#there is no medicine to fix that and there is nothing the school can do for me
frogathy · 1 year
it’s frustrating knowing that i knew for two years that my adderal didnt make me feel any different and when i was asked by my mom or my doctor/psych i would always say “i have no idea”, shrug my shoulders, and usually i’d say “i cant tell” or “i have no idea how im supposed to know.” until now i didnt realize just how little it was doing for me. i havent done a single calculus assignment because he only puts the homework on google classroom, and thats just another step for my brain to process and become overwhelmed with. tonight i had so many things to do, but i just didnt do them. i cant function. and the thing is it’s not just things i don’t want to do, like write an annotated bibliography for my thesis or the other assignment that idek what it is—i love calculus, i love the teacher, i want to do the work. i want to do it because i know it will challenge me and prepare my brain to process things faster, and i simply enjoy the subject. i also just need to do it for my own understanding of whats going on. but i cant even check for the homework on google classroom because i get overwhelmed thinking about how i have to get my laptop out and then open GC and then write the assignment down and then open my book and get a paper from my binder and etc. every fiber of my being wants to do the assignment but i cant get off the floor and i am just constantly beating myself up about it because why havent i learned?? surely after nearly three years of knowing about my adhd i would have learned how to overcome that feeling somehow but no i havent
so anyways this post is about how i have a history term sheet due tomorrow that i havent done even though its jsut copying notes i Already took. as well as a quiz on the book we are reading in history except i havent read what was assigned! neither did i do so last week! im doing great and im definitely not fantasizing about dropping out again👍
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angelfic · 1 year
Howdy! Could I request a Theodore Nott, secret relationship, “don’t leave me… please”. ❤️
here u go!! i actually really like this idea and kind of wanna recycle it for a longer fic maybe.. 🤔 thank u for the request! 💌
theodore nott x reader + secret relationship + “don’t leave me… please”
➺ part of my 2k milestone writing game
You’re stressfully stirring sugar into your tea in the kitchen of 12 Grimmauld Place when Mattheo and Theodore turn up, bruised and bloody in the hands of Alastor Moody.
The Auror had sent a message in advance through his Patronus, alerting members of the Order that he was heading to headquarters with two death eater defectors. An hour of hoping it’s who you think, and three cups of tea later, you breathe a sigh of relief when you realise Mattheo and Theo are alive.
The way Theo is leaning his weight on Mattheo doesn’t slip past you, and as soon as he finds you among the others, you rush forward.
“Hi,” Theo whispers, the greeting reserved only for you despite the numerous others in the dining room. His eyes are drooping slightly as he sways on his feet. Nonetheless, he gives you a weak smile. “I’m okay. I promise.”
You nod slowly, brows furrowed in concern despite his reassurance. Ignoring Moody’s confused stares, along with the whispering happening behind you, you do a quick scan of Mattheo and find that he’s definitely had worse injuries from spontaneous fist fights during your years at Hogwarts.
“Are you okay?” you mouth at him, just in case. He winks at you in answer.
Moody, seemingly snapping out of his confusion, turns to you and raises a brow. “You know these two, then?” he asks gruffly, a hint of suspicion creeping into his voice.
“We all went to school together,” Dean Thomas pipes up, saving you from having to stumble over your words in an attempt to explain your relationship with Theo.
There’s no doubt in your mind that everyone in the room suspects you and Theo are more than just schoolmates, but you don’t move to address anything. The implications of you being in love with an ex-death eater aside, it’s none of their business. Moody doesn’t quite seem to accept this immediately.
”School,” he mutters, nodding begrudgingly. “And how well do you-”
“Alastor,” McGonagall cuts him off sharply. Peering at him over her spectacles, she purses her lips. “You can get to interrogating them about being Transfiguration partners after they’ve recovered. These boys need a healer. Now.”
“Yes, yes,” Moody replies grumpily, reluctantly letting them go to open the door to the hall. “We’ve got Poppy in the living room. She’ll fix them up, nice and quick.”
You step back to give the two boys space to make their way to the Healer, but Theo catches your hand and grips it tightly. “No. No, Y/N can do it. Just give her some of the medicine, I’m not seeing anyone else.”
You open your mouth to object, wanting Madame Pomfrey to assess him properly, but the pleading in his eyes has you hesitating.
“Don’t leave me…” Theo’s voice becomes lower, quieter and earnest. “Please.”
“Okay,” you exhale, cupping his face with your hand and stroking your thumb over his cheekbone. You look over at Professor McGonagall for confirmation and when she sighs and nods, you respond with a grateful smile before turning back to Theo. “I won’t leave you.”
Mattheo clears his throat, popping the little bubble you and Theo have found yourself in and making you look away, cheeks warm. Walking over to where Moody holds the door open, Mattheo gives you both a knowing look before speaking to the rest of the room. “I guess I‘ll be seeing dear, old Poppy alone then. Nothing she hasn’t fixed before.”
Taking this as your cue to leave, you wrap an arm around Theo’s waist to support him as you make your way out of the room and up the stairs to an empty room. You help him to sit on the bed and disentangle your hand from his, dropping a kiss to the inside of his palm. “I need to go get the stuff from Madame Promfrey, I won’t be a minute-”
“Not yet,” Theo pleads, hooking pinky finger around your own and tugging lightly. “I’m not that injured, just… come here for a second.”
Your resolve crumbles immediately due to not having seen Theo since school ended a month ago, during which he was trying to leave the other side of the war without getting himself killed. You sit next to him on the bed, but he immediately reaches over to manoeuvre you by the waist until your legs are wrapped around him in a straddling position. Theo presses a soft kiss to your lips and the pure love radiating from him makes your heart jump to your throat. When he pulls away, he looks more relaxed and content than he has in months.
“Hi,” he says, a gentle smile playing about his lips while he fingers the hem of your shirt where it sits at your back. Tingles run down your spine where his cold fingers brush against your skin and you end up leaning into his chest even more, causing his smile to deepen. “I missed you, darling.”
“What, Crabbe and Goyle weren’t good company?” you tease, tilting your head. Theo scoffs in disgust, lightly tugging on a lock of your hair and looking at you expectantly. “I missed you too, Theo. So, so much. I’m glad you got out.”
“Me too,” he sighs, dropping his head to rest on your shoulder. You both stay in silence for a few minutes and you bask in the warmth of Theo’s breaths fanning over your collarbone. He nestles his face into your neck and seems perfectly happy just to stay there when he speaks. “It was torture staying away, you know. I’m never leaving your side again.”
You run your fingers through Theo’s hair, lightly scratching at his scalp and biting back a smile when he lets out a sound halfway between a sigh and a groan. “You being glued to me is probably going to make it clear that we’re more than ex-Transfiguration partners, by the way.”
“I bet you anything they all already know,” Theo murmurs distractedly. You frown and sit up straighter to look at him, raising a curious brow in questioning. He looks at you like it’s obvious. “Mattheo is downstairs, unsupervised. If he hasn’t told everyone by now…”
You shake your head, shifting to move off Theo’s lap. A pout forms on his lips, but he reluctantly lets you stand. “I better go do some damage control while I go get the stuff from Pomfrey. Merlin knows what embarrassing things Mattheo is telling them right now.”
“I can think of a few things,” Theo says, his innocent voice contrasting with the devious smirk on his face. “Like the time we were in the Astronomy Tower and you were too loud, so-”
“Right, okay!” you interrupt loudly, screwing your eyes shut in embarrassment as you try your best not to relive that particular memory. Taking a deep breath and ignoring the way Theo is cracking up, you smile sweetly at him. “You haven’t had any injuries to the head, have you?”
“No, love,” he replies, grinning. “Why?”
You grab a pillow and swing it into Theo’s face, knocking him backwards on the bed. Crossing your arms in satisfaction, you falter when he stays laying down and moans in pain.
“What’s wrong? Did I hurt you?” you rush out, panicked as you move the pillow out of the way to climb onto the bed and hover over him. Theo cracks his eyes open slightly, his face scrunched up in discomfort and your stomach drops. “Theo, where does it hurt?”
“Here, come closer,” Theo winces, gesturing you forward, closer and closer and you furrow your brows in confusion. When you’re close enough, he snakes his hand around to the nape of your neck and pulls you into a deep kiss, burying his fingers in your hair. You don’t bother admonishing him, your head getting dizzy from the feel of his lips moving against your own. You only pull away when you hear sudden laughter coming from downstairs. Theo doesn’t look ashamed in the slightest when you do. “All better.”
“Not yet, you’re not,” you say, rolling your eyes and sitting up again. You make sure you put all of your weight on the mattress to do so, just in case you actually do end up hurting him. “I’m actually going downstairs now, okay? The idea of Mattheo talking to McGonagall is driving me crazier by the minute.”
“Come back quickly?” he asks lightly, but there’s a hint of pleading in the way his hand circles your wrist. You give him a reassuring smile and another quick peck on the lips.
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wakkass · 6 months
💜Teenage Sofia💜
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On the right is some hairstyle searches
AU itself
Sofia sleeps through her first lessons and cannot concentrate on her homework, which is why she makes mistakes.
For some reason, Sofia’s energy is becoming less and less; she cannot easily join the busy rhythm of life as in childhood.
She considered it an uneven start to the school year, and therefore didn't tell anyone about anything.
Despite this, Sofia tries very hard to work, but the problem is that she never begins to accomplish anything.
The amulet began to behave strangely: it loses color and turns gray. And most importantly, it doesn't work as it should, sometimes completely switching off and depriving Sofia of her powers.
This causes problems with her missions: she cannot respond to calls for help in time and cannot talk to her friends. It also reminds her of the helplessness she felt when she was stuck inside the amulet.
Sofia is caught between her old responsibilities and her new academic demands, causing her to fail at both.
This begins to put pressure on her, and as a result, Sofia's emotions become uncontrollable, for example, she may suddenly cry or get angry.
It got to the point where Sofia yelled at Miranda and ran away in a fit of rage, not understanding why she was even angry.
At first, Sofia believes that the amulet is to blame for her strange condition. Something happened to it and it needs to be fixed. This is a reason to turn to Cedric for help.
However, when examining the amulet, it turns out that it doesn't affect Sofia, but vice versa. That is, the amulet reacts to her burnout due to permanent stress.
Sofia doesn't know the nature of her condition and how to fix it. If this is a curse, then it must be removed, and if it's a disease, then it must be cured, and who else but the royal sorcerer will help with this.
The more Sofia describes the symptoms, the more Cedric realizes that this is not an infection or a curse, but something that he himself once went through - depression.
To avoid this, Cedric does what Sofia once did for him: shows care and attention.
He tries to repeat the same actions that Sofia did for him many years ago, because this is the only way to deal with depression that he knows.
This doesn't always help, since she could suddenly cry, and he didn't know what to do about it. But Sofia felt better from the very fact of understanding and caring for her. What's important is that she was able to let her feelings out.
Sofia asked Cedric for medicine and he took her to the throne room where her parents were sitting. A friend nearby can help in difficult times, but there is nothing more healing than family support.
Sofia was scared to talk to her mother, because they parted on an unpleasant note. Sofia was afraid of making this worse, because she reacted extremely unpredictably to things.
I see their dialogue as somewhat awkward at first, which is why Sofia has a lump in her throat. But Miranda is not angry with her, although it's difficult for her to ask about what is happening. I think this will put pressure on Sofia and she will utter her words of apology quickly and incoherently.
