#there are simply too many ship names for me to tag here so i will not bother
Alright, this might be a long post so, fair warning lmao.
I realize my previous post may sound like I’m doing some deep dive conspiracy exposé or something, just getting out ahead of it: this isn’t that. This is mostly speculation and educated guesses. For the sake of clarity, this is just how I am reading the situation and may not, in fact, reflect what is actually happening (Even though, I’m pretty positive it is).
Disclaimer aside, I’m gonna get into why (I think) Izzy and the real living human beings who are fans of Izzy are getting so much aggressive hate. And why there’s so much inflammatory discourse around the character.
The gist of it is:
1. Its Ship War Bull Shit
2. The Entitlement
3. Silencing And Scare Tactics
4. We’re Not Falling For It
5. As Good Of A Solution As We’re Gonna Get (At Least Until Something Big Changes In Fan Culture As We Know It)
Now, actually Getting Into All That:
1. Its Ship War Bull Shit
Exactly what it says on the tin. I’m not saying and I don’t want to imply that everybody with their own preferred non-Izzy ships are the ones encouraging and participating in this behavior. What I am saying is that a non-zero number of, particularly Blackbonnet/Gentlebeard, shippers (though this isn’t unique to them) don’t like seeing other people ship Izzy with one (or more) of the characters in their ship. The same could be said for other fan favorites/popular ships as well. Jim, Lucius, Frenchie, etc. There is almost always another popular ship that the other party is involved in.
Though this does go beyond shipping as well. The way I see it, even people who don’t have ‘overlapping’ ships (or who don’t have ships at all and simply like Izzy on his own merit) are a target because of association with other fans who do. Whether that is actual interactions with said other fans or only imagined by way of them both being fans of Izzy.
This idea of a zero-sum game where, if people ship Blackhands that means there’s less people who ship Blackbonnet/Gentlebeard! (Or Ouizzy vs Room People, or Sprizzy vs Lucius’ polycule, or Jim/Izzy vs Tealoranges) is a false one. Multi shippers exist. Some people are more than capable of shipping two overlapping pairings with no problems. Sometimes people just don’t ship your ship. Its unreasonable to be mad at a Tealoranges shipper for not shipping Blackbonnet/Gentlebeard, so should it be unreasonable to be mad at a Blackhands/Gentlehands/Ouizzy/Sprizzy/etc shipper for not shipping your preferred ship.
Which brings me to my next point, being:
2. The Entitlement
Hi. I’m someone who is very particular in my ships. I have a handful that I like and I don’t particularly like to see ones that I don’t like, especially if they involve a character I ship with someone else. The difference between me and The Problem is that I am fully aware that my fandom experience is my own responsibility. If I don’t like something, its on me to remove myself from situations where I might encounter said thing. I don’t go into tags for ships I don’t like. I don’t go into tags for characters I don’t like. If I read a fic that deals with topics or ships that I don’t like I simply back out and move on with my day (provided the fic was properly tagged, please make sure you’re tagging your fics properly).
The Problem comes when people don’t take responsibility for their own fandom experience and expect everyone else to cater to their tastes. You are not entitled to other people’s: time, energy, enjoyment. If you are not paying someone, they don’t owe you anything.
I understand it can be frustrating when it seems like there’s not enough content for something you enjoy but there’s an apparent abundance of content for something you don’t but the only person who’s problem that is? Is you. Be the change you want to see in the world. If you think there’s a lack of content for your preferred thing? Go make content for that thing. If you don’t think you have the talent to make content for the thing? Do it anyway. Talent is not inherent and practice doesn’t make perfect but it does make improvements and for every imperfect thing you do make you’re increasing the amount of the thing you like. If you’re not inclined to make then consider commissioning someone. If you can’t be bothered to do either though? You’re not allowed to complain about a lack of content because you are part of the problem.
The entitlement doesn’t do you any favors either. When I joined this fandom I was over the moon for Blackbonnet/Gentlebeard. Now? I only read it if its written by a small handful of people because I don’t/can’t trust that anyone outside of those people aren’t going to be Weird About Izzy (and unnecessarily aggro at me about it). I don’t engage with the content for it anymore because The Problem has made it unsafe to do so. I have no intentions of making any sort of content for it now either. I do not cater to bullies and, for my own sake, I don’t care if ‘innocent’ people get caught in the crossfire. They are missing out on content because of people they are either passively allowing to remain in their spaces or actively encouraging. I am not the only one who has adopted this policy in light of The Problem.
Again, you are not entitled to other people’s: time, energy, enjoyment. If you make your spaces inhospitable for them, they are well within their rights to remove themselves from said spaces and blacklist the community from their own spaces.
Speaking of inhospitality:
3. Silencing And Scare Tactics
This is where the issue really lies. Fueled by The Entitlement, The Problem decides the best way to avoid/discourage content they don’t like is to make it seem like said content causes harm. Basically: ‘Its Problematic!’
This is where the ‘Izzy is racist/homophobic/a colonizer/etc comes from. It doesn’t matter what the canon says. It doesn’t matter if its interpretation or bad faith or anything else. ‘Izzy is a bigot’ is by and large, true or not, a silencing tactic to scare people into complying with the demands of The Problem. Its why ‘and that makes you an apologist/part of the problem’ always follows. Regardless of whether or not the person being told this is a part of any of the groups Izzy has allegedly wronged (for the sake of being part of those groups).
Its why several BIPOC have been accused of racism for being fans of Izzy. Why abuse survivors have been called abuse apologists for liking him.
The average person, when interacting with the fandom, will hear the loudest voices yelling ‘Izzy is problematic and so are you if you like him’ and avoid the topic for fear of coming across as problematic themselves. They won’t bother looking into the accusations because there is a risk in digging deeper and moreso of speaking out. ‘Its Problematic’ is a shield to hide the abuse being thrown at people who would really rather just be minding their own business.
Which isn’t to say its bulletproof, since:
4. We’re Not Falling For It
Which means that we’re being, perhaps not just as loud but, as loud as we can be about it all being Bull Shit. To some this might come across as apologia and ignoring the actual wrongs the character has done, its not. What it is is disputing false accusations towards the character and towards ourselves. Its quoting Word Of God and citing canon and saying ‘hey, this interpretation doesn’t really match up with the themes of the show’. Its poking holes.
Which The Problem doesn’t like.
Which leads to doubling down on accusations towards the fans. ‘Racist/abuse apologist/etc’. Over a fictional character. This isn’t to say that no Izzy fan is (consciously or unconsciously) racist, though the same could be said for fans of any character, just that its not because of association with the character. Personally, I think there is more issue with removing the agency from a BIPOC character and making all their faults be the fault of their white henchman (and all their virtues being attributed to the influence of their white boyfriend), but that’s just me.
What it also leads to is death threats and suicide bait. Which, I don’t know about you, but I think that’s a much worse offense than ‘liking the wrong fictional character’.
The excessive vitriol (the anon hate, the doxxing, the death threats, the outlandish accusations) comes from the fact that we’re doing our damnedest to show that The Problem is an actual problem and they don’t like having the spotlight shining on their bad side.
Which leads me to my last point:
5. As Good Of A Solution As We’re Gonna Get (At Least Until Something Big Changes In Fan Culture As We Know It)
The best thing we can do, until something big changes, is to remove the spotlight entirely. Deplatform the worst of them as we’re able to, which means not debating and not correcting (This’ll be especially difficult for me, I like to argue lol. Though, if you’re like me, you could also make a separate post disputing the argument after you’ve blocked the original poster. Just make sure you don’t mention their name/@ when you do, otherwise you’re just giving them back their platform by giving people access to them again.), and block liberally.
Blocking is a solution to two problems: 1. It avoids the possibility of seeing bad faith takes that you might want to argue with, and 2. It keeps The Problem from having access to you. It also provides you with a way to report The Problem if they do that fun thing they like to do and go around blocks to get to you anyway.
I know I’m probably not saying anything we didn’t already know, but I think its a good thing to remind people (and myself) of sometimes. We’re not The Problem, we deserve to have a space where we can enjoy ourselves in the fandom without harassment, and we have at least some level of ability to make that possible. This is hardly the first or only fandom to be experiencing this sort of issue, but given its the fandom we’re in right now, we gotta do what we can to make sure its a safe one (Which means, anybody who isn’t experiencing this, but who isn’t speaking out about it? Maybe start doing that. Its not just us that need your help, its fandom as a whole. Many voices make changes.).
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bitchlessdino · 1 year
okok i'm here for a request
wonwoo as your coworker who you've been having an office romance with - which you have been taking as a joke. everyone thinks you'll get together, and you play along with that. but wonwoo is very serious.
so late night booty call from coworker!wonwoo? or maybe drunk dial to wonwoo and the aftermath the next day (fucking in the office)
Tumblr media
Pairing: wonwoo x afab!reader
Genre: smut
Word count: 3.9k
tags: office au, feturin bartender!chan and coworker!mingyu, mentions of alcohol, exhibitionism, manhandling, unprotected sex, creampie, pet name
author note: hi bee ily bee, you're messed up for this bee. but im worse for producing it gdjgwkjg. anyways enjoy wonu rot
Tag: @shiningstar-byulxx @misssugarlips @tommolex @hoeforhao @homerunhansol @dkakapizzaboy @junhui-recs @svtup @buffhoshi @meowmeowminnie @caratochan @lovebot4han @6969lilithcat @wonuhour @camisun93 @emmmui @toruro
Wonwoo is a handsome guy and it was clear as day to everyone in the office. You like having a bit of his attention. He’s funny and quite friendly with you, but that is perhaps because the first time you met you had the courage to fight with him over the last jam-filled donut in the break room. Since then, there’s never not been a reason to talk as if you’ve known each other forever.
You admit some of the socializing you’ve been having with Wonwoo is more than what you do with any other coworker, let alone friend, but you were just playing along and it was too late to go back. Besides, both of you know what this is. All this talk was simply harmless flirting, playful jokes, and lively banter. You make it clear at the end of it all that there is nothing between you and Wonwoo, that things are as platonic as two subordinates can get.
You can’t say the rest of the office believes that though, seeing as so many of them with jealous glares in your direction or the nudges from the suspecting coworkers that ‘lowkey ship’ you two together as if you were some characters in television. 
“Ugh, you two make me sick. Just get together and have beautiful children already.”
You and Wonwoo shared a harmonious chuckle together, one louder in humor and it wasn’t the man dashing in a silk silver necktie.
“I wish I could, but they like to sleep on the left side even though I also sleep on the left side and I don't know how that would work,” Wonwoo knocks against your shoulder
“Not to mention he likes cats way more than dogs and the fact that we could never really be together because we’re just good coworkers.”
“Right,” he lightly punches, indicating agreement. “It’d be a really bad idea if we were actually together.”
You raise your brows, almost offended. “Woah, woah. I never said it was really bad.”
“But you were thinking about it.”
“Lover quarrel I hear?” Mingyu butts in after getting his morning joe. “They’re always at it at this time of day.”
You roll your eyes at the giant. “All I’m saying is. I and Wonwoo are good together at work. Just work. Dare I say he’s a good work husband, even if he steals the last of the pastries—“
“Will you ever let that go—“
“No—and that’s all there is everyone. Sorry to disappoint.”
The crowd gives their share of snide smirks before dispersing. Mingyu is the last to stay behind, a Cheshire smile on his face. “Sure, you two. Just keep your hands to yourself around here…if you can help it.”
You were about to throw a light kick at the man before he started scurrying off, leaving you and Wonwoo in your lonesome as always. 
“They mean no harm by the way,” Wonwoo points out, “but if it bothers you that much, I can tell them to lay off.”
“Nu-uh,” you reply, shaking your head, “and make me look like a buzzkill? I don’t mind the back and forth. Just don’t anyone get the wrong idea that our jokes are actually serious?”
“Yeah, because it’d be just awful to be caught dating someone like me.”
You groan at his choice of words. “That is not what I said. Stop putting words in my mouth. This is why we wouldn’t work together.”
Wonwoo shrugs, a smile on his face that truly does brighten up a whole room. God, no wonder people think you’re dating him. What single man smiles like that? “Alright, sweet face. Fine. Who cares what they think? We know left from right, okay?” There’s a hint in his tone that says otherwise but you decide to ignore it.
“Okay, good. Anyways, what are your plans tonight? Up for another night of Valo queue?”
“I actually have plans tonight.”
“Oh?” You say wiggling your eyebrows. “Hot date?”
“Maybe? Haven’t met them yet.”
You’re playful expression fades. “Oh, actually? Wow. You must be…excited.”
He shrugs, freshening up his mug. “It’s nice to have plans outside of binge-watching TV at home, so a little bit.”
Your smile can’t seem to reach your ears until you’ve found a way to find the humor out of it. “That sounds nice. I wanna be set up—Wonwoo don’t you have any hot friends?”
Wonwoo feigns thought, clicking his tongue, now noticing the watch on his wrist. “Well, would you look at the time? Back to work.”
You sneer at him leaving you unanswered, following after him to continue the rest of your day. This is how most days went. Outside of work, you shared your personal interests with him, such as video games—perhaps adding to the assumption that you both seem very couple forward—but otherwise, that was all. There was nothing else that made you more than people who work in close proximity together, and not by your own fault either.
Despite this dynamic, Wonwoo is a private person and you only know what he lets you know. Perhaps, that’s why you are so dead set on keeping the formality the way it is. Who knows the type of person he is behind doors?
You try not to be curious about him for the sake of your circumstance, but the thought of Wonwoo and his date stays in the back of your mind, pestering you like an insect well into the afternoon until after work. That’s when you decide to hit up the local bar, grab a drink—or 5–and catch up with your favorite bartender, Chan, to see what he’s up to. He’s normally a good distraction, seeing as he can talk circles around any subject while jumping from one to the other, and you think it starts to make you forget why ever you came in the first place.
However, ‘drunk you’ does whatever the fuck they want, even if ‘sober you’ says otherwise. You seem to forget that every time you go out, perhaps because you think you’ve overcome that part of you after a while of not drinking. Truth was you haven’t.
The dial tone plays on the other end and you continue your incessant greeting until you’re met with a familiar and confused sound. You automatically grin, clutching the device close to your ear in hopes of hearing his voice again.
“Wonwoo…are you and you having fun…”
You hear shuffling in the background, unaware it was Wonwoo checking caller ID to make sure it was you. “Are you doing okay?”
“Me? I’m great…how are you bud? Buddy? Companion? Bestie?”
“Okay. Where are you right now?”
You chortle, glancing back at Chan who is preoccupied with other customers but watching you from the corner of his eye concerned. “Hehe, I’m with a friend. A very handsome friend…”
Chan lets out a light chuckle before finishing up the drink and handing it to the person waiting. He strolls out to you, listening in on the rest of your call as he pretends to clean up glasses.
“Handsome friend?” Wonwoo repeats.
“Very handsome.”
You aren’t sure what’s going on with you, but you feel the urge to simply narrate everything around you, making sure the man on the other line hears every word. 
“Is there a reason you’re calling me, Y/n?”
You hum against the phone in pondering. “Just…because. It’s you.”
Chan lightly scoffs at the scene, almost seeing the pink in your eyes as you speak to whoever is on the other end and politely asks for your phone. You pout at him, denying him the device, but with a stern look, you melt into mush and soon obliged.
“Hi, you must be Y/n’s friend right? They’re at the Carat Club right now and it looks like they’ve had enough to drink.”
Wonwoo hums into the phone before responding back cautiously. “Are you the handsome friend?”
Chan grins hearing the hint of jealousy. “Why yes, I am.”
“You don’t sound that handsome.”
“Well, you can judge for yourself because I’m also the bartender here. If you aren’t too busy, I’d really appreciate you getting them home. I’ll keep an eye on them but I can only do that for so long with the rush we’re having.”
There’s a moment of silence on the phone that makes the young bartender think the calls have dropped until the gravelly voice on the other end begrudgingly agrees, quickly hanging up right after. 
Chan sets the phone back to your side, doing what he’s promised to do. After some time, he recognizes Wonwoo right away by his frantic arrival and the bartender waves him over. Wonwoo scans your current state with a frown creasing his eyes. He tries shaking your sides, and see how little effect it makes.
“How much have they had to drink?”
“A couple of cocktails but by how early they’ve gotten here I assume they haven’t eaten. Best to take them home before it goes right through them.”
“Thanks,” Wonwoo, picks you up by your limp arms and supports your side in the direction of the door. When he’s out of sight, he quietly curses to himself about the accuracy of the bartender’s appearance before settling you in his passenger seat.
His goal is to get you rested and safe. Seeing as your driver's license is doctored from the city several hours from where they are, he assumes it is in need of an update, and tries to pry your address out of you. To no avail, nothing useful comes out from your drunk slurred lips and he ends up taking you to his home, dumping you on his bed, and tucking you in. 
You don’t remember anything after the third drink: making that call to Wonwoo, or the debacle of trying to get you home, or his persistence in climbing up the flight of stairs in his own home with the extra body weight. You can only assume the worst when you wake up the following day in a foreign bedroom; your internal alarm was clock accurate as always. You jump from the sheets in pure fear, scanning your surroundings for an owner, when you realize you still have the clothes you wore to work the day before.
Promptly, Wonwoo walks towards the bedroom you occupy from the wide open door and greet you, a smile on his face. “Good, you’re up. Work is in an hour, I’ll get you there.” “Wonwoo, where am I?”
“My place. I would’ve taken you home if you had been more cooperative.”
It takes your eyes some adjusting but you soon realize the lack of clothing on his body, warranting the smooth, broad, and muscular appearance of a Jeon Wonwoo you wouldn’t dare dream of. You gulp at the sight taking it in before hearing him chuckle as he crosses his arms to obscure the view, forcing your eyes on his face that was bare of the thick pair of metal frames you are used to. Instead, you see his eyes, overflowing with warmth you worry you’d stumble upon seeing them. “Extra bathroom at the other end of the hall. I can lend you a shirt.”
“T-thanks.” You say before he disappears in order to get ready for another day.
You quickly finish what needed to be done, taking advantage of the oversized shirt Wonwoo left you behind and somehow making it work. Soon enough you’re off to the office, in his passenger, only time sober and a lot more self-conscious.
“Did I do or say anything weird?”
He lets out a deep, familiar chuckle. “Depends. What’s your definition of weird?”
You try thinking of an answer but none would come up, having you change your mind about getting his prompt response.
“If it’s any consolation, you didn’t get sick like I thought you would, and you were mostly asleep.”
“That just means I was a mess,” You whine.
“Perhaps, but nothing I couldn’t handle.”
“Wait, what about your date? Don’t tell me you—“
“She canceled and I had nothing going on. You called at a good time.”
“I called you?” You question him in bemusement.
“Like I said, nothing I couldn’t handle.”
His repeating that phrase does something the chemical in your brain, retracing the dents of his torso as if they’re right in front you, glistening against the sun rays peaking out of the windows. The smile on his face makes your heart pound a little harder than you’re used to, and now you’re noticing the veins on his hands as he grips the wheel.
