#light sensitivity
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moonpool-system · 1 hour ago
autism+adhd as far as sensory issues go, I said overhead off and lamp on cus that's my favorite out of the poll, but actually the best lighting I've found for our overstimulation issues is black lights! I pop a black light lightbulb (u can get em basically anywhere i find them at walmart) into my lamp, turn it on, and bam, all my light sensitivity pain is gone - plus the place looks cool to boot, and it's "bright" enough that I can actually draw in it (which is often a problem with other lightings). I hope any other light sensitive folx end up finding the same hack useful
i see a lot of neurodivergent people talk about how they can't handle bright white overhead lighting at home, so their preference is to have warm/yellow bulbs in lamps as the main source of household lighting, often with colouful neon lights/fairylights/candles as other secondary lighting sources. I feel like this is actually more common than we think but maybe there are some insane people who love or at least are indifferent to bright white overhead lighting. so poll time.
if you say bright white overhead lighting is your main lighting preference please tell me why
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greenteacryptid · 1 year ago
This environment is incredibly hostile to a creature such as myself (there are fluorescent lights)
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largeworm · 1 year ago
It's genuinely kind of upsetting how quickly social media's keep shooting themselves in the foot to just have something to show to higher ups and making their sites more and more user unfriendly. It reminds me of the Oreo CEO skit from College Humor/Dropout TV.
The new Discord update for mobile is genuinely disheartening by how little they seem to care about people hating the new layout. Which honestly, the DMs now being at the bottom and no longer swipping to see server members is annoying. But as someone who very easily gets god awful headaches from heavy contrast and light, the new "default" themes are... very unfriendly to people like me. Let me show you the difference in old Discord's dark mode vs the new:
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Like, holy shit, it's Bad. The new one on the right is barely usable for me, it was giving me strain after only an hour or two of use. And it's not even their darkest mode, which is pure black, but it's their only other option aside from pure white in Light Mode.
If you don't want eyestrain, you'll have to pay the 10$ a month nitro not to get migraines. I have the 3$ version, and I can not change the theme with it to their other options. I was able to fix it by fighting all of my settings for an hour to get it back to the original color palette, but jfc. I shouldn't have to reset all my phone setting, open and relaunch discord, and pray that it decides the "automatic setting" is the non-eyeball burning classic dark mode.
The world and social media is just slowly getting more and more unuser friendly, especially towards people with light sensitivity (I can rant for hours about car headlight luminosity regulations). Just kinda disheartening to see Discord so adamantly against changing any of the new UI stuff, especially is they decide to no longer have the class color palette accessible in the future :/
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 9 months ago
Autism and Sensitivity to Sunlight
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may-be-a-plant · 11 months ago
Kallus's Eyes
So, I made a connection, Kallus is likely very light sensitive.
Our guy has Amber eyes.
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---And his descriptions involving light are things like this:
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---General knowledge of Amber eyes gives us this:
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---And also from personal experience, I also have Amber eyes:
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--- I can tell you that even if it's cloudy in the middle of the day, I have a really hard time keeping my eyes open cause it's painful/uncomfortable. Low light conditions like dawn and dusk really are the most comfortable.
Thought it was kind of neat information to share about how Kallus likely interacts with his world and now I completely headcanon that he's very light sensitive. 💛
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chronic-melon · 3 months ago
Having ME/CFS around Yule looks like:
• Pushing WAY past your limits to spend time with family and friends
• Leaning over to wrap gifts and coming away with sore hands, legs, back…
• Overdoing it trying to make the perfect meal
• Disappointing family when you can’t make it to every gathering or event
• Being unprepared for unexpected hardships or tragedy during the season, like family members in hospitals or a bill that will be hard to pay
• Needing to rest for several days after a gathering and likely flaring severely
• Wanting to do things with the time off but not having the energy, or sometimes even the interest
• Dealing with symptoms from eating foods outside your normal diet… and generally struggling with new textures or flavors
• Needing more help with things like washing extra dishes or handling more packages than usual, even taking out the trash more often
• Managing animals who are dysregulated from unfamiliar people, decorations, smells, and sounds
• Struggling with bright lights and loud noises, leaving gatherings with a headache
• Falling asleep when you’re sitting in the living room talking to your family (yes this happened to me)
• Leaving events early
• Misunderstanding directions or jokes due to brain fog (and in my case autism) but people not taking the time to explain, or getting ignored because there are too many people and it’s too loud
• Not giving the proper reaction to a gift because of symptoms bothering you, not being able to mask pain or fatigue and appearing ungrateful or even upset (also autism)
• The deep-seated fear of catching an infection brought by another guest, but dreading the eye roll and comments from disapproving family
• Needing to park further away from stores or restaurants due to the *hustle and bustle*
If you have more to add, please list it. It doesn’t have to be ME, it can be anything you struggle with as a disabled person around the holiday season.
