#then teal and black flannel
boowomp · 3 months
every era of my life since the beginning of middle school has been defined by which jacket i would wear every fucking day
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revengeraven · 14 days
Ok it’s not funny anymore I just saw a Miku from my state wearing my exact current outfit.
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sunflowerrboyy · 7 months
when the dan and phil phase comes back way too hardcore
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deconstructthesoup · 2 months
One thing I absolutely adore about Dead Boy Detectives is the immaculate costume design. Specifically, how it perfectly encapsulates who the characters are, both as a whole and who they are in the moment.
From the very first scene of the show, we know immediately that Edwin is a bookish, somewhat stuffy guy from the Edwardian era who attended a boarding school, and Charles is a punk from the 1980's who's most likely the wildcard between the two of them, just going off of the way that they're dressed. Both of them have distinct color schemes and different styles, but the general shape of their outfits is actually relatively similar---both of them have collared shirts (Edwin's dress shirt, Charles's polo), something over those shirts (Edwin's vest, Charles's suspenders), a jacket of some kind (Edwin's suit jacket, Charles's flannel thing), a longer overcoat (Edwin's traveling coat, Charles's peacoat), something around the neck (Edwin's bowtie, Charles's necklace), slacks, and nice shoes. They're distinct, yet matching, two clearly defined separate characters yet part of a set.
Edwin's prim, proper, buttoned-up personality lends itself to the way he dresses throughout the season---in the first episode, he only dresses down when he's in the office with Charles, aka his safe place and his safe person, and he doesn't really dress down like that again for a good long while after getting stuck in Port Townsend (though, if my memory serves me correctly, he does take off the suit jacket while watching TV with Niko). But in episode six, he's changed up his usual look for a cozier, casual-looking sweater and a little bit of collarbone, and in episode seven... well, he's in his nightclothes, and he's about as open, raw, and vulnerable as you can get. Edwin's color scheme is also predominately blue, which lines up nicely with his logical and practical, yet deeply sad and closed off personality, and the only time he really wears anything other than his normal blue-and-brown outfit (willingly, that is) is when he's in that green sweater in episode six. And, uh... all I can say is that it's quite telling how blue and green---or, well, teal---are the main colors of the gay/mlm flag.
Charles, by contrast, dresses down a lot, and that makes a lot of sense when you consider the fact that unlike Edwin, he feels comfortable pretty much anywhere. On any given episode, he goes from wearing his peacoat to just wearing his flannel to ditching the flannel to not even wearing the freaking polo---though, again, the latter is something that only happens when he's in the office with Edwin. Safe space, safe person. And, well, plenty of people have analyzed Charles's polo shirt going from red to burgundy to black over the course of the series, and there being a little bit of red under the collar of his coat that's only visible when Edwin fixes it, and then it goes back to burgundy, and then it's red again when Edwin's out of Hell... for good reason! It's color symbolism at its finest! Not to mention, the red and black not only perfectly contrasts Edwin's color scheme, but it also lines up with Charles's personality---he's a rebel, he's hotheaded, he's bold and brash and loud... and yes, he's angry, but he's also so, so loving.
When we first meet Crystal after she loses her memories, her outfit choices feel very deliberate. They're stylish and vaguely trendy, they're arty and a little bit witchy---pretty fitting for a psychic who's also a showbiz kid, even if she doesn't know that last part. But all of her clothes appear thrifted, or at the very least vintage, and the patterns and the general vibe all feel natural and comforting. Her makeup's always fairly simple, her hair's either down or up in a couple of cute space buns... overall, this Crystal looks like the kind of person who'd make you tea when you're in a bad mood, who'll listen when you just need to vent, and who may not always know the right thing to say but will understand what you're going through. But when we see her in the flashbacks, her clothing's flashy and prioritizes high-end trends over comfort, she's either got her hair up or has it straightened, and she not only has dramatic makeup, but acrylics. This is a girl who talks shit about you behind your back, who's bitter and cynical and wants everyone to feel the same way, who makes up for the lack of love and stability in her life via material things. It's also worth noting that Crystal's color scheme has a lot of purple, which is a color that connects to wealth and luxury, but also creativity and magic---which, yeah, fits her two conflicting sides pretty damn well.
You cannot talk about Niko Sasaki without talking about her outfits, and the meaning behind each of them has already been talked about at length. However, one thing that really stands out to me is that the reason they're so iconic isn't just because of the monochrome color schemes, but because they're out there. They're weird, they're eclectic, they're a little mismatched in style sometimes, and they're so unapologetically her. Niko wears heart-shaped sunglasses, unironically. Everything about the way she dresses speaks to how, even though she's a recovering shut-in who initially doesn't want to be perceived, she's still very sure of who she is.
Jenny's design, like Charles and Edwin's, is a design that gives you the key information you need the minute she first appears onscreen. The dark makeup, the silver jewelry, the leather apron, and the hairstyle all point to a person who's tough, doesn't take anyone's shit, and has long since given up on caring what other people think---in other words, she's a badass. But the butterfly tattoo hints at a softer side, a side that we see time and time again throughout the series as she shows that she cares about Crystal and Niko, and even the boys... eventually. Also, Jenny's design is perhaps one of the most clearly queer-coded in the series, to the point where her being a confirmed lesbian is pretty much a no-brainer.
Esther's design oozes camp, from top to bottom. The fluffy coat, the bustier, the boots and the cane and the everything, speak to a woman who's kept with the times and yet has seen it all. There's really not a lot I can fully say about her design, other than what Charles has already said: "She looks like a witch... like, kind of a sexy witch, who smokes a lot." (Or maybe I'm just tired and running out of steam at this point, idk, I love Esther's design and I can't really put it into words.) It's also pretty fitting that her color scheme has a lot of yellow in it---after all, she's always striving for more, so what better color for her than the color of gold?
Everything about the Night Nurse's design speaks to a woman who follows rules and discipline above all else, from the pantsuit to the pinned-up hairstyles to the tie to the heels. She's also the most muted out of the main cast in terms of color, dressing mostly in browns, dull greens, and duller browns---and while I don't have a lot to go into detail about there, I feel like that's kind of a symbol of her narrow-minded and bureaucratic worldview.
