#then i go to the fanarts and fanfics and ignore canon
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kimdokjathereader · 1 year ago
Me, one of the numerous online depressed community, would like it to be known that I am SO. FUCKING. HAPPY!!! about getting an epilogue to orv.
HOWEVER. My depressed flat butt would ALSO like it to be known that I have no CPU or memory brain space to hold onto any more canon angst… and thus will ignore canon and epilogue except the 3 things:
kdj x yjh dynamic (maybe including hints of hsy)
kdj’s self-justifying ass being kicked in the face by the fourth wall
all orv characters always, ALWAYS orbiting kdj in some way or another.
…thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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bicth-and-in-that-order · 3 months ago
Let’s talk about THAT CaitVi scene and the fandom’s response to it
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All cards out on the table, I used to adore CaitVi. I was there in the trenches reading the fanfics, watching the shipping videos, even going on fucking dynasty scans for the fanart + doujinshis😭 (iykyk). I loved CaitVi down bad, and of all the things I was most excited for in S2, this ship becoming canon was near the top of the list. I say this to say I don’t come from a place of apathy or hatred when it comes to this ship, but just genuine disappointment and disgust for how it was mishandled in season 2. Particularly when it comes to the abuse.
In preparation of this rant, I did my homework to fully understand both sides. I watched this video:
Which explains Cait’s behavior and even addresses her physical abuse. And, as much as it pains me to say this, I looked through the CaitVi tag on tumblr and read as many posts as I could defending Caitlyn and CaitVi as a ship.
Before I begin, I think it would be fair to lay out the main defense before tearing into these people. So let’s talk about Cait:
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The main thesis of “Stop Me Oh’s” video and many other CaitVi shippers is that Caitlyn is someone who doesnt like to communicate her feelings and thinks actions speak louder than words. By helping Vi without hesitation during Act 2 and putting aside her grief to allow Vi a chance to talk to Jinx, someone who murdered her mother, Cait is already showing immense remorse. She’s taking steps to make amends for her actions and proving that her love and trust in Vi outweighs her desire to get revenge. She doesn’t need to actually utter a single apology when she’s done more than enough to make up for her misgivings.
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And excusing the whole fascist thing, ALL she did was hit Vi. She didn’t kill the poor thing like Jayce and they weren’t fighting to death like Ekko and Jinx:
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And, let’s be honest, wouldn’t you do the same? Put yourself Cait’s shoes. Imagine your family was blown up by your partner’s crazy lunatic sister. You watched her turn your world upside down. And while your partner is fully supportive of hunting down your mother’s murderer, she suddenly switches up when it’s time to actually go through with it. She’s stopping you from shooting this deranged killer all because you MIGHT shoot some annoying child. And then you miss the best chance you’ll ever get to take down this terrorist and your partner comes crawling back to you, talking about how you’re just like that murderer. Then, in the heat of the moment, you hit her with the butt of your gun. You hit her and you abandon her in a hole while she cries on the ground. It’s harsh, but doesn’t she deserve it?
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Don’t you see? Cait is a poor rich girl who lost her mother. Unlike these other murderers and thugs, all she did was hit Vi during a moment of passion and would never, ever, ever, ever, do it again. Vi should be grateful Cait even let her see her only family, she could’ve just fucking killed the bitch.
Okay. Jokes asides, let’s just address each of these points one by one.
1. Cait already apologized through her actions
This is the most common defense I see for Cait, and it’ll be the lengthiest one too.
So my question is: For what?
Ignoring the fact that verbally apologizing IS an action, how does Cait deciding not to pursue Jinx and allowing Vi to see her only family correlate to her making amends for the physical abuse?At the very least , I can see Cait siding against Ambessa and admitting she fell for propaganda as “apologizing” for her turning to fascism. I guess. But what is Cait atoning for exactly when she helps out Vi? I’ll try to explain what I think it is:
When Cait says Vi has Jinx’s blood, shoves her gun into her stomach, and leaves her in a ditch, that represents her no longer trusting Vi. Cait thinks she’ll choose Jinx over her. So later, when Cait sides with Vi and allows her to see Jinx, it’s shows that she’s willing to trust Vi again and her judgement of character. Which Vi understands. When we think about it this way, Cait hitting Vi isn’t read as “physical abuse” by the narrative because the physical act of violence isn’t the issue the writers are trying to portray. No, the issue is Cait no longer trusting Vi. Physical abuse was just used as a vehicle to convey Cait’s distrust of Vi, who she now sees as a stranger/enemy….for like, an episode or two, then switches up lol.
But my point in saying all of this is, Cait isn’t really “apologizing through her actions” about the physical abuse. In fact, that was never even a consideration. And no, we’re not going to brush it off by saying “well shouldn’t this count for Cait hitting Vi too”. If we’re to take physical abuse seriously, and WE ARE you freaks, this is an offense that Cait needs to address separately. Properly.
Imagine if someone punched you in the face then stole your cookies. They never apologize to you for anything, but over the following days, they buy you cookies, maybe even some milk. Do you think these actions are enough of an “apology” for punching you in the fucking face? If they are then you need some serious help.
Ah, and contrary to the popular belief that Cait doesn’t need to verbally apologize bc she shows her actions through words and yadda yadda yadda, Cait does, in fact, try to apologize in Jinx’s suicide cell. About fucking Maddie. Then she gets cut off. You would think Cait wouldn’t feel the need to apologize about Maddie since “aCtIonS sPeAk LoUdeR tHaN wOrDs” but I guess Cait picks and choose what she feels sorry about.
And I can already hear the counter argument. “It’s not about if I forgive Cait, but if Vi does since she’s the victim. Cait and Vi kiss and make up, and by the season’s end, they’re a couple. Therefore, Vi forgives Cait about everything.”
Putting aside the cycle of abuse, my question is: how does Vi feel about Cait hitting her? And vice versa. Since the fandom loves throwing “media literacy” around so much, let’s put that to the test. While the physical abuse is never brought up, hinted at, thought about, or addressed ever again (much like how the fandom treats it), that doesn’t mean we can’t talk about the implications.
If Vi doesn’t specifically mention the physical abuse, what does that mean for her character? Did Vi think she deserved it, or maybe she was just used to it, maybe she thought it was in the heat of the moment and Cait would never hurt her again (super toxic mindset btw), etc etc.
