#the unseen princess
shy-blue-blossom · 1 year
The Unseen Princess
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The story how two elves meet and fell for one another whilst trying to destroy the one thing that could ruin it all. Truths, that many has forgotten, come forth.
Chapter One: The Beginning
Chapter Two: The Beginning to the End
Chapter Three: Secrets Come to Light
Chapter Four: Journey to Rohan
Chapter Five: Helms Deep
Chapter Six: Gondor
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pr1ncessk1tty · 3 months
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charlotte-of-wales · 2 years
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Unseen pictures of Diana and Prince William have been released ahead of an auction later this month. The photographs were taken in September 1982 at Balmoral.
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princessanneftw · 1 year
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🎂 Wishing Her Royal Highness The Princess Royal a very Happy Birthday today!
📸 At Buckingham Palace on Coronation Day 2023. ©️Chris Jackson / Getty Images.
📸 At Clarence House in July 1951. Royal Collection Trust ©️His Majesty King Charles III 2023.
@RoyalFamily | 15 August 2023
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chi-the-idiot · 10 months
Full credit to @electronicdelusionstarlight 's post on what if the voices stayed with their respective princesses post the ending, as my inspiration for this came from this very idea. (this version goes more off of the idea that after the gods left the voices each were given their own reality to live with, rather than off of the more correct "we leave as mortals" ending)
(also this is probably a completely inaccurate portrayal of The Cold and The Spectre, but please just go with it for now lol. I may change it later)
The Cold, who wakes up inside the cabin, finally with a body of his own, with the Spectre sitting next to him.
The Spectre, who tries to keep her distance from him and explains what happened with the two gods, and that she can't really explain why he came back to her.
The Cold, much like her, can't explain why they're both there, but since the Narrator isn't around anymore to dictate his life, he decides that it would be too much of a hassle to kill her.
The both of them remain in the cabin together, as there is no civilization around them (does civilization even exist at this point?) and it's better to go insane in company that go insane alone (or at least that's what the Spectre says, the Cold couldn't care less).
The years pass, and they've grown into a common pattern: the Cold wakes up and fiddles around the small house he has fancied for himself in the once old cabin, while the Spectre follows him around, telling him about what she saw outside the window last night, or commenting about what ideas occurred to her for small decorations to "their house", her words, not his (or so he claims, but each time she mentions it, his eyes look softer, and his feathers seem to puff out ever so slightly). Depending on wether the Cold is going to cut some wood or go hunting, the Spectre may tag along or not by possesing his body. If it's the former, she will spend her time looking around for pinecones or pretty flowers, and collecting them inside a small basket. If it's the latter, she will stay at home and make some decorations to their little home using the items collected.
The Cold is quiet, methodical, he never does something if it is redundant to him. The Spectre, however, is (ironically) filled with life, with an appreciation for small details and the nuances of life surrounding her. He never admits it, really, but he appreciates the attempts she makes to make him happy when she can.
It isn't always sunshine and rainbows. As much as she is vivacious she also isn't clueless, and things can get ugly when in a fight. She may also sometimes get a bit mournful about the life she lost, and although she tries not to outright pin the blame on the Cold (she knows the situation was out of their hands and it did bring the gods a happy ending after all), it's difficult to forget his quiet stare as he dug the blade into her chest. She gets quiet on those days, and if confronted about it, its likely a fight will start between them.
But at the end of the day, she chose to let bygones be bygones, and every day he proves to be changing and growing into someone worth forgiving. He never quite stops his frigid ways (he never hesitates when it comes to hunting, which is exactly why she stopped going with him on those trips), but he has started smiling more, and being more reciprocal of her attentions, in his own weird way.
And one night, many years after he first woke up, as he lays on the roof of the cabin watching the stars, her conciousness next to his, he will come to understand why he appeared here after the gods left, oh so long ago now. And he will whisper, a slight tone of wonder in his voice, into the quiet night, so that only she can hear what she thought would remain unsaid for the rest of his days. And she will smile, and the Cold will feel a warmth in his chest that he thought he would never feel, and he will find that he doesn't hate it as much as he thought he would.
