#them being with the group is gonna cause so many complications
lunar-wandering · 10 months
things about the Boboiboy series that drive me NUTS (this list is written solely from memory)
the fact that the first three elements, Wind, Earth, and Lightning, didn't really start out as having different personality's from Boboiboy himself (at least, not by much/it wasn't extremely noticable) but then, Lightning, after being split for too long, losing his memories completely, and achieving tier 2, becoming Thunderstorm, suddenly goes all Edgy(TM). and then Wind eats a mood-changing potion and goes manic, and not only does that unlock his tier 2, making him Cyclone but that becomes his personality. like. hello??? the implications.... and then later on, Fire, Water, Leaf, and Light manifest WITH their personalities pre-set. what??? the vague implication that the elements are sentient and the personalities started becoming more obvious when Boboiboy's mind started slipping/letting them have freer reign haunts me every day.
speaking of Fire's manifestation. he initially manifested from the stress of exams and walked around accidentally burning shit down in the middle of the night. what a mood tbh.
if the elements are sentient, the implications of Retak'ka stealing them from Boboiboy and using them- without having his personality change, is INSANE. like bro. he used them as a weapon instead of letting them be actual people..... and then later on in the comics Thunderstorm gets taken away AGAIN and is trapped in a sword, a literal weapon, and is used. again. HELLO????
both of the first times Thunderstorm gets summoned (both the obvious first time and the first time after they all got reset to tier 1 due to Complications) involving his phobia kills me every time why the FUCK did they do that. they didn't even address it the second time around but they animated Lightning looking like he was in distress anyways. WHY DID THEY DO THAT TO HIM. i know he's the fave but like. was this necessary.
i could list so much Thunderstorm stuff tbh he's definitely the fave they give him so many cool bits of animation. he does the "teleports behind you" move SO OFTEN and it's SO GOOD
Leaf's deadpan "Fashion Tragedy" line
that one time Boboiboy split into Fire, Wind, and Leaf, and EVERYONE agreed he shouldn't have done that and should never do it again cause those three have negative braincells when in a group together
the songs??? like. the opening songs. the insert songs used in the movies. the OST. why the hell are they so good. i mean i know i personally like em cause they tend to use rock. but like. its SO GOOD.
Yaya and Ying being arguably the two most powerful/capable members of the friend group as they should
that one time Thunderstorm and Fang fought and they paused right before hitting each other and the objects behind both of them exploded from the force of the other's attack
in the first movie when it hinted that we'd see Boboiboy without his hat for the first time ever throughout the entire movie and then it FINALLY HAPPENED when he caught a giant hammer right before it could hit him and punched the dude away with a blast of energy. he has a white streak in his hair and it's visible in the series from this point onwards.
i could list so many of the really cool shots from this series tbh. that one time Light slow-mo backflipped over a bunch of debris and then activated laser eyes to shoot at the villain is a highlight.
literally everything about the fact the plot of this show went from "aliens come to earth to steal chocolate" to "boboiboy nearly fucking dies on an almost daily basis"
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quitealotofsodapop · 3 months
the previous post got me thinking of my og Yuebei design for the slow-boiled au,and got thinking; what would she look like without LBD's influence?
immediately I got blasted with the mental image and had to draw her.
you've heard of Slow Boiled Yuebei, now get ready for Soft Boiled!
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basically Yuebei was born sooner for whatever reason and therefore didn't consume LBD's dao. I like to think she was actually originally gonna be a lot like pre-during jttw Wukong; loud, bright, abrasive. But by consuming an entire demon's dao it influenced her overall being, making her more chilled out. so she's basically the opposite of her Slow Boiled counterpart.
there are some similarities. she still has her glow-y ears and black fur from Wukong's yearning for Macaque, and her mask is still a skull-shape, just not bleached white by LBD instead red so it looks like the mask the eclipse twins have. however, she relies more heavily on the fire-y imagery of the sun rather then the soft clouds and bones of Slow Boiled Yuebei.
now, lore.
she might also be able to be considered an "opposite au" as I like to think the catalyst for the changes between Soft and Slow Boiled is the Samadhi Fire ritual. everything up to that point is the same as in Slow Boiled, but during the ritual Yuebei, still just 'the egg' reacts badly to the fire, but this time, instead of just causing a potential miscarriage scare, it sends Wukong into premature labor.
this is not good. obviously. premature baby is not great, likely to have health issues and complications. the labor takes many, painful, stress filled hours, close to a full day! unlike her Slow Boiled counterpart, Soft Boiled takes hours after hatching to start crying. Wukong is understandably a mess during this time. for a lomg portion of it he's grappling with the possible consequences of the ritual, and if he made the right choice to participate. luckily he has the pilgrims to comfort him until Guanyin comes back with news.
this also has the side affect to tipping off previously unaware parties of his pregnancy. PIF is having words with her brother-in-law later. Ne Zha is a little horrified, DBK is just trying to figure out if everyone is still alive while trying to keep a baby Red Son entertained. he too will be having words with Wukong later tho.
I don't think Yuebei will have ended up being a ring in this au, as she rejected the fire after originally trying to consume its dao, having learned the hard way it was too much for her. might have freaked out a little to much tho. but its possible have taken at least a little nibble of the fire to taste test may have contributed to her fire-y personality in the end.
as for her childhood. I think she'd be like, pre-teen to 14 as of canon lmk.
I feel like her being premature + samadhi fire shenanigans means she was a little sickly as a baby. maybe even with some permanent, though not overly serious, damage. perhaps she fried some of her nerves trying to absorb the fire, resulting in a lack of feeling around her chest area? maybe her taste buds too, she likes DBK + Red Son's cooking because it's hot enough she can actually taste it.
for as long as they were around, she grew up around the pilgrims, with them acting as a support group for Wukong. then, one by one, they stop coming. she doesn't understand why, having been so young. and with as young as she still is when canon rolls around, she also doesn't really understand why they don't remember her, and why they stopped coming around so they could run a noodle shop, and why they seem to have moved on without a second thought of her to raising another kid. she just knows Baba looks sad when he sees them around.
she probably is very jalous of/very avoidant while glaring daggers at MK when he first becomes Wukong's student. he took her uncles from her, was he trying to her baba now too? probably comes to a head in an episode of its own. perhaps he takes her to the shadow play to try and connect with her, Yuebei having shown an interest in theater, but she's quiet and grumpy the whole time. the two unexpectedly do end up bonding over beating on Macaque when they realize he's present, MK having been let in on some stuff by his mentor early and Yuebei also knowing some things herself.
you see, she knows about Macaque, Wukong having tried to raise her with the knowledge of his mate/her other parent. but he also tried to be honest with her, so the second it comes time to learn the full truth of how she was born she can't help but resent him a little bit. even more so when Wukong explains how, when, and why he died. she knows of his hearing abilities, her baba loved how her ears looked like 'his special ones', he should have known about her. she wonders is she wasn't enough for Macaque, if she wasn't worth trying to salvage the relationship for, or, worse yet, if he hadn't wanted her altogether. Wukong tries to tell her that couldn't be farther from the truth, but she can only believe him so much. she also isn't pleased with him for abandoning her baba in the first place.
the first time she meets Macaque (the shadow play) and clues into who he is, she decks him in the face and tries to fight him. having not even registered her presence previously, Macaque's just confused about where this sassy child came from- and why are her ears like that? why does she look so familiar?
no answers arise before MK, a slightly bigger threat then the runt that somehow got the jump on him, joins the fray, just as pissed at the monkey.
season 3 is... complicated, to say the least. Macaque reacts about as well as you'd expect him to when LBD reveals the girl who punched him mere hours before is his ex-mates kid. who is now a wanted enemy to boot, LBD wanting her as leverage against the king.
this got super long, how do i keep doing this? anyway hope you enjoyed my tangent on this new little au of mine
Link to; Yuebei's Slow Boiled au design.
One; I ADORE EVERYTHING about Soft Boiled au Yuebei's design! The fiery sun imagery, the red and black clothing that makes her look ready to Fight, her orange eyes, the little red ribbon in her hair!!! And she has her own version of Macaque's scarf!!
Two; Wukong about to get a talking to the second his adoptive family gets a hold of him. Once the monkey recovers from the early labour, and has emotionally recovered from the rollercoaster that was Yuebei's birth ofc. It would be so cute if Yuebei first started crying over something completely normal - for some reason, I'm thinking it's something like Zhu Bajie trying to pull a funny face for her. Wukong is so relieved to hear his baby crying that he doesn't even scold his pilgrim brother for scaring her!
Three; Wukong would be so protective of his little Moon Comet Star. She was so sickly and weak as a baby, that he worries about ever letting her leave places he knows to be safe. But of course she is growing up...
Four; I feel like Yuebei's growth was severely stunted by the Fire, hence why she's seems much younger than Red Son despite being only a few years apart in age. That and I can imagine Wukong took her to stay with Guanyin on her unaging island for a while to help her health improve. She's ultimately a big kid.
Five; And oooough! Yuebei not understanding that her pilgrim uncles have passed on and reincarnated, but believes that they've "abandoned" her and her baba!! Thinking MK has "stolen" her family from her and is attempting the same with her dad. MK wanting to be Yuebei's friend since she seems so lonely, but not knowing why she's cold towards him! (。•́︿•̀。)
I bet even with Guanyin, "Cousin" Nezha, and the very rare corespondance with PIF and Red Son, Yuebei spends a lot of her childhood lonely.
Yuebei is gonna have a time when she starts understanding whats really going on with the Noodle Gang, and why her family "suddenly" can't remember her. Wukong blames himself for not explaining it better to her earlier, but hadn't wanted to dump so much loss on his babygirl all at once - it was a lose-lose situation.
I LOVE Macaque's first impression of Yuebei being "Who's sassy child is this??" He don't hate her, he's just a little confused why some little kid has beef with him specifically. Also confusion on why she looks like him and Wukong mixed together.
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MK 🤝 Yuebei: beating up Macaque for being a doofus.
I imagine Macaque awkwardly trying to connect with Yuebei after S3, and reconnect with Wukong, especially since he hadn't even known she existed at the time of his and Wukong's big fight (or chose to believe so - Memory Scroll issue for later). Yuebei doesn't like Macaque, but she doesn't completely abhor the idea of him and her baba becoming close again. She just doesn't want either of them to get hurt again.
LBD likely gets destroyed closer to canon, since Yuebei doesn't eat her soul (I hope XD) like in the Slow Boiled au. Yuebei takes her skull tho. Trophy.
Azure Lion about to get decked in the face the second he comes around. When did the monkeys multiply? Why is he on fire?
Wukong is just watching Yuebei tear into their enemies like; "I love my strong little girl." <3
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mr-damian-s-power · 13 days
Long ask ahead cause the things you said in your latest post are genuinely crazy 💀
First of all, you keep pointing out how witch/boiling isles society is so violent and so bad to their children as if humans arent the same?? Would you srs tell me that human society isnt awful to kids and that they arent also mistreated, not just individually but societally? Anything that happens in the demon realm, the human one also does in some way and neither is worse than the other. Belos himself straight up comes from a violent human group that used to hang women based on supersticions and nowadays, things arent that much better. I wont give any examples of irl events but it shouldnt be hard for you to think of some. The BI has its awful ppl and bad societal tendencies, humans do too so any argument that smh they are worse than us is just extremely laughable.
Second of all, we were literally shown that Belos was part of the reason why current BI society has issues. Society was more peaceful in Elsewhere and Elswhen and another very easy example is the scene in "Thems the breaks" where Terra, violent witch hired by Belos and put in the highest position, goes against child safety laws that Bump, another witch, brings up. Almost as if Belos, the bigot, purposefully used the worst of witch society to oppress the rest and encourage violence as the standard that gives you high positions (and ofc there would be bad ppl in witch society, every society does, human included) Almost as if some of it is the influence of the violent HUMAN bigot and not the isles being like that inherently or since the begining.
