#then i'll write a smutty epilogue
analogwriting · 6 months
Chapter 20: Kardiá
Donquixote Rosinante x gn!reader word count: 3k first|next a/n: whoops didn't mean for this to take so long but thus is the price of me working every single day for two weeks straight ayeo.
You woke up with a loud gasp, sitting up quickly and falling into a coughing fit as the tubes in your throat moved around from your sudden intake of air. You felt a hand begin to rub your back and a voice followed by footsteps running into the room and yet another voice, but it was far away and you couldn’t understand what they were saying. You felt tears prick the corners of your eyes and your already raw throat began to hurt even more.
A glass of water was held in front of you and you took it, giving yourself a moment before trying to swallow some of it down. It helped a bit, your coughing subsiding. Everything still hurt, your head absolutely pounding from the suddenness of everything; consciousness, the coughing, your body moving, etc.
After a few more moments, you were able to settle yourself back down. You were concentrating on regulating your breathing and making the room stop spinning. “Are you feeling better?” You blinked, honestly forgetting where you were at the moment. Right - the hospital. You looked over, seeing Corazon sitting there with concern sketched all over his face. 
Everything seemed to hit you all at once. What your father did, the heist, the dream - and tears began to roll down your face. The concern only grew on Corazon’s face. “Y/n?” 
“I’m sorry,” you rasped out, your voice completely gone from not using it for so long. You felt terrible for everything you had put everyone through. For all the worry and stress, just all of it. 
Corazon said nothing, pulling you into his arms. Being surrounded by such warmth and love, it reminded you of what you once felt all those years ago with your parents, bringing forth the dream or whatever it was that you had while you were out. Emotions began to run absolutely wild and you buried your face in his shoulder as you cried, clutching on to him for dear life. 
You were worried that if you let go, he’d disappear. That this was the dream and you’d actually chosen death somehow. You knew that wasn’t the case logically, but your mental fortitude wasn’t exactly rock solid at the moment. 
It was even a while after that before you finally calmed down again. Your body hurt, heavy from the sudden activity it was experiencing. You’d lied as a vegetable for the past month and now you were exerting yourself, overly so. As you slowly calmed down, you felt your body slowly becoming heavier and heavier.
Fuck. You didn’t want to fall asleep. You’d just woken up, after all. You wanted to be able to see and converse with everyone. You wanted to get out of this room. Sure, you were a doctor and you loved your hospital, but you sure as shit hated being a patient. You hated being sick - even if you technically weren’t. You hated being the patient.  Besides, what if you went to sleep and then didn’t wake back up? Or what if everyone was gone somehow? What if the hospital was overrun again? Not that you could even do anything in this state.
You pulled away from Corazon, barely able to keep your eyes open, but determined to stay awake. He could see this, trying to get you to lie down. “Get some sleep, you need it.” His voice was soft, soothing. Ugh, you wanted nothing more than to curl up with him and do just that.
You shook your head. “No. I’ve been out long enough. I…” You trailed off, your train of thought becoming lost. You knew that was due to being tired. You knew how the human body worked, that was your livelihood.
“See? You need to rest. I know you’ve been out, but it’s okay this time. I’m sure you’ll wake back up in a few hours.” 
You shook your head again. “No,” you mumbled, pinching yourself to keep from falling asleep. This made him hiss softly as if he’d been the one you did it to. “Stop.” His voice was still gentle, but firm as he took your hands in his.
You looked at him, frowning as fear started bubbling up. “What if I don’t wake back up, though? What if this is the last time I see you? The last time I’m alive? There’s so much I need to do. To say. I-” 
“You don’t need to worry. I’m not going anywhere and neither are you.” Corazon offered a warm smile, trying to keep you calm. He pressed a kiss to your forehead and you felt a wave of calm wash over your body.
You didn’t even know what you were saying. Logically, you knew this wasn’t true. You knew the human body well enough to know what state you were in. You’d sleep and wake up in a few hours feeling a whole lot better. Then you could eat a proper meal and get some more rest in. Recover was going to be a piece of cake from here since your bullet wounds were already mostly healed.
So, why couldn’t you just let yourself sleep? Why were you still scared? Why were you saying these things? It didn’t make any sense. You weren’t making any sense.
Suddenly, you felt a wave of something wash over your entire body and you weren’t able to fight anymore. You looked behind you, spotting Marco. “Oh, you fucking bastard,” you mumbled, feeling yourself slowly sink into the bed. 
Marco sighed, shaking his head. “I’m sorry. It’s for the best. You need to rest.” 
You didn’t say anything else as the sleeping agent he’d put into your IV took over and the world around you went black.
When you came to, your entire body felt sluggish - must’ve been due to whatever Marco drugged you with. You were still slightly salty, but from a doctor standpoint, you understood. Technically, if he’d done that to a patient it was a pretty big no no since you weren’t exactly a danger to yourself or others other than making yourself sleep deprived, but it was you. 
You would’ve done the same thing to him if roles were reversed.
The room was darker. The curtains drawn, but no light peeked through so you assumed it was nighttime. The tubes that had been lodged up your nose and down your throat to help you breathe were no longer there. Since you were conscious again, you didn’t exactly need them. You were glad too, you hated that shit. Most of the IVs you were hooked up to were gone as well. You only had your heart monitor on now, probably to make sure you didn’t freak out or at least they’d know if you did.
 You heard someone mutter something next to you, noticing Corazon sleeping at your side once more. A small smile stretched across your face. You weren’t sure what you did to end up with someone like him at your side, but you were grateful and hoped he stuck around.
Though, if he was still around after all of this, you supposed he might keep at it. And you were thankful for that.
You slowly sat up, trying not to disturb the sleeping man next to you. You knew he needed his sleep just as much as you had. He had looked absolutely exhausted. Whenever he woke up, you were going to make him go home and get some real rest. 
“You’re awake.” You looked over, seeing Law standing there with a shocked look on his face. “I heard you had an episode earlier, I wasn’t expecting you to be awake already.”
He entered the room, but stayed near the door. You watched him for a moment, thinking with amusement. How the tables have turned. You had taken care of him so long ago and now he was taking care of you. You’ve come full circle. “How are you fairing, Law?” you asked, watching him.
“I should be asking you that question.” 
“Too late. I’ve already asked you.”
Law shook his head, a hint of a smile on his face. “I’m doing just fine. Now that you’re awake and fine, I can stop having to worry about Cora.” He rolled his eyes, folding his arms. You could tell he was really concerned. For you or Corazon you weren’t sure, though you assumed it was his father. 
“That’s true. When he wakes up, can you make sure he goes home and sleeps? He needs some proper rest in a proper bed.” 
“I’ve been trying for a month and he won’t listen to me.” He was pouting slightly and you couldn’t help but chuckle quietly to yourself.
“Well, now that I’m awake, he should be more willing to listen, no?” 
“Hopefully.” He rolled his eyes, shaking his head. He walked over to you, seemingly over whatever weird spell that had been keeping him from coming close to you. He began a standard check up. “Now you answer the question. How are you feeling?”
You let him do his check up, shrugging. “As good as I can after waking up from a coma and having my entire life turned upside down.” 
That made the corner of his mouth turn up a little. “I suppose I can relate to that a bit myself.” 
You didn’t know Law’s backstory. You didn’t know what he went through before Corazon had found him and you didn’t exactly plan on asking either. It was probably a sensitive topic that you didn’t want to touch.
“Life be like that sometimes, huh?” A small smile stretched across your face and he just looked at you before nodding. He probably expected you to ask, but he also looked relieved that you didn’t. 
“It sure does.” He stood back up, writing down on his clipboard.
“You’re doing a great job, by the way. Stellar check up.” You winked at him and his cheeks tinted slightly. Technically, he was still your intern and you were still his boss. You just also now happened to be dating his dad. A little messy, but you weren’t going to let that get in the way of your job.
“You’re just saying that beca-”
You cut him off by holding up your hand. “Absolutely not. It doesn’t matter if I’m dating your dad or not. I will always judge fairly. If anyone can separate work and home - it’s me. Don’t undersell yourself - you’re shaping up to be an excellent doctor.” 
Law bit the inside of his cheek and nodded. “Ah, y-yes, doctor.”
Just then, Corazon stirred a bit, grumbling slightly. You watched as his eyes cracked open slightly. They looked towards you before shooting open, sitting up as he noticed you were awake. “You’re awake!” 
You laughed softly, nodding. “I am.” You felt your heart race at his excitement. For fuck’s sake, you loved his man. 
Despite his excitement, you could see the exhaustion catching up to him. The bags under his eyes, the puffiness of them. You reached over, touching the side of his face gently. He looked caught off guard, but his features softened, only further making him look more tired.
“Go home and get some rest.” That made him perk up. He shook his head. “No! I’m fine. I’ll just-”
You shook your head. “Go home. Get some rest. Law.” You looked at your intern and he jumped. “Take him home.”
“But I work overnight tonight.”
“I know Marco is here. It’s fine. Take Corazon home. If he gives you trouble, send him my way.” You looked back at your boyfriend. “Go home and get some real sleep or we’re going to have an issue.”
Corazon frowned deeply, pouting. “But I just wanna stay with you,” he mumbled with a slight whine to his voice. You shook your head, fighting the urge to giggle at his antics. “You can come back tomorrow after you’ve rested up. I won’t be going anywhere.”
There was a bit more back and forth, but eventually Corazon folded, leaving with Law. You sighed, sinking back into the bed. You stared at the ceiling, thinking.
“I hear you’re sending Law home?” You looked over, seeing Marco standing in the doorway.
“Yeah. He needs to keep an eye on Corazon. Make sure he sleeps and takes care of himself.”
“Can’t argue with that. The man’s barely left your side since you went under.” Marco sighed, walking over to your bedside.
“How ya feelin’?”
You just looked at him with an expression that could kill and he held up his hands. “Don’t hate me. Just doing my job.” You rolled your eyes, shaking your head. “Whatever.”
You were tired, but you weren’t necessarily the sleepy kind of tired. Not the kind that taking another nap would fix. Just overall body exhaustion.
“How are my charts lookin’?”
Marco pulled out his clipboard, flipping through the pages. “Everything is fine. You just need to rest and eat to regain your strength and then you’ll be good to go.” He shrugged. “The bullet wounds on your back are all healed up, but don’t overexert yourself and it should be hunkydory.” He immediately pursed his lips and cringed at his word choice.
You looked at him, a shit eating grin spread across your face. “You sound like Pops when you use words like that.”
He groaned, shaking his head. “I know. I don’t know why I said it.” He pinched the bridge of his nose with a sigh. He looked positively exhausted too.
“When was the last time you slept?” 
He shrugged. “I had a nap in our office earlier.” Technically, Marco didn’t have an office. You two just shared once since the two of you were always at the hospital. Eventually, he just started referring to it as the both of yours. 
“Well, you should go home and get some sleep too. I’m sure everything will be fine here.” Marco scrunched up his nose before shaking his head. “I think I’m good.” 
You rolled your eyes. Unfortunately, you knew there was no arguing or winning with Marco. At least not right now. He was the one currently in charge. You could probably convince him later. “Then could you please bring me some food? I could probably eat a horse, honestly.”
Marco snorted, nodding. “Will do. I’ll send a nurse in to bring you something shortly. I need to check on some other things.”
After he left, you sighed. Once the room fell silent, your stomach growled loudly. You were sure the sound traveled down the hallway. You groaned, holding your stomach. It hurt with how hungry you were. Sure, you’ve been hooked up to machines and fed that way, but now that you were back to running normal, you were starving. 
It wasn’t long before a nurse walked in. Lo and behold, it was another one of the interns. Shachi bounded over to you. “I heard you were awake!” He smiled widely, setting your food down on one of those lap trays and setting it on the bed over your legs. “Glad to see you’re doing better.”
“Yeah.” You looked over at him. “Thank you for the food. I trust things have been going okay? How are you adjusting to the hospital?”
He looked at you for a moment before chuckling. “Always the workaholic. You’ve barely woken up and you’re already back at it.” He rubbed the back of his neck and shrugged. “Things are great. I’m enjoying my time here and the people are really nice. Got pissed on the other day, but that’s whatever.”
You laughed, shaking your head. “Glad it didn’t deter you, then. It’s good to have you. Hopefully you’ll be able to stick around.” Besides, after everything that happened, you thought about having all staff or at least more than what you had previously be staff that isn’t unfamiliar with the underbelly of the city.
People like you who wanted to leave that life. People like your underground staff who were looking for a way out. People who have seen the ugly and wanted to help. If you had people like that on both sides, the hospital could be more well rounded and you could probably rest a little easier.
Part of the reason you were at the hospital so much was to keep it safe guarded, but if you had more people that were aware of the stakes, it might be better.
“Oh definitely!” Shachi tore you out of your mental tangent. “I plan on staying for as long as you let me! We all do.” A lopsided grin appeared on his face. “A lot of people are fond of you, doc. And we’re all relieved to hear you’re doing well.” He nodded, his comment stunning you slightly. “Well, I’m off. Holler if you need me!” Then he sprinted off and you watched him with a fond smile. He was full of life and seemed eager to help people. That was good. You hoped he’d be able to keep that energy for a long time.
You turned to your dinner. It wasn’t much, some soup and some bread to cut up to eat with it. Since you hadn’t ate in a while, your stomach was small - it’d be a while before you’d be able to eat any big meals again. This would be more than enough for the time being.
You cut into your small loaf of bread, making bite size pieces for you to soak up the soup and pop it in your mouth. The first bite made you groan. It tasted like it was the greatest thing in the world. It probably wasn’t like a five star restaurant level good, but it tasted like it after not eating for so long.
You finished up your meal, setting the tray to the side on the table. Someone would probably come and get it later. As you set it down, you felt the air immediately shift in the room. You immediately tensed and the hairs on the back of your neck stood up. You looked over to the doorway and you paused, eyes widening.
There he was. Your father, Anthony.
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sissylittlefeather · 7 months
Role Play: Epilogue
A/N: I ended this series before I could write my favorite role play idea. Solution? EPILOGUE. Y'all know I love a good epilogue. Anyway, enjoy this fluffy, smutty, pure-fun romp!
(@ccab this one is for you 😉)
Need to catch up? Here's the Masterlist.
Warnings: 18+ minors DNI, cussing, kissing, fingering, oral sex (f receiving), p in v penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie
Word count: ~1.5k
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In the spring of 1972, a year after Elvis declared his love for you in the rain, he asks you to move into Graceland. Priscilla moved out earlier that year after she realized you weren't a fling that was going away any time soon. He hated that she took Lisa Marie, but otherwise he didn't mind her moving out. He was ready to take your relationship to the next level anyway. You'd been spending as much time together as possible, so him moving you into his house just made sense.
On your first night there together, he puts you to work in his kitchen again. You're happy to roll your sleeves up and give him directions. This time you make a lasagna and manage to keep your hands off each other long enough to get it into the oven. But when he puts you on the counter, rips your panties off, and drops his face between your thighs, you decide that moving in is the best decision you've ever made.
He pushes his tongue into your slit and you throw your head back and run your fingers in his hair. He licks up either side of your clit and then drags his tongue across it hard.
"Mmm fuck yes, Elvis." You hiss as he continues working his mouth on you. He slides two fingers into you and pumps them in and out as moves his tongue on your clit. He can feel your walls flutter as your orgasm approaches and he pulls back and whispers.
"Let go, baby. Cum for me like you always do." You whimper and he goes back to licking you as your orgasm rushes through your veins like starlight. You tighten your grip on his hair and he moans into you. Finally, you come down from your high and he pulls back, wiping his mouth with his hand. He stands up, shaking his hair from where you had your hands in it. You go for his belt just as the timer for the lasagna goes off.
"Mmmm noooo..." He whines, pulling you in close to him and kissing you deeply.
"Babe, I have to get the lasagna out." You moan as he kisses down your neck, nipping at you gently. He squeezes your hips and then backs up. You hop off the counter and run your hand up his hard dick, tucking it under his belt for him. He groans and kisses the top of your head.
"I'll get mine after dinner. I have a role play idea for us anyway."
"Ooh, I'm intrigued."
"You should be." You grab some oven mitts and pull the lasagna out as he grabs a couple of plates for you.
After dinner, you make your way to the TV room, and he runs upstairs for a bit. When he comes back down, he plops onto the couch and pulls your feet into his lap. He rubs them casually as something plays on all three screens.
