched Tyler grow up into such an amazing young man and I am so happy that he has finally settled down with such a wonderful young woman,” she said as she blew them a kiss. “I truly hope that you two continue to thrive and be merry,” she smiled. “I pray that Mary continues to bless you,” she said with a bright smile before she handed the microphone back to Carmen.
Hugging, Mila back, Carmen handed over the microphone and stepped aside. She stood there, smiling softly as her youngest sister spoke. She nodded along, smiling from ear to ear, before she took the microphone back. “Mila, so sweet,” she said before she looked around more. “Anymore takers?” she asked, pointing the microphone at a few people.
Patricia listened and waited for the woman to finish and she nodded her head a soft smile on her face as the woman concluded. She moved to stand up and walked up to Carmen, accepting the mic from her and she smiled. “Hello,” she said to everyone, “I am Mia’s grandmother, her father’s mother to be exact,” she explained. “And I would just like to say that Mia has always been an amazing young woman. I’ve had the privilege to watch her grow up and blossom with each day” she told the crowd. “I am very proud of her and everything that she is accomplishing right now in life. IBM, marriage, a baby, a very elite scholar,” she listed. “You have made me very proud baby,” she said turning to her with a smile, “you grandfather would be so proud of you Mia, I wish he could be here to see the woman that you are,” she said offering the woman a bright and sad smile.
Mia watched as people walked up to speak and when her grandmother did, she smiled happily at her. Nodding her head as the woman went on to explain her thoughts about her right now. As she went on to explain how happy and proud of her, she was, she smiled at her, and then moved to stand up as the woman mentioned her late grandfather. Mia walked towards her grandmother bare foot and she hugged her tightly. “I love you, thank you,” she said sweetly to her, as a tear rolled down her cheek gently as she closed her eyes, arms wrapped around the woman’s neck.
Tyler sat back, watching everyone as they got up and spoke sweet and encouraging words to them. As Mia’s grandmother stood up, Tyler watched Mia rise and he rose with her but stayed put as she walked over to her grandmother.
Carmen handed the microphone over, stepping back once more and as the two women embraced, she dipped her head, trying to make herself small, not wanting to intrude on their moment.
Mia pulled away from Patricia and she smiled at her kissing her cheek gently and she told the woman. “I love you,” again sweetly, as she wiped her grandmother’s tears with her fingers gently.
Patricia released Mia finally and she nodded her head telling her, “I love you too gently,” as the girl wiped her tears. She sniffled slightly before she pulled away from her completely moving to go sit down.
Mia wiped her grandmother's cheeks dry with her thumbs before she released the woman, she tapped her face with a single finger. She needed a napkin really and when she sat down with Tyler, she picked up her napkin and she dabbed her face gently to dry the tear, sniffling slightly at the thought of her grandfather not being here and another tear rolled.
Tyler watched and waited for Mia and when she sat down, he slid his chair closer to hers, taking her hand and giving it a loving squeeze. “You okay?” he asked her gently.
Carmen bit her painted lip softly, watching as the two embraced and cried and when they pulled away and cleared the area and stayed quiet for a moment, letting the room recover from the moment before she said, “and with that, I do believe it’s time for us to move on to the next activity.” She paused for a moment, blinking hard to push back her own emotional tears, feeling for the women, before she put on a smile. “On your tables you’ll all find blue and pink paddles,” she explained, “and it’s now time to lift one up and cast your votes,” she smiled at them, “first up, is a boy,” she said, “lift up a blue paddle if you think Tyler and Mia are having a boy,” she said sweetly.
Mia looked to her husband and she nodded her head at him sadly, using the napkin to pat her face and to dry the corner of her eyes. “I’m okay,” she told him easily before, she sat the napkin down. “May I have something to drink?” she asked him as Carmen began to speak once more she looked at the group of people watching as people lifted their paddle and she smirked.
Tyler nodded at Mia and at her request he said, “of course,” as he rose from his chair and moved to the table that housed the finger foods and drinks. He grabbed a cup and poured some pink lemonade for Mia, looking back at his mother as she spoke as he did. Returning to Mia, he handed over the cup, looking around the room as he sat back down, watching everyone raise their paddles for the boy vote.
Farrah watched Carmen, wondering to herself why the woman didn’t ask her to help with this planning and event. As she spoke Farrah looked around before she raised a blue paddle.
Ezra listened to his daughter and he picked up his blue paddle, raising it high for everyone to see.
James raised a blue paddle when instructed to do so from the woman looking around to see who else had up blue.
Ángel licked his lips, raising his blue paddle as he looked around the room slowly.
Nadia watched on and she offered Patricia a kiss of which she blew to her as she moved back to her seat. She looked at the tall woman over the event and she moved to raise her blue paddle up high.
Lifting her blue paddle, Natalia smirked as she looked over at her brother before her eyes scanned the room.
Greyson watched the woman and he looked at his wife before he raised a blue paddle up, looking over at James with a smirk.
Mila lifted her blue paddle, glancing around at Mia’s side of the family with a smirk. She was seeing a lot of blue rising. They had to be right.
Daniel looked at Farrah and James before he raised a blue paddle up.
Gabriel listened to his sister, nodding slowly before he looked between the two-colored paddles. He had no idea. On a whim, he grabbed blue, holding it up.
Patricia moved back to her seat listening to the woman, she made sure her face was dry before she grabbed her paddle and raised the blue one up.
Joelle followed her boyfriend’s lead and grabbed a blue paddle, raising it into the air.
Gloria figured they needed a boy in the family and hoped that Mia and Tyler were having one, so she proudly raised her blue paddle to cast her vote along with her sister.
Axel looked at his wife as he picked up the blue paddle and held it up. “I don’t know about this whole high, low round stomach thing,” he said chuckling, his hand shaking as he held the paddle up.
Kathy watched Patricia sit back down and she rubbed the woman’s shoulder loving before she raised her blue paddle up behind the woman. “Come on, we need a boy,” she said happily.
Dominic snatched the blue paddle immediately, holding it high for Carmen to see.
Looking around the room, Roxanna counted all of the blue paddles in the air and knew they would take the majority, so she went with it as she rose her blue one into the air as well.
Carmen looked around the room, watching the blue paddles rise. She nodded slowly as she said, “please keep your paddles up while I take a tally,” she said before she began counting everyone that had a blue paddle in the air. “And it looks like Blue’s have… 17,” she said with a bright smile. “Okay you may go ahead and lower your paddles blues,” she said before she went on, “pinks please go ahead and raise your paddles now,” she hummed out as she moved to pick up a pink paddle herself, lifting it with her freehand.
Anthony lifted his pink paddle behind his wife as she stood in the center of the room.
Hearing the woman ask for pink paddles Rachelle wasted no time to lift her paddle in the air proudly.
Aria sat at the table with her younger cousins and though they weren’t voting, she was. She lifted her pink paddle into the air with a smile, really hoping for a girl.
JJ looked at Mia and Tyler, though his parents thought it was a boy he didn’t mind a little niece. So, he raised a pink paddle up in the air for them to see.
Fátima grabbed her pink paddle and lifted it into the air as she looked at her husband. “I can look at her and see it,” she said easily with a smug expression on her face.
Following behind their cousin Charlie raised a pink paddle.
Russell grabbed his pink paddle and lifted it with a hum.
Harper raised a pink paddle behind her sister, choosing what Charlie chose easy.
Jason had no shame as he lifted his pink paddle into the air.
Brittany waited for the pink turn and she raised her paddle, thinking Mia would be cute with a mini her.
With a sure smile, Vivian lifted her pink paddle into the air, winking over at Mia.
Nova sat in the back next to Aaron, she raised a pink paddle thinking the idea of Mia having a girl while she brought forth the boy would be cute.
Aaron wrapped his arm around Nova as he lifted his pink paddle into the air, looking at her with a chuckle.
Riley sat at a table with a bunch of random school friends noticing Aaron and Nova did not sit beside her and she raised a pink paddle, looking at them and then up at the front of the building.
Naomi lifted her pink paddle, smiling sweetly as she gazed around the room.
Quickly Carmen began to count as the pink paddles were raised, being sure to count herself. “Well,” she smirked, “it looks like the Pinks have 16, so the blue’s win for now,” she said chuckling. “We will find out the true gender of the baby a little later,” she informed everyone sweetly as she turned to the small chalk board and wrote down, “17 under blue and 16 under pink.” Turning back to everyone she said, “now at this time I would like to offer Tyler and Mia a chance to speak,” she said smiling as she turned to the couple.
Mia watched on as people voted, taking a sip of her lemonade from the cup Tyler made her and she licked her lips, smirking. Some paddles had been raised so fast you’d think there was money or a prize on the line. As Carmen wrote down the predictions down on the chalkboard she clapped playfully. When Carmen mentioned them speaking, she smiled and nodded her head. Standing up on her feet she moved towards the woman resting her hands on her lower back with a smirk as she waited for Tyler.
Tyler chuckled as he watched people vote. Oh boy, this was going to be interesting when the truth was revealed. As his mother spoke, inviting them up, Tyler rose with a smile and he walked over with Mia. Gently he took the microphone from his mother as he stood there beside Mia. Turning to look at their family members Tyler began, “firstly I would just like to thank all of you guys, all of our family members and all of our friends in the building,” he said looking over at Aaron and Nova, “I know some of you traveled pretty far to be here today,” he said knowingly. “And all I got to say is let’s have a good time, we're going to turn up a little bit, live ya’ life, you know what… what you want to say babe,” he said, extending the microphone to Mia before he pulled it back saying, “yeah I’m a daddy, you know what I’m saying,” with a smirk on his face. “And the last thing I got to day is, life is good, you know what I’m saying,” he paused for a moment, letting his family members speak back to him before he said, “I need an all the time, I’ma say it again, life is good...” he held the microphone out to everyone, his family saying back all of the time happily and he said, “that’s what’s up,” before he wrapped his arm around Mia’s shoulders with a smile as he handed her the microphone.
Mia stood there licking her lips slowly and she watched as Tyler as he grabbed the microphone. Now just what was he going to say? As he began to speak, she nodded her head gently. She had one hand on her lower back and the other now on her stomach. As he began to talk about turning up, she smiled at him a bit, listening and keeping her eyes focused on him as he did. She rubbed her stomach lovingly as he went on. She chuckled gently at the man as he went speaking about everything and nothing at this point of time. As he extended the mic, she was going to reach for it, but he kept up and she couldn’t help but drop her head and laugh at him along with everything else’s laughter and cheer. When he said life was good, she looked at him again watching him, he asked for an all the time from everyone and her mouth parted slightly. When their family and friends actually repeated him, she looked at the crowd like they were nuts before she chuckled lightly grabbing the microphone. “Okay,” she started another chuckle leaving her she said, “so we all know that Tyler isn’t good with words so…” she snorted lightly as she shifted on her bare feet. “Forgive me, I have taken my shoes off, growing a life is a full-time job,” she told the crowd. “Uh, I just want to thank everyone for coming out and supporting us. The last 4 months have been a very fast paced and magical rollercoaster for him and I both,” she stressed. “And we haven’t been able to take you all on that journey with us so far but for this we would greatly appreciate everyone in the building maintaining this tight knit village for our little pumpkin,” she said touching her stomach. “Rather boy or girl, Tyler and I are ecstatic about the journey we are embarking on right now and we just want to thank our family and friends for being understanding and supportive right now,” she said happily.
Tyler stood beside Mia, hugging her close with a chuckle as she spoke now and he nodded along to her words. Licking his lips, he looked around at their families, all sitting on separate sides and he hummed out softly as Mia finished. “We really do appreciate each and every one of you,” he said loud enough to be heard without the microphone. “Let’s dance, let’s party, let’s mingle,” he smiled. “I have a task for everyone, by the end of this I want everyone to know at least one new person,” he said looking around the room, trying to get their families to bond, “and one fact about them,” he smirked.
Mia looked to Tyler as he had more things to say and she nodded her head at him holding the microphone up for him to speak. She smirked at his suggestion nodding her head, she liked the idea. They needed to be one, they needed to be a unit. “Thank you,” she said graciously again considering some people had taken the time to bring a few gifts and she handed the microphone back over to Carmen. Mia shifted on her bare feet and she fixed her earring subtly, shifting some braids over her shoulder. “What did you have planned?” she asked the woman discreetly, fully ready to eat.
Tyler smiled at Mia nodding along as Mia said thank you to everyone before he looked to his mother as Mia handed the microphone back to her.
Carmen stepped forward, taking the microphone from Mia and she held it down at the girl’s question before she smiled. Lifting the microphone, she looked around at everyone, “and now we eat, we mingle, and we have a good time,” she said smiling brightly. “If you all look right over here,” she gestured over, “the food has been brought out and is ready for everyone to grab a plate,” she said smiling, “music will commence shortly,” she told them before she added, “let’s allow Tyler and Mia to get their plates first, then all of the grandparents, and then everyone else,” she said knowingly with a smile, “with that, enjoy everyone,” she said sweetly before she clicked the microphone off and turned to look at Tyler and Mia with a smile. “I basically ordered a buffet style set up of everything on the menu and they’ll come and replenish as needed for the next three hours before we head outside,” she told them.
Mia licked her lips and she nodded her head at her. “Okay,” she told her sweetly. She looked at Tyler and tried to decide whether she trusted him with making her a plate for her or if she should. Hm. “Sounds good,” she told the woman as she looked at her husband “I’m hungry,” she said to him with a smile.
Tyler nodded at his mother as she spoke to everyone and when she turned to them, he smirked. “Okay,” he said easily before he looked at Mia. “You rest your feet, I’ll make your plate,” he told her lovingly, pressing a kiss to her forehead as he moved to go do so. Walking over to the buffet table, Tyler picked up two plates, balancing one in the palm of his hand and one on his arm as he began to place food on them. When he was done, he moved to Mia at their little thrones as a table was now pushed close for them to eat. He sat Mia’s plate before her, before he sat down beside her.
After Tyler walked away from the table Vivian stood up, “don’t worry baby, I’ll make your plate for you,” she told her husband easily before she walked over slowly, picking up a plate.
Rising from her seat, Fátima made her way over. She grabbed a plate and began to select her food looking over the options carefully before she looked over at Vivian, her lips pulled into a tight line. “I see you rose from your coffin to make it, how wonderful,” she said to the woman easily.
Moving to make his plate, Ezra hissed at his wife. “Fátima,” he said quickly. “Stop it,” he told her sternly.
Mia looked at Tyler and she nodded her head at him as he moved to prepare them plates. Mia moved back to their table sitting down, and she smiled as a few of her cousins came over wanting to touch her stomach and talk a bit. She shifted the chair angling them for them and she laughed and talked before Tyler returned. She smiled hugging her cousin close to her in her seated position as another cousin took a photo gently. The girls left to go back to their table and she turned back to their food. “Thank you, baby,” she told him gently as she moved to test the food, forking some into her mouth gently and moaning out softly in appreciation.
Nadia moved to stand up with her husband Greyson, they walked to the buffet grabbing plates and waiting their turn as she waited to fix the plate. Seeing the other two grandmothers of this clan standing there and she said, “hello,” to them both, “I am Nadia, Mia’s grandmother,” she said, “and my husband Greyson, her grandfather,” she said happily. “Nice to meet you both,” she said politely as she picked up some tongues and placed a dinner roll on her husband’s plate and hers.
Patricia stood up and looked at her sister. “Hopefully the food is good,” she said to her with a chuckle. No one could cook better than her in her opinion. She moved to grab a plate following in line with Nadia and her husband, she licked her lips as she listened, and she nodded her head. “And I am Patricia, her other grandmother,” she told the two women with a smile. “Nice meet y’all,” she said in a southern accent.
Vivian looked at Fátima, squinting slightly at the woman. “Don’t start with me you old cow,” she began before she looked over at Nadia and Patricia. “Hello,” she said politely, brushing Fátima off. “I am Vivian, Tyler’s father’s mother,” she explained, “and my husband Axel is seated over there,” she told them before she placed a bit more food down on Axel’s plate. “It’s very nice to meet you as well,” she hummed out.
Placing some chicken on her plate, Fátima looked at Vivian. “Shut your mouth,” she hissed back in a thick Spanish accent before she looked at her husband as she moved down the line, gazing over at Nadia and Patricia, she took them in. “Fátima,” she said her name easily. “Carmen’s mother,” she added before she pointed her thumb, “and my husband Ezra,” she explained. “Yes, it’s nice,” she nodded her head. “I just don’t understand these kids these days, rushing to do everything,” she said, shaking her head.