And lastly, even if the isles had a complicated history of war and conflicts which they most likely did cause every society, human or not has had such things, an outsider going there and dishing out "justice" isnt right in any way esp when hes one of the reasons for militarizing and worsening things by being a dictator and spending 400 years colonizing them. Belos, who decided to do this shit cause he was marinating in religious fanaticism and falsely said that witches are going after humans simply cause his brother made a choice to leave with one. Belos straight up kills humans who dont agree with his fanaticism and you gonna tell me he has a head on his shoulders that can decide if a whole nation should be erased just like that when hes the one who went there and colonized them eventho they werent bothering humans at all. The demon realm has existed for thousands of years without giving a single FUCK about the humans. Belos is a liar who was on a selfish quest to prove that hes right and you are here saying you wouldnt have felt bad if a "culture of killers" was eradicated.
By that logic, all of humanity should also die cause we arent better to our children, so many of us are violent and awful, every country on this planet commits at least one human rights violation at all times and persecutes at least one group through its laws and societal attitudes (and im being generous, its far more than one everywhere) Idk by what standard do you think witches are smh worse when its a human who went there and recruited the worst ppl in their society to do his bidding cause thats how awful dictatorships and cults work.
That doesnt mean everyone should die, do you realize how you sound when you say "genocide is bad BUT-"? That sentence should never include BUT esp when you are being extremely hypocritical in how you view witch society, acting like its worse than human one and falsely branding it as society of killers when so many of its current issues was Belos' violence coming into play.
And the irony is that, while the BI has its issues like every society esp one that was made worse by its leader who holds absolute divine power over these ppl, they are still more progressive than humans in many ways. No patriarchy, no homophobia, no transphobia. Humans come with every issue that witch society has ON TOP of the things I just listed.
I appreciate you being more civil this time around, but I'd like if you didn't put words in my mouth. I never for a second acted like Humans were in any way better than Witches. I am well aware that Humanity can show its evil side and turn people into monsters. I wasn't at all downplaying what real people have done.
Yeah, I was reminded that a lot of Witch society's issues were brought around by Belos, but the fact they paint the Isles in the Savage Ages as some sort of perfect utopia feels disingenuous to me. Reminds me too much of those Avatar films where the blue Aliens are a near-perfect society who live on a planet where all their needs have been met and are spiritually connected to the planet, where we are then supposed to hate the Humans who have had to persevere in a vicious environment. But we're not here to talk about that!
My original talking point was about how the Isles become 'neutered' with time. At first, it's this hostile land of monsters, where the very environment is out to kill you. It rains acid! Furniture is alive and will eat people. It would make sense that Witch society would turn out hardy and a bit apathetic, but they ignore that. Later in the series, like you said, child protection laws get brought up. Why would this world have that? Bump didn't step in to stop Boscha's bullying due to it 'not being fatal'.
Instead, all the blame is placed on Belos. Belos is the source of almost all evil in the Isles. Him getting revealed to be a Human then just feels, to me at least, like taking the blame off of the Witches. It feels just a touch preachy to me. Witch society was this perfect utopia with no racism, or sexism, or homophobia or anything negative until that mean Human showed up.
See, why couldn't the show have focused on this? How a society was brainwashed into thinking these things are fine? They weren't perfect in the past, but Belos brought out the worst in all of them and made them think they needed to be this to survive or to appease the Titan or whatever. You know, cult stuff!
And I know, I shouldn't have used such harsh language or labelled them as a 'culture of killers' due to the examples we're given. No culture or people is 'evil', and genocide should never be a solution.
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tumblingxelian · 9 months
Wenclair - Fake Courting, Politics and Assassins Oh My!
This is just an outline of early chapters, I have not written anything yet, but needed to get this idea out of my head.
So to anyone interested in a story that seemingly starts as a standard fake dating post Season 1 story. Only reveal that is actually gonna get a helluva lot more complicated nd dangerous, here we go:
Post Crackstone but pre parents arrival, Wednesday is dreading an orb call with her parents cos of her injuries and the knowledge they will be smothering her soon. (Part of her is not bothered but she has her pride) So to distract herself and partially out of concern she asks why Enid seems stressed.
Cue the expected revelation that now Enid has not only transformed but shown she can do so without the full moon. (Something usually reserved for adult Werewolves) she expects her mother will try and force her into a relationship and is dreading the prospect of her Summer because of it.
So, Wednesday floats the idea of playing the role of Enid's paramour and potential mate cos of a myriad of reasons: Cares about Enid, is possessive, avoiding parents, low key paranoid about lots of things, thinks making Enid's mother miserable by being the worst daughter in law ever is funny ETC.
Enid is grateful but oddly concerned, both about Wednesday's injuries & touch aversion but also starts floating the idea that this might cause the Addams trouble with Wednesday's suitors.
A concern Wednesday dismisses as she has none and further dismisses when Enid wonders if she's really up for this challenge and if her family would be OK with her doing this, even if only for a while.
Cue a quickly call where Wednesday dances around the romance part a bit, but they seem fine with it. Promising to instead spend time hunting down and destroying every remnant of Crackstone.
So they are off.
Chapter 1:
Turns out most of the Lycan students are part of the West Coast Wolf Alliance which is nominally headed by the San Francisco Pack. (The SInclairs are basically the equivalent of peasants in this context) So there's a lot of Lycan, who know have no idea how to handle Enid, least of all her brothers, who are also low key awed and scared of Wednesday.
The eldest who picks them up is seemingly more chill but also seems a bit odd and is the one to reveal there will likely be celebrations when they return. Why?
Well because Wednesday, plus Enid and Bianca saved the entire student body, earning them a lot of respect in the Outcast community, they are now big deals.
Wednesday: Politics, how droll. Enid (Alarm bell starts ringing)
The airport has some more common stuff, Enid giving Wednesday some noise cancelling headphones. Revealing the coded system of jumper tugs to ask for and receive or deny different types of affection. (& Wednesday's own tap of "If you don't get me out of here I am going to start stabbing people." code)
Sleeping on the plane, plus microaggressions from the humans.
Chapter 2:
Finally arriving, lots of Lycan are picking up their kids including Esther who looks a lil different.
& rather than being put off by Wednesday being rude is more like, "I am glad my daughter found a mate with fangs, come, you two will ride with me."
Enid (The Alarm bells are getting louder)
We get some history on the migration of Outcasts to the "New World", alliances with fellow Outcasts and even indigenous rebel groups & grudging treaties with human governments.
Also revealed as they arrive at the mountain regions signed over in part to the Lycan Alliance, is that many of them adopt partially or even fully transformed states. Esther included.
Enid revealing they only present as fully human outside their territories cos even slightly too big fangs or nails can warrant arrest or assault or death by police.
Due to her injuries, Wednesday still needs sleep and gets a space in the Sinclair compound, specifically Enid's room with Esther none too subtly encouraging them to share a bed before inviting Enid to show off her new form and hunt.
Wednesday sticks around long enough to see Enid is larger than all but the biggest adult Werewolves and is pleased before heading to sleep.
Chapter 3:
This one is a bit more vague, but Wednesday wakes up, is generally treated well, low key given access to certain magical lore and tools by an elder sage and promised more as Enid's mate.
Enid (Alarm bells are now screaming in her head as she walks in on this.)
There's talk of the Pack Elders holding a celebration to honor the pair, some more politics and whisperings about Blood Moon and training ETC. But Enid seems subtly desperate to get Wednesday away from everyone.
Again Esther is fine with it, encouraging it even, which gives Enid the time to get Wednesday far from her family (& the Dire Wolves they & others raise and sell as guard dogs) to have a 'tour' together while most recover from the night before or prep for the celebration.
This is where the more traditional "Fake dating" wheels come off.
Enid basically ends up asking Wednesday how much she knows about Lycan politics and then Outcasts politics in general.
Wednesday: I don't make a habit of repeating myself. Enid, I find politics droll. Enid (The alarm is now broken)
Cos yeah, turns out that while the Outcast communities are very united, (Motivated by mutual defense pacts against humans) they are held together by factional and familial alliances, traded favors and marriages too.
The Addams are no exceptions, Gomez was obliged to marry Morticia's sister but fell for her and cos the families were chill the engagement shuffled.
Now, Morticia and Gomez were never going to force her to marry someone, but there's lots of steps and deals and concessions made to ensure arrangements are broke respectfully, which Wednesday has very much not done.
Wednesday isn't stupid, its just that she does not study subjects she finds dull. So she's a master fencer, botanist, chemist, ETC, but she has no idea who the fuck the President is or who her family is aligned with. Morticia and Gomez planned to tell her when she was more open to accepting their advice so things could be handled smoothly. This, was not smooth.
What Wednesday has done is basically flip off every prospective suitor, turn her back on every familial alliance and has thus also blatantly advertised herself as being super invested in the San Francisco Pack.
A Pack who really wants the heroes of Nevermore with them and also a Seer on their side, as it would elevate their status, give them powerful members and more.
Not everyone is mercenary about it but it is an undercurrent to why they are so OK with Wednesday's attitude, she's way too valuable to chase off due to rudeness.
Also some Lycan who were going to get big positions now fear their position and want to knock Enid down a peg so she'd have to be their guards, rather than a political figure in her own right.
So yeah, Wednesday accidentally stuck her foot in a massive political cluster fuck and trying to extricate herself too quickly will only make it worse.
Enid assumed Wednesday knew all this stuff though did allude to it earlier. So yeah, things just got a lot more complicated, especially as they are in a spotlight post Nevermore as well.
Made worse by many "Monster Hunters" wanting to take action and avenge the Crackstones/finish the job. Especially by targeting the Seer who felled him and to cull the Blood Moon Werewolf before she grows too powerful.
Sooo yeah, that's the premise but also as far as I have gotten with the outline XD
For anyone confused on Esther, she is very much in favor of Wenclair for her own political ambitions (Once ruined by her youthful indiscretions) Meanwhile Wednesday and Enid are navigating a political minefield and also falling in love, with assassins on their tails.
Thanks for reading!
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watchinglikeafangirl · 2 months
After putting out those rewievs of recent Thai BLs, I thought it would be fun to talk about my top 3 Thai BLs. I have watched each of them two or three times already and I'm still so invested even if I know what's about to happen.
So, the shows I would rate as 10/10 are:
Not me the series
Manner of death
I told sunset about you
And now I'm gonna tell you why, have fun
Not me
Not me is definetly a surprise for me because it's the best GMMTV show I have seen until now. There are always GMMTV projects that get a lot of attention and there are many famous pairings but for me there's always something underneath that's telling me most GMMTV shows are not that interesting or they start good but slowly become kinda boring.
Not me is the only GMMTV show that didn't bore me towards the end. It's so consistent and the story is a complicated net of characters who are all intertwined in their past. We are not told which characters are friends, we're shown. Black is a mysterious character because White doesn't know him as well but in the end we feel like we do because all the other characters know him. We get flashbacks of Black and Gram and we start learning about past relationships. We see how Sean is constantly expecting certain reactions White doesn't give him. It's very thought-through and we learn about each of them.
Of course, they are a rebellious group who are fighting for justice in their society. Not me is a lot about social criticism, corruption and oppression in more than one way. We learn about Yok's mom being deaf and getting fired because the factory closed down. There are consequences for the characters but they still believe in their cause, they still believe in each other. These characters are one of the strongest ones I've seen. And we learn so much about them through their dynamic as a group. Some take charge, some are aggressive, some are quiet.