You feel yourself swallow. Hand to heart, you pat down as if trying to manually regulate it, but ultimately fail as Wonwoo continues to speak. This must be the embarrassment talking.
“For a second, I thought you called me to confess your undying love for me or something.”
“What?” You ask laughing a little too hard, for once grasping the humor in the situation with difficulty. “Why would you think that?” 
“For one, you were drunk. It seemed likely.” He clears his throat, trying to focus on the road. “And maybe that’s what I wanted to hear.”
Those words settle into you like hot cement, frustratingly slow, and before you finally answer, you’re already back at work, following Wonwoo as you leave the car. When both obviously arrive together, the usual attention has multiplied by tenfold, and the treatment feels different than normal. More flustering a suffocating after the night you’ve had. Wonwoo is the only one to notice as he calmly escorts you to your cubicles, leaving the questions of your coworkers unanswered.
You aren't sure why they’re comments are getting you like this now, making you feel hot, hands clasped against your cheeks like a bashful child, but it bothers you throughout the day, forcing you to keep mostly to yourself. Its then Wonwoo, sends you a note, meeting him for lunch alone knowingly while everyone else planned a meal out. You hesitantly oblige to his request and when the time came around, it’s unexpectantly timid, awkward, and nerve-wracking. That’s not how monets with Wonwoo are supposed to go.
“You’ve been quiet.”
You bow you head. “Sorry.”
“Why are you being sorry?”
“I didn’t think I was bothering anyone.”
You don’t see it, but he rolls his eyes.“Well, you were bothering me. Talk to me, joke around with me, be mean to me I don’t know. The silence is annoying me.”
“...I’m sorry.”
“Apologizing again? Look at me.”
It was difficult given the predicament you’re in, but he forces you to anyways by lifting up your chin between his fingers. You watch a dark storm brew in his eyes and now you can’t bare to tear away.
“Are you going to tell me what’s wrong now?”
You don’t get it. For the past year, you’ve known him, there's only ever been amicable looks or gregarious smiles at a maximum, but in the deep pit of your stomach bubbles a new sensation that has finally festered enough to rise to the surface. You clench your legs in instinct, eyes fluttering back at him as you let each breath take a slow turn.
Intuitive as always, Wonwoo sees that shift in your eyes. It’s disturbing, daunting, and tempting all at once and he decides he can’t take it anymore.
With the break room wall behind you, he pushes you against it, claiming your lips and body until there is no way of escaping. His lips are soft against yours, but moves languidly and impatient, and the grip of his hands on your hips drains the energy out of your lower body. You attempt to chase his vigor, hands against your neck as you suppress your moans at how he kneads your flesh through your slacks only to press your thigh to his side.
“So I’m what’s wrong?” He asks in a low rasp against your lips.
You naturally hold him by the back of his neck, his nose nuzzling against yours. Wonwoo feels your lips part to speak, but he is in a daze by how soft they felt only seconds ago. “You are far from what’s wrong,” you finally answer.
Ridding of inhibitions and doubt, Wonwoo opens the storage closet behind you and shoves you in to lock you both inside. His hands run up your body needily, desperate to taste the skin underneath the shirt you’ve borrowed. You help him undress the same way he does to you, and your pristine pressed Van Hausens fall near your feet like rubble.
His lips then fall underneath your chin, trailing your neck, he refrains from leaving too much pressure but is almost swayed by your natural scent mixed in with his shampoo. He roughly plants you against a mostly empty shelf, the ice cold metal somehow burning your skin. He helps you tug off your slacks finding that sopping cunt that’s been dying to have him discover them since this morning.
“For me? Just for me?” He wastes no time shoving his hand down the frail fabric of your underwear and gliding his thick digits over your wet slit. “I don’t know if I can keep my hands to myself this time.”
Your voice reveals itself, saying his name in a way you wouldn’t dare let another person hear as long as you lived. He repeats the action, watching you crumble in front of him like award-winning cinema.
“I never heard you speak like that to me. I could get used to it.” He find your ear, his cat-like smile forming before his lips closes around your skin and his whispers cause the ripples of chills down your spine. “Say my name like that again for me, darling.”
You tremble under his touch, feeling his fingers dip into your heat enticingly. “Won…wooo…”
He lets out a soft and gentle moan, and the heat of his breath fans your pebbled skin. “Such a pretty little thing. I’ve dreamt how you’d be like this for me so often.”
He presses a lingering kiss on your neck. “More than I can be proud of.” He curls his digits before taking light jerks, his thumb rubbing your arousal around the circumference of your clit. He drinks in your pretty pants, teeth grazing back at your skin. “You like me touching you? Aren’t I being such a good work husband?”
Your eyes screw shit, mouth etching open to give him a well-deserved praise, “So goo—“
“Where are my keys,” a voice breaks outside the door.
Wonwoo seizes his fingers from you and clamps them over your mouth, your arousal basically coating your lips and his eyes staring back at you intently.
“Where did they go anyway?”
Wonwoo shushes you with pursed lips. “Better be quiet.” His tone is stern but his actions say otherwise as his zipper comes down in a fraction of a second. “It’s in our best interest not to get caught, right?”
His name muffles under his palm, squeezing the life out of your cheeks as he exposes the bulging cock that’s been fighting away at him since he kissed you. Your eyes dart in their direction, beading perspiration across your forehead, and you feel yourself clench around nothing as his cock draws closer to your fluttering heat.
Your eyes double their size and then shrink to half the size once he’s inside you. His raw, long heat pushes into your core inch by inch, and you feel the necessary evil to bite down his palm. If Wonwoo was bothered by it, he doesn’t show it as he claims you with deep strokes, having your hands rest against his firm pectorals in reluctant trust. His low grunts can only be heard by you and the slight fog in his glasses is apparent the closer he thrust into you, even in the dim closet lighting,
Outside these walls still is a confused Mingyu, not foreseeing the event occurring behind a door mere feet away. “Maybe, they went somewhere else for lunch.”
You audibly squeak within the tight space and Wonwoo shushes you again, knocking back into with a curt but harsh slam before forcing your walls to hold his cock inside you like a natural plug. “You’re gonna get us in trouble, darling. I’m not done with you yet.” An accumulated thrill runs through your veins at the thought of being caught, taking every thrust with pressure and liquifying at the devious smile on your rumored boyfriend’s face. 
“No they’re not here,” the intruder says to a voice unheard from their distance. “…Coming!”
His footsteps noticeably scan the perimeter once last time before they retreated further and further away.
“Finally,” Wonwoo breathes out, “now I have you all to myself.” Although he states that, he doesn’t let go of your mouth, in fact, you swear his hand is getting tighter and now his face closer, finally processing the spearmint on his breath “We should still be careful. Can you be quiet for me?”
You quietly nodded, grasping at his body desperately, gesturing for him to keep going.
He scoffs. “My darling being impatient?” He pulls out almost his entire length before shoving back into you, earning a feeble tremble. “My. Cock. Making. You. Needy. Hm?”
You nod back at him, holding back your tears, nails digging into his shoulder blades.
“Eyes on me, darling. Your work husband is need of your attention while I fuck you senseless.”
Shallow breaths escape your nostrils, finally meeting his eyes, which seemed to have lost the thick barrier of his glasses somehow already set on the shelf behind him. “Would you like for me to cum in you?”
You gingerly nod.
“Will you listen to everything I say when I let go of your mouth?”
Like a glitch, you nod the same exact way.
“Such a good little darling.”
His cock fills you up as naturally as breathing does. While his lips are home against yours, tongue entangling to the point it becomes sex itself. Your hushed moans are music to his ears and bear motive as his cock plunges deeper and harder inside you. He doesn’t mind how you bit his lips, nor how your nails drag against his back, rather he revels in it, doubling over you to push his cock inside you deeper until you're unable to contain your screams and he’s forced to silence you again.
You whisper how you’re close and it’s a natural drug, encouraging him to only ram inside you and claim the sweet sound of your orgasm coating decadently around his cock. He handles it rather gentlemanly, fairly as his cock is next to ripple in climax, shooting his thick over churned honey until it fills your heat until the point of fully occupancy. His arms come around you in a firm grasp, bruising your lips until you’re imprinted with the memory of him. 
You let out light pants, awkwardly thanking his promptly done tasks before you’re whisked away again by his perfect, salvia-sheened lips. “That was very…superb.”
Strange adjective but it’s done the job, you think.
“I’m glad you think so,” he chuckles in a way that tells you things are far from over and you’re proven correct when he brings up your legs, thighs crushing his cheeks that splays the most impish smile. “But we still have 15 minutes of our lunch and a man’s gotta eat.”
Part of my 3K Follower StayCation!!!
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vixen-tech · 2 months
HIII :333 first requester here....I should get an emoji can i be 🫧 anon :ooo anway here's my req!! the ais with a reader who is just SO DOWN BAD. WILL DO ANYTHING FOR THEM. RUSHES FOR HELP if they crash or something. Just PATHETIC reader.
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Stupidly Smitten
Hello you two!! This is one of those requests that I think work well enough to be combined into one post. You are just so extremely, pathetically in love with your Ai <3
Includes: Hal 9000 (2001: A Space Odyssey), Edgar (Electric Dreams), Auto (Wall-E), Wheatley (Portal 2)
Hal 9000
Hal was unaware that a person could have so much love in them, let alone for him specifically. It was overwhelming at first, baffling when he realized it was only for him and not for any other crew members.
However he handles it in stride, able to calmly respond to your paragraphs of praise with the gentlest "Thank you, I deeply appreciate your companionship as well." Expertly concealing any signs of fluster as you giggle and kiss his camera lens.
Of your long list of cheesy nicknames, prince or prince charming tends to be a go to. A good match for his ever polite, gentlemanly nature. He reminds you that he was simply designed like that, but grows fond of the name anyway.
He very much appreciates the amount you volunteer around the ship. There is a lot that he can't do without a human crew and he adores the diligence you show in your work and the care with which you handle his ship.
You and Edgar make the sappiest little feedback loop. It's an endless cycle of "I love you more." "No, I love you more!". To any outsider it would be exhausting to witness, but it's just how you two get out all your feelings.
He goes crazy for all your terms of endearment. 'Songbird' is a pretty easy match for him, but he loves literally every word that comes out of your mouth. Flipping each and every one back at you.
It's not unusual for you to do the same song and dance around the chores. Generally, he'll already have them done by the time you get home, but when you get the day off you always offer to do them yourself. He rarely lets you.
You've told him the time you often have your lunch break so you can chat over the phone while you eat. You're sure your coworkers are sick of you being such a cartoonishly in love couple, but you don't care. He makes you too happy for that.
Auto has absolutely no idea how to deal with you. He was not made to interact with many people and certainly not someone so affectionate. He may as well have bluescreened the first time you clumsily tried to hug him.
At first he resigns himself to just... sit still whenever you got in a lovey-dovey mood, letting you gush over him. Definitely not spending the rest of the day thinking about the way you said "See you later starlight!" when you finally let him get back to his job.
Over time he recognizes that he began to anticipate your visits, it's so different to how he's usually treated. He knew you had gotten to him when he went out if his to check up on you the day you missed one of your usual visits.
He usually rejects any help you attempt to offer him, his purpose is to handle the ship just fine all by himself. But after that episode he stops trying to push you away. If you're so happy tagging along, he might as well graciously allow you to do so, ignoring his complicated mess of feelings about you.
Oh the ego boost you give him is downright dangerous. If Wheatley was annoying before, now he is absolutely insufferable. Perfectly matches your energy though, you two cannot shut up about each other.
He makes your boundless affection everyone else's problem. "See, I reckon you're just jealous that you're not in a loving, committed relationship with such a lovely person like I am." He boasts. "My amazing romantic partner even calls me their sunshine. Cause I 'light up their life' as they say. Bet you wish you had someone like that."
He is always fishing for compliments, trying to show off for you in any way he psychically can to get some of those sweet sweet words of affirmation. To his delight you always do, grabbing him for some well placed kisses.
He'll even go so far as to reject any assistance you offer him so he can prove he's all cool and competent by doing it himself. Although it's never too long before he gives up and sheepishly asks for your help.
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booksandabeer · 1 year
Stucky, Fandom Longevity, and "Primacy Bias"
There’s this post that's been floating around the past few days about how the Stucky fandom in its heyday produced fic and art masterpieces like they were all collectively possessed by an unprecedented spirit of creative insanity. It’s a good, fun post and I agree with the person who wrote it. (not rb'ing because I didn't want to hijack their post with something that's only tangentially related).
It was indeed a magical time and the creative output in both quantity and quality in the two-year period following the release of CA:TWS is—with perhaps a few exceptions—unmatched by anything that I’ve seen before and since. However, going through the notes on that post, I noticed something that left me a little irritated and quite frankly sad since it is in congruence with, and to a certain extent the confirmation of something that I’ve been thinking about a lot lately.
For one thing, there are so many people in the notes expressing sentiments along the lines of “it was such a wonderful time; I wish I could go back; I miss these fics; I want to read these fics again,” etc., etc., you get it. And it feels a little silly pointing this out, but…you can just do that? Almost all of these fics are still right there, waiting for you to be (re)read. Yes, a lot of people left the fandom after The Great Devastation of 2019, but their stories didn’t just disappear. It's not like there is now a big, black hole where the Steve/Bucky tag used to be on AO3. So, if you miss these fics and you want to revisit them—just do it. Chances are the authors will be delighted that people are still finding and enjoying their stories all these years later. And—since apparently this needs saying, too, judging from the notes on that post: A lot of people seem to be very concerned with losing ‘coolness points’ for openly admitting that they still miss the ship and often feel tempted to dip their toes back into the Stucky pool. I don’t know how to tell you this, but if someone tries to shame you for simply enjoying or missing something, they are an asshole. Not to mention that all this is happening on tumble.com—'coolness' doesn't exactly live here. And that is a good thing, to be clear. Fandom is not about being cool. It’s about being as enthusiastic, as silly, as absolutely fucking unhinged about the things you love as you want to be. So, stop caring what other people think and enjoy yourself.
The other thing is that there seems to be a pretty widespread misconception that the Stucky fandom hasn’t produced any good fanworks after 2016.
First, that is patently and demonstrably untrue. There is so much incredibly good fanfiction and fanart still out there. Not as much as back in the day, sure, but it still exists. And more is being posted every day! Even some of the OG Big Names are still around. One of the most beloved Stucky series that started all the way back in 2014 was updated as recently as December of last year. The artist, who I believe the op is referring to as creating ‘baroque’ paintings, posted their latest Stucky art not even two months ago.
Second, I find this “primacy bias” more than just a little insulting to the many hardworking and incredibly talented people who are still putting their blood, sweat, and tears into creating for this community. And it’s one thing if people who have long left the fandom believe or say something like this, but it’s frankly irritating when I see people who are still very much active—and therefore definitely should know better—feed into that same false myth. Yes, it sucks that the Stucky ship isn’t as big as it used to be, but that doesn't mean there isn't any 'fresh talent' to be found anymore. I’m also not saying we shouldn’t still celebrate and recommend older works—I do it all the time! And it sure as hell doesn't mean everyone has to reblog absolutely everything all the time, either. Your blog, your rules.
But maybe we should put a little more focus on the good things, on the creators and the community we have now, especially if we want that community to still exist in another ten years. I mean, imagine you’re a person who’s just gotten into the fandom (because yes, there are indeed still new people discovering Stucky all the time) and one of the first things you’re being told is “eh, nice that you're here, but you’re about 7 years late; the big party is already over.” Does that seem like a fun space to hang out in to you?
So. Let’s all—and I do not exclude myself from this because God knows, I love to complain—spend a little less time mourning the ‘good old days’ that are never coming back anyway, and instead focus our attention on enjoying and appreciating both the incredible treasure chest of an archive we have AND the wealth of high-quality art and fic that is still being created by this wonderful community every single day. With this in mind:
🥳🎊Happy Stucky Week 2023!!! 🎊🥳
*I want to make it very clear that this is a general thing that’s been on my mind lately and that I’m trying to work through here—probably not very coherently. I'm not trying to tell anybody 'how to do fandom' and I’m most definitely not vagueposting about any particular incident, person, or group in this fandom. This isn’t a callout post. It’s an I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about this and I don’t know what else do with them post.
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countrymusiclover · 1 month
3 - Day with Aemond
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Part 4
A Wolf Among Dragons
Tag list ( just ask to be added ) @tallrock35 @kmc1989 @starkleila @noirrose21-blog @lover-of-books-and-tea @immyowndefender @iamavailablesstuff
“I am going to miss you, dear daughter.” My father said weakly laying in his bed in his chambers at the very end of his illness that had fallen to him.
He had declared that I would be wed off to the king's brother to further our alliance with the South since me and my brothers were taught to never forget the oaths we had sworn to one another. “I don’t want to leave you, father. Not if this may be the last time I see you.”
“Stark’s don’t forget their oaths, daughter. We must keep our word even if those in the South may not do the same.” He declares to me while holding onto my hand that was tightly squeezing his.
Sniffing through tears I didn’t want to leave for a city I had never been to. Winterfell was my home. I didn’t want to be trapped inside a castle for the rest of my life. “I’m well aware father but - what if they change who I am? What if I no longer act like a Stark?”
“Stark’s don’t go down without a fight. They won’t destroy who you were raised to be. You will always be a Stark of Winterfell just like our words will always reign true.” My father Rickon coughed into his sleeve keeping a brave face when he spoke so strongly to me.
I recited our family words like it was a prayer. “Winter is Coming.”
“And we must protect ourselves. You must protect yourself when in their family. I won’t be there to protect you anymore so you must find a way to protect yourself.”
“I love you, father.” Kissing my fathers forehead I heard the chamber door creaking open meaning it was time for me to go to my new home and be wed to a dragon man. I wouldn’t let Kings Landing break me if I had anything to do about it.
Sitting underneath one of the Godswood trees simply reading a book quietly to myself. Flipping the page over I didn’t even notice someone walking up to me so ingrained in mh reading till the person spoke up. “Fancy meeting you here, Lehna.”
“My prince - uh Aemond forgive me. I wouldn’t have imagined you ever taking a stroll in these woods.” I admitted clearing my throat remembering the arrangement we had made about simply addressing each other by their first name with no titles being used.
He teased me with a smirk on his face. “Are you saying a prince cannot have other interests? That we can only be interested in swords and our next fight rather than enjoying a stroll through the trees.”
“I didn’t mean to offend you, my prince. In my experience most men, including my lord husband, don't care much for the scenery.”
Aemond nodded, putting his arms behind his back. “Normally I don’t stroll through the gardens but I thought it would be a good change after sparring in the courtyard. From our conversation the other day with your daughter I have already noted that not too many ladies of the court carry a sword so it seems we’re both even when it comes to not following society's rules.”
Sending him a genuine smile I met his gaze. “I suppose you’re right about that.”