"That feels good." You lean your head back and he smiles.
"Would you like me to keep going?"
"What do you mean?"
"Here. Come with me." He stands you up and guides you up the stairs to the bedroom that you now share. He takes you in the bathroom where he has set up the bathtub with candles and rose petals.
"Is this what you were doing?"
"It is. Do you like it?"
"I love it!" He undresses you and helps you into the tub. Once you're settled, he disappears and comes back with a glass of champagne.
"Now, you just relax here, honey, and I'll get everything else ready."
"There's more?"
"I told you it's a role play." He winks and walks out of the bathroom.
You lay in the tub with your glass of champagne for about twenty minutes before he comes back wearing a robe. His excitement is palpable and you can tell he's been planning this for a while.
"Ma'am, your massage is ready whenever you are."
"My massage?"
"Yes ma'am. I'll be your masseur this evening." You smile and stand up out of the tub. He turns around nervously, like he's never seen you naked before. "Oh! The towels are over to your left. I'll just... I'll go back in there and wait for you to get ready."
"Elvis!" You laugh and he clears his throat.
"Ma'am, I'm just a humble massage boy. I-I-I'll be in there." Then, he walks out of the room. He's committed, you have to give him that.
When you get into the room, he's got the bed turned down for you to lay on and soft music playing in the background. You notice a bottle of massage oil on the nightstand.
"Just lay down on the bed and I'll get started, ma'am." You unwrap the towel you had around you and lay face down on the bed.
"Okay, I'm ready." He walks up behind you. "But I have a request."
"Yes ma'am?"
"I need you to take that robe off."
"That seems a little unprofessional..." You look at him slyly.
"I promise I'll give you a good tip. Now, robe off." He tries to suppress a smile as he takes the robe off, leaving him as naked as you are. He looks down at you on the bed, your body beautiful in front of him. For a second, he considers abandoning the role play and jumping on top of you, but he doesn't. Instead, he gathers some massage oil and begins to run his hands along your back. You groan at the sensation of his strong hands on you, wondering how long you'll both be able to stand being naked and so close together.
His touch is firm but gentle as he massages your back, moving his hands a little lower with each pass. Eventually, he's just rubbing his hands on your ass sensually and you feel his erection where it rests on your thigh. Your center is absolutely dripping with his proximity and the feeling of his hands on you. You long to feel some part of him inside you. Seemingly reading your mind, he moves his hands lower and begins to massage your thighs, running his hands up the inside of them, teasing your clit with his fingertips as he goes. You whimper a little and spread your legs open. Finally, after what feels like an excruciating amount of time, he runs one hand up your thigh and slides a finger into you. Between the massage oil and your wetness, his finger glides easily in and out. He adds a second finger and you notice he only has one hand on you. You look back over your shoulder and realize he's stroking himself as he fingers you, the massage oil making it easy for him to move his hand back and forth.
"And you said I was asking you to be unprofessional."
"Mmm, sorry, ma'am, you're just such a beautiful woman." He whispers as he continues to pump his cock and finger fuck you.
"You don't need to apologize. Just come over and finish what you've started. And I don't mean the massage." You smirk at him over your shoulder and he pulls his fingers out of you. He climbs onto you and lines the tip of his dick up with your entrance. As he pushes into you, you both groan. He kisses your shoulder and leans his forehead against your back.
"Fuck, honey, that's so good."
He begins to pump in and out of you, fucking you deeply with long strokes. He grabs the back of your hair and pulls so that he can kiss your cheek over your shoulder. Then, he pushes up and grabs the headboard with one hand and your hip with the other, driving into you passionately from behind. You whimper with each thrust, the pleasure almost overwhelming you.
After another few minutes of pounding you in this position, he pulls out and rolls over on his back. You climb on top of him, a knee on either side of his hips, and sink down onto his dick.
"God, I love your pussy." He moans as you begin to roll your hips into him, pushing him deeper and deeper.
"Mmm I love your cock." You moan in reply. Then, he grabs the side of your face and pulls you down to him, kissing you emphatically.
"I love you." He whispers when he pulls back from the kiss.
"I love you, too." He kisses you again and then wraps his other arm around you, slamming into from underneath. His hips meet yours over and over as he thrusts until you both tumble headfirst into waves of pleasure while you pulse and flutter around him and he shudders and pumps a few more times weakly.
When your combined orgasm fades, you roll off of him and lay next to him, sweating and panting. He grabs your fingers and brings them to his lips.
"I'm so glad you're here." He turns his head to look at you. You meet his eyes and smile.
"Me too."
"Welcome home, baby." He turns and wraps himself around you, kissing your cheek. "I'm so glad I met you."
You sniff a little and hold back the tears. How did you get here? You don't know, and frankly you don't care. You belong in his arms and you intend to stay here as long as he'll let you.
The End
@ccab @elvisfatass @elvisalltheway101 @aliypop @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @tacozebra051 @your-nanas-house @deniseinmn @joshuntildawn13 @lookingforrainbows @60svintage @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69 @louisejoy86 @rjmartin11 @from-memphis-with-love @msamarican @deltafalax
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tenshinokorin · 1 year
TnK's Trigun Fic Listing
Ok now that I've got 15 fics out for Trigun (so far) and at least a couple of those are upwards of 20K and some of them are sequels and followups and ongoing, I thought maybe I should do a proper list of things, to make it easier for people who want to read in some kind of order. I'm terrible about talking up my own work but this is also for my own reference so that's fine, right? ^^; All fics are Vashwood-centric (I will get to Nai in a minute I have a backlog) and ratings vary from Gen to Explicit, though all are intended for an adult audience. This list is complete as of September '23, I will update it periodically as needed! 
NB: I'm lucky enough to have gotten fanart for some of these and sometime when my head is not full of mud I'll go in and add links to those where I can. (Or please drop a link in the replies if you are one of the wonderful artists in question!) 
Someday Out of the Blue & I Believe in the Kingdom Come
Trigun '98 canon. Reincarnation fic. The first one is a story I started writing over 20 years ago and quit after a chapter because I was just too heartbroken (and did not know it, but was also too young). Picked it up and finished it this April (2023) after Stampede clobbered me and I fell off the "we don't talk about wolfwood" wagon. The second story is a direct sequel to tie up some loose ends from the first one, and also to indulge my need for a proper happy ending. (I think a lot of folks don't realize Someday has a sequel but it does!!) 
Black is the Color and Mysterious Ways
Trimax Canon. Resurrection/Fix-it/Angstmance with a much shorter, sillier, smuttier epilogue. Three years after the end of Trigun Maximum, Vash is having some trouble laying his ghosts to rest. (You may have seen this incredible artwork which has gotten around a bit and boosts the story better than any summary of mine possibly could.) Weird things happened when I was writing this, I don't mind telling you. Mysterious Ways was mostly an excuse to explore some of the more interesting concepts brought up by the first one, but saying anything more would be spoilery. 
Eyes of the Storm
(Mostly) Trimax canon. Cryptid Vash AU, slowburn romance, ongoing. When Nicholas D. Wolfwood gets roped into being the new caretaker for the now-abandoned orphanage where he spent his childhood, he soon finds out that his own hidden memories are not the only thing haunting him. (What the fuck is a Typhoon?) Wolfwood, Vash, Livio, Elendira, et al. This is the one currently in progress at six chapters out of ??. Pretty SFW so far BUT NOT FOR MUCH LONGER CAVEAT LECTOR. 
List continues with standalone and shorter fics below the cut!
Generic Trimax/98 setting. Plant Heat, Wingfic, Tentacle Fic, What the fuck is Hay Fever. Wolfwood offers to help Vash out with a personal problem and gets a little more than he bargained for. 
Strange Powers
Generic Trimax/98 setting, comedy/smut/potato jokes/fisting with a loaded prosthetic. What if Vash and Wolfwood (accidentally) got really, really hella high? 
Trigun '98 Canon. 
Vash: Make money? As a priest?
WW: Well. *mysteriously* Not only that. 
Vash: (oh my gosh he's a prostitute)
Shortfic. Wolfwood tries to figure out how to offer his services to someone he doesn't really want to be a paying customer. Short and smutty while also demolishing Wolfwood's professional boundaries.
Skin Tight
Generic Trimax/98 setting. The Infamous Red Dress. PWP, Wolfwood needs to be in the Vash Sensory Deprivation Tank, Vash in high heels, the dress gave its life for this fic you should read it and honor its sacrifice. Look. This is just porn, guys. You want the porny fic? This is the porny fic. (just kidding most of them are porny fics but this one is especially so.) 
Secondhand Secrets
Generic Trimax/98 setting. Introspective/Vignette/Wolfwood POV. Vash's artificial arm always moves in his sleep, and Wolfwood wonders what he's looking for.
Personal Jesus
Badlands Rumble canon (post-film), Wolfwood has poor emotional coping strategies, hurt/comfort (Wolfwood provides both), first-time. That red hotel minifridge never stood a chance. 
A Fool From Any Direction
Trigun '98 Vash's weird horny schtick is a front, and self-respect doesn't save lives. Which is too bad because when Wolfwood finds out what Vash is planning next he's gonna kill him. 
Trimax but could also be '98; Sometimes being a hero is not all it's cracked up to be. Or maybe Vash is the one cracking up. Hurt/Comfort, Wound Care & Bible Quotes, Noman's Land is a bitch of a planet. Shortfic, feels, non-explicit/no sex. 
A Bit of a Tight Spot
Generic Trimax/98 setting. Costume Porn, PWP, No corsets were harmed in the making of this fic. I feel like this one gets missed a lot which is MADDENING because you guys. WOLFWOOD'S DOUBLE Ds IN A CORSET. And like, in a gender euphoria way, not in a comedy drag kind of way (though comedy drag does make a small appearance). I don't know how the good minister tightlaced in cuban stockings while giving Vash a blowjob in front of a mirror in the attic of a whorehouse can get so often overlooked, maybe my title or summary is lacking, but it's one of the hottest things I've ever written and its engagement is just in the basement? When (emphatic baffled hand motions to Nicholas D. Wolfwood wearing a garter like a thigh-holster). Anyway. 
The Quick and the Bed
Trigun '98 Comedy, Romance, First Time. The single bed trope. Drunk Idiocy. Wolfwood's vows are in serious danger. (Wolfwood does not have vows.) Readers have let me know that they find this one amusing. Roommates of readers have sent me threats of bodily harm due to badly-stifled hysterical laughter at 3am. 
SMALL DISCLAIMER: I'm a full-time working writer and my fanfic is something I give away for free out of love. Please don't copy, alter, plagiarize, feed to AI in any form, fold, spindle, or mutilate. I'm not in the market for concrit, but if you like my stories please feel free to leave me a comment/kudo, download/print/fanbind for personal use, or let other readers know!
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Hit ‘Em Up! (18+ Fic)
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Pairing: Cowboy!Gojo Satoru x Cowboy!Geto Suguru x Black!Cowgirl!Reader (Slow Burn/Enemies to Lovers)
Synopsis: You get to meet Geto & Gojo the Gunslingers, the notorious outlaws that have every town and law enforcement in a twist, when your bum-ass BF offers you as payment to avoid going to prison. Little do they know that this is only a part of your plan to get what you desire. But when you realize that the infamous gun-slinging, smooth-talking cowboys could be everything you want and more when they offer you a deal to team up with them, will you successfully be able to go through with it? 
Warnings: Smutty Smut; 18+ (MINOS GTFO); poly!SatouSugu; Reader is Black & Fem; Mention of other JJK characters; Porn with Plot; Tragic Backstories; T/W for Childhood Trauma, Parental Death, Violence, Panic Attacks & Torture; Angst/Hurt/Comfort; Hand Kink; Masturbation; Voyeurism; Gay Sex; Polyamorous; Double Deepthroat; Mutual Oral; Fingering; CMNF; Spitroast; Riding; Unprotected PiV Sex; Creampies; Outside/Public Sex; Shotgunning; Multiple Positions; Spit Kink; Facials; MDom/fsub Undertones; Aftercare
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer's Note: Once again, thank y'all so, so, so much for the continued love & support! Just an update for everybody: I'll be going back to school in about 3 weeks so updates might slow down, BUT I will continue to upload when I'm free & have some time. Thank you again! And happy 4/20!! -xoxo, Jazz
Chapters: One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen PT I & II. Nineteen. Twenty. Twenty-One. Twenty-Two. Twenty-Three. Epilogue. Soundtrack.
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“My, your such a good little cocksucker, aren’t you, sugar?” 
Gojo’s silky voice forming those dirty, nasty words only makes you suck on his thick, hard, beautiful cock a little more eagerly than before. He kneels in front of you, his hips and toned stomach in your face, letting you freely drag your hands over his six pack much to his enjoyment. 
He watches you with those alluring blue eyes as you gag all over his shaft and bounce on Geto’s dick at the same time. “And a good little cowgirl too,” the long-haired outlaw chuckles, soft moans and gasps leaving his lips as your warm, soft, velvety walls squeeze around him whenever you slam your pussy and soft, cushiony ass down onto him. “I should’ve known you’d be good at ridin’ dick too, little lady.” 
His hand comes down to slap your ass, emitting a muffled moan from around Gojo’s cock. The white-haired outlaw groans, gripping the back of your hair and pushing himself deeper into your mouth. “Fuck, you’re so fuckin’ sexy,” he moans. “You seem to be missin’ somethin’ though…I’ve got it!” 
He takes off his cowboy hat and puts it on your head, making Geto laugh as he begins to pump his hips up into you from below, fucking you back. “She looks so adorable,” he groans. “Just seein’ her like this makes me wanna cum.” 
Gojo hums in agreement, thrusting into your mouth in time with his partner’s dick pumping in and out, in and out, of your pussy, sinking you deeper and deeper into immense pleasure. “Me too,” he says and lifts your chin up to look at him and the way the moonlight illuminates his hair, turning it silver. “And you’ll cum with us, won’t you, cutie?” 
“Be as loud as you want, darlin,’” Geto moans, gripping your hips for dear life. “There ain’t nobody to hear you for miles. Just us and the stars.”
Hearing that and knowing the fact that it’s just you three alone among the moon, the stars, and the quiet forest makes me you want to cum. You can feel your orgasm quickly approaching the louder Geto and Gojo’s moans become and the more Geto’s dick glides against your G-spot. 
“Fuck!” Geto gasps. “I think our little cowgirl is close, Satoru. That sweet little pussy is squeezin’ around me so tight!” 
Gojo stares down at you adoringly and hungrily, slamming his hips into you​​r mouth. “Cum with us, darlin,” he demands. “Don’t let us do it alone. Give us what we want like a good little slut, hm?” 
Suddenly, the two begin to moan louder and warn you that they’re about to cum, using your holes to chase their highs. You can feel yourself being pushed closer, closer to the edge of bliss, about to fall off with them– 
With a gasp, you sit up in your bed adjacent to Shoko who has her back to you and is snoring so loud that it overshadows the buzzing of cicadas outside your window. You are coated in sweat, a normal occurrence for summers in the West, but you know that it has everything you do with your dream. 
“What the fuck?” you think, confused and flushed…and extremely bothered. Your pussy throbs annoyingly beneath your silk nightgown, even more so without your panties. It’s too hot for undies. 
You’ve never had a dream like that before about anyone, especially two outlaws that you were supposed to merk earlier!
The only dreams you have are about your childhood, your mother, and the night both were taken from you. They don’t happen every night, but they are the only dreams you have. You don’t have happy dreams and can barely have a good night’s sleep without your mind going a hundred miles an hour. 
But something about this dream, something about this duo, brings something out of you. A need to throw all caution to the wind. You don’t want to think that it’s because of your attraction to them. You tell yourself that it’s nothing; just a biological need as humans have. The dream meant nothing but to show you what you could be missing…right? 
You look at Shoko, thinking about her words of wisdom to you earlier. Could she be right? Could these men be the ones to help you reach that happy ending? ‘Only one way to find out,’ you think. 
You roll out of bed and, keeping your footfalls quiet, you begin to pack up. You pack some dried snacks, a canteen of water, and a clean pair of clothes in your bag before changing out of your sweat-soaked nightgown and into some clean, black riding gear. You then bend down in your closet to retrieve a dusty box hidden behind Shoko’s shoes and a key hidden beneath them. 
