russianlullabies · 1 year
Tumblr interface changed it seems.
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russianlullabies · 2 years
A little taste of what I’ve been dealing with the past few days.
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Found a fledgling falling behind the others outside. It’s Black Billed Magpie though they usually don’t come in the headless variety, this one is just asleep.
First day it was dehydrated and in some giving up stage. With some careful food and fluids I got it going again. Now it’s eating on its own and very vocal.
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So far it’s issue that I found is a scuffed wing. Based on the secondary feathers position I think a break happened and the bone slipped back a bit making it uneven. There is no pain which makes me think this happened at a younger stage in its life since what I can feel seems to be bone growth rather than swelling.
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Other than being on the skinny side and having the wing issue. It’s healthy. So far the facilities around here would just put the little guy to sleep due to it not being releasable. I guess I’ll just have to raise another bird.
(My robin gives it a firm ‘fuck you’ whenever I let the magpie out.  They will never be out together though for safety reasons.)
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russianlullabies · 2 years
Well one positive thing about having Covid is I've been a bit more productive. Gutted my side blogs and deleted them. DC, Marvel, Assassin's Creed are fandoms I enjoyed but lost the desire to be apart of. Hope those OC's live on with fond memories in the threads they were part of.
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russianlullabies · 3 years
Account is on hiatus. Toss me an IM for my discord if we are mutuals. I've essentially moved all my rp there.
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russianlullabies · 3 years
Account is on hiatus. Toss me an IM for my discord if we are mutuals. I've essentially moved all my rp there.
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russianlullabies · 4 years
This blog is quiet for the moment since I have no muse for Nikolai. Sorry peeps! o/ I can be found on CivitasLupus.
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russianlullabies · 4 years
“Maybe I’ll try it too, then,” he smiled, and though his smile was strained it was no longer wet as it was once before. His tears has stopped, at last, and though emerald darkness still swarmed his mind he was starting to feel a tad better. He was no longer alone. 
“Cones are messy,” he opened the ice cream shop for the boy, motioning him in before following shortly behind. He looked around, the ice cream shop was small, but there were still many flavors of ice cream available. Almost too many. 
There weren’t many people in there, right now. And it was easy for them to get to the front of the line, Jason ordering them both their ice creams in a small cup. “Are you excited? And maybe after ice cream we can go for a real meal. Does that sounds good?”
There was a small smile on Nikolai’s face, one that appeared once he saw Jason’s smile. He was glad his new friend was feeling better, even just a little bit. 
Walking into the ice cream shop, Nikolai flicks his eyes about the place. He sticks a bit closer to Jason now, cautious and looking to the other for some form of reassurance. The boy eyes the door they came in, just to be sure there was a way out, old habits.
He turned his head up at Jason when addressed, the idea of a meal causing his face to light up. Ice cream and a meal on the same day? Almost too good to be true. If that meant he did not have to crawl into a dumpster and pick about for food, he would take it. He beamed up at Jason and nodded, “Uh-huh, that sounds good.”
 Once the ice cream order comes their way, Nikolai hummed a moment and looked about the establishment. This is where he takes the lead in finding a place to sit. He picked a booth, sliding in and taking a moment to just observe what is around him once more before letting his guard down just a bit. Honestly, it is almost like any sudden movement might cause him to bolt.  At least with Jason present, he is feeling a bit safer.
“Are you ok?” He finally asked, now that Jason was not crying anymore he was curious and hopeful he was able to help.
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russianlullabies · 4 years
Vegetables? Really? That was an odd choice, most strays he helped over the years came out wanting junk food or fancy stuff they ended up not liking at all, or not being fulfilling enough to keep their tummies content for a long while.
That made him smile. Nikolai was an intelligent kid. A pleasant surprise.
“Broccoli with cheese it is then. I'l add a bit of mashed potatoes, gravy and some lean meat too. Do you like chicken wings or chicken breast?” The question was intended to make sure he would choose something good for the boy to eat, but it wouldn’t be too much for his small stomach, he couldn’t live out on vegetables alone. “And for dessert? What do you like?”
Dionisus was truly interested in what Nikolai liked, genuinely wanted to make this a good experience for him. “I have brownies at my home. The no-nutts kind, because I didn’t have any when I baked it. Do you like brownies?”
