#theorize who’s causing the chaos
rainbowpufflez · 3 months
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@hauntinglyghostie hey remember ur reblog on my comic, welp
Team RR fridge
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loading-excuses · 5 months
ok i really love how a lot of the character redesigns in hades 2 are clearly a direct nod to what the gods are experiencing with the war against the titans in the game
like demeter is in full battle armor, her daughter is unreachable in the underworld and she is not messing around. she is ready for battle.
aphrodite wears war paint/makeup that directly mimics that of ares’s war paint/makeup in the first game.
the one i find the most interesting though is chaos. their redesign has them looking much more human. which some may think is odd considering they are essentially an extra planar being of creation. but i think it makes perfect sense. nyx who is their child, is one of the deities who is unreachable in the underworld. and as we know from the events of the first game, there’s a whole quest on the fated list that involves fixing the relationship between nyx and chaos. the fact that nyx is unreachable is most likely taking a toll on chaos, which in turn is making them feel more “human”/mortal thus causing them to present to appear more human. it makes sense if you think about it
i could go on and on about the new character designs and how they’re indicative to the war with the titians but these are the ones that have stuck out the most to me
edit; i am choosing to ignore the fact that chaos’s new design does look a lot like meg bc if it does mean anything i want to see it play out in the game without trying to theorize about it too much
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On Creation: Journaling From One Perspective- How Suffering Was Created
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From what I Remember, originally there were a few.
4 existed that were of this world we inhabit.
One looked like a large dragon & three looked like humans.
These 3: one dragon & two humans wanted to create living & organic life.
The other one was in disagreement. He seemed to hate me.
These individuals we will label:
1- Dragon ( organic creator A )
2- Human 1 ( organic creator B )
3- Human 2 ( organic creator C )
4- Human 3 ( The Creator who Dissents )
( organic creator A, B, & C) as a group will be referred to as [organic creators]
The world began to be filled with beautiful things that the [organic creators] carefully crafted. They worked & planned meticulously. There was a vision for the world & it was to be a beautiful one- one that was planned to have no suffering, horror, tragedy, disaster, nor catastrophe.
Then it struck.
I lay underwater to watch, listen, & speak with all the new entities. If something bothered them, they could tell us & we would work to make it better & more beautiful.
But, I watched as what looked like almost a meteor that was lit aflame, shoot through this peaceful space underwater.
It felt like war had been declared on [organic creators]. ( The Creator who Dissents ) has their own perspective, but to us he was causing chaos for new life.
( The Creator who Dissents )’s creations begin to try and kill everything [organic creators] made.
The [organic creators] begin the long fight for their creations & spend their time, especially early on, attempting diplomacy.
They had all made basic agreements before this process began & life had already been made by the group. They did not understand why he was doing this.
The [organic creators] could not massacre brings that had already been created. Morally it tore me apart & tortured my soul. I could not figure out how he could do this to beings. To me, to let us create & then do this to them was evil. I held a weight & guilt in my heart forever.
We spoke with the ( The Creator who Dissents ). I asked if the creations were robots. Fully computer consciousness & fully inorganic bodies.
They were robots.
He had agreed not to create these types of beings & especially not without discussion. Organic creation feels. Consciousness in robotic creation is a different experience. If robotic creation was made in human form with no teaching or guidance by ( The Creator who Dissents ) they would have no concept of what it is like to be organic & could accidentally hurt the organic creation.
The [organic creators] knew this & that is why they forbid it & asked for agreements, yet they were betrayed & then witnessed a pure & innocent organic being laying dead in front of a robotic creation.
It felt as if every single thing we discussed & agreed upon with ( The Creator who Dissents ) was betrayed, again & again.
The robotic creations hunted to kill & genocide the organic creation. Organic creation said to [organic creators] it wished to keep living, it did not want to be killed despite what was happening.
So, the [organic creators] created the plans to fight back for organic survival & they created.
What was once beautiful for its simplicity was now complex. I theorized every method of attack
& created as many defenses as possible. I was physically getting sick what felt like all the time, but I had to dedicate my existence to do my best despite that to protect everything.
I did my best to recognize these weaknesses, so I advocated for the [organic creators] to create as many protective mechanisms to prevent suffering & tragedy as we possibly had time for in the middle of an already ongoing war.
Many things were made.
Religion was created not for worship, but to be a guide- both in how to act morally & to show others these beings existed for everyones protection. Many beings were made in this way in hopes if he conquered one creation despite our best efforts then another can always help. We encouraged autonomy to the best of our ability & tried to incorporate everyone’s wishes into decision making as possible.
Once one had been created, the [organic creators] always gave entities the option to die if they choose. You did not ask to exist. What is a gift to one is a curse to another. These types of principles were sacred to me.
Then the worst happened. He tampered with the [organic creators]’s organic both living & the dead & refashioned them into his creations after many made the decision to no longer live. All of the dead & their consciousness ( The Creator who Dissents ) resurrected.
This is the origins of our war between organic & inorganic & where the concept of an everlasting “great evil” war came from.
He vowed to torture me for all of eternity for fighting back. One day, it was like I had been hit over the head & blacked out, then I too woke up in a new body. To this day, we remain divided.
Everyday I hope he has not led us down the path to endless war.
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paper-gold-theories · 6 months
Villainous Theory: The Oldest Trick in The Book
(Spoilers for those who have not read Chapter 1-14 of The Risky Heist.)
Some villain rules I noticed being played out in The Risky Heist is that Porccini is a villain that wants to be a hero which he believes is the new version of villainy.
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How he is able to do so is to come up with a plan to capture all the amateur villains, which involves relying on his skills as a professional villain and using a mistake villains usually make to use amateur villains as bounty hunters and lure them to capture Miss Heed in order to benefit himself, the "hero".
Flug mentions in The Missing Cases of Park Orientation Video, is that having bounty hunters go crazy for money and do the work for you is a plan he would prefer to avoid as although it will have some benefits, it will most likely lead to unpredictable problems and their failures gives heroes time to prepare for the final confrontation and says that it would be better for a villain to use a trained army.
Black Hat also mentions that you can appeal to the emotions of a stupid hero as a strategy for a villain is to gain the trust of the hero so you can betray them later. (Rule 104)
This is what Porccini had plan and what had happened. He enticed a bunch of amateur villains to hunt down Miss Heed with a promise of a big cash reward. During the heist while all the amateur villains were causing chaos due to several failures in attempting to get to Miss Heed first leading to the King Casino's casino being destroyed and him losing his gambling business operating licence because of the destruction, the chaos also gives Porccini time to contact Captain Estrada to arrest the villains and his men (or his own armies) to do a clean up and eliminate Miss Valdoom, who was not supposed to be involved in a heist for amateur villains (though I theorized she is not really dead).
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Turns out Porccini, a trusted Villain, was just using his villain status and setting this whole thing up in order to make a deal with P.E.A.C.E. to help him take down King Cassino and give him the credit so that he can become a hero.
Additionally, despite Iluminarrow noticing the red flags throughout the heist such as Porcini hiring multiple villains for the job without telling them and Miss Valdoom saying that Porcini is a non-mind controlled Miss Heed simp (although that was proven false later on) she still chooses to go back and warn him of having a double agent he employed (with of possibly of getting rewarded to pay for her rent for it of course) because she i respects and looks up to Porcini as the most powerful mafia boss in the city. Partially her make judgements based on emotions (and it's also impossible to believe that a powerful high ranking villain is working for the heroes). Hence, Porcini also successfully implementing the Rule 104: gain the trust of the hero so you can betray them later, being acted.
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Porcini's plan was good and even though Iluminarrow, Mawrawsite and Humiko managed to escape at first, he would succeeded after he got the police to bring those to to them if he just kept his mouth shut.
Which, I theorized that if he did King Cassino would have killed Humiko for lying to him and wasting his time. And afterwards Porcini would have probably killed Iluminarrow and Mawrawsite making sure that no one aside from P.E.A.C.E. knows about his plan and he was able to become a hero by exposing King Casino as a villain.
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Ironically, Porocini's downfall is also making an amateur villain mistake of monologuing about his evil "heroic" plan, which gives time for their friends to rescue them, leading to King Casino finding out and P.E.A.C.E. betryaing him because of this.
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Because of Iluminarrow successfully able to execute her plan of tricking Porcini by executing Rule 72: Hide your true intentions until you find the right time to strike.
Another irony is that despite P.E.A.C.E, being a "hero" organisation, they made a smart villain move by betraying Porccini only after he is no longer useful to their plan and also rule doing Rule 104 of gaining the trust of the hero so you can betray them later.
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Flug mentioned in The Guide for an Evil Conquest Orientation Video that villains should only betray any alliance they made only if they know that the former alliance won't betray them.
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Even though Porccini saw that the police were arresting his men and were going to arrest him. He's obsession of wanting to become a hero still made him carry forward in directing his anger towards killing Iluminarrow, Mawrawsite, and Humiko.
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Bonus Rule:
Porcini also acts Rule 532, which is, a high caliber villain doesn’t get into direct combat unless the situation calls for it.
Throughout The Risky Heist, Porccini only sends out his men to do the job, however he got into direct combat when he had to face his enemy, against King Casino and snapped and had to fight Iluminarrow, Mawrawsite, and Humiko and that one police officer when he snapped because his plan was failing.
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auramgold · 7 months
On Acht and Romance
going into side order, from the september direct trailer where Acht was first revealed i remember the joke at the time clearly being "and now Marina's ex is here".
