#the witcher: aiden
eomereadig · 7 months
Snippet: House-cat
Found this little fic sitting in my drafts since 2021, hope you enjoy it!
Fandom: The Witcher
Pairing: Jaskier/Aiden
Rating: G
Tags: fluff, modern!AU, cuddling, cutagens 
Full fic now avaliable here
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After padding over to that side of the room, Aiden made a grumpy sound to get Jaskier’s attention and flicked on a lamp. He rubbed his eyes tiredly as Jaskier hissed and shielded his own, evidently not used to even the warm light. His irritation softened immediately when he caught sight of Aiden though, wrapped up and soft as he was, like some kind of giant teddy bear. Jaskier took a deep breath, arched his back, several of the joints popping as he stretched, and smiled kindly albeit tiredly. 
“You sleepy, darling?” His voice was quiet but Aiden heard him over the storm outside well enough. He nodded and pulled the blanket tighter around his shoulders. “You should go to bed then, I’ll join you in a few hours…” ‘He’d already been working for seven,’ Aiden thought. 
He made a grumpy sound and gave Jaskier no time to push him away or protest his next move. He bullied his way onto his boyfriend’s lap, blanket still wrapped around him, planting himself firmly on Jaskier’s thighs. Aiden sat facing the other man so they were chest to chest, allowing him to curl forwards and burrow into Jaskier’s comforting warmth and scent. His head found its way to Jaskier’s neck, resting against his shoulder whether Jaskier wanted it there or not. 
Jaskier laughed softly, Aiden bouncing up and down on his chest a little with the movement. He didn’t try to push him away though, instead leaning back to make Aiden more comfortable and wrapping his arms around him, rubbing his back softly. “I’m working, darling. Like I said, I’ll be free in a couple of hours if you still want cuddles then…” A kiss was pressed to Aiden’s wild hair. 
“You can still work like this.” Aiden mumbled against his skin petulantly. Now that he was finally where he wanted, he wasn’t about to give that up. “Your arms are free…” 
Jaskier snorted, arms going lax. He admitted defeat. With all the work he’d been doing, Jaskier was exhausted and having a sleepy Aiden on his lap seemed to be the best thing in the world. Sure, he wouldn’t be able to type as quickly and might lose the willpower to do so entirely, but with how much he’d already completed, he knew he could afford to slow down a little. Usually, Jaskier was the more stubborn out of the pair but didn’t have the energy to spare this evening. 
“You’re like some kind of lap dog, maybe you were in another life…” He murmured with a smile into Aiden’s hair. At once, Aiden grew back with a theatrical, albeit a little tired, gasp. “I’m offended!” It was well known that Aiden disliked dogs. He’d always been more of a cat person. “I’ll settle for a housecat and nothing less.”
Full fic now avaliable here
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sillylilfang · 2 months
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(and there's a timelapse yippieee)
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gingersnappish · 1 year
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Lambert and Aiden: in some couples it's 'opposites attract' and in others, well....
in others, they are cut from exactly the same cloth.
Does anyone, even Witchers, need that many knives?
~Inspired by that post that went around a little while back that was along the lines of 'when you are undressing with your partner and the pair of you end up with a pile of knives bigger than the pile of clothes' by the end, or something to that effect. It reminded me so strongly of these guys that I had to make this!
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thedemonofcat · 5 months
The first witcher Jaskier met besides Geralt was Aiden, a member of the Cat School, who had been hired to assassinate him.
Technically speaking, Aiden's contract was to eliminate the Viscount of Lettenhove, but he was taken aback to discover that the target was actually the same Bard who sings about the witcher he'd heard so much about.
Instead of fulfilling his contract, Aiden and Jaskier found themselves sharing a rather pleasant picnic.
Geralt, unaware of this turn of events, is frantically searching for the Cat witcher who he believes is out to kill his Bard.
At the same time, Lambert, having heard that his fellow witcher is intent on hunting down his dear friend, is racing to find Geralt to prevent him from killing Aiden.
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elmonstro · 3 months
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Lambert's suffering from high toxicity after a hunt but luckily he has someone to help him out...
Huge thanks to @shy-urban-hobbit for all the motivation, ily friend <3, please read her fic inspired by it because it's sending me!!!!! All her stuff is amazing!
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0dde11eth · 2 months
Poor vesemir, he tries to give his pups life lessons beyond being a witcher, but this is the kaer MORONS we are talking about. The following occurs when they are all trying to make dinner one evening.
Papa vesemir: ok boys familiarize yourself with the spices, these can make walking the path a little nicer, as you can look forward to a delicious meal at the end of a rough day
So they go over to the spice rack to read the labels.
Eskel: basil, oregano, cilantro (yuck), coriander, thyme, paprika...
Geralt: hmm, ground pepper, sounds spicy. Hmm, not sure I like the sound of garlic, seems spicier...