It was amazing how much easier it became for Sofia when she didn't face her mother's anger, but her mother's support. What's happening to Sofia is complicated, but she's still loved and understood. No one will ever leave her alone, no matter how much she changes.
The amulet remains gray until Sofia deals with the amount of work she has to do, causing her to burn out.
In the future, Amber helps Sofia with her schedule and organization of things during the day.
Appearance info
I knew that Sofia's hair texture needed to be soft and light, so I was looking for a simple and full hairstyle. I chose between a ponytail and a half-ponytail, and in the end I settled on the hairstyle that I could feel best.
I like how in animation the movement of the tail reflects the personality and mood of the character, this is ideal for a pubescent AU, where emotions and feelings burst out.
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Meg and Thumbelina are not only a great visual reference for hair movement, but also reflect facets of personality that Sofia might have at her age. And the hair in a high ponytail emphasizes this perfectly.
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Amber and Sofia's costumes are similar because they wear school uniforms. They study together in a specialized educational institution, so I think there is a certain dress code there. It's different from the public school setting that was in the original series, and I wanted to highlight that visually.
At the same time, the palette is different for everyone and reflects the individuality of each student.
I took inspiration from Pinterest where I was looking for simple yet elegant clothes. Asian uniforms have the most variety in silhouettes, so I mainly focused on them.
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A small example of the cut I relied on
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astro-vogue · 3 months
© Numerologica 2024 all rights reserved, this article is protected by copyright norms, do not copy, repost, rewrite in any way or you'll be sued for copyright infringement.
Critical Degrees
• One thing people know very little is that - before Nikola Stojanovic Degree Theory - there are degrees descending from hellenistic astrology which are considered to have a crucial relevance.
• These degrees are called "Critical Degrees" because they can heighten the characteristics of a planet both for better or worse and have heightened power, they can be compared to a planet being retrograde, indicating struggles and hardships, here they are:
⟶ 0° & 29° of all signs
⟶ 13° & 26° of Cardinal Signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn)
⟶ 8°, 9°, 21° & 22° of Fixed Signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius)
⟶ 4° & 17° of Mutable Signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces)
Planets in These Degrees
[ ⚠ ] everything I'm going to write are POSSIBLE scenarios, it doesn't mean they HAVE to happen. Nothing is set in stone and it all depends on the whole chart.
⟶ Here are some problems and issues the individual can face when having these degrees:
• SUN = affects personality & what the individual wants, the identity may be unstable, problems with authority figures or the father, can have a higher ego and be self-absorbed which can lead to problems, or else people-pleasing with poor sense of self-worth
• MOON = difficulties with facing emotions and expressing feelings, may have problems with the mother or the caretakers, heightened sensibility and intuition.
• MERCURY = challenges about the attention span, focus, may have learning problems such as dyslexia, or else meu excel in school, easily jumps to conclusions, problems may arise in communicating, speaking one's own truth
• VENUS = problems may arise in relationships which can feel unfulfilling or never truly good, trust issues, people pleasing, obsessed with being liked and loved, may also have a troubled relationship with food and their body.
• MARS = problems with anger or dealing with it, impatience, impulsiveness, difficulty setting goals or being too ambitious and bite more than one's can actually chew. May feel aimless or has difficulty deciding. May lack courage and willpower
• JUPITER = struggles to feel lucky, victim behavior or machiavellism, struggles with confidence, god complex, "know it all" vibe, refusing to learn lessons and keep making the same mistakes over and over. Egoism.
• SATURN = problems may arise with grandparents or bosses, tendency to be very strict to themselves and have insane standards, poor balance between work and fun, overworking or procrastination.
• URANUS = heightened sense of freedom, noncommittal, refusing to obey norms, anarchy, highly rebellious tendencies, unstable, recklessness, can't seem to find stability anywhere, always looking for fun and excitement
• NEPTUNE = escapism, problems may arise with drugs, alcohol, medicines, sleep issues, heightened dreams or paranoia, these people find themselves running away instead of facing life, victimism.
• PLUTO = heightened obsession, paranoia, trust issues, depth, problems may arise around sexuality, such as perversion, addiction to sex or being fearful of it.
• ASC = self obsessed, problems with body image, huge consciousness about how they're perceived by others, can lead to struggles with people pleasing or narcissistic behaviour
• MC = struggles finding the right career path, feeling unsuitable for any profession, struggles at the workplace maybe with bosses and those in a higher position than them, problems with authorities.
© Numerologica 2024 all rights reserved, this article is protected by copyright norms, do not copy, repost, rewrite in any way or you'll be sued for copyright infringement.
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yurozo · 16 days
resident evil (university au headcanons)
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a/n: this is purely based on the beginning of my last year :( feeling bittersweet
chris redfield: a third year sports medicine/kinesiology student. if you're looking for someone who almost always has a water bottle full of creatine in his bag, chris is your guy. he's never the type to dress up, especially because he insists on 8am lectures to 'increase his productivity', so he's usually in sweatpants and under armour compression shirts. he joined the rock climbing club at claire's insistence of getting involved around school, but is unfortunately still getting the hang of it. it's hard to lift all that bodyweight, so the majority of the time he just hangs there. has very little social life. he'll go to a party, drink a single beer, then leave. turns women down because it would mess with his schedule. he's paying a lot of money to be there, and save for a bit of attitude towards his professors, he takes his studies seriously. diet-wise, this man preps like a mfer. protein peanut butter shake at 7.30 am no exceptions, within a 20min time limit of his workout. the dorm fridge has an ungodly amount of boiled eggs. toxic trait: does that white man hand raise when he has a question, and usually only thinks about what he's going to say after his hand goes up. jill valentine:
sociology major, criminology minor. has her schedule perfectly planned out so nothing is before 10am. she can and will ignore chris' pleas to meet her on campus beforehand, usually preferring to go for a coffee before a lecture. is never seen without some source of caffeine in her hand. jill isn't a huge fan of sociological theories, instead choosing to focus on the statistics aspect of it.
her dorm room is an absolute nightmare. there is not a single space on her floor that is not covered in clothes, but has no shame in bringing people over despite this. she'll just kind of awkwardly shuffle them away with her foot to make a pathway.
isn't part of any clubs, mostly because she can't be fucked for that kind of socialization. people always hit on her during class anyways, so it's not like she's hurting for company. she usually hangs out with chris or claire on campus, goading chris into doing something with her or letting claire drag her along into studying. toxic trait: has a windowsill full of empty monster energy drinks. leon kennedy:
a math major, criminology minor. has absolutely handed in multiple sheets of homework with tear stains in the corners. for how nonchalant he seems to be on the outside, he really does take his studies seriously, and always shoots for a perfect gpa. he's primarily seen haunting the third floor library, always looking like he's in a perpetual state of agony.
despite all the silent attention he gets from people during lectures, he does not entertain it whatsoever. the man is there to learn. he has one class with jill where they sit in complete silence together save for a couple of witty jokes at the professor (or other students) expense. the professor both loves and hates him. he's a frequent visitor of office hours, but his assignment is always printed and crushed in his fist. he's had a few short-term girlfriends in university, but nothing long-term. he firmly believes that he has rizz, but he does not. most people just let it slide because he has that attractive weird aura around him. toxic trait: unironically shushes people during a lecture. claire redfield: engineering major, communication minor. another person who takes her studies fairly seriously. the fortunate thing about claire is that she doesn't particularly have to try, the good grades just descend on her from the heavens. it makes chris furious. however like jill, she is not a fan of mornings and is usually seen frowning angrily at the board.
has a friend with a house off campus to store her bike so she can fix it up on her days off, using her engineering notes of course. she's part of a few clubs, but isn't fond of being part of leadership or anything. claire goes purely for the vibes.
goes on a couple strings of dates with guys, but always refuses to go out with people from her classes. she's seen it crash and burn so many times that she's not doing herself. will, however, recommend other people to her brother. toxic trait: pulls up to campus at 9am with the loudest motorcycle engine known to man, and always slams her helmet down on her desk when she sits down.
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lightnotyagami · 6 months
hiii!! Do you write on aether?? If yes, can you write a dom!aether x fem reader where the reader is just fucking bratty with him and he decids to punish her? With a breeding kink if possible! Have a good day and take care of you!
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" Untrust us. "
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Aether x fem reader smut
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A/n: you have every right to kill me anon im MONTHS too late for this cuz i was studying to get accepted into my dream school☠️but i did it & had time to reopen this acc so heres your FF!
Summary: your Professor is making you go insane and aether knows just the right medicine against the stress
Tw/cw: breeding kink, school stress, bratty? Reader (im not very good at writing bratty fems im so sorry) , dom aether, harsh smut, could be considered modern au but i thought of sumeru akademia😭 + correct me if i missed anything !!
"Im gonna go fucking- ahh!" you stormed into the apartment kicking off your shoes and walking into the bedroom without even greeting aether. You threw yourself on your bed, face first, letting out an uncharacteristic groan. you got into a fight with one of the Professors, he was makibng you go insane since the beginning but straight up loosing your project and claiming you never gave it to him?? what the hell is wrong with this man?? you thought to yourself as you felt the weight of the bed shift , aether appeared next to you softly brushing your hair out of your face, or at least trying before you hit his hand back "aether do NOT." you growled out. aether simply chuckled lightly, and pulled his hand away from your face, you sat up quickly glaring at the aether in front of you."What's so funny?" you asked as you leaned forwards, placing your hands on your knees."nothing" he responded, giving you a quick smile which you didn't return. You weren' t in the mood to be happy right now. you grabbed a pillow throwing it towards aether who caught it, not saying anything more you laid down again
"you know, i can fix this."
"what the hell do you mean?"
"n-ngh~ aether" you moaned out, arching your back at his harsh thrusts into you "aww come on~ wheres that bratty persona now?" he mocked you as he moved faster "i-m sorry~" you whined out to him , pushing yourself against the sheets as he continued to thrust into you kissing your neck and leaving marks along the way "that's better~" he grinned and pushed deeper inside your body.A sharp pain shot through your stomach causing you to let out a loud scream, tears forming in your eyes ."oh baby! i'm so sorry! did I hurt you?" He asked mockingly now kissing your chest "no..feels good~." you whimpered out, clutching onto his shirt, feeling the familiar wetness dripping down your lower abdomen, you knew thus feeling. You could feel it building up in the pit of your stomach, your stomach was burning and your core was clenching uncomfortably "p-please~" you begged him holding onto his shoulders tighter "shh its alright~" he moaned hiding his face in your neck as you felt a sudden wave of heat burst throughout your body and aethers thrusts slowing down to a stop and pulling out "wha-wait i didnt finish yet!" you cried out
"i know, thats a luxery you get only when behaveing."
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oneforthemunny · 1 year
can't hurry love |older!dilf!eddie munson x reader|
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prompt: a little blurb about older!dilf!eddie and reader adjusting to life as parents, which includes learning to have quickies where they can.
contains: domestic fluff. age gap relationship. reader is thirty-three, eddie is forty-nine. dad!eddie x mom!reader. fluff and smut. minors DNI 18+. quickie p in v sex.
Eddie was sure if he heard 'Let It Go' one more time he was going to scream, rip his hair out and shove it into his ears so he didn't have to hear the song ever again. He thought Strawberry Shortcake was bad, but it was nothing compared to this- a new level of hell that Delilah insisted on playing on a loop over and over and over. He figured it was probably because of her new Elsa dress, a costume blue replica of the character's that came with all the accessories- including a very tangled and tattered wig that you were "fixing". He had Wayne to thank for that, the old man could never say no to either of his grand babies.