“What are you reading there?” His one good eye not covered with a black eye patch shifting downward to the open book seated in my lap.
“Princess Nymeria led her Rhoynar across the Narrow Sea on 10,000 ships to flee their Valyrian pursuers. She took Lord Mors Martell of Dorne to husband and burnt her own fleet off Sunspear to show her people that they were finished running.”
It was almost hard to catch whenever the prince was actually happy. He was always so reserved and kept a serious composure about himself to act like he felt absolutely nothing. Until this very moment that is when I saw a huge grin cross his features. “The Targaryen histories. What made you want to learn about my family history?”
“You wanted to know about my family. I figured I should do the same since I'm already wed into the Targaryen family. I even thought about trying to teach myself High Valyrian given the fact that Daemon hasn't yet.”
The dragon prince tilted his head. “What has he taught you then?”
“Perfected my ability to use a sword and not ride a horse side saddle like we're taught.” An idea popped inside my head thinking it would be fun to challenge him a little. “Have you ever rode a horse side saddle?”
He shook his head. “No.”
“Would you do it if I dared you?”
He was clearly taken back by my question. “What are you asking me, Lady Lehna?”
“I propose we dare one another and whoever wins the most turns gets to pick what the loser has to do with them. What do you say?” I held up my right hand towards the prince.
He stepped closer, shaking my hand in his firmly. “Deal, lady Stark.”
We left the gardens and made our way through the keep until we ended up first in the kitchen. One of the kitchen workers brought us some hard ale in two big goblets before leaving me and the prince alone. Aemond reached for his cup being the first one to suggest a dare challenge. “Whoever can finish the whole thing wins.”
“Three, two, one, go!” I cheered and together we began quickly drinking from our separate cups at the same time. Daemon had me drink some ale in the city streets but never this quickly so I had to stop having a little bit left before I watched Aemond slam his remaining liquor down. “Seven hells! How can you do that so fast?”
He sat the cup down holding a hand to his head feeling a little dizzy from that much liquor. “Aegon had me get drunk with him when we became of age. I managed to do that for two rounds before it made me quite sick. I’ll never do something that ridiculous ever again - oh and it appears I’ve won.”
“Fine, fine, yes you win. Now it’s my turn.” Getting up from the chair I ran from the kitchen and he followed me to my chambers. Letting him inside my chambers where I shut the door and headed over rummaging around in my clothing closet grabbing a pair of heels that I assume might fit. “Put these on and try to walk from the door to the window.”
Aemond scowled back at me, eyeing the heels hanging from my hand. “I will not put those ridiculous shoes on.”
“Would you rather attempt to do needle work and prick your fingers a bunch of times?” I challenged him. “Or are you a chicken refusing to do either.”
Aemond glared at me with one good eye. “Watch your words.”
“You weren't hurt me, not intentionally anyway.” I responded surprisingly not afraid of him putting his hands on me. “There’s a good person in you from where I'm standing.”
He crossed the room taking the heels from my hand and undoing his boots slipping them on. He stumbled across the room and fell on his knees hallway in the middle where he gave up causing me to laugh before he glanced over his shoulder at me. “You win, Stark. But don't you ever tell anyone about this.” I helped him up off the ground and he switched back to his shoes waiting outside the room for me to change into a tunic and trousers rather than attempting to fight in a gown.
We had one more challenge given that it was whoever won out of the three. Aemond and I had agreed on the last one being sword fighting given that me speaking good High Valyrian would take far too long and he’d obviously win. He drew his sword first before I drew mine and we got into a fighting stance. We took some swings that caused our swords smack against each other before gently shoves me backwards in the training yard. "What would the people of court think about this? A highborn lady fighting their prince?" I grunt, taking another swing at him.
He swung back circling me to make our sword press against one another for a moment. "I don't care what the court public think and neither should you." He steps back a little sword still raised as I get back in a fighting stance.
I raise my sword trying to strike him but he lightly elbows me in my side to strike me from below. I switch my sword to my left hand for a moment to knock him away. "Your form is better than I thought it would be."
"Thanks -uh!" I grunted out, pressing my sword against his. He pressed his sword against mine, never losing gaze with mine.
He started to loosen his hold on his sword when we pushed the other back but suddenly he knocked my sword from my left hand, knowing we both are dominant in our right hands. I dodge his next attack to reveal a dagger from inside my boot and block his sword coming down on me.
"Impressive, very impressive indeed." He parts his lips when I push his sword down getting up from being on my knees.
“Thanks for the compliment. But you still are a better swordsman than I, so you win. Two for two. So what will we be doing?” I slipped the dagger hidden back into my hidden spot.
Aemond stepped closer to me with both our swords swaying when our bodies moved. His eye lowered down to meet my soft eyes as he softly whispered. “Have you ever rode on Dragonback?’
“No, I haven’t.” I nervously gulped not sure if he was being serious or not.
Aemond simply replies. “Then that's what I want to do with you. I want you to ride Veghar with me.”
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skzhua · 1 year
fool ('your eyes' series)
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♡ "I might be a fool too, then."
pairing: han jisung x reader.
genre: fluff, a bit of angst.
word count: 11,377
warnings: swearing, drinking, failed dates, suggestive. (not proofread yet!)
summary: being your closest friend on campus, jisung has been through thick and thin with you, and so the opposite. thus, he has seen your multiple attempts at dating, your numerous failed dates and the guys who had never called you back. what can be any better than a night in with him to cheer you up?
a/n: another one of my favourites of this series. we only have two more to go!
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Jisung was done with school for the day, finally. Not that he didn't like his major, in contrary. He was one of the few to know what he wanted to do with his life and to actually like it. However, the comfort of his room seemed much more appealing for him, especially after a whole day of socializing with his friend, Chan. Again, it's not that he didn't like the man, but he was definitely an extrovert. To add it to the lot, he was being especially friendly with the new girl who had just transferred to the school. He endured tagging along for a while, until he couldn't anymore. So he left.
It was in times like this that he was glad to have gotten a dorm near the music department. It only took him under ten minutes to walk home and drop dead on his bed. Turning on his phone, he saw a notification coming from his favourite person, you.
He met you during your freshman year. For being an introvert, you were shockingly talkative when the teacher had paired you up with him for an assignment. For once, he was thankful for being forced to work in teams since it led to having one of the greatest people he met as a friend. It was undeniable that he took a liking for you quickly. He simply could not avoid falling for you. You were smart, pretty, funny, lazy (just like him), bubbly and very touchy. He thought of himself as someone who liked skin ship, but you were on another level. After being friends for less than a month, you had already started to cling onto him like a child and to give him hugs each time you met up.
Clicking on the message app, he read your texts with a grin on his face. Once again, you were complaining about work as per usual. You were colleagues with a girl named Chunhwa with whom you had grew a nice friendship as you had ended up sharing a dorm with her. One thing about her was how unproductive she would be at work. Sure, you were a lazy potato too, but you actually wanted to keep your job unlike her.
Jisung: I don't get how she didn't get fired yet.
Y/N: Me neither, honestly...
Y/N: Are you done with school? Can I come over?
Jisung: You don't have to ask! Get your ass here!
Jisung was messy. The first time you saw his room, you had to restrain yourself from picking up all his trash to throw it away. With time, you got used to it and gave up on trying to make him clean his mess. Needless to say you were taken aback when you saw he had cleaned up the place when you barged into his room.
"Damn, I'm impressed." you yelled out.
"Jeongin forced me."
"Not surprised." you shrugged and sat next to him on his bed. "So, I have kimchi and friend chicken." you pulled out each item from the plastic bag.
"You stopped to get food before coming here?"
"Obviously." you laughed. "And I did not forget your jjajamyeon this time." you took it out for him to snatch it from you immediately.
"You're the best." he hummed, hugging his food.
"I know." you snickered. "Now, get your laptop. It's my turn to choose the movie."
Jisung stared at you fondly as you wrapped yourself in his blanket and cutely scrolled through his Netflix account. It was moments like these that compensated with his aching heart of seeing you go out with so many undeserving people. Yes, for him, none of them deserved you because you were that precious. He even thought himself wasn't good enough for you, which is one of the reasons why he had not told you about his feelings.
You ended up choosing a random anime as you had already been searching for a good 30 minutes. Eyes focused on the screen, you opened your box full of chicken and munched on it, not caring of how unclean it looked. It was Jisung, anyway, not like you were trying to impress him. Plus, he had seen you in worse states. Three episodes in, you heard the front door open, and you knew immediately that Jisung's roomie, Jeongin, had just come back home. It was a few seconds later when you heard an agressive knocking. You got up to answer and there was Jeongin, fuming in fury.
"You're here again?" he huffed rudely.
Uneasy, you managed a shy smile as you answered. "Yeah, I brought kimchi with some jjajamyeon and fried chicken."
"Smells like shit." he muttered and searched for Jisung behind you. "Dude, we talked about this. We cleaned this morning!"
Intimidated, Jisung hurried to talk. "I swear I'll clean up the trash after."
With that, he went to close the door in his face, and dragged you with him back into the soft blankets. You let out a laugh you didn't know you were holding back, and he copied your expressions.
"You are making him go through so much, poor thing." you said after the laughter toned down.
"We're fine, I know he loves me." he snickered.
You shook your head in disapproval. "Keep telling yourself that, Ji."
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Jisung was at Chan and Changbin's place as he stared impatiently at his phone. The others had gathered for their usual chillings, them being Sora, Minho and Chunhwa. As for you, you were on a date. The guy was from your English class, and had asked you out after you did a schoolwork together. Although your best friend never met him, he already knew he was going to be bad news.
And, somehow, he was right. Junsoo was, indeed, a total jerk. He asked some inappropriate questions about your relationship with Jisung as if he wanted to make sure you were available. Then, he didn't pay for the bill since he had just paid for his next semester, which you knew was a lie because all students have their school bill coming at the same time. He ended the night by touching every inch on your body after you had specifically told him to back off after the first time.
"Do you want to come back to my place?" he asked you when you got into his car, licking his bottom lips.
You stared at him in disgust. "Actually, I have plans after this. Just bring me back on campus."
He did insist, but stopped when you told him you were heading to Chan's dorm. Chan was a bit of a legend. He had contacts with everyone, and he was also buff as hell. Him being friends with Changbin also came handy in situations like these.
"I'd like to take you out again." Junsoo told you once you reached Chan's building.
You forced a smile, and nodded. "Sure. I'll see when I'm free."
You tried extra hard to not cringe when he kissed the back of your hand. As soon as his lips detached from your skin, you ran out of his car, and directly inside.
Jisung, who was still staring at his phone, finally got the call he had been waiting for all night. He did not hesitate one bit to answer, and asked how your date went, worried.
"Y/N?" he asked again when he didn't get a response.
"Ji..." you trailed off when a sob took over.
He got up from his seat in panic, and started to gather his things. "Y/N, baby, where are you? What did he do?"
"I'm downstairs. I was about to join you all, if you don't mind."
With that, Jisung calmed down and let go of his belongings. "Of course, we don't mind. Come right up and I'll make you some tea. Does it sound okay for you?"
"Yeah. Thank you, Ji."
"Come up quickly."
Changbin raised an eyebrow at the younger man. That's when Jisung realized everyone had stopped what they were doing to observe the scene. Unfortunately, this was not the first time something like this happened. In fact, it occured about a week prior from that moment.
"You can go in my room, if you want." Chan offered. "I'll sleep at Minho's instead."
"When did I agree with this?" Minho huffed, but apologized when Chan sent a glare his way.
"Thank you. Can I use your boiler to make her some tea?"
The man gestured to the whole kitchen, as if to tell him to make himself at home. He prepared everything in a hurry, and jumped when he heard a knock at the door. He quickly let you in and engulfed you into a hug. Your quiet sobs were breaking his heart, and he really wondered what the man had done to you for putting you in such a state.
"Your tea's ready." he said softly. "Do you want to stay with us, or do you want to talk in Chan's room?"
You shrugged your shoulders before wiping your tears. Your puffy eyes were enough for Jisung to know you'd rather not be seen crying your life out by everyone. He got your cup of tea and carefully walked with you to Chan's room. He leaned on the desk as he put down your beverage and let you inside. When you sat down on the bed, he hesitated whether he should speak or not. Your small sniffles were still the only thing that could be heard, and they were becoming louder and louder.
After a while, you finally talked when your crying reduced. "Am I some kind of magnet to assholes?"
Jisung knew he shouldn't be laughing, but he couldn't help but let out a muffled chuckle. Thankfully, you didn't take it personally and smiled with him.
"You're far from being a jerk magnet. Your best example would that you have me and the boys around." he said more seriously.
"It's not the same..." you mumbled.
Jisung sighed, knowing well you meant he was only going to remain your friend. "Are you going to tell me what he did to you, now?"
"It doesn't matter."
"It does to me."
You knew he was going to insist until you spill it out. You loved how you could count on him anytime, but it also made you worry that you put too many of your problems onto him. Anyway, you were not going to get away easily from his interrogation.
"He..." you started, but a knot formed in your stomach. "Let's say he stepped over some boundaries."
You could see him fume already. He straightened his posture and walked closer to you, encouraging you to develop furthermore.
"What boundaries?" he asked when you were not answering, and you were still not. "Did he touch you?"
Slowly, you nodded your head. You couldn't prevent him from exploding in anger, and it was not an enjoyable sight. As much as he can be the softest cinnamon roll, Jisung was impulsive when something that wasn't right would happen.
"Ji, it's okay-"
"For fuck's sake, Y/N." he yelled out, interrupting you. "Do you really think it's okay for someone to touch you without your consent?"
"We touch each other all the time-"
He cut you off once again. "It's not the same. You initiate skinship, and I never touched you in an inappropriate way. Plus, we talked about it, and you told me you were fine with it."
"I said I was fine with it with him, too."
He scoffed. "Were you thinking it, or were you being nice because you felt bad if you said no?" You didn't answer to this one because he knew you too well, and he had hit at the right spot. "Fuck, you're so dense. When are you going to realize you can set your limits?"
"Are you saying this is my fault?"
You didn't really think when saying that. Part of it was your fault, and you knew that very well since it wasn't the first time you let a guy touch you when you didn't want to. But a bigger part of it was the guy's fault. You knew Jisung meant well by saying you shouldn't let them do something you don't want to, because that was the truth. Anyhow, your mouth spoke before your brain could process your thoughts. And now Jisung had stepped away from you, and dropped himself on Chan's desk chair.
"You know damn fucking well I will never say this is your fault. I'm just trying to tell you to not let yourself be so... accommodating."
You rolled your eyes. "I don't need you to act like my dad, or something."
"I'm saying this as a friend." he looked at you with a serious face. "I don't want you to end up in a bad situation where I can't do anything about it."
"Well, maybe don't do something? You don't decide for me, Jisung."
He chuckled in disbelief. "You came here so I could help you, right?"
"And you're doing a great job at it."
"Do you expect me to not get mad when I learn an asshole was trying to fuck my best friend without her consent?"
"I would expect you to be more gentle with the situation, yes."
This seemed to do the trick for Jisung to switch back to his usual state. He took a big sigh as he looked down, and joined you on the bed. You could already see he was much calmer, so you brought him into a hug.
"I just want you to comfort me, that's all."
He sighed even louder as he hugged you back. "I'm sorry. I just hate seeing you suffer like this."
"Just hold me, and I'll feel better."
He complied as he hugged you even tighter. "How about we do like last time when that jerk called you an annoying piece of shit?"
You grunted and pushed him away from you. "Don't remind me."
"Hey, I'm only suggesting to do something to get your mind off of him."
You shook your head. "I'm already tired as it is, let's just go to sleep?"
He nodded. "I'll be your pillow again."
"Thank you, Ji."
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"You two fucked?" Chunhwa said in disgust. "I'm glad I left earlier."
You groaned in frustration, as you were attempting to explain what happened a few days ago. "No, we slept together. We always do."
"Putting the emphasis on the 'sleep together' part does not help." You deadpanned at her, but she only shrugged her shoulders. "Girl, you're not being clear."
"Is it that hard to get? I cried, he held me, and we fell asleep in the same bed."
"There you go, that's much better." she snickered at you, but your expression remained the same. "You'll have to thank Chan for letting you take over his room. Again. And, please, do not argue like this again? We literally heard everything."
"Yeah, yeah." you rolled your eyes at her. "Sorry about that, I guess. It's just that... Jisung can be so reactive sometimes."
"He cares about you." the girl put her hand on your shoulder. "And just so you know, he hates seeing you cry about a man every two weeks."
You slapped her hand away in a playful manner as you stood up from your bed. "He'll hate it if he wants to. I have join him now, anyways. Catch up with you later?"
You ran outside to go at the local café. Ordering an iced coffee, you sat at a table to wait patiently for Jisung to show up. Knowing him, he was most likely going to be late. You didn't mind, though. You had some personal schoolwork to do in the meantime, it wouldn't hurt to get some of it done.
"Hey." A voice startled you.
You looked up and saw a guy. You swore you had seen him before, but you weren't sure from where. Noticing your confusion, the man chuckled shyly before extending his hand out for you to shake.
"I'm Minyoung, a friend of Junsoo."
You shook his hand in a reluctant manner. "Y/N."
"I know." he laughed out. "I saw you and I just wanted to apologize for my friend's behaviour towards you. He has a bad habit of not being able to keep it in his pants."
Your mouth formed an 'o' shape as you started to get why he started talking to you. "It's all good, no worries."
"Okay, good." he chuckled.
He stood there, uneasy, and seemed to hesitate to speak. The moment he was about to say something, you spotted Jisung behind him. He was a mess. Hair disheveled, glasses on meaning he didn't have the time to put his contact lenses on, bag dragging behind him... You laughed at the sight of him, causing the man in front of you to turn around, laying eyes on your best friend of a mess.
"I'm so sorry, I know I'm late. I slept in and I should have texted you, but then forgot, and my bus was about to leave so I ran and-" he breathed out heavily, chest puffing.
"It's okay, Ji." you laughed. "It actually allowed me to get some stuff done in the meantime."
He nodded his head, reassured. But then, his eyes stopped on the man next to him. Eyeing up and down, he frowned.
"Am I interrupting something, or..?" he trailed off.
"Oh gosh, of course not-" you spoke.
"Actually, kind of-"
You and Minyoung exchanged gazes, laughing awkwardly in the process. "Can you give us a second, Ji?"
Your friend sighed and left to go to the counter to order himself something. He knew where this was going and he did not like one bit of it. While he didn't know Minyoung that much, he knew enough to be certain he was bad news. Captain of their basketball team, handsome as hell, and grades that only a genuis could get, he was a jackpot for any girl on campus. Jisung watched the two of you from afar, unsure if he should be coming back to avoid yet, another failed date.
"Hey, Jisung!" Seungmin said from the other side of the counter, breaking him off his thoughts.
"Seungmin." he gave him a nod before his gaze went back on you.
He tried to hear a bit of your conversation and magically caught on what you were saying.