"I love you"
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littlemuoi · 1 year
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From Pets By Royal Appointment by Brian Hoey
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haveyouseenthisromcom · 7 months
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bylertruther · 2 years
bad boy mike fics are always good fun yeah but have you all ever considered writing something where will is the mischievous little rascal from the wrong side of the tracks that listens to loud music and always has little rogue paint splatters on his hand-me-downs or charcoal smudges on his cheek n says the most out of pocket shit under his breath that no one ever hears except for eleven and mike and yet no one believes him when he repeats what will said bc will jus looks so sweet tht obviously he would never say tht mike and mike is the more strait-laced kid that lives in a three story house at the end of the cul-de-sac with his purposely and perfectly disheveled and brand new get-up that gets flustered whenever will suggests they do something they maybe shouldn't but ultimately agrees without question because hello in what world could he ever look into those big hazel eyes of will's and somehow say no? it's literally impossible and he never regrets it even if they do get home late which of course makes hop chew him out when he catches them even though it was will's idea to begin with but again no one ever believes him n it's not like he'd rat him out anyway and coming from such different backgrounds they really shouldn't fit but they do and they're inseparable and even if it's messy cozy and all too lived-in mike feels more at home at the byers-hopper house than he ever does in his castle filled with ghosts and honestly probably for the first time ever actually and obviously they'd make their own adventures for when life gets to be too much bc will feels like he's drowning and mike feels like he's invisible and it's just will with his sketchbook and mike with his leather journal and they talk about anything and everything and share things they've never ever said to anyone else before and ofc when they talk about the future it's always about where they'll go to college together and how they're obviously going to dorm together and get an apartment afterward bc they're undoubtedly going to escape this shitty little town one day and they're clearly Something but also maybe too scared to Be something and . and. is anyone gonna write this or am i gonna have to be a big boy and do it myself 🙄
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aaliyahunleashed · 2 years
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Aaliyah by Jennifer Robbins, 2000
Rare unreleased outtake photo from @jenrobbinsphotographer
What a real treat! I personally was a little hesitant on this because of all the fake photos going around these days. Its nice to be able to enjoy a real authentic photo of a real Aaliyah moment. Thanks for sharing!
Shoutout to @thebest.aaliyah (instagram) for the heads-up! Reposted from @fever4aaliyah (Instagram)
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shy-blue-blossom · 1 year
The Unseen Princess
Chapter One: The Beginning
Normal PoV
It all began in a kingdom where the dwarves live, in the kingdom of Erebor. Where they were happy until they found the Arkenstone. Terrible things started to happen, trees began to die, shadows grow over the kingdom and the thing that awaits them is a fire-breathing dragon. When the time came when they were chased out of their home and at that time an elf princess was playing with some of her own kin.
"Princess! Princess!" A little she-elf called her.
"Ah, what can I do for you?" The princess asked her as she sat down on the grass.
"Can I braid your hair Princess Y/n?" The she-elf asked her.
"I would most be honoured if you would." She told her.
As the young she-elf was doing the princess's silky, middle thigh, long h/c hair they didn't notice that they were being watched. When the young she-elf was done the princess sent her back into the kingdom as she stood and began to follow her, but the sudden shout from a guard made her turn around to come face to face with an Orc's sword.
"It's the princess of the Ornarta Casmasto, second in line. Y/n Cormyth." The Orc said as he put the sword closer to her neck.
He brought his sword back and just before he could strict her there was an arrow that went through his head and he collapsed. She moved backwards to hit someone in the chest, and she turned around to come face to face-with another elf. Through the shock and fear she began to cry, even though she could have protected herself, she did not have a weapon with her. The elf that was in front of her pulled her into their arms protecting her and making her feel safe.
Then all of a sudden there was a cry from an Orc pack who had surrounded them. By now the young princess had stopped crying and was pushed behind the elf.
"Go back and warn the others I will be not far behind." The elf told her as he pulled out their sword.
"But hanar to-" she got cut off by an Orc's cry behind her. (Brother)
She spun around just as the Orc's sword was coming down at her, but before her brother could spin around, or she could let out a scream something or someone stopped the Orc's sword.
"Be gone, you vile creatures!" The person called out as a blinding light shone.
The young prince pulled his sister into his chest hiding her eyes from the light as he buried his face in her hair. When the light was gone and they pulled away from each other the Orc's were ash upon the floor and left stood was an old man with a pointy hat and a stick.
"How may I help you, kind sir?" The young prince asked him.
"You can do nothing for me young elf, but I would like a place to rest for a night." The old man spoke. "Oh, and my name is Gandalf, Gandalf the Grey." The old man added as he took off his hat and put it to his chest.
"I see but once you leave here you can never speech about this place as it was to remind hidden." The young elf prince explained as Gandalf nodded his head and followed them to an amazing place.
As they walked the the people bowed to them and then got back to what they were doing. When they came upon a place hidden a little farther in the trees the young elf stopped and turned to look at Gandalf.
"I welcome you to our home, Ornarta Casmasto the home of the sun and moonlight elves. I am Prince Eltaor Cormyth and I can not thank you enough for saving my sister, Princess y/n Cormyth." He introduced himself and the place as he bowed his head in thanks with a hand to his heart.