Eddie was going to make sure he put the idea in Lilah's head to make Poppa watch the sing-along version the next time he dropped her off, give him a taste of his own medicine; but he knew deep down Wayne wouldn't mind.
"Delilah," You called carefully, padding into the living room with a basket full of her clothes on your hip, ready to be washed from the week before. "I think it's time for us to go lay down."
Eddie cringed, the soft whimper of shock, rounding eyes and a pout that made his heart lurch in his chest, followed by the expectant whine, loud and shrill. "Noooo..." Delilah stomped her foot. "No, Mama, we're not done with the movie!"
You looked at Eddie, lips pursed. You knew he'd cave if she begged too much, and you wanted to stop it before it started. "Delilah," You warned lifting a brow. "You gotta have a nap, baby. You'll be so mean and cranky if you don't."
"Daddy, tell her no." Delilah whined, climbing into Eddie's lap, curling into his chest. Your lips twitched, biting back a smile. You wanted to be irritated, but you couldn't. Three years old and already knew exactly how to play Eddie so he'd bend to her every whim. You wished you were surprised, but between you and Brielle, she was bound to learn the ways of the women around her.
Eddie's eyes softened, cradling her head into his chest, stroking her soft curls. He looked up at you pleadingly. "Just a few more minutes," He said, face melting. He looked down, Delilah's tiny fist rubbing her eyes as she fought back a yawn, easing into his chest and relaxing under his touch.
You tsked, lifting a brow at him. "Eddie, we talked about this." You warned quietly. You had been trying for weeks to get Delilah to go to sleep on her own, starting to ween her out of long snuggles and holding her until she fell asleep. She would start school in only a few years, and didn't need to be coddled like that and make it worse on herself.
Eddie had been less than thrilled. He loved nothing more than cuddling with his baby before she went to bed, reading her a story, his readers perched on his nose doing animated voices that riled her up more than soothed her. Often, especially if he was working at the shop late, it was the only time he got with her. He was so pouty when you talked to him about it the first time, petulant with huffy grumbles and protest, but he knew you were right.
"Just give us a few minutes, please?" Eddie's face contorted into a small smile. "The troll songs about to come on, then we'll go nap after that. Right, Pickles?"
Delilah giggled, half her face still resting on her dad's chest, her eyes still trained on the movie. You narrowed your eyes at him. "Fine, I'll go start this load and then you're going to take a nap, missy." You pointed at Delilah, who huffed and whined. Eddie's gruff, soothing voice peppering words and kisses into her hairline.
You dumped the clothes in, bending over to see a pair of your panties had dropped between the washer and dryer. You shimmied your hand down to snatch the clothing piece, blushing and rolling your lip between your teeth when you held it in front of you. It was a lacy black pair, part of a set you bought for Eddie's birthday, that you must've dropped, seeing as it was still covered in your release and his, dried and crusted on the black fabric.
Your legs squeezed together at the memory. You'd taken Eddie to the bar, meeting all his friends for his birthday, even bringing a cake to share at the small booth you rented out, everyone drunkenly serenading the birthday boy. The real surprise was when you got home. Madeline had offered to watch Delilah for the night, ecstatic to see her niece and spend time with her, so you had the house to just the two of you. As soon as you'd shown Eddie the lingerie set, he'd bent you over the arm of the couch, pounding into you relentlessly, not even bothering to take the panties off.
That had been over two weeks ago.
The shift from fucking each other anytime you wanted to with no worries, to having to sneak and worry about being interrupted by the baby monitor or tiny feet padding to your room was a hard adjustment for both of you. Even for Eddie, who had done it once before, it was still hard.
You poured the detergent in, tossing your panties in the wash, before starting the machine. You placed the basket on top, lips twisting in thought before walking back into the living room.
Delilah was heavy lidded, curled into Eddie's chest nearly half asleep when you stepped in front of the TV, hands on your hips. "Nap time, sweet girl." You cooed, turning off the television.
Delilah cried, angry and irritated, burying her face in Eddie's chest. "No, Mama, no!" She wailed, clinging to Eddie tightly. "Tell her no, Daddy!"
"I don't think that will matter, baby cakes." Eddie snorted lightly, running a hand down her back. "You know Mama's the boss lady around here. You better listen to her."
You bit back a grin, shaking your head at him. "Lilah, let's go. C'mon, Mama will go tuck you in."
Delilah cried, fat, crocodile tears streamed down her little red face. You knew it was probably from exhaustion more than anything else. She always got so cranky after lunch. "I not tired!" Delilah lisped, her 'r' sounding more like a 'w', and it made Eddie's heart swell, holding her closer to his chest, pressing his cheek against her head sweetly.
"Here, baby, I'll come lay with you ok? Just until you go to sleep, and then when you wake up we can play with your toys some more, ok?" Eddie cooed sweetly, avoiding your hard gaze.
"No," You said, shaking your head. "I'll go put her down, and I need your help in the bedroom, please." You eyed him carefully.
Eddie's brows knitted in confusion, twisting with a questioning look. You blinked, eyes flickering to your room down the hall. "Just go wait for me, please." You grit though your teeth. "I've got a really bad itch and I need you to scratch it, please."
Eddie's eyes flashed in confusion before widening, bulging in realization. The euphemism wasn't great by a long shot, you were trying to talk in code in front of your toddler, who was more interested in crying and screaming than whatever you two were discussing. Eddie blushed, mouth running dry. He pressed a quick kiss to Delilah's cheek, muttering a small promise that soothed her a bit before her nap, then handing her off to you.
You looked at him over the top of Delilah's curls, nodding down the hall before going into her room.
Delilah went down fairly easy, too exhausted from the constant running and excitement of the day to whine and protest too long. You'd tucked her in before sitting outside her door to make sure she stayed in her bed, listening until her little cries turned into sniffles then silence, the noise machine drowning out her little snores. You peeked in the room, illuminated by the soft glow of the night light and the sun peeking through the drawn curtains, before tip toeing down the hall to yours and Eddie's room.
Eddie perked up when you walked in, eyes lighting up when you shut the door behind you. "Did you get her down?" Eddie asked eagerly, standing up.
You nodded, shimmying out of your sweatpants and pulling your shirt over your head. "Yes," You muttered, feeling his eyes gawk at your bare body. You didn't wait for whatever lewd and suggestive comment was on his tongue, pressing yourself against him, your lips catching his, tugging him in deeper and deeper into you.
Eddie's hands found the small of your back, calloused skin skating down towards your ass, cupping and squeezing the fat of it until you moaned into his mouth. He dropped lower, hands tucking between your legs, swiping through your wet folds. You could feel him smirk into your mouth.
"Dirty girl," He tsked, pulling his shining fingers out with a dimpled grin. "What's gotten into you, huh?"
You rolled your eyes, huffing and reaching for the band of his sweatpants. You could see his growing erection already tenting the soft fabric, rolling your hand over his cock, squeezing it lightly before shoving his pants roughly to the ground.
"Shut up." You muttered with an eye roll, feeling his arrogant grin on you, mouth watering at the sight of his cock, thick and veiny, practically touching your nose. You wanted to bury your face in his groin, smother his dick with wet kisses, that's how much you missed it.
You pumped him a few times, silken skin soft in your hands. Eddie groaned, tipping his head back and you huffed. "Be quiet, you'll wake her up." You pouted, swiping your tongue over his tip.
"Then don't do that-fuck." Eddie groaned, hands finding your hair, gripping it lightly. You swallowed him easily down your throat, hands gripping his hair thighs to steady yourself, bobbing up and down on his shaft. "Shit, bunny, that-that's so good, but I need to be inside you."
You pulled off him with a small pop, eyes lifting to his in amusement. You wiped the back of your mouth with your wrist, his hands guiding you to stand up. "Never thought I'd here you say that." You smirked.
Eddie snorted with an eye roll. He smacked your ass playfully, hard enough to have you yelp and squeal, thighs rubbing together for friction. "Just get on the bed." He muttered. "Let me scratch that itch." He grinned.
You blushed, turning and climbing onto the bed, crawling into a table top position. "What? I didn't know what to say." You laughed with a small shrug, bending your front half to sink onto the mattress.
Craning your head to look over your shoulder, Eddie smirked, eyes rolling over your body, your presented ass and glistening pussy, ready and needy for him. You wiggled your hips, ass jiggling in front of him.
"C'mon, hurry up, before she wakes up and interrupts us, again." You groaned, watching him pump his length before situating himself behind you. "Gotta be quick."
Eddie exhaled slowly out his nose, smirking and rolling his tongue over his bottom lip. "I gotcha, bunny, I know." He grinned. "I'll get ya there, just slow down." He swiped his fingered over your folds, pushing his pointer finger into your sopping hole. You shoved your face into the mattress, muffling your loud, desperate moan that tore from your chest.
Eddie moved, positioning himself behind you. "Ready?" He asked, and you nodded. Eddie pushed in slowly, cock splitting you open, the burn from the stretch of his length against your walls made you whine, simmering out with the familiar mind numbing pleasure that always left you complacent and dizzy.
Eddie groaned lowly when he bottomed out, hunching over so his bare chest was pressed to your back. "Holy fucking shit, bunny." He ground his hips against the meat of your ass. "Been too fuckin' long, baby. Way too fuckin' long."
You moaned when he pulled out, hips snapping against yours, a rhythm building and pleasure pooling deep in your belly. You knew you'd be cumming in no time, the overwhelming pleasure mixed with the fact that you hadn't had him in so long, your legs were already beginning to shake, abdomen clenching and fists grappling at the sheets.
Eddie huffed, hot breath on your bare shoulder blades, pressing sloppy, wet, open mouthed kisses to your hot skin, nuzzling the scruff of his beard into you. "God, fuck, 'm not gonna last long." He warned, hand snaking between you, fingers expertly finding your clit, rubbing tight circles that had you crying out.
"Should be a fuckin' crime to not fuck you for as long as I did, shit." Eddie hissed. "A pussy this sweet? And I've gone too long without it, haven't I?" Eddie cooed into your ear, a little taunting and mean. Your legs clenched around his hand. "You've just been a little pent up, haven't you, bunny? So needy for me, and I didn't even know, huh?"
"Fuck," You whimpered, tears pricking your eyes. His hand on your clit pressed down harder, cock jabbing your g-spot so hard you were sure you'd be spilling over him in no time. "Too long, 's too long." You babbled.
Eddie felt his stomach clench, cock twitching deep inside your velvety walls. His hands gripped harder on your hips, thrusting deeper and harder, sloppy and sharp thrusts that took your breath away. "Fuck, baby, I'm gonna-" Eddie's fingers worked faster on your clit, jaw clenching when he rocked harder into you, bed squeaking, mattress springs creaking with every harsh snap of his hips.
You whimpered, the pleasure building so closely you could feel yourself tipping closer and closer towards the edge of ecstasy. Eddie could feel you clenching, his hand still working on your puffy, sensitive clit, thrusting harder, while his other cracked down on the side of your ass, a resounding smack that left you crying out- a bit too loudly- a final thrust sending you reeling falling into the mattress with a fucked out cry.