If Cait never mentions her physically abusing Vi, what does that mean for her character? Does she even care, does she think she was justified, did she think Vi could take it, why is Maddie the first thing she apologizes about and not hitting Vi and leaving her in a dank hole?
Because we could easily be getting into toxic/abusive territory, and when it comes to physical violence, there’s very little wiggle room for a more positive interpretation.
2. These characters aren’t perfect, they’re flawed
So this argument falls back on the “well pobody’s nerfect” defense and to that extent I agree. I think Cait is selfish and callous, but all the other characters who have similar flaws (think Silco, Marco, Ambessa, probably more) end up fucking dying and/or have actual narrative consequences. I’ve seen people argue that Cait losing her eye is a narrative consequence and IT IS for Cait’s alt right phase and choosing to follow Ambessa but it’s NOT for hitting Vi. Neither is Maddie betraying her. An appropriate narrative consequence would’ve been Vi leaving her ass, but I promise you the same people defending Cait would’ve had a thousand think pieces about how the writers sabotaged Cait’s character. Arcane is NOT a show about bad people getting away with bad things either.
3. Well Jayce killed Viktor / Ekko and Jinx tried to kill each other
So this argument acknowledges Cait’s abuse and her lack of apology but tries to deflect by claiming the other couples are violent, if not more. Even though this is a classic whataboutism, I’ll address it. I won’t acknowledge the timebomb side of the argument because it’s incredibly dumb, but for Jayvik, where do we begin? Recall that after Cait and Vi kissed, they were on romantic terms. That’s why Cait even bothers bringing up Maddie, and it’s really more so to let the viewer know Cait will excuse abuse but draws the line at infidelity. During Act 2, Jayce and Viktor are enemies and Viktor will literally kill everyone if he continues on his path. Jayce could have at least talked to Viktor first, but the writers chose to make him deranged or whatever so that was out of the question. And again, they’re enemies. Fighting isn’t off the table, even killing. If Viktor sucker punched Jayce while they were astral projecting together, then that might be analogous to Cait and Vi, but they don’t.
4. Not all relationships are perfect
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This is one is similar to point two, but I’m taking a different angle. No, not all relationships are perfect, but I would never call physical abuse a “flaw” that’s to be expected in a normal, healthy relationship. Once you introduce violence, we call that abusive. I didn’t know we were in dire need of an abusive lesbian relationship, but I’ll walk with you.
If Arcane had the balls, CaitVi could’ve been portrayed as the toxic yuri couple it clearly is. They could’ve leaned into Vi being desperate enough to take Cait back and Cait not giving a single fuck about hitting Vi and leaving her. And if they did, this post wouldn’t exist. But they don’t. We’re genuinely supposed to like this slop and view it as a good thing because they kiss and play fun pop music while they fuck instead of the more appropriate “Poison” (by Bell Biv DeVoe ofc).
5. Well Jinx did XYZ to Vi
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Another whataboutism. At risk of making this post longer than it already is, I’m gonna be brief. Yes, Jinx did awful things to Vi, but the narrative properly punishes Jinx for all of her actions (I mean the girl literally sacrifices herself) and wastes no time calling her out, especially Vi. Behind Cait, Vi is Jinx’s biggest hater. Literally chokes the girl out on sight. So let’s not pretend there’s some hypocrisy going on here, though it doesn’t escape me that many Cait fans end up being Jinx haters.
With that, I think I’ve covered all the major defenses for Caitvi’s physical abuse. All I can say is that the relationship is fucked and Vi deserves better.
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morphean42 · 2 months ago
Falsettos unpopular opinions because two people asked for this and honestly I don’t give a fuck anymore. I want to state this isn’t in response to anyone in particular, though, and if you get offended by any of these think about why. For a good reason? Please tell me and I’d love to debate it, truly. For a petty reason? You’re simply part of the problem.
1. They are Jewish. End of story. If I see anything related to Christianity or Christmas or whatever the fuck with them… shut up. Yes Whizzer is half-Jewish, yes in the revival Cordelia isn’t Jewish (WHICH BRINGS ME TO ANOTHER POINT ILL GET INTO LATER), yes they are most likely secular as evidenced by Mendel’s “religions just a trap” and ‘Days Like This’, no this does not give you the right to ignore their ETHNICITY AND CULTURE.
2. It’s okay to like the revival more. It’s not okay to ignore the original just because you get blinded by conventionally attractive men. Going to my Cordelia point, she’s Jewish in the original, her line ‘Shiksa caterer’ is ‘Kosher caterer’. Again it’s fine if your headcanons and fanfics and fanarts are based on the revival, I love it too, but stop acting like it’s the only version.
3. Whizzer’s entire personality does not revolve around being gay. He’s not a sassy twink. He’s a full grown man with issues that need to be addressed. Again, I reiterate, he is not a twink. Stop. Drawing. Him. Skinny. And. Hairless. I don’t care if ‘ oh but but that’s just my art style!’ Shut up.
4. Correlated to the above point, here are things Whizzer is not: a prostitute, a drug addict, relying on Marvin for everything, a twink (saying that again to get it through peoples fucking skulls), innocent. I’m 100% positive if the people who had these headcanons watched the OBC version of the show they’d never continue to advocate for them… once more I’m begging you guys to look past Andy Randy’s beautiful face and actually use critical thinking skills when it comes to Whizzer.
5. Short but (not) sweet: don’t claim to understand Marvin if you haven’t watched In Trousers. Just don’t.
6. If you flat out hate any character in the show, you’re wrong. Yes I’m still mad about the Mendel thing; if you think any one character is worse than the rest and isn’t just a fully human person with flaws and nuance, you don’t understand the musical as well as you claim.
7. It’s not the ‘gay’ musical. If you like falsettos for Whizzvin and nothing else, please, just… I don’t even know. There’s so much more to it than ‘ooo boys kissing.’ Please grow up, this leads into a whole other point but fetishisation is never okay, no matter who does it.
8. So many people treat Trina as either a perfect angel or just the side character in the way of the gay people. She’s an entire person, an entire character with flaws and hardship and terrible actions done by her and to her. Treat my homophobic queen with the respect she deserves, and acknowledge her faults too. It’s more misogynistic to treat her as perfect when she has issues too than just saying ‘she’s never done anything wrong’.