What I like the most is, this show is not predictable. Todd's involvement is completely out of the blue and it's shocking. He had a few scenes to earn our trust and we didn't see it coming. There are flashbacks of the past but even those don't explain everything and I love how the outcome is not visible and still unclear even when the show ends.
Manner of death
At first, I wasn't that intrigued but once the story started to really kick off and the puzzle pieces were layed out, I desperatly waited each week. I like crime shows every once in a while (probably the german in me).
With this show, we get very mature adults in a balanced relationship. Bun and Tan work best when together and their relationship is there, they have some scenes, but it's not really part of the plot. This show is not about their love story, it's about solving a crime and to find justice for Jane.
The show shifts its tone throughout its run. There are drastic things happening and the culprit is someone I didn't suspect that much. The story they uncover is absolutly shocking and it could be triggering. But it's handled in a respectful way. The story progresses and is told calmly without labeling people or judging them before they even talk. The character's personas are not clear just when looking at them because the first approach is neutral.
Manner of death is a much more mature BL I didn't know I needed. There's no unnecessary action and the stakes aren't that high. It's just Bun and Tan and a few friends fighting in silence.
I told sunset about you
I watched this when I was 18, studying for my last exam in school and deciding what I'm going to do with my life. The show hit the right nerves at the right time. I was unsure who I wanted to become, I still don't know if I made the right choices.
This show had me on a chokehold for such a long time. I cannot say what big of an impact it had on me. I still think it's phenomenal. The way colors, songs, languages, flashbacks and silent scenes are used to express the sher struggle of finding one's identity will always be amazing to me. There are so many heartbreaking scenes and scenes I didn't get three years ago but now, three years later, I understand what the show wanted us to see.
But this show is not good because it has such a complicated story or because it had so many turning points but because it is so bittersweet. The calm scenes are the most heartbreaking and when they cry, they sob and when there's happiness, the sun shines and they wear some red shirts. It's a whole feeling and I still love the show for bringing me so much comfort in being unsure who I was because I felt so seen. I have never seen a show portray this transition so well. The best coming-off-age show for me personally
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parti-poppers · 11 months
what are your fav fukalen headcannons that you have?
Oh lord you don’t even know
I have far too many and I physically can’t pick favorites, so I present you; Pop’s Fukalen Headcanon Masterlist (that hasn’t been updated in a good while)
-They get into dumb stupid trouble a lot, Len cuz he’s overly confident, stubborn and stupid, and Fukase because he’s an agent of chaos
-They casually bully (not really, just tease) each other a lot
-They don’t really need to communicate to cause havoc, they just sorta catch each others dumbass brain waves
-Though Luka is the main English tutor for the Kagamines, Fukase also helps Len with his English a lot
-After Fukase has helped Len with English so much, it became a habit for Fukase to speak English to Len so that he could hear it more and learn, so though it’s not actually necessary it has become natural for them to have conversations where Len speaks Japanese and Fukase speaks English
-Fukase’s kinda jealous of Len’s dance skills but refuses to admit it, instead just saying Len’s a show off (he’s not wrong)
-They’re both gamers and play together a lot, though Fukase leans more towards shooters and Len’s a bit of a rhythm game fanatic
-They played Portal 2 together which consisted of Fukase carrying and Len fucking around bc he wasn’t built for puzzle games
-Fukase says project diva is dumb and not even a good game because he generally doesn’t like rhythm games as he tends to suck at them, but he’s secretly a hardcore project diva fan and plays it a lot
-Similarly, he complains about Sekai being cashgrab trash and just another shitty gacha game but he’s mildly addicted
-Oh and his fave module is Len’s Trickster one because then they have a matching cane and hat vibe goin’ on
-Sometimes when they’re in group chat with friends Fukase and Len will argue, and Fukase will say something like “shut up bb”, earning something like a “lmao you calling him baby that’s kinda gay” from the others, and the response is usually something along the lines of “YOU ALL KNOW ITS SHORT FOR BANANA BOY SHUT THE HELL UP”
-Len makes fun of Fukase’s overly complicated design a lot but had an edgy phase where he thought it was the peek of fashion and secretly wanted to look like him
-Len really likes Fukase’s lower range (especially when paired with his softer voice), but keeps that secret locked up and kept away from everyone and anyone
-Len assumed for ages that Fukase wore eyeliner until he did his makeup once and told him to take it off and Fukase was like “what eyeliner” and Len was like “you’re not wearing eyeliner???”
-Fukase gets super easily cold which is why he wears so many layers, meanwhile Len is that kid that walks around in a t-shirt and shorts all year around, a bit of a living heater if you will. It can either be optimal for cuddling or make it impossible, depends
-They use a lot of different nicknames for each other depending on context- usually Fukase might call Len “Banana Boy”, “Blondie”, “Twink” or “Dumbass” and Len might call Fukase “Clown” “Fuckass” “Fuka” or “Kase”. You’ll probably never catch Fukase saying “Babe” (Banana Boy > BB > Baby/Babe)or Len saying “Fukafuka” (fluffy/soft) out in the open tho
-Fukase and Flower are best friends, and Flower has a habit of giving people nicknames based on flowers. Fukase sorta picked up on this, occasionally calling Len “Buttercup”
-Every time someone asks Fukase how his face got scarred he comes up with the most wild and shocking story he can think of on the spot to get a reaction out of whoever is asking, but none of these manage to shock Len anymore because he’s heard every single one Fukase has managed to conjure up
-Fukase has multiple sorted reference, meme, quote, and random picture folders so he can send whatever he deems perfect in any given situation at any given time. Depending on context Len will more often than not know “oh this person said this, so Fuka is gonna send/show this specific thing in three, two, one- there it is”
-Whenever Len comes over to Fukase he will prioritize saying hi to Point before Fukase. Fukase‘s kinda accepted that Len likes Point more than him
-The way Len treats Point compared to the way Fukase does is night and day- Len holds it like a newborn child talking to the it like it’s a puppy, while Fuka be out here dragging it by a limb sayin “ya stinky”
-Point is their unofficial child probably
-Len likes a lot of Fukase’s original English songs, but knows his own English isn’t the best, at least not compared to Fukase’s, so he only ever jams to them and sings along in private
-Though he makes fun of it a lot, Fukase thinks Len’s English is kinda endearing, but he keeps that to himself
-Fukase has the weird ability to making insults sound like compliments, and compliments sound like insults, and Len is sick of it cuz it makes him very confused and annoyed
-Fukase speaks fluent sarcasm, meanwhile Len’s brain sometimes just short circuits and he can’t pick up on sarcasm whatsoever
-Fukase is a smartass with dumbass energy and Len is a dumbass who tries to have smartass energy (in contrast to Rin, who fully embraces her dumbassness and dumbass energy and thinks Len should too. He insists he isn’t as dumb as her and she’s like “bro you’re literally my reflection”)
-Len legit has a big ego (some describe him as mildly narcissistic) while, Fukase is just great at faking confidence and actually doesn’t think very highly of himself, though Len insists he absolutely should
-Fukase likes cracking self deprecating jokes. He does that more than your average person due to his secretly low confidence
-Len, due to his higher than average confidence, usually doesn’t find self deprecating jokes funny cuz he doesn’t relate to them, and it often takes him a second to get them. Sometimes, if he notices his friends making a lot of them, he’ll get kinda worried and be like “damn you need therapy or smthn?”
-Len sometimes aggressively delivers compliments to Fukase, or whoever he thinks needs them
-Fukase’s terrible at accepting compliments
-Len straight up started giving Fukase self love classes to teach him real confidence
-He also gives Fukase dance lessons, but Fukase usually doesn’t learn much because Len’s too busy showing off. They have fun tho
-Fukase really like when Len has his hair down
-Len’s kind of a mess in the kitchen, so when they have to prepare something themselves Fukase usually does it for the both of them
-When they’re out together they like to get milkshakes/smoothies. If both are almost broke and they gotta share, they compromise and get the banana and strawberry drink. While their fave flavors in general are banana for Len and strawberry for Fukase, they both have come to enjoy the banana and strawberry combo. Sometimes they lie to each other abt being broke just to order it and share
-Len says Wi-Fi Imagination Wild Boy is “their song” but Fukase likes to pretend it doesn’t exist and never happened out of embarrassment
-Len likes having one hand on each side of Fukase’s face because the difference in skin texture on each side feels funny. Fukase says it’s weird that he likes doing that, but doesn’t stop him from squishing his face
-Fukase always ponders how the Cryptons have perfect skin, or well, at least he knows Len does- perfect nails too, great for head scratches
-While Fuka is normally not the biggest fan of surprise physical contact, it’s kinda become a habit of Len to just randomly scratch his head or run his hand through his hair. This is an exception. If you comment on it tho, Fukase will suddenly start acting annoyed by it and smack Len’s hand away. Len teases him a bit for liking it
-Len absolutely adores how fluffy and messy Fukase’s hair is
-Fukase has his reasons for keeping his arm bandages, maybe health, convenience, not wanting to freak people out- but one is because he has a habit of picking at the skin there, which Len is trying to get him to stop doing
-Fukase’s arm picking worries Len, so sometimes he changes Fukase’s bandages for him just to make sure he won’t do it
-Len’s a trans guy and Fukase is one of the few people Len’s comfortable not binding his chest in front of, other than the other Cryptons and Piko (bc Piko’s his best friend)
-Fuka barely needs any sleep getting like 4 hours on average, while is a professional honk mimimier who likes getting his 8 hours of beauty sleep
-Because of Len’s habit of sleeping like a baby and the fact that he’s usually busy as fuck, Fukase always lets him sleep in when they have sleepovers at his place, not having the heart to wake him up
-When they have sleepovers they always end up having an argument a little while after Len starts showing signs of being tired. These basically consist of Len saying “if I go to bed now I know you’re just gonna stay up all night, get your ass to bed now or I’m staying up and annoying you while sleep deprived” and Fukase saying “you look like you’re gonna pass out and you know damn well I won’t be able to sleep for a while, go to bed or I’m carrying your sleepy ass over there“. Which of them wins varies
-Though they both frequently tease each other and are okay with teasing/being teased about pretty much anything, they also know exactly when they’re crossing a line or pushing certain buttons. Sometimes they’ll push the others buttons just a little or see how far they can go, but they always know when to stop and when the other isn’t cool with it anymore
-Fukase adores the horror genre as a whole, while Len’s more easily freaked out but pretends like he has no fear- so, when they’re for example picking out a movie to watch, Fukase might wanna watch a horror movie and Len will be like “Pft of course no problem I’m not a wimp” but then later in the middle of the movie they’ll have to pause and chill together for a bit because Fukase’s like “dude you look like you’re gonna cry maybe let’s not, want some hot coco?”