Nadia scooped some food up with a spoon placing it on her plate and Grayson's listening to the Fátima woman as she ranted a little. “Yeah, their generation scares me,” she said, “her little friend is back there pregnant too,” she said to the woman. “Jumping quick is their claim in life these days,” she sighed. “I can say though… I can’t wait to see this little baby,” she breathed happily.
Patricia looked at the women smiling and nodding as she added a little of everything on her plate to try. She heard them and she nodded her head gently. “You know I wondered if they planned it myself, her and that Nova girl has been friends since the 9th grade,” she said to them all. “Her little boyfriend is back there with her; this is just everyday life for those kids,” she spoke.
Vivian snorted at Fátima as she rambled off in Spanish and she shook her head. Looking over at Nadia, she nodded slightly, looking over at the other pregnant young woman in the room. “I saw that,” she said, humming out before she looked at Patricia, “I wondered the same thing,” she added. “I think it’s popular,” she stated. “All the kids are getting pregnant these days,” she said, licking her lips as she covered Axel’s plate with a napkin before she moved to make her own. “It’s trendy,” she said, “babies having babies.”
Fátima nodded at Nadia and Patricia and she squinted over at Vivian as she added more food to her plate. She looked over at Nova and her boyfriend, Aaron, asking, “is her friend married as well?” questioning with an arched eyebrow as she stood there with her finished plate.
Nadia looked at the meat selections and chose steak for her husband easily allowing him to walk away. The man didn’t eat much so his plate was done and she nodded her head. “Mhm,” she said to them easily “I guess in a sense our children are to blame,” she acknowledged. “What they were doing, I don’t know...” she said to them.
Patricia shook her head at Fátima and said, “nope they are not, and that poor probably won’t marry that girl. That’s another trend,” she pointed out with pursed lips. She looked at Nadia and said, “I can agree with that, though,” she said paused, “Farrah was much older in life when she had Mia and James Jr.” she reminded the woman. “Mia was a quiet and withdrawn girl; I am shocked she even came out of that shell of hers enough to get pregnant or get married,” she told them.
Vivian listened to the other women, ignoring the looks from Fátima, Vivian said, “I don’t know,” she said, “I raised Anthony right,” she hummed out. “But that Carmen… now she’s a piece of work…” she said, looking at Fátima once more before she looked at Patricia. “Now that’s just sad,” she shook her head in shock. “Well you know, Tyler is very charming,” she said with a hum before she finished her own plate and she walked away with that, picking up Axel’s plate as she did.
Fátima scrunched her nose at Vivian. “Watch it,” she said quickly to Vivian, giving the woman a look. She was trying to be nice because of the occasion but the woman was pushing it. “I raised five wonderful children,” she told Vivian harshly before she looked at Patricia and Nadia. “Quiet and withdrawn?” she asked with a hum. “Interesting,” she said before she moved to walk off, sitting down beside her husband who had long since sat down and began to eat.
Nadia looked at the two women and she raised her brows looking over at Patricia with a knowing look. “Honey they are buck wild and lose,” she said in Creole to herself with a shake of her head. She continued to fix her plate moving down. “How are you holding up Pat?” she asked the woman looking at her. She held her plate in her hand, done fixing it now.
Patricia grabbed a napkin and looked at the two women before she looked at Nadia. All these years and much like her son she did not know a lick of creole. She smiled at her and said, “I am holding up honey, thanks for asking,” she said softly. “One day at a time, I know my Kenneth is in a better place,” she said to her nodding her head before she walked off from the woman offering her another smile.
Nadia nodded her head at the woman offering her a smile and a pat on her shoulder before she walked off and moved to her table.
Nova moved to stand up and she pulled the card out of her bag, “I’ll meet you at the buffet,” she told Aaron as she moved towards Mia in her Gucci get up. She walked on her heels towards Mia and Tyler. “Hey guys,” she said happily sitting the card down at the table. “You two look good,” she said as she kissed Mia’s cheek hugging her gently before she moved for Tyler offering him a hug as well.
Tyler sat there eating his food hungrily and he didn’t have to ask Mia if she thought the food was good because she was giving her approval with every bite, causing him to smile as he thought about their first date. As Nova approached them, Tyler smiled, looking up at her. “Hey,” he said, “sorry we never made it over to you guys,” he said knowingly. “A lot going on here,” he smirked a bit as he hugged his friend back.
Mia smiled at Nova and sat her fork down for a moment covering her mouth with her hand. “Hey bestie,” she said happily. “I don’t know how you and Aaron ended up all the way back there,” she told her. She rested her hand on Nova’s stomach giving it a rub. “You are rounding out now,” she commented to her with a smirk before Nova moved towards Tyler. “You should have text me and told me Riley was here,” she said leaning against the table a bit as she shifted in the chair drinking down some juice.
Nova smiled at Mia and chuckled at Tyler. “It’s fine, I know the feeling,” she told them before she moved in front of the table they were sitting at. She rested her hands against the table gently leaning in to hear Mia and she gave her a knowing look. “Who knew she was invited?” she asked her confused herself. She moved her hand to her stomach rubbing it gently and she said, “Aaron and I sat on the other side,” she said gesturing with her head. “Because you know how I am,” she told them easily.
Tyler chuckled at Nova and he nodded a bit before he ate a bit more of his food. “Ma made the seating chart,” he told Mia easily. “Organized the whole thing,” he emphasized before he looked at Riley as she sat at a random table and he shook his head. “I don’t even know how my mom would have gotten in contact with her,” he said with a deep sigh.
Aaron walked over to his friends and he sat Nova’s plate before her easily before he stood beside her, forking some food into his mouth. “Congrats y’all,” he said easily as he just walked in on the conversation.
“Well you know damn well I didn’t want the bitch that fucked my husband here,” Mia told Nova with a knowing expression. “Anyway, she’s here and it’s nothing we can do about it,” she told Nova knowingly. “Let it lie,” she said looking over at the girl. “Although I still don't know how the bitch sleeps at night knowing she’s slept with Tyler,” she said as she tilted her head over at him. “But is supposed to be my close friend,” she added. “Hey A,” she said, pulling her eyes from Tyler as she looked at the man with gentler eyes. “Thank you, brother-man,” she smirked.
Nova looked at Aaron and she smirked. “Thank you, baby,” she told him as she continued to lean against Mia and Tyler’s table. “Don’t get me started,” she chuckled with a headshake, she leaned upright and grabbed her plate. “You right though,” she told the woman before she looked at Tyler. “I’ll see y’all on the dance floor,” she said pulling her dress down a bit as she moved in the thigh high boots back towards her table, looking over at Riley again as she did.
Tyler dropped his head, eating his food hungrily now. He heard every word Mia said but he didn’t dare lift his head or look over at her as she went on. He only looked up when Aaron approached and he nodded at his still, still not daring to speak a word.
Aaron smirked at Tyler before he cued in on the conversation and he tucked his lips in until Nova rose up. Grabbing her plate, he moved with her back to their table.
Tyler stood on the dance floor with Mia as bodies surrounded them. With his hips pressed to her ass, he lifted her hands into the air as he moved against her easily to the music with a wide smile on his face.
Mia swayed to the music, surrounded by all their family members and friends as they danced to the music. She planted her bare feet and she wind her hips to the song playing, “Joanna,” she repeated to the lyrics of the song.
Tyler laced their fingers as he moved in sync with her. He smiled, looking over at everyone else as they dance as well. He dipped his hips a bit, really getting up under Mia’s ass as he danced against her, knees bent.
Mia continued to dance against Tyler as he laced their fingers together, she smirked watching her cousins dance outrageously on the dance floor around her. She bent over a bit as she wind her hips to the beat.
Thrusting his hips, a bit, Tyler chuckled as he looked over at his parents as they danced against each other grinding, thrusting, and touching all over. As Mia bent over, Tyler let go of one of her hand, moving it to her hip as she wound against him. Leaning over her some, he whispered into her ear. “Mmmm, that ass.”
Mia continued to dance giggling a little to herself as she did, as Tyler leaned over her whispering in her ear she smirked widely, another chuckle leaving her before she began to tick-tock her hips to the beat, tapping into her native style of dances.
Tyler smirked softly, his hips moving along with Mia’s effortlessly as she ticked against him. “Alright now,” he chuckled as he gripped her hip gently in his hand. “Don’t start nothing you can’t finish,” he told her softly, his hand moving down from her hip to her thigh.
Carmen pressed her ass back into her husband, leaning over a bit as she moved against him, knees bent as she tossed her long hair over her shoulder, looking back at him with a wicked smile as she rolled her hips to the music.
Anthony stood behind his wife, hands on her hips as he rode the wave, moving against her with a lick of his lips, even smacking the side of her ass a few times without a care.
Mia smirked at Tyler not saying much as the song changed and all of her cousins screamed as the beat dropped. Mia leaned up right pulling from Tyler and she turned to face him as she continued to dance pressed into him, her hands on his hips as she did.
Farrah sat next to James cutely and she smiled as the music filled the room watching everyone enjoy themselves as she rocked gently into the chair. “Come on,” she to her husband poking him as she moved for the dance floor tugging him up with her.
James looked to Farrah licking his lips slowly and when she pulled him up, he moved with her onto the dance floor chuckling a bit. They were elbow to elbow dancing with everyone.
Tyler licked his lips as Mia turned around to face him and he smirked, looking around as her cousins squealed out. He wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close as his body rolled against hers. He pressed a kiss to her nose, his own scrunching playfully as he slid his hands to her ass holding her there as they moved as one.
As the song changed, Carmen leaned up turning around and wrapping her arms around her husband's neck as they danced close. She bit her lip softly, a bit of sweat rolling down her back from the dancing and all the hot bodies around them.
Anthony held Carmen by her ass as she turned around and he gripped her close, looking into her eyes as they danced. He licked his lips slowly, smirking at her before he looked over at Farrah and James as they joined the dance floor.
Mia smirked, closing her eyes for a moment humming to the chorus of the song as Tyler kissed her nose, she opened her eyes moving along with him. As the man held her by her ass, she began to wind her hips grinding her ass into his hand. She moved her hands around his neck pulling him down for a kiss before she looked over at her mother. “Uh oh,” she said with a grin.
Farrah rocked her hips as she moved on her tall heels towards the dance floor with James. Once there the woman brushed a few bangs out of her hair as she snapped her fingers the woman wind her hips a bit lowering herself down towards the floor before she picked herself back up. “Ye,” she mouthed along with the lyrics.
James moved onto the dance floor and he watched his wife with a sly chuckle as he bobbed his head to the music and his shoes slid against the flooring as he moved along with the music.
Looking over at his mother and father, Tyler shook his head with a smirk before he looked back at Mia. Her ass grinding into his hands only made him pull her closer, grinding his hips into hers. Glancing at Farrah as she dropped it low, Tyler’s eyes went wide and he said, “well now I know where you get it from,” he smirked.
Carmen looked over at Farrah and James as they joined the party and she watched the woman drop it low before she giggled out, “whoo!” she hollered to Farrah. “You better drop it low!” she screamed out over the blaring music. Pulling away from her husband a bit, she took Farrah’s lead dropping it low in her own little dress, making sure to hold it down as she did. She popped her ass back up slowly to the music.
Anthony chuckled at Farrah and James and when his wife pulled away from him, dropping it low, he smirked at her. “That’s what I’m talking about!” he clapped his hands as he watched her closely, circling around her getting a full view.
Mia looked back at her mother and squealed chuckling at Tyler’s comment. She covered her face partially as she laughed looking back at the woman before she looked at Carmen. “They are showing out,” she told him with a chuckle. She continued to move against her husband, her hands resting against the back of his head.
Farrah moved closer to James pulling the man to her by his hips as she moved along with him, she rolled her body against him with a smirk, ignoring the catcalls on purpose. She licked her full lips as she danced to the familiar song.
James chuckled a little at Farrah as she pulled him close by his hips and he moved, wrapping her up as they swayed together. He leaned in pressing, his lips to her ear as she rolled her body against his. He smirked wickedly, pulling back and watching the slightly bounce of his wife’s full breast as she moved to the beat.
Nova held Aaron’s hands, lacing their fingers. She danced with the boy gently in her heels on the dance floor watching the parents of the parents-to-be dancing and smiling widely. Her own parents were here but they would not have dared, she looked over at them in the corner sitting and talking.
Aaron moved with Nova to the music humming to himself. He was looking over at the parents, smirking a bit. This was wild. His parents would absolutely never, especially his mother. Looking back at Nova, he held squeezed her hands.
As the song changed once more, Tyler paused as he listened to the music before he smiled widely and he took Mia’s hand spinning her around before he began a salsa with her, his feet moving effortlessly.
“Aye! Aye! Aye!” Carmen called out as the song changed and she grabbed her husband quickly as they began to salsa across the floor, moving as one as they did, spinning and stepping together.
Anthony grabbed his wife’s hand immediately as the song changed and he knowingly fell right into a salsa, moving with her in perfect sync.
Mia smirked as the song changed and she spun around with Tyler’s help with a grin, the song change did not eliminate the bodies on the dance floor. She moved with Tyler. She didn’t know how to salsa dance, but she would let him guide her with a bright smile. “Babe, I didn’t know you could salsa dance,” she giggled at him. She looked at Carmen and Anthony and she smirked watching them as she held Tyler’s hand in hers.
Nova smirked at everyone before the song changed again and she smirked widely as Tyler’s family lit up the dance floor, her hands still laced with Aaron’s.
Tyler snorted softly at Mia as he danced her around the limited space, twirling her body and pulling her close, his footwork immaculate as he guided her easily. “What?!” he said shocked before he laughed, “I would be a disgrace if I couldn’t salsa,” he told her with another chuckle.
Aaron looked at Nova, moving with her easily. He looked around at everyone, smiling as they got really into it, dancing across the floor. He licked his lips before he looked back at Nova letting her hands go to hug her close.
Tyler gathered outside, his arms wrapped around Mia holding her close as they stood out in the sand, waiting for the firework show to commence.
Mia had been most excited about this part of course; she stood with Tyler and she wrapped her arms around him as well, resting her head on his chest as they waited for the firework show to start. She shifted her feet in the sandals her mother gave her from the trunk of her car. “I am so excited,” she said giddily.
Tyler pressed a kiss to Mia’s cheek as he chuckled. “Me too, I can’t wait to see everyone’s reactions,” he smiled a bit, hugging her to him. It was a bit chilly considering they were on the beach in the night air, so he wanted to make sure she stayed warm.
Carmen walked across the sand barefoot, holding the microphone in her hand as she turned to address everyone. “And now we’ve finally come to the part of the evening that everyone has been waiting on,” she beamed. “We have a special treat for you all,” she smirked. “Now I’m sure you’re all wondering why we’ve moved to the beach but that is because you’re about to experience a firework spectacular,” she giggled. “Remember what you voted for because you’re about to find out now!” she said happily, a bit excited to find out herself. “So, everyone please without further ado, turn your attention to the water,” she said, gesturing it to it as she walked off, cutting off the microphone before she found herself snuggled in her husband's arms, waiting for it all to begin.
James stood on the beach with Farrah in front of him, holding her from behind arms wrapped around her as Carmen spoke. Nodding his head, he watched on anticipation killing him.
Farrah caressed James' hands lovingly before she moved hers to JJ’s shoulders as he stood before her. She hugged the boy close to her as they waited for the fireworks. She was nervous as hell.
Mia smiled as Tyler pecked her cheek, she held him close to her as Carmen spoke and she chuckled as different voices yelled out cheers as they all waited. When the fireworks started, she gripped onto Tyler a little harder now.
Tyler looked over at his mother and father and then at Mia’s parents before he turned his head, looking at his grandparents as they watched with anticipation as well. Smirking, he gave Mia a gentle squeeze before he returned his gaze back out over the water as the duds began to fly out and fizzle with nothing more.
Rachelle stood with her two girls hugged up against her watching as a few shot up not showing them much of anything. Tricksters. She continued to watch on as a few more were dispensed. “Oh goodness,” she said nervously.
Nadia watched over the water with a smirk. “This is a neat little idea,” she told her husband with a smile as she waited for the reveal.
Patricia stood off to the side and she waited like everyone else, her fingers crossed secretly as she waited to see what they were having, as two shot up in the air she watched as they burst in a bright pink color. Her vote lost but she couldn’t deny how happy she was as she watched on in shock.