9. Stop making AIDS jokes.
10. This next one is probably the most iffy on the list. I will never be one to police fandom and creation, you can engage with material in any fucking way you like it literally doesn’t matter to me… but I dislike AUs. Now, I’ll always enjoy a little fun, adding in a twist like lesbian Whizzvin, or enjoying a feel good college AU. But. Especially for Falsettos the canon events are so fucking important and cannot be disregarded as casually as some do. AIDS is an extremely important part of the story, as well as the fact that both Marvin and Whizzer are men. I’m trans myself, but I dislike making them so simply because everything about their characters, all the characters, are so highly specific and important to take these aspects away is to disrespect the message of the musical.
11. It’s very important Mendel is straight. I see some people headcanon him as bisexual or trans or so on, and this just feels so wrong to me. Trina and Mendel are straight and that’s why their acceptance and love for the others in the Tight Knit Family is so important, especially Trina struggles with moving away from the idea that these ‘homosexual tendencies’ are wrong. They are straight but they love Whizzvin and the lesbians just as much as anyone else.
12. This one is so petty and I accept that, but… HIS NAME IS NOT MARVIN GARDENS. GARDEN IS A JOKE CHRISTIAN BORLE MADE BASED ON MONOPOLY. Jesus guys please just stop it it’s so stupid, William Finn didn’t have a last name for Marvin on purpose, and though I can’t do more than theorise what that purpose was, Gardens is so stupid. It’s not even funny. Same goes for Cohen, which just is odd. The only name I could begin to accept is Falsetto, and even then… just work around the last name in your fics.
12 1/2. SIDE TANGENT Jason would never take Weisenbachfeld as his last name. As a child of divorce… no. He’ll never view Mendel as a true father over his own dad, especially after Falsettoland, and he wouldn’t take that name. Hell, I’d known my ex step-father since I was two and I’d never have taken his last name. So, please, I never want to see Jason Weisenbachfeld again. That’s just not how it works.
At the end of the day this is just me alone in my room bitching… I just hope these points resonate with others.
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captnsundy · 5 months ago
lis de: a rant
i've never been a person to publicly rant about games like this, but considering how life is strange is one of my favorite franchises ever, and how it's being absolutely SHIT on by the current devs and publisher..
we need to talk.
i was there during the OG days of the original game's release. granted, i was only 14 and a dumb teenager, but i definitely used tumblr when people called this game "life is tumblr".
i remember the theories. i remember the lets plays. i remember the excruciating wait between episodes. the fanart. the fanfics. i remember the extreme disappointment with the endings, but also how people came to.. accept them. to some degree.
that won't happen this time.
d9 and square enix fumbled this franchise so hard by putting out this new "so-called" sequel to the first game. the blatant disrespect for the characters created by dontnod, who seemed to put actual love into their characters, is just fucking insane.
i'm not a huge shipper in general, but even *i* know, as someone who was there during the original release, how much a profound impact pricefield have had on people. hell, it even helped 14 year old me, who struggled with massive internal homophobia, already at that point start to question my sexuality.
pricefield helped me become comfortable with who i am.
to reduce their relationship to something as.. people moving on because its realistic??? it's a fucking supernatural game. there's nothing realistic about it. there's already such a HUGE lack of *happy* sapphic relationships, and pricefield was one of those that deserved a happier outcome. you're essentially punishing those who picked bae, but also bay-ers by staining chloe's memory. making her seem like nothing more than an bitch in both endings.
we waited 10 years for this bullshit?
it's so fucking obvious that these corpo assholes hate chloe and everything she stands for, and that we should forget about her. ironic really, considering they made a whole ass game about her in BTS. what even *happened*?
"move on". hell, it's literally *written* in the game. they're trying to essentially reboot max so they can keep pushing new games with her.
if pricefield is truly dead, with 0 chance of coming back because they wants us to "move on" - i hope life is strange is over. i hope whatever plan they have for another shallow entry in the series crashes and burns. the fans deserve better, and so does the d9 devs that might've pushed against this happening in the first place.
whatever the full release may be (which, going by devs statements and leaks won't be any better), know this:
this game doesn't have to be canon.
you can ignore it.
fuck deck nine. fuck square enix.
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rosemaries-shroom · 4 months ago
Mouthwashing fandom! I need a little of your time
I made a post already on the Mouthwashing fandom's struggle with seeing nuisance in the game/characters
Please remember that other fans are just as nuisanced. That the people making art and fanfics (especially the "everyone lives! Yay!" ones) aren't ignoring canon or diluting the message of the story.
We enjoy the fics where Anya does get the protection she deserves, the fics where Curly/Jimmy(in therapy) is a thing. The fanart of everyone getting a happy ending (minus Jimmy), of Curly and Anya in solidarity. It doesn't change our opinion on the game or the canon characters. It just fills the what-ifs, the wishes we have for ourselves, for things to be good.
We love the curly/canon!Jimmy fics, the trauma fics of jimmy/Anya, the ones that make things worse. The art of Jimmy going mad with burned!Curly in the background, of Curly and Jimmy's insanity. It's also not a portrayal of what we think of the canon characters. It does connect our reality to the experiences of the characters.
You can't control how others connect/relate to something. You can't control the way people use a piece of media to cope. You'll exhaust yourself, annoy yourself and more than likely end up targeting the very people you want to support. Block or move on, protect your peace
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hayweerc · 1 year ago
🦔Pinned Message
*Name: Haywee
*Age: 30
*Pronouns: They/Them preferred
*I am a self taught artist/writer.
*I'm a multishipper with Sonadow and Espilver being my priority. I like Gay ships.
*My Fanfics of the AU are posted on Ao3 👉here
* Links to Socials 👈 (click it)
* I make multiple AUs but I mainly post Bound by Chaos
I like to make AUs with the main cast being older, above the age of 18 because that is how I view and depict them. I like my characters to be closer to my own age. They are mature and fit into my mature stories/settings.
MY AUs contain mentions of blood/mild gore and injury, typical cartoon violence, hemocraft, mentions of self harm, adult/suggestive themes, multishipping, shenanigans, cringe, and sonic characters.
I do write fanfiction for my Sonic AUs that are made for more mature audiences. 18+ with warnings when needed.
The content of my drawings are depicted as 18+ as a cautious warning, because I'm an adult and my content may lean more that way. 