The additions to the broccoli sounded more than Nikolai could possibly eat. It almost sounded like... Like Thanksgiving dinner. Perhaps not all the fixings but it reminded the little guy of a nicer time. He had a little smile on his face that remains as long as his eyes were on the sidewalk. When he looked up at Dionisus it faded a bit as his attention is drawn to the options posed to him. "Oh. Chicken breast!  Seasoned?" He did not wish to sound greedy, asking more of the man than offered to him.
Brownies grabbed his attention, the memory of the taste and texture draws out that smile once more. "Yes please. I like Brownies. Uhm... And cookies. And ice cream." Perhaps not all at once, but it does get him talking and focused in pronouncing each word as proper as he can in English. The cogs are definitely turning in his head. Talking about food, hell, talking in general is giving the little guy quite a bit of excitement.
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russianlullabies · 4 years
Nikolai draws his lips into a thin like, his gaze flicking up to Batman and then to the manor. The unknown is what frightened him; what lay within this building?  An escape route, he wanted to find one as soon as possible. It gave him a sense of security that he could make a break for it if ever the need rises.  So far, Batman has given him no reason to run. That helped, but the boy being timid in nature made a whole other conflict within him.
“O-Okay.” He peeped, staying just behind the left of the Bat like he were using the man is a sort of shield.  He felt safer this way, keeping tabs on where they are going. Once at the door Batman might have felt a wee tug on his cape, the boy moving on from the hem of his shirt to gripping the fabric of the cape tightly. He watched the door, anxious as to who might answer and if this Bruce Wayne is nice.  This was all more the mind overworking and bringing up more negatives than positives.
If and when the door opens he draws back a bit behind Batman, though leaned so he could get a good look around to see just who might answer the door.
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          🦇IT HAS BEEN NORMAL FOR MOST OF THE KIDS that he had taken home - to be nervous, to be scared even. Not many people in Gotham was kind, many used homeless children for their investigations since no one would miss them, no one would ask for them. He had seen that before when he was young. And he has always been trying to help those he could. He knew at some point he needed to stop adopting children, but as long as he could help them, then he was going to.
          The ride to the manor has been a silent one - Batman was not much of a talker in general, and the kid seemed not to have any questions, their eyes meet on occasions as he drove and the kid seemed to be impressed by him - well at least he was not scared of him, which was good. He was trying to find out how to explain this to Alfred as he drove to the outsides of the city where the manor was located.
          Upon reaching the place, Batman parked the batmobile by the door. He noticed the frown in the other’s features and nodded at his words. “Do you want me to come with you?” He suggested it wouldn’t be that terrible, the autopilot of the batmobile was going to drive itself towards the batcave, and once he left the kid with Alfred he could get changed. “Come on, let’s see if Bruce is at home.” He encouraged walking out of the car.
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russianlullabies · 4 years
What planet are you?
You’ve always been in the shadow of someone else and it’s something you know you’ll never be able to escape. You feel like you’ll never manage to live up to the person you’re supposed to be and nothing you do is going to be good enough - it’s just good enough to scrap by. The harder you try, the harder you fall, and you’ve fallen from the pantheon, darling. You’re lost in knowing where to go when you aren’t trying to be better than something, prove that you’re worth it; it’s become an obsession much in the same way bracelets become. Pieces you wear like armor in public to hide how you’re adrift in a world that didn’t wait for you.
Tagged by: @theprinceof-gothamcity
Tagging: whoever wants c:
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russianlullabies · 4 years
Nikolai remains quite aware of the other; constantly peering up to check on Jason's expressions more than he does watch where he was going. He is worried about Jason, keeping tabs on any tears that may possibly still linger. The boy just wished Jason would feel better.
“Oh uhm... Mhm.” He screwed his face up a little bit, uncertain how to explain the flavors that would make sense.  “Orange and... something else. I really like it.” He was smiling just a little bit, “I like vanilla too.” 
Oh, the thought of ice cream was tickling the little guy. It had been quite some time since he had a treat. “Cup, please.” He said, “Cones are... messy.”
Jason slowed his walk, making sure the kid can easily and comfortably keep pace with him. Jason wiped his eyes, rolling his shoulders and forcing himself to relax. The kid was trying to hard, he can at least try too. 