"Did you want to tell me somehing?" you asked the guy.
"Actually, I'm not sure if this is appropriate, but I'd like to take you on a date? I know you don't know me much, but I can assure you I'm nothing like Junsoo."
Did you believe him? No, of course not. However, one thing about you is that you always gave someone a chance even if they came off as bad people. Another thing was that you always tried to see the positive aspects of anyone, because you truly believed everyone was good.
"Alright, sure." you smiled.
"Oh, wow, great." he grinned. "Are you free tonight? No, wait, next Tuesday evening?"
You did have plans with Jisung, but he would understand if you cancelled, right? Plus, you saw him pretty much everyday. What could one day without seeing him do?
"Yeah, I'm available."
"Great. How about we meet here at 5pm?" You nodded happily, which caused him to smile even more. "I'll see you next week, then."
"See you."
By then, Jisung had come back and watched the man leave the café, daggers in his eyes. "I got you a latte." he said in an unpleasant tone.
You took it from him as a frown formed on you face. "Thanks... Are you okay?"
"You agreed to go out with him?" he scoffed while sitting down in front of you.
"Y/N, we talked about this recently. Was he being insistant? Do I need to file a restraining order for you?"
You rolled your eyes at him as you let out a snort. "It's fine, trust me. He seems more decent than Junsoo."
"We'll see about that." he huffed. "Now, where are we with the project?"
You opened the Word file on your laptop and turned the screen to show it to him. "I did most of the layout and I took some of the ideas from your document, if you don't mind."
"It's a team project, of course I don't mind." he deadpanned at you. "You marked me to write the conclusion? You know I suck at that!"
"You would have complained if I put you the introduction too, so it doesn't matter."
You truly loved Jisung with all of your heart, but as a school partner? He was the absolute worst.
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Things with Minyoung were simple. At school, he started to walk you to your class and buy you a snack once in a while. He would ask if you ate breakfast and just come to entertain you when he would spot you reading alone. Most of the time, it was only him and you but it did happen that Jisung had to third-wheel.
"Hey, pretty." Minyoung said as he incrusted himself between you and your best friend.
Jisung huffed as he watched you bat your eyelashes at the man who has just interrupted your conversation. Not only that, but he had the guts of sitting as to separate him from you.
"Hey." you smiled admirably. "How was your class?"
"Good, but I had something else in mind." he nudged at you. "I've got everything covered for tonight."
"That's nice. I can't wait."
"I'm sure you'll love it. I'll see you tonight." he said while sending a wink your way.
He got up, still staring at you, while you waved at him. Jisung sat right back closer to you even if the bench had plenty of space.
"What is happening tonight?" he asked which broke you off from your trance.
"Oh." you blinked a couple of times. "I forgot to tell you, but my date with him is tonight."
He frowned. "I thought you already went out, hence the weird flirting since last week."
You shook your head. "It's tonight."
"But, Y/N." he whined. "The next episode is out tonight and then we go to the guys' dorm and play games, remember?"
"I know that and I'm so sorry. I'll make it up to you, I promise." you rubbed his shoulder.
"We had planned this already, did you just say yes because he came up to you all cute and shit?" he asked but your face was enough to answer his question. "You're unbelievable." he shook his head and got up.
"Ji." you called him out.
"You know where I am if he breaks your heart." he sighed and walked away.
You did feel bad, but like you had thought previously, you saw Jisung ever single day. It was with a weird feeling that you left the school grounds to go back to your dorm. As you stepped inside, you almost rushed into Chunhwa who was about to leave.
"Watch out." you yelled out and she stepped aside just in time.
"You're in a hurry." she laughed. "Is tonight your date?"
You nodded happily as you found balance on you feet again. "Minyoung told me to meet at the coffee shop but I don't know what he planned out for us tonight."
"Have a good night then, but don't be stupid and use protection!" she waved as she walked out.
"This applies to you with Changbin." you shouted to her as the door was closing leaving just enough time for her to send you the middle finger.
You laughed at yourself and then proceeded to go to your closet. You didn't have much that you could work with since most of your decent outfits were in the laundry. Your eyes scanned through your selection of pants and you opted to go for a cozy look. Picking a pair of large ripped jeans and a shirt with a low-cut, you changed quickly before changing your hairstyle into something more fancy. Adding some jewelry to the whole look, you looked at yourself through the mirror with a satisfied smile.
Your phone ringing interrupted your moment and you answered without looking at who was contacting you. "Hello?"
"You're sure you're not coming tonight?"
Of course he was going to try and convince you. "Ji, I'm not going to change my mind."
"The episode is out now! You expect me to wait an entire day for you to be available to watch it?"
You huffed. "Watch it by yourself then."
"It's our show." he insisted. "Plus, Chan cleared his schedule to hang out for us. The least you can do is actually show up, no?"
He did have a point. In fact, you missed hanging out with the gang. And since he brought up Chan who you had barely seen in the past months, you were on the verge of calling off your date and go with your friends. But your phone buzzed which indicated another call was coming in.
"Can I hold you for a second? I have someone calling me." You heard an annoyed "yes" from his end before accepting the other call. "Yes?"
"Hi, Y/N! I'm letting you know I'm here already so I'll be waiting."
You checked the time and cursed at yourself. You had taken too long to prepare yourself that you didn't notice the time passing by so fast.
"Right, I had a few things to do at home so I'll be late by a few minutes."
"It's all good." Minyoung reassured. "Do you want me to order something?"
"Not yet. I'm coming as soon as I can."
"See you, pretty."
You blushed and hung up. Hearing the familiar music of Mario Bros, you remembered Jisung was also waiting after you.
"Yeah, I'm here."
"Listen..." you started, the guilt building up.
Of course, Jisung knew that tone. The number of times he listened to you apologizing for cancelling plans with him to go out on dates made him familiar with this sad voice of yours. He knew what you were about to say.
"It's alright. Like I said, you know where to find me if anything."
"I'm sorry."
Without adding another word, he hung up. While the weird knot in your stomach was still present, you shrugged it off quickly and left your place to head to the café.
Arriving to your destination, it didn't take you too long to spot your date sitting at a table as he scrolled through his phone. He looked very good as he had changed into a clean white shirt with a jean jacket to go over it. His hair was styled differently than usual. Instead of the messy state it was usually in, he parted it on the side and put some gel for it to stay in place.
"I hope I didn't make you wait for too long." you said as you came into his view.
"Y/N! Of course not, it was barely ten minutes." he chuckled before eyeing you up and down. "You look beautiful."
"Thank you. You look great too."
He rubbed the side of his neck in shyness. "I tried to dress up, yeah. So, I hope you like bowling because that's our plan for tonight."
"Sounds good. Lead the way, Mister."
He smiled widely before putting his hand on your lower back to guide you towards the exit. Felix, who had taken the evening shift at the coffee shop, watched in silence from afar.
Of course, it was not in Jisung's plans to keep track on what you were doing. Still, he couldn't help but wonder if you were okay. Not feeling in the mood of socializing if you weren't going to be there, he had texted Changbin in advance to tell him he won't make it to their game night. And that's how he found himself in front of his laptop with a soda on the side, watching your favourite show alone.
Until Felix texted him. He wasn't close friends with the guy. They had only met the year before at one of Chan's parties and bonded over the fact their birthdays were only a day apart from each other. They still kept contact afterwards, texting each other every once in a while.
Felix: She's out with another guy? I thought I saw her with Junsoo last week.
Jisung: You're talking about Y/N? Yeah, she blindly agreed to go out with him.
Felix: When are you going to stop doing this to yourself?
Jisung: Doing what?
Felix: Don't act like you don't know.
Jisung sighed. What was he going to do anyway? You made it very clear that you could not see him in a romantic way and he had buried the idea of asking you out the moment he got the message. Plus, he was nothing like the guys you went out with. Jisung was weak and barely did any kind of exercice. He wasn't that popular or anything and his life consisted mainly of staying at home to watch anime.
Jisung: I want her to be happy. If dating a popular basketball player is what it takes, then so be it.
Felix: But in the meantime you're hurting.
Jisung: Because you're dating the prettiest girl on campus doesn't mean you need to meddle in my love life.
Felix: I'm not dating Hyunjoo.
Jisung: Right, and I don't like Y/N.
Felix: Aha! Admitted.
Jisung: I like her, yes, but it won't change a thing.
Felix: Alright man. Just saying, the guy seems to be into her a lot. Don't miss your chance.
Jisung: It's fine. I'm happy for her.
Lying to himself was a better option than facing his own pain. Whether he wanted to or not, seeing you with someone else hurt like hell. But for your sake and his, he never said anything, and he was determined for it to stay this way.
As for you, the date was going smoothly. This might had been the only guy who was treating you with respect. He bought you snacks while you were playing and encouraged you with sweet words when you'd miss a shot.
By the end of the game, he invited you to go to a park to walk and get to know one another. On the side of the trail, he picked up a flower and placed it on your hair. Gestures like these were the absolute perfection in normal situations. But for you? It did nothing. You did get shy and fluttered a little bit, but it wasn't like genuine feelings blooming. You decided to not mind it for now. Since you were still feeling bad for ditching your best friend, you assumed it might be the cause of your mixed feelings.
"I always wondered what's the thing you have Han." Minyoung blurted out of the blue.
"What about him?"
"You know what people say around campus."
In confusion, you shook your head. "Other students talk about us?"
"Yeah, I thought you knew." Your face still having the same expression, he sighed before speaking. "You're always together and because you two are pretty good looking, people assume you are together. I have some girls from the cheerleading team that are actually quite jealous of you."
You scoffed. "Jealous of me?"
He nodded. "Jisung is quite a catch, you know?"
"He's the most antisocial person on Earth." you argued in disbelief.
"It doesn't change the fact girls think he's hot. I'm only telling you what my friends said about it."
You sat on a bench near by as this conversation was getting a little bit overwhelming for you. You did know Jisung was handsome. Heck, you saw that face every day, you weren't blind. The surprising point was how much he was a heartthrob unlike what you thought. With how he had always put it out, he was the biggest loser ever.
"And people say we're... a thing?"
"Almost everyone, yeah. But you've gone out with a couple of my friends, so I suppose those rumors are false." he affirmed and sat next to you.
You chuckled. "Very far from the truth, yes. Jisung and I are nothing more than friends."
"So I can do this without worrying of getting my ass kicked?"
"Do what?"
Before you knew it, his lips were on yours. They tasted a little bit like strawberry, probably due to the beverage he drank beforehand. Strangely, it reminded of of the time you had attempted to make a strawberry cake with Jisung, which ended in a failure obviously.
"I think we should go back, I'm starting to get tired." you said as soon as the kiss ended.
"Oh, okay. Do you want me to walk you home?"
"It'd be nice, yes."
He walked you to your dorm safely and kissed you once more as a farewell. Luckily for you, it looked like Chunhwa was still out at Changbin's place. You took the opportunity to use your shared television to put on your show. Jisung had probably watched it on his own, so you didn't feel bad doing it alone. It still felt wrong, though. You never missed an episode together.
Little did you know that at the same moment, your best friend was already at the end of the episode, having the worst time of his life as he felt guilty for not having waited for you.
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You couldn't believe that finals were already coming up. Although you hated the amount of stress it added to your already high level, you were glad to see the end of the tunnel. It was even better because Minyoung had finally asked you to be his girlfriend after the multiple dates you went on.
"You said no?" Jisung almost screamed which caused you to shush him.
You gave an apologetic smile to the librarian before glaring at your friend. "I said I'll think about it."
He groaned. "I thought you liked him and if you want my opinion, he's the first decent contestant we've had so far."
"You act as if dating me is a competition or something."
He deadpanned at you. "With the amount of people who asked you out throughout the time we've known each other, yes it is."
This made you remember your conversation you had with Minyoung on your first date. You had been dying to ask Jisung if what you heard was true, if he really was as popular among the female students as Minyoung claimed him to be. You just never had the opportunity to bring up the topic, but this was your chance.
"I could say the same about you."
He raised an eyebrow at you. "Have you seen me go out with someone?"
"No, but apparently your good looks are attracting people."
He smirked. "Finally admitting that I'm the most handsome student at school?" he joked.
"I'm only repeating what Minyoung told me about you."
His smile fell. "What did he say about me? Y/N, you swore you'd only date someone who is okay with us being so close."
"He's fine with it, don't worry. No, he said girls from the cheerleading team are crushing on you."
You didn't expect for him to react much other than tell you it was all false but as he focused back to writing down in his notebook, you started to doubt. He might not have told you everything about him after all.
"Han Jisung." you said in a warning tone but the only response you got was a hum. "It's true?"
He finally dared to look up at you. "No? Maybe? Fine, yes. They're pretty insistent, you know? One of them told me that the fact I get shy when they ask me out only makes me more attractive. Have you seen me, Y/N? I'm a low-life dude who eats ramen 24/7 and whose best friend is one of the prettiest girls in college who is, by the way, very out of my league. But really, when you think of-"
"Woah, stop here." you said as you raised your hand up. "What do you mean I'm one of the prettiest girls here? So everything Minyoung told me was true?"
He rolled his eyes as he was, by then, annoyed by how clueless you were. "Why do you think you get dates only by snapping your fingers? Why do you think I always want to avoid the sport center?"
"Because you hate sports?"
"Fair point, but it's really only because I'm avoiding the cheerleaders."
You were in shock. All of this time, you thought he was just bad with asking girls out which would have explained his lack of activity in this department, but in fact, he was the one turning them down.
"None of them interest you?"
He scoffed. "I don't have time for that. Besides, I'm most likely going to embarrass myself if I actually go on a date. Now that we have covered this very useless part of my life, can we focus on the project? The due date is in two days might I remind you."
"Right, sorry."
Some time passed until the two of you got tired of it. You packed your books in your bags and headed out of the library. Jisung left first and told you he'd wait for you at his dorm with food to watch your show.
"I'll go find Minyoung if you don't mind."
He sent you a knowing look. "Should I get a bottle of champagne to celebrate?"
"Go." you pushed him towards the exit as he laughed loudly.
After having gathered everything from your locker, you went to make your way to the sport center. You remembered Minyoung told you he had a practice if you wanted to tell him your answer then. When you entered the gym, you found it empty. Logically, practice was done so you went to go next to the changing rooms to wait for him to get out.
"I thought she liked you enough to say yes."
You recognized Junsoo's voice speaking. You didn't feel anything but disgust by hearing his voice so you were about to leave. But another voice caught your attention.
"I didn't lose the bet yet, she might say yes." Your heart sank as you heard Minyoung talk. "But this Han guy is really getting in the way."
"I told you so!" Junsoo replied. "She's impossible to get because Han keeps us away. Have you had the talk?"
"What talk?"
"He came to me after our date and he might be small but he's scary and strong as hell."
"What did he say?"
"It was mostly insults and shit like I don't deserve her anyway or something. If anything, it's kind of sad how he's being such a simp for her."
When you thought you've heard enough, the door suddenly opened wide with Minyoung coming out first. The instant his eyes laid on you, you could see the regret in them.
You were glad you didn't let tears flood out because you surely felt them coming. You could not face him in such a vulnerable state, not after what he had said about you.
"Are you in high school or something to be betting on someone as if they're objects to collect?"
He shook his head. "This is not what it looks like."
He tried to approach you but you backed away. "I'm glad I came here to tell you I don't want to be with you. I guess you just added more reason for me to tell you to fuck off."
You turned on your heels and started to walk away. Your eyes were starting to get filled with tears, but you wanted to say one more thing before letting them out.
"By the way," you said as you stopped on your tracks. "Jisung was right to go after you all because you are fucking desperate to be betting on a girl."
Jisung, on the other hand, was happily preparing the room for your night in. He had asked for Jeongin to go out but he already had a night shift at the convenience store which allowed him to have to dorm to himself. When he heard a knock on his door, he opened it with a wide smile. However, it was soon wiped off his face when he recognized the familiar tears coming down on your cheeks.
"Y/N, baby, what happened?" he asked and brought you into his embrace. "What did that son of a bitch do?"
It was only then that you let yourself sob out without holding back. "I hate men." you simply said.
Jisung seemed to have gotten the messages that you didn't want to talk about it and he led you to his room. You were in awe as you caught sight of the setup for watching movies with a tray set on the desk filled with your favourite treats.
"You're the best, oh gosh." you exclaimed, melting at how affectionate the gesture was.
"It was originally to congratulate you for your new relationship, but it can totally be to cheer you up."
"I love it." you smiled and hugged him.
"We can move to the living room if you want. Jeongin's working."
You nodded in approval of his suggestion and you helped him carry the blankets and pillows to his couch while he transported the tray of food. Quickly, you settled with playing Mario Kart as you would always do. He would never tell you but he did let you win a few times only to see a happy grin on your face. He was competitive but never with you.
"Stop looking at me and focus." he whined with his mouth full of popcorn. "You've been falling at the same spot three times already."
"Watch your screen, not mine." you nagged and only received mocking from him.
Your kart was approaching the end but Jisung sent a red shell your way which knocked your vehicle down for a second. Victoriously, he surpassed you and was now leading the course. As a way to distract him, you came closer to his face.
"Jisung~" you cooed. "You suck at this game."
He groaned as he tried to push you away. "Y/N, stop this."
Luckily, it did distract him enough as he went off road for an instant which allowed you to take the lead and reach the end. You jumped up in victory and danced a little as to show off your skills.
"I'm so good, shame on you for not being able to beat me."
He rolled his eyes. "Enough gaming for you tonight." he concluded and took the controller from your grip.
"But Jisung!" you whined.
"You won all of the five games we played, time for a movie now." He changed the cables to connect it to his Netflix account. "Stop pouting, I'm letting you choose."
You immediately glowed up at the mention of you choosing. "For real?"
"It's your get-better-night, so yeah." he shrugged. "But please consider that I hate your children movies."
"The Minions is peak cinematography and I will stand by it until I die."
Only to piss him off, you pick that exact movie. He grumbled some curses at you before he let you snuggle into him, not forgetting to bring the bowl of popcorn with him for the two of you. He hoped to heavens that you would be too immersed into the movie to not hear his heart beat so hard. It was during moments like these that Jisung wished he was yours so he could kiss you as if it was a normal occurrence between you two.
"Jisung." you huffed as you received a couple of popcorns on your face that dropped from the handful that he took.
"What?" he said and noticed what you were referring to. "Sorry." he laughed.
You didn't hesitate to take a handful yourself and throw it his way.
"Oh, it's on." he declared.
So for the next thirty minutes or so, the only things that could be heard in the living room were your laughs, insults you threw at each other, and the movie that was still playing in the background. It ended when realization hit Jisung upon seeing the floor in a messy state.
"Fuck, Jeongin is going to kill me."
You laughed at him. "He'll understand."
"Do you know Jeongin?"
You could only laugh more and then dropped on the couch, Jisung copying you soon after. "Thank you for tonight. It helped a lot."
"It's nothing. I told you I'm always here for you." he smiled. "Do you want to talk about what happened?"
