#the wild wild west tv series
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robertdeanstockwellgal · 1 month ago
Three gorgeous Ross Martin & Robert Conrad/Artemus Gordon & James West publicity photos.
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s-misaki · 9 months ago
the reason I didn’t give Adrian –1 point was because he’s cute
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haveyouseenthisseries-poll · 3 months ago
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thejohnlockedfemboy · 9 days ago
Some lesser-known fandoms I'm a part of...
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Frasier ( tv show ), Seinfeld ( tv show ), The Middle ( tv show ), Camp Cretaceous & Camp Cretaceous: Chaos Theory ( tv show )
The Dragon Prince ( tv show ), Odd Squad ( tv show ), M*A*SH* ( tv show )
Horizon: Zero Dawn & Horizon: Forbidden West ( video game )
The Big Bang Theory ( tv show ), Wild Kratts ( tv show ), When Calls the Heart ( tv show )
Guardians of Ga'Hoole ( book series ), The Ranger's Apprentice ( book series ), The Brotherband Chronicles ( book series ), A Series of Unfortunate Events ( book series )
Watership Down ( both book and tv show ), Green Ember ( book series ), The Greatest Showman ( movie )
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countrymusiclover · 2 years ago
2 - Being A Mother In The West
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Part 3
Love in the Wild West
@hcwthewestwaswcn Co author
Y/n's Pov
Y/N was sitting on the porch, holding a sleeping little girl who was named Eve as she rocked in the rocking chair while she watched the men working the ranch as she stood up when she saw a familiar face, and instantly walked down the stairs of the porch as she saw, the man that left her nearly two years ago as she held her little girl close to her and stood there as she waited for Spencer to approach her once he reached the porch.
Y/N had survived the west, and she was a mother on top of it all. Y/N had given birth to a beautiful baby girl during a harsh winter snowstorm that was particularly harsh on the ranch as she rubbed her little girl’s back as she was just waking up as she stood there while waiting patiently and silently as she wanted to see Spencer but part of her, was also angry and upset because he had left her and their daughter without any word but she knew that his Aunt Cara had constantly wrote to him begging him to come home and everything under the sun as she kissed Eve’s head gently.
Spencer’s POV
Climbing out of the wagon I felt weird being back home. Being in the war changed me more than I'd like to admit. Slinging my shotgun over my shoulder I saw Aunt Cara walking up to me clearly angry yet happy by the expression on her face. "You've got some nerve coming back here after two years, Spencer. I would have thought the first letter I sent you saying that girl was pregnant would have sent you running back here instantly!"
"I couldn't come back here after the war, aunt Cara. I - I'm not the same man." I tried to explain but she smacked my arm like I was a child.
"That doesn't matter. You consider that girl family don't you. Well she needed you and you weren't here. Instead you were gallivanting across Africa. For shame on you, Spencer!" She scolded me watching uncle Jacob ride up to us on his horse.
He tugs on the reins of the horse giving me a weak smile at least that he is happy I was home. “I’m heading into town. Spencer it’s good to see you but you better have a good explanation to that girl. She’s more a part of this family now than when she was five.” He rode off leaving me with her.
I turned my head seeing that aunt Cara was gone up to the house and it was Y/n who stood in front of me instead. She was holding an infant in her arms wearing a simple dress with some pants. Brown boots with her hair loose and a light tan cowgirl hat on her head. “You’ve got some explanation for me, Spencer!”
Y/n’s POV
Y/N held the little girl, her eyes trained on the cowboy who left her high and dry when he enlisted into the war “you left me behind, and i had to deliver our baby by myself” She says, clearly angry as she handed the little girl to Cara as a dizzy spell hits her as she grabbed the railing of the porch as she took a deep breath but she was struggling to breath before she collapsed on the ground as she had been sicker since she delivered Eve during a winter that was harsher than most as she was running a high fever as she was barely breathing as she felt Spencer catch her in his arms as she stirred and looked at him before she coughed into her elbow because she was sick and everything was hurting because she was fighting a deadly flu strain that was making her terribly sick and ill “Spence, take me to bed. I need to rest, it’s the only way that i will get better” She says, her voice hoarse and rough as she tried to breath on her own but failed miserably
Spencer’s POV
Y/n was ranting my head off right before I saw her body stumble so I rushed forward catching her bridal style in my arms. She gripped my jacket in her hands before I rushed her inside the house, not bothering to bother her with questions until she was laying in bed. "Y/n, what happened. Are you coming down with something?" She pulled the covers up to her chest rolling onto her side not saying a word for a second.