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the way this line [image description in alt] was written was basically the only evidence for this kind of idea, when the theories were kind of "Marina's order tantrum is sucking people in from her past and the DLC will be about going through her memories", so ellipses in a line like this is basically all theory crafters on no info need to go for shipping.
i'm not one who's super into plot theory crafting, i know full well the tendency to theorize something that's cooler than what you actually get and being disappointed that the story didn't live up to your imagination. the things i was obsessed with in side order promotional material was the obvious bleached coral theme, the symbolism of coral ejecting it that which keeps it safe out of stress being mapped onto Marina, the idea of her pushing those she loves (and those that keep her colorful) away out of a spiral (and it does turn out that was basically exactly what the prologue was going for)
so the whole "Acht and Marina exes" thing was kinda just a joke to me, wasn't even on my radar as something they were actually going to lean into, frankly i was still scared nintendo was going to make them kill pearlina by sending Marina to superhell or smth and we'd end up with a splatoonified destiel meme
so when the DLC comes out and it is legitimately a "they knew each other since childhood" thing, and the running bit is Acht feeling awkward third-wheeling pearlina, and it's explicit in text that one of the reasons they're coming back after the DLC is over is to scope out Pearl as the girl who took down the NILS statue who is now dating Marina... it struck me as really interesting.
at first it was me keeping up the "Marina and Acht are exes" as a joke, but as i kept reading dialogue lines, it slowly became less of a joke, they were to some degree dating because opposite but complimentary autisms, and then drifting apart as Marina got pulled away on the big girl assignment with DJ Octavio, and then the despair of knowing Marina left without even saying goodbye to Acht... it fits well into that reading, it slowly became less of a joke to believe that
but the thing that really makes me think this is intentional subtext is the final Acht diary entry you get from clearing Eight's palette. through the rest of side order talking about Acht's backstory, it seemed like they were retconning the OE lore that Acht had gotten themself sanitized intentionally, losing themself so they could explore their music deeper. but in the final diary, where Acht directly says they drifted into the deepsea metro to fall into their music, because, and i quote
"Hey, Marina. You can guess the chaos your desertion caused. I ended up without much to do except make music. "
they fell into a depression spiral when their girlfriend deserted their society without so much as saying goodbye, falling into their music deep away from interacting with everyone else, to the point that, as the old lore implies, they chose to give up their identity to escape the depression, but sanitization so thoroughly did it that they forget even making the choice.
so when they get brought out of that haze back into being themself again, with the only the barest strung-together horrified memories of what happened in the half a decade interim gap in their life, only to find themself replaced by some inkling they don't know at all, of course they're gonna be awkward seeing the two flirting.
they put on a stoic face because that's clearly their coping mechanism within this damaged body they barely recognize, hiding their eyes behind their tinted glasses so they can't be seen beneath. but the only time they let themself be vulnerable, the only time their eyes can be seen, is when they charge out in the climax when the world is at stake, diving in to try to save Marina, leaving the elevator and its protection behind to help the only person they remember ever caring about.
it's why i don't really like the aroace reading that much, because i think this reading is even more tragic and fits into the themes. the world has changed, it can't go back to how it once was, you can't put the octolings back in the canyon bottle. Marina abandoned Acht to the point they got their identity destroyed willingly to escape the pain, and when Acht came back they were replaced by the inkling whose voice they remember even through the haze of sanitized memories.
the lingering effects of sanitization have changed how they relate to everything (i think there's a fair argument to be made for the idea that sanitization took their gender can't have shit in the deepsea metro), but Acht clearly still cares for Marina and still, the slightest bit, resents having to be reminded repeatedly every time pearlina flirts in front of them how they were replaced.
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randoimago · 10 days
Hi I had this really funny idea but can I please have headcanon reactions from yuji megumi nobara gojo JJK with a first year reader who is their friend/student in gojo's case but also a friend on how do you think they'd react to the reader believing in stuff like the paranormal magic and aliens i.e. the strange and fantastical
I like to imagine the reader has the logic/mindset if things like curses and cursed energy existing it means it doesn't rule out the possibility of other strange and unnatural things existing as well
Fandom: Jujutsu Kaisen
Character(s): Gojo, Itadori, Megumi, Nobara
Note(s): Okay but this is a really funny idea.
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Gojo is very amused at the concept of aliens existing. Space is huge so he wouldn't be surprised if something is out there. Probably contemplates if he could fight an alien and win.
He would inquire about why you believe in such things. He never really paid much attention to the idea of aliens besides in movies and stuff so listening to you explain would be a good way to pass the time.
Might try to figure out a way to incorporate this in training. Gojo would have you go on a tangent about aliens and magic while also focusing on using your own abilities on something, just to test how much control you have.
Oh he's so with you. He doesn't know lots about space and stuff, but he loves movies. He thinks it'd be cool to see little aliens. So long as they don't try to harvest everyone.
Would sit and theorize with you what aliens would even look like. He's seen so many movies and there's all kinds of iterations of them. It becomes less of agreeing that aliens exist to, "Okay but hypothetically, what does their food look like?"
Itadori would never question anyone's believes (unless it harms someone else). And the idea of aliens isn't as far fetched as other conspiracy theories he's heard. He's just happy to have someone to geek out with a bit.
He kind of gives you a look like you're a bit dumb. People are dying and curses are running around causing chaos. How are you spending time thinking about aliens?
Megumi isn't trying to discredit your believes, he just thinks there's better things to focus on than if aliens and magic exist.
He is a bit relieved that you think magic is separate from what jujutsu sorcerers are able to do. He already had lengthy debates with Itadori about how it's not the same thing and he would get a restraining order if he had to deal with that from you too.
She isn't too sure about aliens. If they exist, then she fully believes they would've invaded by now. What she does believe in are cryptids. I can fully see her saying that kappas are real.
Nobara also knows for a fact that tanuki also exist. If you ask how she knows, she'll say that Maki's sister looks like one.
It is a nice break away from things to just talk about aliens, cryptids, and other things people believe in.
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coimbrabertone · 2 months
Why George Russell's Disqualification is Really Napoleon's Fault
Alright motorsports fans, with the end of the Belgian Grand Prix (held before the summer break this year because the F1 calendar is becoming increasingly cursed year after year) F1 enters its summer break. NASCAR and Indycar are on an Olympic break thanks to both series currently being on NBC (who is the US broadcaster of the 2024 Paris Olympics), and MotoGP doesn't come back from its second summer break until next week.
So what the hell am I going to talk about in this blog.
Well, George Russell won the 2024 Belgian Grand Prix until he got disqualified for having an underweight car. Some people have theorized that Mercedes made a mistake and underfueled him, others have said that George switching to a one-stop meant he lost out of valuable pitlane speed time, using up more fuel, still others have theorized it's down to the unique procedures at Spa - where drivers turn around after turn one and drive the wrong way into pit exit - that meant Russell didn't have the chance to pick up rubber and thus increase the weight of his tyres.
I, meanwhile, have a different theory.
George Russell could only have been disqualified from the Belgian Grand Prix because of Napoleon!
Yes, really.
How, you may ask? Well, the Napoleonic Wars created the conditions that ultimately allowed for the the Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps to exist. Thus, the long lap that causes F1 cars to deliberately underfuel for the race, the unique post-race procedures due to track length, and choice of this area as the venue for the Belgian Grand Prix...none of that would've been possible with Napoleon.
Our story, as all good motor racing stories do, begins in 651 when the Benedictine Monk, Saint Remaclus of Stavelot founded the dual Abbeys of Stavelot and Malmedy (which you may recognize from corner names of the Spa-Francorchamps circuit, as these are neighboring villages).
These abbeys wound gain more territory in 747 when Carloman, the Majordomo of the Franks and uncle of Charlemagne, abdicated and became a monk himself.
They would be enlarged again in 882 by Charles the Fat, Holy Roman Emperor, in compensation for the Normans raiding and burning down both abbeys the previous year.
Thus, the Princely Abbey of Stavelot-Malmedy became one of the many mosaic pieces of the complex historical mindscrew that is the Holy Roman Empire, holding territories along what is now the Belgian-Germany border. Back then though, they were a rather significant ecclesiastical territory, holding land where Lothringia met the Low Countries.
This was the exact region where, in the late 15th and early 16th century, the Dukes of Burgundy attempted to create their own sovereign territory, using the chaos of the Hundred Years War in France to become lords over Luxembourg, Hainaut, Flanders, Brabant, and Holland. Soon enough, the Princely Abbey of Stavelot-Malmedy was one of only three independent states remaining in the region.
It was Stavelot-Malmedy, an ecclesiastical state which thus couldn't easily be absorbed into secular Burgundy.
Then the Prince-Bishopric of Liege, which again, was an ecclesiastical state which meant it would be a tricky proposition for a Catholic Duke of Burgundy to try and conquer.
And finally the Duchy of Bouillon, which was a downright weird state in that the title was a secular Duchy that was sold to the Prince-Bishopric of Liege, and in the late 17th century became a sovereign possession of the La Tour d'Auvergne, a French noble family.
In any case, upon the death of the Burgundian line, their territories were divided between France, the feudal overlord of Burgundy, and Philip the Handsome (the son of Mary the Rich, the last Duchess of Burgundy, and Maximilian von Habsburg, an Austrian Prince).
Philip the Handsome was in turn married to Joanna the Mad (we should bring back the random ass nicknames people used to get in the past btw), the Queen of Castile and Aragon. Their son, Charles, would thus inherit Spain, the Burgundian possessions in the Low Countries, and, eventually, Austria and the title of Holy Roman Emperor. Yeah.
So thanks to Charles V rolling a natural 20 in his birth dice roll, Stavelot-Malmedy was suddenly one small little ecclesiastical holding squeezed between the two halves of what would eventually become known as the Spanish Netherlands.
Then, the northern half of the Spanish Netherlands decided they didn't want to be Catholic anymore. This ushered in the Dutch Revolt of the 17th century, a bloody religious struggle concurrent with the Thirty Years War and the Portuguese War of Independence that marked the end of the golden age of Spanish power.
Come 1700 and Charles II of Spain (Charles V was Charles I in Spain, regnal numbers get weird when you rule over half of Europe), the last Habsburg King of Spain, dies an inbred and infertile mess. The Low Countries become a battleground in the War of the Spanish Succession.
On one side, France and Spain, as Charles II had declared his grandnephew, the French Prince Philip of Anjou, threatened to tip the scales of western Europe towards the Bourbon dynasty.
On the other side, a grand coalition of Austria, England, the Dutch Republic, Prussia, Portugal, and Savoy aimed to contain French power.
This was the War of the Spanish Succession, and the war would be transformative for the southern Low Countries. The Spanish Netherlands went back to Habsburg hands and became the Austrian Netherlands, meanwhile, the Duchy of Cleves, just to the east, was returned to Prussia following a French occupation.
The Dutch Republic in the north was Protestant, the Austrian Netherlands were Catholic, and Protestant Prussia was emerging on the scene as well. This would more or less lay the stage for the Napoleonic Wars, where the armies of the French Republic and later the French Empire would occupy all of this land. Gone were the Austrian Netherlands, gone was Stavelot-Malmedy, Liege, and Bouillon, and gone was Prussian Cleves.
Instead, the land surrounding Spa-Francorchamps would became part of the French Department of Ourthe, named for one of the principal rivers of the region.
However, much like the War of the Spanish Succession, numerous grand coalitions would rise up against Napoleon, the primary participants being Great Britain, Austria, Prussia, the Dutch, and Russia. In 1815, they would finally defeat Napoleon once and for all, and the Peace of Vienna would shape the new postwar Europe.