Lambert: cinnamon, nutmeg. Cum? DRIED CUM!?!?!
Eskel: what?? Cum?? Is this a prank??
Geralt: did jaskier put you up to this??
Lambert: I'm not fucking eating dried cum!!!
Papa vesemir: Its CUMIN YOU IDIOTS. that's it! Everyone out of my kitchen and go run the walls, everyones getting plain boiled potatoes for the rest of the week!
Geralt: yay! Finally some good food!
Papa Vesemir: OUT!!!
Jaskier (in the background): *dumping a mouthful of the dried "cum" in his mouth and then gagging* that's NOT CUM!
Papa vesemir: *internally* I bet guxart doesn't have this problem with the cat witchers
*** across the continent at the cat caravan***
Aiden: *gagging* that's NOT CUM!
Guxart: *internally* I bet vesemir doesn't have this problem with the wolf witchers
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Jaskier meets Aiden at some point while traveling (for once without Geralt). They hit it off IMMEDIATELY and within an hour, are comparing notes over everything from their respective wolf lovers, favorite wines, best market cities, and weirdest small town traditions.
When they start comparing how many gay-wakenings they've each caused (of course they keep a tally, the dorks), they're annoyed to realize that GERALT is in the lead - and without trying at all.
Apparently, Jaskier's White Wolf songs are a little too popular...
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fandom-junk-drawer · 4 months
What Jaskier sees daily as he wanders the grounds of Kaer Morhen
(Vesemir is crying in a corner somewhere because his sons are idiots)
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Prompt 63
After The Mountain™, Jaskier is desperate to prove himself a Worthy Travel Companion™ to Geralt, so he decides to take up alchemy. Perhaps if he gets very good at brewing Geralt's potions, Geralt will find him worthy of keeping around. When Geralt takes Jaskier to Kaer Morhen, he can't help but notice that Jaskier is suddenly spending every possible second with Lambert. LAMBERT. I mean, he loves his brother, don't get him wrong! But Lambert? Geralt's words were cruel, and he was still working out the full apology he wanted to give Jaskier (He deserved better than just an "I'm sorry") but he's worried that he's already lost his chance, as Jaskier is seemingly finding himself a new witcher.
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hannibard · 6 months
I exposed all you lambden shippers on reddit lol
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sillylilfang · 5 months
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maybe someday they won't get cock-blocked but personally I doubt it.
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gingersnappish · 6 months
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We all know Aiden's Wolf is both a polyglot and really prone to cursing (Aiden would probably phrase it as 'Lam has a very talented tongue' and winking as suggestively as possible while he says it!)
I was inspired a little while back by this post about playing bingo with Witcher ships - there are a bunch of fun tropes common to LambertxAiden on one of the cards! I dunno if I'll make 'bingo' yet, but the idea for this popped into my mind when I looked at the card and I had to draw it! (I apologize if any of the cursing doesn't make sense - I do not speak nearly as many languages and Lambert theoretically does and thus used a really quick and not-at-all-thorough google search to some up with placeholder text).)
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thedemonofcat · 2 months
It's winter in Oxenfurt, and Jaskier is spending these months working as a professor at the Academy. One night, he finds a cat outside in the cold. Not wanting the animal to freeze, Jaskier decides to take him in.
In some ways, the cat reminds him of Geralt.
When spring arrives, Geralt comes to fetch Jaskier, temporarily accompanied by Lambert. Jaskier's cat persistently meows at Lambert.
Unbeknownst to everyone, Jaskier's pet cat is actually Aiden, a Witcher.
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shy-urban-hobbit · 1 year
Due to his school being a little more diverse in the contracts it accepts (assassination, theft, etc), you can bet Aiden's going be a pretty passable actor, or at least have some decent improv skills when the occasion calls for it. Jaskier is a bard and a spy - enough said.
So, picture the two of them engaging in a friendly one upmanship of situations they've had to bullshit their way out of while Lambert and Geralt just sit listening in mute horror and strongly considering child harnesses for their SO's because 'fucking hell, how are these two actually still alive??!!?'
Geralt: I'm never letting you out of my sight again.
Jaskier: I know Love. Finish your porridge.
Lambert: Wait, that was when....where the fuck was I during all this?
Aiden: I snuck out when you were occupied at the Inn. We weren't even fucking at that point and you looked like you were getting somewhere with that Skellige bloke, I didn't want to interrupt. Besides, it should have been just a quick in and out.
Jaskier: Is that what Lambert said to the Skellige bloke?
*Lambert starts spluttering and choking around his mouthful of small ale while Aiden just about falls out of his seat he's laughing so hard.*
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headcanonthings · 5 months
Lambert: What if people had food names and food had people names? Aiden: Hey, spaghetti, we're having Lambert for dinner. Geralt: What is wrong with you two? Lambert: Shut up, white chocolate.
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