-Fukase and Len once started talking about some English tv show and after it came up in conversation Len confessed that he had a hard time following without Japanese subtitles, especially when he wants to sing along to the songs. This lead Fuka to say he could help him if there was anything he needed clarified when watching it, which lead to them watching the show together. Now they’ve developed a habit of watching stuff together so Fukase can help translate and clarify, even though Len doesn’t need it much anymore
-While Len loves doing concerts and performances, he gets very homesick and missed his friends since he’s so social. He’ll text people non stop, though he’s sometimes worried that it gets a little annoying- but Fukase doesn’t mind at all. Len always somehow gives him the ability to watch them live from his home and tells him about how it is and that he misses him, and since Fukase doesn’t have a sleep schedule it usually works wherever Len is. Len also hooked him up with some real nice glowsticks that he furiously waved around when watching
-Since Fukase and especially Len are both pretty dang successful and feel like can’t really comfortably talk about their insecurities or negative feelings regarding their loid status in front of less successful loids, like Piko or Lui, they kinda just talk about it to each other. They bond over it- knowing Piko has it worse, Fuka isn’t as bothered much by his licensing, but is ashamed that his VP doesn’t care for him. And Len, tho almost always feeling like he’s the best he could be, sometimes feels inferior to Rin when remembering that he’s just kind of an add on to her
-Len has little to no insecurities regarding his looks, though he spent like his eye color very much, partially bc he’s often made to wear brighter green or blue contacts for promo stuff. Fukase thinks this is bullshit and Len’s eyes are pretty as hell
-Fukase is disabled, hence the cane, and doesn’t typically mind it too much because it lets him skip out on a lot of stuff in PE and other such things. His one complaint is that he can’t really carry Len bc of his balance, but Len insists it’s ok
-While being a bit of a twig and not a fan of exercise, but he does have a bit of upper body mass because he plays drums and has used crutches/wheelchairs at several points in life. Len’s the more athletic of the two tho and likes to brag about
-Len has dog energy and Fukase has cat energy
-Len bought Fukase a pair of those headphones with cat ears on them. Fukase said it was stupid, asked why he spent money on them and claimed he’d never wear them, but he often uses them at home
-They’ve faked a proposal for free food
-Len kinda doesn’t really know what exactly Fukase is or how he works but also doesn’t really care
-Fukase loves showing Len games that are actually horror games but don’t seem like it at first. Len always gets suspicion and Fukase always goes “nonono this ones’s fine it’s not scary at all I promise” and Len always falls for it
-After Len complained about it enough he finally manages to get Fukase to eat three meals a day (or at least try to). Fukase forgets to every now and again but Len’s usually there to remind him
-Despite the fact that nothing seems to make Len insecure ever, there was one time his perfect skin had a pimple and he refused to come out of his room for almost anything. Fukase had to sit outside his room and convince him it really wasn’t that bad on three separate occasions
-One time when Len and Rin were hanging out with Miku and some popular friends after a concert Fukase borrowed Flower’s motorbike to pick Len up so he’d seem cool. Was very effective on Len but the others were like “lmao you two are dorks” and “Wait is Fukase even allowed to drive that”
-Their friends were genuinely very surprised to find out that they liked each other because they both had this very tsundere-esque, mean, teasing and pulling no punches way of interacting so everyone figured they really disliked each other (both of them were surprised to find that the other liked them back too)
-When Fukase and Moke, who were the last members to join the friend group, first met Len, Fukase really disliked him while Moke adored him. This was in big part because Fukase knew Len’s celebrity image as an arrogant, self obsessed, annoying asshole, and Moke, being very into otaku culture, was a big fan who idolizes him and found his celebrity image to be talented and charming. However, when they actually got to know him, the script completely flipped and Fukase now finds him dumb, but charming, while Moke just finds him unbearable
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hmshermitcraft · 1 year
Enemies to lovers don’t mind if I do!
Gem hated Pearl she hated everything about her from the fact her family took over the grimm lands, outlawed obsidian magic, and worst of all turned her kind Wither Hybrids into supposed “demons” it. Made. Her. Sick! Her home was turned into a bastardized version of what it was while she was barely surviving on the streets high and mighty Pearl was eating out of the lap of luxury.
Pearl hates her family she stays in the castle ninety percent of the time never getting the chance to leave to actually see the kingdom she’s supposed to rule one day. Hell it wasn’t even originally their kingdom they took it over! Not to mention that was before she was even born. And now she’s being taught that her family were right and just rulers when Pearl knew in reality they were maniacal and egotistical she never understood why they outlawed so many of the kingdoms naturally occurring forms of magic or labeled an entire native group of people as demons it made no sense and she was gonna get to the bottom of it!
Today was the day Gem was gonna end the supposed “royal line” once and for all magic loaded, obsidian knives ready, hungry for souls and ready to devour some. The plan was simple go in kill the queen, king, and princess then pin the blame on some other noble asshole…at least that was the plan until she was caught and thrown into the dungeon. She was shackled and hungry she needed to eat something anything but nope these people called her a demon and we’re gonna treat her like one.
When Pearl heard they had a new prisoner in the dungeons a Wither hybrid no less she immediately rushed down there after the guards were gone for the night to see frankly the most beautiful woman she had ever seen in her life. Gorgeous sunset orange hair, emerald green eyes, tanned freckled skin, twice her height by all accounts , a rack of antlers made of crying obsidian with beads and jewels hanging from them, and beautiful wither roses growing from her neck in a bush safe to say Pearl had fallen for this woman…now if only gem could say the same.
Right in front of her was the bane of her existence the person who caused her family, her people, her home to suffer! And she was just standing there like she was some sorta animal in a zoo growling before saying “so what do you want wanna see me beg? Because if so then screw off!” Gem didn’t care if this was the end of the line but she didn’t expect for her hands to suddenly be free via the pull of a lever as she looked up to see Pearl crying saying “I’m so sorry what my family has done…” and from there things only got more interesting and complicated
Over the months of Gem’s imprisonment Pearl visited every single day bringing food, water, and even a few pillows and blankets for Gem granted the first few weeks gem nearly tried to gore Pearl with her antlers or claw her. But eventually Gem realized she was just trying to help and the two started talking…and talking…and talking. Both learning things about the others life and culture that both were hooked on. Gem was legitimately surprised at how Pearl hanged onto every word of her explaining the intricacies of obsidian magic and its ties to the grimmlands. And Pearl didn’t expect Gem to cry when she described what’s normally a very boring royal ball.
And one thing led to another and a very passionate night one evening…*ahem* that made Gem realize she loved Pearl with all her heart. With the following day Pearl freeing her and the two of them throwing a Coupe against her parents with a bright future in mind for the kingdom. Well after the wedding of course.
They discovered they had... A lot more in common than they first thought. Gem, like Pearl, was born after the Grimmlands was overthrown by Pearl's family. And, if it hadn't happened, Gem would have been second in line to rule.
Instead, she and her people are demonised and live in poverty all because some assholes decided they wanted to take over the kingdom and then not even use the resources the kingdom offers! Not even try to understand its people. Then her attempt at freedom immediately fails, and she's left only with the pity of somebody she hates.
It took her a long time to come around to Pearl. She'd lived in a castle she had no rights to her entire life. It was hard for Gem to feel like she wasn't looking at her like a curiosity. Maybe it was her own prejudice, but she thinks it's a fair assumption to make.
Pearl was the one to realise Gem's links to the original royal family, though. It was by complete accident! Talking to Gem made Pearl want to learn more about the Grimmlands in its prime. This led to her researching the royal family and... Gem's name was scribbled onto the page with red ink, alongside a name Pearl didn't recognise. She asked Gem about it. Though reluctant to answer, Gem eventually tells her that's her brother.
The coup wasn't easy to accomplish. Pearl's parents have ruled with an iron fist, including their children. She isn't sad to see them lose their power. With Gem by her side, it's easy to gain the support of the people. Gaining their respect is harder, but with a plan ahead to integrate those of Pearl's people that remain whilst bringing the Grimmlands back to its technological glory - they think they've got a pretty good chance.
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xenascribbles · 6 days
you know what im gonna make up my own questions to ask you about your characters! i don't know much about them but this will help
who holds the most guilt?
who had the most recent fuck-up? (either timeline wise or how far you are into your story-wise)
who is the most like you?
who has your favourite quirk?
who are you hoping will become a fan favourite?
who has the best and worst fashion tastes?
what are the special interests/defining hobbies of your characters?
on a three-person car ride, which characters, when grouped together, would be: having the most fun, be the most likely to kill each other, be the most likely to come out of it as changed people?
answer as little or as many as you want! no pressure xx
i love you for this 🥺 i don’t have a lot of wips out and what i do have is still in its pretty early stages so i won’t have a lot of characters to choose from, but ill do my best! contenders will be from The Noble Prince, The Curse of the Human Condition, or my unnamed lesbian murder wip
i put it all under the cut bc it got a bit long :)
1. Kieran from The Noble Prince, or Cestian from The Curse of the Human Condition! Kieran harbors a lot guilt for his mother’s death — she perished in a house fire. he was also inside and tried to get her out, but he couldn’t save her, and ended being dragged out by his own father but not without suffering some severe burns.
Cestian holds a lot of guilt because…. well, his guilt is complicated, but long story short: he did nothing while the woman he loved was beaten and exiled, and then when he later found her on the brink of death, he saved her, but she had lost her memory. so now she sees him as her savior, but doesn’t remember any of the pain he caused her.
2. the most recent fuck up….. oh… probably King Oliver from The Noble Prince. his fuck ip was blindly trusting Lord David, who recommended Kieran to guard Tzipora. because Kieran is about to uproot the King’s plans for Tzipora.
3. oh oof which of them are most like me? that’s hard to say. all my characters are like me, small parts of me taken and worked into new characters. maybe Kieran. he’s not very outspoken, but he has a lot of opinions, and he’s very curious.
4. Emmett! idk if it counts as a quirk, but he has a vicious southern accent and it’s fun to write! if that doesn’t count, then Tzipora’s tendency to repeat things :)
5. if i could write more for Evie and Scarlett, i just KNOW they’d be adored, especially Scarlett. they’re fun little murderers that worship a goddess of murder, and scarlett is a very bubbly, very sweet, but very violent love bug :) i love her so much
6. Best fashion tastes have to be both Alesya and Cestian from the Curse of the Human Condition. Alesya was a princess in line to be Queen, and Cestian is a King, so they both had to make sure they looked good at all times. worst fashion tastes goes to Silas, from the same story, or Kieran from The Noble Prince. he dresses for comfort and to hide his scars, not to look good.
7. Kieran is the only one that i’ve given a defined hobby/interest, and that’s reading! he reads any and every genre, but his favorite thing to read is old journals. he loves to learn about the world through other peoples’ eyes, to read about their lives
8. most fun would be Evie, Scarlett, and Tzipora. Three women that love bloodshed and don’t care who they hurt. they’ve all seen a lot and would have a lot of crazy stories to tell.
most likely to kill each other would be Alesya, Cestian, and Silas, all from the Curse of the Human Condition. Alesya is in love with Silas and hates Cestian, but she’s being forced into an arranged marriage with Cestian, and Cestian and Silas hate each other because they’re both in love with Alesya 😅 it’d be a mess
and to come out changed…. hmmmm… Evangeline, Tzipora, and Alesya. A murderous creature, a magical God, and a mere human woman that appreciates life. i think they’d end up falling into deep conversations about humanity and show each other different perspectives. they’d all be a little different once its all said and done.
thank you for these! it was really fun !!!!!
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magpiethepunkfairy · 1 year
Remaking a post so it's here on my main account
Responding to @goblintoothfairy on a post I made
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This gave me a lot of thoughts and feelings I am so sorry for a very long post
I wanna answer your question but it's gonna be long and I wanted it to be it's own thing and not potentially get lost in the void
It's complicated honestly
And it's also something that for me is directly tied to both my physical and mental health
I can't give any kinda general or blanket advice cause it was kinda the perfect storm for me, a lot of different things changed and fell into place
I got outta school, I was able to get out of the physical environment, the bright lights and loud noise and layered smells, and the social environment, to many people, passive aggressive peers And teachers, complicated social things and shitty friend groups. I'm able to set my own schedule and better control the energy I'm using each day
I got out of a toxic and shitty relationship, we were not good for each other, I can be a lot because of my physical and mental health and he couldn't handle it and instead of be honest about it he took it out on me.
I got back into therapy and started taking a really cool self defense class. My therapist is really cool and he's also an instructor for the class
They push me to challenge some of the things I was telling myself, push me to defend and also to just Have boundaries. Teach me to stick to my words and actions, show me I'm capable of more then I allow myself to think.