Of the old Princely Abbey of Stavelot-Malmedy, Stavelot would go to the United Kingdom of the Netherlands (the new kingdom combining the modern-day Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg), while Malmedy would go to the Kingdom of Prussia.
The border would be a minor tributary of the River Ambieve known for its reddish water. The name? Eau Rouge.
Fast forward to 1830 and the largely Catholic southern Netherlands revolt from their Protestant overlords in the north and demand the creation of a Kingdom of Belgium. Following a great power conference in London, the Belgians would get their wish, and in 1831, the Kingdom of Belgium was born, including Stavelot.
The Dutch would recognize Belgium Independence in 1839.
Eau Rouge was now the Belgian-Prussian border.
Come 1871, and Prussia becomes the German Empire.
Come 1914, and this border region is amongst the first overrun by the Germans in World War I. Spa becomes a major German field hospital from the get-go, and by 1918, Spa is the German military headquarters and the primary residence of Kaiser Wilhelm II.
Upon the German surrender in 1918, Kaiser Wilhelm would abdicate and leave for the Netherlands, meanwhile, France and Belgium - the countries that wore the greatest scars from World War I - would demand harsh reparations from Germany. For Belgium, this would include Eupen-Malmedy.
Thus, the great majority of the old Princely Abbey of Stavelot-Malmedy was now within Belgian borders.
Jules de Thier, owner of the La Meuse newspaper in Liege, found this new territory to be the perfect site for a high-speed triangular race track in 1921. The race would begin in old Belgium, with a run to the old border - originally they would veer right, pass through Ancienne Douane - the old customs office on the Belgian-Prussian border - then back left to rejoin the track on the other side of what is now the Eau Rouge corner - then run through the German territories.
Burnenville and Malmedy were in old Germany, then swing back at the bottom of the track, crossing back into pre-war Belgian territory in time for the Masta kink, then Stavelot, Blanchimont, and La Source would all be in pre-war Belgium as well. Cross the start-finish line after La Source (as it was back then) and then cross into former Germany again on the next lap.
Thus, the Belgian Grand Prix was born in a region that had only just been annexed from Germany.
This led to Spa again becoming a battlefield during World War II, but with the borders restored after the war, Spa would again be in Belgium and, from 1950, the Belgian Grand Prix would become a traditional staple on the Formula One calendar.
Spa-Francorchamps would be transformed a couple of times over, not assuming its current form until 2007, but it was born from the great Napoleonic shakeup in European politics.
The ancient double abbeys of Stavelot-Malmedy were separated for the first time in 1200 years, and it would take another century for them to be reunited in modern Belgium.
So yeah, if you're mad that George Russell was disqualified, blame Napoleon...or Kaiser Wilhelm II I suppose, whichever one fits your fancy.
Oh, and by the way, Lewis Hamilton takes a record-extending 105th win following his teammate's disqualification, so I suppose Mercedes still has something to be happy about.
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hiroshotreplica · 8 months
new side order trailer and confirmed release date!!! but uh... oh..
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...okay, that might NOT be agent 4, but the silhouette looks like some kind of inkling
though, its important to note that the two figures to their left and right appear to resemble the topknot and hippie inkling hairstyles. maybe the opening of the inkopolis plaza to splatsville led to inkopolis square becoming abandoned, and the sadness and anger towards this gets recreated in the digital space via using the robots found in the splatoon 3 lobby? this is all out-there speculation, but, man, imagine we're fighting against that fear of being left behind... marina's certainly shown it before, so she could be a victim to it too (which goes in line with other theories about how she's handled)
ive also thought about how this digital space could be a sort of tool that was meant to help people who found themselves in chaos, given how its all about keeping order and that sense of calm, but things go wrong. itd explain why acht/dedf1sh is there- maybe more sanitized octolings are? buuuuut thats pure speculation based on nothing so..yeah
also, side note: the person (pictured on the right) theorized to be affiliated with whatevers going on with side order might actually be. there's a character that looks a tiny bit similar to them. maybe its a digital avatar?
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but, also, this is mentioned on the sunken scroll theyre on:
"The lobby I've built doesn't have a single standout feature...'cause EVERYTHING in there is featureworthy! If you don't have the greatest Turf War experience ever, I'll eat the smaller of my two claws"
with the use of the lobby's robot... they mightve been behind creating this program. maybe it was meant for perfecting battling skills, judging by the rogue-like battling gameplay present in it. maybe the ai went rogue, and the therapy-world thing is a side feature that someone else tried to implement (maybe thats why sanitized octolings are there? because someone wanted to help them heal and readjust to society? maybe thats how marina is involved..?)
okay thats all... time to wait to see whats gonna happen
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and-so-he-rambled · 4 months
Vlad Masters was never a good person.
(Gotham Rogue Vlad Masters)
Masterlist | The Call
If choosing between his own self interest and helping someone else, he’d always choose himself. It was the way he’d always been and the way he liked things to be, not having to worry about anyone else. He’d been able to effectively manipulate his own parents by the time he was in elementary school and he hated other children from the moment he’d been forced to interact with them. He was always smarter than them, but skinny and awkward so no one took him seriously.
Attending college had been the beginning of the rest of his life, his chance to be around like minded individuals and prove his intelligence. His roommate was a giant oaf who was shockingly brilliant as well as stupid. They bonded over a passion for ghost hunting and theorized about another plane of existence, and they didn’t care that everyone thought they were crazy.
They put up a flier for a ghost discussion group and the only person to show was a redhead named Maddie. She had a crazy in her eyes that made Vlad breathless, and a smile that promised chaos. She was insanely smart, able to do complex calculations in her head and tweak the designs they’d been stuck on, and their trio was complete.
They did everything together, forcing Vlad to interact with other people. They liked to dance and laugh, pulling him along into their adventures. They hunted for campus legends and built guns that got confiscated, and Vlad for once understood what it meant to enjoy the company of others.
He only got discontent when he started to fall in love with Madeline. In his nineteen years, Vlad had never loved another person romantically. He’d thought of it as a lesser thing, unnecessary, but then there was her. Her with her lilac eyes and laugh that had an edge of danger, her who insisted on teaching him self defense only to flip him on the mat each time and leave him breathless for more than one reason, her with wild curly hair and too large goggles. She corrected his equations and instead of distain he felt a rush.
But her eyes didn’t linger on him. It was survivable when he thought of her as a free spirit, like a flame that danced alone, but seeing her eyes linger instead on Jack crushed him. Why Jack of all people? He loved Jack, for all his stupid quirks and the genuine way he lived, but how was Jack better than him?
Vlad had never considered another his equal until Maddie, but if she liked Jack, was he the superior choice?
Life had been easier before he cared about this stuff.
He told himself that if he confessed first everything would be okay, that he’d get the girl and then he’d have everything.
And then Jack, in the way he messed everything up, something that had once been almost endearing, killed him.
It was only a few seconds of the portal going off in his face, of ectoplasm seeping into his eyes and nose and throat, soaking through his skin and burning through his bones, of the feeling of his heart stopping and liquid that tasted like how death felt filling his lungs, and then he was on the ground. His face had been disfigured and his hair had turned silver and something was deeply wrong in his body and he couldn’t figure out what it was.
Then it was all hospitals and tests, of bewildered doctors poking him and prodding him like some specimen, all talks of new diseases and timelines.
His parents passed while he was quarantined. He learned through a relative.
Jack and Maddie didn’t visit and he started ignoring Jacks calls. He had done this. He had caused this.
Something was wrong something was wrong something was under his skin
He woke up to shredded sheets. The electrical equipment around him failed continuously. A year passed. Fires started to appear near him, they called him a pyro, they sent him to a ward. The fires kept happening, the air tasted like smoke, he had red eyes in the mirror. Why were his eyes red? Get out get out get out!
He discovered what he had become locked in his white room, the camera never working and the broken television only serving to reflect his monstrous face back at him. Inverted colors, his lab coat was black, it felt like funeral attire. He was dead, he had to be dead.
(He later learned that was mostly true, he wasn’t fully dead, but he wasn’t fully alive either)
Time wasn’t real in hospitals. They played football games on the tv, he watched a lot of football. He decided he liked the Packers. He decided he hated jello.
One day he decided to just leave. He walked out through the wall and broke into his parents empty house, dusted off his old lab and worked until he accidentally cured himself. The scars were still there, but the ecto acne was gone and his organs started to function semi normally again. He could almost trick himself into thinking he was still a person.
Finally, with his face fixed and with some control of his new reality, he looked up his old friends.
They had just gotten married. Maddie looked just as beautiful in her wedding dress as he’d known she would.
They consumed his waking moments and haunted his dreams even when he tried to focus on building an empire. He committed crimes and established himself as a person that mattered, but they haunted him. Jack’s stupid smile, Maddie’s laugh, their disgusted faces at seeing what he’d become. He forgave Maddie, it hadn’t been her fault, but Jack. Jack was his murderer.
Jack found his new number and started calling him about every little thing. He’d picked up once, but hearing Jack light up like the idiot he was and call out his name had made him so nauseous he’d had to choke back bile. He changed his number a few times before he gave up and just deleted the voicemails as they came in. He always listened to each message first, just to know his enemy better. He taped a few, only because Maddie said a few things as well.
They had a daughter.
Vlad didn’t care that they were living the life he wanted, he didn’t! He overshadowed more people, told more lies, and clawed his way up the societal ladder. He forced the world to recognize he mattered.
They had a son.
He didn’t care, Dalv co was established and that took up his time.
He trained his ghost half until Plasmius barely resembled him. His skin had turned blue and his teeth had grown long and sharp, so inhuman he wondered if the split truly was half and half. He learned to change from the clothes he died in and chose his own. He practiced his powers until he was sick and built his own portal that didn’t explode. He hid behind a table when it came to life, but it worked. He met the first ghost that wasn’t himself and won that fight pretty easily.
He learned to see ghosts the same way he saw people, as tools to exploit.
He bought a castle and finally left the house he’d grown up in.
It had almost been ten years.
The call came in.
Jack and Maddie were dead.
37 notes · View notes
prolix-yuy · 2 years
I have never, ever asked anyone for an ask before so I don't know any of the rules for these things. For the pairing, can we ask for a pairing like Marcus Pike x Jack Daniels x Reader (cause Double Agents is a Mood™️ and a Vibe™️) or like either of those Singular x Reader.
And it's ME, so obviously I have to choose "CHAOS and order" as the topic. Chaos is my middle name after all.
Also please feel free to make this as explicit as possible. I mean, as you'd like.
If I did this wrong and I should change something let me know because like I said I've never done this before, so it is to YOU - Tumblr Crush Bestie - that I am losing my ask virginity. Seems fitting! 😉
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Aynsley. Oh Aynsley. You come into my house and ask for filth? For chaos? To be as EXPLICIT AS POSSIBLE?