And the animal characters... Jesus Christ, I fully forget that they're all being played by human actors. Tragic Mick dresses like a man who's always spent his life by the sea, layered denim and all, and it's never a stretch to see this sad, bushy-bearded, baggy-clothed fisherman and imagine him as a walrus lounging on a beach. Monty, at first glance, seems to only wear black, which would be perfectly fitting for a crow, but when he's in better lighting, you see that he dresses in layers of red and blue, calling to how he envies Charles and Edwin and clearly longs for something more---and this might just be me, but I think that even though his outfits seem fairly normal at first glance, they feel kind of like a costume for Monty more than anything else, like he's trying to emulate a teenager that he's seen on TV more than someone in real life.
The Cat King fits this just as well, with all of his outfits aligning perfectly with whatever his cat form is at the time---when he's a fluffy ginger, it's always sequins and fur coats and clothing pieces that are specifically designed to take up space and call attention, and when he's a black shorthair, it's sleek styles and shiny leather and pieces that are designed to cut an intimidating yet more subtle figure. And while I could go into detail about all of those, what really stands out to me is how clearly queer everything is---more than Jenny's alt lesbian attire, more than Esther's campy coat and corset. From the very first scene he's in, he's wearing a skirt, and it looks natural. Nothing about the way the Cat King presents himself is exaggerated, nothing about the way he dresses is played for laughs---he's flamboyant and feminine and flirty, and he looks so fucking hot while he does it. It's gorgeous.
So... yeah, uh, all the awards for the Dead Boy Detectives costume designers!
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beansprean · 2 months
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My Familiar’s Ghost part 81
Masterpost Masterpost 2
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(ID in alt and under cut)
ID: 1. Wide shot, knees up, of vampire Guillermo and Nandor sitting on the couch in the library in front of the papered-over bay window. Nandor is wearing one of his usual outfits and Guillermo is wearing something new: a dark blue shirt with a pink floral pattern, a dark red sweater vest, brown cuords, and a string of pearls. Both are looking at the viewer and have clipboards in their hands, Guillermo's pen poised and ready on the paper and Nandor gesturing his in the air as he asks, 'So...what makes you the best candidate for our new familiar?'
2. Reverse shot of a single green armchair on a vague brown background. Sitting on it, legs crossed, is a southeast Asian woman in her 30s with shoulder length black hair and countless slash-like scars running up her arms, neck, and face. She is wearing a purple sweater with 3/4 sleeves, black leggings, and combat boots. She grimaces, looking upward, left arm waving vaguely as her right nervously fingers the arm of the chair, and says, 'Well, I survived three years with Gorgo the Murderer...'
3. Repeat, new candidate in the chair: a fat white man in his 30s with close cropped sandy blond hair and unsettling blue eyes, wearing a blue polo and brown chinos. His arms are covered in gorey tattoos depicting blood, buzzsaws, skulls, and fangs, plus one art nouveau portrait and black fang shapes above and below his mouth. He stares directly forward with a fixed grin, hands laced together over his chest, and declares, 'My former mistress always said I had a knack for dismemberment.'
4. Repeat, new candidate in the chair: a fat brown hispanic person in their 20s with hazel eyes, big glasses, and half bleach blonde half dark brown hair in a bowl cut. She is wearing a red flannel open over a TrueBlood tee shirt and jeans, nails painted teal, a silver hoop in each ear. They are leaning forward eagerly, fists clenched and eyes wide, babbling, 'You're the only familiar I've ever heard of who got turned! What's the turnaround for your familiars? Which one of you will turn me?!'
5. Repeat, new candidate in the chair: a small white woman in her 60s with gray-streaked auburn hair wearing a low-cut dark pink top tucked into a plaid knee-length skirt. Her long nails are painted a dark reddish brown to match her lipstick, and she also has on pantyhose and, inexplicably, a diamond ring on her left ring finger. She leans casually against the side of the chair, brown eyes roaming the ceiling, and announces, 'I've had so many masters by now... I'm really just looking for something more long-term...'
6a. Reverse shot back to Guillermo and Nandor on the couch. Nandor leans forward with a suggestive smirk, touching the butt of his pen coyly to his chin, and replies, 'That is good to hear... I trust your age will not prevent you from your duties?' Guillermo glares at him from the corner of his eye, grip shaking on his pen. 6b. Knees up in profile of Nandor and the milf candidate sitting across from each other, leaning forward with suggestive grins. One of her legs stretches forward to rub against his and she touches her chest demurely, replying, 'Honey, I can handle whatever you have for me-' Guillermo leans around Nandor to get between them and interrupts her, loudly shouting 'Next!!' 6c. Zoom in to shoulders up of Nandor, turned toward the viewer to curl his fingers in a wave as the milf leaves offscreen, muttering, 'Uh, well, thank you for your time.' Nandor glances over his shoulder with the smuggest of grins at Guillermo, who is absolutely seething behind him. Guillermo is surrounded by a ragged black aura, frowning as deeply as his boyish face allows, glowing orange eyes burning holes into the back of Nandor's head. /end ID
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Linda Flynn Fletcher/Linda Cipher throughout the years! Full image ID under the cut cuz there’s a lot of text to transcribe lol
New Astrophysicist: Eager to start her new career! Wants to prove herself after Lindana’s legacy. Craves fame on her own terms. Willing to do WHATEVER it takes! Silver jewelry. Silver star shaped earrings. Purple headband. Colorful striped shirt. Purple choker necklace. White Labcoat. Bell bottom blue jeans. Shoulder length red hair.
Dating Bill: more confident in self and career. Starts dressing more professionally, without sacrificing personal sense of style. Starts wearing gold jewelry. Yellow button up shirt. Gold triangular earrings. Yellow headband. Black choker necklace. Blue jeans. White lab coat.
Possessed by Bill: PARTY GIRL! Colleagues just think this is what she’s like when she’s drunk. Acts kinda slutty? MESSY HAIR (Bill’s not used to vessels with so much hair, so he keeps messing with it.) lineart different - more Gravity Falls style than Dwampyverse style. Doesn’t know how to wear a shirt. Lost a shoe - Linda will have to find it later. Mostly same as last design, but without the labcoat.
Pregnant: hair grows faster during pregnancy. Shows off her belly! Patches clothes - Bill starts breaking things, but she blames their body’s hormones. Design is same for both pregnancies because she just reuses her old pregnancy clothes. Same “dating bill” design, but with longer hair, a crop top, and a green patch on her blue jeans. Gold wedding ring.