But they also except and understand my limits, physical what I'm able to do and also just when I'm not comfortable with something, they encourage me when I tell them no I can't/won't/don't Want to do something
And through all of this I started internalizing things, came to terms with parts of my identity as a queer person more but also as someone who's neurodivergent and disabled
I started paying attention to how I was really using my energy and if I was really ok with it
I decided I was worth more then the things I'd let people and Myself put me through
I decided I deserve to be myself and that if the people currently in my life couldn't handle it they weren't worth dissolving myself for
And this last part is extremely important to me
I am Still working on it, still going through the motions of catching myself in negative loops and changing it
I still have bad days, I still really struggle sometimes
I'm also realizing that's ok, that I'm going to still struggle
That I might always struggle, and even that's ok
I'm working on focusing on being kind instead of nice
To myself and others
I give myself space to have my negative thoughts and feelings, I still get stuck in them sometimes
But I feel them, and then I go talk to my mom, or open a window, or eat a snack
It's a long hard process, and it will be a life long one for me
I'm currently working on just Talking to my friends more, my mind convinces me I'll ruin it, that they hate me, it still wins the battle most days
But I'm working through it, getting better most days
I'm no keeping quiet about things I care about and believe in for other people's comfort
And it honestly has Nothing to do with other people and everything to do with me working towards being the person I want to be
I hope this helps, and if it doesn't that's ok, I really don't think there's a one size fits all way to go about this
Another important thing, it's been something I've been actively working on in some form or another for two years now, and I still have so much more work to do
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ramonag-if · 2 years
Hey there! Loved the new chapter(as usual) - got me feeling all kinds of emotions that I will not be recovering from anytime soon. 😭 I just wanted to write something cause I really love your writing and story and I’ve been following this WIP since it was posted(sorry if it’s long, I just really love these kinds of things).
While I’m not really angry with our mom, I don’t think my MC is gonna want to have anything to do with her cause seriously??? You leave your child with their emotionally closed off father who never expected to care for a child and was a part of a group that killed many of your people simply for their heritage? I understand you were trying to escape and now you’re a super important person leading a rebellion but you couldn’t even check in to see if your ex and child were still alive by like sending a spy disguised as a merchant or something? Having to be asked about Ahlf by her was painful(in like the best ways but I was also kind of offended for him). It doesn’t help that my MC has also been feeling like she won’t be accepted by the Ishari people because she wasn’t raised there and whatnot so seeing that her mom just had a whole other family with a daughter who *is* Ishari. Part of me wasn’t surprised we had a half-sibling but that didn’t stop the disappointment, feeling of betrayal and even some resentment - like wow you are a fantastic writer, thank you so much for blessing us with your art. 🥰
I have to ask though, what would our dad think about Salyra having this whole other family after everything that’s happened? While I’m not entirely sure how the two feel about each other, I can imagine he’d be upset for the MC. Like how they were just left to be taken care by him when he couldn’t be that parent they needed and how her absence and unknown status clearly affected them - not to mention the fact that Salyra thought they’d be safer in a small village of a country that was rather open about their problems with Ishari. She’s right that we don’t know what happened and how it went down but I mean did she ever really expect to see us again? Was she trying or did she just decide that there was no point?(spoilers most likely so ignore that I’m just really invested). I can’t help but wonder what our recently discovered family would think? I felt my MC’s fear when hearing about our half sibling that they would honesty prefer Rana to MC because now they would have a ‘real’ Ishari daughter of Salyra to bond with. Also, my first thought to Rana maybe developing a little crush on Irus was, “Nah, you already took my mom, you ain’t taking my Prince.” I know she’s like 10, and my MC is planning on being a good older sister but we gotta draw the line at Irus. He’s my MC’s emotional support Prince. 😅
Regardless, it isn’t looking all that great for Salyra and my MC will be keeping her at arms length unless she needs to gain favor in order to get the alliance or more help in some way(Literally would do anything for Irus, completely in love with him). I am so looking for to the drama though, you write it so well. 👀
Thank you so much for playing and I'm so happy you enjoyed the update 💖😊 And thank you so much for your continued support, it really means so much to me!
It is really a complicated thing with Salyra and you are more than free to feel upset/betrayed/hurt by the way she's gone about protecting the MC. I do enjoy complicated family dynamics, it's something that I've always tended to write about in my stories since I feel like it's not always showcased as much as romantic angst. Thank you for enjoying the angst, I do have a blast writing it 😆
You will get a chance to learn about Ahlf's feelings about Salyra - there's a lot that happened that the MC was unaware about between their parents and you'll also get to see the Vinian family react to Salyra in Part 3 😬😅
Don't worry, the Vinian family already love the MC and will accept the NC regardless of their heritage. Zikar's mother is from Vinia, so they're already quite open to other cultures.
Irus is never going to abandon the MC 😆 So rest assured, Rana's childhood crush will eventually fade away.
Salyra will help the MC regardless of their relationship because she sees it as her way if trying to make up for her absence, so feel free to be as upset and rude as you want 😋
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haisayonaraa · 1 month
Jojo's Bizarre Playdate (part 2)
(it's here! sorry it took me so long to get this out, but I had to think of how this was gonna go next. sorry to any Iggy fans but I don't exactly know how to write him into the story, but congrats to all the polnareff fans, because he'll finally show up here! enjoyyyyyy. )
NOTE FOR THIS CHAPTER: we're still going off the fact Kakyoin and Dio never met, Kakyoin never went to Egypt.
[story below]
Well, since we last left off, the little group of crusaders have gotten on their plane to Egypt. Though Kakyoin didn't have any belongings with him at the moment, but not to worry Joseph assured him that buying out a whole store was no big deal (thanks to the Speedwagon foundation being loaded).  So everyone got on the plane with their own stuff. 
Kakyoin looks to Jotaro, "This is so exciting! I've never really flown before, so this is going to be a nice experience!" Jotaro rolls his eyes and looks out the window beside him, "It's just a plane ride.. no need to be so hyped." Joseph, who's seated in the row beside theirs, chimes in. "It's his first time Jotaro, let him be excited, there's no need to rain on his parade!" Jotaro just huffs in response, ending the conversation. After awhile a flight attendant comes by, taking orders for snacks and such. Jotaro asks for soda, Avdol water, and kakyoin- "oh the fruit juice looks good- no I can't ask for that, she'll think I'm silly- order something mature-" "I'll have some coffee, no cream, no sugar" The flight nods, "and you sir?" they turn to Joseph, "Oh, I'll just have some fruit juice." The flight attendant nods, "Good choice sir!" the flight attendant leaves to get their drinks.
Once the drinks arrive, Kakyoin is already feeling slightly small, but he can't regress right now, there's a bunch of random people here, that and he's got some yucky coffee to drink now. Kakyoin stares down at his cup before taking a sip. The dark bitterness of the drink causes the cherry boy to tear up a bit. "Nori, you ok?" Kakyoin looks over to Joseph, who hasn't touched his own drink. "y-ya- this is- it's a little hot is all." Joseph frowns, "you never wanted coffee did you?" Kakyoin rubs his eyes, "not really.." Joseph chuckles, "you didn't strike me as a coffee person anyway, here.." Joseph switches his and kakyoin's drinks. "I can't really drink juice anyway, the sugar doesn't do my blood pressure any good." Kakyoin starts sipping on the juice. "See that's one of the disadvantages of getting old, sure you can eat anything you want, but no one ever tells you that at this point you can't eat what you want because it's bad for your health..." Kakyoin is barely listening by now, he's just over joyed that he's got juice now. Joseph takes a sip of his coffee "bleh! stupid Japanese coffee, this stuff tastes awful!" Avdol leans back in his seat, "Mister Joestar, that's American coffee." Joseph looks at the coffee, "oh.. heh heh.."
"Ladies and Gentlemen, due to some complications, we're going to have to make a quick stop in Hong Kong to switch planes" many of the passengers groan and sigh, "wat goin' on Jojo?" Kakyoin looks to Jotaro. "Well we're going to have to change planes for some reason." Kakyoin suddenly becomes sad, "But I liked dis plane..."  Jotaro sighs, "I did too, but sometimes these things happen for a reason I guess.." Joseph looks over at the two, "Well this'll give us a great excuse to get some lunch!" Jotaro pulls the tip of his hat over his face, "just don't get too much Gigi.." Joseph grins, "Oh we'll just get something small." 
That something small being a whole entire buffet to themselves. By know Kakyoin has fully slipped into headspace, and Jotaro is following suit. While the group enjoys their food, a certain Frenchman is watching them from afar. "I wonder if that's what I do? But what if it's not? what if they're doing something else? It would be rude of me to assume.. Well, I guess it never hurts to ask.." The man approaches the table, "excuse me, what are you all doing?" Joseph is the first to look up, "eating?" The white haired man shakes his head, "no, what these two are doing.. Is it-" Avdol butts in, "It's a coping mechanism, but at times these two do it just to relax or enjoy themselves." the man seems to perk up, "Oh really?! you two regress too?!"  Jotaro almost chokes on his food from the sudden mood change, and Kakyoin smiles back at the man, "ya, wats ur name?" After grabbing a chair, the man explains to the group that his name is Jean Pierre Polnareff, and that he was just in Hong Kong to site see (the thing said about kakyoin applies to polnareff). "I never expected to find people that have do the same thing as me! Usually I've had such bad luck with people and this subject.." Avdol nods, "it is hard to find people, especially in person." Joseph takes a sip of his drink, "Hey, do you want to go to Egypt with us?" Polnareff tilts his head, "Egypt? what for?" Kakyoin giggles, "A playdate wif a vampire!" Polnareff's eyes widen, "what?!" Jotaro sighs, "A playdate wif my great great uncle." Polnareff relaxes, "oooh! sure, if I wouldn't be a bother that is." Both Avdol and Joseph start gathering up the cleaned off dishes, "You wouldn't be a problem at all, now come on, our flight for Egypt is in an hour!"
(congratulations! Polnareff has joined your party!)
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(he seepy :'3)
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Masquerade of Sinners au… may I introduce you to one of my most recently favourite AUs?
Seeing as it is spooky month now, I think it’s quite fitting to share this one! Starting with simply some of the doodles I did over the past few months in my spare time! Edgejeanist and ectoloader designs only at the moment-
The lore for this one is. Fairly Complicated. And. A Lot. So I shall do a separate lore post!
For now have some basic info for the au:
(Includes stuff revolving around angels and demons, the divine, heavens and worship and religion and all that sort of stuff as a heads up:)
Shinya is the devil!
Tsunagu is a fallen angel that fell(literally) in love with him. Is known simply as the devils lover.
Ecto is a demon with a Backstory
Higari is. Complicated /lh (He’s a demon but there’s a Whole Ass Backstory, he has died and reincarnated twice)
This au was meant to be a simple edgejeanist centric au. It is now VERY ectoloader. They’ve taken over my brain for this au in particular.
Anyway, the Sinners (human sinners and certain demons/fallen angels) are individuals that get to attend special masquerade balls hosted by Shinya.
This is the Masquerade of Sinners, and they have their disguises for when regular humans pop up sometimes.
The masks are specially made by Shinya, through the eyes of these masks you can see the Sinners for what they truly are! Their demonic forms are shown.
These masks also help to contain the dangers of so many sinners being grouped together partying on unholy land.
Tsunagu’s a special case, the divine’s grasp on him hadnt fully let go out of spite and basically one night decided to dish out extra punishment.
Tsunagu’s mask broke and unleashed a wave of divinity across the ballroom, turning everyone inside into statues and causing him to crumble away and cease to exist.
They’re all kinda stuck like this now. For a long time.