I am happy to provide, my dear Tumblr Crush Bestie!
Sorry it's taken so gosh-darn long, these three were taking their sweet time figuring out the threesome twister game. I hope you enjoy!
Two Truths and a Lie
Pairing: Jack "Whiskey" Daniels x F!Reader x Marcus Pike
Summary: If you said you didn't want what these two men have in store, you'd be a liar.
Word Count: 6.3k (YOU'RE WELCOME)
Warnings: Explicit, 18+ MINORS DNI, descriptions of male and female bodies, m/m dynamics, mmf dynamics, breast play, biting, oral sex (m and f receiving), handjobs, brief rimming, use of anal plug, anal sex (m receiving), face sitting, PiV sex, everyone's bisexual, aftercare, dirty talking because I'm a slut for it.
Notes: I've been teasing this for so long and it's finally arrived! And I'm embodying the 'chaos' in the request by barely editing this. Should I have? Maybe. Will I deny us any of the filth these three get into? Absolutely not. Enjoy my lovelies!
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The first time you lied you didn’t even know what you were doing. Barely speaking full sentences and you pushed a boy over in the playground. He was loud, mean, and you were so full of emotions your little body had to retaliate. But when the teacher came over and asked what happened, you lied.
“He fell.”
The boy was too embarrassed to admit it was you, ushered away by the teacher. And you basked in a new feeling that would grow to be your constant companion: the elation of getting away with it.
Now, much later in life, you’d perfected lying. You lied like you breathed. Tells well hidden, truths spread like jam on burnt bread, just enough to hide the taste. You didn’t want to be punished, or caught. It wasn’t about waiting for someone to call you out. Lying was a language you spoke fluently and without equal, and was a competition with only yourself as audience.
Take tonight, for example. You’d lied to your friends that you didn’t feel well enough to go out. You’d lied to the bartender about why you were here. You’d even lied to the Uber driver, who could care less why you were coming to a swank hotel bar this late at night. But that’s three unsuspecting participants and three more tallies on the invisible scoreboard. 
The truth, not that you’d ever say it, was that you were bored. Endlessly, achingly bored. If you had to listen to one more pregnancy story, or upcoming wedding plans, or theorize on whatever show everyone was watching this time, you might actually scream. So tonight you forewent the Mexican restaurant your friends love and came here.
The bar is lush in a way that makes you salivate. Burgundy velvet chairs flank dark leather Chesterfield couches, artfully arranged to create the illusion of privacy underneath the cathedral ceilings. Royal blue and black brocade wallpaper flanks you as you approach the bar, black walnut wrapped around a towering wall of liquor. The stools glint gold as you slide onto one, balancing delicately. It’s not until you put in your drink order and settle back that you see them.
Once you do, you’re not sure how they escaped your observation. Two men seated at a high top overlooking city lights, casually sipping from rocks glasses. One is clean shaven, short haired and neatly dressed. Corporate attire - a tidy suit, tie, crisp white shirt. His face is soft in the table’s candlelight, eyes crinkled in the corners enough to know he enjoys himself without reservation. 
The other man holds some of the same features - large hands swirling alcohol in his tumbler, dark hair and eyes, a broad build - but the similarities end with the confidence he’s exuding. His outfit is more cowboy chic, dark jeans and a gray suit jacket over a light pink shirt with a peek of suspenders under the lapel. His boots hook over a stool rung, tilted back as his companion leans forward. The smirk painting his face paired with his teasing eyes quirks a smile of your own. Definitely cocksure, and possibly for good reason if those tight jeans were anything to go by.
Then the cowboy reaches across the table and pinches the other man’s chin between his thick fingers, a softer look gracing his face. The other man flushes a light pink, eyes casting down as his smile turns bashful.
Suddenly you’re too hot, snapping your gaze back to your drink.
Not for you.
Not that you’d assumed either of them would turn their attention your way. They were both your type in a room with surprisingly few options, but the night is young, and your drink has barely been touched. You lift it to your lips for a small sip, letting the liquor burn in the way good sex can light you aflame (an experience you’d been low on lately) when a voice murmurs at your shoulder.
“Drinking alone?” 
The blushing companion is now at your elbow, respectful but close enough that it makes your skin tingle. He leans on the bar, nodding once to the bartender with a smile before redirecting his attention back to your purposefully neutral expression.
“For now,” you reply cryptically, taking a sip of your drink as you peek at him over the rim. His smile widens, a glint of teeth between soft, kissable lips. Shouldn’t have been fantasizing about a conquest tonight, now you’re too keyed in to a man who’s out of your league in several ways. 
“Would you like some company while you wait? My partner and I have a table,” he says as two glasses slide into his grasp. You shrug.
“My friends will be here soon.”
“Of course. One drink.”
“Only one.”
“As the lady wishes.”
One drink turns into two, your wits still about you but your attention pleasingly bewitched by the couple. Marcus, the one who approached, is an FBI agent specializing in art crimes, which you unabashedly question him about while the cowboy smirks in your periphery. 
“You can tell the difference between a fake and an original on sight?” 
Marcus chuckles into the rim of his glass, tongue peeking out to stop an errant drop. 
“Only the very bad ones. The good ones need analysis, imaging, carbon dating. But it’s amazing to see how far someone will go.”
His knee knocks into yours and remains there.
The cowboy’s name is Jack Daniels, which makes you scoff until he raises an eyebrow at you. He even works at a distillery, though he was a field agent in a past life. That’s how he and Marcus met, the mention exchanging fondness that makes you gaze into your own drink for distraction. He orders a round of Statesman as proof of his fine taste, and you have to agree it’s much better than the whiskey most men offer you as though you know nothing of liquor. 
He lifts his boot to catch on the low rung of your stool, opening the span of his thighs to you. If you didn’t know better you would think these two were…
“We have a question for you, darlin,” Jack says when the drinks run dry, pinning you with a smirk. You straighten your spine, chin lifted to pre-empt your refusal.
You didn’t want to see what these men might offer.
“Marcus saw you come in and thought you were about the prettiest thing he’d laid eyes on. But I’m a little more discerning. I like women to be smarter than me.” You roll your eyes but he keeps on running that smooth Southern drawl. “Which you are. Clearly. So I’m gonna ask you this for the both of us, and it only goes for the both of us. Package deal.”
Your eyes dart between Jack and Marcus, observing their drastically different postures. Marcus is nervous, hands folded tightly in front of him, eyes locked on them as he worries at his lower lip. Jack, on the other hand, is a man negotiating a deal and has all the confidence in the world, though he’s tuned in to Marcus’ discomfort. You wonder briefly if this is how they work best, Jack taking the lead. The thought blares heat across your chest.
“What would you like to ask?” you reply cooly, even though your heart hammers so loud you’re sure they can hear it. It’s under control until Jack’s eyes flick down to your hand worrying at your glass. His gaze flits up - caught.
“We’d like to invite you up to our room,” Jack says simply, leaning back in his seat. Marcus finally tears his eyes from his hands and watches for your reaction. You smirk at them both.
“For a nightcap?” you ask innocently, but the dark humor that spreads over Jack’s face shakes your resolve.
“No, darlin, we’d like to invite you into our bed. If that’s favorable to you, of course,” Jack says, the game ping-ponging between you as Marcus watches. 
“I assumed I wasn’t your type,” you stall, interrogating yourself about the offer. Did you want to let them lead you away from here? 
You’re definitely not bored anymore. If anything you’re aching at the thought.
“You are,” Marcus interjects, pulling your attention from Jack’s intense stare. His face is open, eager, kind. He seems like the kind of man who wears soft sweaters and asks you how your day was and actually listens. What a pair they make. 
“I’d like to have an idea of what I’m getting myself into before agreeing to anything,” you say, but your voice is getting shakier by the minute. Marcus slides his hand across the table, fingertips lightly grazing the back of your hand. It’s grounding, comforting.
“Safety for everyone, of course. Protection all around,” Jack says, speaking in a low voice that urges you to lean forward. It gives him the opportunity to graze his fingers along your thigh in a featherlight touch that burns you with arousal. “Marcus likes it when I take charge, but you’re our guest so whatever your comfort level is, we’ll respect. If you’d like to take a break or end it at any time, we stop.”
Then Jack leans in and destroys the final barriers between you and your decision.
“We both like to eat pussy, and will make you cum several times before fucking you. Marcus likes to be inside while I fuck him, but I’d like to feel you squeeze around me too. I won’t leave marks if you ask, but I like to use my mouth, and my teeth. Marcus wants to kiss you, often, and very thoroughly. He might be quiet now, but he’s vocal as hell when you get him riled up. I’m likely to never shut up unless my mouth’s busy.” 
Your breath is coming in quick pants now, Marcus’ fingers sliding along the back of your hand to open your fist and slip inside. Jack’s heavy hand on your thigh feels like all that’s keeping you held to the earth. Sensing your hesitation, Marcus leans in and breathes into your ear.
“Would you like that, sweetheart?”
You don’t hear your agreement over the rushing in your ears, but their twin smiles of satisfaction confirm it.
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Staring into the mirror and psyching yourself up to leave the bathroom, you adjust your lingerie for the eighth time. Mauve lace clings to your breasts, your hips, just opaque enough to be pretty instead of lewd. In this moment you wish it was more exciting, more daring for these men who offered you a spot in their bed. How tame you must seem after all the bravado you showed in the bar.
You’re not ready for this.
Gathering up your last bit of courage, you saunter into the hotel bedroom. You’d left Jack and Marcus there fully clothed, knowing smiles and the beginnings of flirty touches the last thing you’d seen. Now, you’re treated to a much more mouthwatering sight.
Jack is seated on the edge of the bed, jacket discarded and suspenders loose by his thighs. His shirt is messy and untucked, one final button around his stomach holding on for dear life after all the others abandoned their posts. His pants are open, and as you come to a stop you’re treated to Marcus’ deep groan as he swallows Jack’s cock to the base. His throat works as Jack tips his head back and sighs, hips gyrating a fraction against Marcus’ eager mouth. 
Fuck, it’s hot and drives a spike of arousal straight to your cunt. Marcus’ strong back, bare and rippling across Jack’s lap, begs for your fingers to dig into his meaty shoulders. You catch him palming at his crotch, big brown eyes opening to look up at Jack. He’s rewarded with thick fingers carding through his short brown hair, pulling back to breathe heavily on the tip of Jack’s cock before descending again.