Full Bill Cultist: Dresses more and more like Ford. Invests in hippy stuff. More obvious about being with Bill. Colleagues think she’s starting to go a little bit nuts, but can’t argue with her results. Red turtleneck. Tan jacket. Shoulder pads. Black slacks. Brown sneakers. Gold triangle earrings. Gold headband. Gold beaded necklace with a big triangular bill cipher charm. Gold wedding ring.
Post Breakup: doesn’t take care of self. Ironically looks more like if Bill were possessing her. Still wears yellow, but it’s washed-out. Her relationship with Bill is broken, but still fresh. Tired, trying not to sleep a whole lot. Caffeine addict. Messy hair. Green headband. Green flannel jacket. Yellow t-shirt. Tan cargo pants. Green sneakers. TIRED.
Dating Lawrence: letting herself be a little bit cringe. Having fun! Reminding herself of things she enjoys outside of what she did with Bill, like music and fiber arts. No yellow OR red. She’s being DIFFERENT for a little while. Pony tail. Black scrunchy. Teal sweater dress. White belt.black leggings. Purple leg warmers. Black sneakers. Clunky upside down teal teardrop earrings.
Now: wears yellow again, but on her OWN terms now. Isn’t afraid anymore. Trying out new things! Opted out of rings with Lawrence. They have antique lockets instead. Whole family has them, including a custom-made locket for Perry. Takes a lot of classes. Content to be a stay-at-home mom with a lot of hobbies. Her career isn’t important to her anymore, she doesn’t even have one. She’s FREE. White short sleeved button up shirt. Yellow sweater vest. Green khakis. Yellow orthopedic shoes. Peach colored headband. Teal pearl earrings.
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valtsv · 3 months
if you want to could you share more of your oc raquel? their premise sounds sooo interesting id love to hear their story
raquel is an old ass oc of mine from a tma rp. she was an avatar of the dark who was forced into that position by being preyed on and subsequently drowned by a cult while studying for her sociology phd. raquel is blind, and up until this point highly valued her independence and considered herself an excellent judge of character, so having that conviction so violently challenged led to her becoming very cynical and misanthropic, isolating herself through petty antisocial behaviour of the "insecure high school mean girl" variety and a general bad attitude. she remained in this state until some of her peers lost patience with her and understandably pointed out how pathetic she was being, forcing her to confront how much she had changed, and reconsider her behaviour. after some painful but much-needed self-reflection, raquel started coming to terms with her trauma-induced depression and self-blame for what had happened to her, and made efforts to reach out to old friends who she had driven away and make amends.
raquel is a pale, angular woman with black hair with teal green tips, green eyes, freckles, and a full body map of tattoos. she favours comfortable but edgy fashion - ripped jeans, leather jackets, red flannel shirts and graphic print shirts. she is, as aforementioned, blind, and navigates with a cane. she lacks any fear of the dark, since she's known it all her life, which makes her very adept and dangerous as a dark avatar. she's extremely snarky, but not enough to completely disguise how sad and exhausted she is.
in angelverse, she's a minor character; a blind demon with a down-to-earth, unimpressed perspective on the wider cosmic conflicts that govern much of the narrative, as one of the "common people" who suffers the most as a result of the careless actions of the more powerful players.
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singeart · 6 months
Okayy we got a Voyager science officer cosplay to make, here(wa)s the plan:
Using an existing pattern I found on etsy, I made adjustments based on vibes reference pictures of Janeway from Night and seeing what other people have made before (shout out to thresholdbb I was Looking at their past cosplays).
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Treksona presentation to illustrate the changes I made~
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Half the battle was decoding what the vintage pattern instructions were trying to tell me 🤡 but eventually with the help of the internet and my mom on call I figured out each step!
Oh and I had to learn how to iron and how the whole dang sewing machine worked, oiling it, threading the bobbin and needle, I even took apart the foot pedal at one point because I thought it wasn't working lol.
The mockups below, I made one out of Swedish tracing paper and the next one out of cotton (curtains I thrifted) after confirming that it would probably fit:
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Turned out pretty good but I decided to move the front seams over just a bit...
Laying out the final pattern:
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Cutting out the final pieces was really exciting it was starting to look like something!!
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Detail shots below... I didn't feel like I could get the crispness I wanted for the shoulder points with the machine so I did it by hand :')
The shoulder pads were very exciting to put in as well!! I asked the person at JoAnn what the difference was between the two different shoulder pads I had picked up and they said one was more 80s power suit-- that was definitely the one I wanted for this jacket hehe
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The final jacket below with a top I found on ebay (also found boots from there)!!! I ended up putting the sleeves in with a machine and ummm there's some puckering I'm trying not to be annoyed about h a h a. I may go back and fix that eventually I don't know... The invisible zipper I got didn't work either so I need to replace that somehow too hrm.
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Anyway, I thrifted pants because I didn't want to tackle a whole other piece; I just added fabric to the bottom because they were a smidge short and then cut the iconic vent.
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Here's the jacket on me, taken with a weird camera angle so the shoulders are a bit wonky at the edges haha but look!! I lined everything up so well!!
(comm badge and pips from etsy)
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I felt ready to go hop on a ship sign me up for first contact I'm ready 🫡
Awright Lessons I Learned:
sewing projects take much much longer than anticipated (I went to stsf and was sewing licherally the night before and morning of. I know it's the convention experience but I was a tad stressed lol)
hand sewing in particular takes forever but I enjoyed it!
people are right to complain about setting in sleeves what da hell was that
flannel (what I used for the black part because it matched the pants the best) was great to work with
linen (the best teal they had in the store) was not!! doesn't iron well, doesn't sew well I don't want to use it ever again <3
this was my first sewing project Ever and I still was pretty hard on myself e h e..........much to think about...
Final words of wisdom from my mom:
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Back to the Scully blouse soon!! After a little break :) Thanks for reading!
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nonnieapple · 1 year
⛈☂ Siren Song☂⛈
 • (Marshall Lee x reader)  • r a t i n g: t e e n & u p • 1 2 7 1  w o r d s  • p o s t e d 17.09.2023      🌧 navigation  • s u m m a r y: you hear a voice singing while out exploring the woods. you go to investigate and find someone unexpected.