"If you hadn't left, maybe you would know!" She grumbled avoiding my gaze before her eyes fell closed and I decided to leave her to rest.
Closing the door behind me I nearly jumped in the air seeing Cara standing in the hallway holding the tiny infant in her arms giving her a bottle of milk. "She got her stubborn side from her daddy. You really messed up when you left."
"How was I supposed to know she would stay or get pregnant with my possible child? She is mine isn't she?" I asked, throwing my hands away from the sides.
Aunt Cara entered a bedroom laying the baby down right before slapping me across the cheek sternly. "You idiot boy. You know very well how children come into this world. What you seemed to forget is how to be a father like your uncle Jacob taught you!" She stomped off with me holding my burning cheek just staring at her. Closing my eyes gently I knew I needed to talk with my uncle.
Jacob's Pov
Jacob looked at his nephew, running a hand through his hair “Can you tell me what possessed you to be so dumb, knocking up that girl and leaving her here alone to raise that sweet baby girl.” He says sternly, he had raised Spencer to be an upstanding man and make sure that he took responsibility for whatever he did and whoever it was with. “You knew that she was alone, and yet you were gallivanting across africa. You need to stop doing foolish things, and get to know her and that baby. Do you understand me!” He raised his voice, he was angry and disappointed in his nephew but he also knew that Spencer was being foolish and had slept with another woman during his time in Africa. "You will make sure that her and that little girl of yours are well taken care of, especially after leaving them alone for two years!” He shouted loudly, waking Eve from her nap as he saw Y/N run out of the house with the crying girl as he ran a hand over his face.
Spencer’s POV
Walking into the barn I removed my hat not wanting to be having anymore arguments today. I felt bad about what I did to Y/n but I was called to go to the war. I couldn't just return home whenever I wanted. Footsteps approached from behind where I saw Jack dismount his horse. "You hurt her really badly. Do you know that? Everyone here had to deal with that and I realized that I care about her too."
"What do you want me to say, Jack? I'm sorry she got pregnant. I didn't think it would happen so easily and we only slept together one time." I turned around to face him holding my hat in my hands. "And if you like her, why aren't you with her now?"
He crossed his arms over his chest answering the question. "Because I found someone else that I loved much more. I am getting closer to marrying her. Plus I didn't think she would want anyone to get close to her after you."
"I'm getting out of here, Jack. I didn’t come home to be treated like this." I grumbled brushing past him until he grabbed my arm holding me back.
We locked a deep gaze as he spoke towards me. "Ain't a thing more sensitive than the heart of a gal. You did her wrong. You need to fix it or I'll make you regret it." I had never seen a side of him like this but he clearly meant business.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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anamelessfool · 10 months ago
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Outlaw F!Reader x "The Ghoul" Cooper Howard (18+ MDNI) Full Fic here on AO3
Chapter 11: Stumptown (AO3 Link Here)
You're not running away from your sins, you're running towards the truth.
Bullhead officially crossed off the map, you journey on. In your pack your PiP Boy begins to complain about local RAD levels. The screen pulses with unfriendly warnings and the gently concerned face of the Vault-Tech mascot. You wince at Coop, who doesn't seem to notice. And why would he; the sound of permanent chromosomal damage probably reminds him of home.
Tags: Read Em All on AO3, Dead Dove, Blood and Gore, Gunplay, Broken Bones, Bandits & Outlaws, Enemies to Friends to Lovers, Dystopia, Blood and Injury, Mystery and Intrigue, Western, Action-Adventure, Canon Typical Blood N Guts, Zombies basically, Light D/s, body worship, Sad Backstory Time, Who is this OTHER WOMAN?!
Thanks for your likes, comments, kudos, and reblogs we loves a good reblog omnomnom (Please reblog!<3)
And let me know if you'd like to be on the taglist!