Long enough for Random People to turn Shinya’s house into a museum. (Like 100years perhaps)
However, they notice that the stone(?) statues that have masks on them seem to move and murder at a certain time period in the night. Demonic presence is detected also
They decide to lock up the ballroom and create fake statue replicas out of wood and wax and simply move the masks to these statues for presentation.
This doesn’t fix anything as the masks cause them to possess these as well.
The main plot follows a reincarnation of Tsunagu, as he feels drawn to the mansion.
He relives events and goes through helping each statue receive their respective masks around the mansion, befriending demons that he can see and learning about himself.
Eventually he manages to free Shinya and then everyone else and dies in the process allowing Shinya to bring him back as he was before. As a Sinner <3
There’s some spooky aspects and plenty of backstories for each of the characters! But that’ll be in another post!!
As for ectoloader… they’re gonna need their own long post. Let’s just say that Ecto is a sad and traumatised yet murderous lil demon and Higari is deeply deeply in denial about being a sinner heheh :]
I have several more wips and doodles for this au! So I hope you enjoy <3
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lexisketchart · 3 months
Hey! Love your art and your jak and daxter ocs! May I have an info dump about them please?
I would love to! For the most part right now I have mostly Catherine written so I'm gonna just put everything about her so far here
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I'm still working on a lot of this so its still pretty rough Catherine Vega was born in the slums of Haven City. From a young age, she displayed a strong sense of justice, a trait that often got her into trouble. At the age of 17, she was involved in an altercation with a group of KG, leading to an entire team being injured by her. Recognizing her potential, Errol gave her a choice: Join the Krimson Guard or die. Reluctantly, she chose to join.
            Despite her initial resentment, Catherine’s exceptional combat skills, strategic mind and unwavering dedication set her apart from other recruits. Rising through the ranks due to her natural talent and relentless drive, she eventually became an elite captain known for her fearless leadership and loyalty to her comrades. During this time, she developed a complicated relationship with Errol. Their relationship was a volatile mix of competition and comfort, often finding solace in each other when not clashing over missions or strategies.
            Catherines uncompromising sense of justice often clashed with Errols’ pragmatic approach to maintaining order, leading to heated debates and moments of friction. Amidst the turmoil of their duties and the ever-present threat of the underground, Catherine and Errol found moments of Solace in each other’s company, seeing it as a break from the relentless demands of their respective positions.
            During a high-stakes mission against the underground, Catherine made a critical decision to protect civilians that led to unforeseen disaster. A powerful explosive device meant to weed out the underground, detonated prematurely due to a miscalculation, causing significant collateral damage and casualties. Though her actions saved many lives, the incident led to an internal investigation, and she was placed on leave pending the outcome. At this time Errol and Catherine had split up as they drifted apart.
            While on leave, Catherine decided to leave Haven city and travel out to Kras, drawn by the combat racing circuit. She ended up getting into a trial race in an attempt to prove herself as a combat racer and quickly discovered her natural talent for racing. Her background as a KG captain gave her an edge in the high-speed, high-stakes environment. She was soon recruited by Razer to join Mizo’s team. Catherine’s rise in the combat racing world was meteoric. Her strategic thinking, quick reflexes and fearless nature made her a formidable competitor. She soon gained the respect and admiration of fellow racers and fans alike, becoming a champion racer during that year’s Kras city grand championship.
            Catherine found herself spending more time with Razer and they had discovered a mutual understanding of the sacrifices required to succeed in their profession. Razer’s calmer demeanor balanced Catherines intensity. They found solace in each other’s company, with both providing a sense of stability and comfort to the other.
            As news of the metal head threat in Haven City grew dire, Catherine felt an undeniable pull to return to her roots and fulfill her duty as a KG captain. Despite the internal conflicts and unresolved issues, she returned to Haven City, preparing to face off against the metal heads. Her return was met with curiosity and suspicion from her fellow guards.
 She would oversee security operations, including the fortification of Krimson Guard strongholds and the implementation of security measures to counteract the escalating threats from both the underground and the metal heads. She played a key role in monitoring enemy movements and gathering information to preempt potential threats against the KG.
            When Baron Praxis was struck down and Haven City fell into chaos, Catherine knew she had to leave to survive. She fled to Spargus, following her mothers’ footsteps and becoming a wastelander. Her resilience and combat skills earned her a place amongst the Wastelanders. She would eventually be tasked with helping Jak learn the ropes of the Wasteland. Despite previously being on opposing sides, she recognized Jak’s potential and guided him the same way she would her team in the KG.              When the threat of the dark makers loomed over the world, Catherine chose to help defend Spargus from the impending attack. Once news of the defeat of Errol and the Dark Makers, Catherine decided to make her way back to Kras, reclaiming her position as a driver for Mizos team.
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callsignbaphomet · 11 months
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Lmao I don't even know where to start. So Oracle is a paramilitary PMC that has ZERO ties to any government, country or anything really. Like there are no ties.
Oracle has several goals but the biggest one is making sure humans don't obliterate non-humans and vice versa. Aside from that this world, setting, whatever you wanna call it deals with anything and everything paranormal.
Look, my dumbass 14-year-old ass was watching a James Bond movie one day and I thought, "Huh, what if this shit had werewolves in it?" and so Oracle was made. Actually, it was made later during the summer of 2000 'cause my mom's ex had promised we'd have a fun family summer of traveling the island and doing so many fun things. I bought a journal to document it all. Midsummer rolled around and we did nothing and my journal was blank so I took that previous idea and fucking RAN TO THE HILLS WITH IT. 23 years later we have this massive as fuck all world in my brain that I bother everyone with.
Anyway, Oracle started with 3 men. A werewolf, a vampire and a human during the height of the Akkadian empire! The werewolf is actually the man that is now known as Aleksey Malakhov aka Angelus's grandfather aka Jelani's father-in-law/mentor.
He had a different name back then I just forgot and I don't feel like looking through my hundreds of notes and files to find it.
By the way, Aleksey is Sumerian. He's been around for a while now. In fact he was one of the very first werewolves. All 4 of the first werewolves are Sumerian and yes, they are still alive today in 2023. How? Werewolves are VERY long lived but not that long. It's part of the original curse. The first of every breed inherets the curse and has to live with it forever.
Spoiler alert. With Angelus being the FIRST and frankly the only Crossedbreed he is also cursed. He can't die. He just hasn't realized that but Aleksey knows it and doesn't feel like telling his grandson will help in anyway. Is that a bad thing? Probably but he's doing it out of love. Angelus had been suicidal for decades and had attempted suicide so many times he lost count after 200 times. He's doing far better now a days though.
We don't have just werewolves here in Oracle. There are werewolves, vampires, fairies, monsters--shorter list is what we don't have: aliens. Idk it's not my thing. If you wanna say there ARE aliens in Oracle then who am I to say there aren't any.
As I kept expanding Oracle I wanted to add people from different cultures, backgrounds, ethnicities, believes, religions, faiths. We have EVERYTHING here. When I say I have a metric shit ton of OCs I mean it with my entire chest. I want to represent everyone. Easier said than done 'cause I wanna be accurate and respectful and a lot of times that means doing a lot of research and sometimes it gets tedious. I'm just one man behind all of this fantastical nonsense.
Yeah, I mostly talk about Loke, Jelani, Trevor and Angelus because those are my comfort characters and I know them better than I know my own damn self. Not gonna sit here and lie, Jelani's at the forefront for any and all Oracle things. Everywhere I am online I use him as a pfp. He's the mascot if that makes sense. I am extremely proud of this character and I love him so much. He's to Oracle what Pikachu is to Pokemon. Idk if that makes sense.
Oracle doesn't just focus solely on the PMC. There are so many things that make up this setting. There's groups of humans that hate and fear anything that isn't human and want to kill them all off. The most infamous being the Council of the Knights which admittedly has been a thorn on Oracle's side for a few centuries now. We have problematic vampire covens who think of non-vampires as cattle and make shit difficult for others. We have a death cult led by a very unstable woman who created a virus that destabilized actual fucking deities into destroying shit with the help of a deity (actually it's a Concept but that's too complicated for now). There's also deities themselves that every so often wanna start shit. Because of that we have people like the Nyota tribe from Kenya who have dedicated their entire lives to keeping a rogue and exiled Maker imprisoned so They don't start Their stupid nonsense again.
What the fuck is a Maker? There is a hierarchy when it comes to deities.
Iirc it's demigods, gods, and finally Makers. Makers are the gods of the gods. Those are like actual creators, they make the rules and shit but they also break 'em. They're complicated. There is NOTHING above a Maker...except for the Concepts. The best way I can explain a Concept is that they are ideas and the very first Concept is the Concept of Existence. There's the Concept of Evil, Concept of Concequense, Concept of Good, Concept of Nothingness and many more. CoE and CoN are opposing ideas that have been at each other's throats since always.
Concepts intervene in life but they don't at the same time. They also only exclusively communicate with Makers. Only Makers. Jelani has an...interesting role with CoE and some other Makers and by extension with CoN. I can explain that in another post cuz it's a lot and complicated.
So as for what kind of creatures Oracle has? Like I said I wanna add any and all cultures so there's everything to pick and choose from. I've even invented a few. Are there cryptids? Yes! In this setting things like the Mothman, Bigfoot, Nessie, Jersey Devil and just basically all cryptids are just creatures from other planes/realms whatever you wanna call them. Some people use planes others use realms some others use other words. How the fuck did they get from one to ours? Easy. Portals. Portals are unstable and quite frankly scary natural phenomena that happens randomly all over the world. Sometimes creatures and animals get caught in them and get trapped in other realms. Sometimes it's a building, sometimes an entire town gets trapped.
Is there magic? Yes, there is!
Can anyone use/learn magic? Yes! We don't do that stupid "chosen one, only a select few can use or learn magic" bullshit here. Magic is an ability that anyone can learn to use.
Are there rules? Yes!.....I just gotta find that stupid file where I have it and I'll post it if anyone wants to know more about it.
Oracle deals with things of magical natures too as well as portals and planes. There are actual black sites where, and I use this word loosely, "stable" portals lead to other planes that need to be checked every so often. Not many Oracle agents have access to this kind of op by the way. It's really need to know level type shit.
So back to the founding of Oracle. These 3 men, these sell swords got together and went into business together and were like unstoppable. As time went on 3 became 6 then 6 became 9 and then we get to 2023 with Oracle still very much alive and kicking with thousands of agents all over the world with 6 branches spread across the world and 2 training facilities.
If Oracle is 100% independent from any government then how does it pay it's agents and employees?
Aleksey has invested very wisely, owns parts of companies, owns whole ass major companies that generate a bitch ton of money. All of these are made up by me obviously. Part of the profits from those hundreds of companies go into the pockets of agents, assets, and Familiars. It pays for weapons, gear, vehicles, gadgets, ammo, facilities, housing--EVERYTHING!
Look I don't know how realistic that is I'm horrible at math and economics so just go with it.
Wtf is a Familiar?
A Familiar is a person (non-human or human) that indirectly works for Oracle. They give information, keep an eye on certain groups, areas, phenomena and the like. Familiars can be approached by Oracle to join as agents IF they so choose.
There are certain rules that apply to certain characters, places, ideas, creatures and stuff but for the most part I like living things open to enterpretation and flexible.
I think C said it best. Oracle can be described as "weird espionage with a cosmic horror twist". It's got a tiny teeny alternate history to it too.
I hope that covers like the basics of Oracle. If you wanna know something else about the setting as a whole or specifically about Loke in this setting just ask.
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lonelyfanboy48 · 4 months
Loud House Shotgun Cannonball To Black Flag Circuit Chapters 3 & 4
Chapter 3 Celebration License Wreck
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Luna and the group returned back home after heading to King Cars. However unlike last time, Lori and Lana won’t be the only ones to celebrate her sister, despite doing that earlier. Luna parked Vanzilla in the driveway again as she and the others got out.