Ángel stood there with his hands in his pockets as he stared up at the sky, waiting with bated breaths. As pink filled the air, he let out a happy chuckle. He had lost but he didn’t mind one bit.
Fátima sat in a beach chair beside her husband as they watched the pink fireworks fill the night sky. She smirked smugly, looking over her husband. “I knew it,” she said with a satisfied hum as she sat back.
Carmen stood there in Anthony arms, watching with tears in her eyes as pink filled the dark skies. “Oh my!” she squealed out happily, bouncing a bit. “A girl,” she said sweetly in Spanish.
Mia watched as the action stopped for only just a moment before pink fireworks burst in the air and she gasped, shocked. “What?” she said in disbelief and she looked up at Tyler quickly. “A girl?” she asked him, her mouth parted as she gazed at him. She heard the cheers in the background and the loud screams from friends and family, but she was in shock.
Tyler watched the sky closely and as soon as the first pink burst erupted, he looked down at Mia, nodding his head with tears in his eyes. “A girl,” he confirmed, placing his hands on her stomach. “We’re having a baby girl,” he told her sweetly, blinking hard, a tear of emotion sliding down his cheek as he gazed at her, all of the commotion from their family and friends drowning out around him as he focused on her.
Mia watched his lips as he confirmed it and she covered her face with her hand as she began to cry because of the news. She couldn’t believe it still; they were having a little girl. She leaned her forehead into his chest, letting out a soft cry before she dropped her hand looking up at him again. She looked at him as a tear lid down his cheek she covered her face again, sniffling hard.
Tyler watched as Mia covered her face and he smiled softly, sniffling a little. As she leaned against him, he held her close, rubbing his hands up and down her back tenderly. “A little girl,” he said again, having already known. He found out right after their appointment to be able to set up the firework show. Pulling her hand from her face, Tyler leaned down and he captured her lips in a tender, loving kiss.
Mia reluctantly allowed him to remove her hands as she continued to cry as she kissed him back gently. She cupped his face, closing her eyes and kissed him deeply. The night still lit with pink orbs before the grand finale and more colorful fireworks burst in the sky. She pulled away from him chuckling a little. “A girl,” she finally said sweetly back to him. “I’m so happy baby, I am so happy,” she told him. “I love you so much,” she breathed as she pecked his lips gently.
Tyler ignored everything else but her. He was solely focused on her as she cupped his face and he kissed her once more. Looking into her eyes, he nodded at her with a smile, another tear of joy rolling down his face. “I am happy too,” he told her truthfully with a small nod before he breathed. “I love you too baby, you’re my world.”
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tasksweekly · 6 years
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There’s a masterlist below compiled of over 620+ Salvadoran faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever faceclaim or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Dina Posada (1946) Salvadoran - poet.
Paula Heredia (1957) Salvadoran - filmmaker.
Jacinta Escudos (1961) Salvadoran - writer.
Isabel Ruiz López (1966) Salvadoran - tv presenter.
Christy Turlington (1969) Salvadoran / English - model and filmmaker.
Tatiana Huezo (1972) Salvadoran - director.
Jorgelina Cerritos (1974) Salvadoran - actress, playwright, and poet.
Martina Topley-Bird (1975) Salvadoran, Seminole / African-American - singer-songwriter, guitarist, keyboardist, bassist, drummer, ukulele player, and tambourine player.
Carla Vila (1975) Salvadoran - actress.
Milena Mayorga (1976) Salvadoran / Venezuelan - model, tv host, and Miss Universe El Salvador 1996.
Malin Arvidsson (1978) Salvadoran - actress.
Elena Villatoro (1979) Salvadoran - tv host.
Mari Possa (1980) Salvadoran - pornographic actress and reality tv personality.
Luciana Sandoval (1980) Salvadoran - tv presenter, dancer, and model.
Elisa Sandoval (1980) Salvadoran - Miss El Salvador 2002.
Marcela Zamora (1980) Salvadoran - filmmaker.
Vanesa Tomasino (1981) Salvadoran - actress.
Maria Elisa Parker (1981) Salvadoran - tv host and social media influencer.
Alicia Vela-Bailey (1982) Salvadoran / English, Irish, Scottish, German - actress and stuntwoman.
Karla Cubias (1983) Afro Salvadoran - singer.
Lucía Parker (1983) Salvadoran - singer.
Roxana Webb (1984) Salvadoran - tv presenter and radio host.
Marcella Arguello (1985) Salvadoran - comedian.
Lissette Rodríguez (1985) Salvadoran - Miss El Salvador 2007.
Gabriela Mejia (1985) Salvadoran - Miss El Salvador 2004.
Mayra Aldana (1986) Salvadoran - model and Nuestra Belleza El Salvador 2011.
Rebeca Moreno (1986) Salvadoran - model and Nuestra Belleza Universo El Salvador 2008.
Caro Sandoval (1986) Salvadoran - instagrammer (carosandovaltv).
Irma Dimas (1986) Salvadoran - model and Miss El Salvador 2005.
Sabi / Jenice Dena Portlock (1987) Salvadoran / African-American - singer-songwriter, actress, and dancer.
Michelle Quick (1987) Salvadoran - reality tv star.
Lorena Menjivar (1987) Salvadoran - tv host.
Mayella Mena (1988) Salvadoran - model and Nuestra Belleza Universo El Salvador 2009.
Ana Villafañe (1989) Salvadoran / Cuban - actress and singer.
Michelle Melhado (1989) Salvadoran - model and Nuestra Belleza Mundo El Salvador 2007.
Ximena Alexandra Paredes (1989) Salvadoran - instagrammer.
Sonia Cruz (1990) Salvadoran - model and Nuestra Belleza El Salvador 2010.
Majo Alger (1990) Salvadoran - tv host.
Gabriela Gavidia (1990) Salvadoran - model and Nuestra Belleza Mundo El Salvador 2008.
Elisa Hernandez (1990) Salvadoran - tv host.
Angie Keilhauer (1991) Salvadoran - singer-songwriter.
Alba Delgado (1991) Salvadoran - model and Nuestra Belleza El Salvador 2013.
Elena Tedesco (1991) Salvadoran / Italian - model and Nuestra Belleza Mundo El Salvador 2009.
Marisela Demontecristo / Marisela de Montecristo (1992) Salvadoran - model, actress, tv presenter, Nuestra Belleza El Salvador 2018, and Nuestra Belleza Latina 2013.
Allison Iraheta (1992) Salvadoran - singer and guitarist.
Paola Orantes (1992) Salvadoran - tv host and radio host.
Irene Castillo (1992) Salvadoran - tv host.
Cecilia Ayala (1992) Salvadoran - model and tv host.
Ana Yancy Clavel (1992) Salvadoran - model and Nuestra Belleza El Salvador 2012.
Marisol Gomez (1992) Salvadoran - tv host.
Cáthia / Catherine Ochoa (1993) Salvadoran - singer.
Patricia Murillo (1993) Salvadoran [Pipil] - model and Nuestra Belleza El Salvador 2014.
Larissa Vega / Larissa Graniello / Larissa Vega Graniello (1993) Salvadoran - model, tv host, and Nuestra Belleza Mundo El Salvador 2014.
Alejandra Ochoa (1993) Salvadoran - model, tv presenter, and Nuestra Belleza Universo El Salvador 2011.
Pamela Zelaya (1993) Salvadoran - tv host.
Brenda Contreras (1993) Salvadoran - instagrammer (brendacontreras9).
Denyse Tontz (1994) Salvadoran / Irish, possibly other - actress and singer-songwriter.
Idubina Rivas / Fátima Idubina Rivas Opico (1994) Salvadoran - model, Nuestra Belleza Universo El Salvador 2015, and Reinado de El Salvador 2013.
Paola Ayala / Paola Vanessa Ayala Hernandez (1994) Salvadoran - model, tv host, and Nuestra Belleza Mundo El Salvador 2013.
Stephanie Del Cid (1995) Salvadoran - tv host and radio host.
Ana Cortez (1995) Salvadoran - model and Nuestra Belleza Mundo El Salvador 2016.
Linda Cruz (1995) Salvadoran - tv host.
Alisson Abarca (1996) Salvadoran - model and Nuestra Belleza Universo El Salvador 2017.
Jackie Figueroa (1996) Salvadoran - instagrammer (jfigggs).
Norma Villeda (1996) Salvadoran - reality tv star.
Fatima Cruz / Fatima Yajaira Garcia Cruz (2000) Salvadoran - model and Reina de Quezaltepeque 2018.
Marcela Santamaria (?) Salvadoran - actress, model, and Nuestra Belleza Mundo El Salvador 2015.
Georgina Gonzalez (?) Salvadoran - model and Miss Earth El Salvador 2014.
Maria Luisa Vicuña (?) Salvadoran [Colombian] - model, tv host, and Nuestra Belleza Mundo El Salvador 2012.
Marcela Castro (?) Salvadoran - model and Nuestra Belleza Mundo El Salvador 2011.
Gabriela Molina (?) Salvadoran - model and Nuestra Belleza Mundo El Salvador 2010.
Elizabeth Espinosa (?) Salvadoran / Mexican - tv presenter.
Olga Aguilar (?) Salvadoran - actress.
Elena Diaz (?) Salvadoran, Spanish - actress.
Fatima Molina (?) Salvadoran - Nuestra Belleza El Salvador 2017.
Eleonora Carrillo / Eleonora Beatrice Carrillo Alamanni (?) Salvadoran / Italian - model, actress, and Miss Universe El Salvador 1995.
Chicatronica / Patricia Chica (?) Salvadoran - director, producer, writer, international speaker, and master networker.
Jess Imme (?) Salvadoran - singer and musician.
Natalia del Riego (?) Salvadoran, Mexican - actress.
Laura Issela (?) Salvadoran - model (Instagram: isselamed).
Andrea Ventura (?) Salvadoran - model (Instagram: andreventu).
Larissa Aguirre (?) Salvadoran - model (instagram: lnaguirre).
Zully Rodriguez (?) Salvadoran - tv presenter (Instagram: zullyrodriguezm).
Katherine Estrada (?) Salvadoran - beauty pageant contestant and model (Instagram: estrk89 and kathestt).
Larissa Aguirre (?) Salvadoran - model (Instagram: aguirrelarissae).
Elizabeth Cader (?) Salvadoran - Miss International El Salvador 2016 (Instagram: elizabethcader)
Francesca Miranda (?) Salvadoran - fashion designer.
Ana Miriam Cortez Duran (?) Salvadoran - beauty pageant contestant.
Fátima Cuéllar Molina (?) Salvadoran - Miss World El Salvador 2017.
F - Athletes:
Cecilia Sosa (1948) Salvadoran - sprinter.
Rosario Martínez (1948) Salvadoran - shot putter.
Carmen Ferracuti (1952) Salvadoran - swimmer.
María Moreño (1952) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Rosa Hasbún (1952) Colombian, Salvadoran - swimmer.
Donatella Ferracuti (1953) Salvadoran - swimmer.
María Castro (1953) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Celia Jokisch (1954) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Kriscia García (1963) Salvadoran - long-distance runner.
Maureen Kaila Vergara (1964) Salvadoran - cyclist.
Elizabeth Zaragoza (1968) Salvadoran - long-distance runner.
Arely Franco (1968) Salvadoran - sprinter.
Ingrid González (1971) Salvadoran - tennis player.
Ivis Martínez (1971) Salvadoran - racewalker.
Eva Dimas (1973) Salvadoran - weightlifter.
Nancy Guillén (1976) Salvadoran - hammer thrower.
Saraí Mendoza (1977) Salvadoran - judoka.
Íngrid Medrano (1979) Salvadoran - wrestler.
Luisa Maida (1979) Salvadoran - sports shooter.
Patricia Rivas (1980) Salvadoran - sports shooter.
Cristina López (1982) Salvadoran - racewalker.
Evelyn García (1982) Salvadoran - cyclist.
Golda Marcus (1983) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Liz Cruz (1985) Salvadoran - tennis player.
Camila Vargas Palomo (1986) Salvadoran - rower.
Lilian Castro (1986) Salvadoran - sports shooter.
Laura Molina (1986) Salvadoran - volleyball player.
Verónica Colindres (1986) Salvadoran - racewalker.
Melissa Mikec (1987) Salvadoran - sports shooter.
Damaris Quéles (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
Xenia Estrada (1990) Salvadoran - cyclist.
Gladys Landaverde (1990) Salvadoran - middle-distance runner.
Karen Elizabeth Landaverde (1991) Salvadoran - footballer.
Pamela Benítez (1991) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Francisca González (1993) Salvadoran - footballer.
Yesenia Miranda (1994) Salvadoran - racewalker.
Beatriz Flamenco (1995) Salvadoran - hurdler.
Rebeca Quinteros (1997) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Celina Márquez (1999) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Benjamín Solís Menéndez (1932) Salvadoran - pianist, organist, composer, and choir director.
Alfonso Quijada Urías (1940) Salvadoran - poet and author.
Mario Bencastro (1949) Salvadoran - novelist and painter.
Imanol Uribe (1950) Salvadoran [Basque] - director and screenwriter.
Álvaro Torres (1954) Salvadoran - singer-songwriter.
German Cáceres (1954) Salvadoran - composer and musical conductor.
Miguel Huezo Mixco (1954) Salvadoran - poet.
Bobby Rivas (1957) Salvadoran / Nicaraguan - actor, singer, musician, and composer.
Armando Molina (1957) Salvadoran - actor and writer.
Horacio Castellanos Moya (1957) Salvadoran - writer and journalist.
Gustavo Manzur (1959) Salvadoran - wrestler.
Carlos Ernesto García (1960) Salvadoran - writer, journalist, and poet.
Maurice Benard (1963) Salvadoran, Nicaraguan - actor.
Fernando del Valle (1964) Salvadoran / Hungarian Jewish - singer.
Marito Rivera / Mario Antonio Rivera Molina (1964) Salvadoran - singer-songwriter and pianist.
DJ Keoki / Keoki Franconi / George Lopez (1966) Salvadoran - musician, DJ, and producer.
Joey Castillo (1966) Salvadoran - drummer-songwriter, percussionist, pianist, keyboardist, violinist, and theremin player.
Gerardo Parker (1966) Salvadoran - singer and tv presenter.
Carlos Colón-Quintana (1966) Salvadoran - composer and choir director.
Louis Alberto Campos (1967) Salvadoran - entertainment personality (The Fabulous Wonder Twins), actor, and model.
Carlos Eduardo Campos (1967) Salvadoran - entertainment personality (The Fabulous Wonder Twins), actor, and model.
Otoniel Guevara (1967) Salvadoran - journalist and poet.
William Archila (1968) Salvadoran - poet and writer.
Pete Sandoval (1969) Salvadoran - drummer, pianist, and keyboardist.
Luis Alvarenga (1969) Salvadoran - writer.
Rolando Molina (1971) Salvadoran - actor.
Fernando Palomo (1972) Salvadoran - tv presenter.
T-Bone / Rene Francisco Sotomayor (1973) Salvadoran / Nicaraguan - rapper and beatboxer.
Efren Ramirez / Efrain Ramirez (1973) Salvadoran / Mexican - actor and DJ.
Rafa Guillén (1974) Salvadoran - singer.
Carlos Artiga (1975) Salvadoran - tv presenter and radio host.
Hiroyuki Ikeuchi (1976) Salvadoran / Japanese - actor.
JD Pardo / J.D. Pardo / Jorge Daniel Pardo (1980) Salvadoran / Argentinian - actor and model.
Ed Weeks / Edward Egerton Weeks (1980) Salvadoran / Unspecified - actor, comedian, producer, and writer.
Arquímedes Reyes (1981) Salvadoran - singer and guitarist.
Adrian Bellani / Gerardo Celasco (1982) Salvadoran, Italian - actor.
Papa A.P. (1982) Salvadoran - singer and producer.
J. R. Martinez (1983) Salvadoran - actor and motivational speaker.
Jorge Iraheta (1983) Salvadoran - youtuber (Cy's Planet).
Francisco Caceres (1984) Salvadoran - tv host and producer.
Hjalmar Olmedo (1987) Salvadoran - reality tv star.
Jay Mendoza (1989) Salvadoran - Internet personality (Instagram: jaymendoza)
Simon Dicastro (1991) Salvadoran - rapper.
Joaquin Martir (1991) Salvadoran - youtuber (PurpleRodri).
Luis Fernando Flores Alvarado (1993) Salvadoran - youtuber (Fernanfloo).
CuriosoBen (1993) Salvadoran - youtuber (CuriosoBen).