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You huffed as you jumped down from a concrete block covered with vines, your hands meeting the dirt. It looked like it was about to rain, and the sun was on its way to set, its rays muffled by thick storm clouds. 
  You straightened out of your crouch nimbly. You fixed your comfortable adventure clothes. 
  You inhaled and relished as your lungs filled with oxygen-rich forest air. Birds chirped, crickets rehearsed their symphonies, a small orchestra hid by foliage, and the breeze caressed your skin gently. 
  It was a beautiful evening, and you walked through the clearing calmly. 
  A sound caught your attention. No, it wasn't a bird. It wasn't a bug. Neither was it a party or an animal. The sound was more like a voice. You quirked your brow as you squinted. 
  You tried to follow the sound, wandering through the forest. 
  Your hands met with the bark of ancient trees as you sighed. No dice. But you were curious, you wanted to know who it was that was singing so pleasantly. For a few moments, you continued to wander, and after what seemed like too long, the voice came closer. It felt like you just needed one more turn and you'd meet the singer.
  If that was a forest siren singing, they had you in their grasp, and you'd be siren food. 
  The breeze rustled your hair as you stopped at a small clearing with warm, dim fairy lights hanging on trees. Your breath hitched and your eyes sparkled with wonder. It didn't seem like the lair of a vicious beast. More like the lair of a hipster or something. 
  You walked out from the trees. 
  "Hello?" You asked an empty clearing. 
  "Hey," A smooth baritone said as a person with a guitar appeared, floating mid-air ahead of you. You stepped back. 
  "Woah!" You gasped as you took in his form. He had midnight black hair, strange, unnatural eyes, desaturated light teal skin, and... long, sharp fangs sticking out from his smirking lips. A vampire. With a sick guitar that looked like an axe. It was a bright crimson. He strummed it leisurely. 
  "What do you want?" He asked with an exasperated sigh, tilting his head, his eyes half-lidded. He addressed you as though you were an annoying door-to-door salesman. You crossed your arms awkwardly and studied his guitar, and his long, clawed fingers. The sleeves of his wine flannel were hitched up over long inhuman forearms. 
  "I heard you singing and decided to check it out. Thought you were a siren," You laughed lightly as you shrugged. He raised a brow. 
  "Your voice is nice," You complimented quietly. His gaze softened and he floated lower. His black bangs fell over his face. 
  "Thanks," He said humbly, a slight pink tinge to his face. "Have I seen you before?" He pointed at you, his other hand holding the neck of his instrument. 
  You hummed. 
  "Could be. I've seen you around, though. Marshall, right?" You pursed your lips. The breeze blew gently, carrying the scent of the vampire's vague cologne. 
  "Yeah, Marshall Lee," He floated so that it looked like he was laying down, his pointed ears poking out, and he played a few chords. "I think I've seen you at Fionna's parties." 
  You nodded, kicking the glass under your feet. 
  "Yeah, I just go to stand around all awkward. But it's fun seeing people have fun, I guess?" You raised your hands. 
  "You're human, right?" He studied your ears. His tone had a mocking aftertaste. More clouds rolled in as the sun set nearly fully, shrouding the cool forest in shadow, but the fairy lights lit the clearing up pretty nicely. 
  "Yeah, and I take it you're a vampire." You sat down on a piece of an abandoned fridge, hands on your knees. 
  "Vampire King," He smirked as he floated near your face and then swerved back and up, crossing his legs leisurely. You leaned forward, your face heating up a bit. The guy was mad charming. A mad charming “bad boy”, which spelled trouble for you and your friends whose ears you'd talk off about him later. If what you had heard about him was true, he was one. The most egregious "incident" was the time he dyed everything Gumball owned green. Even Gumball himself. Famously, Gumball hates green.
  Marshall was then banned from the Candy Kingdom. He was banned from many places. Even Cracker Barrel. You'd also heard he was a classic rockstar, and you know what that means. Drink, smoke, snort ring a bell? 
  "Fancy title for such a punk." You raised your brow with a challenge. 
  "I'm a multifaceted individual. Maybe you'd know that if you were one too." His expression feigned solemnity. The upturned corners of his black lips and tone gave away his teasing. His ears lowered. 
  "Psh, you've just met me, essentially, and you're in the globdamn woods, who cares what you've got to say?" You smiled, putting your hands on your hips. 
  His nose crinkled, and black-sclera eyes with vertical pupils bored into you. He held a serious silence. Now this act was believably pissed. So believable you were getting worried, and your expression turned to badly concealed fear. 
  He burst out in a mischievous giggle,  throwing his head back. 
  "Good one." He smiled with a slight darkness. Man, was he one confusing sexuality-defying vamp. 
  Droplets of rain dropped on the trees above you. His ears tilted up to the sound, and for a split second, he looked like a confused cat. 
  "It's gonna rain soon. And by soon I mean two minutes ago." You frowned as cool air hit your skin, freezing you to your core. 
  Marshall huffed through pointy teeth.  His pierced ears drooped in annoyance. 
 "I'd love to see you soaked and all, but I can't get my guitar wet. Wanna go somewhere else, cream puff?" 
  "That's the first good idea you've had as of recently," You muttered. You blinked. "W- cream puff? Soaked?" You stuttered, your voice losing every shred of confidence. 
  "That is what I said. Well done!" He gave you a thumbs up. Your mouth opened a little, your expression as if you were about to sneeze. 
  "You gonna keep calling me that?" 
  The grass rustled, taps echoing off the foliage. 
  "What do you think?" 
  You sighed. 
  A drop of rain hit your arm. 
  "I think we should hurry."
  Marshall adjusted his guitar, floating to you and poking your back. You flinched. Son of a witch...
  "I like what you're saying. Rare occurrence, isn't it?" He bit his lip and gave you a side eye as you walked- floated- through the forest, leaves shielding you from rain. 
  "I wish I could punch you." You shook your head. 
  "Why don't you?" He coaxed, dodging raindrops. 
  "Your face is the only good thing about you." You shrugged. 
  "Aww, what about my sick guitar skills?" He played a chunk of a solo full of hammer-ons and gob knows what. You sure as hell weren't looking at his guitar at that moment. 
  "Hm. They're good, I'm just kidding."
  You stepped over a turtle. The rain was beating down substantially. It hit the leaves loudly. Taps could be heard all over. It felt peaceful. 