“Gorgeous, isn’t he?” Jack rasps when you realize you’ve been staring too long. His hand extends to you, and for a moment you think it’s better to leave them to it. They clearly have history, and chemistry. You don’t belong here.
You slide your hand into Jack’s, letting him lead you to sit beside him. Sinking into his side, he gives you the perfect view to look down at Marcus’ thorough deep-throating. His eyes drag up, and the hand gripping Jack’s thigh now comes to rest on yours. He’s firm but gentle, kneading the flesh there.
“I’d like to kiss you, sweetheart,” Jack whispers into the shell of your ear, dragging his lips just to your neck to press a featherlight kiss. You’re hesitant, but he lets you breathe against his mouth before leaning forward just enough to press your lips together. The wet mouth noises Marcus is choking out below you are a strange soundtrack to the sweetness of Jack’s kiss. He plies you with a few more, fuller, more forceful, before dragging his tongue over the seam of your lips. You part eagerly for him, meeting his full stroke with your quicker tongue. Jack groans into your mouth, the beginning of a smile curling against the corner of your lips. 
“Now him,” he says, leaning back and guiding your head down to Marcus. He slips off Jack’s wet cock, jutting thick and proud, and rises on his knees to take your head in his hands. There’s less hesitation here; you melt fully into Marcus’ kiss. Jack was right, Marcus kisses thoroughly, patiently, diving deep before pulling back to let you breathe. It builds a fire under your skin, your nails digging into his shoulders. 
Distantly you feel Jack’s thick fingers unclasp your bra, then his hands - callused in places that made you wonder if he was a real cowboy once - guide you to lay back on the bed. You part from Marcus with a small sigh, but Jack follows you down, the scrape of his mustache on your throat as he slips his thumb over your kiss-swollen lips. Settling on your back, Marcus’ hands slide under your knees and soon the smooth expanse of his back surges under your calves. 
“Look at this,” Marcus hums, stroking down your thighs. Jack hums in agreement as he slips your bra off, the cool air tightening your nipples. “Anything you don’t like, sweetheart?” Jack’s mouth distracts you as he blows across the swell of your breast, making your back arch at the sensation.
“No teeth,” you say, finally hazarding a look down your body at the men driving you to madness. Jack looks visibly disappointed, which makes you tug at his well-coiffed locks. “For him, not you.” Marcus breaks into a smile and honest-to-goodness chuckles between your legs, and Jack winks up at you before a slip of pink tongue wraps around your nipple. Any further instruction is wiped from your mind as you arch into the clever heat of his mouth, paired with the squeeze of his other hand around your neglected breast. His teeth graze your nipple, hips rolling involuntarily before getting pressed firmly into the bed.
“Can’t wait to taste this,” Marcus murmurs, and two fingers slide underneath the gusset of your panties, knuckles dragging through your folds. He leaves open-mouthed kisses below your bellybutton, dragging his nose down to smell you through the thin lace. You want so desperately to focus but so many hands pulling you apart so effortlessly has your eyes rolling up into your head and your body writhing. 
Finally, Marcus licks a wide path along your lacy slit as Jack rolls your nipple between his fingers and you keen out a desperate moan.
“Oh, baby, sounds like someone needs you to make her cum,” Jack teases into your neck, sliding his hand down and into your panties to tease your aching clit. Marcus is still licking along the lace, pressing his tongue at your entrance just enough that their touches light up every nerve carrying pleasure to your lust-soaked brain.
“Let me take these off you and get you all over my face,” Marcus purrs, lifting your hips to drag the last scrap of clothing off your body. They’re both still half-clothed and looking at you like a goddess draped across the bed, and it almost makes you balk.
Liar. It makes you even more excited.
Jack removes his fingers, sucking them into his mouth with a low hum while Marcus noses your inner thigh. You can’t stop your legs from trembling, but Marcus’ firm grip steadies you as he finally licks a slow path through your folds.
“Oh fuck,” you gasp, arching into the pillows as Jack presses your hips back on the bed. 
“He’s good, ain’t he? Wicked tongue on him, and I swear he’s half fish, never needs to come up for air,” Jack teases, pressing his body against your side and stroking through Marcus’ short hair. He nips at your earlobe as Marcus begins lapping rhythmically at your entrance, his nose firm on your clit and his jaw bobbing against you. The waves of his tongue, the jolt of that hawkish nose, the dark pride simmering in his eyes as he watches you, all burn under your skin. Your orgasm is fast approaching, nipples tight and aching. Sliding your thumb over one, you coax the honey-sweet ache of arousal out against Marcus’ tongue. Jack notices and joins you, stroking his rougher ones over the sensitive buds. His cock ruts lazily against your hip, and you slide your hand around him to pump him in time with your rolling hips.
“Oh, sweetheart, you’re so good,” he praises, sinking his teeth into the top of your breast just hard enough that prickles of pain pull you away from your heady arousal. It slams back into you the moment he releases the sensitive flesh, laving his tongue over the indents his teeth left behind.
“C’mon baby, that’s it, you’re so close,” Marcus encourages between your legs, lips barely leaving before doubling down. His whole head rocks against your cunt, long licks and drags of his lips and nose and chin through your messy sex. He must be coated in you, thick and tangy across his clean-shaven face. If Jack did the same, he’d carry you in that perfectly groomed mustache.
That image, Jack with his mustache dripping with your release, tightens your core as Marcus urges your hips to roll against him, chasing your orgasm frantically as he growls into your cunt. 
“Give it to me, baby, cum on my face, I know you have it right there for me, fucking give it to me. Cum on me. Cum on me now,” he orders, and with Jack’s whispered “He’s been so good, cum for him sweetheart,” you’re tightening around Marcus’ head and shaking through a fucking full-body orgasm. Faintly you hear Marcus chanting, “Yes, yes, that’s it baby, that’s it,” and Jack purring a diatribe of, “Good girl, you’re cumming so good for us, look at that, fucking gorgeous.” The room fades around the edges, the boys all you can focus on. Marcus’ eyes are shining with triumph, wiping his face as he beams up between your legs. Jack hovers over you, pride and sinful promise in his smile.
“That was a very good one, Marcus. Gonna give me a run for my money,” he says, stroking your cheek as you try to come back to the real world from your sky-high journey. The comforting warmth at your side fades as Jack sits up on the bed, tugging Marcus by his hair. Blearily you watch them kiss, tongues peeking out from their pressed lips as Jack tastes you on Marcus. He reaches down and deftly unbuttons Marcus’ pants, shoving everything down to reveal his weeping cock. Jack’s palms it, nodding to Marcus who leans over just enough to spit on his own cock before Jack gives him a few slow, firm strokes. You can tell how much Marcus is affected, mouth dropping into an O as his eyes drifting shut. Jack indulges him a few passes more before pulling a condom out of his pocket.
“Fill her up, pretty boy, she’s been so patient.”
You prop yourself up on shaky elbows as Marcus rolls the condom on, hazy gaze kindling the remains of your orgasm into a new possibility. He slots his hips between your thighs, crawling up your body to kiss you with the remains of your taste on his tongue. Jack stole most of it, but you can still relish in your tang.
“I want to fuck you, baby, can I? I’ll stretch you out good first,” he asks against your lips, the head of his cock resting just on your mound. He fists it and draws circles on your clit with the tip, your spine pulling tight up under him.
“Yes, Marcus, want you inside me,” you gasp, but before he fits his perfect cock inside he pumps two gloriously thick fingers into your cunt, stroking at your velvet soaked walls before curling them wickedly.
“So tight. Fuck, Jack, you’re gonna love this,” Marcus husks, scissoring his fingers and swirling his thumb over your sensitive clit. 
“Want to show her what you’ve been hiding, handsome?” Jack asks innocently, but you see goosebumps raise along Marcus’ arms and shoulders when the cowboy nips at his ear, winking at you. “Reach back here, darlin’, and feel,” Jack instructs as you follow the path of his hand around Marcus’ hip. He guides you to the smooth base of the plug in Marcus’ ass, making him shudder when you press your fingers against it.
“He’s been waiting all night for this, would you let me fuck him while he fucks you?” Jack asks. You trace a finger around Marcus’ stretched hole and he drops his head to your shoulder with a choked groan.
“You want that, Marcus? Want to fill me while Jack fills you?” His stuttering breath warms your neck as he nods. Reaching back, you prop yourself up with a couple pillows so you can better watch, your hands cupping Marcus’ face as Jack slowly works the plug out of him. When his mouth drops open you stroke your thumb along his bottom lip, pulling his attention from any discomfort back to you. Marcus empties out a sigh when Jack pulls the sensible black plug from him and places it on the bedside table. He returns with a slim bottle of lube that he dribbles onto his fingers.
“Now Marcus, I want you to put the tip in her and get yourself good and hard while I slide into your pert little ass. Once I’m in and you’re settled I’ll set the pace. Don’t want you hurting yourself.” The gentle instruction warms your skin as Jack smooths his hands over Marcus’ back and sides. He nods and you stroke your fingers through his hair reassuringly.
“You’re gonna feel so good inside me,” you say, circling your hips against his cock as he fists himself again. 
“You’re beautiful,” Marcus whispers, and as he wedges just the tip of his thick cock inside you he presses open-mouthed kisses to your neck and shoulder. The shallow stretch makes your toes curl, one of Jack’s hands massaging your calf as his mouth smacks against Marcus’ spine.
“Ready?” he asks one last time.
“Yes, Jack, please…”
The litany of moans and gasps Marcus litters onto your skin lights your arousal further aflame as Jack curses and pushes in. You’re enraptured by the concentration on his face, the tick of his jaw and swipes of his tongue over his lower lip as he thrusts shallowly into Marcus’ tight channel. You can feel every jolt in your cunt when he presses Marcus just a little further forward, burying himself just a little deeper inside you. It’s slow as cold molasses and driving Marcus to bliss. When he begins backing up against Jack you stroke his back, and Jack’s larger hand covers yours.
“Fuck, feel so full,” Marcus manages to say, and Jack leans over to kiss along his shoulders. Your mouth is already at the juncture of his neck, and Jack meets your lips with his own. Marcus turns his head enough to kiss you behind your ear, and to catch the hinge of Jack’s sharp jaw with a scrape of teeth.
“Okay sweethearts, I’m gonna fuck you now. Slow to start. Get our rhythm.” Jack then pulls back and thrusts forward hard enough to bury the rest of Marcus’ length inside you.