José Barahona Rais (1994) Salvadoran - tv host.
Ivan Bustillo (1994) Salvadoran - youtuber (Little Viejo).
Kevin Hernández (1997) Salvadoran - actor.
Ever Pineda (1997) Salvadoran - funimate star.
Junior Amaya (1999) Salvadoran - instagrammer (juniorzofficial).
Diego Velázquez (2001) Salvadoran - actor.
Dante Escalon (2002) Salvadoran - TikTok star.
Julio Torres (?) Salvadoran - actor, comedian, and writer.
Brian Quijada (?) Salvadoran - actor, playwright, musician, and solo performer.
Cesar Ventura (?) Salvadoran - actor.
Brian Molina / Brian Francisco Molina (?) Salvadoran / Irish - actor.
Jose Antonio Pineda (?) Salvadoran - actor, author, and poet.
Carlos Barrios (?) Salvadoran - artist.
El Florido Flores (?) Salvadoran - singer.
Pablo Rosales (?) Salvadoran - singer (Radicales51).
Rene Castillo (?) Salvadoran - bassist (Radicales51).
Dennis Antillón (?) Salvadoran - guitarist (Radicales51).
Erick Argueta (?) Salvadoran - drummer (Radicales51).
Ricardo Escobar (?) Salvadoran - keyboardist (Radicales51).
Omnionn (?) Salvadoran - musician and producer.
Debil Estar (?) Salvadoran - rapper.
Victor el Lunatiko (?) Salvadoran - rapper (Crooked Stilo / Los Chuekos).
Johnny Lopez  (?) Salvadoran - rapper (Crooked Stilo / Los Chuekos).
Mario Roberto Zuñiga (?) Salvadoran - musician and orchestral director.
Fat Lui (?) Salvadoran - rapper.
Jose B. Gonzalez (?) Salvadoran - poet.
Danny Torres (?) Salvadoran - producer.
Heinz Kobernik (?) Salvadoran / German - director and cinematographer.
Marcos Villatoro (?) Salvadoran - writer.
Cruz Control (?) Salvadoran - rapper.
Douglas Dinamico (?) Salvadoran - rapper.
Piocha / Jorge Manuel (?) Salvadoran - rapper (Mecate).
Neto / Ernesto Asecas (?) Salvadoran - rapper (Mecate).
Lady / Jose Manuel (?) Salvadoran - singer (Mecate).
Pino / Enrique Salopino (?) Salvadoran - rapper (Mecate).
Kalimba / Carlos Alfredo (?) Salvadoran - drummer (Mecate).
Eric Roberto Zaragoza (?) Salvadoran - rapper (Heavy Clan).
Manuel Lopez (?) Salvadoran - rapper (Heavy Clan).
Jose Gonzalez (?) Salvadoran - rapper (Heavy Clan).
William Hernandez (?) Salvadoran - rapper (Heavy Clan).
Pablo Milla (?) Salvadoran - actor.
William Armando (?) Salvadoran - actor.
Curly / Curly Velasquez (?) Salvadoran - internet personality.
Calix Quan (?) Salvadoran, Chinese -  model (Instagram: keelix).
Shaka (?) Salvadoran - musician (Shaka y Dres).
Dres (?) Salvadoran - musician (Shaka y Dres).
Alfredo Garcia (?) Salvadoran - musician (F220).
Luis Garcia (?) Salvadoran - musician (F220).
Emesson Ortiz (?) Salvadoran - musician (F220).
Vladimir Diaz (?) Salvadoran - musician (F220).
Diego Selva (?) Salvadoran - musician (Los R.E.D.D.).
Luis Selva (?) Salvadoran - musician (Los R.E.D.D.).
Rodrigo Moran (?) Salvadoran - musician (Los R.E.D.D.).
Ángel Hernández (?) Salvadoran - musician (Los R.E.D.D.).
Carlos Cornejor "El Gato" (?) Salvadoran - musician (Los R.E.D.D.).
Juan Jose Larios (?) Salvadoran - musician (Los R.E.D.D.).
Hector Mojica (?) Salvadoran - musician (Los R.E.D.D.).
Rodrigo de Leon (?) Salvadoran - musician (Los R.E.D.D.).
Boby Lover (?) Salvadoran - musician (Los Tachos).
Manuel Merino "Pitu" (?) Salvadoran - musician (Los Tachos).
Alexis ¨Pana¨ Hernández (?) Salvadoran - musician (Los Tachos).
Alex Huezo (?) Salvadoran - musician (Los Tachos).
Maurio Hernández (?) Salvadoran - musician (Los Tachos).
Aldo Merino (?) Salvadoran - musician (Los Tachos).
Chumpito (?) Salvadoran - musician (Los Tachos).
Conejo (?) Salvadoran - musician (Los Tachos).
Desol Martínez (?) Salvadoran - musician (Metatrón).
Nacael Martínez (?) Salvadoran - musician (Metatrón).
Victor Damian (?) Salvadoran - musician (Metatrón).
Julio García (?) Salvadoran - musician (Metatrón).
Ricardo Farfán (?) Salvadoran - musician (Metatrón).
David Bonilla (?) Salvadoran - musician (Metamorffosis).
Adonaldo Arias (?) Salvadoran - musician (Metamorffosis).
Dannyxstarx / Danny Díaz (?) Salvadoran - musician (Metamorffosis).
Mario Córdova (?) Salvadoran - musician (Metamorffosis).
Debil Estar (?) Salvadoran - musician (Pescozada).
Fat Lui (?) Salvadoran - musician (Pescozada).
Omnionn (?) Salvadoran - musician (Pescozada).
M - Athletes:
Helio Castro (1919) Salvadoran - sports shooter.
Andrés Amador (1924) Salvadoran - sports shooter.
Mario Aguilar (1925) Salvadoran - sailor.
Tomás Vilanova (1925) Salvadoran - sports shooter.
Conrado Miranda (1928) Salvadoran - footballer.
Juan Antonio Valencia (1929) Salvadoran - sports shooter.
Eduardo Pineda (1931) Salvadoran - footballer.
José Mario Váldez (1931) Salvadoran - sports shooter.
Roberto García (1937) Salvadoran - cyclist.
Raúl Corcio Zavaleta (1937) Salvadoran - footballer.
Saúl Molina (1938) Salvadoran - footballer.
Mauricio Bolaños (1939) Salvadoran - cyclist.
Guillermo Castro (1940) Salvadoran - footballer.
Edgardo Martínez (1940) Salvadoran - footballer.
Gualberto Fernández (1941) Salvadoran - footballer.
David Miranda (1942) Salvadoran - cyclist
Mauricio Ernesto González (1942) Salvadoran - footballer.
José Luis Rosales (1943) Salvadoran - sports shooter.
Mario Flores (1943) Salvadoran - footballer.
Salvador Mariona (1943) Salvadoran - footballer.
Mauricio Manzano (1943) Salvadoran - footballer.
Rafael Santos (1944) Salvadoran - sprinter.
Mauricio Alonso Rodríguez (1945) Salvadoran - footballer.
José Ruano (1945) Salvadoran - footballer.
David Arnoldo Cabrera (1945) Salvadoran - footballer.
Alfredo Cubías (1945) Salvadoran - runner.
Mauricio Jubis (1945) Salvadoran - athlete.
Jorge Vásquez (1945) Salvadoran - footballer.
Ricardo Cruz (1946) Salvadoran - racewalker.
Tomás Pineda (1946) Salvadoran - footballer.
Jorge Búcaroa (1946) Salvadoran - footballer.
Salvador Cabezas (1947) Salvadoran - footballer.
Manuel Cañadas (1947) Salvadoran - footballer.
Jaime Portillo (1947) Salvadoran - footballer.
José Astacio (1947) Salvadoran - sprinter.
Ricardo Martínez (1947) Salvadoran - footballer.
Ricardo Mena Laguán (1947) Salvadoran - footballer.
Sergio Hasbún (1947) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Óscar Emigdio Benítez (1948) Salvadoran - footballer.
Juan Molina (1948) Salvadoran - cyclist.
Ricardo Soundy (1948) Salvadoran - sports shooter.
José Manuel Angel (1948) Salvadoran - footballer.
Genaro Sermeño (1948) Salvadoran - footballer.
Ernesto Aparicio (1948) Salvadoran - footballer.
Alberto Fay (1948) Salvadoran [Uruguayan] - footballer.
Juan Ramón Martínez (1948) Salvadoran - footballer.
Silvio Aquino (1949) Salvadoran - footballer.
Carlos Hasbún (1949) Salvadoran - athlete.
Francisco Funes (1950) Salvadoran - cyclist.
Juan Ramón Paredes (1950) Salvadoran - footballer.
Carlos Recinos (1950) Salvadoran - footballer.
Abel Muñoz (1951) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Mauricio Alvarenga (1951) Salvadoran - footballer.
José Francisco Jovel (1951) Salvadoran - footballer.
Mauricio Quintanilla (1952) Salvadoran - footballer.
Ernesto Durón (1952) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Ramón Fagoaga (1952) Salvadoran - footballer.
Salvador Vilanova (1952) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Juan Ramón Sánchez (1952) Salvadoran - footballer.
José Mario Martínez (1952) Salvadoran - footballer.
Fausto Omar Vásquez (1952) Salvadoran - footballer.
José Luis Rugamas (1953) Salvadoran - footballer.
Eduardo Ramos (1953) Salvadoran - swimmer.
José Alvarado (1953) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Luis Ramírez Zapata (1954) Salvadoran - footballer.
Cesar Acevedo (1954) Salvadoran - footballer.
Rubén Guerrero (1954) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Norberto Huezo (1956) Salvadoran - footballer.
Guillermo Ragazzone (1956) Salvadoran [Italian] - footballer.
Mauricio Alfaro (1956) Salvadoran - footballer.
Joaquín Ventura (1956) Salvadoran - footballer.
Francisco Osorto (1957) Salvadoran - footballer.
Miguel Ángel Díaz (1957) Salvadoran - footballer.
Mario Castillo (1957) Salvadoran - footballer.
Mágico González (1958) Salvadoran - footballer.
Eduardo Hernández (1958) Salvadoran - footballer.
Ever Hernández (1958) Salvadoran - footballer.
Aldo Salandra (1958) Salvadoran - sprinter.
Carlos Antonio Meléndez (1958) Salvadoran - footballer.
Jaime Rodríguez (1959) Salvadoran - footballer.
Salvador Coreas Privado (1960) Salvadoran - footballer.
Luis Guevara Mora (1961) Salvadoran - footballer.
Efraín Burgos (1961) Salvadoran - footballer.
Joaquín Canales (1962) Salvadoran - footballer.
Julio Palacios Lozano (1962) Salvadoran - footballer.
Rubén Guevara (1962) Salvadoran - footballer.
Raúl Antonio García (1962) Salvadoran - footballer.
Edwin Portillo (1962) Salvadoran - footballer.
Luis Campos (1962) Salvadoran - racewalker.
Juan Vargas (1963) Salvadoran - judoka.
Hugo Pérez  (1963) Salvadoran - footballer.
Óscar Antonio Ulloa (1963) Salvadoran - footballer.
Víctor Coreas (1963) Salvadoran - footballer.
Antonio García Prieto (1964) Salvadoran - footballer.
Washington de la Cruz (1964) Salvadoran - footballer.
Edgar Henríquez (1964) Salvadoran - footballer.
Jorge Abrego (1964) Salvadoran - footballer.
Leonel Cárcamo (1965) Salvadoran - footballer.
Marlon Menjívar (1965) Salvadoran - footballer.
Giovanni Trigueros (1966) Salvadoran - footballer.
Carlos Castro Borja (1967) Salvadoran - footballer.
Wilfredo Iraheta (1967) Salvadoran - footballer.
Herbert Rodríguez (1967) Salvadoran - athlete.
Milton Meléndez (1967) Salvadoran - footballer.
Salvador Salguero (1967) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Waldir Guerra (1967) Salvadoran - footballer.
Nildeson / Nildeson da Silva Melo (1968) Salvadoran - footballer.
Mauricio Cienfuegos (1968) Salvadoran - footballer.
Mario Mayén Meza (1968) Salvadoran - footballer.
Douglas Vidal Jiménez (1968) Salvadoran - footballer.
Juan Miranda (1968) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Guillermo Rivera (1969) Salvadoran - footballer.
Celio Rodríguez (1969) Salvadoran - footballer.
Erber Burgos (1969) Salvadoran - footballer.
Guillermo García (1969) Salvadoran - footballer.
Raúl Díaz Arce (1970) Salvadoran - footballer.
Angelo Iannuzzelli (1970) Salvadoran - athlete.
Adolfo Menéndez (1970) Salvadoran - footballer.
Carlos Ramírez (1970) Salvadoran - judoka.
William Osorio (1971) Salvadoran - footballer.
Carlos Hernández (1971) Salvadoran - retired boxer.
Henry Martínez (1971) Salvadoran - boxer.
Álvaro Misael Alfaro (1971) Salvadoran - footballer.
Mario Elias Guevara (1971) Salvadoran - footballer.
Jorge Humberto Rodríguez (1971) Salvadoran - footballer.
William Renderos Iraheta (1971) Salvadoran - footballer.
Ruben Benitez (1972) Salvadoran - sprinter.
Emiliano Pedrozo (1972) Salvadoran - footballer.
Elías Montes (1973) Salvadoran - footballer.
Miguel Ángel Soriano (1973) Salvadoran - footballer.
Roberto Guadalupe Martínez (1973) Salvadoran - footballer.
Santos Rivera (1974) Salvadoran - footballer.
Jaime Vladimir Cubías (1974) Salvadoran - footballer.
Edgardo Antonio Serpas (1974) Salvadoran - sprinter.
Ronald Cerritos (1975) Salvadoran - footballer.
Adonai Martínez (1975) Salvadoran - footballer.
Abraham Monterrosa (1975) Salvadoran - footballer.
José Cortez (1975) Salvadoran - footballer.
Rafael Tobar (1975) Salvadoran - footballer.
Joel Aguilar (1975) Salvadoran - referee.
José Alexander Amaya (1975) Salvadoran - footballer.
Erick Dowson Prado (1976) Salvadoran - footballer.
Santos Cabrera (1976) Salvadoran - footballer.
Víctor Velásquez (1976) Salvadoran - footballer.
Melvin Barrera (1976) Salvadoran - footballer.
Williams Reyes (1976) Salvadoran - footballer.
Héctor Canjura (1976) Salvadoran - footballer.
Ernesto Góchez (1976) Salvadoran - footballer.
William Torres (1976) Salvadoran - footballer.
Miguel Angel Moreno (1977) Salvadoran - judoka.
Juan Carlos Panameño (1977) Salvadoran - footballer.
Domingo Álvarez (1977) Salvadoran - footballer.
Edwin González (1977) Salvadoran - footballer.
Juan Lazo Cruz (1977) Salvadoran - footballer.
Francisco Suriano (1978) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Ramiro Carballo (1978) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Cristian Edgardo Álvarez (1978) Salvadoran - footballer.
Héctor Ávalos (1978) Salvadoran - footballer.
Víctor Fuentes (1978) Salvadoran - footballer.
Marvin Quijano (1979) Afro Salvadoran - footballer.
Rudis Corrales (1979) Salvadoran - footballer.
Víctor Merino (1979) Salvadoran - footballer.
Jorge Elenilson Sánchez (1979) Salvadoran - footballer.
Dagoberto Portillo (1979) Salvadoran - footballer.
Selvin Zelaya (1979) Salvadoran - footballer.
Arturo Albarrán (1979) Salvadoran - footballer.
Eliseo Salamanca (1979) Salvadoran - footballer.
Óscar Jiménez (1979) Salvadoran - footballer.
Óscar Navarro (1979) Salvadoran - footballer.
Salvador Morale (1979) Salvadoran - footballer.
Rafael Ernesto Barrientos (1979) Salvadoran - footballer.
José Orlando Martínez Peña (1979) Salvadoran - footballer.
Deris Umanzor (1980) Salvadoran - footballer.
Jaime Gómez (1980) Salvadoran - footballer.
William Roberto Figueroa (1980) Salvadoran - footballer.
Edward Cocherari (1980) Salvadoran / Argentinian Jewish - footballer.
Álex Erazo (1980) Salvadoran - footballer.
Juan José Gómez (1980) Salvadoran - footballer.
Ricardo Alvarado (1980) Salvadoran - footballer.
Miguel Montes (1980) Salvadoran - footballer.