  "I don't know if I'm kidding. But I'm not kidding when I say you're the hottest person I've ever met in a forest," He purred, raising his brows suggestively. Awful. Criminal. Jail.
  And after that, you felt a little less peaceful. You crossed your arms as you shot him a sharp look. 
  "Are you always like this?"
  He smiled, flashing his sharp teeth. 
  "You bet."
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h-doodles · 10 months
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hand hurty making all these outfit & expressions (yes each outfit also has all 13 expressions!!! not included here is the neutral but n e gays. dont percieve me.) in the course of 24 hours BUT it was worth it!! i LOVE how they came out, and also bc each outfit is for a specific route bc I love having VIBES <3 its self evident but just in case:
black sports bra w/ red flannel wrapped around distressed jeans is Dani's
green tie front top w/ silver accessories & black pants is Cass'
yellow peekaboo turtleneck shirt w/ burberry print skirt is Bela's
blue sleeveless blouse w/ gold collar tips + gold cat choker & navy blue high waist slacks w/ gold button details is Miranda's
strawberry gingham puff sleeve crop top & skirt is Angie's
black sweater w/ gold flower collar chain & orange pants is Donna's
pale white sleeveless empire waist dress with semi-sheer ruffles and collar is Alcina's
AND ofc. the titular purple silk shirt & navy pants w/ that teal earring as a treat <3
once again @resident-lover team thank u for my life im now abt to replay my beloved girlies routes (Miranda & Donna <3) and fight for my life (GO ANGST)
anyways. PLAY RESIDENT LOVER NOW!!!!!!!!!!
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mewsingsbynataliek · 11 months
NSR Halloween DLC ideas, just in time for Spooky Night!
The soundtrack for the Halloween DLC would feature instruments associated with the holiday being incorporated into the songs, such as pipe organ and theremin.
The Bosses
DJ Subatomic Supernova
DJSS is a scarecrow, wearing a straw hat, flannel shirt, and denim overalls (cut-off, of course!).
For the battlefield, the background of the Planetarium is a deep orange. The planets he uses to attack are replaced with pumpkins, and the asteroids are replaced by a swarm of crows.
Sayu is a cute ghost girl. (I felt it would be fitting since she’s a floaty character.) She's slightly translucent and sports a ghostly wisp-like tail rather than her regular mermaid tail. Her colour palette features off-whites and faded pastels, making her look more etherial.
Sayu wears a tattered white Victorian/Lolita-style dress, lacy cuffs around her wrists and a little bow on her head.
For Phase 2, her dress becomes poofier and more elaborate as small ribbons resembling tentacles appear around her waist. Her trident is completely white.
Phase 3 has her go full-on ghost bride. Her dress has a huge multi-tiered skirt, her hair is adorned with a long veil, and her tentacle ribbons have grown to full length. Her deep-sea mode has her face turn glowing green with solid black eyes, making her resemble a spookfish, while her “tentacles” feature flickering lights similar to a bioluminescent jellyfish.
Her final form is basically your stereotypical bedsheet ghost shape with her legs sticking out the bottom.
Sayu’s team are dressed in dark wizard-like robes, and each of them are wearing masks like the ones worn by Lock, Shock, and Barrel from The Nightmare Before Christmas. 
For the battlefield, the “landscape” is dotted with jack-o-lanterns, tombstones, and dead trees. The background is changed to a seafoam green color, with wispy little ghosts flying about.
Yinu and Mother 
Yinu is dressed as a cute little witch. Her hair is in pigtails similar to her Christmas skin, and her witch hat is adorned with fall leaves and little jack-o-lanterns.
Mother, meanwhile, is a spooky Halloween tree with spiders. Her dress is a dark wood colour with translucent, ragged-edged sleeves, and she wears a thorny hairband and spiderweb earrings.
The ends of her “hair” have been dyed the same colour as her dress, and she wears both black lipstick and black nail polish.
When she grows bigger, her branches begin to sprout large thorns, which end up making her cage form look more like a spiderweb. (There are even little fake spiders sitting on top of it!)
For the battlefield, the stage is decorated to evoke a bountiful harvest, with pumpkins, hay bales, bundles of wheat, stalks of corn, apple trees, cornucopias, and garlands of leaves.
Both the gate and the giant piano hammers are adorned with thorny branches and autumn leaves.
1010 are pirate ghosts. (As a fun gag, Blue could wear two eyepatches instead of his sunglasses!)
Meanwhile, Neon J is their ghostly captain, complete with a captain’s hat, a sword at his belt, a fake parrot on his shoulder, and – once again – a fake beard attached to his screen head.
For the battlefield, the flying limousine is decked out to look like a pirate ship, with a mast, a crow’s nest, and a tattered sail.
(I felt 1010 as pirates would be fitting since they're a navy-themed boyband and Neon J was a captain in the navy.)
Eve is dressed as Medusa.
Her dark green dress has a scaly pattern, and she accessories with a lot of gold, including spiralling gold sandals and a golden diadem crown.
Her hair has been dyed, shaped, and styled to look like several little writhing serpents.
Her backpiece is composed of even more snakes in gold and teal which wrap around her upper torso and spread out behind her like a peacock’s tail.
Eve’s pupils even become snake-like starting at Phase 2!
For the battlefield, Eve’s gallery has been transformed into an Ancient Greek temple, but with a postmodern/vapourwave twist. Stylized Greco-Roman columns with snakes wrapped around them line the walls, and an ancient looking gold chandelier hangs from the ceiling. The left side would be eggplant purple while the right side would be cerulean blue.
If the player gets hit by the eye lasers from Eve’s giant statue, they’ll actually turn to stone and be frozen in place for a short time.
For Phase 2, on Mayday’s side, the snakes wrapped around the columns have grown larger and are now looming over Mayday, their faces twisted into angry snarls (representing Eve’s derisiveness and hostility towards May).
Meanwhile, Zuke’s side features floating fragments of ruined columns (representing how lost and incomplete Eve felt after Zuke left her). 
Phase 3 is where it really starts to get trippy. Both rooms feature ruined columns and floating shards, along with giant brightly colored snakes slithering all over the background.
The shards in Zuke’s side reflect images of faces screaming in anguish, while the shards on Mayday’s side have limbs protruding from them- one shard has three legs protruding from them in reference to a trinacia. (Look up what a trinacia is to understand the reference!)