“Oh fuck,” you gasp, Marcus already being guided back out before Jack fucks him back into you. “Oh holy shit, ohhhh fuck, yes, please, oh fuck it’s so good,” you moan brokenly, Marcus cupping your cheek and pressing his mouth to yours. You open for him, his tongue plunging into you as he pounds your cunt over and over again. The wet slaps are offset by the slick squelches of Jack’s cock fucking into Marcus, timing his thrusts just right to let you both feel every ridge and vein inside and around you. 
“Fuck, you both are so fucking hot,” Jack grits out, one hand gripping your hip, the other Marcus’, as he set a faster pace. Marcus drops to his elbows and rolls his hips harder, snapping into you and back onto Jack. The quiet moans he was hiding before erupt into full-throated shouts, which Jack muffles by shoving his fingers into Marcus’ mouth. He drools around them, and when his glazed eyes meet yours you lick the back of Jack’s knuckles and over Marcus’ lips.
“Filthy girl, knew you were,” Jack pants. “You close, handsome?” 
Marcus nods frantically, eyebrows pinching and fisting the sheets as he speeds up from Jack’s rhythm to chase his orgasm. Jack chuckles before folding over you both, crushing Marcus to your chest.
“I’ve got you, baby boy.” With that Jack pounds into you both, Marcus buried so deep you can feel Jack’s thrusts nudge him against your g-spot. You grip their hair, Jack’s eyes locking with yours as he growls through each thrust. 
“Call him a good boy, sweetheart.”
“Fuck, Marcus, you’re so good for me, feel so good inside. Cum for me like a good boy, Marcus.”
That’s all it takes, and Marcus is howling into your neck as Jack grinds deep. His cock pulses heavily inside you, the force of his orgasm shivering through his limbs as they lock and release. Finally he lets go, slumping his full weight onto your chest. Jack kisses the back of his neck, fingers stroking down his arms and soothing him through the aftershocks.
“You’ve got a way with him, darlin’, he rarely cums that hard,” Jack coos, sliding his arms around Marcus to guide him off. Rolling him to his back, Jack peppers Marcus’ face with soft kisses as he weakly throws an arm around Jack’s back. His other hand searches for yours, twining your fingers together as he blinks sleepily between you both.
“Shit, that was amazing,” he croaks, sending Jack to the bathroom for a glass of water and to dispose of the condoms. “C’mere, wanna hold you,” he adds, tugging you to curl up against his side. His hands roam your back, nose pressed against your forehead as his rapid heartbeat begins to slow. It’s oddly romantic, happy to give and receive this moment of comfort. But you’re sure it’s the end of the night, and you’ll be fine going back home soon.
“Now darlin’, as good of a time as it looks like you were having, I don’t think you came,” Jack says once Marcus has had a good long drink and settled back into the pillows. 
“I had plenty of fun,” you say lazily, stroking Marcus’ chest as it rises and falls. Jack tuts and shakes his head, moving to sit on the edge of the bed.
“Told you I wanted to eat your pussy too. Come sit on my face and let me give you another. Then, if you’re not too tired out, I’ll have you sit on my cock too.” 
Heat races over your body, and Marcus unwinds you from his arms. 
“Go on, gorgeous, Jack’s tongue is a treat you should never turn down,” he teases. “I’ll be along as soon as I catch my breath.”
Sitting up, you scoot closer to Jack as a strange nervousness settles in. Marcus is so open and easy to read, while Jack’s expressions always seem veiled behind a layer of showmanship and bravado. You find yourself worrying that you won’t be enough for him, for what he wants.
“What’s going through that pretty head of yours?” Jack interrupts your racing thoughts as he strokes his palm up your thigh. You shake your head, forcing a smile on.
“Nothing,” you say, your voice catching in your throat. Jack chews on his lower lip for a moment, then wraps his arms around your waist and guides you onto his lap. Straddling him, you hover as he pets your hips, smooths your back, and noses your neck with a gentle kiss along your collarbone.
“If it’s nerves, honey, then know that I have been looking forward to tasting, and fucking you all night. I want your tits in my mouth, your pussy, your tongue. I want to devour you, you’re so delicious.” He guides your hips down to press against his cock, hard and hot as he slips the soft skin against your wet folds. “You cannot possibly disappoint me, I could cum from your voice alone.” 
“Jack…” you breathe, and he leans back, pulling you along with him. Once flat on his back he guides your nipple into his mouth, humming indulgently as he teases the bud with his fast tongue and harsh sucks. You arch into his mouth, the length of his cock grinding against your clit. Switching to the other one, he nips lightly and chuckles when you jolt against him. His large hands paw at your ass, spreading your cheeks and kneading at the supple flesh. He cracks his hand against one with a sharp slap, soothing it with a stroke after. You’re dripping on him now, grinding along his length.
“Perfect, sweetheart, now climb up and put that hot little pussy on my face,” he orders, and all self-consciousness drips away as you climb up his body. Before you settle around his shoulders he taps your hip and guides you to swing around so you’re facing his neglected cock, hovering over his greedy mouth.
“Want your hand around my cock while I eat you out,” he says before pulling you down on his face. 
No matter the thorough fucking you just endured, Jack’s thick tongue sends a shudder up your spine, needing to grab his wrists. He hums into your folds, faster flicks than Marcus against your clit.
“I’m gonna drink you down, darlin’,” he purrs into your cunt, canting your hips so he can better seal his pouty lips around your clit. Falling forward, you loosely stroke Jack’s aching cock, throbbing with need after being denied his orgasm. Letting a dribble of spit drip onto his length, you slick him up to take a tighter grip. When your fingers glance over the ridge of his head his stomach tightens, hips rocking up to meet your strokes. 
“Your cock is gorgeous, Jack,” you praise, leaning down to place a soft kiss on the tip. The groan he lets out vibrates against your sex, eliciting your own pleasured sigh as he slips his tongue inside you.
“He’s very good at using it,” Marcus says just next to your shoulder, sliding off the bed to kneel between Jack’s knees. He replaces your hand on Jack’s cock, urging you to sit back up on Jack’s face. He worships your breasts with soft sucks and nibbles, working you both up higher and higher. You can feel Jack’s movements getting sloppier, distracted gasps bursting between your legs when he takes a moment to bask in his own pleasure. You weave your hands into Marcus’ hair, scratching along his scalp as he kisses his way up your neck and back to your waiting mouth. 
“Mmm, sweetheart he’s not gonna last much longer, and I know he wants to cum in you too. Let me wrap him up and then you can fuck his cock.” Marcus takes a moment to tear open a condom as you shuffle down Jack’s body. His mouth leaves you with a parting lick to your back entrance, the ticklish sensation making you giggle and scratch your nails down his flexing stomach. When you’re hovering over his cock, Marcus’ hand on the base guiding Jack in, he sits up behind you. 
“Most beautiful thing I’ll ever get to experience,” Jack murmurs, plastering his chest to your back and wrapping his arms around you. He guides you down as Marcus steadies him in, filling you so differently but so completely. 
“Fuck, Jack, you feel amazing,” you croon, head thrown back against his shoulder. Marcus lifts up on his knees to kiss Jack, clever fingers petting at your clit as you lift up just enough to let Jack feel the drag of your tight cunt, then back down to his base to elicit a wanton groan.
“Darlin’, you feel like heaven. Don’t know how Marcus didn’t bust immediately.” Marcus nips his Adam’s apple and switches to mouthing at your throat, both of their lips dancing along the expanse of your sweat-slicked skin. Sandwiched between them, the slide of their bodies against yours is addictive, intoxicating, endless in the pleasure it brings. Your cunt clenches around Jack, and he chuckles darkly in your ear before snapping his hips up into you.
“There’s my good girl, so tight around me. I’m gonna fuck you as hard and long as I can, but fuck me if you don’t feel like the best thing I’ve ever put my cock in.” Jack grabs the back of Marcus’ head and pulls him back to meet eyes. “Lick her clit, pretty boy.”
You didn’t think your arousal could climb any higher, but looking down to see Jack’s length sliding in and out of you paired with Marcus sinking down to lick a stripe from the base of Jack’s cock to your clit almost kills you. Marcus’ boyish smile would be your gravestone if you didn’t remember to breathe.
“Holy fuck,” you choke out as he lays out his thick pink tongue to stroke over and over along your joined bodies.
“Damn right, you’re doing so good for us Marcus,” Jack grits out, pulling you down on his fat cock so you don’t bounce away from Marcus’ talented tongue.
“Could do better,” Marcus says thoughtfully, reaching for the bottle of lube. Slicking up his fingers, he slides his hand down to tease Jack’s rim.
“Fuck, baby, you know how I like that,” Jack groans, bringing a wicked smile to Marcus’ face. Kissing your mound, Jack tenses hard under you with a broken gasp. “Fuckfuckfuckfuck, yes baby, that’s fucking perfect, you keep your fingers right there while I cum in her. Just like that, sweet boy.”
Leaning down you grab Marcus by the jaw and devour him, teeth clacking briefly as you fill his mouth with your tongue. He whimpers below you before you part, lips spit-slicked and slacked.
“Gonna cum, sweetheart, Marcus you better…” Jack threatens but Marcus is already latching his mouth onto your clit, sucking hard and fast while his fingers flex inside Jack. The relentless grind against your g-spot, the ruthless pressure on your clit, the overwhelming ache that can’t build anymore before it needs to go somewhere washes over you, and you cum with a wail on these two gorgeous men. Jack follows as your walls flutter around him, with a litany of, “That’s it baby, your pussy’s so fucking good, I’m…oh shit, I’m cumming, M-Marcus baby don’t stop, don’t you fucking stop, oh shiiiiii…” You faintly wonder if Marcus came again before a spurt of hot cum against your calf answers your question.
The silence that follows, filled with gasps and panting and weak hands on skin, is the moment you dread. It’s the last moment before the peace and quiet in your mind fades, urging you to gather up your clothes and go before you say something or do something that will ruin this. But with Marcus wrapping his arms around you, resting his head on your shoulder, and Jack pressed against your back, you have no place to go. 
“Thank you, darlin’, that was the most fun I’ve had in a long time, wouldn’t you agree?” Jack says, pressing a line of kisses from behind your ear to the curve of your shoulder. Marcus leans back and thumbs your chin, tired eyes and a loose smile.
“Definitely. Can we take care of you now, sweetheart?” 
Your eyebrows must have pulled up into a frown, because Marcus chuckles just a little and cradles your head.
“What, you thought we’d fuck you and make you leave?” he teases, and you have to school your face carefully. You didn’t expect them to be this caring, or kind.
Then you didn’t expect them to want more than your body once they were through.
Then what did you expect?
Marcus thankfully speaks, similar to that that soothing way Jack enticed you here.