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spacejax · 1 year ago
wow i just love suffering from an incurable unexplained illness. I especially love experiencing daily excruciating pain that is completely resistant to tylenol
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greenteacryptid · 1 year ago
The world became crueller the day we started replacing warmtoned lights with cooltoned ones in public places
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turtley-ausome · 1 month ago
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IM SO GRATEFUL TO MY FRIENDS WHO MADE IT POSSIBLE TO FINALY GET TINTED PRESCRIPTION GLASSES FROM ZENNI YAYAYAYAY! For just under 50 dollars too! I have severe light senstivity from autism and chroniclay dilated pupils my neurologist thinks might be either severe autonomic dysfunction or mitochrondrial disease. I also get migraines! My reserch showed rose tint is best for light senstivity and migraines so that is what I got! My current prescription glasses are also from Zenni actualy they are this same frames but in pink! They have butterflies on the sides they are very cute they are kids frames :) I have a small face haha XD
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 1 year ago
Autism and Bright Lights
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The Autistic Teacher
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poopy-pants-gremlin · 6 months ago
I absolutely love the fact that we got a spooky Halloween episode
Without over the top flashing lights
I can't speak for everyone with a light sensitivity of course, but for me they managed to get across "aagghh scary monster flashing lights" without doing it so unnecessarily harsh that it made me unable to watch
Honestly such a breath of fresh air
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canadian-pug-cartel · 2 months ago
Suffering from it’s too bright in here disease
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asdpawprint · 3 months ago
my new phone has an "extra dim" setting in accessibility and I am THRILLED
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clairaworlds · 4 months ago
Pro tip if you have light sensitive migranes:
Ware eyeliner, I'm serious, ware dark colored eyeliner or some other dark color arround your eyes. I go with a fairly heavy look, applied liberally with wings that could take off, or some other extra details for fun. It reduces the glare from the sun, and ive found it makes the sun bother me less when I have an ocular migrane.
It dosnt do a whole lot, and if you don't already ware eyeliner it might be too much effort for the effect, but I started waring eyliner more often recently and I have noticed a difference. It might be becuase I'm the most insanly light sensitive person I've ever met so even a SMALL reduction in glare makes a big difference but it's worth a shot.
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wordsforrain · 4 months ago
The winter solstice is on December 21, 2024 in the northern hemisphere. As of today, November 17, we are five weeks out from that date, which means we have officially entered the darkest 10 weeks of the year. We won’t emerge until January 25, 2025.
So if you’re feeling shitty and down and depressed, anything might be causing it, but the overall lack of light probably isn’t helping.
This is a reminder to give yourself grace for the next 10 weeks. It’s going to be rough. Try to get some sunlight each day if you can, and try not to make any big, life-altering decisions if you can, because you might very well feel differently about life once the sun starts showing its face some more.
One big thing I notice, as someone with chronic migraine, is how hard the angle of the sun is on my eyes at this time of year. And how awfully bright other cars’ taillights are, because so much more of my driving takes place in the dark.
Posting this as a hug to myself, bc I’ve been in more pain lately and bummed about it. But also as a hug to you, bc this shit is hard for anyone.
The sun will come back. We just gotta give it some time.
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sunnysam-my · 9 months ago
Them: Wow, what a beautiful weather we're having! Don't you think?
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Me: Yeah, ow. I can't see shit.
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Them: Here, put your sunglasses on.
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Me: Well, I still can't see shit, but at least my eyeballs don't hurt.
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