caiabresebun · 11 months
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i like him a normal amount
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lulabo · 9 months
trying to find a reasonable way to hang my glasses on a necklace (I tried a classic earpiece-attached chain but looked down one day and they were dangling like a cartoon character off a cliff hanging on by one finger) and made my choice based on this photo
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Saw him on Amazon and thought, yeah, I can trust this guy (as I trust @laralaralara)
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robbiereyesangr114 · 2 months
For my artists mutuals out there on here,
in my Firefighter AU Eli (when fronting in Robbie's body) will have sensitivity to blue light and artificial light, which will partially be fuel to his desire to stick with 90s technology.
But he'll wear glasses when he's fronting, more specifically tinted glasses made to shield artificial light. Now I did some research into glasses made for certain conditions and found a brand (Theraspecs) that makes glasses to help with certain eye conditions, and this'll be what Eli/Robbie will be wearing when Eli is fronting but they'll have different pairs for situations
(Red tinted lenses = artificial lights)
(Blue tinted lenses = flashing lights)
(Black tinted lenses with black frame = darker than normal sunglases)
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Ugh the problem with all these outdoor activities this weekend is that I have had way too much sunlight and now I'm feeling ill. This new pair of Theraspecs has the right aesthetic for my outfit but lets so much light in around the sides. I should have brought a wider-brimmed hat and my wraparound shades for the rest of the weekend.
You laugh at Dracula in an unfashionable straw hat. You laugh! But it's hard striking a balance between aesthetics and sun protection.
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mlobsters · 10 months
every time I get a (extremely light sensitive) migraine and I need to swap my reading glasses for my non-prescription fl-41 tinted ones I think I should really get some fl-41 tinted reading glasses. but then I get overwhelmed trying to pick a frame and decide if I want to pay more for theraspecs (my regular brand) or pay slightly less for somewhere that I don't really know the level of tint for their indoor lenses and I talk myself out of committing to anything. "I don't get migraines that often, I can manage, it's fine"
will today be the day I can convince myself otherwise
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parasite-core · 1 year
Does anyone happen to know of a company that makes FL-41 glasses that can accommodate an extremely strong prescription? I tried buying prescription light sensitivity glasses from Theraspecs and they cancelled my order because my prescription was higher than they’re able to make. I’ve been looking at other companies that make FL-41 glasses and the highest prescription I can find is -12, and my left eye is -13.75. I’ve been reaching out to places via email to see if any of the other companies will be able to accommodate and just don’t have it listed but I haven’t gotten a reply yet.
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impishglee · 2 years
i got theraspecs and omg i looove them. game changer fr. like (un)fortunately wearing red tinted aviators at all times is very “guy who was deeply affected by dave strider at a formative age” of me but holy shit. these rly help sm w light sensitivity
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ace-of-gay · 2 years
Excited brain vibrations!!! My father bought me theraspecs (fancy light sensitivity alleviating glasses) they should be here by my birthday!!!!!!!
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echothelover · 2 years
Whoever came up with the phrase "rose tinted glasses" never had to wear red glasses 24/7
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ur-stepdad · 3 years
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are the frames on my glasses different enough that people won't think they're tony stark glasses?? i'm just trying to live my life as a migraine haver in a fluorescent lights world but if ANYONE comes into my work and asks me if i'm trying to look like iron man i may have to throw them away
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power-of-wilh · 4 years
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• • Accessible Academia • •
“Disabilities are the normal and expected outcome of the risks and stresses of the living process itself and therefore it is necessary for every community to anticipate their development." ~ Mary Jane Owens (1929-2019)
Note: I’ve never made an image description but given the nature of this post I would not feel right not including one.
[Nine images in a dark academia aesthetic collage. The first image is a hand with brace rings on the fingers to assist with joint disorders. The second image is a page of Braille with light shining on it in an aesthetically pleasing manner. The third image is a cane with a silver eagle for the grip. The cane is being grasped by a hand wearing a black leather glove. The first image on the second row is a stair case that includes a ramp in its design that actually looks usable. The center photo is a statue of a seated woman with her arms outstretched welcoming students into the library. She isn’t actually sculpted in a wheelchair but the angle of the image makes it looks as though she is. The third image on the second row is a pair of legs with braces on the ankles going up the back of the calves. The person is wearing a calf length green skirt and Oxford style black shoes. They are standing on what appears to be a school grounds with concrete and bricks in the background. The first image on the third row is a blonde plus sized woman in a black pinafore dress with a white blouse underneath. She is also on a school ground with bricks and vines in the background. She’s using a cane to stand. The second image on the third row is a bronze sign for the American Sign Language University that reads; on the first row “American Sign Language.” The second row is the American Sign Language signs for “A S L”. The third row of the sign says “University”. The third image on the third row is a girl in a white blouse with dark hair laying on a rug. The girl is wearing red tinted glasses made by theraspecs to assist with light sensitivity, visual snow, and migraines.]