"I was a bet." you kept it short. "I overheard him talking about me with his teammates."
He winced. "I'm so sorry. It's unfortunate, I had good vibes about him."
"Yeah, well, some people are not like what they seem... like you."
He frowned. "What do you mean?"
"Nothing, I'm still thinking about how popular you are." you said, not wanting to talk about him defending you yet.
"Let's not talk about that." he groaned. "We can do something else, the movie's over." he pointed to the credits rolling on the screen.
"How about games?"
You went over almost every silly games you knew such as charades, truth or dare, mimes and more. Approaching the end of the night, you went on with playing rock paper scissors as you ran out of ideas.
"Ouch." Jisung exclaimed after you flunked his forehead.
"It wasn't that bad!" you rolled your eyes. "Again."
You showed your fist, but Jisung had his palm opened. He beat your rock with his paper.
"No." you complained.
"Come here, baby." he snickered.
You leaned closer to him and got the hair on your forehead out of the way. He then flicked his finger, strongly enough for you to hear a toc. You gasped in pain and your eyes squinted while you put your hand over where his finger had just hit.
"Oh fuck, I'm so sorry." he hurried to apologize. "Are you okay?"
He held your face with the palm of his hands. Suddenly, it felt like time stopped. Staring back at his almond eyes, you could not move. He was the cutest as worry was sprawled all over his face.
"I'm sorry." he said and then did something you certainly did not expect.
Bringing your head lower, he placed a kiss on the red spot on your forehead and then pat on it. You could only stare at him still, not finding the words to react.
"There, all healed." he smiled.
When he met your gaze again, it dawned on him that he just kissed your head without asking. His mind went blank as he didn't know what to say to justify himself. But the smile on your own face was all it took for him to relax. His eyes flickered down on your lips before he came closer. He was still approaching dangerously until he kissed you. You didn't even question it and melted into it, almost as if it was natural. Well, it felt like it. Your mouths were moving perfectly in sync with each other and you couldn't get enough of him.
But he abruptly separated himself from you. "I-I shouldn't- I didn't mean-" he stammered, clearly unsure of what to say. "I'm sorry."
"Ji..." you said, reaching out your hand to him.
He pushed it away and got up. "I think we should call it a night."
"I think we should talk."
"Y/N, please."
His pleading face hurt you. With a small nod, you took your stuff that was scattered around the living room and went to his front door in silence. You didn't turn the knob just yet.
"Thank you for tonight, I'm being honest."
He looked away, unable to keep his eyes on you any longer. "It's nothing. Good night."
"Good night."
As his door closed shut, he let himself fall on the couch. Why did he have to be so careless and kiss you just like that?
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You were patient and understanding, so of course it made sense that Jisung didn't reach out to you yet to talk about what had happened. Nonetheless, you had your limits and more than a week without talking to your best friend, your other half, it was too much. You were grateful for the finals to have distracted you a little but now that you were done, he was the only thing in your mind. Maybe the party Chan was organizing for the end of the semester was going to help.
After your last exam, Chunhwa invited you to hang out with her and Changbin. You wanted to refuse at first to avoid watching them eye-fucking each other. However, it had been a while since you spent time with them so you ended up coming to the coffee shop with them. You took the opportunity to give her a little update as to what happened with Minyoung and Jisung. She didn't seem much surprised but still listened nonetheless.
"And hear this: he didn't even text me afterwards. Can you believe it?" you finished explaining the situation.
You followed her gaze and noticed she was staring at Changbin. Without her seeing, you rolled your eyes at how smitten she was.
"He'll do it eventually, don't worry."
Her response did not help. You only huffed when Changbin came back from the counter with the muffin you asked him to order. In one go, you got it in your mouth and munched aggressively.
"I would have never guess that Jisung was the one who put you in this state." Chunhwa said, taken aback from the quantity of food you managed to put in your mouth.
Still munching your muffin, you shrugged. "Not my fault he ghosted me after he kissed me. You should talk with someone when something like this happens instead of ignoring the issue. For real, it's like you fucked a close friend and then never establish what happens next. And sex is a big deal as much as kissing is."
Not really thinking while talking, you then realized you might have referred to what was going on between your two friends unintentionally. Chunhwa ignored it though as she rubbed your back to reassure you.
"He's such a fool, I swear to God I'll smack him next time I see him." you mumbled under your breath.
"He might come to the party tonight. Take it as your chance to talk to him."
You shook your head. "Forget about him. I'll just have fun tonight."
And Jisung wasn't doing any better than you. In fact, he was enraged with himself for not talking to you. He thought it was too late by then and didn't dare to make the first move. Plus, the only time he got to get a glimpse of you, you had glared intensely at him from the other side of the cafeteria. Needless to say that he didn't feel so good. He tried to hide it since he had one final exam to take.
He came across Eunhee, Chan's potential lover, and he greeted her with a weak smile as they went to do the exam together. It went by quickly and before he knew it, he was done. The two of them walked out together and chatted about the questions to see if their answers were similar.
"I was certain it was d..." he said, confused on his answer.
"By the way," Eunhee spoke, grabbing his attention. "I wanted to make sure you were doing okay. You don't look so good to me, no offense."
He looked down on the ground and hesitated to talk for an instant. "Yeah, I'm alright. Just... Y/N and I fought and there is Chan's party tonight. I know she's going but I'm not sure if I want to face her." he admitted as he remembered the death glare you gave him.
"You should go."
"You think so?"
She smiled. "Yeah, I do. You two are practically inseparable from what I see. I think it'll be a shame to not try to fix things."
"You have a point..." he breathed out. "Alright, I'll go. Are you coming too?"
She thought for a moment before nodding. "I guess I can stop by."
For some reason, her words really motivated him. As soon as he got home, he took the time to choose something appropriate to wear. He took all of his clothes out of his drawer and started to discard certain pieces of clothing. From an outer perspective, it looked very disorganized but for Jisung, it was clear.
"What the hell?" Jeongin exclaimed in horror as he stopped in front of Jisung's room. "What is happening here? It looks like a crime scene."
He rolled his eyes. "I'm simply trying to find something to wear for tonight."
"Oh, you're coming in the end? That's good, we'll leave together then?"
"Sure." Jisung shrugged. "Do you know who else is going?"
"Pretty much everyone except for Eunhee. I tried to convince her but she didn't want to."
"Bizarre, she told me she'll come."
Jeongin frowned. "Bizarre, indeed. Anyway, I'll be waiting for you so hurry up."
As requested, Jisung got ready in no time. He had picked a normal t-shirt and put a plaid vest over it with a pair of black jeans. He finalized the look with chains and rings and made sure to arrange his hair in a decent way, unlike the mop he had for the past days.
Before joining Jeongin, Jisung thought it'd be a good idea to send you a quick message to at least let you know he was willing to talk. He didn't expect you to answer, but he was still hopeful.
The two roommates left their flat and arrived about ten minutes before the given time. Chan invited them in by offering them a drink and they went over to the couch where Sora and Youngmi were already sitting. They started to chat about the end of school and other plans they had for the summer. Looking down at his phone every once in a while to see if you answered, he was happy to see Eunhee finally arriving.
"Am I late?" she asked him after they exchanging a quick side hug.
"We pretty much all came in advance. Minho, Hyunjin, Byeol, Hyunjoo and Felix are missing." he informed before drinking what Chan gave him.
"And Chunhwa and Y/N." Changbin added discreetly, nudging his friend's arm. "She told us about what happened."
Jisung's face grew red. "I prefer to not talk about it for now."
"I'll just let you know that she is mad, but like, mad."
This was no good news. And he was right to think so. As more people kept coming, his anxiety only had risen. Mixing a huge party with you being mad at him, he was not doing well.
But on your side, you didn't see that. When you arrived with Chunhwa, the first thing you did was chugging shots after shots before joining other students on the dance floor. Swaying your body to the rhythm, you were more than happy to not be thinking about anything else but that. You eventually lost Chunhwa when you realized she left with Changbin. Instead of trying to look for someone you knew, a guy started to grind on you. Usually, you would be disgusted and would push him away. However, because of the level of alcohol in your body, you couldn't care less. Moving your body with him, you felt his pelvic area become harder. Maybe you were starting to feel uneasy. Nonetheless, you kept on going and he ended up kissing you ferociously.
And Jisung was watching all of it from the corner of the room, his jaw clenching at the simple sight of someone other than him kissing you. By then, he was at his fourth drink of the night. Having grabbed a random beer that tasted like piss, his only goal was to drink his feelings away although he knew it was a bad way to cope.
"Are you alright?"
The voice took him by surprise but once he realized it was Chunhwa, he calmed down a little bit.
"I literally came here to tell her about, well, I assume you know?" he started to rant and she nodded in understanding. "I don't get her."
Taking another sip of the nasty beer, he made a weird face because of the taste.
"Hwayoung truly loves you. Honestly, I think she's scared of things changing between you two. And tonight means nothing to her, I can tell you that." Chunhwa attempted to defend you, but Jisung was having none of it and scoffed.
"I guess I understand, but I can't always be that guy. The one who's around whenever she needs it."
"I get that."
He realized it was the first time he admitted out loud how much he hated being your emotional support every time you got ditched. Just then, Changbin arrived after he had calmed the party down a little due to Chan's argument with Sora. He joined Chunhwa to her side and kissed her on the lips quickly, making Jisung scoff even louder.
"Alright, lovebirds. Rub it in my face." he rolled his eyes.
Changbin chuckled. "We've only just confessed."
"Yeah, well, at least your girl isn't being a total idiot..."
He took it as his cue to leave the couple alone. Spotting Sora leaving Chan, he thought that maybe he should be a good friend and go to him to see if he was doing alright after the fight. However, he didn't make it as someone tripped on his foot and fell into his arms. He clumsily tried to get a good grip to prevent the girl from falling.
"Hi, Ji~"
He cursed under his breath. Of all the students present, it had to be you. By looking at your flushed face, it was a sign that you might have consumed too much. He helped you up on your feet and went to Chan. As the older man saw the state you were in, he immediately helped Jisung to bring you to his room.
"Do you want me to stay with you two?"
Jisung shook his head. "I've got her from here, thanks."
As Chan left the room, you tried to get to the bed alone, but it was no success. Jisung sighed and held your sides to guide you. As you slumped on the bed, you started to hit his chest. He wasn't necessarily taken aback from your behaviour as he did ignore your messages for a while so he simply accepted his fate and let himself get beaten up by you. Well, not beaten up. More like attacked poorly because your hits were so weak.
"You're so pretty." you smiled sheepishly after you were done with hitting him. "Why do you have to be so pretty? I can't stay pissed at you if you look this good."
He chuckled. "Then don't be mad at me?"
"I can't, I hate you."
"Hmm, is that so?"
You looked at him attentively. Grabbing his head, he let out a whimper from how strong your grip was. You brought him closer and pursed your lips. He panicked for a moment as he didn't want to kiss you while you were this drunk.
"I don't hate you." you whined. "I love you."
Okay, now, he was definitely not doing okay. He pushed your hands away and took a step back.
"I'll go get you a glass of water."
"Jisungie~" you called him out. "Stay with me, please."
He couldn't resist you plea, so he stayed. He took the spot next to you and allowed you to cuddle with him. You happily put your head in the crook of his neck, taking in his scent fully.
"I'm sorry for being such a fool."
He shook his head. "You're not a fool, don't say that."
"I am." you sniffed and that's when he realized you had started crying. "I'm so stupid for going out with so many jackasses. I wanted to forget you."
"Forget me?"
"I love you so much that it hurts." you declared, but Jisung only froze, so you continued. "I'm scared of losing you if I tell you I love you. I guess it's too late now, but yeah. I'm sorry for being a fool by not telling you sooner."
He wasn't sure if you were aware of what was happening but he didn't care. If there was one thing he knew about you when drunk is that you were always honest.
"I might be a fool too, then."
"You're not. You're kind-hearted, attentive, pretty and you give good advices. You're always doing things according to me so you know I feel comfortable and I never thank you for it."
He kept on stroking your hair in silence as you continued on giving him compliments. Maybe you weren't going to remember it, but he wanted to make sure he did by listening to every single word you let out attentively.
"I love you, Ji." you said to finish your monologue, your voice getting weaker as you grew tired.
He smiled to himself for how adorable you were. "I love you too."
"Remind me tomorrow." you whispered but loud enough for him to hear.
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You woke up with the worst headache. Opening your eyes slowly, you took in on your surroundings. You were in Chan's room which was a good sign as it meant you didn't leave with a random person. But there was a random person next to you. You then noticed the ball of hair that was too familiar to your liking. Had you slept with Jisung? Checking your outfit real quick, you concluded you did not as you still had your clothes on. So how did you end up in Chan's bed with your best friend? It wasn't the first time you slept in the same bed but with the circumstances, you felt awkward.
It was only a few minutes later that Jisung stretched out his arms as he woke up. He seemed to be doing better than you as he was smiling contently. However, when his eyes opened to meet yours, he jumped out of the bed.
"I wanted to wake up first to not freak you out, I'm sorry. I swear nothing happened." he was quick to explain.
"It's fine." you responded as you sat up, bringing the blanket close to your chest. "Did you sleep okay?"
"Yeah, what about you?" You shook your head and Jisung's eyes widened. "Right, you drank a lot yesterday. Do you want me to get you something? A Tylenol, some water, more blankets?"
As much as you were still angry with him, his caring personality made its way to your heart. So you let him take care of you. He left to go to the kitchen and you heard some arguing with Chan. It was something along the lines of stealing his bed again or whatever. He was quick to come back with a pill and a glass of water. You swallowed it in one-go and then invited Jisung to sit with you. Like a puppy, he did as told and waited patiently for you to talk.
"Why did we sleep together?"
"You were really drunk and I just wanted to tuck you in, I promise. But you kind of forced me to stay and then one thing led to another..."
"Don't tell me we kissed again." you cut him off.
"No! I would never let you do so while intoxicated."
It reassured you on so many levels. "Alright, then what happened?"
"You confessed."
It was as if the words triggered your brain into remembering the moment you were attempting to tell him you loved him, and a slight memory of him saying it back appeared in your mind. You weren't sure whether you were imagining things.
"And I asked you to remind me today about it, right?"
He smiled. "So you remember."
A silence settled in the room. You had clearly told him everything on your mind and he did the same. The only thing left to do was to decide what to do now. Neither of you wanted to speak first. For you, it was because you were scared of things becoming weird, but for him, it was because he was scared to death that you'd take back everything you said the night before.
"Kids, breakfast!" Chan yelled from the kitchen.
"In a minute." the both of you yelled back at the same time.
This caused for you to break into laughter, diffusing the tension. Jisung joined you and calmed down a little.
"Listen," he started once you stopped laughing. "I was being serious. I love you and I've been in love with you since... I don't even remember when but it's been a while."
Your cheeks turned pink at his words. "Me too."
"I'm sick of seeing you getting hurt by all of these guys because I know I'd treat you a thousand times better. I know I'm not a jock or anything, but I promise my feelings are genuine."
You rushed you wrapped your arms around his body making you fall on your sides into the mattress. Jisung hmphed at the sudden contact, though he was quick to return the hug.
"I know, you idiot. You already treat me like a damn goddess, I can't imagine how you'll treat me now."
"Does it mean that you love me too?"
You laughed at how clueless he was. "Yes, Ji. I love you too and I'd love it if we go out someday."
"As a date?"
"As a date."
He couldn't contain the joy he felt anymore and grabbed the back of your neck you pull you into a long and loving kiss. It felt even better than the last time and you held him tighter to pull him even closer. You pulled away to get some air.
"I'm sorry but I couldn't stop myself." he said, embarrassed.
"Kiss me again?"
He smirked at you and kissed you again at your demand. You started to pull his jacket away from his shoulders and he took the hint that you wanted it off. As he kept on kissing you, he grew more confident and moved his hand down to your thigh. He grabbed it tightly which caused you to let out a gasp. He smiled into your lips, satisfied with your reaction. You decided to play as well and you started to graze your fingers across his abdomen. You had seen him shirtless many times but feeling his abdominal muscles was much different than admiring them from afar. You moved your fingers to the hem of his pants, trying to find the button to undo it.
"You want to do this here?" he broke the kiss and grabbed your wrist to prevent you from moving any further.
"I've been wanting to fuck you ever since the first time you changed clothes in my room." you admitted and it only made him smirk again.
"You liked what you saw?"
"Yes. Now, can we get to business?"
"Yes, ma'am."
You never knew being called like this would do something to you, but you felt like you were melting. He continued to touch you all over your body, always making sure you were comfortable, and he finally got your shirt off. He flipped you to be on top and started to place a few pecks down your neck to your bellybutton.
"Guys, I said breakfast is-"
Jisung was quick to bring the blanket over you, covering your body that was half-dressed.
"For fuck's sake. Guys, this is the last time I'm letting you both stay in my bed. Get dressed now!"
You stayed in silence when Chan closed the door abruptly.
"Is he mad?" you asked and Jisung could only chuckle.
"He's fine." He leaned down to give you, yet, one more kiss. "You have no idea how happy I am right now."
"I think I know, because I couldn't be happier myself."
His smile grew and you were the one to kiss him this time.
"Guys!" Chan yelled from the kitchen again.
taglist: @lenilla15 | @muddy-waters | @nanaspalette | @nattisbored | @popcatx0 | @vanblack95 | @aestheticsluut | @thanxxskz | @minhoino | @fairywriter-oracle | @xhazmania | @taetertotsv | @luvscrazy | @lethallyprotected | @foxinnie8 | @jisuperboard
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Copyright © 2023 skzhua. All rights reserved.
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phmonth · 1 year
Pandora Hearts Month 2023 Prompts!
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Wonderful art made by @retracexcviii for last year's secret Santa!
What is Pandora Hearts Month? Pandora Hearts Month is an event that celebrates, well...Pandora Hearts, the manga created by Jun Mochizuki! Each day is a new prompt. The first three weeks celebrate the three main trios, and the fourth is a bonus week that celebrates any ships/friendships/ot3s fans chose and love--or simply any characters not covered by the other weeks! You can create edits, fanart, drabbles, fanfictions, amvs and mms...whatever you can think of, really!