You unlock the box and smile at the contents inside of it: a silky, pink bandana and a black cowgirl hat. You take out each and put them on, already feeling more like yourself. Like the Fatale Femme. After you finally finish, you take a piece of paper with an ink pen and quickly scrawl out a note to a sleeping Shoko before leaving: 
Dear, Shoko, 
I’m so sorry I’m leaving you like this and that it took this happening to tell you the truth. I’ve been wandering the wild West for years, hunting down outlaws and running from the law as a living.
I came to Blackwater to not only kill Valentine but to find Gojo & Geto the Gunslingers and get some answers for my plan to kill Benji the Bandi. I have been hiding my true identity from you in fear of bringing trouble to your door. 
I care for you and those at the Blackwater saloon so much which is why I must leave. Please don’t try to look for me. If I’m alive, I will write and even visit (eventually).
Thank you for the friendship you’ve given me. Take care of yourself and don’t stay in Blackwater forever. The ain’t nothing here for you either. 
Sincerely, Y/N aka the Fatale Femme.
You leave the note by her beside. Then, in a flash, you take your bag and head out the door. The complex is dark and quiet when you leave, making it easy o slip ou ino he nigh. Behind the complex, tied up to one of the lamp posts, is your precious black horse who has been loyally and patiently waiting here at her post for five months since you came to Blackwater on her back. 
You’ve been leaving her here, only releasing her o ake he on lae nigh walks and feeding her apples and oas. Bu now, you’re ready to leave and so is she. Her ears twitch at the sound of you boots thudding in the dit and he tail begins to wag excitedly, knowing it’s you. You press a hand to her side and stroke her soft fur. 
“Hey, Reneigh,” you coo to her. “You ready to go, darlin’?” You take her reigns out of your bag and clip them on her before getting her saddle from behind a tree. As you place it on her back, she huffs, steam coming out of her nostrils. “You’re right,” you giggle. “I should’ve left this dumbass town a long time ago.” 
You kiss her snout, thanking her for waiting, before hopping ono her back after lacing one leg over her side. Once you’re on, you cluck your tongue against the roof of your mouh and snap the reigns once. Reneigh understands immediately and takes off down the road, he hooves clicking against the road. You guide her in the direction of the Maplewood Motel, knowing where it is due to the brothel you used to occupy at being two blocks up from it. 
‘1211 at the Corner of Maplewood, Rm 201,’ you think, keeping the numbers in you head even when you finally make it to the small, quiet motel. Not a peson no animal stis when you leave Reneigh outside in an empty cubby where other horses have their own. “I’ll be back,” you tell her, earning a headbutt from her in response. 
“You’d better,” she wordlessly says. 
You keep your gun a your hip as you walk ino he moel, past the sleeping desk clerk, and then up the steps to the second floor. You ignore your pounding heart as you walk to room 201 and give three knocks. “Comin’!” a silky voice calls out. Gojo Satoru. 
When he opens the door, he is only in his trousers and riding gloves, exposing his toned body and abs to you. That damn dream comes back to haunt you and you attempt give him a poker face despite your mind’s eye being filled with images of his naked body and cock. 
You’re so entranced by his body that you almost miss his eyes. You’ve never seen them before since he’s always wearing that blindfold. They are a gorgeous, hypnotizing blue, as blue as the crystal waters in the Bahamian islands. They widen an inch at sigh of you at his door. “Well,” he begins, “this is definitely a pleasant surprise.” 
“Who’s at the door, Satoru?” Geto calls from inside, sounding suspicious. He comes to the door too, luckily not shirtless but still looking hot in his cotton shirt and riding gloves, his long hair pulled back into a silky, glossy ponytail. “Oh, hey,” he greets, sounding shocked to see you. “So you kept the note.” 
“I did,” you reply rather sharply, you pulse jumping anxiously. “‘Cause I need some answers. Before I agree to this, I’ll need some information first.” The duo looks at each other as if asking one another if they should agree. 
“Anybody follow you?” Gojo asks, looking up and down the hallway. You shake you head and he opens the door ajar for you. “Come on in, then.” 
You do so, not thanking him, but he doesn’t mind. When the door shuts, you take a look around the motel: it is rather spacious and clean with a small kitchen, a wooden table sitting near the window overlooking the horses outside, brown, shaggy floors, and a big king-sized bed matching the beige walls. The duo has made their home in this room, two backpacks, clean clothes, and shoes lying about the bed and floor. 
Gojo follows you into the motel, clapping his hands together once. “First thing’s first: ya want some dinner?”
You blink at him, wondering if he’s serious. Wordlessly, you shake your head and he rolls his eyes at you. “What, you don’t want some good food before you start interrogatin’ us?” he chuckles. “We’ve got somethin’ cookin’ up over here.” 
He nods at Geto in the kitchen, cooking something savory-smelling on the small stove. His hulking frame blocks it from view, but it makes your stomach growl. Gojo nods at the wooden table and the chairs there. “Go on, take a seat and get comfy. I’ll take your bag and get you some water.” 
He goes to take your bag from you, but you grip it to your chest. “My bag is good here,” you argue. “And I don’t need anything, thanks.” Your stomach exposes you by gurgling loudly, making you flush. 
“Uh-uh,” he sniggers before he walks off to get you that water and a plate. The duo leaves you to sit alone to sit as they fix you something to eat and drink, much to your surprise. You didn’t think outlaws could be such gentlemen…unless something’s up. 
Minutes later, after listening to Geto hum a tune and Gojo crack jokes while he tosses on a shirt, your dinner is finally presented to you: a plate of Salisbury steak oozing with gravy, roasted potatoes, and green beans. “Here ya are, little miss. Made by yours truly.” Gojo gives a charming smile as he places a glass of water in font of you. 
“He’s lying!” Geto calls from the kitchen. Gojo puts a finger to his lips, winking.
You stare suspiciously down at the delicious-smelling food and gingerly take your fork to stab into the smallest tater. Gojo watches you weirdly as you sniff the potato and then place it in your mouth, slowly chewing it. “Had to check if it was poisonous,” you explain with a shrug. 
The white-haired outlaw looks hilariously offended by that. “Why would we do somethin’ so fucked?” he scoffs. “Jesus, girl, you are so paranoid!” You glare up at him, swallowing the potato. “With the work I do, you have to be.” 
Geto walks over with two more plates and glasses of water, placing them on the table. “I agree, especially in the state this world is in.” He sits down across from you along with Gojo, folding his hands under his chin. “Hope you don’t mind, but I’d like the say grace first.” 
Gojo dramatically groans, but bows his head anyway. Geto does the same while you keep your eyes open, watching them. “Dear Lord, thank you for allowing us another day to consume such a delicious meal with good company,” Geto prays. “Please give us more of these fine days with your blessing. Amen.” He lifts his head with a content, satisfied smile. It makes your stomach flip for some odd reason. 
“Ugh, finally,” Gojo sighs. “I’m fuckin’ starved!” He goes to finally dig into his food, but then stops and instead raises his glass of water. “Cheers to new friends,” he chirps and then frowns when he sees your face. “Acquaintances then. C’mon, you’ve gotta toast to that one!” 
Though you’d rather not, you did agree to be here. So begrudgingly, you raise your glass and so does Geto. “Cheers,” he chuckles and you clink glasses. “Enjoy, little miss.”
And you do though you don't tell him and your poker face is A1. However, the steak is savory and juicy, the potatoes are crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and the beans are salted to perfection. If Geto wasn’t an outlaw, he’d be a great cook. 
Though the food is good, your impatience gets the best of you the longer dinner goes on and you can’t enjoy it without your stomach roiling for answers. “Sooo do y’all wanna start talkin’ or should I?” you ask, rather impatient. The men look up at you, still eating. Insead of looking shocked, they look amused. “Well, if you insist on givin’ us the floor,” Gojo chuckles. “Whatcha wanna know?” 
You swallow some wae to give you some courage, wishing it was liquor. “Just out of curiosity, as well-known as y’all are, why’d you decide to work with Benji and Valentine?” you ask, getting straight to the point. 
Geto is happy to enlighten you as he sips on his water while Gojo finishes chomping on his steak like a wild pig. “When we met Benji, we were young and dirt poor, robbin’ anybody just to eat. One day, we robbed a banquet of rich folks not knowin’ that they were Benji’s people. He beat us to a pulp and had his crew tie us to railroad racks.” 
You nearly choke on your piece of steak. Geto shrugs like it’s nothing. “However, he gave us a proposition: he could either kill us or we work for him and pay off our ‘debt’ to him. As two teens with nothin’ to lose, how could we say no?” 
“We worked for him for two years, helpin’ him rob banks, beat people up who owed him money, etc, etc,” Gojo adds, “but we never killed no one. That was somethin’ we fused to do…until we had to.” His ocean-blue eyes look down at his water, fiaxating on it. You have a feeling that this is a hurt piece for them, especially when Geto gets up to clean his and Gojo’s empty plates. 
You watch him walk to the kitchen in silence, his big boots thudding across the floor. He turns on the sink and begins to soak the dishes in hot water.
“We were in Bull’s Creek chasin’ down a guy that owed Benji money for savin’ his farm,” he explains as the water runs. “He had moved himself and his family into hidin’, but we found ‘em and dragged them all outside, hogtied…includin’ the kids.” 
You bite back a gasp, a vision of your small town popping into your head the night your life changed: burning homes and businesses; kids crying for their parents in the street; families beaten in front of their children; your mother’s arms stretched out to you as her neck bursts with blood. 
You swallow hard, not sure if you want him to continue, but you listen anyway. “We thought Benji just wanted the husband, but imagine our shock to find out he wanted everyone,” Geto continues as he scrubs one of the plates with a sponge. “Told Gojo and me to put a bullet in all of ‘em, make sure that thee we no survivors that could place his face. In reality, I think he just wanted to test us.” 
“And ‘cause he’s a sick motherfucker that gets off on the death of innocents,” Gojo adds. He sounds nonchalant, but you can tell he’s angered by how hard he grips his glass. “We didn’t do it, so he forced us to watch his minions do it. They left their bodies to bake in the sun, not even givin’ the kids a grave.” 
You’re silent, processing the awful yet confusing information. Could they really be different from the outlaws like Benji, Valentine, and the ones that destroyed your home? Could these two really have morals? 
Geto finally stops cleaning and comes back over to the table. “After we realized how crazy Benji was, we left and haven’t seen him since,” he explains as he sits. “That’s when we made our business targetin’ the baddies across the West and made a name for ourselves. People started comin’ to us for help.”
That explains why so many corrupt people were showing up in the papers, dead. Maybe…just maybe…they could be different. 
“So what about Valentine?” you ask, pushing your plate aside. “How’d you meet him?” 
Geto leans back in his chair, crossing his leg over the other. “A year ago, he came to us askin’ us for help to get some trafficked money off of a Cherrywood train that was stolen from his land.” 
“Such a big, fat fuckin’ lie,” Gojo sighs disappointedly, shaking his head. “But because we were stupid, we said yeah and he agreed to cut us half of the money if we helped him. We teamed up with his crew with no problem, not realizin’ that we had been set up from the jump.” 
He then pulls a cigarette and a matchbox out of his pocket. Before he lights it, his blue eyes tick to yours expectantly. "You don't mind?" he asks and you shake your head, so he strikes a match, lights his cig up, and takes a puff. Geto walks over and Gojo passes him the cigarette which he gladly takes a drag of.
When Geto speaks again, you see the entire scene flash in your head down to the last gruesome detail: “As soon as we got on that train, he took everyone hostage, includin’ the conductor. We tried to stop him, but he and his guys massacred every person on that train and then escaped before the train went off the rails. It crashed, but we survived and woke up in a cell.” 
He pauses, taking a sip of his water. With Valentine MIA, we were forced to do some time before the sheriff cut us a deal: if we help bag Valentine and keep up good behavior aka no killing, we stay out of prison.”
He shrugs passively. “Seemed easy enough, so we took it and now, here we are with you.” He gives you a smile as does Gojo, warm and friendly despite the horrible, complicated story they told you about Benji’s sadistic ways and being framed by Valentine. 
You look between the two of them, even more confused than before. Their smiles fade as they read your expression, probably thinking the worst. You put your hands on the table and interlace them as you lean in toward them. “You barely know me and you’re tellin’ me this,” you point out. “Why?” 
The two share a glance, probably not expecting this question. But Geto answers you regardless: “Because we want you to make this decision. We want your help, Y/N, but we won’t force you. If you want to walk out that door, you can.” He juts his chin at the motel door, your exit from this conversation AND possible agreement. 
But something, whether it be their honesty or the way they look at you with such genuine warmth, keeps you there. You look down at your hands. They are shaking. 
“You wanna know why I want Benji?” you ask, not waiting for a yes. “While it may be a stretch, I believe takin’ him out would let every other fucker on this God-forsaken planet know that their sins and crimes will not go unpunished. It would scare them to know that such a powerful man like Benji the Bandit was taken out by someone, let alone a woman.” 
You raise your head to look at Geto and Gojo again, still seeing those genuine, soft gazes. 
“I’ll help y’all,” you firmly say, “but on one condition: y’all help me get out of the county and to Willow Springs.” 
Gojo raises an eyebrow, confused and curious. “What’s in Willow Springs exactly?” he asks. 
You nearly smile at his question, picturing the beautiful town located in the North already. “Freedom,” you answer. “A life without constant runnin’ and dodgin’ the law. A quiet life out of the West…but the only way there is through the Devil’s Trail.”
Aka the hardest, roughest trail in the West. It is known for its treacherous heat, barren, dry lands, and predators lurking around every rock and cactus. There is no way you could ever survive on your own. 
You look at Geto, crossing your arms over your bosom. “I thought about what you said: if Valentine does talk, I’ll need the protection, especially on Devil’s Trail. When we catch Benji, you’ll take me to Willow Springs. Then we’ll part ways, forget this ever happened, and live happily ever after.” 
You stick your hand out to them, wordlessly asking for a deal. The two share a glance before they each smile. “You’ve got a deal then, little lady,” Geto says before he shakes your hand.
Gojo does the same and you ignore the tiny spark of electricity you feel zip up your arm when you hold each of their leather-covered palms. 
“Now let’s get some sleep,” Gojo announces, looking pleased. We’ll need all the rest we can get ‘cause tomorrow will be a long day.” He nods at you, smiling. “But first, you need a room.”
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deandoesthingstome · 2 years
Hall Pass - Masterlist - Complete
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Paring: Henry Cavill x Reader (RPF) NO MINORS!!! (Please do not read or interact if a) you are a minor or b) this isn't your thing. Nothing against you, as I hope you hold nothing against me for this.)
Series Summary: You run into Henry Cavill at the start of a two-week house-sitting vacation. You had some previous plans. Some were ruined by your now ex-boyfriend. Some were made better. Guess by whom? See also: this ask
Series Warnings: I’ll be honest, this whole thing is just self-indulgent smutty fluff. Here’s what I offer: meeting, making out, and having sex with Henry Cavill (rpf). I’m probably NOT going to be adding chapter warnings unless I get a bug to re-write and something worms it’s way into the story that I wasn’t expecting.
A/N: I edited this teaser post to act as the masterlist for this story and so I could take the novel out of the remaining chapters. ;)
A/N 2: I started this story shortly after the fiasco of The Witcher and Superman announcements. I thought about how great it would be to try and cheer him up a little. For the purposes of this story, he is single. No hate to anyone in his life right now, in whatever way you imagine that to be. I also understand if you do not read rpf. Feel free to scroll on by. I don’t need to hear about it.
This was going to be a looooong one-shot, but solicited feedback prompted me to break it up for you. 
Playlist: I will add to Spotify with each chapter.
Word Count: 15K over 4 5 chapters (if you were here before, it said 12K; what can I tell you?)
Posting Schedule: Based on the responses to this post, I decided on a series instead of single post. Every Tuesday and Thursday at 6 am Eastern time, starting February 14th.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Epilogue
Tag Info Below the Cut (I have not updated this original detail at all; if you are on the current tags for Ch 1 and 2 you will be tagged in the rest, as well as if you've asked after the fact.)
Current Tag Lists: Please let me know if you want on or off. @liveoncoffeeandflowersss I moved you off Other Stories as I assume from our chat about "horse boy Henry shit" you want in on this.