"It is an honour to meet, but where has your sister gone?" Gandalf asked as he bowed his head a bit.
"She has probably gone to find our Ada since she has never had an expensive one like that before," Eltaor explained to him. "And I imagine that she is frightened and will want to pay you back when the time comes," Eltaor explained more as he began to lead him to the throne room.
Once they got there they both saw the princess in her Ada's arms while she was crying. There Ada was holding her tightly as he rubbed soothing circles on her back with his hands.
"Myriil, take the princess for a minute while I talk to our guest." The king told an elf with brown hair and eyes.
"Yes, m'lord." He answers as he walked up to him and took the princess in his arms and moved back a few steps as the princess was gripping onto his tunic.
"Now what do I owe the pleasure to come face to face with Gandalf the Grey." The king asked him as he bowed his head to him.
"Just a place to stay for the night. I had just happened to be walking by when I heard the cries of Orc's and decided to see what it was and I came upon your children surrounded by them and your daughter was also killed but they are gone now." Gandalf explained himself.
"I thank you for saving my daughter, for not just me but my kin also love their princess and I thank you deeply. Myriil will show you to your room." The king explained as he took the princess back into his arms.
"Thank you my King Acluce I give you my honour that this place reminds hidden as long as I shall live, like I have every time I've been here," Gandalf told him as he walked out of the throne room.
Acluce looked down at his daughter to see that she had fallen asleep in his Arms. He called Eltaor and told him to take him to her room where she can rest. He did just that but he didn't notice that in her sleep she had gripped onto his tunic, so when he tried to leave her room he couldn't as her grip was tight. He sighed and lied down next to her and pulled her to his chest, then pulled her silk blanket over her while whispering how he would protect her always. He too soon fell asleep with his sister in his arms.
The next morning he woke up and she no longer had the grip on his tunic but her face was buried in his chest. He smiled down at her, kissed her head and slowly got out of her bed as he went to change his clothes. When he left she woke up and change, then went to get some breakfast, but when she opened her door she came face to face with Myriil.
"Princess I was here to escort you to breakfast." He told her as he offered her his arm.
"I thank you Myriil and I have told you many times to just call me y/n. Even in front of my Ada and hanar." She explained to him as she took his arm and they began to walk to the dining room where here Ada and hanar were waiting with Gandalf.
"I thank you for helping me yesterday and I'm sorry I couldn't thank you sooner as the shock and fright had got to me," Y/n said as she saw Gandalf and bowed her head to him.
"My dear princess you don't need to thank me. When I saw the Orcs surrounding you and your brother, I did what I felt best." Gandalf said smiling at her.
They soon sat, ate and enjoyed their time until Gandalf had to leave, but not before the young princess gave him a gift. It was a flute of their people. When Gandalf received the gift he did not know what it was, so he asked her.
"This is a unique flute so only the person who gives it to you can hear it, but you will only need to hold the two biggest holes with your fingers and blow and I will know you need my help. Do not be afraid to call for me, but only when you feel the time is right and I will know what to do." She explained to him as she had a smile on her face and Gandalf nodded, then set off on his journey after saying his goodbyes.
For when the time comes she will have grown even more beautiful and elegant to help fight alongside him. Time passed and the king and prince forgot about the flute y/n had given to Gandalf, but they remember when they found a note saying she had gone to help fight with him and will call for help if needed. They both know that she would.
Chapter 2.
•Hanar - brother
•Ada - father
The Unseen Princess
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Buffy liking "The Princess Bride."
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Dawn liking "The Princess Bride."
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wales-windsor · 1 year
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Today would have been Her Late Majesty Queen Elizabeth’s 97th birthday. This photograph - showing her with some of her grandchildren and great grandchildren - was taken at Balmoral last summer. 📸 The Princess of Wales
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charlotte-of-wales · 2 years
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Unseen pictures of Prince Charles and Diana have been released ahead of an auction later this month. The photographs were taken in September 1982 at Balmoral.
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princessanneftw · 5 months
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13 years ago today!
📸 Millie Pilkington
@KensingtonRoyal | 29 April 2024
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worldnewsspot · 2 years
Kate Middleton Shares Unseen Photos , Charlotte, and Louis to Celebrate UK Mother’s Day
Prince William and Kate Middleton Shares Unseen Photos have delighted royal watchers by releasing a touching new photograph of the Princess of Wales with her three children to celebrate UK Mother’s Day.  The light-hearted image, shared on the couple’s official Instagram account, shows the princess climbing a tree with nine-year-old Prince George, seven-year-old Princess Charlotte, and…
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