Alexander Campos (1980) Salvadoran - footballer.
Carlos Cañadas (1980) Salvadoran - footballer.
Yovani Humberto Romero (1980) Salvadoran - footballer.
Luis Anaya (1981) Salvadoran - footballer.
Edwin Miranda (1981) Salvadoran - footballer.
Fidel Mondragón (1981) Salvadoran - footballer.
Marcelo Messias (1981) Salvadoran - footballer.
Emerson Umaña (1981) Salvadoran - footballer.
Ramón Martínez de Paz (1981) Salvadoran - footballer.
Dony Valle (1981) Salvadoran - footballer.
William Antonio Torres (1981) Salvadoran - footballer.
Gilberto Murgas (1981) Salvadoran - footballer.
Luís Castro (1981) Salvadoran - footballer.
Carlos Menjívar (1981) Salvadoran - footballer.
Selvin Bonifacio Zepeda (1981) Salvadoran - footballer.
José Manuel González Hernández (1981) Salvadoran - footballer.
Ivan Menjivar (1982) Salvadoran - mixed martial artist.
Kristhian Ramón Reyes (1982) Salvadoran - footballer.
Carlos Ayala (1982) Salvadoran - footballer.
Alfonso Alberto Perla Fuentes (1982) Salvadoran - footballer.
Rolando Torres (1982) Salvadoran - footballer.
Carlos Francisco Jovel Navas (1982) Salvadoran - footballer.
Francisco Jovel Álvarez (1982) Salvadoran - footballer.
Diego Mejía (1982) Salvadoran - footballer.
Ramón Sánchez (1982) Salvadoran - footballer.
Josué Galdámez (1982) Salvadoran - footballer.
Milton Guerra (1982) Salvadoran - footballer.
Emerson Véliz (1982) Salvadoran - footballer.
Juan Carlos Moscoso (1982) Salvadoran - footballer.
Vicente Melgar (1982) Salvadoran - footballer.
Marvin González (1982) Salvadoran - footballer.
Otoniel Carranza (1983) Salvadoran - footballer.
Armando Romero (1983) Salvadoran - footballer.
Leonel Guevara (1983) Salvadoran - footballer.
Enllelbert González (1983) Salvadoran - footballer.
Manuel Carranza Murillo (1983) Salvadoran - footballer.
Francisco Medrano (1983) Salvadoran - footballer.
José Campos (1983) Salvadoran - footballer.
Walter Soto (1983) Salvadoran - footballer.
Eliseo Quintanilla (1983) Salvadoran - footballer.
Manuel de Jesús López (1983) Salvadoran - footballer.
Ricardo Merlos (1983) Salvadoran - athlete.
Christian Sánchez (1983) Salvadoran - footballer.
Franklin Cisneros (1983) Salvadoran - judoka.
Anibal Oswaldo Parada Najarro (1984) Salvadoran - footballer.
Roger Huerta (1983) Salvadoran / Mexican - mixed martial artist.
Edwin Figueroa (1984) Salvadoran - mixed martial artist.
Christian Castillo (1984) Salvadoran - footballer.
Darwin Ronolbin Sanchez (1984) Salvadoran - footballer.
Reynaldo Antonio Hernández (1984) Salvadoran - footballer.
Alexander Escobar (1984) Salvadoran - footballer.
Salvador Mira (1984) Salvadoran - racewalker.
Mario Aguilar (1984) Salvadoran - footballer.
Carlos Carrillo (1984) Salvadoran - footballer.
Juan Carlos Alas (1984) Salvadoran - footballer.
Kevin Baldemar Moreno (1984) Salvadoran - footballer.
Óscar Fuentes (1984) Salvadoran - footballer.
Dennis Alas (1985) Salvadoran - footballer.
Ronald Pimentel (1985) Salvadoran - footballer.
José Manfredi Portillo Hernández (1985) Salvadoran - footballer.
José Noé Melgar (1985) Salvadoran - footballer.
Javier Moisés Hernández (1985) Salvadoran - footballer.
Carlos Figueroa (1985) Salvadoran - judoka.
Julio Enrique Martínez (1985) Salvadoran - footballer.
Luis Miguel Hernández (1985) Salvadoran - footballer.
Arturo Álvarez (1985) Salvadoran - footballer.
Jonathan Barrios (1985) Salvadoran - footballer.
Carlos Aparicio (1985) Salvadoran - footballer.
Takeshi Fujiwara (1985) Salvadoran / Japanese - sprinter.
Henry Hernández (1985) Salvadoran - goalkeeper.
Reymundo Romero (1985) Salvadoran - footballer.
Rubén Quijada (1985) Salvadoran - footballer.
Juan Díaz Rodríguez (1985) Salvadoran - footballer.
Osael Romero (1986) Salvadoran - tennis player.
Guillermo Antonio Parada (1986) Salvadoran - footballer.
Cristian Esnal (1986) Salvadoran / Afro Uruguayan - footballer.
Dennis Salinas (1986) Salvadoran - goalkeeper.
Rafael Arévalo (1986) Salvadoran - tennis player.
Ernesto Ochoa (1986) Salvadoran [Basque] - footballer.
Manuel Salazar (1986) Salvadoran - footballer.
Óscar Ulloa (1986) Salvadoran - footballer.
Samuel Castillo (1986) Salvadoran - footballer.
Carlos Calderón Anaya (1986) Salvadoran - footballer.
Derby Carrillo (1987) Salvadoran - footballer.
Christian Javier Bautista (1987) Salvadoran - footballer.
Ricardo Orellana (1987) Salvadoran - footballer.
Mario Wilfredo Contreras (1987) Salvadoran - cyclist.
Shawn Martin (1987) Nicaraguan [Salvadoran] - footballer.
Herber Barrera (1987) Salvadoran - footballer.
José Henríquez (1987) Salvadoran - footballer.
Danny Torres (1987) Salvadoran - footballer.
Ronald Villalta (1987) Salvadoran - footballer.
Moisés Girón (1987) Salvadoran - footballer.
Anibal Echeverria (1988) Salvadoran - footballer.
Ibsen Castro (1988) Salvadoran - footballer.
Felipe Enrique Amaya (1988) Salvadoran - footballer.
Junior Burgos (1988) Salvadoran - footballer.
Benji Villalobos (1988) Salvadoran - footballer.
Víctor Ramírez (1988) Salvadoran - footballer.
José Miguel Granadino (1988) Salvadoran - footballer.
Rodolfo Zelaya (1988) Salvadoran - footballer.
Víctor Turcios (1988) Salvadoran - footballer.
Rúsvel Saravia (1988) Salvadoran - footballer.
César Larios (1988) Salvadoran - footballer.
Néstor Renderos (1988) Salvadoran - footballer.
Benjamín Durán (1988) Salvadoran - footballer.
Rafael Burgos (1988) Salvadoran - footballer.
Marlon Trejo (1988) Salvadoran - footballer.
Josué Flores (1988) Salvadoran - footballer.
Marcelo Tejeda (1988) Salvadoran / Uruguayan - footballer.
Enmanuel Quintanilla (1989) Salvadoran - footballer.
Julio Salamanca (1989) Salvadoran - weightlifter.
Emerson Hernández (1989) Salvadoran - racewalker.
Raúl Antonio Coreas (1989) Salvadoran - footballer.
Milton Molina (1989) Salvadoran - footballer.
Jorge Morán (1989) Salvadoran - footballer.
Iván Mancía (1989) Salvadoran - footballer.
Isidro Gutiérrez (1989) Salvadoran - footballer.
Jaime Alas (1989) Salvadoran - footballer.
Gerson Mayen (1989) Salvadoran - footballer.
Léster Blanco (1989) Salvadoran - footballer.
Marvin Umanzor (1989) Salvadoran - footballer.
José Napoleón Baires (1989) Salvadoran - footballer.
Andrés Flores (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
Darwin Bonilla (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
Marcelo Arévalo (1990) Salvadoran - tennis player.
Henry Escobar (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
Christopher Ramírez (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
Edwin Sánchez (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
Pablo Punyed (1990) Salvadoran, Nicaraguan - footballer.
Nelson Bonilla (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
Richard Menjívar (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
Fabricio Alfaro (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
Jonathan Águila (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
Gilberto Baires (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
William Maldonado (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
Herbert Sosa (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
Diego Cuéllar (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
Andrea Flores (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
Ricardo Ulloa (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
Xavier García (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
David Rugamas (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
Alexander Méndoza (1990) Salvadoran - footballer.
Óscar Cerén (1991) Salvadoran - footballer.
Irvin Valdez (1991) Salvadoran - footballer.
Marvin Monterrosa (1991) Salvadoran - footballer.
Victor García (1991) Salvadoran - footballer.
Irvin Herrera (1991) Salvadoran - footballer.
Kevin Santamaría (1991) Salvadoran - footballer.
Dustin Corea (1992) Salvadoran - footballer.
Juan Diego Turcios (1992) Salvadoran - judoka.
Rafael Alfaro (1992) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Enrique Arathoon (1992) Salvadoran - sailor.
Marvin Iraheta (1992) Salvadoran - footballer.
Alexander Larín (1992) Salvadoran - footballer.
Dustin Corea (1992) Salvadoran, Nicaraguan - footballer.
Joaquin Rivas (1992) Salvadoran - footballer.
Justin Portillo (1992) Salvadoran - footballer.
Tomás Granitto (1993) Salvadoran, Argentinian - footballer.
Roberto López (1993) Salvadoran - rower.
Marlón Cornejo (1993) Salvadoran - footballer.
Maikon Orellana (1993) Salvadoran - footballer.
Jairo Henríquez (1993) Salvadoran - footballer.
Miguel Lemus (1993) Salvadoran - footballer.
Luis Lopez (1994) Salvadoran - racewalker.
Juan Herrera-Perla (1994) Salvadoran - footballer.
Rommel Mejía (1994) Salvadoran - footballer.
Marvin Baumgartner (1994) Salvadoran / Swiss - footballer.
José Ángel Peña (1994) Salvadoran - footballer.
Romilio Hernandez (1995) Salvadoran - footballer.
Bryan Tamacas (1995) Salvadoran - footballer.
Narciso Orellana (1995) Salvadoran - footballer.
Andrés Flores Jaco (1995) Salvadoran - footballer.
Denis Pineda (1996) Salvadoran - footballer.
Juan Barahona (1996) Salvadoran - footballer.
Marcelo Acosta (1996) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Roberto Domínguez (1997) Salvadoran - footballer.
Natán Rivera (1998) Salvadoran - athlete.
Nelson Blanco (1999) Salvadoran - footballer.
Alexis Cerritos (2000) Salvadoran - footballer.
Tomas Romero (2000) Salvadoran - footballer.
Alejandro Cabrera (?) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Antonio Ferracuti (?) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Tomás Rengifo (?) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Ricardo Tomasino (?) Salvadoran - footballer.
Piero Ferracuti (?) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Reynaldo Patiño (?) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Jorge Jiménez (?) Salvadoran - archer.
Fredy López (?) Salvadoran - judoka.
Jesse Rodriguez (?) Salvadoran - swimmer.
Miguel Angel Deras (?)  Salvadoran - footballer.
Eduardo "Volkswagen" Hernández (?) Salvadoran - footballer.
Mario Montoya (?) Salvadoran - footballer.
Xemi the Two-Spirit / Xemi Manibusan / Xemiyulu Manibusan (?) Salvadoran [Pipil] - Trans Female, Non-Binary, and Two-Spirit (She/Her/Her’s) - actor and writer.
Linda Arsenio (1978) Salvadoran / Yugoslavian - actress and model. - Acts primarily in Indian films where she plays South Indian characters when she is not Indian.
13 notes · View notes
tasksweekly · 7 years
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There’s a masterlist below compiled of over 580+ Mexican faceclaims categorised by gender with their occupation and ethnicity denoted if there was a reliable source. If you want an extra challenge use random.org to pick a random number! Of course everything listed below are just suggestions and you can pick whichever character or whichever project you desire.
Any questions can be sent here and all tutorials have been linked below the cut for ease of access! REMEMBER to tag your resources with #TASKSWEEKLY and we will reblog them onto the main! This task can be tagged with whatever you want but if you want us to see it please be sure that our tag is the first five tags, @ mention us or send us a messaging linking us to your post!
THE TASK - scroll down for FC’s!
STEP 1: Decide on a FC you wish to create resources for! You can always do more than one but who are you starting with? There are links to masterlists you can use in order to find them and if you want help, just send us a message and we can pick one for you at random!
STEP 2: Pick what you want to create! You can obviously do more than one thing, but what do you want to start off with? Screencaps, RP icons, GIF packs, masterlists, PNG’s, fancasts, alternative FC’s - LITERALLY anything you desire!
STEP 3: Look back on tasks that we have created previously for tutorials on the thing you are creating unless you have whatever it is you are doing mastered - then of course feel free to just get on and do it. :)
STEP 4: Upload and tag with #TASKSWEEKLY! If you didn’t use your own screencaps/images make sure to credit where you got them from as we will not reblog packs which do not credit caps or original gifs from the original maker.
THINGS YOU CAN MAKE FOR THIS TASK -  examples are linked!
Stumped for ideas? Maybe make a masterlist or graphic of your favourite faceclaims. A masterlist of names. Plot ideas or screencaps from a music video preformed by an artist. Masterlist of quotes and lyrics that can be used for starters, thread titles or tags. Guides on culture and customs.
RP icons [of all sizes]
Gif Pack [maybe gif icons if you wish]
PNG packs
Dash Icons
Character Aesthetics
Graphic Templates - can be chara header, promo, border or background PSD’s!
FC Masterlists - underused, with resources, without resources!
FC Help - could be related, family templates, alternatives.
Written Guides.
and whatever else you can think of / make!
Beatriz Aguirre (1926) Mexican - actress.
Luz María Aguilar (1935) Mexican - actress.
Jacqueline Andere (1936) Mexican - actress.
Susan Kohner (1936) Mexican [Roman Catholic, Czech Jewish] - actress.
Joan Baez (1941) Mexican / English - musician and activist.
Norma Mora (1943) Mexican [Unspecified Arab, Jewish, Irish] - actress.
Susana Alexander (1943) Mexican [German Jewish] - actress, hostess, producer, director, and dancer.
Victoria Wyndham (1945) Mexican / Unknown - actress.
Linda Ronstadt (1946) Mexican [Spanish, possibly other], German, English, Italian / English, German, Dutch - singer and actress.
Liliana Abud (1948) Mexican [Lebanese] - actress and screenwriter.
Olivia Harrison (1948) Mexican (including Spanish, Unspecified Indigenous, more distant African) - author and producer.
Belita Moreno (1949) Mexican - actress.
Rosanna DeSoto (1950) Mexican - actress.
Lynda Carter (1951) Mexican/Spanish-Mexican / English, German, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish - actress and musician.
Olga Breeskin (1951) Mexican - violinist, dancer and actress.
Lyn May (1952) Mexican [Chinese, Japanese, possibly other] - actress, vedette, and dancer.
Rosa Gloria Chagoyán (1953) Mexican [Armenian] - actress and singer.
Catherine Bach (1954) Mexican - actress.
Jesusa Rodríguez (1955) Mexican - actress, director, and writer.
Amparo Rubín (1955) Mexican [Jewish, possibly other] - singer.
Ana Gabriel (1955) Mexican [Chinese] - singer-songwriter.
Gina Gallego (1955) Mexican - actress.
Janet Arceo (1955) Mexican - actress, TV presenter, announcer, director and businesswoman
Sheila Escovedo / Sheila E (1957) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish] / Creole [African, French, distant English] - drummer, singer-songwriter, actress, and author.
Astrid Hadad (1957) Mexican [Lebanese] - actress and performing artist.
Apollonia Kotero (1959) Mexican, possibly some German Jewish - actress, singer, model, and talent manager.
Lisa Mary Moretti / Ivory (1961) Italian, Mexican/ Swedish, German, Irish - professional wrestler.
Julia Louis-Dreyfus (1961) Ashkenazi Jewish, German, Mexican, English, French, Scottish, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish - actress, comedian, and producer.
Michele Greene (1962) Irish / Mexican, Nicaraguan - actress, musician, and author.  
Carmen Amezcua (1962) Mexican - former actress and novelist.
Laura Harring (1964) Mexican [Spanish, possibly other] / Austrian, German - actress and model.
Yareli Arizmendi (1964) Mexican - actor, writer, and director.
Laura Cerón (1964) Mexican - actress.