“Team Luna and Lana, here we come!” Lana cheered with Luna getting her car key out.
“Don’t forget my girlfriend’s part of the team, along with our crew chief.” Luna turned to Lori.
“You’re getting way too excited over this.” Sam replied. “You haven't even told your parents about this.”
“We’re not gonna avoid this one. It’s best if we tell them since no one’s gonna miss that you have your driver’s license.” Lori spoked.
“We’re only keeping this between the four of us. And Hops.” Luna walked up to the front door. “Once this whole thing is done with, I’m going back to regular driving, only with a motorcycle on the road.”
As Luna unlocked the front door, she and the group entered inside with confetti blown out of nowhere, flying onto Luna. “SURPRISE!” The Loud family popped out from the sofa behind with a sign appearing from the celine, called, Luna’s Driver License Celebration.
“Congratulations Luna!” Lynn Sr. and Rita cheered.
“Spoke too soon.” Lori bit her lip.
“Excitement to rage coming.” Sam added.
“We’re so proud of you that you finally got your driver’s license.” Rita smiled. “Starting tomorrow, we’re gonna have you drive on the road with all of us inside Vanzilla.”
“To celebrate you getting your driver’s license!” Lola cheered.
“And we pick the best places you love, Luna.” Lynn Sr. wrapped his arm around her.
“Don’t worry, we have a map to have you see where you’re going on the road.” Leni added. “I’ve used those a lot.”
While Luna appreciated the celebration, she’s still making sure she doesn’t have her family get involved. “Thanks dudes, tomorrow will be a great day for all of us.”
“We have food set up on the kitchen table.” Luan pointed as she took her sister to the kitchen table.
“Lana, you were so impatient, you wanted Luna to take you for a ride today?” Rita asked.
“It was more than that.” Lana answered. “We stopped at King Cars.”
“To help Luna find the car she wants?” Lincoln asked.
Both Lori and Sam looked at each other while giving them the answer. “It’s too early to think about it, don’t you think?” Lori asked. “I mean I couldn’t get my car there, so it’s just the first of many car shops out there.”
“Lori, it’s fine if she’s going out to find a car to her liking, it’s just a matter of the right car for her.” Lynn Sr. smiled.
“That is…if she prefers an open door car without windows.” Sam crossed her arms while looking away.
“Aren’t you proud of her though?”
“I am.” She looked back. “But…it wasn’t the reason we went to King Cars.”
In the dining room, Luna picked out her favorite foods from the kitchen table all the while she saw her parents talking to Lana, Lori, and Sam. She then headed straight to the kitchen with Leni, Luan, and Lynn Jr. following her.
“Where are you going? Shouldn’t you be celebrating that you got your driver’s license?” Lynn Jr. eating a hamburger.
“Out into the living room?” Luan added.
“I will, I’m just thinking about my plans since I got my driver’s license.” Luna said, eating her food.
“Sweet.” Leni smiled. “What are your plans exactly?”
Luna took a deep breath while trying her best to prevent her secret from being exposed. “It’s mainly a private driving experience.”
“Sis, your driving test is like a private driving experience.” Lynn Jr. followed on. “You got nothing to worry about.”
“Aside from avoiding getting tickets by following the rules.” Leni commented which caused Luna to flinch. “What? Did you get your first ticket?”
“I didn’t.” Luna replied.
“Then what’s the problem?” Luan asked.
“The problem is, you get newer goals after getting your driver’s license. Complicated goals you’re not ready for.”
“She isn’t wrong.” Leni added. “Lori may have overcome goals, but it was luck that helped her.”
“Yeah, luck when you don’t speed and nearly crash into buildings and trees.” Lynn Jr. remembers the times Leni drove her and the others to places.
“Luna, we know you’re not gonna be reckless.” Luan smiled. “You’re hardcore at playing guitar and instruments, but that’s nowhere near as dangerous as driving a car.”
Luna felt pleased from her sister's gesture. “Thanks Luan, but the goals I have makes me slightly nervous. I want to keep to myself.” Just when she’s about to leave the kitchen, she stops herself with Lynn Sr. and Rita standing in front of her, crossing their arms with serious looks on their faces.
“More like extremely nervous.” Rita replied.
“Luna.” Lynn Sr. added. “What’s going on?”
Luna looked behind her parents with Lana, Lori, and Sam’s heads lowered in shame. Rita then showed Luna the contract she took from Lana, who kept it after leaving King Cars. “What is this?”
“Uhhh…” Luna reacted.
“We can wait all night, you’re not leaving this kitchen.”
Leni, Luan, and Lynn Jr. looked straight at the contract itself. “It looks like a racing competition.” Luan said.
“With Bobble Fletcher racing.” Lynn Jr. added.
“Lana! Stand next to Luna!” Rita turned back as Lana followed her orders. “Explain this!”
Both Luna and Lana sighed, with them being caught red handed, not even two hours since Luna got her license. “There’s a race called The Royal Woods Raceway in two weeks.” Lana answered.
“And we, Lori and Sam entered because…” Luna couldn’t finish her sentence knowing her parents won’t like it.
“Because?” Lynn Sr. placed his hands on his hips.
“Because there’s a motorcycle I really, REALLY want!”
Both Lynn Sr. and Rita groan in frustration while the rest of the Loud siblings hear everything Luna and Lana confess. “No, not gonna happen!” Rita shouted.
“You two are not entering The Royal Woods Raceway!” Lynn Sr. added.
“Mom, Dad!” Lana replied.
“Lana, we don’t want you and Luna to get hurt!”
“Especially Lori and Sam.” Rita pointed at them.
“Technically I’m their crew chief so-” Lori chimed in.
“Stay out of this, you're not in trouble.”
“Tomorrow we’re going back to King Cars to take you off the race.” Lynn Sr. informed.
“But this is the only way I’m ever going to get a motorcycle.” Luna cried.
“You’re never getting a motorcycle Luna, It wasn’t easy for us to get our driver’s license.” Rita replied.
“But Mom-”
“I don’t want to hear it!”
“You two go upstairs in your rooms, the celebration’s over!” Lynn Sr. ordered. Luna and Lana head straight upstairs as Lynn Sr. takes Luna’s food from her. “You should at least be thankful we’re not taking your license away after just getting it.”
Luna stopped just before she turned to her bedroom door. “I didn’t even get a ticket.” She spoke as she turned around. “The race prevents racers from breaking the law.”
“As in, racing without losing your driver’s license, nor giving you non stop speeding tickets.” Lana popped her head only for her and Luna to head straight to their bedrooms. Lynn Sr. and Rita looked at the contract together. They’re beyond disappointed in Luna and Lana, but they did it for the best, even though it ended up ending the celebration when it just started.
However everyone around thought otherwise, after hearing about the race itself. “Mom, Dad.” Lori walked up to them. “I’m not on board with this, but what else can they do?”
“Lana may get over excited, but it’s her only chance to race against Bobbie Fletcher.” Sam added.
“We know she wants to race against her, our biggest problem is Luna.” Rita crossed her arms. “I wouldn’t enter a race competition even if there’s a prize I really want.”
“We just don’t want her to lose all of that hard work she earned after getting her license.” Lynn Sr. added.
The parents made their way into their bedroom while still holding onto the contract. “What about the food we made?” Luan wondered.
“When all of you are full, put the leftovers away.” Lynn Sr. replied as he closed the door.
“Well I’m not letting the desserts go to waste.” Lori rushed to the dining room.
“More meat for me.” Lynn Jr. followed suit. With the rest of the siblings eating what's available, Lincoln stopped at Lori and Sam.
“You sure Luna and Lana will convince our parents to enter the race?” He asked.
“They won’t be able to do that on their own.” Sam replied. “We’re also entering as a team.”
“We still have two weeks until the race happens.” Lori added. “We’re gonna take care of this in the morning.”
“We might go somewhere tomorrow morning…but just us, Luna, Lana, and them.” She pointed at Lynn Sr. and Rita’s bedroom door.
“Luna driving us to her favorite places…literally canceled also.”
“Well hopefully things will work out. I’m actually excited to see her and Lana race.” Lincoln entered the dining room.
Lori and Sam made their way to Lynn Sr. and Rita’s bedroom. Lori knocked on their door as they’re allowed inside. With them having a private conversation instead of a family meeting, it became serious of how the truth put them in a state of panic where they don’t want everyone involved with how dangerous racing is.
Chapter 4 Swagger Field Of Classic Cars
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The morning after last night’s celebration, Lynn Sr. and Rita took Luna, Lana and Lori to an open field outside of Royal Woods after breakfast. They also picked up Luna’s band, the Moon Goats to cut to the chase right away. Including Shane Loud who got his driver’s licenses last year. Lynn Sr. and Rita agreed to Lori and Sam to reconsider unless they show Luna and Lana on how they felt before they got their driver's licenses even before they got married.
Lynn Sr. is handling the wheel, while Luna sits in the back next to Sam, Lana, and Lori with the others sitting in the way back. She couldn’t even be thrilled with the ruff breakfast she and Lana had before leaving. “Luna, we don’t usually do this, but decades ago, we didn’t have cars that were all that fast.” Rita turned back.
“We may enjoy the sport of racing, but not as much as you Lana.” Lynn Sr. added.
“It’s still a once and a lifetime dream to be in a race.” Lana spoked.
“True, but I’m not believing that Bobbie Fletcher would allow you to participate at a very young age.” Rita added.
“Even my parents wouldn’t allow me to perform on stage until I turned eleven.” Sam said.
“Aren’t you on my side?” Luna blinked.
“Not completely.”
“Luna, we were excited that you got your driver’s license, but racing is the last thing we expected from you.” Shane Loud commented.
“Not to mention it’s better to take us to places in a car rather than riding on one motorcycle that’s for only one person.” Sully added.
“I wanted me and Sam to ride on a motorcycle together.” Luna turned around. “I can drive a car and a motorcycle if I can.”
“You can only pick one vehicle with a budget that works.” Rita said. “Which is why we're going to an open field where most of the old cars we had back then are currently on show.”
“We may have Vanzilla, but it doesn’t change the fact that we had other options for cars.” Lynn Sr. added.
“You can’t have one option when there’s a hundred more cars.” Shane added.
With Luna and Lana listening to everyone inside of Vanzilla, they try to see the point of view of what they really mean. Soon they arrived in the open field where big lines of cars were parked on the grass. Lynn Sr. parked Vanzilla on the grass with everyone coming out.
“This is a car show.” Shane walked up to Luna. “My parents took me to one of them before I got my license.”
“Did it help you find the car you really wanted?” Luna asked.
“A little bit. The point is, cars can have personality and give the person who’s driving it charisma.”
“Racing cars does give you charisma.” Lana chimed in.
“We know.” Mazzy added.
“We’re not here to find you a racing car, we’re never going to do that.” Lynn Sr. retorted.
“We’re giving you a choice before you make a bad one, it’s not that hard.” Rita added.
“Can we just go to the car show to get this over with?” Luna replied. “You're not making me feel like I want to drive an old school car.”
“You will, once you see them.”
The group made their way to one of the entrances of the car show. The row they picked is the cars from the nineteen eighties during Lynn Sr. and Rita’s childhood. From older types before CD players existed along with wood being the exterior and interior detailing, Lynn Sr and Rita childhood memories all are coming back to them.
“Before we got our driver’s license, we always thought of the prestige of fancy cars.” Lynn Sr said.
“There were car accidents back then, but not as many as in the present.” Rita added.
“They’re right. My mother’s car isn’t as fancy as these cars, but she wouldn’t risk getting into a car accident.” Sam commented.