Anything - If you are on Anything and I don't hear from you, I'll assume you DO want the tag: @sillyrabbit81 @kittenofdoomage @mayloma @kebabgirl67 @fvckinghenrycavill @beck07990 @mysweetlittledesire @itsrubberbisquit @feelmyroarrrr
Other Stories - If you are on the Other Stories taglist for my other stories and I don't hear from you, I'll assume you DON'T want a tag for this: @angelcavill66 @lizzystuffsthings @augustsprincess @alexakeyloveloki @enchantedbytomandhenry @kingliam2019
@henryownsme @littlefreya @marantha @angelcavill66 @sweetdreamsofgelato @jeremyrennermakesmesmile @greensleeves888 @dinoswierdmom @geralts-yenn @wabi-sabi1090 @bourbonwithice
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snarky-magpie · 6 months
20 Qᴜᴇꜱᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ꜰᴏʀ ꜰɪᴄ ᴡʀɪᴛᴇʀꜱ
Thanks for the tag, @fiendishfyre! 1. How many works do you have on A03? 16 published, 9 hidden.
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count? 673,850. I don't have a problem. No sir.
3. What fandoms do you write for? Harry Potter atm, original, and Voltron (formerly, lol).
4. What are your top five fics by kudos? 1. PS. I Hate You. 2. Many Happy Halloweens 3. Catching Crows 4. Call Me By My Name 5. Stealing The Seeker (my first HP fic, yay)
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes, to every single one unless they're rude (they usually aren't). I spend way too much time online and love to talk about my stories.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? None, really. I mostly write HEA. I am planning an MCD fic, but I don't know if I'll find the strength to actually write it.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Definitely PS. I Hate You. The epilogue will give you diabetes.
8. Do you get hate on fics? No, I'm not famous enough for hate. Most people in the fandom have been lovely. I've only got hate from prongsfoot shippers for saying there's a way to enjoy both jegulus and prongsfoot without hating on the other (ironically). Soured me on the whole ship pretty fast, though.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? Yes, but mostly for Voltron. I only have one smutty HP fic. I do love writing it, though, and I've got an explicit jegulus story in the works.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? Tried Voltron x Wednesday, and it was a really cool experience, but I gave up due to a lack of readership.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not to my knowledge.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? Tried to, with one of my betas. Got as far as two chapters.
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? Jegulus jegulus jegulus jegulus jegulus (I'm normal about them)
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Of Bluebells and Deception. Don't look for it, it's one of the hidden ones.
16. What are your writing strengths? Insert the meme 'you people have strengths?' Dunno. Based on what people say, I'm funny? Yeah, it comes as a shock to me too.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? Timeline consistency. Please, if you love me, never check if the dates, years, and ages of the characters align. Also, descriptions, and I tend to overdo it with internal monologues.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I write everything in another language since my first language is Czech. It's tough and gives me permanent impostor syndrome.
19. First fandom you wrote for? Voltron: Legendary Defender
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? Ironically, my least popular one (by a long shot). Moorland Skies. Tagging: @courfee @thebibutterflyao3 @howmanyfrecklesdoyousee @starlightvld (No pressure, of course!) And whoever else wants to play.
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WIP Weekend
Weekly update:
Chapter XIII of Possession will drop later this weekend. Only two more chapters and the epilogue left to write now, and that separation anxiety is starting to hit! What's going on? I only started that fic yesterday, didn't I???
My RBB fics will post on 25 and 29 March, respectively. I'm just in the process of finishing up the second one and so excited to share them!!!
Meanwhile, in omegaverse, things are finally getting smutty.
Send me an emoji, and I'll write and share three sentences from that fic!
The two RBB fics are a bit of an exception, as I may only share spoiler-free bits, so you'll get a snippet of my choosing from any place within the fic.
🐠 I'm just gonna swim (until you love me) [RBB fic 1]
☀️ RBB fic 2 [which I really ought to title soon] Snippet from 🔥 CW: omegaverse, nsfw
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He just fucking chirped at Steve fucking Harrington. Steve fucking Harrington, who just ate him out like a starving man would devour a delicious feast and who told him he tastes incredible. 
Somebody shoot him now.
Steve's eyes go dark again.
“Don't do that,” he murmurs, voice strained and reluctant, but he has started crawling his way up and towards Eddie’s face, as if pulled by an invisible thread. Like he couldn’t stop himself if he tried. His scent crests over Eddie, earthy and warm and intense. Every morsel of self-restraint, every ounce of shame, shatters in its wake. Eddie doesn’t think he minds anymore. “Don’t make that noise at me.” 
His hands cup Eddie’s face and he’s close now, so very close. Close enough for their noses to brush, close enough for Eddie to feel his breath on his lips. Close enough for Steve’s clothed cock to slot itself between his legs, big and hard and right, right, right where it belongs.
Eddie can’t think anymore, can’t talk, can just lie there and look up at that face, those eyes. 
Taglist: @somegirlsomewhere
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manicpixiefelix · 7 months
Ladies, gentlemen, and those of us who know better, I've officially mapped out the rest of the plot of head, heart, hand. !! Right now it looks like it's going to be around 36 chapters + the epilogue, though that number may fluctuate a little, but right now that means we're just about at the middle!! Things I can absolutely promise you right now (and it's not a spoiler I've been promising this since day one, I just wanted to reassure you all); A HAPPY ENDING FOR READER, FELIX, AND OLIVER!! THEY'RE IN LOVE YOUR HONOUR!!
Forecast is emotional, perverse, manipulative, loving, smutty, and ultimately painfully fluffy. I hope you're even half as excited as I am, my beloved friends!! Not a lot of specifics are entirely nailed down so I'll get to explore our favourite characters dynamics with a lot of freedom, but I've got all the narrative beats that need to be hit and the gist of each chapter !! Oh yeah, it's all coming together!!
edit: looking forward to coming back to go through my shorthand for each chapter summary when it's not 5am because some of these are admittedly pretty unhinged. bloody delightful. This is going to be a fun time writing 🥰🥰😳
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eslanes · 3 months
Storytelling Secret Saturday Sunday
@havenroyals tagged me in a super cute post to share some juicy story-related secrets. So, for anyone interested, here are some A Devil Between Us lore straight from my brain:
(side note, I will finish the story if it's the last thing I do! There's literally only the ending left and I hate the idea of pouring years into it only to leave it unfinished!)
I put this all under a cut as it got way lengthier than I anticipated! Considering how friggin long the story is I tried to keep it fairly brief (I failed but anyway)
Tillie was supposed to get more screen time, mostly in Prodigal Daughter (ch.4). She hasn't really been seen much since her romance/marriage to Airdan. Nothing overly exciting, but a few cut scenes with Sky but mainly Kyra (we'll get further into that). Also cut was at least one scene showing Tillie and Airdan in wedded bliss. There will be a cute scene with them in the epilogue though!
Zander was also supposed to get wayyy more backstory, but I ended up cutting a lot with him, for the sake of time/trying to stay focused on the main storyline, especially as it was nearing the end. In the first couple chapters, there are several references to his difficult childhood, complicated family dynamics and the resulting impact on his mental health etc. There's a scene in Devotion (ch.3) where we see him cutting while dealing with the aftermath of Aida disappearing/skipping town. At this point in the story he has not-so-secret feelings for her and relapses as a result of this loss. I don't think there are any other mentions of this after Tillie finds out and. I also cut pretty much everything in relation to his relationship with Kyra (again will get into this more), other than they're together and very happy. Them getting together wasn't even a planned thing, but it was a good decision because they are cute AF together. There will also be a sweet epilogue scene with them at least. One last point, a while back I did a Faelern family tree post, I'm thinking I'll do one for Zander for context at the very least.
Amazing, awesome, gorgeous Kyra. To say I did her dirty is an understatement. She initially appeared as Aida's doctor in Tender Prey (ch.2). I had so many plans to flesh her out but, like many Tillie and Zander scenes (she was supposed to be properly introduced in Devotion (ch.3) as Tillie's acquaintance turned friend) they were cut purely in the interest of time/focus. She's a great character and I love her so much but I definitely fumbled her. It sticks out to me even more considering she's the only black character (will touch on this a little more). I don't even think I mentioned the fact that in her spare time she writes smutty novels under a pen name 😭 she will get a moment to shine and a sweet epilogue post but still. I'm so sorry Kyra!
Sky was always meant to be bisexual. Another thing I meant to touch on a bit but ended up on the cutting room floor, so to speak. I have regrets.
I definitely wish I did better with representation. I did my best with my knowledge at the time of starting the story/introducing the characters, but as a learning, growing individual there are things I wish I did a better job with now. Namely Kyra being cast aside as a minor character, definitely not intentional but I have big regrets here (not because of her race obviously but I hate the thought of a successful, intelligent black woman not being given enough screen time as she's so awesome and was meant to be seen a lot more, especially considering she's the only black character). Not to say I didn't try to include a variety of ethnicities/cultures in the story (Sky and Diego are both Latinx, Airdan is of Persian descent, Faelern is half Lakota though I think when I made him in CAS in 2014 I based his features on those of Cree peoples). But like Kole was meant to have Asian ancestry (where???) so I definitely did him dirty. During one of his more recent makeovers I did give him a new eye overlay but it definitely doesn't fix this glaring issue. Anyway, at the very least I can say I've learned a lot and can identify ways to do better in this area. Growth is good.
Speaking of Kole, it's very obviously alluded to the fact that he and Aida start sleeping together after Jace ends his relationship with her. I was gonna include a NSFW scene but cut it because it was too depressing. It's already blatant that she's in a very destructive downward spiral at this point.
Finally, I've been back and forth on this over the years but I decided I do not regret the copious amount of graphic sex/violence featured throughout the story. When I was first putting it together in 2015 simblr stories were the equivalent of the Wild West, the large amount of stuff I distinctly remember being written about (often with not a trigger warning in sight) would probably not fly today (I can think of two off the top of my head that included assaults on minors that even I found very disturbing). I definitely noticed a shift after the Great Titty Ban of 2018. I totally get being sensitive regarding triggers/trigger warnings and ensuring that minors aren't exposed to shit they shouldn't be. That being said, I do think there's a balance. For me personally, my blog is intended for adult audiences and is labeled as such. And, like other media that features graphic/disturbing elements, I think it moreso depends on how things are handled. While the story features some very heavy/disturbing topics (kidnapping, murder, sexual assault etc etc), in retrospect I think I did a decent job of being deliberate with these elements. Each dark/disturbing scene is intended to be just that, and treated with appropriate gravity. While I recognize that this is not everyone's cup of tea, I have no regrets. As for the non-disturbing sex scenes, what can I say, I love a bit of smut lol.
If you made it to this point, congratulations (and thank you for reading!)
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shallyne · 5 months
The Diary of Feyre Archeron Ch 10
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Chapter ten! Last chapter before the epilogue. Enjoy!! Full fic on AO3
Words: 1.1k
June 29th
Rhys came with me to the Rainbow today. It has been nerve-wracking if I put it lightly. It took me about an hour before I even could step a foot into the artist's quarter but Rhys was there, reassuring me and giving me the time I needed. I actually wanted to do this after work but Rhys took the day off for us both and we walked to the Rainbow. In my quest to ignore it the past years I never realized how close the quarter was to the lounge.
After I managed to actually walk into the Rainbow (I gripped Rhys's hand the whole time like my life depended on it) I got that sudden feeling of nostalgia. Seeing people carrying canvases and paints, even the street musicians who were in their element. It was such a weird mix of emotions, on one side I wanted to bolt in the other I felt at home there, like I belonged. I teared up just standing there, probably looking like an idiot, but Rhys wiped my tears away with the hand I wasn't squeezing.
We even ate lunch there, right beside a gallery. I haven't gone into the gallery but Rhys and I agreed that this would be the next step, for the next time.
I'm actually excited! It's so strange, tho. Having all these different emotions.
July 12th
Tonight I had the first nightmare that I was alone to deal with. Rhys had to work longer and Elain and Nesta were on a double date with Azriel and Cassian. They invited me, too, but I was so exhausted after therapy that I just fell into bed right after dinner. I assume that's also why I had nightmares again, a lot has come up. I wish someone had been there but I managed, somehow. I didn't throw up and I, fortunately, didn't have a panic attack either. That's good, it's something to celebrate. I really don't know if I should tell Rhys, though, because I know he's going to feel bad for not being there and I don't want him to feel bad. I have to do this alone, it was bound to happen sooner or later. I don't know, I'll think about it. He's not in his office later when I work, so there is enough time to debate this until I meet him in the afternoon.
Also, I've bought a new dress. It's not like the others I took from home, this one is much more revealing. Mom would hate it, so I know it's great. Rhys will love it.
July 13th
I couldn't even say hello before he asked me if I had nightmares again? Is it that obvious??
But, okay, but that's not what I'm going to write about today. Something happened. Something GREAT!!! Rhys and I had sex last night. For the first time. And the second. And the third. Okay, a lot of times and it was amazing. It was the best sex I ever had. Not that I'm surprised but also I'm a little surprised because I didn't expect that. It was like something you'd read in Nesta's smutty books. I can't stop thinking about it. About Rhys and the last night and well, that's bad because we will have a barbecue tonight with the whole family (Nesta, Elain, Mor, Cassian, Azriel, Rhys's mother and sister, Rhys and me) and apparently you can read all my emotions on my face. Fuck, I have to work on that. I will! I'll try while getting ready. I'm still at Rhys's place but he already had a dress ready for me so I won't have to stress about that. (not in a controlling way like, his mother made that dress. She's a seamstress and I feel really honored to wear her dress but nobody would blink an eye either if I would turn up in pajamas)
I feel like I'm walking on clouds! It's surreal. If someone told my 16 year old self that I am where I am now she would laugh. She wouldn't believe it at all. I barely can.
December 15th
A decision was made!
I'm quitting my job at Rhys's lounge and going to art school. I started painting again around august and I just can't stop. There is so much that I have to tell, to get out. Rhys and I spent a whole night talking about the future weeks ago and the decision was a hard one to make but I made it. I'm going to art school. I'm living my dream, the thing I've worked towards my whole life until we had to leave my hometown. It's happening and I made the decision all alone. Without Rhys (although I've talked his ear off about the pros and cons), without Nesta or Elain, without my therapist. It was my decision! Isn't this exciting? I'm standing on my own two feet again. Baby steps evolved into quite big steps. I can't say how light I feel these days. I can paint it but words can't even begin to describe my feelings. I still have rough patches, especially now that it nears one year since my abduction but I'll get through this. I'm not alone. I'm not there anymore, I am safe now. And I am going to art school! Oh my god!
No words left, just happy.
January 1st
If you like a thing you should put a ring on it!
Okay, well, that's not the exact lyrics. I had to modify it a tiny little bit to fit my situation. Our situation. Rhys and my situation. Well, happy new year! I'm engaged! We are engaged! There will be a wedding. Between me and Rhys. Rhys and I. Engaged. Soon to be married. I'd say I believe I'm dreaming but I am not, I am looking at the ring as we speak. It's a family heirloom, Rhys told me. It's been through generations. The ring is also SO beautiful. It's a sapphire and in is etched with a six pointed star. The band of the ring is twisted of silver and gold. Never in my life have I seen something that beautiful. Sometimes, when the light falls in it in the right way, it looks like there is a star inside the stone.
Which actually brings me to the proposal. It wasn't something big, it was just me and Rhys and we went stargazing. I tried to find a constellation he had pointed at and when I turned around he was on his knee (his bad one, I basically had to pull him up), asking me to become his wife. Of course I cried. Nothing could beat this proposal.
It's Rhys and me. For the rest of our lives.
I'm thanking the stars everyday
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Feysand Taglist:
@captain-of-the-gwynriel-ship @starfall-spirit @rhysiedarling @corcracrow @sydney-fae25 @tothestarsandwhateverend @aayo-whatt @dreamlandreader
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analogwriting · 9 months
It Comes in Waves
Chapter 28: Closeout
Trafalgar Law x gn!reader word count: 2.1k a/n: well, this is it. this is the end. i didn't think i'd ever actually write and publish this but here we are. and i definitely didn't think people would like it but i see y'alls comments n likes. y'all got me cryin' frfr. anyway - i have a lot more in store. i have so many prompts on my phone. the dreams don't stop either sooo...here's to the next one ig lmao thank you all for reading n hopefully you'll stick around for what's to come ;a; (who knows, maybe I'll write a smutty epilogue in the future) first
Word eventually let out that you were awake, the Strawhats coming to check on you as well. They filled you in on their various battles and you were in awe of each one of them. It seemed, however, that not only was Luffy still out of commission, but so was Zoro. They seemed to have really pushed themselves this time around.