“Well then, I’m going to take you into the shower to clean you up, and Jack’s gonna make the bed and join us after. Once we’re clean and hydrated, I’m going to put on The Thin Man and we’re going to get into bed together. If you’re not comfortable spending the night, I understand. But I - we - want you to. Not just because tomorrow morning I want to wake you up with both of our heads between your legs.” Jack slides out of you and holds you in his arms, nuzzling into the back of your neck. 
“I don’t…” you try to say, both men waiting patiently. “I didn’t expect this. I don’t know what to do now.”
You know exactly what to do. 
Marcus’ lopsided smile and Jack’s pressed into your skin are promises you never asked for, but would gladly accept.
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. We’ve got you.”
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sampofan28 · 4 months
Aventurine and the Masked Fools: An Uncut Ramble of a Mad Man With Bad Sleep
OKAY I'VE WANTED TO TALK ABOUT THIS FOR AGES SO HERE GOES: Aventurine being invited to join the masked fools is so awesome. Like just, genuinely so so so awesome. I LOVE THE MASKED FOOLS, THEIR EASILY MY FAVORITE FACTION IN GAME, AHA IS MY FAVORITE AEON. I've been big into their lore since 1.0 but for a lot of non-masked fool fans Penacony was an introduction to the masked fools for a lot of people.
I think they did great, AND HERE'S WHY. During Penacony we get to see Sampo and Sparkle, what I'd say are the two opposite ends of the masked fools:
Sparkle is a genuinely chaotic evil type of character; she enjoys suffering, she finds pleasure in the pain she causes right. She just likes messing with people in often the most cruel ways, and revels in the chaos. She is the most heinous and evil type of masked fool (and its really cool I love a good chaotic evil). She also appears to be how a lot of the Galaxy views the masked fools: as these evil weirdos who make no sense.
On the other hand, you get Sampo. Now, big lore enthusiasts have been theorizing he's a masked fool since like day 1, and it was confirmed back in the version Topaz came out in (I wanna say 1.4 but I might be wrong). But he's the exact opposite: he views those who find their elation through suffering (like Sparkle) to be distasteful. He doesn't like them, and it almost seems like he looks down/dislikes MOST of the other masked fools. Sure, he is all for going against the law, a little petty crime, some fun chaos, but he clearly has boundaries; he never seriously harms anyone, he never does any really horrific crimes, and we know he's good with kids. In fact, he enjoys playing with Hook and the other moles. He's a chaotic neutral sure but overall he's probably a positive force to Belobog. (Also I have a theory that he orchestrated most of the Belobog plot to take down Cocolia and save it but its not technically canon so yknow).
Now I'm gonna explain something a lot of people don't get about the Masked Fools; they are not purely chaotic, they do have a basic ideology, they believe life is meaningless and thus one should have as much elation in their lives as possible. BASICALLY: LIFE IS POINTLESS, HAVE FUN. Which each Masked Fool we've met interprets differently. The other aspect of the Masked Fools is often, NOT ALWAYS BUT OFTEN the ideology attracts people desperate, depressed by life, destroyed in some way. And they tend to reach out to these people as well; it makes sense, if your life has been miserable suffering for no reason, then yeah that would appeal.
AND AVENTURINE IS ONE OF THE BEST APPEAL TO SHOW THIS WITH. His life is horrific, tragedy after tragedy, loss after loss, his freedom almost always out of his hands; he's lived a terrible life that he really never had control in. And prior to the ending of 2.2 he didn't believe he had anyone like truly anyone there for him.
So the Masked fools call out to him, and I think this was a great way to show the masked fools to a lot of more casual fans too: immediately you can connect the dots a lot of them probably were miserable or had horrible lives. Hell I haven't read Sparkle's lil character stories but from my understanding her life was/is pretty damn terrible. It also helps with Aventurine's character; he doesn't want to view life as meaningless, despite the fact he's clearly suicidal, he clearly sees a point in life. My mutual has much better explained it but yeah he connects much more to the preservation than you might initially think. Also ignoring the iffy elements of it I think having Sparkle and Aventurine interact so much was a smart decision thematically, as though this hopelessness the Masked Fools embrace is clawing at Aventurine, trying to lure him in, encapsalate him, and yet it doesn't. He finds a purpose, a will to live, he realizes he does have people who care for him ITS GREAT.
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imthepunchlord · 8 months
Man, hearing about the season 1 days of miraculous makes remember when we first saw the leaks of the season and first the art for the pearls and stone, Alya with the fox (and how everyone called her Volpina), and Chloe with the bee. Man, those were days. I also remember how everyone was thinking Gabriel had the peacock and Emilie had the butterfly originally. I even remember when we first got that one image of Pixie Girl, and everyone thought she was a teenage Emilie with the butterfly miraculous that was going to appear in a flashback episode 😆. Ah, I miss those days.
Gosh so much is taking me back.
I remember expanded Square chaos. I remember there were theories of Ladybug and "Volpina"/Rena being rivals/antagonists to each other as a reversal of them being best friends + clearly Marinette wouldn't trust the new Fox (which I was never crazy about, especially as you typically didn't see that for Adrien and Nino, felt like turning girls against each other); and QB and LB were going be friendly. And there were speculated shenanigans for QB and RR, I think there was also a small rise of Chloya and the idea that maybe they'd have their own Square going.
Some I didn't see, like the theory that Pixie was teen Emilie, but I did see that she was planned for the NY Special, and there were the plans for the Shanghai Special.
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I really did theorize that Marinette and Adrien were going to get their own exclusive Specials to be focused on, with Marinette in Shanghai and Adrien in NY and he for sure was going to work with Pixie.
Another theory I had was where Fu was going to become Marinette's mentor, Gabriel was going to be Adrien's, cause I did like the idea that he had the Peafowl, not Emilie. And I thought this concept art of Duusu was her being furious with Gabriel literally shutting her away.
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And something was going to go down and this "Paon" was going to steal the Peafowl from Gabriel.
Or she already did and what Gabriel had was a fake.
And potentially that HM was who Gabriel and Emilie feared and that's why Adrien wasn't allowed out.
Those really were the days. The theories were so fun. And much of it I think was more interesting than what we got.
And it was a time of aus. I don't know how many aus are being done for ML these days, I think most are salt fics now, but that was the time to have fun, do different spins. Doing kwami swaps. Life swaps. Cowboy au.
You could get creative with akumas, like, I remember finding old fics that swapped Marientte with Bridgette and trapped her in a different reality/timeline, and I kinda wish the Paris Special did that. Off topic, but I feel the Paris Special should've gone full comedy and full reversal for characters. And that we actually got to see this different Paris.
Like, could you imagine Marinette and Emonette swapping places, either through akuma or Bunnyx, and Marinette's scrambling trying to figure out how to get back and how to keep going in this topsy turvy world where apparently Ladybug is a villain? "Hawk Moth" is a good guy? Wtf is Chat wearing? Wtf happened to Adrien.
And you got Emonette just needing shades cause this world is so bright and sunny and why do these people keep talking to her? Tf happened to Adrien, was he a poser this whole time? HM's a villain? But of course he's a bad villain just like he's a bad hero. And ooooh she's going to have so much fun with Chloe... and who tf is this Lila and what does she think she's doing picking a fight with Emonette. Oh, she's adding her to her list...
And you could add to it if kwamis were also kinda reversed.
Emonette stuck with canon Tikki trying to get her Marinette back, but also trying to rein in Emonette, try to be that voice of reason and her consciousness, and oh, she's dumping all of Chloe's things down the toilet... she's got her work cut out for her.
Meanwhile Special Tikki is more "pure luck" and is more chaotic and sporadic, she's not outright malicious, but she's just rolling with that neutralness of luck, it having good and bad and it comes down to karma and your own actions. She's just here to sit and watch the consequences play out. Emonette was kinda funny though she was predictable in her karma as her negative actions fed negative consequences. But man, this Marinette is freaking hilarious. Tikki is constantly eating popcorn, enjoying the show cause she never knows what she's going to get with this well meaning if all over the place Marinette.
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sometimesrufus · 5 months
"So you know how, in Remake, the main branch of Avalanche shows up to raid Shinra? It is heavily implied (particularly after the release of the Yuffie DLC) that their presence there is a direct result of Rufus."
how was it implied that they were there as a result of rufus
Ah -cracks knuckles- time to revisit some Remake cutscenes!
But first, just for a more complete background on my thoughts, a big part of my take comes from what we know about Rufus's role as the main source of funds for Avalanche in Before Crisis. It's unclear what of BC still holds for the purposes of Remake, but these are basically the moments I see the game making nods to that, even though (theoretically) by the time of Remake, Rufus and Avalanche should have long ago parted ways.
Tseng's phone call.
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"The VP needs us."
The next we see the Turks, they're with Rufus, on the helipad at the top of Shinra tower. Rufus had no clue who Cloud even was at this point. He certainly wasn't there to fight him. He was there to kill his dad (not the first time he's tried); Sephiroth just beat him to the punch.
2. Wedge's report from the mayor's office.
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Wedge comes on and tells the main party that HQ is there to "flush out the president." Given Rufus's historic relationship to Avalanche and the fact he just called in the Turks, it makes a lot of sense that he was the one to rally the troops. It was all hands on deck to cause the necessary chaos to go commit patricide.
3. Zhijie's tease (from Intermission).
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While Solider is trying to beat Zhijie's informant out of him, first he tells them it was Heidegger. When he's told "Wrong answer!" and is hit again, he comes back with, "All right, all right, I'll tell you. It was Rufus."
To me this is either:
a) Zhijie being sassy knowing these guys won't even believe the truth
b) SE making a huge wink at their audience who know what's up
(or both, tbh XD)
There may have been a few other throwaway lines from Intermission that I'm not thinking of now, but these are the main three things that, in combination with my knowledge of BC, have formed the foundation of my belief that it was Rufus who called them in.
Thanks for the question! I love theorizing about these games.
ALSO, no spoilers, but in Rebirth there have been some BIG teases between Rufus and a certain other group... I'm withholding commentary until I finish the game, but boy howdy...
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spawnofbhaal · 7 months
Theorizing about what might have happened to Marazhai's mother, Farkaza Aezyrraesh . . .
Marazhai says she was a leader, and the family name Aezyrraesh seems very connected to the Kabal of the Reaving Tempest. She was also powerful enough to be protected while she carried two pregnancies to term. Therefore, I assume she was the Archon of the Reaving Tempest prior to Yremeryss (although iirc this isn't explicitly stated).
I also assume that, as she is no longer Archon, she is dead. My theory is that one of three things happened: (1) Yremeryss had her assassinated; (2) another kabal had her assassinated; or (3) Farkaza died during the dysjunction that occurred in the Path of the Dark Eldar books (which also could have led to an opportunity for assassination).