Tatiana is a vampire.
She wears black and red robes with bat wing-edged sleeves and a wide collar. Her earrings are coffin shaped, and she has small, pointed fangs that can be seen when she opens her mouth.
At the beginning of her battle, she starts throwing flaming bats.
For the battlefield, Tatiana's office/battle arena is made to feel like a vampire’s castle tower.
The whole room is lit with a deep red glow, and the tall windows that feature the NSR murals are topped with pointed arches, giving them a Gothic look.
You can even see some glass bottles filled with (ahem) red liquid on Tatiana’s desk.
Meanwhile, the Goolings' stage outside is decorated with jack-o-lanterns and hanging skeletons.
DK West
DK West is dressed as Frankenstein FrankenWest!
His look consists of neck bolts, stitch markings, and a dark ragged recolour of his original outfit.
His bull shadow puppet has matching neck bolts, which even emit shadowy electricity when it appears during the battle.
Bunk Bed Junction
Mayday is dressed as an imp, wearing a bright red dress with black sleeves and waistcoat, black wings, red horns, and a red tail.
Her guitar is deep purple and splattered with glowing orange paint. It emits a wolf howl when she powers it up for the Showstopper.
Zuke is a werewolf. Ragged clothes with fake fur poking out, extra fur attached to his forearms (don’t ask how got it on there), pointed ears, a bushy tail, pointed fangs, his nose has been painted. Pretty simple.
His drumsticks are splattered with glowing green paint and tipped with tiny light-up pumpkins.
The Other NPCs
Ellie has little bat wings attached to her back and wears a springy bat antenna headband.
And last but not least, 
Kliff . . . is just wearing a pair of Groucho Marx glasses. Yup. That's it.
Let me know what you all think. I’d love to hear some feedback. Thanks for reading! Happy Halloween!
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starsarefire824 · 3 months
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But in this picture Will’s smile is so big. Full, pale pink lips spread across white teeth, the front two a little bigger than the rest. His expression is so soft and warm, eyes appearing more brown than green in the shade. Now that they're older, after everything, it makes Mike blush when he studies it for too long.
His face falls. He presses his lips together and swallows the emotion that wells up in his throat, his fingers twitching at his thigh as he fights the urge to rip it off the door and shove it into his locker. Sighing heavily, his face pinched in a disagreeable frown, he slams the locker shut with unnecessary force as he readjusts the strap of his tired and worn black and teal backpack that hangs lazily off his left shoulder.
As it bangs loudly in his face, Mike blinks, revealing…Max. He peers down at her. Her now ridiculously long, red hair (extended hospital stays will do that to you) is pulled back into a low ponytail tied loosely at the nape of her neck where her headphones are still permanently perched. Little flyaways and two thick pieces, slightly wavy from the humidity, fall softly around her face. It flows in gentle twists and turns past her chest and almost to her bellybutton. She flips it back and out of her way with annoyed exasperation, and it disappears behind her small shoulder. She has her back pressed flat against the locker and one leg bent up, lackadaisically resting two textbooks on her thigh, how angry she is revealed in the way her fingers curl white around their spines. He can see one bright red sock and one teal one peeking through the holes along where fabric meets the sole of her ratty Vans. She’s wearing a baggy flannel over a green tank top, loose jean shorts buttoned high on her waist, and a scowl.
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candys-writing-blog · 2 months
Chapter 2 of my Animal HRT story
View the full Google doc here.
Chapter 2
The morning light filtered into my bedroom through the pride flags draped over my windows, giving the sunshine a tint of rainbow colors barely noticeable to the naked eye. I lay face-down on the bottom mattress of my bunk bed, one hand gripping the sheets, the other still resting on the snooze button of my alarm clock. Man, what a crazy dream. I thought as I sighed, before rolling out of bed. 
I stood up and stretched before grabbing my phone off of my desk. I skimmed through my notifications, stepping over the dirty clothes and assorted junk scattered around my bedroom floor as I walked out my door, across the hall, and into the bathroom to take my morning pills. I looked at myself in the mirror when I got there. My blueish-grey eyes, pale skin, and dirty blonde hair looked the same as they always had. My hair had gotten to about shoulder-blade length in the two years I’d let it grow out, helping me fit more into the feminine look I’ve longed for.
I rubbed my hand over my chin, feeling the little hairs beginning to poke out from my pores. Ugh, gotta shave again. I thought as I reached for my razor. I arched my neck back to stretch the skin before I started shaving. The dark little hairs falling away as I drag the blade against the grain of my stubble. 
As I got into the repetitive motions of shaving, I began to think back on the dream I’d just awoken from. It seemed so real I thought as I pulled the razor up over my jaw. I could almost hear the clanging of the weapons, and feel the rush of air through my fur. I could imagine that the razor in my hand was the tip of my opponent’s sword, barely grazing and trimming my whiskers as I dodged. Or perhaps, it was my own sword, swinging at the foe ahead of me, each thrust with the steel blade bringing me closer towards them, dragging my paws through the dirt below me as I readied the deadly weapon to draw my opponent’s blood- “OW!”
With a sting of pain, I dropped the razor into the sink below me. A trickle of blood began to drip from the small cut on my cheek. Great. I thought as I reached for the box of tissues on the cluttered marble countertop. I tore the corner off one and stuck it on the small cut. I took a few more seconds to run my hand over my now smooth face, making sure I hadn’t missed a spot before I had cut myself. I then stepped back to look over my body in the mirror.
My belly was still noticeably chubby, much more so than I would have liked, but the small feminine bumps on my chest were finally starting to make themselves known, so at least a little bit of the chub’s been redistributed. I could also see a bit of pinching inwards around my waist, which boosted my spirits quite a bit! I’d known I was a woman for a while now, but I was finally beginning to look like one too. Hah, take THAT dysphoria! I thought with a smirk. The smirk quickly faded when I spied the little piece of tissue on my cheek, a bit of blood starting to soak through it. I really need to get more shaving cream. I thought with a sigh.
Shaking my head slightly, I picked up my pill case and dumped today’s contents into the palm of my hand. Two anti-anxieties, one anti-boy-otic, I thought as I tossed the pills into my mouth, washing them down with a swig of water. And finally, one tit-tac. I chuckled as I looked down at the little blue pill between my fingers, before gingerly placing it under my tongue. With a final look in the mirror, I opened the door and started back towards my room to get dressed for class.