Fitting that it was the both of them, too.
Even when the Strawhats visited, Law didn’t leave your side, opting for sitting in the chair next to your bed. Nami and Sanji were giving you side eyes you were absolutely trying to ignore. Robin seemed to smile at you in a way that made you suspicious of her. She always had the knowing mom look, though.
Once they all filed out, you groaned, plopping back into your mattress. “I am so exhausted,” you mumbled, throwing an arm over your eyes. You felt the bed next to you dip, a tell tale sign that Law had moved back to sitting closer to you.
“Why don’t you get some sleep?” You groaned, looking at him as you moved your arm. “I need to get out of this room. I’m getting cabin fever,” you mumbled, sitting back up.
“Then let’s go on a walk.” Your eyes lit up. “Really?” Law nodded. “I don’t see why not. You’re all healed up, I think you resting was just a formality at this point.”
In moments, you were out of bed, standing and stretching. A groan escaped from your lips as you did so. Your hands were above your head as you stretched yourself out and you felt a set of arms wrap around your middle. A quick glance and you saw the familiar tattoos that you loved so much. Your face warmed up and you smiled, your own hands, resting on top of Law’s. Your head moved to the side slightly as he rested his chin on your shoulder.
“You’re very clingy,” you teased softly.
“Well, now that I have you, I don’t want to let you go,” he mused, pressing a kiss to your shoulder and you leaned into him. You looked out the window to the town below. It was a serene feeling right now. Something that you wished could last forever. However, with both of you being pirates, that wasn’t possible, but you weren’t going to complain. As much as you were enjoying the moment, if everyday was like this - you’d get bored so fast.
You turned around in Law’s arms, looking at him. You pressed kiss to his lips, humming softly.
“FOOD!” You pulled from Law as you heard a familiar holler. Your eyes went to the door, widening. He was awake? You looked at Law, who let you go and nodded. “Go on.”
You smiled, but interlaced your fingers with him as you took off down the hallway and to where you were hearing Luffy chanting for something to eat. Law followed you, protesting the running, but going anyway. You stopped in the doorway as you saw Luffy. You had seen him earlier when he was all bandaged up and it almost brought you to tears.
He looked at you, a bright smile stretching across his face. “Y/N!” You let out a sigh of relief, seeing him looking just fine now. Sure, he still had some bandages on, but you knew he was just fine. “Luffy,” you said. “Good to see you’re doing okay.”
“Of course I am! I’m going to be King of the Pirates!” He cackled and you smiled. “Of course. You need to become the king first before you let yourself keel over, yeah?” He nodded as he stuffed his face.
“So, what’s that all about?” Zoro said, looking at you and nodding to your hand laced with Law’s. You felt Law tense and you snorted, looking at the greenhaired swordsman. “Listen, I know that you have no idea what it’s like to have someone love you, but surely you know what holding hands means,” you teased, smirking at him.
From somewhere, you heard Sanji laughing at your words. “Take that, mosshead!” You snorted, seeing Zoro narrow his eyes at you. “Why I oughta-”
“Try something and you know your captain will absolutely fight you,” you mumbled under your breath at him. He glared at you, but the two of you broke out into grins. “Good to see you’re doing just fine then,” he said. You nodded. “You too.”
You sat down with Law, catching up with Luffy and Zoro. You filled them in on other events that happened outside of their battles that you knew about and they told you about theirs. It wasn’t long before both the Strawhats and the Heart Pirates joined. After all, the captains were here, so it made plenty of sense.
Everyone delved into their own conversations. “By the way, y/n,” Shachi began, capturing your attention, “What was that giant flaming lady talking about?” You blinked, tilting your head to the side. “Yeah, I’m curious too,” Law said from beside you.
Then you remembered. “Yeah, I have absolutely no idea.” You snorted, shaking your head. “You’re not related to a god?” You shook your head. “Not that I’m aware of.” You smirk, shrugging. “Maybe my looks are just so godlike, they mistook me for one,” you mused with a laugh. 
It raised some laughter from others and Law leaned in. “Though, I don’t think I god could compare to you,” he murmured in your ear, making your face turn red. “You keep saying things like that and I’m going to have to take you into the other room to make you deal with the consequences,” you murmured right back. He just grinned, pulling away.
Once more, you had that feeling of absolute content. Everything felt like it was in the right place. You were officially part of the Heart Pirates, Law was by your side, another battle won, and you also found a little bit of closure somewhere along the way. You knew that somewhere, your father was looking down on you with a smile on his face. And you knew Corazon had to be doing the same for Law. 
You looked over as Shachi and Penguin seemed to be teasing him relentlessly about you. “I’m just glad it’s finally a thing - he would not shut up about you sometimes,” Shachi said. You raised your eyebrows. “Oh?” A grin slowly spread across your face and you chuckled.
“Yeah,” Penguin began, “You remember that one island? The one where you two had to race? He would not shut up about you after you left. Talking about how you were so smart and amazing.” You raised your eyebrows, looking at a very red Law. “Is that true?” you teased him softly, earning a glare - or what he tried to use as a glare. You just snorted, laughing loudly. “Didn’t realize I had such an impression.” You pressed your shoulder into Law’s and he grumbled. 
“Well, sometimes they wouldn’t shut up about you either,” Nami interjected, joining your small group. Your own eyes widened as you silently pleaded for her to not. She sat down. “You know my price,” she mused and you knew it was game over. You didn’t have enough berries to keep her quiet and the both of you knew it. Especially since this is something she had been hanging on to so long.
“I remember one night, you had been drinking, and you wouldn’t shut up about Law. Talking about, well, sounds like exactly what he did.” Nami laughed as you started turning red. “Sanji and I started taking bets on when it would happen. Usopp was even in on it.” Your mouth fell open. Bets? 
Penguin laughed. “We had bets too!” Both you and Law just stared at your fellow friends before looking at each other. “Was it really that bad?” you said, and, in unison, everyone chimed, “Yes!”
Both of you were redder than tomatoes at this point. Damn, you didn’t realize.
“Wait, so Traffy and y/n are dating?” You heard Luffy’s voice from behind you. You turned around and noticed he was talking to Zoro, who nodded. “Oh cool! They always seemed to get along really well - I’m happy for them!” You honestly were surprised he caught on in the slightest. You couldn’t help but smile as you turned back around. 
“I even still have that picture from the party,” Sanji said, holding up a photo. Penguin and Shachi were up so fast that they almost tipped over their drinks. “Picture?” they chimed, looking at the cook.
“Sanji, I’m begging you,” you began. “Luffy!” You held out your hand, Law looking at you in absolute confusion.
“Got it!” His sandal was in your hand. “What are you-” Law began, but Sanji yelped. “Not again, please! Fine, fine. I won’t show it.” You began to lower your weapon, glaring at him when a certain orange haired girl cleared her throat.
Nami grinned, holding up her copy. “How many do you have?” You groaned, knowing you couldn’t win.
“Enough.” However, you noticed Brook talking to Ikkaku. “I was just wondering if I cou-” You moved fast, flinging the sandal in his direction, smacking him in the head. He cried out, rubbing his skull where you hit him. “Leave Ikkaku alone!” you shouted at him.
Luffy cackled from behind you. “It never gets old!” He fell onto the floor laughing.
“What the hell is that all about?” Law asked, still confused on what he had just witnessed. He looked a little frightened and a little turned on. “Oh, it’s a secret technique of mine. I call it fuck around and find out, featuring Luffy’s chancla,” you said with a shrug.
Your new captain just stared at you in bewilderment. You heard Shachi’s voice. “Keep sandals away from y/n, got it.” You narrowed your eyes at him. “Anything can be a chancla if you’re not a coward,” you warned, causing him to yelp and latch on to Penguin. You just grinned, laughing.
It wasn’t long before people were looking at the picture. “Aw! You look like a little family,” you heard Robin say. “Our little y/n…all grown up,” you heard Franky say from next to her, pretending to wipe away a tear. You groaned, hiding behind your own hands.
While the others were distracted, Law reached into his pocket and took out one just like it. “Wait, when the hell did you get one?” You looked at him in bewilderment.
“Remember when you were wearing my jacket? You stuffed it in the pocket and when you returned it, it was still in there.”
“And you kept it?” you asked, feeling your heart race. A sheepish grin spread across the man’s face and you just stared at him. That was so incredibly sweet and you had no idea what to do. You wanted to kiss him right here and now, but you knew the others would not shut up if you did. Maybe you were going to take him to another room and absolutely shag the life out of him.
You sighed, laughing softly. “Guess, under the circumstances, it makes sense,” you mused, looking to the others as they all celebrated. You knew you all would be setting sail soon. You’d be leaving with the Heart Pirates and saying goodbye to Luffy and the Strawhats, so you were going to enjoy this while it lasted.
You felt Law’s hand find yours, lacing your fingers together once more. You glanced at him, but he was currently engrossed in a conversation with Robin. A soft smile settled on your face as you turned your attention to the duo of troublemakers.
“Oh, we need to get you caught up on that romance. A new book came out and Shachi read it. Apparently…” Penguin went into a rant about the book series that they had started reading and discussing with you a couple of years ago. Damn, a couple of years already? Time seriously flew by. You felt Law squeeze your hand gently and you glanced at him. He gave you a small grin as he looked at you from the corner of his eye and you returned it before you both returned to your conversations.
This was the start of a new chapter of your life and you couldn’t be more excited.
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sissylittlefeather · 10 months
This is the Story
Chapter 12: The End
A/N: We've finally reached the end of this beautiful saga. I hope you have all enjoyed reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it. I'm not sure I'll be able to fully give them up, so there may be an epilogue coming, but only time will tell.
I'm so thankful for everyone who has helped me along the way with this one, but I'm eternally grateful to my besties @ccab and @elvisfatass for all their love and encouragement. You two mean so much to me.
Need to catch up? Here is my Masterlist.
Warnings: angst, sadness, depression, and then the smutty fun stuff, kissing, cussing, fingering, oral sex (both receiving), p in v penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie, also mentions of pregnancy and periods
Word count: 4.7kish
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The depth of their misery is equaled only by their love for each other.
By sundown, Grace has packed everything in her car, including a crying Wendy.
"Mama, why do we have to leave Daddy? I like it here." She asks from the back seat, sniffling.
"I'm sorry, sweetie. We just have to go home."
"This is our home." Grace strokes Wendy's hair through the car window.
"I'm sorry, baby." She turns to look back at the house. She hasn't seen Elvis since she finished packing in the bedroom. She wonders if she should find him to say goodbye or if she should let him be. She goes back up to the bedroom one last time to the pile of things she left on the bed. She's left the boots he bought, the book, her necklace with his initials, and a few other things he's given her. She stands there with more tears on her face, looking at the pile. At the last second, she grabs the necklace. She can't leave it. She turns to walk out of the room and finds him there in the doorway.
"Grace, please don't leave."
"You know I don't have a choice."
"I'm not going to stop loving you. My heart is yours. If you ever change your mind, I'll be here."
"Elvis, please." As she goes to walk past him, he grabs her and holds her against him one last time. She melts into him, shoulders quaking as she cries on his chest.
"Honey, don't leave. We can figure this out together." He whispers into her hair. She almost gives in, wanting nothing more than to stay with him. But she can't forget about Wendy. Everything she does is for her and her good.
She pulls away from him and looks into his face.
"Kiss me goodbye."
"No. I refuse to believe this is goodbye." She looks at her feet.
"Then I have to go." She walks past him and down the stairs to the car out front. He leans against the doorframe and shakes as the tears stream down his face. He should've given her that last kiss. He tries to catch her before she leaves. But when he gets downstairs and to the driveway she's already gone.
He spends the rest of the day in bed. When the Colonel comes to visit the next day, he drags himself down the stairs.
"You've got a lotta nerve showing up here."
"My boy, I was only trying to protect-"
"You're fired."
"Now, my boy-"
"Get out of my house. And don't come back. You're fired. I don't care what I owe you. I'm done."
"You know it's a lot-"
"Don't do anything you'll regret..." The colonel tries to back away slowly, reaching for the door handle behind him.
"I'll regret my association with you for as long as I live. You've lost me the only woman I've ever truly loved. I suggest you leave before I find a gun."
The Colonel backs through the door, shaking his head, and leaves. Elvis slams the door behind him and sinks to the floor again. Jerry comes to his side.
"Come on, boss." He half carries him back up the stairs to the bedroom, where Elvis lays on the bed.
"Don't bother me until I say so."
"Yes, sir." Jerry watches with a look of concern as he backs out of the room. He's never seen Elvis like this before.
Almost two weeks later, Grace is still moping around her apartment. She takes Wendy to school everyday, but that's the extent of her ability to do anything. One day, there's a knock on her door. Her heart leaps. Somewhere inside her, she hopes it's Elvis. When she opens the door, though, she finds Maryann.
"What are you doing here?"
"We haven't heard from you since Christmas. And then I saw this." She tosses a tabloid on the counter. It's a picture of Elvis with a headline about him going back to Vegas early.
"Why aren't you with him?" Grace is lost in thought. The only thing she can see is that he has on her initial necklace in the photo. He's still wearing it. "Grace?"
"We broke up."
"My editor said I had to end things with him or I would be fired."
"And you chose your job? What the hell, Grace?"
"How would I take care of Wendy? If he left me?"
"You really think he would do that?"
"I don't know anymore." Maryann shakes her head. She can see now that her sister is broken by this decision. She decides not to push it any further.
"Well, I'm here. And I'm staying for a while. When was the last time you ate?"
"I don't know. My stomach hasn't been great lately."
"I'm making you some food." She starts to fiddle with pots and pans.
"No chicken. I can't eat chicken." Maryann stops.
"Grace. When was your last period?" Grace turns to her with a look of panic. She hadn't even noticed.
"I'm not sure."
"Because the last time you couldn't eat chicken..."
The first of February is Lisa Marie's 6th birthday. Priscilla brings her to Vegas for a party with Elvis and the rest of their friends.
He almost breaks down when Lisa's first question is about Wendy and Grace. Still, he swallows his feelings and slaps on a smile, explaining to her that they won't be there. She's sad, but after she sees the pile of her presents, she cheers up significantly.
He does his best to be happy all day for his baby girl, and he's pretty sure he's doing a decent job, but anyone who knows him can tell something is wrong. Priscilla walks over to Jerry about half way through the party.
"What's wrong with him?"
"With Elvis?"
"Yes. He's not himself."
"Grace left."
"And he's this messed up about it?" Priscilla raises her eyebrows.
"Priscilla, it's been almost a month and he's still broken. I don't know what to do." Jerry shrugs in frustration and Priscilla looks at Elvis across the room with Lisa.
"I'm sure he'll be better soon. He just needs a new girl." Jerry nods, but he's not sure he agrees.
By that first week in February, Grace has an appointment with her doctor, but she won't get the test results for another week or so. She's trying to go about her life as usual, but nothing is the way it should be. She misses Elvis every day so much that it hurts. And she still hasn't had a period. It was nice to have Maryann's company for a while, but she couldn't stay too long with the kids at home.
One day, after dropping Wendy off at school, the phone rings.
"Grace, it's Jerry. You have to come to Vegas."
"What? Why?"
"He's dying without you. He plays his shows like he's supposed to, but nothing is helping. When he's not on stage, he's in bed. He won't come to parties or anything. We've tried everything." Her heart sinks. She knew she was miserable, but she assumed he had moved back to his Vegas life and forgotten about her.
"I can't come back, Jerry. I appreciate you calling me, but I can't fix this."
"Please, Grace. He needs you." The last part makes her heart break in two. She didn't think it was possible to hurt any more for him, but she was wrong.
"I can't. I'm sorry. Tell him- nothing. Don't tell him you talked to me. I'm sorry." They hang up and Grace sits on the floor of her apartment weeping. Will this ever hurt any less?
In Vegas, the Memphis mafia guys continue doing everything in their power to get Elvis back to some semblance of himself. One night after a show, Jerry takes the initiative and brings a girl to him. She's young, blonde, beautiful, and everything Elvis used to like. He really hopes this will get him out of his funk.
He knocks and Elvis opens the door slowly. He's already in his pajamas and robe, despite the party that rages downstairs in his honor.
"What do you want, Jerry?"
"I brought you some company." He gestures to the girl, who waves nervously.