Most of my drawings are SFW
Most of everything I draw is canon to the stories I write of the AU in some way. Lots of lore art
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Set is a fantasy world that is heavily inspired by attributes of DnD. (And other RPG fantasy realms)
🐺Name: Sonic the Werehog/ Race: Werewolf/ Age: 26/ Class: Rouge-Thief/ Powers: Werehog strength and durability, Melee Attacks with knife and claws.
🩸Name: Shadow the Hedgehog/ Race: Mobian/ Age: 27/ Class: Bloodhunter-Profane Soul/ Powers: Hemocraft Abilities -enhancements and poisons, Ranged and Melee Attacks Vary
🍃Name: Silver the Hedgehog/ Race: Mobian/ Age: 24/ Class: Druid-Circle of the Moon/ Powers: Plant Growth and Healing Abilities, Ranged Attacks
Fanfic on Ao3 👉📖 Bound By Chaos
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👉 @singforbloodau has an ask blog
Fanart rules:
Must credit and tag me -NO suggestive or NSFW fanart-Please be aware of the au characters and my content-Make it because it inspires you or helps develop your skills
‼️Do not come to me to cause discourse. I will ignore you. If you don't like my content please scroll.
‼️ Do not copy/steal my art! 
‼️I do not take requests on my AU, and I'm not comfortable answering all questions about the AU.
🩶Sorry my posts are desaturated and gray, it's easier on my eyes
💙Spread Love and Kindness Everywhere You Go
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generouskittensong · 15 days ago
No clan wants to have Sakura's useless genes and especially not the Uchihas. It's a shame for the whole clan
What I also find funny is how delusional Sakura fans are. Do they really think that Sasuke's parents would accept this loser into their family? The big, strong clans are only after other strong genes to produce even stronger and more powerful children. If Sasuke's parents were still alive, Sasuke would have ended up in an arranged marriage with someone from his clan and he would be completely fine with that since they are very family and clan-oriented.
The other possibility would be that he marries a girl from another, strong clan to solidify their relationship with the other clan. In this case Hyūga or Uzumaki.
Knowing the conflict between Uchiha and Senju and also knowing that the Uzumakis are related to the Senjus, … if they finally want to make peace with someone each other, then only a girl from there would make sense for that… and on the other hand, who is the only remaining and pure-bred Senju/or Uzumaki?
It's Karin.
Funny that even from a political standpoint, they would still have a chance to end up together thann Pinky. And clearly, Kishimoto wanted to go that way. Sasuke knows this too. It was literally part of the Zabusa arc to get married so stronger Kekegengai could be created. Sasuke would NEVER choose Sakura. That's why I will never believe they are "married". Sasuke is not retarded. And in order to create more powerful genes, it's funny that Kishimoto retconned Karin's past at the literal end of the story and made her an Uzumaki to strengthen that bond.
And Sasuke left Konoha to become stronger. He was under Orochimaru. His whole life was dedicated to becoming stronger. He knows how valuable it is to give a baby strong genes not useless ones.
The ending will never make sense. They completely destroyed his character. Sasuke loved his parents. He knows how important family is. Sasuke would always stay by his wife's side and never leave her. And him not staying with pinky and the whole mess in Gaiden proves that to me, Sasuke is married, but just not to pinky and I'm sure some pinky stans know that but they can't say that because it will destroy they delusional bubble they created for themselves with all the pathetic fanarts and fanfics.
It is a waste of genes to get together with someone weak and useless like Sakura. If we are not talking about politics but about love, Kishimoto has brought Sasuke and Karin closer there too. If we ignore Karin's side, we see Sasuke approaching Karin and smiling, Sasuke who is on Karin's side in arguments, Sasuke who actively interacts with Karin, talks to her, listens to her and agrees with her, Sasuke who created a new power for Karin and the same Sasuke who was shocked when he found out that Karin is an Uzumaki.
Everything is there, whether we look at it from a family perspective or from a love perspective. Sasuke's parents would be very happy with Karin because she has the Uzumaki genes and is an asset to the clan, not only from a political perspective between Uchiha and Senju but also because she can enrich the next generations with her genes.
Sakura on the other hand is not even in the conversation.
Sasuke's parents wouldn't even look at her and would be very disappointed in Sasuke. Sasuke would never want to disappoint his parents or betray them. That's why Sasuke x Sakura will always stay a retarded dream and fanfic of it's stans but will never have any kind of importance in canon.
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green-apple-juice · 1 month ago
When discussing whether Angbang should be shipped as a healthy or abusive relationship, I think it’s important to first remember not to attack others if their opinions differ from yours. Even if you find a fanfic or fanart cringey or OOC, it doesn’t hurt anyone (unlike harassment or bullying). The best approach is to find a circle of fans who share your tastes and stick with them.
That said, in my opinion, it’s hard to imagine this ship being 100% healthy and wholesome. However, I don’t mean it in the sense of "Melkor tortured, abused, and raped Mairon because that’s how all villains should behave." If that’s how you prefer to portray their dynamic, I won’t lecture or attack you—I’ll just stay away because it’s not my cup of tea. But I also expect the same in return: not to be mocked or harassed for preferring a fluffier dynamic, just being ignored if you don't agree with my headcanons.
Their relationship lasted so long, and they went through so many troubles. Plus, the inherent power imbalance isn’t easy to ignore or sweep away. I imagine their dynamic as one where they don’t intentionally try to hurt each other, but things don’t always go smoothly because their lives were far from rainbows and sunshine.
It’s possible to love someone and still hurt them out of anger, misunderstanding, or pride. And two dark lords aren’t likely to sign up for couples’ therapy. Naturally, ups and downs would be part of their relationship, but I like to think they both valued their bond and sought ways to fix things when they went wrong.
We know from canon that Mairon "desired Melkor’s triumph while he still stood," and I don’t want to imagine him being treated like dirt yet remaining loyal without a change of heart. He doesn’t strike me as the kind of character who would stay devoted to someone who humiliated him (again, just my opinion).
It’s also a matter of personal preference, but I don’t think villains being capable of love automatically makes them morally gray or excuses their crimes in canon. Instead, it adds layers to their characters. Hidden sides of their personalities, revealed only to someone they deem worthy, can make them more interesting.
The main point is to do whatever makes you happy. None of us owns these characters; we’re just playing with them like Barbie dolls. Some might dress them in pretty outfits, while others turn them into Weird Barbie—and that’s perfectly fine.