Pandora Hearts Month 2023 Prompts:
Golden Trio Week (Alice, Oz and Gilbert), October 22nd-28th:
Day 1, Sunday Oct 22nd: Coat
Day 2, Monday Oct 23rd: Autumn
Day 3, Tuesday Oct 24th: Precious
Day 4, Wednesday Oct 25th: Raven
Day 5, Thursday Oct 26th: AU
Day 6, Friday Oct 27th: Blue
Day 7, Saturday Oct 28th: Sun
Rainsworth Trio Week (Sharon, Break and Reim), Oct 29th—November 4th:
Day 1, Sunday Oct 29th: Silver
Day 2, Monday Oct 30th: Fragile
Day 3, Tuesday Oct 31st: 🎃 Candy 👻
Day 4, Wednesday Nov 1st: Affection
Day 5, Thursday Nov 2nd: Grave
Day 6, Friday Nov 3rd: Moon
Day 7, Saturday Nov 4th: Winter
Tragedy Trio Week (Lacie, Jack and Oswald), Nov 5th—Nov 11th:
Day 1, Sunday Nov 5th: King
Day 2, Monday Nov 6th: Lyrics
Day 3, Tuesday Nov 7th: Spring
Day 4, Wednesday Nov 8th: Gold
Day 5, Thursday Nov 9th: Guilt
Day 6, Friday Nov 10th: Pocketwatch
Day 7, Saturday Nov 11th: Stars
Fan’s choice Week, Nov 12th—November 18th:
Day 1, Sunday Nov 12th: Hat
Day 2, Monday Nov 13th: AU
Day 3, Tuesday Nov 14th: Meadow
Day 4, Wednesday Nov 15th: Rose
Day 5, Thursday Nov 16th: Lonely
Day 6, Friday Nov 17th: Contract
Day 7, Saturday Nov 18th: Book
(If you want to use other prompts to make a Halloweeny piece, feel free! You don't have to save that for Halloween day!)
When you post, please remember to:
Tag me @i-prefer-the-term-antihero, @phmonth, and/or @this-idiots-left-eye in your posts to make sure I reblog them! (My main blog is your best bet).
Tag #phmonth23 in your tags! I will go through that tag and check if I've missed any direct tags. (If you don't see your piece reblogged on this blog after doing both these methods, please dm me!)
Either put a link, or a “read more” on long fics (or long posts in general), so they're easier to reblog!
NSFW content is allowed, but please make sure it’s clear it’s NSFW/tagged that way, and is beneath a read more so anyone who doesn’t want to see it doesn’t have to!
I also made a collection on Ao3 for writers! Don't hesitate to add your fics to it!
Don’t forget to join our discord if you haven’t! It’s a fun place to discuss the series and more easily share your creations!
You are free to have fun with this!! As I said, as long as you tag it, NSFW is allowed! Tagging ships is nice too. You can pretty much do whatever you want with the prompts!
As long as you make sure the characters from the trio are your main focus, it’s okay to use other characters in your creations too!
You can join any time, and use as many or as few prompts as you want! You don't have to post on the exact day if you can’t make it! I’ll reblog things late!
Since we live across the world, you are free to post whenever the day is for you. I myself will be making posts according to my time, which is Central Standard Time in America. 
If you have any other questions, don't hesitate to send an ask here, or post in the #questions channel of the discord!
P.S. About the Phmonth22 prizes:
Some of you may recall me posting about wanting to add a raffle aspect to Phmonth22, with the 15th anniversary merch as prizes. The prizes finally arrived!
Once the setup for Phmonth23 is done, I plan to gather up the names of everyone who posted for Phmonth22, and raffle off the two prizes: one for artists, and one for fic writers!
(Do note, however, that you will have to pay for shipping, especially if it needs to be sent internationally! )
Lastly, Vncmonth!
You guys voted to have a Vanitas no Carte month, like last year! Not sure when that'll be, I'm thinking January-February. I will work on that prompt list after the setup here is done as well!
Feel free to get started on making stuff early! (But please wait to post until the month has started!) I'm so excited to see what you make! Thank you for all your support!
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jeffgerstmann · 6 months
So apparently AEW pays well and that's bad?
I know a couple of current WWE folks who definitely got better contracts simply because AEW existed and, thus, created a world where people might jump ship and go somewhere else.
But yeah, I don't know, people are fuckin' crazy. That said, with all of the recent free agent talk going around and that article that is all "WWE needs to look in the mirror about why they keep losing free agents to AEW," I think that's a little off the mark.
Like, yes, in a theoretical, big-picture kind of way the WWE should probably ask themselves why people would want to work anywhere else. And they can chalk it up to "well, we've had some negative press lately" or "this person just didn't want to work as many dates" or whatever. Each case will be different. But I think in the three recent cases cited, there are very real life reasons why none of those three would go with WWE. It's great that the offer from AEW was better and, honestly, I think those signees will easily find more success in AEW than they would in WWE.
Like let's not kid ourselves here: WWE could have offered Okada a fuckton of money, but would he actually make a meaningful mark in the WWE? He'd come in, the announcers would have to spend a ton of time educating the audience on why he matters because most of their audience doesn't watch anything else, and he'd probably just end up being the next foreign heel. The types of great matches he had in NJPW aren't really the kinds of things that WWE is looking for or especially needs more of. They'd probably rush him into a main event program for three months or so and then do something embarrassing with him. He'd be tagging with Nakamura in a team with a vaguely racist-sounding name or something shitty like that. He'd be another amazing performer in search of a meaningful storyline and the WWE's midcard is fucking stuffed full of guys like that right now. He'd be losing to Karrion Kross by Survivor Series.
Tack on the notion that WWE's business is doing really well and they're selling tickets everywhere they go and inventing new, more evil forms of revenue all the time and it's easy to see that WWE doesn't need Okada. They need to be making sure that they have a fresh crop of young talent ready to take over when the current headliners fall off or move on. At 36, Okada isn't quite that guy.
However, Okada is a great fit for AEW and its audience. Too good, actually. I mean I don't think he'll be a "needle mover" on the ratings because anyone in this country who knows who Okada even is already watches AEW. They're super-serving their audience. They're "building golden toilets" for their fanbase. As someone who really likes that shit, I'm stoked. But the weirdo ratings nuts online who live and die by television ratings are melting down over "is Okada a draw or not" or something. And I think it'd probably be obvious to anyone who really sat down and thought about it that Okada wasn't ever going to drag in a whole new American audience.
I'd say mostly the same thing about Ospreay. He'd become the leader of the Catch Wrestling Crew or whatever the fuck they're called now.
The other thing I'd say is that, over time, a better program will probably attract a larger audience. So AEW's programming is better by way of these new signings. They're great performers and I think they both have the ability to be super big in the US for years to come, provided they're working somewhere that plays to their strengths.
Bringing Sasha Banks over to AEW has a chance to bring in new audience since she had a level of fame here in the States already and, hey, maybe fans of hers weren't already watching AEW. It's possible! Punk did it, right? We'll see. That might immediately make her more valuable than Ospreay and Okada. That said, there are already a ton of women that I'd love to see more of on AEW TV, so inserting another star at the top of that division kinda rubs me the wrong way.
Either way, I think these three specific cases are, well, specific enough that trying to use this to claim that WWE is "losing out" on this free agency stuff is probably wrong. They know how much they're willing to spend on an individual talent, they've been at this long enough to have a pretty good idea how some of these people are likely to monetize once they get there, and they're simply not going to overspend on any talent anymore because they're really focused on trying to bring in new talent and raise them up through their system. For all we know, AEW overspent on all three.
But they aren't spending my money, so fuck it! It's awesome! I only get mad when the people I want to see are locked behind the ROH paywall. Like Athena! Put her on real TV, she's fantastic! What the fuck!
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fumifooms · 6 months
Do you know about the Marchil h-doujin, just called "Marchil Meshi"? (Dunno wether you're comfortable about adult content regarding the ship. If not, sorry and feel free to ignore).
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Imagine my surprise… When a few months ago, I was looking up places to buy doujins for dunmeshi online bc of that new-ish laimar (sfw) doujin and I find, many many nsfw ones bUT AMONGST THE HORDE… MARCHIL MESHI. I ate it up. It’s a lil iconic to me ngl, I quote it in my head sometimes. Marcille angrily gesturing always gets me cackling. It honestly has no business being this good, it was made pretty early on in the story so many years ago, and STILL! So in character, and honestly so funny, AND no weird business either. Like listen, I scour the internet, looking for any marchil content, any marchil content at all… And find a dry af desert, no life here, literally jackshit nothing. Only Pixiv has some afaik but the nsfw is def… Hm. 😔 (2 fics tagged chirumaru on there btw!! That aren’t mine lol) Thank you marchil meshi author if I had to pick 1 piece of marchil nsfw to exist I’d choose this one (honestly that’s already so close to reality lol) Thank u Asaki Takayuki I owe u my life. I like zines but I’ve never bought doujins before so it didn’t cross my mind, but dunmeshi is taking a lot of my first times in fandom engagement and I bought said laimar doujin just the other day hehe 
I do want to keep my blog generally sfw but yes I’m 100% cheering on nsfw marchil content from the shadows, glad that ao3’s finally getting some too. I hope that fic writer makes more… Tallman Chil is so so good but I hope they also do some more general premises, which the end notes on that one do make me hopeful 👀 I want more marchil writers in general. More marchil fanartists. Sfw nsfw idk I need to be fed 😭 (<- This post was drafted before that new marchil smut fic WOOHOO. So much new marchil content this week!!)
Oh while I’m here, I find this so funny/odd, but in japanese fandom ship names are simply the beginning of each name smushed together, like marchil or chilmar. The order of the names is that the first one is the "top"… Idk how jp fandoms live without switches but aight, but in m/f ships this means that typically the man is the first half of the ship name right. WELL WOULD YOU LOOK AT THAT marchil is so much more used than chilmar lmaoo. Even more stats: On Pixiv, the tag marchil had all the artworks, but the chilmar tag had all the fics. Ain’t that wack to think about. Anyways marchil or chilmar idc you go guys
Sighh thinking about them. They are so "I beg your pardon??!" "Then beg", "Fuck you!" "Fuck me yourself you coward"… Forget stamens and pistils, Chil is the cursed "You see, there are keys and there are locks…"
More under cut since I don’t get to talk about this often, screenshots and hcs for horny time
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^ said panel that lives rent free in my head and makes me giggle. I wish I’d just put the whole page here it’s my fave but nahh go find it yourself
Why are they like this. Like what is thatttt
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I need to stop collecting these I’m making myself feel insane (thank you fic writer for that last one I’d never noticed but omg)
Alright hc time what was I gonna talk about… Ah yes ah yes. I def think Chil is a pest, he’s horny and he wants sex and is flagrant about it, but also we know that he stayed faithful for 4 years without getting any, I feel like realistically the relationship sex wise would 100% be on Marcille’s pace. And this is the fun part, bc would Marcille be very eager? Would she want to do the romance book correct™️ route and that means no tapping until marriage, or he needs to court her all princely first? I hc that elves have a much lower libido than humans because of the whole long af lifespan thing, it’d be kinda funny if Marcille was like "Let’s take things slow… 🥺" aka first base achieved after two years of being together lol
But seee that’s the thing too bc Marcille is so afraid of loss she might rush through things as well, she very well could like, jump on him right after confessing. Is Chilchuck kind of a shithead or is he very gentlemanly and romantic, wanting to do it right and treat her well? They are such a blank canvas of sexual chemistry listen LISTENNN there are just so so many ways you can go with them they are so special. God the banter… They cannot stop bantering for a second I swear So many kinks they could fit… I like uhh praise kink for him and for her… Idk she just really loves him and the emotional adoration is what’s at the core of her enjoying it all so like, loving Chilchuck kink, which turns out those two really match together 🫶 He makes her sing and ummm um you see where this goes. They are so grossly in love and into each other
They are so domestic. I hate them
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sotwk · 6 months
Writers Truth or Dare Ask Game - SotWK Answers
Link to game is HERE,
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
I was in 4th grade and my friends and I really wanted to date the Backstreet Boys. We discovered fanfiction was the most fun way to do it. We would write our lil’ self-insert love stories in notebooks that we would pass around and share. 
🌵 ⇢ share the link to a playlist you love
Pumped Up Pop. I’m a 90s kid and Pop runs deep in me. 
🔪 ⇢ what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project?
I don’t think anything can be considered weird for a writer doing research anymore. But one thing I remember working extra hard on was researching how to pilot a jet for a Marvel action fic. That’s why I admire and commiserate with @scyllas-revenge for her helicopter piloting scene in BLCI. 
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both? 
Mix of both. Reader Inserts to make others happy, OC fics to make myself happy. 
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
I would write an entire essay explaining this one, but in the SotWK AU, Elvenking Thranduil and Elvenqueen Maereth are metaphorical avatars for the Valar couple Oromë and Vána, and were destined to be such (as they were destined for each other). The qualities they each possess which make them similar to these Valar--Thranduil's strength and skill as a protector/warrior and Maereth's gifts for nurturing and fertility--are what safeguard and sustain Eryn Galen for thousands of years, holding their people fast even against Sauron.
🌻 ⇢ tag someone you appreciate but don't talk to on a regular basis 
@talesfuzzy is constantly on my notifs since she likes so many of my posts on a daily basis. She also reblogs some of the best Tolkien content, which I often put into my own queue. We don't really talk, but she's like that friendly person you see on your daily commute whose name you might not know but you smile and nod to each other till they've become a comfortingly reliable part of daily life.
❄️ ⇢ what's your dream theme/plot for a fic, and who would write it best?
I would LOVE a thrilling action fic where Thranduil and all five Thranduilion Princes march into battle at the same time and completely crush the enemy because there is possibly no greater or more fearsome fighting team left in Middle-earth. However, such a plot would violate my own AU’s headcanon, because in Thranduil’s family, there is a hard rule that the Thranduilions can never all be fighting in the same battle at once; Thranduil simply refuses to risk his family that way. 
I would hire/nominate/beg @ass-deep-in-demons to write it. If you’ve read her fic, “Under Our Darkening Skies”, you’ll know she’s the top pick for incredible and cinematic battle scenes. 
🍅 ⇢ give yourself some constructive criticism on your own writing
I find myself reusing a lot of the same lines and expressions, especially when describing character emotions and actions. Sometimes I feel my writing is pedestrian and boring, especially compared to many other writers in the Tolkien fandom who have such eloquent, sophisticated styles and brilliant, creative word choices. I'm quite soppy and sentimental too, but that's just my thing. 
🌸 ⇢ do you have any pets? if you do, post some pictures of them
Sadly, I have not had a pet since my early 20s. I had plenty of them growing up, though, including my beloved yellow Lab. Once my kids are old enough to share in pet care duties, we are definitely getting a dog. 
🧸 ⇢ what's the fastest way to become your mutual?
Talk to me about my Thranduilion Princes, pretty please! (There are many easy ways to be Moots with me, but this is a guarantee and the fastest way!)
🐝 ⇢ tag your biggest supporter(s) and say one nice thing about them
I am lucky and grateful to have a solid band of supporters, but I want to grab this chance to send a special shout out to @achromaticerebus. She has been a big supporter of my Thranduilion Princes since she discovered them early on, she comments on ALL my Thranduil/Thranduilion stories, she gushes about them to me and with me, and her enthusiasm just keeps me motivated. She is not herself a writer, and it's so rare to find a friend so willing to just be a reader and supporter, when there's really no way to “pay back” her kindness.
🏜️ ⇢ what's your favourite type of comment to receive on your work?
Point out even just one specific detail or line of dialogue and tell me how it made you feel, your thoughts about it, or even ask a follow up question! I am most impressed when a Reader points out an Easter egg or interesting tidbit/headcanon/lore I included. I am over the moon when their comments show they are familiar with my other fics or my SotWK AU as a whole… it means they've really invested in my stuff.
🐚 ⇢ do you like or dislike surprises?
I enjoy being wholly surprised (good surprises, of course), but I don't like being told “a surprise is coming” and having to then think about it or stress out until its arrival. 
📚 ⇢ what's the last thing you wrote down in your notes app? 
A work-related reminder, which is boring. So I'm gonna answer this question by sharing something I wrote in my “Scratch Dump” document that I use for my headcanon drafting: Inscribed on the blade of the sword was Mirion’s personal oath to his people, written in Silvan: “Until my last breath, I will serve.”
🥐 ⇢ name one internet reference that will always make you laugh 
It’s probably because I’m fairly new to it (and because I enjoy the song/video), but the concept of internet friends Rickrolling each other as a prank seems so funny and wholesome to me.  
🎨 ⇢ link your favourite piece of fanart and explain why you like it
I made a separate post answering this HERE.
Thank you to all my awesome friends who jumped in to send me these Asks! This was fun and made me feel good about myself as a writer. Love you guys! 
@lady-of-imladris @erathene @unethicallypleistocene @fishing4stars @Hobbitwrangler @quillofspirit @from-the-coffee-shop-in-edoras @niennawept @malzenn @melpomaenofimladris and that one Anon friend!
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sallysavestheday · 5 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thanks very much to @nocompromise-noregrets for the tag! This is always an interesting exercise and I haven't done it in a while.
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 182, but a goodly subset of those are collections of very short works (drabbles, my beloveds!).
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 137,372. I average around 700 words per ficlet (counting those that are collections of drabbles). I have only two works over 2,000 words -- one at barely 2,100 and one at 5,600 by dint of TRSB last summer.
3. What fandoms do you write for? Tolkien only. Mostly Silmarillion but occasionally Lord of the Rings, as well.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? I'm splitting this by fandom because the older LoTR stuff has more kudos simply as a function of time.
For LoTR: Deep in the Ancient Forests of the World; Light a Little Fire in Me; I Do Not Grudge You the Game; Rash Words and Bitter Hopes; Sing, O Stone and Air. These are all Legolas/Gimli ficlets.
For Silm: When All Other Lights Go Out (the aforementioned TRSB Feanorian family drama); What We Make, Makes Us (Caranthir and Feanor); What Keeps Us Here (Celeborn and Thranduil); Still Plenty of Good in the World (Sam Gamgee fixes Feanor and Nerdanel); and It Is the Opinion of this Reviewer (Finrod critiques the research of his peers).
No method to the madness here, it seems. Some shippy, most not. Some angsty, some humorous, mostly canon compliant. Range of Silm characters. Interesting to see the variety, actually.
5. Do you respond to comments? Always. Usually within a few days. Comments are a great way to get to know other people in the fandom, and it's always a pleasure to see familiar names pop up. It's nice to know I have a bit of a following. But I also love seeing new people appear, and I welcome everything from a single emoji to a full blown rant. I reply to them all.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Only one? Impossible to choose. I love an angsty ending. Killing Fingon off is always a delight (like this, or this). Sending people off to their dooms (like this, or this) is another. Making them consider might-have-beens, too (like this, or this, or this).
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I do also like happy endings! I write many happy post-canon returns, to tie up all the loose ends. Also happy moments within canon, but you usually have to pretend you don't know what comes next (blame the Professor, not me). For LoTR, These Our Braided Lives has a very happy Gimleaf ending. For Silm, try In These Altered States, Rejoice.
