#the whiner
carpathians · 4 months
i just need to be really close with someone so so bad but i know i will never meet anyone like that. so whats even the point of anything
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The wider acceptance of Eustace Winner is already starting
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lordoflucky · 3 months
No wait, we can still salvage this- we can have Sebastian Debeste AND Eustace Winner hang on.
His full name is Eustace Sebastian Winner. His dad gave him the name Eustace (because he hates him), his mom choose the middle name Sebastian. Debeste was his mother's maiden name. After aai2, Sebastian chooses to go by his middle name and changes his surname to his mother's maiden to fully separate himself from his father- do you hear me we can still win this
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pangur-and-grim · 1 day
blah……..so a while ago I had a blood test result that implied I have an autoimmune condition, but it’s not 100% certainty, and also there was no solid answer on what that condition might be. my blood had a speckled/homogenous ANA, which could indicate something like lupus, but my only symptoms are that on bad days I feel tired/yucky/run a low fever/have hurty joints. which is all so generic.
anyway, my doctor doesn’t seem particularly motivated to pin it down further, so I’m just left with the vague notion of “some days I feel bad because I might have a thing,” and that’s that.
I just wish I had a more specific idea of what the thing was, even if all it resulted in was me being able to say “today I feel bad because of The Thing.”
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zoe-oneesama · 1 year
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A lack of confidence hits everyone a bit differently.
Episode 45 Part 11
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Ko-fi | Patreon
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shantechni · 1 year
This was such a little brother moment
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sher-ee · 12 days
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1/3 of our country is in a cult haze.
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mobileleprechaun · 7 months
Hey @photomatt half the site didn’t know who you were until a few hours ago and now they’ll forever know you as a sniveling pissbaby cunt who sics feds on defenseless girls for mocking him
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honestly i think one of my favorite things about ziggs as a character is that, when you meet them, they kind of seem like they're gonna just be this chill stoner trope, which to an extent they are (cool, artsy hippie who makes jokes about tig ol' bitties), but also...,,,.,,,,., they're such a whiner
like in perky's buds they have a lot to very genuinely complain about, that whole situation sucks and no one could fault them for voicing that they're upset,,,.,. but...,,., thats not what they're doing nessecarily
they're whining
they're pouting, they're going '🥺🥺 emmmmaaaaa the nighthawks made me shit in front of them and puked in my mouuuuttthhh 🥺🥺' with the exact same intonation and distress as they're going '🥺🥺 but thats my greatful dead shirttttt🥺🥺' and '🥺🥺 i dont wanna go get my boss the farmhouse is so farrrrrrrr🥺🥺'
like hatchetfield has a lot of complainers/bitchers (emma herself is a master bitcher) but ziggs is an objectively whiny character and it's a heat im obsessed with and the whiner representation we need
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woahjo · 2 months
atsumu thinks he fucks like a monster but he folds as soon as you pull his hair
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bitchfitch · 10 months
After years and years of having a schedule that was more a halfhearted shrug than a neat itinerary, there was a certain peace to finally having a dinner time routine.
Rice in the cooker, wild game cuts in the oven with whatever vegetables hadn't gone off since his last trip into town. The timer set for ten minutes longer than the meal ever actually needed. His stomach couldn't handle meat still pink with a memory of life anymore.
While it cooked he'd place a tarp before the back door. The blue plastic wrinkled along the lines by which he always found it folded.
Then he'd step out into the cool evening to where his freshest trophy would be hanging just beyond the edge of the creaky porch. It a was a deer today, it's back hooves tied to the rafter so it's blood could drain from the dainty gash across it's throat. This wasn't a necessity, it just lessened the mess he would eventually have to deal with.
He untied it, and carried it to rest it in the center of the tarp before pulling the corners up to encase it in crinkly darkness. The bright green climbing rope being used to bind the package closed while he made a note to himself to dig out the hank of rope again so he could cut a new, less gnawed on, piece for tomorrow's meal time.
He could hear the thing coming up the staircase from the basement. Stairs were difficult for it, always had to crawl up them on its hands and knees. Stopping every few steps to gather itself against vertigo.
"What's cooking?" it called in a chipper voice, its bruise darkened fingers scrabling at the lower edge of the door. Its cracked nails adding to the deep gouges in the old wood. "What's cooking?" it repeated like a scratched record. Its clawing growing more frenzied as it got more and more excited at the prospect of meal time.
"Deer." he responded, dragging the bundle to the locked door.