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ultopias · 2 months ago
What do you think of those who say sherliam is meaningless, proofless and purely platonic? Those that Says shippers are delusional lol
short answer, i don't
long answer,
i think people are free to interpret the characters' dynamics and relationships however they want. it's totally fine for them to not ship sherliam, but in that same way they should be fine with people shipping sherliam. i don't go around saying people who ship, for example, johnlock are delusional. how is that my business? do whatever you want! ship sherlock and william with whoever you want! i don't care! good for you! 😭
i don't rlly wanna get defensive bc i genuinely don't care about people who don't ship them, but sherliam is still the official pairing. even if their relationship is(...was) officially described as rivalry, they're still a pair and they get paired on stuffs like official illustrations, merchs etc whether you like it or not
well i'm a sherliam shipper myself so i am a bit biased lol. i feel like it's a bit hard to say they're "proofless" when they were intended to be pairs from the start and their relationship progress was integrated into the story itself
for example there are multiple instances--multiple? two instances where they're described as being "destined," which are this jump sq manga dojo post or the volume 17 synopsis (the jump sq post is an interview thing with the authors where miyoshi sensei also explained how she came up with sherliam's character designs etc, it's pretty interesting so i recommend you read it! it's in japanese, so download the pics and use machine translator to read it)
they probably weren't being straightforward about it, but assuming these implied they're soulmates: are they platonic or romantic soulmates? i don't know! how do YOU want to interpret it?
obviously they never said "hey these two are dating!" in the story so in theory sherliam aren't really 'canon,' but this is where us fans come in to make analysis/theories, fanarts, fanfics, etc! that's what makes it fun, the fact that people can come up with different interpretations! if something from the source material can only have one meaning it'd be so boring!!
fandom activities are supposed to be a hobby, something that you do for fun. if it stresses you out or makes you upset because of, say, a ship you think doesn't make sense, maybe take a step back and see where you went wrong. if you have time to call other people delusional because of a ship they like, what about using that time to talk about ships that YOU like instead?
sorry i think i'm getting all over the place 😂 but ultimately what i wanted to say is, you DON'T HAVE to talk to/about people you don't like about topics you don't care. you can ignore them and even pretend they don't exist, it's fine i promise. we're talking about fictional men, it's not that serious ≡_(ゝヽε:)ノ
curate your timeline, block/mute people, be pickier with who you interact with, and most of all, don't forget to have fun!
i'm so bad with writing in a structured way but i hope you're satisfied(??) with my answer o(〃’▽’〃)o
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corpsedisturbed · 5 months ago
im well aware there is a problem of racism within the zutara shipp community, i won't pretend to be dumb and say i don't notice how a lot of fanworks have katara abandon her culture in order to become fire lady or how zuko protects her from "the evil misogynist men from the water tribes" and how the fire nation is sm cooler than the southern water tribe, the whitewashing, etc. those are real things, it's disgusting and as a POC, it makes me feel insecure in the fandom. there is a problem w nsfw fanarts and fanfics of zutara as minors too
but all of this isn't limited to the zutara shippers and this isn't a defense but a plea for all of you to look closely with what and who u interact w. literally this week we saw a kataang shipper be exposed as a racist and a harasser. I'm on twitter again and her interactions w other kataang shippers are many but the warnings coming from other people come a long way too and i barely saw any ka addressing the situation. there was a exposed of a zk group chat some months ago who were actually proshippers and the exposed was created by a zutara shipper who was even harasseed by zk shippers (the ones in the gc and others too)
avatarfandompolice is another racist user who receives a lot of attention too. zvtara-was-never-canon is managed by a zucest shipper. hell there is a literal zionist lurking around both the zk and ka fandoms (starlight-bread-blog)
a lot of the anti zutara discourse i see the majority of time doesnt actually focus on the racism the fans have towards katara but go on to call it a toxic shipp and a colonizer/colonized shipp. funny thing is, these people praise zuko's arc and his friendship w the gaang. if u actually think zuko is a colonizer and he shouldnt be w katara romantically, he shouldnt have a friendship w any of the gaang either. they all suffered under the FN's imperialism but this discourse only appears when romance is brought up and specifically w zutara. as i said before, there is a problem of racism within the zk shippers but it isn't inherent to the shipp. a lot of times this anti discourse comes from a need to have moral high ground. but honestly, do u think u have moral high ground while stanning kuvira, a grown ass woman who put waterbenders and firebenders in concentration camps? do u think u have moral high ground when u insist zutara is ass but ship zukaang, a boy who is 12 and the other who is 16? do u think u have moral high ground when u ship azula and zuko, the siblings? do u think u have moral high ground while u shipp zukka and doesnt think it is colonized/colonizer bc "sokka doesnt care ab his culture"?
and it goes both ways btw. zk shippers, do u think u have moral high ground when u interact w racists fanworks and refuses to aknowledge their existence but at the same time say kataang is inherently misogynist and their shippers too? do u think u have moral high ground when u attack zukka by being homophobic? do u think u have moral high ground ignoring that by having a redemption's arc, zuko needs to have smth to redeem about and that something is his horrible fucking choices a lot of yall try to woobify? do u think u have moral high ground when u try to justify zuko being a bad and possessive boyfriend just bc u don't like mai?
there is a problem of racism, misogyny and homophobia in the fandom and im tired of everyone pretending their little bubble is perfect and never a part of the problem. i love avatar but anyone w half a brain knows the show is racist and stereotyping at times, just like the creators. yk, the two white men who appropriated a lot of things.
it was a long rant and i don't expect people to read it but I just needed to rant ab it anyway
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lightningbreath · 7 months ago
I want to make it clear from the outset that having headcanons or theories is not a problem. Getting frustrated when they don't come true is not a problem either. But it is when people treat these headcanons as if Nintendo had an obligation to fulfill them.
I find it genuinely funny how some fans got so deep into their headcanons to the point of getting angry at the existence of Yona (poor girl) and the fact that Sidon is in a straight relationship, but that doesn't surprise me coming from people who claim to fight against stereotypes but are the ones who live and propagate stereotypes the most (the amount that most of the queer people I've met have been bugging me about being bisexual and aromantic is unbelievable).
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I mean, as if canon would stop fujoshis from turning all the men in a series gay, no matter their sexuality, way of behaving or if they're in a relationship or not, so I don't understand why they say that Nintendo "removed the queer coding" when this was just a hc, Nintendo never implied that Sidon was queer, if they had said something like "a Zelda character will be queer" I could even understand, but that wasn't the case.