Rebecca de Alba (1964) Mexican - presenter and model.
Jackie Guerra (1965) Mexican - actress.
Alejandra Bogue (1965) Mexican [English, possibly other] - actress, comedian, tv host, and producer. - Trans!
Alex Meneses (1965) Mexican / Ukrainian, possibly some Polish - actress and model.
Michelle Forbes (1965) Mexican, English, possibly other - actress.
Constance Marie (1965) Mexican - actress.
Hope Sandoval (1966) Mexican - musician.
Marta Martin (1966) Mexican, possibly other / Unknown - actress.
Gabriella Hall (1966) Mexican - model and actress.
Suzette Quintanilla (1967) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish], Cherokee - actress and musician.
Mónica Dionne (1967) Mexican - actress.
Dacia Arcaráz (1967) Mexican - actress.
Lila Downs (1968) Mexican [Mixtec] / British - singer-songwriter and actress.
Vanessa Marcil (1968) Mexican / French, German, English, Italian, Portuguese - actress.
Lupita Jones (1968) Mexican, English, Basque - actress, director, and beauty queen.
Gloria Trevi (1968) Mexican [Spanish Jewish] - singer-songwriter and actress.
Susana Harp (1968) Mexican [Lebanese / Mixe] - singer.
Penélope Menchaca (1968) Mexican - television host, singer, and actress
Lucero Hogaza León / Lucero (1969) Mexican - musician.
Patricia Vonne (1969) Mexican - musician and actress.
Mayrín Villanueva (1970) Mexican - actress and model.
Julieta Venegas (1970) Mexican [French] - musician and producer.
Amairani (1970) Mexican - actress.
Ninel Conde (1970) Mexican - musician and actress.
Alix Bauer (1971) Mexican [German Jewish] - singer.
Ariadna Thalía Sodi Miranda / Thalía (1971) 15/16 Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish], 1/16 Italian - singer-songwriter and actress.
Paulina Rubio (1971) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish, possibly distant Italian, possibly other] - singer, actress, and model.
Bibi Gaytán (1972) Mexican - singer and actress.
Chantal Andere (1972) Mexican [Argentinian, Basque] - actress.
Úrsula Murayama (1972) Mexican [Japanese, possibly other] - actress.
Kate del Castillo (1972) Mexican - actress.
Marisol Nichols (1973) Mexican [Spanish, possibly other] / Hungarian Jewish, Romanian Jewish, German Jewish - actress.
Delilah Vaniity Kotero / Vaniity (1973) Mexican [Purepecha] - porn actress and model. - Trans!
Jennifer Hanson (1973) Norwegian, German, Catalan, Mexican, Irish, possibly English - musician.
Oscar De La Hoya (1973) Mexican (including Spanish, Castilian, Unspecified Indigenous, and some African) - boxer.
María Fernanda Blázquez Gil / Fey (1973) Mexican [Argentinian] - singer.
Alpha Acosta (1973) Mexican - actress.
Anaís (1974) Mexican - actress.
Sandra Navarro Gillette / Gillette (1974) Mexican / Puerto Rican - musician.
Ara Celi (1974) Mexican - actress.
Adrienne Janic (1974) Mexican, Serbian - actress and television host.
Angélica Vale (1975) Venezuelan / Mexican, possibly other - actress, musician, and comedian.
Eva Longoria (1975) Mexican [Mayan, Unspecified African, Spanish] - actress, producer, and director.
Itatí Cantoral (1975) Mexican [Spanish, including Andalusian, possibly other], Chilean, French / Argentinian [Italian] - actress, singer, dancer, and producer.
Jaydy Michel (1975) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Unspecified African, Spanish, distant French] / English, Irish, Welsh, Norwegian, French - actress and model.
Alanna Ubach (1975) Mexican / Puerto Rican - actress and singer.
Sara Ramirez (1975) ¾ Mexican, ¼ Irish - actress and singer-songwriter.
Aracely Arámbula (1975) Mexican [French, Basque, possibly other] - actress, model, and singer.
Ruth Livier (1975) Mexican - actress.
Jaci Velasquez (1976) Mexican, Spanish, French, Scottish, Arab - actress and musician.
Vinessa Shaw (1976) Russian Jewish, Italian, German, Irish, English, Mexican, and Swedish - actress and model.
Mariana Seoane (1976) Argentinian / Cuban, Mexican - actress, model and singer.
Shar Jackson (1976) Mexican, Puerto Rican / African-American, Unspecified Native American (Unconfirmed) - actress and singer.
Natalia Livingston (1976) Mexican, Ashkenazi Jewish, Swiss, German / English, Irish, French - actress.
Jessica Mas (1976) Mexican, Puerto Rican - actress.
Iyari Limon (1976) Mexican - actress.
Alana de la Garza (1976) Mexican, Irish - actress.
Elsa Benítez (1977) Mexican - model and presenter.
Marisa Ramirez (1977) Mexican (five eighths), along with Scottish, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish, German, possibly English, Irish, French, Unspecified Native American - actress.
Nancy Taira (1977) Mexican [Japanese] - actress.
Ana de la Reguera (1977) Mexican - actress.
Elizabeth Álvarez (1977) Mexican - actress.
Sophie Alexander (1978) Mexican [German Jewish, possibly other] - actress.
Vanessa Villela (1978) Mexican - actress.
Courtney Ford (1978) Mexican, English, Irish, possibly other - actress.
Kimberly McCullough (1978)  Mexican / Irish, possibly other - actress, television director, and dancer.
America Olivo (1978) Italian, Chilean, Mexican, Basque, Spanish / Belgian, Irish - actress, musician, and model.
Maya Jupiter (1978) Mexican [Mayan] / Turkish - rapper, songwriter, MC, and radio personality.
Eden Espinosa (1978) Mexican - actress.
Mandy Gonzalez (1978) Mexican / Jewish [of Polish and Romanian origin] - actress and musician.
Kandee Johnson (1978) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish], Danish, English, Irish, Swedish, remote French and Welsh, likely Scottish - youtuber.
Bibelot Mansur (1978) Mexican / Lebanese - actress.
Ana Serradilla (1978) Mexican [Spanish, possibly other] - actress.
Alejandra Robles (1978) Afro Mexican - singer and dancer.
Aimee Garcia (1978) Mexican / Puerto Rican - actress.
Bárbara Mori (1978) Mexican [Japanese, Lebanese, Basque, Uruguayan] - actress, model, producer, and writer.
Elizabeth Gutiérrez (1979) Mexican - actress and model.
Melina Perez (1979) Mexican - model, actress, retired professional wrestler and valet.
Blanca Soto (1979) Mexican - actress, model and beauty pageant titleholder.
Cristela Alonzo (1979) Mexican - comedian, actress, writer and producer.
Laura Govan (1979) Mexican / African-American - television personality.
Angelique Cabral (1979) Mexican, Unspecified Native American / English, French - actress.
Jacqueline Bracamontes (1979) Mexican / Belgian/Flemish - actress and model.
Jessica Coch (1979) Mexican [Argentinian] - actress.
Nina Mercedez (1979) Mexican [Aztec, possibly other] / Italian, possibly other - model, dancer, producer, and former porn actress.
Sara Maldonado (1980) Mexican - actress.
Sachi Tamashiro (1980) Mexican / Japanese - actress.
Yoanna House (1980) Mexican / European - model and television host.
Lela Loren (1980) Mexican / European - actress.
Rosie Mercado (1980) Mexican - makeup artist, fashion designer and television personality.
Adriana Sage (1980) Afro Mexican - actress, model, and former porn actress.
Marisa Quinn (1980) Lipan Apache / Mexican - actress.
Claudia Álvarez (1981) Mexican - actress and model.
Alexis Bledel (1981) Argentinian [Danish, German] / Mexican [Scottish, English, Irish, Welsh, French] - actress and model.
Christina T / T Lopez (1981) Mexican - actress and musician.
Shawndey “Dey” Gomez (1981) Mexican, Arapaho, Yavapai Apache, Spanish - musician (Dey & Nite).
Tawnya “Nite” Gomez (1981) Mexican, Arapaho, Yavapai Apache, Spanish - musician (Dey & Nite) and actress.
Ericka Cruz (1981) Afro Mexican - beauty pageant titleholder.
Jessica Alba (1981) Mexican [Mayan, Sephardi Jewish, Spanish] / Danish, Welsh, German, English, Scottish, Irish, French - actress.
Miriam Rivera (1981) Mexican - tv personality, model, and porn actress.
Nicole Richie (1981) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish], African-American, Louisiana Creole [Unspecified African, French, English], possibly other - actress, tv personality, author, and fashion designer.
Bitsie Tulloch (1981) Mexican, English, Scottish, Spanish - actress.
Dafne Molina (1982) Mexican - designer, model and beauty pageant titleholder.
Natalia Cordova-Buckley (1982) Mexican - actress.
Anjelah Johnson (1982) Mexican / English, possibly other - her official website states she’s also Unspecified Native American - actress and comedian.
Angélica Celaya (1982) Mexican - actress.
Elena Finney (1982) Mescalero Apache, Mexican [Purepecha], Irish - actress and producer.
Giselle Itié (1982) Mexican / Brazilian - actress.
Martha Higareda (1982) Mexican [Spanish, possibly other] -actress, model, writer, and producer.
Vanessa Laine Bryant (1982) Mexican - insta model.
Vic Fuentes (1983) Mexican - musician.
Fernanda Romero (1983) Mexican - actress, model, and musician.
Aundrea Fimbres (1983) Mexican - musician and dancer.
Lupita Nyong’o (1983) Mexican [Luo Kenyan] - actress.
Vannessa Vasquez (1983) Mexican - actress.
Maite Perroni (1983) Mexican [including Spanish, Italian, Basque, possibly other] - actress, model, and musician.
Ashley Dzerigian (1983) Mexican / possibly French - musician.
Sandra Hinojosa (1983) Ojibwe, Ottawa, Potawatomi, Mexican - actress.
Claudia Salinas (1983) Mexican [Russian Jewish, possibly other] - actress, model, and blogger.
Anahí Giovanna Puente de Velasco / Anahí (1983) Spanish, Mexican - actress and musician.
Brie Bella (1983) Mexican / Italian, English, Irish, Scottish - wrestler.
Nikki Bella (1983) Mexican / Italian, English, Irish, Scottish - wrestler.
Teresa Castillo (1983) Mexican, Chinese, Spanish - actress.
Tessa Thompson (1983) Afro Panamanian / Mexican, Unspecified European - actress.
Edy Ganem (1983) Mexican, Lebanese - actress.
Johanna Santos Polanco (1983) Afro Mexican / Dominican - model.
Ilean Almaguer (1984) Mexican - actress.
Naima Mora (1984) Mexican, African-American, Native American, Irish - model.
Gabrielle Ruiz (1984) Mexican - actress.
Melody Thornton (1984) Mexican / African-American - musician and dancer.
Celeste Thorson (1984) Mexican [Mescalero Apache, Spanish], Lebanese, Syrian / Korean, Scottish, Irish, English - actress, model, and screenwriter.
Sandra Echeverría (1984) Mexican, Dominican - actress and singer.
Sabrina Bryan (1984) Mexican [Spanish, likely other] / Cherokee, German - actress, singer-songwriter, dancer, and tv personality.
Natalia Lafourcade (1984) Mexican, possibly small amount of English / Chilean, French Basque - musician.
Megan Ewing (1984) Mexican, German - model.
Luz Reality (1984) Mexican - rapper.
Krysta Rodriguez (1984) Mexican / English, possibly other - actress and singer.
Arianny Celeste (1985) ¾ Mexican, ¼ Filipina - model.
Gloria Govan (1985) African-American / Mexican - television personality.
Mariee Sioux (1985) Paiute, Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish] / Polish, Hungarian - singer-songwriter.
Dulce Maria (1985) Mexican, likely around 1/8th German - actress and musician.
Vanessa Huppenkothen (1985) Mexican / German - model, actress, and television presenter.
Karla Souza (1985) Mexican / Chilean [likely Portuguese, possibly other] - actress.
Eréndira Ibarra (1985) Mexican - actress.
Kavka Shishido (1985) Mexican [Japanese] - singer-songwriter, drummer, actress, radio personality, and tv personality.
Alyssa Diaz (1985) Colombian / Mexican - actress.
Sebastián Zurita (1986) Mexican [German, Italian] - actor.
Nazanin Mandi (1986) Iranian, Mexican, Unspecified Native American, Spanish - actress, singer, and model.
Charlyne Yi (1986) Korean, Yuki, Mexican, Irish, German, French / Filipina, Spanish - actress, comedian, musician, and writer.
Audrey Esparza (1986) Mexican [Catalan, Spanish, possibly other] - actress.
Camila Sodi (1986) 31/32 Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish], 1/32 Italian - singer, actress, and model.
Carla Morrison (1986) Mexican [English, possibly other] - singer-songwriter and guitarist.
Cassie Ventura / Cassie (1986) Mexican, African-American, Unspecified Caribbean / Filipina - actress, model, singer, and dancer.
Noël Wells (1986) Tunisian / Mexican, other - actress and filmmaker.
Yrahid Leylanni (1986) Mexican [Lebanese] - actress.
Ana Brenda Contreras (1986) Mexican - actress and singer.
Lauren Lopez (1986) Mexican / Jewish - actress, singer, and dancer.
Mare Advertencia Lirika / Mare (1987) Mexican [Zapotec] - rapper and singer-songwriter.
Courtney McCullough (1987) Chinese / Mexican - actress.
Claudia A. Feliciano / Snow tha Product (1987) Mexican - musician.
Brooke Westbrooks (1987) Mexican, African American, Creole [Unspecified Native American, possibly other], Indian - social media star and tv personality.
Stephanie Sigman (1987) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish] / German, possibly other - actress.
Rose Leslie (1987) ⅛ Mexican, ⅞ mix of Scottish, English, Irish, French Huguenot - actress.
Carla Esparza (1987) Mexican, Ecuadorian / Irish, English, Scottish - professional mixed martial artist.
Bárbara de Regil (1987) Mexican [Lebanese, possibly other] - actress.
Daniella Pineda (1987) Mexican - actress, comedian, and writer.
Summer Bishil (1988) Indian / Mexican, Cherokee, German, English, Dutch - actress.
Teresa Ruiz (1988) Mexican - actress and producer.
Ximena Navarrete (1988) Mexican - actress, television host, model, and beauty queen.
Erica Rivera (1988) Mexican - actress and musician.
Francia Raisa (1988) Mexican / Honduran - actress.
Natalie Mejia (1988) Mexican / Cuban - singer.
Alicia Sixtos (1988) Mexican / Portuguese [including Azorean] - actress.
Teneil Whiskeyjack (1988) Mexican, Plains Cree - actress.
Sara Paxton (1988) Mexican [Spanish Jewish, Dutch Jewish, German, Chilean] / Irish, Scottish, English, French - actress, singer, and model.
Emily Rios (1989) Mexican - actress and model.
Devin Star Tailes / Dev (1989) Mexican, Portuguese - musician.
Paula Deanda (1989) Mexican - musician.
Kristin Herrera (1989) Mexican, Puerto Rican - actress.
Jamillette Gaxiola (1989) Mexican [Lebanese] / Cuban [Lebanese] - beauty pageant titleholder.
Lindsey Morgan (1990) Mexican / Irish - actress.
Morgan Westbrooks (1990) Mexican, African American, Creole [Unspecified Native American, possibly other], Indian - social media star and tv personality.
Nia Sanchez (1990) Mexican, German / Spanish, German, English, other - actress, model, taekwondo coach, television host, and beauty queen.
Kristinia DeBarge (1990) Mexican / Unspecified Other.
Eiza González (1990) Mexican - actress and singer.
Giza Lagarce (1990) Mexican / French - model.
Kristinia DeBarge (1990) ⅜ Mexican [Spanish, smaller amounts Unspecified Indigenous, Unspecified African], ¼ African-American, 1/32 Danish, 1/32 Norwegian, rest mix of English, Irish, French, Welsh, German, Icelandic - singer-songwriter, actress, and dancer.
Liz Lee (1991) Mexican / Unknown - actress.
Seychelle Gabriel (1991) Mexican, French / Italian, Sicilian - actress.
Chanel Celaya (1991) Mexican / English, possibly other - actress and model.
Luz Pavon (1991) Afro Mexican - model.
Cayleigh Elise (1991) Mexican, other - youtuber.
Michelle Álvarez (1991) Mexican - actress and musician.