I threw on a pair of black leggings, a cute pink skirt, a pair of trans flag thigh highs, a teal V-neck tee shirt, and a long-sleeved pink flannel shirt overtop. I then buckled my pink fanny pack around my waist, put on a sparkling Citrine necklace, stuck my “Please use She/Her Pronouns” pin on my shirt, and put on my pink and blue glasses. I slid my phone and my wallet into the fanny pack, and with a flick of my hand to get the hair out of my face, I headed out of my room and down the stairs.
“Morning,” I said to my mom as I walked into the kitchen. She was sitting at the table, drinking her morning coffee, and tapping away at her phone, no doubt playing that dumb cooking game of hers, as per usual. “Well, someone’s up early.” Mom said, not even lifting her eyes from her phone. “Early enough to have some breakfast before running out the door?” 
“Actually, I woke up on time today,” I said, opening the fridge. “That old digital alarm clock you found in the basement managed to do the trick. And yes, I will be having some breakfast.” I grabbed a pre-packaged breakfast sandwich from the fridge, removed the wrapper, and tossed it in the microwave for a couple of minutes.
“Have some fruit too,” my mom said, still playing her game. “We got some grapes a few days ago, and nobody’s eaten them yet. I don’t want them going bad.” “Sure thing,” I said, opening the fridge back up and grabbing some grapes out of the fruit drawer. “Y’know,” I said, popping a grape into my mouth, “That alarm clock interrupted a really interesting dream of mine.”
“Oh, yeah?” My mom asked, still playing her game.
“Yeah, I’d dreamt that I was my character, Krystal,” I said, leaning back on the fridge. “Y’know, from that story I’m writing?”
“Uh-huh,” she said, nodding her head, not looking up from her phone.
“It seemed so real. As though I could feel the sun on my fur, the breeze on my tail, the dirt under my paws.”
“Mhm,” Mom said, still tapping away at her phone’s screen.
“Yeah…” I tossed another grape into my mouth and chewed it thoughtfully. “I was fighting in some sort of medieval tournament,” I said with the chewed-up grape muffling my speech. I swallowed before continuing. “I was fighting this wolf guy. He was using a sword, and I was using a mace, and I won! The king was gonna have a feast in my honor at the castle, but then-”
“OH, GOD DAMMIT!!” my mom shouted, making me jump.
“What’s wrong?” I asked, concerned.
“Nothing, nothing,” she replied. “I just messed up this guy’s order and failed the level. What were you talking about, Andrew?”
A pang of hurt stabbed through my chest at the sound of that name. A name that was no longer my own. A name that I never wanted to hear again. “N-Nothing, mom,” I said, looking down at the floor. “Absolutely nothing…”
Beep!                   Beep!                   Beep!                   Beep!
I opened the microwave and pulled out my breakfast sandwich, walked over to the living room where I sat down on our blue faux leather couch, and turned the TV onto the news channel, intending to check the weather as I ate. I guess I’ll watch and see what’s going on in the world today too. I thought as I took a bite from my sandwich. Let’s see… War in a foreign country, the threat of nuclear war, presidential debate between horrible person A and horrible person B, Natural Disaster, Man-made Disaster, yada, yada, yada… 
When it became obvious that the weather wasn’t going to be on for a while, I pulled out my phone and checked social media as I ate. I looked at memes and art and scrolled past the usual hate and drama and some weirdo conspiracies about scientists putting chemicals in vaccines to turn people into monsters. The usual internet nonsense, until something on the TV caught my attention.
“Last night, the remains of one Paula Jankens were found in the Pymatuning Reservoir, just off the shore from Jamestown, PA. Paula, who had been missing for two days before her recovery, was a 16-year-old transgender girl who called Jamestown her home. Authorities say there is no doubt in their minds that this was a murder, and that they are currently suspecting a hate crime as a motive. Reports say that Paula was found to have been dismembered, and her remains were scattered in the lake in an attempt to hide the evidence. Her parents-”
I turned off the TV, shaking. Another trans girl, murdered, and so close to my home… I thought, the fear rising in my chest. That… that could have been me. That poor girl… She was just like me, and I could be next! For a few minutes, I sat there on the couch, in complete silence. Frozen, without moving a muscle. Something that I notoriously have a very difficult time doing, silently panicking, my breath coming in quick bursts as my mind races at a million miles per hour. Rage, fear, sadness, anxiety, disgust, and dysphoria all rampaging through my head, tearing the place up as I sat there, unmoving. Completely tuned out from the outside world until-
“HEY!” my mom shouted, clapping her hands in front of me. “Are you okay? You’re gonna be late for class at this rate.” “Uh, y-yeah. Yeah, I’m fine. I just need to go brush my teeth.” My mom walked back to the kitchen table, saying something, but I wasn’t listening. I stood up and made my way back up the stairs to my bathroom, placing my hands on the counter and staring at my reflection in the mirror, only to see *him* looking back at me. The person I’d been trying to escape from for so long now. I shut my eyes and lowered my head, trying to ignore my reflection. I’m not him, and he’s not me, so why do I still see him???
With a sigh, I reached for the bottle of pills on the counter—the hard stuff, for emergencies only, when you’re actively panicking. I tossed one in my mouth and washed it down with a cup of water. Taking a deep breath, I stood up straight, and while avoiding eye contact with the mirror, I grabbed my toothbrush, brushed my teeth, swished some mouthwash around for thirty seconds, spat it out, and headed back downstairs.
I slipped on my Hot Pink Conberse shoes and grabbed my backpack off of the banister before opening the front door. “Mom, I’m headed out!” I shouted over my shoulder. “Okay, have a good day!” her voice responded from the Living room. Closing the door, I walked outside and stopped momentarily to smell the fresh air, before getting into the front seat of my car. Closing the door, I shut my eyes and did some deep breathing for a good twenty to thirty seconds. I then pulled out my phone, plugged it into the car, turned on my playlist, and started the engine. Little did I know, that if I had waited in the doorway for just a few moments more, I would have heard a very interesting news report. 
“And now for something seemingly straight out of a Sci-fi movie. a select number of clinics in major cities have begun to offer a new kind of hormone treatment for those who don’t feel comfortable in their own skin. Here’s Jonah with the report.”