Now, in my opinion, the way Sidon talks and treats Link reminds me a lot of how my sister acts with the BTS boys, I think Sidon has a very idealized vision of Link, he talks about Link as if he were his favorite Marvel superhero and if we take into account that Link doesn't even seem to have frequented the Zora Region much during the time between Botw and Totk and that his ring doesn't even go on his ring finger.... anyway, it was cool to see Sidon's maturity, although his behavior is adorable, he's not a baby anymore.
I admit that Yona's introduction came out of nowhere, but honestly, TOTK introduces and disappears characters out of nowhere, Kass simply disappeared from the map, NPCs forgot about Link and the whole story of Sonia and Rauru also came out of absolutely nowhere. If Yona was the only one in this situation I would give her the benefit of the doubt, but that's not the case.
Not to mention that for a game ""with a hetero code"" I wonder why Nintendo didn't confirm right away that Link and Zelda are a couple instead of just saying this, I swear, how hard is it to formalize them? People will complain about anything, but no, Nintendo is afraid of I don't know what.
I will never forgive Nintendo for taking away the possibility of Zelda being a companion in the adventure or at least having a more constant presence. Thanks to that, I am living off of fanfics and fanarts.
P. S.: I wonder, if we ever get a remake of OoT, if Nintendo gives Malon a husband or canonizes OoT Zelink, how the fandom will react to that?
P. S. S.: Also, since people still complain to this day that TotK didn't turn Ganondorf into a "uwu boy who's just a poor victim of circumstances", a theory fueled by the appearance that the 10,000-year-old Hero had on the tapestry is because Ganondorf is a sexy man.
Although, on this last point I have to be honest, I was disappointed with the fact that Nintendo basically threw away the cinematics from the first TotK trailer and basically ignored the Sheikah technology, everything that Botw had hinted about the Zonai and the whole story of the Calamity from 10,000 years before Botw.
Anyway, it's just a question of how this fandom takes headcanons as if they were an absolute truth, and this ends up causing unnecessary fights because no one wants to admit that their hc may be unlikely to happen.
But that's just my opinion. Thank you for reading.
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sailormoonrarepairweek · 1 year ago
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Welcome to the third annual Sailor Moon Rare Pair Week! The event will take place from March 24th - March 30th, 2024, but I'm announcing the themes early to give everyone plenty of time to create their fanworks.
What counts as a rare pair for this event, you ask? Any pairing that isn't Usagi/Mamoru (or any of their incarnations), pretty much! (Don’t get too hung up on the word “rare”. Just roll with it, okay?) They usually have their own week, so this event is a chance for fans to show their love for pairings other than the Miracle Romance, canon or not. You can even include poly, platonic, and cross-over ships, if you'd like! Almost anything goes, as long as you follow some simple guidelines.
Fanworks should somehow incorporate the one of the day's themes. (You can pick just one; you don't have to use both.) How you choose the interpret the theme is up to you!
A non-UsaMamo pair must be the MAIN focus of the work (although Usagi/Mamoru can appear as a side pairing or as part of a polycule).
All ratings allowed.
No smut involving underage characters, which I'm defining as under 18 years old. Otherwise, as long as the characters are portrayed as adults in the fanwork, go wild! Just please make sure to properly tag.
Pairings of all sexual/romantic orientations welcome.
Fanfics should be a minimum of 500 words. Poetry may be shorter, though. (If you would prefer to write drabbles instead, you can write five separate 100-word drabbles about the day's themes, but a day's entry should still be at least 500 words long. You have over four months until the week begins and plenty of time afterward if you don't finish in time. That's plenty of time to write 500 words. I don't think that's too much to ask.) If you're writing fanfic, I REALLY would prefer you post your fics on AO3 or Fanfiction.net and provide a link to your story, but if you must post on Tumblr itself, please make use of the "Read More" option.
Fanart should be a completed drawing. (Any fanart portraying nudity or anything of an R/NC-17 nature should be cropped if immediately visible on your Tumblr post and/or posted with the appropriate community label. You can post the full image under a "Read More" or provide a link to the image on another site.)
Graphics, image boards, playlists, cosplay photos, crafts, meta/essays, etc. are also welcome!
Comments, kudos, and reblogs are encouraged, but don't be a jerk! If you're not a fan of a pairing, please just ignore and move on.
On Tumblr, if you tag #smrarepairweek2024, I will reblog your post. I'll tag explict art and fics reblogs as #nsfw, so feel free to block that tag if you'd rather not see those posts.
Please do not post your works anywhere until the day dedicated to your chosen theme. An AO3 collection has now been set up for this year's event. (Adding your work to the collection will not be required.) If you'd like to look back at the last event's works, the 2023 collection can be found here.
And here is the 2022 collection.
Day 1: Magic/Mundane Day 2: Hugs/Kisses Day 3: Fire/Ice Day 4: Music/Silence Day 5: Birth/Death Day 6: Break-Up/Make-Up Day 7: Free
(Event Organizer: @kaleidodreams)
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lotusarchon · 2 months ago
Remember when I said I desperately wanted LMK to add Erlang Shen?
Yeah, I've changed my mind.
This isn't a clear precise rant or anything I'm just rambling because I keep seeing Erlang hate sobsobs
I have never. Ever. Met a character who gets shit on more than Erlang Shen. And this is saying something, right, because I've been in fandoms. From cartoons to anime to books and novels, I've seen it all. And the amount of shit Erlang receives despite not even BEING A CANON ANIMATED FIGURE IN THIS SHOW IS INSANE.
Like. Last year, when I was still unaware about him, I looked through the tags for fics related to him, and oh my lord. The shadowpeach fics where he's evil...there was even one where he KILLED BABY MK. AND TORTURED MACAQUE TO SPITE WUKONG?? WHAT THE HELL 😭
I get not liking a character you know. I don't like Macaque, but I also don't really care who likes him just as long as you don't be an aggravating buzzing little mosquito about it. To each their own, it's genuinely fine if you don't like a character just because.
But if I had to give someone an award for being the most shit on character to exist, that goes to Erlang Shen.