Note: While the photo set contains a picture of a cigarette, I do not personally encourage smoking. I support a diverse and healthy academic lifestyle. Hedonism doesn’t have to be destructive. ❣️
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dailygabsmolders · 4 years
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gabsmolders: I got these “migraine glasses” from Theraspecs because I get so light sensitive when I get headaches, and wow it makes such a big difference! It blocks 80% of blue light and I literally flinch when I take them off. If you get headaches often but feel like you HAVE to finish up some work emails or something, I really recommend them. No ad! Just from one headache sufferer to another. ❤️
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hannahcrazyhawk · 3 years
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What you see: a woman smiling. Reality: a dying woman in excruciating pain in light blocking glasses who is only dressed well from her chemotherapy appointment. The chronically ill are masters of disguise. This is how we survive, most people can't handle/understand (or don't want to) hearing the harsh reality of our daily suffering. These blue light blocking glasses do help with my indoor photosensitivity. I would highly recommend them to anyone. @theraspecs #spoonies #strongaf #autoimmunedisease #warriorwoman #chronicallyillwarrior #crohns #spoonie #paintudes #autoimmune #rheumatoidarthritis #infusion #autoimmunewarrior #paintudes #spoonielife #chronicallyillartist #chemotherapytreatmeat #bohemianjewelry #autoimmuneprotocol #hearingimpaired #chronicallyillstudent #menieresdisease #chemotherapysideeffects #chemotherapy #HS #spoonieproblems #dying #chemotherapysucks #chronicallyill #spooniestrong #bluelightglasses www.hannahcrazyhawk.com (at Eugene, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/CNNasqcFZQ9/?igshid=1b3jizlvrxw07
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musemesmer · 4 years
Migraine & Tension Headache Management | Chronically Ill Studyblr
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@lupinstvdies​ asked me for tips about how I manage migraines. It’s extensive. Migraine management is a lot of work but it’s so routine now that I don’t even notice it. By doing all of this things (almost) daily, I’m able to transition to a med free life (though I’ll still take migraine abortives if necessary), and focus on my health.
My knowledge for managing migraines is a result of extensive research, talking to people, reading forums, and personal experience. Some things might work for you, some not. 
Start small - with one or two habits - and see what works for you. Then build over time. Health isn’t built in a day. A lot of things take time and consistency - perfection does not happen right away.
ALL of these things will be useful for studyblrs / desk workers as well, because these are self care tips that aren’t exclusive to people with migraines. 
Finally, if you have any questions (Is this type of electrolyte supplement okay? Do these glasses work with my face? How do I meditate?) - PLEASE ask me. Knowledge is so important, but even more important when shared! Most of this information will not be summarized for you by a doctor. 
In this post you’ll find information on:
My history with migraines
Theraspecs & blue light glasses
Moisturizing eye drops
WeatherX pressure-adapting ear plugs
Electrolytes & Magnesium
Water & Sleep
Essential Oils
Physical Therapy, Treating Trigger Points at Home, and Yoga
My History with Migraines 
I’ve had mild headaches all my life, but didn’t start having migraines until a few years ago, and then I only had them once or twice a year. Then in April 2019, I started developing severe, frequent migraines. For the past year and a half I’ve had chronic migraines and tension headaches. Mine were weird because they came out of nowhere and hit powerfully and hard. Within months I had to stop working. In February 2020 I could hardly get out of bed because I just had pain all the time. I tried different types of drugs (Topamax/Topirimate, beta blockers) and they didn’t work. Finally in March of this year I got on Amitriptyline, which calmed my migraines down. Now I’m weaning off it because I have a lot of tools that can help me. I’m sick of medicine side effects. This isn’t for everyone, but I do believe that the tools below can help many people.
⎔ My #1 tool is Theraspecs. These are heavily tinted glasses that block different types of light to help with migraines. I went from being able to look at a screen 30 min a DAY to HOURS. It helps with TV, flourescent lighting, everything. You can get them prescription, send in your own frames, get night driving ones, and even sunglasses. These CHANGED MY LIFE.  
Theraspecs and Axonoptics are made especially for people with light sensitivity. These are stronger than normal blue light glasses, which you can get on Amazon, though some people say they work as well.
They are very red but after 5 minutes wearing them, you don’t notice it. People around you get used to it very quickly so it doesn’t look “dorky” (something I was personally very worried of).
Some insurances cover these.
These are especially important when looking at screens.
Moisturizing Eye Drops
⎔ I’ve found my eyes get so dry looking at screens / being inside with AC/Fans/Heating / and also from migraines. I found some moisturizing eye drops on amazon and use them daily. They help a lot so my eyes are less strained. 
⎔ WeatherX offers earplugs that help you adjust to different pressure changes which can cause migraines. This is especially useful if you have problems with storms or sudden hot and cold weather. I don’t use mine too often but when I do, it is a life saver. 
Electrolytes (especially Magnesium Citrate).