"Thank fuck-ugh!" Eddie groaned, his own cock spilling deep inside you. He moved slow, pushing farther and farther into you until you'd collected every drop of him. His head fell forward, curly tendrils tickling your back, his hot breath ghosting over your skin.
You could feel him, warm inside of you, filled with every drop of his rather large load. Eddie rested his cheek, stubble skin pressed to the skin of your back, eyes closed and breathing in your scent, calming and grounding while he caught his breath.
You grinned, eyes fluttering at the feeling of him, his weight on top of you, still buried deep inside of you. The house filled with an odd moment of silence, the ceiling fan above you spinning was the only sound other than the labored breaths of you and Eddie. If you listened closely, you could hear the very faint sound of Delilah's sound machine, muffled to a small buzz down the hall.
Eddie moved his hand, tucking it so it cupped your cheek sweetly, tilting to bring you closer to him. He didn't say anything, slotting his lips over yours in a tender, sweet kiss, full of love and passion, like after a date night and a few glasses of wine. You smiled, his forehead against yours as you moved closer to him, content and basking in his embrace. He left you warm from the inside out, bubbly and happy, full of joy that he was yours; that this was your life together, a life you created that was far sweeter than anything you could've ever imagined- even if it started out a little unconventional.
The chirping sound of the washer singing and ringing rang through the house, signaling the the wash cycle was done. You sighed slowly, eyes meeting Eddie's through a glassy gaze. "I think I better go switch them over." You muttered, your lips brushing his, nose touching. "And you better go smoke now if you want to, before she wakes up."
Eddie sighed heavily, lips brushing against yours in a gentle peck, before he pushed himself up, groaning and the creaks and clicks of his joints and bones. "Agh," He hissed, pulling out of you slowly, his release falling in a puddle underneath you.
"Ed," You huffed, lifting your ass up farther to try and keep anymore from spilling. "Now I have to wash that too."
Eddie smirked, grabbing a wash cloth out of the bathroom and wetting it before coming back. "Sorry, baby." He muttered, wiping you slowly. You shifted, rolling over onto your back while he finished cleaning you, sucking in a breath at the sensitivity between your legs.
Eddie settled himself back between your legs, rubbing against your ass suggestively. "Think she'd stay down for another round?" He asked, scanning your naked chest.
You scoffed, pushing him back lightly by his sternum. "Please, we better not test our luck." You rolled your eyes, sitting up, legs hanging over the side of the bed.
You stood, bending down to shimmy back on your discarded sweatpants. You could feel Eddie's blistering gaze on your ass. "Besides," You smirked, biting back a smirk. "You couldn't get it up for a second round, geezer." You teased.
Eddie's jaw ticked, scoffing challengingly, arms crossing over his inked chest. You laughed, putting on your shirt with a small blush. "Alright," Eddie's tongue rolled on the inside of his cheek, eyes narrowing lightly at you. "I'll remember that, baby."
You laughed, wrapping your arms around his neck, lifting on your toes to press a kiss to his cheek. "'M just kidding." You giggled, batting your eyes lovingly at him.
Eddie's hands snaked down, cracking against your sweatpants clad ass before gripping your waist tightly. "You wait until tonight, bunny. We'll see how many rounds I can go." He growled threateningly, but his eyes twinkled playfully, lustfully and alluring.
You broke apart, gathering the blanket from the bed in your arms while Eddie got dressed. He caught your waist when you passed him, arms full of the blanket, pressing a sweet kiss to your lips, your head tipping back and reeling under his touch.
"Love you," Eddie muttered, kissing the tip of your nose. He fumbled in his top drawer for a cigarette and his lighter, winking at you when you dreamily repeated the phrase back to him, feeling airy and gooey, like a school girl with a second period crush. He still made you feel so important, so loved and adored.
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kimerawrt · 11 months
DP x DC: Reincarnation
(this idea keeps bothering me so I'm launching it into the void of tumblr)
Danny is the ghost king, has been for a hundred or so years, and had been working non stop to fix the mess pariah dark made. He did but he keeps working almost like an obsession (its not thankfully)
Cause working with no pause is not healthy even if one is dead, CW and other ancients decide to give their king a forced reincarnation vacation. Their king gets a rest of his duties by living a human life while they manage the zone, cause a human life is nothing to ghosts that have existed for millennia, they can wait for their king to return.
The high king of the ghost zone is born again with a new name. His name is Bruce Wayne.
(more under the cut)
Bruce is a happy child, and a very smart one. He understand machines in some strange way and is incredible good with physics (specially astrophysics). His parents are aware of how smart he is and encourage him to learn more things, Bruce learns a lot of how to manage a business from his dad and his mom teaches his about lots of things but mostly on how to think logically and deduct the truth
For some strange reason animals seem to like him, specially cats, dogs, crows and bats. When Bruce falls into the well he is scared by the bats but calms down enough to know the bats are also scared
Bruce is a happy child, until his parents are murdered in front of him.
Bruce feels like something in him breaks at that. his emotions are so painful that its almost physical. Alfred is the only one he has left and he becomes very protective of his butler
Bruce grows up with grief in his heart. He graduates high school with the biggest honors and goes to college. He tries engineering and leaves it. He tries medicine and leaves it too. He cant move past his parents murder and he cant unseen how his beloved city seems to get worse and worse.
Bruce decides to do something to fix all of that. He now has a mission. He drops out of college, makes a well thought plan and leaves to train leaving a letter behind to Alfred cause he knows if he sees the butler he wouldnt be able to leave. He needs the training.
For a year, Bruce looks for the best experts in a lot of fighting styles, offensive and defensive, things happen and he stars training with the League of Assassins. Bruce is good and learns fast but there is something in there that makes him extremely wary and make him work very hard to not get hurt
The Lazarus Pit
Those glowing green boiling waters gave him a bad feeling. Sometimes Bruce could swear the were whispering at him, calling to him to let them give him something he ought to have. Bruce was smart and knew that would be nothing good and he didnt ask the others if they too could hear the weird waters. He was sure Ra's would kill him for it. The guy was obsessed with the thing.
Unfortunately for him, in the final test to be an assassin, Bruce got hurt enough to need to be put in the waters to not die. Ra's saw potential in him and he was not going to lose someone that good in fighting.
In the waters, Bruce was being healed but something else was going on. The Lazarus Pit was made of a mix of ectoplasm, purified waters from long lost oceans and death magic. That combination made the waters heal all organic organisms in exchange for something, for sentient beings was their sanity and for non sentients was their will
Its a good thing that the ectoplasm in it recognized their king soul and the death magic was not able to take, but it could give as well.
That day Bruce Wayne remembered his last life and knew what awaited him after he died. That night, Bruce escapes from the League and returns to Gotham.
Once home, Bruce pass some time with Alfred telling little things about his travels. Alfred gives him a look that told Bruce that the butler knew he was not telling him everything. It doesnt takes long for Bruce to tell Alfred everything, the hidden parts of his travels, the League and his memories from a previous life. He could never hide things from Alfred for long.
Alfred believes him and declares that Bruce is his guard no matter what he had been or done. Bruce is happy to have Alfred with him.
Bruce had not forgotten his mission to fix Gotham and after searching for a place to train and build things he finds the Cave under his house. For some reason it feels nostalgic, as if one could build a portal to the realm of the dead in there. Of course Bruce has no plan of doing that.
While building his gadgets to fight crime in Gotham, Bruce also builds something he saw the Fentons do before the portal. It was a machine to gather ectoplasm in a passive way. He had a suspicion that the city was not only contaminated by smog but there was also something supernatural in it.
When the first drops of glowing green ectoplasm filled the vial he had left under the machine Bruce knew he was right. As it only took some days to gather it, it was clear that there was an unusual high concentration of ecto in the city. It would be too easy to open a portal in here.
Bruce then used the gathered ecto to power up his supercomputer and many more tools. He was also working on making a car powered up with it. Of course he was not going to let the bright glowing green be seen in whatever he is making.
Alfred had a slight suspicion that besides being the ghost king, his guard might be also a mad scientist
Bruce might have also kinda tamed the colony of bats living in the cave. Making sure all of them were healthy and vaccinated was a nightmare he was not willing to repeat.
Because of working with ectoplasm, Batman always gives an uncanny feeling to the criminals and makes most of them give up in fear. Batman becomes a cryptid very soon, though the police still tries to arrest him, Bruce gets a odd nostalgic feeling at being chased with guns shooting at him
it only takes a year after Batman is out fighting crime for a ghost to show up. Luckily that ghost is just Cujo. Now Bruce has a very good guard dog to protect his house and Alfred
Thanks to Cujo Bruce discovers the city has an spirit and its kinda cursed. Its too bad he had no knowledge of what kind of magic is affecting the city. And because his current human body is not magical he can do little to help. Having Cujo chase away maligns shades seems to help some.
When the rogues appear they remind Bruce of the ghosts he fought when he was a half ghost. Though, he knows they are alive and can change for the better unlike the dead that are stuck and need something too drastic to change. Although Arkham is so corrupt that Bruce has to fight another type of fight to fix that, one that unfortunately he cant punch away
When Bruce sees how the child in the circus is left alone after witnessing his parents death, or course he would want to help. He didnt expect that Robin would join him in his night job
Then another child tries to steal his wheels and ends up adopting him, he also didnt expect the new Robin and by know he would seen the pattern
When Jason is killed by the Joker, Bruce is devastated and seeks vengeance. Batman cant kill, thats a rule he imposed to his vigilante persona. But he didnt need to be Batman to get revenge and the teachings of the League of Assassins come in handy. He knew that if he killed the Joker his soul would belong to him and he would get a better revenge when he becomes the ghost king once more.
An unknown assassin kills the Joker
There is something strange in Gotham. Something that makes the Joker come back to life a little bit more unhinged every time. Something that made Jason Todd crawl out of his grave some months after burying him
Time passes, Bruce gets more children and gets in more fights. Then Jason comes back to Gotham filled with the Pit madness. But when he tries to confront Batman, the Pit calms down in the presence of its king.