"Einer!" it said, its voice being stolen from a long gone day at the lake, "Home," it whined with defeat borrowed from a day it never saw, then a garbled growl as it's limited repertoire of echos ran up against a concept it didn't have the words to express.
"You know that's not how it works," Einer sighs with some glimmer of fondness. "Who am I?"
"Einer!" a perfect echo of what it had said before.
"Where are we?"
"Who are you?"
The growl came on its cue, exactly as it had every miserable day since Einer managed to trap it and establish this little test of whether or not it might be able to be reasoned with today.
"Good, good. To your spot please."
It scrambled back down the stairs, heavy thunks sounding as its excited crawling turned into more of a controlled series of falls.
Then a loud metallic racket bounded forth from the vent slats in the floor as it slapped at the ancient pipe that connected the furnace to the rest of the cabin's mostly defunct air ducts. Their way of signaling when it was well and clear away from the stairs where it might damn them both by attacking its caretaker.
He undid the bolts on the door quickly yanking it open before kicking the plastic wrapped deer down the stairs and slamming the door shut again. The unspoken race between them commencing as he rushed to get the bolts and locks latched once more before it could get up the stairs in an opportunity fueled bout of blood frenzy.
Einer won today. He's won every day so far.
Its fingers appear under the edge of the door again, its breath ragged and sounding wet with too much spit as it uselessly dug into the steel toe of his boot.
"You know where your dinner is," he took a step and waited to see if he'd be granted one moment of clarity as it came down from it's frenzy.
It churred, a soft animal sound he didn't think something so human looking should be able to make. Its fingers stilled, then disappeared back into the darkness beyond the door before returning. Its hand palm side up this time.
He was quick to crouch, carefully curling his fingers against it's. Its skin porcelain, smooth and cold against the callouses he had earned in his time caring for it.
"Einer," it said, this echo being taken from a gentle memory of two lovers in their wedding bed, before its touch disappeared and it began its clumzy trek back down the stairs.
He always stayed knelt there a little too long, wondering if it knew he lingered there. If it cared. Before standing and checking to see if his meal was over done to his liking.
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forestlion · 1 year
Reblog and add a picture of the Scout-Schulranzen you had in der Grundschule
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xaz-fr · 4 months
Hey if you're making baby accents I love you
do everyone a solid
either don't make them retire. Or give them a LONG time before you shelf them. I'm not talking days or weeks. I'm talking a month or two.
Everyone is making baby accents
the economy is gonna be in shambles for a week or so while everyone scrambles to make enough gems to buy the TORRENT of baby accents being released right now.
As a reminder most people don't have thousands of gems to drop on multiple accents at once. They need time to save up. You are actively hurting yourself and the market during the initial Baby Flood by putting a short window on your accents. If people have less time to make the gems on a limited time baby accent they're less likely to sign up for it and more likely to sign up for one that won't retire in 2 weeks that's also very cute.
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hadesoftheladies · 1 year
"we need more men in--"
no. no we do not. we do not need more fathers, we do not need more men in healthcare, we do not need more men in universities, or boys in school or whatever
we do not need more men PERIOD
what we actually need is more women in all these fields getting paid their fucking dues
the less men there are, the less war, the less violence, the less terrorism, the less economic collapses, the more we have a chance at fixing these worldwide catastrophes and healing the earth (this has the entirety of human history's worth of documented and observable evidence)
women and girls are not only healing society but the earth; the fact that boys and men hate that school is no longer boy's club, the fact that they have made themselves useless if not destructive without their precious fabricated masculinity, the fact that they keep expecting a parade in their name for doing the barest of minimums isn't our problem, it isn't a human crisis, it is a crisis of the male identity
no one needs to resuscitate it; let it die a natural, deserved, overdue death
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hyewka · 1 year
slowly taking in yeonjuns dick in your mouth, long sighs of pleasure as he relishes in the warmth, furrowing his brows every time the head hits the back of your throat, trying your best to deep throat his entire length, girth stretching your mouth wide the more you go down & i know for sure he’d give you some whines like hes not a groaner while getting head 😭😭😭 now if hes extra desperate with little self control, probably would lift his hips for some shallow thrusts before releasing his load, sooooo breathy, his chest heaving up and down
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creature-wizard · 1 month
Donald Trump at literally every speaking event: "Whine whine whiiiiiiine.... whine whiiine whine whine..." *sniffle* *sniffle* "...Whiiiiiine whine whine whiiiiiiiine..." *sniffle*
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