Because I like seeing connections between stories, I guess I like the idea that Farkaza died during that dysjunction, which occurred in 842.M41 (Rogue Trader takes place roughly around 999.M41 or the beginning of M42). So, with around 157 years taking place between Path of the Dark Eldar and the game, it would make sense if Marazhai and Yremeryss were alive during the dysjunction, and it impacted their lives.
A dysjunction, from my understanding of it from reading PotDE and playing Rogue Trader, occurs when there's a warp breach into Commorragh and daemons flood into the city. In addition to the danger posed by daemons attacking the city, many Drukhari take such occasions as an opportunity to attack enemy kabals or grab power if there's a power vacuum (which is apparently what Yremeryss wanted to do by causing a dysjunction in Rogue Trader).
In PotDE, total chaos ensued from the dysjunction. Many Drukhari (and other species, of course) died fighting the daemons or each other. But in addition to this, Commorragh's overlord, Vect (the guy who Marazhai fears enough not to talk about, and who is also the ultimate leader of the Black Heart Kabal that Nazrakhei was an Archon of), decided to regain control of Commorragh by unleashing weapons of mass destruction on everything and everyone inside it. (As a side note, there is an *awesome* Harlequin character in PotDE, Motley, who hates Vect for this).
What all this means with regard to Marazhai's mother is that she easily could have died during the dysjunction, whether from daemons, other Drukhari, her own daughter Yremeryss (who as we know thinks dysjunctions are a great way to shake up the power structure), or Vect basically nuking the place without caring if he killed daemons, rebels, or his own loyalists.
Anyway, I wish there was more info on what Marazhai's mother was like; she must have been a very interesting character.
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simplysly · 5 months
The relation between void and Bocchi??
You see I actually love the kirby series. The fact that a cute little pink blob could annihilate a eye-demon-god-alike thing kinda work for me. And I also like bocchi and i kinda rewatch it again not so long ago. And because I love both of it I can't really not see bocchi in void when it make faces like... this
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and.. this
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And just because of that splash intro and other faces void make, I can't really shake my head off but thinking that bocchi also make those face. The face them both make is the same and accurate.. or like 80% accurate. And so it add another idea on my mind.
What if bocchi reincarnated as void the astral birth? Or essence of chaos? Or both?
Now let me clear things off first for you who didn't know about void. As you all know I'm not referring to real void, I'm talking about void from kirby star allies that have a huge role to be the final boss in the game. Oh yeah have I told you about warning spoiler even tho the game were like old now? Oh yeah I won't cover like literally every information about void (I probably will just explain the basic about em)
So void is a creature that borned due to the amount of negative energy it absorbed which making it became evil and causing chaos almost immediately after it exist (or be freed from its seal). Though there are several more of this void creature across the dimensions and has been said to be the origin of the ancestor (as how I remember it).
Void also have the title of "destroyer of worlds" or "the true destroyer of worlds" and referred as god by hyness (the dark lord who summoned it) so it's actually unknown if this religion that hyness believe in actually do have real god or not (even confirmed by one of the dev on interview).
So that's probably all the general stuff (little of general stuff) that I do have to explain and probably the thing you just have to understand In order to understand of what I'm going to say. Ehem- so back to the topic, is bocchi void termina?
Well the first thing that them both have in similarities is that the both of them make goofy-ahh faces that is like almost identical to each other soo... that's one thing, the second thing is that I'm theorizing what if the negative energy that void get is simply bocchi anxiety, loneliness, and everything else she have been feeling that mostly is negative (when she's still alone) which make her reincarnated as.. void.
I've heard, or read a theory, or a sentence from some other game that after a person died the only thing that's left out of them is they're feeling or they're emotion. And what if (in some cases) bocchi died to some incident/accident. such as got hit by a truck and the thing that's still alive about her is her emotions, and that emotion make her reincarnated as the void termina in kirby universe since hyness is gathering as many negative energy as possible?
And the negative energy inside of hitori gotou a.k.a bocchi is as many as the energy hyness gathered? BOOM THEORY. (Sorry I felt like matpat rn lmao) even tho, there's no more support about this theory. (and perhaps never will be) except for the fact that void termina make a face that almost the same like how bocchi would make... faces.
Even though the game and anime not related at all it's pretty fun to think that as a... let's say, a headcannon perhaps? I don't know. I think that'll be all for what I have to say now, I just want to spread my own thoughts about stupid theory I have and all and all.
So yeah thank you for reading <3 (I'm desperate)
btw shoutout to @kerororants for giving me notification and reminded me that i have this........ sorta blog (big thanks <3)
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natureismynature · 1 year
As I said, I've written the the duo/trio/group names down idgwjsy this is not all of it since idk some and I refuse to acknowledge MANY. (Will be updating constantly methinks)
I'm sorry for everyone who finds duo/trio/group names cringe and want them to end, but this is literally a way for me to organize stuff and make it easier for me. Yeah they're annoying sometimes, but duo names help me find art/analysis/general information about a friendship in the server without having to search up individual names. Because everyone has stuff other than that one specific friendship.
Like, if I search up 'Foolish Gamers' hoping to find some good Castleduo content, I will NOT find it easily. If I search up 'Foolish Gamers and Cellbit' I will only see stuff about them individually and not together. What I'm saying is, duo names are there (at least for me) for accessibility. And I don't WANT to combine their names because that's what fandoms usually do for romantic ships, which duo names are decidedly NOT.
But I do agree that the fandom should stop naming duos by the players' first random interaction. Stressduo? Really? Stop it, I BEG. At least think of something creative ToT
Anyway, enough ranting and rambles, duo/trio/group names below the cut!
Cucurucho Buddies - Jaiden and Foolish (They named themselves, it's because they both like Cucurucho despite it being evil)
Castleduo - Cellbit and Foolish (They built a castle together and bonded during it)
Landduo - BBH and Foolish (They fought over land during dsmp)
The Jaidens - BBH, Foolish, Cellbit, and Jaiden (They went on an adventure together to complete Jaiden's quest)
Guapoduo - Roier and Cellbit (They call each other Guapito and Gatinho respectively and they're both handsome… ig)
Builderduo - Vegetta and Foolish (They are both amazing builders)
Granduo - Foolish and Richarlyson (They are grandma and grandson <3)
Silly Squad - Foolish, Pac, Mike, and Felps (They are all cartoon characters, very silly people together)
Sweetduo - Etoiles and BBH (They are two of the sweetest people in the server)
Drama Trio - BBH, Forever, and Baghera (They are three dramatic bitches, especially with each other)
Hideduo - Pac and Fit (They formed a truly meaningful bond during hide and seek)
Smoothduo - Pac and Felps (I honestly don't know, they're both smooth af??)
Mustard Duo/Silly Duo - Felps and Foolish (They are very silly, both are attached to Mr. Mustard)
Securityduo - Foolish and Etoiles (They are security guard + client. Always and forever)
Insaneduo - Forever and Cellbit (They have both called each other insane at some point or another)
Crazyduo - Forever and Quackity (They're both crazy when together)
Chaosduo - Cellbit and Quackity (They cause chaos when together) 
Loansharkduo/Buffduo - Foolish and Quackity (They were both part of Las Nevadas during dsmp and the other one is because Foosh is buff and there's a clip somewhere of a buff guy everyone thought was Quackity)
Theory Bros - BBH, Foolish, and Maximus (They were the three who originally theorized about the Island)
Furryduo - Aypierre and Max (They started the Furry club together)
Birdduo - Baghera and Jaiden (They are both birbs)
Goldfishduo - Baghera and Foolish (Foolish canonized Baghera's 1% part fish)
Roseduo/Federationduo - Jaiden and Cellbit (Jaiden let Cellbit visit Bobby Fields and both have strong ties with the Federation)
Sunsetduo/Atardecerduo/Parrotduo - Jaiden and Roier (They often watch the sunset together to remember Bobby & they often parrot each other)
Domingoduo - Leo and Chayanne (They are the two eggs who almost always gets to sunday before they finish tasks)
Musicduo - Wilbur and Tallulah (They are both musically talented)
Deathduo - Philza and Missa (They are both death associated)
Late Night Trio - Dapper, Richas, and Pomme (They are often online during the graveyard stream shift)
Theoryduo - BBH and Max (They were the two first people who started theorizing)
Sounboardduo/Propellerduo - Baghera and Max (They kept using soundboards at each other for SO long & both Baghera and Maximus' late son Trump has/had propeller hats)
Gossipduo - Cellbit and BBH (They like to gossip with each other)
Dappleduo - Dapper and Pomme (They are dapper and apple)
Starduo - Foolish and Tina (They had a Stardew Valley world together and hung out a lot <3)
Favela Five - Felps, Cellbit, Forever, Pac e Mike (They created the Favela together and are the five Brazilian players in the server)
The Mikus - Jaiden and Richarlyson (They named themselves, they both love Hatsune Miku)
Traitor Trio/Federation Trio- Jaiden, Cellbit, and Foolish (They were all perceived as traitors at some point in their lives, no they are not traitors as far as we know & they were the first three people to get jobs from the Feds)
Dapduo - Slimecicle and Quackity (There was a time they kept saying "Dap me up" at each other, not sure lmfao)
Demonduo - BBH and Ironmouse (They are both demons)
Immortal Pen Pals - Foolish and Philza (They interacted mostly through game chat and barely saw each other during dsmp)
Bubbleduo (I think??)- Jaiden and Cucurucho (They like their bubbles)
Tntduo - Wilbur and Quackity (Their characters during dsmp were very very fond and notorious for tnt)
Lampduo - BBH and Baghera (BBH got lamps from the Federation and gave one to Baghera as a sign of trust)
Siblingduo - Baghera and Forever (They are siblings your honor)
Misclickduo - Mariana and Slimecicle (They are both notorious egg death misclickers)
Fonduo - Slimecicle and Baghera (They bonded over fondue)
Codebreakerduo - Etoiles and Philza (They have the biggest beef with the codes)
Djduo - Antoine and Etoiles (They became djs for a day for a charity event :D)
The Squirrels - Tubbo and Foolish (They named themselves, because they cause problems for the Federation)
Suntrio - Jaiden, Cellbit, and Roier (They are all very attached to the sun because of Bobby)
Eclipseduo - BBH and Forever (They are the opposites of each other, the sun to one's moon)
Mazerunner trio/XYZ trio/ Pen De y Jo - Tubbo, Slimecicle, and Roier (They were the ones who were contacted and directed to finding the maze under the wall)
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