Keep in mind I'm not talking of any other portrayal or fandom aside from Lego Monkie Kid, specifically. I am aware that he's appeared in other shows/adaptations, but I'm not talking about that. I'm talking specifically of LMK and their horrible idea of Erlang Shen.
Because. Wow. You guys despise my man for existing huh?
And I totallyyyyyy get that. Sometimes I see a character and don't like them just because.
But yikessss the hate to like ratio is baffling. I remember there was a fandom poll about which character was attractive? I genuinely don't remember much about the reason for the poll, but I do remember the amount of people who started throwing hissy fit because Erlang was either on the poll or ranked higher than their favorite (I think) was insane. I didn't even know much of him back then, yet it genuinely amazed me how much people disliked a character who as far as I knew hadn't been animated (and still hasn't) or given much personality aside from a brief screenshot of him. I know there's commercials to promote the lego sets but I feel like most people haven't seen that, so I'm not bringing that up to explain or figure out why people hate him THIS much.
It's not even jokingly hating on him. People seriously despise him, and ignoring just not liking him, the excuses I've always seen are always about how he burnt the mountain in the book.
And. I just- why is that the rationale the fandom uses to hate Erlang? I'm not saying it isn't plausible- you're fine if you don't like him because of that- but literally the general fandom uses that excuse to justify their hate towards him. And it's insane cause WHY. WHY USE THAT TO HATE HIM AND WHY HATE HIM TO THIS EXTENT. YOU GUYS ARE MORE PISSY ABOUT THAT THAN WUKONG IS. DIDN'T WUKONG PULL SHIT ON ERLANG TOO, WHY HATE ON ERLANG 😭
All this to say, I don't wanna see him being added in the show, because they're definitely going to make him a villain. And at first I was like, alright, fine, I'll tolerate it. I mean, maybe he's gonna be a cool villain right...?
And then I was reminded, "Oh wait, the creators interact with the fandom" and now my hopes are lower than hell.
Keep in mind this is just my opinion, you're bound to think differently, and yes, I'm aware that I could be wrong, but I genuinely feel like there's no way the creators AREN'T aware of the fandom's reactions/opinions towards Erlang Shen himself. Even if they don't read fanfics, they certainly have to see people talking about him―it's kinda how the Nezha's age started to become much heated in this fandom itself (ignoring Cole's statements aside). Because a writer interacted with lotuspeach fanart and liked it (and confirmed he was an adult but that's an argument for 2024.)
Basically....I don't have my hopes very high. Season 5's writing was meh for me, so while i once WAS okay if the writers added Erlang and made him a villain, now I'm a bit...not too keen with that. I really hope they DON'T add him, because I feel like if they do, they're cementing the fact he's an irredeemable villain, and that's gonna give the fandom MORE opportunities to shit on him.
,-, I like Erlang so much and like learning stuff about him and dear god does it feel like someone's killing me everytime someone in the fandom fucking makes him an evil bastard. He's literally just existing and y'all be hating this man for no reason
It's just. So ironic too?? Because HxH's Hisoka Morro (tw) gets turned on from fighting a 10 year old child and HE HAS FANS. EVEN MAHITO, THE SCUM OF EARTH, AND NAOYA FROM JJK HAVE PEOPLE THAT LIKE THEM.
And people hate on my man Erlang for existing.
If you hate Erlang you are my OPP and we're fighting till one of us is dead
Did this come from me in a Macaque rambling realize how he's fucking glazed as shit by the writers and yet people still dare to say he's 1) written weaker than his JTTW counterpart, 2) "disliked" yet there's more Macaque fans then there are Erlang haters
Yes. It did.
I don't wanna see them ruin my man in LMK 😭 i don't want them to make the haters happy he's evil and despicable I already still need to recover from a bitch making him kill baby MK (idgaf about Macaque) please please don't add him ;-;
I think Black Myth Wukong is the only media I've found where he's not inherently a bitch. Touches screen, save me BMW Erlang, save me sobs
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mpregbuck · 9 months ago
Honestly -
Most of these ‘fans’ do not like Buck for Buck. They have created a version of him in canon and anything he does that doesn’t fit it it’s OOC for them, even if it is exactly how he’d act (case in point: The BT scene on 710). They, somehow, cannot accept Buck has changed and matured and is not the same guy he was during S2/S3. Hell, he’s grown alone during S7 alone. Discovering a part of himself has done wonders for him.
Likewise, I truly believe the only representation they care about or want is if it comes in the form of Buddie. They cry on how Henren is being ignored and how it is BuckTommy’s fault, but when have they ever shown care or interest for them beforehand? They use them as part of their argument without giving them proper attention. They don’t care we now have great mlm representation on screen in a show like 911, they’re just mad because it is not Buddie.
And I do suspect they became this mad this fast because they do see the potential of BT and they know this can very well be a LTR for Buck. Ofc we don’t know what will happen, but if we look at it from a neutral POV, we all can see the seeds being planted for Tommy to be there for a while. They’ve made creative choices with him that they haven’t made with no other LI that really sells it for me, to be honest.
(Including giving them a particular sound for everytime they have a moment, but I digress)
I do agree with you - I care about Buck being happy. I was quick to get on board with BT because I have never seen Buck act so giddy and into someone. And so far, I think Tommy is matching him really well. We’ll see what happens in Season 8, but I would be surprised if they break up during it, even more so if it is ep 3/4, which arguably will be right after the start of the season (assuming they go for a multi eps opener)
If I'm being honest, the toxic side of that part of the fandom feels very reminiscent of certain subset of another fandom I'm apart of that I do not want to delve into because I've already done so many times.
get ready for a long response
I came into the 911 fandom as bvddie shipper, I still love the ship itself, idc if it ever goes canon because fanfic exists, edits exist, fanart exists. I love eddie and buck as separate characters respectively and I do not need them to be together enjoy their relationship whether it's platonic or romantic.