“I haven’t heard of that flavor before. Is it good?” Jason’s trying to think of a shop that has that type of ice cream. Well, the one on Wade Rd has the most flavors, so they should check there first.
He turned to head towards the ice cream shop, leading them to the shop. Luckily, it wasn’t actually too far, “Are you going to want a cup or cone, do you think?”
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russianlullabies · 4 years
Nikolai had a small tremble in his hand, a nervousness as it  grips Batman's and shakes it gently. Spooky... but cool. When Batman speaks that it was time to go the little guy pursed his lips into a thin line at first, contemplating on whether not it were a wise choice. It was not a complex string of thoughts, but he is still keeping his caution up.
The boy follows Batman and looks over the Batmobile in awe; it was huge! Different from the vehicles he had seen in Gotham and in general.  Nikolai’s eyes roam from Batman to the opening in the passenger side, with a little courage, he climbs into the vehicle and sits looking pretty small in the seat. The odds and ends in the vehicle have his attention, but he does not touch anything he feels might be inappropriate for him to explore.
The ride is a quiet one, at least on Nikolai’s side of the Batmobile. He sometimes looks at Batman and then away when he feels the man might be looking at him. It’s rude to stare but... how can he not?
They soon reach Wayne manor and his head poked up to take a look outside at it. A little frown appears on his face, as if worrying about something that soon settles once he is let out of the vehicle. He is now more nervous than ever, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt and looking all clammy and tense.  “I’m uhm...” His voice is quiet, he almost looks ashamed to admit it.  “I’m scared...”
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          🦇HE UNDERSTOOD THAT THIS MAY BE a strange change for the kid - after all living in the streets who knows for how long and then end up being helped by a man dressed like a bat seemed off putting, however Batman had only the best of intentions. “It’s a pleasure meeting you Nikolai.” He said giving him his hand for him to shake. “I’m Batman.”
          As the kid accepted to be taken to Wayne manor, Batman stood up and waited for him. “Come on, let’s get out of here.” He said as he started to walk slowly towards the exist. “You get to sit on the batmobile, not many get that lucky.” He said giving him a small smile.
          “Wayne is a good man, he’s like you in a way, he lost his parents when he was only eight.” Batman explained - that way they at least had some common ground that could help them get along. The batmobile was already there, when they made it outside. Batman opened the door for the kid and waited.
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russianlullabies · 4 years
Nikolai perked a little bit when Jason grinned, trying to figure out just what the expression meant. Did he feel better? What was it? He did not dwell on it long enough to find an answer; ice cream. Priorities.
The boy is quick to start following, small legs keeping up with longer strides. He did not mind if Jason walked a bit faster or slowed for him.  He wanted to walk alongside Jason, looking up at him every so often to check on how Jason was. The little guy really did worry.
“Uhm...” What was that ice cream called?A simple name after its look. Ah, yes. “Tiger t-tail.” He replied, an odd flavor for a kid to enjoy; black licorice swirled into orange to give it its stripey look. 
There is empathy in the boy possibly far more developed than he should have. He can see Jason hurting, watched the tears be wiped away… Nikolai soon has a misty look in his eyes as he is tearing up and sniffling back these easily surfaced emotions. Poor fella would probably cry with Jason if left like that. “Ice cream?” His voice quivered, blinking back tears that threatened to fall if he had not. He wanted ice cream, maybe he will feel better as well.
“Uhuh.” He sniffled, “Yes please.” Gotta maintain them manners. Trust is hard to come by, but the boys guard has been lowered to some degree. He is still cautious of Jason though, running away would mean no ice cream. Jason looked like he needed company, Nikolai needed it too.
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russianlullabies · 4 years
1ST  RULE   —   tag some muses you would like to know better.  2ND  RULE   —   BOLD the statements that are true for your muse.
muse.  Nikolai Ames. No specific FC sexuality.   Nooot touchin’ that one. pronouns.  he/him
i  am  5'7"  or  taller.  [4′2″. smol.]
i  wear  glasses.
i  have  at  least  one  tattoo.
i  have  at  least  one  piercing.
i  have  blonde  hair.
i  have  brown  eyes.
i  have  short  hair.
my  abs  are  at  least  somewhat  defined.
i  have  or  have  had  braces.
i  love  meeting  new  people. [situational]
people  tell  me  that  i’m  funny.