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koriaginn · 2 months ago
John Dutton ("Yellowstone")
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All the angels are gone, son. There’s only devils left.
Portrait of John Dutton (Kevin Costner) from the TV series "Yellowstone". A strong and complex man, an ambiguous hero with his own truth, to whom you become very attached and begin to understand him. A conservative with common sense and truth on his side. A man who grew up on his land and is trying to do everything to leave something of it to his children… if that is even possible. But at least he'll try to do it.
Pencil, paper, color correction in Photoshop.
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reallyunluckyrunaway · 8 months ago
bad news of the day was finding out that Outer Range season 3 is cancelled!?
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quotesjunkie · 1 month ago
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Quotes Junkie:
American Primeval
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lifewithaview · 1 month ago
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Greg Cipes and Kristen Bell in Deadwood (2004) Bullock Returns to the Camp
After tracking down a murderer, Bullock returns to Deadwood a changed man as well as a marked one. Dan and Joanie both take a special interest when teenagers Miles and Flora Anderson arrive in camp in search of their father. Calamity Jane earns her moniker in the Pest Tent, while Swearengen sees through Trixie's subterfuge. Alma remains cold to Farnum's inappropriately advanced bid on her claim.
*It's the only episode in the series' run to take place not over the course of a single day.
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jotgeorgius · 2 years ago
1883 - Kritik und ein Versuch die Vergangenheit in die Moderne einzuordnen. (Teil II)
Eine der schwächeren Momente der Serie war die Liebschaft der Hauptdarstellerin mit einem Indianer. Eine Affäre hätte ich vollumfänglich akzeptiert. Die Produzenten verheirateten sie jedoch gleich mit einem Indianer. Er tauschte für die Tochter ein Pferd ein und der Vater akzeptierte es. Ein Hoch auf den Kapitalismus, ein faires Geschäft. Ironie aus. Thematisiert wurden nur die Vorurteile einer vorwiegend weißen Zivilisation. Dass es diese Vorurteile und Erwartungen gab, ist unstrittig, es ist jedoch fragwürdig wenn man ein Bild transportiert, wonach es sowas bei Indianern nicht gegeben hätte. Für Indianer war der weiße Mann ein Feindbild. Zurecht. Dass dort ein weißes blondes Mädchen mit offenen Armen empfangen würde, halte ich für ausgeschlossen. Nicht nur aus männlicher Sicht. Indigene Frauen wollten auch den Stärksten ihres Stammes heiraten. Ich könnte mir da durchaus intrigantes Verhalten vorstellen. Hier war davon nicht mal im Ansatz was zu sehen. Dies und die Angewohnheit Frauen im modernen Hollywood stets als Alleskönner (Mary Sue) darzustellen, die dem Mann in nix nachstehen, waren für mich die einzig schwächeren Momente der Serie. Was mich an dieser Zeit so fasziniert, ist diese Möglichkeit dich frei zu entfalten. Ein Großteil des Kontinents hatte noch keine staatliche Ordnung. Land nahm man sich einfach. Allerdings musste man es gegen Feinde verteidigen können. Man war mehr oder weniger völlig auf sich alleine gestellt. Eine Waffe konnte ein Leben retten oder es nehmen. Diese Tradition hat auch heute noch in Übersee Bestand. Selbst eine primitive Behausung, die zumindest etwas vor Witterungen schützte, bot keinen ausreichenden Schutz. Daher war es natürlich sinnvoll mit anderen zusammen zu siedeln. Nicht selten können das Gesetzlose gewesen sein, Verstoßene aus der alten Welt, oder - ganz klassisch - eine große Familie. Gesetzt den Fall, man wurde nachts überfallen, konnte niemand um Hilfe gebeten werden. Heute sind Überfälle in der Wohnung natürlich auch möglich, doch man hat Strukturen, an die man sich wenden kann. Sowas gab es in der Prärie äußerst selten. Die nächste Kleinstadt war mindestens einen Tagesritt entfernt. Zum Vergleich, das nächste Haus ist an einem beliebigen Punkt in Deutschland, auch im tiefsten Wald, nur 4 Kilometer entfernt. Das zeigt gut auf, wie erschlossen Europa ist. An diesem Punkt ist