Jason is happy to not having to fight the Pit all the time, he still becomes the crime lord/anti-hero Red Hood, though his relationship with his dad is not bad after they had a talk, mostly of Bruce killing the Joker more than once already (they probably go to kill the Joker again as a bonding activity or something)
-There would be other shenanigans in between all this like:
+the kids discovering you can bring food back to like with ectoplasm and making a mess in the kitchen, everyone but Jason gets a life ban from Alfred domain
+the other heroes of the League thinking Batman has a meta power to make him appear intimidating, tho it wouldnt explain where he gets the strange technology or why some could swear a green see through puppy follows the dark night even in the watchtower
+Batman and Deadman make a strange friendship in the eyes of the other, Deadman knows the bat has the soul of his king but as he is not king now its fine to be casual, the ghost adores Cujo and pets it all the time
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tiyoin · 3 months
You wanna know how dangerous twisted wonderland is? Ain’t no way a magicless person can survive. Ruggie can make 20 people fall off the stairs!!!! Riddle can color you but idk what that really does cus we don’t have magic, Leona can turn people into sand, Jamil can hypnotize you, vil can poison food, malleus could kill you.
it’s so incredibly EASY for a none magicless person to get injured and i mean SERIOUSLY injured.
not only is magic and potions real- but you have someone who can make an ACTUALLY binding contract, someone who can put a magic tracker on you and know your EVERY move, someone who can put you in a glass coffin that makes you pass out-
ruggie jamil leona and epel are the few characters i’d avoid if someone told me about them only by their unique spells
like i would be SHITTING MYSELF if you told me that if i looked into your eyes / left eye you could get me to tell my greatest fears and embarrassments. like suddenly, i can’t see no more 🧑🏻‍🦯🧑🏻‍🦯🧑🏻‍🦯
realizing riddle could collar anyone whenever he wanted and he just doesn’t is so mind bending. like yeah he did collar everyone, but he could collar WHOEVER, WHENEVER and the collared loses their magic while collared???? HELLO??
i’d be so scared and nervous about being the only one not able to do magic. like that guy could set me aflame and there’s nothing i could do.
kalim could be SUCK a menace but he’s too good for that is something the school never knew it needed. because kalim could DRENCH AND SERIOUSLY INJURED PEOPLE just by sending water down a hallway, and his unquie magic lets him let out a lot of fucking water.
remember when he made so much water that the leech twins were able to turn into their merforms and swim back to the dorm in a desert. a desert.
i’d also be shitting bricks thinking that someone could just lift me off the ground via broom. it’d be like a hawk circling a chihuahua or a yorkie. 😭
instead of clumps of fur left there’d be pens and an eraser… maybe a couple of other miscellaneous items like a cartoonish looking bubblegum😭😭
or you see someone seriously injured and internally bleeding and instead of a serious procedure they just wrap him like a mummy and wave a wand. THE FAMILY ARENT EVEN THAT AFFECTED- THEYRE SLIGHTLY ANNOYED AT BEST.
“dad we told you not to climb the roof again”
“i survived last time and missed the gate this time. so it’ll be a day shorter for recovery!”
imagine trying to escape crewel’s class by complaining of a migraine and not even 5 minutes later he’s next to your cowering form, too scared to lift your head to properly meet his eye. you won’t have a choice though, as crewel’s hard stare forced you to look at the freshly brewed potion he’s offering you.
he ONLY does that if he hates you… or if you’re ace… or grim… sometimes even deuce
not saying everything is a easy fix via potions because there are still cases that need long, strenuous surgeries.
but because of the technology they have they can probably offer a lot more complex surgeries, but require doctors to be another fucking level.
(imagine how disgustingly rich you’d be as a magic doctor 🤤)
let’s not forget about our magical cat-buddy grim whose ears i’m 100% sure are made of fire. fire so hot it’s blue. he has a forked tail which looks pretty pointy if you ask me.
oh let’s not forget he has the impulse control of a 5 year old, the ego of a finance bro and the heart of a cat. he can also use magic. flame magic being his specialty.
you never know when he’s gonna burp up flames or get so excited his ear fire gets bigger and taller.
grim alone is a handful but now you gotta watch out for magical teenage boys?? brother..🥲
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fortloser · 29 days
Hello again! Sooo kinda a personal question but what was yalls childhoods like?
(Also, hope u feel better snipes!)
Hallo everyone! I finally got my hands on those portraits! Now most of the others became rather uncomfortable when I started questioning them about their youths. I got answers ranging from “why are you so bloody intrested in how im doing! There’s nothing special about me or my childhood, now bugger off.” to more reasonable explanations. I tried calling Scout on his cellular device but he seemed very preoccupied. Oh well, he’ll get back to you on that, onto the testimonies! Brace yourself friends this will be somewhat lengthy.
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I first approached herr Demo, and getting him to open up was fairly easy. His favorite alcoholic beverage and a snack did the trick!
“ It must be me birthday if yer spoiling me rotten doc, I guess I can share something about me youth if yer willing to lend an ear. I grew up in Glencoe Scotland, a great place if you like trails and hiking. Me mum and dad were professional monster hunters and me being the wee little lad that I was wanted to impress em with the greatest catch any child could give their parents, the Loch Ness monster! I did it all on me own but it came at a cost,,”
After that herr demo just stared off in the distance and I made a mental note to ask him more about that later, The Engineer was also very open about his youth! I came to him shortly after dinner knowing he would be busying himself with one of his long-term projects and would enjoy some company, his leg was still a little stiff from a rather nasty fall and so movement was difficult at times. He was more than happy to talk while I assisted.
“Luckenbach Texas, everybody is somebody there. It was recently bought by a goat farmer. Can you believe that? He called himself an Imagineer and after that, a bunch of hillbilly musicians started moving in. Can't complain though, It breathed new life into my home, I hated going back and seeing the state it was in. My mom and pop own a small pig farm there, and I still try to visit though unlike my good-for-nothing twin with his stupid fancy job at “NASA”,,
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I don't think I should share his personal frustration about his twin with the public so let's move on, yes? The next day I approached Heavy, he was last on my list and seemingly already aware of me interrogating the entire team, and as he was cleaning his minigun he told me to take a seat.
“You want to know about heavy, Da? Then I will tell you about heavy. Grew up in big town near mountain, you would not know it. Had big family, many sisters and brothers but Heavy was oldest. Family was poor but happy, loved summer, snow would melt and grass and flowers would show, heavy likes this. Went to good school had many friends, now heavy works to give family same life. Doctor is happy  with answer?”
I was surprised he was so willing to talk about his youth, I politely thanked him and left to prepare for that day's battle, I suppose that only leaves me left.
I was born in Germany, my mother was German and my father was Dutch and they both moved to Germany so my mother could be close to her family, he was a watchmaker and she was an artist, this relationship did not last and they got divorced. My motherstayed in germany allowing my father to raise me on his own back in the netherlands. I spent a lot of time in my father's workshop while he was trying to fix up old clocks. I didn't have many friends but who needs them when you have books and wildlife to observe? I excelled in all of my studies and pursued medicine, and eventually ended up here writing to you after I just finished up patching the last of my colleagues.
Stay healthy
With kind regards medic
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differenteagletragedy · 10 months
holy shit all your headcannons are so good, hi!! i saw the tags on some post of yours saying you would write for mentally ill mcs... could we see what the boys would be like with an mc that has depression? (totally not projecting lolol)
Thank you!! And I totally get you, I’m not projecting either with it, not even a little 🤫
— If you thought Cove was clingy before, boy howdy are you in for a surprise. When he realizes you’re depressed, he’s sneaking into your window all the time, and he’s trying all kinds of different things to make you feel better. He brought you a cool shell, did you see? He brought you a pretzel from the shopping street, do you want it?
— basically the boy is flailing around, losing his mind because he wants to help you SO BAD, and it’s really sweet but depression isn’t cured by sweet presents and sweeter boys (unfortunately)
— for better or worse, Derek wants to fix things. Did you take your meds? Do you need to see your doctor and maybe try new meds? He heard exercise helps, do you want to try that? He has the best intentions in the world and will listen to whatever you tell him you need, but his instinct is to take care of you, even when the problem isn’t that easily solved
— Baxter knows a thing or two about depression, so he’s just here for you. If you need to take another nap, that’s ok. If you don’t feel like eating a full dinner, he’ll grab you some food snacks so you don’t get sick on top of everything else. You can talk about whatever and he’ll just listen and probably play with your hair
— Cove is on his laptop going into research mode for this. What can help a person with depression, how should you treat a loved one with depression — he’s doing his homework and he’s taking it very seriously. Pops up with a few clinical terms when he tries to talk to you about it and you’re like “what” but he’s going for it.
— Derek hugs! He gives A+ hugs and he’s also one of those people who are always warm, so it’s very comforting to just settle into a Derek hug. He doesn’t have anywhere important to be, so get comfy.
— Baxter will try to cheer you up with a dance. Does it work? At least for a little bit, yeah.
— If you get to a really dark place, Cove won’t leave you alone. Like at all. If you’re living at your moms’ house they’ll go along with it just because they know he’ll probably be the one to reach you, so he’s just hanging out constantly.
— Do you also have anxiety? A fun double feature for your brain! Baxter can guide you through a panic attack like it’s his job
— Cove does literally anything in his power to ease your anxiety — we saw that when he tried to give MC his homework when they lost theirs. Are you stressed about work? Let him help, it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t know anything about it. You don’t have to do it alone.
— Basically Derek just making it his life’s mission to make you feel better. If he’s still in school, he’s blowing off extracurriculars because he’s worried. He tries to convince his parents to go for a week-long slumber party so he can be there for you all the time.
— have you been thinking about trying any kind of alternative medicine to treat any of this? Baxter’s got you.
— Baxter spending all weekend in his pajamas in bed with you while you don’t have the energy for anything else.
MC: Don’t you have something better to do?
Baxter: Nothing is better than being with you.
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Hi. hate to be posting another donation post but im in a bad place. please only help if you can if you cant thats ok obviously im just at a point where im exhausting every outlet i have to get help.
cashapp is $pikman2, paypal is [email protected], my venmo is @funkymuscle
TLDR im poor and raise my little sister alone and my car broke down and im sick with strep throat and i have no way to get to my second job (my first job is doordashing so im out of half of my income entirely) and i am broke as fuck rn. im really just pressed about rent cause i need to keep a roof over my head and i can go without electricity /water if it comes down to it. i have food with assistance but no toilet paper so we are using pillow cases that i wash rn. literally any little bit helps. my rent is 1,300 , my electric is behind so its at a total of 600, and i already got "assistance" with that.
more context: my mother and father are dirt poor/out of the picture/unwilling to help, i raise my little sister alone and i already have a really hard time asking for help cause i am like hyperindependent but i lost my sales job because 1. sales sucks and also 2. my boss made a "work meeting" at a bar mandatory and ended up cornering me and stealing my phone, hr didnt care, and the situation was more complex than that but i clearly dont work there anymore. im a CNA now but cant do full time until my little sister is out of school for the summer which is at the end of this month. i start my 12 hr shifts from the 9th of june onwards but for now have part time hours and i doordash to make ip the difference. my car is totally beyond repair, ive had it since i graduated in 2017 and every 1 problem requires you to fix 4 other problems. literally if i had a car none of this would be a problem cause im this close to finally catching up on my bills, but alas. im also very sick rn like my throat feels like i gargled on a bag of rocks. i dont have insurance which isnt a surprise to anyone. im pretty much estranged from the rest of my family because theyre all super political and of course towards the right so me existing is like their least favorite thing.
i CAN take the bus TO work, but id have to walk 2 hours home, alongside a highway that crosses the mississippi that someone got beheaded on last year trying to do the exact same thing. i think im different though and nothing bad would happen to me so thats my current plan. i have no way to get my little sister to school and the school doesnt provide busing at all for where we live.
again, any little bit helps. even 10 dollars i can at least get medicine. thank you
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Finding purpose | Male OC (or male reader)
Chap 1
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Summary: In a world that is dying and there is no way of saving it, the humanity takes mater into their own hands. They flee from their home planet with hope of conquering another in order to survive. Among them, a couple of brothers with no idea what they’re doing.
Pairings: Jake sully x Oc (friendship), Tsu’tey x Oc (friendship), Neytiri x Oc (friendship). [No current love interest]
Warnings: Mention of violence, death, use of drugs or alcohol, bad ways of coping mechanisms and obscene language.
Note: - This is not a request and it’s the translation of the original story in wattpad. - My native language it’s not English - The Oc’s name is Eli Thompson.
Masterlist - Next part
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This is what the elderly people called the approaching age of the earth. Only those with memories of what life was like 100 years ago can agree with the idea.