“Also when my dad showed me the cars he wanted, the fancy one with gold tires gave him charisma.” Shane added.
“Too much charisma if you ask me.” Mazzy replied.
“So why can’t we go to the cars with flames on them?” Luna offered. “If I had to pick with style, it wouldn’t hurt to leave an impression.”
“Also.” Lana thought. “You do know that car shows do have race cars right?”
Both Lynn Sr. and Rita flinched knowing they would at least walk past one race car from past decades. “Yes, we know.” Rita replied.
“Can we just think about cars that don’t speed on race tracks?” Lynn Sr. added.
“We would, if you didn’t make us starve last night.” Luna retorted. “I've been dreaming of food car racers because of it.”
“You really had to take their food away?” Rita glared at her husband.
“It turned the celebration into a possible car accident if we found out later.” Lynn Sr. replied.
“Again, I got my driver’s license just last night!” Luna reacted.
Sully and Mazzy covered Luna’s mouth, preventing any attention from everyone from the car show. “How about we go to a row of vans similar to Vanzilla?” Lori offered.
While Lynn Sr. and Rita agreed to Luna’s point, they took the group to the roll of vans made from the seventies and eighties. While they’re decorated on the outside unlike Vanzilla, it still brought back memories in Lynn Sr. and Rita's life.
“We know you’re never buying a van, but without it, we wouldn’t have memories wherever we go.” Lynn Sr. looking at the shine from one of the vans.
“Sacrificing a fancy car was painful in the heart, but we would only have two to three kids riding in the back.” Rita added.
“Not that I would’ve been the lucky one for being the third child.” Luna crossed her arms. “But I’ve only driven Vanzilla three times and they’re all from last night.” She then walked up to the other vans, one of which having flames. “I was focusing on the road and the only gift I got from it…is feeling the wheel whenever I control it.”
“Luna, driving a car isn’t the same as playing guitars.” Sam replied. “If I get that feeling, I’ll be better off becoming a race car driver.”
“That’s the point.” Lana chimed in. “I do like Vanzilla, but when I’m getting my driver’s license at your age, I can’t keep my mind off of racing.”
“So you would rather floor it on the road?” Sully asked.
“I was thinking of doing it on the highway.”
“That’s worse.” Shane commented.
“Luna, when I drove for the first time, it was exciting for a while, but down the line, it’s your responsibility to keep it in control at all times.” Rita replied.
“It’s great you did well last night, but every day from here on out, it’s a different chapter of its own.” Lynn Sr. added. “Secondly…if there was a high speed chase and you’re not the criminal…you could give in.”
Luna sighed after hearing the confession. “That is if I robbed a bank, but I wouldn’t give in.”
“We’re just trying to help.”
“If you were willing to help, you would’ve known how expressive I am.” Luna replied. “I need to be alone, I’m still depressed about last night.” She left the group on her own while getting out of the row of vans, finding another row that interested her.
Lynn Sr. and Rita felt disappointed in their third child’s state of mind. “We seriously need to talk more sense into her.” Rita replied.
“What do you want her to feel?” Lana asked.
“Was it really a good idea to make her feel like this?” Mazzy added.
“We wouldn’t be here if she and you,” Rita pointed at Lana. “had never signed the contract.”
“I also signed the contract.” Sam chimed in. “And a part of me really wants her to succeed.”
“Succeed? As in getting the motorcycle?”
“This is getting worse and worse.” Shane replied.
“Why can’t we just stick to our original plan?” Lori looked up at the sky.
Luna entered the row of motorcycles. Despite her parents refusing to have her buy a motorcycle, they didn’t say anything about not going to see motorcycles. She can hear people riding them from the otherside of the field even when coming here. Even if she tried to ignore them, it’s only gonna make her want to enter the race more. As if it wasn’t enough that classical vehicles didn’t make her reflect.
“This is hopeless.” She spoked. “I would’ve been excited to be here if I was practicing for the race.” From the end of the row where she came in, her family and band saw her. They were close to catching up to her in concern of almost losing her in the car show. When Luna looked away from the motorcycles, she saw Mick Swagger walking on his own while wearing a purple race car outfit while holding onto a helmet. “Mick Swagger?”
“Luna, love.” He smiled. “What brings you here?”
“My parents took me here to show me what type of car I want.”
“You finally got your driver’s license?” 
“Yes…if I can show you my driver’s license.” When Mick witnesses Luna’s family including Sam and the Moon Goats, it wasn’t hard for him to catch on.
“Did you get yourself into a dangerous car accident?”
“No.” She then closed her eyes while behind honesty with her biggest idol. “Me and my sister Lana entered The Royal Woods Raceway because of a really great motorcycle for a reward. I didn’t tell my parents…until last night when they found out.”
With her excitement turned to emptiness, it still felt good to let it out instead of lying. Mick Swagger believed what she said, but unlike her parents, he wasn't disappointed. If he was, he wouldn’t be here in the first place.
“Luna, love, I want you to know that I admire cars of any type. But I love race cars just as much as singing. I’m close to coming across old school race cars if you want to see some.”
“I can’t, my parents won’t allow me.”
“Including Lana?”
“Yes, she’s a huge fan of racing, especially Bobbie Fletcher.”
This causes Mick to remember his time when he watched Bobbie in person. “I remember watching her races that I attend.” He replied. “Her passion for racing felt the same way as we felt in music.”
“I would’ve seen the passion from her if I actually attended her races.”
“Not everyone’s gonna be a professional race car driver.” He then noticed Lana, still depressed, which caught him on after Luna told him her name. “This is gonna be shocking but, I’m gonna host The Royal Woods Raceway.”
“You are?”
“I’m gonna help Bobbie raise more money for the event. Maybe I could perform after the race is over.”
As if it wasn’t enough for Luna, Mick Swagger hosting the event felt like a dream clashed into Lana’s, which made it hard to enjoy the car show. “What are you trying to help me with?”
“Giving you more heart and passion to convince your parents to have you and your team enter.” He then walked past her, stopping in front of Luna’s family and band. “She’s never having the mindset of a deranged speeder.”
As Rita and Lynn Sr. can tell what the conversation Luna had with Mick, they try to be crystal clear with the famous singer. “Mick.” Rita spoked. “We are gonna see her drive soon, it’s just last night we had a celebration for her getting her license and when we heard about the contract…”
“...we did it for her best interests.” Lynn Sr. finished.
“I don’t blame you, but you know I’m right.” Mick smiled.
“I believe you.” Lana replied with Mick looking down. “You know me and Luna have something in common with famous people like you and Bobbie.”
“I’m sure you do, mate.” Mick turned his attention back to Lynn Sr. and Rita. “What they have in common the most, is making their once in a lifetime dreams come true. Don’t act like you never had dreams coming true.”
Lynn Sr. reflects on opening his own restaurant while Rita reflects on how the Louds helped her husband, despite overwhelming him. Not that they need to help Luna and Lana’s dream if they can handle it on their own but they made up their mind to give them a chance.
“Okay, we’re setting things straight with Luna once we leave.” Rita smiled.
“You mean?” Lana wondered.
“You're not entering yet, we’ll make up our minds once the day’s out.” Lynn Sr. filled in.
“Good deal.” Lori commented.
“Can I still be part of this?” Sam replied.
“You signed the contract, just wait before you support our third oldest daughter.” Rita said.
“You can join us while we’re giving Luna a chance.” Lynn Sr. added. “But it isn’t gonna be like how we view it on Lori and even Leni’s driving.”
Luna walked up behind Mick Swagger as she slowly smiled. “I can prove to you I’m not a reckless driver.”
“You gave the teacher the approval, you show your parents your one and only race car token, love.” Mick then lifted Lana up while wrapping his arm around Luna. “I know you’re gonna join the race. You have two weeks to go.”
With the family and band watching Mick putting Luna and Lana together, it’s only the beginning before Lynn Sr. and Rita give their approval to have them enter the race. However it’s not stopping them from watching Luna drive after getting her driver’s license yesterday. It may be a long day today, but it won’t compare to the next two weeks before the biggest race comes to life.
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trans-wojak · 7 months
I just wanted to say I saw your response to the ask about Nex and I wanted to say that the way you explained your stance is very well thought out…
I hold the same beliefs as you, and I would like to not be on Anon but I fear if my friends found I hold these beliefs that they would call me transphobic and hate me (it is a kinda complicated situation…)
I just want to say I admire your bravery to speak your thoughts and opinions so openly and seemingly without fear of being rejected because of them. I hope one day to be able to have the confidence to speak my thoughts on subjects without fearing to be criticized.
-A shy anon 🪼
I have been criticised a lot for my stance because it creates conflict and many people just dislike conflict in general, which I understand. I just avoid trans spaces online and irl these cause they are predominantly filled with trenders and “non binary”. I prefer LGBT mixed spaces cause atleast those are not just a group made up of women who ID as non binary. Since it’s LGBT and not “trans”, there is less room for radical feminist man hating bullshit cause gay men will tell them to stfu.
Non binary in my experience and research is really just radical feminism lite, it reminds me of “political lesbians” who were straight femcels out of choice. All core beliefs of non binary activism heavily align with radical feminist theory more than it does with anything about trans rights. Contrary to popular belief, many radical feminists believe that medical transition is fine aslong as you retain that you’re a masculinised female or feminised male and don’t assert you are changing your sex or try to be in any of your group’s gendered spaces. Though, this treatment is mainly only directed at trans women - they rarely care about trans men sharing spaces with cis men cause they see it as “rebellious against the evil patriarchy” and benefiting.
This is why most “detrans” TERFs you find will have identified as non binary but then switched, usually after trying testosterone and ACTUALLY getting dysphoria. If you go to non binary subreddits, there’s countless posts about being scared to start T cause “I don’t want *insert literal male sexual characteristic*” or even worse “I don’t want to be perceived as a cis male”. The comments are filled with encouragement to start T anyway, saying you can microdose to control effects (a lie, it just makes it slower), suggesting taking certain hormone blockers to literally block male sexual characteristics but get very minimal ones that could be achieved through diet, exercise and voice training. Or worse, suggestions that laser hair removal isn’t even hard or expensive, it’ll work blah blah.
These retards then go on T, get side effects that cause actual dysphoria and then go full blown radical feminist.
At this point? I think anyone who identifies as non binary should be banned from transitioning medically. I don’t think you should qualify for a gender dysphoria diagnosis unless you want to be the opposite sex; not some magical androgynous being to get out of misogyny in society.
Though I do keep my beliefs to myself in many situations to avoid conflict but I also play heavily on my autism as an excuse for things, if the government and society wanna deem me as retarded then I’ll play into it. So, no I struggle with singular they cause I’m autistic. Honestly, I actually do struggle with singular they especially if they look entirely as their birth sex. I just don’t bother putting in effort cause I don’t care about how they feel. The worst woman I ever encountered who got mad at me for this was self diagnosed autistic, had a fucking child and was raising him “as non binary” so she got mad if you used he/him. I’m all for not raising kids with no gender roles or stereotypes but doing that is gonna fuck up the kid.
I also know a woman who started T cause she thinks she’s non binary and immediately stopped cause of body hair growing. Now she complains about her slightly deeper voice and says she wants to get pregnant again but worries that T hurt her. Oh she still retains she’s non binary tho, just that she likes living as a female “cause its way more comfortable” - yeah cause you’re a cis woman!
Anyway sorry for the rant, I’m glad that my opinions aren’t all seen as me being uwu disrespectful and mean cause my intent isn’t to be “mean” it’s to use critical thinking. If you want, you can privately DM me to discuss more on this so you don’t feel so alone in your convictions. It’s one of the reasons I have stopped showing my face online publicly cause trenders tried to doxx me, dangerous at times to not believe in non binary.
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