Amerika noch lange nicht. Erst in gut 1500 Jahren, sollte kein Naturereignis für Unterbrechung oder Rückschritt sorgen, wird auch dieser Kontinent erschlossen sein. Die Sehnsucht in mir nach solch einem Leben, ohne Zwänge, außer dem Streben meine eigene Sicherheit zu gewährleisten und den Fortbestand meine Blutlinie zu sichern, wird mit jedem Tag größer, den ich mit der Zivilisation konfrontiert werde. Vor Jahren noch habe ich sie und den Fortschritt als das Nonplusultra angesehen. Heute würde ich die Welt sehr gerne mit den Augen eines Menschen vor 150 Jahren sehen. Wohlwissend, dass es ein unglaublich hartes und entbehrungsreiches Leben gewesen sein muss und dass es keinesfalls sicher ist, ob ich ein hohes Alter erreichen würde. Doch ist ein hohes Alter immer ein Segen? Am eindrucksvollsten war die Szene, wo das verliebte Paar unter dem Sternenhimmel in der Prärie gelegen hat. Zu wissen, dass es solche Flecken Erde noch heute gibt, hat mich tief bewegt. Gemessen an damaligen Standards waren sie der Natur völlig ausgeliefert. Sie hatten keinerlei Zufluchtsmöglichkeiten. Doch dieser vermeintliche Nachteil wurde von dieser unglaublichen Freiheit und Kulisse aufgewogen. Aus einer Zivilisation kommend, muss man damals sicher ständig mit den Eindrücken gekämpft haben. Die Hoffnung sich endlich an einem Ort niederlassen zu können und gleichzeitig diese unglaublichen Naturlandschaften zu sehen. Überlebte man das, brauchte der Tod nicht mehr geflüchtet zu werden. Gleichermaßen war die Hoffnung der Antrieb, warum man diese Entbehrungen überhaupt in Kauf nahm. Das unterscheidet Amerika von Europa bis in die heutige Zeit. Für Europa gibt es keine Hoffnung mehr. Es ist schlicht kein Raum mehr für sie da.
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robertdeanstockwellgal · 1 day ago
A Wild Wild West St. Patrick's Day card made by "California Gal" here: https://wildwildwesttvshow.freeforums.net/thread/1074/happy-www-st-patricks-day
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stromuprisahat · 2 years ago
I wanna see Zira in 60s dress! 
hey neil!!
the historical flashbacks are some of my favorite scenes in season 1 and season 2 of good omens, so i was wondering if there were any time periods you’d really like to portray aziraphale and crowley in that you haven’t already???
Quite a few. Ones that we had planned as possible for Season 2 (that either didn't get written or didn't get filmed) included a Wild West one, a 15th century Papal one, an Arabian Nights one, and a 1960s American one with Crowley and Aziraphale female presenting. And we have the whole of human history as a canvas. But for now the ones you've got are all.
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haveyouseenthisseries-poll · 10 months ago
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How successful would Cullen Bohannon…
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Would you like to submit a character? Click this link if you do!
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countrymusiclover · 2 years ago
1 - Harsh Winter Nights
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Part 2
Love in the Wild West
@hcwthewestwaswcn Co author
Spencer’s POV
The front door got quickly closed seeing my uncle Jacob who hung his hat on the wall with a heavy sigh. Tonight there was supposed to be a bad storm so he had been getting the ranch ready since last night. "The winds are picking up. Everyone I know is looking for cover."
"Jacob, Y/n mother said her daughter hasn't come home yet. She complains that she almost has the mind of a wild horse." Aunt Cara entered the room looking worried.
Y/n has been a part of my family my whole life. Almost like a sibling to me. Looking my head up from the couch I figured where she was at. Grabbing my hat I went out the door heading for the barn seeing her ride in on one of our horses. Her hair was a mess and her brown hat almost fell off her head. She's the craziest girl I have ever met at age 14. "What on earth are you doing, darling?"
"I needed one last ride in before we got boxed in, Spencer." She replied dismounting her horse before I took my jacket off putting it over her since she was only wearing a thin looking shirt and pants.