Forests were cleared and replaced with concrete and metal buildings. The oxygen of the atmosphere was contaminated with carbon dioxide. People going about their day to day became more isolated in their own lives and what was known as mere courtesy to others was lost.
But it wasn't all bad. Science, technology and medicine made unimaginable discoveries that in the past would only be dreams.
This is how in the XXII century, genetic problems were nothing more than a simple matter of paying enough to fix the problem. Physical defects and most of the mental ones were easy to cure. But what happened when they were twins? After the year 2098, when the world declared itself over populated, a new law was declared where women had the right to give birth only once, the number of children that appeared at birth was irrelevant. For people of higher status it was no problem. They only had to choose to keep only one child or easily pay the economic expense of both. But for those without the resources, having twins was like a curse.
That was how Eli and Jonathan Thompson came to the orphanage. A careless mother with no desire to bear the responsibility of two lives left them at the door of an orphanage.
Luckily for the babies, orphanages are under the protection of governments. Their education is paid for and supervised by capable people. But the coexistence between the children is not the best. Fights that lead to loosening teeth are quite common since caregivers only choose to have a job that gives them money, not out of interest in the well-being of minors.
Eli, the older of the twins, grew up defending his younger brother. He wasn't afraid of having to break noses if someone messed with his family. As for his brother, Jonathan, he was a sweet soul, his strength was in his intelligence and his heart in science books. It was normal for the two of them to spend the afternoon together away from the others. While Jonathan reads aloud, Eli pays attention to whatever his brother says. Even though he often finds it hard to understand what he says. He even had to get a dictionary to understand the complex words in the books that his little brother loved.
Growing up was not a problem with the dynamics they had. It was like this, when leaving school, the 13-year-old brothers hit the road to the park to have their precious free time before returning to the orphanage full of children with testosterone to the maximum and desires to hit something to de-stress.
What they did not know was that that same day they would meet 2 other people. Thomas and Jacob Sully.
Another set of twins.
From the first sight, the 4 children were intrigued to meet the opposites. It was normal, twins were not common in a society as strange as the one they live in.
But what was unusual, was seeing how the children found a balance between themselves.
The oldest Sully, a kind-hearted and highly intelligent boy, instantly hit it off with Jonathan's desire for adventure and knowledge attitude. While the youngest of the Sullys, Jacob, found it amusing to have to face the older bother Eli in whatever they can think of. Sports, wrestling, food races, etc. In short, growing up was... interesting.
Difficult, without a doubt, but very interesting. The Sullys changed school to be with their new friends. It was easier that way.
Upon reaching 17, Eli and Jake made the decision to join the military and the other 2 brothers were going to fulfill their dreams by studying at the university in the RDA with the hope of entering the program that would take them to Pandora.
But not everything was going to go so well. Jake was discharged from the military due to a spinal injury that left him paralyzed, Eli opted to leave when there was a problem in one of his missions, which ended with a chest wound and returning with fewer people than they had gone. Jonathan was diagnosed with cancer, one of the few diseases that not even science has been able to cure, but he ended up giving his life in an attempt to save his best friend Thomas. But the result ended in the death of both and his twin brothers having to take their jobs as avatar drivers. Jonathan couldn't even break the news of his brother that he had cancer.
It was like this, that in the year 2149 both soldiers were put in a cryo-sleep with the purpose of taking them to Pandora. The most hostile planet known to man.
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After almost 6 years of traveling in space at high speed, finally the ship that the soldiers got on began to slow down.
The scientists in charge of the voyages woke up all the passengers who had been put into a cryo-sleep to save resources and energy during the trip.
One by one, the passengers opened their eyes inside their pods. Two of them in particular are somewhat disoriented by the process. They had only been given a week of preparation to learn things about the journey that usually takes years for others. It was obvious that much of the information had not been given due to time constraints, but the essentials had been learned, and that was what mattered.
Eli blinked a couple of times to dispel that feeling of hangover and exhaustion that he still felt. Having to wake up from a long sleep in zero gravity was not pleasant at all.
Row by row, the pods opened automatically, allowing doctors to check each other's vital signs before unfastening the belts that prevent their bodies from floating out.
"Are we there yet?" Jake asked, still a little confused.
"Yeah, we’re there, sunshine." Answered the doctor who was checking his vital signs. He could tell that he was a little dizzy, but other than that there was nothing out of the ordinary. "Be careful in zero gravity." The man told him as he unbuttoned and continued with the next passenger.
Things were moving fast, they had to overflow everyone in the estimated time. The number of trips in and out of the atmosphere were counted.
"Jake" The soldier who had floated to the lockers turned around seeing his best friend floating in his direction.
He put a smile on his face when he saw Eli's appearance. "Wow. Who kicked you in the balls?" he teased him.
Eli rolled his eyes and huffed. Five years, nine months and two days frozen in capsules and that was the first thing he told him. "Yeah well, it's not like you look better. Have you seen yourself in a mirror?" replied the friend.
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Hours and many protocol processes later, both soldiers boarded a large ship with turbines strong enough to go in and out of Pandora's atmosphere.
Their cryo-sleep clothes had been exchanged for simple T-shirts and army pants. Despite not having exercised for a year before the trip, the habit of wearing other clothing was not comfortable for them. They felt better using military clothes.
And as cherry on the cake, now they had to wear some masks that would help them breathe in the atmosphere of Pandora.
Speaking of...
"Exo-packs on! Let’s go! Exo-packs on! Remember, people, you lose that mask, you’re unconscious in 20 seconds, you’re dead in four minutes! Let’s nobody be dead today! Looks very bad on my report." Shouted the official soldier in charge of those who were on the trip. It should be noted that his attitude was so sweet.
Everyone present put on their masks and closed the seals to prevent Pandora's toxic air from leaking through cracks in the mask.
The rattling of the ship was enough of an indicator that they had finally landed. Just seconds later, they all unbuckled their seatbelts and lined up to exit the plane. All except two soldiers.
"What do you think our welcome will be like? Will they have cakes?" Eli said sarcastically as he waited for Jake to pack up to go out. At first Eli helped his friend to do many things after the accident with his legs, but he learned that it was unnecessary. His friend was capable and also he became a curmudgeon when he wanted to help him.
Jake let out a laugh as he sat in his chair and buckled up. "There's only one way to find out."
Eli made a face that he was right. He grabbed his backpack and walked after Jake when they were finally ready.
"Let’s go, special cases, don’t make me wait for you!" the soldier shouted again with an attitude of sweetness.
When leaving, to say that they were impressed by the view was an understatement. Despite the fact that there is a lot of concrete and that it is a cloudy day, there is more natural light than on a normal day on earth. And the trees were so huge that their tops could be seen even over the great concrete walls put up by the RDA.
They were both so in awe of the sight that they had to abruptly move out of the way of a guy in a huge robotic suit that nearly crushed them.
"Careful airheads" Said the offended the soldier inside the suit. But neither of them gave it much thought. A lap dog attitude was common to be found among soldiers. It was a bad way of trying to show superiority.
They barely walked a few more meters when they had to stop again. A bulldozer of out-of-scale passed in front of them, arrows stuck to its wide tires.
Jake and Eli exchanged glances. Confused by what they had just seen. It was obvious someone wasn't happy with the machine, but those things were huge. An arrow seemed to be the size of a person.
The rest of his walk to the barracks was not interrupted by anything else. Upon entering it was the same type of technology found on Earth, only everything looked more scientific.
Finally, after getting lost a few times, the soldiers reached the conference room where the welcoming speech had already started.
"Out there, beyond that fence. Every living thing that crawls, flies or squats in the mud wants to kill you and eat your eyes for jujubes."
'What a good start,' Eli thought as he entered the room and caught part of the speech of the one who hi has been instructed that his name was Quaritch. General Quaritch.
Since the room was full, Eli sat in one of the pews closest to the exit door, with Jake stopping next to him.
"We have an indigenous population of humanoids called na'vi..."
Eli leaned into Jake and whispered. "There's nothing like an old-school safety brief to put your mind at ease." The sarcastic tone was evident in every word.
Jake rolled his eyes and smiled at the reference to the general's less than comforting speech.
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After the general's charming speech, both friends left the conference room to continue their way to their rooms. Taking advantage of the time to make some stops and familiarize themselves with the place. They didn't want to end up lost later, it would be embarrassing. Better now and not later.
"Jake. Eli" The attention of the two soldiers was brought to a tall guy who made his way a little clumsily through the people in the hallway, only to seemingly reach them.
"You are Jonathan and Thomas's brothers, right?" Norm asked as he finally reached them. Noticing their confused expressions, he held out his hand to shake him in greeting as he introduced himself. "I'm Norm Spellman."
"You were a companion of our brothers, weren't you?" Eli asked, recognizing the name that was mentioned on more than one occasion during the calls they had. He shook his hand, clearly noting the soft scientific hands.
"Yes yes. Have you heard from me?" He ask with a clear slight nervousness when talking to people who are not scientists. "I hope only good things."
Eli gave him a sly smile before turning and continuing to walk alongside Jake. "Don't worry. He just told us that you vomited the first time you entered a simulation."
Norm stood still in the middle of the corridor, opening and closing his mouth in a vain attempt to defend himself, but the laughter of the soldiers only made it more difficult.
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“...into the bio lab." Announced Norm entering through the automatic doors of the place.
Taking advantage of the fact that the soldiers did not know the place, he took the opportunity to give them a tour and maybe be lucky enough to become friends. They will spend the next 6 years together so it was the best choice for him.
"Uh, link… here’s the link room-"
Norm's words faded into the background as the soldiers headed another way. A blue light practically hypnotized them and called them like kites to a spotlight. What intrigued them was not the light, but where it came from.
The huge glass containers that had just been unloaded from the ships were finally ready to be removed from their enormous packaging and connected to the laboratory instruments.
"Hey, welcome." One of the scientists present spoke when he saw us arrive.
He shook hands with Jake who was closer. "Welcome to Pandora. Good to have you"
"Damn. They got big." Jake said in surprise when he saw the bodies inside its capsule. The avatars.
Genetically engineered bodies based on human DNA and the DNA of the natives of the planet.
"Yeah, they fully mature on the flight out." Norm said, just as impressed by what science is capable of. But his surprise didn't take a second to turn into scientific fascination and bring out his brainiac side. "So the proprioceptive sims seem to work really well?"
"Yes, they’ve got great muscle tone."
The soldiers exchanged poker glances seeing how quickly they were forgotten for the sake of science.
With a slight nod, Jake motioned for Eli to follow him to the avatars on the other side of the room.
The closest one was Jake's.
"It has the characteristics of a feline." Eli mentioned as he approached the tank. He turn to look at Jake when he gets no response, just silence.
The younger Sully was in a trance, and Eli knew why. The avatar had the face of his brother. It wasn't strange since they used his DNA to create it, but it wasn't the same for twins. After spending your whole life living with someone who shares your characteristics, you find those little differences that make them unique. But what makes the situation even more strange is finding those features on the face of an alien.
"Looks like him." Jake whispered. He almost seemed to fear that if he raised his tone he might awaken the sleeping creature in its amniotic fluid.
Eli put his hand on his friend's shoulder and gave it a firm squeeze. It was a silent sign that he was not alone.
"Umm. Which one of you is Eli Thompson?"
Both soldiers turned around to meet the scientists. Max, according to the name tag on his robe, looked strangely nervous.
"It's me." Eli answered, raising an eyebrow.