⎔ Electrolytes are three essential nutrients your body needs - sodium, potassium, and magnesium. You can get these in commercial sports drinks (like Powerade and Gatorade, which I don’t recommend because of sugar and additives), different foods, or as supplements. 
I started taking some electrolyte tablets in my water every day and noticed a huge difference in my migraines. You can also get a potassium / sodium blend, known as Lo Salt or Lite Salt. 
⎔ Magnesium Citrate. After taking the tablets and also reading up about another health issue I had, I learned about the importance of Magnesium Citrate. Magnesium used to be brought to food from soil, but because of modern farming practices, there’s a deficiency in our soil of up to 80-90%. A lack of magnesium in our body causes us to be stressed more easily, and react more strongly (e.g., through anxiety, irritation) to little life things, such as loud noises. Then stress causes us to lose magnesium through urine - creating a viscous cycle.  
A lack of magnesium can CAUSE or CONTRIBUTE to a lot of issues: sleepiness, anxiety, migraines, headaches, feeling weak, feeling distracted. 
Hormonal Birth Control VERY FREQUENTLY depletes the body of magnesium. You can fix this easily by taking a minimum of 500mg of magnesium a day. 
Make sure to take Magnesium Citrate - other types aren’t absorbed as well by the body.
Magnesium Citrate can cause diarrhea. Try to avoid taking with other diuretics (coffee, milk) or try an hour or two before/after eating.  
This may seem hard but it’ll prompt you to drink more water, which is really good for you too.
Be patient. It may take a week or so to start seeing real differences.
Water. Drink it. It’s good for you. 
⎔ I find under 3L a day and I feel really off - but I had to work up to that amount. 
⎔ Drink it first thing in the morning and sip throughout the day. Also if you’re managing your electrolytes you’ll have to go to the bathroom less.   
Sleep. You need it. 
⎔ Whether your condition is caused by tension in the body or a neurological condition, your body needs sleep. Meditating can help you get to sleep. Try to keep a regular sleep schedule every night. It makes a big difference. 
Essential Oils
⎔  Peppermint and Lavender can help calm you down. I dab peppermint directly on my temples (some people say don’t do this though, but it works wonders to help relax me). It instantly relaxes me and gets rid of a lot of the tension in my temples/forehead/jaw/neck/shoulders. 
⎔ Yesterday I made a lavender lotion by putting some essential oil directly in the lotion in a small bottle and mixing it. 
⎔ I also have a lavender spray (spray bottle + water + lavender) that I use on my face throughout the day. Cheap and effective.
⎔ Essential oils can be pricey but a little goes SUCH a long way that it’s so worth it for me. You can often get them on Amazon or in a pharmacy.
Physical Therapy / Trigger Points / Yoga
** All of this is also super important for if you’re sitting at a desk every day.
⎔ This made a HUGE difference in my ability to handle migraines. I didn’t really believe it - I was like, “I’m having auras, I’m having issues seeing, there’s pain in my brain and pressure behind my right eye, this is NEUROLOGICAL. NO WAY is it muscular!”
⎔ Boy was I wrong. Physical therapy helped me a bunch - but if you don’t have the ability to do physical therapy, here are some things you can do at home and cheaply.
⎔ This fantastic (and dorky) video explains what trigger points are and how to help them. I suggest doing this every day. I use a very simple fascia massage ball similar to this. A tennis ball also works. Also look at this video for exercises for the upper shoulder / front of the shoulder.
Tips for this: When you’re working with the ball with your back to the wall, you can hold the ball with the opposite hand. This means, if you’re working on the right side of your neck but the ball keeps slipping, hold it with your left hand. Keep the side that you’re working on relaxed! Same for the ball on the door frame - keep your arm limp and relaxed. 
⎔ Yoga really helps. I do this quick 10 minute video by Yoga with Adriene almost every day and it makes a colossal difference. 
⎔ Strengthening your core and focusing on proper sitting posture helps a lot. A good / easy core strengthener can be found in the Plank Workout at Home App by Leap Fitness Group. Android and iPhone. 
I really like that it works ALL ab muscles, not just some of them. found that at day 9 of the beginner it became too hard for me, so I am doing day 1 today, day 10 tomorrow, day 2, then day 11. Hopefully that will work. Feel free to modify the program to make it work for you!
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feral-childd · 4 years
Has anyone tried theraspecs for light sensitivity?
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parasite-core · 1 year
I got my eyes examined today. Unfortunately no answer to my photophobia, my eyes look perfectly healthy, so the optometrist had no more answers for me than the neurologist did. In good news my right eye is actual seeing slightly better than it used to, it needs a weaker prescription than before. My left eye as always needs a stronger prescription because my left eye is awful and basically blind. And I’m getting prescription blue light blocking lenses to see if I can quit wearing the theraspecs glasses over my regular glasses and finally not have to wear two pairs of glasses all the time because it’s a pain in the ass.
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