"Jerry, I'm really not-"
"Will you just try? Look at her. Come on, boss. You're going to have to move on at some point." He nods as though he's defeated and opens the door for her to come in and then shuts it behind her. Jerry says a quick prayer that this will work before he walks away.
Inside the room, Elvis gestures for the girl to sit on the couch.
"What's your name, doll?" He can't call her honey. He just can't.
"I'm Linda. It's nice to meet you." She is very attractive and he knows he should try.
"Why don't you come sit a little closer to me." He pats the couch right next to him and she scoots into his shoulder. He puts his hand on her knee and then looks down into her face. He tries with everything inside him not to think of Grace as he leans in and presses his lips against hers.
Suddenly, he pulls back and stands up. He feels like he might be sick.
"I'm sorry. I can't do this." She looks at him puzzled.
"Am I not-"
"It's not you. I just... I'm in love with someone else." He hangs his head and she stands up. When she puts her hand on his shoulder, the dam breaks. He sits back down on the couch with his head in his hands weeping. The girl looks at him awkwardly and then sits down on the couch too.
"Do you... do you wanna tell me about it?" Before he can stop it the words just start pouring out of him.
"I've never loved anyone the way I love her. She's the love of my life. But she doesn't believe that I'll be faithful. She doesn't trust me. And it's my own goddamn fault." The girl is shocked to see him so broken. He always seems so strong and in control on stage. She never dreamed he would have this depth of emotion.
"It sounds like you need to show her you're serious. Most women just want some security, especially if they've been hurt before." He looks up at her, eyes red and puffy.
"Yeah. She needs to know you mean what you say. Words are great but action is better."
"Mhmm." She nods her head, glad that he's finally stopped crying. "How far are you willing to go for her?"
"I want to marry her."
"Then you gotta tell her that."
"What if she says no?"
"That's a risk you're going to have to take if you mean what you're saying." He nods slowly and pats her hand.
"Thank you, Linda. I'm sorry this didn't go how you planned."
"It's okay. I hope it goes well for you." They stand up and he walks her to the door.
On the elevator ride down, she and Jerry are both silent. Jerry can tell by the way Elvis looked that his plan failed. He's wracking his brain for what to do next. And she's still reeling from the conversation she just had with Elvis Presley.
Grace sits in the meeting with Frank, praying he can't tell that she's spent most of the morning crying.
"This manuscript is beautiful, Grace."
"We're looking at a publication date in the next month." Grace takes a deep breath.
"You can't publish it."
"You just can't. I'm saying no."
"You know the higher ups won't like that."
"I don't care. Fire me. I'll find a new job."
"I'm done, Frank."
"You really loved him, didn't you?" Grace looks at the ceiling, trying to keep her tears in her eyes. "You still do."
"I can't have my name on this book. Publish it under a different author. I can't do this anymore."
"Well. We're no longer working with his manager. Elvis told us to publish the book only if you want to." Her heart leaps and she looks up at Frank with a flicker of hope.
"What happened to the Colonel?"
"He said he fired him."
"So... you don't have to publish it?"
"Not unless you want us to."
"No. Please don't." Frank looks at her sadly.
"Finish your novel, Grace. I'll keep you on a contract for just that project. Once it's done, that'll be the end of our professional relationship. You're fired." She nods and gathers her things.
After the shows in Vegas end, Elvis seems to get a second wind of sorts. He spends his afternoons looking for something around town. Jerry and the rest of the Memphis mafia breathe more easily, hoping this marks the end of his depression over Grace. Maybe he's finally decided to move on and is ready to get back to himself before he leaves for tour in a couple of weeks.
On the third day after he finishes playing shows, he seems to find what he's looking for. He sits by the phone in his suite anxiously fiddling with the small box. He keeps picking up the phone and putting it back down. His stomach flip-flops every other second and his palms are sweating. When he can't sit still any longer he stands up and paces for a bit, always coming back to his seat by the phone.
Finally, when he just can't take it anymore, he picks up the receiver.
"Fuck it." He dials quickly and waits as the phone rings, his heart lodged in his throat.
"Hello?" Even just the sound of her voice comforts him in a way he hasn't felt in months.
"Hi Grace." Her heart stops cold. It's him. She's spent the days since she got fired trying to come up with an excuse to go to Vegas, but she just couldn't get up the nerve. And now he's calling her.
"Elvis." She responds breathlessly.
"I want you to come to Vegas."
"As soon as you can." She glances at the calendar. Today is the 12th of February. Her doctor appointment to get the test results is tomorrow.
"I can be there on the 14th."
"Valentine's Day. That's perfect." She didn't even think about the fact that it would be Valentine's Day. Perfect for what?
"Don't bring Wendy. I want it to just be us. Can you swing that?"
"I'll call Paulette."
"Okay, well, I-I-I guess I'll see you then." The thought of seeing her again brings out his nervous stutter. "Grace?"
"Yes?" She doesn't know what to say, but she doesn't want to hang up either.
"I miss you, honey." Her heart melts and the tears gather in her eyes.
"I miss you too." There's so much more to say, but neither of them can bring themselves to say it.
After he hangs up, Elvis breathes a sigh of relief. She agreed to come to Vegas. He knows this may not mean anything, but for the first time in months, he has some hope. He puts the box in his pocket and sets out to make the arrangements.
The next day, Grace sits in her car in the parking lot of her doctor's office crying hysterically.
The test confirmed what she was too terrified to contemplate as a reality.
She's pregnant.
As the tears stream down her face, a million thoughts run around her mind. Just when she thought she had a chance of getting Elvis back, this happens. Surely, he won't want anything to do with her now. And even if he does, it'll only be out of obligation.
She doesn't have a job. It's hard enough trying to support Wendy. How will she raise and care for two children on her own?
Maybe she'll invent a dead husband to explain why she has two children with no man. She shakes her head at that thought.
And what will this do for Elvis's image? What if it gets out that this is his baby? Should she even tell him?
She holds her head in her hands and continues weeping. How will she face him tomorrow?
Elvis paces nervously in his suite. She's here in the hotel. He sent Jerry to the airport to pick her up an hour ago with a message to meet him downstairs at 7. He's actually going to take her to a real restaurant for dinner. He no longer cares if anyone sees them together. In fact, he hopes there are pictures in magazines after tonight. Every few minutes, he pats his pocket to make sure the box is still there.
He's dressed in the velvet jacket again, this time with a white silk shirt under it, unbuttoned enough for her to see that he's wearing the initial necklace. A cigarillo hangs from his mouth and he keeps running his hand through his hair, so it's especially fluffy. He's trying to recreate the feeling of New Year's Eve, since it's the last time they were really happy together, but he's not sure he's succeeded.
Finally, he looks at the clock and it's five til. He can head downstairs and not look like he's too desperate. When the elevator opens, he looks around anxiously. He spots her standing uneasily in the lobby. She's looking around for him too, her dark hair pulled into a low bun, purse tucked up under her arm. She has on the black dress she wore for Halloween. His eyes drift slowly over her body as the dress hugs her curves perfectly. He wants to touch her so badly it hurts. When he can't stand it anymore, he walks over to her and resists the urge to wrap his arms around her.
"Hi honey." She turns to face him, obviously nervous too.
"Oh hi!"
"Should we... go?" She nods and he leads her through the lobby to the parking garage where his car is waiting. He wants tonight to be as normal as possible, so he's driving his own car.
They make small talk as he drives the short distance to the restaurant. It's clear that they're not sure how to approach their reunion. Neither wants to be the first one to take the conversation into deeper territory. Yet they're both sitting on secrets that will require a real talk at some point.
At the restaurant, they're seated at a private table in the back. He pulls her chair out for her and softly grazes her shoulder she sits. His touch is electric and they both shiver with the contact.
They eat, talking about everything and nothing. He tells her about firing the Colonel and she tells him about being fired for not publishing the book. At last, they sit there with nothing to distract them and they both know the time has come. He clears his throat, assuming he's the only one with a confession.
"Grace, I asked you to come here for a reason."
"Elvis, wait-"
"No, I need to say this. I love you, Grace. I'm barely half a person without you. I can't live-"
"Elvis, I'm pregnant." His mouth drops open and Grace's mind runs wild. She's pretty sure he's about to backtrack on everything he just said.
"I'm sorry I just blurted it out like that, but I feel like you needed to know before you made some big declaration." He closes his mouth and sits quietly, his heart pounding as he reaches into his pocket. "Anyway, so now you know. I don't expect anything from you. I've had a baby out of wedlock before, I can do it again-"
"No. You won't." He sets the box on the table and opens it. Inside is a 8 carat emerald cut diamond engagement ring. Now it's Grace's turn to be speechless. He slides out of his chair and onto one knee beside her with the ring box in his hand.
"Grace, I have loved you from the moment I laid eyes on you. You are the other half of my soul and I've been searching for you for as long as I can remember. Everything about you is music and poetry and you amaze me every day. You are the only woman I want for the rest of my life. Please let me love you forever. Marry me, Grace Dubois."
"Yes." She whispers it, unable to summon any more words. And besides, that's the only one that really matters. The smile that spreads across his face could light up a million dark rooms and he pulls the ring out of the box and slides it onto her finger. Without another thought, she wraps her arms around his neck and pulls him into a deep and passionate kiss. Then, he kisses her cheek and they embrace.
"I love you, Elvis. God, I love you so much." She laughs as the tears slide down her cheeks and he pulls back, cupping her face in his hands.
"Oh, Grace. I'm so excited for this life with you, for our child, for our family. I've never been this happy before."
"Me neither. I'm just so glad you're happy about the baby." He stands up and goes back to his chair, pulling it closer to hers so he can keep hold of her hand.
"Of course, honey. The girls need another sibling. I love that we will have one that is part of both of us." He kisses her hand. Then, he looks around.
"Hey, you know where we are?"
"We could get married tonight." His eyes sparkle with excitement and she laughs.
"We could."
"Why not?"
"I honestly can't think of a single damn reason."
They laugh together and head out of the restaurant hand in hand.
Elvis and Grace make it to a chapel before the paparazzi find them, but the way out is crowded with cameras. Elvis doesn't care. He holds up her hand to show off the ring and tells anyone who'll listen that he's happily married. Grace is shy at first, but his energy is contagious and before long, she's the perfect picture of a blushing bride. They kiss one last time for the cameras before he helps her into the car and they drive away, laughing and waving.
Back at the International, they maintain decorum only as far as the elevator. Once the doors begin to close, they turn and wrap around each other passionately, mouths pressed together with tongues dancing wildly. He slides his hands back to her ass and rolls his hips into her. She moans into his mouth and he kisses down her neck to her cleavage, running his tongue along the edge of her dress.
When the doors finally open, they tumble out of the elevator together to the door of his suite. He presses her body against the door with his own and she nibbles on his earlobe as he fiddles with the key. They roll into the room together, kicking off shoes and shedding clothing left and right. By the time they make it to the bedroom, they're both naked.
He lays her gently on the bed and kisses down her body to her stomach. He kisses just below her bellybutton and looks up at her softly. She knows he's thinking about the baby that's settled there for the moment. But he quickly switches gears and moves down lower on her body. He kisses the inside of each thigh before he presses his mouth to her center and she moans loudly, arching her back. He moves his tongue in circles over and around her most sensitive spot. He was always skilled, but in the time they've been together he's learned her body and knows exactly how to make her crazy. He slides first one finger and then two inside her and begins to move them against her as she squirms. He continues to move his tongue in a way that causes her to cry out his name. He knows exactly what she wants and he gives it to her until the waves of ecstatic pleasure wash over her again and again and she runs her fingers through his hair. He kisses back up her body and lines his cock up with her entrance. When he pushes into her slowly, they groan together at the sensation of him sliding into her tight pussy. She takes all of him easily, almost as though she was made for him to fill her up. He fucks into her, kissing her shoulder and neck and cheek.
"God, honey, I missed you so much. You feel so good." He says, his voice a husky whisper. She moans into his mouth as he pounds his hips against hers.
"I love you so much. Don't stop. Don't ever stop."
"Honey, that ring on your finger is a promise that I won't." He leans in and kisses her deeply, all the while filling her rhythmically with his cock.
She pushes him onto his back and settles between his legs. He loves it when she takes control like this. He never dreamed he would, but there's something about the way their love is a give and take that drives him wild.
Holding the base of him in one hand, she sinks her mouth down onto him, rolling his foreskin back so that the sensitive head hits the back of her throat.
"Oh, fuck, honey." He moans loudly and throws his head back. She continues to work, running her tongue up the bottom of his shaft and licking small circles around him. She's learned his body too and it's obvious by how she makes him come undone.
When he's approaching the edge, she stops and pulls back. He whimpers and aligns her hips with his desperately. He's so close to his release and it's been so long that he feels like he might burst. She slips him into her slowly and then lets him drive into her from underneath. He holds her tight to his chest with both arms while he fucks her, grabbing the back of her hair and pulling her in for deep kisses.
Before too long, he slams into her one last time, filling her with warmth as he shudders and pulses inside her. Neither of them expected her to tumble over the edge with him, but she does, the heat from her orgasm exploding from her center, muffling her hearing and coursing through her like wildfire. They lay there together panting and sweating for a moment. Then, she pulls off of him and settles in the crook of his arm, her fingers making circles in his chest hair. He's the first one to speak.
"I think I can handle doing that forever."
"You better! Not much choice now." They laugh and he rolls over to face her, bringing her fingers to his lips, suddenly serious.
"I know we said vows at the chapel, but I'm making another one to you now. I promise to always love you like this, even when it's hard. I promise to always try."
Her eyes glisten and she holds her hand to his cheek.
"I promise to trust you and believe in you with my whole heart. I love you, Elvis Presley. Always."
They settle in to sleep, finally secure in knowing there's no end to the nights they'll spend wrapped up in each other.
The first stop on his tour is Tulsa, so Paulette brings Wendy and they head to Grace's mom's house. The welcome they receive is warm and chaotic and their joy is undeniable. At first, Ruth is disappointed that they didn't have a big wedding, but the news of a new grandchild distracts her.
After several hours of family time, Elvis and Grace head to the hotel where they stayed for Thanksgiving, leaving Wendy to stay with her grandma again.
When they get to the door of their room, he stops her.
"Wait, I wanna carry you over the threshold." He scoops her into his arms.
"This is not our home, though?" She looks at him puzzled.
"Honey, my home is wherever you are." He kicks the door open and carries her inside, never looking back.
The End
@ccab @elvisfatass @elvisalltheway101 @ashtag6887 @aliypop @your-nanas-house @dkayfixates @everythingelvispresley @xanatenshi @returntopresley @p0lksaladannie @deniseinmn @jaqueline19997 @that-hotdog @18lkpeters @joshuntildawn13 @rjmartin11 @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69
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drgrlfriend · 4 months
Author Ask Meme
I was tagged by @bittercape.
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
61 works
2. What is your AO3 wordcount?
1,124,553 (June 2, 2024)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
I am a serial OTP-er. I started with Wolverine/Rogue (X-Men), jumped to Johnlock (BBC Sherlock), to Sterek (Teen Wolf), to 00Q (James Bond), and am currently in Winterhawk (Marvel). Usually I get sucked into a new fandom by following a favorite author. I also read quite a lot in The Witcher fandom but haven't made the jump to writing (yet?).
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Windows (Sterek), Layover (Sterek), Quriosity (00Q), Hide (Sterek), and I'm Game (A Very Craigslist Thanksgiving) (Sterek). Sterek is just a huge fandom, but interestingly one of my X-Men fic used to be one of the most popular fics on FFN, so that has given me perspective about how it's not necessarily all about the fic but rather some magic combination of fandom and tropes and web audience and luck as to which fics really catch fire.
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to, but if I'm actively writing a fic I get behind because if I'm on the computer with spare time I want to be writing instead. Then it gets overwhelming. :-(
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Happy endings always! I guess the closest would be My Heart Will Be Your Home because the epilogue / last scene is less about the Winterhawk happy ending and more about Clint coming to terms with the failure of his first marriage and Phil Coulson's death. [insert "growth gif" here]
7. What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Again, I really only have happy endings. Hmmm. In this time of trouble, I'll put in a plug for For Everything There Is a Season, my Four Seasons Total Landscaping fic, because it ends with the world being safe from Trum-- I mean Pierce. ;-)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
For how much I write some sensitive stuff I surprisingly don't! In particular the Four Seasons Total Landscaping fic I was worried would attract some rabid Trump fans to hate on me but so far so good. I have had people be really rude about my characterizations at times, or occasional plot decisions, but I've been getting better about deleting and forgetting (after I vent to a fandom friend or two of course).