helping  others  with  their  problems  is  a  big  priority  for  me.
i  enjoy  physical  challenges.
i  enjoy  mental  challenges. [He likes trying to figure things out... tho will probably get all sad and weepy if he is not encouraged.]
i’m  playfully  rude  with  people  i  know  well. 
i  started  saying  something  ironically  &  now  i  can’t  stop  saying  it.
there  is  something  i  would  change  about  my  personality. [He wishes he was not so... shy. Afraid, even.]
i can sing well.
i  can  play  an  instrument. 
i  can  do  over  30  push–ups  without  stopping.
i’m  a  fast  runner.
i  can  draw  well.  [Hey, he thinks he can.]
i  have  a  good  memory.
i’m  good  at  doing  math  in  my  head.
i  can  hold  my  breath  underwater  for  over  a  minute.
i  have  beaten  at  least  2  people  in  arm  wrestling.
i  know  how  to  cook  at  least  3  meals  from  scratch.
i  know  how  to  throw  a  proper  punch. [Now if it’s effective, is another matter lol]
i  enjoy  playing  sports.
i’m  on  a  sports  team  at  my  school  or  somewhere  else.
i’m  in  an  orchestra  or  choir  at  my  school  or  somewhere  else.
i  have  learned  a  new  song  in  the  past  week.
i  work  out  at  least  once  a  week.
i’ve  gone  for  runs  at  least  once  a  week.
i  have  drawn  something  in  the  past  month.
i  enjoy  writing.
i  do  or  have  done  martial  arts. [His adoptive father in his canon was big into this.]
i  have  had  my  first  kiss.
i  have  had  alcohol.  [Only a sip, the kid was curious and wanted to know what the hubbub was about.]
i  have  scored  the  winning  goal  in  a  sports  game.
i  have  watched  an  entire  season  of  a  tv  show  in  one  sitting.  
i  have  been  at  an  overnight  event.
i  have  been  in  a  taxi.  
i  have  been  in  the  hospital  or  er  in  the  past  year.
i  have  beaten  a  video  game  in  one  day.
i  have  visited  another  country. 
i  have  been  to  one  of  my  favorite  band’s  concerts. 
i’m  in  a  relationship. 
i  have  a  crush  on  a  celebrity
i  have  a  crush  on  someone  i  know.
i  have  been  in  at  least  3  relationships.
i  have  never  been  in  a  relationship.
i  have  asked  someone  out  or admitted  my  feelings  to  them.
i  get  crushes  easily.
i  have  had  a  crush  on  someone  for  over  a  year.
i  have  been  in  a  relationship  for  at  least  a  year.
i  have  had  feelings  for  a  friend. 
i  have  at  least  one  person  i  consider  a  “ best  friend ”.  
i  live  close  to  my  school.
my  parents  are  still  together.  [I MEAN IF YOU COUNT DEATH AS BEING TOGETHER.]
i  have /  had at  least  one  sibling.
i  live  in  the  united  states.
there  is  snow  right  now  where  i  live.
i  have  hung  out  with  a  friend  in  the  past  month.
i  have  a  smartphone.
i  have  at  least  15  cd’s.
i  share  my  room  with  someone.
i  have  break–danced.
i  know  a  person  named  jamie.
i  have  had  a  teacher  with  a  last  name  that’s  hard  to  pronounce.
i  have  dyed  my  hair.
i’m  listening  to  one  song  on  repeat  right  now.
i  have  punched  someone  in  the  past  week.
i  know  someone  who  has  gone  to  jail.
i  have  broken  a  bone. [Small plane accident with his adoptive father. His clavicle had a nasty break in it that was later treated when the pair was able to find their way out of the forest.]
i  have  eaten  a  waffle  today.
i  know  what  i  want  to  do  with  my  life.
i  speak  at  least  2  languages. [Russian, English is a work in progress]
Tagged by: @theprinceof-gothamcity
Tagging: uuhhHHHH Whoever wants? Don’t have a following over ten so I’m not sure. xD
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russianlullabies · 4 years
He felt small next to Batman. Had he not just been hugging the man he might have been intimidated. The pointy ears, the black gettup, the cape; which is good fort material, mind you. Nikolai  let his fingers fidget with the hem of his tattered sweater, the ends frayed from the constant abuse of those worrying little fingers.