Taking her hand in mine I dragged her from the barn knowing aunt Cara would be worried sick for her parents if they thought she was in trouble. "Let's get you inside or Aunt Cara will have my head. You're scaring the crap out of your parents."
"You don't have to worry about me all the time, Spence." I lightly blushed hearing her use the nickname she hadn't called me since we were five years old.
Y/n's Pov
Y/N looked at him, her eyes trained him as they walked inside the house where Jacob and Cara were currently standing as she spoke softly “Hello Mr and Mrs Dutton, I apologize if I made you worry about me and I will call my mama but I can't go home tonight. They’ve been fighting more than anything, and last time they fought wasn’t good because my daddy had tanned my hide with his leather belt”
Having the bruises from the belt since it happened a few days and they were still fresh from her lashing as she walked to Spencer and hugged him tightly as she had removed his jacket to hang it on the rack as she yawned “I think i’m gonna get a warm bath, and then turn in for the night since it’s late.”
Her body ached from the daily lashings and beatings as she wrapped her arms around her body as she walked into the bathroom where a bath was setting as she warmed the water by boiling it and making sure it wasn’t scalding hot as she stripped her pants and shirt off before. She stepped into the bath and relaxed instantly because she was sore and hurting.
Cara's POV
Entering the bathroom I saw the poor girl covered in bruises. It wasn't right that such a sweet girl had to deal with parents who bicker a lot. Leaning in the doorway I cleared my throat. "The guest bedroom is all set up for you. Since I figured you would be staying."
"Thank you, Mrs. Dutton." She mumbled her eyes focused on mine.
"Call me Cara dear. You spend enough time over here you should call me by my name." She nodded at my words figuring I had more to say. "Dear about your parents , I just want to say they shouldn't treat you like that. So you will always have a home here. No matter what."
"Thanks Cara." She replied, slipping on one of my spare nightgowns before I helped her into bed hearing the wind howling loudly against the house.
Spencer’s POV
Laying in my bed on my back it frustrated me to see Y/n so harmed like that. She didn't deserve that to happen to her. The harsh storm outside shook the house. Moving my eyes over to the hook on the wall my hat was on I watched it fall knowing it was much worse outdoors. "Spence?" I heard her faint voice call out to me.
"Hey, darling. Everything okay?" Sitting up in my bed I could see her peeking her head through the doorway slightly shivered.
She takes a few steps into my room trying to be quiet and not wake the others. My room was the closest to the one she was staying in. "I'm still cold and I can't sleep because of the storm. Can I bunk with you?"
Aunt Cara would probably advise against it since we weren't married but I didn't care. "Sure come on in." Scooting over I threw the covers back watching her rush over snuggling into my warmth.
"Thanks, Spencer." She whispered head laying on my chest falling asleep.
"You're welcome Y/n." I responded back falling asleep quickly with her in my arms.
Y/n's Pov - two years later
Y/n had been there for two years as she walked out of the cabin and started on her morning chores as she hummed softly while she took care of the animals that were on the ranch as she saw Cara there. “Good morning Cara, how are you feeling” She says, it had been two years since Spencer left for Africa claiming that he had to get away from the ranch.
But that left their relationship unfinished until something unexpected brings him home from Africa since he had been gone so long as she remembered their last night together which lead to them kissing and confessing feelings but little did they know, things were going to change after their night of passion that happened when everyone else was asleep in their rooms respectably.
Spencer’s POV - 2 years ago
"So that's it. You get drafted for war and you think you can just leave without saying goodbye. I thought we were closer than that Spencer!" Y/n threw her hands up at me, clearly upset.
It wasn't like I wanted to leave but someone in this family had to fight and I was the only one. Gently grabbing her hands in mine, my eyes trained down to her. "I don't want to leave darling but I don't have a choice-" She cuts me off, crashing her lips onto mine where I'm taken back a little bit. I never thought she felt the same way that I do for her.
Wrapping my arms around her waist she broke the kiss running one hand through my hair making it a mess. "If you have to go then make tonight last. Because I care about you Spence. So make love to me please."
"You're completely sure?" She nodded yes before I crashed my lips onto hers falling back onto the bed. We both slowly removed the other's clothes hoping to make the night last. Never expecting the result we got.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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