Dedicated to 
Pauly A. Likens
Rest in Power
Thank you for reading! (^w^) If you enjoyed this and wanna see more, you can check out the doc that I'm writing here! (You'll also be able to see the fun stuff I did with the fonts there)
I hope you enjoyed, and please feel free to leave any comments on the doc or in the replies here. I WANT FEEDBACK, PEOPLE!!!
Thank you again for reading, and have a wonderful rest of your day! :3
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soulsquigg · 1 year
Cecilos Week Day 6!
eye imagery is my saviour i don’t have to draw cecil’s tattoos
(pride variant under the cut for the pride prompt as well as the image ID)
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tbh i’m quite proud of this one
[Image ID:
A drawing of Cecil Palmer and Carlos the Scientist from Welcome to Night Vale. Carlos is wearing a red flannel shirt and is holding Cecil’s arm with a smile. Cecil is drawing as being completely black with many purple eyes covering his body. The second image is identical to the first with two changes. Carlos’ flannel is no longer red and is the colours of the gay male flag, three shades of teal-green, white, and three shades of blue. Cecil’s many eyes have been changed to the same colours as Carlos’ flannel.
End ID]
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prismartist · 7 months
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ID: a flushed logainne staring at her left hand in awe, sparkles around her. she wears glasses, a light brown vest with a white collar and pink ribbon, a light blue blazer, and a purple beret. she has blonde hair in bangs and twin braids. End ID.
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ID: chip and leaf embracing each other. chip stares off into the distance, blushing with wide eyes, thinking “marigold…” leaf tucks his head into chip’s neck also wide-eyed, blushing and thinking, “warm…” leaf wears a wolf hat, a pink shirt, and a brown vest with patches. chip wears a white-and-teal striped collared sweater with a white cardigan tied around his shoulders. End ID.
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ID: leaf collapsed in a passageway between two seats, one side seating logainne, who jumps. they are both startled. there is a “fwump!” onomatopoeia. in addition to their previously described clothes, leaf wears light blue sweatpants and white sneakers, logainne wears a grey skirt, translucent stockings, white socks and sneakers. End ID.
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ID: leaf pointing at a shiny sticker on his arm and simply stating, “i got a sticker.” End ID.
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ID: marcy staring up at jesus gliding in the air. jesus is smiling serenely with closed eyes, twirling a yellow ribbon. his hair is very shiny. marcy is awed. jesus has a large heart on his chest surrounded by gold. marcy wears her hair in high pigtails and a large red ribbon, a yellow sweater, and orange tartan overalls. End ID.
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ID: a blurry mitch in the background sprinting towards panch, who looks back at mitch in a crab-like position, anxious and sweating. mitch’s eyes are red and flared. above him are the words in asterisks, "protective mode activated". mitch wears a denim vest and pants over a white shirt and a blue bandanna. panch wears a dark blue vest over a light blue shirt and black bowtie, glasses, and brown flannel pants. End ID.
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ID: carl dad holding a drink, sprinkling something on the ground with a popped leg. logainne watches in the background, jaw dropped in horror. above in red all caps text reads, “vine boom.” carl dad is wearing glasses, a purplish-blue blazer over a dark pink shirt, light blue sweatpants and dark blue shoes. End ID.
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ID: illustrations of carl dad. 1: he moves to the left with a raised limp wrist, exaggeratedly saying, “Miss Peretti, you’re so funny!” 2: he cups his cheek, looking distressed, saying, “Oh my god, this isn’t the bathroom!” 3: he gestures behind him at logainne, who is saying “beeee!” and angrily says, “clap!” slightly behind him is dan, who smiles enthusiastically with closed eyes. dan wears a colorful striped shawl over a dark blue shirt. End ID.
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ID: barfee and olive sitting next to each other. they hold out their hands flat in front of them. olive grins up at barfee, slightly hunched, while barfee stares at her hands, intrigued. barfee wears a yellow shirt, a blue vest with yellow cloud-like objects on it, brown shorts and a straw hat with a chin strap. olive wears purple fingerless gloves, a green hoodie over a white-and-green striped polo, and blue pants. she has her hair in low pigtails and a green headband with a small ribbon. End ID.
Some of my favorite lil moments in my local production of 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee!! It has been so much fun interning for this lovely show and i wanted to share some propaganda via fanart. If you're in or around the Makati area, please pleaaase check it out, i implore, it's so creative and energetic and fun. This was my first proper exposure to the show and honestly i think it was perfect. The direction, choreo, costumes, character choices, are all SO amazing!!!!
Information can be found at the Sandbox Collective's Instagram or Facebook page :D
also yes, these are all things that more or less really happened in the production. including the vine boom (kind of. it was a different dramatic sting but still).
can you tell leaf is my favorite fjkdfjs
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wilwywaylan · 1 year
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Here is my participation for @drinkwithme-exchange, and that one is for @combeauferre !
Joly and Combeferre have monthly nights where they build ships out of Lego while the Star Wars movies play in the background, and they then act some scenes of the movies with them. It usually ends up with Legos everywhere, courtesy of the cats.
The colors are not made with markers, because I didn't have them with me, but I had lots of fun with the crayons ! (read : arrrrgh).
I hope you like them !
[image ID : Joly and Combeferre are sitting in front of a black couch. Joly, a man with pale skin, brown shaggy hair and green eyes, is holding a ship made of Legos. He's wearing a teal shirt with R2-D2 and a vacuum cleaner saying "I am your father", grey flannel pants with TIE fighters and Dark Star pattern, and black socks with a lightsaber pattern. His right leg is propped on two pillows. Combeferre, a man with brown skin, with a black undercut and grey eyes, is looking up at Joly's ship, while building another one. He's wearing black-rimmed glasses, a dark blue X-Wing shirt, black boxers and grey socks with an argyle TIE fighter pattern. He has a blanket wrapped on his shoulders. Between them, a multicolor blanket is spread on the floor and covered with Lego pieces of all shapes and colors. They have Star Wars cups (shaped as R2 and 3PO) beside them, and plates with Vader-shaped cookies. An orange cat is laying on the back of the couch and trying to grab Joly's ship. A black cat is laying on the blanket, gathering minifigures. On the couch, a sheet is spread with "Joly and Combeferre's monthly Star Wars watching party". The background is light teal. end ID]
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