9. Do you write smut? If so, which kind?
I write smut for sure! All kinds, kinda, except not maybe what would be considered hard kink. In particular pain or knifeplay or whatever holds no attraction.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest crossover you’ve ever written?
I just wrote my first crossover! Jason Todd has crept into our hearts thanks largely to @thepartyresponsible and I just wrote two Winterhawkhood fics -- one extremely smutty (Finders Keepers) and one that's T-rated with just OTP3 implied (First Glance) so something for everyone. :-)
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of, although I wouldn't be surprised, especially for my one Sterek fic that's gone "viral." I did weirdly have someone reach out and ask if they could copy a whole section of my fic into theirs (I had a very well-researched series of deductions from Sherlock as to how John was injured in Afghanistan). Nice that they asked, I guess, but I was like -- "... no?"
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes! People have been amazing with translations. I can't imagine the dedication it takes to translate some of my longer fics. A lot of times people start and then life happens and they don't finish, so I'm not always sure which ones make it to the end, but I know I've had requests to translate into Spanish, Mandarin, Russian,
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I did a Winterhawk Round Robin thing {You and Me (Telepathy)} where each of us wrote our parts in a serial fashion. I wouldn't call it co-writing, though because it was deliberately kind of non-collaborative (e.g. an "exquisite corpse" exercise). Probably the closest I've come to that is when my amazing beta, @kangofu-cb bails me out with an awesome suggestion!
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
Whoa, ask me to pick a favorite child why doncha? ;-) I will put a plug in for 00Q, though -- I wasn't in that ship for a very long time but there is so much latitude to play with Q, who at the time I was in the fandom only had like ten minutes total of screentime, as well re-imagining some of the James Bond toxic masculinity tropes. And Quriosity is still one of my all-time favorite fics, and the first fic I think in which I really abandoned the "big bad is defeated in the third act" structure and made it purely about relationship development.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I usually write one fic at a time start-to-finish so my "WIPs" are more daydreams than actual fics-in-progress. I did write a few chapters of a fic with night-shift homicide detective Derek and magical Stiles that had more of an Enemies to Friends to Lovers structure but I don't think it will see the light of day.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Hmmm. I have the patience to persist with a long fic even if most of them take me a year or more each with the limited free time I have -- I don't typically lose interest or give up (please don't let me jinx myself).
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Probably a lot, but keeping things short and evocative is definitely one of them. Sometimes I'll read a fic that seems like a longfic crammed into 2000 words and I don't know *how* people do it. I have a lot of trouble with timeskipping or skipping unnecessary actions/conversations. Getting better at it, I hope. At least I'm not making sure my characters eat three meals a day on the page anymore. ;-)
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Hell on earth. I have one fic where German readers are arguing endlessly in the comments about my word choice for endearments and insults and every time I changed it one way the next person would tell me to change it the other way. I finally gave up on reaching a consensus. I feel more comfortable writing ASL, because I have some background in that, as well as French, Spanish, and Italian which I learned at various points in school.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
X-Men (Wolverine/Rogue). Was sucked in by a fic that ended in a very ambivalent point and (extremely rudely) wrote my own ending to it and sent it to the author. Geez, I am so lucky they responded kindly! I was so new to fandom I had no clue.
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
Again like asking me to pick a child, but I'll put a plug in for Freedom's Reach. It's a Winterhawk set in the American West post-Civil War (e.g. the real American Civil War, not the Marvel one). It took a lot of research and that younger, more naive Clint (I call him Gosh!Clint Barton) holds a special place in my heart. It also let me explore something I'm realizing is a bit of a "this better not awaken anything in me" scenario, which is setting up a relationship dynamic that is inherently uneven and then making sure the person in the position of power is scrupulous about not taking advantage of that dynamic. Weirdly specific, but you learn something about yourself all the time!
Tagging -- oh, shoot, I don't remember who bitter tagged so I'll throw in @kangofu-cb, @pantstomatch, @noxnthea, and anyone else who wants to do this!
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Hit ‘Em Up! (18+ Fic)
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Pairing: Cowboy!Gojo Satoru x Cowboy!Geto Suguru x Black!Cowgirl!Reader (Slow Burn/Enemies to Lovers)
Synopsis: You get to meet Geto & Gojo the Gunslingers, the notorious outlaws that have every town and law enforcement in a twist, when your bum-ass BF offers you as payment to avoid going to prison. Little do they know that this is only a part of your plan to get what you desire. But when you realize that the infamous gun-slinging, smooth-talking cowboys could be everything you want and more when they offer you a deal to team up with them, will you successfully be able to go through with it? 
Warnings: Smutty Smut; 18+ (MINOS GTFO); poly!SatouSugu; Reader is Black & Fem; Mention of other JJK characters; Porn with Plot; Tragic Backstories; T/W for Childhood Trauma, Parental Death, Violence, Panic Attacks & Torture; Angst/Hurt/Comfort; Hand Kink; Masturbation; Voyeurism; Gay Sex; Polyamorous; Double Deepthroat; Mutual Oral; Fingering; CMNF; Spitroast; Riding; Unprotected PiV Sex; Creampies; Outside/Public Sex; Shotgunning; Multiple Positions; Spit Kink; Facials; MDom/fsub Undertones; Aftercare
Disclaimer: I own none of the characters mentioned in this fic. However, as this is my writing, I do not give permission for my work to be reposted on any other sites that are not from my own accounts. Thank you!
Writer's Note: I wanna take this time to thank everyone for continuing to read & support this story. I can't begin to express my gratitude & love for all of you! I feel like the updates for his story have been lacking a bit since I've been in school. Now I'm starting work this week, I'm afraid I'll become slower w/ updates, but I won't give up on his story. I love it so much. Even if it takes me till December to finish it, I WILL. I hope y'all enjoy! -Jazz
Chapters: One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. Eleven. Twelve. Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen PT I & II. Nineteen. Twenty. Twenty-One. Twenty-Two. Twenty-Three. Epilogue. Soundtrack.
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You wake up the next morning to a blinding light. 
At first, you think the snake bite got you and you’ve officially entered the afterlife, but then you hear Gojo’s voice. He is laughing and singing, his voice loud and off-key. You also hear the sound of running water. 
Once your eyes adjust, you find yourself lying beneath the trees in the same spot you feel asleep in. You slowly sit up, naked underneath your blanket and your foot elevated. You’re not in any kind of pain from the bite. Surprisingly enough, you don’t feel anything, but that doesn’t scare you like it should. 
Instead, you feel thirsty. You have a burning in your throat that can only be quenched with water. Any normal human being would simply go get water, so you do just that, not even paying any mind to the fact that you’re completely buttnaked. The early morning summer breeze cools your balmy skin as you walk through the forest, following the sound of the running water and Gojo’s awful singing. 
When you finally make it to your destination, all thoughts of water suddenly leave you at the sight of your partners in crime soaking in the water. The trees have given away to a beautiful creek and waterfall where cool, refreshing-looking water rushes freely down into the creek Geto and Gojo occupy. The water luckily hits their waist, so you don’t see anything below. 
You stand behind a tree with a thick tree trunk, shamelessly watching the outlaws scrub their arms and legs, sinewy with muscles and fine hair, with handmade soap and fern from pine leaves. Gojo faces you, his pecs and stomach glistening with water, while Geto has his big, muscular back to you.
“Would you please stop singin’ that song?” he groans, exasperated. “Other songs other than “Texas Hold ‘Em” exist, Satoru.” 
Gojo laughs, his blue eyes glistening in the sunlight. “But it’s the only song that matters right now!” he protests. “Don’t act like it ain’t catchy!” He continues to sing, his voice echoing among the empty forest, as loud as the rushing water. 
Geto shushes him, splashing him. “Keep your voice down! She’s probably still…” Gojo suddenly goes quiet, his eyes meeting yours across the way from where you stand. Geto turns around, his eyes aglow at the sight of you. “Oh, never mind.” 
“Hey, you!” Gojo cheerily says, breaking out into a smile. “You woke up just in time! We’re almost done if you want a dip. How’s that foot doin’?” You don’t answer, instead silently staring at them. You greedily drink in their bodies, hardened and scarred by years of their outlaw lifestyle. 
“Y/N?” Geto blinks at you, confused and worried about you not talking. Holding his beautiful, mahogany eyes with yours, you slowly reveal yourself to him and Gojo, stepping into the sunlight. Their lips part and their eyes widen at the sight of your naked body. 
Slowly, you stumble towards them, but Geto quickly reaches over and stops you, his arms blocking you from walking any further into the creek. “Whoa, whoa, wait,” he protests. “What are you doin’, little miss?” 
You twist toward him in his arms, smiling at the way the sunlight sparkles in his eyes. He’s so handsome. “You look so good,” you sigh. “I want you…want you to fuck me now.” Your hands trail down his chiseled chest, down his stomach, and farther down, down down— 
Geto quickly grabs your wandering hands, stopping you from moving down any further. “Hold on just a sec,” he says. “W-We can’t–” 
“He can join too,” you add, nodding at a shocked Gojo watching from afar. “I can handle two of y’all. Just let me show you…” You lean in towards the black-haired outlaw, your eyes trained on the same lips you felt on your body last night. 
“Wait, Y/N, stop,” he firmly says. His expression is hard, but worried. “Don’t do this.” You take that as a sign of rejection. He doesn’t want you. Suddenly, you feel burned and your lip wobbles as a random rush of tears begins to break. “Don’t you want me?” you sniffle. “Don’t you…” 
A sudden wave of nausea stops you from talking and you press a hand to your forehead, suddenly light-headed. Geto presses a hand to your back, rubbing it gently. 
“Y/N?” he questions. 
You open your eyes to look at two of them, but find there to be four, spinning and whirling and mixing into one another. “There’s four of you,” you giggle, gripping Geto’s forearms. “I-I feel funny.” 
That’s the last thing you say before you feel yourself lose your head and fatigue fall over you. Your knees crumble and you go limp in Geto’s arms. “Y/N!” Geto shouts, that being the last thing you hear as darkness overtakes you. 
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The next time you wake up, you see another blinding light. Now you really think you’re dead. 
“Oh, good,” an unfamiliar, deep voice says. “You’re awake. I was so sure you wouldn’t wake up at all.” 
When your eyesight adjusts, you turn your head to your head to find a handsome blonde man sitting in an armchair reading a book and drinking coffee. A white lab coat drapes over his blue button-up and slacks underneath, glasses perched on his nose. You squint at him, unsure of why he seems so familiar to you. 
When you see his eyes, that night at the train tracks comes rushing back to you. You sit up immediately. “It’s you!” you exclaim. “What are you doin’ here?” Once you do sit up, you regret it and press a hand to your pounding head. 
Nanami smiles at you, closing his book. ‘Well, you’re in my infirmary,” he chuckles. “Welcome back to the land of the living, Ms. Y/N.” 
Infirmary? Now that your vision has cleared more, you take a look around the strange room: polished wooden floorboards, butter yellow walls, and a wooden nightstand where a covered bowl of fruit and a glass of water sit. You sit in a comfortable bed surrounded by machines, including an IV in your wrist. These machines and the paper gown you wear prove Nanami’s words correct. 
Nanami rises from his seat, places his book on his chair, and walks to the window. “Where am I?” you ask. “I mean, other than in your infirmary.” He twists the blinds open, hitting you with rays of sun and a sight of apple trees blossoming with pink flowers outside your window. “Willow Springs,” he answers. “Your friends brought you here about three days ago. They rode like hell to get you here after you–” 
“Wait, wait,” you cut in, your eyes widening at the newfound information. “I’ve been here for three days?” Nanami nods, closing the blinds the minute you begin to rub your temples. 
You try to backtrack your steps and remember the last time you were conscious. You see flashes of the Devil’s Trail and its hot, sandy trails; the snake lashing at your ankle; the starry night sky; Gojo and Geto’s eyes. They’re all just flashes. No clear, cut memories you can focus on. “Why the hell can’t I remember nothin’?!” you exclaim. “Why can I–oh, my head hurts.” 
Your head feels like it’s about to explode with how hard it’s pounding. Not to mention how parched you are. As if reading your mind, Nanami passes you the glass of water along with the bowl of fruit. “Relax, eat and take a sip.” 
You do as he says and take a long sip of the water before taking off the lid on the bowl and popping a strawberry into your mouth. The sweet, juicy, tarty taste of the berry explodes onto your tongue and you tingle with pleasure. Nanami watches you from afar, arms crossed. 
Then he begins to relay more information to you: “After you were bit by that snake, the venom had a prolonged spread, meanin’ that it didn’t spread as quickly in the first few hours after you got bit. But after some time, probably during the night into the next morning, it slowly spread throughout your veins. Your immune system couldn’t fight the toxins, so that’s why you fainted at some point and were unconscious for so long.” 
He comes over to the end of the bed and takes hold of the warm cotton blanket covering you. “Brace yourself,” he says before peeling back the blanket to reveal your foot. 
You gape in horror at your foot tightly wrapped in bandages, your toes slightly red and peeking out of the handmade boot. “Oh, my God,” you gasp. “Look at my toenails!” They are black as if some kind of fungus has formed underneath them. 
“Those will clear up with the antibiotics I’ve been givin’ you,” Nanami explains. “As I said before, the Gunslingers rode like hell to get you here and immediately made a call to me to ask for help. Since you’ve been out, I’ve been takin’ care of you.” 
You blink up at the doctor, your heart fluttering at the mention of the Gunslingers. They brought you here? “They thought you were dead when they brought you in,” Nanami solemnly continues. “If they would’ve waited a day longer to bring you here, you would’ve been.” 
You don’t even want to think about that. “Where are they?” you ask. “Where’s my horse?” 
“All stayin’ at a bed and breakfast ten minutes away for the time being while you recover,” the doctor replies. “They’ve been visitin’ you daily, so they’ll be happy to know that you’ve awakened.” 
Once again, your stomach flaps and flutters like a jar full of butterflies at the mention of the gunslinging duo. Not only did they rush to bring you here while you were on the brink of death, but they also have been visiting you. You sip your water to hide how much this affects you. “Well, thank you for the help, Kento,” you say, “but I need to–” 
“I’m sorry, but you can’t go anywhere just yet,” Nanami interrupts, his tone soft but firm. You blink at him, confused. “You’ll have to rest at least for another week and gradually move on to walkin’ again. But you will walk.” 
You gape at him, wondering if he’s deadass. A week?! You can’t afford to lose a week of lying about when your target is out there somewhere…and probably looking for you. “Listen, I can’t be here right now,” you sternly argue, peeling back the blanket. “I have someone after me. Benji the Bandit–” 
“Doesn’t know you’re here,” Nanami says, putting the blanket back on you. “And before you ask, yes, our sheriff knows you and the Gunslingers are here, but he agreed to keep you here until you’ve recovered and as long as you don’t cause trouble. I doubt you’ll do much of that on that foot.” 
He nods down at your tightly wrapped foot that could scare even the hardest man alive. You sigh, realizing he’s right. You can’t do anything right now. “Thank you,” you say. “I mean it and…I’m sorry I’m so paranoid.” 
You feel embarrassed for acting the way that you do. Suddenly, you remember Geto’s words that he said to you on the Devil’s Trail: “You’re too hellbent…too reckless…” 
You wither with shame, realizing that he’s right. The reason you were put on those train tracks and bitten by that snake is all because of you and your stupid decisions. Maybe a week stuck in a bed is exactly what you need. Maybe it’s God’s way of telling you, “Slow the fuck down, my child!” 
Nanami shrugs, looking like it couldn’t bother him less. “Don’t mention it. I told you already that this town respects what you and the Gunslingers do for those who’ve been victimized by troubled folk.” You smile, feeling good about that. You didn’t realize so many people respected you other than feared you. 
The door suddenly creaks open and a young man with fluffy, pink hair and a bright smile pokes his head in. “Oh, she’s awake!” he says. “Mr. Nanamin, there’s an old couple downstairs who wants to see you, sir!” 
Nanami nods, already walking to the door. “Thank you, Itadori.” The pink-haired boy’s smile grows wider and he pops out of frame. “Excuse me for a moment,” Nanami says, taking his glasses off and placing them in his coat pocket. “Help yourself to the rest of the fruit.” 