"There is something you should know about your avatar." Max said, slightly lifting the tablet in his hand. "Please follow me"
A bit wary, Eli glanced over his shoulder at Jake. But the uncertainty in his gaze was enough of an answer to know that he didn't know anything either.
Without further ado, he followed the scientist into a glass-walled office that gave him a full view of the lab and avatar tanks.
"What's going on Norm?" Asked the man in the wheelchair to the scientist who looked somewhat insecure in his place.
"They had some problems with Jony's avatar when it came to DNA matching." When mentioning the being, they both turned around to see on the other side of the laboratory how they removed the protective packaging from the last tank of avatars, exposing the aforementioned avatar.
It looked normal. Giant and blue just like the others, with a tail and pointy ears, but nothing different or out of place.
What could be the problem?
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“That Jonathan what?" Eli asked. Trying to process the information that is on the tablet and what he had just been told.
"Judging by your reaction…I guess he didn't tell you about his illness." Max said with a sad expression on his face. It didn't seem fair that the soldier found out that his brother had cancer that way. It could have been almost 6 years since his death, but for the one who just came out of the cryo-sleep, to him it is still a few days ago. It hasn't even been a month in the perspective of the soldier.
The silence in the room was thick. Eli still couldn't form a word, he felt trapped in a loop despite hearing how the others kept up with their own rhythm outside that office.
He took a breath of air to remove from his thoughts the gloomy thoughts that overshadowed his ideas and focused on what he had to do. He took the glass tablet and checked the information of his ( in all word extension) avatar.
"So…the avatar has my DNA." Although it was a question, his accent made it sound like a statement. But his gaze didn't take off from the graphics on the object in his hands.
"They were about to remove your brother from the program when they noticed his illness." Max began to telling, his tone almost unsure to follow. The expression on the soldier's face was incredibly serious. "They couldn't use cancer cells to create an avatar. But he gave a sample with your disease-free DNA and appealed to the elders to let him continue." Finally, Eli looked up to see the same empathetic expression on the scientist's face. "His cancer was stage 2 so they would let him stay on the project if he took his meds and got his chemotherapy but..."
Max didn't even have to continue anymore. The idea was clear.
The black-suited socks who came to tell him that his brother was dead were very tactful when telling him.
They needed him for work because the avatar was already completed and they couldn't waste the money invested. The avatar meant that his brother had accepted the deal, but had not even received a dose of medicine before his heart was pierced with lead.
When Max started to feel the silence getting a bit uncomfortable he decided to give him a moment alone. "If you need anything, I'll be outside." He turned to leave the office, but two steps later he was called.
"That won't be necessary. Let's get done with what needs to be done for today. Allow time for pity later" Eli said. He hand over the tablet, shoving it into the scientist's chest as he walk towards the door.
Max winced, both from the blow and from the man's heavy words. "O-Okay."
With nothing else to say, they headed off to continue the tour. The most important part was still missing.
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insanetvgirl · 8 months
|| Sick of love!||
Yandere Roti X Mikan Tsumuki/Nurse!Darling
Theme song: Bruno is orange!
" Yes! We are sick! Of love,and you are the reason. "
" You only have yourself to blame. "
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Prologue: Gosh,i need money!
Y/n L/n!💉
Kazuichi screams while I bandage his wound, he cut himself while fixing a car, well, I think he was fixing a car
" Do-Do-Don't worry Kazuichi! Is just a little cut,you are going to be fine! "
I finish bandaging Kazuichi's wound, he looks relieved and a little embarrassed
"Ah, I think I was a little dramatic, man-"
he says looking at the bandaged part of his arm, where the cut was
"Thanks Miss Y/n!"
He said happily and relieved and leaving the nurse's office
"N-No need to thank me!"
I answered stuttering... again
I help the school nurse every day whenever I can! I've been told that this is my natural habitat, my biggest interest is medicine, I want to be a nurse or doctor, but college is very expensive...VERY EXPENSIVE! I could try for college scholarships, but what if I don't get it? If I fail? I don't have much courage to take a test for a scholarship and tests like this aren't easy, especially the 100% ones
And I can't afford a medical course, my aunt doesn't have money, maybe I should give up I stayed at the nurse's office doing nothing, I even looked at the clock, the school day was over! I ran to my classroom and grabbed my backpack, since I had it in the room, everyone had already left, only myself to be so distracted!
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I was watching curiosities videos about medicine on the computer, my aunt hasn't come home from work yet, maybe she's working overtime
In other words, another night alone
I love watching these types of videos! Studying this subject is very important to me, after all, someone can get hurt at any time.
But I still think about going to medical school, but how would I pay for it? Even if I tested for a scholarship, I don't know if I could do it, but I don't just want money to pay for college, but here at home we also have our problems... what a thing. I've now decided to stay on social media, see if people in my class have posted something or whatever, something to distract me, then I come across
announcement for a new season of Total Drama, with a new cast?
I know this show! I saw it with my aunt, the winner gets 1 million! Maybe...what if i
No, Y/n l/n you're not thinking about making an audition video to participate, are you? I wouldn't be accepted! Who would accept someone like me? There are more interesting people, MUCH MORE INTERESTING Maybe I should ask my aunt for advice when she arrives?
I will think better.
- 💉 -
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" Did you hear about that, mother?
Broke her daughter's legs in two
And said, "It's too dangerous out there to walk, so I had to save you" "
- 💉 -
Who missed me?
This is so bad help
So,i am going to say that some dangaronpa ocs can appear at the story!
Maybe i am going to delete/rewrite that
I love u all! Remember of take care and drink some water
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littledollll · 2 years
Hi!! I wonder if I can ask for a caregiver! Larissa x little!reader, maybe like r has a cold and is stressed w school at the same time but didn't want to bother Larissa, but she finds out anyway and it's just some soft comfort and reassurance? :)
Sick little love
Larissa Weems x little!reader
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A/n: actually wrote this while I was sick, I love it cuz it’s actually so me when I’m sick. I hope you like it!
Warnings: mentions of medication, sick r (just common cold), mentions of food
You felt like death the second you woke up, honestly! You had so much to do and since your mind and body are apparently so in zinc it also happens that you got sick. Now it wasn’t anything horrible, just a common cold, scratchy throat and maybe a light fever. Nothing you haven’t dealt with before.
When you woke up Larissa was already gone off to work, so that gave you the great illusion that you could somehow in the span of 8 hours get better and not be sick by the time Larissa was back. And also have all your work done, simple!
Everything just got more complicated when you regressed. You could handle being sick while big but while you were regressed? It was absolute hell, plus this took away your ability to get school work done so out the window went that part of the plan.
Your dramatic little mind decided that if you were gonna die (sure, from the common cold.) it would be in bed cuddled up and hidden from the world, with a tone of snacks and your favorite shows of course.
You spent the entire day half conscious, most of the time you were sleeping and the rest mindlessly watching a plethora of different shows and videos to keep you entertained. Was that the most responsible on your part? Maybe not. Should you have called Larissa? Maybe!
But you really didn’t want to bother her if you were just going to spend the day sleeping anyways. Forgetting the fact that you should probably be watching your temperature, getting proper meals and maybe taking some meds you were doing quite good for yourself.
You were absolutely baffled when you heard Larissa come home, did a whole 8 hours pass without you ever noticing? There’s no way. When you checked the time it was only 12pm, Larissa got off at 3 so what was she doing here? Your doubts were cleared up the moment she made her way into the room.
It didn’t take much of a genius to figure out your state. The bed was a mess and your pile of stuffies that was supposed be on the chair next to the bed were all with you, the tv was blasting with some kids show you don’t even remember putting on and the box of tissues next to the bed proved your attempt to control your cold.
“I would’ve asked you to explain why you’ve been absent in every class but I think I’ve seen enough, there comes my next question.” Larissa made her way to you side. Sitting on the edge of the bed and checking your temperature. “You poor thing. Why didn’t you call to tell me, my little love?”
The second she sat on the bed you threw yourself on her. You really really wanted to be held and babied right now. Larissa was quick to pull you into her lap and cuddle you close. “m didn wana bother you” you pouted.
“You could never bother me, sweetheart. I’m here to love and care for you in any way I can, specially if you’re sick and even more so when you’re small.” She cupped your face making you look at her.
“Have you had anything for your allergies or fever, my love?” you shook your head, you’ve always hated medicine, they’re hard to drink and if their liquid they taste horrible, absolutely nobody could get you to willingly take any of that. “make sleepy n I hav work!!”
“Oh do you now? Well momma will help you with all your work after you take your medicine and your nap.” you were expecting that half excuse to somehow work. “Come on, little love, we’ll fix you something to eat so you can take them.” There was really no arguing against her now, so you reluctantly followed behind her to the kitchen.
After you had a light meal and got your meds, Larissa helped you into the bath. You hadn’t regressed that small so she just kept tabs on you regularly and continued on with whatever she was doing.
After about 20 minutes she called you to come out. You giggled as she dried your hair and helped you getting into comfy clothes for even more sleeping, which of course you had no complains about.
“How are you feeling, sweetheart?” she asked while tucking you into bed, “sleepy!” you huffed our like that was your only issue in that moment and she chuckled. “Yes little love we knew that was going to happen, I’m asking about your cold.”
You made grabby hands her way and she complied getting into bed immediately getting attacked with cuddles, “m beters” you sleepily answered, curling up at her side. “Alright darling, rest up, I’ll be right here when you wake.”
You made grabby hands her way and she complied getting into bed immediately getting attacked with cuddles, “m beters” you sleepily answered, curling up at her side. “Alright darling, rest up, I’ll be right here when you wake.”
You made grabby hands her way and she complied getting into bed immediately getting attacked with cuddles, “m beters” you sleepily answered, curling up at her side. “Alright darling, rest up, I’ll be right here when you wake.”
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the-dixon-effect · 1 year
Bruised ⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
Part 1 - An Amount to Take
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A/N: requested by @matilda4eve which you can find here, thanks so much for the love and requests, it really keeps me motivated to write 💕 image creds from pinterest here | guys i know nothing about medicine or hospitals so please forgive me, i even googled 'how to fix slash wound' 😭😭don't think i really did it justice
summary: part 2 coming soon!! y/n is the doctor in Alexandria who helps Daryl after getting injured on a run. when a check-up turns into a whiskey-soaked evening, confessions are made
era: season 6, pre-Negan Alexandria
pairing: Daryl Dixon x fem!reader
words: 2.6k
warnings: hospitals, scars, blood, mentions of drugs
Maybe it was the delicate brush of your fingertips on the sensitive skin on Daryl's chest, or maybe it was just the blood loss. At this moment, he felt particularly delirious, but whatever it was that was making you look so damn gorgeous right now, it didn't matter. Despite noticing Alexandria's new doctor before, this moment came as a sort-of revelation, so much so that he didn't register the concerned look you were giving him.
Having rushed to the infirmary upon the somewhat unexpected arrival of the huntsman, Daryl Dixon, you tore open his sleeveless shirt and was met with a peculiar sight. Though the large, crimson gash stretching the width of his lower chest dominated the attention of the other witnesses in the room, it took someone a little more observant, like you, to be distracted by the constellations of scars and bruises littered on Daryls' torso. You let out a sigh and decided that the best thing you could do right now was stay focused, especially since just by looking at his facial expression you could tell he was losing blood.