“I am...” Hm... was there a a point to the last name? It belonged to Jensen and Nikolai simply gained it through adoption. Still, it held some sense of life in the name; that the man was not truly dead. “Nikolai Ames.” He had to force it out, lest he get all weepy again. 
The sounds of food and a place to sleep is nice enough. Just the idea of being handed off to someone else is a bit off putting. Maybe it was like a sitter, or something. He had those in the past; someone his father trusted to care for him. Besides, he is small enough to scamper away if he found trouble... least he likes to think he is.
“Bruce Wayne...” He replied, the name a little heavy on a Russian tongue. He thought about it, curling the end of his sleeve around his palm so he could wipe his eye. “M’kay... I will go.”
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          🦇HOLDING HIM UP STILL AGAINST HIS CHEST Batman didn’t care that the kid was leaving snot on his suit - it could be washed anyway. The answer he got from the kid made him frown - he was too young to be abandoned in a city as dangerous as this one. Why services never worked it shocked him not matter how long it has been, the system never worked.
          Hearing that his father has died made Batman feel the need to help him further than he had. He couldn’t leave this kid on his own like this. “So you’ve been adopted already.” He would need to find his name eventually - his lastname. “What’s your name?” He asked as he searched for a tissue in his utility belt.
          “He’s a friend of mine, Bruce Wayne.” He explained as he set the boy on the floor again, and he knelt - it was strange to see Batman kneeling in front of a boy, he looked like a giant bat next to the boy. “He can help you out. Make sure you have where to sleep and food every day.”
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russianlullabies · 4 years
Nikolai is tense in the Batmans hold, a conflicted little guy that did not quite want to be trapped in some way. It also brought comfort leaving him to remain and more or less get snot on the Batmans suit. Woops. “Nuh-uh...” He answered, no family to speak of it would seem.  “M-My papa died.” He voice cracked, he hated to have to say it; but it had been about a year or so since the mans death. He sniffs and frowns. “He was my... uhm...” Words and being upset are hard to come by, especially english. “A-dopt-ive papa.” He sounded the words out, knowing what to use but getting his tongue in order is sometimes awkward.
So he has nowhere really to go; well, he knows the address of the alley he generally sleeps in. That’s about it.  “Someone can help? Who?” Curiosity is sparked in his sad, big brown eyes. Is there such a person left in this city? 
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@russianlullabies​ continues from here;
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          🦇WORKING WITH AN OLD SUIT wasn’t a good idea and it showed. It had caused him to get hurt - and it’s been a while since the last time he bled. It forced him to search for a hideout until he could get back on his feet - he wasn’t with the batmobile and has not been able to call Alfred just yet, because as he was about to do it he meet a young kid - not older than eight, living on his own. For a moment everything about his own life didn’t matter anymore.
          After a while, the young boy has fallen asleep, meanwhile Batman worked on his wounds without the cowl on now as he was sure no one would see him there. Just as he finished with the last wound, he heard the kid crying, clearly dealing with a nightmare. Batman got up - put on the cowl back in place, and approached the kid. Slowly he woke him up until small arms wrapped around him, and Batman took him in his arms. “It’s okay, it’s just a bad dream, you’re safe.”
          He needed to get back home eventually, and he wasn’t leaving this kid on his own. Activating his location device so Alfred could sent the batmobile his way, Batman turned his attention to the boy. “I’m going to take you to the house of someone who can help you out, you shouldn’t be on your own. Do you have a family? I can always take you with them.”
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russianlullabies · 4 years
My muse is having a horrible nightmare, and is visibly upset. Send 😱 to wake them up!
Nikolai had fallen asleep on the sofa. After a while of fretting and worrying the little guy had closed his eyes and fell into a deep slumber. He even snores a little bit, just lightly. Every once in a while a little tremble runs through him, his nervous demeanor showing even as he snoozes. That was going to change soon enough.
The boy scrunched his nose, whimpering a little bit. It leads up to tears and a small sob breaks from him. When he is woken up he shrieks and covers his head, not quite  used to waking to the others face. He is a curled up ball of terrified, eventually peering through his arms and sniffling. Seeking comfort he timidly unwrapped himself and carefully brings his arms around the male. There he stays, crying into the mans clothes.
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