I think a lot of the loud, toxic shippers cannot separate them. Listen I think the co-parent jokes are hilarious and cute, but when it comes down to it in reality of the show, buck is not chris' parent. he's like an uncle, so many ppl grow up with their parents friends as their "aunts and uncles" and that's exactly how I'm viewing chris and bucks relationship ever since I've come down from the bvddie high of analyzing everything and putting meaning behind every little piece of dialogue or set design or just like anything. I can acknowledge 911 is not a blockbuster franchise that has months or years of thought put into meaning behind set design or clothing choices like other fandoms I'm apart of that absolutely have so much thought and time put into them for things like that.
bvddie in itself is a great concept. absolutely you can read into scenes as being romantic even if they never were intended that way, that's what we do as fans. I completely understand why ppl see them as endgame because they're absolutely allowed to think that. but us bucktommy shippers are allowed to also talk about why we think bucktommy is endgame. I think that's another issue ppl are having is being able to curate their own feed, if you don't want to see people talk about one of these topics then block accs, block tags, keep your peace!
buck and tommy absolutely feel as though they have been written to last from what I've seen so far so tommy leaving so quickly would feel weird and like a punch in the gut to the journey buck as made. he made the effort to be with tommy even after everything went south. tommy made the effort to show up for buck. we are shown them being on very good terms by the season finale, like, we are probably intimate with one another and are in our cute honeymoon phase type of good terms. having them break up so early would be another Ali/Natalia moment and like, I just am tired of the same story being repeated for buck.
If they really were going for bvddie endgame, I think it would have been done this season. tommy wouldn't have been brought in at all or wouldn't have been involved in the plot outside helping rescue bobby and athena. they didn't need kim there, they could have built on eddies catholic guilt for his queer arc, they could have written what people were theorizing with the bachelor party where buck and eddie ended up kissing while drunk which could have spurred their relationship to begin and still have eddie go through a crisis and found a way to have chris still leave for texas (if they wanted to stick with a cheating arc, it could have been marisol & chris walking in on buck and eddie kissing) like there's so many things people theorized that genuinely would have been great ways to have bvddie be endgame but literally none of those things happened and instead we got buck in a stable, happy relationship with tommy that has been set up in a way that absolutely can have them going through all sorts of things from strengthening their relationship to testing their relationship. tommy can absolutely be integrated into the plot as much as karen is if not more. all I can say is why throw away such potential when you already had the other potential there?
also as an eddie diaz defender, they can never make me hate eddie diaz, I just want to see him not feel this constant need to find a new mom/wife when he's never had time for himself EVER. he needs therapy, he needs to build back trust with christopher, he needs to stop searching for this perfect woman because if there's someone out there for him they will find him eventually. I really want eddie to focus on chris and himself and stop worrying so much about what his life should look like per his family/what society thinks his life should look like.
I truly cannot stress enough how much eddie needs to fix himself and his and chris' relationship before jumping into another romance, whether it be buck or anyone else.
on the other hand, buck deserves to be loved ANYWAYS. tommy is already showing potential to just love buck anyways despite anything that happens, that he'll do anything for him, that he can be his rock. gerrard can definitely be smh to shake them up, no couple in this show is safe from anything no matter how in love and happy they are. it's time for buck to have his madney, bathena, henren moments with his own love interest. buck deserves to be happy with tommy, to go through the hard times with him, for someone to love him no matter what and that absolutely does not take away from how important buck and eddie's friendship is. people cannot seem to grasp that unfortunately and it's sad.
in other words, im so tired of people acting like they are superior over ships. I truly am.
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millieueu · 5 months ago
I just saw this post on Reddit and AUGHHH I relate to it too much (Filler post plz ignore)
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(This is just a vent post. You can agree or disagree. I don’t care. I refused to make a rant like this because I feared that I might get harassed . This isn’t meant to generalize anyone. I just wanted to let my feelings out)
I was scrolling through my fyp on Reddit when I suddenly came across this image from r/DannyPhantom. Never have I ever seen an image that perfectly describes what I go through :’)
I love Danny Phantom sm, and seeing that there are certain fans who only stick around for the premise and don’t actually care about the show broke my heart into tiny little pieces. Don’t get me wrong, I love looking at headcanons, fanfics and aus, but it makes me sad to see that this fanbase disregards the show in favor of fanon things. I understand that’s how most fandoms are, they expand stuff beyond the source material and that’s really awesome, but idk. It just makes me feel a little..upset?
I don’t want an annoying weirdo screaming in my ears telling me that this show was “shit” and that it has outdated crap. I hate getting reminded of the things that didn’t age well with DP. I don’t mind criticism of the show (even if it hurts a bit of my soul), but I don’t like hearing my comfort show getting called “problematic”. That and the creator’s controversies make me feel even worse about loving the canon.
I don’t feel like I fit in the Phandom. I’m so envious of some Phans. Look at all those cool aus/headcanons from artists and gut-wrenching, emotional, angst fanfics from writers! Meanwhile I sit there..just draw fanart of the show..that’s it..that’s all I do and it makes me feel ashamed that I can do nothing beyond that..
I just want to love this show without feeling embarrassment and shame. How embarrassing of me, a 15 year old geeking out over a show made for little children.
Original post by u/Connect_Security_892
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kedreeva · 2 years ago
Is it weird that, though I love good omens tv, I'm kind of grieving the release of season 2? Everyone else seems so excited, but it kind of feels like the end of an era. The sandbox of fanfic and fanart will still be there of course, but it will be different with new canon influencing even the fandom works that ignore it. Idk I just feel a bit sad and conflicted, but seem to be the only one... I was happy with the end of s1 and the "what happens next is up to you" from gaimen.
I don't think it's weird at all. In fact, I feel the same way. I always feel the same way, when new content comes out, even for shows where I knew going in that there could be more seasons.
Because you're right! new content ALWAYS shifts fan content. Ever after, fans have to consciously decide to ignore the new content or not. Even if they ignore it, that's still a reaction to it. Often ignoring it means fixing it first, and then ignoring it. Fic will shift to include or focus on canon specifics. I remember the first time someone said to me wrt one of my teen wolf stories something like "this feels like the way fanfiction in this fandom used to be" before certain events, and I still feel that hard sometimes when I'm reading stuff that clearly just has a Different Flavor than fic used to have.
I'm 100% positive that there are people who feel the same about season 1 coming out after the book. The book folk had 6000 years with no reference points for their interactions. Book!Aziraphale and Book!Crowley could have been anywhere at any time. Seeing them in specific locations a specific points in time spawned a lot of fic revolving around those specific points, and there's no way to know if all of those authors might have written other things if only the book existed, or if they wouldn't have been in the fandom at all.
Either way, the flavor of the fandom has changed since the Just Book days. It's going to change again when S2 hits. Even if it ends up being better, it's not going to be the same, and sometimes that just worse for some people. It's okay to feel that way, and you won't be the only one.
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