He then closes the door and leaves you alone to your own devices. You sit there and chomp on the sliced apples, oranges, and strawberries before you hear the door creak open once more. “She’s right in here,” Nanami whispers. “Just please be gentle with her. She looks like she’s had a rough journey.” 
Your heart leaps, thinking that it’s the Gunslingers coming to see you. Though these visitors aren’t, your heart still pounds as fast as a hummingbird’s wings at the sight of the old couple standing before you. 
The woman wears a floral blue dress and matching flats, her silver hair that you remember always playing with when you were younger tied into a long braid going down her back. Her face has more lines than before, aged with time, but she still has those loving brown eyes that remind you of those chocolate chip cookies she used to bake you, warm and sweet. 
She covers her mouth at the sight of you, her eyes glassy and the gold band on her ring finger gleaming. It’s nice to know that after all this time, they are still together. “Y/N,” she tearfully sobs. “Oh, my darlin’, it’s really you!” 
You feel tears begin to push past your eyes too when you recognize them. “Mama,” you whisper. “Papa.” 
Her husband, who has more prominent lines and wrinkles in his face, takes his cowboy hat off of his head, showing off the same salt-and-pepper hair that he has on his chin. He wears a flannel and slacks with a corduroy jacket that you remember him always wearing. 
“Sweetheart,” he gasps. “Thank God, you’re okay! We’ve been worried sick about you, my love!” 
Mr. Eren and Mrs. Yuri Tokyoami immediately rush to your bed and stand on either side of it. They don’t touch you immediately, too afraid of startling you or possibly accidentally ripping out a wire, but they still take your hands in either of yours, gripping them tightly. 
You can’t believe it. You can’t believe your parents are here after all this time. “How’d you find me?” you ask, shocked. 
“We’re year-long patients of Dr. Nanami,” Yuri explains. “Your father needed his knee fixed years ago and we mentioned him to you.” You look at Nanami who only smiles, silently watching by the door. 
“Minus the outlaw part,” Eren chuckles, placing his hat at the foot of the bed. “I guess he put the pieces together once you were here and he called us immediately. We moved here three years after you left ‘cause the taxes got too high. After I sold the old farm and Yuri’s apprentice took over the bakery, we bought a much bigger farm here a couple of miles down the road.” 
The gears in your head turn slowly, processing all of this newfound information, but when your dad tells you that they moved to Willow Springs three years after you left home, you pause. “Y-You’ve been livin’ here this whole time?” you shakily ask. 
He nods, his expression confused. He doesn’t understand. He can’t understand. Neither one of them could ever. 
For so long, you’ve been wondering where they are and if they still lived in Elden’s Valley. You resisted the urge to go home, to call, or to even write a letter. You wondered if they still missed you or if they were still looking for you…if they even remembered you. 
And here they are now, aged with time and yet still so full of the same love they had for you years ago when they found you in that cart of flowers. 
You burst into tears again, covering your face. Yuri places a hand on your back, comforting you. Then you feel both of their arms around you, finally being embraced by the people you love most. “I’m sorry,” you sob. “I would’ve sent a letter or called if I knew, but I couldn’t–” 
“Honey, we know,” Yuri coos, caressing your hair. “We’ve seen you in newspapers and on those ‘Wanted’ posters. All we could do was pray for you to be safe and to one day come back to us.” 
To hear that be made perfectly clear to you—that they never forgot you—makes you cry even harder. “I’ve done so many things!” you cry. “Papa, I-I’ve–” 
“Hush now, darlin’,” he shushes you, pressing your head into his chest. He smells of tobacco and mint like he always has. “You’re still our little girl. Our flower, no matter what you’ve done in life. We could never be disappointed in you, my love.” 
You clutch his jacket and cry, cry, cry, letting all of your pain and longing come up to the surface. And at some point, Nanami leaves the room to give you time alone with your family who cry with you. 
 That night, after your parents leave you to head back home, you spend the night in Nanami’s infirmary where you’re visited by two ghosts of your very recent past. 
Those ghosts being Geto and Gojo the Gunslingers. You’re chomping down on your dinner of assorted fruits, a spring salad, and green tea (Nanami insisted you eat light for now) when you hear a sudden knock at the door. Nanami has retired to his home, leaving the overnight staff to watch over you. 
You turn, expecting to see one of his aids or nurses there, but your stomach flips when you see Gojo standing there in his cowboy attire, hat and boots included. He only thing different with him are the sunglasses he has on instead of his blindfold. He looks like the fourth blind mouse with them on, but you also find them endearing. 
“Well, look who decided to join the land of the livin’ again,” he jokes. He takes the glasses down, giving you a peak of his blue eyes. “Did a bad dream wake ya, little miss?” 
Geto slides through behind him, taking his black cowboy hat off while Geto keeps his on. His hair is tied into a ponytail, the simple yet sexy hairstyle accentuating his handsome face. “It’s good to see you up, Y/N,” he sighs, sounding relieved. “We were worried.” 
They walk farther into the room, Geto taking a seat in the chair beside your bed while Gojo leans against the wall near the window. You sit up in the bed, feeling slightly embarrassed for them to see you in such a state. You can tell that Geto is genuine too when he says they were worried and you think back to Nanami telling you how hard they rode to get you here. 
“Thank you,” you softly say. Gojo smiles, happy to hear you talking. “We’ve got another visitor here to see ya.” He peels back the curtains to the window and raps lightly on the glass. 
A familiar, long face with big, black eyes and a silky fur appears behind the glass, staring at you. “Reneigh, darlin’!” you joyfully shout. As if hearing you, her ears wiggle.  “We’ve been takin’ care of her while you recovered,” Gojo explains. “Just brushin’ her and braidin’ her hair. She’s a sweetheart.” 
Hearing that they’ve been caring for your horse while you were unconscious makes your heart flutter. You pass it off as being grateful for their generosity. You take. sip of your tea, breathing in the steam, herbs, and lemon. “Nanami told me y’all visited me while I was out.” 
Gojo nods, moving to pick an orange slice out of your fruit bowl without asking. You let him do it. “Had to make sure you were okay,” he says like it’s so obvious. “Y’know, we thought you were already dead when we brought ya here. You felt like a limb noodle.” 
“Well, snake venom will do that to ya,” you chuckle. The duo laughs along with you. “Y’all met my parents too, apparently.” Geto’s eyes light up with recognition. “Oh, the farmer and his sweet wife?” he asks. You nod, inwardly cringing as you remember your parents mentioning the two while they were here. 
While Yuri was rather happy about the idea of the two being your friends, Eren was less than approving. “You’re friends with the Gunslingers?” he asked, sounding extremely perturbed by the idea. Yuri laid a hand on his arm, calming him. “Eren, honey, they saved her life,” she argued. “And they were so nice to us!” 
You gaped up at them, almost dropping your glass of water. “Y’all met them?” you gasped. 
Yuri nodded, smiling fondly. “Oh, they’re such gentlemen,” she gushed. “They came here to visit you at the same time as us one day and we learned that they rode ya in here. Such sweet men, they are.” You still gape at her starry-eyed expression, the gears in your head slowly turning. Geto and Gojo met your parents? 
Eren grunts indifferently. “They may be sweet, but they’re still wanted outlaws.” 
In that moment, you see yourself in him like you’re looking in a mirror. You would have said this same thing months ago before you met Geto and Gojo. All outlaws were the same to you…until them. And you need to defend them. “And so am I, Papa,” you argued, placing your hand on his bigger, wrinkled one. “They don’t kill innocents. They go after evil people, just like me!” 
“And they saved her life,” Yuri added, her eyes loving yet firm as they stared into her husband’s. “Just give ‘em a chance, dear. Y/N did and they seem very happy together.” She turned to you, still starry-eyed and excited. “So how long have you known ‘em? When’s the wedding?” 
You blinked at her, confused. And then you went hot with humiliation. “H-Huh?!” you stammered. “No, Mama, you’ve got it wrong! We’re just friends!” 
Eren looked relieved while Yuri looked like you just shot her. “See, Yuri?” he sighed. “Always jumpin’ to conclusions. She’ll get married when she gets married!” You didn’t ask why your mom seemed so overjoyed about you marrying two of the most notorious outlaws in the Wild West, but you didn’t want to know. 
You flush as you look at the two now, Yuri’s question about marriage still bothering you like a pesty fly. “So how were you two handlin’ things?” You ask, wanting to change the subject as quickly as possible. 
Gojo points at the fruit bowl questionably and you nod, rolling your eyes. Now he decides to ask? He plucks a strawberry out of the bunch this time. “Eh, it’s kinda weird bein’ in one place for so long, but we’ve gotten used to it. It’s pretty nice to sleep in a clean bed and take a shower every mornin’.” 
“We’re stayin’ at a bed an’ breakfast for now,” Geto explains. “Just until you’re healed up, but we don’t really have a timestamp on how long we’ll be stayin’ there for.” 
“And it’s for free!” Gojo happily announces, his joy over such a thing endearing to you. “The old lady who runs the place told us she loves us for our work, so she gave us the room free of charge.” He smirks at you. “To tell ya the truth, I think she just wants to fuck us.” 
Suddenly, a series of memories come flooding back to you: the starry Western skies; the moonlight turning the tips of the trees silver; the softness of Geto and Gojo’s hair between your fingers; their calloused hands; their wet tongues and soft mouths; Gojo’s piano fingers sliding inside of you while Geto plays with your— 
You press a hand to your head, wincing at the embarrassing memories. Now they decide to come back to you of all times?! Geto notices your discomfort and places a gentle hand on your knee. “You alright?” he asks, concerned. 
When you flinch at his touch, he notices and quickly backs off, afraid that he hurt you. “Y-Yeah,” you reply a little too quickly. “M’fine.” You cough into your hand, attempting to recover. “So when are we thinkin’ of gettin’ back on the road to find Benji?” you ask, changing the subject. 
The duo look at each other, silently speaking to one another, and you can see that you said the wrong thing. Gojo quickly sprinkles some sugar on the awkward moment though. “Whoa there, girl,” he chuckles. “Relax! You just woke up from a venom-indunced coma. Can’t the Bandit wait till you’re better?” 
“But I am better!” you protest despite your black toenails and throbbing foot. “Nanami said I should be good in a week, so we can leave then.”
Geto becomes the voice of reason despite your disagreement with him. “You need rest,” he soothingly says. “We’ll have plenty of time to go after Benji once you’re 100%, but for now, just take this time to recuperate.” You think about his and Gojo’s reactions to holding you almost-lifeless body and give in to the duo’s “suggestion”. And just like that, it’s settled. 
“So what’s this about us gettin’ married?” Gojo asks, plucking another orange slice from your fruit bowl. “Your mama seemed pretty animate about that.” He gives you a smirk as he goes to peel the slice, but you snatch it back before he can. 
“Please shut up,” you sigh while Geto laughs. 
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fiona-fififi · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @spotsandsocks. Thank you for the tag!!
How many works do you have on Ao3?
What's your total Ao3 word count?
250,243 words
What fandoms do you write for?
Currently only 911. In the past, Supernatural, Shameless, Bones, and BtVS.
Top 5 fics by kudos:
Breaking News
The jury's out, but my choice is you
On the Outside
say (don't) go
Believe in one thing, I won't go away
Do you respond to comments?
Honestly, no. Trying to respond stresses me out. It can take me literally hours to figure out how to respond to a single comment, and then I feel like, if I respond to one, I have to respond to all immediately, and my anxiety can't handle it. So I've mostly stopped responding. Every now and then, I will respond to a friend because I don't stress over those, or if someone makes a weird comment where they seem to have misunderstood something I might respond to try to clear things up.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
For 911, honestly, I don't think I have any angsty endings. Plenty of angsty fics, but most of my endings are happy or at least hopeful. I guess I would maybe say the one with the angstiest ending is Believe in one thing, I won't go away, but the end is still pretty hopeful.
Outside of 911, the angstiest ending was definitely in a little Supernatural fic I wrote many years ago titled The Things They've Left Behind. It's also one of fics I'm proudest of. But it's a rough one.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Honestly, there are quite a few happy endings to my fics, but I think say (don't) go takes this one. It's a little angsty through the main story, but the epilogue is just pure fluff.
Do you get hate on fics?
Not often, but once or twice. More often than hate for the fic, I get sort of weird hate comments about side characters in the story. Like, I'll have a fic where Taylor Kelly is kind of in the background, but not in any way written hatefully or even negatively, and people will just go off on the character in the comments, which is weird and not a great look. Don't do this, y'all.
I did once get a hate comment accusing me of villainizing Eddie based on the summary alone, I believe. I responded, and they apologized, which I appreciated. But I will never understand people's need to toss around accusations without even reading the actual fic.
Do you write smut?
I have in the past, but not recently. I really have to be in a very specific mood to write smut, and often I just cannot tap into the focus I'd need for it because I generally find writing smut boring. So it takes me forever to actually finish anything even a little bit smutty. I've had a post vow renewal smut fic in the works since the vow renewal aired, and I just can't get it together.
So. Often not my cup of tea as a writer.
Craziest Crossover:
Okay, I don't have this posted on Ao3 (I think it's on ff.net?), but I once wrote a series of Sam Winchester/Temperance Brennan fics. Those were fun times.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I don't think so. I had a couple of fanvids stolen back when I vidded for Bones, but never fics, I don't think.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I think someone asked once and may have done the translation? I can't remember if anything ever came of it, though.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I have not. I don't have the focus or discipline to co-write with anyone. I would immediately lose focus and cause everything to go off the rails, and I would never want to do that to someone else.
All time favorite ship?
All time? I don't know. I really want to say buddie, but also, like Mulder/Scully and Sam/Dean. Honestly, I tend to be just very, very attached to my ship of the moment, so answering for all time is tough.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Probably this Natalia finds out about Chris fic because I keep accidentally fogetting it exists, which. is hindering progress.
What are your writing strengths?
I honestly don't know. I think maybe emotional scenes or angst?
What are your writing weaknesses?
A lot. Focus is the worst. I just don't really have it, and it makes writing near impossible. I also don't think I'm any good at scene transitions or dialogue sometimes.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I wouldn't personally do it because I don't have enough of any other lanuage to feel comfortable with it. I might use a word here or there if the character uses it regularly and I feel generally comfortable with the context and/or translation. I also don't love when people drop in dialogue or things in other languages and admit to just using google translate because that feels. not great.
I also don't think it should be translated in the middle of the fic. Sometimes, it's okay to not understand every single word of a fic, and people who speak and write in other languages shouldn't have to translate every word for their readers over a couple of lines in another language. Which might be a weird take, but that's where I stand on it, I think.
First fandom you wrote in?
Like, in my little notebooks before the internet was a thing in my house, it was The X-Files when I was like 8-11. That I posted in a fandom I actually interacted with, I think it was BtVS.
Favorite fic you've written?
This one's kind of a toss up. For 911, I think it's probably one of the following:
I got nothing to believe (unless you're choosing me)
say (don't) go
You were bigger than the whole sky
I know I should narrow it down more, but I don't know. That first one is probably recency bias and the fact that parts of it are deeply personal to me. The second is the Eddie wants kids fic, which I worked on for months, so it has a special place in my heart. The third one is kind of a weird little experiment that was just unlike anything I'd ever written before. And the fourth one is a post break-up fic, and I really enjoyed playing with that kind of angst.
So they were all pretty different, and I can't choose.
Tagging (no pressure! and sorry for any double tags!): @messyhairdiaz @shortsighted-owl @elvensorceress @reachingforaspark @wh0re-behavi0r @daffi-990 @eddiebabygirldiaz and anyone else who wants to participate.
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missgryffin · 8 months
We haven't even read Love For The Summer till the end yet and I already miss them! Just seeing the "epilogue" and "Hogwarts Express" in the titles, presumably with the story ending with them going back to school, already has me wishing for more hahaha
This has me so 🥹 I know what you mean about already missing them, I've noticed I will procrastinate finishing stories when I'm not ready to let that world go. And LFTS is a special one for sure!
I do have a doc set up for a for the hope of it all continuation, which could sort of double as a LFTS continuation too? Because the premise is just a vibey/fluffy/smutty autumnal fic of Jily being a couple in the first few months of term. Or maybe I'll circle back and write a LFTS continuation someday, who knows 😂
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