Kirstin Maldonado (1992) Mexican / Spanish, Italian - singer-songwriter.
Nikki Glamour (1992) Mexican - youtuber.
Shelbie Bruce (1992) Mexican / English, Scottish, German, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish - actress.
Okairy Giner (1992) Mexican - actress.
Raye Zaragoza (1993) Mexican, Akimel O’odham / Taiwanese, Japanese - singer-songwriter.
Daniela Bobadilla (1993) Mexican [Spanish, possibly other] - actress.
Naressa Valdez (1993) African-American, Mexican, Unspecified Native American, Italian, Portuguese - model and instagrammer.
Miranda Cosgrove (1993) ⅛ Mexican, ⅞ mix of Irish, English, French, German [Alsatian] - actress and singer-songwriter.
Ally Brooke Hernandez / Ally Brooke (1993) Mexican - singer.
Nizhoni Cooley (1993) Mexican, Navajo, Irish, Czechoslovakian - model and instagrammer.
Rachel Trachtenburg (1993) Mexican [Jewish, possibly other] - singer, drummer, actress, model, and talk show host.
Crystal Westbrooks (1993) Mexican, African American, Creole [Unspecified Native American, possibly other], Indian - social media star and tv personality.
Anahi Altuzar (1993) Mexican - beauty pageant titleholder. - Trans!
Jasmine Villegas / Jasmine V (1993) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish] / Filipina, German, Irish - singer.
Raini Rodriguez (1993) Mexican - actress and musician.
Bree Westbrooks (1993) Mexican, African American, Creole [Unspecified Native American, possibly other], Indian - actress, social media star, and tv personality.
Julia Michaels (1993) Mexican [Spanish, some Unspecified Indigenous] / Dutch, English, French, German, Irish, Scottish - musician.
Megan Nicole (1993) Mexican / English, German, Scottish, Unspecified Native American - singer, songwriter, actress, and model.
Lourdes Montes / Lulu Montes / Sheslulu (1993) Mexican - youtuber.
Hayley Orrantia (1994) Mexican, English, Irish, French - actress and musician.
Cristina Valenzuela (1994) Mexican, Spanish - youtuber.
Julia Goldani Telles (1995) Mexican [Spanish, probably other] / Brazilian [Italian, probably other] - actress and ballerina.
Sofia Reyes (1995) Mexican - musician.
Issa Lish (1995) Mexican / Japanese - model.
Bethany Mota (1995) Mexican, English / Portuguese - youtuber.
Jessica Sanchez (1995) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Unspecified African, Spanish, possibly other] / Filipina [Aklanon, possibly other], possibly Chinese - singer-songwriter.
Cierra Ramirez (1995) Mexican / Colombian - actress, model, and singer.
Danna Paola (1995) Mexican - actress, model, fashion designer and musician.
Vanessa Merrell (1996) Mexican, Filipina, Spanish, Irish, Portuguese, German - actress, singer, and youtuber.
Georgie Flores (1996) Mexican, remote French - actress.
Veronica Merrell (1996) Mexican, Filipina, Spanish, Irish, Portuguese, German - actress, singer, and youtuber.
India Westbrooks (1996) African American, Mexican, Creole [Unspecified Native American, possibly other, Indian - internet personality.
Lucero Rios (1996) Mexican - isnta model.
Chachi Gonzales (1996) Mexican - dancer, choreographer, and actress.
Brianna Hildebrand (1996) Mexican / German, English, Irish - actress.
Antoinette Marie Martin (1996) Mexican / African-American - model.
Victoria Moroles (1996) Mexican / French, Polish, English, Finnish - actress.
Eva Noblezada (1996) Filipina / Mexican - actress and musician.
Becky G (1997) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish] - actress, singer-songwriter, model, rapper, and dancer.
Matreya Fedor (1997) Mexican - actress.
Rebecca Black (1997) Mexican / English, Polish, Italian - singer.
Emilia McCarthy (1997) Mexican / Unspecified White - actress, dancer, and writer.
Kiana Brown / Kiana Ledé (1997) Unspecified Black, Mexican (Unconfirmed), Cherokee (Unconfirmed), Swedish - actress and musician.
Justine Biticon (1998) Mexican / Filipina - model.
Karol Sevilla (1999) Mexican - actress, singer-songwriter, and youtuber.
Mia Xitlali (1999) Mexican [Aztec, possibly other] - actress.
Madison De La Garza (2001) Mexican - actress.
Jenna Ortega (2002) ¾ Mexican, ¼ Puerto Rican - actress.
Sharon Anne Henderson (?) Navajo, Mexican, Basque - actress.
Dana Jeffrey (?) ¼ Ojibwe, ¼ Thai, unspecified amounts of Mexican, Afro Guyanese, Indo Guyanese, distant English - actress.
Tania Teyacapan Garcia (?) Mexican [Pame, Huastec, Apache, Guachichil, Afro Potosina] - model.
Niña Dioz (?) Mexican - rapper.
Linda Oliver (?) Mexican / Cherokee, Irish - model.
Miranda Lombardo (?) Mexican - beauty pageant titleholder. - Trans!
Morningstar Angeline (?) Navajo, Blackfoot, Chippewa Cree / Mexican, Unspecified European - actress.
Mariana Treviño (?) Mexican [Spanish Jewish] - actress.
Miika Bryce Whiskeyjack (?) Mexican, Plains Cree, possibly other - actress.
Italia Navarrete (?) Mexican - beauty pageant titleholder. - Trans!
Thana Redhawk (?) Mexican [Mexica, Lipan Apache] / Cherokee, Lakota Sioux, Osage - musician and poet.
Brenda Contreras (?) Mexican - beauty pageant titleholder. - Trans!
Kelly Montijo Fink (?) Mexican, Apache, Spanish - singer-songwriter.
Jackeline Arroyo (?) Mexican - actress and presenter.
Giselle Valero (?) Mexican - beauty pageant titleholder. - Trans!
Estrella Hood (?) Mexican [Matlatzinca, Spanish, possibly other] - musician (World Hood).
Soni Moreno (?) Mexican [Apache, Mayan, Yaqui] - musician (Ulali).
Angela Lanza (?) Mexican - actress.
Seidy López (?) Mexican - actress.
Tanya Saracho (?) Mexican - playwright and writer.
Elena Tovar (?) Mexican - actress.
Karime Bribiesca (?) Mexican - model.
Cindy Gradilla (?) Mexican - model.
Chhoti Maa (?) Mexican [Aztec], Peruvian [Quechua] - rapper.
Mariana Zaragoza (?) Mexican - model.
Daniella Valdez (?) Mexican - model.
Jezzy P (?) Mexican - rapper.
Sabinee Camou (?) Mexican - model.
Joss Corona (?) Mexican - model.
Amara Zaragoza (?) Mexican [Purepecha] / German - actress.
Kimberly Loaiza (?) Mexican - instagram model and youtuber.
Erika Palomera Plascencia (?) Mexican - model.
Jailyne Ojeda (?) Mexican - insta model.
Jimena Sanche (?) Mexican - insta model.
Sofia Solares (?) Mexican - insta model.
Samantha Leyva (?) Mexican - insta model.
Patricia Ancira (?) Mexican - actress.
Jessica Meraz (?) Mexican / Scottish, Irish - actress.
Armando Manzanero (1935) Mexican [Mayan] - singer, pianist, accordionist, actor, producer, and composer.
Héctor Bonilla (1939) Mexican - actor.
Abraham Quintanilla Jr. (1939) Mexican (Spanish, Unspecified Indigenous Mexican) - musician and producer.
Manuel Ojeda (1940) Mexican - actor.
Juan Ferrara (1943) Mexican - actor.
Danny Trejo (1944) Mexican - actor.
Cheech Marin (1946) Mexican - actor, comedian, writer, and activist.
Carlos Santana (1947) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish, distant Unspecified African] - musician.
Edward James Olmos (1947) Mexican - actor.
A Martinez (1948) Mexican, Apache / Pikuni Blackfoot, Unspecified Northern European - actor and singer.
Benny Urquidez (1952) Mexican, Blackfoot, Spanish - actor, pro boxer, and choreographer.
Salvador Pineda (1952) Mexican - actor.
Robert Beltran (1953) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish] - actor.
Alejandro Camacho (1954) Mexican - actor and producer. 
David Ostrosky (1954) Mexican [Saudi Arabian, Ukrainian Jewish, Polish Jewish] - actor.
Humberto Zurita (1954) MExican - actor, director, and producer.
Griffin Dunne (1955) Irish, English, German, Mexican, Swedish / Irish - actor, producer, and director.
Manuel Landeta (1958) Mexican [Lebanese, Basque] - actor and singer.
Sergio Goyri (1958) Mexican - actor.
Alfredo Adame (1958) Mexican [German] - actor, producer, and host.
Fher Olvera (1959) Mexican [Spanish, possibly other] - singer-songwriter and guitarist.
Fernando Ciangherotti (1959) Mexican [Italian] - actor.
Eduardo Yáñez (1960) Mexican - actor.
Odiseo Bichir (1960) Mexican [Lebanese, possibly other] - actor.
René Casados (1961) Mexican - actor.
Peter Michael Escovedo (1961) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish] / Creole [African, French, distant English] - percussionist.
Emilio Rivera (1961) Mexican - actor and comedian.
Alfonso Mejia-Arias (1961) Mexican [Romani, Spanish] - musician and writer.
Eugenio Derbez (1961) Mexican, some French - actor, comedian, director, writer, entrepreneur, and producer.
Rafael Rojas (1961) Mexican - former model and actor.
Chuck Billy (1962) Mexican / Pomo - musician.
Arturo Peniche (1962) Mexican - actor.
Juan Calleros (1962) Mexican - musician.
Jesse Borrego (1962) Mexican [Mescalero Apache, Aztec] - actor.
Ari Telch (1962) Mexican [Jewish, possibly other] - actor.
Alberto Estrella (1962) Mexican - actor.
Omar Fierro (1963) Mexican - actor and host.
Kevin John Wasserman / Noodles (1963) ¼ Mexican, ¾ mix of German, Irish, possibly other - musician.
Rob Moran (1963) Mexican - actor.
Demián Bichir (1963) Mexican [Lebanese, possibly other] - actor.
Damian Chapa (1963) Mexican [including Spanish and Italian] / German - actor, producer, and director.
A.B. Quintanilla (1963) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish], Cherokee - musician.
Alejandro González Iñárritu (1963) Mexican - actor.
Raúl Araiza (1964) Mexican - actor and presenter.
Héctor Soberón (1964) Mexican - actor.
Guillermo del Toro (1964) Mexican - director, screenwriter, producer, and novelist.
Paul Weitz (1965) ¾ Ashkenazi Jewish, ⅛ Mexican, ⅛ Irish - actor, director, producer, and screenwriter.
Alexis Ayala (1965) Mexican - actor.
Fernando Colunga (1966) Mexican [Spanish, possibly other] - actor.
Bruno Bichir (1967) Mexican [Lebanese, possibly other] - actor.
Matt Chamberlain (1967) Mexican / possibly English - musician and producer.
Carlos Mencía (1967) Honduran, Mexican - comedian, writer, and actor.
Dave Navarro (1967) Mexican [Spanish, some African, possibly other] / English, German, remote Welsh - musician and actor.
Eduardo Santamarina (1968) Mexican - actor.
Jeff Becerra (1968) Mexican [Lebanese] - musician.
Robert Rodriguez (1968) Mexican - director, writer, cinematographer, producer, editor, musician, actor, and cartoonist.
Jorge Salinas (1968) Mexican - actor.
Chris Weitz (1969) ¾ Ashkenazi Jewish, ⅛ Mexican, ⅛ Irish - actor, director, producer, screenwriter, and author.
Israel Jaitovich (1969) Mexican [Jewish, Spanish] - actor, producer, writer, and racing car driver.
Gary Paul Davis / Litefoot (1969) Mexican [Chichimeca] / Cherokee - rapper and actor.
Diego Schoening (1969) Mexican [German Jewish] - actor, singer, and tv host.
Chris Pérez (1969) Mexican - guitarist and songwriter.
Rene L. Moreno (1969) Mexican - actor.
Armando Araiza (1969) Mexican - actor.
Zack de la Rocha (1970) ¾ Mexican [Unspecified African, Sephardi Jewish, Spanish], ¼ mix of English, French, German, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Dutch, Swiss - rapper, singer-songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist.
Adam Goldberg (1970) Ashkenazi Jewish / German, Mexican, French, English, Irish - actor, musician, director, and producer.
Stephen Carpenter (1970) Mexican / English, possibly other - musician.
José María Yazpik (1970) Mexican [Unspecified Arab] - actor.
Eduardo Capetillo (1970) Mexican [Basque, small amount of Unspecified African] / Spanish - actor and singer.
Noel Gugliemi (1970) Mexican / Italian - actor.
Clifton Collins Jr. (1970) Mexican - actor.
Eddie Bravo (1970) Mexican - Jiu-Jitsu instructor.
Clifton Collins, Jr. (1970) Mexican / German - actor. 
Luis Miguel (1970) Mexican [Italian, Spanish] - musician.
Al Madrigal (1971) Mexican / Italian [Sicilian] - comedian and actor.
Bobby Pulido (1971) Mexican - musician and actor.  
John Wozniak (1971) ¼ Irish, ¼ Mexican, ½ mix of Polish, Ukrainian, English, Irish, Scottish - musician.
Jacob Vargas (1971) Mexican - actor.
Christian Camargo (1971) ¼ Mexican, ¾ English, possibly other - actor, producer, writer, and director.
Ricardo Antonio Chavira (1971) Mexican / German, Irish - actor.
Mark Consuelos (1971) Mexican / Italian - actor.
Michael Irby (1972) Mexican / African-American - actor.
Kurt Caceres (1972) Mexican / German, English, Irish - actor.
Víctor Noriega (1972) Mexican - actor, musician, and model.
Mauricio Islas (1973) Mexican - actor.
Alfred Nevarez (1973) Mexican - musician.
Mario Lopez (1973) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish] - actor and television host.
Javier Poza (1973) Mexican - actor.
Efren Ramirez (1973) Salvadoran, Mexican - actor and DJ.
Tariano Adaryll Jackson II (1973) Mexican / African-American - musician.
Chino Moreno (1973) ⅞ Mexican [Unspecified African, Spanish, possibly Unspecified Indigenous], ⅛ Chinese - singer-songwriter, guitarist, and keyboardist.
Jaime Camil (1973) Mexican [Egyptian, possibly other] / Brazilian [Portuguese, possibly other] - actor, singer, and tv personality.
Jean Duverger (1973) Mexican [Haitian, French] - actor.
David Zepeda (1973) Mexican - actor, model, and musician.
Roberto Orci (1973) Mexican [Italian, Spanish] / Cuban - screenwriter and producer.
Juan Manuel Márquez (1974) Mexican - boxer.
Fermin IV (1974) Mexican - musician.
Rey Mysterio (1974) Mexican - wrestler.
Eduardo Verástegui (1974) Mexican - actor, model, and musician.
Cedric Bixler-Zavala (1974) Mexican [German, Spanish, possibly other] - musician.
Pablo Montero (1974) Mexican - musician and actor.
Fabián Robles (1974) Mexican - actor.
Taryll Adren Jackson (1975) Mexican / African-American - musician.
Jaime Luis Gomez / Taboo (1975) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Unspecified African, Spanish], Shoshone - rapper, singer-songwriter, actor, and DJ.
Samuel Parra Cruz / Samo (1975) Afro Mexican - singer-songwriter.
Bodie Olmos (1975) Mexican / English, German, Swiss-French, Swedish - actor.
Tom DeLonge (1975) English, some Mexican - musician, businessperson, and producer.
Gabriel Soto (1975) Mexican - actor and model.
Pato Machete (1975) Mexican - musician.
Valentino Lanús (1975) Mexican - actor.
Aarón Sanchez (1975) Mexican [66.4% European, 24.6% Unspecified Native American, 3.7% Sub-Saharan African, 1.6% North African, 0.7% South Asian, 0.1% Oceanian, 2.9% unknown] - chef and television personality.
Baby Bash (1975) Mexican / English - rapper.
Mauricio Aspe (1975) Mexican - actor.
Frankie J (1975) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish] - musician.
Marco Méndez (1976) Mexican - actor.
Alfonso de Nigris (1976) Mexican [Italian] - actor and television personality.
Adrian Grenier (1976) Mexican [Apache, Spanish], French / English, Irish, Scottish, German - actor, musician, producer, and director.