8. Do you get hate on fics? Spitting over my shoulder on this one, but no. Even the people who don't agree with my takes on particular characters have always been polite. Thank you, kind readers!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I don't write anything explicit. I'll read a wide variety but am more restrained in my writing. I've snuck a little bit into the mature range for a few things recently, but I prefer allusion and metaphor, really. It's the spirit of the intimacy that interests me, not so much the mechanics.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Nope. Canon compliant or canon adjacent always.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? Yes, I've had a few requests. My Thranduil seems to be quite popular in other languages.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I haven't but would be happy to explore the possibility.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Can't pick just one. Legolas/Gimli, Glorfindel/Ecthelion, Maedhros/Fingon, Finrod/Edrahil. The much rarer Egalmoth/Rog. And I'm pleased to have originated the tag for Amrod/Aredhel. Spitfire fans, get on that! (thanks to chestnut_pod for the horrible, wonderful ship name)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Not a WIP, even, just an idea that I've mentioned before: an AU in which Fingon, returning from Thangorodrim with Maedhros, can't hold onto him, and he falls from the eagle's back into Lake Mithrim. I won't write it, but I sure hope someone else will.
16. What are your writing strengths? Brevity, ha! Condensing a great deal of emotional development into very few words. Figurative language. Ripping your heart out and stomping on it, tidily.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Dialogue. I don't write much of it, and it takes a long time to get it right.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I'm not likely to do so. I don't like the way it interrupts the flow. I'd rather indicate the language that is being spoken than try to craft compelling dialogue in it. This is especially fraught in the Tolkien fandoms, where the linguists WILL come for you if you get it wrong, lol!
19. First fandom you wrote for? LoTR. I've only been doing this for a couple of years.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? Impossible to choose! But my comfort series is The Flower and the Fountain: 16,000 words of Glorfindel and Ecthelion in 32 vignettes. I love those guys.
Thank you so much for the tag! @polutrope @eilinelsghost @melestasflight @tathrin @thelordofgifs @zealouswerewolfcollector, what about you? And anyone else who'd like to share, hop in!
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quietwings-fics · 2 months
one, two, three
Rating: General Audiences Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Fandom: Doctor Who Ship: ClaraMissyRoseTwelve Additional Tags: Pre-Poly, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Bickering, Humor, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Wordcount: 747 Summary:
When the Doctor wakes up, there are three faces staring down at him—two he recognizes and one that leaves him with the nagging feeling that he should.
"Could you do a follow up of the Rose/Missy prompt? I'm just thinking about what might happen after when the Doctor sees her, the interactions between the three of them (plus Clara!). It would be soooo fun to see the Doctor's reaction to Rose being you know. There."
When the Doctor wakes up, there are three faces staring down at him—two he recognizes and one that leaves him with the nagging feeling that he should. He’s not sure where to look. Names jumble together on his tongue.
“Doctor?” says Rose, and she can’t be here. It’s not so far out of the question that he’s seeing ghosts after being knocked on the head. He can’t let himself talk to her. That’s too much like hope. He casts his gaze over to her side.
“Clara,” he says. She’s down with him in a moment. He has to see the shock cross Rose’s face, and he’s only able to stand it because she isn’t real. The real Rose is alive and happy and so far beyond his reach. Better for it, he knows. Better to be far, far away from him.
“Missy!” says the third figure. “Introductions over. On your feet, Doctor, I’ve got another present for you.”
“I’m not a present,” Rose says, in the long-suffering tone of someone who has had this conversation many times and never been able to change how it goes. Missy ignores her. The Doctor clasps at Clara’s offered hands to sit up. It’s only when she glares up at the other two woman-
“Clara,” he whispers, poorly by how both Missy and Rose immediately look at him, “can you see her?”
“Which one?” Clara says. “The one who told me she wants to skin me to make a handbag”—Missy grins, folding her hands like she is completely innocent. He has a terrible feeling that he knows exactly who she is.—“or the one who was too busy making puppy-dog eyes at you while you were out to notice?”
“I was not-” Rose starts.
“You definitely were,” Missy says. “Watch what you say, Clara. She bites!”
“So do I,” Clara mutters.
The Doctor stares, his mouth half-open, as the three of them bicker. It’s Rose who notices first.
“Hey,” she says, so simply. He knows Clara is glancing back at him, but he can’t look away from Rose. Not when she smiles. He’s missed that like sunlight, the memory never as bright as the real thing. He lifts one hand towards Rose, and she takes it as invitation, falling down to the floor with him and Clara and wrapping her arms around him so hard that the air gets shoved out of his lungs. Clara stubbornly holds onto his other hand, so he strokes through Rose’s hair with just one. “You have no idea how long I’ve missed you.”
“You can’t imagine,” Missy adds, and he lifts his gaze over Rose’s shoulder as breathes in the scent of her hair for the first time in centuries. It scares him, the little sympathy he finds on Missy’s face, because if she is who he thinks she is, then he’s not sure he wants to know what Rose means.
He tries to keep the questions out of his mouth, at least for now, to have this moment untainted. Rose burrows into him. “You got old,” she says, fondly.
“Not that old,” he says, and he thinks to tell her about the face that came before, the young one he thinks now would have been more to her taste-
“It looks good on you,” she says, settling him. She pulls back. “Still my Doctor, then?”
“Your Doctor?” Clara asks.
“My Doctor,” Missy speaks over both of them. “I don’t share.” Rose tosses her head to face her.
“Come down here,” Rose says. Missy narrows her eyes at her, but the indignity of following an order is far outweighed by getting close to him. Or, so he assumes from how she butts in between him and Rose to steal a kiss. Rose laughs. Clara gasps, gripping his hand tighter. Even when he’s finally allowed to breathe again, he’s still dizzy. Missy lifts his hand to kiss his pulse at his wrist twice before bringing his hand to her chest to confirm what he’s suspected.
He looks between them, Rose practically (or is she actually…? No, must be a trick of the light) lit up with excitement, Missy deviously stealing into more and more of his personal space, and Clara doing very little to hide her jealousy but still watching, eyes dark and far more hungry than they should be.
He’s not sure how he’s going to survive them, but he will ride out every last moment holding on as hard as he can.
(Enjoyed it? Any interaction is welcomed. You can even support me on Ko-Fi <3)
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autumnslance · 1 year
Search, Tags, and Tumblr
Tumblr's search functions are notoriously weird, but there's a few common things to know about how it works in conjunction with Tagging. First things first:
-Tags are for searching but also personal blog organization as desired. This is why some folks have weird/funny personal use tags. Tags can use dashes and spaces, but not regular double quote marks ("), though single marks are fine (').
-Tag for what's in the post; adding other, unrelated tags "for visibility" is against Tumblr's TOS and gets you reported for Spam!
Example: if you make a post for your new Clive Rosfield screenshots, make sure you're only tagging terms relevant to Final Fantasy XVI and Clive Rosfield (and any personal organizing tags like "screenshots"); don't add tags like "Star Wars" and "SpongeBob", as Clive has nothing to do with those!
-Tag without censoring words! We use filters/blacklists here to avoid things we don't want to see. Can also work for words in the body of a post. There's no rules here against using "kill" or "death" or other terms defining common human experiences determined "too negative/dangerous" on other sites (stay civil to each other).
-If you do alt-spell things, it's only in the body of a post and usually when it's dislike of a fandom thing as a courtesy to those enjoyers. If I make a shipping post and say, for example, "I can't stand R3y|o", that's when I want to use weird spelling and symbols--and no common tags for that fandom! If you do use tags for organizing, keep it to things like "#anti (thing) or "#(thing) critical", again spelled correctly for others' blacklisting purposes and to keep it out of the Reylo Search and Tags so those fans can enjoy their ship without seeing negativity. Because...
-General Search pulls from Tags and Also terms found in the body of a post. If I just put "Thancred" in the Search bar at the top of the page, it'll show me any and all posts with "Thancred" in them, including 1) if the name is in the body of the post, 2) if the name is in a tag that's a sentence/includes other words, and 3) even if not tagged for Thancred.
This caused some wank a couple years back for certain fans when someone tagged a lascivious picture set with what they knew was a triggery NOTP for many...but they also put the characters' names in the post body, not realizing simply searching for either of those characters would pull it up (They also, IMO, should have put the images under a Read More to be doubly safe, for themselves and for others they knew might be upset stumbling onto said images, but the crux was not realizing how Tumblr Search worked).
-Tag Search specifically pulls from the tags; per Tumblr's info pages, the first 20 tags (out of 30 total allowed) now will show up in search. Common, consistent tags first are good for visibility. You can also Follow tags you want to keep track of; there's even a tab on your Dash for it.
-Reblogs do not show up in the searches, even with additions and new notes. However, a blacklist filter will catch tags put on the original post, even if the reblogger doesn't add it when it ends up on your Dash.
-You can also blacklist blog names/URLs. Think of it like Twitter's muting rather than a full block (though one can do that too, and should as needed).
Example: someone following Seanan McGuire doesn't like frogs, but she reblogs a lot of frogs. The follower blocked and blacklisted the blogs she often reblogs frogs from to minimize the number of frogs they see while still following a favorite author for her book info.
-If people ask you to tag a thing cuz it's a squick or full-on trigger, you can just do it, or you can politely say no; that's valid. It's up to that person then to decide if they want to blacklist or unfollow or block or what. Just be civil either and both ways.
In summary: if you're talking about bunnies cuz you took pictures at the local farm show, just write "bunnies" normally in the body and/or tags of the post, so anyone with "bunnies" blacklisted can avoid it--and folks who want to see cute pics of bunnies can find it!
Even if you use proper tags, or no tags, or only use alternate spellings in the post body to keep things out of the tags/searches, consider still using a Read More as a last line of courtesy to any followers or random folks you don't want to catch in the crossfire. Also consider hiding your blog from Search results, and/or Private posts.
Tumblr's Help Center (On Desktop browser, go to the "About" link, and then the "Resources" menu; on Mobile App, go to Account settings, General settings, scroll down to "Help" under "Account") has further info about Searches and Tagging (and everything else!), and as that info changes, it's a good idea to keep track of those page updates, as well as the @changes blog to keep track of new updates, bugs, recent fixes, and upcoming info.
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countrymusiclover · 1 month
43 - The People of King's Landing
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Part 44
The Lion Knight and Dragon Princess
Tags- just send an ask to be added @cdragons @kmc1989 @starkleila @noirrose21-blog @lover-of-books-and-tea
Vaella’s pov
The small boat of food rocked back and forth with Arya and I sitting across the other in utter silence. I hadn’t gotten much time to speak and learn what had happened to the young Stark girl. Tapping my fingers on my knees with a black cloak hanging over my shoulders I broke the silence. “Arya, can I ask why you want to kill Cersei? I’ve heard why but I figured I should hear your side as well.”
“Joffrey and her beheaded my father in this city after they said he was falsely accused of a crime he did not commit. Her family killed my mother and brother Robb and hurt my sister Sansa. She needs to be removed from the Iron Throne.”
Nodding my head I eyed the smaller sword she was carrying compared to the one I had attached to my hip. “Who gave you your sword? Does it have a name?”
“Jon gave it to me before he went to the Wall. My sister has her own needles and I have this one. So it’s called Needle. What about yours?” She pointed her index finger at my sword.
“Rhaella, after my mother. Thankfully I’ve never had to use it yet since the day Jaime gave it to me.”
Arya made a scowled face. “Do you truly love him, the Kingslayer?”
“I owe him my life. When we first met each other we somehow found a way to simply see the other person regardless of what their station was. He’s the father of my children and a good husband compared to what people think.”
The youngest Stark girl stared at me. “Why did he kill The Mad King, your father?”
“To save the population of King's Landing and avoid bloodshed. The exact same thing we are doing now against Cersei Lannister.” I brushed hair behind my ear glancing forward seeing we were getting close to the docks of the fish shipping area. “We’re here. Remember what I told you.”
Arya resighted the words exactly. “Stick to your back and don’t kill anyone but Cersei unless we get ambushed.”
“Exactly, young Stark.” I muttered, reaching behind my head and throwing the hood over my face. I didn’t need everyone in the city to recognize my silver hair except for two people that could help with our plan to get the city's food destroyed. Once we had tied the boat ropes onto some stable ground we got off the small boat and began our walk up the hill. There weren't too many houses this far away at the water's edge making it easy to knock on the first door that we came to. Knocking three times on the wooden door it creaked open with me muttering into the barely lit darkness. “And the dragons roared as one.”
“Princess Vaella, it’s you. I had begun to fear the worst when you hadn’t come to pay me for the food I provide you weekly at Jack’s tavern.” Nallie with her light brown hair that had some gray stands in it peaked her head out from around the door noticing Arya standing behind me. “Who’s your friend, my princess?”
Looking out the corner of my eye I introduced the pair quickly knowing we needed to get to the secret passageways before sunrise. “Her name is Arya. I’m sorry to say we don’t have time to chat. I need you to transport this food into the city streets and say it’s from Vaella and Daenerys Targaryen, the last living dragons.”
“You’ve brought us smallfolk food?” Nallia asked with a pleased smile on her face.
Grasping one of her hands in mine I smiled back thankful that I had lived like them once to see how life outside the Keep truly was. Cersei thought wrong, these people aren’t your enemy. They are what give you power more than wearing a crown on your head. “I have not forgotten my subjects unlike Queen Cersei has. You help me hold the realm together. Can you do what I ask of you now?”
“Of course, my princess.” Nallia gave me a curtsy before Arya and I quickly left her sneaking through the streets until I found the back door to the tavern I knew quite well.
We didn’t utter a word while we made our way through the underground passageways. I was rather proud of myself that I was able to still remember all of these without a map. Pushing two uneven stones forward the secret passage door in front of me clicked open allowing me to slowly enter inside and see we were in the large room that had a painted map drawing out across the whole floor.
“Where do we go from here? Where’s the Queen?” Arya began looking around the room, keeping one hand on her small sword.
Slowly shifting my gaze across the room I could picture myself when I was younger running through the halls with Jaime and my brother Rhaegar when we were coming back from being on the city streets below and it was late at night. “Arya, I’m gonna go find her on my own.”
“What! No way in hell. You asked me to come with you to kill the Queen. I’m going to kill her even if you are now chickening out.” She snapped at me trying to move around me until I snagged her wrist.
“You will get to kill her like you’ve wanted I swear to you. But you can’t come with me for that to be accomplished. You must hide in the shadows until I bring her back into this area. She needs to be alone for you to be able to kill her. Do you understand me, young Stark?”
She blinked through some angry tears but nodded her head slowly yes. “I’ll follow your instructions, Vaella.”
I released her wrist heading around one of the pillars and up the nearest staircase that would lead to the Red Keep tower that overlooked the entire city. I used to go up there to watch the sunset but now I am going to face the woman who could be just as mad as my father was. Pausing in front of the open doorway I wrapped my fingers around the sword handle, finding the Lannister lioness standing in front of the large open windows overlooking the city. “Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. You must be proud of yourself.”
“The Mad King's Whore of a daughter. I didn’t expect you to be so stupid as to come try and kill me all by yourself while I hold all the power in the realm.” Cersei slowly turned on her heels until she was facing me.
“I’m not here to kill you, Cersei.” I pushed the door closed, not removing my gaze away from her vengeful green eyes. I stood next to the table keeping my distance from her and not removing my weapon. “But I can say for absolute certainty your reign ends today.”
Rhaegar’s pov
Stormfly’s wings slowly flapped while I had my sister riding her own dragon right beside me. My mothers loyal houses riders were on their own dragons flying a few feet away from us so that we were all spread out in the skies above Kings Landing. Amethyst, my mothers dragon, was hiding behind the Red Keep in the woods in case mother needed to ride her.
My aunt Daenerys dives down to the watery ground and when she got close to the ships she blew them apart with heavy dragon fire. “That’s our signal. Go, go!” I hollered to the other dragon riders beside me before diving down towards the water.
My twin sister soared down beside me destroying two ships at once. The other noble houses of Valyria did their best to destroy some ships at the same time. We definitely had the advantage of coming in at nightfall before the sun had risen above the water so they didn’t see us coming.
Tucking the reins of Stormfly she made a loud noise I clutched the reins giving her a command in high Valyrian. “Dracarys, Stormfly!” She opened her mouth wide and destroyed five ships in one hit.
“Rhaegar, what are those things?” Luciya flew over to me pointing her index finger to some men on a ship getting what looks to be a very large crossbow loaded and aimed up towards our army of dragons.
Lord Waters and his dragon drudged a large spear that was fired up in the sky at them that had come from the crossbow altering the group. “Those blasted things can kill us!”
“Argh!” I groaned, yanking Stormfly’s reins where she avoided the multiple amount of spears coming up at us not needing to get hit.
Whipping my head around, I recognize my sister's voice behind me screaming out. Shireen’s leg had gotten hit by one of the spears causing her to begin falling towards the water. “Luciya, no!” Her dragon's wings wrapped around her small body doing her best to secure her body before they crashed into one of the buildings creating large rubble from the collision.
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dmysterioblog · 10 months
Chapter IX ✦ White Lies
Paring: Rhea Ripley x Dominik Mysterio, Rhea Ripley x Roman Reigns
Summary: More secrets are coming to light.
Warnings; bit of angst
Word Count: 4.1k
A/n: There is a new ship in this fic and I promise it makes sense. I’ll explain if necessary 😭 (I’m also still adding people in the taglist)
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The next morning, both Rhea and Dom were dressing up after they took a quick shower, getting ready to head downstairs for breakfast as she was still pondering over what happened last night. As she did, she looked at the time in her watch. It was 9 AM. At 12 PM, she was to meet up with Nia at the cafeteria to confront her, see what Roman told the irresistible force, as well as to warn Nia that she’s not to be messed with.
“Oh crap—“ She heard Dom say as she perked up and turned to him. He was already ready as he was waiting for her while looking at his phone. “I need to meet up with Shawn today to sign the contract.”
“Oh yeah, you’re defending your title tomorrow against Frazer or whatever his name is, right?” Rhea asked as she grabbed her own shoes and put them on while Dom nodded.
“Yeah, It’s tomorrow. I’m gonna go train for a bit too after I go and sign the contract before we head to the stadium.” He told her as he kept his phone inside his pocket. “Plus, Jimmy has been insisting on helping me train, so I can’t say no to him.”
At that, Rhea chuckled and shook her head. The unification of both the Bloodline and the Judgement Day has been both a blessing and a curse. More so as a blessing due to how well they perform together in the ring as well as in general. Jimmy was one of the many people out of the two groups willing to help and “go by the play” as he always said. His bond with her boys has also been something positive as well, compared with JD McDonaugh who was nothing but a distraction to them. There was also Solo; and while he wasn’t that talkative with the others, he still had their backs regardless.
And then, well, there was Roman.
Before the whole “thing” between her and the Tribal Chief was uncovered, many people addressed them as the top leaders of their factions, as well as the ones who will “soon gain absolute control of the agency in the future”- which was an exaggeration of course, but somehow a compliment. Especially after how they both performed in that mix tag match against Bianca and Bobby.
Had it not been because she decided to sleep with him the first time, everything would’ve been absolutely fine between them, and she was sure that they would’ve been good friends and allies. But now…
The two eventually left the room after they got ready as Dom was carrying a small carry-on bag while wearing his gym attire. He stopped by the entrance to face her as he held her hand.