You didn't have much experience as a doctor on account of just beginning medical school before the world to shit, so in moments like these, when the community fell at the medic's feet, you felt an immense amount of pressure. Having never tended to a slash wound before, most of your knowledge regarding violent injuries came from movies or TV shows. It looked... deep, and shutting out the cacophony of voices filling the makeshift hospital room, you concluded that Daryl needed some serious stitches. The blood spilling out of the wound seemed to match the speed that your anxiety was overtaking the rest of your senses. What even happened here? Should we be worried? Is he going to be okay? Your questions seemed to be echoing those of the surrounding individuals. Fetching the stitching supplies, you observed Daryl fading in and out of consciousness.
Your voice was muffled, and, unlike before, he could no longer admire your pretty face since his vision was blurring more and more by the second.
"Hey, Daryl," you began, waving a hand in front of his faded face. You had to suppress the expectation that he wouldn't answer. "Can you tell me how this happened?" Two days ago, a group had taken a van out on a supply run that was supposed to last a week, and here they were today, speeding back through the gates a little maniacally. This was no walker; only a human could've done this.
Suddenly he perked up, and you directed your gaze back up to his tired eyes. "I'm fine, hey, dun' worry 'bout me," Of course, the ever-reserved archer was hesitant to appear vulnerable in front of others.
"Daryl, you're not. I'm gonna give you stitches, I need you to listen to my words so you don't black out, please?" you said, earnestly.
"Alrigh', pretty girl," he drawled, even slower and deeper than usual. You couldn't help but smirk at his words, despite knowing he was delirious.
Prepping your needle, you decided to test just how delirious he actually was, whether that was for your sake or not, you didn't know. With one hand smoothing over the wound with an alcohol pad, you lifted the other hand up and spoke softly, "Daryl, can you tell me how many fingers I'm holding up?"
"Uhh- four," he was smiling wider than you had ever seen before. To an uninformed witness, Daryl might have appeared intoxicated. You picked up on his blue eyes subconsciously roaming over your body as you leaned over him.
"That's good," just as you said this, he winced at the sensation of the needle piercing his skin. Carefully weaving the instrument in and out of his warm flesh, you had to maintain your focus as a relatively inexperienced medic. It seemed, however, that Daryl didn't mind one bit, in fact, he seemed oblivious to the pain as he let his head fall back in what could be mistaken for pleasure. In truth, he was enjoying the attention you were giving him, even though it was your job. You continued asking him random questions to which you received flirty, yet inconclusive responses. Once you had successfully closed the wound with your meticulous criss-cross stitches, you set down your equipment and diverted your attention back to Daryl's weary presence in the corner of the room. Best to let him rest a little while, you figured.
One hour later Daryl awoke to the sound of faint voices filtering through from the room across the hall. He jumped up out of his seat and paced around, taking in the bright room for the first time since he'd arrived there. He was in the... infirmary? He remembered going on that run and crossing paths with those fuckers... but he didn't recall getting injured? At the realisation that he was shirtless, he glanced down and caught sight of a line of stitches spanning his chest, they were new. Shit, one of those pricks must've jumped him.
Just as he was trying to gather his thoughts, you wandered into the room carrying a stack of fresh towels and bandages. Now he was standing, you couldn't resist admiring his shirtless body. It wasn't exactly your fault that you had been crushing on the archer since you first met him. When his group found you cowering in the woods, begging to be rescued, he was the first person to lend you a hand and fight your case.
"Hey, are you alright? I don't think you should be up yet," you babbled as you approached him, gazing up at his tall frame. He certainly didn't look like he'd just been stabbed, you mused.
Daryl felt exposed and vulnerable, especially with your gaze lingering on his body. "Nah, I'm fine. Gotta get back out there an' find ma' bike anyway," he paused for a moment, maintaining eye contact. "Ya' must be busy roun' here, with everyone on edge," he drawled. Your mind was drifting back to his delirious state.
"Oh, well, not really," you let out a slight laugh. "I mean, you had it the worst. I've just been trying to find out what actually happened out there, but no one's telling me,"
I had it the worst? Really? Come on, man.
"It was nuthin' really, jus' these fuckers gettin' territorial 'bout a damn grocery store," you smiled at this, yet you hated to see him getting into confrontation where it ends like this.
"Well... I'm glad I wasn't there. Knowing you, they probably had it much worse. Still, I'm real sorry this happened to you." you said, sincerely.
"Hey, dun' worry 'bout me. Thanks for patchin' me up, by the way,"
"Oh, yeah, I gave you those stitches earlier. They should be fine, I think I'll come round to your place later just to see how you're doing,"
He hummed in response, and you couldn't decipher what his reaction was to your last statement.
"Are you sure you're okay?" his stance seemed a little... defensive. Despite his sweet manner, his arms were folded and his head fell at an angle that highlighted an emotion you had not recognised in the stoic man before now; Daryl looked nervous.
"I'm fine, sunshine," that familiar Southern drawl must be laced with something, you decided, as it reached your stomach and created a series of flutters before you were able to form an appropriate response.
"Alright, well, I think you should be fine to go home. Just don't be running laps around the neighbourhood, 'kay?" your reply made him chuckle as he prepared to return to his house and take a shower, anticipating your visit later. You couldn't help but feel a little flustered at his presence, especially considering the way he was acting around you earlier. Still, he was jacked up on anaesthetic an hour ago, he couldn't have meant half of the things he said.
As the sun began to sink beneath the trees lining the perimeter of Alexandria's walls, painting the sky in delicate hues of pink, red and orange that you were finally allowed to appreciate, you strolled down the street heading towards Daryl's place. The days were getting shorter and the cold seemed to be catching up to you as you wrapped your flannel jacket around your arms in an effort to retain as much warmth as possible. When you reached his front door, you knocked twice and straightened yourself up so as not to appear particularly frail. In truth, you hadn't actually planned what you were going to say to the archer, but nevertheless, here you were.
His appearance registered in your brain before you realised that the door was wide open. "Hey Y/N," Daryl was wearing that skintight black shirt with sleeves that clung to his muscular biceps just a little too well. His wet hair was sticking to his neck and he smelled... really good.
"Hey, I, uhh- I just came to see how you were doing," you said, sweetly.
"I'm alrigh', ya' wanna come inside?" his voice was laced with pride, perhaps he'd detected the less-than-innocent looks you were giving him.
You hastily agreed and followed him inside, guided by his large frame. Entering his basement-turned-bedroom, you took in the sight as though it were an art gallery, so full of him. If Daryl could be personified as a physical space, it would certainly look like this. It even smelled like him, felt like him in a way you wished you could be more familiar with. Turning around to face the man who perfectly completed the space, you realised that his black shirt which you were only admiring just now had been discarded and strewn to some far corner of the room. The view took you a little by surprise, but, as you did earlier, you attempted to refrain from gawking at his shirtless body.
Approaching him, you flushed with pride at the sight of perfect, seemingly-uninfected stitches. You thought back to your first-ever attempt at stitches - maybe a year ago - when you hurriedly and apprehensively stitched up a gash on Tara's forearm. That didn't go well. The wound was infected shortly after and, despite your friendship, she never let you live it down. It appeared, however, that your technique had improved since then, judging by the state of Daryl's chest.
Tracing your fingertips over the wound, you spoke up, "They look good. I'm pretty proud of myself, I can't lie," you said with a giggle, looking up to meet his eyes. You had never felt this... loose in front of Daryl before.
"Yeah, ya make a good doctor. Never told me where ya' learned all that?" he drawled. He wished he could tell you just how much he appreciates you and how much you do for the community, but the words are lodged in his throat.
"I was in medical school for half a year before... well, before the world went to shit. I'm actually curious to know what you were up to before the turn." it was true, Daryl was a mysterious character who had undeniably intrigued you since the moment you met him. If only you could break down those thick walls he seemed to have in place, you could discover the hidden treasure you were certain was lying somewhere in that heart of his. Someone with so much expertise in the areas of tracking, hunting, combat and survival can't have had a particularly ordinary life, you supposed.
Daryl decided to act upon his little revelation earlier. "How 'bout I fill ya' in over a drink?" you struggled to conceal the distinct way one corner of your mouth was tugging upwards. You contemplated for a moment, the idea of enjoying yourself just for the sake of enjoying yourself seemed so... unreal. Gone were the days of running for safety and sleeping with one eye open, but that animalistic survival instinct never left you, not really. Though you knew the walls of Alexandria were perfectly safe, you still kept your guard up. Was it time to let that go, just for a night?
"That sounds nice,"
"Shit, lemme put a shirt on first," you chuckled at his flustered manner. You wanted to tell him not to worry about it, Lord knows you liked the view. Still, you couldn't quite tear your eyes away from the same scars that littered his chest.
An hour must have passed already. The two of you just sat - or sprawled - enjoying each other's company and finding solace in a quickly disappearing bottle of whiskey. You had discovered the origins of Daryl Dixon and found yourself, somehow, even more attracted to him than you were before. As the alcohol started flowing, so did the deep conversations that were reserved for nights like these.
"Mmh- I should probly' go ta' bed, goin' on a run tomorrow, sum... pharmacy," Daryl was slurring his words. You might have noticed, too, if you were a little less wasted. "Gotta get sum' meds, for you," you were unabashedly giggling now.
"Well, if you find yourself looking for medicine," you were slurring your words, too. "Think you can grab me some... methamphetamine?" you laughed at your own joke. It wasn't even funny. No way was Daryl gonna find crystal meth in a fucking chemical pharmacy?
"The fuck is that?" he grunted.
"Crystal meth. Drugs. Tell me you've gotten high before, Daryl. I bet you have."
"Oh.. yeah, definitely. Merle loved his meth." you frowned at the mention of his brother. "Didn't take ya' as the type who liked ta' get high,"
"I mean, I didn't do it often, y'know, it just... made things better. Momentarily. That was the best part. Made you live for the moment. Like everything could be changing around you but, right now, you felt like heaven,"
"Yer startin' to sound like someone I used ta' know,"
"I mean, I guess it's not just the good stuff. Like, there's an amount to take and... reasons to take more."
Daryl knew what you meant. Despite his difficult relationship with substances and alcohol in the past, which he didn't enjoy discussing with most people, he felt close to you right now. Closer than he was normally used to. 'Reasons to take more', you didn't need to elaborate, that was the perfect way of putting it.
"Mm, yer right, aint never said it ta' no one before. Ya' gotta be careful though, those things... change people. Hell, I've seen it too often,"
The whole evening, you felt a swell of endearment rising up from the pit of your chest leading up to this moment. You're not gonna remember this in the morning, so why not? It's not that serious, anyway, you decided.
"Daryl, you're perfect. Like everything you do, for us, for me, the way you put your life on the line every day for a plastic bottle of meds. Nobody ever says it either, and it makes me so angry. Treat you like some kid that doesn't know how to handle himself. You're perfect, Daryl. I hope you know,"
Perhaps if you were sober right now this moment would've been a little more sentimental. Instead, you lay on his couch staring at the ceiling, thoughts clouded over with drunk affection. Breaking the silence, Daryl spoke up, equally as wasted as you were.
"Is it bad that I wanna kiss you righ' now?" all he was doing was speaking his mind. The same way had done earlier that day when you were leaning over him, giving you all of your attention, you looked damn fine in your own state of delirium over on his couch. Catching his eyes, you first maintained the eye-contact then stood up, wobbled for a second and approached him.
"Kiss me then,"
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