Carter Oosterhouse (1976) Mexican, Dutch - television personality and model.
Michael Peña (1976) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish] - actor and musician.
Kevin Alejandro (1976) Mexican - actor.
James Roday (1976) Mexican / English, Irish, Scottish, distant Swiss-German and German - actor, director, and screenwriter.
José Pasillas (1976) Mexican - musician.
Toy Selectah (1976) Mexican / Colombian - musician.
Gabriel Iglesias (1976) Mexican - actor, comedian, writer, and producer.
MC Babo (1976) Mexican - rapper (Cartel de Santa).
Nicholas Gonzalez (1976) Mexican - actor.
Raul Castillo (1977) Mexican - actor and playwright.
Edward Furlong (1977) Mexican / Unknown, possibly Russian - actor and musician.
Jorge Poza (1977) Mexican - actor.
Rafael Amaya (1977) Mexican - actor.
José María Torre (1977) Mexican - actor.
Mark Tacher (1977) Mexican [Romanian Jewish] - actor, musician, and tv host.
Erasmo Catarino (1977) Mexican [Nahua] - singer.
Facundo (1978) Mexican [Argentinian] - tv host.
Tito Joe Jackson (1978) Mexican / African-American - musician.
Bocafloja (1978) Mexican - rapper and writer.
RedCloud (1978) Mexican, Huichol - rapper.
Ariel Pink (1978) Mexican [Jewish, possibly other] / Unknown - singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist.
Kuno Becker (1978) Mexican (Yaqui, Other Unspecified Native American), German, Spanish - actor.
José Luis Reséndez (1978) Mexican - actor and model.
Carlos Galvan (1978) Mexican / Korean - musician.
Nick Wechsler (1978) Mexican, English, German, Swiss-German, possibly other - actor.
Jay Hernandez (1978) Mexican - actor.
Diego Dreyfus (1979) Mexican - actor and model.
Diego Luna (1979) Mexican / English, Scottish - actor, director, and producer.
Rowan Rabia (1979) Mexican - rapper (Cartel de Santa).
Jeremy Ray Valdez (1980) Mexican / Navajo - actor.
Beau Bokan (1981) Mexican / Unspecified Other - musician.
Manuel Garcia-Rulfo (1981) Mexican - actor.
Eugenio Siller (1981) Mexican / German - actor and musician.
Miguel Torres (1981) Mexican - martial artist.
Joe Arquette (1981) Mexican - actor.
John Joseph Kongos (1981) English, Mexican, Scottish / Greek - musician.
José Ron (1981) Mexican - actor.
Rodrigo Nehme (1982) Mexican [Lebanese, probably other] - actor.
Aarón Díaz (1982) Mexican / Irish - actor, singer, and model.
Cain Velasquez (1982) Mexican - martial artist.
Kalimba Marichal / Kalimba (1982) Afro Mexican / Afro Cuban - actor and singer.
Ferdinando Valencia (1982) Mexican - actor.
Luis Gerardo Mendez (1982) Mexican - actor and producer.
Jesse Garcia (1982) Mexican, Spanish - actor.
Felipe Colombo (1983) Argentinian / Mexican - actor, singer, guitarist, and composer.
Alfonso Herrera (1983) Mexican - actor, producer, and former singer.
José María de Tavira (1983) Mexican / Argentinian - actor.
Manny Montana (1983) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish, Irish] - actor.
Cub Swanson (1983) Mexican / Swedish - martial artist.
Richard Cabral (1984) Mexican - actor.
Kid Cudi (1984) ¾ African-American, ¼ Afro Mexican - rapper and actor.
Jesse Dean Kongos (1984) English, Mexican, Scottish / Greek - musician.
Carlos Condit (1984) Austrian, German, Cherokee, Spanish-Mexican, Unspecified Indigenous Mexican - martial artist.
Paul Rodriguez (1984) Mexican - skateboarder and actor.
MC Dharius (1984) Mexican - actor and rapper (Cartel de Santa).
Chris Olivero (1984) Mexican, Italian - actor.
Big Dan (1985) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous] - musician.
James Lafferty (1985) Mexican / Irish, English, German, Scots-Irish/Northern Irish - actor, director, and producer.
Michael Trevino (1985) Mexican - actor.
Alex Meraz (1985) Mexican [Purepecha] - actor, dancer, and martial artist.
Miguel Jontel Pimentel (1985) Mexican / African-American - musician, actor, and producer.
Millonario (1985) Mexican - rapper (Cartel de Santa).
Christopher Uckermann (1986) Swedish, German, Mexican - musician.
Joseph Julian Soria (1986) Mexican - actor.
Mark Ballas (1986) Mexican [Spanish, possibly other], Greek / English, Irish - actor, singer-songwriter, guitarist, dancer, and choreographer.
Dylan Gabriel Kongos (1986) English, Mexican, Scottish / Greek - musician.
Peter Gadiot (1986) Mexican / Dutch - actor.
Ricardo Abarca (1986) Mexican - actor.
Imanol Landeta (1987) Mexican [Lebanese, Basque] - actor and singer.
Ryan Guzman (1987) Mexican / English, Scottish, German, Swedish, French, Dutch - actor.
Carlos Athié (1987) Mexican - actor, model, and presenter.
Orson Chaplin (1987) Ashkenazi Jewish, Mexican / English, Irish, 1/16th Scottish - actor and rapper.
Victor Ortiz (1987) Mexican - boxer.
Arin Ilejay (1988) Mexican, Filipino [Aklanon] / Dutch, German, possibly other - drummer.
Alvin Alvarez (1989) Mexican - actor.
Carlito Olivero (1989) Mexican / Puerto Rican - singer-songwriter, actor, and dancer.
Logan Henderson (1989) 50% English, Scottish 25% Mexican 12.5% Moravian (Czech) 12.5% Polish  - actor and musician.
Kenta Sakurai (1989) Mexican / Japanese - model.
Lane Hughes (1989) Mexican - actor and musician.
Daniel Lee Kongos (1989) English, Mexican, Scottish / Greek - musician.
Sotelúm (1989) Mexican [Sephardi Jewish] - musician.
Cameron Quiseng (1990) Mexican, Filipino, Native Hawaiian, Unspecified European - bassist.
Levi Johnston (1990) ¼ Mexican, ¾ mix of English, German, Swedish - model and actor.
Diego Amozurrutia (1990) Mexican - actor and model.
Erick Elías (1990) Mexican - actor.
Ryan Bergara (1990) ½ Japanese, ⅜ Mexican, ⅛ Filipino - buzzfeed employee.
Miles Luna (1990) Mexican - actor and filmmaker.
Diego Boneta (1990) Mexican / Puerto Rican, Spanish, German, Swiss - actor and singer-songwriter.
Canelo Álvarez (1990) Mexican [Spanish, possibly other] - boxer.
Jesús Pat Chablé / Pat Boy Rap Maya / Pat Boy (1991) Mexican [Mayan] - rapper.
José Pablo Minor (1991) Mexican - actor, television host, and model.
Erick Lopez (1991) Mexican - actor.
Mariana Bayón (1991) Mexican - model.
Erick Orrosquieta / Deorro (1991) Mexican - DJ.
Jorge Blanco (1991) Mexican - recording artist, dancer, songwriter, and actor.
Ashton Moio (1992) Mexican / Italian - actor.
Cameron Dallas (1994) Mexican, German / Scottish - internet personality, actor, and model.
Michel Duval (1994) Mexican - musician and model.
Beng Zeng (1995) Mexican [Chinese] - actor, comedian, and tv host.
Alen Rios (1995) Mexican, Guatemalan, Chinese, German - actor.
Roman Zaragoza (1996) Mexican, Akimel O’odham / Taiwanese, Japanese - actor.
Ryan Ochoa (1996) brother has said that he is of Mexican descent describing himself as a “white Mexican” - actor.
Juanpa Zurita (1996) Mexican - model and youtuber.
Jacob Emmanuel Perez (1996) Mexican, African-American - musician.
Jimmy Bennett (1996) ¼ Mexican, ¾ mix of German, English, Scottish, Cornish - actor and musician.
Austin Zajur (1996) Mexican / English, possibly other - actor.
Jamison Long / JJ Long (1997) Afro Mexican, Navajo, Chinese - actor.
Froy Gutierrez (1998) Mexican, Caxcan - actor.
Rico Rodriguez (1998) Mexican - actor.
Ricky Garcia (1999) Mexican, Puerto Rican, German - actor and singer.
Rebel Rodriguez (1999) Mexican / Unknown - actor.
Joel Pimentel (1999) Mexican - singer.
Xiuhtezcatl Martinez (2000) Mexican [Nahuatl], Hopi - rapper.
Raymond Ochoa (2001) has said that he is of Mexican descent describing himself as a “white Mexican” - actor.
Prolific The Rapper (?) Lakota Sioux, Mexican, Unspecified European - rapper.
Taylor Zakhar (?) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, possibly other] / Unspecified Middle Eastern - actor.
Rene Orozco / Yaotl Mazahua (?) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish] - musician (Aztlan Underground).
Caxo (?) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, possibly other] - musician (Aztlan Underground).
Joe “Peps” (?) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, possibly other] - musician (Aztlan Underground).
Gregory Cruz (?) Mexican, Chiricahua Apache - actor.
Boogat (?) Mexican, Paraguayan - musician.
Olmeca (?) Mexican [Tepehuán, possibly other] - rapper.
Juliocesar Chavez (?) Mexican, Guatemalan - actor.
David Rose (?) Mexican / Choctaw, Cherokee, Irish - musician.
Omar LinX (?) Mexican - rapper.
Victor-E (?) Mexican [Mayan, possibly other] - musician (El Vuh).
Zero (?) Mexican [Mayan, possibly other] - musician (El Vuh).
E-Rise (?) Mexican [Mayan, possibly other] - musician (El Vuh).
Wake Self (?) Mexican [Aztec, Mescalero Apache], Cherokee - rapper.
Randy Granger (?) Mexican [Chontal, Apache, Unspecified Non-Indigenous], Comanche, Tequesta, Tłı̨chǫ, Alaskan Athabaskan - flutist.
Vic Buildsafire (?) Navajo, Pomo, Mexican [Aztec, Spanish] - rapper.
Del Zamora (?) Mexican, Mescalero Apache - actor.
Alex Soto / MC Liaison (?) Mexican [Tohono O’odham] - rapper (Shining Soul).
Franco / The Bronze Candidate (?) Mexican - rapper (Shining Soul).
Ryan Little Eagle (?) Mexican [Apache, Mayan], Taino, Lakota Sioux - musician.
DJ Augustín (?) Mexican - rapper (Cartel de Santa).
Eddie Gutierrez / Eddie Styles (?) Mexican - dancer.
Clap Pina / Clap Freckles (?) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, possibly other] - musician.
Sergio Gomez (?) Mexican - rapper (Akwid).
Francisco Gomez (?) Mexican - rapper (Akwid).
Saso Jimenez / Saso Fresh (?) Mexican - dancer.
Alek Carrera (?) Mexican - model, actor, and producer.
Fermin Sanchez (?) Mexican - musician (The Guadaloops).
Sami Mendoza (?) Mexican - drummer (The Guadaloops).
Ferdinand González (?) Mexican - musician (The Guadaloops).
Berni Pérez (?) Mexican - musician (The Guadaloops).
Karis Wilde (1982) Mexican - Genderqueer - multi-disciplinary artist.
Pidgeon Pagonis (1986) Mexican, Greek - Non-Binary Intersex - artist and writer.
Danny Noriega / Adore Delano (1989) Mexican, Unspecified Native American, German - Non-Binary - drag queen, actor, singer-songwriter, and youtuber.
Lukas Avendaño (?) Mexican [Zapotec] - Muxe - performing artist.
Mike J. Marin (?) Mexican, Navajo, Laguna, Washoe - Two-Spirit - actor, rapper, and filmmaker.
George Lopez (1961) Mexican [Unspecified Indigenous, Spanish, possibly other] - actor, comedian, and tv personality - anti-black comments, anti-asian comments, and sexist comments.
Salma Hayek (1966) Mexican [Lebanese, Spanish, possibly other] - actress, producer, and former model - spoke over and attempted to rebuke Jessica Williams (a black actress)’s comment that black and trans women are constantly put in the center of conflict for the way they look with a tone deaf “what about the rest of us” and also used the condescending “baby” to refer to Jessica, called Jessica Lopez (a Puerto Rican actress and singer who, while not black, is darker than Salma) a “non-latina n***o”, and said that Ugly Betty (a show Salma is an executive producer on) tries to model Betty off black women (though they even casted a non black Latina for Betty) due to black women having “uglier facial features”.
Louis C.K. (1967) Mexican [Hungarian Jewish / Spanish, Unspecified Indigenous] / Irish, German, English - actor, comedian, writer, producer, director, and editor - accused of 5 counts of sexual assault.
Stacey Dash (1967) Afro Barbadian, Mexican - actress and talk show host - transphobic comments and said that people were overreacting with #OscarsSoWhite.
Cesar Millan (1969) Mexican - dog behaviorist and television personality - controversial dog training techniques.
Reginald Arvizu (1969) Mexican / French, English - musician - cultural appropriation.
Louis Freese / B-Real (1970) Mexican, Cuban - musician - n-word.
Hilary Swank (1974) ¼ Mexican [Shoshone, Spanish], ¾ mix of English, German, Swiss, Scottish, Irish, Welsh, Dutch - actress and producer - publicly supports Ramzan Kadyrov and took the role of a trans man character in Boys Don’t Cry when she is not a man (let alone a trans man).
Fergie (1975) English, Irish, Mexican, Unspecified Native American, and Scottish - cultural appropriation.
Gael García Bernal (1978) Mexican - actor, director, and producer - signed Polanski petition and supports Roman Polanski.  
Lin-Manuel Miranda (1980) Puerto Rican, as well as small amounts of Mexican, African-American, English - actor, singer-songwriter, and playwright - classist comments.
Adan Canto (1981) Mexican - actor - took the role of an Afro Brazilian character in X-Men: Days of Future Past when he is not Afro Latino.
Melissa Villaseñor (1987) Mexican - actress and comedian - anti-black tweets.
Emeraude Toubia (1989) Mexican / Lebanese - actress and model - appropriated cornrows and participated in the white-washing of her character.
Scout Taylor-Compton (1989) Mexican / English, Irish - actress - cultural appropriation.
Fo Porter (1990) Mexican / African-American - model - cultural appropriation.
Christian Serratos (1990) Mexican / Italian - actress - cultural appropriation.
Samuel Larsen (1991) Mexican, Iranian, Danish, Spanish - actor, singer, and model - cultural appropriation.
Tyler Posey (1991) Mexican / English, Scottish, Irish, German, French - actor and musician - has made coming out of the closet jokes multiple times, used the q slur, and said “I mean, people don’t know what race I am. They never know if I’m Hawaiian or Italian or Mexican or Spanish or White. I could play Jewish, I could play anything.” which implies that he would not mind taking a role of a race not his own.
Selena Gomez (1992) Mexican / Italian, possibly other - actress and singer - cultural appropriation, wore a hijab as a fashion accessory, wore a short with the g slur on it, has used the g slur on multiple occasions (and threw a “[g slur] inspired” birthday party), and supports Woody Allen.
John Elvis (1992) Mexican / Korean - actor - took the role of a Comanche character in Texas Rising when he is not Native American (let alone Comanche).
Demi Lovato (1992) Mexican [Spanish, Unspecified Indigenous, Jewish, Portuguese] / English, Scottish, Irish - singer-songwriter, actress, and author - tried to take the spotlight away from Zendaya getting a black Barbie modeled after her by complaining about the lack of a curvy Barbie and saying she’d be happy to model for it, chose Kim Kardashian to praise for the “Big Butt Movement”, transphobia in her lyrics and in response to Caitlyn Jenner’s looks, exploits bisexuality in her song Cool For The Summer, and appropriated dreadlocks.
JC Caylen (1992) Mexican [Spanish, possibly other] - youtuber - made homophobic “gay jokes”.
Camila Cabello (1997) Cuban / Mexican - singer-songwriter - has said “it’s not rape if you like it”, has used the f and n slurs, and trivialized cocaine addiction.
Ethan Cutkosky (1999) Mexican / Polish, English, Scottish, Irish - actor - cultural appropriation.
Samuel Kim Arredondo (2002) Mexican / Korean - singer - cultural appropriation.
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