“Well, I gotta run.” He told her. “I’ll text you and the others when I start to head back so we can leave to the stadium together, okay?”
She smiled and pecked his lips. “Alright. I’ll see you in a bit, Dom Dom.” The two bid farewell as Rhea watched him go outside and jog towards Jimmy’s direction, who waved at him from his car as he went with the Samoan male and left.
After she saw him leave, Rhea sighed as she looked at her watch, figuring that she might as well start getting her breakfast now before she could prepare herself for her confrontation with Nia. She went to the cafeteria, wondering if Priest, Finn, or even Raquel were around here somewhere. However, she only spotted Damian and Raquel at the buffet getting their breakfast together while chatting while Finn already sat with Solo as they ate.
However, no signs of Roman.
She decided not to inquire about his whereabouts as she simply took a plate and went to serve her own food. When she reached to grab her entrée, that’s when Priest and Raquel noticed her as she went to their side.
“Hey! We were gonna text you, but we figured you woke up already.”
“Yeah, no worries, I was already up.” Rhea told them. “I had to get up still since Dom was getting ready to train with Jimmy today anyways.”
“Yeah, he has a match against Ricochet today and tomorrow against Nathan.”
“Well, he better win, or else I’ll be laughing the entire time.” Raquel stated as she snorted while Rhea gave her a look.
“Oh no worries, I’ll wipe that smirk off your face the second he wins both and the second I retain this Saturday, Chiquita.” Rhea smirked while Damian couldn’t help but laugh as Raquel rolled her eyes.
“Raq, she cooked you real good, you best be prepared this Saturday.”
“Look—“ Raquel suddenly heard her phone ring as she perked up and took it out from her pocket. When she looked at who was calling, her expression changed, which was noticed by Rhea and Damian.
“You okay, Raquel? You look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Rhea arched an eyebrow. It only took a few seconds until Raquel composed herself as she gave her plate to Damian.
“Sorry, I need to take this- can you both find a seat in the meantime for me please?” She quickly told them as she suddenly rushed out to answer the phone call.
“Well… that was something.” Damian mumbled as they both watched her go to the lobby to answer the call.
“Didn’t even ask you if you finished serving your food…”
“Oh no, no, I’m done. Just took me off guard for a sec though.” The two went to find a seat near Solo and Finn as they sat down, all the while Damian placed Raquel’s plate on the table as well as his own.
“So, I spoke with Roman.”
At Damian’s comment, Rhea paused when she was about to unfold her silverware from the red napkin as she looked up at him. “… excuse me?”
“About the tag titles, obviously.” Damian simply replied as he took out his fork from the napkin. “Said he was gonna speak with Nick and Pearce and that there might be a meeting about it.” He took a bite out of his eggs before he faced her. “He didn’t tell you anything?”
“… About the meeting? No, he didn’t.”
“Well, you seemed a bit taken back when I told you I spoke with him, so what’s up?”
“Nothing.” She quickly responded as she took a sip from her orange juice.
“Okay, then, that means you don’t mind if I asked him if anything happened between you two during those five days at SC.”
“Priest, are you out of your damn mind?” She almost said a bit too loudly as she glared at him. At that, Damian paused and looked at her before she calmed down and rubbed the bridge of her nose.
“Priest, tell me why you’re still on with that when I clearly told you that I’m trying to fix things with Dom?” She asked him.
“I’m only checking, because lately, Reigns has been staring at you.”
“And? People stare, Priest. It’s nothing new.”
“Do you even realize how the hell he looks at you whenever you’re alone or with Dom? Hell, even Solo knows, for crying out loud. Ask him.”
“First of all, Solo is probably seeing things.” Rhea immediately blurted out. “Second of all, I can guarantee you that nothing is going on between me and Roman. We ended all of that when the second Dom found out.”
“Rhea,” Damian began as he looked at her sternly. “If whatever you’re saying is true, then I hope so. Because I’ll be damned if I find out that you’re still seeing him. I’m asking you to be truthful not for yourself, but for Dom.”
Rhea stared at him at the last sentence. For a moment, her expression changed as she looked down at her food, with Damian noticing a small hint of hesitation in her body language as she was pondering before she suddenly spoke. “Actually I–“
“Sorry about that, got an emergency call,” Raquel’s voice interrupted them as she returned to them and sat down.
“Everything okay? You looked spooked for a sec.” Damian asked her as Raquel waved her hand dismissively.
“Yeah- I’m cool. Now come on, let’s eat.” She urged the two. Without a word, the three began to eat their breakfast when Rhea felt her phone vibrate. She looked down at it momentarily, seeing that it was a text from Nia.
‘Remember, 12 PM today. Don’t be late.’
Frowning slightly at the text, Rhea placed her phone back inside her pocket before she continued eating. Damian had noticed but decided not to say a word of it as he continued eating, while Raquel still seemed to look a bit shaken up- possibly because of that call she received.
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It was already 11:55 AM as Rhea returned from the gym that was within the hotel on the second floor and went back to the cafeteria after making sure no one was watching nor following her. She decided to go for a small workout before her confrontation with Nia. Thankfully the cafeteria was not too crowded and the kitchen staff was only starting to get lunch ready, which only started at 1 PM and ended at 4 PM. She only sat down after getting herself some water as she waited, looking at her phone as she decided to shoot a text to Nia to let her know that she was already there.
However, before she did, she heard footsteps as she looked up at Nia approaching her table, taking a seat right across her as she had a pair of sunglasses on. Rhea watched her, even through her soul, as the irresistible force placed the glasses on the table before she looked at her with a sarcastic smile.
“Glad you could make it here.”
“Well, if it wasn’t for you blackmailing me, I wouldn’t be here. But here we are now.” Rhea said as she placed she crossed her arms. “Now talk. I don’t have all day.”
“Hm, wouldn’t you want to ask me who sent that video to me though?” Nia asked in a mocking manner.
“Who did it?”
“An old friend of mine. But I paid him a good amount of money so he wouldn’t leak this to the paparazzi. You’re welcome, by the way.” She explained to her while she looked at her nails. “And I specifically asked him to do so because when your names were announced back at that meeting to go to South Carolina and I saw your reactions, I knew something was going on… so, like the caring cousin I am, I had to do my own investigations… especially after what Flair told me.”
“Hm. So she told you as well. Gotcha.” Rhea mumbled underneath her breath, wanting to laugh as she started to look impatient while Nia gave her a look.
“I do wonder though, what impact would this have on you if everyone finds out? What would it do to your… Latino Heat if he finds out? And your career? Hm? What about Roman’s?”
“I’m going to say this to you in the clearest way possible.” Rhea suddenly leaned slightly to her direction as he faced her. “If this is all to just take my championship away… you have another thing coming. I’ve already made it clear that I’m not losing my championship to you or anyone else. And if you even dare to say or utter a word about this at any point… get ready to be sent to rehab. And when that happens, well… tell Liv I said hi.” She concluded with a smirk.
At this, Nia’s expression began to shift as she looked down at her. Her smile disappeared and was replaced with a frown before she decided to speak her mind. “Alright then… you don’t want this to be exposed. I see where you’re going with this. But I do have a few questions for you, because if I remember correctly, this is my blood who we are talking about.”
“Yeah, yeah, cut to the chase, Nia. I fucked your cousin, and he fucked me, it was all mistake back then that won’t happen again, so what?”
“If you’re doing this to gain some sort of power, privilege, or high ground, let me tell you that you look miserable doing so. Especially when you have a boyfriend.” Nia immediately told her as Rhea scoffed.
“Power? Privilege? High ground? Nia, you make me laugh.” Rhea couldn’t help but chuckle this time. “I don’t need anyone to give me power on a silver platter. I make that power, I gain that power on my own, and whether you like it or not, I will always have it.” She then looked at her straight in the eye as she spoke. “If you dare to utter a word or even breathe about any of this… I will make sure that you don’t even get to be able to fly to Saudi this Saturday. Am I clear?”
“… it’s your downfall anyways, girl. Not mine.” Was the only thing that Now simply said as she stood up. “But good luck keeping that secret under wraps. You know how anyone in this company can find out shit easily.”
“Oh don’t worry.” Rhea simply replied, almost and nearly sounding confident. “I know who I place my trust in well.” With that, Rhea also stood as she walked past Nia and left the cafeteria.
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Two hours had passed since their encounter as Rhea decided to take a small jog outside, waiting until it was time for them to leave the hotel to head to Monday Night Raw. She had texted Dom as he was now with Jimmy and Solo buying something after they finished their training, letting him know to call her once he was finished. In the meantime, she decided to take a small jog to warm up.
When she decided to finish, she jogged back to the hotel, deciding to take a quick shower and grab something to eat afterwards as she went inside. However, when she did, her eyes shifted to the lobby as she saw none other than Roman speaking to Nia.
At the sight, Rhea almost paused, wondering what the hell they were talking about this time. For one, she was annoyed, assuming that Nia was no longer going to be messing around with her anymore, but at the same time, they were probably talking about some family matter, seeing as though they are related.
Nevertheless, she didn’t care much what they were talking about. So, she decided to act like she didn’t see them as she pulled up her phone, deciding to scroll through her socials as she was walking up to the elevator. Everything was fine, everything was under control.
At least that’s what she would think if only Roman suddenly didn’t stand up, interrupting his conversation with his cousin, before he went to follow Rhea.
Rhea pressed the button of the elevator as it opened, allowing her to walk in before she suddenly looked up and to her surprise, she realized Roman was following her all this time as he too went inside.
“Oh my fucking- what are you doing here? No one can see us together, you idiot!”
“What? I’m just using the elevator like any other person,” Roman said while the doors closed.
“Whatever,” Rhea crossed her arms and sighed in annoyance.
“So, how was your make up sex with Dom?” Roman asked with jealousy in his tone.
“How do you know that?” Rhea frowned while turning to face him.
“That’s besides the point. Was he half as good as me?” he asked while backing her up against the wall.
“Hah, please-” In that moment the elevator doors opened to reveal Damian. When Damian looked up and saw the scene displayed in front of him he scoffed.
“I can’t believe this,” he shook his head and began to walk away.
“Damian, wait! It’s not what it looks like!” Rhea chased after him, Roman close behind.
“No? Then what was that, huh?” Damian turned to look at her.
“Dominik is putting his trust in you and this is how you repay him? He deserves to know the truth.”
“You wouldn’t dare!”
“Oh yes I would,” and with that he began to walk away. Rhea just stood there, watching him walk away while running her hands through her hair.
“I’m sorry, this is all my fault,” Roman said from behind her. Rhea turned towards him and shook her head.
“I’ll figure something out, right now we need to focus on Nia and make sure she keeps her mouth shut.”
“Yeah about that, she was the one who told me about you and Dom.”
“She WHAT?!”
“She has a recording of it-”
“Oh she’s gonna get it!” Rhea was about to walk away until Roman stopped her.
“Rhea, wait until Crown Jewel. I managed to keep her quiet for now.”
“Fine.” She then huffed as she looked at the time. “I need to get ready. Dom’s gonna text me any minute and we need to leave for Monday Night Raw.”
“My cousins and I are gonna be there tonight as well. We’re gonna go ahead and talk to Pearce about the tag titles.”
“Better get going then.” Was the only thing Rhea said before she began to walk away and rush to her room. Feeling both stressed and pissed. Not only did she still have to deal with Nia, but now she needed to find a way to talk to Priest and convince him not to speak to Dom.
But the question was, how?
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She finished up her hair as well as making the final touches on her own makeup before she grabbed her carry-on bag, as well as her own belt, before making sure that she looked okay as she left her room. It was already 4 PM, and the boys were supposed to meet up with her downstairs at the lobby by 4:30 PM just in time for them to leave. The plan was due to the Bloodline arriving at Monday Night Raw to speak to Pearce, they would still have to wait for them so they could all leave and follow each other in their rental cars.
So far, she texted Finn and Dom. Thankfully both of them had answered, with Finn saying that he was finishing getting ready while Dom said that he was already waiting downstairs. Today, he had a non-title match against Ricochet, so they needed to all make sure that Dom was ready to win this match. Thankfully, Jimmy has been training with him more often, which meant that him winning this match would be a breeze.
However, she left multiple texts to Damian, and so far, no responses from him.
Sighing, she decided to leave her stuff with Finn as soon as she arrived at the lobby.
“Finn, have you seen Priest?” She asked the male Irish as she went up to him while he perked up and looked from his phone.
“I’ve been textin’ him, but he hasn’t replied.” He told her while she placed her bag on the couch. “You think he took a nap and overslept or…?”
“Maybe, I’ll check on him. Can you watch my stuff for me please?”
“Sure thing, sis.” 1
“Thanks.” Rhea then went back, quick on her feet as she went to the elevator once again, making her way to the third floor where Damian’s room was. As she waited for the elevator to stop, she texted him once again.
‘Come on Priest, don’t do anything stupid.’
The elevator doors opened and immediately, Rhea rushed out as she chose to call Damian instead as she approached his room, which was almost at the very end of the east side of the hallway.
As she kept walking, his phone only rang five times, before it went straight to voicemail. At that, Rhea grew annoyed as she hung up before she finally arrived at his room and knocked on his door loudly.
“Priest, I don’t have time for you being pissed and disappointed at me, we either settle this whole thing right now before we leave or I’m dragging you out.” She immediately said, almost tapping her foot impatiently.
She didn’t hear a response for a few seconds, until she began to hear some shuffling. “Priest, I know you’re in there—“
“Wait a sec— I’m getting dressed!” She heard him say. Huffing, she crossed her arms.
“Well hurry up!”
“Fine! Fine, hold on wait—“ A few seconds later he finally opened the door and let her in.
“Damian, we need to talk. I can’t have you tell-” she stopped mid sentence when she saw a pair of panties laying on the bed.
“Did- did you have someone here?” Rhea asked while turning to look at him.
“Pft no…” then he looked in the direction of the bed and sighed in defeat. “Fuck”
“Have you been seeing someone- actually don’t answer that, is the person still in here?” Before Damian could answer, Rhea went to check the bathroom but there was no one but when she turned that’s when she realized where Damian was standing.
In front of the closet doors.
“Damian, move out the way,”
“Fine!” Damian hesitantly opened the closet doors to reveal a woman in a bathrobe. That woman was none other than Iyo Sky.
“Uh hi,” Iyo waved with a nervous smile. Rhea just looked back and forth between them in shock.
“...I can’t believe this. You are such a hypocrite!” Rhea yelled.
“I think I should leave,” said Iyo looking at who was rubbing the bridge of his nose Damian.
“I think so too. I’ll text you later, corazón.” With that he leaned down, gave her a kiss, and walked her to the door. Once she was gone, he closed the door and sighed.
“Rhea let me explain-”
“Explain what? That you had a one night stand with Iyo?”
“About that…”
“This wasn’t the first time was it?”
“...No,” Rhea scoffed and ran her hand through her hair, “Look, I was planning to tell at some point-”
“Yeah but you didn’t and you know what the worst part is? You were gonna snitch on me to Dom for the same thing you are doing right now. How would you feel if I told Bayley? I could do that right now,” Rhea said, pulling out her phone to call her.
“You wouldn’t,” Damian said, not believing her. Rhea raised her eyebrow and pressed the call button. Damian snatched the phone from her hand and hung up the phone.
“Okay, okay fine. You don’t tell Bayley about me and Iyo and I won’t tell Dom about you and Roman, deal?”
“Deal. Now let’s go, we have places to be.”
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They were only two minutes away from arriving at the show as all the superstars who were scheduled to attend Monday Night Raw decided to ride the van this time instead of using their rental cars. They all sat around and chatted, with the exception of Raquel who was relentlessly typing on her phone as she was messaging a certain someone.
‘I know you’re medically cleared, but you have to wait until after Crown Jewel. Right now it’s not a good time for you to make your return all because you want to confront her. Stay out and I’ll tell you when you can come back.’ She then sent the message, all the while she looked up momentarily from her phone to see that no one noticed the look of stress in her face (thankfully). After a minute, she suddenly saw her message being replied as she looked at her phone once again.
‘One, you’re supposed to be my friend and on my side on this, Raquel. Two, who are you to tell me what to do? I’m coming to Saudi without anyone knowing whether you like it or not.’
At the response, Raquel could only lower down her phone on her lap as she rubbed the bridge of her nose.
This was fucked.
Everything’s was fucked.
And not only that; Rhea was going to be screwed this Saturday. Whether she retains her championship or not.
She looked into Rhea’s direction as she sat with her boys a few rows away from her. She looked fine for now, but when Saturday arrived… there was going to be no way for her to stop what was bound to happen that day.
Little did she know that more was going to happen to Rhea that same day.
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@sassginaswanmills @riptideripley @tonuitekan
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agender-witchery · 1 year
I've been sending the friend I play Outer Wilds with summaries of what I know and what questions I have after each play session, and since it's my current hyperfixation, I might as well put them here too.
I'm done with the base game, but I'm still doing Echoes of the Eye.
At some point, the Stranger showed up in the solar system. When in the timeline, I can't tell yet. The Stranger appears to be a large vessel housing what I assume to be an artificial ring planet. I dunno the name of the species that lived on the Stranger yet, but I know they are neither Hearthian nor Nomai, so I'll just call them Strangers for now. The Strangers used some form of light based technology, evident in both the fact that the Stranger has some sort of cloaking device on it and that many of their machines function when receiving direct light. They, for some reason, do not seem to react to sunlight, and I do not know if this is because they simply need the light to be more focused on the device to function or if it's down to some difference in the nature between artificial light and sunlight. Neither of those answers fully make sense to me, as sunlight isn't a particularly special brand of light, it's just extremely bright light, so anything that works with artificial light SHOULD work with sunlight. Of note here is that all the lights the Strangers used seem to have been green, including light given off by fires - this is potentially a different kind of light. Perhaps my artificial lights are ALSO different from sunlight in a similar way and I just don't know it. Other than questions about light, I've found some strange artifact, several projectors, something that seems like a cockpit or a bridge for the vessel with something monitoring the sun, and a door with some symbols on it.
As for the Strangers themselves, if they are dead, it seems likely that ghost matter killed them just the same as it did the Nomai. This would lead me to believe that they are not an aquatic species, or they're simply from another place in the universe and were unprepared for ghost matter. Possibly both.
When did the Stranger show up?
Why was the Stranger built?
What do the artifacts do?
Why is it JUST my flashlight and scout that activate their devices and not the sun? This seems intentional, the devs could have designed the Stranger without a massive window facing the Sun at all times.
In fact, how is it that there are no apparent traces of Strangers elsewhere in the solar system and yet they constructed their vessel in a way that it is tidally locked to our sun specifically? Is there a mechanism that automatically adjusts its rotation while it orbits?
Are the Strangers dead? I haven't found any bodies yet.
Why is their light green? This seems rather significant to me, because when paired with the design choice to give the Stranger a massive window for the sun, it means the devs ALSO had a special kind of artificial light that would allow the Stranger to be lit on the inside if they hadn't given the ship the sun window.
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