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astarion-dekarios · 2 days ago
My people had a saying long ago:
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Enjolras/Combeferre (Les Mis) x Solas (Dragon Age)
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whenthewindhasblown · 1 day ago
combeferre with a stutter. end post
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tjjamess · 2 days ago
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Finally back on my Les Mis grind after months with a little Les Amis design. I have NEVER drawn like this ever in my life I don’t know what happened but I was possessed by Victor Hugo or something to develop a new art style in 20 minutes for some reason.
+ rough skin tones
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my old designs from when I first watched/read Les Mis (which tbf really isn’t that long compared to most people in this fandom) still haunt me even though I took down the post ages ago (under cut if you dare)
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it’s not like they’re that bad but it’s a jumpscare. Don’t ask why Enjolras looks like that alright I don’t know either leave me alone
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c0urfeyac · 1 day ago
combeferre is aroace in my eyes :3
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transrevolutions · 2 days ago
if marius is representative of hugo as a youth and combeferre is closely aligned with hugo's philosophical views at the time of writing les misérables, does that imply that the être libre scene is hugo rebuking his younger self?
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maggie44paint · 7 months ago
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"I wish to write bl about parisian sewer system," victor hugo (1862), probably
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droptheguillotineplease · 4 months ago
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More recent mis doodles.
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24601orwhatever · 3 months ago
I know it can be hard at times to differentiate / spot & name the students in Les Misérables, so here’s a little cheat sheet!
I’m by no means an expert on all of them and obviously there are costume changes between productions & actors so this won’t be perfect… but this should at least be kind of helpful when put alongside their line distributions (though those can and will change depending on the amount of swings on in the show!)
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First up: Feuilly! Commonly, he is wearing an orange waistcoat with light (sometimes patterned) grayish pants + a black long-coat and cravat!
notable moments/lines: he is the one to climb the tower during DYHTPS and sing the classic “the blood of the martyrs will water the meadows of France” speech; “at rue de bac they’re straining at the leash”, “let them come if they dare, we’ll be there!”, he begins drink with me “sing with me, the songs we knew” (pretty sure he is the non-lead Amis who speaks the most)
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Jean Prouvaire (Jehan)! His green is quite a bit more saturated and bright compared to Grantaire. His waistcoat is embroidered with flowers and he wears a (varying shade of) green tailcoat on top. His cravat color changes quite a bit 😭
noteable moments/lines: follows after Feuilly in Drink with me “here’s to pretty girls who go to our heads”, he’s (usually…) the character to steal Grantaire’s drink from him in ABC and run away with it, “so what’re we gonna do with this snake in the grass?”
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Joly is like the pastel version of Marius! His coat is a light blue, with his waistcoat a varying shade of blue as well (often with some white detailing)
notable lines: “what’s wrong today, you look as if you’ve seen a ghost!”, “here’s to witty girls who went to our beds”, “here comes a man in uniform, what brings you to this place?”, “theres a boy climbing the barricade!”,
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Lesgles or Bossuet is very stylish in his deep red tailcoat and light waistcoat! He also has a wild variety of cravat colors 😭
notable lines: “Look how they turn and run!”, “come back, gavroche, don’t you dare!” , “they will do what is right!”
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Courfeyrac is Usually in a striped waistcoat with a deep blue waistcoat… but for whatever reason he’s quite different/inconsistent in the US tour? Luckily, he’s got lots of lines
Notable lines: “make them pay for every man!”, “before we cut the fat ones down to size”, “students, workers, everyone - there’s a river on the run”, “then join in the fight that will give you the right to be free!”, “and if I should die in the fight to be free-“
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Combeferre is an easy one: He wears a long brown coat with a (commonly) yellowish waistcoat!
notable lines: “a spy who calls himself javert”, “at Notre Dame the sections are prepared”, “will you join in our crusade-“, “this is where it begins!”, “make them pay through the nose!”
Unfortunately I have no idea where or how to spot Bahorel, or really if he even canonically exists in the new version of the show… I know some actors have referred to themselves as bahorel before, but it feels too inconsistent :/ so just pick whatever unnamed student you’d like to be him I guess!
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lesmisshippingshowdown · 24 days ago
Les Mis Shipping Showdown: Round of 32
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turnchetta art by felicitymildradeworthington (deactivated)
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nortism · 7 months ago
so interesting how each of les amis represents a different facet of hugo’s ideology. enjolras is republicanism as whole; combeferre, the importance of education and scientific progress; courfeyrac, being a chill guy who fucks; grantaire, yapping…
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sachart · 10 months ago
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Oh dear god it's Barricade Day again
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whenthewindhasblown · 1 day ago
les amis high school band headcanons cos it's on my mind ok
jehan was first chair flute but we all knew that
joly was first chair clarinet because i said so
courfeyrac played the trumpet (poorly)
combeferre wasn't officially in the band but sometimes their director would program pieces with piano parts and combeferre was always the one to play the piano parts (partially because nobody else wanted to, partially because he took a music class as a fine arts credit and needed practical performances to pass the class)
enjolras was a voboist (violinist who plays the oboe parts because the band didn't have any oboes)
azelma was a percussionist. her director kept throwing her on the mallet parts because "snare is for boys, you can't play snare" so one day, she talked to the boy who always got put on snare drum, agreed to switch parts with him for one piece, and played the snare part in the concert. she's currently studying to become a music teacher
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formulaheart · 10 months ago
Watching a production of les mis that actually takes med student Joly seriously:
him bandaging up most of the students after the first round of gunfire
him dashing around feeling foreheads and checking bandages during calm scenes
some of the boys desperately dragging him over to check on Eponine after a little fall if rain and him just shaking his head
him crying with and holding Marius
him anxiously checking on people before finally passing out during drink with me
taking care of Prouvaire before he dies in the final battle
it was absolutely a background plotline that you wouldn't notice unless you knew who all of them were but it made me absolutely sick
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antynous · 10 months ago
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Livre Quatrième - Les amis de l'ABC
Un groupe qui a failli devenir historique.
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transrevolutions · 2 months ago
he's a pacifist. he brings guns to a funeral. he's passionate about education. he forgets about his own mother. he's studying to become a doctor. he can give an epic one-line takedown of an opponent's argument. he gives expression to revolution's natural right. in history he would've been known as the wise man. he goes up to his friend during a battle to talk ethical dilemmas. he's "selfish". he can draw a moth from memory. he tries to rescue an enemy soldier. he corrects the dictionary for fun. combeferre lesmisérables, everyone.
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bernard-the-rabbit · 9 months ago
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Il me semble que je vais fusiller une fleur.
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